The Nick DiPaolo Show - Cuomo is No Mo' | Nick Di Paolo Show #585

Episode Date: August 10, 2021

MOM Forces Son Into Trunk. Hitman vs Horny Man. More Facts About the Vax....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, boys and girls. Nick DiPaolo here. Free speech lives right here on The Nick DiPaolo Show. I'm grateful to be able to do this show my way, and I'm only able to do it my way because of your generous contributions. Please go to or click the link on and contribute today to keep this show and our speech free. Thank you so much. Oh yeah, good afternoon, everybody. How are you, folks? Welcome to the show, Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:01:09 It's a Tuesday. Great to be with you. How you doing, right? Hey, guys, I want to remind you, before I forget, I'm back on the road and excited to announce a new date, actually. First off, I'll be at the Cohoes Music Hall this Friday night near Albany, New York. It's where I shot my Breath of Fresh Air special and one of my favorite rooms in the country. It's a big, beautiful old theater. Second, for all of you fans in Florida, I just went on sale today in West Palm Beach. I'll be at the West Palm Kennel Club playing to chihuahuas. And next month, on Thursday, September 23rd, my manager showed me this venue. And it really is really cool.
Starting point is 00:01:52 It's not like a corporate club filled with liberals and assholes who don't know who they're coming to see. It'll be all our people, if you know what I'm saying. So please, if you're in Florida, make plans to be at that one. Again, that's September 23rd in West Palm Beach. You can get tickets to all my stand-up shows at and click on the tour button. Aight? Aight. As we were going to air, I was looking at my phone
Starting point is 00:02:24 and my buddy Billy Burrows of New York Post, As we were going to air, I was looking at my phone, and my buddy Billy Burr is a New York Post, and any time you badmouth Florida or DeSantis, you know, you get in a New York paper. The Post used to be a little bit right-leaning. But anyways, I do love Burr. I just disagree with him on about everything, including this. But he's a fucking funny dude. He's a fucking piece of shit politician. He knows what the fuck he's talking about.
Starting point is 00:02:57 This Santa about the passing. No, you know, passing mandates, passing laws where there's no mask mandate in Florida. He knows that's what his fan base wants him to do. That's why he's fucking doing it. Yeah, as opposed to the Democrats who do it out of the good of their heart because they care about us. They don't do it for political. First of all, the whole thing's political. It's got nothing to do with the virus. It's not even a, it exists. It's a bad cold. You got to read your history. It's been tried before. They're dividing us into a million pieces. This is another fucking tool.
Starting point is 00:03:31 And DeSantis has great numbers. I don't think he really gives a shit about that. That's why people like him. He goes against the grain most of the time. But he also said people won't even put on a mask for a three-minute walk to a 7-Eleven to buy beef jerky. So that's sort of a red reference in there. And as far as a three-minute walk, how about a seven-hour flight or a five-hour flight where you have to wear it and wear it in the terminal? There's a lot of other places where you have to have it on for more than three minutes, even public libraries.
Starting point is 00:04:03 So, come on, let's not oversimplify it and the other thing is we already know the vaccines aren't even effective if they were they would the people who already vaccinated wouldn't have to still be wearing masks why would you put that in your fucking body surprise billy's a lefty well yeah he leans left but But, I mean, my body, my choice, Bill. You know the feminists that you love so much. There's a million reasons not to. How about if you're under 70 and healthy? You have a 99.96 chance of surviving it. Isn't that really the most important thing?
