The Nick DiPaolo Show - Cuomo's Nursing Home Nightmare | Nick Di Paolo Show #493

Episode Date: February 18, 2021

Feds show interest in Cuomo COVID case. Trump hints little about his political future in Newsmax interview. Biden makes a racist remark, but the left ignores it....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Welcome to the final day of the week Thursday, folks Welcome to the big show. Glad to have you aboard. Guy comes home with a bouquet of flowers for his wife. I guess I'll have to spread my legs now, she says. Why, he asks. Don't you have a vase? Funniest thing I ever heard.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Excited about the show today. A lot going on. Oh, boy, is this great. But before we get into that, I need a little... Jason, pull up, I don't know, the whitest music you have. Not the white power song,
Starting point is 00:01:18 but you know. The April showers Oh, yeah. May come your way no April show oh yeah I have no regrets Because it isn't raining rain You know it's raining By the way So if you see clouds Above the hill
Starting point is 00:01:57 You soon will see crowds Of dapper dudes Shut your fucking mouth! Shut the fuck up, you cunt! We'll see crowds of deaf-a-dews. Shut your fucking mouth! Shut the fuck up, you cunts! All right, enough. Was he talking to me? Who you telling to shut up? Oh, smack in the face.
Starting point is 00:02:20 So, how's it going, folks? Well, let's get right to it. You know, it's the last day of the week. Trump is popping up here and there now, finally breaking his silence after being ripped off by Joe fucking, I'm out of my mind, Biden. They interviewed him yesterday. Former President Trump would not indicate
Starting point is 00:02:41 in an interview with Newsmax host Greg Kelly. I'm watching Newsmax now. Fuck Fox, except for Tucker. Wednesday, if he plans to run for president again in 2024, he says, well, we have tremendous support. I won't say it, but you know my ego. What am I going to sit there and golf and shit? That Biden's a cocksucker. We're coming after him with all guns blaring.
Starting point is 00:03:06 But we have tremendous support trump said pointing to a recent poll showing approval ratings are up again after democrats failed to impeach him for the second time his ratings are going up every time his approval rating goes up every time he gets impeached like he says he goes i'm looking at poll numbers uh that are through the roof i'm the only guy that gets impeached. He says, he goes, I'm looking at poll numbers that are through the roof. I'm the only guy that gets impeached and my numbers go up. He can tell you figure that one out. Typically, he says, your numbers would go down. They would go down like a lead balloon. Lead balloon. Did he just come up with that, Mr. President? That's a beauty. Trump marveled at the crowd that gathered in Palm Beach to show support for him on President's Day shortly after the Senate acquitted him.
Starting point is 00:03:50 He said it grew out of nothing. It was thousands and thousands of people. We counted it last count. It was seven. I think it was seven point two million were in the front lawn of Mar-a-Lago. All stomping all over my golf courses. There's tremendous love and tremendous spirit in this country. Trump said the Make America Great Again movement
Starting point is 00:04:07 he started is still strong. I am your voice. No doubt about it. The whole MAGA movement, call it MAGA, call it whatever you want, call it America First as opposed to America Last, he said. Trump again criticized Republicans in Congress for being soft, including the fucking turtle Senate minority leader, Mitch. There he is getting blown. That's
Starting point is 00:04:33 the face he makes. Mitch McConnell, the Republicans are soft, Trump says. They only hit their own. I despise it with every fiber of my being. Like Mitch, they hit their own. He said they don't hit. If he spent the same time hitting Schumer and Biden, they would be much better off. That I can tell you. It's a beautiful picture at 45. Thing is, that's photoshopped. No, that's a green screen.
Starting point is 00:05:02 He's really in the men's room at Port Authority. Anyway. I like it. I'm encouraged that he's still sniffing. You think he's going to sit there? You know how competitive he is? Knowing that it was stolen from him? That's not even a question anymore. Don't come to my show if you believe otherwise.
Starting point is 00:05:24 I'll fucking throw a drink in your face like a mad girl. Then he dropped a couple bombshells regarding him being on Twitter and Parler and stuff. He says they wanted me very much on parlor. You know, they had a, a phony report that the man who was, uh, in there, I mean, uh, the report, just the opposite. They really wanted me. The report said that the guy didn't want me. The guy was running it. Uh, but they want to be bad.
Starting point is 00:05:58 He said, we have video of something here. Is this audio? The different things, but i really wanted to be somewhat quiet it hasn't been that quiet frankly but i wanted to be somewhat quiet and uh they wanted me very much and paul you know they had a phony report that the man who wasn't there didn't have just the opposite they really wanted me on parlor and you know i had 89 million but that was because they held it back and then on top of that i had 36 million or 39 million on POTUS, and we had other sites where we had millions and millions of people,
Starting point is 00:06:33 so we have, I guess, about as big as it gets, and likewise on Facebook, and they all want that, and part of the problem is, mechanically, they can't handle it, because it's too many people. It's bigger than they are by many times. And they want to, and I'll tell you, it's not the same. If you look at what's going on with, if you look at what's going on with Twitter, I understand it's become very boring. Because he's off it. That's what he's believing it because it's not the same. And I can understand that. And All right, that's good. We get it. They can't handle it mechanically. What are they using, a ham radio?
