The Nick DiPaolo Show - Dana Loesch #211

Episode Date: August 5, 2019

Dana Loesch Joins The Show.  Democrats Blame Trump For Mass Shootings.  Biden Doesn't Know Texas....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Oh yeah! Welcome to the show! On a Monday, another Monday, another beginning of a long work week. Real quick date, you can get them at I want to mention this before we get to all the grim news. I hate shows like this on a Monday. I like it to be a funny show, but all this shit always happens on the weekends, and we'll do the best we can here.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Dana Lash at the bottom of the hour, former NRA spokesman, paid spokesman, and excited to have her on because she knows more about this than anybody., tour information, Saturday, August 10th. That's this weekend, Newtown Theater, Newtown, Pennsylvania. Friday and Saturday, August 16th and 17th, Helium Comedy Club in Philly. Here's a new date. Mark it down.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Thursday, September 26th, Wise Guys Comedy Club, Salt Lake City, Utah. Can't wait. Never been there. Friday and Saturday, September 27th through 28th. What happened to the 26th? Days change. Okay. All right, Tommy.
Starting point is 00:01:32 I'll do Thursday if you want me to. Las Vegas. The Comedy Works in Las Vegas. Thursday, October 10th, Levity Live, Nyack, New York. No, I'm doing a gig in Utah. That's why. Duh. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Friday, November 15th, Cortland Repertory Theater, Cortland, New York. Saturday, November 16th, The Comedy Works, Saratoga Springs, New York. New Year's Eve, back at the beautiful Tarrytown Music Hall in Tarrytown, New York. And then 2020, Friday, January 24th, the Ridgefield Playhouse, Ridgefield, Connecticut. Saturday, February 15th,
Starting point is 00:02:00 the Kelsey Theater, Lake Park, Florida. Again, go to for all your ticket information. And real quick, before I get to the horrible tragedies of the weekend, I brag about the Boston Red Sox when they beat up on the Yankees. So because I'm a fair guy, the Red Sox have finished, well, we could still pull a wild card thing, but eight losses in a row at the most important time of the season
Starting point is 00:02:25 yankees beat him silly four straight first time in 10 years and i blame the owners of the red socks letting kimbrough go and not replacing joe kelly and here's what you got john henry you dummy now i have to take shit from my old agent tony burton red socks fan who i love by the way one of my favorite people on the planet. But an embarrassing weekend for him, and maybe they'll wake the hell up. Anyhow, that's, I think, everything. What, Rich? You get your mouth open like you're blowing somebody.
Starting point is 00:02:55 What? No, I was just happy about the Yankees winning. Shut the fuck up, will you? Nobody wants to hear from you. That's Rich Wood, my fixer. Let's get to the horrible shootings over the weekend. I used to say this. I said this, I don't know, a couple of years ago. I put on the news every morning for this reason, going, it's probably going to happen again. And you're right now. I mean, it's ridiculous. So you know about the shooting in El Paso at the Walmart
Starting point is 00:03:27 and then the shooting at Ned Pepper's in Dayton, Ohio, where my niece Jenna went to school and has been in a bar many times. It's just sickening, but we'll get into the whole gun thing with Dana Lash because that's what she does, and that's at the bottom of the hour. I thought this was some of the most compelling footage, video, the Walmart shooting, a guy actually hiding under a table. I've had this dream. I told you I've had state troopers point guns at me
Starting point is 00:03:57 because they thought my buddy's car was stolen. They made us get out of the car, and three guys on the tripod, and it scarred me mentally for a couple months. I had dreams. I can't imagine. I had nightmares about that. That lasted about 10 seconds. I can't imagine this.
Starting point is 00:04:12 But take a look at this footage. Are you shitting me? That's what they tell you to do. They tell you not to run, but, you know, seek shelter. Because you could run into the guy if you don't know where he is or whatever. But I can't imagine the terror that the guy was feeling. And the shots went on forever, and it's just creepy. And that, of course—and by the way, I tweeted a tweet that caught all kinds of shit, and this was before—I just looked up.
Starting point is 00:04:55 I was—now we get jets flying over us. That's why I love living here, military jets, in case anybody's getting pissed at me at what I say today, which they're going to. What was I just talking about? I tweeted about the Walmart thing, and it was right at the beginning. There were no facts. Nobody knew fatalities. I was cooking in the kitchen,
Starting point is 00:05:17 and I saw active shooter in Walmart. So I tweeted a tweet about active shooter in Walmart. They'll be the first person shopping there who could ever be considered active. Which includes me, by the way. I've spent more time at Walnut here in Georgia, where they are heavy. But I caught some shit, even from my followers, who just don't get comedy. Well, it was a great joke, bad timing.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Well, no, if I make this joke six months from now and everybody laughs at it, I had to go back on these people. That's the only time something like that's funny, and it had nothing to do with the shooting. And I know this is going to be hard for you guys to understand that aren't comics, but I was commenting on Walmart shoppers, including myself, who's put on a few pounds. That's what that was about, and, you know, about fat Walmart shoppers. And, of course, people, you sanctimonious PC assholes who have ingested the PC culture start coming at me. Somebody said, well, good joke, bad timing. Well, if I tell the joke six months from now, everybody's going to laugh at it.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Are those people less dead then? And, by the way, it wasn't about that at all. Okay? So that's what, unfortunately, that's what made it funny. That's when it's, you know, otherwise it's just a fucking safe joke. And it wasn't about the, it wasn't even about that day. It was about a comment thing on Walmart shoppers. And secondly, my dad has Alzheimer's.
Starting point is 00:06:41 He's dying of Alzheimer's. Should we stop those jokes too? You people have, I know you're comedy fans, but you don't know about the first fucking thing about what comics do and what makes us tick, okay? So, and I left it up there. Nobody had a problem with it. Twitter didn't have a problem with it.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Just the sanctimonious assholes who love to virtue signal on fucking Twitter. It is such a cesspool of assholes. That's what I've learned about this country most after an incident like this. You know, the Puritans actually believed what they believed. You jerk-offs who pretend to be Puritan and you're worse than Puritans, you know why? Because you do it to virtue signal to other people. Look, I'm holier than thou. At least the Puritans actually believed in this shit.
