The Nick DiPaolo Show - Dems Seeing Red over Greene | Nick Di Paolo Show #485

Episode Date: February 4, 2021

Dems try to oust Marjorie Taylor Greene. AOC lies about 'trauma' from capitol riots. Rand Paul torches new education secretary on trans sports....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Shop with Rakuten and you'll get it. What's it? It's the best deal, the highest cash back, the most savings on your shopping. So join Rakuten and start getting cash back at Sephora, Old Navy, Expedia, and other stores you love. You can even stack sales on top of cash back. Just start your shopping with Rakuten to save money at over 750 stores. Join for free at or get the Rakuten app. That's R-A-K-U-T-E-N. Hey guys, with everything going on, we need the Comics Gym site now more than ever. Please click the support box on the right of your screen or click on this video now to contribute and to help keep us free and uncensored i really appreciate it Welcome to the show. How are you, folks?
Starting point is 00:01:28 Thursday, final show of the week. Good to be with you. Isn't it fun watching the Joe Biden administration take apart the Constitution? Piece by piece, joint by joint. Something they don't believe in. Why? How did we get to this place? Not enough. Bang, bang, shoot them up. One, two, three. Bang, bang, shoot them up to the moon.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Bang, bang, shoot them up, destiny. One, two. I wanted to be a spaceman. That's what I wanted to be. But now that I am a spaceman, nobody cares about me. So hey, Mother Earth, won't you bring me back down? That's for you people in your late 70s. Fucking frustrated musician. Can't feel my fingers. Trying to fucking learn, you know what, Wonderful Tonight. You got to have 19 fingers to make those chord changes. Fuck this, I'm picking up a tuba when I head home.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Good to be with you. I just fucking around. It's Thursday. Anyways, let's get right to it. Let's get through this so I can go home and have a snack. Do you see what the Democrats trying to do now? These motherless cheese eating fucking titless wonders dems trying to remove our girl marjorie taylor green you know the one who
Starting point is 00:02:52 had a guns and all her ads when she was running for congress they're trying to remove her from committee assignments important one she sits on a couple of committees already. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, that would be a Republican, met privately with fellow Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene to discuss her litany of controversial political stances as Democrats ramp up pressure to have her removed from her committee assignment. And the GOP, they're kind of doing a tit for tat thing. They're like, yeah, you want to fuck with Adnan? We're going to fuck with you Adnan. How about Rep. Ilhan fucking Omar?
Starting point is 00:03:32 I don't like man! Remember her? I don't like man! Piece of shit. I don't like man! I don't like man! That's her being sworn in, douche. Anyways, the Republicans trying to strip her or her committees and a little tit for tat
Starting point is 00:03:47 effort can i say that without this bitch saying that's sexist the tuesday night meeting between mccarthy and green lasted about 90 minutes and took place in his capital office maybe a little i don't know she's got a neck on her like a goddamn fullback from Nebraska. After the number two GOP lawmakers summoned members of the House Republican Staring Committee for a late night meeting to discuss the matter, the Staring Committee assigns fellow party members to powerful committees and is itself an extremely influential panel to be on. So Green has not commented on the meeting directly,
Starting point is 00:04:26 but appeared to acknowledge that it happened in a post on Twitter that included a screenshot of reporting on the meeting and a series of tweets. It says the fringe right. Have you ever heard Ilhan Omar referred to as the fringe left or anybody for that? These are little things that you have to pick up and go, oh, this article shit too. Do they know they expose themselves every time they write a sentence,
Starting point is 00:04:49 these left-wing assholes? In a series of tweets, a fringe right lawmaker slammed Democrats and argued that McCarthy would never be able to compromise enough for the opposing party, which she's right. They're just relentless. Jim Jordan last night was on with my sweetheart out of all the Fox News girls. And that's saying a lot. My girl, Shannon Bream, who is seen here. She was Miss Florida. You know how hot you have to be to be Miss Florida? I mean, come on.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Miss Florida. She's got these piercing blue eyes. Reminds me of the wife. Anyways, she was on, she had Jim Jordan on the show last night, and they were talking about what's going on with Marjorie. And here is how that went. Now, would strip Congresswoman Taylor Greene from her committees that she currently serves on. They say if Republicans won't do it, we will do it.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Now, I understand there are Republicans who are putting together an amendment to that resolution that would say, OK, but what about your members like Congresswoman Alon Hommar, who has been accused of anti-Semitic statements, those kinds of things? Is this just a tit for tat? Where does this go? And is it the best use of the American people's time? I don't I don't think I don't think Miss Green should lose her committee assignments. I mean, that's never happened where the other party decides what our party or we decide what their party can have on committee assignments. That just never happened in the House. So I certainly don't think that's appropriate. I don't think she should lose her her her committee assignments. We'll see what happens. But I think the American people are tired of the double standard. Yes. How can you do this to her and not Ilhan Omar, who hates Jews, hates Jews?