Starting point is 00:04:38 How about that the people who told me about Trump being a Russian agent for two and a half years and how Kavanaugh was a serial rapist. What, they're telling the truth about this? They don't give a fuck about you. Did you see Obama's party? Did you see anybody with a fucking mask on? It's rich versus us, Billy. Oh, you're rich now. What am I saying? You've got to be. This guy does big fucking, and deservedly so. He should be famous. But anyway, so I don't know what you're talking about. DeSantis isn't as good as, you know. Oh, more evidence. Well, how about 20,000 people at the UFC Friday night? Or 40,000 people opening
Starting point is 00:05:22 day in April at the Texas Rangers game. Did you see a bunch of people dying? Don't go by the politicians, whether it's DeSantis, anybody. Go by what you fucking see every day, what you experience. When I start stepping over a thousand bodies, then I'll believe it. It's so deadly you can kill it with a squirt of Purell. Oh, kids are getting it every day. You might as well be turning on the news and going, a thousand kids got the sniffles in Florida today. It's not even, it's all politics. Enough already. Anyhow, where was I? Let's get to it, ladies and gentlemen. Why am I looking at my pen? I'm all disheveled today.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Christ. Let's start, I start with this story because to me it typifies America and where we are in the future. I've never been happier to be fifty fucking nine years old. I wish I was 89 after reading the headlines every day. Fucking mess. Angry people of all stripes. Mostly people who vote Democrat. Colorado mom arrested after being filmed forcing son five into the trunk of her car. She was filmed by a shocked bystander. A mom, I'll put that in quotes, she looks like a thug, has been arrested after she was filmed. Allegedly, what do you mean allegedly? What the fuck? You put allegedly in articles so you don't get sued, but we have video of her doing it. Can we live in a more litigious society? Oh,
Starting point is 00:07:03 I'm being angry. I'm supposed to make it light hearted, the show. Somebody told me. Fucking drawing a bad crowd out there. Apparently the N-word's being used in the chat rooms and hang this. And I don't want those people, because that's not what I'm fucking about. I don't know what it's got to do with my fucking anger. You can't control.
Starting point is 00:07:20 It's like they go, hey, you know, hey, Paul McCartney the fucking manson loved your music you must be a psycho i'm not paul mccartney by the way anyways he was they caught the broad stuff from the five-year-old son into the trunk of her car uh chelsea ray trajillo look at her isn't that a sweet mom's face? Look at that look on her face. Get in the fucking car or I'll fucking open your head like a ripe melon. Chelsea Trujillo.
Starting point is 00:07:53 This is the future of the country, folks. I don't like your jerk-off name. I don't like your jerk-off face. I don't like your jerk-off behavior. And I don't like you, jerk-off. Anyway, she was caught on camera allegedly pushing the boy allegedly we have we have her on video
Starting point is 00:08:11 Pushing the boy into the back of her Chevy Malibu. She's doing well in Pueblo, Colorado on Wednesday afternoon Let's take let's go to the videotape Dude you can't put Get out of the fucking car! Dude, you can't put that kid in the fucking trunk. Dude, you cannot put your fucking kid in the fucking trunk! You cannot put that kid in the fucking trunk! Take the fucking kid out of the fucking trunk! Dude, I was going to take him, but let me check this out.
Starting point is 00:08:45 No, no, dude was going to take him. Dude. Check this out. No, f*** no, dude. You never looked heavier. The concerned citizen, as known as the dude, handed over the footage to police, who immediately launched a manhunt. The 33-year-old was arrested last Thursday evening by officers on suspicion of child abuse and for breaching terms of a restraining order. What a troublemaker, huh? You're a crumb creep. Obviously, I think anybody who looks at the video will be concerned about the welfare of that little boy, Sergeant Franklin Ortega of the Pueblo Police Department said, we saw what we saw in the video, but we need to look at the whole thing. That's why detectives are involved. Yes, it's a real whodunit. You got a still, you got a whole video. I mean, Jesus Christ, really?
Starting point is 00:09:30 Yeah, it's just, get the Warren Commission back together. Police discovered that Trujillo and her son were homeless and were living in the car, which we wish on nobody, but she is not suited. Hey, I'm making a judgment call here. I'm no Dr. Spock. She is not suited to have a child. Stuffing him in the trunk. Now, I'm sure there's a lot of Latinas who go, we do that. A lot of tools in there.
