The Nick DiPaolo Show - DeSantis Bites Back at Big Tech | Nick Di Paolo Show #484

Episode Date: February 3, 2021

DeSantis proposes new tech regulation. Bezos Bails. Mask mandate for travelers takes effect....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, with everything going on, we need the Comics Gym site now more than ever. Please click the support box on the right of your screen or click on this video now to contribute and to help keep us free and uncensored. I really appreciate it. guitar solo Yeah, baby. Yeah, baby. How are you, folks? Welcome to the show. Wednesday already. Holy moly. A Wednesday. Let's get right to it. I have doctor's appointments, and that's what happens when you're 58.
Starting point is 00:01:12 59. What am I saying? i'm already lying jesus christ it's like driving an old car shit starts to only thing is you can't sell it you're going over a cliff no clutch no brakes it's over johnny it's over it's not over you asked me how did you. We're back at the airport. People go to Baby Village. You know that vile crap? Amazon. What about it? Bezos. 1.6 trillion they did last year. How do you even? I don't get it. I couldn't run a lemonade stand. I think he's a happy girl. How about his fucking ex-wife who's a zillionaire because she divorced? I think he's a happy girl. How about his fucking ex-wife, who's a zillionaire because she divorced? Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Anyways, what about him? Amazon Z-E-Z-E-O? I'm all excited. Amazon CEO Jeff... I suck cock. Bezos. I love it. We'll leave his post later this year. Turning the helm over to company's top cloud executive,
Starting point is 00:02:07 Andy Jassy. He's Jassy. Look at that haircut. Jassy joined Amazon in 1997, has led Amazon's web service cloud team since its inception. Bezos said he'll stay engaged in important Amazon projects, but will also have more time to fuck up the rest of the world. That's what scares me. That's why he's doing them.
Starting point is 00:02:28 More dangerous. You know, he's got time on his hands now. More time, he says, to focus on the Bezos Earth Fund. That doesn't sound good. Nothing's more dangerous than an environmentalist with a trillion dollars. You watch this shit he's going to try to pull. Also, his Blue Origin Spaceship Company. I don't want that motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Can I get a used one? The Washington Post and the Amazon Day One Fund. Those are other things that he'll be working on. And when I tell you he's more dangerous with time on his hand, he's 50-70. Founded Amazon in 1994. Has since morphed the one day. I forgot it was a bookstore online. Remember?
Starting point is 00:03:09 I actually bought shit from this jerk. I think it was, you know what? Little Red Riding Hood and something about porn. Well, he turned that into a mega retailer with a global reach and a slew of different categories from gadgets to grocery streaming, women's sex toys,
Starting point is 00:03:28 hats. I like to buy nice hats. Amazon surpassed a trillion-dollar market cap under Bezos' leadership in January of last year. It's now worth more than $1.6 trillion. It seems foolish to have all this money lying around. Oh, you'd rather have it down at the bank where the Jewish guys can leer at it?
Starting point is 00:03:46 Yeah. Hey, fellas, take it easy. Those are the type of sound clips that, you know, probably got me, you know, Glenn Beck was like, oh, you got to go easy on that. Let's find somebody else. Anyways, I heard he's still a huge fan. The company had kept its succession plans quiet, though. Onlookers speculated that either Jazzy or Jeff Wilkie,
Starting point is 00:04:08 CEO of Amazon's worldwide consumer business, would be Bezos' eventual successor. In August, Amazon announced Wilkie will retire in 2021. Oh, I hope he's all right. I hope he has enough meat to rent every week. He's retiring that early? Jazzy, 53, will become CEO in the third quarter. I'd like to know what Jassy's
Starting point is 00:04:26 making. And I'd like to know what Wilkie's parachute was out of there. Imagine that package. I bet you the secretary there, you know, when you go to work for, although he's a cheap fuck, Bezos. He treats his workers like shit. But who was it
Starting point is 00:04:44 they always brought up? Bill Gates or somebody. Remember their secretary? Bought stock into like Microsoft the day she started. Probably how he speaks English. He's worth fucking billions. Anyways, good riddance, stupid. And like I said, that's the gist of that story. Keep your eyes open because he's not going to go away.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Trust me. You know who should be the next president right now? And I think that's all the politicians' aspirations. Why would you go to Washington? I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. Just because I work for the people. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. Love all these people that pretend to work for us to have four houses in Vail, Colorado. Ron DeSantis. Here's a guy, and I think he has a military background. This is the governor of Florida. Florida's been, he's like, fuck you and your COVID.
