The Nick DiPaolo Show - Fraud Elected by Fraud | Nick Di Paolo Show #461

Episode Date: December 15, 2020

Electoral college confirms Biden, but not without dispute. Barr steps down. Recent Russia hack runs deeper than reported....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Oh yeah, oh say can you see Hi folks, welcome to the show. Big show on a Tuesday. Hi, folks. Welcome to the show. Big show on a Tuesday. How y'all doing? I guess there's a huge storm heading towards the East Coast. Supposed to hit tomorrow. I don't know to believe. They say it's Trump's fault. I just banged my fucking shin. Let's get right to it. I don't feel like fucking around today. You see stupid Joe Biden speech after he was officially named the electoral winner. Did you see Dick? We, that's gotta be kind of awkward. How you come out there knowing it was
Starting point is 00:01:14 stolen for you. I don't even know if he knows it was stolen for him. Let's put it that way. That's how fucking gone he is. Um, but what a boy, when you know the truth and let me tell you something, you people who don't think it was stolen, you have a lot of goddamn nerve. Sidney Powell has more evidence. She's going to bring a RICO case. That's what they bring against the mafia when they get one mafia guy and they get everybody you ever talked to over the last 20 years. Uh, that's how that came about the RICO act.
Starting point is 00:01:41 I think Giuliani was involved. Anyways, Joe Biden, Jack off, not my president-elect. This is what the article said. Over the past six weeks since Election Day, President-elect Joe Biden carried about his business while largely ignoring
Starting point is 00:01:56 the circus surrounding President Trump. No, he didn't. He didn't carry out any business. He was told, don't worry about it. We got it in the bag, stay home, because every time you open your mouth, you're going to fuck it up,
Starting point is 00:02:09 don't you understand, we got your back, it's already in the bag, stay in your house, fucking minding his business, I can't find an article that's even close to fucking objective, anyways, he stayed in his house and ignored the circus surrounding Trump, it says, incessant lies about the election fraud and refusal to concede. That changed a bit on Monday. Speaking hours after the Electoral College officially voted to confirm his stolen victory over Trump, Biden declared victory. He also criticized the president because he's a petty two-faced cocksucker who has a lot of nerve to tell us time to hear. Let's move on. After you tortured Trump for four years, I hope you and your first wife died in a car crash. I hope the next one does
Starting point is 00:02:58 in you. Let's leave her out of it. Just you. Fucking asshole. So he also criticized the president whom he portrayed as on the wrong side of the struggle for democracy. Isn't that rich? Somebody who's in bed with China. With communist China. Literally doing business with communists. But it's Trump who's on the wrong side of democracy. Fuck you, you piece of shit,
Starting point is 00:03:30 for refusing to acknowledge the reality of his defeat. What a garbage face. Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! It's not enough.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Talking about democracy. He says, in this battle for the soul of America, how would you know what a soul is? You don't have one. Democracy prevailed, he said. I guess democracy is stealing shit now. When you know you don't have a chance, when your opponent crushes you and you have it fixed beforehand. That's our new democracy. Democracy prevail, Biden said. When the people voted, faith in our institutions held. It's exactly what didn't happen. That's why there's so much controversy. The integrity of our elections remains intact.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Your cyst is fucking big ass it does. And so now it's time to turn the page. No, it isn't. No, it isn't. Oh, no. We're going to turn the pages back to November 3rd. Turn the page. That's what they're telling you.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Just move on. You didn't, nothing to see here. Meanwhile, the globalists and communists and Marxists are trying to turn this into what the shithole country that they want it to be. And let me tell you something. When Dickhead, if he does get in, you know damn well the China thing is going to come back to bite him in the ass. Because the media and all the other crooked cocksuckers want Kamala Harris in there.
Starting point is 00:04:58 It's a plan all along. Joe, you need to shut the fuck up. Joe, you need to shut the fuck up. Biden noted that he won the same number of electoral votes as Trump did following the 2016 election, 306. No, you didn't. Wrong again. Again. No, you didn't, Joe.
Starting point is 00:05:23 You got slaughtered. You didn't come anywhere. Night 270. It's all going to come out. Though Trump ultimately received only 304 electoral votes because of two faithless electors. Let's let's listen to Dick Cheese. The Electoral College votes which occurred today affect the fact that even in the face of a public health crisis unlike anything we've experienced in our lifetimes, the people voted. They voted in record numbers.
Starting point is 00:05:53 More Americans voted this year than have ever voted in the history of the United States of America. Over 155 million Americans were determined to have their voices heard and their votes counted. How dare you? In the start of this pandemic, this crisis, many were wondering how many Americans would actually vote at all. But those fears proved to be unfounded. We saw something very few predicted, even thought possible.
