The Nick DiPaolo Show - Famous Black Female Racists | Nick Di Paolo Show #526

Episode Date: April 19, 2021

Maxine Waters makes things way worse. Joy Reid likens Trump to Bin Laden. Hypocrisy looms over Ashli Babbitt killing....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, I want to thank you for watching the show and I want to encourage you to keep contributing to keep this show and free speech free for everyone whether they want to hear it or not. Click on this video or the link on the screen to make a contribution of any amount. I'll read your name on the show, but more importantly, you'll truly be supporting a great cause without Big Brother taking their cut or limiting the message. Thank you guys so much. Oh, yeah. It's that time again. Hi, yeah. It's that time again. Hi, folks.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Welcome. Monday morning again. The Antichrist. You got me in a vendetta kind of mood. I really am. That's no bullshit. I have Nick the Pig as a friend. Hey, fuck you.
Starting point is 00:01:23 What should you call the group of dancers in a ballet? Silly savages. Paul Trofals studies at the University of Wisconsin show. I love this man. That you'll probably live longer if you love only one man or woman at a time. But it is all right to alternate. What is it that writes and having writ moves on? A meter maid.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Oh, boy, is this great! How was your weekend, folks? I got my testosterone capsule shoved into my ass cheek on Friday. I do that like every... hey, I feel low here. Maybe I should get human growth. What the, all right. Yeah, it's so fun. It's my wife's gynecologist.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Think it's bad taste when I go in there, I grab his hands and sniff them. He laughs his ass off. I got to give him credit. And then I'm going to look around the waiting room. This is like fucking three boards or at least sevens. I go, you're so fucking lucky. He goes, yeah, you didn't see the 350 pound woman
Starting point is 00:02:34 that just left who wanted to get pregnant. Whatever. I take a look at that too. Just a sick fuck. What else? Red Sox are still, well, too. Just a sick puck. What else? Red Sox are still, well, they cooled off a little bit. My Bruins got a bunch of new guys. They got great goaltending.
Starting point is 00:02:53 They slapped around the Capitals two nights in a row. The Islanders, too. Anyways, let's get right to it. See you in court, bitches, is the headline of the first story. This is very interesting. I don't know if you guys read this. This is a second Nuremberg tribunal has been prepared since last week
Starting point is 00:03:11 and a class action suit is being set up. That's kind of creepy and great at the same time. Reiner Fulmich is getting that support from the thousands of lawyers worldwide to bring the COVID-19 scandal, which it is, the COVID-19 scandal set up in Davos to the tribunal. That's right. Put these assholes on trial.
Starting point is 00:03:38 See, the Germans know everything's going global. So this is crazy. Oh, there he is right there. I just tweeted out, if I'm still on Twitter, I don't even know. We should hang him. Bill Gates. Any CEOs from Big Pharma. Mainstream media.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Biden administration. Fuelmic. Who's Fuelmic? Greatest lawyer on the planet, apparently. He's the lawyer who succeeded in convicting the car giant Volkswagen because of its modified catalytic converters. And he is the same lawyer who succeeded in condemning Deutsche Bank as a criminal enterprise. They settled on a court for like $140 million.
Starting point is 00:04:22 settled on a core of like 140 million. Deutsche Bank, oh, paid, agreed to pay more than 130 million to resolve slash buy off the case because of foreign corruption practices and fraud. He was the best guy around. Still is.
Starting point is 00:04:37 So now he faces his next job. What's that? The job of a lifetime. Supported by thousands of lawyers and experts worldwide. Real experts, not Andrew Cuomo or fucking Pelosi. The COVID-19 crisis should be renamed the COVID-19 scandal. This is him talking. And all the responsible should be prosecuted for civil damages resulting from manipulation and falsified testing protocols. Bingo. You are correct, sir.
Starting point is 00:05:05 This is fucking great. Will anything come of it? There's a certain level we've learned of elite assholes who are immune to any of the laws, whether they be domestic or international. Therefore, an international network of corporate lawyers will litigate the biggest tort case of all time, namely the COVID-19 fraud scandal, which has since become the biggest crime against humanity ever, he says.
Starting point is 00:05:29 On the initiative of a group of German lawyers, a COVID-19 commission of inquiry was set up with the aim of bringing collective action on an international level on the basis of Anglo-Saxon law. Oh, why? White power, one, two, three, four!
Starting point is 00:05:50 You're guilty. The hearings of, among others, hundreds of scientists, doctors, economists, and lawyers of international repute conducted since October 7th of 2020 by the Berlin Commission of Inquiry into the COVID-19 have now demonstrated with a probability approaching 100% certainty that the COVID-19 scandal was never a health issue Dr. Fulmik on February 15th, 2020 said. Rather, it was a matter
Starting point is 00:06:22 of strengthening power illegally obtained by criminal methods of the corrupt Davos clique or clique by transferring the wealth of people to the members of Davos on the backs of small and especially medium sized businesses, among others. That is a perfect description. We have seen what has been confirmed time and time again. The dangerousness of the virus is about the same as that of a seasonal flu what have we been saying the whole fucking time i had it a week after they started talking about this shit it was a little worse as far as chills go but i've had worse flus a million times worse i didn't even shit really uh oh nick you can't say that on
Starting point is 00:07:02 national tv i know that's why i'm on cable cable i'm on internet uh anyways uh regardless of whether it's a new virus or whether we are simply dealing with an influenza renamed covid 19 pandemic to panic the population dangerous and harmful containment measures were introduced even by the world Health Organization, such as the mandatory wearing of useless and dangerous mouth masks, social distancing, useless and counterproductive. So the population was ready for the injections. In other words, that was all just a pretext to get you guys, wow, we're wearing masks, it must be dangerous. You got a shot, great.