Starting point is 00:06:36 All right. She's as nutty as anybody. Now, the problem with Marjorie is they say she's a QAnon member and they have a lot of crazy conspiracies like Anderson Cooper drinking baby's blood, which I think is true. I'd rather have him doing that than drinking somebody's load. What? What are you, homophobic? No, just having fun. Anyways, I love this broad. She went there to at least put up a fight. I don't care if they kick her out. At least she showed some balls. During her meeting with McCarthy, according to Politico, the Republican leader offered Green $1,000 to go home. No.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Who sits on the House Education and Labor Committee. And I actually heard Karl Rove said those are important committees. McCarthy offered her a few options. One option would be to denounce QAnon and apologize publicly for publicly backing conspiracy theories and supporting calls for violence against Democrats. If she doesn't do that, you know. What? Nothing for you.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Another option McCarthy reportedly offered would be for Greene to remove herself from the committee. I don't like that one whatsoever. Do you? No. You smug cocksucker. Fuck you. That was her response. The third option would be for Greene to do nothing and risk being removed by a vote on the House floor from both the education panel and the House Budget Committee, which I'm guessing is made up of a lot of Democrats, which she also serves on.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Despite Democrats controlling the House, there is considerable GOP appetite to remove Greene. And this is why they're a fake phony party. And we should get rid of all of them except for her. Nick, you're saying you want to conspiracy? Yes, I do. Because the left is eight. What's worse? Her believing in QAnon or them pissing all over the Constitution. Use that as the litmus test. Fuck them. I hope she said she was raped by Martians and they all look like Joe Biden. I'd still leave her there. To remove Greene from her committee, a GOP is thinking about that. Once again, to remove Green from her committee, a GOP is thinking about that.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Once again, they never stick together like the other side does. You fucking people. You have no idea how to defend a nation. You really don't. Leave her in there. According to Politico, McCarthy told members of the steering committee during their late night meeting that he would try to broker a deal with House Party Majority Leader Steny Hoyer. When's this jerk off going to have some more bags with your eyes to avoid a floor vote on Green? What kind of deal are you going to do? The top House Republican said, that's McCarthy. He would offer to pull
Starting point is 00:09:22 the freshman lawmaker from the Education and Labor Committee if Democrats backed off their plans to vote to remove her from both panels. I didn't hear anything about Ilhan right there. Congressional Republicans are retaliating against Democrats for trying to remove Marjorie Taylor Greene from her committee because of past violent rhetoric and her promotion of conspiracy theories by attempting to do the same to democratic fucking jerk off Ilhan Omar yeah let's give it back to him now you will learn about loss loss of freedom loss of humanity now you and I will truly be the same counselor that's right get rid of this fucking american hating terrorist twat and that's not i'm not overstating that she's big with you know uh care c-a-i-r i forget what is muslim american they're basically in tight with people that you know live in hamas and shit but she's all high
Starting point is 00:10:23 and mighty on them if you don't believe me uh and she's not, if you don't believe me, she's not an anti-American, just a, you guys know, but I'll remind you. Remember she said this? Because they recognize that some people did something. Talk about 9-11. And that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties. Yeah, really? She's a malignant cunt. You fucking whore. Yeah, that's it. Go home. Get my dinner ready.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Hates Jews. Hates Jews. And there's a few more on the left you could pick that are nuts. How about Tlaib? Saying, remember the night he became president?
Starting point is 00:11:02 What did she say? Something about let's impeach this motherfucker? But we can't have our own nuts on the right? Fuck you. I always say fight fire with fire. Get a few more nuts. It's so refreshing.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Mitch McConnell has to go. Does he have pictures of former presidents blowing goats? Why, CIA members, how is he still there that no chin weakling drooling asshole make me a sandwich make me a fucking sandwich and now shut up and make me a sandwich segment tonight AOC who's got a rack on her that I oh look at that picture throw her a fucking carrot and some sugar cubes and see what she does. The quarter mile and bring to the Kentucky Derby. Look at that fucking horse teeth on her. It's like John Elway and Elvis had a baby.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Anyways, they say she's lying about all that riot trauma she suffered. And I don't believe a word she says. She's got big bags, though, so I say we keep her in Congress for another few years. When her tits start to look like Pelosi, hey, Nick, maybe this is why your show doesn't get traction. What are you talking about? All my comedian friends are drooling over what I'm fucking this show. They love it.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Rep Ocasio-Cortez is being dubbed Alexandria Ocasio. Smell it. As details emerge that she exaggerated the extent of her trauma from the Capitol riot, given that she was at the site of the siege, but in an office building nearby. In the four weeks since the riot, I don't even care if the Republicans are making this. I don't even give a fuck because this is what you have to do. Which they're not making up because some lady's like two doors down from her and she agrees with a Republican. Anyways, I don't care.
Starting point is 00:12:56 How about that? That's where I am. Meet a lie with a lie. In the four weeks since the riot, Ocasio-Cortez has said repeatedly that she feared for her life on January 6th as a result of a very, very close encounter. What a puss. Change the horse diaper. This week, the progressive politician shared more details of that said encounter during an Instagram live. Ocasio-Cortez was in her office when Riders stumped the Capitol, which is located in the Cannon Building, okay? The building is part of
Starting point is 00:13:32 the overall Capitol complex, but it's not within the Capitol building itself. So she's a fucking liar. A liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, you know it. She reminded, excuse me, reminded, I'm blind. She remained barricaded in her office for hours when a man who turned out to be a Capitol Police officer rushed into her office. This is who she's threatened by, to direct her to a safer location for lawmakers. The officer AOC said, get this, had anger and hostility in his eyes. Yeah, maybe he just had shit thrown at him, making her question if he was trying to put her in a vulnerable situation. Still, she opted to trust him and not pass judgment. It's all about her.
Starting point is 00:14:18 Every time it's about her. You fucking whore. Yeah, that's it. Go home. Get my dinner ready. The 31 year old lawmaker then became emotional, revealing that she was, here we go, a sexual assault survivor. Hey, who was it?
Starting point is 00:14:33 I had an Uncle Teddy. This guy, you got a couple in him. Holy fucking moly. Which caused her to struggle with the idea of being believed. So, you know, she's so typical, isn it you're raping me this is rape this is rape this is rape i actually believe that part i have a theory about girls who you know are well endowed in the chest area those things pop out at age 12 and then they're marked. Their lives can go, seriously, it's a, it's a fuck. Sometimes it's like a, what do I want to say?