Starting point is 00:06:23 The biggest voter turnout in the history of the united states of america again a number so big that this election now ranks as the clearest demonstration a number so big that trump's number was so big it broke the algorithms that were built into the computer to fucking throw it to you even cheating that's how much of a landslide it was the other way i'm furious oh god i hate this piece of lying and you're a piece of go ahead frustration of the true will of the american people one of the most amazing demonstrations of civic duty we've ever seen in our country it should be celebrated not attacked more than 81 million of those votes were cast for me and vice president-elect harris pause he thinks he got 81 million votes he did worse than fucking clinton and obama and all the fucking uh
Starting point is 00:07:20 all the fucking states in the in the urban, except for the four swing states that we know were fixed. He fucking gets crushed. Not to mention the optics when Trump's in front of 35,000 screaming fans and he's in front of 12 cars giving a. I just heard radio in my ear. Oh, my God. Go ahead. Let's stupid talk. That, too, is a record more than any
Starting point is 00:07:46 ticket has received in the history of america oh my god represents a winning margin of more than seven million votes over the number of votes cast for my opponent what are we doing what's going on right now oh my god What's going on right now? Oh, my God. At another point, Biden took an indirect shot at Trump, saying the flame of democracy was lit in this nation a long time ago. And we now know that nothing, not even a pandemic or an abuse of power.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Oh, do you understand it follows that old rule? If they're accusing you of doing something, the fucking left, they're doing it. An abuse of power. What, like fucking doing business selling your name in China for millions? Or stealing the election. Which one are you talking about? Or even an abuse of power, he's talking about Trump, can't extinguish that flame.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Biden addressed the flood of failed lawsuits that Trump campaign has filed since the election and the Supreme Court's refusal last week to take up a flimsy case that could have overturned his... Yeah, a flimsy case that's only based on the Constitution and lets Wisconsin change the voting rules two days before the election and they don't do it through the legislature. You know, flimsy shit like that. Hardcore evidence. What you have is the judges in your pocket. He also praised state and local officials on both sides of the aisle for overseeing a fair election while
Starting point is 00:09:25 refusing to be bullied by Trump. How fucking dare you? He says, in America, when questions are raised about the legitimacy of elections, those questions are resolved through the legal process. And that's precisely what happened here, he said. All the counts were confirmed. None of this has stopped baseless claims. Later, Biden noted that respecting the will of the people is at the heart of our democracy,
Starting point is 00:09:56 adding that when Trump won four years ago, it was my responsibility to announce the tally of the Electoral College votes to the joint session of Congress. I did my job. You did? And then you went on to try to impeach him. Then you went on to say that he was an agent of Russia. You fucking slimy, mubble-less fuck. Although a majority of House Republicans indicated in writing last week that they
Starting point is 00:10:20 supported the aforementioned case that could have overturned the election results, Biden extended it in olive branch saying, I'm convinced we can work together for the good of the nation on many subjects. Like what? Packing the court? Giving illegals fucking free Medicaid, Medicare?
Starting point is 00:10:44 Opening the borders to scumbags. Green New Deal that'll bankrupt us in three minutes. Are they going to reach across the aisle for that and tickle your fucking gray balls? That is the duty owed to the people, to our Constitution, to our history. This guy gives so little fuck about the little people that he pretends to, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:07 scranton people, people like us. Do you understand? This is an oligarchy. It's him. And you see who he's hiring, by the way? I don't even have a story on it. Sorry, today, real quick. You see, he's already got like six people from Facebook in his administration and Twitter
Starting point is 00:11:23 and Google. The people that are censoring us helped him win the election. That's who he's got on his new team. He also thanked the Senate Republicans who have already acknowledged his victory. Did you see? We have another clip. He refused any questions about Hunter. Did you see we have another clip? He refused any questions about Hunter.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Joe Biden still refuses to discuss the ethical cloud swirling around his asshole son, Hunter. Biden, who is set to take the oath of office next month, delivered a national address on Monday in response to the Electoral College, which I just showed you. After his remarks, which centered largely on the need for America to move past the 2020 contest, yeah, you wish, Biden was asked by the need for America to move past the 2020 contest. Yeah, you wish. Biden was asked by the press about recent revelations that the Department of Justice had opened at least two investigations into his son's business dealings, despite the issue dominating the news cycle in recent days. Remember, it didn't before the election. The president-elect refused to comment on the situation. Instead, Biden cheekily thanked the report. Watch this. What a smug prick he is. So thank you all. May God bless you.
Starting point is 00:12:31 And may God protect our troops and all those who stand watch over our democracy. Oh, making me sick. Thank you. Thanks for the congratulations. Appreciate it. Sorry, I fucked that up. I played over the reporter yelling out, what about your son Hunter Biden's problems? And that was his response,
Starting point is 00:13:00 his sarcastic, petty response. Thank you for the congratula... Okay, congratulations on stealing the election, you fucking senile prick. response. Thank you for the congratulate. Okay. Congratulations on stealing the election. You fucking senile prick. Sorry. I played the asshole song over it. It doesn't matter. I just explained it to you. That was his cheeky answer to the reporter. His sarcasm. Thanks for congratulating me for stealing the fucking, he really thinks he's going to, gonna he really he it's owed to him he thinks you're entitled to shit absolutely biden's demural on the topic comes after his son hunter oh hunter uh-oh retard alert retard alert admitted last week that the united states attorney uh from the district of delaware had opened an investigation into his tax affairs the delaware u.s attorney's
Starting point is 00:13:44 investigation is not the only one that has come to light in recent days. Last week, the New York Times reported that the U.S. attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania opened a probe into Hunter Biden's ties to the Ukrainian natural gas giant Burisma Holdings. On the same day that the Times published its story, NBC News reported that Hunter Biden's work for Burisma had netted him 400 Gs in 2014 alone. You see how the you see how the fucking media now is doing their job now that, you know, they think Joe's the president and they're going to do this. Right. Why are they going to do this? That way they can go, look, we're being fair. We're going to be tough on them when we all know they don't want them in there either and uh they'll cover the chinese thing probably with a lot of uh oomph and uh get joe in trouble and he'll have to step down
Starting point is 00:14:37 and then they can put in the real uh the real problem the hateful witch behind him. The revelations of the dual Department of Justice investigations into Hunter Biden have spurred congressional Republicans to call for the appointment of a special prosecutor. Oh, that's terrific. You're a loser. You'll always be a loser.
