The Nick DiPaolo Show - Declassified Documents Dump on Hillary | Nick Di Paolo #424

Episode Date: October 7, 2020

New info revealed about Hillary's plot against Trump. Twitter silences Trump for Covid comments. Biden makes racist remark and then a sexist one....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody, this is like some crazy dream. Businesses are crumbling over an illness our president beat in four days. The mainstream media and the libs are telling us what words are and aren't okay to say. Our kids are being told they can't support the police. What the hell is the world coming to? Well, I want you to know that here on this show, one hour a day, Monday through Thursday, you're going to get the truth unfiltered, unapologetic. They've tried to keep me down, canceling live shows, demonetizing my channel, shadow banning me on Twitter. I'm going to keep fighting and keep doing what I do. And I'm going to keep doing it for free. I'm asking for your help though. If I'm going to
Starting point is 00:00:42 do it for free, you know what that means please contribute to the show at or click on the button in the video description to do it this is my call to action it's bigger than me or you it's a call to action to keep fighting for the truth and for free speech
Starting point is 00:00:58 it's really important at this time again you can support us at and thank you so much for watching. Share this show and like this show and let's keep sticking it up their ass. guitar solo All righty. Yeah. How are you, folks? Wednesday. Second to last day of the week for me.
Starting point is 00:01:57 How about you? No? I hope you're working with all this fake shit going on, if you know what I'm saying. Hey, did you see a couple weeks ago Ron Paul have a stroke while he was talking? We have to get that sound drop. I'm not making fun of him. I like Ron Paul.
Starting point is 00:02:13 I think he's a smart dude, but I know that's going to happen to me. I'm going to be sitting, maybe this year when I'm doing this show, I'm going to be like, welcome to the show, everybody. Big show today. We've got news on Hillary.
Starting point is 00:02:35 I know it's going to happen. My grandmother went out on the toilet. That's how she went. Something in her head snapped. Aneurysm or something. No, it wasn't like Elvis, but anyhow, my eyes are itching. My immune system's breaking down as I go. I've never had allergies in my fucking life, ever.
Starting point is 00:02:58 And my eyes are itching out of my head. And I have a heroin habit. What? That's right. Shot up between my toes this morning. Feeling good. I'm just killing time. I don't fucking. Big day today. Fucking haircut and an oil change. That's like a huge day in my life. I don't like doing that shit.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Let's get right to it. Did you see that they declassified these notes that they found? Trump declassified all the Russian horseshit that we've been talking about forever. And he's doing it, what, less than a month away from the election. Remember we prayed that he would do this? I've been saying it for, what, two years now on this show? Please give us that October surprise. And it's pretty interesting. But it all means shit if nobody goes to jail. And if nobody goes to jail because of this,
Starting point is 00:03:48 you know what that means? It's going to get worse with the next administration. If I was Trump, I'd be spying on Biden right now. Not that he's going to be the next administration, but I'm just saying, an eye for a dirty fucking false eye. What? Yeah, so they got some handwritten notes of Brennan's that some of it's redacted, but they declassified everything. A source said Brennan's handwritten notes were taken after briefing the Marxist Obama on the matter.
Starting point is 00:04:16 We're getting additional insight into Russian activities from, then it's redacted, Brennan Notes read, cite CITE summarizing, alleged approved by Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton a proposal from one, alright get in your cage from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify
Starting point is 00:04:41 Donald Trump, so this is Hillary's plan, to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal like, you know, him watching Hawkins pee on each other, claiming interference by the Russian security service. That's what Brennan's notes read. And Jason, you forgot to put my sound effects in there. That's all right. Anyways, imagine, so Obama was briefed on this too. Do you really think this country has the balls to put the first African American president in jail? Fucking Marxist scumbag.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Girl, I'm going to fucking smash his fucking face in. Look at this guy. He doesn't look evil. If you're going to put a bad guy in a movie, this isn't the first choice. This fucking eagle face. He's got that hawk nose.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Just, he looks like, you know, and I'm not kidding, every time I see him, he reminds me of that business guy coming out of the bathroom on a plane, on a long flight, leaving a trail of fucking horrible broccoli shit in there. Anyways. So yeah, we're going to get to the bottom of this rush.
Starting point is 00:05:49 I wonder what Hillary's doing right now. She's got to be shitting her pants. What exactly leads you to believe the Soviets were involved? I don't know. The notes state on 28th of July, in the margin, Brennan writes, POTUS, but that section of the note is redacted. But then in quotes, it says, any evidence of collaboration between Trump campaign and Russia, the note reads.
Starting point is 00:06:10 This is his handwritten notes. The remainder of the notes are redacted, except in the margins, which reads, JC, which is James Comey, I'm guessing, Dennis McDonough, he was the chief of staff, and Susan, it just says Dennis, by theough, he was the chief of staff. And Susan. It just says Dennis, by the way. And Susan, which is obviously Susan Rice.
Starting point is 00:06:32 People are like, how do you know? Okay, it's Susan Day from the Partridge family. She's a big fan. Can you imagine these filthy pricks? They're busted. You fucking people. You have no idea how to defend a nation. Do we have the picture of the notes? Yes, we do. This is this isn't the handwritten part, but it says the same thing. Discussing U.S.