Starting point is 00:07:14 You mean technically they can't handle it? Mechanically they can't handle it. You know, the Pistons, after so much weight, give out. Parler's ex-CEO John matts has claimed that he didn't want to work with trump because he thought the latter would bully people in unspecified ways this guy i don't know about him either i'm sort of glad he's out he doesn't sound like much of a right winger since he's left regarding his twitter ban. President Trump said, you know, if you look what's going on, it's getting very. He was again.
Starting point is 00:07:46 He was implying. And he's right. It's very boring because he's he's not there. And he says millions of people leave. I don't know if that's true or not, but I hope so. Jack Dorsey, you goo gobbler. I hope your thing goes in the shitter. But it's good to hear from 45, and he's not going anywhere.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Like I said, how do you sleep at night, you know? At least he didn't do what Al Gore did when he lost by a hanging chat or whatever. Remember he put on 400 pounds and grew a beard and moved to fucking Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, and cut wood in his yard for three years. Speaking of the election being stolen, here we go. Michigan, what did I say? I don't mean to brag, but what did I say in this show? Right after the election, we found out it was stolen. I said, it's all going to come out drip-drap.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Here it starts. Michigan removes over 170,000 inactive voters from registry. These are people who voted. Now it's over and they won. They go, oh, these people are in it. Michigan now admits after certifying the 2020 presidential election that more voters should be removed from their voter rolls than there were votes won by Joe Biden in the race.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Just let that sink in. People who don't think it was fucking hijacked. Mixed with other suspected fraud, like 141,000 ballots dropped at 6 a.m. the day after the election, all the ballots in this state should be forensically audited to determine the full extent of the election fraud. It's all going to come out. And I still say my woman, what's her name? Sidney Powell. You don't think she's going to blow her reputation, right? She's got a ton of evidence. Biggest scam, I don't know what's bigger, the COVID or this, obviously, the election. Two biggest hoaxes ever played on the American people. There was so much fraud in Michigan in the 2020 election, it's difficult to know where to start. There were late night ballot dumps in Michigan like other
Starting point is 00:09:50 states. There were vans delivering ballots in the early morning after the election under the Detroit TFC center where votes were being counted. This is like a movie. Son of a whore! Republicans were harassed and prevented from viewing the ballot counting in the same TFC center the next day when finally some Republicans observers forced their way into the room. They found the poll workers get this counting Xerox copies of military ballots, all for Biden, all for Biden. Look me in the eye. I wish you fucking libs would watch this show. all for Biden. Look me in the eye.
Starting point is 00:10:23 I wish you fucking libs would watch this show. The Michigan Secretary of State removed 177,000 inactive voters from the state's voter rolls after settling a legal challenge. You see? You see what's happening? The state removed the names from the voter rolls in late January because the voters no longer live in the state or did not respond to the state's inquiries about their addresses, according to a Tuesday district court announcement.
Starting point is 00:11:05 during a legal battle with Honest Elections Project and Election Watchdog. So it was as filthy as ever in Michigan. Nothing to see here. Please, Pittsburgh. Nothing to see here. Please. I was talking to my cop buddy and lawyer friend. Do you know how many, do you know a couple people got rung up in Philly this last election for voter fraud? And I thought it was a great point by my, do you know how far, my buddy said, how far off the reservation you have to be to get actually convicted of voter fraud? In 2015, people were getting convicted for voter fraud.
Starting point is 00:11:39 It's the filthiest. Oh, my God. Michigan certified the election results in November claiming Biden won by get this 154,000 votes 154,000 votes if he got 20,, I think they'd be lying. FBI U.S. attorney, let's get on to another story. There it is. This is a libs eating libs segment tonight. FBI U.S. attorney investigating Andrew Cuomo developing. The FBI and the U.S. Attorney's Office in Brooklyn have launched an
Starting point is 00:12:25 investigation that is examining at least in part the actions of Governor Andrew Cuomo's coronavirus task force and its handling of nursing homes and other long-term care facilities during the pandemic the Times Union has learned. He's been lying through his teeth. Are you interested in the real story? Yeah, you'll get it right here. The probe by the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Eastern District of New York is apparently in its early stages and is focusing on the work of some of the senior members of Governor's Task Force, according to a person with direct knowledge of the matter who was not authorized to comment publicly. As we publicly said, Department of Justice has been looking into this for months, said Richard, as a party, a spokesman for the governor. We have been cooperating with them and we will continue to do so.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Well, how you been cooperating with them? You hid shit. Why can't you tell us what you're doing? Oh, you can't. Nearly three weeks after the governor's task force was announced last year, the state health department issued an order directing nursing homes and other long-term care facilities that they must accept residents who are being discharged from hospitals, even if they were still testing positive for COVID.
Starting point is 00:13:39 What else do you need to know? And this prick has the gall to write a book on how great he handled it and gets nominated for an Emmy. If we're not living on two different planets, hey, there's some old people, and they knew old people were susceptible at that point. Go ahead, get in there.
