The Nick DiPaolo Show - FLASHBACK: Tlaib Terrorizes Trump

Episode Date: July 22, 2019

Tommy Sotomayor joins the show. More from the America-hating women of Congress.  Biden keeping it in the family....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Children from fatherless homes in this country, five times more likely to commit suicide than children who have a father in the home. 32 times more likely to run away. 20 times more likely to have a behavioral disorder. 14 times more likely to become sexually aggressive or commit rape. 10 times more likely to engage in drug abuse. It just breaks my heart. No heat, no judgment.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Woman will open up and say, you know what, not having my father really is a problem, really is an issue. And I wish we could get more black women to just point out, wait a minute. It's not cool that your kids don't have their father. It's not cool that you didn't grow up with yours. It's not I don't need no man. It's not fathers don't matter. It's not niggas ain't shit.
Starting point is 00:01:06 It's actually we as a people, we as a culture, we as a community have to deal with each other. And in dealing with each other, if we're creating children, if we're having little innocent beings who the only thing they know about themselves is what we present about ourselves. I don't know if that makes any sense to any of you guys. If you are a Jew and you know that you must be a doctor, a lawyer, something like that, that matters. Your goal is higher. What you want to be in life is exalted. But if you think about what happens with us as black men,
Starting point is 00:01:42 our goal in life is win. What do we have to look up to? What do we have to look up to? Who do we have to look up to? Was our fathers impressive? Was our grandfathers impressive? It doesn't even matter what you say sometimes to your children. It's what you do. It's what you have. It's the presence you command. It's the maturity of how you deal with each other and deal with other people. And that's the biggest thing we need in the black community. Where does that start? To me, it's with fathers.
Starting point is 00:02:10 If your man is confident, your man is proud. When your man is proud, he loves what he has. He protects what he has when he has these situations. And that's when you, as a woman, as a man, as a family, as a community, that's when we'll be better, when we actually care about each other. It starts with the fathers. It starts with the relationship and the children. I'm sorry. We'll be right back. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Good morning, America. It's a Monday. How are you? Welcome to the Nick DiPaolo Show. Of course, that was the great Tommy Sotomayor with his film A Fatherless America. We're going to have him on at the bottom of the hour, 1130 a.m. And really like that guy, asking all the hard questions, taking a lot of heat. That's a man's man, and I look forward to talking to him.
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Starting point is 00:06:00 The veto level. So anyways, go to to contribute and sign up uh on patreon thank you so much uh joe we appreciate that very much we do we're coming to you live as usual on a monday facebook we'll do it live okay youtube we'll do it live fuck it oh yeah baby get crazy with him get crazy you know you want crazy motherfucking walk man oh please get off my back run through a motherfucker face yeah baby this was breaking news real quick before we came on the air uh seven democrat senators have said they regret calling on former minnesota senator l franken to resign over his accusations of sexual uh harassment Well, that's tough shit.
Starting point is 00:06:45 And you blew it! You blew it. In a New York story, in the New Yorker, investigator-reporter Jane Mayer found a number of holes that Al was trying to plug while he was on the U.S.
Starting point is 00:06:55 No! Why are you liking Gilligan? A number of holes in the story of Franken's primary accuser. I just read this article. I can't really find the holes. In November 2017, a conservative talk radio station released a photo of Franken pantomiming, grabbing radio host Leanne Tweeden's breasts while on a 2006 USO tour.
Starting point is 00:07:15 That was followed by seven additional allegations of groping or unwanted kisses, eventually leading to 36 Democrat senators calling for him to step down, despite the fact that both Franken and Tweeden were calling for an independent investigation. Yeah, see, they're having regrets now because Kavanaugh got away with it and everything else, okay? A picture's worth two tits and a thousand words. It's right in front of you, God damn it. So what has changed? That's inappropriate behavior. It's like Joe Biden of you, God damn it. So what has changed? That's inappropriate behavior.
Starting point is 00:07:45 It's like Joe Biden on the USO tour. Only he would have sniffed her hair and done something silly like that. But I don't understand what you're regretting, okay? He's gone, thank Christ. Bye-bye. When Mayor asked Franken if he regretted resigning, he replied, oh yeah, absolutely. Well, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York has faced much of the blame. Ha ha, libs eating libs.
Starting point is 00:08:11 She's a fucking staunch, you know, feminist and man-hater. She faced much of the blame for donors for being one of the first Democrats to call for him to step down. Franken criticized minority leader Chuck Schumer, libs eating libs, for not insisting to his caucus that an investigation was underway and that due process required facts before there's the facts right in front of you look the leaders call the leader for a reason franken said schumer said yeah and uh perverts call the pervert and that's what i'm doing go back to fucking minnesota and get a room with Tlaib Franken resigned three weeks after the allegations
Starting point is 00:08:47 first arose and was replaced by Democrat Tina Smith who won a re-election according to Mayer's story, parts of Tweeden's accusations don't hold up Tweeden asserted that Franken wrote a skit expressly to allow him to kiss her saying that the future senator said
Starting point is 00:09:02 when I found out you were coming on this tour I wrote a little scene, if you will, with you in it. But may have found that exact skit was performed on previous USO tours, and two actresses who had previously performed it with Franken said they had done the same scene without incident. Well, that's just stupid. No, they're ignorant. That's ignorant. So what? Times have changed.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Just like when you say, would Joe Biden be inappropriate? Times have changed since then. when you say with Joe Biden being inappropriate. Times have changed since then. Just because those two chicks didn't have a problem doesn't mean it was right. Maybe Tweeden's the only one that had any balls to stand up. And again, after Kavanaugh and Harvey Weinstein, whole different environment. Whole different. You guys, you like to progress, evolve on issues. So I'm still looking for the hole.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Well, a number of Franken staffers inform Saturday Night Live. Oh, hold on. Tweeden also alleged that Franken had an Army photographer take a photo of him mock roping her while she slept on the plane, and had included it on just her CD images of the trip. According to Mayers reporting, others on the trip also received a CD with that photo on it. So, am I missing something? Well, a number of Frankenstaffers and former SNL colleagues told Mayer they had not seen him act inappropriately with women.