Starting point is 00:06:55 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's approval of a plan concerning U.S. President Trump and Russian hackers hampering U.S. elections as a means of distracting the public from her private email server. According to open sources, Guccifer, remember him, 2.0 is an individual or group of hackers whom U.S. officials believe is tied to Russian intelligence services. Also, per open sources, Guccifer 2.0 claimed credit for hacking the DNC this year. Remember their password was like one, two, three. That was Podestas. The notes don't spell out the full names,
Starting point is 00:07:35 but we just guessed them for you, right? You know it's Susan Rice and those Mama Lukes. Obama's chief of staff was Dennis McDonough. So that's huge. That's huge. I wonder if Rachel Maddow will dig deep into this one tonight. Dig deep into my ass. Or CNN.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Don, if he can stop sucking Dick Lemon, maybe he'll touch on it. He's crazy, Don Lemon. I predict he'll commit suicide. I'm just predicting. You know, he's going to hang himself with his boyfriend's pantyhose and shit. Fingers crossed, everybody. Just a prediction.
Starting point is 00:08:22 This is more of the teleprompter same shit. But anyways, they declassified sections of documents proving that CIA director Brennan briefed Obama and Hillary plan, uh, to tie Trump to Russia and distract from the email scandal. Um, so that's, uh, uh, I, I, I would just love to know what Hillary's and Obama are talking about. You know, they're texting each other like fucking lovers in high school. Oh boy, we did it now. And I'll say it again.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Nobody's going to, nobody's, first of all, you're not going to put Hillary in cuffs. Her wrists are like Boog Powell's ankles, like Jim Brown. Nothing's going to fit her. Um, I don't know. Why does it say Chuck Ross tweet? Chuck Ross tweeted the documents. Okay, but see, that doesn't have to be in there. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:09:23 Only what I'm fucking reading. So now you're going to have to do some editing right now. That tweet was from Chuck Ross, whoever the fuck that is. Documents are heavily redacted. Oh, this from a CIA memo to Strzok and Comey on September 7th. Remember those two? Remember Peter Strzok and Comey on September 7th. Remember those two? Remember Peter Strzok and Comey and whatnot? The Antichrist.
Starting point is 00:09:49 You got me in a vendetta kind of mood. So they got, yeah, they got memos. And again, Strzok ought to be shitting his pants because out of all the people, him and Lisa Page are the least powerful, the ones I just mentioned. But again, if nobody goes, nobody's punished, where's the deterrent not to do it again?
Starting point is 00:10:09 So anyways, that's good news for Trump. Bad news for Donald Trump, our president. Trump loses tax subpoena appeal. A federal appeals court in Manhattan on Wednesday rejected President Donald Trump's effort to block enforcement of a grand jury subpoena that demands years of his income tax returns from his accountant. So it's not all bad. But the appeals court suspended enforcement of that subpoena by Manhattan District Attorney
Starting point is 00:10:41 Cyrus Vance from Massachusetts, giving Trump time to ask the Supreme Court for a second time to step into the case and block the subpoena permanently. Why does he have to play? I really don't understand it. Maybe because he's a businessman. But why, you know, all the other presidents, you're not required. Am I right? But is it because, you know, he's a business guy and did business in New York? All I know is Cyrus Vance's name has been around Massachusetts for
Starting point is 00:11:09 years. He's now in New York. And just a fucking limb to the core. He would hate Trump's guts. Trump's lawyer, Jay Sekulow, who I'd love to have as a lawyer, said later Wednesday morning that he will ask the Supreme Court to stay the unanimous decision against the president by a three-judge panel on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Trump lost an early appeal of a similar ruling when he successfully asked the Supreme Court to review the case. So he, you know, he was successful on that occasion. Don't say a fucking word to me. I'll get up and I'll bury this telephone in your head. Easy, POTUS.
Starting point is 00:11:47 The Supreme Court this summer said that Trump did not have an absolute right to prevent his accounting firm, Mazars USA, from complying with subpoena just because he is the president. But the high court at the same time had allowed Trump to raise no objections with a Manhattan federal court judge who had rejected his first effort. What? A Manhattan judge rejected something from Trump? His first effort to stop the subpoena from being enforced. Every judge is just a fucking limp cocksucker. However, not the ones he appointed. That's... However, the judge quickly
Starting point is 00:12:21 denied Trump's new arguments that the subpoena was overboard and issued in bad faith. And Trump got pissed in the corner. You're out of order. You're out of order. The whole trial is out of order. They're out of order. They are just relentless, are they not? relentless are they not it reminds me of a scene in the movie goddy when uh he kept beating federal charges against them and and he'd just relax for like an hour then his lawyer would come in at like one in the morning get some more bad news jesus christ they won't let up it's like a 700 pound gorilla they got your brother dar heroin. Motherfucker!
Starting point is 00:13:06 Please watch that. Gaudi with Amin Asante. It's the best movie ever. Who would have guessed that, you know, the girl Travolta stunk up the Gaudi role? Could have put Nathan Lane in there. It would have been more believable. Okay, guys.
Starting point is 00:13:24 We need these people whacked oh uh more trump news uh boy if you don't believe this is slanted the boy it's a it's it's just a fucking tsunami day after day after day all only trump has used it his next thing happened to him twitter you know twitter run by a goo gobbler? What's his name? Jack Dorsey. He, you know, sleeps two hours a night in a chamber and he takes ice baths and fucking tea bags his husband before he has eggs, all that shit. Anyways, his company, Twitter, silences Trump. Twitter masked another one of the President Trump's tweets on Tuesday accusing him of spreading misleading and potential harmful information
Starting point is 00:14:11 about the coronavirus pandemic. Yeah, he is a problem, right? Problem? You're the fucking problem. You fucking Dr. White onking jam rag onking spunk bubble. I'm telling you, H, you keep looking at me, I'm going to put you in the fucking ground. I promise you.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Not this time. Tuesday morning after being released from the hospital and in one missive, wanting Americans, this is Trump's tweet, to learn to live with COVID-19 and that the U.S. economy would not be shut down again. Oh, my God. He says flu season is coming up. Many people every year, sometimes over a hundred thousand. And despite the vaccine die from the flu. Well, I don't see anything there that isn't true. Do you? And guess what? Sweden never closed their shit down. Have you seen Sweden lately? It's over there. It's what we should have done.