Starting point is 00:15:01 You know, should they put on it? They should put Sidney, now she's Sidney Powell, fucking super attorney. I'm going to make my prediction again, folks. So he'll be in there, I get, whatever. And maybe he won't. Maybe Trump will still get it. We still get more news today.
Starting point is 00:15:22 But if he doesn't, Trump will start a network or something. And you won't believe. There'll be such a red wave, which I think there was on November 3rd, by the way. Since we went all down at the bottom of the ticket, we won all those local municipality races. But we didn't win at the top. That's never happened before either. So suck my balls. Bernie Kerik, you know who he is? He was Giuliani's
Starting point is 00:15:48 police commissioner and quite a guy. Oh, that's right. He did a little jail time because he was paying people to fix his house or something that worked for him or whatever. Anyways, he says historic unparalleled, he says in pa pennsylvania georgia michigan wisconsin arizona nevada in new mexico all had gop electors cast votes for donald trump he says that preserves the president of the united states right to remedy fraud with his own electors republican electors in four states said on December 14th that they would cast their procedural votes for President Donald Trump and Vice President Pence. The latest update, contesting results of the 2020 election. Republican electors in Pennsylvania, Georgia,
Starting point is 00:16:36 Nevada, Arizona, all said they voted for Trump. So it's not over yet. Not according to Carrick. I don't know what he knows about the constitution, but it comes as the state's formally appointed Democratic electors who voted for Democrat Joe Biden and Kamala. What's her name? Kamala? I suck cock. Harris. And I believe Idaho can be added to the list today. It was like seven now or whatever. In Michigan, two separate slates of electors were cast, 16 from Trump and 16, I should say, for Trump and for Biden. Sending more than one slate of electors is not unheard of, said Mishawn Maddock, Michigan Republican at-lar national elector, in an
Starting point is 00:17:26 emailed release. It's our duty, he says, to the people of Michigan and to the U.S. Constitution to send another slate of electors if the election is in controversy or dispute. And clearly, he said, this motherfucker is. I added emphasis. Clearly, he said, this motherfucker is. I added emphasis. So I don't know. I don't know enough about the Constitution, but at least somebody had the balls in some states. And you can't argue that this thing is in controversy.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Thanks to Sidney Powell and Giuliani. Somebody doing some work. Do you need more evidence that all this shit is fixed? Do you need more evidence that these machines were calibrated to take away from Trump and to benefit? Well, I'm going to give you some more. Enjoy your Huggy Man dinner and listen to this. Antrim County, that's in Michigan, I believe,
Starting point is 00:18:23 forensic report bombshell reveals Dominion machines were set at 68.05% error rate, meaning 68.05% of ballots could be sent out for mass adjudication. In other words, they go, oh, there's errors. There's errors on these ballots. We'll let people decide which way it goes. Giving individuals or machines ability to change 68% of the votes. What?
Starting point is 00:18:57 Baseless fraud again, huh? Is that another baseless one? Feels too much like a news show today, but I can't help it. I'm fucking furious. Watch that game last night. Oh my God. Best game of the year, they said, by far. One of the best I've ever seen on Monday night, too. 47-42
Starting point is 00:19:19 final. Woo-hoo! Lamar Jackson taking a big dump for about 20 minutes. He's worse than me comes back on the field throws the and then the kicker comes in and hits a 55 yarder he's six for six from 50 and beyond they said he's the most accurate kicker in the history of the NFL Justin Tucker never even knew it anyways back to the show look at colored lady cheating yeah I just put this in here for biden you know that fucking cracker trumpy a fucking racist motherfucker seen a lot of black poll workers i'm sure they don't have a chip on their shoulder huh when it comes to trump this morning during an emergency hearing
Starting point is 00:20:01 uh michigan 13th circuit Court, Judge Kevin Elsenheimer granted permission to attorney Matthew DiPerno, seen here, to release the findings from their forensic examination on 16 Dominion voting machines in Antrim County, Michigan, where thousands of votes flopped from President Trump to cheatin' cocksucker Joe Biden on November 3rd. What evidence? Earlier this week, we reported about a lawsuit filed by Matthew DiPerno of DiPerno Law on behalf of Central Lake resident. I talked about this already, but William Bailey, remember it was a single guy.
Starting point is 00:20:40 In addition to the thousands of votes that were flipped from Trump to Democrat candidate Biden, Bailey was concerned about ballots that were rerun through the Dominion tabulating machine after a 262 to 262 tie. What are the odds that could ever happen on a vote, on a vote, a ballot initiative that would allow Marijuana establishment to be located within the village of Central Lake. So they even cheated on this shit. While ballots were being inserted into the machine, get this, three of them were destroyed and were not placed through the tabulator at the conclusion of the recount by the tabulating machine and uh with three fewer votes because they were destroyed the result was 262 to 261 a one vote difference yet three of them weren't put through
Starting point is 00:21:39 and the initiative passed of course this result could not be possible after three of the ballots were destroyed. Holy shit, how do you argue that? If that's a fact, tell me, am I lying? I don't think so. You have angel music behind you. Look, a colored lady cheating. Are you fed up, folks?
