The Nick DiPaolo Show - Doc Dump Deux | Nick Di Paolo Show #1335

Episode Date: January 12, 2023

More Biden Classified Docs. Santos' Outragous Lies. FAA Focuses on Equity, Not Planes....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Wow! Man, fuck you and your boss purse! Right here. How you all doing? What it is, what it be, what it ever was. Mm-hmm. Great to be with you on a Thursday. Thursday? Is it Thursday? It's the last day of the fucking week? Or the first day of my work week. See, this is much easier than going to the fucking airport,
Starting point is 00:00:55 boarding a plane, and dealing with all that fucking horseshit. Anyways, I need the money. We painted the house, new roof. And the cat needs kidneys. I don't think that's gonna happen. I'll kick it in its face. Not our cat, by the way. The neighbor's cat. I hurt his kidneys when I kicked it. Anyhow, great to be here. What did I do since yesterday? Not much. Finally starting to feel back to normal after the shink. I haven't, if you noticed, I haven't been in there.
Starting point is 00:01:26 So I try to starve myself every day. Which works good until about, I'd say, I don't know, about 7, 38 o'clock at night. Then I go into the fucking freezer and I found a piece of cheesecake I made two weeks ago. That's right, I made a whole cheesecake. Chocolate cheesecake. I think it might have been for you and Gianna, but never made it. Never made it to your table.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Or whatever. Oh my God, it's like eating a fucking Milky Way bar. Oh! I'm telling you, I had to wipe my belly, it was so good with a wet nap. That wasn't from the cake. You get my drift? Come on, folks, work with me, you fuckstains.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Going to Lexington to see the cocaine bear. Uh! Um, yeah. We didn't even cover Joe Biden confusing the fucking Salvation Army guy a couple nights ago. I think it happened over the weekend. He was visiting some Salvation Army guy. He goes up to him and he shakes his hand and he goes, I spent some time with the Secret Service
Starting point is 00:02:33 in Ukraine and in Poland. He thought the guy was a Secret Service guy, Dallas. He was a Salvation Army guy. And nobody but Fox News, you know, covers it. Are you fucking kidding me? And it's beyond, that's like frightening. You fucking believe it? Can you imagine Trump? Do you understand he's doing, I've said it a million times, but everything they accused Trump of, though, he confused the Salvation Army guy with the Secret Service. That's like something, if you did it on SNL as a sketch, it would be hilarious. All the shit they said about Trump, about being dumb dumb about being not fit to everything times 10
Starting point is 00:03:28 with but and then his jerk off family with fucking hunter and his crack whores and his laptop and his paintings and his who's a better son trump jr or you guys understand a fucking, it's all projection with these people. Everything they accuse Trump of, it's, and not a peep, not a peep out of the cocksuckers, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, who would be, can you imagine? Trump would, I love the secret service. They would have fucking, anyways, enough of that stuff. Speaking of Joe, Joe's garage. What?
Starting point is 00:04:07 The White House admitted Thursday that additional classified documents were found in President Biden's Delaware garage after the revelation Monday that 10 cents of documents were found at Biden's former think tank office. Irony is thick, but it's still funny. In Washington. So can you imagine? Now they found shit in his garage. Not only did they find documents, they found Jill in there cowering after his husband mistaked a Salvation Army guy with a secret secret.
Starting point is 00:04:43 The jaw-dropping disclosure comes as the Justice Department review. All right, that's it. I tried again. Guys, I know. I'm sorry. I'm just trying to, aesthetically, it doesn't. The Justice Department reviews whether Biden mishandled classified information, a potential crime. This is what they're reviewing now. After he left office as vice president in 2017, Attorney General Merrick Garland was due to make a statement at 1.15 p.m. Is that today? How about a special counsel, you cocksucker? I almost hope he doesn't, just to show you the two-faced bullfinch. White House special counsel Dick Sauber, seen here, sobbing. Hi, Richard. Said that the document, wow, he's dreamy. Said that the documents were found
Starting point is 00:05:27 in Wilmington, Delaware recently after the discovery of the initial tranche of documents November 2nd at Biden's former office at the Penn-Biden Center near Capitol Hill. Following the discovery of government documents at the Penn-Biden Center in November 2022, they make it sound like it was 10 years ago. And coordinating closely with the Department of Justice, the president's lawyers have searched the president's Wilmington and Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Why is his lawyer searching? Why aren't we kicking the front door in of his home with the FBI and telling Jill to get on her flat-titted ass?