Starting point is 00:15:06 And the CDC yesterday says it's bad to be indoors, which we've known for a year. We handled it the exact wrong way. Okay? Except for shutting down flights from China. But we listened to Fauci and the rest of the fucking liars. Right? Get indoors. And he's right. We're going to have to learn to live with it. Because the truth of it is,ars, right? Get indoors. And he's right.
Starting point is 00:15:25 We're going to have to learn to live with it. Because the truth of it is, it's really just a bad cold. Nick, how can you say that? That's insensitive. Yes, it's insensitive to the people in the late 90s that had diabetes that died. I agree. Trump says, are we going to close down our country? No.
Starting point is 00:15:44 We've learned to live with it. just like I have with Melania. Just like we are learning to live with COVID. In most populations, far less lethal, he went on. And that pissed off Jack. You are correct, sir. Can you imagine they're deciding what is information, what's misinformation? The big tech companies. Jack, I like it in they ask dorsey he knows more about it than you know the cdc and the scientists
Starting point is 00:16:11 same with zuckerberg these elitist motherless fucks the social media giant slapped the tweet with a label that says um it could cause if you're pregnant, it could cause damage to the fetus. His tweet could cause cancer. Said it violated the Twitter rules about spreading misleading. Why do you spread your ass cheeks? And potentially harmful information related to COVID-19. These fucking liars. You can't handle the truth.
Starting point is 00:16:48 They can't. There's nothing untruthful there. You know that? I got to get a flu shot. That reminds me. I do my own. I made a potion. shot that reminds me. I do my own. I made a potion. It's chloroquine, a little bit of,
Starting point is 00:17:19 you know what, instant vanilla pudding, and like two ounces of Sunoco SU-2000, and some seagull shit. I mix that in my magic bullet. Then I shoot it into the head of my cock. Cock. Do you take cream in your coffee? A cock. Shortly after Twitter masked his tweet Tuesday morning, the president fired off a gun through the ceiling of the Oval. No, the president fired off another message. In quotes, it said, repeal Section 230, which is a warning shot to social media giants that are given legal liability protection by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which stipulates they are not responsible for the material published on their networks. Let's change that. That would help a little bit. The president has sought to repeal that measure and has signed an executive order that will begin a review of all laws that protect
Starting point is 00:18:11 Twitter. But here's the problem, folks. Republicans, too. Republican congressmen, do you understand? The big techs pouring tons of money to their campaigns and shit, and that's why they just go, you can't. We'll look the other way. Whatever. But how about this? And another thing, how about making no more anonymous on the internet? Start there with Twitter as far as that goes.
Starting point is 00:18:36 See how tough people are then. You know. Instead of going under Gooseuccifer 2.0. So anyways, he wants to repeal that, that 230 section. It protects Twitter, Facebook, and Google from responsibility for posts from users on their sites. If they get rid of it, they will be responsible. And it really is so silly. You can watch porn on there, but then they'll go,
Starting point is 00:19:02 oh, you're lying about, you know, COVID and how it spreads. And it's, again, they fight dirty and the Republicans don't know how to fight dirty. And it all doesn't matter because it's going to be a civil war. We've been saying it on this show forever. There's nothing left. We can't agree on the color of shit. So let's go. Let's drop the gloves. Everybody call everybody call pro bear shop clean them out can't even i go in there you fucking there's no ammunition on the shelf oh so i'm making my own i use my wife's corn muffins and uh my eyes are watering um so that's trump let's talk about the jackoff who supposedly is leading this election all the polls say he's crushing trump so i think we heard that about the thick
Starting point is 00:19:55 ankle whore didn't we we sure did but joe biden as you know he's our favorite entertainer in the world. Every time he opens his fucking plug hairhead with his false choppers and he talks more than two minutes, he says something racist or sexist. It's so funny. This is exactly what they've been accusing Trump of, right? He's racist and sexist. Well, Biden, I think in one day, I think these both happened to one day. I'm pretty sure. Biden made racist, predacious remarks.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Is that what you put, Jace? Yeah, don't do that. Put, seriously, put what the fuck I send you. Okay? Even the fucking title of the show, you didn't do it the way I send you? Okay? Even the fucking title of the show, you didn't do it the way I wanted you to say. But anyways, predacious.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Aren't you a fucking hot shit? I'm going to get Raz back in here. We both look it up. Don't put any surprises in there, okay? Anyways, so yeah, he did a couple of things. First, he, listen to this remark.
Starting point is 00:21:06 It sounds like Archie Bunker, which I have no problem with. It's just Joe being honest. But since you people on the left have set this standard for the rest of us, I will call this racist, even though I wouldn't blink at it normally. But you've created this environment. So, fuck you. Check this out. But you've created this environment, so fuck you. Check this out. All of a sudden seeing a hell of a lot clearer. And seeing, geez, the reason I was able to stay sequestered in my home is because some black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf. Oh, that dirty cogsucker.
Starting point is 00:21:42 When he said that, I immediately of michelle obama stack that shelf put the fucking white beans in the middle this time like i asked you you fucking linebacker a black woman he didn't even say an old black woman or a poor black woman a black woman could have been anybody oh Oh, my God. Cardi B. Michelle. Can't even think of anybody else. Beyonce. A black woman implying that only that's all they're capable of doing is stacking shelves.