Starting point is 00:07:23 So, you know, fucking take a comedy lesson. Sorry. I'm not backing down on that one. Anyhow, and this isn't about me anyways, but I'm just saying it's so typical after an incident like this. But this jerk off, Patrick Crucius, he's an AK-47. Look, he looks like a young Alan Dershowitz is what he looks like. Is that not Alan Dershowitz in high school? It really is.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Anyhow, he used an AK-47, which is an assault rifle from what I understand. Again, Dana might straighten me out on this. An AR-15 is not an assault rifle. And then in multiple articles I'm reading, they say it's an AR-15 style gun. Well, that's a semi-automatic. An AR-47 is an automatic. It's a machine gun. Kalashnikov.
Starting point is 00:08:15 So you're reading the articles, and they don't even know how to define what it is. Okay, but that doesn't justify any of this shit. Real quickly before I get Joe Biden proving again that he's not fit to be a president. You guys say that about Trump, which makes me belly laugh. Biden offers sympathy for the tragic events in Houston today and also in Michigan. Oh, what a fucking. Mistakenly refer to the shooters as tragic events used today and also Michigan. But later correct
Starting point is 00:08:45 himself according to a poll report sunday was not the first time biden mixed up names on a 2020 campaign trail in may biden confused former british prime minister thatcher who left in 1990 with prime minister theresa may so he's a sexist too he can't tell one broad from another uh you know what the president's words have meaning he says no matter who or she is they are the face of america biden said at the sunday funerary he added that he does not hold president trump personally responsible for the shooting but noted that he has influence on the country thank you joe for clearing that up biden reportedly also mentioned trump referring to people crossing the southern borders as animals that That was back in April. Viral treat claiming that he called all asylum seekers animals. That was false.
Starting point is 00:09:29 He was referring to MS gang members who chop people up with machetes. Big dummy. During a Democratic primary debate last week, Biden misstated his frequent line about eight years of Trump, among other flubs. He said, we can't afford eight more years of Trump. We'll change America in a fundamental way. Trump, at his best, is going to get four. This guy's fucking retarded or too old. Why don't you just admit it? And that's your front runner. He's a real dope, I'll tell you.
Starting point is 00:09:54 I'm smart. I'm like everybody says. Like, don't. I'm smart. Just an asshole. That was a little digression. El Paso Walmart shooting Patrick Cruz is charged with capital murder. He turned 21 a week before the Walmart.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Killed 20, injured 26. Alias of a surname, Brown. 21-year-old from Alpatrickan. That's weird. Texas, a 10-hour drive from El Paso being held without bail. Patrican, that's weird. Texas, a 10-hour drive from El Paso being held without bail. We are going to see, we are going to aggressively prosecute it both as capital murder but also a hate crime.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Sheriff Richard Wiles, who oversees the jail, called it a racist. I love how when this shit goes down, they don't hesitate to say white male. But if this was the other way around, a terrorist attack, somebody of Middle Eastern descent, the president, everybody else would be out there going now hold your judgment hold your judgment i love how cavalier they are when it comes to a white fucking suspect the double standard you know it all uh but the sheriff why richard weill says this anglo man came here to kill hispanics he wrote on facebook i'm outraged you should be too this entire nation should be outraged In this day and age with all serious issues we face we are still confronted with people who will kill another for sole reason other than color of skin.
Starting point is 00:11:10 If you read his manifesto it has nothing to do with color of skin. And he also said they're going to blame this on Trump. He also admitted that he had these views way before Trump came on the scene. But again, this is all doesn't fit the narrative of the mainstream media who went on their typical. But again, this is all doesn't fit the narrative of the mainstream media who went on their typical
Starting point is 00:11:25 fucking, you know, they turn into a political thing, a gun control thing, two seconds after it happened. Anyways, he graduated from Plano Senior High School in 2017 before enrolling in Collin College. And then, not even, what,
Starting point is 00:11:41 14 hours later, Dayton, Ohio, Connor Betts, 24, shot dead, nine, including his own sister. Look at him. Here's a picture of him eating his own turd. I love how they put him in a fucking, you know, let's find the whitest guy, you know. Let's get him with his Wall Street suspenders and shit. But just a psycho, and he has a history of it, and I'll read it to back up
Starting point is 00:12:06 for you people who are so hell-bent on gun control. Six of the nine victims were African Americans. The police have said they don't think it was targeted discrimination because of the short timeline of the massacre. But if Obama was still in office and Eric Holder, that would be a whole different tune. But they're not ruling it out. Like I said, as opposed to when it's a terrorist attack from a Middle Eastern
Starting point is 00:12:26 guy, we have to bite our tongues. Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley put up a gun and used a high-powered rifle,.223 caliber, high-capacity magazines and extra magazines. And then there's a list of all the... It's sickening and somebody writes why does Dayton have to be the
Starting point is 00:12:51 250th mass shooting this year in 2019 there's 250 mass shootings and I know when you heard that like me said what how is that possible I've only heard about four or five of them or three of them I'll tell you why that is. You know what? The definition of a mass shooting is more than four innocent people shot, you know, for no reason.
Starting point is 00:13:10 And you're going, well, yeah, where are the rest of them? That will be in Chicago on the weekends. We don't count those when drug deals go bad if four people are shot. Oh, we do count them, but we don't talk about them on CNN and MSNBC, and those are done by handguns, most of them. But these are all the dirty secrets that the left want to, you know, keep secret. Background on Chet's found that he did not have a violent background, a criminal background. The probe had not uncovered any concealed weapon permits for him. Betts' former high school principal, Chris Baker, told the Dayton News how the Ohio shooter was suspended from school for writing a hit list on a bathroom wall, sparking a lockdown.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Danger, Will Robinson. Danger, no Will Robinson. There was many flags here, too, apparently. He also had a list of girls he wanted to sexually assault. So once again, what's my point? Proving he's a psychotic. It's not the fucking instrument in his hand. He's crazy.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Anybody who does a mass shooting is crazy. You could argue that the Chicago shootings and Ferguson and all the inner city shootings, the people are doing it to survive. But these people are fucking, you know, the drug dealers. I mean, they think they're justified. But anybody who does what happened this weekend is psychotic. But let's not bring that into the picture.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Records from Kettering Municipal Court revealed that he had received two speeding tickets. Ooh, 2013 and 2014. What a fucking rebel. Police have not confirmed the motive. How about he's batshit crazy? Moron bets.