Starting point is 00:13:59 As long as they were able to care for them properly, they were admitted, people with COVID were admitted into the nursing homes you fucking believe this that directive which was rescinded less than two months later somebody was like holy shit we're stacking up bodies behind the dumpster people in the late thousands of shit and blood so two later, that had been the focus of a firestorm of criticism directed at Cuomo's administration, including allegations that the order, which the governor said was based on federal guidance, he blames everybody else, had contributed to the high number of fatalities of nursing home residents in New York. That assertion was largely dismissed
Starting point is 00:14:42 in a report by the Department of Health that was released in July. And he's still lying about it. Last month, the Office of Attorney General, Letitia James. This is why it's liberals eating liberals. Letitia's the attorney general. Okay? A black woman. Sure, she's not a fucking conservative going after Cuomo.
Starting point is 00:15:03 This is the shit we love. Who'd you say she looked like? Who is it? Biggie Small? Jason, that's so racist. Biggie Small, that's an insult to Biggie. Letitia James issued a scathing report, good for her, that concluded the practice may have increased the risk of COVID-19 infections at the congregate facilities and that Cuomo's administration had delayed reporting that thousands of additional nursing home residents died at hospitals after, so they didn't count them
Starting point is 00:15:32 because they died at hospitals. That's like shooting somebody. They go to the emergency room and die, and you're like, I'm not at fault. Blame the doctors. What a piece of garbage. Anyways, died at the hospital after being infected in their residential
Starting point is 00:15:45 facilities and uh they asked como about it i don't know nothing about that yeah sure you don't senator chuck grassley seen here getting a blow job all these old crusty white guys um by the way uh raz is sick today. So if you guys are wondering where Raz is, he's actually feeling under the weather. Let's hope, let's hope it's not COVID or sickle cell. Are you with me? Okay. Chuck Grassley, Iowa, issued a statement Wednesday urging President Joe Biden to allow Antoinette Bacon. Is that a real name?
Starting point is 00:16:21 Antoinette Bacon? Oh, my God. Is that a real name? Antoinette Bacon. Oh, my God. The acting U.S. attorney in New York's Northern District to be assigned to investigate Cuomo's administration. She's located about 10 feet from Albany up there in the Northern District in connection with its reporting of nursing home facilities. So she's going to get to the bottom of this, cut through all the lying. I'm going to find out what the hell happened here. She sounds like a man. Earlier this week, Cuomo stopped short of apologizing for his administration's handling of nursing home fatality data, repeatedly noting that they admit we created a void by not providing the information requested by state lawmakers.
Starting point is 00:17:02 That's that's as far as you're going to go. How about I fucked up? Come out and say, look, none of us knew that much about it, even though I pretended to. And I was such a good actor, I got a goddamn Emmy. So this is as far as he goes. We created a void by not asking legislatures about it. You pompous, stock-up, snot-nosed, English,
Starting point is 00:17:25 giant, twerp, scumbag, fuck-faced, dickhead, asshole. Hmm. It's the way for breakfast this morning.
Starting point is 00:17:35 Apparently I loaded the dishwasher on. Ladies and gentlemen, we'd like to thank, excuse me, ExpressVPN for sponsoring the show today when you use the bathroom and i use this reference i talk about open caskets how i don't think people should view you because it's a private thing uh they say when you use the bathroom you always close the door behind you right you don't want random passerbys looking in on you so why would
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Starting point is 00:19:36 slash Nick dip. We thank them for sponsoring the show today. It's a great product because that's what happens to these people today, right? Especially if you're young and you're going on job interviews, which young people are because there's no job. But if you show up, they're like, oh, you were on for four hours yesterday. Can you explain that? Where do you see yourself in four years? Covered income? Can you explain that? Where do you see yourself in four years? Covered income?
Starting point is 00:20:22 Biden, Joe Biden, who accuses everybody, especially Trump and his supporters of being bigots and racist, has said more racist shit in the last year than Trump has ever said. And I'm dead serious. Yesterday, he said some more shit. He doesn't. This is how real racists do it. Inadvertently, he doesn't even know he's being racist. And that's the real one. This is what he said.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Biden said, listen to this. And naturally, nobody's calling him on the mainstream on it imagine president biden spoke at length about the challenges of getting coronavirus vaccines uh where black americans can best receive them he said this is a town hall a couple nights ago on cnn uh he said that his administration is prioritizing mobile vaccine clinics because whitey's not important uh community they talk like there's no poor white people community health centers and pharmacies and what he called the toughest neighborhoods you know where corn pop fucking lives in terms of illness oh they just
Starting point is 00:21:18 have it so tough don't they it's only white people who have uh oh boy you the other thing is a lot of people here comes the racist shit listen listen to this we don't have him saying it do we we do let's play the clip the uh the other part portion is a lot of people don't know how to register not everybody in the community in the hispanic and the african African-American community, particularly in rural areas that are distant and or inner city districts know how to use, know how to get online to determine how to get in line for that COVID vaccination at the Walgreens or at the particular store. Oh, that dirty cocksucker. Folks, I'm tired of pointing out the double stamp, but you have to. Can you imagine Trump saying that black, black, brown people, they don't know how to get online, you know. So can you fucking imagine Trump saying something like that?
Starting point is 00:22:23 Nobody calling him on it. The media, mainstream media, if there's a revolution or a civil war, they have to go first. I'm building a nice hangman's thing in my backyard. It's got Anderson Cooper's name written all over it and Don Lemon. Do you believe you're just a black and brown people? That's almost exactly the opposite of true. I found out that the young brothers and shit are very good with their technology.
