The Nick DiPaolo Show - Government Gun Grab | Nick Di Paolo Show #482

Episode Date: February 1, 2021

Democrat-controlled establishment introduces gun bill. Jen Psaki's ineptitude is on full display. Biden secretary of state announces pride flag order....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, with everything going on, we need the Comics Gym site now more than ever. Please click the support box on the right of your screen or click on this video now to contribute and to help keep us free and uncensored. I really appreciate it. guitar solo Oh, yeah. All righty. How are you, folks? Welcome on Monday. Another Monday in the book.
Starting point is 00:01:02 First of all, thank you for all the birthday wishes on Facebook, Instagram, and all that stuff. I appreciate that very much. Somebody loves me. I want all of you to enjoy your cake. So, enjoy. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 59 balloons. 59
Starting point is 00:01:20 motherfucking balloons. 59. I'm 11 inside mentally, and my hips are 78. My lungs have probably kicked them up to 65. But who gives a fuck? We're all going and might as well enjoy it while we're here. That's what I say. My wife
Starting point is 00:01:35 gave me this freaking amp. As you know, I'm playing around with an electric guitar. Gave me this freaking amp made in China. I know. I didn't fuck. Anyways, it's got like 10, 15,000 songs built into it. You can pick the genre and then under rock, it's blues. There's nine other categories. You can watch on your iPad as the fucking chords scroll by. If you want to play backing to Eric Clapton, it's actually his music. The backing. It's fun. You can put it on crunchy.
Starting point is 00:02:06 You sound like a heavy metal. I'll be spending the next month trying to learn how to use the goddamn thing and not playing one note. But those Chinese, I'll tell you. Clever fucking ching-tao. Anyways, I guess let's, I don't know. I'm procrastinating. Let's get to it.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Make me a sandwich. Make me a fucking sandwich. Oh, in our shut up and make me a sandwich segment tonight, Jen Psaki. You know who she is? Look at that. That's right. She's a Conan O'Brien lookalike. Look at the mug.
Starting point is 00:02:43 That's as happy as liberals get. They have so much on their mind. White terrorists that don't exist. Domestic terrorists. Jake Tapp is calling it MAGA terrorists. This cocksucker. Hey, Jake, I'm threatening you on air. You motherless fuck.
Starting point is 00:02:57 If I see you, I don't know how I'm going to do that. I don't even know where you work. But if I go to D.C. or wherever you fucking, what, Atlanta, CNN, I will fucking punch you right in your cunt hole. I digress. It's Monday. I get a little nutty. Jen Psaki is so bad at her job.
Starting point is 00:03:16 You remember the, once again, an ugly lefty. You remember our girlfriend, Kayleigh McEnany? This is the, look, who would you want to fucking have a night with? Fucking carrot top of this piece of filet mignon. Anyways, she is so bad at her job. This is so typical of Biden and his taste. She worked for Obama, by the way, and she just sucks. They catch her off guard all the time.
Starting point is 00:03:41 If you don't believe me, watch these couple of clips that we found of her. I did ask our team about this. You or someone else may have asked about this the other day. The other day with a fucking fried boy. One moment. A liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, you know. Thanks for your patience. Lots to say about COVID.
Starting point is 00:04:02 No doubt about it. So. Let's see. Thanks for your patience. Lots to say about COVID. No doubt about it. Yeah. I'm a, I'm a, I'm a, I'm a. So, let's see. It's like me in college. Let me, let me, let me talk to our team about it. Oh, talk to your team about it? Oh, retard alert. Retard alert.
Starting point is 00:04:22 You're going to talk to your team about it? Who the fuck are you? Sparky Anderson? You got a team now? Jag off. Is that the only reference I got? I was trying to think of a modern day manager. Come up with Sparky Anderson. You don't believe she sucks? Here's another clip. Here's a montage. I can, I'll circle back if there's more I can share with you, but I'll circle back with you if there's more to convey. I'll have to just circle back with you. We can circle back with, I'm happy to circle back with you. I can circle back. I will have to circle back on that one. That's an excellent question. Oh, such an important question. We will circle back with you and we'll circle back with you. It's an interesting question, but we'll circle back. I'm happy to circle back,
Starting point is 00:05:01 but I'll have to circle back with you on it. It's a good question, but we'll circle back with you on this today. We will certainly circle back with you on it. It's a good question, but we'll circle back with you on this today. We will certainly circle back with you more directly. I hate to disappoint you, but I will have to circle back with you on that as well. Uh-oh, retard alert. Retard alert. Circle back. Circle jerk.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Circle back. I needed a Dramamine to fucking watch that clip. She's like a broken sailboat. Circle back. Circle back. I'll circle back. I needed a Dramamine to fucking watch that clip. She's like a broken sailboat. Circle back, circle back. I'll circle back. I'll circle jerk. Look at the lady behind her holding her stomach. She's getting sick. So that's what Biden has as a press secretary. But you guys don't worry about it. We're in good hands. And they have all the important things right now. They're concentrating the Biden administration, all the important things.