Starting point is 00:07:43 If you read into this, even the polio vaccine was like a moneymaker for doctors and shit it's crazy uh if you get into and i'm not anti-vaccine but after reading this i might be on the wrong fight the world's population served as guinea pigs hey watch your mouth uh for these experimental injections of genes both gradual and extremely rapid yeah they're using us uh you know like rats in a lab of pigs that's me getting my modana shot i ain't getting it i'm not anti-vaccine but like my buddy said i i'm not getting one that they threw together or fucking quick you know it it takes me longer to take a shower
Starting point is 00:08:26 and get dressed than they did fucking throwing this together. Meanwhile, more and more people and not only lawyers are demanding in addition to the immediate termination of these lethal measures, a judicial review by a truly independent international tribunal on the model of the Nuremberg trials. Sounds ominous, but they were necessary. And to politicians who trusted these corrupt figures, he says, these facts may be another salvation for them that can help them put things right. Don't make me laugh. And initiate the long-awaited scientific debate of the public
Starting point is 00:09:02 to avoid that they too will be compared and tried with these criminal charlatans. So the politicians aid and abet whoever comes up with this. It's all about money, folks. We all know. The International Legal Coalition will become operational this month.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Makes the fucking George Floyd show up and try to look like a fucking Judge judy case don't it who's with me wouldn't that be great huh televise it shit then hang them all of course that's not gonna happen they won't even do any prison time they'll get a fine of 50 like they spit on a sidewalk There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time. Got a couple stories tonight in our reverse the race segments.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Ashley Babbitt's killer. The Biden Justice Department announced this weekend it has closed the investigation into the homicide death of Trump supporter Ashley Babbitt that took place inside the Capitol during the January 6th riot while Congress was meeting in joint sessions to certify the November presidential election in favor of Joe Biden. Babbitt, who was unarmed, was shot and killed by a black guy without apparent warning by a plainclothes black Capitol Police cop. She's white. It doesn't say that in the story, but I'm emphasizing it. As she climbed through a broken window in a door at the Speaker's lobby.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Can you imagine? They're closing the investigation. Does this sound a little fishy? Closing the investigation, and we don't even know who the fucking shooter was. The public doesn't. But let's button that up tight. That doesn't smell fishy, does it? Meanwhile, they arrested how many people on January 6th?
Starting point is 00:10:50 None of them armed. I guess somebody leaked this guy. Somebody did find out. Oh, they think. But my point is Biden officially closed it. But I think we finally found out who the Mama Luke is. The name of the officer was not released. However, last week, the right journalism reported about an alleged picture of the shooter.
Starting point is 00:11:15 They couldn't verify if that is indeed the shooter. This must be a left wing publication. But the bracelet of beads on the person's hand is the same as the man that shot the decorated Air Force veteran Babbitt. See, it is. What's this picture from? You know, I mean, I don't think this is the day he does. He bring a gun. Well, obviously he's a cop, but on his right hand, you can see a bead thing. You know, if you blow it up, actually, you can see he has the beads around his thing uh according to hansen the picture below was taken from mike bird's uh linkedin he has since been almost completely scrubbed from the internet oh that's
Starting point is 00:11:57 interesting isn't it are you interested in the real story oh i sure am mike bird is currently not working and is not staying at his residence either. Why is that? That's kind of fishy, huh? So that's him. Well, Nick, that's a judgment call. I'm making it. I don't give a fuck. I don't need any more evidence. Plus, he fulfilled a wet dream of a black cop shooting a white person. Nick, that's hard. I don't give a fuck. We couldn't confirm the shooter's identity in these allegations, but Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd, Byrd, B-Y-R-D, so he is a racist. I guarantee Senator Byrd's great-grandfather probably owned this guy's great-grandfather. Nick, what do you say? I'm just saying, Byrd, beware. Was only once involved in a situation where he made the headlines. According to Fox News back in 2019, and I remember this,
Starting point is 00:12:49 a U.S. Capitol Police officer was under review after somehow left his Glock 22 pistol inside the bathroom of the structure's visitor center. Lieutenant Mike Byrd forgot to take the weapon with him upon leaving the restroom. He was too busy getting a mint from the guy working. Mike Bird forgot to take the weapon with him upon leaving the restroom. He's too busy getting a mint from the guy working. And it was found during a routine security sweep. Later in the day, officials told Roll Call, what a stupid guy. You're a fucking idiot! Oh, you sure is.