Starting point is 00:10:13 There were seven, that's right, seven additional allegations, two unnamed, of groping or unwanted kissing. So, Jilla Brandt's taking the heat for this because she's the most outspoken. And she said, I'd do it again today. If a few wealthy donors are angry about that, it's on them. I hate to side with Kirsten Gillibrand because she's the biggest phony and most transparent idiot out there. But she's right on this one. I mean, what is chance? Where are the holes in the story?
Starting point is 00:10:46 You told us about the picture. It's on this one. I mean, what is chance? Where are the holes in the story? You told us about the picture. It's on a CD. And because two other actresses didn't have a problem with it? Where are you feminists? Anyways, please, Minnesota, stop voting. Between perverts and terrorists, you're weakening the nation. But I don't see how this changes anything. And Al Franken, I got to say this. I used to love him when he came on Letterman. Again, I'm a righty. I can laugh at lefties who disagree with me politically. I always laughed at how mean he
Starting point is 00:11:13 was and how much he hated people on the right. And he is a funny dude, in my opinion. A lot of people don't get that. But like I said, I put politics aside. But he got his just desserts, which is whipped cream on somebody's tits while they're sleeping yummy yummy all right that's all i get to say about that uh you're not coming back okay you have to evolve with the issues let's stay on perverted politicians shall we i'm getting a little bit of a buzz in the back jace you hearing it no not coming through on our end well good No? Not going to throw an R in. Well, good. That's all that's important. It's true. Anyways, Joe Biden at it again.
Starting point is 00:11:48 This guy is just one horny old man. Got plugs in his head, fucking false teeth. Doesn't know where he is. Trump's going to have to change his name. Anyways, all he had to do was knock kiss girls, remember? And I ask the question every time he has a press conference why half the crowd is 12-year-old girls. People are still bringing
Starting point is 00:12:09 their kids to his. But this was his niece. This is incestuous. I've been trying to defend him for a long time. You know, because people they're very touchy at his age. That's how a lot of people are. But this one was tough for me to... Here's the video of him and his niece. He's giving a lot of people are. But this one was tough for me to...
Starting point is 00:12:25 Here's the video of him and his niece. He's giving a speech somewhere. Hmm, I saw a little tongue. Rewind that. She seems eager. Almost like they have a history. Let it play. This is my first take was he does not want to be president after being one.
Starting point is 00:12:55 I'm surprised he didn't say right after it. This is a big fucking deal, you know, to his knees. If you like your knees, you can kiss your knees. If you like to dock, you can keep your knees. If you like to doctor, you can keep your doctor. But I don't know about Biden. I can't defend him on the lips. That boy is a P-I-G pig. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:15 I'm Italian. I was reading a lot of comments after. We didn't pull the tweet up for this one, did we? We don't have that. That's all right. You don't have it, do you, what I tweeted? I can get it. It'll just take a second. That's all right. Don don't have it, do you, what I tweeted? I can get it. It'll just take a second.
Starting point is 00:13:25 That's all right. Don't worry about it. I'll just say what I did. But I was reading the comments, and a lot of people said, you know, family members do this. A lot of European, you know, Italians. One person said, I'm Italian. We always, you know, that's not too strange for a Italian family. But then there was another guy going, I'm Italian.
Starting point is 00:13:42 I've never kissed my relatives on the lips unless they had big tits. I'm Italian. I'm half Italian. We never kissed each other on the lips. But in full disclosure, I did give one of my uncles a handjob after he bought me a Popsicle. Can you imagine being Biden's handlers when they saw this? So that was Biden's granddaughter, not his niece. Oh, granddaughter.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Even creepier. Yeah, that makes sense because if it was a niece, she'd be like fucking 76 because he's 111. Granddaughter. Yeah, a lot of people going off. I've been trying to defend the guy. This one's tough. Let's take a look at the videotape one more time can we here we go look at her whoa she kind of looked up went oh god no
Starting point is 00:14:33 was there any tongue there i don't corner of the mouth i don't know guys i don't want to make of it what is he thinking what is he thinking go ahead rich i'm gonna give him a pass because she's kind of attractive oh is that right so if it was his daughter and she was attractive you could fuck her if she was gross it's off limits oh but you can fucking fuck your relative if she's cute where you from tennessee i don't have a granddaughter again irrelevant you argue like my wife no fucking fucking logic, no reason. You change the fucking discussion right in the middle of it. Help me, Richard.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Help me understand you. Help me help you, you big dink. Well, you know, my niece has a nice ass, so I should be able to finger pop her after we finish the turkey on Thanksgiving. What's the matter with you? This is a big fucking deal. I don't know again because of the hypocrisy but they were up in arms right after this came out i really don't think he wants to be president i'm surprised he didn't try to grab some tit that would have done it but then again after doing the al franken story
Starting point is 00:15:40 they'd be like oh big deal you, that's how they do it. Whatever. He's finished anyways, by the way. Like Trump says, he has the energy of a cancer patient. Okay. He makes Jeb Bush look like a goddamn meth addict. I have the same energy as Joe Biden. And I remember when Trump was running, he'd go low energy.
Starting point is 00:16:04 I'd be laying on the couch. I kept thinking he was talking was talking about me laying there with a box of triscuits fucking eyes half open um anyways uh the dems are all over the news uh today this surfaced over the weekend this might be my favorite you know our girl rash Rashid Tlaib, who sounds like, no, she's not a wide receiver for the Vikings. She's a hateful broad from Detroit who doesn't care for this country. And some footage was released over the weekend of her, before she was a politician, at a Trump, not a rally, but he was given a speech video from 2016. She was a private citizen back then. Rashida Tlaib exploding at an economic speech of then candidate Donald Trump resurfaced and led to widespread mockery of the far left Democrat lawmaker. The incident happened on August 8, 2016,
Starting point is 00:17:06 as Trump outlined his economic policy in a speech at the Detroit Economic Club. And video of the incident spread like wildfire over the weekend on Twitter, with many prominent accounts commenting on it publicly and mocking her for her meltdown. Here she is. I will say the Bernie Sanders game was bad.
Starting point is 00:17:32 You guys are crazy. You're an animal. Get a job. Hello, I'm gone. Hello, I'm gone. Hello, I'm gone. Hello, I'm gone. You people are crazy.
