The Nick DiPaolo Show - Fulton DA Full of Crap | Nick DiPaolo Show #366

Episode Date: June 18, 2020

Exercise "nooses" in Oakland. Mexican fired for OK sign. Trump gives Kaepernick a second chance. Thank you Mel K. from Wales for your "Ask Nick!" question and for your continued support on Patreon! FR...EE! MONDAY - THURSDAY 5PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, Nick DiPaolo. I'm sure you're like me. You have to be scared of the censorship that's going on for people who think like we do. And by that I mean who are for the truth and not a politically correct left-wing jerk-off. There's very few places you can go. This is one of them, the Nick DiPaolo Podcast. If you want to do that, go to You can sign up there. You can go to, become a monthly member, and then you get access to over 300 shows I've already done. You get to ask me a question.
Starting point is 00:00:28 All kinds of benefits there. And remember, subscribe on YouTube and make sure you stay subscribed because they're actually unsubscribing people. Anyways, that's proof that you need a show like this. I thank you for your time. So now I want you to enjoy the show so enjoy Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Where are we? What are we doing? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Where are we? What are we doing? I want to be president. I shut my pants. Fucking. You feel you're being played, folks? Whether it's the election coming up, whether it's all this.
Starting point is 00:01:44 The gates have opened as far as black lives matter and white people, because some psycho cop killed a black guy. We're all fucking racist. The nation is racist. When it's just the opposite. And I got footage to prove it. My fucking, what is going on?
Starting point is 00:02:01 Even Trump, you son of a bitch. You want Kaepernick to get another shot? Fuck him. He had socks with cops portrayed as pigs. You forget that, mister? What are you doing? It's we're being played. This is a script.
Starting point is 00:02:17 What the fuck is going on? You can't get away from it. You watch TV. You go to a website. This company supports Black Lives Matter. Really? Really? Do you feel like this is the most surreal thing ever? That big lie that they've been pounding the liberal media for the last 40 years has finally caught fire. and fucking it only could happen with white liberal people helping out on i i it's just you're saturated with it you can't i can't read the fucking the crawl across the bottom every story involves black lives matter and shit and uh systemic racism and you know what it's a myth The only truth to all this shit
Starting point is 00:03:05 is there's a few bad cops out there. That's about it. That's about all the truth is. Fucking systemic racism. Fucking prove it. That's why millions of black and brown people are trying to get into this country. Because it's so racist.
Starting point is 00:03:20 It's the least racist country on the face of the fucking earth if you do your homework. But I'll tell you what the experiment's not working because one segment of the population who suffered some hardship 300 doesn't want it to work okay black people don't want right and i'm not again once again not all black people obviously they don't want reconciliation they want fucking retribution they They won't be happy until white people are picking cotton and getting whipped. That's the fucking bar for them. Nick, you're going to be kidding me. No, I'm not. God fucking damn. In observance of Juneteenth,
Starting point is 00:04:01 Juneteenth, the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States. All Chase branches, that's my bank, will be closed at 1 p.m. local time on Friday, June 19th. Somebody got bullwhipped fucking 300 years ago, so now I can't make a deposit. I mean, what? What are we going to celebrate next? Somebody got bull whipped fucking 300 years ago, so now I can't make a deposit. I mean, what? What are we going to celebrate next? Ray Lewis, the day he got cleared of murder in Atlanta? Celebrate fucking Allen Iverson's birthday, his first arrest?
Starting point is 00:04:41 You got to be dog style. I mean, you got to be fucking kidding me. Don't you feel like you're living in a I really believe it's almost scripted. It's fucking creepy. Finding nooses, two black people hanging from trees and they committed fucking suicide. And yet their families want another investigation. So white people capitulate. You have to be fucking kidding me. Wait till I show you the mayor of Oakland
Starting point is 00:05:10 and her comments. Oh my God. And fucking how does a white broad, how does a Karen, how does a Karen run Oakland? That'd be like having a crip or a blood run in Salt Lake City. The fuck is going on here? I'm black, y'all.