Starting point is 00:14:55 There's some great footage of bets. Here's the video of the cops when they, he chased people out of the bar. He was going into another bar to do more damage. And the cops showed up like in 30 seconds. God bless them. The Black Lives Matter who hate the cops, you know. And again, you won't hear about any of this. But here's some really compelling footage of the cops shooting this asshole dead.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Bye-bye, dickhead. Fuck, and he would have done a ton more damage, okay? Six officers were able to stop Betts 30 seconds after the massacre started, which is an unbelievable job by them. But again, former classmates told the Associated Press that Betts was suspended during his junior year at suburban Bellbrook High School after a hit list was found scrawled in a school bathroom. That followed an early suspension after Betts came to school with a list of female students that he wanted to sexually assault.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Danger, Will Robinson. Danger, no Will Robinson. Another case of somebody dropping the ball, in my opinion. Not to point fingers, but if you're going to point fingers at Trump, my opinion not to point fingers but if you're going to point fingers at trump i'm going to point fingers at you there was a kill list and a rape list this my name was on the rape list said a female classmate a former cheerleader the woman said she didn't really know bets was surprised when a police officer called her cell phone during her freshman year to tell that her name was included on a list of potential targets uh anyways the officer said he wouldn't uh be at school for a while she said but after
Starting point is 00:16:31 some time passed he was back walking the halls they didn't give us any warning that he was returning to school jesus christ the discovery of the hit uh list early in 2012 spark police investigation roughly one-third of bellbrook students skip school out of fear because they're smarter than the people supposed to be protecting them. Anyways, there was an incident in high school with a shooter that should have prevented him from ever getting his hands on a weapon. This was a tragedy that was 100% avoidable. He wrote on Twitter a post.
Starting point is 00:17:03 This is Drew Ganey. So Ganey did not respond to messages from APC. Can further comment with the name on his account. Matches that of a former Bellbrook student who was on the track team with Betts. Again, proving that the guy's psychotic has been forever. Sent up flags.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Missed. This has gone on enough where that should jump out at law enforcement. And then, of course, the Dems, the candidates, the most cynical people on the planet, Democrats. I've said that forever because it's all about power. Politics is a game to them. They don't give a shit. They jumped on this, tried to turn this into a political thing.
Starting point is 00:17:42 First, the fucking genius skateboard rider Beto O'Rourke had this to say. The American people understand what is being done in their name by the person who holds the highest position of public trust in this land. He does not even pretend to respect our differences or to understand. And you don't pretend that you're turning this into a political football. That's how stupid you are. Go back to do what you were doing, smoking pot and going to concerts.
Starting point is 00:18:13 What a fucking jerk-off. Go ahead. We are all created equal. He is saying that some people are inherently defective or dangerous, reminiscent of something that you might hear in the Third Reich, not something that you expect. Oh, a Nazi reference. You're breaking some new ground, you dick.
Starting point is 00:18:29 I'm a fucking idiot. In the United States of America, based on their religion, based on their sexual orientation, based on their immigration status, based on the countries that they come from, calling those in Africa shithole nations and saying that he'd like to have more immigration from Nordic countries, the whitest place on planet Earth today.
Starting point is 00:18:52 So again, let's be very clear about what is causing this and who the president is. He is an open, avowed racist and is encouraging more racism in this country. And I can't listen to this fucking idiot. and is encouraging more racism in this country. I can't listen to this fucking idiot. Let's be clear about who you are. A cynical, political left-wing hack. And you're part of the Democrat Party, which is complicit with CNN, MSNBC, NBC,
Starting point is 00:19:16 for the last 40 years, cherry-picking racial stories. You guys have been throwing gas on the fire. And you're just adult let's play the next asshole Cory Booker who also had the same line surprise surprise we have a president of the United States
Starting point is 00:19:37 who is particularly responsible I in my faith have this idea that you reap what you sow and he is sowing seeds of hatred in our country. And this harvest of hate violence that we're seeing right now lies at his feet. When you have the president from the highest moral office in our land talking about invasions and infestations and shithole countries, the kind of things that come out of his mouth that so harm the moral fabric of our nation. He is responsible. Who said that?
Starting point is 00:20:08 Who the fuck said that? Who's the slimy little commoner shit-twinkle-toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? You're a wormy cocksucker, you know that? Is that right, Beto and Booker, that this is because of Trump? Is that right? You want to play that game? Then Bernie Sanders is responsible for Steve Calise almost being murdered
Starting point is 00:20:30 and all the other Republicans on the ball field that day. Would you agree with that? Because I didn't hear that coming out of you, you fucking empty heads. Then there. And you know what? How about Obama? How about all the cops who were killed and all the riots under Obama? Did Trump start that shit too?
Starting point is 00:20:48 Obama, who's best friends with Jeremiah Wright, who's best friends with Louis Farrakhan. If you want to play the blame game. So it was, you know, because Obama came out after those shootings in Pittsburgh at the synagogue, you know, basically blaming Trump and blah, blah, blah. But Obama got a pass, didn't he? During those riots and five cops gunned down in Dallas and cars just sitting there because of Obama and Eric Holder's anti-cop sentiment. Obama actually gave a speech at the U.N. saying this is what black people face in America. He wasn't in office a couple months. He went after, remember Louis Gates, the professor from Harvard?
Starting point is 00:21:46 When a cop in Cambridge thought he was breaking into a house, Obama came right out. He was brand new to the Oval Office and said cops can be stupid sometimes. And more and more anti-cop rhetoric. And cops get killed because of that. And I know a cop who had a black partner. And even the black partner said before Obama got in office, people seemed to be getting along in the beat that they were walking. That came from a black cop in Miami.
Starting point is 00:22:10 But let's give him a fucking pass. And by the way, if you're looking for comedy in the first half of the show, you're not going to get it, okay? Yeah, I'm being a pundit today because I don't control the fucking morbidity, is that a word, of what goes on over the weekends. Okay? But I love how Obama got a pass. And this notion.
Starting point is 00:22:32 We have 279 million guns on the streets of America. Yes. And here's my logic to you idiots. You could eliminate all but 200 of those guns. Let's say there were 200 guns in the country.
Starting point is 00:22:47 If they got in the hands of these two fucking creeps, these people would still be dead. It's not the instrument. It's, you know what, it's not too many guns. It's too many mentally ill people. And we have thousands and thousands of gun laws on the books that aren't being enforced.
Starting point is 00:23:07 You guys all know the arguments. But once again, the left, they take that emotional because it's about power. It's about votes. They don't give a fuck. I'm so cynical. And people, you know, some people laugh and some people don't. You'll find out George Soros is behind this five years from now. That's quite a leap, Nick.