Starting point is 00:15:08 A burden to carry, you know, real smoking. Nick, I'm not trying to sound like a pervert here, but like a girl who just gets these, and her fucking, guys are sick, but they're really smoking hot. So when they're 16, they go into a strip club. Next thing you know, they're dating the owner of the strip club. I've seen it a million times in my dreams in the Alarminoff. But I believe that.
Starting point is 00:15:32 She's probably really cute and something. So she's comparing the Capitol officer. I can't make that connection there. She says that struggle, she said, kept her from speaking out initially about her experience at the Capitol. The problem with her story, however, is that rioters did not storm the building in question, confirmed by Rep. Nancy Mace, Republican, South Carolina, who tweeted, My office is two doors down. Insurrectionists never stormed our hallway. stormed our hallway. That's in quotes. The accusation began to circulate on social media,
Starting point is 00:16:11 resulting in the Democrat socialist getting dragged on multiple platforms, including her favorite Twitter. After being called out by a right-wing journalist, Jack Pasebek, on the platform with a map of the Capitol complex, the New York lawmaker responded. She said, this isn't a fact check. As we know, only Democrats can have fact checks. Right. And all their publications. She said this isn't a fact check at all. Your arrows aren't even accurate. They lie about where the mob stormed and and placed them further away than it was. She tweeted Wednesday. You may not know that. Now, what's this got to do with it? Okay. This is how I know she's full of shit.
Starting point is 00:16:49 This, this paragraph wasn't even, she should have left it at that. She goes, you may not know that you know a survivor, but it's highly likely that you do. Survivors of trauma are close to you. They are people you love and you may not know. Many decide whether their story is safe with somebody, someone by how they respond to other survivors. Don't push them away, she wrote in one of the multiple posts. I'm trying to connect this with her lying about where she was. making me believe she's full of caca and an email later sent to supporters she encouraged them to uh identify and post that identify and post that are threatening or harassing and use the built-in report features to flag them uh for moderators which facebook already has built in and twitter so do we believe her or not why Why would the woman from South Carolina, two doors down, lie about it?
Starting point is 00:17:49 Because she's a Republican from South Carolina. I don't know. What a mess, huh? Boy, they're really working for us, aren't they? I'll tell you who I've always liked. And I like this old man. Did we play that clip of Ron Paul having a stroke? I pulled that up on my TV at home,
Starting point is 00:18:10 and my wife was sitting with me on the couch, and I couldn't stop laughing. She's going, you're fucking, I had tears, literally. I couldn't help it. He was like, and we have to do this after that, and the money and the food. It's the funniest thing I've ever seen. I'm only laughing because he survived.
Starting point is 00:18:31 And I like Ron Paul. He's nuts about, you know, foreign policy. And I like Rand. Rand's a good dude. Me and my wife have been arguing, is that a wig or not? I don't think it is. Why would you wear it like that?
Starting point is 00:18:43 Rand Paul grills Biden's, it says ed secretary. Education? Education secretary on trans people in sports. This was a great showdown. I love when lefties, progressives, liberals, whatever you want to call them, douchebags, maniacs. I love when they're confronted with reason and logic, especially when it comes to science. I just said especially like I'm a hip-hopster. Let me ask you a question, yo. Especially when it comes to shit like this because they're the party of science, yet they say if a girl says I'm a guy today, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:19:25 They just put biology aside. Rand Paul quizzed President Biden's education secretary nominee Miguel Cardona on transgender student athletes during a charged exchange at his confirmation hearing on Wednesday. President Biden signed an executive order on his first day in office calling on schools to allow transgender student athletes to participate in the sporting events that match their gender identity rather than a biological. In other words, if I I'm a guy, but I go, no, I'm a chick today. I can play in a chick's league. Here's you guys. I might surprise you.
Starting point is 00:20:02 I kind of like this. You know, I mean, why? Because not because transgender. We've already talked about I wouldn't want it. It's something hard to go through. But I'm just saying, you know, it does the real hardcore feminists who think they can do anything men can do. This is where their argument falls apart. Even feminists are fucking mad at this transgender horseshit. at this transgender horseshit. And what Biden is saying in his administration is, I'm not doing anything. He goes, I'm just restarting what Title IX says,
Starting point is 00:20:30 that you can't discriminate. But it says against women, it says against all sex, whatever. So they're not looking at biology as a thing. They don't believe it's man. There's no difference, just you're a person. But that's their argument, that Title IX sort of already covers this uh which is bullshit i told you you gotta go anyways i can't make that joke again about your daughter getting beat in a race the guy guy the woman's cock head flipped out right at the finish
Starting point is 00:20:58 line um but watch uh watch raw what's his name, Rand Paul. I love it when these assholes are confronted with logic. Go ahead. What do you think in general about boys running in girls' track meets like they've been doing in Connecticut? I think that it's critically important that education systems and educators respect the rights of all students, including students who are transgender, and that they are afforded the opportunities that every other student has to participate in extracurricular activities. Pause. Shut up! Shut, shut, shut, shut, shut up! Shut up!
