The Nick DiPaolo Show - Derek Chauvin Railroaded?| Nick Di Paolo Show #1489

Episode Date: November 28, 2023

In this episode right leaning comedian Nick Di Paolo talks about High School Segregation, Trades in Gaza, Chauvin Railroaded and more! Like what you hear?  Get TWICE as much "Nick Di Paolo Show", ful...l episodes of Steven Crowder’s “Louder with Crowder” show and more on Mug Club! Sign up today to get all their content at and use the promo code NICKDIP to get your first month FREE! For Tour Dates, Merch, stand-up clips and more visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Oh boy, is this great! Hi. Welcome to the show. It's a Tuesday. Check me out tomorrow night. No, tomorrow morning. What am I saying? On Louder with Crowder. I'll be there live in the studio with him. Big debate between Newsom and DeSantis, which Sean Hannity organized. So I'll be with Crowder in a studio there, and we'll be shitting all over that. It'll be terrific. I cannot wait to see how Newsom tries to defend his record. If I'm DeSantis, I don't even say anything.
Starting point is 00:01:21 They bring up a subject. I hold up pictures of tents everywhere. Guy taking a shit in the street. I hold up pictures of tents everywhere. Guy taking a shit in the street. Dead black guy. Dead Asian woman. I just do this. Then I'd hold up like as far as the school system where it's ranked. That's all you got to do. I mean, I swear to God, if I had to fill in with the Santhas, I think I could win that debate. It's like debating a retarded guy. Can you imagine her even thinking about him?
Starting point is 00:01:49 Where the fuck are we going? Guys are hardcore Marxists. How's he even in, how's Nikki Haley still in the fucking running? We got a story about her. Chris Christie, that's how you know it's all bullshit. That big fat whining baby. Just shitting all over Trump. Really, Republicans?
Starting point is 00:02:10 Really? That's what you got? I like J.D. Vance, man. The new senator from Ohio. Because there's another racial story out. Something called de-centering whiteness. Some theory that some some somebody came up with and wrote a book about and his quote on X was I've had it
Starting point is 00:02:29 with this shit he's gonna investigate the person who wrote the book and their finance that's what I want to see a little pushback fucking pussies speaking of pussies my Bruins dropped their third in a row. Uh-oh. They've been hanging out. You know what? The goalie's been carrying them. That's the deal. Now some cracks are starting to show.
Starting point is 00:02:51 I'm sure they'll be fine, but it's the first time they've lost. You guys don't give a fuck. Let's talk about women's softball. Now, they have some nice asses. You ever watch that? Too bad, you know, in the front's a cock. Listen! That's not true, Nick. I know. Anyways, where was I?
Starting point is 00:03:10 What was I talking about? Girl softball. Girl softball. Anyways. Alright, enough of the horse shit. Let's get on with it, shall we? There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time i don't like that type of talk as livia soprani's to say i'm the only one in this family
Starting point is 00:03:35 doesn't use that type of language in our reverse the races segment tonight there's a high school in evanston evanston illinois illinois seems to lead the way in stupidity because it's as blue Racist segment tonight. There's a high school in Evanston, Illinois. Illinois seems to lead the way in stupidity because it's as blue as you can get. Offers a so-called affinity classes in which black and Latino. Right away you go, okay, affinity. Okay, they're hiding something. In which black and Latino students, I like the way they even word it, are separated from white students. What?
Starting point is 00:04:06 You heard me. I'm telling you. That's what it says. I don't want to talk to you. Get away from me. Like white people have a disease. Creating classes for students of a single race is a strategy that has been used sparingly in public K through 12 education. Yeah, because it's illegal. It's fucking segregation. Or maybe it's not illegal.