Starting point is 00:05:32 And I'm black, y'all. And I'm blacker than black. And I'm black, y'all. I'm black, y'all. I'm black, y'all. Patrice would go, Nick, why are you defending white people you ain't fucking white I go yeah I'll show you my tax returns you tell me if I'm white or not fucking uh it is fucking
Starting point is 00:05:59 anyways the ex-Atlanta cop who shot and killed Rayshard Brooks. Oh, and by the way, if I hear one more time how his daughter's birthday was the next day, what a great father he was. Meanwhile, on his rap sheet, cruelty to children. Suck a dick and die, media. You lying fucks. and fucks. Anyways, that cop's going to be charged with felony murder and could face the death
Starting point is 00:06:28 penalty prosecutors announced on Wednesday, which he's not going to because he got overcharged. My cop buddy's been staying with me for two weeks. He knows this shit inside and out. There's another guy on TV, Ted Williams, his name is. Black cop, a retired
Starting point is 00:06:44 cop, saying the same thing it's totally bullshit Garrett Rolfe 27 who was fired Saturday after shooting Brooks twice in the back during a scuffle outside of Wendy's restaurant will face 11 charges in all one of them is for a stray bullet going into a some couple's car from like Tennessee they're trying to yeah because he intended to do that. And I'm sure he intended to kill this guy. Um, anyways, aggravated assault, uh, Fulton County district attorney, Paul Howard said at a press conference, Paul Howard, by the way, is, um, he's got a woman coming out for sexual harassment. He's in trouble for extorting money from a nonprofit
Starting point is 00:07:26 and he's up for a reelection. So you don't think he's going to fucking acquiesce and bow to the mob and throw the book at this fucking guy? Meanwhile, a second officer at the scene, Devin Bronson, 26, is cooperating with prosecutors in the investigation. Bronson, nonetheless, will face three charges, including aggravated assault in two violations uh we have decided to issue warrants in this case howard
Starting point is 00:07:50 said as he opened the press conference uh here he is talking what it confirms that at no time oh yeah this is mr brooks sorry this guy is uh i think he's the eternity for the tennessee people actually right yeah but go ahead he's just as ignorant ever a threat to anyone pause start it over because i just fucked it up listen confirms that at no time was mr bro Brooks ever a threat to anyone, including the officers in that Wendy's parking lot. Pause, pause. What did you just fucking say? Guy should be disbarred for fucking lying. He wasn't a threat. He was, he fucking not, he was, he punched a cop in the face and stole his taser. Now this guy's either ignorant or willfully ignorant, as are all the lawyers out there that are representing this guy.
Starting point is 00:08:48 There's something wrong with the black man's mind! There's something wrong with his mind! Wasn't a threat? What the fuck are you talking about? Go ahead. My client's statements confirm that Mr. Brooks was running, his back was turned. Was turnt. confirmed that Mr. Brooks was running, his back was turned. Was turned? Was never a threat to anybody. The only threat that arose is when officer pulled out a gun.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Pause. Look how he... Pause. Look how he glosses over why the cop pulled out his gun. Doesn't even mention the struggle when they try to cuff him, which was the fucking catalyst for all of this? Doesn't even mention the struggle when they try to cuff him, which was the fucking catalyst for all of this.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Doesn't even mention it. What the fuck is going on? Go ahead. Oh, well, let me just say this. But it's all lies. He's lying. Now, here comes moron number two and i'm not even showing you the best one there's a guy justin miller i think he was this guy's partner uh another black lawyer who spoke for like three minutes and i could have punched 11 holes in his fucking arguments, but I couldn't find, for some reason, I couldn't find that clip.
Starting point is 00:10:07 But go ahead, let this guy speak. Definitely, law enforcement always needs to be able to defend themselves and we don't know why the confrontation began. Pause. You hear what he just said? Of course cops have to defend them, but we don't know why the confrontation began.
Starting point is 00:10:24 As they're showing it it these are fucking lawyers we don't know why it began let me tell you why stupid because the guy is fucking resisted arrest like eric garner like george floyd and every other black guy who's got shot resisting arrest and then it turns and we have no are you fucking it's like living in a bad dream here this car this cop might even get off according to other cops but you know what that'll mean right more riots more burning buildings and so the mob right now is controlling what's going on in this country, which is creepy. And cops are quitting across the country.
Starting point is 00:11:10 It's fucking weird. Anyways, Fox News contributor, former Washington, D.C. homicide detective Ted Williams strongly condemned the Fulton Colony, Georgia, district attorney's decision to charge the officers who shot and killed Rashad Brooks with 11 counts of murder, slamming the move as a rush to judgment and wholly unfair, which it is. These things usually take a few days before they charge the cops.
Starting point is 00:11:35 But again, it's mob rule. Speaking with your world host, Neil Cavuto, just moments after the conclusion of District Attorney Paul Howard's Wednesday press conference announcing the charges against Atlanta police officer Garrett Wolfe. Williams unleashed a heated critique of the decision. Here it is. I can tell you I have represented two people against police officers who have used tasers and those two people that I represented died. They died as the result of being tased. A taser is a weapon. A taser can be a dangerous weapon. And when you look at the fact in what troubles me about the overcharging is that they had to, they had a felony murder charge so they had to have an underlying charge and that underlying charge was a aggravated assault and one of the charges is just not
Starting point is 00:12:33 gonna stick whatsoever and that is that when ralph pulled the trigger of that gun that a bullet went in the direction of someone that was a bystander and they charged that and and that uh you would have to show that officer roth intended to shoot the bystander so what i'm upset about here is i want to see just don't we didn't i send you a clip with him talking his face him talking? His face? You sure? Want to bet? Okay, go ahead. I haven't won a bet yet. Go ahead. This guy's black, by the way. What we are watching here today, and your viewers need to know it, we are not watching justice take place here. I don't give a damn about this white-black situation. These are human beings. I can tell you, this case is going to have a far reaching adverse effect on the morale of officers in that police department it's ted williams uh