Starting point is 00:21:40 Fucking quiz! Do you hear how he answered that, noncommittal? If you don't, he's going to do it again. Go ahead. The view that the top 20% of boys running in track meets beat all of the girls in the state and that it would completely destroy girls' athletics, that girls are being pushed out, they don't make the finals in the state meet, they don't get college scholarships, that it's really detrimental to girls' sports. Do you worry about having boys running girls track meets you know i i recognize and appreciate the concerns um right away you know he's going to come up with another bullshit
Starting point is 00:22:16 when they go i recognize it i was a salesman those are fucking things you do with objections coming i can i appreciate you think this meet should be $4 a pound instead of $71 that I'm selling you out of the back of a truck. But listen to me. But that's how you know. Go ahead. And the frustrations that are expressed as commissioner of education have had conversations with families who have felt the way you just described it and families of students who are transgender. So I understand that this is a challenge. So which one do you favor? Answer the question.
Starting point is 00:22:50 This is so typical of progressives. You know what? We know how he feels. He's on the transgender side because his boss at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue just said he was right. What's he going to go against him? I appreciate both sides. I've met with transgender parents and, and, and, and, and, and I've met with, uh, you know, uh, parents who have kids who the son likes pussy and the girl likes dick. You know, I, uh, I, I feel for both of them.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Shut it. Go ahead. Or to working with you and others to, do you think it's fair to have boys running in the girl's track, mate? I think it's appropriate for it's, I think it's fair to have boys running in the girls' track meet? I think it's appropriate for... I think it's the legal responsibility of schools to provide opportunities for students to participate in activities, and this includes students who are transgender.
Starting point is 00:23:36 So you don't have a problem then with boys running in the girls' track meet, swimming meets, name it. You're okay then with boys competing with girls? By police standard, I think I answered the question. I believe schools should offer the opportunity for students to engage in extracurricular activities, even if they're transgender. I think that's their right. All right. Well, a lot of us think that that's bizarre, you know, not very fair.
Starting point is 00:23:59 You know, I come from a family that has a lot of girls who have been have competed in college athletics, have been state champions. And frankly, you know, some boy that's six foot two competing against my five foot four niece doesn't sound very fair. I think most people in the country think it's bizarre, you know, that it's just completely bizarre and unfair that people and you're in the Department of Education. You've got no problem with it um that concerns me and i think it's this kind of thing is going to lead to really just the vast majority of america just wondering who are these people that think it's okay from what planet are you from i mean i think it's okay that boys that somehow would be fair oh baby do we have another we got one more clip where uh he he sums it up nice he you see what happens how this guy melts you see what progressives do i don't care what what policy they're talking about because you know why they're living in a fucking alternative universe
Starting point is 00:25:05 that when that when they're confronted with the truth they try well both sides do it no republicans don't say we're the party of science and then when you question about science you abandon it they have no i like to strangle every one of them here's our ram paul's final i think the fact that you seem to be afraid to answer the question or you basically do answer the question by saying it's okay without saying it's okay really is a statement to a real problem we have and a disconnect between
Starting point is 00:25:33 what middle America and what most Americans actually believe. I fucking love it. I'm loving it. And he's right. I would like to know, seriously, because they stole the far, I don't give a fuck what, I would really like to know the percentage of people that agree with these far left things they're trying to pass. I swear to God, it's fucking 94 to 6 in – people don't – most heterosexual couples
Starting point is 00:26:09 and this is – I'm not slamming transgender. I don't like the people. They showed – I don't think I gave it a – they had two black trans women. That means they were boys. I think they were brothers and cis brothers or whatever the fuck but they they're clearly guys their voices are deep but you know they talk kind of swishy and you know they're winning by a hundred and again the tiny part of me is like yeah you know sorry we we are actually superior and no matter how many steroids and adidictomies you do whatever you're never gonna beat us nick that's kind of well i'm just saying there's so much every commercial you watch for the last 40 years has a woman or movie beating up a guy or how many how many i want you guys to start counting
Starting point is 00:26:56 the commercials where a woman is hitting a heavy bag this i've been calling this one out for 15 years. Every commercial or it's a woman with a heavy, whether it's for toothpaste or fucking Tide or an actual piece of equipment from Peloton, they have that lot of female anger out there. They just want to be men. If I hit this hard enough, my cock will grow. Anyways, guys, last week in Tampa was so great uh decided to add more tour dates I'll announce them here as they come in and uh I won't be going out every weekend because of these stupid rules
Starting point is 00:27:36 but I'm gonna try and come to the places you guys have been asking me to come to and my boy Tommy Nicky is just great at this right now i'm announcing that i'll be at soul joel's comedy in royersford pennsylvania on saturday may 15th if you're near philly allentown lancaster or harrisburg make plans i know you guys you've come out to see me in pennsylvania in droves to come out to this show. This is as close to those places as I'm going to get. So please come out. Again, May 15th at Soul Joel's in Royalsford, Pennsylvania. A lot of my buddies have already done this one.
Starting point is 00:28:12 And you can get those tickets starting now at And don't forget to move from Patreon. And I keep reminding you of that stuff. And you got to do it man okay okay uh i stumbled over this while i was preparing for the show last night um i was laying there thinking about political correctness and how it's really you know it's really beating up on comedy especially guys like me and i i stumbled over this by accident it was jim carrey must be in living living color sketch, I'm guessing. He's playing Don Rickles at like a UN meeting.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Carrey is a left-wing lunatic, fuck not, but he's a funny, talented dude. And this was him, this made me laugh because I'm watching it going, holy shit, I don't think they could do this today. And this is only, I don't know, I don't know how many years ago, quite a few, in living colors a while ago. But here's Jim Carrey as Rickles, and this made me laugh. Thank you, my darling, for that wonderful introduction. I'll wait in the car. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Yeah, baby. Let me get it. Oh, man. It's a good thing you cut it off, though, because the Arab was going to make a bid. Slavery joke. By the way, Habib, your wife called. The slurping machine is broken. Anyway, the slurping machine.