Starting point is 00:04:32 I see when the people on the left do it, it's fine. Just think of a white school saying, we're going to do this. That's all this is. I guarantee the person of color or a white lived did the same thing. When it does happen, it is more often in elective classes or after-school programs focused on leadership skills and creating a sense of belonging. If you don't feel like you belong here, that's on you. This fucking country is bent over backwards to make every ethnicity and race comfortable. So if you don't like it, take your fucking kids and go back to where you came from. There's some old-school racism for you. Honest to God, I'm so fucking tired. Belonging, marginalized communities, underserved
Starting point is 00:05:14 community. What the? It's all oppressor. Racist, not racist. White people, bad. Indians and chinks, good. Oh Nick nick don't talk like that i'm only kidding researchers have found some small improvements in grades and okay underline the fucking word small improvements in grades and retention from such programs in other words the kids will show up if the kids they're hanging out look like them that's never going to change get it through your heads if you go to a school cafeteria today it cafeteria today, it looks like a cafeteria at a prison. Black table, Asian table, white. It's just natural. So quit trying to fight it, dinks. Other studies have shown some improve educational outcomes. Again, some. Such as graduation rates. Well, put up the numbers
Starting point is 00:06:02 for black and Latino students taught by teachers of the same race. You know who had it right? And I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever. I do not play that with any sense of guilt. Why, Nick? Well, because it's the fucking left now. Black and brown people calling for this shit. So why don't you admit you're as racist as you said George Wallace was? Maybe he wasn't. Maybe he was just smarter than you. School districts in Minneapolis,
Starting point is 00:06:37 oh, there's a good example. Seattle and San Francisco, again, the same shitholes. Just take a look at those cities i mentioned and oakland anybody want to live there they get they offer optional race specific elective courses federal anti discrimination laws prevent public schools from mandatorily separating students by race but education lawyers say whatever that is uh say optional courses can comply with the... See how they cut out little niches for themselves? And again, it's lawyers. A lot of times within our education system, black students are expected to conform to a white standard.
Starting point is 00:07:15 Oh, boy, you. Yeah, that means reading and writing and doing well. Honest to God and showing up on time without a pencil stuck in your afro. That's what that means. Said Dina Luna, there she is, who leads Black Student Achievement Initiatives,
Starting point is 00:07:32 and again, what color is she, white, in Minneapolis public schools. We have to get them out of our population, people who think like, the district offers middle and high school students electives focused on African American history, because we haven't done enough of that in our schools for the last 40 years and
Starting point is 00:07:51 social emotional support Boy, are you racist? Black and brown people need emotional support. They need their own history They need teachers to look like them when they teach them all proven bullshit over the years How do you explain some of the black and brown students who excel? Or Asian people? Or Indians? How do you explain that?
Starting point is 00:08:13 Last time I checked, the fucking professors at Harvard didn't, well, some of them were Indian, but I'm talking K through 12 at heart. So they have to be taught by teachers of color. Created in 2015 for black boys. That's racist. The format is expanded to black girls and will soon expand to Latino students. Just get away from whitey.
