The Nick DiPaolo Show - Dizzy Dorsey Destroyed | Nick Di Paolo Show #436

Episode Date: October 29, 2020

Ted's tirade tears Twitter's tyranny. GDP makes an historic leap. BLM proves just how hateful it can be....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody, you and I are exactly the same. We just want to speak our minds, protect ourselves, and not be told what to do. That should be easy, but you know what? It's not. Between liberal politicians, a biased media, and honestly half the people in this country, every day we have to stand up for ourselves, our rights, and most importantly, the truth. And that's what I do here on the show every Monday through Thursday. I want to thank you for watching, and I want to ask for your help. Please make a contribution to the show to keep us going and keep the show free.
Starting point is 00:00:33 It's very important. You can do it at through the YouTube description below or by clicking the link if you get my daily email. All right? So let's keep the show going and keep fighting. This is the most important fight in our lives. I really believe that. Thank you for your time. All righty.
Starting point is 00:01:29 You know that sound. You know what it means. It's time, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Thursday from Georgia. Final day of the week, for me at least. Next weekend, I got to fly out of here to the Comedy Club of Kansas City for two shows on Friday and Saturday. I can't wait.
Starting point is 00:01:45 That's right. It felt so good to be on stage the last time. What is going on? Let's get right to it. Let's plow through this. Obviously, it's casual Thursday here at Amazon. We're starved and beaten about the head and face if we don't get enough packages out. The United States, speaking of Amazon and a lot of money, the United States GDP, gross domestic product, grew 33.1% with no help of Cialis or Viagra. 33.1% third quarter. Fastest expansion, get this, ever. Trump, they asked him about it. He was so excited. Hey, everybody, we're all going to get laid.
Starting point is 00:02:22 You got to admit, he created a machine did he not and you know what every every and i mean every election since 1811 before we were a country um no i'm kidding uh is about the wallet normally so i mean for the love of god it's about the wallet 33.1 the economic rebound means the United States recovered significant ground following the record-breaking collapse of output due to lockdowns by the libs intended to stem the spread of the coronavirus. No, intended to fuck up the economy. And it's working beautifully.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Despite the third quarter gains, the economy is still 3.5% smaller than it was when the year began, if you want to be negative about it and a real jack off. The third quarter GDP gain was fueled by a record 40.7% increase in consumer spending. Thank you to my wife. Business investment surged 20.3% during the quarter, reflecting a 70.1% jump in investment and equipment. Listen to this. The housing market, which I'm in right now, is booming. Residential investment grew at a rate of 59.3%.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Trump is a magician, is he not? I am like God and God like me. I am as large as God. He is as small as I. He cannot above me nor I. But he's here for me. The latest 17th century. He is. century. Ah, yes, he is like God and God like me.
Starting point is 00:04:13 I will vote for Trump and not that communist cocksucker. Excuse the language, folks. Oh, it's the Internet. Nick, don't burp into the mic and, you know, don't do any fart jokes. It's not the fucking ABC nightly news. The standard formula for calculating GDP, as you Jews know, what? Who in? You take nine shillings and a pound of flesh.
Starting point is 00:04:39 No, the standard formula for circulating GDP in the United States annualizes the quarterly changes. Fucking lights are blinding me. Which can exaggerate the changes. Absent annualization, we all know what that is, the economy grew at 7.4% in the third quarter. By far, listen to this, the largest quarterly gain in record, since records have been kept, since just after World War II. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Pelosi, you leather nipple of what? The previous record was the 1950s when I was like 11, 16.7% rate of growth, a 3.9% quarterly gain. The third quarter growth follows a 31.4% decline in the second quarter a nine percent contraction on a quarterly
Starting point is 00:05:27 basis and a five percent annualized contraction in the first quarter of course all those numbers were created because of covid and they're doing just what the chinese and biden wanted them to do i swear to fucking god and we got an audio reaction i think from the democrats when they saw these numbers in the paper this morning that was chuck schumer joe biden and by the way young girls under i, I don't know, 40, it's Biden. It's not Biden. Jesus Christ. Everybody is picking up on this ghetto lingo.
Starting point is 00:06:12 I've been complaining about it for four years now. You know, it's riding a car, not writing. That's how it's pronounced in the pork and bean projects. But you're a blonde-haired, blue-eyed devil on Fox. Say it with me, Biden. Not Biden. Important. Jesus, even Dana Prino said it.
Starting point is 00:06:32 She's 71 years old. Stop it. Stop it. You've got to love this president. Nick, why do we have to love this president? Because, you know, this really is probably the most important. They say it but we know it is we're on the verge of civil fucking war here um i spent the night in the basement at my house which i don't have is the tool shed actually making ammunition but it's tense times but does our president give a shit
Starting point is 00:07:00 he's enjoying i've never seen a guy that lives for this stuff. And whoever's putting his ad campaigns together has a little bit of a sense of humor. I found this. Look, I'm a. Let's be honest. I play a rooms my whole life. I'm a fucking legitimate headliner. So I giggled at this. But, you know, in the in the in the I'll give you a trigger warning.
Starting point is 00:07:18 OK, the new Trump campaign ad. I'm going to trigger what this clip contains. Graphic violence that some viewers may find upsetting. But check this out. It was kind of funny. Everybody say L-A-G-A L-A-G-A L-A-G-A
Starting point is 00:07:40 L-A-G-A L-A-G-A L-A-G-A L-A-G-A L-A-G-A I don't know what you're doing. I don't know what you're doing. I don't know what you're doing. I don't know what you're doing. Everybody sing every year.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Come on, man. Every year. I don't know what you're doing. You're a boy, all you girls and boys stand up and make some noise. Geez, another few bars of that song and I would have been gay.
Starting point is 00:08:10 How do they go from the Rolling Stones? You can't always get what you want. How do they go from that? I know the Stones bitched about it. The little fucking limey cocksuckers. How do you go from that though to YMCA? I mean, who picked that? Scaramucci? Come on. That's what ruined that ad
Starting point is 00:08:26 but the graphics are pretty good hillary getting clipped in the back of the head getting on that plane and then her leaning back getting into the suv like she was the elephant man i'm not she got a shit stain in her fucking pantsuit I'm fine. Remember those days? I certainly do. But I love it. A little sense of humor. Trump's in the race of his life and he's put that out there. He's retweeting it. Belly laughing, sitting on a gold toilet with his phone. Melania's putting on her makeup. But, you know, Pence probably saw it and went, I don't know. I don't know. Watch Pence again.