Starting point is 00:13:19 The department takes these matters very seriously and has a very thorough process to investigate and review incidents such as these and holds personnel accountable for their actions. Capitol Police spokesman Eva Malecki said following the investigation's conclusion, appropriate actions will be taken. Yeah, you did a thorough investigation when he left his gun in the bathroom, but not after he shot somebody. La, la, la, la. Oh, that's right. It was a white Trump woman supporter.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Taken into accordance with the department's official policies and procedures. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yada, yada. Byrd is the leader of the House Chamber section of the department and was reportedly back on the job in the days after the incident. He allegedly told his colleagues
Starting point is 00:14:03 he will be treated differently because of his rank. That's what he, sources told Roll Call. Although it wasn't immediately clear what he meant by that comment. Let me spell it out for you. I'm black and I guard important white people. When Prague radicals, that would be progressives, stormed into the state capitals of iowa
Starting point is 00:14:27 wisconsin and georgia here's some examples of uh double talk uh none of them this is by the way i didn't mention this comes under rtr2 i should have said that uh reverse the races you think this would be going on uh none of them were shot remember wisconsin georgia iowa remember all the libs fucking invading the capital right in there uh when left-wing protesters tried to break down the door to the supreme court remember nomination of brett kavanaugh remember they were banging on the door no one got shot nobody got anything not even pepper spray antifa and blmm thugs they riot murder burn loot and assault and kill Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, Brooklyn, Santa Maria, without the media calling them terrorists and demanding incarceration or death. Do you guys see a double standard here?
Starting point is 00:15:16 And they do this, and I'm telling you their mindset, it's all done out of the spirit of retribution. They think because whites have had it so good for so long, blah, blah, blah, that it's their turn. It's like we had anything to do with it. Can we remind you that the white people that you deal with today weren't alive during fucking slavery or a hundred years after it? Let it go. after it. Let it go. Black men shooting unarmed white women have different criteria when the narrative suits them. Leftists transform into apologists for police murder. They're such assholes. You fucking
Starting point is 00:15:58 hypocrite. They've never had a moral compass, yet they pretend they're morally superior. That's what's hilarious. There's a two-tiered system of justice in America, one for the Democrats and one for everybody else. That's why I'm not getting too excited about Nuremberg trial 2.0. Let's take a look at this clip here. I don't even know what it is.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Pause. a look at this clip here i don't even know what it is can we go back to like uh i think it's the eight second mark jason this is the actually killing actual killing of ashley babbitt wait till he sticks his hand out of the throat. Right. He's got the beads on. See? On his wrist. You can even actually see Clara when you're doing it on your computer at home. Gee, what are the odds? And he does no longer live at his residence. He's hiding somewhere.
Starting point is 00:16:56 But it's not him. Let's not draw any conclusions. Go ahead. Let it roll. That's all right. If white people rioted every time. This is what somebody wrote. If white people rioted every time one of us was killed by cops or blacks, America would be in rubble, which is the most correct statement I've ever heard in my life.
Starting point is 00:17:13 You are correct, sir. So what's his name? Leroy Michael Byrd? Michael Leroy Byrd? What the fuck? There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind. There's got to be something wrong with your mind when you guard people like Pelosi.
Starting point is 00:17:31 There's a lot, a lot of black racism on display. And you know what? You don't hear the two words black race from anybody. Nobody. Still. I've been fucking screaming this from my lungs for 20 years. You never hear black racist. Hardly ever. And boy, their hate. What we've learned from the Biden administration and these far left radicals and boy, are they racist. I mean, they're not bigoted. They're hardcore anti-fucking white. And the way they play black people, like saying they're not bright enough to get photo IDs for an election. You are the most racist.
Starting point is 00:18:11 You're the party of the Klan. We all know that. And slavery. And you know what? You really haven't changed. You just learned how to fucking hide it because you've got control of the media. Well, you're exposed now, motherfuckers. If you don't believe me, how about this professor at Mercy University, this racist bitch?
Starting point is 00:18:29 I mean, think about it. I'm going to read this to you. Think about the hate that you have to have. I don't know any. I don't know if you could top a Klansman with this mentality. Mercy University theology professor, Shaniqua. I'll end the story there. Good night, everybody.
Starting point is 00:18:45 Shaniqua Walker Barnes wrote a prayer. Look at this. She has a young Reggie White for the Eagles right out of high school. You pig face. That's a guy. Shaniqua Walker Ball Barnes wrote a prayer. She wrote a prayer to God in which she asked God to help her. And this is quotes.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Hate white people. This is a professor at a university. Specifically the nice ones, such as the Fox News loving Trump supporting voters. She talking about me, bitch. Who don't see color. She published the prayer of a wary black woman. Wary black woman. What'd you work for hours?
Starting point is 00:19:23 In the book, A a rhythm of prayer, which it's terrific. I, uh, a collection of mediations for, uh, renewal. That's the name of the book. I bought the audio, uh, version, um, of the book. And, uh, here's the first, uh, chapter. What folks says about this family, I does. I has told you and told you
Starting point is 00:19:46 that you can always tell a lady but the way that she eat in front of folks like a bird. And I ain't aiming for you to go to Mr. John Wilkinson and eat like a field hand and dabble like a hog. That was a terrific excerpt. She says, listen to this. These are all quotes. I want to stop caring about them,
Starting point is 00:20:00 meaning white people individually and collectively. Walker Barnes continued. I want to stop caring about their misguided racist souls. Caring about them, meaning white people individually and collectively. Walker Barnes continued. I want to stop caring about their misguided, racist souls. You're praying to God to hate white people and you turn around. Do you see how ignorant? Have we lowered the standards in this country enough? Huh?