Starting point is 00:06:01 His Rehoboth Beach, Delaware residence, the other locations where files from his vice presidential office might have been shipped in the course of the 2017. And it just says of 2017. Of the 2017, that's how it ends. What are we doing? What's going on right now? Yeah, I'll tell you.
Starting point is 00:06:20 During the review of the lawyers discovered among personal and political papers, naked twister, apparently Jill, what? And a whole bunch of fucking THC gummy bears. Political papers, a small number of additional Obama-Biden administration. You guys all know you're not supposed to take any of that shit. That goes for Trump, anybody. It's supposed to all stay sort of on the grounds, as understand it. Now when I was president it was much different. They said look, administration records with classified markings, you dink.
Starting point is 00:06:53 It's so stupid. It's so stupid. All but one of these documents were found in storage space in the President Wilmington's residence garage. One document consisting of one page was discovered among stored materials in an adjacent room. No documents were found in the Rehoboth Beach residence. Oh, so that makes it different. Yeah. Because, you know, this is how the left reports it.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Well, that was Mar-a-Lago. Those are real beaches. This is Rehoboth Beach. Right. CNN reported that 10. CNN, let's give them a little credit where credit's due. It's such a double standard. They had to do this.
Starting point is 00:07:32 They had to cover this. You know, they're turning over a new leaf over there. I know you're going to say. And you know what? Let's give them a chance. This is actually a little bit of a sign. But don't kid yourself. They just hired Adam Kinzinger, by the way. You know, crybaby bitch Kinzinger, fucking
Starting point is 00:07:49 rhino to the hundredth power. He's now a CNN. That's all he wanted. It's the reason he probably got into politics. CNN reported that 10 documents touching on Iran, Ukraine, and the UK, nothing important, that were previously found at the Penn Biden Center had classified markings and were dated between 2013 and 2016. That's when he was VP, wasn't it? They were found mixed in with Biden family papers, including information about the funeral arrangements for the president's late son, Beau, who died in 2015. Some of the documents reportedly labeled top secret. Oh, my God, is he irresponsible? What an asshole.
Starting point is 00:08:30 He's going to blow up the highest level of government classification that there fucking is, you dick. Now, I'm going to show you a quick montage. I think it was on Fox because nobody else will tell you about this, of how the left reacted when, remember when they discovered that Trump had papers down at Mar-a-Lago. Watch how they, watch, and I'm doing this in context, because in the last couple days, the media, CNN's covering a little bit, the rest of them, not a peep, not a fucking, not
Starting point is 00:09:02 a peep, or just, you know, obligatory coverage. And they go, you were a news cover. But this is how they reacted when, you know, remember there was a threat to the world when Trump had papers down there. The seriousness of the potential threat to national security information, I just don't know what to say.