Starting point is 00:29:34 I don't know why he's here. Somebody rubbed a lamp, and I get three wishes. No, seriously, my friend. God knows I love the Arab people. I cough their names up every day. That's very funny. Honestly, my friend, God knows I love the Arab people. I cough their names up every day. Ahmed. That's very funny. Oh, and you're an Israeli.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Pardon me, I didn't recognize you without the gas mask. Let me make you feel at home. Incoming scum! Now that's comedy. Who asked you? I think it's only fair at this time to address the Iraqi delegate here today. Put your bail back on, ma'am. You're spilling the Polish guy.
Starting point is 00:30:29 So let's take that out of our world, right democrats people who voted for biden you're all for taking that let's take that because somebody might get offended you know because jim carrey was doing rickles and he made a bomb joke that means that the israelis are going to bomb some kids in palestine you know that's the mentality that's where we're headed. We're regressing. I will never change. I will be homeless before you motherfuckers shut me up. And people feel that way. Ask the people in Tampa. If that frigging COVID thing wasn't going on, we would have sold four out of four.
Starting point is 00:31:01 I would have been happy and made real money. But listen, I'm hanging in there. I'm 78. I'm not going away. I'm like fucking marvelous Marvin Hagler. I'm not quitting. Can't kill me. Although today I feel like Buddy Epson. My hips and knees are cracking.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Holy goodness gracious. Hey, did you see our boy Mike Lindell, who I'm so sick of? I know he's a nice guy. I know he was a crackhead at one point. I'm happy for his success. I don't like the way he hugs that pillow like it's a dead child he just found on a beach. Crazy looking. But, you know, he's putting millions of dollars of his own money into finding out what happened with this election because he knows it was stolen.
Starting point is 00:31:43 And I like the idea that maybe he's back into the crack this guy works around the clock i don't know he was on newsmax which is the new well it's people that left watching fox and they should because it's really you really see a stark difference they're jumping over to newsmax newsmax was the only channel out there that hasn't agreed to call you know know, the president the president. You know, they actually have some balls. Anyways, he was on. He was on and they wanted to ask him about some other issues or whatever.
Starting point is 00:32:19 And he kept bringing up the bringing up the election. bringing up the bringing up the election and uh the guy in the middle interviewing him gets fed up on newsmax and walks out in the middle of the interview uh take a look at this it's because i'm revealing all the evidence on friday of all the election problem with these machines so i'm sorry if you okay it's not my can i ask our producers can we we get out of here, please? Pause. Yeah, I don't want to. What? What fucking company shill? See?
Starting point is 00:32:49 Because he's afraid if I agree with this or whatever, we can't have this on Newsmax. Get him out now. Get the guy in the middle. His name's Sellers. Get him the fuck off this channel. You can see it. It's like a cancer if you looked at a microscope. He's worrying about
Starting point is 00:33:05 covering his ass he was probably told by the bosses uh but but they haven't i don't think they've agreed they you know so i don't know what he's getting nervous about um go ahead watch this i have to keep going over this we have not been able to verify any of those allegations you're mike hold on a second everybody hold on a second. Everybody hold on a second. Mike, Mike, hold on one second. Let's talk a little bit about just what is. Don't say a fucking word to me. I'll get up and I'll bury this telephone in your head. Fucking ran away. Bitch. Batch. bitch batch
Starting point is 00:33:47 it's hard to like I said when you're arguing with somebody who might have voted for Biden it's hard to yeah but the my pillow guy you're like oh what do the ShamWow guy have to say how about the fucking guy that sells a thing that dices onions in one but he's putting two million of his own money into digging into it.
Starting point is 00:34:07 And we know it was stolen. We know. You're the fucking problem. You fucking doctor. I'm telling you, H, you keep looking at me, I'm going to put you in the fucking ground. I promise you. Not this time. Did I give you another clip of Sellers?
Starting point is 00:34:24 He came on the next day, Sellers. This is supposedly an apology, but what he does is point out that Mike Lindell sort of didn't come on to talk about what they thought he was going to talk about. Here he is, the haircut. All right, Emerald, thank you very much. Now, folks, if you watched American Agenda yesterday,
Starting point is 00:34:40 you may have seen something out of the ordinary happen during an interview with Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow. Mike is a friend of this network, and we were supposed to discuss Twitter's decision to ban him and the impacts of cancel culture on his business. But there was some confusion, and Mike thought that we were to talk about vote fraud in the recent election. It's a topic we have covered extensively on Newsmax. I was frustrated that we couldn't focus on the current, very pressing issue of free speech and cancel culture. So you ran away like a bitch. There is no question that I could have handled the end of the interview differently.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Yeah, that's an apology. So he's the one who came on and didn't talk about what he said we're going to talk about. Get him out of there. Chicken shit. Anyways, so Newsmax,max again that's my advice you got to nip the cancer in the bud company guy they brag that they're the only one oh you know it is they were the only one that night that didn't call it for biden line is, don't run off the set. Unless it's like you're on The View and Whoopi Goldberg and what's the other dog face or
Starting point is 00:35:52 Behar are yelling at you. Bill O'Reilly get up and walk out of that one. Remember that? Fuck it. We'll do it live. Let's cut to my favorite part of the country. I've actually done comedy in this state of Oklahoma. I told you guys this before, I think. I did a Tulsa comedy club, and it was across the
Starting point is 00:36:13 street from, is it Liberty University? It's the one, Oral Roberts University. And in front of the school, they have a statue about 30, 40 feet high of two hands praying. And I had to do morning radio. And I said, I brought it up. I said, you know, they should put a dick in one of those hands to let tourists know what they're going to be doing the next two weeks. And the fucking phones lit up. People mad. Some of them going, I'm getting tickets.
