The Nick DiPaolo Show - Donald Trump Jr. Returns | Nick DiPaolo Show #351

Episode Date: May 21, 2020

NY lock down needs to end. NOW. 3,000 person black party in Florida. Russian nurse goes nearly nude. Thank you Ruth F. from Simpsonville, SC for your "Ask Nick!" question and for your continued suppor...t on Patreon! FREE! MONDAY - THURSDAY 5PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, Nick DiPaolo here, and I want to thank you so much for supporting this show. As you know, people like me and you, with viewers like ours, are definitely under attack. And whether it's Michelle Malkin made a speech last week saying so, and giving examples of friends of hers, colleagues, conservatives, being booted off YouTube and Twitter, and, you know, banks not giving them loans because of their political beliefs. The point is we're under attack, and there's nowhere really in the media you can go to get the truth, but this is one of the places where you can. But we can only do it with your support.
Starting point is 00:00:39 If you want to make daily contributions, you go to If you're watching me on YouTube, hit that subscribe button, the little bell below. And you could also sign up at if you want to be a monthly supporter. And if you do that, you get an extra story a day. Nobody else gets. You get to ask me questions and you get access to our archives. And also, if you're a small business or a big business and you want to be a sponsor, you can do that at Nick Dip Duck. But I can't think of a more crucial time because freedom of speech is under attack in this country, whether you know it or not. And big tech is behind a lot of it. They control all the
Starting point is 00:01:20 information. So luckily, you have a place to come for now. I'm sure, you know, I'll have to find a platform soon. Uh, but that's what you guys like about this. I cut through the bullshit. And, uh, so we appreciate the support and, uh, hope you enjoy the show. guitar solo Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Good day to you from the state of Georgia, the state that opened up before anybody and said, kiss my ass. Guess what? The numbers are going down.
Starting point is 00:02:31 A few other states did the same thing. You're being played like a violin. Started with the Chinese and then the fucking libs in this country jumped on it. They want the whole country on welfare. They want you to depend on the government for your very lives. They're loving it. Don't let anybody else tell you otherwise.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Just look at Whitmer and Murphy in New Jersey and Newsom in California. They love it. This is a Pelosi wet dream. 33 million people out. That's just what they want. You sitting home collecting a check from them. Fuck them. Fuck them in the ears. Good to be with you. How are you?
Starting point is 00:03:11 I want all of you to enjoy your cake. So enjoy. Mr. DePaulo, no one could be as nasty as you pretend to be unless they really wanted to be disliked. I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore! I'll tell you who's not going to take it anymore. I'm going to read this whole article as fast as I can, but it's a rant by a guy in, I think, the New York Post, David Marcus. And it was so good. I just loved it. He's just fed up. He's a New Yorker.
Starting point is 00:03:42 He's fed up with the way it's run. And he hits it on the head beautifully. And by the way, Donald Trump Jr. will be joining us later on in the show for his second appearance on the show. And we thank him very much for that. Very excited. A lot has transpired since we had him on last. But David Marcus writes in the Post, he says, I love this. David Marcus writes in the Post, he says, I love this. Last Friday morning, some 3,500 New Yorkers lined up at a Catholic church in Queens to receive free food hours before it even opened, according to the NYPD.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Catholic Charities has reported a 200% increase in demand over the past month and a half. By prolonging the coronavirus shutdown long after its core mission was accomplished, Longing the coronavirus shutdown long after its core mission was accomplished. Governor Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio have plunged tens of thousands of New Yorkers into poverty, he says. He couldn't be more correct. It needs to end now. In mid-March, we were told we have to endure a lockdown to ensure that hospitals didn't get overrun. We did. The hospitals were not overwhelmed. We turned the Javits Center into a hospital.
Starting point is 00:04:45 We didn't need it. We brought in a giant Navy ship to treat New Yorkers. We didn't need it. We were told we were moments away from running out of ventilators. We weren't. Now the U.S. has built so many, we're giving them away to other countries. Meanwhile, the Big Apple is dying. It's street shot empty.
Starting point is 00:05:02 The bars and jazz clubs, restaurants, coffee houses sit barren. Beloved haunts, storied rooms, perfect slice joints, meaning pizza, are shuttered. Many for good. The sweat equity of countless small business owners is evaporating. Instead of getting people back to work, providing for their families, our mayor talks about a fantasy land new deal for the post-coronavirus era. Open the city, all of it right now. Broadway shows, beaches, Yankees games, the schools, the top of the freaking Empire State Building, everything. New Yorkers have already learned to socially distance. Businesses can
Starting point is 00:05:38 adjust. The elderly and infirm can continue to be isolated. You are correct, sir. For two months, we have waited for cuomo and de blasio to tell us how this ends where is ex-mayor michael bloomberg with his alleged army of tracers that the governor told us was the key to reopening and why did he hand the responsibility over to bloomberg whom uh nobody elected anyways that's a great freaking point what the hell is going on he says is What the hell is going on, he says. Is anybody in charge of this situation, or are we just left with the governor and his talking head brother
Starting point is 00:06:10 arguing on CNN about which of the two Ma loves best? In late April, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp defied experts by opening his state. The Atlantic Magazine, once a serious publication that should now come on the stick of stale bubblegum, accused him of engaging in human sacrifice. You want to guess what happened? Guess. Come on. What happened to George when they opened? Take a guess. Instead of the predicted spike in deaths, the number of cases of coronavirus and associated deaths declined. We should always consider that we are led by idiots. As one of my friends likes to remind me, Cuomo and de Blasio have no plan. There's not a single question about when New York can get back to normal to which they have a straight answer. Not one. They cash their
Starting point is 00:06:58 taxpayer paychecks while immiserating the rest of us. If our elected leaders won't save the world's greatest city from a slow death by economic strangulation, then the people of New York must do it themselves. Barbers, tailors, nail salons, sporting goods stores, movie theaters, and others should open their doors while maintaining social distancing, of course, and dare the state to shut them down. Our politicians serve by our consent. We don't run our business or our lives by their consent. The suggestion to the contrary is an affront to Americanism.
Starting point is 00:07:31 It has been a long time since this country, let alone this city, really had to deal with the prospect of mass starvation. This isn't about the stock market. It's about parents putting their kids to bed hungry and hoping tomorrow there'll be something for them to eat if they get up at 4.30 a.m. to get in line at a food bank. We did what we were asked. We flattened the fucking curve, he said, freaking. There is no longer any reasonable justification for the government to deprive us of our livelihoods. And our rights aren't the government governments to grant or take away. They belong to us, the free grant of nature and the God of nature. We're Americans. More than that, New York is God damn it.
Starting point is 00:08:12 How's that for a fucking article? Cutting through the bullshit. Love it. Come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom. As they stormed the Yankee Stadium. He's exactly right, okay? It took us a few months to learn all about this shit. But again, if you're over 65 or you got diabetes and shit,
Starting point is 00:08:40 you're the ones that have to be quarantined. Actually, I see those shots in New York. I left, you know, sick of the taxes and the traffic. But it is so frigging weird to see that place. It's fucking weird. And de Blasio has a hard on for this. And so does everybody else. And he's right.