Starting point is 00:05:35 This guy's got balls. They went through a rough patch. They got through it. This guy, I love it. Right now, he would be in the lead on the Republican side. Anyways, he launched an offensive against big tech on Tuesday. He's had enough. Warning that the social media platforms are targeting politicians like former President Trump.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Now, they're targeting Trump now, but soon they'll be coming for the regular American citizens like me, vowing to combat the threat. Today, finally, somebody stands up. Today, they may come after someone who looks like me, he says. Tomorrow, they may come after someone who looks like you. And he's right. They already are. The big reset's underway. DeSantis, a Republican, said during a news conference outside the state capitol as he
Starting point is 00:06:30 announced the Transparency in Technology Act. I call it TIDA. What? This guy, I love it. He's a fighter. Everybody's going to be living in Florida. I mean, everybody moves there. That's been going on for a thousand years. The state's going to break off. But here's what he
Starting point is 00:06:48 had to say yesterday about big tech. Core issue here is this. Are consumers going to have the choice to consume the information they choose or are oligarchs in Silicon Valley going to make those choices for us? No group of people should exercise such power, especially not tech billionaires in Northern California. If I had to choose, I'd rather be governed by the first 50 names in the Tallahassee phone book than the CEOs of big tech companies. If you don't like Parler, then don't read it. Let's not have those choices made for us, or before long, we will have nothing more than someone else's choices imposed upon us a little late by a bunch of monopolies whose core business is to sell advertising these behaviors
Starting point is 00:07:32 are concerning to me as i know they are concerning to many floridians it's high time that we step up to the plate to ensure the protection of the people and their rights. Oh, God bless him. You are correct, sir. Amen. Amen, Mr. DeSantis. He's trying at least. I don't know what your chances are. And where are you going to get lawyers smart enough to out, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:03 anytime tech's involved? Like you saw the hearings with the senators and the congressmen i guess you have to get young lawyers who not open a gmail account because the senators remember this email thing with the uh the google thing uh what is it goggle google giggle i have a stalking giggle, Senator. They had no idea what the fuck. So he's got to find young fucking smart lawyers, and he's taking on a behemoth. But why is he the only one standing up? That's what's creepy. All the other Republicans taking it right in the ass because they get their pockets lined by Silicon Valley.
Starting point is 00:08:38 This is an oligarchy, this country now. You understand? Run by shitheads in the worst part of the country. Northern California. You don't get any more politically correct. I got fired from a club for smoking on stage
Starting point is 00:08:54 up there 20 years ago. Anyways, DeSantis singled out Twitter for suspending Trump's account due to the risk of further incitement of violence after the January 6th Capitol riots. And Amazon closing its services to the risk of further incitement of violence after the January 6th capital riots and Amazon closing its services to the social media alternative Parler.
Starting point is 00:09:11 What about, he says, what about the 88 million Americans who chose to follow Donald Trump? Oh, sorry. Content moderators on Twitter pulled the plug, DeSantis said. After Twitter suspended Trump's account, many of his followers turned to Parler, hoping to express their opinions and beliefs in a less regulated environment until tech behemoths turned against it. Yeah, they own all the servers and shit. I told you we had to build our own. I got my wife downstairs. She ain't fucking duct tape at all, guys. Got her up on the roof, her tits wrapped in tinfoil. She's facing wood.
Starting point is 00:09:47 What really scared me, DeSantis says, was the decapitation of parlor. That's right. That's a good word. The decapitation of parlor. I'm on my own! I'm on my own! Big Tech has come to look more like Big Brother with each passing day. As an example of Big Tech intervening
Starting point is 00:10:07 to block information, they disagree with DeSantis. Remember he mentioned the New York Post story from October about Hunter Biden's foreign dealings? Remember? They blocked it. Twitter blocked it. You don't think they had an effect on the election? They did a poll, 50%, over 50% of Democrats who voted for Biden didn't even know about that story. The Hunter Biden story was true. The typical corporate media outlets chose to ignore it. They wanted to beat Trump, adding that the report about President Biden's son couldn't get any traction weeks before the election. Just think about that. He said the reporters wouldn't have hesitated to go after him if he was the subject of the same story. Oh, you bet your ass.
Starting point is 00:10:50 As part of his measure, DeSantis suggested fines of $100,000 per day for deplatforming political candidates, as well as daily fines for any company that uses their content and user-related algorithms to suppress or prioritize the access of any content related to a political candidate or cause in the ballot. My only disagreement there is $100,000 a day, that's a fucking nickel to them. $100,000, how about $100,000 a minute? And they still wouldn't feel it.
Starting point is 00:11:23 How about we fucking skin them alive? Light them on fire like Gaza strip shit. Watch Fowder. Oh boy. People get, oh. The governor also called for allowing people to opt out of content algorithms requiring notification about changes in terms of service and providing the right of citizens to take legal action if these conditions are violated, which they always are. They always, you're going to read, ever see the terms of service? That's that thing. It's like the Magna Carta times 40.