Starting point is 00:22:11 Between this and, oh, we're in the throw of, you know what? COVID's worse than ever. Shutting down New York City completely, they're talking. Crush that. Crush those businesses. Crush those bars and restaurants that are the backbone of america crush those little guys you know it's a democracy like biden said even though it's him and uh 12 to 15 billionaires running the world like bill gates
Starting point is 00:22:38 and whoever the fuck else but it's a democracy they care about you my goodness let's secede now everybody come down well ge George is not even. I was going to say come down here. I don't know what's going on down here. Pennsylvania needs to be carpet bombed. What do they call it? Moab, the mother of all bombs. Drop one of those right on the fucking governor's house.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Two more unexplainable vote counts in antrim county also to continue with our dominion cheating left vote is stunned by the unexplainable outcome of the vote uh result by dominion in central lake school board election listen to this one more evidence 742 votes were added to the total after a recount on november 6th is there an image of something it says first image i don't know anyways dominion's vote total showed 663 people voted in a district where there were only six eligible voters. Did you hear that?
Starting point is 00:23:52 It showed 663. There's only six eligible voters and only three of those six actually voted. But somehow Dominion added 660 additional votes to the final tally. Oh, my God. Who do they think they are? You're entitled to shit. Cheating motherless fucks, huh? Baseless claims, everybody, baseless claims. I don't trust any fucking voting machine
Starting point is 00:24:23 that looks like a recycling trash barrel with a fucking Pac-Man screen. Michigan Dominion Machines. A forensic audit of Dominion Voting Systems machines and software in Michigan showed that they were designed to create fraud and influence election results, a data firm said on Monday, which I think we just talked about. What the hell's going on out here? This is a conclusion they came to after doing the study, doing the forensic investigation. We conclude that the Dominion voting system is intentionally and purposely designed with inherent errors.
Starting point is 00:24:59 This isn't Republicans talking, OK, or Democrats, to create systemic fraud and influence election results. Son of a whore. Russell Ramsland, Jr., co-founder of Allied Security Operations Group, said in a preliminary report, the system intentionally generates. This is how it works. An enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication. The international errors, excuse me, the intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight. This is the key. Nobody watching over these people. No transparency and no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Based on our own study, we concluded that Dominion voting systems should not be used in Michigan. We further conclude that the results of the Antrim County
Starting point is 00:25:55 should not have been certified at all. Do you hear that? What evidence? They only did a forensic audit on it. Ramsland, a former Reagan, well, he's a former Reagan administration official, so I'm sure that means he's lying. Well, Nancy, I got to use the shitter, Will.
Starting point is 00:26:25 What am I doing? Anyways, former Reagan administration, it feels that means he's in his late hundreds of fish who was where we actually worked for NASA. He's a real dummy, I guess. And others from the group examined Dominion products in Antrim County earlier this month as part of an ongoing case. And they found nothing but corruption. Machines designed to fuck Trump. Nobody watching over the people adjudicating the so-called, you know, ballots that have mistakes on them. You've got to be shatting me.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Well, Nick, but there were GOP poll watches. Now, they were kept a fucking mile away. We all know this story. Remember? Some were actually thrown out. Speaking of that, Michigan GOP electors were blocked yesterday. This one will fry your apples, I would think. Michigan Republican electors, as you know, yesterday, right?
Starting point is 00:27:28 The electors reported they have to sign a certificate saying who won the. Anyways, Republican electors were blocked from entering the state capital by state police. This is in Michigan and prevented from casting alternative ballots for President Trump. from casting alternative ballots for President Trump. What the fuck? Again, this is on camera too, but people will deny it. State Rep. Dyer Rendon, Republican, told Breitbart News, my neck hurts and I tilt my head to the left. But I lady in red with a mo haircut.
Starting point is 00:28:10 What? What? What? Where? Anyways, that's Miss Rendon told Breitbart News she attempted to escort the Republican electors into the building, but they were prevented entry by state police trooper. entry by state police trooper who is at the direction of who that fucking scumbag governor whitner right so it was her telling the state police to keep the republican who the fuck does this broad think she is so they wouldn't let him in but but you don't have opening no but why not because whitmer told us you cannot come in the building was closed early in the day due to alleged credible threats of violence bright news previously reported i love it girl i'm gonna fucking smash his fucking face in i love it somebody has to get threatened here republicans had chosen a slate of electors to be seated today as well as, as well, I should say. Rendon said a move that would not happen if the election results are clear, which they weren't. Rendon is seen wearing a blue scarf
Starting point is 00:29:20 with white stars in the video. Can we show the video? Watch this. For the Capitol Commission, for the Governor's Office, for the Speaker of the House, for the Speaker of the Senate, the Capitol is closed unless you have an office here to conduct business today or if you are taking part in the electoral process.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Anybody else is not committed to coming to the Capitol? We're electors. Pause. Do you hear what he just said? The only way you can commit is you've taken part in the electoral process. They're like, yeah, where are the Republican electors? And he's going to say something.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Her orders only allow Democrats, something like that. Listen. The electors are already here. They've been checked in. Pause. Pause. The electors are already here. They've been checked in. In other words, the 16 Democrat electors are already here. They've been checked in. Pause. Pause. The electors are already here. They've been checked in. In other words, the 16 Democrat electors. Who the fuck does Whitmer think she is?