Starting point is 00:08:59 The people, the elites that govern us are the fucking morons. You want to read a great book, Ship of Fools by Tucker Carlson. Every night he goes after people on both sides of the aisle. It's the fairest show on TV, I swear to God. And it just lays out the facts. And anyways, the left is just evil. You don't believe it. Susan Rice's memo about a high-level January 5th, 2017 meeting plainly aimed to protect the then National Security Advisor's boss, President Barack Obama. But it's backfiring spectacularly. I'm going to bring this up with Don Jr. Rice sent the January 20 at 12.15 p.m. note, recently declassified, to herself at literally the last minute. President Trump was
Starting point is 00:09:47 sworn in at noon that day. Her administration was headed out the door. Oh, and Rice's lawyer says she drafted it upon the advice of the White House Counsel's Office. The point? Ostensibly to memorialize the meeting with her, Obama, Vice President Biden, FBI boss Comey, and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates following a briefing on Russian hacking. So she's lying through her teeth. Liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, you know it. Listen to this. This is how you know she's lying. Obama, the memo claims, stressed that every aspect of this issue be handled by the book and then reiterated that law enforcement proceed
Starting point is 00:10:25 by the book Comey affirmed he's proceeding by the book that's right she used the term three times why do you think she did that why do you because she knows somebody's gonna eventually read this and she's just trying to cover her ass and And by the way, Biden was there discussing the unmasking of Flynn. Just fuck. This is all evidence now. It's all proof. And people on the left get upset when Trump uses the term Obamagate. It really is the biggest friggin scam. And Obama was in on it, too. But nothing's going to happen to him. Like I said, he could shoot scam. And Obama was in on it, too. But nothing's going to happen to him. Like I said, he could shoot a baby in the head in the Oval Office on
Starting point is 00:11:09 camera. You're not going to prosecute the first African-American. This country doesn't have the balls to do that. Could a note, the guy says who wrote this, or actually, could a note, a scream, cover your butt any louder? Why would, right? Why would lawyers want a document created two weeks after the fact and at the very last minute that purported to show the Russia probe was totally kosher? Because people are going to read. Comey, she wrote, had concerns, in quotes, about her replacement, Michael Flynn, and said the National Security Council should potentially withhold sensitive information. Fucking Comey, the head of the fucking FBI. Hold information for the incoming president on Russia from Team Trump. Rice admits it was Obama who asked whether information should not be shared.
Starting point is 00:12:12 What do you think of that? You snotty little bastard. Who said that? Obama. Who the fuck said that? Barack Hussein Obama. Who defined me little commoner shit like a code cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant?
Starting point is 00:12:24 Marxist with a nice smile fooling all the dumb white libs. Makes Nixon look like a fag. Yet they had no legitimate grounds to keep the new team in the dark about anything. The Obama folks knew full well by then
Starting point is 00:12:40 that the FBI had found zero evidence of collusion or of Flynn betraying his country because they were listening in on his fucking phone calls to foreign officials. How do you answer that, Don Lemon, fucking Rachel Maddow, Patton Oswalt, Sarah Silverman, Pelosi, Adam Schiff? I don't know why I mix politicians with fucking jerk-off entertainers, but it's fun. No outgoing president should push aides to withhold information from his duly elected successor. Their duty
Starting point is 00:13:10 is to share every last bit of and cooperate with his staff to the fullest. This was a full-on bid to sabotage Team Trump, and it worked out all too well. But at least it was by the book, the guy says. No! No! No! No!
Starting point is 00:13:26 Unbelievable. It's just unbelievable. In our FLA segment tonight, you got to love black people. You got to love them. It's weird because, you know, they're all claiming that, well, not they're all, but the lips. You know, Stacey Abrams and all this shit. Some even said this whole, remember at the beginning, they said this COVID thing was a white plot because it affects people, all this crazy shit.
Starting point is 00:13:51 But as you know, I'm for letting people do what they want now after a couple months. Enough is enough. And so these brothers and sisters on this clip down here in Florida, 3,000, was it 3,000? Yeah, 3,000 person block party. Or I call it a black party. Check out this footage. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Who took it? The FBI? Look at that. It's 3,000 brothers and sisters. Enough of this shit. What the hell's going on out here? I'm trying to get laid, yo. Hey, everybody.
Starting point is 00:14:32 We're all going to get laid. That's not social distancing. Good. Deland, Florida. Get out of the road. Now, here's where they lose me. Hey. What's this like a tuesday night uh hands up hands up see here's the problem he threw the gun back there people pause is the difference three thousand white people together might 3,000 white people together might,
Starting point is 00:15:06 if 3,000 white people together and some of them have guns, they're protesting at a Capitol. You get more than five black people and somebody's got to have a fucking gun. Of course I exaggerate, but here's where the black people lose me on this. When they start throwing bottles
Starting point is 00:15:23 at the cops' heads and shit. And you wonder why they may rough you up when they meet you at 3 in the morning. I like your spirit for saying fuck the lockdown. But let's be honest. Black people were doing this right after COVID hit. They weren't fucking. Remember we saw guys playing basketball in Washington Square Park in New York? They fucking.
Starting point is 00:15:45 They're like, no little chinky virus gonna kill me, yo. 3,000 people like on a Wednesday night. Hey, everybody, we're all gonna get laid. That does not sound like a white guy, a black guy saying that. Let's stick with the FLA segment. Florida man
Starting point is 00:16:04 dives into Bass Pro Shop fish tank. Oh, Florida, Florida, Florida. Then he posts a video on Facebook. Now, let's take a look at this mama Luke. You've probably seen this video by now. If you thought this guy made a stupid move by diving into the giant fish tank at the Bass Pro Shops in Lee County, well, check out what he did now. Look at them crazy eyes.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Daniel Armandades posted this video on Facebook. Pause. Now he's giving a finger to a t-shirt. This is how you know he's fucked up. What's he do, whip his dick out in front of his phone? He's giving a finger to the t-shirt. Go ahead. Haunting deputies and saying, quote, I'll turn myself in front of his phone. Wait, wait. He's giving a finger to the T-shirt. Go ahead. Haunting deputies and saying, quote,
Starting point is 00:16:47 I'll turn myself in when I'm ready. Now, that's where he loses me. He's taunting the cops. I'll turn myself in when I'm ready. Said some more derogatory shit on his Facebook page. And, you know, he's got a record. He's a fucking, he's a knucklehead. You can act like a man.
Starting point is 00:17:06 What's the matter with you? Yeah. Anyways, Bass Pro Shop will have to spend $3,000 to decontaminate the water. Why? What the fuck? It's a fish tank in a store. You worry about the water being clean? It's kind of funny that they have that pro-bass.
Starting point is 00:17:29 They're obviously into nature and fish and hunting and shit, but, you know, let's put a fish tank. Those fish are really comfortable swimming around all day, checking out orange vests and hunting hats. That's their natural habitat. Fucking department store anyways uh the guy who did that armanderis has a history of arrests on charges of robbery his kids fucking nothing aggravated battery in the sale and delivery of illegal drugs which i'm guessing he might have
Starting point is 00:18:00 been on but another part of me loves that he jumped into that fucking fish tank at the store. It's like the guy at Home Depot a few years ago. You know when you go to Home Depot and they have a section for like bathrooms and they have a bunch of model toilets on the floor models. Remember the guy took a dump in one? My hero.
Starting point is 00:18:22 What? Can you imagine having the gall? I don't even like the shit in a stall in a public place this guy's people are walking around pricing cabinets he's like sick fuck so they put out a reward for this guy since it's going to be three grand to clean up the fish tank i don't know if this guy had AIDS or COVID. A couple turtles died, but after they took him out of the water. Anyways, they're offering a three grand reward. If you know anything about this guy. Authorities believe he is residing
Starting point is 00:18:57 in North Fort Myers area or in San Carlos Park. Again, thank you, FLA, for being a part of the show every day almost. Before I forget, folks, and again, Donald Trump Jr. coming up later, I want to thank the contributors. I say this every day and I mean it. The reason this show is growing by leaps and bounds is because you guys are keeping it up with your daily contributions at can't thank you enough i will thank you i mentioned your names on the show we appreciate it that much
Starting point is 00:19:31 and the people we had six or seven people sign up at patreon as monthly subscribers uh and if you do that again you get to ask me a question. You get, what else do they get, Raz? They get free guacamole and a handjob. What the fuck? All the archives. All the archives. Come on. Two guys and we can't remember.