Starting point is 00:11:55 It's in print this big. And you just, what do you do? You just go, yeah, I accept. The fuck am I going to do, read this? DeSantis announced that under his policy, the Florida Attorney General would be empowered to bring cases against the tech companies under the Unfair and Deceptive Practice Act.
Starting point is 00:12:14 The core issue here is this. Our consumers are going to have the choice to consume the information they choose. You know, that's even funny too. Think about that. Because we don't want to be there either. We choose, you know what I mean? That's how you know the objective truth is up, you know, up for debate today, let's say.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Because you have to actually choose. I wouldn't sit and watch MSNBC or CNN for more than four minutes. I try to because I like to cover all the stories. I guess some, did you see last night? I guess somebody from QAnon, he was an Indian guy with an Indian accent. He was on with Anderson Cooper, or is it Cooper Anderson?
Starting point is 00:12:54 I never can get that right. Two last names. What a douche. Anderson Cooper telling him that he thought Anderson Cooper used to eat babies. That was on CNN. I'm not dog-styling you. Anyways, to consume the infants they choose,
Starting point is 00:13:08 instead of, again, there being one truth, or oligarchies in Silicon Valley going to make those choices for us, is what he says. It's a sick question. You're a sick fuck, and I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it. It really isn't a sick question. It sadly has to be asked because there's so much fake horseshit out there. The left, I mean, not only do they have the megaphone, folks, the microphone, the message,
Starting point is 00:13:33 not only do they have that power, they use it to lie to you every second of the day. Who do we got left? We got Hannity, Levin, Laura Ingraham. Laura, I didn't mean that like that. I like Laura. Oh, he's dead. I love his look, Laura. Anyways, we have to, I don't know, we got to come up with more news stations. It's not controlling shit. That's going to take violence. We can't do that. Yeah, you can. Anyways, speaking of fake shit, there was a study done by, now, the minute I mentioned who did it, a professor at NYU. So you know it's right down the middle, said Nick.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Listen to what, this is what he came up with his study. Many Republicans routinely complain that big social networks systematically suppress right-wing viewpoints, but they've produced little real evidence of it. A New York study from New York University finds there is no evidence of it. And in fact, finds the opposite, that social media has spread right-wing viewpoints to wider audiences than ever before. And to that, I say, Fuck you, mother! Lying motherless. How dare you? This is their strategy. Same with the election.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Oh, you think it was stolen? You're a fucking conspiracy. You're crazy. Just shut up and move along. Do you fucking believe this? There's no evidence? And they didn't go and ask people. That's the other thing. The claim of anti-conservative animus itself is a form of disinformation. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:15:17 I can name eight people, influential people, that were kicked off YouTube. With huge audiences. Or demonetized. Or the Trump being shut down on Twitter. That's the only fucking example we need. A falsehood with no reliable evidence, said the lying cocksucker who did this. He says no trustworthy large scale studies have determined that conservative content is being removed for ideological. Yeah. You know why all the lefties do the fucking surveys is being removed for ideological reason
Starting point is 00:15:51 or that searches are being manipulated to favor liberal interests. It's not going to be long before you all kill yourselves because you're all crazy. Can you fucking imagine? And yet he says this little big lie has been alarmingly effective. Oh, they're lying. They're conservatives. A Pew Research Center poll from August 2020 found that 90% of Republicans and Republican leading independents believe it's at least somewhat likely that social media companies intentionally censor political viewpoints they find objective. That's not even, for Christ's sake, Zuckerberg went in front of, and Dorsey went in front
Starting point is 00:16:34 of the Senate and Congress. They had hearings, and even Dorsey admitted it. You'll find out why this study came about in a second. The NYU study conducted by disinformation and content moderation researcher, Paul Barrett, relies on tools such as CrowdTangle and NewsWhip, whatever the fuck that is. What is that, a dessert topic?
Starting point is 00:16:59 To track the spread in each, to track the spread and reach of right-wing content, Barrett, who is deputy director of NYU's Stern Center for Business and Human Rights, also assembled a chronology of all the claims and anecdotes posited by right-wingers such as Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Marsha Blackburn, as proof that social media suppresses conservative viewpoints. Really? That's who? Did you ask any every day? The crowders of the world? Fucking me. Like I said, they shut down the president. And they shut down the New York Post story about Hunter Biden. That's all we need to know. Even if it was only two things being suppressed, they were huge in scale.
