The Nick DiPaolo Show - Dirty Dems and Dominion | Nick Di Paolo Show #453

Episode Date: December 1, 2020

Arizona joins the fraud fray. Xi Jinping withheld covid information. New Jersey gets high and mighty with condescending weed bill....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 All righty. Good afternoon slash evening, everybody. All right. Trail it down, Jase. There you go. Not the whole song. Just, you know. Great to be with you again, I guess.
Starting point is 00:00:52 I mean, with all the COVID shit and social distancing, I mean, this is a terrific job to have during a pandemic, I'll tell you. You know, my grandfather was around during the Spanish flu, and he had a podcast that was hugely popular. My grandfather was around during the Spanish flu, and he had a podcast that was hugely popular. It was called The Greasy Galloping Guinea, and he would mix fascism with delicious Italian recipes from the north. Custard. So what's going on? Remember we said before the election, you're not going to know who won this fucking thing until 2028.
Starting point is 00:01:30 I think we were right on that one. I think. Although these states keep certifying their results. Do you see how much of a hurry they're in? Do you understand? Do you understand? And we're going to get to it. I got a bunch of shit today.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Sidney Powell is my new hero. God bless this woman. Holy fucking moly. When is she sleeping? They ought to check her blood for fucking meth and blow. She's like, I'll tell you something. They have a fucking Arizona and a fucking Chicago. And these motherfuckers are dominion.
Starting point is 00:02:02 When does she sleep? Or Giuliani. Would you guys have that kind of energy at that age are you shitting me i went home last night sat on the couch got to do half an infomercial i went to sugar coma fucking woke up an hour where the fuck do these people and they're changing time zones and she is my superhero giuliani is always my favorite. I don't give a fuck what anybody says, whether his head is leaking balsamic vinegar or not, whatever. You got to love these guys slash lady.
Starting point is 00:02:34 But there's all kinds of evidence. And all I know is, folks, if they say, fuck all that, Biden is the president, let me tell you something. You want to see the right out in force and treating Biden with a disrespect, the same disrespect they did with the lefties did with Trump. Oh yeah. You are going to see, there'll be no co-op.
Starting point is 00:02:56 I mean, I hope it gets ugly. We're not going to burn shit. Cause we know those are businesses. Those are being put out of business on purpose with COVID. You know that as we hit the reset button into socialism. That's all that is. Anyway, Nick, don't do that into the microphone.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Hey, suck it. Let's get right to it Sidney Powell I've been spelling with a Y when I wrote it Because I thought she was a broad Yeah, Y's in a vagina Y, you know, a woman with a Y No, she's a fucking Sidney
Starting point is 00:03:36 Sid Powell She was on with Lou Dobbs I love Lou He's dead serious about everything This is disgusting. It's rancid. And the Dow was up 4,000 points. I never got a show, but met him a couple times.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Very nice of me. Didn't have to be. Well, I gave him the Heimlich maneuver and a Burger King. So anyways, here is Sidney Powell. What time do we start, Jace? How old is the show right now? Four minutes. Four minutes. Four minutes.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Here's Sidney Powell on with Lou Dobbs. She's going to make a statement, and it's kind of a broad statement with all the things she's doing. And then we will follow up with successive stories. Is that the right word? Successive? Yes. successive stories. Is that the right word? Successive? Yes.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Touching on each of them. What happened in Arizona and with this lawsuit and stuff like that. And we'll go a little deeper into it. Folks, we have to cover this. Look, I don't like to do heavy shows either. I'd rather come out here and slap a stripper with a piece of bologna or some shit like they did on Stern. But, I mean,
Starting point is 00:04:41 they're trying to steal. They're trying to change this country overnight through theft. And there's a bunch of jerk-offs who are sitting there nodding. Long as it's not Trump, I don't care if we're communists, socialists, just fucking ignorant people on the left. You know who the fuck you are. Not one of you is watching this show, and that's why you're ignorant. But here's Sidney Powell talking about what her and Giuliani have been up to,
Starting point is 00:05:04 and they haven't been sleeping for weeks. Go ahead. We have one case in the court in Georgia that's getting ready to go to the 11th Circuit. We're going to ask for emergency review of that, where we sought to impound all the voting machines in Georgia. And we need, frankly, to stop the election that's supposed to happen in January because all the machines are infected with the software code that allows Dominion to shave votes for one candidate and give them to another and other features that do the same thing. And we filed a suit also in Michigan and we're preparing suits for several other states.
Starting point is 00:05:43 And as I'm sure your viewers hopefully know and caught part of the hearing in Arizona today that Rudy Giuliani conducted for the legislature to see much of the evidence that has been accumulated by some experts that will be helping our case also. It's just pouring out more by the day. People are coming forward with different bits and pieces of the puzzle. Different states shaved different amounts of votes, or the system was set up to shave and flip different votes in different states. Some people were targeted as individual candidates. It's really the most massive and historical egregious fraud the world has ever seen.