Starting point is 00:36:46 This guy's funny, but most of them mad. But I got to give the guy credit. The manager club called me laughing. He goes, yeah, you lit the phones up, all right. Let me tell you why. Anyways, what am I talking about Oklahoma for? Well, a woman shot, she got shot, a woman in Oklahoma. You know, she was stealing a man's Nazi flag from his home.
Starting point is 00:37:06 She's suing him. Let's see that on Judge Judy. An Oklahoma woman who was shot several times by an Air Force veteran for swiping a Nazi flag. He's an Air Force veteran. Boy, Ilhan will have a fucking field day with this. She swiped a Nazi flag hanging outside his home and she's now suing him for negligence only in America. Kindle McVeigh filed a lawsuit against Alexander Feaster. Now look at Feaster. He's hanging that thing like it's a fucking America. Look, he's trying to do the Hitler mustache, but he didn't fill in the middle.
Starting point is 00:37:51 This guy, that guy's from Oklahoma. Look at him. If boy, if he ain't serious the right way. OK, now you can call him extreme. OK, lefties. But see, you lump me and all Trump supporters in with this knucklehead. But see, you lump me and all Trump supporters in with this knucklehead. Anyway, she's suing him for $75,000 in medical expenses, mental, physical pain and suffering after shooting her on June 28th. It was. It's pretty good. This is him in court the next day. McVeigh, 26. He's 26?
Starting point is 00:38:31 Oh, I'm sorry. She looks like an ugly Carrie Underwood, who's from Oklahoma, by the way. She looks like kind of a mongloid Carrie Underwood. Nick, why do you, I'm just saying, that's what I thought of. Anyways, McVeigh, 26, the broad, was at a house party across the street from Feaster's home when someone dared her, that's what gin and tonic will do to you, somebody dared her to yank down one of his two Nazi flags. Oh my God. Bitch, you're crazy. You're a bitch.
Starting point is 00:39:06 You're a bitch. You're crazy. I'll do it. As she ran back to the party with a flag, Feaster shot at her with his AR-15 rifle, striking her several times in the lower abdomen and legs.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Are you shitting me? She survived this? McVeigh was hospitalized for several weeks but survived that's a tough broad obviously those weren't hollow point that would have left you know exit wounds the size of a pie plate in her legs feast of 44 was charged with assault and battery and um falsifying a Hitler mustache that That was 1500 with a deadly weapon. He's been released on $75,000 bail. Hey, that's what she's trying to sue him for. And has court appearance in a March.
Starting point is 00:39:53 He claimed he acted in self-defense and that he's the victim of a hate crime. Oh, come on, fella. White power, one, two, three, four. That's silly. That's Oklahoma for you. We've got some scary people in the country. Now, where was this guy in the Capitol riot day? You know me?
Starting point is 00:40:18 Bring in the heat. Nick, are you encouraging? No, I don't agree with any of that. That's hate. That's pure hate. Speaking of pure hate, you know who's hated all of a sudden? The CEO of Parler. He was fired.
Starting point is 00:40:33 CEO John Matz. Parler has terminated CEO John Matz, according to a memo Matz sent to staffers that has been obtained by Fox News. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired. On January 29th, the Parler board controlled by Rebecca Mercer, seen here, Madeline Kahn lookalike, as Jason said, Rebecca Mercer decided to immediately terminate my position. This is him writing it. As CEO of Parler, I did not participate in this decision, Matz wrote. I understand that those who now control the company have made some communications to employees and other third parties that have unfortunately created confusion and prompted me to make this public statement.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Matz wrote that over the past few months, he's been met with constant resistance to his original vision for the social media platform. You guys all know what it is. Following Amazon's decision to shut Parler down for failure to moderate egregious content, which is an egregious and egregious move against the Constitution related to the January 6th Capitol riot. He says and Dan Bongino's part owner of this and uh as well i was coming to work he's saying that this guy's lying so i didn't get the full thing this guy john matt says i have worked endless hours and fought constant battles to get the parlor site running but at this point the future of Parler is no longer in my hands, he said. Parler has been down since Amazon Web Services cut it off and was expected to relaunch before the beginning of February. But things were delayed. A Parler insider told Fox News
Starting point is 00:42:20 the delay was caused by new branding and changes occurring within the company for the sake of stability sounds like a bunch of poop a cock a poopoo poop a cock a poopoo i give the guy credit he fucking brought it this far now they get their own i think they're getting their own platform somebody told me they're ready to make whatever. But I'll say it again about Parler and other sites that are like, hey, you righties that hate Twitter and all the other come to here where you have total free speech. Well, obviously, if
Starting point is 00:42:54 I'm a Twitter lefty piece of garbage, I'm going to go. I'm coming over with you. We're here to fuck up your party here, too. Am I wrong there? Anyways, guys, if you're on Rumble, BitChute, Gab, DLive, or Telegram, please follow my channel on those platforms. Excuse me. I've just started channels on each of them. My show will be available on each starting February 22nd. Again, February 22nd.
Starting point is 00:43:29 22nd. Again, February 22nd. And I'm updating them daily already. So the sooner you follow me, the faster I can get verified. So please make this happen. Follow me on these sites. We're putting the show everywhere. If they let me be me, great. If they don't and they try to censor me, fuck them. I don't give a shit. I'm not changing what I do. I said that earlier. Again, make sure you're following me on Rumble, Bitchute, Gab, DLive, and Telegram. Thank you guys so much.