Starting point is 00:19:58 You get an extra story every day that nobody else gets. Me and Raz looking at each other. That's my producer over there. He's right on top of it. Too busy giving speeches. He's a black Tony Robbins. He's giving speeches about podcasts all over Georgia. I want to thank these people who contributed at
Starting point is 00:20:19 since yesterday. Willie, get this one. Did you read the first one, Raz? Willie Fistergash. In other words, Willie Fistergash. Nice going, Willie. Maryland. Sean O'Connor, New York.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Blake Edwards. Blake, Georgia. Seth Darrell, New Zealand. Joseph Lamandola, Kansas. Tim Kinch, Massachusetts. dwight holman california zatone carry uh california jason mccammon colorado christopher fedora fedora fedora i guess washington jamie rodart texas donnie headedlund, Oregon. Ronald James, Florida. Jeff McMenamin.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Jeff McMenamin, Illinois. Amahishi Mix, Oxconn, New Jersey. What the fuck? Armando Borges, California. Listen to all these. James Hewlett, Virginia. Thank you guys so much. They made a daily contribution at
Starting point is 00:21:32 Now here's people who signed up at And what do they get for that? An extra story. Let's see if I can... Archives. And what else, Rez? They can ask me a question. For Christ's sake, you're the one who asked that.
Starting point is 00:21:54 That's your part. New monthly supporters, Gina Schwer, Sean Ellis, Sam Pionti. He's at the veto level. Alex A., Jay Milliman. Nick Pliskin. And PJ McKay. All signed up at
Starting point is 00:22:13 Can't thank you enough. And I love the emails and the notes on Facebook. This show is a part of people's daily routines. They get up just like when Stern, you know, or Rush Limbaugh, any big show, it's a part of their day. And that makes me so happy. And after live shows,
Starting point is 00:22:33 I have so many women come up. I've got my husband, I'm laying in bed, he's got his fucking headphones on cackling. I fucking love those stories. And I go, did you blow them anyways? I get a crack in my back. What do you got? I got a pastry stories. And I go, did you blow them anyways? I got a crack in my back. What do you got? I got a pastry request.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Already? Yeah. It's the hurry, son. No, go ahead. Ruth F. Simpsonville, South Carolina. Boring but wanted to know recipe for the peanut butter cup ice cream dish. Raz, is that what you're trying?
Starting point is 00:23:06 What you do is you steal 10,000 Reese's cups, Ruth. Fuck, go into Walmart. Scoop the motherfuckers up. No. I'm going to see if I can remember it. Peanut butter cookie dough. You need, I think, like 16 ounces or 32 ounces of peanut butter. I couldn't find it. I used chocolate chip cookie dough. You need, I think, like 16 ounces or 32 ounces of peanut butter. I couldn't find it. I used chocolate
Starting point is 00:23:27 chip cookie dough. The raw shit. You need two springform pans. With the dough, you press the dough into the bottom of the pan, in both of them. Put them in the oven. It says 20, 25 minutes, but I think you should go a little less. It makes it softer, like an ice cream
Starting point is 00:23:43 sandwich. I went very hard. Now I'm having a root canal. That's how you make the fucking two cookies for the thing. Here's the filling. I'm doing this off the top of my head. Instant vanilla pudding. A cup and a third of peanut butter. Eight ounces
Starting point is 00:24:02 of cream cheese and three cups of vanilla ice cream. This is what killed B.B. King. This is what makes Trump's ass very big. You mix all that together. I got to think how you do this now. You let the cookie thing cool. this now. You let the cookie thing cool. Want it right? You pour that fucking mixture into the pan. You leave one of the cookies in the pan.
Starting point is 00:24:30 You pour that mixture in there. Make sure everything's cooled at this point. And then you take the lid of the other big cookie you made, put it on top. Leaving it in the spring form pan. Wrap all that in plastic. Put it in your
Starting point is 00:24:46 freezer for a minimum of four hours. And there you got it, Ruth. And you can thank me when you have three orgasms when you bite into that. It's a giant ice cream sandwich that weighs about 71 pounds and it tastes like a Reese's cup. It was so, I wanted to sit on a bare ass. Oh, I forgot. I forgot the Nutella. When you serve it, when you cut a slice, you need a chainsaw for that. Warm up the Nutella
Starting point is 00:25:16 for like 30 seconds and drizzle it over. You fucking dog style of me. I made a Wolfgang Puck recipe last night for an Asian dish. You know those hot bowls you get with chunks of meat and eggplant? Mother of God, I'm going to make it again. Speaking of Wolfgang Puck, Colorado black fella shot a guy because somebody asked him to wear a mask.
Starting point is 00:25:39 How's that for a segue? How do you go from a recipe to fucking violence? This, Ruth, you'll enjoy that so much you'll want to stab your husband in the ass. Colorado man told to wear mask shoots Waffle House cook. Guess what color he was. I mean, the shooter. Make me a sandwich. I mean, the shooter. Make me a sandwich.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Make me a fucking sandwich. Make me a sandwich. I love my show. A Colorado man was arrested. We got a picture of him. He doesn't look like a troublemaker, does he? Jesus Christ with those dead eyes. Arrested Monday for allegedly shooting a Waffle House cook after being told he had to wear a protective face mask
Starting point is 00:26:34 while inside the restaurant. You fucking believe me? There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind. Remember we did a story a month or two back about a black woman was told to wear a mask at a dollar store in Michigan or somewhere, went home, got her husband and some other guy and they killed the guy. What the fuck? Come on.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Kevin Watson, 27, arrested Monday on charge of attempted first degree murder. Employees of the Aurora Waffle House told investigators Watson came to the restaurant shortly after midnight Thursday. According to arrest affidavit, they said a waitress told him he needed to wear a mask to be served. The restaurant was only offering carryout service because of the coronavirus pandemic. Watson allegedly returned with a mask that he was not wearing and was again, he goes home and gets the mask and doesn't put it on he was told he could not be served witnesses said he pulled out a small gun put it on put a
Starting point is 00:27:31 small gun on the counter before telling the cook he could blow blow your brains out what the fuck is this guy's problem who's an animal your mother's an animal you son of a bitch the following night just after midnight friday police said w Watson returned and slapped the cook across the face when he was told again he was not going to be served. Watson is accused of shooting the cook in the chest or abdomen outside the restaurant as the cook ran to get away. Cook was released from a hospital Friday afternoon. What the fuck? Huh? I want to know what went what kind of life did he have
Starting point is 00:28:08 that that mentality exists? What the fuck? I'm sure he came from a two family home. I mean a two parent home and was raised perfectly. I mean Jesus H. Christ. Hey, ladies and gentlemen, or
Starting point is 00:28:27 ladies or guys looking to buy something for your ladies as today, you know, or a fella looking to buy something for his fella, or a trans looking to buy something for a German shepherd, anything. The who, as you know, are
Starting point is 00:28:44 major sponsors of the show show have put out some ladies items and uh here's some funny ones i guess it looks like the same fucking image i've seen 18 times um but i like pences on there as a bodybuilder ah that's kind of ironic who's the girl girl modeling? Raz says it's Photoshopped. I think it's somebody he knows. What else we got up there? Notice, oh, it says he can grab mine. I think you got to put that in darker yellow or red.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Why are you hiding that message? That is funny, actually. He can grab mine. That's a girl saying Trump can grab her. Trump can grab mine. That's a girl saying Trump can grab her. Trump can grab her. I like to grab you. I'm famous. Can I touch you? And if you if you're a lady or know a lady who is a fan of the show
Starting point is 00:29:46 pick up one of these tank tops with this good looking fellow on it Tommy wrote that do you know how many better pictures I have of myself
Starting point is 00:29:56 and this is what Tommy chooses that's from the South Magazine article they did of me on the left hey I'm wearing this shirt I was wearing that day
Starting point is 00:30:04 and there's me over there from the South Magazine article they did of me on the left. Hey, I'm wearing the shirt I was wearing that day. And there's me over there pointing at, I don't know, fucking Rich Wood and saying, stay out of my yard. As always, everything on is 10% off when you use the promo code Nick. So go to and we thank them for sponsoring the show. We really do. They do some nice work.