Starting point is 00:09:58 We work our ass out. We take the kid to work. She's got a restraining order out. Isn't it usually the other way around, nine out of 10 times, it's the boyfriend or the... She's a badass, mother of God. And there's our country in a nutshell. That's what the Dems want. Millions of those people pouring in. Nicky, you're not judging. Yeah, I'm painting with a broad brush, just like they will be when they do my garage for four bucks a day. Now, what? Who said that? Rimshot, let's roll on, shall we? Speaking of bodies in the trunks of cars,
Starting point is 00:10:32 here's a beautiful segue. Headline, hitman versus horny man. What the hell could that be? Sammy the Bull Gravano voiced his opinion on Governor Cuomo's current problems. That's right, Sammy the, first of all, before I say, isn't it amazing what a country we live in, that he is free, he's doing a podcast. He whacked, I don't know, how many, self-admittedly, 30, 40 bums? He's free as a bird, doing a pod, yes, he did his time, but doing a podcast. He did all the, he had all that fun, whacking people he didn't like, stealing, he did his time, but doing a podcast. He did all the, he had all that fun. Whacking people he didn't like. Stealing, making tons of money, running New York City.
Starting point is 00:11:11 I went to college. Paid my bills. All that shit. And we're doing the same thing for a living. Oh, if I could do it over again. Anyways, here is Sammy the Bull. Who's going to disagree with him? Sammy the Bull on his own podcast.
Starting point is 00:11:30 I love how everybody has to weigh in. But he is a New Yorker weighing in on, and I'm guessing he didn't like Cuomo's dad either. Here he is weighing in on Andrew Cuomo, the governor for now of New York. Cuomo, the governor of New York, came out with an overwhelming decision of how many women he molested. It's up to 11 now.
Starting point is 00:11:57 The descriptions they told was literally disgusting. It wasn't just forking. I'm sorry. I don't mean to laugh at Sammy, and I hope he, I'm sure he doesn't watch the show, but really, this guy,
Starting point is 00:12:11 this guy, this guy's killed guys in 19 different ways, but hearing about a woman's breast being cupped, oh my God, that is, that is bad as raping somebody,
Starting point is 00:12:22 according to Sammy. There are mobsters, though, that really, like, respect women, like, to the point where they, you know, they're fucking nuts about them. He's sitting here, one of the most well-known hitmen ever, and passing judgment, moral judgments on even Cuomo is quite laughable. But I'm going to start watching his podcast. Go ahead. Being sexual, harassment and saying something nasty. He was touching me in every parts of their bodies.
Starting point is 00:12:56 This guy is literally the worst of the worst. He's the worst of the worst. He's the worst of the worst. What murder? God bless him. I got a feeling if Cuomo didn't have all these problems, he still wouldn't, you know. They only get along with the politicians who play with them.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Anyhow, he's the worst. He touched them all over their bodies Disgusting Christopher I came in one morning Your head was in the toilet Your hair was in the toilet water Disgusting Oh Sammy the Bull
Starting point is 00:13:43 How about And Cuomo's still hanging in there Like the stubborn gindeloon that he is Sammy the Bull how about and Cuomo's still hanging in there like the stubborn gindaloon that he is just isn't going to admit shit just like a mobster I'd like to hear from not Pablo Escobar who's the other one
Starting point is 00:14:06 Chap El Chapo he's still alive right I think he was appalled at the Cuomo story sure he took a chainsaw to a woman at a party
Starting point is 00:14:16 but I mean come on putting your hands on a girl's face when she doesn't want it that is it's a little overblown and I hate Cuomo, but I mean, come on, let's not make him out to be fucking, you know, Jack the Ripper.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Anyways, let's stay in the politic realm. I think right now, honest to God, between seeing Obama's party and all the elitist assholes and the media figures and the celebrities, all the billionaires with no masks on, they're rubbing the politicians that were there, rubbing it in our face. You might not look at it that way, but they are. That's what they're doing in all facets, whether it's COVID, the culture wars, the gender thing, the gay thing, the race, whatever. Why are you saying that? White House hires Goo Gobbler from TikTok to push vaccine. Libs of TikTok tweeted, the White House hired another influencer. Why do we call these people influencers in the first place? How about
Starting point is 00:15:22 fucking jerk off extraordinaire? How about mentally ill varmint? White House hired another influence to promote vaccines. I'm for bullying, officially. I said that years ago when Obama was in office. Remember, they did a promotion. I don't know what they were pushing then. But it was a kid, a white guy, like in his 20s, in his pajamas with a cup of cocoa. And I said on stage, I said, I'm for bullying after seeing that. And I tweeted it. I got a
Starting point is 00:15:56 ton of, even people who probably don't like me were giving me a thumbs up on that one. That's how I feel about this. They are rubbing our nose in it. All I hear is when I see shit like this is Obama going, you know, people on the right who cling to their Bibles, they're scared of change. Yeah. Well, you know what? The ones that were scared of change a few years ago and said slippery slope. Well, that slope is really fucking slippery. And can you imagine the White House hired this? This is called trolling, in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Unbelievable. Look, Tommy Nicky's calling me. He doesn't know that I'm doing a show. Hold on. Don't stop the thing. Let it roll. Yeah, I'm doing a show right now. No, what?