Starting point is 00:22:54 I'm not trying to be PC here, but Patrice O'Neill, Keith Robinson, my two black friends, they would have the latest app and shit, latest phone. Keith Robinson came in with a phone that was the size of this monitor, 72 inch. That's a phone? Couldn't even put it in his book bag, for Christ's sake.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Do you believe he said that? And nobody's questioning him on it? He's just so ridiculous. Biden said, so we're committed to spend a billion dollars on public education to help people figure out how they can get in. You mean get online? A billion dollars? I think you can do that for 10 cents on YouTube. Joe, you're racist to the core. You don't even know it.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Why don't they call people out? Oh, it doesn't fit their narrative. So he's talking about the vaccine, right? Let's stay on that. Let's see if he takes, let's see if the Biden administration takes credit for this next vaccine story. A former Detroit news anchor woman worked at the country's first black-owned television station. She died on Tuesday, a day after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Let's see if he takes credit for that, you know. He's fucking... A day after, we're supposed to believe what?
Starting point is 00:24:22 Let's bury this one, huh? Karen Hudson, Samuels, 68 years old, way too young. Looks like a nice lady who also worked as a producer and news director. You know, productive person was found dead in her home by her husband, Cliff Samuels. CBS had reported Hudson Samuels cause of death is not yet known. Once again, they never tell you. We didn't say anybody murdered anybody. Have I told, again, what have I been saying? They never tell you. I know it's a little quick with this one, but they never tell you anymore, except when it's Rush Limbaugh and we knew he had lung cancer. But again, a couple days ago, somebody else famous died. They don't know the cause of it yet. It's a new thing. We're
Starting point is 00:25:11 too sensitive as a society now to hear it. We're just allergic to reality, I guess. Anyways, this is her husband saying, we suspect it may have just been a stroke, but because of the normal side effects of the vaccination, it may have masked that, Samuels told the news station. Hopefully, we'll know soon from the autopsy, he said. Colleagues paid tribute to her life and work. She was just a beautiful person, WWJ reporter Vicki Thomas told the news outlet. You never hear anybody go, she was a bitch. She used to steal my lunch out of the fridge, and I mean, goddammit. you never hear anybody go she was a bitch she used to steal my lunch out of the fridge and i mean god damn it it's such a huge loss for this community thomas said again productive smart producer director i would be the husband sounds you know there's a million lawyers calling the house right
Starting point is 00:25:57 now right going come on man pfizer killed her a fucking moder. Let's get on it. They don't know that. They'll find out. But even if it was a stroke, you're going to tell me, I don't know. The timing's very weird. Oh, Nick, you're such a cynic, I know. My wife yelled at me saying, don't have this in your hand all the time. Because when they put thumbnails up, she goes, they all look the same. And I said, Because when they put thumbnails up, she goes, they all look the same. And I said, I have a different shirt and tie on every day. I said, Rush Limbaugh had a cigar on 98% of his picture.
Starting point is 00:26:32 You didn't recognize? What are you talking about? So I put her outside in the garage all night. It's a joke. Never happened. Never told anybody I saw the of the family As you can see My wife I spoil her
Starting point is 00:26:47 With sentimentality She speaks When she should be listening Wait till I get home Catch a nice knee To the groin area Splitting my nuts Into fine powder
Starting point is 00:26:59 Ever have anybody Drink coffee like that When you're on a plane the guy next to you i'm having fun today what do i do when the show is over do i work out no haven't done that in a week and a half and my weight goes down by the way which is so weird because muscle is five times heavier than fat so i atrophy the minute i if I work out twice a week, I go up like four pounds. That's muscle. But that's because I get testosterone shots in my ass. I have two heads on my dick right now. I don't know if this shit is good for you. What? Joe Biden's administration, he says that foreign workers have a right to take Americans' jobs. Boy, are you ringing up the boats.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Look at you, you glassy-eyed fucking old man. President Joe Biden's administration is suggesting that foreign workers have a right to compete for jobs in the United States labor market against jobless Americans. Did you say that? Who said that? Joe Biden. Who the fuck said that? Psaki.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Pataki. Who's the slimy little communist shit-twinkle-toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? H1B, H-4, H2B, L and J1 foreign visas workers to protect the United States labor market, which is very American of him. He was looking out for the Americans first. The order sought to free up at least 600,000 jobs for Americans facing joblessness and unemployment at the time. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked if the Biden administration
Starting point is 00:28:48 would renew the order, like we don't know the answer, as it is set to expire next month. But she dodged the question and suggested that protecting U.S. labor market from foreign competition was, get this, immoral.
Starting point is 00:29:01 You fucking whore. Yeah, that's it. Go home. Get my dinner ready. It's immoral. You fucking whore. Yeah, that's it. Go home. Get my dinner ready. It's immoral. I'll repeat that. Looking after your own is immoral. They really believe we're going to live in a utopia.
Starting point is 00:29:17 No borders, all holding hands, all getting along. Millions of people with nothing in common with Americans pouring in. And we're going to get along, fighting for the same jobs and shit. What an evil concept. Immoral. That means you're moral. That's where they start, folks. And I learned this from the great Rush Limbaugh 30 years ago.