Starting point is 00:30:29 And I'm making las parcerias. Oh, by the way, started to watch Immortal last night. Immortal in Italian, which is about Ciro, one of the lead characters in Gamora. is about chero one of the lead characters in gamora now my wife i gave you the thing right so you could get season three and four on some illegal site what if i this movie they're going to shoot season five at the end of the summer i think this summer but this movie bridges between season four and season five that's what this does in, you've got to see the movie if you're going to understand brilliant marketing on their part. So I watched about half of it last night, and it's really frigging good.
Starting point is 00:31:13 I won't give away what's going on, but that's my new nickname, Immortal. Right now somebody at Google goes, want to bet? Hey, remember yesterday we reported on a state trooper who i thought handled it perfectly because i don't like anti-cop fucking punks uh and uh they're out there every day cops risking uh their necks to protect us and now they get the covid shit to deal with on top of it and there's a kind of an anti-male cop sentiment that started right around the Obama administration and the Eric Holder times. And it still permeates
Starting point is 00:31:49 our society. But he pulled over a guy that had flipped him off and the cop fucking lost his shit. I thought, I loved him. The bad lieutenant. Well, let's take a look. We'll refresh your memory real quick. I know that. So, let's take a look. We'll refresh your memory real quick.
Starting point is 00:32:05 I know that. So we're all doing our thing. Okay. He decides to pass me and flip me off. All right, Steve. I'm sorry. All right? Yeah, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:32:13 So the fuck do you think you are? Worry about what I'm doing. Okay. You're right. I know I'm right. God damn it. Love it. Love it. Love it.
Starting point is 00:32:27 It's my dad every day when I was a kid. I know you're right, Dad. I know I'm right, God damn it. Dad was a Marine. I got the knots on my head to prove it. Who left the fucking lights on, Don? It's the Pang. Ah, I just kicked the fucking desk with my shit!
Starting point is 00:32:47 Ow! I have a bone chip in my shin that I literally suffered in high school playing football. I got kicked with a cleat. It chipped a little hole in my bone. Every once in a while, I'll hit it on something. Oh, my God, Raz. I'd rather have cancer of the ass and eyes.
Starting point is 00:33:04 I think I might. Anyways, that's our boy, Trooper Matthew Spina, out of the barracks in Westbrook, Connecticut. He's been identified as the officer in the video. On Tuesday, State Police issued a statement about the incident in which they called the trooper's behavior disturbing. What? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:33:25 How the fuck's it disturbing? How about the kid that flipped him off while he was doing his job and then had the balls to question him? I actually call police sir and shit. I don't know. Just, I respect what they do. Even when they get mouthy with it.
Starting point is 00:33:42 And there are some mouthy ones out there. I got pulled over in upstate new york a couple years ago i was with my boy doing a show upstate and the cop had pulled somebody else over who was doing something and i went by and all of a sudden he pulls out comes after me and pulls me over i wasn't speeding and he said do you know why i said said, I have no idea, to be honest with you. You didn't give me a courtesy something. I didn't know this existed. If the cop has somebody pull, if you have the left, if you have a lane to your left, you know, so you won't hit him or whatever. I didn't know that was a fucking law. And I said, I didn't know that. He goes, you didn't know that. And he started getting all yappy with me. And then I told him I was a
Starting point is 00:34:29 comedian and shit. He asked me if he knew a comic. I forget who it was, but me and my open act knew the guy, the comic. We're like, yeah. But did, Rez, did you know that? You're supposed to, oh, you did? So did my wife. So did eight other people I asked. I must have missed that day. Yeah, he got fucking, you really didn't know? I go, no. I really didn't know. I didn't know that was like a fucking law.
Starting point is 00:34:58 My point is, show the, you know, show the cops. Anyways. So now he's in trouble. I don't think he should be. He is not. He's never heard in the video asking the driver for his license or his registration which is a good point he was too mad the trooper went on a profanity laced tirade throughout the video during which he yelled at the driver proceeded to search his vehicle for marijuana uh which he saw during the traffic trooper spania has been put on administrative role at this time.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Remember, my favorite line was, he goes, I got 14 months left. I can't wait to get the fuck out of here because you Americans are assholes. Take this job and shove it. State Police Colonel Stavros Malekas said internal affairs is investigating the entire yeah it's a real mystery and we'll be speaking with motorist and trooper spina spina malaka said more discipline can follow depending on the results of the investigation for now he said
Starting point is 00:35:57 the troop is getting help through an employee assistance pro every time a guy loses his temper in this country, he has to go into a program or get help for being a guy. Start sending some women and fucking gay people into desensitivity programs. Then we'll all get along beautifully. Nick, what did it have to do with the gay people? Not that I just thought of very sensitive people. For now, he said the troopers getting help through it. Once the investigation is sustained and we see how it goes, there'll be discipline attached. Then they have to make the stupid public statement that, you know, they don't even buy it.
Starting point is 00:36:39 The Connecticut State Police has been made aware of a video posted on social media involving one of our troopers. While the troopers' behavior in the video is disturbing, no, it isn't. It is not. It's understanding. It is not indicative of the great work of the women and men of the Connecticut State Police and the dedication to protecting and serving during this pandemic. Oh, for Christ's sake. Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up. Shut up. I like the piano in there. We do recognize, put it back up, brothers. We do recognize that all of us are everywhere under extreme stress during the pandemic.
Starting point is 00:37:22 For our troopers, they're dealing with the impact on their personal lives along with workplace stressors of being on the front line, which is true. They're always on the front line. While not an excuse, we are sensitive to this and are also referred the trooper to our employee assistance program. If you were sensitive to it, you wouldn't have done that. You would have said, look, dude, we know you're under stress. Cut the, you know, just fucking cool down. Put them in a program. What is this, Russia circa 1940?
Starting point is 00:37:40 Political rehabilitation. We have also recently launched a resiliency program to help all our employees dealing with this pandemic. Release this. Connecticut is a Nazi state, by the way. You ever drive to Connecticut, there's a state cop hiding every 11 feet. It's unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:38:01 It has something to do with Dominicans racing on I-95 in Bridgeport at 400 miles an hour. Let's end it on a light note before we bring Mr. Donald Trump Jr. on. God, I love Russian broads, especially when they're nurses and they don't wear no clothes. A nurse in Russia was suspended from the hospital where she worked in Tula, 100 miles south of Moscow, after she arrived at her shift in the all male coronavirus patient wing with no clothing save for her skivvies under her transparent personal protective equipment. Look at that. Look at the old guy staring at that ass.
Starting point is 00:38:47 I love you for helping me to construct my life. This is what's going through the old guy's head. Not a tavern, but a temple. You know who the old guy is? I love you because you have done so much to make me happy. It is. It's Hyman Roth! I'm a Jew in a corona hospital.
Starting point is 00:39:13 I'd give 20 more years to see this girl's tits. One day, a nurse came into the ward, just her skivvies. A nurse came into the ward, just her skivvies. This is not a plaque or statue of this girl, Tiziana. It looks just like him. Or it's Mayor Koch, come back to life. Raz, can we see her again from a far shot?