Starting point is 00:09:22 If he was in possession of classified documents, those are by definition potentially harmful to our national security. We have a president of the United States. Oh, die already. You are fast and loose with the national security. You need to shut the fuck up. We have a situation where what he was doing was dangerous. What's the dangerous? Hold on. These are really classified and and a really a threat to national security that really jumps out to me as a national security threat this is a national security crisis all reading off the same risk that trump shut up your race or national security pig all right
Starting point is 00:09:58 dress like a zebra anyways see that See that? Oh my God. See how they just pile on? They all read from the same notes. It's not about reporting, folks. I don't know how many times you have to say this. I'll say it again, though. The real cancer in this country
Starting point is 00:10:15 is the fucking media. I don't know what you do about it. I don't know how you pull it out from its fucking roots. But I'm thinking of stuff. I say we fucking start with MSNBC. We just, I don't know, we pretend we're a guest. Write very angry letters.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Fuck that. We go on there as a guest, as a very anti-Republican, anti-whatever. You go on there in a nice suit and shit with your faggy glasses. And right in the middle of the interview, you cold cock the fucking whoever's interviewing. Lay the motherfucker right out. Start giving him him a dinero like in goodfellas and that kicks off the war next thing you know brett baer's in a headlock on fifth avenue and here we go that's my that's my story and i'm sticking to it as colin quays is it let's move on to one of the most interesting um fake politicians to come around in a long time.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Have you guys been following this George Santos guy from Long Island? This supposedly Republican fucking ran for Congress this year or whatever. I don't give a shit. It's hilarious. This guy is nuts. He's literally lying lunatic. He's literally lying lunatic. A resume submitted by disgraced Republican George Santos,
Starting point is 00:11:33 I should say rep, New York, Nassau County, which is in Long Island, a Republican committee in 2020 includes, by the way, he looks like a healthy, I hope my buddy's watching, A healthy Joe DeRosa. Joe. Very funny comedian. DeRosa's one of my favorites out there, by the way. I'm giving him a shout. This fucking guy is so funny. Yeah, I call him young.
Starting point is 00:11:56 He's been, you know, doing it about 20-something years, as opposed to my 65. Republican committee in 2020 includes outlandish and since debunked boasts related to his education and job history the resume obtained by the New York Times of course they're doing that while they're finding top secret shit and Biden's you know they're covering this guy such a fucking mind fuck was submitted to the Nassau County GOP by Santos when he first expressed interest in running for his New York House seat in 2020. It's loaded with nougats and caramel and peanuts.
Starting point is 00:12:31 It's loaded with Wall Street jargon and is mostly a work of pure fiction. Santos describes himself as a proactive business development professional. What does that even mean? Here he is at the Rangers game in front of the men's room waiting for a boy to development professional. What does that even mean? Here he is at the Rangers game in front of the men's room, waiting for a boy to come in. With extensive proven ability to optimize the bottom line. That's what he put on his resume. Liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, you know it. You don't know that. The representative for New York's third district who lied about owning 13 properties. Let's give it this. If you're going to go 100%, if you're going to do something, you do it 100%.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Lists real estate as one of his skills, along with currency and coin counter. The fuck's he, Rain Man? And numerous other alleged talents juggling unicycle blowtorch. Lankbridge investor is listed as Santos' most recent employer, and he claims revenue at the firm grew 24 times bigger when he was there, from $450K to $11 million during his tenure as vice president. That's the key to lying. You get real specific. During his tenure as vice, that's the key to lying.
Starting point is 00:13:43 You get real specific. On campaign finance disclosure, Santos reported a modest salary of 55 grand from Linkbridge. You're lying. And you're a piece of shit. Look at this psycho. You got to do a movie about this guy. about this guy. The resume also lists a fake eight-month-long stint as a project manager for Goldman Sachs, like you're going to get away with that one, where he brags about doubling revenue growth by hundreds of millions of dollars. You never heard Jamie Dimon ever bring his name. 300 million to 600 million. Oh, he did a nice easy math for you.
Starting point is 00:14:28 And developing a new sales strategy for his department. I wonder if he just lays in his bed. It's like writing a novel, you know? His phony foot in the door of Wall Street job at Citigroup is listed on the second page of the document along with sections on his education and training. The entire contents of the second page of Santos' resume appear to be outright lies that he admitted to the Post back in December.
Starting point is 00:14:57 What the fuck? Are you interested in the real story? There is no real story. There is no real story. There is no real story. He touts obtaining an MBA in international business from New York University and lists his GMAT score of 710. His faux economic slash finance degree from Baruch College is also listed. He also said he doubled as a defensive end and a fullback for Baruch. You're a lying motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Is also listed with bullet points below noting eight. Listen to this. 3.89 GPA. I mean, it's hilarious because he knows even if you go for a job at Arby's, they kind of look up some of your shit. Make sure you're not totally George Santos. 3.89 and that he graduated in the top 1%. Gee, how could they ever check that?