Starting point is 00:20:22 To the point where you wonder why we're in fucking absolute chaos. About their misguided racist to stop believing that they can be better. That they can stop being racist. Hey, listen, you dumb black cunt. The best thing that ever happened was you being dragged over here from the motherland
Starting point is 00:20:37 and don't ever forget it. She's a malignant cunt. Yeah, I just said that. You don't have to pile on walker barnes explained in her prayer that she specifically wants to hate the nice ones who don't see color again trump's who don't see color they put it in the article uh but who who make thinly veiled racist comments about those in other words let me explain it white people even if you're nice and you're not racist you're deemed racist so you know what i say be racist because it seems it's open fucking it's open season on white people so be racist write the
Starting point is 00:21:17 fuck back and then they'll go we told you we told you. Do it anyways. Racist comments about those people, the professor wrote. I got some advice for her. You listening? Yeah. Your mother sucks fucking big fucking elephant dicks. You got that? Walker Barnes continued.
Starting point is 00:21:40 That wasn't enough hate. She's probably now the fucking dean. The people who are happy to have me over for dinner but alert the neighborhood watch anytime an unrecognized person of color passes their house, i.e. somebody in a hoodie with a fucking gun. The people who welcome black people in their churches and small groups but brand us as heretics if we suggest that Christianity is concerned with the poor and the oppressed. What? The people who politely tell us that we can leave when we call out the racial microaggressions we experience in their ministries. You ever think you're just paranoid and crazy?
Starting point is 00:22:19 Shut your fucking mouth! Shut the fuck up, you cunt! But since I don't have many relationships with people like that, in other words, she doesn't even hang out with the nice ones, perhaps they are not good use of hatred either. Listen to this. She's divided hatred up into good uses, bad uses. That's how hateful she is.
Starting point is 00:22:51 use is bad use. That's how hateful she is. Added the professor who went on to ask God to instead help her hate the white people who claim the progressive label, but who are really wolves and sheep's clothing. So you hate the ones that are actually nice and you don't really think they're hateful. You hate them and you hate the ones who you're almost right on this one the fucking wolves you know sheeps and wolves clothing lord but i don't think you i don't think you want to ask god for this type of help unless he really does look like george jefferson or fucking will chamberlain lord if you can't make me hate them at least spare me from their perennial gaslighting, white mansplaining, and white woman tears. She can tell you what a fucking yeast infection on wheels.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Grant me a get out of judgment free card if I make white people the exception to your commandment to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Could you be any more hateful you fucking huh wash my car and then finish cleaning the fucking kitchen walker barnes is an associate professor of practical theology at mercy university according to the school's website uh you never hear what happens to people like this i'm afraid to to look it up, to follow up on it, because I know she moved up like three notches. That would I be afraid of, know what I'm saying? Praying to God.
Starting point is 00:24:18 That's where I differ. I don't have to pray to a God to fucking hate you. I'm not even fucking religious, and I hate your fucking guts. Can't judge a book by its cover. That's the stupidest saying anybody ever said. Pre-judge people, pre-judge all the time. It saves a lot of work.
Starting point is 00:24:36 And if you're wrong once out of a thousand times, who gives a fuck? It's like giving the electric chair. So one innocent guy gets fried, but the other 999 were actually justice. All right, that guy has to go. Just hope it's not you. Let's go on to another black woman who's filled with hate,
Starting point is 00:24:54 yet she's been in D.C. now and gets reelected and elected, elected for, I don't know, was it 652 A.D.? Is there a first? 30 years. And she has a $4 million house. And she's a public servant. This bitch, look at her. Look at her.
Starting point is 00:25:12 She's a basset hound. I've said it before. With James Brown's wig on. Jason says she looks like a half-eaten Snickers. That's her coming, by the way. She is just a hateful.ful i love to grab that wig yeah you're 82 but your fucking hair is blacker than wayne newton's in 1968 maxine whitey hater waters calls for violence after the chauvin trial she she flew from california to min Minnesota this weekend to stir up shit, to make sure if it didn't go their way.
Starting point is 00:25:47 She's out there with a blow horn telling them we've got to get ugly. I guess we've got some video here. I didn't hear you. What should protesters do? Well, we've got to stay on the street, and we've got to get more active. We've got to get more confrontational. We've got to make sure that they know that we mean business. What folks say about this family, I do.
Starting point is 00:26:17 I has told you and told you. Got to get more, so they make sure we mean business. Yeah, I don't think the last 20 riots where you burn down city blocks got the point through you fucking racist bitch you know it's hilarious she's in uh she's in uh riot gear at a peaceful protest she continued here you go riot gear at a peaceful protest. She continued.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Here you go. How do you bring the other side to the table? What do you say to Republicans and conservatives? Let her through, y'all. Shut up. You know, the Republicans and the conservatives have shown us that they're willing to invade the capital of the United States and kill all of us. So I'm not depending on them for anything. Who gives a fuck what you think?
Starting point is 00:27:10 She brought up January 6th. The Republican side charged the Capitol and tried to kill all of us, even though nobody was armed and a white Trump supporter was shot dead for no reason. Can you believe how far we've fallen as far as leadership? and a white Trump supporter was shot dead for no reason. Can you believe how far we've fallen as far as leadership? Seriously, this is the worst crop on both sides ever in the history of this country. And it's no accident we're coming apart at the fucking seams. The left has been what they've always been, just hateful fucks who are all about power.
Starting point is 00:27:45 And the right are just ballers fucks who never call them on their bullshit. Matter of fact, I'm starting to believe they are just playing the role of, look, we're pushing back. Look at her. You want to fucking wring her neck? Yeah, we should get more confrontational. What's more confrontational than a Molotov through the fucking window of somebody? Oh, my God. What is it?
