The Nick DiPaolo Show - Feral Rats Attack Marines | Nick Di Paolo Show #1406

Episode Date: May 30, 2023

In this episode right leaning comedian Nick Di Paolo talks about an ironic muslim law school grad, Kohl's the next in line and more! Like what you hear?  Get TWICE as much "Nick Di Paolo Show", full ...episodes of Steven Crowder’s “Louder with Crowder” show and more on Mug Club! Sign up today to get all their content at and use the promo code NICKDIP to get your first month FREE! For Tour Dates, Merch, stand-up clips and more visit 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Now you will learn about loss, loss of freedom, loss of humanity. Loss of humanity. Welcome to the show, folks. I don't know when the last time I talked to you was. Last Thursday? I don't know. Have I been back from Texas yet? Have I talked about hyenas? Anyways, whatever. Good to be with you. We have a turn of the show. A lot of news, a lot of stuff that will piss you off if, you know, you even like this country a little bit. I am so fucking fed up. I am so tired of talking about fucking Bud Light and Target and Kohl's. And it's just, you know, they're winning. The left is, they're poking the right.
Starting point is 00:01:27 They're calling you bluff, saying we're going to turn this place into a Marxist shithole. You don't believe us. Look at the border over there. Look at them pouring in. You can't do anything about it. They're calling the right's bluff. And nobody's doing anything about it. And I just, yikes.
Starting point is 00:01:44 That's all I got to say. Anyways, what has happened over the weekend? Celtics come back to get blown out at home. I don't know what's with Boston teams lately. Bruins lost game seven a few years ago to the Blues. Celtics are trying to make history. Can't do it. Only the Red Sox, 2004. Greatest comeback in the history of sports. Barf. Fucking none. Against the Yankees. We wouldn't even care if we lost that World Series. We fucked the Yankees in the ass hard.
Starting point is 00:02:14 It was worth 86 years of pain. You know what must be important? I'm still bragging about it. 19 years later. You got Florida Panthers. They were the last team in the NHL to make the playoffs and they are in the finals.
Starting point is 00:02:31 They beat the Bruins who finished 40-something points ahead of them. They beat, who else? Toronto who finished 20 or 30 points ahead of them and somebody else. I can't even remember.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Carolina, who had the second-best record in hockey. It's tremendous. So you got the Heat from Florida, and you got the Panthers, both heading to the finals against Vegas. Let me just throw a little sports in here. Against the Vegas Knights, who this is their second time to the finals. They've only been around six years, and they've been in the playoffs like five years in a row. And here's the story in that.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Cassidy, the coach for Vegas, was the Bruins coach last year. He had 53 wins last year, and they let him go. He made the playoffs every year that he was there, brought us to a stand-up, and they canned him anyways. They said he lost the room or whatever. Well, wouldn't this be amazing if the Bruins had the greatest regular season in the history of the NHL
Starting point is 00:03:31 and Cassidy wins the cup and goes... Seriously, this will be... I was pulling for Florida because they deserve it to me. They're beating all these great teams and they're just rising to the occasion. But I don't care now. If Cassidy wins, that would be awesome. If Florida wins, it'd be awesome. I'm still
Starting point is 00:03:48 going to put $11 on it. I have that kind of cash. That's right, you pricks. Look at this shirt. $14. Where I get it? Target. Right next to the fag section. Alright, let's get on with it, shall we? Shall we? Shall we? Jihad Jane. I know
Starting point is 00:04:04 I'm forgetting other shit that happened over the weekend ah i lost a lot i'm down 14 pounds i don't know if you guys noticed that's right monkey pox right up the shooter jihad jane a graduate speaking at the city university of new york's law school there's a little terrorist bitch who has no business being in my country. Speaking at New York Law School commencement, called for a revolution to take on the legal system's white supremacy and rip the fascist NYPD, military, and Israel, this little rat bastard. Take your bandage off so I can give you another one. That's her in bed. With what's shift?