Starting point is 00:39:42 Or is that the only shot we got? Jesus Christ. She should be commended seriously those guys that made their fucking of course i'm sure there were some guys that didn't like it and uh get kind of whiny but i was a little whore and a little piece of oh stop that while there were no complaints from her patients hospital chiefs punished the nearly nude nurse for non-compliance with the requirements for medical clothing the nurse claimed she did not realize that her underwear was showing through the ppe she said she did it because she was too hot wearing that
Starting point is 00:40:15 vinyl gown over however the regional health ministry confirmed that you know how you clear this up you call poot and show him the picture. And he goes, that's fine. It does not bother me. I go for a ride now on horse with no shirt. Good for you, nurse. She did that because she knows the old men. It's a beautiful thing. Beautiful thing.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Anyways, people online sort of backed or a few of them in Russia. At least someone has a sense of humor in this gloomy world. Said, It's a nice name. It's the morning zoo show
Starting point is 00:40:59 with Flubber and Bubby. Anyways, good for you, nurse. Better do one more, Rez, because we don't know. Donald might have a tight schedule. And anyways, here's a note. Let's end the week on a light note. I got a story about the Black Panther Party, the new Black Panther. They're protesting Chinese restaurants in the D.C. area, even though because it's because of how Africans are being treated
Starting point is 00:41:26 in China. But that's how they anyways, that was kind of silly. Penguin poop. You hear this? Penguin shit is nature's truly intense laughing gas. Why have we not heard this with all the talk about CO2 emissions or whatever comes out of a cow's ass and the ozone? And why have we not heard this with all the talk about CO2 emissions or whatever comes out of a cow's ass and the ozone? Why have we not heard about penguin poop being a laughing gas? The flightless bird's feces apparently produce an insane amount of laughing gas, which has reduced Antarctic researchers to hysterics in the past. in the past. The Poopy Research originally aimed to study how a king penguin's
Starting point is 00:42:05 colony's activity affect greenhouse gas fluxes in South Georgia. Not here. South Georgia, the country. In an island north of, no, it's an island north of Antarctica.
Starting point is 00:42:18 However, the study inadvertently revealed that penguin droppings emit a ridiculous amount of nitrous oxide. So the next time you go to the dentist and, you know, you put some penguin's ass in your face, inadvertently revealed that penguin droppings emit a ridiculous amount of nitrous oxide. So the next time you go to the dentist and, you know, he puts a penguin's ass in your face, you'll know what's up.
Starting point is 00:42:36 I'll get you, Batman. The dentist touted sedatives that become known as laughing gas because they can reduce patients to giggling. I never had that effect. I'll tell you, when I was in high school, I dated my dentist's daughter. He was going to give me that truth serum shit. How'd you like that? He's working on your molars.
Starting point is 00:42:55 You met your finger popper in the parking lot of fucking Walgreens. So penguins fart and everybody can't whoop how'd that get in there uh max listen to this res the maximum emissions are about a hundred times higher than the recently fertilized danish field said scientist elbergling as a result just several hours of nosing around in guano can cause the research to go fucking cuckoo they say watch out because i'm in fact the danish researcher claims that the amount of nitrous oxide found in pigeon poop dwarfs that of whipped cream containers.
Starting point is 00:43:47 You ever do whippets? Me either. My wife used to do them in high school all the time. And some other, you take the nozzle and let this nitric oxide there. And you inhale it. I wasn't doing that. I was shooting heroin in between my toes like a real man. Go ahead and have your cool whip high, you fucking faggots.
Starting point is 00:44:11 Never did heroin. However, the birds aren't just excreting laughing gas for shits and giggles. Their mirth-making manure, oh, this guy's such a poet, is created when they consume nitrogen-filled krill. I think that's a fish. Their favorite food. And then they poop it out, whereupon the bacteria in the soil
Starting point is 00:44:29 converts it into nitrous oxide. I'm going to buy some penguins and some krill. I need a laugh. Don't you? We all do. That's a penguin. All right. That is it, ladies and gentlemen, for the first week back since my break
Starting point is 00:44:47 that went pretty fast coming up stay tuned i shouldn't say that is it now raz has to edit this more show the best part of the show donald trump jr second time on the show and we uh appreciate him coming uh donald trump jr let's welcome back to the show uh we appreciate him coming. Donald Trump Jr. Let's welcome back to the show and the world has changed since we talked to him last. Donald Trump Jr. Don, thank you for coming back. We appreciate it. It's my pleasure, man. Good to be back.
Starting point is 00:45:15 I love following your Twitter. You're out there stirring up some you got a few feuds going right now. Let's get those out of the way. I got a couple. I got, I guess, Anderson cooper jake tapper howard stern so oh the reality is you know like you i'm pretty outspoken and i'm just not gonna let people shit all over us without saying something about it so it's not my style no and which i love it's not your dad's style and shouldn't it should be it shouldn't be any american style um what's? I didn't know you had a beef with Anderson Cooper.
Starting point is 00:45:46 What's going on with that? Well, you know, it's the usual outrage cycle. I'll post something. They won't like it because it's contrary to, you know, the CNF narrative. And so they'll try to take their digs on their shows that no one watches, especially these days because no one's in airports. You know, so it's all good, man. It's just all in good fun.
Starting point is 00:46:08 Let me tell you, and your father says this, but it's true, if he wasn't around, they probably would have closed shop by now, CNN and MSNBC. Oh, 100%, by the way. I mean, when Trump is out of office in fires, it's going to be the end of modern media because they literally won't have any way to make money. Which is unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:46:30 Let's get into the Biden thing. You put a meme up. I think we have a picture of it, which was harmless, kind of, you know, just a mild joke. And, of course, he, like a true lefty, jumped all over you. And what's that? I mean, isn't this typical of Democrat? No sense of humor whatsoever. And nothing.
Starting point is 00:46:54 And obviously, you know, he meant it in all seriousness. I responded back like, wait a minute. You mean the three laughing emojis and the talking alligator in the talking alligator in the meme maybe made it not so serious. But, you know, they couldn't do that. But what it actually did was they were so out. The New York Times wrote an entire article about it. Jake Tapper got his panties all in a bunch. And it basically gave me platform to be like, oh, really? You think Joe Biden's behavior around children is normal?
Starting point is 00:47:29 Let's go to the clip. You know, and I found literally a buddy of mine sent me a four minute and 30 second video of just like grossly inappropriate sort of behavior with these kids. Meaning the kind of if you or I or another real man saw like happening to our kids, you'd step in and say something. You'd actually do something about it. I mean, it's truly like weird stuff. And the New York Times, oh, but it's at a Senate confirmation. I go, I didn't say it wasn't at a Senate confirmation thing. But the fact that he's doing that there, isn't that even more weird? Meaning what the hell is he doing around? And I sort of like, I don't know, I'm of the mindset that you'd want to you'd feel comfortable leaving your five-year-old with the president of the united states but after seeing these things i
Starting point is 00:48:15 don't know that anyone could i know it almost when the tara reed thing the story broke i'm like i think i believe biden on this one she's way too old for him. Now, it's yeah. Well, that in and of itself shows you what we're talking about. Right. So you have corroborating evidence in Tara Reid, which you did not have for Brett Kavanaugh. Right. He was guilty until proven innocent. He was it was so important that Dianne Feinstein sat on the information for three months uh to try to tar and feather him in
Starting point is 00:48:45 public ford i mean it was a mess you couldn't you know i don't remember when it happened i don't remember how it happened i don't remember where it and i don't know what year it was but it definitely happened and everyone's like oh 100 you know yeah this happened obviously you gotta believe the woman you gotta believe the woman now terror yeah believe all women right i mean you saw what they said it started a thing and and fine but when it happened to joe biden all of a sudden you know me too is you know oh it's me too only if you're against a republican me too if you're not dealing with the mainstream media narrative and there's corroborating evidence she says open up the files you know they't, they refuse to do that. And it's not like these are private records. I mean, these are his, well, he was a United
Starting point is 00:49:29 States Senator paid for by the American. Oh no, you can't do that. Right. I mean, don't forget CNN, MSDA, all of these bullshit, you know, media groups. Yeah. They had no problem saying that Brett Kavanaugh's high school yearbook was 100 fair game it was totally legit that's right but joe biden's literal senate records that's off limits yeah i mean who are we kidding here so there's corroborating evidence her mom called into larry king in the mid 90s right like you know i know they're going to try to blame the russians on this one but maybe the russians did that they're much better at this shit than i would have ever thought right uh you know they're starting to do the russia russia russia thing again yeah but so her mom called in
Starting point is 00:50:12 complaining about like my daughter worked on capitol hill for her senator and was harassed what should i do she has you know deposition stuff or lawsuit stuff were mentioned against her husband this is in the mid-90s so listen she didn't have the power to effectuate anything or to do anything with it but there's like there's really something there right and everyone's just turning a blind eye to it like it never happened it's insane yeah and and then you know uh they try to turn on your dad they how many false accusations against your dad with a woman on the plane and and uh oh yeah well you know and then you had the one the one that they love to go to is that crazy woman that even anderson cooper like
Starting point is 00:50:50 cut off on cnn which is like oh yeah he definitely raped me i mean rape is kind of sexy but like i'm like even anderson cooper was like oh let's go to commercial break and we're not coming back with this guest like i mean they cut that. They cut that interview all the faster. You know, your head spun because anything against Trump, they will build up. They will give credit to, right.