Starting point is 00:29:39 When you argue with a liberal, that's where they start, that they are morally, they are better than you. That's why I always end up throwing a punch two seconds into the argument. This is what she says, and I quote, let me talk to our Department of Homeland Security. It's likely a conversation that would happen in coordination with them, Psaki said, of discussing about whether Biden would let the order expire. Obviously, the president's view is that the approach of the prior administration was immoral, but also ineffective in terms of addressing the many challenges.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Here comes the psychobabble of an outdated immigration system, Psaki continued, but I don't have an update on those particular requirements. I don't like this, bro. You get that little red beaver right up there in front of you. I don't think it's crazy at all. This is the best show on TV or the internet. It's not on TV, but you know what I mean? or the internet. It's not on TV, but you know what I mean. It's immoral, Jason,
Starting point is 00:30:49 to help out your fellow Americans. It's immoral. And they said what Trump did. Yeah, it only, 600,000 Americans were out of work and it freed jobs up. How is that immoral on any, please somebody punch her on the side of the head.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Joe Biden allowed the order to expire. Companies would be permitted to import hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals to take U.S. jobs, even as more than 17 million Americans remain unemployed thanks to the fake COVID horseshit. Do you see what they're doing, folks? They want us on the dole.
Starting point is 00:31:22 This is the reset. And my buddy, again, made a great point about the National Guard being in D.C. He goes, you know what they're doing? They're getting you used to that because eventually they're going to be in your town. And if you go online and post something hateful, they're going to knock on your door. Monarchy thinking. Yeah, and I bet you he's right. A few years down the road, they'll be in your town. Americans remain unemployed, including 1.5 million teenagers, 930,000 black Americans, and 870,000 Hispanics. And if you remember, Trump did such a bad job with the labor market that they, with the labor market that they, the blacks, the Hispanics, women, Asians,
Starting point is 00:32:10 all had the highest employment rates in history. The latest Rasmussen poll surveyed 1,250 people, likely voters, revealed that 74% want a reduction to legal with an L immigration levels. They should do a moratorium for like 10 years. Let us get our shit together. See if we can, you know, not kill each other and then open the gates again. Let three in. We should let three people in every 10 years. Dentists, doctors, strippers.
Starting point is 00:32:40 Reduction to legal immigration levels, which are currently set at about 1.2 million green card admissions a year. So similarly, 65% say it's better for business to raise U.S. wages and try harder to recruit jobless Americans instead of importing foreign workers. They're exactly right, but... All right, get up! Yeah!
Starting point is 00:33:03 But who listens to the American people? That's how it should be. It should be a true democracy. Take a poll, and you do exactly what they say in the poll. Because you know what? The Dems never win on any of that shit, the important stuff. Oh, they'll win on stuff like, oh, I think a girl with a dick should be able to play softball and use the men's room. And that shit they went on here and there.
Starting point is 00:33:29 But the big stuff, like taking care of America. Can you imagine trying to make the argument Trump did a shitty job with the economy and the labor market? When even the left admitted that, you know, we were cranking a lot. that we were cranking a lot. This story here jumped out at me and it should make the hair on your ass, balls and lips stand up. Florida police, it was West Palm Beach, I believe, confront woman over mask comment on Facebook.
Starting point is 00:33:58 West Palm Beach, Florida. The question they said in the article was, will police ever show up at your door for what you post on social media? That's a sick question. You're a sick fuck, and I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it. Well, the answer is yes, as a South Florida woman has posted video of a late night visit to her home Friday by the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office, warning her, I can't believe
Starting point is 00:34:24 I'm reading this, about a Facebook comment she made concerning masks. Let that sink in, folks, if you don't think the reset is not here yet. Let that sink in. Palm Beach County sends a Gestapo to my home, says Angelique Contreras, describing the incident. When I was asked for this strange man's identification, his response, he's talking to you about the cop, said, what do you want? Badge, gun, handcuffs? Can you imagine the cop responding that way?
Starting point is 00:34:54 Fuck you! The incident occurred as police admitted on camera they had been monitoring the mother of three's discussion about the county's new policy to exclude from their public meeting people without masks due to health exemptions. Those citizens are actually placed in a parking garage beneath a separate building. This is if you want to get into a town meeting. A man named Anthony Collins had joked online about leaving hundreds of bags of garbage on the lawn of the county commissioner.
Starting point is 00:35:25 And Contreras, the woman, this is how she got in trouble. She replied with this terse remark, thousands of masks, she said, leave them on the lawn. That prompted an officer identifying himself as a detective Horton of the Palm Beach, whatever, Sheriff's Department, to arrive late at night to the home of Contreras, a local hair and makeup artist, so you know she's a threat, who hails from, her family hails from Cuban refugees, which is a blessing in disguise, because this is the shit her parents or grandparents experienced in Cuba.