Starting point is 00:04:53 Adam's shift. That's a beautiful face. I'd like to crush it with my work boots. Seriously, you little malignant twat. Future lawyer, Fatina. I've yet to meet one who isn't an asshole. A lot of Fatima's uh Fatima Musa Mohammed who the gosh she dislikes America glad we let these people in for the last 30 40 years look that's her right there it's a beautiful face starting to think they should
Starting point is 00:05:20 bury her up to her head anyways a Queens native Queens native, Queens, New York, that is, native, who was selected by the graduating 2023 class to speak during the May 12th ceremony. Nice choice, other communist douchebags. Praised SUNY for supporting student activism, but said the school still failed the students by supporting such institutions as the city's police department and country's armed forces. Let's take a listen to this hate-filled speech. To recognize that the law is a manifestation of white supremacy that continues to oppress and suppress people in this nation and around the world.
Starting point is 00:06:09 We joined this institution to be equipped with the necessary legal skills to protect the organizers fighting endlessly day in and out with no accolades, no cameras, no votes. No cameras? The whole media's in on it. Working to lift the facade of legal neutrality and confront the systems of oppression that wreak violence on them. Systems of oppression created to feed an empire with a ravenous appetite for destruction and violence. with a ravenous appetite for destruction and violence. Institutions created to intimidate, bully, and censor and stifle the voices of those who resist. Okay, I hope you die of a...
Starting point is 00:06:53 I don't know. A Middle East yeast infection. I don't know what that looks like. Some type of challah bread. What are you talking about? What a hate-filled little bitch. You hate the country so much you took advantage of all its resources
Starting point is 00:07:10 and you couldn't say this shit in another country about it. Do you understand that, stupid? And you're shitting on the cops who would be the first ones you call when somebody calls you a, you know, a sand, hmm, right? Who are you going to call first?
Starting point is 00:07:26 Or the fire department or the military that protects your filthy ass? Our military lets you say that shit. Boy, New York is, it's ground zero for this cancer, isn't it? That and fucking L.A. just, ugh. She grew up in Queens. Look what it did to her. Look at that. And she doesn't see the irony that she can stand there and shit all over the country with no repercussions other than a nice stiff backhand from me when I see her at the pool this summer.
Starting point is 00:07:58 That's right. I hang out at the Y in New York. Oh, my God. Sunni law initially removed Mohammed's fiery speech from YouTube. Gee. But it was later uploaded again. Boy, I can't even point out black crime on YouTube without getting a pull. But this is fine. Suck a dick and die, YouTube.
Starting point is 00:08:17 But it was later uploaded again after critics chided the public law school for silencing Mohammed, who also ripped Israel over its treatment of the Palestinians. Boy, she's like Ilhan Omar, only triple A. The future lawyer slammed Sunni for continuing to train and cooperate with the fascist NYPD, the military. She also blasted the school for continuing to train Israeli soldiers
Starting point is 00:08:44 to carry out that violence globally. They're doing that at SUNY? What? All the country? She called on her fellow grads. Yeah, you know, because her people didn't do anything on 9-11 or I don't care what your bleeps are and your fucking tinfoil hat theories. It happened, and a lot of Americans died. She called on her fellow grads to dismantle capitalism, telling them she hopes their rage becomes the fuel for the fight against capitalism, racism, imperialism, and Zionism around the world. You fucking whore.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Fuck you. Yeah, that's it. Go home. Get my dinner ready. That's right. Get my hummus ready. No one person, she says, will save the world. No single movement will liberate the masses.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Those who bear the brunt of the ferocity of the violence, those who carry the revolution, the people, the masses, those who need our protection, they will carry this revolution. She continued. need our protection. They will carry this revolution. She continued. Oh my God. That's all I got to say. How stomach churning. Huh? You had that this weekend? You had, well, I'll tell you about it right now. Second half of this show, I'm going to be talking about a group of, a group, three Marines who were attacked on Memorial Day by a group of, I'll let you guess, I'll let you fill in the blank.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Little hint. They weren't Polish or Amish. It's exclusively, by the way, on Mug Club. So join now to get that at Okay? Okay. Let's move on. Let's move on. Let's move on.