Starting point is 00:17:46 The social media companies have mercenary outlook, Barrett says. They want to increase user engagement and they'll use whatever kind of content users are engaging with. If he says, if that's what a sensitive piece of political content, or if it's something cultural like kittens and puppies, it's all good he says oh my god what a fucking he's lying i am not you are so you big barrett's report also suggests that tech platforms provide more transparency on their content moderation decisions allow users to select the degree of content moderation of their so yeah, put the inmates in charge of it, of their social feeds, and hire more human content moderators. For social media regulation to
Starting point is 00:18:30 succeed, it may be best that the prominent Republicans who have been lobbying accusations of bias get out of the way, he says. Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! What it need, he says, what is is needed, along with the douchebag. This is what happens when you sit at NYU in your office and don't interact with the real. What is needed is a robust reform agenda that addresses the very real problems of social media content regulations as it currently exists, Barrett says. Only by moving forward from these false claims, how many times has he mentioned false claims, can we begin to pursue that agenda in earnest.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Of course, this whole study, folks, and here's where I come in, guess who funded it? Just, I don't know, throw one out there. How about George Soros, the evil Jew who sold out his own people during Nazi Germany? When's this guy going to kick the fuck off? What's he drinking, green tea every day?
Starting point is 00:19:31 Somebody spike it like Putin does. Look, he's got rosacea. This was funded by George. This is how it works. Do you understand? Soros says, I'll give you a bunch of money if you do this survey, right? And you put it out on this public, on this whatever, in this paper. He greases everybody.
Starting point is 00:19:52 So he funded this whole thing. So forget everything I just read to you because it's a left-wing propaganda bought and paid for by this evil fuck stain. Get this through your head, this through your head you jew motherfucker you he'll say i'm not jewish like he did while they were let's take a little we need a laugher after a couple of hard start this cracks me up and you guys my fans will be saying this now every time when they watch i was watching a thing on john gaudy a couple months ago and uh right after they busted him and i found an old clip from people who, you know, in the neighborhood, Gotti's neighborhood, let's say.
Starting point is 00:20:29 They did a local, you know, the local news in New York did a story interviewing people that sort of lived near Gotti and shit, and they found these two guys. This is right after they took Gotti down. This never gets old to me. Listen to these two guys and watch the guy's teeth, lack of teeth on the left. But listen to this guy.
Starting point is 00:20:49 On Mulberry Street, the lefty to the Don is strong. They wanted him at any cost, and they got him at any cost. He was the best guy around. What about the people he murdered? What murder? Do it again, Jason. On Mulberry Street, the wealthy to the don is strong. They wanted him at any cost,
Starting point is 00:21:08 and they got him at any cost. He was the best guy around. What about the people he murdered? What murder? Murder. I know my fans are going to catch on to that. That has to be a soundbite. He was the best guy around What COVID Oh god that makes me laugh
Starting point is 00:21:32 Anyways I thought I'd throw that in there In our Are you dog starting me Tonight Story on federal mask cops. Going to have a new force watching out under Biden that you may have your mask on. Cue the federal mask cops. Americans are now required to wear masks in planes, trains, buses, subways,
Starting point is 00:21:59 taxi car services, boats, and transportation hubs per a new order from the Centers for Disease Control. That's nice. We have them telling us what to do. And prevention. The CDC. You believe that? They're going to have cops enforcing this shit? You can't tell me our enemies aren't licking their chops right now. Hey, all the cops in the United States are worrying about masks. Let's set up shop on 48th Street, said the leader of Al Qaeda. That's faggot stuff. You want a call by its name, that's strictly for fags. So this took effect yesterday. Masks must be a, listen to this, of a style approved by the federal government.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Do I have to throw away my Donald Trump mask? Make America great again. It's going to have to be approved by the federal government and it must fit properly. Yeah, enforce that. Failure to comply will result in being prohibited from traveling, booted from the transit in question, and potential criminal penalties. Hey, guys who voted in jerk-off, Democrat, you got enough government in your life yet, huh?
Starting point is 00:23:01 Is that what you want? Because it's coming. This is just the beginning. The order will be enforced by Transportation Security Administration, TSA. Oh, well, they do such a bang-up job, TSA agents. You know, people who couldn't make it at Wendy's. And other federal authorities,
Starting point is 00:23:19 as well as state and local officials. Imagine the cops not going to see you with a mask on at CVS and don't you move you motherfucker I'll blow your brains out. To the extent permitted by law federal agencies are required to implement additional measures enforcing the provisions I'm sorry of this order the CDC says. CDC reserves the right to enforce through criminal penalties, the agency adds, though it claims not to intend to rely primarily on these criminal penalties. The feds may also implement additional civil measures enforcing the provisions of the order,
Starting point is 00:23:56 which is not a rule within the meaning of the Administrative Procedure Act. What are they talking about? But rather is an emergency action emergency i just did a story two days ago about the nfl some guy followed the whole covet angle did you guys catch it i hope you did they tested plays five and six times a day what was this six hundred something thousand tests and two guys actually had to be hospitalized. And the other ones that tested positive never got sick. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Do you understand what they're doing, folks? They're just going to see how far they can make you submit to shit. Get used to it. This is the world we're living in. Meanwhile, deputizing federal agents, state authorities, and local cops to enforce transit mask rules will open up all sorts of new police harassment and abuse opportunities which is true who the fuck are you yeah take down that mask so you're gonna have people going black people go
Starting point is 00:25:00 they you know they saw a black person with a mask. That's why he asked me to, you know, or whatever. I wasn't wearing it right. Black while masking. There's going to be all kinds of fucking, you know, oh, I just, they're so in love with power. It's just fucking, that's what you want. Cops looking for people not wearing the right kind of mask. Meanwhile, you know, China's whatever. Only targeting people without masks might not seem to leave a lot of room for discriminatory enforcement. But the CDC order doesn't just stop at people not wearing masks. In fact, it leaves a lot up to officials' discretion. For instance, travelers can take masks off while eating, drinking, or taking medication.