Starting point is 00:22:20 He's a racist. Again, wouldn't have bothered me, but you guys created the rules. I'm just playing by them. I got to be honest with you. I see people, black people, stocking shelves because I live in Savannah. It's mostly black and my supermarket's black. And I love it. I go in there.
Starting point is 00:22:36 You know why? You smell smoked ham hocks. I just stand in my supermarket and go like this. Oh, my God. It's tremendous. And I said to the lady, I was only here a week, there's a lady next to me, I told this book, she had a bandana on, she's probably in her 30s, she was blacker than this desk. And I go, God, does it smell good in here? And she looked at me, said, yeah, I do. And then we got a motel room. He's a racist. He's a goddamn racist. Now, I think this was the same day. If not, maybe
Starting point is 00:23:11 a day earlier. I don't know. He goes to wherever. And this young young girls dancing, right? Young black girls. They're sitting to the left at the end. We showed you the angle where you can see the girls he's talking to. But then he says something like, even Trump wouldn't say this, but again, proving he's a bit of a fucking pedophile. Go ahead. Good news is, for me, I'm here.
Starting point is 00:23:48 The bad news for you is, I'm coming back. I'm coming back. And I want to see these beautiful young ladies. I want to see them dancing when they're four years old or two. What? What? That boy is a P-I-G pig. I want to come back and I want to see these girls when they're four years old and dancing.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Hey, everybody, we're all going to get laid. He might as well have just said, Christy, get down on your knees so Sabrina can see your asshole. Do you believe he wants to come back? first of all, he won't be around. He'll be dead. He'll be dancing on his grave after that remark. I want to come back when these girls got titties and a nice ass. Well, they already got a nice ass because they're black girls.
Starting point is 00:24:36 I want to come back and see him stocking shelves. Good to be in Hawaii. Where am I? Oh, my God. Do you believe that? Good to be in Hawaii. Where am I? Oh, my God. Do you believe that? Oh, because I know a black woman, black woman stocking shelves. And oh, look at these black yummy little things.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Then he was seen handing him his business card to the girl. Even with that mascot, he can't help. Fucking saying stupid shit. He really is the Mama Luke of the year. So there's sexist and racist behavior that the media totally ignored, except for the sites I go to, you know, What? Why'd you say that?
Starting point is 00:25:26 Hey, folks, we want to thank the people at Our friends, longtime sponsor of this show,, sent over three new designs this morning. One's a hoop skirt. The other one's a silly hat. These shirts are timely. Jason, any time now. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:25:44 These shirts are timely and show our commander-in-chief, Donald J. Trump, beating the coronavirus. Let me see. The Kung Flu. Trump, I'm going to say, is juicing in that picture. I'm going out on a limb. Then it says, Jason, put them up on the screen.
Starting point is 00:26:06 That's not needed. Please support these guys by picking up one or all three of these shirts. Trump versus COVID. Look at that. I went out with a girl who had a head like that. Again, that's and we thank them for sponsoring this show. They got some funny shit. Trump, life matters.
Starting point is 00:26:28 That's going to get you in trouble. First of all, you're appropriating because the t-shirt's black. We own anything black. Blacks. Black. Speaking of blacks, remember Kim Gartner, the attorney general in St. Louis
Starting point is 00:26:43 who was put there by George Soros money. Remember he donated a couple hundred thousand to... Remember she fucking hates law and order? Well, anyways, remember the McCloskeys? They were the white couple guarding their house when a bunch of BLM fucking
Starting point is 00:27:00 activists broke down their gates and were threatened to burn down their house so they had the nerve to defend themselves. Yeah, you remember that? You know why they're being indicted? Because he had khakis and a pink-like polo shirt on. She's holding that gun like she's going to pull the trigger and the flag, bang, is going to come out.
Starting point is 00:27:20 A St. Louis grand jury has indicted, you believe this, for protecting themselves. Mark and Patricia McCloskey on two counts each, exhibiting a weapon. Yeah, you have to do that. And tampering with evidence. Tampering with evidence, what the fuck? Why is everyone so fucking stupid? Why aren't more people interrogating, like me? The couple appeared before a judge Tuesday who continued their hearing until October 14th, saying the grand jury needed more time to be moronic.
Starting point is 00:27:54 I wonder what the racial makeup was. More time to deliberate. The couple's attorney, Joel Schwartz, said he was told the grand jury reached a decision to indict his clients on Tuesday afternoon. Schwartz said he wasn't surprised because there's a lot of fucking idiots in the world. No, he wasn't surprised because the indictment, by the indictment, saying the grand jury didn't have all the facts. Well, let's hope they didn't have all the facts. The facts are very easy. These people were trespassing, breaking the law, broke down a fucking gate, threatening these people.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Some of them had guns. Remember they said, we're going to burn your house down, we're going to move in, we're going to kill your dog, all that shit. And this black, dumb bitch, Kim Gardner. Jeez, what are you doing? That was a girl in a bikini. Was that Kim Gartner? Once all the facts are out, he says, the lawyer, Schwartz, it'll be clear that McCloskey's committed no crime whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:28:56 The facts are already out. I love how when we have videotape and shit, the facts aren't out yet because, you know, we can twist them. But no crime was committed whatsoever, frankly, because the grand jury is not an adversarial process and defense counsel are not allowed in there. And I have no idea what was stated to the grand jury and what law was given to the grand jury. I got to believe what was stated was, hey, look, they're white and they have the nerve to point a gun at black thugs.
Starting point is 00:29:25 And it wasn't just black thugs. There were white thugs in there, too, obviously. But can you imagine, folks, this is where we are in 2020. You don't think they're coming for your fucking guns. You're being threatened on your own property. Are you shitting me? I almost hope they're facing like four years if they ever got. I kind of I don't want them to go to.