Starting point is 00:09:08 He, he, he does an impression of Reagan and Bush, George W. Bush. I think so. Handsome young fellow though. Young Nick, are you kidding yourself?
Starting point is 00:09:19 Anyways, uh, speaking of the election, the election, president Trump yesterday urges early voters to change their votes. Do you understand why that is? Well, his message got to me because I voted this morning. You want to see proof? Look at that. Look at that handsome fucking guy who's apparently fucking receding like a French army with a hair up there.
Starting point is 00:09:47 They give you a sticker like you're six years old. That's dead center, though, isn't it? I'm lucky some Antifa guy wasn't around. That was a fucking nice crosshairs on there. All right, take it down. I got to get the wig back on. Anyway, that looks pretty good. Nick, we don't care about your hair or your body parts.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Are you pooping? Some people do. A lot of fags out there like me. You know what? I take it as a compliment. Trump on Tuesday urged Americans who have already cast their ballot to change their vote for him after the term began
Starting point is 00:10:21 trending on Google changed the vote or whatever the fuck. So he's he says, you know, more shit to come out since you guys voted about Biden. I am your voice. Strongly trending on Google since immediately after the second debate is can I change my vote? Can I change my vote? It's a sick question. You're a sick fuck and I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it. This refers changing it to me. Trump says the answer is most states is yes. He says, go do it. The president said on Twitter,
Starting point is 00:11:00 most important election of your life. He says don't know about that there's another very important election uh in the town i'm living in the coroner two coroners running against each other and i'm not making it up there's fucking there's signs there's a coroner's running against each other how can i ask you a question how do you not get re-elected as a fucking coroner wouldn't you like to see those negative ads? Tom Johnson is sleeping with your grandmother's corpse. How do you lose that job? Bringing people to life?
Starting point is 00:11:39 My wife actually had a couple of good puns. She's like, yeah, they're in a dead heat. She goes, I'm not voting for that guy. He's got a lot of skeletons in his closet. It's pretty good shit for abroad. So the term change my vote registered a strong uptick on Google. Trends on October 24th, the week after the Post published the expose series about former President Biden alleged involvement in Hunter Biden's business in the Ukraine and China, continued climbing during the time of the final presidential debate between Trump and Biden last week.
Starting point is 00:12:18 So people had already voted, but all this shit is coming out. Biden, Hunter Biden. The Google searches for change. My vote had the most interest in Arizona. This is interesting. Florida, Idaho, Minnesota, Pennsylvania. Those are some important states. You know, I laugh.
Starting point is 00:12:36 I watch these forecasts and they figure it out. The electoral. There isn't a state that isn't important. They're like in Wyoming. There's 11 people that could flip this race to what? Pennsylvania. Why is Pennsylvania so important every year? And Wisconsin?
Starting point is 00:12:51 I don't understand it. But Trump's doing well in all of those. And don't believe the polls. Not so well that you shouldn't go out and vote. And here he is. Pull my finger, Don Jr. Pull it. People who searched change my vote also searched. This is very interesting. The people who Googled change my vote because they're interesting in Pull it. People who searched change my vote also searched.
Starting point is 00:13:05 This is very interesting. The people who Google change my vote because they're interesting in changing it. They also search for Hunter Biden and Hunter Biden related queries. According to fucking Google, an estimated 65 million people plus one have already voted, cast their ballots before the november third election i waited about 30 minutes to get in and um oh my god they hand you a green card that you put in like a chip when you're doing your credit card that brings the screen they give you a clipboard outside this is in my town they hand you a clipboard and you fill out this application uh it was so well organized and shit it scared me actually uh but yeah then she comes by and takes a clip and you have to keep the pen because there's a stylus
Starting point is 00:13:51 thing a rubber thing if you don't want to touch the screen of course i'm hitting the screen to try to vote and it's i had to call over a young brother i go i go dude he goes that's why i love brother goes because he shoots your fucking finger i don't know why they give you this shit. Love it. I love the casualness of it. Some states allow voters who have changed their minds to submit a new ballot. Matthew Weill, director of the Election Project at the Bipartisan Policy Center, told Newsy, that's where I got this story, that includes New York, at least for those who mailed in an absentee ballot. The election law recognizes that plans change, the State Board
Starting point is 00:14:31 of Elections says. Even if you request or cast in return an absentee ballot, you may still go to the polls and vote in person, the rule states. In Arizona, Florida, Idaho, Minnesota, residents who voted by mail can vote with a provisional ballot an election day. Officials urge voters to bring ballots not sent in the mail with them to the polling places. And you can do some origami with them. voters can uh they can bring their mail-in or absentee ballot with them to the poll to be avoided or sign a declaration a declaration declaration uh sign a declaration to declaration six cup of coffee to be able to vote on november uh third so there's a lot of places. If you're having second thoughts, that's pretty goddamn cool.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Oh, righty then. Where did he go off his rocker with his hillbilly? You stay in Hollywood long enough. You become a fucking outright communist. Sarah Silverman, Patton Oswalt,, what's her name from Will and Grace? Jason, producer, just give me one answer one day, please. You know her name, the redheaded Jew. What?
Starting point is 00:16:03 The redheaded broad. You know her name, the redheaded Jew. What? Redhead Roy. The redheaded Roy. Anyways. Don't we have fun here, folks? I think we do.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Can I just say something? YouTube is pulling some shit. That's all we know. We're looking into it. Here's my tour coming up. As you guys know, I'm back on the road doing what I've been doing for the past 33 years. Could you change it from 35? Tommy's trying to age me, apparently, and proving that COVID is bull fucking shit. Next weekend, I'll be at the Comedy Club of Kansas City on Friday and Saturday, November 6th and 7th.
Starting point is 00:16:36 If you're in the area, come on out. On November 19th, I'll be at the Improv in Raleigh, North Carolina. And then I'll be back in Las Vegas at the beautiful Plaza Hotel and Casino, Friday, November 20th, and Saturday, November 21st, doing one show each night. To get all these tickets for all the shows on my website, go to,
Starting point is 00:16:58 and I hope to see you out at the club. I'll buy you a purple drink. We'll get all fucking crazy up in that motherfucker. You see, guys? Did you see yesterday that Trump was in Arizona having a big rally? Oh, by the way, Biden came out of his rat hole.