Starting point is 00:51:13 You know, look at Michael Avenatti, look at Michael Avenatti. Oh, we really think he's a front runner to be president of the United States. He'll be the Democrat nominee. Let's give him hundreds of hours of airtime, millions in three earned media only because he's going to the Democrat nominee. Think about that. Let's give him hundreds of hours of airtime, millions in re-earned
Starting point is 00:51:25 media, only because he's going to take on Trump. That's right. I don't know. It seems like he may have stolen millions from a paraplegic. It seems like he tried to extort the hell out of Nike. But this guy was the end deal
Starting point is 00:51:41 because he delivered the narrative that they wanted to. So they gave him whatever credibility they possibly could muster. And now that you realize, I don't know, as he was in jail, nothing to see here. Oh, that never happened. Did we actually do that? Like, give me a break. It happens every day. They show clips of the left saying they're shameless in the hypocrisy.
Starting point is 00:52:04 Real quick, the Howard Stern thing. This one breaks my heart because I, like you, are a Howard Stern fan. Been on the show many times. You know, he actually, it's such a powerful show. It actually helped my career. Liked him personally. But now he's attacking anybody who likes your father. We should all take Clorox.
Starting point is 00:52:21 And when did he turn into a bitch? I know he got a life coach and a shrink and some woman apparently I think your theory is right he got a taste of Hollywood now he wants all those people to suck his ass yeah well no it's not even that he wants to be part of them I mean what what made Howard Stern was that he rallied against all that he went all and again hey you attack me which you, of course he's going to do. That's sort of the game. You attack my family.
Starting point is 00:52:48 But, you know, by the way, I don't even care. You start attacking all of our supporters. People are Americans. They want to live the American dream. They're excited about American jobs coming back. Like, those guys should drop dead and die. Like, those guys made Howard's. They allowed him to get the platform
Starting point is 00:53:03 that all of the people that he hated and that he fought against and he talked shit about in Hollywood that they allowed him to open that door to get in with those people. And then he goes in and be like, I kind of like it here. Now I'm one of them. So I kind of like it here. Those guys like that's
Starting point is 00:53:19 bullshit. I don't know how he still has fans because we love them. It was funny. like the biggest Howard Stern fan club on Facebook like the Facebook super fans like the Stern Facebook super fans like the head of that thing who's apparently been on the show many times but watched the show
Starting point is 00:53:36 in years like it just it hasn't been good in years like right because it became this like PC version of himself the guest just changed it was just and that happens but like it's just not the same and he just doesn't have the same because it became this like PC version of himself. The guest just changed. It was just a, and that happens, but like, it's just not the same. And he just doesn't have the same relevance anymore.
Starting point is 00:53:49 But like the Facebook Stern super fan guys reached out to a friend of mine. Who's, you know, big in that world as well. And like, they sent it to me. They're like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:53:57 feel free to go ahead and use it. Like we're pissed off. This is bullshit. Like what, what actually happened here? I mean, his, his Facebook page page is turning on him because
Starting point is 00:54:06 they're like what what's going on with this guy and you know it's just sad to see because like i said i was a fan uh i watched for years and the great irony of it is you know donald trump was in like two or three of like the top 10 of all stern moments according to howard stern when he went off the regular air uh you know in some of of the greatest hits clip. I mean, Donald Trump was a big part of that. He'd been on the show hundreds of times, whatever it is. Even beyond that, like I know my brother and his wife did a lot with Howard Stern and some of the charity stuff that they did for pets and help them out. And so, you know, you don't have to deal with politics and stuff like that. I understand how that works. But like to just conveniently neglect that, it just shows a pattern of behavior
Starting point is 00:54:45 there's no loyalty he did same to arty lang who made the show great and frankly the show probably never recovered yeah once arty lang left he did the same to gilbert godfrey who was like one of the great guests the show of all time whenever he came on it was awesome and it's like yeah you're not coming back on because you know my pc holly Hollywood friends don't like what you say when you come on here. So it's not just us. Right. He turned on. Right. Look, you know, look at Jackie the joke, man. You know, the list goes on and on. There's no loyalty to him. And you saw that throughout. It's like, you know, the second it wasn't all about Howard. No, no, no. You're out.
Starting point is 00:55:20 It's got to be about Howard. And so it's a shame to see sort of that Stern, the 1990s Stern turn into Hollywood Howard. And again, as a, as a former fan sucks to see it, but now there are people that are just much more relevant. I mean, a guy like me, you know, I'm a business guy. I talk a little bit of shit on social media, yada, yada, yada. Like you'd never pick a fight with Howard Stern. Like that'd be the death of you like what's he gonna say about me that he hasn't already who cares who's even watching it doesn't
Starting point is 00:55:50 matter anymore it's like watching madonna try to reinvent herself that's what he did it's fucking sad let's fast forward to uh today because a lot of the world has changed since the last time you and i talked uh with the whole pandemic in china. And it's just, you know, the World Health Organization in China working in cahoots. Let me let me ask you just a question. A lot of people who may might not like your dad. What would you give your father a grade as far as how he handled the pandemic from A to F? Where do you? Listen, I think he's doing a great. And I think the reality is this. Don't forget, Donald Trump was the guy that shut down travel from Wuhan, China. Oh, that's racist, Don. He can't do that. And this was this was January 28th. OK, before anyone was
Starting point is 00:56:37 talking about World Health Organization was still saying, oh, it's not a problem. It's not able to be transmitted to humans. So the quote unquote experts that are supposed to be advising everyone said, this isn't really a problem. He said, you know what? I think it's a common sense to shut down travel from the epicenter of a viral outbreak. Now, you would think that's a rational thing to do. But Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, the Democrats in the media, it racist it's too aggressive i mean that was the number one you could do to slow the curve you don't hear about well what's the the respirator situation you don't hear about that no one went for want of a respirator but hear that story anymore because guess what they immobilized a task force that did an incredible job got hospitals
Starting point is 00:57:23 everything they could have possibly needed and no no one needed anything. You don't hear those things. I mean, I think Governor DeSantis down in Florida did a great job when he finally had enough yesterday and was like, here are the facts as they're trying to bury him. I mean, he's got a state with a larger population than New York, a fraction, a fraction of the mortality, a fraction of the incidence, a fraction of the spread, but CNN and the like are going to build up Andrew Cuomo as though he, I was like, New York has literally the worst case, not just, you know, Republican
Starting point is 00:57:54 versus Democrat states. I mean, compare New York to California that has a significantly larger population. Honestly, they've done a better job over there than New York, but CNN found a guy that's got a good line of shit and they sort of like him on camera and he can he can play that game. So I put him against Trump and like, that's great. I understand that. They don't they just totally ignore the facts and what what's actually happened.
Starting point is 00:58:20 The reality is my father's left these things in the States because that's what conservatives believe. It's called federalism. So, you you know we want things to open back up that's right you gotta let it to the states that's right 10th amendment uh they're trying to have it both ways the left at first they were saying he you know trump doesn't know anything about science he should be listening to the doctors so he listens to the doctors uh fauci and burks and things aren't going so well and yet they're still trying to pin it on him, saying he didn't handle it well. They're trying to have it both ways.
Starting point is 00:58:49 Even Fauci has said, Fauci has been on the record. Yeah, he listened to you. Right, your dad listened to him. Every time I went into Donald Trump and gave him a piece of medical advice, he took it. Right.