Starting point is 00:25:46 I said that. I'm on a plane. They make you wear the mask, but you can take it off to eat. So apparently COVID, the minute it hits peanut dust or blue chip dust, it disintegrates. You can take masks off eating, drinking, taking medication, leaving room for a lot of individual judgments and how long it's reasonable or appropriate to remove a mask. So you're going to have people arguing with cops. I had it off for four minutes.
Starting point is 00:26:14 I was eating, you know. Don't you see? It's not even about the COVID or the mask. It's about control. They're going to control your ass every day. A mask for during these acts, as well as misinterpretations in whether someone is allowed to have a mask on or off at a given moment. Yeah, no room for a mess here, huh?
Starting point is 00:26:35 The CDC order also says it's not enough to simply wear a mask. It has to be a certain kind of mask. For instance, if you're from Buffalo, you can't wear a New England Patriot mask. You'll be shot. A Green Bay Packers fan will be killed if they have a Vikings mask. It can't be a bandana. Uh-oh. Blacks and Browns are going to get angry. Can't be a scarf. Fags will get upset. Ski mask. Again, black and brown. No, I'm kidding. It's white guys in those commercials. Or a balaclava. Balaclava.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Those are Middle Eastern fucking silly hats and towels. It can't fit too loosely or too tight. Do you believe this? It can't contain an, you know, exhalation. I'm not saying that right. Exhalation. No, exhale. Uh, or, uh, it can't contain a valve that lets you breathe out.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Can't be made of knitted fabrics, leather, plastic, or a lot of people wearing leather masks, are you? What did you do? Skin a couple of girls in your basement two years ago? Yeah. Great idea, Joe. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah. The new CDD rules apply to any passengers, operators, or staff of any aircraft, train, road
Starting point is 00:27:57 vehicle, vessel, or other means of transportation, including ride shares, meaning arrangements where passengers travel in a privately owned road vehicle driven by its owner in connection with a fee or service, I guess in sort of like Uber, on the premise of a transportation hub defined as any airport, bus terminal, marina, or seaport. Oh, my fucking word. Anyways, I want to thank everybody. I got some for donating to the show. We had a good day last night.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Good night. Have another cup of coffee, Nick. Your blood pressure is 770 over 590. But I got a few housekeeping notes for you people. For those of you watching on, and then that should be everybody at this point, please make sure to click the red subscribe button right now. Who's that handsome devil with the horns?
Starting point is 00:28:58 Click the red button, subscribe button right now. This is going to enable you to get an email every time I post a new video. And unlike YouTube, this one actually works. Second, I want to thank all of you who have picked up some show merchandise and who have shared your pictures. Here are a few we just got recently. Look at that. Keep him away from Lindsey Graham. Holy shit. What a handsome. Look at him. He nicked the paw. I love it.
Starting point is 00:29:28 This kid's already Republican. I think he's watching Jaws in the back or the World Series. Anyways, got that handsome kid in his shirt. I love the first. Look at that. I love my fans. I really do. But where are the chicks in these things?