Starting point is 00:15:53 Santos, he's just doing what Biden did and a lot of other people. I swear to God, only maybe a little more exaggerated. Santos told the Post that he never attended an institute of higher learning. When did he tell him that? Way back in the day, before these laws? The revealing resume drops, comes on the same day the head of the Nassau County GOP and several Republican congressmen called for Santos to resign from office. All right, get out. See, that's the difference. If this is a Democrat, they appoint him to some chair committee. I
Starting point is 00:16:27 Might be exaggerating a little but not that fucking much Is that not fat now? Here's my take on this I'm still waiting for him. And this is what I advise them if I was his lawyer I don't even know if you can do this leading the retard No, you just come out and go, you know what? It was all bullshit. I was trolling you people just to let people know how far you can go as a politician when you lie and do all the shit the people who are telling you how to live do. Like Joe.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Biden lied about his GPA, like you said. Lied about where he's ranked close to the top of his loss. He was fucking like third from the bottom of his law class. He lied about he fucking plagiarized. Remember in the 80s, they caught him every other week stealing somebody's shit. And he's the president. You understand, Democrats? Fucking this guy, though, they're going to make a movie about, what's the movie they did
Starting point is 00:17:25 with Leonardo DiCaprio, the amazing fuckstain? Catch Me If You Can. Catch Me If You Can. There you go. I was thinking about a different one. The Wonderful Mr. Tippett. No. What? I just made that up. Yeah, Catch Me If You Can. Pretty good flick.
Starting point is 00:17:44 I love DiCaprio. Fuck, as soon as he sees hair on a girl's pussy, they're if you can. Pretty good flick. I love DiCaprio. Fucking soon as he sees hair on a girl's pussy, oh, too old. Oh, boy, write that one down. I'll use that one on Christmas Eve next year for my parents. Parents, I have one. Holy shit, I'm losing my mind. Kentucky, how are you?
Starting point is 00:18:03 Wish I was a basketball fan, but I couldn't give a fuck if they were playing in the lobby of the comedy club. I wouldn't watch. Anyhow, and a he, and a who. But yeah, George Santos. There'll be a movie. It's already in the works. I've got to tell you, this Yellowstone for a... It's very entertaining.
Starting point is 00:18:25 You rip through the, again, if you can hold your nose. Most people enjoyed it, I'm sure, 100%, but the shit that jumped out to me that I'd go, oh, my God, some guy would punch your face in, even a gay guy. Can you kill that air? I put it on, and now I'm freezing like a bitch. Anyway, folks, how are you guys doing? What's going on in Ohio and Denver and L.A.?
Starting point is 00:18:48 Pretending I'm... We do, actually. We get letters from England. How about that? Goddamn internet, huh? Terrific. Letters or emails? No, actually, handwritten letters. That fancy writing. And even they show the guy's hand,
Starting point is 00:19:03 it's a feather coming out. Powdered wig. Damn, Mr. DiParlo. I saw you made Brazil. Would you mind floating the recipe? I don't know. Hello. Indubitably.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Indubitably. When I make it, I can't even do it in English. I'm fucking doing a stroke victim. Let's fucking move on. God damn it, I'm losing my tits. Guys and gals, I'll be back on the road or in the air, and hopefully there'll be an old white guy in the tower with a couple other old white guys. We'll get to that story, I think. Or in the air tomorrow. Next, Tommy wrote this. Next to an, oh, you did? Next to an, look at this.
Starting point is 00:19:47 These guys are squeezing their artistic shit into my, I don't break here and try to edit shit, do I? On air or in the air tomorrow, next to an overweight broad with an oxygen tank and a kid kicking the back of my seat. That's very good. Here's where he can see me, at the police station at the Lexington Airport. After I fucking raped and murdered the kid in the bathroom. And I fucking drowned him in that blue water.