Starting point is 00:17:46 She had quite a rack on her. I'm going to give her some slack. See the jugs on her? She jumped up and down, I swear to God, just to do that. She's that fucking nuts. You're crazy! I'm not crazy. I just don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Broad is fucking nuts. I like big dits. Anyways, in the video clip that was wildly circulated, it can be seen screaming at everyone in attendance that they're crazy. An audience member who recorded the incident yelled back at her, you're an animal, get a job. Who is it, Jake LaMotta in the Raging Bull? Hey, Larry, who's it?
Starting point is 00:18:21 Your mother's an animal. Hey, Larry, who's it? Your mother's an animal. So Trump, Trump handled it pretty well. This is how Trump handled it. Watch. Look at the bags on her. Fun bags.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Bags of fun. Ownership is at its lowest rate in 51 years. Durka, Durka, Muhammad Jihad. Haka, Sherpa, Sherpa, Abakalak. Look, Trump didn't do anything. Look at her. You voted for her. H-Jews. You voted for her. Hates Jews. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Thank you. I will say the Bernie Sanders people had far more energy and spirit, I will say. Hates Jews. I fucking love it. Durka Durka. Muhammad Jihad. Haka Sherpa Sherpa. A bacala.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Hates Jews. Hates Jews. She sure does. And Trump, how did he handle it? Beautifully. She looks like an... How did she get elected? Please.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Somebody explain. This is where I'm so cynical. I actually believe your votes don't count. Somebody put her in there. From Detroit. I understand why your votes don't count. Somebody put her in there. From Detroit. I understand why you vote in somebody from Detroit, because they have run that city like a Swiss watch for the last 50 years. Only city you can walk by a Quiznos on Tuesday at noontime,
Starting point is 00:19:54 and it's boarded up. You ever have a Quiznos sandwich? I'd fuck if they're so delicious. Out of business. But I love it. She was physically removed and Donald Trump Jr. weighed in on the video, writing on Twitter, crooked, called us. He's talking about Hillary, called us deplorables. Tlaib calls us crazy. In reality, we just love our country, want every American, no matter their race, religion or socioeconomic status, to have a safe and prosperous life and expect our leaders to put America first.
Starting point is 00:20:31 And I believe that. Sorry. I do. She hates this thing. And remember, Trump, you know, Kushner is Jewish, and they converted, right? The wife, his daughter and stuff. So, Rich, you're an anti-Semite. Weigh in on this.
Starting point is 00:20:48 I'm all for, you know, I think Tlaib has some issues just because she's from Detroit. And I think that's where it's just lashing out because she just knows that the world's Detroit screwed in her eyes. So the country screwed in her eyes. All right. So sorry. I asked for that opinion. What are you babbling about? All right. So sorry I asked for that opinion. What the fuck? What are you babbling about?
Starting point is 00:21:14 That was the worst explanation of that clip I have ever seen. Well, because she's from Detroit, she doesn't like America. Makes sense, actually, because Detroit is like little Mogadishu. That's actually Minneapolis. Stop voting in these friggin' nutcases. I said Minneapolis, but she'su. That's actually Minneapolis. Stop voting in these friggin' nutcases. I said Minneapolis, but she's not. She's in Detroit. Well, correct me when I fuck up, Jason. I can't entertain and educate. But Omar is from Minneapolis.
Starting point is 00:21:36 Excuse me. So, uh, I just caught myself. My skin looks horrible. Look at this. I have a map of where she's from, actually. Omar. She grew up right here in Somalia, the southern tip of my fucking age spot. I'm going to look like a fucking three-week-old banana in another year or so.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Just a fucking old wrinkled prick. Hey, my favorite. My favorite? Barney Sundance isn't on those? The minimum wage. I mean, everybody's at poverty level. And he's in the news. Bernie Sanders, Democrat President Sanders, announced this week that he will cut staffers.
Starting point is 00:22:17 He's going to cut their hours so they can effectively be paid a 15-hour minimum wage. Oh, he's finally learning something about how business works. Prompting mockery from critics who say the move is more evidence he's a crazy communist Jew bastard. Who said that? That Santa's plans to raise
Starting point is 00:22:40 the national minimum wage is hypocritical and would only lead to less work and more unemployment. Exactly right. You fucking hypocrite. He's getting his first lesson in the economics. The Washington Post first reported last Thursday
Starting point is 00:22:54 that Sanders' field staffers were upset that Sanders championed a $15 minimum wage on the campaign and made headlines for railing against major corporations who pay starvation wages, even as his own employees made poverty wages. The self-described socialist candidate said junior field organizers earn roughly 36 grand per year in salary. And again, this is grunt work, folks.
Starting point is 00:23:21 OK, somebody get Bernie a bran muffin. This is it's grunt work, you you know and they do work long fucking hours and stuff so you don't you don't you don't go to a work for campaign thinking you're gonna make 28 an hour but he can't be out there the guy that you're helping screaming that and then paying you i mean it really is hypocritical on its face uh with he says they get,000 a year in salary with employer-paid health care and sick leave. Okay, but what happens when the campaign's over? You don't keep then.
Starting point is 00:23:54 What do you got to do? Shop for Obamacare on the market? Oh, my forehead. I need an eye doctor. But he acknowledged that their salary can effectively dip below $15 an hour because he's got them working like Kathy Lee Gifford making sneakers in her basement. If staff has worked much more than 40 hours per week, which is common on presidential campaigns, you're goddamn right it is.
Starting point is 00:24:16 I mean, come on. It seems foolish to have all this money lying around. Oh, you'd rather have it down at the bank where the Jewish guys can leer at it? Oh, my God. around. Oh, you'd rather have it down at the bank where the Jewish guys can leer at it? Oh, my God. The solution is to limit the number of hours
Starting point is 00:24:30 staffers work to 42 or 43 each week to ensure they're making the equivalent of $15 an hour, he told the register. So you see what business people go to when you put out this shit? Do you understand, Bernie? Where they have to actually cut people and business slows
Starting point is 00:24:45 down do you get it now democratic socialist which is no such thing anyways uh he went on to say that the union contract not only provides pay of at least 15 an hour he you know unionized his work it also provides i think the best health care benefits that any employer can provide offer our field organizers even though I'll be knocked out of the race in another three weeks, and they'll have nothing. But that's not what it's about. He says, it does bother me that people are going outside
Starting point is 00:25:15 of the process or going to the media. That is really not acceptable. It is really not what labor negotiations are about, and it's improper. But you don't mind when they were leaking shit and going to the media during the whole fucking Russia hoax, when Comey was spilling shit through his friend at Columbia. You had no problem.