Starting point is 00:29:45 But I do just to see how the right reacts. And let's know that might kick it off. I don't know. I think the kickoff, the civil war, it's going to have to be between federal cops on somebody's land and shit. You know, in Oklahoma, some guy comes out like Anthony Hopkins and Legends of the Fall. Shoots a fucking... Here is Mr. McCloskey coming down the court steps yesterday. Here's what he had to say.
Starting point is 00:30:15 What you're witnessing here in this case is just an opportunity for the government, the leftist Democrat government of the city of St. Louis to persecute us for doing no more than exercising our Second Amendment rights. Klosky's exactly right. You can't believe that the mobs are being, the ones who should be going to jail aren't,
Starting point is 00:30:36 and they're threatening to put them in jail. It's out-fucking-rageous. All because of Marxist group Black Lives Matter that you have American corporations like Amazon, the fucking NBA, Nike, promoting. Promoting. Promoting a group whose mission statement is to overthrow the United States.
Starting point is 00:30:59 But yeah, you know, no big deal. Speaking of the fucking NBA, I'm so glad I'm not a Hoops fan. Because, well, I won't tell you. First of all, I've gone over it a hundred times. It's maybe one of the worst spectator sports. But besides that, they've always been political. I was stupid enough to defend LeBon james when he went to uh miami
Starting point is 00:31:27 or whatever remember and i i wasn't getting that arrogant anti-white vibe from him and boy was i wrong anyway the story today nba caves league to cancel social justice blM message on courts in Jersey's next year. See that? You know why, folks? Their ratings are in the toilet. You know that? Must be a lot of white people who still like the NBA. Adam Silver, who is a shapeshifter, he looks like an old woman to me,
Starting point is 00:32:03 sat down for an interview with Rachelachel nichols on nba countdown who the fuck watches this garbage early this week and indicated that social justice messaging that you see on the courts and the backup players jerseys hmm uh they're gonna think twice about that you know let's take a look at the the most visible billion dollar organization championing social justice. I like your skirt. As you noted in your press conference the other day, that has not been universally popular. How committed are you to being that? Look at him. He's scary looking. We're completely committed to standing for social justice and racial equality. And that's been the case going back decades. It's been the case
Starting point is 00:32:45 since the 30s! Or 50s! Ugh, we're far racial justice... There is no fairer country on the planet racially. Let me ask you something, BLM lovers. What other country
Starting point is 00:33:00 would you rather be on trial? Where? Fucking kidding me. Look at this. You wonder why people are getting turned off. Every time you show this, you're saying white people, you fucking racist. This country is inherently racist. I can't believe anybody's fucking watching it. Go ahead. Let the jerk up talk. It's part of the DNA of this league. How it gets manifested is something we're going to have to sit down with the players and discuss for next season.
Starting point is 00:33:25 I would say in terms of the messages you see on our court, on the jerseys, this was an extraordinary moment in time when we began the discussions with the players and what we all lived through this summer. My sense is there'll be somewhat a return to normalcy. Those messages will largely be left to be delivered off the floor. And I understand those people who are saying, I'm on your side, but I want to watch a basketball game. Give me the money.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Give me the fucking money. You hear me? You hear me? I said come here and bust my body. Give me the fucking money. You're entitled to shit. Yeah. Oh, you know, that was a moment in time, you know.
Starting point is 00:34:05 And we're still for that stuff. But have you seen our ratings? That's what he should have said. Down 68 percent game two of the finals. We get beat out by Cornhole on ESPN3. Look at him. He looks like he's created in a lab. Nice guy. Smart guy, obviously, but part of the elitist. You know, I mean, seems like a nice guy, but he's the commissioner. He's got to make do-re-mi for the owners. Still don't understand why when something like NHL hockey exists, they don't even treat it like a sport on ESPN. Fucking racism.
Starting point is 00:34:49 Race mongering. So anyways, they're going to take the, you know, the little guy goes in for a layup and it says, fuck Whitey on the back of his shirt, huh? Who would have guessed that didn't fly? Guy commits a foul, sits on a bench. They zoom in on his back, it says, kill Whitey. I mean, you know, that shit. White blue-eyed devils and, yeah, that doesn't go that far.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Let's start an all-white league and put little slogans on our back at how we feel. Oh, white white. So it's all about the greenery and, you know, LeBron James sucking China's dick. He walked off the court the other... What a punk he turned into, huh? Walked off the court before the game was over. He didn't like the way the fouls were being called and shit. What an entitled jerk-off.
Starting point is 00:35:40 You know, he's a billionaire. He will be a billionaire, like Tiger Woods. It's a racist country, though. Michelle Obama yelling from her zillion-dollar house in my office, Vinnie, how racist it is. Her husband elected twice by white people. NBA ratings kept up by white people. White people are bent over backwards
Starting point is 00:35:57 to try to meet this racial horseshit, and they're sick of it. I'm embarrassed I'm still watching the fucking NFL. But I'm in a pool. I can make $11 if I win this one. Anyways, it's not going to get any better under fucking Biden. But again, don't believe what you read about,
Starting point is 00:36:23 about he's really up in the, up in the polls. Hey, you know, President Trump has been saying that the Dems are trying to steal this by, you know, making a lot of states insist on absentee ballots and mail-in ballots and all that shit. And people are pushing back saying, oh, he's already, he's already preparing to, you know, so if he loses, he's not going to give up the White House and that's a buh-buh. Well, there's been a lot of evidence. We showed Project Veritas, right? People working for Ilhan Omar. Is that horse still alive? Remember, we showed that tape, people paying people for their votes and shit, literally cash. um well there's more of that going
Starting point is 00:37:06 on over 2 000 voters in los angeles county received faulty ballots which lacked a section to vote for the president of the united states you notice how every time there's a mistake it's always in favor of the democrats show me something show me something what hanging chads is that where this is going there was no section to vote for the fucking uh president of the united states on the ballot that's an accident right what the hell's going on out here uh anyways the la county register recorded county clerk's office confirmed this on mond. The outlet reported that the ballots were primarily confined to those in the Woodland Hills area where Joe Rogan used to do his show. He's in Texas now. You lost another billionaire.