Starting point is 00:13:36 former homicide uh detective in dc cop and uh a black fella who seems to get it because, you know, he's not fucking snapping and just going out to a black white thing. He says they have not even issued their final report in regards to this. This is a rush to judgment. This is to satisfy satisfy the crowd. Prosecution should never be based on satisfying a crowd which is a mob and and that is uh what we have here it's this is wholly unfair take it from a guy who knows the law he's a fucking attorney too you know but what's going to happen when they when this guy when it goes to trial or whatever you know they're not going to let fucking Atlanta burn again. Worst time in the world
Starting point is 00:14:25 to be a white cop and be involved in something like this. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Ted Williams. Okay. Here's another sign of the times. It's fucking,
Starting point is 00:14:42 I can't even believe this one. Oakland's mayor said five ropes found hanging from trees in a city park are nooses and racially charged symbols of terror but a resident said they're merely exercise equipment that he put up there a month ago and and the guy that says it we'll have it we'll show you the clip is a black guy and this broad this karen as we call it how the fuck she become mayor of oakland this lily white broad how the fuck did that happen unbelievable some serious virtue signaling that's how mayor libby schaff do i have a karen button here did i when we tested the sound was there a karen in there no got some new sound drops we're excited about mayor libby schaff said
Starting point is 00:15:34 wednesday that a hate crime investigation was underway after a social media post identified a news that it cities popular lake mary that's the fucking lake i used to jog around i was in oakland for six weeks. I was in a San Francisco comedy competition. My buddy lived in Oakland. And it was beautiful. I didn't get shot once. Stabbed twice, but I'll tell you. They don't like crackers up in that motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:15:58 Lake Merritt. I ran around it every fucking day. It was great when I was young and trying to get some pussy. Police said they searched the area on Tuesday, found five ropes attached to trees. The police department provided five photographs of trees, some of which showed naughty ropes. Naughty,
Starting point is 00:16:18 naughty. And one that appeared to have a piece of plastic pipe attached to it. So you know it was about hanging people, right? Hanging from trees. But here's the video of the fucking idiot mayor these are symbols of torture and racial violence oakland mayor libby schaff is so alarmed by the video she saw of a rope that looked like a noose in a tree at lake merit she's calling for a hate crime investigation and i recognize that there is some information. These might have been parts of exercise equipment.
Starting point is 00:16:50 The intention does not invalidate the effect. Pause. Fucking pause. The intention does not validate the effect. In other words, the truth doesn't matter anymore to this dumb twat. The intention doesn't matter anymore to this dumb twat. The intention doesn't matter. In other words, the fucking truth doesn't matter. Did you just hear that?
Starting point is 00:17:14 Even after the guy who put them up said, no, they're climbing things. No, that's tough shit. We're going to call them hate fucking. What the fuck is going on? Go ahead. Freeman is the woman who shot video of the rope and posted it and her concerns on social media. What's the world coming to?
Starting point is 00:17:34 Cut me off, guard. But this man, Victor Sangbae, told us the rope is part of a rigging used by him and his friends as part of a larger swing system. I don't know, it looks like a Klansman. He even shared this video of it in action with ABC7 News. Out of the dozens and hundreds and thousands of people that have walked by, no one, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:52 has thought that it looked any way close to a noose. Right? Folks have used it for exercise. Folks have, you know, it was really a fun addition to the park that we tried to create. But that's not enough for the white fucking mayor. Because she's been so brainwashed. She's at that age. She's probably born in the 70s.
Starting point is 00:18:13 So fucking convinced this is the most racist country. Even after a black, blacker than black guy, almost purple, told her, no, we put those up there for climbing and shit. But no, Karen says, no, you didn't. Even if you did, it doesn't matter. Think about that for a second. Are you fucking dog styling me? You have to be fucking good. Well, this is small piece of rope still up in a tree is all part of the same system.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Still, for many people, the image of anything that looks like a no is all part of the same system still for many people the image of anything that looks like a noose stirs up intense emotion even even if it was just say if it was supposed to be exercise rope it is making us all unsafe it's making us can i can i just repeat that even she didn't say it's making us all feel unsafe it's making us all unsafe the ignorance i'm sorry one side is so ignorant it's never going to get fixed in this country let's fucking give up on it and and i'm including the white mayor there fucking as dumb as the day is fucking long no they're ignorant. That's ignorant.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Goddamn right it is. Oh, the intent doesn't matter. My buddy the cop said, it's like if your brakes are failing, you know, and let's say you go to the shop and there's too many, you know, they can't take you that day, and then you run through a,
Starting point is 00:19:44 your brakes give way when you're going through an intersection, you hit and kill somebody. According to mayor of Oakland, you'd go right to jail for murder. It doesn't matter that, you know, what the intent was. Okay. Oh, our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Oh, our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Anyways.
Starting point is 00:20:10 There's a little more to the story. Police said several community members came forward during the initial investigation to say the ropes were used for exercise. And a man came forward to say, put them up. The department said it's conducting a full investigation, even though you have right on tape what they're used for. Yeah, you spend your time doing that. We remind and ask our community to be mindful when using this equipment in a recreational manner.
Starting point is 00:20:38 These acts may send an unintended message. So don't put a rope swing up, white people, or anybody who's not, don't put a rope swing up or anything in your tree, a tire with a rope on it, because it's going to scare the shit out of your black neighbors. These acts may send an unintended message, the police said. We recognize, especially at this time, that any ropes are attached to trees, limbs or other objects can be associated with hate crimes and racial violence. We're throwing law right out the fucking door. Stop! Thank you.
Starting point is 00:21:09 I'm gonna go home and watch the Three's Company Marathon just to feel all white and good inside again. The stupidity continues. I'm not even close to getting to the tip. A Ramona, that's California, man, says he was fired at his job at SDG&E after a stranger posted a picture of him on Twitter and accused him of making a white power sign. White power, one, two, three, four. We're all to blame. I disagree.