Starting point is 00:20:14 I'll tell him it's the Bahamas. No, Timmy, you're in Nassau. January 13th and 14th. That's tomorrow night and Saturday night. Comedy Off-Broadway in Lexington, Kentucky. Kind of psyched.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Kind of not. Again, Kentucky, nothing on you, nothing on my fans. I forget that I always do this and then when I get there, I go,
Starting point is 00:20:38 oh, these people are all my fans. But I just, I remember Seinfeld saying in a book, the only time you ever got a little anxiety is when you go to a club you haven't played yet. It's kind of a fucking whatever.
Starting point is 00:20:50 But I'm sure there'll be a fat guy to jerk me off. February 3rd and 4th, the Grove Comedy Club in Lowell, Arkansas. March 11th and 12th, the Comedy Club of Kansas City. That's in Kansas City, Missouri, not England. April 21 and 22, the Funny Bone in St. Louis and St. Charles. I think the St. Charles one is the one where I told you it's in a nice hotel, but it's where the Mennonites, I told you this, right? Mennonites are like Amish.
Starting point is 00:21:18 I don't know the difference. They dress just like them. I walked into the hotel, and fuck, in the first five girls I saw were wearing hoop skirts and bonnets. I thought they the hotel and fucking the first five girls I saw wearing hoop skirts and bonnets, I thought they were making a butter commercial. And then they're in the pool with their bonnets on and shit. So I go in and I find the skinniest Speedo I could find at the gift shop. I put that on and I fucking brought out my log. Anyways, May 12th, Hilton Daytona Beach, Oceanfront Resort, Daytona Beach, Florida.
Starting point is 00:21:47 You can get tickets to all these shows at You just have to click on that tour button. You know what I'm saying? This ain't the last story, is it? It is? I better slow the fuck down. Anyways, how about those jets? How about those Jets?
Starting point is 00:22:05 Anyhow. The Bruins, I was reading an article. I don't mean to bore you folks, but a hockey writer who covers nothing but hockey, major paper on ESPN, listed the power rank as who's going to win the cup. Of course, the Bruins, they're a little blurb. He goes, I don't know what, I'm running out of words to describe this team. I don't know what to say other than the rest of the league, the only chance they
Starting point is 00:22:31 have in the Eastern Conference is if they tuck themselves out before the playoffs. Dallas, you can respect, you don't even have to be a hockey fan. Their record is like 30 and 4. Yeah, that's ridiculous, especially in any professional sport. Yes, and especially
Starting point is 00:22:47 they said, the guy said, if they go 18-24 and 6 over the rest of the season, they still will have 100 points, which is kind of a benchmark in hockey. It's two points per win. Then you get one if you
Starting point is 00:23:03 have an overtime loss or whatever. RW, regulation wins. I know you guys mostly. I don't know. Maybe you are. But I'm just saying. They haven't lost. I don't think they've lost at home in regulation. They've lost in overtime. And I don't get it, but I do. And again, I'm making a vow. I'm watching them until they hopefully bring home the cup. And I already watched the college football game. So after that, Dallas was like, shut the fuck up. What did you say, bullshit? You're full of shit.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Yeah. You know, he's kind of right. Now go home and get your fucking shine box. What kind of talk is that? What's the headline? Just plain, P-L-A-N-E, in quotes, stupid. Nick, you're so good. I know.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Keeping plain. This one got my fucking short hairs in a bunch. So much so I borrowed a scrunchie and put it around the base of my car. What? You heard me, Kentucky. That's what you're going to get. Keeping planes in the air has taken a backseat at the Federal Aviation Administration. That would be the FAA, folks.
Starting point is 00:24:15 As the agency pivots, listen to this, its focus to what else? What else, folks? Say it with me. Diversity, equity, and inclusion. Not even equality now. Now it's equity. You know what that means? That's a guaranteed outcome. That's not a guaranteed opportunity.
Starting point is 00:24:32 A guaranteed outcome. And inclusion. Under the leadership of Transportation Secretary... Oh, it's Pete. I suck cock, and I love it. Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy. Here he is getting his cock sucked by his life partner, Kevin McGillicuddy, as he fucking tickles his taint with a paintbrush. Fucking faggot, I hate you. Look at this asshole. Look at this fucking Eddie Munster looking jerk off. Because that's what you want in the tower at airports.