Starting point is 00:25:35 You hypocrites! How many times do I got to say it? So Bernie, you know, economics 101. Stephen Miller got all over him. People were getting all over him. Why won't millionaire Bernie Sanders, who owns three homes, instead of cutting hours, pay his staff a living wage? People are starving.
Starting point is 00:25:53 He's got three houses. Texas. And I don't begrudge him that, folks. I'm just saying. I'm happy for him. Guy worked hard. He sells books. He's a smart dude.
Starting point is 00:26:04 It's a free market. But he can't be out there bad-mouthing the same market that gave him three homes. It's irony. It's at a base level. Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Jew. What? Stephen Miller. Texas Republican Dan Crenshaw. He's the guy that Pete Davidson had a run in with a patch on his eye.
Starting point is 00:26:23 Lambasted campaign. He says, so does this fall under the category of hypocrisy, irony, or poetic justice? He says, all three? You can't make this stuff up. Anyways. Aaron Colin on the blaze. Companies don't just suddenly get more money to pay employees. They have to make tough decisions, usually either cutting hours or worse, cutting staff.
Starting point is 00:26:52 That's exactly right. The development come days after the nonpartisan congressional budget, CBL budget office, concluded that a proposed $15 federal minimum wage could result in 3.7 mil people becoming unemployed. So, Bernie, what do you get to say about that? That's got to hurt. That has to hurt. Anyways, I'm glad he was called out. Bad day for the bad weekend for the Dems between Tlaib being a psychotic and Bernie being a hypocrite.
Starting point is 00:27:23 You know what I mean? Give me the fucking money. You hear me? You hear me? I got to come You know what I mean? Give me the money. You understand me? Give me the fucking money. You hear me? You hear me? I got to come here and bust my body. Give me the fucking money. All right.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Anyways, I mentioned earlier in the show, our guest today is, I really respect this guy because he's out there asking the tough questions and he's got a film out called A Fatherless America. He's a YouTube personality, political commentator. They call him controversial. Any black guy that doesn't lean left and stay on the Democrat plant is controversial. To me, he makes perfect sense. Please welcome the great Tommy Sotomayor tommy how are you how's it
Starting point is 00:28:07 going what's up thank you for doing this man oh no problem it's a pleasure i see you uh you know on social media and uh i'm like this guy the guy makes so much sense what is so controversial uh let me ask you this right up front because uh that's how I am I'm like you how tough is it to be black and have you a point of view you know on politics in general I mean do you take a lot of heat yeah and it's very difficult um I try to equate it to a lot of people say well you're black and you're not supposed to say things about blacks and you're not supposed to put other blacks down and I'm thinking well I don't think this is a secret because I'm taking things from the news. I'm taking actual statistics. And if we believe that blacks should hide everything that blacks do and stick up for all blacks, then there would have
Starting point is 00:28:53 never been a civil war. We would have never ended Jim Crow. Think about all the times in which whites have disagreed with whites. Hell, I'm listening to you talk about Bernie Sanders right now. So the thought process was supposed to uniformly agree with each other, especially when something's wrong. I think that's sad. And looking at it like the moniker, Mr. Controversy, I got it from telling the truth. I didn't give myself that name. They kept saying, well, your views are controversial. I was like, so the truth is controversial. I was just going to say that. That's the point. The times we live in.
Starting point is 00:29:29 I have this friend. He passed away. He owned the comedy cellar in New York City. And his name was Menachem Dwarman. And very smart guy. He taught politics in Israel. And he owned the comedy club. He was a brilliant businessman.
Starting point is 00:29:42 And I was talking to him one night, and he said, back in the 60s and 70s, they club, a brilliant businessman. And I was talking to him one night, and he said, back in the 60s and 70s, they called me a liberal. And then this was probably in the early 2000s. He said, now they call me conservative, but my political views have not changed. You know what I mean? Which is a great point. I think you make a great point.
Starting point is 00:30:04 In 2019, the truth is controversial. I think there's two types of people in this world, at least in our country. You got honest people and the people who are politically correct. Yeah. Don't you feel that way? Politically correct people get on my nerves because what they're doing is saying, blow smoke up their behinds until they feel better about themselves. And there's one group in America that we don't blow smoke in their behinds, though. That is conservative, white, heterosexual males.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Yes. Those guys, well, you can go on and rail against them. You can make movies making fun of them. You can do all kinds of stuff. And there's no group that stands up and says, hey, don't body shame a fat man. Don't body shame a man who's losing his hair. Don't body shame a man who doesn't make six figures. Don't don't body shame a man who doesn't who's not six feet tall. No, that guy can get anything that you want. But we got to make sure that fat women feel pretty.
Starting point is 00:30:57 We got to make sure that gay men feel beautiful and transsexual men feel attractive to heterosexual men. Like it's, it's the most ridiculous thing in the world. And this is a society that we live in today. That's exactly right. We're talking to the great Tommy Sotomayor. I said that political, I laugh when I see comedians,
Starting point is 00:31:16 whether they're black or Brown or a gay comics and stuff, complaining about political correctness, ruining comedy. And I go, it was created for you to shut up guys like me. They don't even get that. I've never seen like a black comic get in trouble for making fun of white people or a gay comic getting in trouble for making fun of straight people.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Yeah, it's a really weird environment right now. So you and I are trying to keep the truth alive, and you get labeled as controversial. Well, I get labeled more than that, though. I've gotten called— You've been getting in trouble. What do you get called? Yeah. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:31:53 I've been getting flagged. I've been getting called coon sellout. I got kicked off of Twitter. I've had huge channels knocked down off of YouTube. Every day I have people stalking my family, stalking my children. Anything that they can. Seriously, your family gets stalked over this? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:12 They put out my mother's address, her church address. They put out my daughter's school address. Are these white liberals? Are they black people or both? Probably white libs, I'm guessing. No, it's all black people. That's what I told them. I'm guessing. No, it's all black people. That's what I told him. I said, you wake up, I wake up every day and you want to tell me how horrible white people are. But then I'm not afraid that some white guy is going to come up to my door
Starting point is 00:32:33 and break in and shoot me. I'm afraid of one of the guys who keeps threatening me all the time. I went to an event in New York. I'm invited by the black people to come there to speak to the black people. And when I get there, I get punched in the back of the head by one guy. And when we reviewed the videotape, another guy's behind me with a knife. And this was where? This was in Harlem. And Harlem, folks, isn't even that black anymore. I mean, you know, I lived in New York.