Starting point is 00:17:16 And, oh, was it? Oh, Carmela. Carmela. Carmela. Carmela. She actually had, what did they say? 80 people or Biden had 80 people, literally to Trump's thousands. Don't tell me that doesn't mean anything.
Starting point is 00:17:33 Anyways, while he was doing his rally in Arizona yesterday, an unknown aircraft had to be intercepted by F-16 jets. They intercepted an unknown aircraft flying over the Trump rally in Arizona. A few hours, it's, you know, it says a few hours ago, boy.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Flares deployed a signal exit of restricted airspace. They were letting the plane know that it was in restricted airspace. So they sent up, they sent up flares. Check out Trump's reaction.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Oh, look at that. Look, look, look. Oh, look at that. They gave the president a little display. Whoa. Wow. How about that? How about that?
Starting point is 00:18:33 How about that? Oh, a display. They gave me a little display. It's beautiful. He doesn't even realize. He doesn't even realize. It could have been the plane that they were chasing could have been ready to spray the crowd with fucking ricin
Starting point is 00:18:46 he's like a little kid oh boy it's a plane it's a bird they're giving me a little display does he seem nervous about anything he has black blood running through his veins like brothers don't
Starting point is 00:19:04 get nervous about anything I swear to god blood running through his veins. Brothers don't get nervous about anything. I swear to God he's the same way. Oh, look! At approximately 1,400 MDT, for you people who haven't been in the military, that's 2 o'clock, I would say.
Starting point is 00:19:21 NORAD F-16 aircraft investigated a general aviation aircraft that was not in communication with the atc and entered the temporary flight restriction area surrounding bullhead city arizona without proper clearance and uh trump just looked up there and i don't think they're a pretty thing for me i really am the violating aircraft was was non-responsive to initial intercept procedures, but established radio communications. Turns out it was Joe Biden because they heard, where are we? What are we doing?
Starting point is 00:19:56 Where are we? Come in. They established communications after NORAD aircraft deployed signal flares. established communications after NORAD aircraft deployed signal flares. The aircraft was escorted out of the restricted area by NORAD aircraft without further incidents. That could have been dangerous. Enough is enough. I have had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Look at Trump. I picture a kid in a stroller i wonder what he said after when they told him yeah we didn't know are you shitting me for christ's sake i thought they were they were showing their love for me ah fuck it let's go on he's probably like Belichick now. Mr. President, you had a plane that nobody knew about flying over your rally
Starting point is 00:20:50 in Bullheads, Arizona. What do you think of that? We're on to Wisconsin. You know what they're doing? They're protecting the president from evil and there's a lot of evil out there, ladies and gentlemen. What do you mean, you mean nick well once again the ugly terrorists uh fucking rearing
Starting point is 00:21:09 their ugly muslim fucking heads and uh where else france terrorists murder three people in france okay what the? The religion of peace is what they call it. Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar! A woman was decapitated and two other people were killed by a knife-wielding terrorist
Starting point is 00:21:36 who shouted, Allah Akbar, go Packers. What? No, Allah Akbar at a church in the French city of Nice or like to call it nice I've been to that church it's fucking nice in Nice I went with my niece and my nephew and it was nice uh one of the three attacks targeting the the country on Thursday uh Est. Strauss, who's the mayor, I believe, of Nice, described the assailant as a terrorist.
Starting point is 00:22:08 You know how bad it has to be when they actually say the word terrorist on the first story out? Who shouted Allah Akbar Arabic for go jets repeatedly as police collared him. The meeting, he said the meaning of his gesture left no doubt, the mayor said. He's a huge Packers fan. Now, a wounded woman managed to flee to a nearby cafe but died of her injuries later.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Okay? Okay? But diversity is good. I'll say it again, folks. I'll say it again, folks. I'll say it again. In a perfect world, my people would have stayed in Italy. Yours would have stayed in France.
Starting point is 00:22:52 The Polish would have stayed there. The Muslims would have stayed in the fucking desert. That's right. Spreading the fucking hate. Nick, that's a very reactionary response to this. I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:23:09 I don't care. Stay home. But they're still using knives. You know what I mean? And imagine that was someone's fucking mother. Think about your mother or grandma. That's how she goes. I really, people are predicting. Did you hear um was it pat robertson
Starting point is 00:23:28 i think it was pat robertson said trump's gonna win the election and he said what did he say five months or five years after that the meteorite's gonna hit the earth that's what God told him in a dream. And I told him to lay off the Chantix. Apparently, Chantix gives you crazy fucking dreams. But anyways, a suspected knife attack attacker was shot by police while being detained. He is on his way to the hospital. I'm sure there'll be people protesting because a Muslim was shot over there. you know protesting because a muslim was shot over there uh anyways he's on his way to his hospital and he's alive which is good news because we can waterboard him or france can or they can feed him a bunch of dishes with heavy cream like they like he'll shit till he talks uh anyways so it's it's the world's coming apart. Durka, Durka, Muhammad Jihad, Haka Sherpa Sherpa, Abakala.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Abakala. You know what else was going on? You know what events were coinciding with those three people getting slaughtered or two of them? A Saudi man at the same time was arrested in Jeddah. Have you had the sharp Jeddah from Vermont? Have you had the sharp jetta from Vermont? After attacking a guard with a sharp tool at the French consulate, state media reported the Saudi press agency offered no motive for the attack.
Starting point is 00:24:57 How about this in the name of Allah and world domination? How about we hate Christians and any other religion? How about that's the motive? I'm just going to go out on a limb. Call me a detective. The assailant was apprehended by Saudi security forces immediately after the attack. The guard was taken to a hospital.
Starting point is 00:25:14 His life is not in danger, the embassy said in a statement. And in southern France, if that's not enough, police shot and killed a man in Montfeve, near the city of Avignon. I think I got those right.
Starting point is 00:25:26 After he had earlier threatened passerbys with a handgun plea. What are we in, fucking Detroit? According to a radio station. Anyways, he shouted what? He said, go Broncos. Now that confused everybody. No, he shouted a la Akbar. So what the fuck is no?