Starting point is 00:25:08 You want people not there because they were tops in math and science. Because they're black or female or gay or both or all. That's what's important. As you're coming in on basically a loaded bomb with fucking 20,000 gallons of fuel where one little mistake and you're going to look like a fucking Tostito. That's what you want. You want a fucking Samoan lesbian
Starting point is 00:25:34 fucking going, 12, 3, 5, yeah, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, oh, my pussy. You don't hear the shit on Hannity. Not anymore. The FAA's mission critical pilot safety alerting system crashed. Let me say that again. Fucking critical pilot safety alerting system crashed.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Doesn't sound like anything important. Overnight, causing the agency, that would be the FAA, to temporarily ground all outgoing air traffic across the country Wednesday morning, that was yesterday, and delay more than 6,500 flights. That's why I don't want to do the road anymore. You get it, folks? The FAA has had much to say about the system under Buttigieg's watch, but not for matters relating to its functionality or upkeep. No, in the name of left progressive,
Starting point is 00:26:34 fucking modern-day progressivism, whatever you want to call it, you know, diversity. Rather, the agency announced in December of 2021 that it had changed. Is that a real thing? No, it isn't. No, the agency announced in December of 2021 that it had changed. Is that a real thing? No, it isn't. No, it isn't.
Starting point is 00:26:49 They held this. Somebody explain to me. Seriously, what's with the gay? Do gay people run the fucking plant? Just say yes and I'll be, I just want to know. I can't take it anymore. Because as far as I know,
Starting point is 00:27:02 they're about 5% of the total population. December 2020, then it had changed the system's name from Notice to Airmen. Oh, thank God. I was worried about the crack in the tail of the 740. They've changed system's name from Notice to Airmen. They changed it from that to Notice to air mission, not airmen. This is what they're concentrating on. Like your military, by the way.
Starting point is 00:27:31 A more applicable term that the agent said is inclusive of all. Why are a lot of people going, I want to be part of that? Have you ever in your life? It's a systematic destruction of everything that made us great. Inclusive of all aviators and missions. That's faggot stuff. Got that right. You want to call it by its name?
Starting point is 00:27:54 That's strictly for fags. You heard him. Four, five, six, one, right. Ever listen to that shit? You can put the headphones on sometimes on the plane. That'll creep you the fuck out. Five, five, seven, yeah. L-112. Runway right. Ever listen to that shit? You can put the headphones on sometimes on the plane. That'll creep you the fuck out. 597, yeah, L112, runway right, copy. I don't even understand how they can understand each other.
Starting point is 00:28:13 It's all mumble jumble, you know? The language we use in aerospace matters, the FAA tweeted. No, it doesn't. No, it doesn't. It does certainly not. Well, the language, if you're using the language that applies to, you know, jargon that should be used in the tower. I don't want to hear this. Well, you know, you put those headphones on, you're like, 157. Hey, this tower would fit nice in my husband's ass. What? You heard me. We've begun
Starting point is 00:28:46 to adopt gender neutral and inclusive aviation terminology as part of our agency-wide initiative. Oh, my fucking word. I'm going to hitchhike to Lexington. Recommendations include, it'll be safer, airmen with air crew. Can't say airmen anymore. It's air crew. Yeah, but an airman would be one guy or gal even, and that's an air crew. How does that work? Is that like they and manned aviation? Oh, God, manned aviation. We're going to replace that with traditional aviation and cockpit. Ah, I didn't even read this one. With Flight Deck. They don't even bother to explain that one.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Huh? What's the matter with Cockpit? Say it, faggot. Buttigieg, who ironically loves cock. Say it. Say it with me, Pete. Cock. Cock.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Cock, Pete. Say it. Cock. I suck cock cock pete say it cock i suck cock say it again god damn it i suck cock say it again pete i suck cock that's right it's a cockpit fucker i suck yeah no soup for you the transportation department's focus on diversity, equity, inclusion is also reflected in its $26.8 billion budget request for 2023 fiscal year. The department said it would allocate funds to tackle climate change, address inequities. Shut the fuck up. We know we have the safest air system on the planet since we've come up with it. Seriously, there's no other country you'd rather fly. You can compare records.