Starting point is 00:37:54 I've always been, this lady says, I've always been an in-person voter. So I wasn't even planning on looking at the ballot until the day I was going to vote. looking at the ballot until the day I was going to vote. Woodland Hills resident Christy Gargals said, explaining that she compared her ballot to her husband's and sister's ballot, both of which were missing the section to vote for the president as well. Something told me that this was a different election, a different year. Something you told you that? Yeah, shows like this. And I just had to check my ballot. And I'm glad I did, she said, adding that her neighbors next door, they all had the same problem too.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Just the facts, ma'am. No section to vote for Trump. Do you understand there's hundreds of stories like this going on? And again, if Trump puts it up there as a tweet, it'll be misleading and a lie and whatever. If you guys don't know the fixes, of course you do. You're my fans.
Starting point is 00:38:51 The massive error. Yeah, it was an error. Oop, I got something in my eye. The massive error follows the executive order of Governor Gavin Newsom, shapeshifter. There he is holding a little shopping bag. That's as much. Those are the new ones they use now at Ralph's in L.A.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Because this is an obesity problem. Massive errors follow executive order. Governor Gavin Newsom, who is the governor, issued in May requiring the state to send all registered voters absentee ballots ahead of the November 3rd election. He used the Chinese coronavirus as the primary reason to send ballots to roughly 21 million people in the Golden State. What? Do you guys see it now? It's all coming so clear, isn't it? I'm going to kill you, you lying cocksucker! Do you guys see it now? It's all coming so clear, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:39:54 He's using the virus, which is fake, we know, for the most part. You know, Trump beat it. He's using that as an excuse to keep you home on voting day. I mean, I appreciate you guys cheating, but you're so bad at it. I wonder what the turnout's going to be in person. Maybe we'll set a record just to give them the bird, not the Dems.
Starting point is 00:40:20 And you see all these commercials when you're watching, like, I was watching baseball last night during an NFL game. There's a commercial to get out the vote. You got to vote this year. It's important. Do you really think they do it under the guise of, you know, get out and vote for either guy?
Starting point is 00:40:34 But see, us Republicans, people on the right, you know, who get up and go to work on time and take care of their kids and shit, we don't need to be told that because the Democrats have been notorious for not showing up on big elections. You know, young kids, stupid, uninformed. That's who they're talking to. Anyway, so when I see an ad like that during a game, like, oh, Biden's getting a free ad or whatever. Michael Sanchez, a spokesman for the L.A. County clerk's office, apologized for the mistake regarding the botched ballots, but added that, in quotes, it impacted a very small number of Los Angeles county voters. Imagine if you put
Starting point is 00:41:14 the shoe on the other foot, there's no place for Biden to vote on the ballot. Oh, it was only a couple Democrats. He said, the faulty ballots serve as the latest example of vote-by-mail irregularities feeding fears over the growing potential for mass fraud and error associated with mass mail-in voting. So, you know, it's ripe for fraud. Nothing to see here. Please, Pittsburgh. Nothing to see here.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Please. They're fucking already doing it. A bunch of states have already started voting. Can't we all do it on one day? I guess it's probably impossible. I'll do it on two days. Whatever. Anyways, ladies and gentlemen, this episode of the Nick DiPaolo Show brought Brought to you by Sheath Underwear.
Starting point is 00:42:05 I'm wearing them right now. I'm wearing the one the girls wear. These things are so... I got them on. It feels like you're not wearing underwear. Folks, I'm not shitting you. I'm getting a ton of these fuckers. Whether I have to pay for them or not.
Starting point is 00:42:23 They're like... I don't want to say silk, but they're as soft as your girl's underwear. Nick, what are you saying? You like her? Thank God for the two-pouch compartment. I keep my balls in one pouch and my gun in the other. It keeps your balls off your leg
Starting point is 00:42:38 or the top of your feet if you're my age. Sheath uses supportive, soft material, and they don't look like a diaper. It's true. And I feel no sweat. I got the fatigue ones, like the military ones, you know? Plus this blue.
Starting point is 00:42:58 I got one pair that fucking, I don't know who designed. I looked in the mirror, belly laugh. But they're everything that guy says they are. The idea for Sheath came from an Army soldier, Robert Patton. Like I said, how can a product that came from a soldier named Patton be bad? He came up with the idea during his second tour in Iraq.
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Starting point is 00:43:38 If your balls don't feel great, no. That's Sheath Underwear. Promo code NickDip dip get the sheath underwear and let them support your balls great product i want to stand up and show you mine right now but i don't know i ate a lot of cheeses before i went to bed guys i got a tour coming up uh as you know i'm back on the road doing what I've done for the past 35 years. Tommy, let's lie about that.