Starting point is 00:08:35 They're the problem, even though they founded the country. An internal study showed improved attendance for black boys in the program in 2017. I don't even believe any of this. And average GPAs of 2.27. That's what I got. That's terrible. Compared with 2.14 for black males district-wide. In our spaces, you don't have to shed one ounce of yourself
Starting point is 00:08:54 because everything about our space is rooted in blackness. Oh, my God. I'm getting mad. Listen to him, Luis. That's what happens when you mix black and white. Ten more seconds, he's going to call a nigga. Do you believe what I'm
Starting point is 00:09:11 reading here? Everything about our space is rooted in blackness. That's fucking brilliant. And therein lies the problem, says the woman who wants a colorblind society. Max Eden, an education researcher at the conservative-leaning American Enterprise, you know we're in trouble when this guy's on our side.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Look at him. He's as fruity as a goddamn buttercup. Said he believes affinity classes undermine the goal of the Civil Rights Act, which it does. Any retard would know that. Integration is a positive social good, he said. We want students to be colorblind. Again, it's gone 360. And to treat each other only on the basis of who they are as human beings. You know, I think Martin Luther King Jr. said that. But you black and brown people bring him up like he's your hero and you shit all over everything he believes in. And white liberals, by the way. Couldn't happen without white liberals. Christopher Chapman, who founded a program called Kill Whitey, no, Kingmakers of Oakland, what, Burger King chefs? To help black boys, said he spends at least a year tilling the soil by, Jesus, I see a ton of cotton. By building political support with community groups before launching the new district,
Starting point is 00:10:27 Kingmakers partners with the districts in San Francisco, Oakland, and Seattle to offer elective classes that support black students. A 2019 study on the original program for black boys offered by the Oakland Unified School District found that students who took the affinity class were slightly less likely to drop, again, slightly, a little more. That means like one or two kids made it. If that wasn't true, they'd put the numbers up for you. The district also offers elective and advisory classes designated for Latino, Asian, Pacific Islander,
Starting point is 00:10:58 Arab students, and Jerome Gordine, Director of Targeted Strategies for the District's Office of Equity. I don't know what the fuck that means. All I know is this. White power, one, two, three, four! Oh, my God. I don't believe. Hey, guys. Oh, my God. I don't believe.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Hey, guys. Anyways, for you people watching right now, stick around for the second half of the show. I will be talking about Target, the store Target. They are doubling down on their woke garbage. You won't believe. Even after they've lost billions of dollars. down on their woke garbage, you won't believe, even after they've lost billions of dollars. And I also want to talk about what kind of violence is going on in New York schools. I mean, kids.
Starting point is 00:11:56 If you want to see the, what am I saying? Disintegration. See, I got caught with the dis-segregation. Now I'm stuttering like, oh, I, well, I'll be talking about that for those of you, what do I say now? On Mug Club? Huh? You can get that at
Starting point is 00:12:16 Sign up for Mug Club, right? All right. Can you imagine? That's how I am if I rely on the fucking thing from the beginning. Just lazy. Hey, boys and girls, head over to to get exclusive hats, T-shirts, hoodies, and more. It's yet another way for you to support the show and look sexy at the same time. You can also get signed copies of my previous specials and all of the NICCA shirts.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Just go to and click on-shirts, just go to and click on store. Again, that's, click on store. Thank you guys so much. See you soon. Can't wait till we get to the 20-minute break. This is going to be hilarious. All right. So again, I just can't believe what I'm reading here. I is, I'll say it again. I'm happy I'm going to be 62 in a few months. Did I just say that? Let's move on to something lighter. Trade, you got treed. Treed deadline.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Trade deadline in Gaza. That's right. They're making a switch. Israel's getting two hostages to be named later. And Hamas freed 11 more Israelis you see how we've turned the narrative to now it's all about them it's making it sound like they're doing good when you couldn't free somebody
Starting point is 00:13:38 unless you fucking kidnapped them or are holding them hostage you see what I'm saying but I keep reading this and hearing it on TV. Hamas freed. That's how they do it. They distort it. Anyways, nine children and two mothers yesterday. The Israeli military confirmed that the nearly dozen kidnapped victims had been handed over to the Red Cross and were making their way to Israel. God bless them. It's freedom, baby. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:06 The hostages were expected to be freed in exchange for 33 picks in the second round. Belichick moved up one. He's got a cornerback out of the Gaza Strip and a center on the West Bank who runs a 4-2. Yeah, they have a very explosive line. An explosive offense. They throw a lot of Hail Marys. Oh, I got a good joke here. i don't know what to do with it but you know dei diversity equity inclusion uh ieds they confuse the there's something in there i'll dig it out later i'll tweet it and get 11 thumbs up uh the newly freed hostages were identified
Starting point is 00:14:43 as sharon Cuneo. What the hell? That sounds Spanish. 33. And her three-year-old twins, Emma and Yuli. Karina Engel, 51 years old, and her two daughters, Mika, 18, and Yuval, 10. 16-year-old Amit Shani, brother and sister Sahar, 16. And Erez Calderon, 12.