Starting point is 00:06:26 So Sidney will be in court with Giuliani and people, liberal judges will be yelling at him. You're out of order. You're out of order. The whole trial is out of order. That's Rudy. Fresh and fruity. So anyways, right after I watched this, I like to go to the comment section and see what people are saying. And I thought this one guy summed it up beautifully. He said, all of the corruption is spilling out into full view and blowing up in their faces. If these crooks, and I said this earlier on the show, if these crooks think they can survive this and Biden slash Harris have any notion that they will have even a semblance of peace
Starting point is 00:07:07 if they have used this outrageous criminal behavior to gain the executive branch in this free country. They are grossly mistaken. And he's right on the fuck. I hope we'll see. Maybe they're right. People vote right. It's too busy working, taking care of their oh wait
Starting point is 00:07:25 a minute they can't their business is closed down so now we fucking raise hell 80 million voters have spoken this phony election has uh torn this nation apart like nothing beforehand not even the events leading up to the civil war the good people of america have been shown the truth. The media and the social media are so fucking arrogant and dishonest that they did not reveal any of this. Never forget. Well, I'm guessing this guy was Jewish. Never forget. You are correct, sir. He's right on the goddamn money.
Starting point is 00:08:03 We won't stand for it. I can't you know part of me i want trump obviously to have another four years but another part of me wants to see the reaction if biden is pushed through this is the biggest scandal in the history they keep topping them we thought russiagate was the fucking worst and how about spying on Trump when they were transitioning into the White House? And then the impeachment. They keep getting bigger and bigger.
Starting point is 00:08:32 This one here tops all of that shit. And it's also proof that they would do something because this is the level that these jerk-offs work at. You know what it means when they're trying to pull all this shit, Jason?
Starting point is 00:08:43 You know what it means? It means they realize that they can't beat Trump they realize that right after he won the first election that he ran it and they saw how popular when they saw those crowds they know with an honest election
Starting point is 00:09:03 they cannot win because most of the people this country fucking still like it the way it is and realize it's the best thing left as far as a form of government anywhere on the goddamn planet so they have to cheat do you really think they said they think um they got they say Trump got 74 million. And without all the shit, it might have been up to 80 million. Anyways, he got more than enough to win. So, anyways.
Starting point is 00:09:38 The headline here was Arizona to possibly hold electoral college votes. After the state's hearing into election integrity was only halfway through, Arizona State Rep Mark Finchman, seen here, a Republican, issued a call for his colleagues to withhold the state's electoral college votes as he believes there's enough significant evidence of fraud to invalidate the state's votes.
Starting point is 00:10:03 So this guy's no dummy. I know a thing or two about a thing or two. And they can do that, apparently. to invalidate the state's votes. So this guy's no dummy. I know a thing or two about a thing or two. And they can do that, apparently. He says, we are clawing our electoral college votes back. We will not release them. That's what I'm calling our colleagues in both the House and the Senate to do, added Finchman. Exercise a plenary authority under the U.S. Constitution.
Starting point is 00:10:23 He added, there is a legal brief out there that says we are not tethered to state statute. When it comes to this one question, a simple majority can call the House and set it back and in one day pass a resolution and cause those electors to basically be held. And it's binding. I'll see you all in court, he said. Now you will learn about laws, laws of freedom, laws of humanity. Now you and I will truly be the
Starting point is 00:10:57 same, Chancellor. Taking him to court. See you in court, bitches. And they certified it in Arizona, didn't they? Just trying to shove it through. You think we're going to lay down for this shit when we got this guy with a goatee? Looks like a magician from Phoenix. Standing nearby was Sonny Borelli. Oh my God, let me tell you something. This guy's right up right there.
Starting point is 00:11:22 We're going to rip his heart off. Look at Sonny Borelli. Oh my God, let me tell you something. This guy's right up right there. We're going to rip his arm. Look at Sonny Borelli. He's got my hair. That's sad. The Republican Senate Majority Whip, that's who he is, indicating Finchman's plan may already be receiving support among the Arizona Republican Party's leadership. This comes after former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani
Starting point is 00:11:42 and Trump campaign senior attorney Jenna Ellis both made the case and then directly asked the Arizona legislature to either withhold their electoral votes, I know Giuliani and the lawyers, but as Fincham plans to do, or to assign them to President Trump. I fucking love it.
Starting point is 00:12:00 I am your voice. You guys know how it all works. If you win that state, then they have a meeting and the guy, they call an elector. Well, they're going to hold them back. It's going to be terrific. There's going to be violence on TV. I love it. Anyways, so more in Arizona. It got very interesting out there. This is the most interesting thing to happen in Arizona since I played
Starting point is 00:12:35 the improv. And I had 20 Latino kids, nobody over 25. Guys and girls come out and fuck and say how big a fans of Tough Crowd they were. I keep telling that story over and over. I just love that younger generations, because of the internet, some of them are in tune. Anyways, headline here, busted.
Starting point is 00:12:57 I wrote that. Arizona injected votes faster than scanners can process the ballots. They don't even know how to fucking. They don't even know how to fucking, they don't even know how to. We notice a difference in Arizona versus the other states. Oh, pause. Our team. Pause.