Starting point is 00:22:06 So look, this is the guy that was accused of the white power sign. You know this, when you do this. You know, everywhere else it means okay. Whereas, what was the game? You explained it to me three times now. If you look at it below your waist. If you do this below. If I look at you doing that below your waist and I look at it, you get to punch me.
Starting point is 00:22:23 That sounds very Klansman-like. I don't know. I had never heard of that fucking game. Eventually, white people won't believe you say half the fucking words in the English language. You got to keep your fingers to yourself. Don't use ropes. Don't touch a banana or a
Starting point is 00:22:38 watermelon. No fried chicken. Don't say the word Afro. So this is the guy. He's not even doing it right, by the way. Like Raz noticed his baby pinkies out, right? Well, it's supposed to be like that, right? But he's doing it. It looks like he's doing it like this.
Starting point is 00:22:56 The fact that we're even talking about this, you should be shitting blood. It all started two weeks ago near Black Lives Matter rally in Powe when emmanuel cafferty a san diego gas and electric employee encountered a stranger on the road the stranger followed cafferty of course that's normal took a picture of him his arm hung out the window of his company truck the picture made the rounds on twitter naturally accompanied by the claim cathy was making a white power hand gesture made popular by white
Starting point is 00:23:25 supremacist groups according to the anti-defamation for christ's sake i guess trump signaling the white klansman every time he does this no he's not this guy's mexican by the way according to the anti-defamation league the anti-, right, they defend it's usually a lot of when does hate crimes against Jews and shit. They anybody, I guess, but they did. They really I mean, they really they rarely defend anybody. According to the ADL, the gesture made by forming a circle with the thumb and index finger and extending and separating the other three fingers has been used in recent years by white supremacists to form the letters W and P, but has also long been used as a sign signifying okay or approval. Well, thank you for explaining that, ADL. Therefore, they say, and believe me, they're after everybody. They're always crying racism and hate. Therefore, it shouldn't be assumed to be a white supremacy symbol
Starting point is 00:24:25 unless there is other evidence to support those claims. But you don't need other evidence today in this climate we're in where Whitey is guilty of everything. Fucking guy said he was cracking his knuckles. Soon after the encounter, a supervisor of Cafferty's told him
Starting point is 00:24:42 he was suspended and that further action may be taken. I'd like to know the race of the guy that suspended him. Taken after an investigation a few days later. Cafferty maintains he was unaware of the hand gesture until the whole controversy started. I don't know nothing about that. When my supervisor said that I was being accused of doing a white supremacist gesture, that was baffling. He said on Monday, Cafferty is Mexican-American. said that I was being accused of doing a white supremacist gesture. That was baffling.
Starting point is 00:25:11 He said on Monday, Cafferty is Mexican-American, says he comes from a diverse family of all races. He says he's proud of SDG and E for taking any allegations of racism seriously, but he wants his fucking job back. I added fucking for emphasis. I mean, Mexicans work, man. They work. As George Lopez says, that's what we do. We work. And he's right. I'm a big fan of the Mexicans, by the way.
Starting point is 00:25:33 I've said this many times on the show because they're just like the Italians were 100 years ago coming over here. That's my opinion. I'm sticking to it. I'm sticking to it. SDG&E said in a statement, we hold all SDG&E employees to a high standard and expect them to live up to our values every day. We conducted a good faith and thorough investigation that included gathering relevant information
Starting point is 00:25:57 in multiple interviews and took, they're making us sound like it was a Kennedy assassination, and took appropriate action, they said. You're a crumb creep. NBC7 spoke to the man who originally posted the picture on Twitter. Listen to this. This is the guy who posted it on Twitter, accusing the guy of doing this. He says he deleted his account since then and said he may have gotten
Starting point is 00:26:25 spun up, whatever the fuck that means, about the interaction and misinterpreted it. He says he never intended for Cafferty to lose his job, he said. You're a real crumbum. Oh, you didn't intend? Well, according to the Oakland
Starting point is 00:26:42 you know, intention doesn't matter, according to the Oakland mayor you know, intention doesn't matter according to the Oakland mayor. Anybody else feel like they're living in a fucking bad dream? I can't believe. It feels orchestrated to me. I'm not a conspiracy guy either. But the events, and it's too fucking weird. And that everybody's taking a knee and shit.
Starting point is 00:27:04 I cannot wait for the NFL to start and see those empty fucking stadiums. I can't. And you know what? It'll fucking help Trump. Although he's, you know, siding with Kaepernick now. Guy who hates cops. Who's also as ignorant as the day is long and way past his prime as a player. Stay with Nike, you fucking sell out speaking of
Starting point is 00:27:26 sponsors the is a major sponsor of the show and as you know and they just lowered the prices on most of their shirts and the nick de palo collection it sounds like i'm kathy lee crosby or whoever i was fucking a reference from 1968. The Nick DiPaolo collection. You know, I got a fucking clothing line. Like fucking Kanye West and Jay-Z. I'm out there, brothers. It's called Cracker Shirts. They lower the prices to under $20.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Here's a few, including this one that I helped come up with. What's that? That's Wuhan. Welcome to beautiful Mar-a-Lagolago okay i didn't help with that one i helped with that one flat and pelosi's curve she never looked better maga uh any more that's about it uh so yeah not only are these shirts under 20 bucks today, if you use the promo code Nick, you get another 10% off. Anyways, lots of great stuff on
Starting point is 00:28:32 Go there, check out all the gear. Don't forget to use the promo code Nick. And we thank them for sponsoring the show. Let's take a look at these young black males that are so afraid of the police and such victims of racism every day of their life. Let's take a look at them in their natural habitat. Klein, Texas, investigators are searching for a group of suspects. I'll say it. Black suspects caught on video hitting and kicking.