Starting point is 00:30:13 They should have kidnapped her and cut her fucking head off. I'm just joking if anybody sees this. Go ahead. Not all the electors are in sight. Capitol is closed. All 16 electors are inside all 16 electors are resendized by the governor's staff and we're going to be here to vote but the GOP electors
Starting point is 00:30:33 I'm sorry I understand the capitol is closed come forward oh it's Fauci's there the fuck's Fauci doing? He's no Republican elector. Do you believe that?
Starting point is 00:30:52 The state cop's just doing his job, which makes him like Goebbels. He's supposed to be for law and order. He should have said, you know what? You're right. Fuck my boss. Is she not one of the dirtiest fucking people on the planet uh whitmer
Starting point is 00:31:07 i do have the right state on it uh because the outcome of election is not clear due to all of the allegations of fraud she said that's what brendan said the republicans sent in uh their slate of electors as well but they never made it through the door because sergeant there with the michigan state police barred their entry. Republican electors cast their ballots at the Michigan Republican Party headquarters in Lansing. And they were met at the door and he's taking his walking orders from our favorite governor in the nation.
Starting point is 00:31:41 And for you, your eigenarbeit, do eigenfleisch, eigenentrusteit. All right, get up! Yeah! Do they ever get in? I don't know if they... I don't. This is
Starting point is 00:32:00 fucking... I want to sit down with somebody who believes that the election was on the up and up and that Biden won and just show them what I've just showed you. Because when you argue with your friends, you text, you're on the... Just go, okay, explain this way. Explain that way.
Starting point is 00:32:16 How do you explain that way? I want to thank one-time contributors. These people contributed over the weekend and yesterday. Mac Arone, or Arone, Missouri. Edward Fox, Connecticut. Gregory Norgianian, Massachusetts. David Uchert, Colorado.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Pam Donato, New York. Paul Murphy, Massachusetts. Jennifer Siblom. Sublom? Is that an I or a J? I can't tell. Nevada. Sorry. New monthly supporters at Patreon, Richard Pierce, Will Ehrman, Joseph Corey Guppy, Charles Waterman, and Brian Fasile as an easy. It's very Fasile to become a Patreon member. You're witnessing history, folks, right before your eyes.
Starting point is 00:33:22 As somebody once said, may you live in interesting times i think it was the jets defensive coordinator right before oakland burned him in the last how about that one did you hear about that one jay he sends an all-out blitz in the last play of the game and the fucking writers throw a bomb and then poor jets i'm proud to announce I had 11 right out of 15 or 16. That's pretty good. If I was in Vegas, I could have made a nice chunk. But no, I'm trying to beat people in the late 70s and my nieces. Anyhow, what else was the big story yesterday?
Starting point is 00:33:58 I always put cheating in the election ahead of anything, but this was a big one. cheating in the election ahead of anything, but this was a big one. Boy, Attorney General William Barr, seen here, praised the accomplishments of President Donald Trump and his Monday resignation letter, including the Trump administration's quick actions in providing a COVID-19 vaccine. Oh, I'm sure the mainstream media will see it that way and social media, won't they? You watch Biden take credit for all this shit. The distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine began in the U.S. on Monday. They're already handing the shit out. According to data from Johns Hopkins University, where I graduated with a 3.9. The U.S. has reported 16,420,309 positive cases of the coronavirus.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Out of that, negative six people really got sick. Anyways, Trump had expressed displeasure with some of Barr's actions and statements, Trump had expressed displeasure with some of Barr's actions and statements, which appeared to run in opposition to Trump's state policies. In his resignation letter, Barr said that Trump's actions on quickly creating a vaccine for COVID-19 were admirable. So he comes out now. You are correct, sir. With Operation Warp Speed, which is what my wife calls our sex. Huh? Hello? Lady?
Starting point is 00:35:34 Barr wrote, you've delivered a vaccine for coronavirus on a schedule no one thought conceivable. And you can go back. I didn't do it because I'm lazy. But you go back and watch CNN, all these people on the left, when Trump said, remember a year ago we could have it within? And they're like, that's impossible. Even doctors, that's crazy. Anyways, like he said, no one thought it was conceivable to do it this fast. A feat that will undoubtedly save millions of lives. Barr wrote that he was greatly honored to serve as Trump's attorney general, saying Trump's record is all the more
Starting point is 00:36:05 historic. And I agree with this 100% because he says you accomplished it in the face of relentless, implacable resistance. Are you including yourself in that? Mr. Barkas, you knew all about Hunter Biden's story and you kept the fucking shit the camera. Bars expected to be replaced by Deputy Bonnie Fife on the 5th of 19th by Deputy Attorney General Jeff Rosen. Oh, he's good. Newsweek reached out to
Starting point is 00:36:42 the U.S. Department of Justice for comment and asked about Rosen and they only had to say this. Get this through your head, you. Get this through your head, you Jew motherfucker, you. Oh, no. No, no, no. Trump has refused to consider the 2020 presidential election. The Democrat president elect Joe Biden
Starting point is 00:37:05 the other president basically this defeat was caused by widespread election fraud it was the Turk it's a lot to it's good with a knife and voting machines anyways
Starting point is 00:37:24 his defeat was caused by widespread election fraud. That's what trumps. Barr told the Associated Press in December that the DOJ investigators had not uncovered fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election. And if you believe that he believes that, your high is too high. I'm going to kill you, you lying cocksucker! Ooh, quite a struggle in the Oval Office as he left. Yeah, you said that, what, weeks ago? How about all the shit that's been dug up since?