Starting point is 00:43:56 You understand that you guys, you're our lifeblood, honestly. And I love talking every day to you, but I feel I can see you when I'm talking to you. Matter of fact, on the way home in the car, I'm still talking to you. It's getting kind of creepy, my wife said. Anyways, the other people that keep us up, the people who make donations,
Starting point is 00:44:15 again, or, Patreon, one-time donation since last night, William Jennings of Florida, Sean Powell, Florida, Duncan Blownuts, Florida, Jeff Reeder, California, James Sheehan, Massachusetts, Victor Salmany, New York, Michael Smith, Florida, David Hershberger, Illinois, Belt Loops Matter, Kentucky, Belt Loops Matter, Kentucky. What?
Starting point is 00:44:45 Douglas Goff. Never heard that name until quarterback. Florida. And I want to thank, listen to this, more subscribers last night at the monthly level. New monthly supporters. Glenn Dahl, California. Lincoln Stack, California. Mark Penizza, Australia.
Starting point is 00:45:05 Gabe Eaglin, Louisiana. Philip Tekel, Michigan. James Reimenschneider, Armed Forces Pacific. Daniel Haley, Mississippi. Jason Rourke from Maryland. Thank you guys so much for signing up as monthly subscribers. When you do that, you're going to get an extra story every day. Nobody else gets. You can ask a question,
Starting point is 00:45:27 access to the archives and all that stuff. So, thank you so much. The show's needed. Thank God for podcasting when you think about it, huh? I mean, we already knew the mainstream media, television networks have been
Starting point is 00:45:42 feeding us liberal horseshit since the fucking late 70s, 80s, 90s. Now we're 20 years into this. And we went, oh, something called the Internet. Now we get a fair. No, no, that's even worse of a left wing cesspool. So at least podcasting, I'm sure they'll be banging on my door going, no, no more of this either. It's ridiculous. You know who's as frustrated as me?
Starting point is 00:46:07 This guy, Mark Robinson. Who's he? Well, this guy is a law enforcement guy. Second day of Black History Month, which is ironic. An editorial cartoon published on, owned by Capital Broadcasting, had Lieutenant Governor, that's him, Mark Robinson, so upset that he called a news conference comparing him to a Klansman. And here's the story, the local story. The cartoon by Dennis Drawn stems from the State Board of Education's upcoming meeting
Starting point is 00:46:38 about K-12 social studies curriculum. The elephant Klansman, representing gop board members who are against history lessons that include the words systemic racism discrimination and gender identity how can you be talking about history put those words back anyways and and how can you be talking about history and and and be uh talking about systemic racism what were the other ones i mean these are contemporary words. If you guys haven't followed, remember Trump shot down this,
Starting point is 00:47:10 what was it called, Jason? The critical race theory and the 1600 project or whatever the fuck. They shot it down because all that is is brainwashing kids from the kindergarten level how evil this country is.
Starting point is 00:47:23 So this guy, Mark Robinson, who's black, he would know how evil it is or whatever so he's pushing back and this is what they do this is what the left does to this guy uh go ahead elephants caption reads we prefer a clean sheet accusing capital broadcasting of bucking its own diversity and inclusion standards. The hypocrisy is mind-numbing, folks. As the Lieutenant Governor slams Capital Broadcasting. That was them. Did you hear the record?
Starting point is 00:47:52 The needle across the record? You do that when somebody says something stupid? Little shit like that. Do you pick up on it? So the network is actually letting you know how they feel about this guy by putting in that little sound effect. Go ahead. Well, the network is actually letting you know how they feel about this guy by putting in that little sound effect. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:48:13 He is once again being questioned about his controversial private Facebook post that went viral last year while running for office. Oh, can we go back to that? No. He put up some controversial. I don't give a shit. He's black. Mark Keith Robinson. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:48:25 I didn't know that! One of my two black friends, Keith Robinson, very funny comedian. Anyways, go ahead. The posts were anti-Semitic, homophobic, and racial. Michelle Obama's an anti-American, abortion and gay marriage supporting liberal leftists, elitists,
Starting point is 00:48:42 and I'll be glabbing, he takes his boyfriend and leaves the... I want this guy on the ticket. What's the other one say? Half of black Democrats don't realize they are slaves and don't know who their masses are. The other half don't care. What's false about that?
Starting point is 00:49:01 And that's homophobic? Yeah, Michelle Obama, you're right. She doesn't look like fucking defensive end for the Redskins. I mean, the Washington football team. Good, good, good, good. Go ahead, let her roll. Insensitive. And I explained this to you before, Tim.
Starting point is 00:49:19 When I made those posts as a private citizen, I was speaking directly to issues that I'm passionate about. But as a public servant, and was speaking directly to issues that I'm passionate about. But as a public servant, and I said this to you, as a public servant, I have to put those opinions behind me and do what's right for everyone in North Carolina.
Starting point is 00:49:37 Amen. You notice the black people in government, law enforcement, that have an IQ over 11. They got their shit together. And even then, when a black man has had enough of this PC horse shit and call this country racist and shit, I mean, do you need any more proof? He says, and I quote, to call our system of government racist, that is an untruth as far as I'm concerned. I truly believe that that is an untruth as far as I'm concerned. I truly believe that that is an
Starting point is 00:50:06 untruth as far as history is concerned. It does a disservice to our students to put the idea in the mind of children that they live in a nation that has promoted racism, he said at the time. God bless him. You are correct, sir. During the weekend, the North Carolina National Association for I Hate White People, that would be the NAACP, and they still call themselves colored people in the thing. The president, Reverend T. Anthony, he's another dope whitey hater. Reverend T. Anthony Spearman rallied for board members to include the words in the curriculum. Anthony Spearman rallied for board members to include the words in the curriculum.