Starting point is 00:28:11 Angry, racist, black bitch night. I could have done all these is reverse the races. You know who makes Maxine Waters look objective and like a whitey lover? MSNBC's Joy Reid. There is nobody. Look at that haircut. It says, I'm the black carrot top. Watch me pull a white baby out of my bag.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Set it on fire. Look at her. You can't hide your hate. And MSNBC, you motherfuckers, you should hang next. Look at this racist piece of garbage. MSNBC's Joy Reid compares Trump with bin Laden. You know why? Because she's so bright.
Starting point is 00:28:54 She's so sharp. And remember, white people, we're all alike. We're just like them. They're just like us. Keep that in mind. Doesn't matter the skin color. The most racist, anti-white, bigoted, homophobic, anti-Semitic person in the history of television is at it again. When I hear her speak, this is all me, by the way. I really start to believe there is a race that's superior.
Starting point is 00:29:24 I never believed that. But the more I hear from this Mama Luke, and I'm talking about the Asians, obviously, not us. Liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, and you know it. I can guarantee what she's going to say. Here it is. What folks says about this family, I does. I has told you and told you that you can always tell a lady, but the way that she eats in front of folks like a bird. And I ain't aiming for you to go to Mr. John Wilkinson and eat like a field hand and gobble like a hog.
Starting point is 00:29:51 That's what she said. On to the next one. No, let's hear let's hear her fucking. She compares Trump to Bin Laden. Here you go. she compares Trump to a bin Laden. Here you go. We can't stay anywhere forever, especially when we've got home security threats in terms of violent white nationalism. That's threatening.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Again, second time in a violent white nationalism. Where is it? You dumb cunt. Where is it? Show me. Cause all the clips online that everybody else is watching is black people either fucking trying to kill white cops
Starting point is 00:30:25 or fucking beating up Asian people that are in their 80s. Shut the fuck up. May you get breast cancer in your fucking old shriveled fucking breast. Cunt. And roll. Capital. When we've got our own former president inciting people into violence and pushing them more into this violent white extremism, much the way bin Laden, you know, did sort of inspiring people to be this way. What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever heard. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. May God have mercy on your soul. Do you believe this bitch is still on the air? Couple years ago, they pulled up old tweets of hers
Starting point is 00:31:11 saying, making fun of gay people, fucking white people. She's still on the fucking air. So fuck you. You trying to call Tucker Carlson, get his show pulled and shit? Are you shitting me? You're the problem. And again, I'll go back to barkley even though i didn't need to hear him say it but it's true most black and white people are good people
Starting point is 00:31:34 but the ones like her there's nobody in media uh right wing media, that is even, they project she's everything. She calls Trump supporters bigoted, homophobic. She's all that plus 10. And she has a fucking microphone, a national audience. She's still on the air. Anybody going to call NBC on that? Imagine fucking Tucker said that about Obama. imagine fucking tucker said that about obama you know he's a a marxist and uh well what they did say and nothing happened
Starting point is 00:32:11 remember you hang out reverend wright's uh church for 20 years i mean let's quit pointing out the double and triple standards and start doing something about it. FBI, here's the problem, deep state and the FBI. I'm tired of hearing about how, oh, the rank and file, they're out there. They're really good people. Nobody speaks up though, do they? Christopher Wray, the minute he got in there, it took me a day to go, this is just another fucking left-wing bureaucrat. You can tell by his Herbie fucking haircut. He wants to be a dentist. FBI head Christopher Wray gets lit up
Starting point is 00:32:49 this weekend. FBI is an incompetent, this is me saying, as any government bureaucracy if not as corrupt, in my humble opinion. I forget who the guy was, I'll tell you after this, but the senator calls him out on the double standard, you know, of the Ashley Babbitt case, how we don't know who the shooter is and whatnot.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Take it. Take it. Take this is great. But a minute and a half of this guy getting grilled. And they gave us an overview of some of the events that day as though we didn't know it. We were there talking about the shooting on day as though we didn't know it. We were there. He's talking about the shooting on the ball field and how that wasn't, they don't even, they didn't even deem the guy that did that a domestic,
Starting point is 00:33:31 they don't call it a terrorist attack and shit. Go ahead. We were witnesses. Much to our shock that day, the FBI concluded that this was a case of the attacker seeking suicide by cop. Director, you want suicide by cop? You just pull a gun on a cop. It doesn't take 136 rounds. It takes one bullet. Both the DHS and the ODNI published products labeling this attack as a domestic violent extremism event, specifically
Starting point is 00:34:05 targeting Republican members of Congress. The FBI did not. The FBI still has not. And my colleagues across the aisle don't seem concerned about this particular event. It could have been a massacre. On November 18, 2019, I went over to the FBI to discuss this conclusion. Although the agents were not part of that investigation, they did not agree that this was suicide by cop. And it's my firsthand opinion that this was an attempted assassination of many Republican members of Congress. Mr. Ray, do you know who the acting director of the FBI was on the day of the attack, June 14, 2017? Yes, because I was not the director at the time. It was Andrew McCabe.