Starting point is 00:23:25 I don't give a shit. I'll be as cynical as the left. Un-fucking-believable. They get so emotional, no logic, no reasoning whatsoever. And Kamala Harris is raising money on this shooting. She's doing a fundraiser based on this. What are you going to do, take away all the guns? Are we going to have this argument again?
Starting point is 00:23:47 A well-armed population is a safe population, in my opinion. It's what keeps us from getting invaded. Neil deGrasse Tyson, who's always on Bill Maher, he's a brilliant astrophysicist, scientist. He's brilliant, okay? And the left is always kissing this guy's ass. But he came at the party of science
Starting point is 00:24:09 with some empirical evidence, which they usually love so much, but it didn't fit their narrative. So now he's getting torn to shreds. He tweeted out, on average across any 48 hours, we also lose after these shootings, 500 to medical errors, 300 to the flu, 250 to suicide, 200 to car accidents,
Starting point is 00:24:32 40 to homicide by a handgun. And then he put, often our emotions respond more to spectacle than to data. Oh, don't be bringing reasoning and logic into this, which is exactly, it's the spectacularity of these events. Like I said, black people and brown people get killed on the weekends. But, you know, we have this morbid curiosity about when something like this happens. Let's ignore the fact that 80% of gun crimes are handguns and focus on this. And then you can have the argument about the AR-15,
Starting point is 00:25:06 which is not an assault rifle, by the way. It's a semi-automatic rifle. The AK-47 that was used at Walmart, that's an assault rifle. But you can trick out an AR-15 or whatever. But again, let's not ignore the fact that 80% of shootings are handguns. And those are factored into those statistics of the 240-something mass shootings because the definition of a mass shooting is any more than four people, which goes on on the weekend at a cookout, for Christ's sake, in a lot of towns.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Those are factored in there, too, but don't bring that up. And here's another fact. I don't know if it's true or not, but I read this. No NRA member has ever committed a mass shooting. Again, I don't want to bring logic and reason into it. So Neil deGrasse put that up there. And, of course, you know, they love him until he goes against their narrative. Then he got torn to shred on Twitters.
Starting point is 00:26:03 then he'd get torn to shred on Twitter's in the past 48 hours other accounts, several celebrities I'd even bother because the celebrities make me so crazy verified Twitter accounts condemn Degrass Tyson's tweet with some even urging him to take it down see that? take it down, we disagree, shut your mouth take it down, You have no right to other accounts through obscenities at the
Starting point is 00:26:27 Harvard grad without addressing his direct points, including the official account for the band Smash Mouth. So you better take it down. Neil, you better take it. Smash Mouth just weighed in. Can we get a fucking quote from Bananarama?
Starting point is 00:26:44 And maybe the surviving members of the Monke monkeys might have something to say about it. And, of course, what did he do? Neil deGrasse Tyson apologized. And my guest coming up in a few minutes, Dana Lash, she actually has been quoted as saying, don't bend a knee to the raging mob. I'm paraphrasing or whatever. And that's just what he did. Neil deGrasse Tyson issued an apology after his tweet about the mass shooting deaths in
Starting point is 00:27:11 El Paso and Dayton was slammed as insensitive. But not everyone is accepting his mea culpa. Fuck you. Who do you people think you are? My intent, he says, was to offer objectively true information that might help shape conversations and reactions to preventable ways we die. This goes over all the idiots' heads who are blinded by their rage and their emotions. He offered this on Facebook. He said, where I miscalculated was that I genuinely believed the tweet would be helpful to anyone trying to save lives in America. What I learned
Starting point is 00:27:42 from the range of reactions is that for many people, some information, my tweet in particular, can be true but unhelpful. Especially at a time when many people are either still in shock or trying to heal or both. No, you offered it when it was relevant. And again, the party who loves science and empirical evidence just went shithouse on a guy who they consider brilliant 364 days a year but how about the fact they're going to take it down hey how about fuck you that's what you should have said neil but i know you know that's not how an astrophysicist talks unless the russians beat us to some i'm fucking the sanctimony on the left just it always comes on display um but like i said if you
Starting point is 00:28:27 want to blame trump for all this shit even though in the guy's manifesto in el paso said it had nothing to do with him or whatever and i can see how you guys in the mainstream media making that link i put on joy reed just to see the next morning she's got some idiot on there it's no doubt it's trump's fault you guys are just stupid okay it's bernie's no doubt it's Trump's fault. You guys are just stupid. Okay, it's Bernie's fault, and it's Obama's fault the cops are dead. If that's what you want to say, then I'm going to say that, which I really don't believe, because I'm thinking with a clear head. I'm sorry. Here's some quick statistics. Put up the almost all guns used in crimes graph. We'll just show this one because I think we've got Dana coming on shortly.
Starting point is 00:29:09 Put up the graph real quick. Let's see. Oh, almost all guns used in crimes are illegally obtained or possessed. 43% of the street or underground is where they come from. 25% illegal straw purchase that's bought from someone. They're trying to pass a bill in the house, by the way. Even if you do like a private sale, they're going to hold on to the gun until you clear the blah, blah, blah. 7% found at the scene. So the point being, I won't even get to the race aspect of it because then you guys will start crying. But again, more statistics and whatever. But somebody who knows a ton about this and who I respect immensely and have for a long time,
Starting point is 00:29:52 ex-NRA spokesman Dana Lash, she's a provocateur. She's outspoken. She's smart as hell. Former paid NRA spokesman. She's got successful syndicated radio shows, best-selling author, Blaze TV. She's done it all, and she is joining us right now, and I can't thank her enough. Dana, how are you? Good to see you, and finally kind of meet you.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Good to see you, too, Nick. Been a fan for a long time. I used to watch Tough Crowd. That's when I first saw you. And you were probably, what, 14? No, I was older than that. I was older than that, but, no, it was a great show, so it's used to watch Tough Crowd. That's when I first saw you. And you were probably, what, 14? No, I was older than that. But no, it was a great show, so it's good to talk with you. Same here. Dana,
Starting point is 00:30:31 let's get to... You know way more about guns, and let me ask you real quick before I get to the events of this weekend. What drew you to become such a pro-gun advocate? Was it a personal incident? I read your grandfather taught you to shoot a BB gun. Why do you have such, you know, why are you so pro-gun, I guess is what I'm asking.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Well, I definitely come at it from a very personal experience. And I think, you know, everybody arrives at why they support Second Amendment rights. I guess, you know, people support it in different ways. Some people just, you know, straight no chaser know, people support it in different ways. Some people just, you know, straight no chaser, just what it says in the Constitution. Some people like me, you know, why I always supported the Second Amendment. It was just, you know, I wasn't a huge hunter and I didn't carry when I was in college. I even really until I was probably about 25 years old. But I wrote about it in my first book, Hands Off My Gun.