Starting point is 00:50:50 In other words, the words that say that this is a racist, you know, to include systemic racism and all the contemporary words. They can't get out of their own way. I can't. I can't take it no more. Robinson ended by saying we should be teaching history and the horrible things that took place from a victorious perspective. That is so well put. What have I been saying? The left never acknowledges how much progress we've made. They're always pulling us back and they call themselves forward-thinking people. They're always stuck in 1955, Jim Crow laws, slavery. They can never move
Starting point is 00:51:23 forward. You know why? This is what they hang their hat on. Once they admit to that, they have nothing. That race car becomes just benign. They have nothing, and they're never going to give it up. But he's right, because we should look at it from a victorious perspective. Because if it was as racist as the left says, he wouldn't be in the position he's in. Or Obama wouldn't have been elected.
Starting point is 00:51:49 These standards lead to the wrong direction. They lead to an anti-American sentiment, Robinson said. If we want to teach children to embrace a system, tell them to embrace a system that ended slavery, that ended Jim Crow, that gave women the right to vote. A goddamn man. You are correct, sir. Robinson does not want the state school board to make a decision this week on the social studies standards. He said the topic is too divisive and more time is needed to speak to people on both sides of the issue. Boy, he really
Starting point is 00:52:16 seems unfair, doesn't he? Calling him a Klansman. You fucking people are disgusting. Finally tonight, and finally, last story of the week, ladies and gentlemen, Arizona Senate, this is kind of good news. What did I say after the election? Eventually shit's going to drip out about how stolen it was. I'm still sticking to that. Arizona Senate to hold Maricopa County in contempt of court. The Arizona Senate is set to pass a contempt resolution finding that the Maricopa County board has failed to comply with a subpoena demanding access to election equipment and ballots cast in the November election. Why would they want to hide those? With the potential threat of arrests alluded to in the shorter pass resolution,
Starting point is 00:53:04 we're going to get to the truth. I'm going to find out what the shorter pass resolution. We're going to get to the truth. I'm going to find out what the hell happens here. The Senate introduced the resolution Wednesday afternoon. Timing on a full Senate vote is unclear, but all 16 Republican senators are listed as sponsors, meaning it is virtually certain to pass. Finally, somebody's pushing back a little too late. If the resolution is enacted,
Starting point is 00:53:35 you remember Arizona was a clusterfuck as far as the election goes. How many people out of state voted there? If the resolution is enacted, the five members of the county board could be arrested for failing to comply. It authorizes Senate President Karen Phan, who I'm no fan of. Oh, cut the shit. No, she's actually great. Karen Phan to take all legal action needed to enforce the subpoena. Get them lawyers.
Starting point is 00:53:57 Get them. Counselor. We need your help now, you dirty bastards. Counselor. Here's the resolution, a document in full of what it demands demands that the president of the Arizona Senate take all legal action pursuant to section 41-1153 Arizona revised statutes to enforce the subpoena. Section 41-1153 states, A, if a witness neglects or refuses to obey
Starting point is 00:54:20 legislative subpoena or appearing neglects or refuses to testify the Senate or the House may by resolution enter in the journal commit him for contempt. B, a witness neglecting or refusing to attend in obedience to a subpoena may be arrested by the sergeant at arms and brought before the Senate or House upon authority of a copy of the resolution signed by the president, that would be Finn, or speaker and countersigned by the secretary of chief clerk. So these guys are going to have to do the perp walk, hopefully. Don't you move, you motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:55:00 I'll blow your brains out. This is from the AP that could be more liberal either. I'll blow your brains out. This is from the AP that could be more liberal either. The Senate has demanded access to voting machines and all 2.1 million ballots cast in the election. Did you just get into it now? The board has said it can't comply because ballots are sealed by law and the voting machines the Senate wants to examine need to remain secure. I don't like that answer. You're lying. And you're a piece of shit. Why does it have need to remain secure. I don't like that answer. You're lying.
Starting point is 00:55:26 And you're a piece of shit. Why does it have to remain secure, the voting machine? Board Chairman Jack Sellers said Wednesday he was frustrated that the Senate was threatening to find the board in contempt, saying he met personally with Senate President Karen Fann and thought both sides agreed to try to settle the issue. You fucking.
Starting point is 00:55:46 Why? Why like a bitch? Anyways, that was some good news, right? I thought it's going to drip out, folks. It's going to drip out. Sidney Powell. Boy, she went away in a hurry, huh? She's being sued for like a billion dollars by Dominion.
Starting point is 00:56:02 So that'll come out. I'm telling you you it's what a filthy filthy political system we have just bribes and all kinds of horseshit i don't have to tell you that anyways uh that is it for the week ladies and gentlemen thank you again don't forget to move all your stuff over to the comics gym that's like-M dot com, because that's where I will be. We'll be cutting even more loose, I guess. I can't wait to do that. And thank you guys for contributing.
Starting point is 00:56:32 Don't forget, where you can have me roast one of your friends or relatives. I'll make a quick video on my phone, send it to them. People use it as birthday gifts or whatever. I can make or break the day. Anyways, go to, click on my phone, send it to them. People use it as birthday gifts or whatever. I can make or break the day. Anyways, go to, click on my profile, fill out the thing, and I will make a video destroying somebody. It's so much fun. That is it. You guys think it, I will say it. You're very welcome. We will see you back here on Monday. Have a great weekend, everybody. guitar solo I'm out.

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