Starting point is 00:35:59 You think that's a fucking coincidence? You a communist? Huh? How'd you like it? They tell you all the time what to do, what to think, what to see.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Do you want to be like a sheep? Like all those other people? Let's take a look at it, folks. And here's where, we know there's a few bad cops here and there. This guy would be called the useful idiot. Hitler had a ton of and there. This guy would be called the useful idiot.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Hitler had a ton of these guys. This guy thinks he's doing a great job. Can you imagine your boss tells you, or the sheriff or whoever, this woman posted this, go talk to her. If you had an ounce, if you could think for yourself, if you had one thought of your own, you'd go, I'm not doing that. But watch this guy. He revels in it. Watch his video.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Hi, Angelique. I'm Detective Horton with the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office. Do you have any identification on you? What do you want? Badge, gun, handcuffs? Okay. Right there you know he's an asshole, right? What do you want? Badge, gun, handcuffs? Okay. Pods. Right there you know he's an asshole, right? What do you want?
Starting point is 00:37:08 Badge, gun. No, I want your ID. I want to see your fucking ID, not your badge, gun. You could be a stranger who has a fake badge, a gun, and handcuffs. So he's a... Anyways, go ahead. All right. Well, the reason why we're here is bothering you on a Friday night is I guess you and some guy named Anthony
Starting point is 00:37:29 were posting on social media that you were going to go trespass on a county commissioner's property, dump garbage on her property. I didn't say that I would dump garbage on her property. Well, that was the discussion that you guys were having, right? Okay. That's the discussion you guys were having.
Starting point is 00:37:48 No, it wasn't. I can show you the post I plead the fifth okay okay that's fine yeah so uh trespassing is a crime dumping garbage on people's property is a crime pod so yeah those are crimes but talking about them which she didn't by the way isn't a crime you stupid fuck i'm not even a lawyer i'm a stand-up comic dumping like yeah but uh talking about it all you want isn't a crime this is creepy folks i don't know if you have this fucking, this guy is a Nazi. Okay, let's dig ahead. Go ahead. Don't do it. Don't do it.
Starting point is 00:38:35 Is that why you all are here? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Today's day and age, man. You're talking about trespassing on, you know. Didn't talk about trespassing, but okay. Going on somebody's property is trespassing, right?
Starting point is 00:38:47 I didn't say any of those words. She didn't say that. All right, that's cool. All right, have a good night. Don't trespass. It's a crime. Pause. And don't pet that fucking asshole.
Starting point is 00:38:55 You smug cocksucker. Fuck you. He's worse than any cop that shot an unarmed black guy because that usually happens in a split second and they're trying to defend their lives and shit this scumbag you hear him and he gives her a little lecture as he's walking away it's a crime don't don't do it but she's not done yet because she's of cuban descent she doesn't like this at all. He knocked on the wrong fucking door. Go ahead. So all of this for that?
Starting point is 00:39:30 This is just fear mongering. You know that, right? Yeah. Fear mongering of what? Of a citizen for nothing. For nothing. Sorry you feel that way. I do. I'm putting my kids to bed and you're wasting tax dollar money to come out here and tell you not to commit a crime? Yes. not committing it oh my god oh my god telling you not to commit a crime are you gonna go to all the houses on the street and go hey don't litter don't stab don't shoot anybody
Starting point is 00:39:58 don't this guy doesn't even know what he does for a living which is the definition of a hack if he knocked on my door and asked me about that, I would have said this. That's how you get out of it. Do you believe this guy? Go ahead. Right, and I'm not
Starting point is 00:40:19 planning on committing a crime. Okay, I appreciate it, officer. Have a good night yeah you too that's a mine mine police can i get everybody's badge number 33093 in your name officer you're on my property so your name horton h-o-r-t-o-n, your name, officer, that were hiding in the corner there? Stock 1-1-8-3-5-2. Okay, and this woman that was on my property as well?
Starting point is 00:40:50 She's not a civilian. She was on my property. I'd like to know her name. Mine's on 1-9-4-7-7. I'm sorry? 1-9-4-7-7. But what was the civilian's name? She was on my property.
Starting point is 00:41:01 I think I have a right to know that. This is my property. I have a right to know who this woman is. Here's the deal. We've identified all the law enforcement officers on my property i think i have a right to know that she was this is my property i would like to know who this woman is here's the deal we've identified all the law enforcement officers on your property but i would like to know who the stranger was that was she is not a law enforcement officer she was trespassing on my property we've identified officer pause is that she is smoking these guys they don't know how to answer her you knocked on uh the wrong person's door go ahead right she was trespassing my property she didn't have no she was right here on the sidewalk that's not true sir she was not standing on the sidewalk she was actually right there and i have video evidence of it ma'am we're not going to debate curtilage you listen does the
Starting point is 00:41:42 woman work for the county you pled the fifth. Does the woman work for the county? Are you changing your mind? Does the woman work for the county? I think I have a right to ask questions when you're at my house. She was on my property. She was on public property. No, she was on my property. I have video of it, officer. We're not going to argue. We've identified all the officers. Who was the woman that was on my property night on the sidewalk? Have a good night, ma'am. How do you get to ask questions of me, but I don't get to ask questions of you? No, you pled the fifth, remember? Officer, you're playing a game?
Starting point is 00:42:11 I'm not playing a game. You are playing a game. You are playing a game. I asked you who this woman was that was on my property. She's a civilian. And I've answered that question. But she was trespassing, so I'd like to file trespass on this woman.