Starting point is 00:31:25 And I had an experience that involved an aunt of mine and her estranged, violent husband. And as a result of that relationship, she fled to my grandparents' house. And I was just a little kid and I was staying with my grandparents. It was towards the end of summer. And he came looking for her.
Starting point is 00:31:44 And my grandpa was armed and he was on the front of summer and he came looking for her and my grandpa was armed and he was on the front porch and it was a very rural area. So while they did actually call the laws, my grandma would always say, just call the law, call the law, just make sure you do that, Howard. While he did call the police, it took like 20, 25 minutes for them to show up because it's a huge area in Southern Missouri out in Iron County. And so, you know, you it's not like having a police headquarters down the street. So he you kind of have to take care of yourself a little bit until first responders or law enforcement can arrive. And so that's exactly what he did. And he stood out on the front porch and actually
Starting point is 00:32:19 he sat down on the porch swing. I heard him sit on it. And that was that was it. And I felt I went from feeling terrified as a kid because it's the most when you actually think that your life is in imminent danger and you realize that the person who's going to carry out something horrifically evil like that has the means and the will to ever experience. But I felt safe because I was confident in my grandfather's skill. And I knew that he would protect his family. I knew that he was very able to do so. And so that gave me a sense of security and it gave me a sense of comfort. And then as I grew older and I got into politics and I got into talk radio, had a couple of incidents. And I actually had the former chief of police in St. Louis tell me, look, girl, you need to you need to get your concealed carry license. It's getting a little bit too much. And police can't always be there when something goes down. And so that's exactly what I did. And I'm not scared and I'm not paranoid because I carry. So it was an intensely personal thing for you. Let me ask you this sort of related to that.
Starting point is 00:33:23 personal thing for you. Let me ask you this, sort of related to that. What if you, and again, what if you lost a relative or a really close person to a mass shooting like this? Would it change your views, your logic at all? Because this always comes up. People always ask, what if it happened to you? Would it change how you think? I mean, I hate playing into the hypotheticals of it, and I don't want to put myself in a position where I am in any way trying to empathize in a way that I don't have the ability to do so because that is a tiny club. Those people who've gone through something so horrific. If something like that, if evil were to befall me or befall my family, I would absolutely put
Starting point is 00:34:05 the blame where it's supposed to go on the person who did it. You know, it's not a loophole if you commit a crime. You know, Nick, if you have a suspended license and you're out there driving around on a suspended license and you get pulled over, you can't just tell the cop, well, you know, it's a loophole that allows me to do this. No, it's still a criminal act. I mean, I like how we're trying to redefine how criminality is, what it's called and how it's defined by calling it a loophole. But that's not how it works. But I would want to put the blame where on the murderer and and and figure out what went wrong. But and definitely not go out and blame other innocent people or inanimate objects, because I think we excuse evil and we excuse people of their own volition doing
Starting point is 00:34:44 something so heinous to each other. How dare you try to place the blame on the people who actually did it in 2019 in America? That's it really is. It makes me. Let me ask you this. And I know like on a weekend like this, you get sick into your stomach, a pit in your stomach, obviously, because it's a horrific tragedy. You get sick into your stomach, a pit in your stomach, obviously because it's a horrific tragedy, but also because you must have a pit in your stomach on a second level because you've put yourself out there, and you know the blowback you're going to get on social media. And you're well-known. I mean, author, radio show.
Starting point is 00:35:18 And I notice you respond to these people, a lot of them. But when you hear of these shootings like this weekend, you're like, oh're like oh boy i'm gonna have to defend myself the next 48 hours you get like a pit in your stomach uh because you're such a lightning rod now i well i think the first thing that i that i feel is i just will obviously sicken you're sickened over it and when you hear places like walmart i mean walmart for back to school shopping, you know, I mean, these are just two things that don't go together. Mass murder and Walmart back to school shopping. It is I think it shows you how prevalent evil is. And it makes me sick and it makes me sad. And then, of course, I immediately start thinking how many families are broken today, how many people are going to be picking up the pieces of their lives. of their lives. I think when you are, and Nick, you know this because you've been doing this for so long, when you're in the public sphere and you're talking about anything that even can be remotely construed as controversial, I mean, you're always going to get stuff. I hate that we in the United States can't have, with all of our free speech, we can't actually have a serious
Starting point is 00:36:20 discussion with nuance about what needs to be done and what can be done immediately to prevent further things like this from happening. But the hatefulness, I don't even, what people don't realize is that's about 10% of the stuff I get. The serious stuff never, people don't even know the serious stuff because I won't put it out there. But when I say God bless to people, I'm not being smart aleck about it. Maybe 10 years ago, if you asked me that, I, I, when I say God bless to people, I'm not being a smart aleck about it. Maybe 10 years ago, if you asked me that I definitely would be. But I'm genuinely not being smart aleck about it. I just wish that people would kind of get a sense of perspective when they talk about this stuff.
Starting point is 00:36:55 And people can be mad and it's a scary thing. And I think some people don't know how to react with all that fear and anger. When you say God bless, because when I read it too, because I'm like, You read it in the southern way yeah exactly not like i homeless people in new york uh homeless people anyway when you don't give them a buck they say god bless but they say it a fuck you way yeah yeah have a blessed day they might as well be saying stick it up your your ass, which I know. That's the Northeast way, maybe. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:26 But what else do I want to ask you here? What do you say? But what do you say to these people, these critics of yours and of Republican politicians, by the way, speaking with Dana Lash, that say, look, the Republicans and the right-wingers in D.C., they are controlled by the NRA and all the money that pours in from the lobbyists. What's your answer? Is that a legitimate B for? No, it isn't. I'm asking sincerely because I don't know the answer.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Yeah, no, I know what you're saying because I think it's a big talking point that goes around. I mean, and I don't speak for the organization, but they are, when you look at the amount of money that is given in lobbying, they're not even in the top 10. In fact, I don't even think they're in the top 20. There are a lot of other organizations out there who outspend them hand over fist. And one of the other things that I think people need to realize, too, is that an organization like that or an organization like Gun Owners of America, these are literally just people all across the country from all walks of life that get together. And they're like, you know what, why don't we pool our money together and see if we can protect some of the things that we value. But yet the moment that they do that, they're demonized by a lot of politicians who are more
Starting point is 00:38:38 than happy to take Planned Parenthood's money. And then they get an additional, you know, half a billion dollars in taxpayer money with it. I mean, you know, that's if you're if we want to talk about lobbying and where our money goes. So they're not even Nick, they're not even heavy players. And which that's not where the muscle comes from. The muscle and the real power of law abiding gun owners comes from them voting. I mean, this is I mean, these people are they will be there on voting day. In fact, they're early voters. They will be there for the early voting period. They will be first in line. They're very dedicated voters and they always have been. And that's the key to the power. Let's get to the specifics of the weapons used this weekend and in the Wal-Mart shooting in El Paso was, as I understand it from what I'm reading, AK-47. Is that correct?