Starting point is 00:44:08 And I'm pretty fucking good at it, if I do say so myself. This week, I'll be at Stand Up Live in Huntsville, Alabama on Saturday, and then Sunday, Zany's in Nashville for two shows. On Friday and Saturday, November 6th and 7th, I'll be at the Comedy Club of Kansas City. Then on November and Saturday, November 6th and 7th, I'll be at the Comedy Club of Kansas City.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Then on November 19th, I'll be at the Improv and Rally North Carolina. And then I'm back in Vegas at the Plaza Hotel Casino on Friday, November 20th, Saturday, November 21st. Get tickets to all these shows through my website at and click on touring. Please do that. I still love it. I felt so good to be up there again. One-time contributions. I want to thank Monty Johnson, Arkansas, Danny Pritchard, Georgia, Michael Wood, Oklahoma,
Starting point is 00:44:59 Abram Farley, Wisconsin, Patrick R.R. Sebers, California, Scott O'Shea, Illinois, Cheryl Crockett, West Virginia, John Moore, North Carolina, Richard Gribos, Wisconsin, Frank Spina, Massachusetts, Stan K. Poussey, senior, Washington, he's from Washington, Patricia Forster, Oregon, Bobby Thompson, Texas, Travis Babcock, Colorado, Philip Rocha, Ohio. Christine Eves, New York. Mara Nera, Missouri. Mara Nera, Missouri. Chris Nye, New Mexico. Tim Bolling, Nevada.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Casey Armstrong, New York. Anthony Janoulis, Florida. Brian Breslin, Ohio. And I want to thank Whitfield's Food Review, Brandon Higgs, who signed up at So please do that, folks. We thank you for the contributions. We're going to need it more than ever. It doesn't matter who gets elected. Nick, we got a Patreon question.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Oh, you scared me. Go ahead. Very jumpy. Charles Ross, Chester, Minnesota. Do you think there'll come a time that enough Democrats will have the foresight to put the brakes on the Antifa and BLM violence that we are now seeing? Or are we doomed for a long, bloody civil war until the Dems raise the white flag? Why do you think they're going to raise the white?
Starting point is 00:46:23 First of all, the answer is no, they're not going to put their brakes on it. I mean, Joe Biden, remember? About a month ago, a veiled threat. He goes, talking about the violence in the cities, you think that's going to stop if Trump wins? Kind of a veiled threat.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Read your history. This is how this shit comes about. I think we are dumbed but I don't see them raising a white flag well again unless the real white supremacists get involved then they'll raise the white flag that's just a prediction and that might that might be where it has to go
Starting point is 00:47:04 you know what I mean let's hope not but yeah they are fucking they're doubling down on lying cheating they want power so fucking bad they don't give two shits about this country they want to fucking just change it so uh to answer your question, I think we're doomed. Put on a pair of sheets under her, open a beer. The communications director for the Democrat Party of Washington County, Oregon, was arrested. I'll say that again. Democrat Party.
Starting point is 00:47:43 The director for the Democrat Party of Washington County, Oregon. This is a guy who works for the Democrat Party in an official way. Was arrested after pulling a knife on a female Trump supporter at an outdoor event hosted by the Oregon Women for Trump. Pulled a knife on a woman. That's faggot stuff. You want to call it by its name? That's strictly for fags. You're a crumb creep.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Clayton John Callahan was arrested on October 4th. He pulled a very sharp knife. What if it was a little sharp? He pulled a very sharp knife, threatened the Republican woman. PJ Media contributor Victoria Taft recounted on Facebook. He pulled a very sharp knife,
Starting point is 00:48:22 cut me a nice piece of bread, and threatened the Republican woman and a guy he was trying to block. We have no idea what led to the confrontation, except that he appears to be a crazed person who is easily triggered. This appears to be a hate crime. Why does it not say video in there somewhere? Huh? It said video? Okay. Let's take a look at a video all right guys i need your help getting getting information out on this guy. This little gem right here. Look at this guy. Those are eyes of a madman. Eyes of a Democrat.
Starting point is 00:49:15 This guy was booked into jail yesterday because of his behavior. Unlawful use of a weapon. Unlawful use of a weapon, unlawful use of a weapon, booked into Washington County Jail. He is the communications director for the Washington County Democrat Party. Okay, but it's the Trump people. It's the white supremacists out there causing all the violence. This guy works in an official capacity for the Democrat Party in Oregon, and he's pulling a knife on somebody. Anybody going to arrest him or anything? Okay?
Starting point is 00:49:50 Let me just admit it, you fucking violent thugs. Whether it's Antifa, anarchists. Oh, but they're not part of our party. Yeah, the fuck they're not. Guy pulling a wife on a broad. Pulling a wife on a broad? Did I just say pulling a wife on a broad? Oh, the guy's pulling a wife on a bra. Pulling a wife on a bra? Did I just say pulling a wife on a bra? Oh, a guy's pulling a wife on a bra, too.
Starting point is 00:50:11 And a related story. A goddamn knife. But like Rodney D'Angelo said, I could tell it wasn't a professional job. It had butter on it. Ugh. I'll tell you. My cousin was a little fruity, you know. In high school, when everybody was dissecting frogs, he was opening flies. Rodney, Rodney. Speaking of left-wing douchebags and power-hungry assholes, Governor Whitmer, you know who she is? The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services on Monday issued an emergency public health order requiring masks and limiting gatherings after Governor Gretchen Whitmer's authority to issue orders was struck down by the Supreme Court on Friday.