Starting point is 00:29:47 You're supposed to put them on when you go to bed. Whether you're married, you've got a boyfriend or not. I'm requesting that. That's wrong. Look at these dogs. Proud looking into that guy. Yeah, you want to fuck with us? They've got house knicker shirts on.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Is that from the Hanks family? Sean, Kelsey, and Jack? No, that... I don't know. Oh, the kid was from the? Sean, Kelsey, and Jack? No, that... I don't know. Oh, the kid was from the... Sean, Kelsey, and Jack. Thank you, guys. The guy keeps... Tommy wrote some funny shit.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Kid keeps stealing his dad's shirt. And also, they tell me he... The little kid we just showed? He's an Ottawa George fan. Huck Huck. Then we got the one from... This came in this is fucking not lined up right this one came through from uh my pal mike marucci the two animals mike i fucking love this one they fit perfectly uh this came from jason eikenberg, who grabbed some merch from both
Starting point is 00:30:47 and Wash your filthy. That's a good tip. Got a pretty good house there, buddy. I want one of those. And finally, this one came in from Tim Weaver. That's my boy. Look at Timmy. Tell me this guy doesn't know how to play bass. Huh? Don't tell me this guy doesn't have 11 guitars in his studio he built in his garage. That a baby Timmy Weaver. Dream Weaver. I believe we can get you through the night. You can buy all this stuff, the Nick DiPaolo show logo and the Nick of Designs on my website at Thank you guys. You're the best. You're keeping us afloat with this stuff. Also want to thank people who contributed last night since last night's show. And this got me
Starting point is 00:31:40 excited. Matthew Holmberg from Tennessee, Kelly Dickerman. Oh, God, Kelly. Massachusetts. Michael Smith, Florida. Franz Grissom, Oklahoma. Danny R. Green, Utah. Carlos Galdemez, California. Scott Humps, Jeremy's face. Tuttle, Wisconsin.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Sally McDonald, New York. Mike Walsh, Oregon. Robin Berglin from Minnesota. Minnesota. Sorry. I went to Minnesota and I had a hard current heart. And here comes, listen to how many people signed up for monthly subscriptions yesterday. Chris Kaminsky.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Pesorbius Hellenius. Ryan Hannis, Texas. James Taylor, Texas. David Bednarski, love the name, Pennsylvania, Ferran Schramm, Washington, Carlos Galdamez, we mentioned him earlier, California, Brandon Riggio, New Jersey, Lee Priest, our bodybuilder guy from Australia, Michael Smith, Florida, bodybuilder guy from Australia, Michael Smith, Florida, Joe again, or Gwen Washington. 11 people yesterday. Thank you so goddamn much.
Starting point is 00:32:54 That is the lifeblood of this show. Let's move on with the show, shall we? Nick said with 11 cups of coffee after his doctor told him, you might want to cut down on that. Which is kind of silly. I have four before noontime. You know what I mean? I don't think that's a threat. Did I tell you I had the old prostate check too last week? You guys must be laughing.
Starting point is 00:33:19 But the doctor was nice. Did I tell you? After he gave me the prostate, this guy wiped up the greasy shit that they put on. You know what I mean? He cleaned me up. That was nice. Did I tell you? After he gave me the prostate, this guy wiped up the greasy shit that they put on. You know what I mean? He cleaned me up. That was great. I didn't appreciate the peck on the cheek, but. Biden revokes crackdown on illegals. Can this guy do anything else to weaken the nation, this piece of cheese? Look at this asshole. On Tuesday, Biden signed an order that revokes a crackdown on welfare-dependent legal immigration
Starting point is 00:33:50 that sought to protect us, the American taxpayers, from being forced to foot the bill for federal benefits provided to these fucking leeches, to foreign nationals seeking green cards. Ugh. He is. Huh. He is.
Starting point is 00:34:06 He is. In May 2019, the greatest president ever, Trump signed an order to enforce Clinton-era laws. So even Clinton's not left-wing. From 1996, that delegated all financial responsibility to a family member or business sponsor of a foreign national seeking a green card when they had previously used welfare programs. The order
Starting point is 00:34:31 cut loose taxpayers from having to pay the cost, right? So not only has Biden said, we're going to raise your taxes, he's doing shit like this. In addition, well, that's why he's going to raise that. In addition, the order ensured that the income of a sponsor was taken into consideration when a foreign national seeking a green card was applying for various welfare benefits. See? So if the guy's sponsor was really rich and shit, they're like, what are you doing? Chill. All right?
Starting point is 00:35:02 But not shithead Biden. Now Biden has revoked those rules in an effort to revamp welfare dependent legal immigrant. He's putting everybody ahead of American taxpayers. He did not win the fucking election on top of it. Son of a bitch. An effort to revamp welfare dependentdependent, illegal, with an L, immigration that leaves taxpayers on the hook for covering the costs. Those costs, federal officials have previously said, amounts to billions over the years. Billions. Did you hear that, Joe Biden? Non-president. Dead man walking.
Starting point is 00:35:44 That's what he hears in his head, that music all the time. Biden's order also requests multiple federal agencies to review all agency actions related to implementation of what is known as the public charge rule. The rule implemented by Trump last year made it less likely that foreign nationals would secure green cards to permanently stay in the United States. I can hear the terrorists licking their chops. If they had previously taken welfare, that's what Trump did, including any cash benefits for income maintenance, supplemental security income, temporary assistance to needy families, and food stamps.