Starting point is 00:42:23 She's not allowed on my property ever again. Okay, good. Who's going like to file trespass on this woman. She's not allowed on my property ever again. Okay. Good. Who's going to take the trespass report? Well, if she was on your property. She was, officer. I have a video of it. Can I get a trespass report for this woman?
Starting point is 00:42:34 I know. All right. Ah! Can you get your sergeant? All right. That's it. They drove away. Ha, ha, ha! Oh, you picked on the wrong lady. All right, that's it. They draw a boy. Oh, you picked on the wrong lady.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Does that not chill you guys? Huh? Holy fucking mo... She must have thought she was back in, you know, where her parents grew up or her grandfather. Folks, that's fucking chilling. Law officials knocking on your door because something you posted on social media?
Starting point is 00:43:11 And it wasn't even, she said, yeah, a thousand masks. She responded to a joke a guy said. And this guy thinks his job is to prevent crimes that people think about. It is getting really creepy. Cops worried about people talking about dumping trash. This was intimidation, the woman said. All of those cops for that, they couldn't call.
Starting point is 00:43:41 They couldn't wait for a crime to actually be committed. Oh, wait wait the lady trespassing wasn't important to them so i guess some people talking shit on social media is very important she said and then some people weighed in on twitter it was some good ones if you were black this would this would be on cnn try arguing with that logic cnn they would open with it on nbc nightly news and then somebody else responded don't trespass it the cop says don't trespass it's a crime well he's trespassing palm beach county detective m horton was the unidentified woman a department the one that the woman on her property was an unidentified social service employee.
Starting point is 00:44:28 No, somebody's asking that. Was she a social service employee there to take children? Excuse me. That's actually a good guess. And then somebody said, why are you even on Facebook? Real friends can text or call me back the blue, huh? These guys will turn on you. They just want power and control.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Uh, wrong, stupid. Cause 99% of cops, uh, don't do shit like this and missing the whole point. You're on Facebook. Yeah. People communicate on Facebook all the time, idiot. Good for you, lady, Mrs. Contreras. Let's fly her in here. We'll have her on the show.
Starting point is 00:45:14 I want to thank people who contribute to the show. That's what keeps us up and running. I appreciate it very much. Since last night, listen to these nice numbers. One-time contributions from Ron Remen, New Jersey, Joseph Nelson, Florida, Stephen Goddard, Florida, Dennis Tripoletti, Nevada, Nancy Dirks, California, Frank Sweeney, New York, Paul Sagnella, always there, Connecticut, Buddy Green, Washington. Bitch McConnell, Kentucky. Raz is the God Emperor, Missouri. Tim Hershied, Ohio. He's been with me forever. And here's people who signed up. I think we had like 11 or 12 as monthly supporters. Corey Reith, drummer. No, Corey Reith, drummer, I guess is a name.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Mark Purvis, Jesse Armstrong, Florida. Andrews Powers, New York. Nicholas Lane, Colorado. Billy Shaw, Texas. Frazier Raymond III, great name, Washington. Peter Pappas, New Jersey. Greg Bassetti, New York. Thank you guys so much for signing up for monthly subscriptions.
Starting point is 00:46:30 You get an extra story every night that nobody else gets. And you can ask me a question if you'd like. Let's lighten up, go to something kind of unpolitical. They did a poll, a bunch of women. It was in the New York Post, so it has to be true. Bearded men better in bed study says oh i gotta go t so that means what that lasted about four minutes and what he's saying i can go with the best of them just give me some coke and women with beards i i read another poll
Starting point is 00:47:02 where they they it must be a new thing. Because when I was growing up, women didn't dig facial hair. I don't know. But all the fucking, you know what, all the hipsters in Brooklyn, they wear beards ironically. You know, they grow them down to their belly button and shit, which I think is kind of funny.
Starting point is 00:47:19 It's actually something I get a kick out. The rom-com cliche of a well-stubbled sex machine with a piercing stare might not be far off. A recent study found that bountiful beards and brown eyes are the biggest indicate. So you want to fuck a terrorist? Well, this guy, the most interesting man in New Jersey. Look at that. He should be arrested if he doesn't. If he. Look at that. He should be arrested if he doesn't, if he shaves that off,
Starting point is 00:47:48 he should be arrested. Look at that beard. And then when you're with a woman the night before, you get to have that on, you get a nice scent for the rest of the... Anyways, brown eyes and a beard are the biggest indications of whether a man is an assassin in the sack.
Starting point is 00:48:14 You're doing this while you're banging it from behind. The salacious survey conducted by asked 4,550 women to list the physical attributes of men they have had the best sex with. The Sun reported. Oh, it's the Sun. That's in UK. Clarking in first was facial hair with a, no wonder why. Isn't the Sun, no, is the Sun an American paper or UK? It's UK.