Starting point is 00:38:00 Do you still feel that way? All right, but is anybody not on this global freight train? I can't trust a guy with glasses like that. After Barr's comments, Trump declined to tell reporters in December if he still had confidence in Barr as his attorney general. And you know what Trump said?
Starting point is 00:38:19 Ask me that in a number of weeks. That's what he said. Ask me in a number of weeks from now. He said they should be looking at all of this fraud. But they hate you, Mr. President. They hated you the day you came. You know why? And I'm going to go back to my original theory.
Starting point is 00:38:39 They hated you for a bunch of reasons. Number one, that you're an outsider, right? And you're going to fucking blow up the status quo inhington where they reap benefits on illegal deals for the last 40 years but you're also a blonde haired blue eye alpha male white christian you are the fucking devil embodied to them nobody will say that on tv the other big story that we touched on yesterday and i said i think it's a distraction but uh that breach remember at that company nick what are you talking about that company they had the computers breached by possible russian hackers um remember they they tapped
Starting point is 00:39:24 into the department of treasury and Commerce and a bunch of other shit, the military. People are saying they think it's Russian hackers and they entered the system through a company, SolarWinds or some shit. We touched on it yesterday. Here's some audio. I guess this guy's in the know. He's in touch with the FBI and the cops in Texas.
Starting point is 00:39:46 It happened in Texas, right? This is him on Hannity, updating Hannity on the breach of our Treasury Agency in Commerce by supposedly the Russians. Here's the audio. I do have a bit of breaking news for you, Sean. I'm located here in Texas, and I have a good friend who's a ranger who has passed to me that the FBI, the Texas Rangers, and the U.S. Marshals are all at the SolarWinds headquarters in Austin, Texas. And they are currently looking very seriously at the systems there. There's other information that will be coming out very shortly about the ceo and the executive vice president that will be stunning as well so you know what this information is i do i
Starting point is 00:40:30 have it in front of me and um it shocked me when i first saw it and i verified it as a matter of fact when it was given to me even though it was given to me by a ranger who i i consider the the top law enforcement agency in the nation are you you saying that this so-called hack is bigger than anybody imagined? Because that's what I'm hearing you say. It is worldwide, and it looks as if just by looking at the evidence that the folks who were at SolarWinds probably knew about it way earlier than they let the world know. On November the 9th, the executive vice president, a guy named David Gardner, sold 57,251 shares of his stock to cash in $1.2 million.
Starting point is 00:41:14 And then the CEO of the company on November 18th sold 533,871 shares. And then the next day sold 166,000. This is November 19th. 871 shares and then the next day sold 166,000 november 19 years 700,000 shares at a total average price of 2191 are you saying that they knew all this had happened and they were dumping their stock or are you suggesting that might have been a consideration i mean what else could it be i am told by uh by my law enforcement contact that the ceo kevin thompson has turned over his passport to federal officials bye bye
Starting point is 00:41:53 so they knew about this a long time ago i'm guessing what else could it be right they dumped their stock they're holy fuck, we were breached. Not only us. I still don't know. Again, my theory yesterday was, hey, look over here. Russia's doing this to us. Meanwhile, Biden and everybody else in China in bed over here. It's one of those. If you follow this shit long enough, you can detect when a big story comes right after another big story. And you compare what side they're taking. I'll leave that up to you.
Starting point is 00:42:39 But that's hardcore evidence when the fucking upper CEO and the vice president can be dumping their stocks back in November. So they tapped into everything. Again, somebody asleep at the switch this computer world man it's just uh it's funny we've dominated the world right since we become industrialized and and the united states dominated the planet and shit but when it comes to computers i give the edge to the chinese, the Indians, and the Russians. I mean, come on. We invented this shit. I'm just saying. They seem to, you know what I mean? They have all day. They're like the FBI when they're coming after the mob. They have a ton of money. They have all the time in the world. They put all their resources to it. How can you block? You ever read how many cyber attacks the government gets hit out of? Thousands a day.
Starting point is 00:43:26 And it's sort of like terrorism. They only have to be right once, so to speak. So I say we get rid of the computers. We go back to Etch-a-Sketches and shit. You know, Texas Instruments, the fucking calculator. What do you call the things that you used to do math? What was that? An abacus.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Yes. Jason, an abacus. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. We're being attacked from all. Domestically, we're being attacked by our own government since Department of Justice, FBI. So they can't be trusted. It really is creepy times.
Starting point is 00:44:07 And if these motherfuckers pull this thing off in Georgia and then they control the Senate too, holy moly, hide your guns. They'll refit your house so you can have solar panels and it only costs you 700. Taxes will be raised.
Starting point is 00:44:25 You'll have illegals living in nice buildings in the suburbs next to you, raping your daughters. It'll be great. Trust me. We need some light news. It's knocking the shit out of me today. Well, the aforementioned Monday Night Football game was a real do. Let me tell you about Cleveland. Legit.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Nine and four this year. For you people who don't follow the NFL, and I know I'm being, I shouldn't be because, but you know what? They really backed off that Black Lives Matter shit after the first week. But they have to do commercials that tell you you're a racist. And, you know, look at these guys and their communities giving out. It's always somebody who a year ago knocked out his girlfriend on camera at a hotel,
Starting point is 00:45:11 but now they, they rebuild their images and shit. It's such fucking nonsense, but I don't give a shit. I don't have any pleasures in life other than fucking. I love football and UFC. Okay. Um,
Starting point is 00:45:23 what am I not going to, what am I going to put on Saturday? Fucking the cooking channel? I don't know. But I understand you people who have given up on it. Good for you. I'm addicted. Somebody help me, man.