Starting point is 00:58:59 I mean, what are you supposed to do? Like, you know, the reality is, you know, SARS hit in 09, Obama, they handled it much worse. There was a much longer delay before they did anything. Tens of thousands of people have died. Hundreds of thousands got it. It wasn't as virulent.
Starting point is 00:59:15 It wasn't as deadly. Thank God. Right. Because had they been under this pandemic, it would have worked much worse. They didn't restock the supplies that they used, you know, and the PPE and all of those kits. They didn't do any of those things. But again, we refuse to talk about that because today's media's job isn't to get to the facts. It isn't to report news. It is to spread the leftist propaganda. They are literally nothing more than the marketing wing of the Democrat
Starting point is 00:59:41 Party. And that's that. Yeah. And they get now they have social media on this side, too. Now, let me ask you a question. I was talking to Glenn Beck probably six weeks ago on his show when this a couple of months ago on this first broke out the covid stuff. And he said, well, Trump's going to get blamed for this and he's not going to get reelected. And I said I said to Glenn, I said, you don't think, even if that was, you don't think the American people, they're going to blame the president for a pandemic, something unprecedented? Aren't they smarter than that? You know what I mean? Let me ask you this. Yeah, no, I think they are.
Starting point is 01:00:15 Listen, the media is going to do whatever they can to try to put it on there. The governors will have total absolution. Of course. They will have done everything great. Right. It will all be on Trump. But the reality is this. You know, when it comes to that, I think the average person sees through it.
Starting point is 01:00:28 That's what I said in the back. They see through the nonsense. They see through the setbacks. Yeah. They see, you know, Nate Pelosi saying, no, let's have a big gathering in Chinatown in February. Yeah. You know, I mean, you know, I think they see through that.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Now, the media will try to do it. So we're never in a fair fight. Right. So we have to do a better job. We have to push harder. We have to fight more aggressively. You know, so that will never happen cleanly. But I do think Americans will see that.
Starting point is 01:00:50 And then they'll say, OK, now you're going to have a lot of businesses destroyed. You're going to have to get the economy going. Who's the guy to do it? That was my next question. The strongest economy America has known or 50 year Washington, D.C. swamp creature, Joe Biden, who like his own people can't name an accomplishment of his now. So this guy, I mean, he rallies against government and he's been in it for 50 years and hasn't done jack shit at all. He's going to be the savior. I mean,
Starting point is 01:01:17 give me a break. No one believes that. No, it could. The guy doesn't know where he is half the time. A rough day at the office for Joe Biden is having to put on his shoes but like he's gonna be the guy like give me a break yeah no i mean ironically this could like that's what i was gonna say to you who better to bring back this economy they i can't i mean it's a it's like a no-brainer it really is literally did and he said he was going to do and did which is also a you know a major shock to the system in washington dc but he said he was going to do and did, which is also a major shock to the system in Washington, D.C. But he said he was going to do all the things he did. And before the pandemic hit, literally not a single economic metric that we weren't blowing out of the water. The Biden Obama administration prior to it.
Starting point is 01:01:59 So the guy came in. Everyone said he wouldn't get it done. Everyone tried to screw with him the whole time. You got the fake russia stuff you had the impeachment you had all of the nonsense he still managed to do that despite all the they threw at him he still managed to have the greatest job numbers in history the highest stock market the greatest economy 401k everything okay was so much better despite all of that like imagine what would happen if like some people on the left actually, like,
Starting point is 01:02:26 maybe, you know, worked with him, maybe tried to do something for their constituency once in a while. Right. You know, the problem is everyone on the left is running for VP. They're more worried about that. They want to get a great soundbite on CNN,
Starting point is 01:02:38 and they're not doing shit for their own constituents. Do you really think that Biden is going to be the nominee? I mean, if he talks more than 30 seconds in public, he makes an ass of himself. He's a placeholder right now for somebody else. I don't think he's going to be there. Or you could throw somebody on the ticket. He can't be.
Starting point is 01:02:57 The rules would say that Bernie would be next, but the Democrats aren't going to play by the rules. Too far left. They don't care. But honestly, it's hard to believe. Can anyone really imagine Joe Biden being the Democrat nominee if it wasn't for the fact that it's against Trump? Like, they're going to try to
Starting point is 01:03:11 paint him as moderate Joe, but he's not. Not like, you know, you're not moderate Joe, but pointing appointing Beto O'Rourke to be your guns are like, you know, it's all nonsense. And the problem is, again, I really don't think Joe knows where he is 50 percent of the time. So if it's not Joe in charge and I don't think anyone believes those in charge, again, I really don't think Joe knows where he is 50% of the time. So if it's not Joe in charge, and I don't think anyone believes Joe's in charge. I mean, Joe can't
Starting point is 01:03:29 get a two-point press conference. He can't get the words out of his mouth. I mean, if you have a 50 point press conference and you forget point number two, I say, okay, you know, it happens. But if you have a two-point press conference, as he did about two weeks ago for the COVID-19, and he can't remember either of his two points. And he's sitting, feed me some information. I need something. This is a teleprompted president or a teleprompted candidate. He literally is incapable of doing it. He speaks to groups of 20 people prior to the shutdown and they have him on teleprompter because he's literally not capable of thinking for himself. Like, so if that's your guy who's really going to be running the government well that's what it is they see him be like i i read a poll today they said his
Starting point is 01:04:11 approval rating is 11 points higher than your dad's how is that possible and uh well the media had a 99 chance of no i know yeah but i think it's attractive to them to have Biden as a puppet. Like you said, somebody be pulling the strings, you know, they can pretend he's a moderate. The media will cover that as opposed to his actual positions. Right. Which aren't so moderate. And they're just playing that game. And again, they can get away with that because they're not playing a fair game. You know, it's a very uneven playing field. So that's why we have to work and fight that much harder. Right. Talking to Donald Trump Jr.
Starting point is 01:04:48 Now I read today and yesterday that the Dems are actually have, thinking about more impeachment efforts. They want to redact the grand jury material from the Mueller You have to be shitting me. It never ends. That's the point.
Starting point is 01:05:04 This is unbelievable. They can't beat him with facts. So they're going to try toitting me. It never ends. That's the point. This is unbelievable. They can't beat him with facts. So they're going to try to do this, try to take away, try to distract. I mean, it's literally the Democrat platform is like smoke and mirrors. Just pretend, you know, and again, because of the media, they can get away with it. I mean, we couldn't get away with any of these things. Look at what they did to my family. Look at what they did to General Lynn.
Starting point is 01:05:23 I mean, it's literally all coming out like this would be the biggest scandal including watergate in modern government history that oh it is family was unmasked me you know on the day of the inauguration for what to push a bullshit witch hunt that they knew was bullshit but decided to do anyway because they knew no one in media would try to fact check them they knew that the corrupted head of the fbi was in on the little hoax the former directors of the cia were all going to get their little you know cnn you know contributorships and make a lot of money basically spreading things that they knew to be lies because they had credibility from their former positions and everyone everyone including everyone, including Republicans in the Senate
Starting point is 01:06:06 and stuff like that, we're going to huddle together to protect the institutions, okay, to protect the FBI, not our constitution, not our freedom, not our liberties, but protect the institutions. The problem is these institutions need to be blown up. They need to be broken up. You know, they've been corrupt at the top and i don't say that like you know the door kickers at the fbi the real guys the agents the guys that carry guns like right those guys no one's more pissed off than them and i know one of them through competitive shooting and stuff like that like but like the bureaucrat lawyers at the top that pretend they're like agents you know what i mean, that are just part of the facts on CNN and otherwise.
Starting point is 01:06:45 Like, imagine I would have lied to Congress like they did. It's not even like a disputed fact. They lied to Congress in testimony. They spied on American people and lied about it. I mean, imagine where I'd be sitting now. I wouldn't be on this interview. I'd be in jail. No, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:07:04 But that's a double standard. Well, you know, Obama literally used law enforcement to spy on his political adversaries. Correct. It's the first time in 200 years where they just totally ignored the peaceful transition of power. I mean, this is a great American tradition.