Starting point is 00:28:59 They even use words that are more gentle when it's black guys. Hitting and kicking like it was a fight between two girls. How about beating and fucking stomping on a white kid and kicking a man after he left the convenience store in Klein? It happened on Sunday around 7 p.m. at the Food Mart store located at 7134 Oakwood Glen Boulevard. Just the fucking address tells me it's a bad place. Let's take a look at these poor victims of white racism, these black kids are just i look over and i'm like there's a line for a reason words were exchanged that's a white kid explaining he was the victim he was in line that's him and and it doesn't show it on here because some black dude tried to cut and the kid said hey there's a line for a reason so you know let's show what happens next he said
Starting point is 00:29:45 the group mocked his hair and clothes he paid and left when they approached he just took the beating six kicks to the head from five people in all that's what they do best predators after purchasing his good there you go nice savage face that said black lives matter the victim says they didn't even leave quickly it seemed like they were proud of it the harris county sheriff's office is asking the public to call crime stoppers with tips about who they are so they can be held accountable say oh well it's white against black i don't want that to be the statement. Pause. Why not? Fucking girl speaking for him.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Don't stand there with your hands down, by the way. You're allowed to at least put your hands up. I understand you know you're outnumbered by these predators because this is what they fucking do. And that's not an isolated incident, okay? There's a thousand of them on line. See, now if the mainstream media showed some of that shit once in a while,
Starting point is 00:30:50 picture that being a white, five white kids on a black kid. You think you'd see it? You think it'll be the headlines? Absolutely. We'll be talking about it for 10 years. But if the mainstream media showed that, because it happens a lot,
Starting point is 00:31:04 it would give some balance, right? To, oh, maybe, you know, maybe it's not just white people, but no, that doesn't fit their narrative of this country's the most racist place against black people, and it's just fucking crazy. Trying to cut on the line on the white,
Starting point is 00:31:24 but, you know, I really hope they're caught before someone else gets hurt, his girlfriend said. Anyways, she says, I want it to be, here's a man who was checking out and stood up for himself, and he was targeted for that. He didn't stand up for himself. Well, he did. He said, hey, there's a line.
Starting point is 00:31:39 And that's the reaction. But again, you know, it's poor young black men who are just open season for them, whether it's white people, cops, the Klan. You don't believe me. Here's some more. A young Australian teen was brutally beaten and hospitalized at a train station in Melbourne. CBD by eight Black Lives Matter activists. A young defenseless Australian teen girl was approached by a group of young violent adults, it says, black adults, claiming to be Black Lives Matter activists and brutally beaten in Melbourne.
Starting point is 00:32:12 The whole ordeal was filmed, shared on Facebook, shared on a Facebook group that glorified violence against white people. Watch this poor little girl minding her own fucking... ... ...
Starting point is 00:32:24 ...... Watch this poor little girl minding her own fucking business. Who's an animal? Your mother's an animal, you son of a bitch. Oh. Okay. What did she do? Oh, she's white talk about a hate crime don't know if they have it in Australia
Starting point is 00:33:09 predators packs of feral rats Meek or Mick the young victim was sitting waiting for a train home when she was approached by several Sudanese people two of which she claims to know.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Okay. Approached by eight African Australians who were there reportedly participating in the Black Lives Matter protest. Two of the activists began to punch the girl in the jaw and back of the head while the other person filming taunted her. After the video cuts, Meek was thrown to the ground. We didn't even see that. Stomped by several people before they retreated. An ambulance was called, and she was taken straight to a hospital. If that's a fact, tell me, am I lying?
Starting point is 00:34:02 The brutal attack left the young Australian teen girl several broken ribs and a fractured cheekbone. A friend described her entire body being black and blue after the assault. But, you know, all cultures are equal, folks. Don't forget the left has been telling this for the last 80 years. All cultures are equal and we're all alike it's just no difference the brutal attack left the uh angie king shared the shocking video she's a friend of the mother of the girl she had the shocking video of the brutal attack on the young australian teen uh and an image of the aftermath on, but it was removed for violating their community guidelines.
Starting point is 00:34:46 You can't handle the truth. It was removed. Yet YouTube still has all the clips up of the guy in Atlanta getting shot. And it's the only one that's fucking whites doing it. It doesn't, it doesn't, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:02 cross their guidelines. Fucking, they want to race war. I don't know who the fuck it is and why. Eventually white people are going to start pushing back and, you know, and then they'll go, look, we were right the whole time. White people are racist. That's a no-win situation.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Angie King, yeah, they removed it, violating the community guidelines. Despite mainstream media reports, there is in fact a rise in gang-related violence in Melbourne, Australia, especially during the Black Lives Matter protests. ABC reporter, listen to this dumb bitch. Amelia Terzon caught intense footage of the aftermath of a 16-year-old boy being stabbed to death by an African gang in Melbourne during the Black Lives Matter protest. Despite Melbourne locals and witnesses saying the attack was done by African gangs, Amelia Terzon, who works for ABC, made a statement moments later saying, and I quote, I don't think it's helpful to speculate here on my threat about race, gang warfare, fear or motives. You fucking believe that?