Starting point is 00:36:27 income, temporary assistance to needy families, and food stamps. So Trump was looking out for us, the taxpayer, and shit teeth comes in here. Biden's order asked federal agencies to recommend steps that relevant agencies should take to clearly communicate current public charge policies and proposed changes. Everything is to hurt you guys in the wallet and to raise your taxes and make the country less safe. What better time to make it easier from people all over the world to fucking hang out here during a pandemic? Anyways, they do that to reduce fear and confusion
Starting point is 00:37:00 among impacted communities. Oh, are they scared? Federation for American Immigration Reform, that's fair. President Dan Stein said Biden is effectively tearing down a cornerstone of U.S. immigration policy since 1882, Stein said. As part of his America last immigration agenda President Biden is gearing up to reverse existing policies that protect American taxpayers in doing so at a time when a raging oh just what I said a raging pandemic is forcing many Americans to rely on social safety nets that can barely keep up with demands being placed on them what an an asshole he is. Oh, fucking idiot!
Starting point is 00:37:46 Can you imagine? People are out of work by the millions. And this prick face, one of his first moves is to make sure your taxes are raised so they can cover these leeches. You're for the people, huh, Joey? Weasel fuck. When Trump first issued the public charge rule in 2019, polls found that the policy, listen to this,
Starting point is 00:38:10 and this is the CAPA, was overwhelmingly popular with Americans. About six in 10 Americans said they support ending welfare-dependent legal immigration, including 56% of Hispanics and 71% of black Americans. So Trump had it right. I am your voice. And you know why black and brown people were for that? Because they're going to get hurt when we, this is a turning on a magnet. You know, they're already lining up at the border, right?
Starting point is 00:38:44 Since Biden got in, they literally quoted as saying, magnet. You know, they're already lining up at the border, right? Since Biden get in. They literally quoted as saying, Mr. Biden's going to provide us with, people are starving, there's a pandemic going on, and he's making it harder for, you know, everybody, especially black and brown people that compete for some of these jobs. But according to their thing, remember,
Starting point is 00:39:02 it helps the economy. Oh, our girlfriend, freckle face, Saki, Jen Saki, briefed by, this is the big headline. They say she's being briefed by the press beforehand on what they're going to ask. Of course, because someday Biden's going to have to go up there, right? Whether it's a flood or something. Per the liberal Daily Beast, okay, the Daily Beast is really liberal, and even they're pointing this out. Joe Biden's staff are talking to reporters about which question they're going to ask Jen.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Jen, I'll circle back with you, Sakiaki at a press conference. Of course they are. They do nothing. What are we doing? What's going on right now? This information came out during informal White House Correspondents Association Zoom call. It was supposed to be off the record, but complaints from the reporters about the process were reported to the Daily Beast. Hey guys, you already missed Trump, huh? Remember Trump? He would talk to them in the bathroom. He would find them and go, hey, let's fucking chat.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Now they're already whining that they, you know, don't have access. So this, they have to pre-screen their questions. One reporter raised the issue during an informal White House Correspondents Association Zoom call last Friday. According to multiple sources, leaders at the meeting advised print reporters to push back against requests by the White House press team to learn of questions in advance or simply
Starting point is 00:40:36 to not respond to the Biden team inquiries. While it's a relief to see briefings return, this is the beast talking, left wing, particularly with a commitment to factual information. It's scary. The press can't really do its job in the briefing room if the White House is picking and choosing the questions they want. Well, that's because you have a brain dead old guy. And then this stupid broad I'm speaking from, one White House correspondent said, that's not really a free press at all, he said. Oh, now it's a problem. You fucking hypocrite.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Now it's a problem. It's not a free press. But remember, Trump, well, they treated him beautifully. How free, the guy asked who wrote this, is our free press if they engaged in all out hostility against Donald Trump to the point where reporters like Jim Acosta and April Ryan tried to make themselves a story, while the other side, they spoon-fed their questions. This is the beast saying this, very left-wing. This report only makes Psaki's seeming inability to answer questions
Starting point is 00:41:43 without promising to circle back even more puzzling. She knows what's coming and she can't answer the questions. The Biden administration knows what questions some of the reporters are going to ask, and they're calling on those reporters to get the softball questions they want. That kind of thing corrupts people on both sides. Guy makes a good point because not only does the Biden administration get to avoid tough questions, the reporters will stop asking tough questions because they know they're not going to get called on.
Starting point is 00:42:16 So they'll say stuff like, you know, boxes of briefs. What do you like? Vanilla chocolate? Big tits, little tits? Eh. chocolate big tits little tits yeah so they're not gonna you know anytime they hit um hit these people with a tough question they're gonna respond like this it's a sick question you're a sick fuck and i'm not that sick that i'm gonna answer it watch them out jen sacky no no no no ah in our FLA segment tonight.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Thought we'd throw this in here. Oh, you haven't had one for a while, only because I've been ignoring it. Man with a Florida tattoo on his face calls 9-11 for a ride home. I love Florida. He's proud to be a Florida man. Why? Well, take a look at him. You know what's unbelievable?