Starting point is 00:16:45 Oh, Cuomo did resign. Yes, we will. We were talking about him a few minutes ago. No, I know. Evan Grant, my buddy, sent me a text, and I didn't bother looking at it, and I think that's what he was telling me. All right, thanks. didn't bother looking at it. And I think that's what he was telling me. All right, thanks.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Who's Tommy? Cuomo, step down. You got to get it into the show. No, I don't. You guys heard it, breaking news. Cuomo, step down. I think he might have saw the Sammy the Bull piece and said, you know what? Jesus Christ, this guy doesn't like me and he's free. I don't know. Producer, do you see any? Whatever. Let's go on. We could squeeze something in later.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Breaking news. What a show. Hi, everybody. It's like CNN, only with real news. Okay, let's take a look at this guy that the biden administration hired to promote people getting vaccinations check it out one sec democracy's calling see you daddy bye hi my name is cooper and this is a day in my life as a white house i love it yum yum yum we did a joke hey. Please give me coffee.
Starting point is 00:18:05 Usually I start off with a big coffee. Sorry, I'm not really a stranger. Hey Jenny, I booked you an ale appointment, love. Yeah, I didn't tell you to do that. It's called initiative. Hi, White House, this is Cooper. I don't think so. Oh, doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:18:20 This is actually the entrance to the West Wing. This is so fun, it's really prestigious. Hey POTUS. Is Olivia Rodrigo still here? No. Please get me caught. We've come a long way in our fight against this virus. We've vaccinated 160 million Americans.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Are you getting this all down? Don't break me up. All right, here. Cooper. Sorry, Miss Jen. And Jen, don't forget to have fun. Spirit fingers, mama. We need to get shots in the arms of every single American
Starting point is 00:18:48 I'm heading to a haircut Comment if you want me to make more of these What, what, what, did he walk into the barbershop and, and give, say, give me the Punch me in the fucking face look? We don't even have anybody on the right that could troll the left that much. Is this funny? He's mentally ill and he's working. Well, I guess why should it be any different?
Starting point is 00:19:19 The rest of the administration is crazy. But oh, my God. Oh, my. Can you imagine? You know Putin and China's watching this. They tap everything we do. If I could, I'd grab this microphone and I'd beat your brains out with it because that's what you deserve. That's what you deserve.
Starting point is 00:19:39 That would be a hate crime. I mean, what am I supposed to say to that, folks? Nick, you got to do a lighter show and don't fucking, you know, try to lay off the gay people and shit. Yeah, okay. We're in the middle of a fake pandemic. They stole the fucking election. The country is a cunt hair away from a civil war. And this comes up.
Starting point is 00:20:05 And I'm just supposed to go, hey, leave him alone. Is that what I'm supposed to, is that what everybody's supposed to say? Hey, don't judge, you know? I'm supposed to pretend he's not mentally ill, that guy? He's mentally ill. Nick, you a doctor? Yes, I am. You'll see me, I'll be following Dr. Phil on ABC
Starting point is 00:20:21 affiliates. It's called Shut Up, Fuckface, and Take Off the Bra. I don't like it. I don't know what else to say. I don't. Who's that Billy?
Starting point is 00:20:38 You know the guy, Conan had a gay guy that used to go out on the street with a mic. Billy, whatever. People at home know he huh yes yes billy eichmann i think he came up to me i was me and already had that show nick and already we were uh in indianapolis for the super bowl and we played in the beach whatever this uh the sand but whatever the fuck it is. You play against celebrity football players in the sand the day before in a football, flag football game.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Anyways, he came up to me and stuck to, after the show, stuck to Mike and wouldn't get a what. I go, fucking get that fucking, there was no humor. I've never had somebody stick a mic without me having something funny to say. He was so overbearing, I said, fucking get away from me. I felt I was going to choke him. And I'm not, I guess I've got to preface it again. Jesus Christ, I have a ton of gay friends. And I do, and I've never had a problem with that.