Starting point is 00:25:43 A la Akbar! A la Akbar, so what the fuck is new? Allah is more! Allah is more! It was not immediately clear what the motive was behind the Nice attack. Okay, stop it. You just said terrorism. Put it together, you frogs! Or if there was any connection to the cartoons, which Muslims deemed to be blasphemy. As you know, a teacher was beheaded a few weeks ago over there, right?
Starting point is 00:26:06 In France. Because he showed his students cartoons of Muhammad. So his head was cut off on the sidewalk. And you think your free speech is under attack. You know? Somebody's got to do something about these pricks. Do you want to go to war? Come on.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Do you want to go to war? And he's the perfect guy. Tony, coño. Hey, coño. Those are Muslims, Tony. I tell you. I tell you, Al Qaeda. The fucking ISIS brothers.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Fuck them. What they ever do for us? I buried those cockroaches. Tony, I am the boss. Sure, you're the boss, Frank. Anyways, that was very honest reporting because they usually don't bring out the terrorism. I mean, that's how bad it's gotten. They can't even hide it anymore.
Starting point is 00:26:57 I'm sure Obama and the left was squirming in their pink panties when they heard that term because it's not Muslims, as you know. It's just extremists, not Muslims, as you know. It's just extremists, religious extremists, you know. And they like to compare the Christians to them, you know. Speaking of unfair and horribly biased news, Twitter, this was the headline, is running a blackmail operation. This was the headline, is running a blackmail operation.
Starting point is 00:27:30 They're saying basically to news outlets, cooperate or no traffic for you. No soup for you. For all their talk of neutral platforms, the big shots at big tech, Twitter, Facebook, and Google, are running a protection rack. I'm sorry. Be ashamed if something happened to your mouse. Right? Twitter's strong-arm tactics to censor the Post,
Starting point is 00:27:53 that means the Washington Post, since we began reporting on Hunter Biden's emails. First, it froze our account, this is somebody from the Post talking, and banned our stories. Then, amid public backlash, only when there was backlash, it agreed to unfreeze us, but only if we deleted our original tweets. That is blackmail.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Guys, this is, we're at a new level of fucking bias that I can't even. Anyways, Twitter CEO Jack. I suck cock. I'm fucking biased. I can't even. Anyways, Twitter CEO Jack. I suck cock. Dorsey. Sounded like every mob enforcer and shakedown artist in history. Nice paper. They use the same. Nice paper you got there, New York Post.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Shame something could happen to it, you know? What do you mean there, Mr. Dor do you what are you trying to say i don't know nothing about that look at his fucking beard i almost like him for the beard he's a big fruit cup but that's beside the point yeah look he's got the beautiful oh shit it looks like him and you got the one big tech guy going one way and you got the one going the other way. So what? Come on, no more religious paintings. Look at the fucking beard on this guy. He should be making meth in a tub in fucking Nashville.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Anyways, Dorsey, he knows full well media outlets depend on social media and Google search algorithms to help readers access our reporting, said the guy at the Post. Besides, if it was an honest error, then why do these errors only happen to one side? And who brought that up? Senator Marsha Blackburn, speaking of Tennessee, I'd still throw her one. She says Twitter has censored President Trump. Get this, she's counting says twitter has censored president trump get this she's counting twitter's censored president trump 65 times and joe biden how many zero there's a uh a pattern of subjective manipulation of information isn't there jack you smoke cocksucker fuck you hey i remember all my life raining down as cold as eyes i see a fake face through a window so happy i'm gay I didn't know the rest.
Starting point is 00:30:26 I listened to that shit. I'll just let you know. In the car, I'm singing a Barry Mantle. Now, this story is related. Jack Dorsey, right, sitting there. Well, he went in front. He was subpoenaed along with Zuckerberg and the other mamalook who were running the world. They had to answer some hard questions from some senators.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Mama Luke were running the world. They had to answer some hard questions from some senators and nobody better to ask these questions, in my opinion, than Teddy Cruz. You know, Ted Cruz was the debating champion at Harvard. And even Dershowitz to this day said he was the best student you ever had. That's saying something. And I went went when a jew at harvard says this guy's brainy that's pretty good so anyways ted cruz took a big dump on dorsey called him on all his horse shit uh the first clip we're going to show you it was a general question about twitter and uh censorship uh here's how it went mr dorsey yessey. Yes. Does Twitter have the ability to influence elections? No. Come on, Jason. Split screen. You don't believe Twitter has any ability to
Starting point is 00:31:35 influence elections? No, we are one part of a spectrum of communication channels that people have. So you're testified to this committee right now that Twitter, when it silences people, when it censors people, when it blocks political speech, that has no impact on elections? People have choice of other communication channels. Not if they don't hear information. If you don't think you have the power to influence elections, why do you block anything? Well, we have policies focused on making sure
Starting point is 00:32:07 that more voices on the platform are possible. We see a lot of abuse and harassment, which ends up silencing people and having them leave from the platform. All right, Mr. Dorsey, I find your opening questions, your opening answers absurd on their face. I love it absurd on your face it's not all that's on his face what clean that beard son clean it up there come catcher you want to debate Ted Cruz he's been in front Ted Cruz has been in front of, what is it, in front of the Supreme Court 11, 12 times, and he's 12-0. You can say what you want about him. He needs a tan. Would you ever know he was Latino?
Starting point is 00:32:55 I could have met him, and I didn't, when I was doing you-know-who show, Crowder's show in Texas. He came in. That's when I knew Crowder had real juice. I come in, and they're on the phone with Cruz's people. I hear Ted Cruz on the speakerphone in the background go, dude, dude. One of his guys goes, dude, I don't know if we have time. He goes, well, let's make time. Doorbell rang three minutes later. There he is. I'm laying in my underwear watching the Wheel of Fortune. So I just ignored him. But anyways, the second question specifically got more specific about the new york post story
Starting point is 00:33:25 being taken down and stuff and uh he really made this guy look like the mama luke um mr dorsey your ability is you have the power to force a media out and let's be clear the new york post isn't just some random guy tweeting the The New York Post has the fourth highest circulation of any newspaper in America. The New York Post is over 200 years old. The New York Post was founded by Alexander Hamilton. And your position is that you can sit in Silicon Valley and demand of the media that you can tell them what stories they can publish and you can tell the American people what reporting they can hear. Is that right? No.