Starting point is 00:30:28 But let's change that. Let's fix what's not broken. Here he is going, my ring was on this finger and then I stuck it in Dave's ass. I can't find it. And advance... You can cut that part out. I didn't have to say finger and ass. That was gross. And advance environmental justice.
Starting point is 00:30:49 The department requested $15.2 billion for the FAA to improve aviation safety and infrastructure, but said it would enact those improvements by promoting environmental justice, climate change mitigation, enhancing equity through more hand jobs. Oh, Jesus. Through more inclusive contracting and workforce development. Jesus Christ. No, they're ignorant. That's ignorant.
Starting point is 00:31:15 It sure is, airmen slash cock. So enjoy your flights, folks. When you're barreling down that runway, what, 180 miles an hour, sitting on 20,000 gallons of fuel, just happy to know that some girl with purple hair and three rings in her nostril who's staring at the other woman's ass, Marjorie, the big black brother, get in with a 2.1. Just know you're in good hands. I can't, again,
Starting point is 00:31:50 I'm 61, can't wait. I might even start telling people I'm 69. I'm out of here. That's the sad part. I came to this realization about 15 years ago. If I died tomorrow, somebody goes, yeah, they don't even notice you in the paper. paper 61 it's about right
Starting point is 00:32:05 who just died you know diamond and silk did you read that one Dallas one of the one of the diamonds I didn't bother to figure out which one too upsetting she died it's horrible
Starting point is 00:32:24 like I had diabetes type 11 loved her sugar Too upsetting. She died. It's horrible. Like I had diabetes, type 11. Loved her sugar. Loved sugar. I told her, I said, lay off those yams. That's terrible. Anyways, I got to thank you guys again for supporting the show. On behalf of myself, all the listeners,
Starting point is 00:32:44 I want to thank everyone that subscribes at Patreon. Let's go. It's a new year, folks. All right? All who contributes to the show. It's you guys that make this show possible. So if you listeners like what you're hearing, go to forward slash the Nick DiPaolo show and sign up for exclusive content
Starting point is 00:33:03 like these guys did this past week. Michael Smith signed up for the annual package. Jason Taylor, great football player. Ari Wiled, W-E-L-E-D, Wiled. Ali M., Hot Cake Petey. Oh, my God. Alex Smith, Matt Altman, Jonathan Kuhn. I also want to thank these folks that are either active duty or veterans like Luke Brown, Frank Rich, and Brett. They signed up for our new military level, which is discounted for all former and active military. It's our way of showing appreciation for you guys. If you don't want to sign up at Patreon but want to make a one-time or monthly contribution,
Starting point is 00:33:49 you can do it right at You can use Venmo, Cash App, PayPal, or any credit card. Thank you to Casper Van Straten, Finn Occhio, good night, everybody. Oh, that's somebody who made a good night, everybody. Our buddy, Sean Powell, Nick Powell. I've got Colin Powell, Paul Sagnella, Bob and Jerry Curley, one of my favorites. I meet these couples. They come out and see me all the time. And they're smart New Yorkers, so I'm kind of proud of that. Jonathan Keller. I actually met, wait, Jonathan Keller.
Starting point is 00:34:23 I think I've actually met that guy anyways that is it ladies and gentlemen for the week so don't forget Cameo if you want me to roast a friend or relative go to Cameo I got one waiting for me right now you guys think it I'll say it you're very welcome have a great weekend
Starting point is 00:34:39 if I don't see you in Kentucky I'll see you on Monday take care hi good night everybody If I don't see you in Kentucky, I'll see you on Monday. Take care. Hi. Good night, everybody. I don't know what you're talking about I don't know what you're talking about I don't know what you're talking about I don't know what you're talking about guitar solo Outro Music

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