Starting point is 00:21:39 But this isn't funny. This is the White House. Who could Trump bring in that would be the equivalent of this when he was in there? I don't know. I don't know. Larry. Who? Milo?
Starting point is 00:21:56 Yes, kind of. But, yeah, Milo. No, I don't even need a gay thing. I'm talking about somebody so, like the Marlboro Man. Somebody so far right that it's all for smoking and fuck using condoms and, you know, all the shit they, anyways. That's really reassuring. That's what we get in the White House. He must be in heaven.
Starting point is 00:22:19 So he's pushing the vaccine. I would get it if it was for, you know, killing whatever he got as a kid. Come on, taste it. It's just like the AIDS cocktail all my friends had a few years ago. It's delicious. I don't care who you bring in. Christ himself, okay? Until I see people who are vaccinated not wearing masks anymore, then I might think about it.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Even then, not really. I got to be honest with you. Let's move on before I shit pants. Oh, more vaccine. This is more informational, this story. So sit with me. But more stuff about the covid and the vaccine. This was posted August 8th at Naked Capitalism by internal medicine doctor. We couldn't find his name. He's a regular contributor to that website. We continue to have quite a bit of infection in the community, he says, in my own practice. I am usually seeing 5 to 15 cases a day of COVID. The majority, get this, of these cases are vaccinated breakthroughs.
Starting point is 00:23:25 That means people who have had the shot and still got it. There have been two whole days this week where the entire day was all vaccinated breakthroughs. Please note, this is the outpatient side of it. So can you imagine that? Right there. Son of a whore. He said, despite Dr. Walensky's reassurance to Americans that these are very, very rare, you can't trust her either.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Liar, liar, whore, liar, whore. You know, the doctor says this has not been my experience at all. These breakthroughs continue to happen in clusters. While the unvaccinated positives tend to be more isolated and far less likely to spread in sick and contacts, the clusters are almost always vaccinated people as well. I have no explanation for this. It is my feeling the virus is trying to tell us something. Yeah. They're like, who the fuck you putting,
Starting point is 00:24:26 who'd you put in charge of us? Hello? Hello? Yeah, we're listening. Hello? Hello? This seems to be consistent with constant news reports of cluster events among the vaccinated all over the country. The unvaccinated positives are likely underrepresented in my office sample. They are likely younger. They are likely to have no insurance or high co-pays. So they're very hesitant to get tested. They are likely to get fired if they miss a day at work. So they don't want to know that they're positive.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Furthermore, it seems that every effort has been made to make it very difficult for anyone to get tested. Why bother? As far as the hospital, it remains about 50-50 vaccinated to unvaccinated. The percentage of vaccinated patients seems to be slowly creeping up daily. So think about that. I am hearing from my friends all over the country that the same is true. You no longer hear about 1% vaccinated anymore in the hospitals. You know how they were saying that? Only about 1% of a slow but surely increasing prevalence of the vaccinated in the hospitals. The vaccinated inpatients tend to be older and vaccinated at the beginning in December or January.
Starting point is 00:25:42 The unvaccinated are younger, usually 40 to 60, almost always with obesity or diabetes. Y'all fat fuck, look at you. Unlikely, the last wave, the majority of these patients, unlike the last wave, I should say, the majority of these patients are in and out in a day or two. I'm not saying there are not sick people. There are just not nearly as many as before. He says this too is confirmed by my friends. The critically ill are only a few,
Starting point is 00:26:15 but are almost entirely made up of the unvaccinated. As far as this goes, we have about two vaccinated in the ICU this whole time. The stories you are hearing of crashed hospitals in the big cities are happening because large numbers of non-critical patients are being admitted and discharged with continued large numbers coming into the ER. So people get the sniffles or get the symptoms. They run to the emergency room and they're admitted. Do you get it, folks? And they go, what do you, you can go. Yeah, I have a headache. I'm lethargic. I had the chills and the sweats. Yeah, you got it. It'll be over in a day or two. Go home,
Starting point is 00:27:00 take a good dump and play video games. Quit clogging up the hospital system and making the numbers go up to make Biden hard. The other factor is staffing. Nobody wants to work in these places. Nurses have become depressed. Can you blame them? And leaving in droves. And the ancillary staff in many places has been decimated by employees leaving
Starting point is 00:27:23 because of the vaccine mandates. Can you blame the poor people? Take this job and shove it. There is more at work than patient numbers by the panic porn that is all over the mainstream media. Did you hear that? They call it panic porn. In other words, they're blowing it out of proportion.