Starting point is 00:34:49 Even how he answered that, he answered like a bureaucrat. He should have said, yeah, Andrew McCabe. But he made sure, yeah, it wasn't me. And he couldn't have the balls to go, it was Andrew McCabe. One of his fucking, you know, that's how you know he's fucking corrupt. Go ahead. I have a letter here that I'm requesting that you investigate the shooting of June 14th, 2017, as an act of domestic terrorism and investigate how the FBI came to decide that this was deemed suicide by cop by the FBI. call yeah can you imagine yet they're still still labeling all us trump supporters domestic terrorists and anybody who was there on january 6th at the capitol meanwhile this guy would have
Starting point is 00:35:33 shot uh if it wasn't for fucking luck he would have killed everybody on that ball field and they go suicide by cop and then uh this guy that wrote down it goes on to like i said i'm sick of hearing about how competent the fbi somehow missed the 9-11 pilots learning how to take off but not land airplanes the fbi can't find voter fraud even though it's on video and they dismiss hundreds of affidavits of people who at the risk of perjury, detailed the fraud they witnessed. But boy, they sure can send over a dozen agents to investigate a garage door pole shaped like a noose. Remember that? With a NASCAR guy, the black guy?
Starting point is 00:36:17 Has it ever been more obvious? We've been hearing this forever. Oh, there's two tiers of justice. One for black people and one for white. Well, I don't know if that's true or not, but there's definitely one now, and it's reversed. You know the Chauvin thing's going on, right? That's going to, they might have a verdict this week.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Isn't that fucking terrific? Huh? Isn't that just where the, meanwhile, there were shootings this weekend. All kinds of shit went on. I, again, call me, put my tinfoil hat on. Put it on. And, again, my buddy who was a cop and he's a lawyer, he goes, I go, this looks like it's set up. There's been how many mass shootings in the last couple weeks as they're trying to push gun control?
Starting point is 00:37:04 how many mass shootings in the last couple weeks as they're trying to push gun control and don't think they don't fucking don't think the government doesn't know how to fucking brainwash people i'm sorry but it's and and but he said to me he goes this shit a lot of this shit goes on all the time but now the media the media decides to focus on it shit's been going on for every day but now they decide to focus on every case, which fits into it, which makes sense, but Jesus Christ, it's so obvious. But if you say that, you're called a fucking conspiracy
Starting point is 00:37:34 nut, which is what they say if you look at Alinsky's rules or whoever. Soon as they stumble on the truth, just label them as crazy. They gaslight you or whatever. More evidence. The last thing you want to be is a cop in this country you know i mean i gotta look up the statistics i thought it's like 80 cops have been killed already there's a war going on on cops right now that was worse than right after the michael brown thing and it's hardly getting even reported it is a creepy
Starting point is 00:38:02 time i don't know now i'm going to show you a clip here i don't know what to make of this because when i say a lot of shit is staged i'm thinking the right better start staging some shit i'm sorry uh you don't want to do that you turn to them well otherwise you're going to get steamrolled but i i'm not saying this is staged or not, but it was weird. A New York cop pulled somebody over, got doused with chemicals, NYPD guy. He tweeted, today a vehicle stopped for running in a red light, proved once again that no traffic enforcement is routine. When approached, the driver doused a cop with a chemical before fleeing, tossing a Molotov cocktail, which isn't in this clip, and finally being arrested. Fortunately, our officers weren't injured. First of all, when I show you the clip, there's no Molotov involved,
Starting point is 00:38:54 unless that happened after they shut off the game. But something's weird about this. I'm not saying it's not real, because Jesus, God knows, people hate cops. And the sad part is, after I show you this clip, I read all the comments, like, on Twitter. Eight out of ten were shitting on the cop for doing his job. It's fucking chilling, man. It's chilling.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Unless those are all trolls. But check this out. We'll talk about it after. How's it going? Do you have your license registration with you today? No. It's a little dark over there, sir. You got curtains over the window?
Starting point is 00:39:39 Kurt, do you have your license registration with you? What are you going to have for? Huh? What are you going to have for? I got a book in my wallet that's fine you can open the door for now when we get out oh oh oh i don't see his partner doing shit. Number one. Number two, what are you going? You can open the door. You can't see his hands right there.
Starting point is 00:40:10 What are you doing? I don't know what to make of this. You know me. I'm a big cop guy. But the fucking partner hardly reacts. Where's the Molotov, by the way? What's that about? But I couldn't believe, whether you know it's real or not,
Starting point is 00:40:26 people fucking shitting on the cops. Even the ones who thought it was a real routine. Oh, big deal, he got some ice thrown on him. Oh, he deserves it. It proves cops don't have to kill everybody. Yeah, well, if that was a gun instead of whatever liquid he threw at him, he's dead. The fucking ignorance.
Starting point is 00:40:44 I don't know. out liquid he threw at him. He's dead. The fucking ignorance. I'm... I don't know. But did that look... I don't know. I don't want to accuse the cops of that. I want a follow-up. Jason, fly to New York tonight. Take my private helicopter.