Starting point is 00:36:14 Don't give me that smart out of your shit. But I don't know. You think if the 16 year old kid was stabbed to death and he was black and the suspects were white. Would you have time to pontificate on your fucking website about it? The rise of gang-related violence and crime is highly ignored by the mainstream media, yet it's a real problem that Melbourne locals have to deal with. So everywhere, all over the world, the mainstream media is just cowardly white people, ball-less liberals. It is a mental illness.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Donald Trump disappointing the shit out of me. He's been kind of quiet, hasn't he? Lately. That's why I feel like whoever's running the planet sat him down and go look this is what you gotta do it's fucking weird man president trump who famously said nfl owners should fire any son of a bitch who knelt during the national anthem now is sucking the cock of colin kaepernick i added emphasis there now says kaepernick should get another shot in the league. I can't believe it. I'm fucking hypocrite. He'd support the black activist quarterback bid for a job despite his kneeling
Starting point is 00:37:32 in protest to police brutality. We have a clip of Trump talking about this, right? When it comes to sports and kneeling, do you think Colin Kaepernick should get another shot in the NFL? If he deserves it, he should. If he has the playing ability. He started off great, and then he didn't end up very great in terms of as a player. He was terrific in his rookie year. I think he was very good in his second year, and then something happened. So his playing wasn't up to snuff. The answer is absolutely I would. As far as kneeling, I would love to see him get another shot, but obviously he has to be able to play. As far far as kneeling i would love to see him get another shot but obviously i should be able to play as far as kneeling i would like to see him get another shot
Starting point is 00:38:10 what does that mean you want to see him get another shot at kneeling that didn't make any sense good well if he can't play well i think it would be very unfair what the hell's going on out here i don't get what that means as far as nailing give him another shot see if he can do it the trump stance softening on cap and it comes after nfl commissioner roger um fucking solace goodell also said recently he encouraged any team to sign the former 49er who has been training since he was effectively banished from the NFL after the controversy. So I'm sorry. Is that racist?
Starting point is 00:38:59 I played a chicken in that. You know, who knows? The chicken could be fried and or baked uh the move is a radical shift from just last week when the president suggested that he would boycott nfl games if players knelt during the anthem he also slammed goodell after the commissioner said he was wrong to not listen to players concerns over racial issues uh trump said it could eat it could trump said could it be even remotely possible that in roger goodell's rather interesting statement of peace and reconciliation he was intimidating
Starting point is 00:39:31 he was intimating i'm sorry that it would now be okay for the players to kneel or not to stand for the national anthem thereby disrespecting our country and our flag the commander-in-chief tweeted yeah but you just said it yourself now. You're siding with a guy who literally wore socks. Remember little pigs on them and police hats? A guy who was born in another country would be a janitor, but he made millions. And now Nike's backing him. So it looks like the president is acquiescing to the mob too.
Starting point is 00:40:07 And Goodell, the NFL, Dairy Queen, Burger King, fucking Wendy's, IHOP, fucking Walmart, my doctor, Chase Bank, Raz. Oh, thank God, Because the country could not. This has been a source of tension in the country forever. Nick said sarcastically. New York CNN. Uncle Ben's owner, Mars, is planning to change the rice maker's brand identity.
Starting point is 00:40:41 maker's brand identity. They're going to replace Uncle Ben with Tom Reed, Mr. Brady from the Brady Bunch. See how that flies. Change the rice maker's brand identity. One of several food companies planning to overhaul logos and packaging that have long been criticized for perpetuating harmful racial studies type. So bye bye to fucking, you know, Uncle Ben. Bye bye.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Let me just explain the history of uncle ben and again i understand it's outdated i really don't but i'm just saying they they put this there was a guy a black guy who grew great great rice everybody liked them black and white people from what i read you know that's where the uncle ben thing came from. And the actual guy on the box is a picture of a beloved chef from Chicago. So it was sort of done as a tribute. But don't do that. Don't mention the history because then you put it in context or whatever. I don't care one way or the other.
Starting point is 00:41:45 Eventually every box is just going to be, you know, just blank rice. How about brown rice? That sounds very racist to me. Why you got to be brown? That's appropriation. The white rice is wearing a brown face. In a statement on its website, Mars wrote that now is the time to evolve the Uncle Ben's brand,
Starting point is 00:42:06 including its visual brand identity. We'll do that because we don't want to fucking burn down our building. Early on Wednesday, Quaker Oats announced it's retiring the 130-year-old Aunt Jemima brand and logo as we work to make progress
Starting point is 00:42:18 towards racial equality through several initiatives. What folks said about this family, I do. equality through several initiatives. We also must take a hard look at our portfolio brands and ensure they reflect our values and meet our consumers' expectations, the company said.
Starting point is 00:42:41 That sounded like Aunt Jemima to me. I don't know. Never heard her. She had a radio show back in the 1860s. Does anybody care? Is this going to change anybody's lives? Oh, guess what?