Starting point is 00:13:15 This guy's a tech engineer, a computer guy, expert. Because they had a team counting the votes and shit that was hired by probably Trump and Giuliani. But anyways, well, maybe not. Maybe they were there during the election. I don't know. But listen to what he has to say. He doesn't have a dog in the fight, but he's going to tell you what's going on in Arizona.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Mostly focused on what we call spike analysis, which were an inject, an electronic inject of a lot of votes. which were an electronic inject of a lot of votes, and where the number of votes that were injected in a specific time period exceeded the ability of the scanners to process ballots and upload. So basically, it's a signal of a potential anomaly where we would want to go in and do forensic analysis on the ballots that were processed in those batches to to analyze um the way that these systems work is that you can run votes in run votes in run votes in if you get right in ballots or error ballots it just accumulates them back to a batch file and there may be you know two thousand three thousand four thousand five thousand votes
Starting point is 00:14:22 in this batch file and then the administrator uh or the tabulator can just go okay i'm ready to process batch file bloop and they they send it and then it records those votes and in in the user's manual there's ways that it it shows that the administrator can vote that batch you know in%, 20%, 100%, however the administrator chooses. And that basically is a tool to allow them to move votes through the. What the fuck? What the fuck? The administrator, one person can, you know, get that batch of votes that was selected out.
Starting point is 00:15:02 First of all, they look at a spike, right? They look at it it's just like if you took a lie detector test when you lie the thing jumps that's where they can see where the votes were injected and then that administrator with a push of a button can go uh give 80 of that batch to biden 20 and that way they can make it look sort of fair and not you know a thousand percent for Biden, zero here. But as CNN's saying and every other fucking channel, including Fox, what evidence? What evidence? Are you fucking shitting me?
Starting point is 00:15:37 These people have been up for 24 hours. They're like, show us the evidence. They're putting a case together. That's a computer expert. I don't think he has a political dog in the fight. Unbelievable, huh? What's going on out there? Arizona.
Starting point is 00:15:59 This guy ran in Arizona. If you vote for me, all of your wildest dreams will come true. Ah, makes me laugh every time. Cyber warfare officer. A Democrat. Listen, a Democrat. That was him, probably. The cyber warfare officer, I think.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Democratic Party added 35,000 fraud votes in Pima County. An alleged anonymous whistleblower's email that was provided to a cybersecurity expert in testimony during an Arizona GOP state senate meeting claimed that 35,000 fraudulent votes were given to each of the Democratic candidates in Pima County, Arizona. Are you shitting me? A copy of the email was displayed during the event on Monday as cited by retired Army Colonel Phil Waldron. Waldron alleged that the information was from a Pima County tech support provider. The event was held by some Republican members of the Arizona State Legislature, which also included statements from President Donald Trump's lawyers. The whistleblower, who wanted to remain anonymous,
Starting point is 00:17:19 told him that he provided that information to the United States Department of Justice, who are sitting on their hands at this point. According to Waldron, the email stipulated that Pima County and the Democratic Party added fraud votes in the initial vote-by-mail totals released at 8 p.m. on November 3rd. That's what he said. Here's a video of a cyber warfare guy. It says that please be advised that Pima County Recorder, located at 240 Northstone Avenue, Tucson, Arizona,
Starting point is 00:17:50 in Pima County, Arizona, and the Democratic Party added fraud votes in the initial count to the vote-by-mail totals released at 8 p.m. on November 3rd, 2020. So this coincides
Starting point is 00:18:02 with what we observed in the data analytics at that spike. We weren't aware of this until... This is the same guy talking about the spikes. And you can see where they injected the 35,000 votes by the spike. Did the idiots who did this, by the way, this is all Dominion. It built for this with smartmatic software. It's built to steal elections, if you don't understand. This is the same dude that was talking let him go this email until after the fact so there were approximately 35 000 fraud votes added to each democratic candidates vote totals candidates impacted uh include county state and federal
Starting point is 00:18:40 election candidates through the utilization of the automated ballot count machines and which were not Dominion, but they have the same pretty much functionality. My understanding is that 35,000 was embedded into each Democrat vote totals. Below are the meeting notes. In a meeting I was invited to by the Democrat Party in Pima County, Arizona on September 10th, 2020,
Starting point is 00:19:03 no phones or recording devices were allowed. A presentation was given, including detailed plans to embed 35,000 in a spread-configured distribution to each Democrat candidate's vote totals. Pause. Fucking guilty! What's he making this up? You think CNN's
Starting point is 00:19:19 going to cover this, that fat fucking fag Brian Stelter or the other goo gobbler, Lemonades? You think they're going to touch it, that fat fucking fag Brian Stelter or the other goo gobbler, Lemonades? You think they're going to touch it or NBC or CBS or ABC? I had a friend of mine that I was texting. I said, hey, wake up. Wake the fuck up and start watching
Starting point is 00:19:38 all the news channels. As this is going on, they're going, Trump is in denial. He's never going to let... Oh, thank God for geniuses like this, huh? God damn. Where was he when I was in college and I had a fucking computer test?
Starting point is 00:19:56 We had punch cards back then. People don't even know what that is. That's how old... Go ahead. I want to ask how in the world that will 35,000 votes be kept hidden from being discovered? It was stated that spread distribution will be embedded. That's it. The spread distribution will be, you know, they'll spread out evenly.