Starting point is 00:34:08 This was, you know, every person, every account, every organization that signs up to Twitter agrees to a terms of service. A terms of service. So media outlets must genuflect and obey your dictates if they wish to be able to communicate with readers is that right no not at all we you know we recognize an error in this policy and specifically the enforcement you're still blocking their posts you're still blocking their posts right now today you're blocking their i love it i love it there was still when he was grilling him the post was still blocked he's going to tell you what they had to do to get it up and going again. But can you imagine if this was being decided by a jury?
Starting point is 00:34:49 They would have stopped the fight. Go ahead. We're not blocking the post. Anyone can tweet. And the New York Post post on their Twitter account. If they go into their account. No answer to that. Unless they agree with your dictatesates let me ask you something you claimed it was because of a hacked
Starting point is 00:35:12 materials uh policy i find that facially uh there's that word again highly dubious and clearly he's being employed in in a deeply partial way. Did Twitter block the distribution of the New York Times' story a few weeks ago that purported to be based on copies of President Trump's tax returns? We didn't find that a violation of our terms of service, and of the policy in particular, because it was reporting about the material. It wasn't distributing the material. Okay, well, that's actually not true. They posted what they purported to be original source materials.
Starting point is 00:35:49 And federal law, federal statute makes it a crime, a federal felony, to distribute someone's tax returns against their knowledge. So that material was based on something that was distributed in violation of federal law. And yet Twitter gleefully allowed people to circulate that. But when the article was critical of Joe Biden, Twitter engaged in rampant censorship and silencing. And again, we recognized errors in that policy. We changed it within 24 hours. This is what you're still watching the New York Post.
Starting point is 00:36:23 You haven't changed it. We have changed it. They can log into their account, delete the original tweet. You forced a Politico reporter to take down his post about the New York Post as well. Is that correct? Within that 24-hour period, yes. But we, you know, as the policy has changed, anyone can tweet the New York Post. You can censor Politico. Presumably, you can censor the New York Post, you can censor Politico, presumably you can censor the New York Times or any other media outlet. Mr. Dorsey, who the hell elected you and put you in charge of what the media are allowed to report and what the American people are allowed to hear? And why do you persist in behaving as a Democratic superpower, silencing billions used to the contrary of your political beliefs all right fucking dorsey
Starting point is 00:37:11 boy he got fucking destroyed that's what happens when you put a real bright conservative in a room with a lib or a Democrat. That's what happens. It's an adult versus a child. And Dorsey, that was embarrassing. You got knocked the fuck out, man. You got mauled. Yeah, but if they sign back in and then they then they not no no no no no no no so your answer is no it's still blocked do you see how they do you see how they rationalize their bias
Starting point is 00:37:53 you know no but the but the shit from hunter biden we consider that hacked no it wasn't it was on a fucking hard drive nobody busted busted into it. It was left at a computer. I mean, this is what they do. This is how they rush. Who is he and Picard and Zuckerberg to tell us what fucking stories
Starting point is 00:38:15 and how many times did we say it on the show, folks, about Google being the real threat? I mean, for the last two and a half years, I said, never mind the mainstream media. Google controls every bit of information almost everybody uses to decide how they're going to vote.
Starting point is 00:38:32 And then this dickweed from Twitter go, no, we don't influence election. Yeah. It's refreshing how when they when they finally good gets good versus evil gets together. Dorsey claimed that his policies, listen to this, are making sure that more voices on the platform are possible. Do you believe the balls on this guy? Liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, and you know it. That's typical of a, Nick, don't bring sick, but it is though.
Starting point is 00:39:04 It's typical of, oh, people, he sick but it is though it's typical of oh people he said people who get harassed and bullied online that's why we have those rules what a baby what a baby my god he's the reason and picar's the reason and zuckerberg that we're on the verge of civil war that in 30 years of CNN and ABC and seriously, that's why we are where we are today. And you guys better be ready. And what better way to be ready if it's going to get nuts out there is to get some can I pro gear? Can I is some of the best stuff out that we're brought to you today by Kanae Brogier Check this stuff out, man They sent me some of this stuff
Starting point is 00:39:52 And I'll be wearing it I'll be wearing it to my friend's wedding next Wednesday See, this is so light, man You put in these plates. And I showed, I got a guy who's a military guy living two doors down from me. And I showed him some of this stuff. And he's like, oh, yeah, it doesn't get better than that. Authorized, okay, by somebody who's worn this stuff.
Starting point is 00:40:19 This thing feels like it weighs 40 pounds. I'm going to wear this. My wife's biscuits won't get through this on Thanksgiving. We get that fight we always have about me fisting the turkey. What the? But this is some great stuff. It's the stuff the military uses. Can I even has level three, level three and level four body armor that is in stock, shipping now with practically zero lead time.
Starting point is 00:40:49 You can get this stuff like that, and you're going to need it. Election time is coming up. All of their gear is inspired by military assault packs. They took military grade materials like 500D Codora nylon. Codora is the brand name nylon, which is the strongest, lightest, and most durable. Standard features you can expect from Kenai ProGear. Also includes hydration, hydration capability, CCW storage, door flex, buckles, and plenty of internal organizers for all the more standard stuff you carry on a day-to-day basis.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Lots of great products have come out of the military, aviator glasses, the Jeep Wrangler, and now you can get the Sarsena Expedition Pack. It's in use by the United States government. If it's trusted by Secret Service agents, it's good enough for you, plus get a lifetime warranty on all of their backpacks. Can I also has an incredible team that cares about getting you the right gear. They've sworn off automated responses and have real humans answering the phones at customer
Starting point is 00:41:56 service. To me, out of all the things, that makes me the most excited. I was trying to get a doctor's appointment today he was talking to r2d2 fucking uh microwave oven nobody anyways don't believe that give it a try uh direct message them at can i pro gear uh to talk to one of their specialists can i pro gear also offers you afterpay which allows you to break up any order over $35 into four easy payments with no credit check required. If you want this armor, you can buy it today with no lead times and get 15% off using the code NickDip at That's C-A-N-N-A-E and use NickDip to get 15% off. After the bombs is only going to be you.
Starting point is 00:42:45 And can I pro gear the most durable gear known to man? And it's really good stuff. Go out and get it. We have a Patreon question. I don't know if that's a little out of focus or I've smoked that much. Okay. Got a, we have a Patreon question.