Starting point is 00:10:28 You know, obviously, Bud Light, I haven't talked to you about specific numbers. The last I read, they were down $15 billion in like 15 days, literally. And the shares were dropping like a used condom at my house when I was 18. What?
Starting point is 00:10:43 I didn't get laid until I was 41. Anyways, yeah, excuse me. So, you know, now the term, it's become bud lighting now. That's like a verb, to bud light a store, you know what I mean? Thank you, Dylan Mulvaney. Can you imagine that went so wrong? And that woman, she probably doesn't even bother. Anyways, why am I mentioning that? Because Kohl's, you know that store where you get some of the best polyester hats in the world? Kohl's is fag-friendly. Those are my words, not theirs.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Fag sale. Concerned parents and other conservatives newly reminded of their capacity to hold businesses accountable are prepared to once again wield the power of the pussy, oh the purse. Well excuse me, Kevin. This time the department store chain Kohl's. This time the department store, it's a chain, Kohl's, is the business believed to be deserving of a chastening. Oh, you ever have a chastening? Fucking sand between your shorts? That's a chastening.
Starting point is 00:11:56 No, that's a chafing. Harry Chastening? The cats in the cradle with a silver spoon. Little deuce Jew and the man on the moon. What? You were just pro. I am pro. Kohl's is ostensibly in the business of selling clothing, bedding, appliances, and ephemera. Some shoppers have highlighted that retail chain. Also in the business of peddling LGBTQ propaganda. Hi, fellas. I suck cock, and I love it.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy. Well, it is. He put some A1 on that bitch. Like many other big companies, Kohl's activism appears to be driven in part by a desire to maintain its ESG score. Again, that's equity, social something, and goonery. You know what it is.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Equity, what is it? Come on, you got it. Yeah, it's equity. I believe it's equity, social and governance. Yes, there you go. Social, yes. Which is based on its internal policies as well as on the degree to which
Starting point is 00:13:01 it signals its ideological compliance in outward facingfacing actions. Boy, that's a lot of stupid talk to say they hang shit in their stores that'll piss you off. Forbes noted that Kohl's, I didn't know this, ranked as a top 50 company last year on, oh, on diversity, you know, diversity stats for top companies. For LGBTQ employees, the standard metric at ESG reports are the internal policies of a company. So it's not just the crap they're selling.
Starting point is 00:13:35 It's their policies that they're all for this horse shit. I thought it was fucking go woke, go broke. I mean, let's see. Even people say Bud Light is, excuse me, Target as much as they lost. They don't even feel it. They have so much money, whatever.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Well, time to, I'm not going to say it. Target, which similarly faces a conservative boycott over its LGBT onesies for babies, tuck-friendly, I like those. I get tuck-friendlies. I ain't got much to tuck, but it's friendly. Bathing suit. Tuck-friendly bathing suits.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Drag queen books for kids. Satanic. You know what? Happens to have been ranked number four on the same ESG linked list Walmart ranked number six well I'm not gonna get my fucking leisure suits anymore from Walmart or pork chops or my snow tires snow tires you live in please give me calls look at this kid look at this kid what they don't tell you is two seconds after this picture, somebody bent him over in that position, opened his ass like a ripe honeydew.
Starting point is 00:14:50 What? I'm watching too much You Know What. All weekend, I'm immersing myself, folks, in frigging all those shows. There's new shows coming out that are, you know, scary people hosted by Donnie Wahlberg. A lot of them I already know about. The Iceman, fucking Gotti, Manson.
Starting point is 00:15:11 I don't even watch shows. I watch like the Hillside Strangler. The one yesterday I watched, the serial killer who already had like five or six rapes or murders behind him and was somehow let out was on the dating game. And the girl... I knew about it, but it was so funny. funny to get all the details oh my god anyways I've been watching all that so every time I go out after I watch eight hours of that everybody I look at with a
Starting point is 00:15:36 kid like I was downtown here in Savannah I saw a guy walk I go he's gonna fuck her nothing come on Della. Come on. I'm just saying. But obviously it was a guy and a daughter. But I'm just saying. The power of TV. Kohl's also has a perfect corporate equality index score. First of all, who creates these?