Starting point is 00:20:15 So it doesn't. Apparently, they didn't do that enough. They don't even know how to cheat. They must be furious with this guy. Huh? You snotty little bastard they are in deep shit whoever's in charge they don't even know how to cheat
Starting point is 00:20:42 they looked at Trump and said, we can't beat this motherfucker. He's drawing like Neil Diamond in 1969. Or Carrot Top in 1988. He's drawing huge numbers. Joe Biden, do you think he even knows what's going on? I'm sure he does. You don't trust guys from Scranton
Starting point is 00:21:04 that get involved in the union and then become career politicians. You know how many of their busybodies? Wherever there's unions, there's usually corruption. Not all the time, but you know, a little of the time, people are good in that. Anyways, this episode of my show brought to you by
Starting point is 00:21:19 our friends at MyBookie. Hey, everybody. If you haven't yet, now is the time to get signed up for MyBookie. Hey, everybody, if you haven't yet, now is the time to get signed up for, where free bets await all season long. And with the NFL playoffs right around the corner, we know who these teams are. Apparently, I don't. I can't get one right. We know what they are capable of, and it's not difficult to find some value in these lines. Whether you're a first-time customer or have been playing with for years, there is no shortage of value to be found in the thousands of game lines, unique prop bets, and contests that they offer every week. All my friends who are serious gamblers
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Starting point is 00:22:57 this right you got college uh football going on and uh and pro football So is the place to go. Some more news on the stolen election, and that's what I'm going to call it. You know, I look a little puffy today, Jason. I ate a bag of seasoned croutons before I went to bed. They make a delicious, you know the ones you put on your salad? They have about, I'd say, seven pounds of sodium and salt in them and garlic powder. That's why I look like a fucking Hawaiian wrestler. Anyways, poll challenger, Dominion contractor,
Starting point is 00:23:38 say voting machines in Detroit, the poll challenger is saying that the Dominion machines in Detroit, the voting machines were connected to the Internet, which you're not supposed to be. It's supposed to be a it's, you know, supposed to be. It's not supposed to be a worldwide thing. Our elections. Melissa Caron, a freelance IT worker who submitted a sworn affidavit on November 10th, detailing a barrage of what she called fraudulent actions during her time at the voting center. This is again in Detroit, said she was called into a hotel in Allen Park on November 2nd, where Trump pulled down his pants.
Starting point is 00:24:21 What? Get the hell out of here. No, she was called into a hotel in Allen Park on November 2nd where the whole Dominion team was staying. They're all staying at one hotel. It's like a traveling it's like the Detroit Pistons are on the road.
Starting point is 00:24:38 In order to attend a training of sorts, in that hotel conference room, listen to this, there was a tabulator and an adjudication machine. The team was told to walk around the room and look at it like it was a Cadillac on a showroom floor. Carone said a Dominion manager, the man who initially contacted her for the position, talked for around an hour telling the team where they were going to be assigned for the election. They gave us a blinder that they told us to go through.
Starting point is 00:25:10 It says, I think it's a binder, which actually was very beneficial to me and a lot of the attorneys because it gave a lot of information regarding their software and image cast and how, yes, the machines were connected to Wi-Fi. Absolutely, she told the Epoch Times. It even says it in the manual they gave her, that it's connected to the fucking Internet. Oh, what evidence. What's the world coming to?
Starting point is 00:25:39 What evidence, huh? What evidence? In the bottom right-hand corner, she says, of the computers used to tabulate listen to this and adjudicate ballots there was a wi-fi signal but it doesn't show does she say all this do we have her talking no this is all folks problem okay right um but it doesn't show if the machines were connected to the worldwide web or if they were just connected to a network carone said unless a mouse like this one hovers over it so you hover over the icon in the corner it tells you whether it's connected
Starting point is 00:26:16 she was not allowed to access it she said you fucking believe no no No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. In the manual that they provided me with, it says to make sure that every tabulating machine is connected by an Ethernet, which means, it doesn't mean, that means it's an Internet, right? Ethernet cable. Patrick Kohlbeck, seen here, a former state senator with a shitty fashion sense.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Space, listen to this, a former senator, aerospace engineer, no dummy, and the poll challenger at the TCF Center in Detroit said in a sworn affidavit that the machine appeared to have been connected to the internet. Colbeck said the area had wireless routers set up with networks called cpss staff and av counter broadcast in the area all it takes to confirm the connectivity status of a windows computer is to roll the cursor over the lan connection icon we've all done that in the bottom right corner of the display, when there's no connection, a unique icon showing a cross-hatched globe appears. He said, I proceeded to review the terminal screens for the tabulator and adjudicated computers, and I observed the icon, too much coffee, that indicates internet connection
Starting point is 00:27:46 on each terminal according to callbacks after David. So the little icon was telling that they were hooked up to the internet, which they're not supposed to be. God help us. Son of a whore! You know why that is folks? A lot of this shit was being done
Starting point is 00:28:02 in Germany. Do you fucking believe this i gotta go with steve bannon on this one i think trump's gotta get another four years if not like i said this country oh my god you thought we were divided like a couple years ago we keep getting between covid and all he said all the tabulated computers were connected via the Ethernet cables to a network router. Anybody who understands IT knows that if one computer is connected on a network to the Internet, all those computers on the network are connected to the Internet. Even I knew that after I read it.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Danger, Will Robinson. Danger, no Will Robinson. after I read it. Danger, Will Robinson. Danger, no Will Robinson. And he says, I know that local data center was connected to the other networks. Callback said he later approached
Starting point is 00:28:52 some of the election officials at the center and told them they could get dispelled. They could dispel his concerns, I'm sorry, by simply moving their mouse over the icon and that a pop-up would appear indicating