Starting point is 00:27:44 The vaccines are clearly not working as promised. Large numbers of vaccines. Hey, you know what? I was thinking I was reading this. I wonder who's going to be fighting for credit of the vaccine now. You know, Trump's like, we got it out there. And Biden's like, yeah, yeah. Now look how many people are vaccinated. Now they're both going, hey, I had nothing to do with this shit. look how many people are vaccinated. Now they're both going, hey, I had nothing to do with this shit. The number of vaccinated patients are getting sick.
Starting point is 00:28:07 So clearly the vaccination is not, I'll say it again, clearly the vaccines aren't working. So how could you look at somebody who questions it? Matter of fact, you can find articles, doctors saying that the vaccinated people
Starting point is 00:28:22 are now giving the new variant to unvaccinated people. It's all a mishmash. But don't forget this and all the mess. It's all political. It's about dividing us. Keep that in mind. That's all.
Starting point is 00:28:35 This country is doomed. Hey, who died that was famous recently? Yesterday. Maybe I had a dream. God help us. Now, here is another doc that we got his name, Dan Stock, Indiana. This guy was impressive. I'm not saying it because I agree with him on his name, Dan Stock, Indiana. This guy was impressive. I'm not saying it because I agree with him on his stuff,
Starting point is 00:29:08 but what an airtight argument he makes. He went in front of the Indiana school board on vaccines, and he schooled this school board. And listen to this guy, if you can follow him, he talks a lot of uh medical jargon but if you've been reading about this shit and following it you you can follow along and boy does he the the school board is like he was very he he let them know that what they were doing was fucked up he's nice about it he says i'll be glad to have he this is just a great speak on friday night the mount vernon school board called an emergency meeting to discuss a recent covid
Starting point is 00:29:50 outbreak in the district again indiana uh and covid protocols going uh going forward about this so about 20 concerned parents and residents showed up and nine of them spoke. So, you know, they probably have kids. I am here. I have things to say. But if you want to get the real lowdown, we're going to play this dark. Are you interested in the real story? Oh, absolutely. Dr. Dan Stock, a McCordsville resident and family medicine physician,
Starting point is 00:30:24 spoke on the futility of mask mandates and COVID-19 protocols in most schools. And that's the other thing. A lot of doctors say, no, masks don't work because this is an aerosol thing. And I told you guys on the show, hit your vape, put the mask on. It'll come right through. Anyways, this is Dr. Dan Stock talking to the school board, a school board in Indiana, who is about to implement some plan that he thinks is crazy. But listen to him lay it out. Go ahead. I'm actually a functional family medicine physician. That means I am specially trained in immunology and inflammation regulation. And everything being recommended by the CDC and the State Board of Health is actually contrary to all the rules of science.