Starting point is 00:05:48 What do you mean, Nick? Well, like this weekend, you know what they did? Pride flags to be flown at U.S. embassies. Thank God we can sleep now. Look at Joe. Even he can't believe he had to do this. Oh my God. He goes, the fags, leave me alone.
Starting point is 00:06:10 LGBT activists are chair cheering Secretary of State Antony Blinken's announcement that he will reverse an order from President Donald Trump and put up pride flags at U.S. embassies around the world. So, you know, so the whole world knows that... I suck cock and I love it. Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy. He looks like a big girl, in my opinion. Again, nothing wrong with that. Just we have more important things like China stealing everything. Fuckheads.
Starting point is 00:06:34 In a memo from July 2020, former Secretary of Defense Mark Esper released a list of flags. You believe this is what they do? Permitted to be displayed at the U.S. military bases. Missing from the list was the LGBTQ pride flag. Oh, boy, you. Which Esper compared to the Confederate flag. Was that a compliment? I don't even get why.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Prior to the ban, embassies raised the flag during Pride Month on the official embassy flagpole. And then three guys sat on that flagpole. Good night, everybody. I'll be here all week. Try the veal, you cocksuckers. I'm all fresh on Monday morning. Cut to the Thursday show. During the hearing, Blinken also confirmed that he plans to appoint an envoy for the human rights LGBTQ persons as a position created by Barack Obama. Another
Starting point is 00:07:26 important thing he did, that fucking Marxist cunt, in 2015 that wasn't filled during the Trump presidency. Blinken claimed violence against that demographic. Listen to this. This one sent me through the roof. He's claiming violence against gay people, that demographic, increased while Trump was in office. Prove it. Fucking prove it. He's lying. He's lying. Can you fucking imagine?
Starting point is 00:07:57 You know what increased when Obama was in office? That is violence against white people. Will you ever state that, you shithead? We've seen violence directed against LGBTQ people around the world increase, Blinken said. Is that what you do? Is that what you do, look up statistics? Well, our country's going underwater.
Starting point is 00:08:17 And so I think the United States playing the role that it should be playing in standing up for and defending the LGBTQI people. Aye? It's something that the department is going to take on and take on immediately. Oh, I fucking can relate. Shut up! Thank you.
Starting point is 00:08:39 All they talk about is inclusion. But do you understand everybody gets their own flag? That's the opposite of inclusion. You're dividing us up. By the way, this is just a smoke. This is another, hey, look over here. While Biden in China does, and Apple and the big tech does this. Look over here.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Here's a fake issue. Here's a red herring, red snatch, red dickhead. Look over here. God help us from the left. I have to have my own flag. How are people going to know I suck cock and eat ass? I need a flag. Lefties are mentally ill.
Starting point is 00:09:20 And who's more fucking better example of that than Governor Whitmer of Michigan? Remember this witch? this power hungry? My question to you, Michigan, is how does she get elected in the first place? You know what I mean? Same with New York. You guys elected de Blasio. So take it. Take it like a man. Governor Whitmer is not serving Michigan. They're putting a petition to recall her. The people have had enough of this mamalook. Governor Whitmer is not serving Michigan. They're putting a petition to recall her. The people have had enough of this mamalook. Governor Whitmer is not serving Michigan. In 2012, Gretchen Whitmer declared that Michigan is run by the people, is what sheid. She said it in German, yet her actions in 2020 prove otherwise. Her record is an embarrassment to Michigan and America.
Starting point is 00:10:09 By bypassing the state legislature, issuing over 160 executive orders, sending COVID-19 patients to nursing homes like you'd send dogs to the fucking gas chambers, withholding medical data, threatening small businesses with fines, legal action, and other thuggish methods. Many small businesses had to close permanently
Starting point is 00:10:34 because of irreversible financial repercussions. All that adds up to... You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt. A big fat stinking cunt. Said and true, but didn't tell you. You're a motherfucking cunt. You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt. Motherfucking cunt. Everybody knows from the head to the toes.