Starting point is 00:43:05 This is from Andy Navin, Willow Grove, Pennsylvania. Hey, Nick, how do I convince my coworkers who are low-informed voters to vote for Donald Trump without being called a racist or a bigot? Low-informed voters and the word racism, bigot. Hmm. I'm guessing, what do you what are you trying to think where you work are you the equipment manager for the oakland raiders uh andy honestly this late in the game you're not going to change their minds they've been drinking the kool-aid for i don't know how many years um but you know what they'll
Starting point is 00:43:42 get the message when this country starts to burn, when Biden gets elected, and their taxes go through the roof. You won't have to convince them. They'll wake up. But at this late date, it's going to be very hard because we're so polarized. Their minds are made up. But they have drunk the Kool-Aid, and you have not. You watch shows like this that inform you of what's going on. But it's so true, Andy. It's a great point because the Democrats have cornered the market on fucking low, as you call it, informed voters. Look who they rely on. College-age kids. Boy, they know a ton.
Starting point is 00:44:18 Right? They even want felons to vote in jail. And where else, Nick? The mall? Yeah. They want felons to vote in jail and where else nick them all yeah they want felons to vote okay they want immigrants who know nothing about this country to vote you can't find fucking more less informed people to vote than the democrats demographic and that's what they
Starting point is 00:44:42 rely on so don't don't don't you know do it anyways fuck it if you haven't been called the races of bigot you're not trying andy say listen y'all the fuck y'all doing do the black voice like hillary does when she's giving a speech in fucking alabama you know Speaking of Alabama, BLM thugs harassing who? Harassing Jews in Philadelphia. You'd think they had a shared, a common sorrow between the Holocaust and slavery. But no, these are the most hateful thugs. And again, not all of them are black in Black Lives Matter. A lot of white liberal entitled
Starting point is 00:45:25 little dirtbags who would call you a bigot in a second and me a bigot but they're actually the most anti-semitic cocksuckers on the planet black lives matter rioters in philadelphia threaten assault and chase out jewish residents claiming you don't live here and call them members of uh the synagogue of Satan. Now, where would they get that idea? The satanic Jews. They control everything and mostly everybody. All right, even a broken clock, never mind.
Starting point is 00:45:59 What? I'm busting balls over here. But check this video out. And again, I noticed the the camera whoever was filming it focused on the three white guys that were harassing you can see the white guys but you can hear black guys going get the fuck out
Starting point is 00:46:15 you don't belong you know it's real you know how they zip codes and territories in my neighborhood very go ahead neighborhood. Fucking cowards. Get him out of here! Get the fuck out of here! Get him out of here! Get off our block! Philly waking up. Revelation 2 and 9, the synagogue of Satan.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Synagogue of Satan, the synagogue of Satan. Get this through your head, you. Get this through your head, you Jew motherfucker, you. Anti-Semites each, and they call everybody on the right that they're always projecting their own faults. There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind. The thing is, these Jewish men were not harassing Black Lives Matter rioters, nor were they persecuting them. You know, you'll never know that from the media. You know, you'll never know that from the media.
Starting point is 00:47:30 It is outrageous for the rioters to respond by calling them false Jews and then brand them part of the synagogue of Satan. They really are some evil pricks, aren't they? Your mother sucks cocks in hell. Apparently due to the color of their skin. Well, the color of the skin is the same as mine. The Jewish fellas. Are they white? Well, they're Semitic.
Starting point is 00:47:43 I don't know what that means. But all I know is they go with the Amish beards and shit. So anyways, this is terrifying. Anti-Semitism appears to be growing more mainstream. In July, a black NFL player shared a fake
Starting point is 00:47:59 quote from Adolf Hitler. Who the fuck did... Who did that? That's not right. I'm forcing you to Quote from Adolf Hitler. Who the fuck did? Who did that? That's not right. And for you, do eigenarbeit, do eigenfleisch, eigenentrusteit. That was Hitler just having a coffee. He gets very excited. Anyways, the NFL player shared the tweet warning that white Jews planned for world domination.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo issued extra coronavirus restrictions for specific areas of New York City with high Orthodox Jewish populations in a move that rabbis denounced as blatantly anti-Semitic. A Jersey City, New Jersey school board member, I remember this one, black, condemned Jews as brutes and defended men who shot up a kosher supermarket claiming that they were fighting for the black community. Do you believe the ignorance?
Starting point is 00:49:01 Huh? Yeah, blacks are brutes. Isn't that the first thing you think of when you hear Jewish people brutes? How fucking ignorant. Yeah. It's the you know, we've seen packs of Jews burning down the footlocker and, you know, running to Walmart and then realizing there's no kosher stuff there and they bang a Yui. They run to the Diamond District and they don't want to fuck that up. That's their uncles and aunts. But what a bunch of crap. You people on the left, you're as ignorant as the day is long. The big story yesterday, one of the big stories, it's been a very busy news week, obviously. But do you guys remember? Do you remember when somebody leaked something to the press?
Starting point is 00:49:49 I think it was during Russiagate. Remember a guy wrote a book? Well, it was an op-ed. He called himself, he referred to himself as anonymous. Do you guys remember that? And people were saying it was somebody high up, an actual person working in the Trump administration. Do you remember when all the left-leaning news sites said that? Once again, they were lying.
Starting point is 00:50:09 On Wednesday, former Department of Homeland Security, that's what makes it chilling, official Miles Taylor, revealed himself to be anonymous, the author of a New York Times op-ed and subsequent book critical of Donald Trump's presidency. op-ed and subsequent book critical of Donald Trump's presidency. However, when asked by CNN's goo gobbler in chief, Anderson Cooper, back in August, if he was anonymous, Taylor, being a true lefty, denied it because that's what they do. They're lying suckers of Satan's pee pee. Let's take a look. There was an op-ed, there was a book by someone calling themselves anonymous. Are you aware of who that is? I'm not. Look, and that was a parlor game that happened in Washington, D.C., of a lot of folks
Starting point is 00:50:58 trying to think who that might be. I've got my own thoughts about who that might be, but, you know, I'm not you're not a president and I certainly don't want to. I wear a mask for two things, Anderson, Halloween's and pandemics. And how about parties with your fucking goo gobble of friends? Imagine he looks right into the camera. Nah, nah, that wasn't me. You're lying. And you're a piece of shit. He fucking leaked all that shit out and blamed it on a senior
Starting point is 00:51:32 official. Can you imagine sitting right there with that hunk, Anderson Cooper, lying right into the fucking camera? Fucking rat anyways. Whole family's all rats. Who'd have brought up to be a rat? He was a senior official of the Department of Homeland Security, okay?