Starting point is 00:29:07 if the computer was connected to the internet or not. So he just asked them, and of course, they said... That's a sick question. You're a sick fuck, and I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer. Oh, my God, that's true audio. The officials would not move their mouse for him, okay? He just wanted... He asked them to move their mouse to him. Okay? He just wanted... He asked them to move their mouse to see if the icon,
Starting point is 00:29:28 to see where they're connected at. And they just said, go fuck off. They told him to trust their word. Oh, my fucking word. Yeah, why would you? Why wouldn't you trust him? Nothing funny going on here. Shut up.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Mind your fucking business and shut up. Callback said a number of different affidavits have been submitted detailing some of the weird things happening on the network. He said there were outages and error messages. The errors that popped up on the computers with the tabulators and adjudicators. God damn it. I hate that word. Was something called backup overflow. I have that on my turlet at home very help left the thanksgiving hey that's a shit joke yeah uh
Starting point is 00:30:13 that's not a standard windows error message he said where you do see that error message is when you're trying to back up to a sql database, either each one of these tabulators had their own SQL database built in. I'm sorry to get into the weeds. They're built into that workstation or they're trying to connect to some outside database that was not local at the workstation. I'm guessing on the latter. Aren't you kids? How can they be so brazen?
Starting point is 00:30:46 Do they not know like the poll watchers and people are computer people too? Jesus Christ. We're going to have to go back to paper ballots. And you get a picture of yourself. I told you, you have a cutout of Trump or Biden, whoever you voted for, just like you're at the fucking circus, you take a cutout of Trump or Biden, whoever you voted for, just like you're at the fucking circus, you take a picture of the cardboard cutout,
Starting point is 00:31:09 then that's put I don't know where. I don't know where you put that. But even the experts are going, yeah, paper is the way to go. I hate to sound like a Luddite, but I think paper is the way to go. You know who I like? And I like to punch in the face. Xi Jinping. Look at that guy looking out of the corner of his tiny little eyes.
Starting point is 00:31:33 That is not a sneaky face. I don't trust these motherfuckers as far as you can throw a quart of pork fried rice. Look at him. You can tell he's just a not a bad head of hair for a chinese fella xi jinping underreported covid numbers
Starting point is 00:31:51 chinese officials gave the world more optimistic data than they had access to internally of course trump said that never liar liar whore liar whore. China's system took on average 23 days to diagnose, confirm patients, and testing failures meant most received negative results until January 10th. A history of underfunding, understaffing, poor morale, and bureaucratic models of governance hampered China's early warning system. Internal audits found a large and previously undisclosed outbreak of influenza happened in early December in Hubei province. So you had SARS, COVID, and you had the regular flu and whatever else the Chinese get from fleas when they eat fucking German shepherds. It is February 10th in Beijing, and this is the person that was writing it.
Starting point is 00:33:02 And President Xi Jinping, who for weeks has been absent from public view, is addressing hospital staff in the city of Wuhan as they battle to contain the spread of a still officially unnamed virus, even though Trump was, it's a China virus. It's from China, no doubt about it, smells like MSG. So they still kind of come up with a name for unofficially named uh
Starting point is 00:33:26 it was the novel coronavirus back then and we have them discussing it i don't know how we got our audio in there and um i promise you i have it right here don't i somebody help translation Don't I? Somebody help. Translation. We know how dumb the Americans are because Biden and his son were over here for about six months. They're fucking retarded. We can tell these people
Starting point is 00:33:56 that it's stand rip that's killing them and they'll buy it. That's what I got from my Chinese. From a secure room about 1,200 kilometers, that's 745 miles. I spent some time in Germany in high school. From the epicenter, Xi expressed his condolences to those who have died in the outbreak. He urged greater public communication as around the world concerns mounted about the potential threat posed by the new disease. Don't tell me for a second this wasn't created to do exactly what it's doing i'm not buying any of it i don't trust these motherfuckers that same day chinese authorities reported 2478
Starting point is 00:34:34 new confirmed cases raising the total globe number to more than 40 000 with fewer than 400 cases occurring outside of mainland china. That's not fishy, huh? Rest of the world has, you know, 2,500 cases at that point. They had 400. Yeah. And you remember they kept the planes? They shut down the flights in domestic China, but kept sending them out to Europe and the United States. We're supposed to ignore that too. Let me tell you, Xi Jinping, you're lucky they don't come over there and get you in a Kimora. That's a suit, right? Yet CNN can now reveal, this is from CNN, by the way, how official documents circulated internally show that this was only part of the picture. In a report marked internal document,
Starting point is 00:35:26 please keep confidential. That's never good. Local health authorities in the province of Hubai, where the virus was first detected, list a total of 5,918 newly detected cases on February 10th, more than double the official public number of confirmed cases, breaking down the total into a variety of subcategories. This larger figure was never fully revealed at the time as China's accounting system seemed in the tumble. Listen to CNN giving them all the benefit of the doubt in the tumble of the early weeks of the pandemic to downplay the severity of the outbreak instead of just saying they were
Starting point is 00:36:04 fucking lying. Only CNN will be signed with these prick faces. I know nothing about that. Yeah, you do. The previously undisclosed figure is among a string of revelations contained within 117 pages of leaked documents from the Hubei Provincial Center
Starting point is 00:36:20 for Disease Control and Prevention. Boy, they're doing a bang-up job. Shared with and verified by CNN. You ain't got to be true. Taken together, the documents amount to the most significant leak from inside China since the beginning of the pandemic and provide the first clear window into what local authorities knew internally and when. This in, the Chinese are sneaky and want to dominate the world.