Starting point is 00:45:36 I got a fucking monkey on my back and he runs a 4-2-40. My favorite quarterback, other than Tom the Goat Brady, obviously Lamar Jackson. I watched this guy at Louisville when he was a quarterback and I couldn't take my eyes off him. How God damn fast quit all of it. And he can throw the ball too.
Starting point is 00:46:00 And he was the MVP of the league. When you're the MVP of the NFL, that's all you need to say. But this guy is the most, I would pay huge money to watch this guy play football. He's the slipperiest, unfreaking believable. He's so goddamn entertaining, and apparently last night the game went back and forth. The Browns were down by a couple touchdowns late. They came back, went ahead.
Starting point is 00:46:24 I mean, it was crazy. The lead changes like four or five times. Just unfreaking real. And Baker Mayfield was unbelievable last night. He's got a gun. And let me tell you, the hitting, this was a great game because
Starting point is 00:46:39 people like scoring. I don't need that much scoring in a game, but the hitting was fierce. There were collisions at the goal. You could hear the cracking all night. The Browns are a legitimate fucking threat, man. But this guy is Superman. The Ravens ended up winning 47-42
Starting point is 00:46:56 on Monday night. And despite much of the speculation, Lamar Jackson said he did not. This is how they phrase it. This is the New York Post. Take the Browns to the Super Bowl. In other words, run into the locker room and take like a 20-minute dump. Take the Browns to the Super Bowl.
Starting point is 00:47:13 That's gross. I know what you did. You're a damn traitor. During the fourth quarter, Jackson, 23, jogged to the locker room for what was described by the ESPN broadcast as cramps. Once again, me being familiar with football, being familiar with how people run when they have to take a dump. Because I'm like Louis C.K. said, when you're over 50, every dump's an emergency. I knew exactly. The woman on the sideline said cramps.
Starting point is 00:47:45 He wasn't grabbing his calves or was like, he was running like a duck. I knew what it was, but he must have unloaded. He was in there for the whole quarter. Of course, of course, he's fucking denying it. Liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, you know it. But Jackson's sudden departure, I'm sitting there watching the game, right? Again, it's the pool, liar, whore, liar, whore, and you know it. But Jackson's sudden departure, I'm sitting there watching the game, right?
Starting point is 00:48:08 Again, it's the pool. It's no big deal, but I got a little invested interest in it. And then all of a sudden, McSorley's the quarterback. I go, what the fuck? So anyways, while he's gone, the Browns go ahead, right?
Starting point is 00:48:21 This is late in the game. He comes back with what, two minutes left or something? Anyways, his departure, or something? Anyways, his departure, captured by the broadcast, led fans on social media to speculate that he needed to go for two. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:48:33 Who's fucking writing this? Show the video, though. We can analyze this like the Sapruta film. Look, this is I have to take a dump, clinging his ass cheeks together. Look how quick he went by that. That was the best move of the night. Look, this is I have to take a dump, clinging his ass cheeks together. Look how quick he went by that. That was the best move of the night. Look, he's holding his ass cheeks together right there.
Starting point is 00:48:51 Whoops. Dave Attell's coming out of the locker room. Watch him make the move. What's he got there, Jace? Okay, go ahead. He was in a hurry to get in there. He's looking back at the guy. You got any toilet paper?
Starting point is 00:49:13 But can't you tell? They picked that up on microphone. That guy ran out. Anyways, this guy is superman jackson returned a series later to and he was in there for a long time to throw a touchdown on fourth down to marquise brown oh another mention of bro that gave the ravens a 42 to 35 lead with 151 to go in the game. That was his first playback from the bathroom before eventually leading Baltimore on a game winning drive in the final minute.
Starting point is 00:49:53 And like I said, the kicker comes in, it's like 55 yards, right? Guy wasn't, he didn't like, he did it in his sleep. But this is what he said when he was accused of having to do number two.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Lamar said, I didn't pull a Paul Pierce, Jackson said, in reference to the former Boston Celtics star who was carried off the court in a wheelchair for an apparent bathroom break during the 2008. Is that right? I remember him going off in a wheelchair. I never knew that was the story. How heavy was that dump? off in a wheelchair. I never knew that was the stuff. How heavy was that dump?
Starting point is 00:50:26 He needed a wheelchair. I've needed a wheelchair after I've unloaded. Fucking paralyzed from the legs down. Instead, Jackson said, listen to this, he had to run to the locker room to get treatment for cramps because of the cold and required intravenous fluids. I'm sorry, I'm not buying it. I'm just not.
Starting point is 00:50:48 I would have told the truth and go, yeah, I'm a human being, man. You know what I mean? The night before we went to Red Lobster like black people will do on a Sunday night. But before the Jackson's explanation, fans on Twitter ran wild with the speculation. Even his teammate and regular backup, Robert Griffin III, added fuel to the fire. Did we have that tweet he put up? Yeah, we do, don't we? Didn't I give it to you?