Starting point is 00:51:48 The way the far-left New York Times hyped him on us, we were deliberately misled to believe this was someone in Trump's cabinet. There was even talk it could be Vice President Mike Pence. Oh, yeah. Who said that? Who else? The Times.
Starting point is 00:52:02 Who the fuck said that? The New York Times. Who's the slimy little commoner shit twinkle toad cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? That would be him,
Starting point is 00:52:11 Miles Taylor. This was a pretty big deal at the time. Another one of those week-long, highly coordinated everyone in the national media singing from the same hymnal
Starting point is 00:52:22 of five alarm freakouts. And it was all a big fucking hoax a liar con more fake news from the fucking fake news freaks at the New York Times and they're still lying to this day no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
Starting point is 00:52:38 no no no no no no not this fucking time no fucking way no fucking way no fucking way no fucking way mate hey relax you got your panties. No fucking way, mate. Hey, relax. You got your panties in a bunch. Speaking of panties, we have brought you by sheath underwear. Excuse me. Too many cigarettes.
Starting point is 00:52:55 You guys have heard me talk about that. I actually, actually showed you me wearing them. Do we have that picture? You don't have it? You suck, Jason. What do you throw this shit away the minute you use it? There is, uh, there is Jason on the left. That's a girl he picked up at some fucking arts and crafts fair. And there's her father. Um, anyways, the, I'm not kidding you. I got them on right now. I was always a tidy whitey guy, you know, I'm old school.
Starting point is 00:53:27 And then I saw, you know, or Haynes and I saw, um, you know, Michael Jordan doing the Haynes commercial. He had a Hitler mustache. I said, I got to go with some. And, but I was always tidy whiteys and they, you know, they, they don't hide anything. I like camouflage. If I've, let's be honest, if I've, uh, if I've eaten at the chipotle i want uh some dark jean shorts but they're light and they're silky you almost feel like you're you know caitlin jenner they
Starting point is 00:53:54 but but see but they're very masculine you got the see that and and here's the other thing and i'm not making this i get like they have solid all blue, all red. I put them on. I sit outside on my little stoop in a residential area. Nobody knows it's my underwear, except for a few girls. But listen, but they're really comfortable. I feel like I'm going, as they say, commando, you know. They have a two-pouch compartment. Put your bullets in one but it does it keeps your
Starting point is 00:54:27 balls off your legs and uh my feet i'm 58 um they're supportive soft material nice looking you know uh they are it's everything they say they are and i want more i'll pay for them fellas this time the idea for sheath came from U.S. Army soldier Robert Patton. He came up with the idea during his two tours in Iraq. Guys, if this worked for Robert in the sun-blasted desert of Iraq, you know it'll work wherever you live. Support this awesome veteran-owned company. Go to and use promo code NICKDIP
Starting point is 00:55:01 to get 20% off your first order. Every order comes with Sheath Underwear's 100% money back guarantee. That's, promo code NickDip, get Sheath Underwear and let them support your balls. Please. I want to thank contributors since last night to the show. night to the show. We have Cal Amari from
Starting point is 00:55:25 Missouri, Dick Crane, Richard Crane, Kansas City, Andrew McConnell, Connecticut, G McCocksock, Australia. Those Australians. Buddy Paul Sagnella from Connecticut, always contributing. Greg
Starting point is 00:55:40 Perotka, Arizona. Luis Lopez, California. Thank you guys so much for contributing. Go to to contribute. And also sign up at If you do that, you're a monthly subscriber, and you get an encore presentation. In other words, an extra story every day that nobody else gets.
Starting point is 00:56:05 You get to ask me a question and you have access to all the old shows. So we appreciate the support right now. And, you know, we know Pelosi's dragging her feet with the fucking money. What an evil witch. God help us all. Speaking of government workers, the Department of Justice charges postal worker who threw away over 100 ballots. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:56:30 The Department of Justice on Tuesday announced that a former U.S. Postal Service employee in Kentucky is facing federal criminal charges after allegedly throwing several bags of mail in a dumpster that included more than 100 absentee ballots being sent to voters. What a scumbuck that this guy is.
Starting point is 00:56:52 You're a crumb creep. The minute I read that, I go, I wonder what color this guy was. And it's like, Nick, why do you do that? Aren't people just people? No, not at all. We're as different as our skin color. How about that? Put that in your liberal pipe and smoke it. Sorry, there's the answer. Deshawn Bojegier, 35 of Louisville, was charged in the Western District of Kentucky with delay or destruction of mail, violation of 18 U.S. Code 1703.
Starting point is 00:57:28 Prosecution, prosecutors claim that earlier this month, Bogier discarded a large quantity of mail from a single route that was all scheduled for delivery on the same day. The mail found in a construction dumpster on Galeen Drive in Louisville included approximately 111 general election absentee ballots from the Jefferson County clerk's office being mailed to voters to be filled out, the DOJ stated. The dumped mail also included approximately 69 mixed class pieces of flat rate mail, 320 second class pieces of mail.
Starting point is 00:58:08 I don't even understand the mail. I don't know a corporal from a soldier from second class and two national election campaign flyers from a political party in Florida. So I don't know. What the hell's going on out here? Bolger later told the United States Postal Service special agents that he was responsible for tossing the discarded mail in the construction dumpster. And at least he admitted to it.
Starting point is 00:58:34 But what is he doing? There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind. Wouldn't it be funny if the guy is white? I'm just assuming. Is there any whites named Deshaun? I love black people have their own little culture going there. They take names and make them sound French.
Starting point is 00:58:52 LaShawn, Deshaun, Zabon, Deshaun, Washington. At this time, there's no evidence indicating that Bogier's conduct was specifically intended to affect the delivery of the absentee ballots. Yeah. Yeah. Why would you put those dots together? About a week before the biggest election in history. And but, you know, that's not what he was doing. He was stealing the Sears catalogs. Anyways, the motive is unclear to these idiots. The charge comes after several other instances
Starting point is 00:59:25 of USPS employees interfering with the delivery of mail-in ballots. And it's exactly why the Democrats started the whole COVID horseshit so they would make you stay home, believe that it was dangerous to go out and vote, and you would mail the shit in, making it more susceptible to fraud.