Starting point is 01:07:23 And they totally ignored it spent three years trying to sell it because now that it's been exposed it's like nothing to say here folks let's cover this shit up like it's never happened it's okay i'll tell you right now don't did it and he's infallible but he is he's they're never going to have the balls to have the first african american president of the united states questioned or do the purple. It'll never happen. But even his people, because, I mean, well, he was on the show. No, but he was in on it. I mean, imagine the head of the FBI, but the Comey's.
Starting point is 01:07:54 But honestly, even Chris Wray. Yeah, I know. Appointed by my father. But he's still, again, protecting the institution. He was sitting on the Flynn stuff three years and he hasn't shown the american public the exculpatory evidence that would let this guy go a three-star general that spent his entire life serving his country i honestly i say it myself like the thing i'm most pissed off about of the last three years yeah is that i wasn't louder about that because i'm about a lot uh but i wasn't loud about that one because i'm like, I don't know. He must have done something.
Starting point is 01:08:25 I mean, there's no way. The FBI, the CIA, all these people are bullshit. It's all. And so I wish I would have had the ability to say, you know, I trust these institutions so much less than I actually should.
Starting point is 01:08:38 Of course. And honestly, we should because these institutions are broken. Well, I've been yelling about that one. Even when when Kavanaugh came along, all the other crap they threw at your dad. I kept saying, what about this fucking spying on him? That is the biggest scandal of our time. And, you know, I just like you said, he's infallible.
Starting point is 01:08:58 Obama untouchable. But you got Donna Rice's memo out there. She uses the phrase by the book three times. And this is a memo saying that unless they're covering up, like it's literally, it has never been done. No one has to send themselves a memo, you know,
Starting point is 01:09:15 after the fact, basically when you're no longer even in power to reiterate the fact, like it's the most obvious, like bad coverup job in the history of bad cover-up jobs and the media is like oh no no look look she meant do it by the book i'm like no no when you write that yourself over and over again you're doing it as a cover your ass because you know if this thing comes back to bite you in the ass you're looking to that i mean give me a break yeah no they're not insane honestly it's so stupid it should be a parody
Starting point is 01:09:46 on Saturday Night Live, but you know, since they've gone full leftist, that's not going to happen either. No, of course not. A couple quick ones before I let you go here, because I know you're a busy guy. Let me ask you a question. This is a reach on my part,
Starting point is 01:10:02 Don. This is where I get in trouble doing these shows you know no i give you my real opinion no you caught me in a mellow mood today this is a i haven't said anything yeah but i'm pretty hyper so it's okay yeah i love it you're fucking you 12 14 cups of coffee at least uh let me ask you mark maron had obama is on his podcast all right you remember that markon, he's a comedian. You know, I don't remember it. I didn't see that one, but...
Starting point is 01:10:28 You probably know where this is going. I'm sure I'll have commentary anyway. Well, if your dad comes down to Georgia to campaign, which he will, what are the odds we can get him in here? With you. Hey, like I said, it's not like he was afraid of doing these things.
Starting point is 01:10:41 He spent his entire career. I think the reason he has such know, a part of the reason, other than being a construction guy and sort of spending time on job sites, is because, you know, that's sort of the way he thinks. I mean, you hear it in his sense of humor. I mean, you know, I used to get crapped on all the time because I said I called him a blue collar billionaire for 20 years. Right.
Starting point is 01:11:01 And like, turns out he kind of is like that's the way he thinks. That's what, you know, he's a regular guy in many respects. He's got a big backseat. He's done a lot of pretty cool things, but he's a regular guy in so many respects. And I think, you know, that personality comes across and it's what drives the media. It's like, you know, when you play the game of, you know, who do you want to have a beer with Donald Trump or Joe Biden? Like, I don't think like would anyone pick Joe Biden, like including a leftist? I don't think so. Pick anybody.
Starting point is 01:11:29 Yeah, Joe Biden couldn't remember how to fucking open the beer. Anybody on the left. I mean, you know, Obama was president of the Harvard Law Review and the president's supposed to be like us. The government's for, by,
Starting point is 01:11:41 and of the people. Your dad is the closest thing to that. I hate to, you know, keep kissing ass. I agree. But he's the closest thing in my time and he's the best thing to happen at dc in 60 years showing these people up um finally we saw my wife wanted me to ask you this saw a picture of you and kimberly with a bunch of piglets i guess that's rosie o'donnell's uh niece i uh what uh where she wants to know where were you when you took that picture and where do we get it? Did you shoot that?
Starting point is 01:12:08 A lot of my time sort of like, I'm not a New York City guy. I live in the city and I had this sort of business is, but like, uh, you know, I, I get all my stuff up in the Catskills, you know, I have a cabin up there. I have for years, that sort of where, uh, I joke, you know, I'm fifth Avenue redneck. So, uh, my neighbor, uh, a couple of my neighbors, they're all actual like farmers. And so, you know, you got these and the chickens and the goats and this. And, you know, it's always fun to go there.
Starting point is 01:12:31 Right. Quite like getting, you know, fresh eggs right out of the hen coop. Yeah. And so, yeah, that's up in the Catskills area, sort of along the New York-PA border. OK. I want one for a pet and breakfast. Yeah. I guess that's it. I don't want to keep it too long.
Starting point is 01:12:46 I know you've got a lot of stuff to do, but I'm a big fan of your dad. I have been since he came down the escalator. And man, a mentally tough guy. I've never seen a guy run towards controversy. And he'll stop every time he's going to the plane to get on or the helicopter. He'll take a thousand questions. Nobody gives him any frigging credit for it and uh well and that's the point we gotta get him there's been no president more transparent whether they were trying to grab okay here's you know
Starting point is 01:13:13 hey here are my emails like you think it's so bad here they are oh you know i mean he's been more transparent he's given more time to them than anyone the problem is you know even during the like the press conferences for covid right he would he would do it and the first 20 minutes they'd ask relevant questions and then it would get questions he still made himself available so then they'd start asking the sort of like you know do you beat your wife question meaning there's no answer to it like it it's just gives you down a bad path that gives them the narrative that they want and we'd stick around for that but then later on you know during primetime tv they're literally just air clip of like minute number 136 of stupid questions like oh trump is outraged it's like well he spent two hours with you answering your
Starting point is 01:13:57 bullshit you don't air or include the stuff that was really relevant to like people suffering from a pandemic like americans that are actually dying. Like you don't want to talk about that. You want to talk about an hour or two. You asked a moronic question. He gave you a snide response because frankly, the question didn't even merit an answer. And then you want to shit on him for it. It's nonsense. Yeah. That was making me, that's the only thing I didn't,
Starting point is 01:14:22 I didn't want him out there that long. You know what I mean? Cause they would. Yeah, no, I agree. that's the only thing I didn't, I didn't want him out there that long. You know what I mean? Because they would. Yeah, no, I agree. He was too transparent. Yeah, that's the only, that's the only criticism I have. Yeah, he was giving them a lot of ammunition. They're back there editing, you know, waiting for the election. And, but like you said, he couldn't be more transparent.
Starting point is 01:14:39 That used to be a good thing when the media was legit, I guess. Hey, Don, I want to thank, I want to thank you for coming on the show again. My pleasure, man. Good to be here. We'll do it again soon. I love how you mix it up out there. Keep going and tell your dad to keep going. I will.
Starting point is 01:14:52 Be good, bud. Thanks. Thanks again to Donald Trump Jr. for joining us on the show. And thank you guys for supporting us at and Don't forget if you want me to send the personal video to a friend or a lover or an enemy, I can roast your friends. And it's a lot of fun. That is it.
Starting point is 01:15:15 You guys think it. I will say it. You're very welcome. And stay safe. We'll see you back here on Monday. guitar solo I'll see you next time.

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