Starting point is 00:39:23 as I understand it from what I'm reading, AK-47. Is that correct? Yeah, I think it was on the AK platform. I don't know if it was like a WASR-10 or something like that, but it was on that platform. It kept saying AK-47, which is an assault rifle, right, as opposed to an AR-15, which you can trick out. An AR-15 is a semi-automatic.
Starting point is 00:39:39 It's not an assault. They keep using that term across the board, right? Yeah, and I saw the New York Post, they had a cover. The cover of their magazine today is we need to ban weapons of war. And then they had this huge editorial where they were talking about how we have to ban assault weapons. And we got to be real. The reason that I say we have to be careful about terminology and I get some blowback from people on the left about this. It's not because I'm trying to be, you know, a control freak with your words. It's just it's because there are certain legal ramifications that come into play literally based on the language that is used. And we're talking about
Starting point is 00:40:14 the difference between felonies and misdemeanors. I mean, this is pretty serious stuff. So we if we're as passionate as we claim to be about it, we've got to use the proper terminology to reflect the different regulations that come into play. And so when you look at a phrase like assault weapon, assault weapon is not a real word. That's something that came up in the 90s. Now, if you way, way back, and I think it's the Army guide, the Department of Defense had a field guide for the military, wherein they one time defined assault rifle as being a rifle that is fully automatic or capable of select fire. So what that means is, you know, well, everybody knows what full auto means. Select fire is usually like
Starting point is 00:40:49 three round burst. A semi-automatic rifle is not considered even by that guidebook, which is not even really used in the military, that phrase, that's not considered to be an assault weapon or an assault rifle. Semi-automatics only are semi-automatics, and it's actually a felony to try to trick it out and make it to be full auto or do anything like that. It's simply just a modern sporting rifle. And you have the AK platform. You have the AR platform.
Starting point is 00:41:16 I won't go into the weeds on that, but it's basically, look at it like this. The AR-15 is kind of, you can customize it sort of in the way that people can do Jeeps, how you can order stuff from the factory. You can get stuff from different places. You can customize a Jeep. I mean that's kind of – that's sort of similar. But we cannot – you cannot have people on the street.
Starting point is 00:41:37 They can't go up into Walmart and buy a full auto firearm. They can't go into Walmart and purchase the select fire capacity firearm. Those things are what we call NFA items. NFA is the National Firearms Act. Things like suppressors, which are not silencers, things that are full auto, that's covered under the National Firearms Act. So while you can actually purchase it, you don't see gangbangers and people out there purchasing them because you're looking at a minimum of like $ 25 000 dollars uh because of that uh because they they really control the supply and uh we don't even have instances of of that even happening the biggest uh offenders if you want to talk about these inanimate objects used in crime it's handguns that are bought on the black market by drug
Starting point is 00:42:19 yeah i read 80 of shootings are done by handguns and And this is in Chicago on the weekend and other urban places. And they factored that because the definition of a mass shooting, as you know, is like four or more people. And they factored those numbers. And they said we've had 249 mass shootings in 2019. Again, to paint Trump like it's Trump's fault. But they don't, that's the dirty secret. They factor in those handguns. On Chicago, you read what happens every weekend.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Yeah, and you can go online. People can go online and look for this. They can – and it's actually not as difficult as it sounds. They're called FBI Uniform Crime Reports. You can even Google it. It'll take you to a web page, FBI web page. You can go and look by year, and you can literally see how many times rifles were used in crimes. Now, where it concerns semi-automatic rifles, they're used in less than 2 percent of all crimes.
Starting point is 00:43:11 And here's an important point. The reason that that phrase, going back to that, what you had said, the assault weapon is being used. Yeah. It's being used to purposely conflate it with semi-automatic rifles. Right. So to confuse people so that we can have a there can be more momentum on a ban of semi-automatic firearms period so when you hear people talking about assault weapons or assault rifles ask them to define it because what they're talking about really is some automatic
Starting point is 00:43:35 firearms right uh let me get your reaction again we're talking to dana lash uh former paid spokesman of the nra you're on You're on the blaze still, right? No. You don't have a – I do – I have a radio show at 12 to 3 Central that broadcasts – Radio America. Yeah, yeah, across the country. And I do some other television stuff, and I have a third book coming out this spring, which is, ironically enough, about grace and politics.
Starting point is 00:44:02 So that's going to be interesting. Grace and – what's that going to be interesting. Grace and politics. What's that going to be, a pamphlet? Let me get your reaction to the left's typical reaction of blaming Trump. And my take on it is that, okay, if you want to play that game, then Bernie Sanders is responsible for the Scalise shooting. Obama's responsible for all the death of the cops in Dallas that night and Baton Rouge.
Starting point is 00:44:27 And, I mean, you have one side using logic and one, you know, just using pure emotion. What's your take on, I mean, Kamala Harris is raising money already on this. Yeah, I saw that. That's awful, which I'm not surprised. I wish that people, I think it's a disgusting game when people do it, for instance. And I think that this is a it's kind of a Rorschach test when you look at how the media has reacted and politicians have reacted to these two horrific cases that took place over the weekend. The first individual in El Paso, I think everyone's attributing him to Trump.