Starting point is 00:59:41 We all know the goddamn answers. I've seen it happen. Why do you got to do that? I don't know. Hey, you know who's a good brother and a funny brother? Jim Biden. I call him the Jim Belushi
Starting point is 00:59:56 of the Biden family. Jimmy Biden refuses to answer about his nephew, Hunter Biden. Yesterday, presidential nominee of former Vice President Joe Biden, you don't have to say that in all the fucking these articles. His brother, Jim, refused to answer questions from Fox News on Joe Biden's involvement in his Hunter Biden business dealings and claims made by former Hunter Biden business associate Tony Bobulinski.
Starting point is 01:00:27 Bobulinski. Bobulinski. Here's the video of him ignoring a woman trying to get some answers out of him. Mr. Biden. Hi. Do you care to answer the questions? Pause. She said, Mr. Biden.
Starting point is 01:00:47 Again, Biden, not Biden. Looks like a stunt double for Joe, doesn't he? Go ahead. Just wondering, why did you involve Joe Biden in your China deal? Why did you and Hunter Biden have Joe Biden to meet with Tony D? What are you talking about? Are you Mr. Jim Biden? I wanted to ask you about the China deal. Would you please stop bothering me?
Starting point is 01:01:19 You don't want to comment, sir? As he walks into this 12,000 square foot beautiful home that he built as a result of fucking Joe Biden selling us out for the last, I don't know how many years, using his name as leverage and fucking with our foreign policy. God help us. You're a creep. Get away from me. I got to hand it to her. She kept at it. I mean, I was a door-to-door salesman.
Starting point is 01:01:51 A guy goes, no, I go, okay, fuck it. I've made my quota. I sold three boxes of Boston Scrod before noon. Anyways, that's him. Look what he's driving, okay? This guy, you know what he's done in his life? He had a bar in Delaware that went belly up. But all of a sudden he's doing, you know, now he's into Chinese espionage.
Starting point is 01:02:14 God help us, folks. And that's who you're going to vote in, huh? Let's lighten it up. It is Halloween this weekend. As you know, God, I didn't bring my mask. Remember how much fun I had last Halloween here in the Savannah area? Do you remember? I have a whole bit about it that I'm actually going to.
Starting point is 01:02:32 But it's just so much fun. And again, I don't know if COVID is going to affect that or not. Did I send you that picture, Jason, of me with my Halloween mask on? Just last year? I didn't say. Anyways, this lady, God bless this lady. She has a display, a Halloween display on her front lawn. It's a strip club.
Starting point is 01:03:02 For Halloween this year, Richmond, Texas resident, and chicks are so cool in Texas. Angela Nava created a skeleton strip club on her lawn. That looks like a strip club I went to in Ethiopia. They all came out to sex and candy. Those are some, look at that. Those are fucking, I love it. Anorexics trying to get laid. That looks like an X-ray of every bar I've been in. God bless her. She has a sense of humor, but you know somebody's going to piss on that. The lusty outdoor venue, which Nava has named the Candy Shop,
Starting point is 01:03:38 features skeleton strippers, pole dancing and wigs, bony customers getting lap dances and offering tips even us even a skeletal bouncer wearing shades and a baseball hat emblazoned security how can't you love this broad uh and the scene is far from dead. Nava changes it up daily. She plays music at about 8 o'clock p.m. for the strippers. Oh, I want to see that.
Starting point is 01:04:13 It's really been just a great creative outlet for me, she says. I have more time in my hand than I should. No. She said of the haunting hangout, which she dreamed up early in the coronavirus pandemic. We've just decided if this brings a little bit of joy and a little bit of smile to someone, then we're doing everything right, she says. But again, we live in the United States of America where you can't please everybody. Everybody's got a voice. It certainly seemed like the display was spreading joy as her neighbors all loved it. And it was a hit online.
Starting point is 01:04:47 But then Nava received a letter from her homeowners association on Sunday. Her exotic dances, the group said, in so many words, were offensive and inappropriate for the family friendly neighborhood. Go fuck yourself. And Nava had 30 days to take them down, despite Halloween being a couple days away. Can you imagine? It wasn't family-friendly. Really?
Starting point is 01:05:17 So you brought a four-year-old by? You couldn't explain that to him? Just said those are very sick people that live in that house? Or they all have cancer? Come on, get creative out there. Will you shut up? Will you? Will you please shut up?
Starting point is 01:05:30 Will you shut up? Shut up? Shut up? I was a little sad, she said. I wonder why, if she was a stripper. Why didn't they interview her? Freaking typical guy. Why didn't they talk?
Starting point is 01:05:42 Maybe she had nice boobs. Put her on the camera. She said I was a little sad. She said of her reaction, she initially planned to comply and shut the scene down. But listen to this. But then I got so much support
Starting point is 01:05:54 off Facebook and I said, fuck them. She said, forget it. People are having so much fun with this and they love it. I'm going to continue to do it like a good American. Look at the girl on the pole.
Starting point is 01:06:17 Oh, both of them. I'd still tip those girls. I've seen ugly ones. I told you I was in Sacramento and I was on the road back in the day and I went into it and there was an Asian woman dancing I think she was eight and a half months pregnant if I could kid's hand came out of her snatch and grabbed my $5 bill
Starting point is 01:06:34 I couldn't believe anyways that is it for the week folks I want to thank you guys again for contributing to the show I think we're going back to 5pm 99% sure we'll let you know on social media this weekend. We had to maneuver for a ton of reasons too long to explain.
Starting point is 01:06:51 But that is it. Thank you again for supporting the show. Don't forget if you want me to roast somebody. A lot of people order these for birthday gifts for their wife or girlfriend, a husband, a boyfriend that love the show. It makes a great gift. And, you know, a boyfriend that love the show. Makes a great gift.
Starting point is 01:07:06 And, you know, the way I look, it could be a Halloween thing. Fucking age spots. So anyways, Remember, you guys think it. I will say it. You are so welcome. We'll see you back here on Monday. Have a great Halloween and a great weekend, everybody. guitar solo We'll see you next time.

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