Starting point is 00:36:47 The Chinese government, they actually said they caught Xi Jinping jerking off when he found out that Biden won. The Chinese government has steadfastly rejected accusations made by the U.S. and other Western governments
Starting point is 00:36:59 that it deliberately concealed information relating to the virus, maintaining that it has been up front. You motherfucker. Up front. You've been stealing our intellectual property for years. And you want us to believe that. Up front with everything.
Starting point is 00:37:18 They said they were up front since the beginning of the outbreak. Can anybody believe that? Not even the thick-ankled dog face. getting of the outbreak can anybody believe that not even the thick-ankled dog face however uh though the documents provide no evidence of a deliberate attempt once again cnn giving them the benefit of the doubt to obfuscate findings they do reveal numerous inconsistencies see this imagine if it was trump they were writing about inconsistencies and uh what authorities believed to be happening and what was revealed to the public.
Starting point is 00:37:48 It's called fucking lying. It was clear they did make mistakes and not just mistakes that happen when you're dealing with a novel virus, also bureaucratic and politically motivated errors and how they handle it, said Yazong Huang, a senior fellow for global health at the council on foreign relations i did a stint there and they threw me out you couldn't wear uh they didn't like sneakers and fucking who farted t-shirt uh well this guy has written extensively on public health in china these had global consequences this is the chinese guy blaming the Chinese. You can never guarantee 100% transparency. It's not just about any intentional cover-up. You are also constrained by technology and other issues with a novel, which is true because it's
Starting point is 00:38:35 brand new supposedly. Even if you created it, but even if they had been 100% transparent, that would not stop the Trump administration, here it comes, downplaying the seriousness of it. It would probably not have stopped this developing into a pandemic. Are we blaming him for that too now? Is that what the Chinese say? Is that what you're implying? How dare you?
Starting point is 00:38:59 I will come over there and slap the boneless rib right out of your mouth. You raccoon eaters, you. I don't trust them. They steal too much. Hey, we got some merchandise, kids. Thanks to all of you who watched the stream of my stand-up show from Vegas. I was really overwhelmed with the response. And since people are still logging in to watch it, we are going to keep it available through this Sunday.
Starting point is 00:39:30 I didn't even know that. Just go to That's to watch the stream because come Sunday, it'll be gone for good and replaced with some type of pornography from the Philippines. Also, I want to remind you that between now and Thursday, if you use the promo code NickDip25 in the store on my own website, everything is 25% off. You can get your holiday shopping wrapped up quick and save 25% on all show logo items, DVDs, and Nika shirts. That's it. Just go to and visit the store. Then use the promo code NICKDIP at checkout and get 25% off everything in your order. And I thank all of you for your continued support.
Starting point is 00:40:24 That's offensive. It's funny, I suck on this thing for now and aren't realizing it's pure nicotine. Then I feel gross right after the show. You know who else I want to thank, Jason? I'd like to thank the people who made one-time contributions since yesterday. John Massey of Florida, Robert Curley, New York. Paul Sagnella, Connecticut, Robert Ashford, New York, Peter Diebold, Rhode Island,
Starting point is 00:40:53 Vance Brown, Arizona, Christopher Siebert, Georgia, Salvatore Legalbo, New York, Robert Isbell, Kansas, Joe Hanks, Virginia. Jay Smith, Oregon. Margaret Leone, New Jersey. Michael Wood, Oklahoma. David Shoemaker, Ohio. And I'd like to thank some people who signed up since last night at David Venditti. Mark Tayar from Oklahoma.
Starting point is 00:41:22 And we thank you guys for signing up. Please tell your friends to sign up and they can go to until you realize that, right? Alrighty then. We got a Patreon question.
Starting point is 00:41:36 We got a Patreon question. Well, for the hell of sakes of James Roberts writes in from San Jose, California. Nick, we know the presidential election was stolen, but how come I don't hear anything about the probability that the House and Senate seats won by the Democrats were also fixed?