Starting point is 00:33:02 You go to 125th. Up there, yes. You know, I lived in New York. You go to 125th. Up there, yes. When I first, well, I mean, compared to the 70s, people would be afraid to wander. But I used to do a joke when I first moved to New York. I'd go, people are complaining about the rent.
Starting point is 00:33:19 I was looking at rent apartments up in Harlem because Giuliani had just, like, helped gentrify it and stuff. And I said, people are complaining how expensive it is. I said, I'm paying $8.50 a month. I said, of course, I live on the corner of Fight the Power and Die Whitey Avenue, but it's a nice building. A guy pulls a knife? Yep. So you're literally putting your neck on the line. Yeah. I just bought a house here in Atlanta about a couple of months ago.
Starting point is 00:33:42 And within two weeks, they had released the address um who's they got Tommy who's they just random people on Twitter uh no there's a bunch of black people on YouTube apparently YouTube allows it to happen but all the things have been happening to me for years had I been a transsexual uh woman as they call it which I still don't understand that but if I've been a transsexual woman they just shut that down. Had I been a white liberal woman, they would have shut that down immediately. You can't just sit around and threaten someone as much as they threaten me. But the police won't do anything. Nobody will do anything.
Starting point is 00:34:14 So they wake up every day. They make YouTube videos. They even put their faces in it and nothing's still done. As one guy, someone counted, has made 73 videos about me in two and a half months. And that would be Elijah Cummings, folks. You know, honestly, I look at, like, Clarence Thomas and other black – I go, what a burden. I mean, it's like like talk about taking courage. Now, have they booted you?
Starting point is 00:34:49 Are you still on YouTube? And in a minimum in a minimum fashion, but I'm still on YouTube and some you can look up my name, but you'll probably find other people's stuff before you find mine. It's best to just go to my website at Tommy Sotomayor dot com. That's why I just started putting everything everything now because they flagged everything down. They made it to where even when I use my own name, it'll come up as confirmed as – it doesn't matter what I'm talking about. I could be talking about rainbows and sunshine. If I put my own name in the title, it will show up as confirmed as not –
Starting point is 00:35:22 whatever that thing is is not suitable for the general audience. Censorship alive and well for guys like us in 2019. Let's talk about your movie, A Fatherless America. We played the trailer at the beginning, and I thought you hit it right on the head because when I talk about this, I always preface it by saying it's not's not necessarily about race it's about culture a lot of it's about culture and uh i'm sure you're aware of uh back in the 60s senator patrick uh daniel patrick moynihan morning yeah put out a report about what you're talking about today um uh and and how you know jim crow and all that yes and slavery set black people back and stuff but he's saying that uh having single moms raising their kids
Starting point is 00:36:13 is a future you know there's going to be disaster in the future he wrote that in the 60s and you're talking about exactly what he's talking about today you're talking about and you know what's the the really horrible part about this is, like you said, this isn't something that people didn't see coming. It's the equivalent of standing here and there's a Zamboni coming towards you and you're just standing there going, and the Zamboni's a mile away
Starting point is 00:36:36 and you're just going, First of all, you're going to catch shit for doing a hockey reference because you're black. A Zamboni running you over. But you're right. We could see it coming to Milo Patrick, Daniel. And he was for a lot of these social programs to help black people, which I understand. But you're also known as a men's rights activist, which I've been accused of.
Starting point is 00:37:00 They call me a misogynist pig. But, yeah, I mean, you defend men. And in this day and age, you have to. I mean, the strangest thing, defend the group of people who do the most work. Defend the people who 93 percent of all workplace injuries and deaths. That's them. Defend the people who make the majority of the money that comes into the country. How dare you do something like that? It's strange how men are looked at as just these mules,
Starting point is 00:37:27 and they're trying to turn us into eunuchs. At this point in time, men are fighting men, which I've never understood those feminist males. Those guys are just... They're trying to get laid. Right. I don't know why. Have you ever seen a good-looking feminist?
Starting point is 00:37:42 I've never met a stripper who was a feminist. That is true. Well, you can always find some former strippers, though. Yeah, when they hit their—that's a great point. When they hit their 40s and their ass looks like a bag of cottage cheese, all of a sudden they're big fucking feminists. That's actually a great point. Exactly, because the ball is undefeated. That's all we know.
Starting point is 00:38:04 The emasculation on— I've been pointing this out forever. I was on Opie and Anthony 20 years ago, and I pointed out how white guys are portrayed in commercials, white dads. This was 20-something years ago. But now it's so bad, they do it with black guys, you know, pushing. It's across the board. There really is, you keep hearing about a war on women. I mean, they're giving little boys, you know, Adderall to calm them down and drugging little kids. They really are trying to, like you said, cut our dicks off, it seems like.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Yeah, it's not a war on women. It's a jihad on men. And if you think about the stuff that they're doing, when you watch these men get raped in divorce court, you see them get destroyed when it comes to them being able to see their children. How do you live with your kid every day? And then you go through a divorce, which men need to understand. Women are the main ones who tell you they want to get married. If you're dating a woman for a certain amount of time, she'll start saying, well, we should get married, blah, blah. You marry that woman. But the stats show that 70% of all marriages end because of the person who asked you to get into it, the woman. So she stats show that 70% of all marriages end because of the person who asked you to get into it, the woman. So she walks away with something. I've never left a company and that
Starting point is 00:39:10 company had to compensate me at the way that I was living while I worked at that company. The benefits was working at that company. And when I left that company, I left with what I came with. We don't do marriages like that. Now we have it to where a woman can date a guy. And if he doesn't marry her, she can now sue him saying that she thought he was going to marry her. And these are things that men in power are allowing to happen, too. So we need to talk about those guys. And those are the things I wanted to bring out in A Fatherless America. That's exactly right. I mean, it's men acquiescing to this crap and it's time to stop. I mean, I read stories where one guy, a paternity suit against him, they do a test. It wasn't even his kid yet. He still has to pay, but you know, child support and it wasn't even his kid. That's
Starting point is 00:39:59 when I said, you have to be shitting me. I had a guy come on to my show. He had been married to a woman. They had five children. One of his children needed a kidney transplant. He went in to see if he was a viable candidate for the kid. They found out not only was he not a viable candidate for the kid, that the kid wasn't his, and three of the five kids that he had raised and paid for were not his. He had two left that were still underage. Two of those were not his. He had two left that were still under age. Two of those were not his.