Starting point is 00:51:16 After Cleveland tied the game later, Jackson led the Ravens back down the field, setting up to Justin Tucker for the go-ahead field goal with two seconds left. A kickoff, a series of laterals, and a safety. That was the other thing. At the end of the game, they were trying to lateral it. You know, if you guys follow football and you're down by a couple points and you got two seconds left to keep lateral, it ended up in their own end zone, and the guy ended up flipping it out of his own,
Starting point is 00:51:42 which was a two-point safety. Now, the line, i don't know that could have cost somebody money because it's somewhere around there um anyways the ravens moved to eight and five this is what robert griffin put up so he only got 148 000 likes that's lamar after pooping. I like how he uses you know that was kind of clever. Anyways they're now a game behind the Browns
Starting point is 00:52:13 at 9-4. And let me tell you something. The Browns are legit. I'm pulling for them so bad to win a Super Bowl. They were so good for football in the 50s and 60s and shit. You know what I mean? Cleveland's a good time.
Starting point is 00:52:28 But, you know, I'm from Boston. We got 19 rings. Brady looks like Liberace. Speaking of black coaches, Farrakhan's in the news. He had some nice things to say. That's his prominent face, isn't it? Hates Jews. Hates Jews. Farrakhan, the anti-vaxxer.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Hates Jews. Hates Jews. Advised his following against coronavirus vaccination in a speech Saturday, calling the breakthrough vaccine toxic waste that would harm the black community. Farrakhan 87. He really is the devil. He's the black version of Dick Clark. version of Dick Clark, the late Farrakhan 87 also sprinkled several anti-white pejoratives throughout his 70-minute speech, referring to white people as crackers and devils. Yeah, you see all those crackers and devils looting, fucking shooting each other on the
Starting point is 00:53:39 weekends in Chicago, all those crackers and devils. We are so frightened over this COVID now. This is him, Farrakhan. Now they're getting us ready for the vaccine. Farrakhan said at a virtual event for the National African, that's with a K slash Black Leadership Summit. I couldn't go this year. I had a gig.
Starting point is 00:54:02 How could, he says, how could you allow him, him, meaning a fucking white devil, to stick a needle into you saying he's helping you? That's what he's saying. There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind. Farrakhan's diatribe came a day before Pfizer began shipping millions of doses of its corona vaccine to health facilities across the country.
Starting point is 00:54:25 The first shots were administered to health care workers on Monday. Health experts have expressed concerns that members of minority groups who have tended to be at higher risk of serious illness from coronavirus. Now, in Farrakhan's mind, they're going, that's a myth, too. They're telling you guys the most, which we know, follow the science. Oh, you're not into science. We'll avoid taking the vaccine due to distrust of the medical profession and the government. Surgeon General Jerome Adams, nice, clean, articulate black fella, on Monday called for a program aimed at alleviating fears in minority communities about vaccines.
Starting point is 00:55:07 Okay, why don't you have LeBron James give the shots out? Will that do it? Or give him a free pair of $300 Nike Air Jordans when they fucking get a shot. I'm just saying, come on now. But anyways, he said, we know the lack of trust, this is the Surgeon General, is a major cause for reluctance especially in communities of color adams who is black i'm blacker than he is really said at a press conference on monday anyways and that lack of trust he says is not without good reason and we keep bringing this
Starting point is 00:55:39 up the tuskegee studies occurred in our lifetimes can Can we leave that alone now? Will you shut up? Will you? Will you please shut up? That's when our government and we'll never be forgiven for the injected I guess black soldiers with like gonorrhea and shit and let it play out to see what would happen
Starting point is 00:56:00 and I understand that would make you paranoid two years after it happened. Have we not gone? Really? Come on now. The Food and Drug Administration granted emergency authorization on Friday to distribute the Pfizer vaccine. Clinical trials found that the vaccine prevented illness from coronavirus in more than 95% of test patients, except for the black and brown ones. They died at a rate of 78%.
Starting point is 00:56:32 That's a joke. Pfizer also said that there were no serious side effects in patients during the trials. Farrakhan dismissed the research finding, urged his followers who work in healthcare, now I'm doing Sharpton, to reject the vaccine. And this is what he said. Those of you who are health professionals, they want you to take it first, he said. Get a pig up a hill. You notice they're offering you money now? This devil, this is what he says, this is a quote,
Starting point is 00:57:06 offers you $1,000 to $1,500 to take a shot. They give you free shots of toxic waste. Farrakhan appeared to be referring to a proposal from former Democrat presidential candidate John Delaney to pay people $1,500 a pop to get vaccinated. What the fuck? What is going on? Farrakhan referred to white people as devils early in his remarks.
Starting point is 00:57:36 And they asked Trump to comment. And he said this. And I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever. Hercules, Hercules. In his speech, Farrakhan marked proposals to require children to receive vaccines in order to return to school. He said, what a blessing. Tell the cracker, this is a quote, tell the cracker I ain't coming to your school, he added, using a common anti-white pejorative. Well, thanks for fucking explaining that to me.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Hillary thought it was funny. Hates Jews. Hates Jews. Anyways, that is it for today, ladies and gentlemen. Again, thank you, people who contributed over the weekend and yesterday To, you know, we need the contributions Thank you guys for supporting the show Don't forget if you want me to make a little video
Starting point is 00:58:37 Sending it to a relative or friend of yours It's a good Christmas gift, roasting them Or saying Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah And Kwanzaa friend of yours uh it's a good christmas gift roasting them or saying uh merry christmas happy hanukkah and uh kwanzaa uh you know go to and click on my profile and i'll send a nice little video made on my phone that is it thank you guys so much you think and i will say you're very welcome we'll see you back here the same time tomorrow bye Bye-bye. guitar solo I'm out.

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