Starting point is 00:41:52 Well, we kind of touched on, well, that was in one state, I guess. But it's actually a good question because we showed something today where they said up and down the ticket, I think that was Arizona, the Democratic candidates were fed more votes. So it's actually a great question. I mean, you know why? The Republicans got 10 or 12 House seats, mostly broads. I mean, women, chicks, you know what I'm talking about, skirts.
Starting point is 00:42:21 And they were so happy with that because we were supposed to, if you listen to the media, get swamped. It was going to be a blue wave, but it turned out to be very good and they were content with it. That is a great question, James Roberts. Why don't we look into the House and Senate seats? Well, Georgia, they're doing that right now. As Sidney Powell said, she's going to blow up Georgia first and what she's doing. So great question, James.
Starting point is 00:42:47 I wish I was on the inside. Let me get Steve Bannon on the phone. Hi, Steve. Yeah, I'm doing a bit that I have no ending to. I just started doing this. Bye. If you want bits, tune into The Daily Show,
Starting point is 00:43:27 that unfunny colored kid. I think, can I just say this? Socialism is a... Thank you for the question, by the way. Socialism, it's here. We know it. And here's a little example of what's coming your way once Biden... New Jersey introduces... New Jersey, the dumbest state politically, and I love Jersey. Done many gigs there. It's right next to, as you know, Montana and right under Hawaii, Biden told me. New Jersey introduces racist weed bill. Wait a minute. Did you put that in there, Jay? Huh? Yeah, don't do that. Jason, look at me.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Don't do that. About the fourth time I've told you to work together. Don't do that. See, because you just put a slant on the whole fucking, you know, let me do that. I don't want you to get in trouble with ABC and CBF and see you on 60 Minutes ratting me off. Anyways, introduce a weed bill.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Hey, listen to this. And Jason is right in what he's implying, but it's not his place to do it. He's going to take out the trash and unclog the toilet. A new social equity tax, get that? A social equity tax, like somehow, once again, inequity exists in the social realms of this country, whatever the fuck I'm saying. Anyways, a new social equity tax would benefit communities of color disproportionately affected by drug laws. Still keeping that myth alive?
Starting point is 00:44:55 Listen to this, folks. If this doesn't get you by the short hairs, bills by both the Senate and Assembly allow the Cannabis Regularly Commission, I fucking can't talk today, to levy an optional social equity excise fee for programs aimed at alleviating racial disparities. That's not too broad a term, huh? Racial disparities. What's that? When a white guy looks at a black guy for more than three seconds, he's owed fucking, what, 8% of a dime bag? Racial disparities. What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:45:30 Every black person I see has $400 Air Jordans on. Even the homeless ones. This is the politicians. We've spelled out the communities that we look for this money to be invested in, said Senate President Stephen Sweeney. Fucking dope. He said that during a roundtable discussion Monday.
Starting point is 00:45:55 God, New Jersey. According to, he said, I think we made our intentions very clear in the Senate. Oh, and he fucking terrific. Another whitey hater, self-hating whitey. Then he said this, the legislation initially proposed marijuana sales would be subjected to the 6.625% state tax. But you know what? That wasn't enough.
Starting point is 00:46:21 The amount was boosted to 7% last month. So think of that, white people. When you buy weed in New Jersey legally, they're going to whack you about 7%. So the people of color who you treat like shit, apparently, get to do whatever with the money. Open a public pool or fucking buy new rims. That was in the Asbury Park Press. They reported that. Must be a good paper.
Starting point is 00:46:45 Bruce Springsteen's been in it. The Senate wants 70% of the sales tax revenue plus all of the social equity fee to go towards funding community programs while the Assembly's version only calls for the sales tax being put towards those actual programs. The social equity funding was sought by the state's, get this, hold, hold, hold, the state's legislative black caucus, black caucus.
Starting point is 00:47:17 And I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever. It's running out right in the middle of the bit. How dare you? L.A. County supervisor. L.A. County supervisor. Get enough fucking levels of government in this country. What's a county supervisor do? Walk around and supervise the county? It should say L.A. Conti supervise that dines outdoors
Starting point is 00:48:06 just hours after voting to do what, folks? Ban the practice of eating outdoors. Once again, she's just following the governor of the state, right? The shapeshifter Newsom. Got a picture, Jason, of the the bra put it up there there you go
Starting point is 00:48:28 andy richter or andy dalton like jason said quarterback or fucking now who's the golfer who's the famous golfer every one of them looks like that. I can't even think of, anyways, my brother's laughing right now. Anyway, she said they got to ban outdoor eating because it's very dangerous. And then she went out and did that. Because like I said, California is loaded with liberals. And what is their mantra? Do as I say, not as I do. If you don't, I'll kick you in the ass. This is Sheila Kuehl, a very attractive man. Looks like every professional golfer in the 50s are over to her. One of the five elected super...