Starting point is 00:40:26 But the law stated that he was forced to continue to pay child support for them simply because he married the mother. What do we do? I notice this too, like they never call out black women for, you know, having a kid. Again, I guess the government sends them a check if they don't have the dad in the house whatever but it's ultimately it's their responsibility not to get pregnant by by by you know some fucking unknown rapper or whatever i i you know unknown rapper he he rapped you're right some unknown guy who's selling his CDs on the streets. He kind of work at UPS, but he kind of don't. You know, that guy. That guy is the guy who got all the children. He can get everybody pregnant.
Starting point is 00:41:17 They love that guy. And I was talking about this last night. I'm not playing with you. last night, I'm not playing with you. There's a woman who has, who's 24 years old, black woman, has six children all under the age of six, none with the same father. Wow.
Starting point is 00:41:35 Who is that? They did a GoFundMe for this girl because she needed a bigger car. They showed her on a video taking her some of her smallest children like two years old sticking them in the back of a ford edge because she was saying she doesn't have enough room for them so they were showing how she drives with them in the back and they were reaching up for her as she closes the hatchback she's yelling at him move
Starting point is 00:42:00 your hand then they showed but we came in and it's the white liberals fault yeah but we came in and we bought her a truck so they buy her something free and i'm like okay if she couldn't afford a truck she's not going to be able to maintain this truck so they had another gofundme which said let's help her maintain her entire life so she gets to have children and then they step in and help maintain her entire life. You've never seen a man who they put in jail because he couldn't afford to take care of the kids he had, the child support. You've never seen them do a GoFundMe to help this guy just pay his child support. Think about that. That's never happened. How much of it? I mean, like I said,
Starting point is 00:42:42 it's ultimately their responsibility not to get, But how much then people point fingers at young black guys saying they don't want to be around to raise the kids and stuff is some of it on that. Again, this is culture we're talking about. So, well, here's the thing. Yeah. If you live in a sexualized Cardi B culture where I just go out and screw anybody you want. Right. You're saying that guy doesn't want to be around. culture where just go out and screw anybody you want right you're saying that guy doesn't want to be around what do you mean that would be like if i hired a guy in a wheelchair to build my steps well i mean you could but somebody would say to you at that moment you probably should that that would be a difficult process for that guy to do so the guy with no job who lives on your couch if you lay down and get pregnant by him what were you expecting him to do as a matter of fact during the process in which he got you pregnant you knew he didn't have
Starting point is 00:43:28 a job and you needed no money from him but now that he's gotten a baby with you and maybe he cheated on you or he moved out now you're asking a guy who had no money in the first place for child support now you're asking the guy who you slept with one night after the club and you don't even know his name. You know, his name is Maymay Triggerfinger or whatever that that's his name. You don't even know. You go in the court and they go on to look for Maymay and Triggerfinger and Doris Sale. That's who they're going to look up. So you don't even know his last name. You don't know his first name, but you got pregnant by him. So this can't be blamed on the men at that point because that guy was just trying to have sex.
Starting point is 00:44:06 This woman had ultimate responsibility because the next day she can take a morning after pill up to the way the liberals have it up to nine months. You can have an abortion. Right. Even after that, you can drop the baby. Right. At the local Piggly Wiggly, the gas station. Right. No penalty. But if you decide to carry it to term and keep it, now that guy's being held legally responsible. That makes no sense to me. And they're afraid to point it out because it's black women. They're, like, immune to any criticism. It really is.
Starting point is 00:44:33 Finally, real quickly, final question. So what's the solution, Tommy, to changing the culture and the illegitimacy rate? You know, and not just the black community. You know, it's high in the white community as opposed to 25 years ago but what's what but specifically in the black community what's the solution how about we start having just something as simple as personal responsibility we can look at what the the laws in the united states right now about how you the women are having those anchor babies they understand the laws say if you come over here and you have a
Starting point is 00:45:03 baby in the united states you get to stay with that baby because that baby is a citizen. So these people would swim across the Rio Grande or in some cases just walk right on across it. But you can come right over here. And if you understand the rules, people use the rules. Well, how about the rules say personal responsibility? If we help you get some money from the state for one child, if you have a second child while you're already getting money from the state, we cut off all money. That then woman would understand, hey, I might not want to do this. Number two, why don't we start helping people who did things the right way? Do you know that there are families out here right now with three children who they got married and they've been together?
Starting point is 00:45:39 Dad loses job, but we don't come in and try to help them. But we'll help the woman who has 15 children by 17 men. Yes, go ahead and see how that actually can happen. But anyway, you see this woman and she's got all these children and we benefit her. Why don't we start benefiting families, people who've done it the right way? And that way it would encourage more people to do it the right way. Because right now, the way the laws are set up and the benefit package are set up, to do it the right way because right now, the way the laws are set up and the benefit package are set up, we're benefiting people who do things the wrong way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:09 Once again, it's about holding people accountable. Hey, Tommy, I appreciate you doing this, man. Much respect. Keep up the good fight and watch your back. I can't believe people are trying to stab you for trying to lie. Yeah, no problem. Make sure they go to a and buy the movie. Pick up the movie.
Starting point is 00:46:26 It is a great movie on Amazon. It's got a rating of 8.6 out of 10. And on IMDb, it's 8.7 out of 10. There you go. The great Tommy Sotomayor. Thanks, Tommy. Hopefully we'll talk again. Appreciate it, man.
Starting point is 00:46:41 No problem. Thank you. All right, Tom. Really, again, and that was the biggest takeaway was, you know, doing the right thing and the truth has become controversial. And it takes a lot of, whether it's Condoleezza Rice, Clarence Thomas, you know, to be a black conservative. Not even conservative. I mean, I don be a black conservative. Not even conservative. I mean, I don't know how conservative. There are a lot of black people.