Starting point is 00:15:02 And brothers Or, 16, and Yigal Yakov, 12, the Times of Israel reported. I love their crossword puzzles. U.S. National Security Council John Kirby, a spokesman and paid liar, said there was a chance two American women, potentially dual U.S.-Israel citizens, would be among those freed in the latest round of release. Well, today's Tuesday, and I haven't heard anything about that, but maybe. Or at least over the next two days, after the Palestinian terror group Hamas in Israel agreed to extend their ceasefire deal through Wednesday. It was not immediately clear if the women were among those released.
Starting point is 00:15:48 And again, Biden, you'd think, look, this is how I feel about everybody's going, we're going to get the Americans back. Honestly, this is how I feel. I'd rather have little girls and boys of any nationality get freed before adults of any nationality. How's that for rationality? You know what I mean? I know the Americans are important. And breaking news, a fifth round of hostages released to Red Cross. Don't see any mention of the American women. Oh, all right.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Anyways, here's some video, and it really is sweet. Can you imagine? And they already said these kids are scarred. I just read one girl, who they got back already. Her dad says she whispers now. She won't talk out loud. And that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:16:32 She would traumatize. Picture you being a kid and seeing people shot up in your neighborhood. And she's hiding for her life. And now she whispers in tones, speaks in tones. The mental damage is, here's a reunion. Is this what I sent you? Because I don't recognize this. But it's good.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Did I? Oh, yeah. That's me pulling into the Tennessee game. And these things are always tense. Very tense. You never know if those are just two car bombs waiting to go off. Well, exactly. That's the level Hamas works at.
Starting point is 00:17:07 You know what I mean? Because they've proven they will blow themselves up. Or they'll get somebody else to drive it and blow it up. Yeah. Checkpoints. They make me nervous in this country. Okay. If the two American women are freed this week, they would be the fourth and fifth U.S.
Starting point is 00:17:26 citizens released by Hamas since the start of the war. U.S. officials believe Hamas is also holding several American men hostage. And yeah, good luck. Hey, where's all that feminist shit? No. In Gaza and that they are likely not to be included in the current swaps. And I'm sure black and brown people who vote Democrat are applauding that because, again, white men are the problem. With the ceasefire deal extended for two more days, Hamas has agreed to release a total of at least 20 more hostages, with Israel agreeing to free one Palestinian prisoner per hostage.
Starting point is 00:17:59 I wouldn't trust these motherfuckers. Durka, Durka, Muhammad Jihad. Haka Sherpa Sherpa. Abakala. As of Sunday, Hamas had released 58 hostages, including 40 Israeli citizens and 18 foreign nationals. On the Israeli side, officials have released 117 women and minors from its prisons. So the people they're releasing
Starting point is 00:18:25 literally have been convicted for trying to kill Jews and stabbings and shootings. Absolutely. The total Palestinian prisoners freed include 28 women, two teenage girls, and 87 teenage males. Hmm. Interesting, huh? At least 76 of the prisoners did not know what the charges against them were, according to, oh, CNN.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Yeah, so let's believe that statement. Yes, so good news for the freed. And then I read another story. There's a baby, like, what, 10 months old that they're still holding? Going into another territory. Into a different, yeah, different territory, just to torture the parents psychologically, the family. Are you fucking kidding me? But yeah, you go, I'll be pro-Hammah. This country's got a cancer in it, man, that needs to, I don't know how you
Starting point is 00:19:19 remove it. Well, I do, but I'd be charged with genocide. I don't know how. What? You heard it. Oh, for the love of my sister's ass. Hey, guys, for those of you on Mug Club, stick around for the second half of this show. Everyone else go to and join to get my full show, Stephen Crowder's full show. You got Brian Callen on that network. You got the Hodge twins.
Starting point is 00:19:44 And, of course, course every Friday Alex Jones not to mention the great undercover work they do breaking stories honestly if you're going to spend money on a podcast whatever it'll be well worth your while guitar solo Outro Music

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