Starting point is 00:31:12 So things you should know about coronavirus and all other respiratory viruses, they are spread by aerosol particles, which are small enough to go through every mask. By the way, the literature that supports all of that is in a flash drive that we presented to you. It's been given to the secretary. Probably been stolen as a matter of fact it quotes at least three studies sponsored by the nih to that exact fact even though the cdc and the nh have chosen to avoid to ignore the very science that they paid to have pause cdc is ignoring the science telling you that you're ignoring it so are the democrats and you're the rubes. You're the red state, Trump supporting idiots in the woods
Starting point is 00:31:48 who don't take medicines and handling snakes and whatnot. But it's the CDC that's actually ignoring this science because they have an agenda they have to be full bored with. Go ahead. That is why you keep struggling with this is because you cannot make
Starting point is 00:32:06 these viruses go away. The natural history of all respiratory viruses is that they circulate all year long, waiting for the immune system to get sick through the winter or become deranged, as has happened recently with these vaccines, and then they cause symptomatic disease. Because they cannot be filtered out and they have animal reservoirs, and this is a very important point, no one can make this virus go away. The CDC has managed to convince everybody that we can handle this like we did smallpox, where we could make a virus go away. Smallpox had no animal reservoirs. The only thing it learned to infect was humans. That's why we were able to make that virus go away. That will not happen with this any more than it will with
Starting point is 00:32:42 influenza, the common cold respiratory syncytial virus, adenoviral respiratory syndromes or any. Yeah, what he's saying is he's going to say it or if he didn't say it already, I was dozing off the vaccine. There's doctors out there going and people on TV going to get the vaccine. It'll kill it if you have it, which that that was never the case with vaccines. It's supposed to it's supposed to prevent it before you get it. But that's how it's being marketed. Oh, my God. What a clusterfuck.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Go ahead. Anything else that has animal reservoirs. So the reason you can't do this is because you're trying to do something which has already been tried and can't be done. Equally important is that vaccination changes none of this, especially with this vaccine. And I would hope this board would start asking itself, before it considers taking the advice of the CDC, the NIH, and the State Board of Health, why we are doing things about this that we didn't do for the common cold, influenza, or respiratory syncytial virus. And then ask yourself, why is a vaccine that is supposedly so effective having a breakout in the middle of the
Starting point is 00:33:45 summer when respiratory viral syndromes don't do that and to help you understand that you need to know the condition that is called antibody mediated viral enhancement oh yeah that is a condition done when vaccines work wrong as they did in every coronavirus study done in animals on coronaviruses after the SARS outbreak and done in respiratory syncytial virus where a vaccine used in a vulnerable individual done the wrong way which why it cannot be done right for a respiratory virus which has a very low pathogenicity rate causes the immune system to actually fight the virus wrong and let the virus become worse than it would with native infection and that is why you are seeing an
Starting point is 00:34:25 outbreak right now in fact in that flash drive you're going to have coming to you and in the emails with six extra will be a study showing that 75 percent of people who had COVID-19 positive symptom cases in barnstable massachusetts outbreak were fully vaccinated therefore there is no reason for treating any person vaccinated any differently than any person unvaccinated you should also know that no vaccine even the ones i support and would give to myself and my children ever stops infection in 2014 there was outbreak of mumps in the national hockey league the only people who came down the symptoms were the people who were unvaccinated or unknown vaccine status boy that sounds like a great argument for vaccines but a question that you
Starting point is 00:35:08 should ask yourself knowing that half of the people who came down with symptomatic disease had no contact with an unvaccinated or unknown vaccine status individual where did they get the disease and the answer was from the vaccinated individuals. No vaccine prevents you. Oh, oh, de Blasio. Do you hear that? From the unvaccinated. Let's talk about the mumps outbreak of the NHL a couple of years ago. Isn't that interesting?
Starting point is 00:35:39 Have you heard any of this? I haven't. Anyways, we'll leave it there because he does make more good points, but he's very nice about it. He says, I don't blame you guys on the school board because you're not supposed to know this stuff. But here's the point. His speech had such impact that they canceled all the things
Starting point is 00:35:59 that they were going to do to hear him out. He put it all on a thumb drive for them or a hard drive, whatever, and they're not going to go forward until they discuss this with him, supposedly. But you know what's going to happen. They'll go back to their bosses and go, hey, look, you got to follow the plan, man. Fuck him. So anyways. Hey, guys, I want to introduce you to Upstart again. If you're carrying a credit balance month after month, it can feel like you're in a never-ending cycle of debt. Upstart can help you make that final payment so you can get ahead. So many Americans experienced financial hardship in the last year.
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Starting point is 00:38:22 following the release of a scathing state attorney general report in which investigators Concluded that he sexually harassed several women in violation of state and federal law Here is Cuomo announcing his resignation I Think that given the circumstances The best way I can help now Is if I step aside like you aside and let government get back to governing. And therefore, that's what I'll do.