Starting point is 00:41:02 I don't know. You know? I'm gonna throw a Slurpee in their face. You'll never see it anywhere else, so will you? Nothing to see here. Please,
Starting point is 00:41:21 this person. Nothing to see here. this person nothing to see here please next story you know we all know journalism is dead especially the mainstream media which is far far left um they are now they've passed the line from journalism to advocacy they literally they're advocates for fucking left-wing liberal horseshit that comes out of any, you know, Democratic administration, especially Biden's. Get this, ABC, Utah reporter, is more evidence journalism has been replaced by advocacy, is what I wrote. A Utah paramedic, listen to this, you're going to fucking, this is is gonna get your nipples in a bunch a utah paramedic who donated ten dollars to a legal defense fund for kyle rittenhouse the teen who shot three wisconsin rioters allegedly in self-defense not allegedly we have it on film
Starting point is 00:42:17 we have it on film uh has been outed so this guy $10. He's a paramedic to the Roger Rittenhouse Fund. He's been outed as some kind of villain by Salt Lake City's ABC TV affiliate. I'm going to fucking smash his fucking face in. ABC 4 reporter
Starting point is 00:42:37 Jason Isakok Nugent came up with his scoop after the Guardian newspaper included the name of a West Valley City, Utah paramedic, Craig Shepard, in a Friday article about police officers and other government employees who made donations to fundraisers for accused vigilante murderers, far-right activists, and fellow officers accused of shooting black Americans, which is a total distortion. Oh, my God. You pompous, stuck up, snuff nose, English, giant, twerp, scumbag,
Starting point is 00:43:17 fuck face, dickhead, asshole. The Guardian dug the names out of a data breach from a Christian crowdfunding website. Look at it from a Christian crowdfunding website. Look at it, going after Christian crowdfunding websites, defending people who were just trying to stay alive. This is where we're at. That was used, the website was used to raise funds for Rittenhouse, among other controversial defendants. Nugent took the hacked materials as a step further, essentially doxing the paramedic.
Starting point is 00:43:46 His report even included a video of the reporter standing at the front door of Shepard's house, the paramedic's house. In other words, letting the whole world know where he lives, with plenty of identifying details for those who might want to, you know, find the guy's residence. A data breach at a crowdfunding website is a fancy way of saying ABC4 is using hacked and unverifiable material to target a private citizen for doing something perfectly legal, former U.S. Senate staffer Matt Whitlock tweeted. Australian conservative commentator Rita Pinal quipped, have you considered a career in coding or renewables?
Starting point is 00:44:27 Exactly. What a piece of garbage. Can you imagine? So why isn't anybody doing that with a black cop who shot Ashley Babbitt? Somebody get on it. Again, I'm a fire with fire guy. More than $1 million has been raised for Rittenhouse's legal defense, including $585,000 on the Christian crowdfunding site, Am I reading that right? A number of federal government employees,
Starting point is 00:45:03 including Vice President Kamala the Douchebag Harris and celebrities, have openly tried to help raise money for the legal defense of protesters arrested for riot-related offenses such as arson. The bail fund promoted by Harris has reportedly helped the defendants charge with murder, rape, and other violent crimes. But nothing... Imagine? Let's dox her fucking house. I like to put my dick right in her mouth right there. It's the best picture I've ever seen of her.
Starting point is 00:45:34 And she'd say to me, I'm black, y'all, and I'm black, y'all, and I'm blacker than black, and I'm black, y'all. Vice president, what a fucking disgrace. Doxing a guy who gave $10 and you call yourself a reporter. I'm sure he got fired immediately. And the Guardian, by the way, if you don't know what that is, that's a real left-wing UK paper.
Starting point is 00:46:01 That's, you know what I mean? But it's on, folks. I don't know when somebody's going to light the match. There is no, we are so, I can't even speak. Let's get on to my least favorite state in the union. But as far as college football uniforms and cheerleaders, my favorite. I urge any white, red-blooded American boy out there to go to the Oregon Ducks cheerleader website for football.
Starting point is 00:46:32 You can thank me when you're getting stitches in the head of your cock. Oregon Dictators enjoying the power trip, I wrote. Oregon, are we picking up the weed whackers? If you guys can hear that, they're doing something outside our building. No?
Starting point is 00:46:55 All right. Oregon, get this, folks. Talking about dictators and tribunals. Oregon considers making mask mandate permanent, infuriating residents. Well, then move. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:47:09 The proposal has garnered significant criticism as other states ease mask mandates as vaccinations grow. They want to make it permanent. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Yeah. fuck you fuck you yeah oregon's considering indefinitely mandating masks and social distancing in all businesses cutting an opposite path from other states that are easing pandemic rules as vaccinations grow the liberal state would keep the rules in force until they are
Starting point is 00:47:38 no longer necessary to address the effects of the pandemic in the workplace. Oh, we're going to let you decide that. Oh, my God. According to the proposal, Michael Wood, administrator of the State's Department of Occupational Safety and Health, that's like OSHA, is it not, told the Associated Press the move is necessary to address a technicality in state law that requires a permanent rule to keep current restrictions from expiring. Whatever, whatever you, whatever. He says we are not out of the woods yet.
Starting point is 00:48:25 We should be in the woods, not in our houses. Woods effort has generated in his name's wood. Oh, for the love of God, enough wood. I'm getting wood from reading this. Good night, everybody. Look at him in his khakis and his shitty shirt. Woods effort has generated significant backlash, including a petition with 60,000 signatures. When will masks be unnecessary? People are asking, and it's a good
Starting point is 00:48:55 question. It's a sick question. You're a sick fuck, and I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it. What scientific studies do these mandates rely on, particularly now that the vaccine is days away from being available to everyone? Republican State Senator Kim Thatcher asked, you know, the stories Republicans, at least they pretend businesses have had to play mask cop, she says, for the better part of a year now. They deserve some certainty. Amen. Margaret Thatcher. you believe that we'll tell you when they literally say we'll tell you when i could have sworn this country was up for him by the people it's never been a bigger when you keep that in mind that's how it's supposed to run it's fucking hilarious is it not?