Starting point is 00:48:40 No wonder why they're all saying guys with beards. They're all fucking, UK's been taken over by ISIS-like fellas. A whopping 73% of women claim the best sex partner sported a heavily forested chin. Meanwhile, 71% of women ranked men with cappuccino peepers, that means brown eyes. I have hazel, by the way, which is actually the rarest eye color, as the best in the boudoir. Let's throw some French in. And in proof that bad boys finish first, so to speak,
Starting point is 00:49:16 men sporting piercings and tattoos came in at 70%. So I got to get the head of my dick pierced at the mall today and 62 percent respectively uh also in the mix were the uh broad-shouldered which i have you can see right here at 68 showing off my fucking shoulders how old am i mind. Apparently big things do come in small packages. This is a weird one. As 53% of women claim their most skillful lovers boasted small feet. First of all, how would you know that? How would you fucking know that? I don't know. By by the way there's no indication as far as hands this is like an old myth hand size and feet size has to do with penis size they say what a true indication is and again i was a little happy to read this if your ring finger is longer than your
Starting point is 00:50:18 index finger unfortunately i blew that one i'm about two eighths above average two eighths that's one quarter inch not even so boring oh i want to get a new one nice thick fucking scary one i want i want it veiny like tommy lasorda when he snapped at the press, his forehead. Meanwhile, heading up the not-so-sexy end of the spectrum were, these are turnoffs, I guess, big hands and bushy eyebrows. What do you mean? Brezhnev didn't get a ton of pussy or any broad from Greece? Despite seeming like a rather frivolous finding, the allure of Big Beards is actually rooted in real science. rather frivolous finding, the allure of big beards is actually rooted in real science. A 2018 study published in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology found flowing facial hair to be more attractive to women when considering long-term rather than short-term relationships as they
Starting point is 00:51:16 indicate a male's ability to successfully compete socially with other males for resources. I don't get that at all. How does a beard prove you... What? And the appeal's not merely aesthetic. Beards have been shown to help men better absorb blows to their head than the naked chin,
Starting point is 00:51:38 leading scientists to deduce that these tough tufts evolve as a result of male on male combat, apparently. Put them up. Put them up. That one I have a problem with, too. You may not realize boxers, boxers for years would shave their facial hair because when you get hit, at least with a glove on, and you have a beard or hair, you know, it's like Velcro. That's why you
Starting point is 00:52:08 see boxes clean shaven and they grease up their faces so the punches slide off. A beard doesn't, anyways. But my wife's got a big, beautiful handlebar mustache and that's all I know. Anyways. Another, let's lighten up with even a a i always lighten up with a death story gives an idea where i'm working from this this guy ought to be well he ought to be do what he did to his life man get listen how evil this guy a man shoves wife off cliff tries to collect life insurance a turkish man it gets better, killed his pregnant wife by throwing her off a cliff after posing for selfies
Starting point is 00:52:49 and then tried to cash in on her life insurance, prosecutors allege. Get a picture for that, Jason? Can you fucking imagine? She's pregnant there. Look, she can feel the baby kick. This guy's going to pretend to take
Starting point is 00:53:05 self. And then Hakan Aysel was arrested for murdering his 32-year-old wife, Semra Aysel, and their unborn baby during a vacation in Butterfly Valley in Mugla, where I have a duplex. Mugla, Turkey. And this is in June of
Starting point is 00:53:22 2018. How evil is this piece of shit? Isil, Isil, allegedly shoved his wife off the cliff. Who was seven months pregnant off the cliff after they took pictures. You dirty. She fell a thousand feet to her death oh it echoed and was killed instantly according to the outlet after uh summer's death the husband then tried to claim a life insurance policy.
Starting point is 00:54:06 He took out for her worth 400,000 Turkish lira. That's about 57 grand. What a piece of garbage. Give me the money. Give me the fucking money. You hear me? You hear me? I said that like if it was more, it would have been justified. Piece of garbage, apparently. But he was denied due to a police investigation. They're not that pretty over there, some of them. I'm not saying he threw her over a cliff, but look at him, psychotic. Prosecutors charged the murder wasn't an accident and was premeditated because he wanted her money. A court has ruled that Isol be remanded in custody for premeditated murder. Good.
Starting point is 00:54:46 That's first degree in our country. Semra's brother, Naeem Yolkal, said his brother-in-law didn't appear to show any emotion after his sister died. When we went to the Forensic Medicine Institute to get the body, Hakan was sitting in the car, recalled Yolk, during a video interview in court. My family and I were destroyed, but Hakan did not even appear sad. What a piece of garbage. How do you? I don't even know. If you have that kind of evil in you, how do you make it
Starting point is 00:55:18 to even his age? Like you don't do something more evil when you're 14 because it's in you. I don't give a shit what Amy says. That is it, ladies and gentlemen, for the week. And a great week. A lot of shit happened.
Starting point is 00:55:32 And thank you. We had a good day as far as monthly subscribers. A good week. You guys are what keeps the show going. Don't forget That's where this show's permanent base is going to be. Don't forget That's where the show's permanent base is going to be. Don't forget If you want me to roast one of your friends, relatives, guy you hate at work, whatever, I will make a video, a minute, a minute, a minute and a
Starting point is 00:56:00 half on my phone. You go to, click on my profile, tell me about the person. And then, uh, had three of them yesterday. They're fun to do. And the people who get them actually really love it. So if they're fans of mine, so, uh, that is it. You guys, I hope Raz is feeling better too. Uh, you guys thank it. I will say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here on Monday. Have a great weekend, everybody. guitar solo I'm out.

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