Starting point is 00:47:08 Like, where I lived, conservative. And the problems we're talking about, a lot of it's, you know, inner city. But something has to change. Like I said, Daniel Patrick Monaghan wrote a report on it in 1965 while he was working with LBJ. That far back. And we're still talking about what he was working with LBJ that far back. And we're still talking about what he was. He saw this coming and he thought the answers were. And they look government.
Starting point is 00:47:33 There is some role. I mean, I remember Chris Rock when I worked for him and I was making fun of government cheese or whatever. And he went, hey, motherfucker, I grew up on it. And it kind of dawned on me, you know what I mean? But it's the point now, like Tommy said, we're rewarding people for irresponsible behavior. But, you know, it's tough because he steps off, as they call the Democrat plantation. People actually try to kill him and stalk his family. Just unbelievable to me.
Starting point is 00:48:03 Anyways, let's lighten it up, shall we? Here's my favorite story of the day. I can't even fucking say it. An award-winning lamb. We go from illegitimacy to award-winning lamb. Currently under investigation and may be stripped of its title after veterinarians at the Logan County Fair in Ohio found illegal drugs in its system. They knew something was up when it had a 68-inch vertical leap and it could dunk behind its...
Starting point is 00:48:35 It ran a 3.240. Performance-enhancing drugs, PEDs, have transcended from sport to livestock. As the Grand Champion line was given a performance enhancing diuretic which is banned from competition because it makes the animal's muscles feel leaner uh the ohio department of agriculture spearheading the investigation into the lamb pdeu you know they have like beauty contests for lambs and they're like look at this thing is ripped did you see it in the evening gown competition? Had a back on him like Schwarzenegger. Although it doesn't seem to be as rampant as steroid use in baseball during the 90s. Anyways, it's not clear what will happen to the owner after the investigation is complete.
Starting point is 00:49:16 And here's one of the Lambs' good friends that when he found out, I guess he might have given them the... Oh, my God. What happened to... Lambs hang out with goats when you can't find the lamb video. And then another friend of his, really, apparently he did not like this fucking lamb when he found out. Woo!
Starting point is 00:49:51 found out the grand champion lamb was reportedly uh shown by a young 4-h member between july 7 to 13 good things were concentrated on the big problems in the country when it tested positive for illegal drugs uh anyways uh a problem with diuretics as well they give the lamb an unfair advantage they also contaminate the meat. Didn't you have lamb chops in your fridge, Rich, when I was at your apartment? For like a week. For like a week. I go, I go, I looked and I said,
Starting point is 00:50:15 oh my God, I love lamb chops and mint jelly. He goes, that's moss. It's not mint jelly. I ate them anyways. Hopefully the drugs in the lamb will kill my... The stale cheese that's washed it down. There you go. A comment that means nothing to anybody unless they were at the fucking
Starting point is 00:50:27 house. You really do have cancer of the... Anyways. The lamb Barry Bonds. God help me. Anyways, the last lamb to test positive
Starting point is 00:50:44 for performance enhancing drugs was a guy that played at Oklahoma. And he did not test. I just said that. But I found a guy named Lamb and thought I'd throw it in there. What's coming out of the back of his helmet? Did somebody light his neck on fire? Are those dreads? What is that?
Starting point is 00:51:02 Jeff Boyer, do you think? I have no idea. Anyways. The lamb is currently being held at L.A. County Jail. Three charges of being ripped. Held until all the drugs are flushed out of its system. After that, it'll be sent to slaughter and taken to the market. So he still gets a death penalty?
Starting point is 00:51:29 He didn't do it. Some 4-H kid. Why are you going to kill the little lamb? Clarice, do you feel your nipples tingling? Do you hear the screaming of the lambs? Everything's crooked, even lamb competition. I can't take it anymore. How about this broad?
Starting point is 00:51:49 She's a comedian, Allie Ward. She put a tweet up. How can I get these plates from Macy's band in all 50 states? Look at the plates. It says skinny jeans in the middle. In other words, that's how much food you should put on the plate. Do you get it? If you want to fit into your skinny jeans. And then you got another level of favorite jeans, which I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:52:12 That's about 30 more lamb chops. And then you get mom jeans. Oh, my God. And that's just so I guess it's sexist. Is that what she's upset about? I think it's fat shaming. It's fat shaming, whatever that is. Let me tell you, and I watch my 600 pound life. I laugh my balls off when you're laying on a mattress so long that your skin starts to grow into the goddamn. That's true. I'm not making that up. And I'm sorry. I have a right to shame you. You're ashamed of yourself. Nick, that's that's horrible. That's bullying.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Please. Please. But this she's a comedian, this broad, which shows you what she has no sense of humor. You know, so she's trying to get these out of Macy's. And of course, Macy's apologized because it involves abroad. If that said skinny jeans, you know, fucking XXL overalls, and then fat fucking dad, nobody would have a problem with those plates. Emeril Lagasse would be selling them on the fucking Food Network or whatever shoppers are. They kicked him off because he liked pussy.
Starting point is 00:53:23 It's an all-gay network now. But I think I tweeted about it, didn't I? So I responded, how can I get my wife to wash those? And, oh, Christ, I'll be hung by my balls. So she's trying to get rid of those plates. And Macy's, of course, apologizes to an unknown chick. I'm cleaning up! Oh, my God! of those plates and macy's of course apologizes to an unknown chick ellie wood i i you know i good luck with your career but can i just say stop you whining, please. How about this? This is in the UK.
Starting point is 00:54:08 Politician pushing gender-neutral toilets charged with child sex crimes. And, of course, anybody who made that prediction when this controversy was going on a few years ago was obviously a homophobe and a bigot. And I'm not saying just because it's one guy, but you know, this is what we were worried about. We have a picture of the guy. Holy shit, it's Ben Franklin from Worcestershire. Look at this guy. If I had to draw
Starting point is 00:54:33 a pedophile, if I was in second grade and they explained to me what a pedophile was and draw it, that's what I'd come up with. Fucking Ben Franklin. A penny saved is a penny earned that you can buy some rock candy for a seven-year-old. That was his big quote.
Starting point is 00:54:50 A politician who pushed for the introduction of gender-neutral toilets shortly after his election has been charged with nine counts of sexual touching of a child, and no, it's not Joe Biden. It's the Ben Franklin of fucking, I don't know, England. Hey, little boy, do you want some candy?