Starting point is 00:45:01 If they read his very trolling manifesto, which I question his sincerity of writing it. I mean, he he says a number of things that don't exactly jive with the Republican platform. They don't they're not actually things that that I don't think that the president would support. And then when you look at he brings up the environment, he brings up the environment. He's anti-corporatist. He quoted the Lorax for crying out loud. He brings up the environment. stated that he wanted gun control and he wants things like gun control to come from this and so the the way that they're being treated in the media is interesting because there's more evidence there to link him to link this murder and dayton to these to democrat candidates and to progressive issues but i think it's disgusting if people do that as well because if we fall into that game
Starting point is 00:45:58 what we're doing is excusing the actual perpetrator exactly evil exists and we've got to stop excusing it and sugarcoating it by saying things like loophole or like oh well it was the rhetoric that led to this no i mean and and that gets that gets me uh worried about uh free speech when we start blaming individuals for the actions of criminals because we don't like what they say uh that's dangerous territory too it's the murderer that's it, and everybody needs to chill out about it. Well, I know. Can't we agree on that, regardless of your politics? Anybody who does something like this has a screw loose?
Starting point is 00:46:33 I mean, that's where it starts, and they look right over that. No, I agree. It's a cynical take. But anyways, and I love the fact that your take was blame the people who were doing it, which we've lost sight of that in this country a long time ago. Yeah. And how can how do we how do we solve this issue and how do we stop more attacks and more acts of terror and horrific mass killings like this if we can't even blame the people who were doing it? That's the question that makes me nuts, too, because right after something like this happens, that question, how do we prevent this from ever happening again? You can't, in my opinion. You can slow it down, but as long as there's mental illness
Starting point is 00:47:10 in a country of 330 million people, you can't. And I said earlier in the show, we have 279 million guns. I said, if we only had 10 guns left in this country, if these two idiots got a hold of them, most people would still be dead tonight. It's not the inanimate object. I'm so tired of it. I can't even. But anyways, I can't thank you enough.
Starting point is 00:47:31 You're out there every day. It's like being a black conservative. You take punches constantly. Well, you do too because you're pretty outspoken in what you do. And I know particularly with your industry, it is not easy. And I think you made, too, because you're pretty outspoken in what you do. And I know, particularly with your industry, it is not easy. And I think you made, for a long time, I think you made a huge impression on a lot of people, myself included, with your just being brave and going out and saying it like it needs to be said. Well, I appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:47:58 And I'm flattered by coming from somebody as successful as you. What's the radio show? Is it Dana Radio? What's it called? Yes. Yeah, Dana Radio. You can listen to it online if you can't get it in one of your markets. And the podcast is up on iTunes as well.
Starting point is 00:48:12 Are you Cherokee and Irish? I have some Cherokee ancestry and I have some very recent Irish ancestry too. How's your liver? How's your liver? I know. It explains a lot. Dana, thank you so much. It was a pleasure to meet you. Appreciate it. Pleasure to meet you. All right. Take care. Dana Lash, everybody. And I mean, she's out there.
Starting point is 00:48:36 And that's what I liken it to, like being a Clarence, you know, a black person who leans right in his politics, just taking a beating every day of your life, whether it's on social media, the mainstream media. And she, you know, she puts herself out there. And, of course, she's hated. Anytime you're for logic and, like, you know, even Neil deGrasse Tyson. When you bring some logic and reason, actually empirical evidence, you're called a shithead today. bring some logic and reason, actually empirical evidence, you're called a shithead today.
Starting point is 00:49:06 You should be blinded by your rage and your emotion and whatever. But thank you again, Dana, for joining the show. Let's lighten it up a little, shall we? Even though I have a sad story at the end. Because somebody I know was affected by violence in the comedy community this weekend.
Starting point is 00:49:23 It's, what a dark friggin' weekend, man. That's why I laid on the couch and had an IV of Jack Daniels and it still didn't kill the pain. But I said to Rich Wood, give me something funny, will ya? And he found a couple of fuckin' gems.
Starting point is 00:49:40 This lady, I was offended, I was offended. Woman says, mechanic offered her to lower price if she lifted her shirt. God help me. He said, look, if you pull up your shirt and show me your breasts, then I will go ahead and knock the price down. I wish I had that option. I wish there were women mechanics. But then again, if they said, show me a pecker, it would cost me twice what they would charge me in the first place.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Yeah, because that addiction, well, kind of. This was in Ferguson, Missouri. One of the lightest stories to come out of Ferguson. She wanted an estimate from a body shop to fix her car, but she claims what she got was an offer involving her body. A Ferguson woman said a mechanic sexually harassed her when she took her car to the quick stop tire shop. They didn't burn that place down? They got a mechanic to come and get in the car with me so that he can ride up and down
Starting point is 00:50:36 the street to see what was wrong with it, Cantrella Huntley said. She said, well, Cantrella, somebody Google that. Sort of Cinderella, black Cinderella, I'm guessing. I don't know. She said, well, she was in the car with that mechanic. He made an indecent proposal. He said, look, if you pull up your shirt, this reminds me of
Starting point is 00:50:55 Seinfeld. Remember the boy in the bubble episode? I forget who the woman was. It might have been Elaine. It was somebody. Some George's girlfriend comes in the room and he goes, take off your top. Nick, that's sexist. I know, but so goddamn funny. Anyways, he said, look, if you pull up your shirt and show me your breasts, then I'll go ahead and knock the price down.
Starting point is 00:51:18 Contrella immediately said no. What a stuck-up broad, huh? And when they got back to the shop, she left and called the police. Good for you. I would, too. There's no need of this type of shit. That boy is a P-I-G pig. The owner wouldn't talk to the station on camera, but he said that they showed up minutes after the police left.
Starting point is 00:51:38 He denied his mechanic sexually harassed Cantrella because he said the mechanic doesn't really speak English. Durka, Durka. Muhammad Jihad. Haka Sherpa Sherpa. Bakala. Bakala means lift your shirt. I know that in Farsi. She said he did have an accent, but his message was clear. What he pretends
Starting point is 00:52:00 in front of them is totally not what he said to me. I totally heard what he said. He told me to lift my shirt and show my body, she said. But you don't have opening? No. But why not? That's the guy when he got the joke. It's a shame, she says. When does it stop? When do we get our respect, she said. And obviously the answer is when you lift your shirt. Again, just kidding, everybody. This guy's a piece of shit, and he should be fired immediately.