Starting point is 00:42:58 In Conagra, which makes Mrs. Butterworth syrup, said it would conduct a complete brand packaging review. Buttleworth, syrup, said it would conduct a complete brand packaging review. Conagra noted. Can see that our packaging may be interpreted in the wrong way by ignorant people, which is I added that that is wholly inconsistent with our values. Every everything ends with our values, inconsistent with our values. Will you shut up? Will you please shut up? Will you shut up? Will you? Will you please shut up? The moves are acknowledgement of the brand's origins and racist stereotypes,
Starting point is 00:43:32 a consideration brought to the forefront during the nationwide reckoning on race following the death of George Floyd. According to the Uncle Ben's website, the name was first used in 1946 in reference to a black farmer known as Uncle Ben who excelled rice growing. The man depicted in the logo is a beloved Chicago chef and waiter named Frank Brown. So they did it as a tribute, but, you know, once again, you got people today trying to take today's standards
Starting point is 00:43:53 and apply them to, you know, whatever. People still wear bell bottoms, you know. What does that mean? I don't know. Anyways, however, the imagery evokes a servant and uses a title that reflects how white Southerners once used uncle and aunt as honorific for older blacks because they refused to say Mr. and Mrs. Okay. Oh, boy, you. That's racist.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Any questions today, Ryan? All right. Bolton. How about this? John Bolton, you know, the Mark Twain-looking motherfucker. Worked. He worked for Trump.
Starting point is 00:44:41 He was the national security advisor. He's claiming in his upcoming memoir that President Trump asked China's Xi Jinping during a summit last year to help his reelection prospects by purchasing more American farm products. You've got to know the history of this guy. He's kind of a fucking rat. Anyways, all families, all rats would have loved to be a rat. He did the same thing to Bush, George W. Bush. After he worked for him, he trashed Bush. During a meeting in Japan, Bolton wrote, President Xi noted that certain unidentified U.S. politicians were calling for a new Cold War with China,
Starting point is 00:45:13 to which Trump reportedly said approvingly that there was great hostility to China among the Democrats, which is true, according to advanced excerpts of the book obtained by the AP. Trump then stunningly turned the conversation to the coming U.S. presidential election, alluding to China's economic capability and pleading with Xi to ensure he'd win. Bolton said he stressed the importance of farmers and increased Chinese purchases of soybeans and wheat and the electoral outcome. And as you know, you can't do that. But Joe Biden can go over to the Ukraine and threaten to fire the prosecutor
Starting point is 00:45:51 that's investigating his kid's company. You know, in the room where it all in the room where it happened is the name of the book. A White House memoir. Bolton also says he notified Attorney General William Barr and White House counsel Pat Cipollone about several instances when Trump allegedly expressed a willingness to block probes of such firms as the Chinese telecom ZTE and Turkey's state-owned Halk Bank, according to the New York Times, which also obtained an advanced copy of the book. I wonder if Fox got a copy.
Starting point is 00:46:26 The pattern looked like obstruction of justice as a way of life, which we couldn't accept, Bolton wrote. If Democrats had expanded their impeachment case beyond allegations surrounding the withholding of about $400 million in military aid to Ukraine, Bolton wrote, there might have been a greater chance to persuade others that high crimes and misdemeanors had been perpetrated. That's what he said. You smug cocksucker. Fuck you. The Justice Department filed suit Tuesday. There must be some dirt in here that Trump wants to fucking hide to try to block publication of the book, which is set to be released Tuesday by Simon and Schuster on grounds that it contains classified information. White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway also warned Wednesday the national security was at risk if Bolton tell-all gets published
Starting point is 00:47:14 before the review process has been completed. So apparently your book has to get reviewed before, you know, the White House gives it the thumbs up. You got a question? I like brown rice, brown and black rice. I hate white rice. Hey, Nick, you guinea twat. Fuck you. Let me guess, some southerner. I shouldn't even read the rest of it. You don't know me enough to call me a twat. OK, I don't give a fuck how big a fan you are. I was wondering whether you think the damage done by the fake news media and libtard leaders such as Saggy Tit Pelosi on younger generations and inner cities can be reversed anytime soon.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Are we going to need huge reforms of our education? What are these fucking rhetorical questions? Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Thanks. Oh, love the show. Oh, and fuck you. What's with the hidden fucking host's with the hidden uh fucking uh hostility oh it's mel k in wales you should be angry you live in fucking wales shithole
Starting point is 00:48:13 fuck you and your country anyways no to answer your question uh mel k uh no we're not gonna be able to turn it around soon i've asked this question to many people you know um we're not gonna be able because it took 50 or 60 years for the left to put this shit in play it's like turning around a giant ocean liner you can't turn it on a dime i uh and and uh yeah as far as reforms in education, absolutely. The higher education in this country is a national threat because it's churning
Starting point is 00:48:52 out generation after generation of fucking brainwashed leftist morons. You're seeing the fruit of it right now. Thank you, Mel K, and go fuck your sister. Mel K. Mel cunt. Scott Sheldon.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Who's that? He's a contributor. I want to thank all the people contributing at since yesterday. This is since yesterday. Scott Sheldon, Colorado. Randy Parks, Washington. Chris Weller, Florida. Daniel Tate, Georgia. Alan Black, Australia. Randy Parks, Washington. Chris Weller, Florida. Daniel Tate, Georgia.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Alan Black, Australia. Ed Fox, Connecticut. Excuse me. James Beard, Texas. Epstein didn't kill himself, Virginia. That's a weird name. Must be Jewish. Thomas Gravel in Ohio.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Ann Verna, Rhode Island. Kevin and Leanne Lund, Wisconsin. The ghost of Frank Rizzo, Pennsylvania. The Ghost of Frank Rizzo, Pennsylvania. The Ghost of Frank Rizzo. I love it. You're a crumb creep. You're a real crumb bum. Jonathan Cook, Michigan.