Starting point is 00:49:12 This is who you guys elect in California? Fucking he-she's and biological aberrations who have a beef with the world. Anyway, she's one of five elected supervisors who govern the county. She was seen eating outside Il Forno Trattoria, an Italian restaurant in Santa Monica. She is delicious. You fucking hypocrite. You fucking hypocrite. I wonder if NOSIM called and said, you can't do that.
Starting point is 00:49:51 And she said, fuck you. You were doing it last week. They really think, folks, that we're the peons. They don't get it. They don't get it. And this whole shutdown of restaurants and bars and shit, do you understand this is part of the reset? They're crushing those small businesses that have been the backbone of this country for years. And they're not coming back
Starting point is 00:50:10 a lot of them. And that's how these jerk-offs want it. They want all of us on the government tit. Nice jacket. Bean me up, Scotty. You chooch. Who's the golfer? Jesus Christ. Not Arnie, but somebody of that
Starting point is 00:50:29 age, sort of. Early that day at a board of supervisors meeting, Kuehl called outdoor dining a most dangerous situation with regard to the possible spread of COVID. That's what she said. Excuse me. God, what she said. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:50:46 God, what a horrible person. Excuse me. You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt. A fat, sneaky cunt. Just cunt. Said and true, but they tell you you're a motherfucking cunt. You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt. Y'all fat fuck, look at you. What?
Starting point is 00:51:09 Nothing for you. Kuehl and two other members of the board of supervisors voted to ban outdoor dining at L.A. County's 31,000 restaurants, a decision that took effect last Wednesday, the report said. And they said, we know everybody out here is shitheads and they'll follow anything we do. The servers are not protected from us. This is her quoting it. And they're not protected from their other tables that they're serving at at that particular time. Plus all the hours in which they're working, Kuehl said, according to the report.
Starting point is 00:51:45 Un-fucking-believable. Oh my God, it's killing me. Who is the fucking golfer? I wish my brother could call in. Anyways. Final story tonight, ladies and gentlemen. Trump attorney goes after former cybersecurity expert. You know, that guy Krebs. He was on 60 Minutes.
Starting point is 00:52:19 OK, he was a cybersecurity expert for for elections and he was on there. He said before he was on 60 Minutes that there was no fraud. This was one of the safest or cleanest elections. I'm paraphrasing. And Trump picked up the phone and said, you're done. I hate bitches like this. He had a problem with Trump. And this is what happens. It's like fucking, what's his name?
Starting point is 00:52:41 The Mooch? Scaramoochie. Where you do the Vandando, Thunderbolt and Lightning, very, very frightening. Jerk-off-o, jerk-off-o. Anyways,
Starting point is 00:52:51 remember, you know, they worked with Trump for five minutes, get what they can out of it, and as soon as they let go or whatever, they do this shit. Fucking bitch.
Starting point is 00:52:59 An attorney for the Trump campaign on Monday issued a call for violence against Chris Krebs, this guy, a former cybersecurity official who was unceremoniously ousted from his post by President Trump after he rejected the president's unfounded claims of widespread voter fraud. Now, he should be taken out and spanked.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Joe DeGeneva, who's a fucking wild man. I love that. By the way, that's not what he looks like now, unless he dyed his hair and shit. Joe DeGeneva, a former capo with the Gambinos, an attorney for Trump's campaign. He said this. We got the audio. You're the guy that was on 60 minutes last night that guy is a class a moron he should be drawn and quartered taken out at dawn and shot oh
Starting point is 00:53:51 joe how do you really feel the That Jennifer's remarks were swiftly condemned on Monday by the Government Accountability Project, GAP, a whistleblower group that warned that such threats could have a chilling effect on officials seeking to expose wrongdoing. Oh, is that right? Where were you when fucking Trump was getting threats? For four years. Did you go out to,
Starting point is 00:54:25 and I know Madonna wasn't a whistleblower or Johnny Depp, they were joking about assassinating. They made a movie about, remember Trump, the black rat? Did you do any, did that bother anybody? No, nobody blinked at it.
Starting point is 00:54:35 I know it's a different situation. The guy Krebs, supposedly a whistleblower. He's just a turncoat, two-faced cocksucker. Trump announced early in November that Krebs will be terminated, and that's why he brought the firing squad back.
Starting point is 00:54:48 No, from his job running for the cyber arm of the Department of Homeland Security. Effective immediately, the president said. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired.
Starting point is 00:55:05 You're dead. You're dead. You're dead. You're dead. You're fired. You're dead. You're dead. You're dead. You're dead. You're dead. You're dead. That is it, ladies and gentlemen, for today. Thank you again so much for supporting the show.
Starting point is 00:55:14 Don't forget to go to if you'd like to. I could make a personal video on my phone. Minute, minute and a half or so. Roasting a friend or relative, verbally abusing somebody, making a little kid cry. I don't give a shit. Go to, click on my profile,
Starting point is 00:55:32 tell me a little bit about the person, and I'll make the video right on my phone, send it out to you when I have a free minute. That is it for today. Thank you so much. Don't forget is the new platform we're on. Pass that around forget is the new platform we're on. Pass that around, You guys think it, I will say it. You're very welcome. We will see you back
Starting point is 00:55:52 here tomorrow. Have a good day, everybody. guitar solo guitar solo

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