Starting point is 00:43:05 That's a birthmark. Imagine that. He's got a birthmark on his ass shaped like Vermont. Nobody can figure out. They call him Atlas. Look at this stoop. Look at this. How's that go over the job interview? Where you from? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:21 A man with a Florida tattoo on his forehead has been arrested for calling 911 twice to get a ride home. Ah. Look at this fella, huh? Look at him. You're a loser. You'll always be a loser.
Starting point is 00:43:41 That's not fair. He can cover that up with makeup. Matthew, uh, Leithman, Leitham, sorry, 22, dialed 911 to request a ride home after a four, after 4 a.m. in the Newport Ritchie suburb of Tampa on Sunday, according to the criminal complaint. A Pasco County deputy found Leitham and offered to call him a cab, but he said he didn't have any money the complaint states lethem then began walking in the direction he lives and again called 9-1-1 for a ride oh god the officer caught up to him and arrested him as he was on the uh on the phone according to the complaint he's on the phone don't you move you you motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:44:26 I'll blow your brains out. Be easy to shoot him. You just zero in on Tampa on the map on his forehead. It's kind of a self-GPS thing. Finally tonight, ladies and gentlemen, authorities say, oh, I'm sorry. I'm still not done with this shithead. Authorities say the officers searched Latham and found marijuana. Oh, that explains calling the number twice.
Starting point is 00:44:50 He's been charged with misuse of the 911 system as well as possession of marijuana and the shittiest tattoo ever. Latham was released on $300 bond. You stink. In our libs eating libs segment tonight, San Francisco teacher bashes Bernie in op-ed. A San Francisco high school teacher wrote an op-ed claiming Senator Bernie Sanders manifest privilege. This is from a couple of days ago, but I had missed it for wearing his, uh, meme evoking inauguration outfit.
Starting point is 00:45:31 She had a problem. That's Bernie responding. Ingrid Sayer Ochi, a former UC Berkeley professor. Could you get any more left wing? Nice dress from 1971. Fucking make me some pancakes, wife. Anyway, she wrote in the San Francisco Chronicle that the Vermont Senate's choice of recycled wool mittens was integrated into her class discussions on United States diversity and discrimination. Let me ask you something, you dumb whore. Do you teach math, English, and science ever? You fuck. Initially on inauguration day, Sayo Ochi said her class talked about the deeper meanings of the historic day, including the vulnerability of democracy and the power of ritual and gender. Boy, do you guys ever stop your pissing and moaning, ever. Sanders, the teacher
Starting point is 00:46:23 said, was not even on the radar until he became an instant internet sensation for his mittens and brown paka. She said, and I quote, I puzzled and fumed as an individual as I strove to be my best possible teacher. What did I see? What did I think my students should see? Sayer Ochi wrote. A wealthy, incredibly well-educated and privileged white man showing up for perhaps the most important ritual of the decade in a puffy jacket and huge mittens. Oh, you poor prick, you. Oh, poor you.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Shut your fucking mouth. No problem, John. Shut the fuck up, you cunt. Sayer Ochi said in the op-ed that many people without privilege would not be able to dress like Sanders did on such an occasion so now it's white privilege
Starting point is 00:47:13 to dress warm on a cold day when you're 80 years old and there's a pandemic whipping around first of all he dressed like shit he dressed like an average person I don't even get her beef. I don't understand. The thing I'm pissed about,
Starting point is 00:47:28 not pissed about, but the observation I made, why is his hands, why are these holding like a German shepherd when they sit down and cross their paws? I don't know how many poor, listen to this dummy. I don't know how many poor or working class
Starting point is 00:47:44 or female or struggling to be taken seriously folk. So once again, it's the straight white man that's the devil, who would show up at the inauguration of our 46th president dressed like Bernie did. She said, what a fucking whiner. The op-ed left many people on social media scratching their heads. This is how dumb she is. Even the libs came after her. Here's another response on Twitter. Apparently, it is a privilege to dress comfortably and not a privilege to wear expensive designer clothing while the media talks about ensembles like it's a red carpet event. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:48:26 A third person on Twitter wrote, the only privilege I see right now is being able to publish a bad faith opinion piece in a newspaper with a paywall. That one nailed it. You dumb liberal broad whore. Why don't you move to somewhere else in the country? Just experience it for a second. Oh my God, are they dumb out there? Anyways, that's it for today, folks. Pounded that, didn't I? What do I got to say? Don't forget,
Starting point is 00:49:02 you know what, If you want me to roast one of your friends, I will talk, make a little video message on my phone and you tell me a little bit about them. You go to, click on my profile and I will tear them to shreds or I'll be very nice and go, Bob, your wife Helen says you got a huge set of feet. Shit like that. You guys think it, I will say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here for the final day of the week tomorrow. Have a good day, everybody. guitar solo We'll see you next time.

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