Starting point is 00:49:59 Feminists must escape from the sexual and political abuse inflicted by the men who dominate the transgender ideology. A feminist author declared Tuesday at a demonstration outside the Supreme Court. A man, this is her quote, a man can never be a woman. Natasha Chart told the crowd and the cameras, a lesbian can never be male. I will not be forced to lie. I will not submit, she said. Well, with that shampooed haircut, you might have to. She spoke from a stage where her broad alliance of feminists, She spoke from a stage where her broad alliance of feminists, lesbians and conservatives, they have gone so far left the left that the fucking lesbians and like Newt Gingrich think alike now. Other than them both liking pussy, they're starting to agree politically. And conservative explain their shared political opposition to the transgender ideology.
Starting point is 00:50:46 And it's this. Fucking quiz. Oh, no, no, no. Their anti-transgenderism speeches were delivered as several lawyers for the transgender movement told the Supreme Court judges that the government must embrace transgenderism, that ideology demands that the government outlaw any legal or civic recognition of the complementary sexual and biological difference. You hear that? They're going to try to, they want to outlaw you pointing out the differences between men and women. This is why you people who hate conservatives and made fun of Strom Thurmond and Mike Pence
Starting point is 00:51:23 being anti whatever the fuck-the-fuck. Forty years ago, they said slippery slope. We're not. More evidence. Imagine making it, trying to, they're going to try to put it into law. You're out of order. You're out of order. The whole trial is out of order. They're out of order. You're out of order. The whole trial is out of order.
Starting point is 00:51:46 They're out of order. Chart a feminist writer at I love that site. Use her speech to urge other feminists to walk away from the men who dominate the transgender ideology. See what's happening? See the, see what's, you guys see what's happening? Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:02 Okay. That would be a woman who turns into a man. It's a transgender man. At least that's his. So they're reading each other just like the segments call here. Here's Miss chart talking. I've been told that I am not a nice, inclusive person for saying that the law needs to be able to recognize sex.
Starting point is 00:52:27 And not just me, but all the women who don't believe that human beings can change sex. We've even been accused of perpetuating genocide. funny because five years ago i first started seeing lesbians were being publicly shamed sexually harassed and demonized by straight men calling themselves lesbians i fall into that category i look like a dyke from sicily don't i hey nobody's listening to where they're chanting is there any like my buddy said who's staying with me the weekend is there anybody happy anymore about anything about it what were we watching last night i don't know american idol everybody's
Starting point is 00:53:19 crying and shit everybody has a sob so happy anymore? The more this fucking liberalism pervades our society. Okay, let the big-titted man talk. Men also tended to call themselves progressives, feminists, and they keep telling us. They were telling us that, and they keep telling us now that they are absolutely indispensable
Starting point is 00:53:39 to the women's movement, and we cannot do without them. Everyone can always see this behavior and they always get away with it i didn't think and i still don't that sexually harassing lesbians is i gotta be honest i'm confused she's mad at straight men but she said she said the term transgender women transgender woman is a guy who becomes a woman yeah and she's upset with uh people who claim to be lesbians who are actually men biologically all right even after they get the all right go ahead a good way to be inclusive
Starting point is 00:54:19 so i objected it turns out it's a firing offense on today's left to complain about men sexually harassing lesbians. You created the environment. And that man says he feels like he's a lesbian. That harassment still goes on, and if anything, it has gotten worse. Okay, I can't listen to her anymore. I'm gay. I'm really gay. I'm super duper gay. I'm gayer than a rainbow. My vagina's angry. It is. It's pissed off.
Starting point is 00:54:56 What a mess. We've taken the easiest thing, the most natural thing in the world, which is two sexes and and complicated it beyond and again it wasn't the right people on the left you're wrong about everything you're not good at life you should never been fucking born should have been aborted for the abortions you love so much too bad your mother didn't go to plan pared when they're having a fucking three for one sale and get her fucking pussy sucked out like a fucking dirty rug. It made no sense. Let's roll. That is it. I've lost my mind apparently and I'm tired of,
Starting point is 00:55:29 I can't even talk no more. I don't want to talk to you. Get away from me. Okay, I'm done. I'm done. Thank you guys very much for tuning in to the show. Don't forget,
Starting point is 00:55:41, You can contribute at all those places, but is where you want, You can contribute at all those places, but the is where you want to be because the show is going to be based there permanently. It is now, so get over there. I'm sick of fucking asking. Thank you very much. Good night, everybody.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Don't forget I did a bunch this weekend. That's Go to it. I will roast one of your friends, relatives, somebody you hate, you like. Say happy birthday to Uncle Ted, whatever. Go to Go to it. I will roast one of your friends, relatives, somebody you hate, you like. Say happy birthday to Uncle Ted. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:56:08 Go to I'll make a personal video about a minute and a half long on my phone and send it right to the person that you want to roast. Tour dates. Go to Nick Dip. Click on the tour button. That's starting up again in a couple of weeks. Less than a couple of weeks. I'll be getting on planes and driving like Johnny Appleseed.
Starting point is 00:56:26 That is it. You guys think that I will say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here at the same time tomorrow. Take care, everybody. guitar solo guitar solo Bye.

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