Starting point is 00:51:19 This whore is drunk on power. The governor's executive orders were thrown into legal limbo last week when the Michigan Supreme Court ruled the laws underpinning her executive order were unconstitutional. Did you hear that, Gretchen? She's a little whore
Starting point is 00:51:36 and a little piece of trash. Unbelievable, were you a houndstooth jacket? She didn't know it was unconstitutional. The Constitution doesn't go away during a pandemic unless you're religious. Then it does. The requirements put in place by MDHHS closely track. So she's
Starting point is 00:52:00 going through an agency like she said she was going to do. Remember when they struck it down last week? She goes, oh, we'll get around that through one of our agencies, which she did. The requirements put in place by MDHS has closely tracked with the executive orders the governor had put in place. HHS director Robert Gordon said that on Monday, Gordon derives his authority to issue the order from part of the public health code that states, I'll translate that in English. If the director determines that control of an epidemic is necessary to protect the public health,
Starting point is 00:52:42 the director, by emergency order order may prohibit the gathering of people for any purpose and may establish procedures to be followed during the epidemic to ensure continuation of essential, listen to all this problem, essential public health services and enforcement of health laws. Emergency procedures shall not be limited to this code. Oh, God. I know a thing or two about a thing or two. That law is not one of those Supreme Court recently ruled on. The order requires mass at social gatherings
Starting point is 00:53:17 defined as a shared space with two or more people where people are from multiple households. Could they get any more in your personal business, folks? It's here already. It's here. Orwellian horseshit. You're living it. If the people are from a different household,
Starting point is 00:53:39 how are you going to find that out unless you're sitting at my kitchen table? Is that what you're planning on? Businesses and government offices are required to enforce the requirements for gatherings on their premises. I do think, given the fact that the Supreme Court just ruled that the governor has to partner with the legislature, I don't think any one branch should be going it alone at this point, said House Speaker Lee Chatfield, a Republican with the only guy with common sense on a call with reporters. So he's exactly right.
Starting point is 00:54:11 You are correct, sir. She said it, though. I got to give her a fucking... She said it. Oh, we'll get around that. They're in your face already, folks. The government is right up your ass. It's up
Starting point is 00:54:27 your ass. A man goes to a party, he loses his wallet at the party. Ah. Hey, you know, sad news, right? Yesterday, the music role, Eddie Van Halen, rock guitar god,
Starting point is 00:54:48 dead of throat cancer at 65 years old. That bummed me out because I dated him for like a year and a half in the 70s. And boy, no, I saw those guys. That's how old they are. I saw them when that first album came out. I saw them in their prime at the Orpheum in Boston. And I remember throwing up after, behind a
Starting point is 00:55:09 station wagon in the parking lot. Yes, there was a lot of beer in me, but I think, I don't know, a slice of pizza went bad or something. But what a fucking show they put on. Too bad, huh? He was founder of the uh of the band lost his battle would uh throw cancer so he's gone and we couldn't do nothing about it uh that was david lee roth winning his wife jane was by his side as the cancer spread throughout his body he passed away
Starting point is 00:55:43 in santa monica on tuesday he was born in amsterdam i did not know that the netherlands and came to was by his side as the cancer spread throughout his body. He passed away in Santa Monica on Tuesday. He was born in Amsterdam. I did not know that. The Netherlands and came to the U.S. in 62. Ten years later, he and his brother formed the band, along with vocalist David Lee Roth and bassist Michael Anthony. They went on to break barriers in rock music. Listen to this. Selling 80 million
Starting point is 00:56:00 records worldwide. Joining the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2007. Rest in peace, my buddy. Bye-bye. You guys. Okay, final story. Dan Bongino. I love him. He's in the hospital right now. Speaking of, he's having some type of he's a regular if you don't know who he is on Fox News.
Starting point is 00:56:18 He looks like a human pitbull. I love him. He was a cop. He was a Secret Service agent. He walks the walk. And I love it because he was a he's not he was a cop he was a secret service agent he uh you know he walks the walk and i love it because he gets a little uh fired up on tv he's not afraid and he's just fucking right 99 of the time in my opinion but uh remember a couple days ago when the media was going crazy saying trump is putting the secret service in danger and there was a headline on drudge he doesn't care about us and shit and the media the left-wing media kept repeating their talking points and uh it pissed off bongino so he went
Starting point is 00:56:49 off on a show on fox a couple days ago um what about the hundreds of other agents who get sick every year traveling around the world for photo ops to protect these from both parts you know why you don't hear about that story because that's not what we do we're not a bunch of whiners we go out and we protect the president of the United States and the president of the United States gets to act like the president of the United States without having not someone was going to do it and these guys and the women of the secret service are the ones that had the nerve to do it so to these media buffoons you clowns who don't know the first thing about honor dignity or courage i know you wouldn't get in that car with the president with a mask or a full bubble suit because you're chumps and cowards and spineless losers. We all know that. But don't you dare utter the word Secret Service again because you know
Starting point is 00:57:50 nothing about these men or women, why they do what they do, how they wound up in that car, why they did it, and they do it again tomorrow. So how about you just shut your mouths, put your caboose in a chair and sit this one out. and sit this one out. Yeah. Love them. They were implying that, you know, the Secret Service. Oh, he's not.
Starting point is 00:58:16 You know, they would just. Oh, he doesn't care about us. And, you know, and just absent. They really are. Can you think anybody with less balls than somebody in the White House press corps, Acosta? So he let them have it, both barrels. He's having some type of, he says he gets these tumors or whatever. They're usually benign. But the doctor said, ah, you better come in for this one.
Starting point is 00:58:39 So I hope he's good. Yet to meet then. Imagine that conversation. We'll be in the green room. Motherfucker, how about this guy? Two crazy guineas. Your guineas make me laugh. Anyways.
Starting point is 00:58:56 You're going to keep lightning, and you're going to crap thunder. That is it for today, ladies and gentlemen. Again, thank you for contributing at or Don't forget where I can make a video roasting one of your friends or something nice. Happy birthday to Auntie Joan. Whatever you want. I can make the day, break the day. People like me to bust their friends' balls.
Starting point is 00:59:22 It's girls and guys, too, that I get them from. That is it. You guys think it. I will continue to say it. And we'll see you back here tomorrow at the same time. Have a good day, everybody. guitar solo guitar solo I'm out.

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