Starting point is 00:50:01 John Corey, New York. Brian Marzulli, New Jersey. Ivona Asakuv, Russia. Ooh, got a Russian broad in there. She's either really hot or she's wearing a fucking bandana and a 60 with no teeth. Making vodka out of potato skins with really thick ankles. Thomas Sloat, Arizona. Aaron Coutinho, Texas.
Starting point is 00:50:22 Jeff Fisher, Ohio. Thank you guys so much for your contributions at Newly monthly supporters, people who signed up monthly at, Eric Scott, Matthew, Stephanie Roper, Johan, David Bethel, Robert Beneshin. Thank you guys. Every day we get six, 10, 12 signing up at and don't forget I can make a little personal video on my phone, roasting one of your friends or saying happy
Starting point is 00:50:58 birthday to your sister, whatever you want. Go to I had six yesterday, six. Beautiful. And also the people in the chat right now and people in the chat right now that are live we realize that you guys contribute financially too and we appreciate that very much and the crowds of the shows are getting bigger when we drop it at five o'clock i mean months ago it was at like two thousand now we're at four thousand and i mean it's growing it's growing like the tumor in biden's fucking frontal cortex it's just let's do one more story before we call it a week um let's go to that 70 show uh actor actor Danny Masterson charged with raping three women.
Starting point is 00:51:49 That 70s show. Never watched it. Never seen a minute of it. Never seen one minute of the Big Bang Theory. Never seen How I Met Your Fucking Mother. You know how I met her? She was blowing me in a parking garage behind a fucking Lincoln. That's how I met your mother.
Starting point is 00:52:10 These are the kids you got to look out for. I guarantee he was like a hashtag me too. It's the liberal guys that defend women, that try to finger pop, you know. Yeah. Actor Danny Masterson. Danny Masterson. actor Danny Masterson Danny Masterson best known for his role on that 70s show
Starting point is 00:52:28 has been charged for raping three women in separate incidents from 2001 to 2003 raping me this is rape this is rape the 44 year old actor was slapped with three counts of rape by force or fear according to the LA what counts of rape by force or fear according
Starting point is 00:52:45 to the la uh what kind of rape isn't fear based look at me he looks like a sweetheart there uh according to the la county district attorneys are mastison is accused of raping a 23 year old woman in the winter of 2001 he's also charged why is it coming out now? Fucking 19 years later. Also charged with allegedly raping a 28-year-old woman in April of 2003. And another 23-year-old woman around the fall and winter of 2003,
Starting point is 00:53:15 officials said, adding that all the incidents allegedly occurred at his Hollywood home. You snotty little bastard. Again, he's innocent until proven guilty unless you know obama was still in office then uh the rail wrote him the da's office said it declined to bring charges against mastison for two other alleged sexual assault incidents because of the insufficient evidence in one case and the other case passing outside of the statute of limitations. Masterson faces up to 45 years in prison if convicted.
Starting point is 00:53:49 He's due in court on September 18th. Now you will learn about laws, laws of freedom, laws of humanity. Now. That is it, folks. Keep your chin up. I know you guys, you're obviously fans of mine, so you think like me
Starting point is 00:54:09 and you have to be, your head has to be spinning. I was watching Tucker Carlson a few nights ago and I love that he came on and he said, you're not crazy because that's what I'm asking myself.
Starting point is 00:54:23 People are asking themselves, what the fuck? And he said, you're not crazy. You're watching what I'm asking myself. People are asking themselves, what the fuck? And he said, you're not crazy. You're watching, you know, it's the elites, the people, the politicians are supposed to be our leaders. It's the worst crop ever. It's like the perfect storm.
Starting point is 00:54:38 The people who've been trying to run this country for the last 30 years are shitheads, most of them. No brighter than you guys are. Now cops aren't coming. We already got stories of, somebody called that owner of a business that was getting robbed and shit. They never showed up.
Starting point is 00:54:54 And the story was, well, you're still paying taxes, so that's like theft. You're paying taxes and not getting protected. I've said this on the show before. Start you know, white people, start shoplifting and stealing cars. Don't pay your taxes
Starting point is 00:55:09 because they don't give a fuck about you on either side. Republicans are just as bad. I didn't get to this story, but here's the headline. Republican operatives launch pro-Biden super PAC. Republicans launch pro-B Biden super PAC.
Starting point is 00:55:27 They're all in on it. So if you think you're getting played, you are. That is it. Have a great weekend. Remember you guys think, and I'll say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back on Monday. guitar solo I'm out. That's faggot stuff. You want a quote by its name, that's strictly for fags.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Yes, fags do that. Damn it, I didn't use that during the regular show.

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