Starting point is 00:38:52 Because I work for you. And doing the right thing is doing the right thing for you. Because as we say, it's not about me. It's about we pause was it about we people of new york when you got that book deal for five million and you were working on that while people were dying in nursing homes was it about them when you put people with covet into nursing's home nursing homes and wiped out how many old people and you how many old people? And you were denying it. Was it about we when you were on with your brother during COVID? He had the giant prop Q-tip and you guys are joking.
Starting point is 00:39:33 It's not about me, though. Are you kidding me? Go ahead. Kathy Hochul, my lieutenant governor, is smart and competent. This transition must be seamless. we have a lot going on i'm very worried about the delta variant and so should you be but she can come up to speed quickly and my resignation will be effective in 14 days in 14 days and officially he'll be out of there, apparently. You know, I just don't know.
Starting point is 00:40:08 You pompous, stock-up, snot-nosed, English, giant, twerp, scumbag, fuck-faced, dickhead, asshole! Take it easy. Take it easy. Take it easy. Here's my take. I don't know. This isn't just about sexual harassment. Somebody at the top, I mean the Biden administration, wanted him out of there.
Starting point is 00:40:32 I think it's for reasons we don't even know. They use this, obviously, as a red herring, as they say. So there's something deeper here than that. I'm telling you. They want him out of there. I'm not sure what it is yet, but you know me. I'll figure it out by lunch tomorrow. After disputing the report's findings about all the sexual harassment
Starting point is 00:40:55 and apologizing for some behavior he insisted didn't amount to sexual harassment, Cuomo said the wasted time and money from the impeachment process would hurt New Yorkers during a time of crisis. This is one of the most challenging times for government in a generation, said outgoing governor. Government really needs to function today. Government needs to perform. It is a matter of life and death. Boy, are they filled with themselves. Wasting energy on distractions is the last thing the state government should be doing right now. So the impeachment process, he said, would consume government. Cuomo's resignation will be effective in 14 days. Under state law lieutenant,
Starting point is 00:41:45 Governor Kathy Hochul will assume the role of governor becoming the first woman to lead the Empire State. Oh boy, I bet you she doesn't spend money. That was sexist. Cuomo's resignation
Starting point is 00:41:58 marks a stunning, anonymous end to the Democrats' three-term run as governor. The same number of terms to which his late father, Governor Mario Cuomo, whom the younger Cuomo idolized, was elected. It also represents a reversal from Cuomo's repeated refusal to resign. I'm staying right here. After documentation of his rampant illegal sexual harassment was released by Attorney
Starting point is 00:42:22 General Letitia James investigation. And that's the other angle on this. Remember we played Letitia reading off the charges and she was doing it in this over-the-top dramatic voice. Let me tell you, it's a white, powerful guy. Couldn't wait to take him down. But again, I say there's something behind it even deeper than that. Not sure what it is. But just think about this before I go.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Do you remember where he was a year ago or a year and a half ago? I can't keep track. Do you remember? He got an Emmy for his press conferences about COVID. They gave him a goddamn Emmy. They were talking about him being a possible presidential candidate. Can I ask you this? Is the left in the media, are you ever right about anything?
Starting point is 00:43:04 And boy, you get the big ones wrong. My goodness. That is it for today, ladies and gentlemen. I want to thank you for tuning in. Don't forget, the permanent home of this show. and Sign up monthly if you can. I'd really appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:43:24 We appreciate the daily contributions. Again, this weekend, Friday night, the 13th, I will be at the Cahos Music Hall. Is that what it's called? Anyways, you know. The Cahos Music Hall where I shot my Breath of Fresh Air special doing live comedy.
Starting point is 00:43:40 So if you're in the area, please stop in. Don't forget cameo dot com. If you have a friend or relative you would like me to roast, So if you're in the area, please stop in. Don't forget If you have a friend or relative you would like me to roast, go to Tell me about the person. I'll make a video on my phone, and we will roast that guy, girl, gal, anything in between. That is it. You guys think that I will say it. You're very welcome.
Starting point is 00:43:58 We'll see you back here tomorrow at the same time. Bye-bye, everybody. guitar solo Outro Music

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