Starting point is 00:16:02 And why don't you, the minute they bring them to you, say, we're not doing it. I know BlackRock is behind a lot of these stores and shit, huge money. I don't, whatever. You've got to stand up. Somebody has to sacrifice their business or their livelihood. Do you understand? We're being steamrolled. A quality index score.
Starting point is 00:16:21 I wonder what this show would get for one of these scores. Fucking blue smoke would come out of the computer. A quality index score put out by the Human Rights Campaign, a powerful LGBT lobby group. This CEI score, again, reflects, that's equity and inclusion and... cunts. Accompanies subservience to the LGBT agenda. Even though, again, they make up total,
Starting point is 00:16:47 I don't know, maybe 2% of the world popular. Maybe? According to Forbes, a perfect CEI score, listen to this, requires donations. So they're blackmailing you to LGBTQ. At least John Gotti had the balls to stick a gun in your face. So yeah, donations to causes, refusal to donate to non-religious organizations that discriminate based on LGBTQ plus issues and support of gender
Starting point is 00:17:13 transition. They're just strong-arming everybody. And again, I don't, I guess it's the best way to cause infighting and to separate populations and to destroy the nuclear family. Again, pure Marxism, pure up. Let's take a look at this guy went into a, he's been keeping abreast, a guy like this. I think, was he a target or Kohl's? I think he's in Kohl's in this one. He just wanted to see what was going on at Kohl's. Let's check it out. I don't know. And now I see that. No, it's this is kid stuff. Bullshit. I like that.
Starting point is 00:17:47 We're going to see in here. I'll put that on tonight. Let my wife spank me. Of everything. But I was like, maybe there won't be like toddlers and onesies and stuff. But looks like we're getting into small kids there. Just have that. But wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:18:00 That's for midgets. There's a, what is that one? 12 months right there. 12 months. There's a midgets. There's a, what is that one? 12 months right there. 12 months! There's a onesie. So, yeah, just like Target, all the confused babies and toddlers. All right, that's enough.
Starting point is 00:18:12 I can't take it. Yeah, exactly. All you confused babies and toddlers don't know which way to go. And my wife made a great point. All the ones that say pride. You're proud of something you couldn't create if you stuck to your sexuality.
Starting point is 00:18:25 You guys are fucking sick, man. Not as far as being gay and all that shit. This country's been fine with that for years now. You won the culture wars, but now you're getting into turf. Like I said, the so-called square conservatives in the 50s said they come up to your kids, oh, you're paranoid, you're fucking nuts. Whatever. Anyways, one of the company's stated goal is to commit, listen to this,
Starting point is 00:18:49 $20 million to diverse communities. What does that even mean? What does that even mean? From 2022 to 2025. And why don't you tell us which company? Including members of the so-called, I'm not going to say it again, LGBT, eat my ass community, noting it had already committed roughly $8 million of that goal in the last year.
Starting point is 00:19:12 That's faggot stuff. Oh, is it ever? You want a call by its name? Oh, I do. That's just for fags. While Coles is keen to push an agenda, conservatives appear keen to push back, proposing a Coles boycott, or what some online are referring to as a Bud Lightening. Bud Lightening.
Starting point is 00:19:29 I said lightning. I think I like lightning. Bud Lightening. So, yeah, they hurt Target, supposedly. But like I said, they have so much money. It's good to see the people on the right fucking finally getting off your ass, but do it now. Don't just talk about it online.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Hey, for those of you on Mug Club, stick around for the second half of the show. Everyone else go to NickDip or and join to get my full show. Crowder's full show and a lot more. And while you're there,
Starting point is 00:20:06 get tickets to see me live. You click on the tour button. July 14th and 15th, I'm going to be at the Cinema Arlington Drafthouse in Arlington, Virginia. I've done this one many times and enjoyed it every time. So I hope to see you there.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Be there and be queer. Yes, you'll get in for free. I'm kidding. Don't hold me to that. guitar solo Outro Music

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