Starting point is 00:55:11 Counselor Smith resigned. Immediate effect in the light of allegations against him. He added that he completely rejects the spurious allegations, however, claiming he was only in his quotes, removing myself from the party to ensure I can focus all my efforts on kids at the public pool. No, on focus all my efforts
Starting point is 00:55:33 on fighting to clear my name. And then we caught him on mic saying this, so I'm pretty sure his career is over. I suck cock and I love it. Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy. Nevertheless, reporters suggest he intends to remain on the council, allowing him to continue receiving a reported 6,378 euros in basic allowance.
Starting point is 00:55:56 That's enough to buy three vans and 200 pounds of candy corn and a trench coat. London fog, of course. 200 pounds of candy corn and a trench coat. London fog, of course. The 30-year-old claimed tackling the issues. Listen to this. This is what he claims he's working on. Could he have picked a worse one?
Starting point is 00:56:18 30-year-old, he claimed tackling the issue of potholes, which is just code for assholes. Ordering bollards to be installed, whatever that is. Being a very proud advocate of the local LGBT community as Korea. Those are his career highlights. And I'm guessing the people in the LGBTQ hate this. You know what I mean? Because people do say, oh, if he's gay, that makes him a pet, which isn't the case.
Starting point is 00:56:44 Not my experience. I walked around in a Speedo forever in a gay bar. Nobody even looked at me because I have this patch of hair above my tailbone. It's fucking scare anybody away anyways. But that's what he says. That's what's important to him. And I don't know. He's lying. I have a solution. What else did he say? Oh, he said, this is who I am, a person and community activist.
Starting point is 00:57:15 He said, insisting that the allegations made against my character are nothing more than damaging lies. Sorry, man. I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt. You know, pedophiles and pedophilia has the highest recidivism rate, meaning when they go back and they come back out and they're looking for all kinds of solutions, injections to sterilize them, you know, a nice tomahawk right to the pubic bone, throw them from 40 feet away. I think I have the solution so these guys won't do this again. This will stop you from looking at Boy Scouts. Take that!
Starting point is 00:57:48 Ah! My bag! My filthy... Look at people looking at that guy. So they, you know, people are... And again, I'm not saying just because this guy was involved in getting gender-neutral bathrooms. But eventually I think you're going to see more of this. But he could be innocent, folks. But Jesus, just the haircut alone.
Starting point is 00:58:11 Guilty! Oh, my God. That guy's creeping me out. We've got a super chat. Go ahead, Richard. We've got a few for you. Busnut33 said, God bless you, Nick. Make comedy great again and help America reattach its testicles.
Starting point is 00:58:31 You know what? I like the way he put that. America to reattach its testicles. Because right now they're floating, as they say, across the pond to England. And somebody's got to chase them down. And they're all salty. Go ahead. Elaine Sabatino said, repeal the 19th thanks for
Starting point is 00:58:45 calling out these cunts repeal the what 19th amendment which is what rich i assumed it was women's right to vote oh jesus i can't say that i wouldn't say that at all like just the just the suburban women that live outside of philly and the ones in Massachusetts and the Northeast revoke their licenses to drive. And then Bandit848 said, did Stelzer grow out his hair, the Ben Franklin guy? That's exactly – good call, brother. That's who I see, Stelzer from CNN. You know who he is? He's always – he was interviewed.
Starting point is 00:59:26 You guys should Google Glenn Beck did an interview with him, and Glenn walked off about three minutes into it. Stelzer is just a big girl working for a propaganda network. That's who he looks like, that creepy bastard. I used to do a bit about something about you should never have your reading glasses on when you're watching porn. It's on my raw nerve special, I think. I look like a perverted Ben Franklin. All I needed was one of those pens with a feather in it to tickle my elbow.
Starting point is 00:59:55 Real clever shit. Anyways, I'm going to save this for tomorrow. You guys, again, and I know you probably started over the weekend. You guys heard about this Erica Thomas. She's a black female. What's her political? She's a lawmaker. She's in the Georgia House at the Georgia House, also known as the Waffle House.
Starting point is 01:00:17 I what? You look good. Anyways, she got into it with a white guy. I'm so cynical that I think it was all a setup. The guy's a – he went off on her in a supermarket at Publix. I want to tease this for tomorrow. We'll start with this. I think it's a setup.
Starting point is 01:00:34 The guy's a never-Trumper. He's a Democrat. He's Cuban. That's how cynical I am. I might be wrong there. But my point being is this is national news because an older white guy got into it verbally with a black woman. And she went on her Twitter crying and all the idiots, all you dumb motherfuckers on Twitter who immediately have this knee-jerk politically correct reaction to take her side. When my point, I'll get to it tomorrow. But it made me sick to my stomach.
Starting point is 01:01:02 It could only happen in 2019. That is it, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for tuning in. We had our best month subscriber-wise, and we're not even done with July. And don't forget to go to I think August 10th, they're going to be Newtown Theater, Newtown, Pennsylvania. I won't read the dates again. Or maybe I will. They're right here. Okay. Yeah. And Friday and Saturday, August 16th and 17th,
Starting point is 01:01:30 Helium Comedy Club in Philly. Thursday, October 10th, Levity Live, Nyack, New York. Friday, November 15th, the Cortland Repertory Theater, Cortland, New York. Saturday, November 16th, Comedy Works, Saratoga Springs, New York. New Year's Eve, Tarrytown Musical in Tarrytown, New York. And then in 2020, Friday, January 24th, Ridgefield Playhouse, Ridgefield, Connecticut. And Saturday, February 15th at Kelsey Theater, Lake Park, Florida. Go to
Starting point is 01:01:51 We'll be adding dates probably some more even before these are up, hopefully. And also Go to I did a couple this weekend. I'll send a personal video message roasting one of your friends or enemies or saying happy birthday. I'll be nice. I'll be mean. Whatever you want, go to, click on my profile, fill out the information.
Starting point is 01:02:13 I want to thank again the great Tommy Sotomayor, who's doing some heavy lifting out there. We appreciate him being a guest. Remember, folks, you guys think it. I'll say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you on Patreon. Remember, folks, you guys think it. I'll say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you on tomorrow. Take care, everybody. © BF-WATCH TV 2021 ¶¶ We'll be right back..

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