Starting point is 00:52:27 Who's with me? Show me your breast. Show me your nipples. I'd like to see. I'll knock $12 off the transmission. That's what would have come next if she did it. You know, he would have judged them. That's how you base the horrible.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Um, another thing from my fixer, Rich Wood. Uh, do you see this video? Which is, uh, I don't know if you, you know, it's kind of, uh, I guess I'm ashamed to say that you can look at this as porn. That's where my mind is at. But a Japanese woman, uh, watch this. This is fucking creeping me out. You're making me horny. What? What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:53:19 She has nuts in her mouth. She has, this is hearts back to Richard Gere and the ferrets. They fire a, didn't they find a jar of planter's peanuts
Starting point is 00:53:32 in Richard Gere's ass or something? This is Japanese tea bagging, I call it. She's got nuts in her mouth and a, crazy as a shithouse rat. By the way, she'll be running.
Starting point is 00:53:46 In the next debate, she'll be standing next to Marianne Williamson, who will be screaming at her for hurting an animal. Look at that. Look at that squirrel. Does not give a shit. It's brought us halitosis from eating raw fish, and he's going after those nuts. Finally tonight, I meet the press.
Starting point is 00:54:04 Georgia Southern quarterback tried to pass off cocaine as bird poop suspended ahead of the LSU game oh my god college they gotta have a police blotter just during college football seriously just watch the scroll at the bottom of ESPN. It's like a police blog. But, yeah, this guy's the Georgia Southern, who's very good, by the way. They're like 1AA, whatever they call it now. And he's going to be suspended. Blind to a motherfucker face.
Starting point is 00:54:35 That's what he said in his quote. Indefinitely suspended is shy warts on Friday after it was discovered the two-year status rest of a cocaine possession. Who's got the fucking yayo, eh? Okay? I tell you! It's pigeon shit, I tell you! On Wednesday, Wurtz was pulled over by police in South Carolina for speeding when they noticed a white substance on his car.
Starting point is 00:54:58 On the outside of the car? Keith Robinson has a great bit about this. According to the police, Wurtz reportedly told police the substance was bird shit, but later tested positive for cocaine. He should have been thinking and said, look, these pigeons snort all kinds of coke at this park. You've got to think on your feet, man. You're an option quarterback. You've got to be able to read the motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:55:21 Head coach Chad Lunsford announced Friday also defensive end Quan Griffin was suspended for a separate arrest. I love these poor coaches going into a game against LSU, which is a little higher level than Georgia's Southerns used to. I'm not saying they don't have a chance, but, you know, when you recruit these guys, don't tell me they don't have fucking rap sheets. But then again, I'm being a hypocrite because I want to watch football played by guys who are in trouble all the time. So I think I'll shut my mouth.
Starting point is 00:55:54 But, I mean, come on. Bird shit? You ever snort a line of pigeon shit? You'll get as high as a fucking McDonald's french fry. Let's do one more since I'm in a good mood and we're trying to wash away the bellicose weekend. DJ Cooper suspended by FIBA. What is that, Jason? Any idea?
Starting point is 00:56:14 The frigging International Basketball League. Yeah, the International Basketball League. Well, yeah. Thanks. What's the F for? The fucking International Basketball Association. DJ Cooper suspended for, listen to this, for faking drug tests that revealed he was pregnant. You can act like a man.
Starting point is 00:56:33 What's the matter with you? He's on the injured list. He's day to day with a three-month-old fetus. Go ahead, shit. I was just going to say it's International Baseball Basketball Federation. Oh, thank you. There you go. Step on my punchline to tell me's International Baseball Basketball Federation. Oh, thank you. There you go. Step on my punchline to tell me something I asked for 10 seconds ago.
Starting point is 00:56:49 You have the timing of a fucking cancer patient, honestly. The former Ohio University standout handed a two-year suspension from, let's call it FIBA or FIBA. I don't want to get yelled at again, like FIFA and FIFA, for failing a drug test, but it wasn't performance-enhancing drugs. This is hilarious. His drug test, according to, which I subscribe to, terrific magazine, a bunch of hairy Greeks dunking on each other, revealed that he was pregnant. He's fucking pregnant.
Starting point is 00:57:20 I told you, no fucking kids. No, but you wouldn't listen. Why, you stupid fuck. The test on the urine that Cooper provided revealed the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin, or HCG, which is a hormone made by the placenta during pregnancy. That urine, per the report, actually belonged to his girlfriend, Ikeisha. No, I don't know her name. That urine, per the report, actually belonged to his girlfriend,
Starting point is 00:57:49 who likely didn't know she was pregnant at the time. Rumor says it's Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's kid. What? A guy in his late 70s? Binga, banga, banga? So FIBA slash FIBA suspended Cooper for fraud. He's eligible to return on June 20th if he has the baby. What do they call that, a double dribble?
Starting point is 00:58:19 Was it a double dribble? Go ahead, Rich. Urine sample. Urine sample, what else? Well, he uses a girlfriend, so that's a double dribble? Go ahead, Rich. Urine sample. Urine sample. What else? Well, he uses a girlfriend, so that's a double dribble. Honest to God, you might be the unfunniest person I ever met. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:58:33 Folks, did you hear that? Double dribble. If anything, that's a cum joke in this scenario. I tried. Boy, try harder. Anyways, Make-A-Wish Foundation, Rich Wood dying of cancer of the funny bone.
Starting point is 00:58:51 That is it for today. I want to thank, again, a big thanks to Dana Lash, who's out there with a radio show, Dana Radio, Radio America, and she's got another book coming out, and it was a pleasure talking to her. And keep your chin up, folks. You know, it really is.
Starting point is 00:59:09 We like to keep Mondays light here because, you know, we do the show for free. And, oh, real quickly, I might as well mention this. I hate to end on a – you know what? I'll save it for tomorrow. Let's end on this note. I don't want – that's enough grief for today. I can't take it. Rich, get the Jack Daniels
Starting point is 00:59:27 Jason get the two mugs remember for tour dates if you want me to send a personal video message roasting one of your friends or somebody you hate or say something nice to somebody you love I would love to make their day or to ruin it I prefer to ruin it
Starting point is 00:59:43 but you let me know hopefully you guys know Cory Booker or Elizabeth Warren or fucking Pete Buttigieg or fucking Beto the shithead O'Rourke. Anyways, that is it. Remember, you guys think it, I will say it. You're very welcome.
Starting point is 00:59:57 We appreciate your support. This show will be released tonight at 7 p.m. I don't know if I should mention that or not, but again, it's free on Mondays. And you're going to want more. We had a record-breaking month as far as people subscribing, okay? That is it. We will talk to you guys on tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:00:16 Go to if you want to subscribe. Take care, everybody. See you again. © BF-WATCH TV 2021 ¶¶ ¶¶ Outro Music

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