Starting point is 00:10:58 You're a big fat stinking cunt. I played tuba in that, by the way. Continuing to keep the state shut down in the name of science and data, while other states have either remained open or are well on their way to recovery, Michigan deserves better. I don't know who wrote this. And we will bring the nonsense of a highly incapable, hypocritical, and negligent governor to an end, the people said,
Starting point is 00:11:23 as they put together this petition. A, she was a hooah. Oh, that has got nothing to do with it. B, she was a hooah. That has something to do with it. She's incompetent. You set woman back a thousand years. Again, I ask the question, how do you get elected?
Starting point is 00:11:40 Don't just go into the booth and do what I do. I check all Republican. This is what you get. You check all Republicans. This is what you get. You check all Democrats. At least when I do it, I know my side. By the way, I'm not a Republican anymore. I'm doing the fuck. I know how you do that. I got to call the office
Starting point is 00:11:54 and go, excuse me, can I talk to I don't know, Newt Gingrich. Newt, take me off the fucking list. And I'm serious. I'm getting away from that party. They're every bit as bad as these shithead'm serious. I'm getting away from that party. They're every bit as bad as these shitheads almost. I've become a libertarian or something. Is that a party?
Starting point is 00:12:13 Independent? I don't know the choices. Asian American? Non-fucking Spanish? What's that new thing? I have to go to the doctor today. I have to fill out all the shit. When they ask ethnicity, it says non-Latino, white, or whatever.
Starting point is 00:12:27 What the fucking? I'm a cracker up in here. About the movement who did this. We're trying to recall Whitmer. The Recall Whitmer Movement is a grassroots campaign organized by Guarding Against Government Excess, or GAG. Gage. Goo goo. With volunteers in every county, we are united in seeking to uphold the rights and best interests of Michigan citizens. We strive to ensure that the government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.
Starting point is 00:13:03 And may her tampon be passed on to the next generation. I don't know what I'm saying. And the man shit in my tuba. Ask not how you can fuck up Michigan. That's good. Somebody's taking some action. Will it lead to anything? They have like a million signatures.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Apparently she's not that popular. Maybe it had something to do with COVID, her rules. Remember she goes, everybody has to stay home, then her and her husband seen in a boat like a week later vacationing. She's making out with a Chinese male hooker. Yeah, she's after
Starting point is 00:13:39 your rights. So is everybody else. Put a chill in your ass. Put a chill in my ass. Here it is, folks. This is the headline. This put a chill in your ass, put a chill on my ass. Here it is, folks. This was the headline, the bill to destroy gun ownership. That's faggot stuff. I agree. You want to call it by its name? That's strictly for fags. Yes. Here we have it. They are going after everyone who has a gun or ammunition. I think most people who have a gun have ammunition. Some people are sitting home with ammunition. They are deeply concerned.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Throwing bullets at people. They are deeply concerned about a revolution, and they want to know every person who has a gun or ammunition. The object of this bill will be to identify every person who has a gun. Who the fuck are you? Mind your business. Who the fuck are you? Get off my porch.
Starting point is 00:14:25 They will be able to revoke a license and confiscate the gun under rules to be created by the Attorney General. Biden swore he would end the NRA. He wasn't fucking around. Like a diverse, it says like a diverse, I think it means to say like a driver's license.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Once they create this federal license, they effectively limit the Second Amendment, claiming if you obey all's license, once they create this federal license, they effectively limit the Second Amendment, claiming if you obey all their regulations, which they can change it at any time, then you have the right to, you know, have a gun. But they're going to change the rules anytime they want. But all such rights are eliminated whenever they say so. So, you know, damn well. Oh, my God, this is terrible.
Starting point is 00:15:03 You all saw him. He had a gun 922 dd paragraph one part article two whatever the fuck it that's the says it right there it shall be unlawful get this folks listen up this is to chill you. It shall be unlawful for any person to possess ammunition that is 50 caliber or greater. Oh, my aching stem hole. unknowingly violates section 922 DD1 shall be fine. Listen to this. Not less than $50,000 and not more than $100,000. Imprisoned not less than 10 years. Are you hearing this?
Starting point is 00:15:57 Not less than 10 years and not more than 20 years or both. And to that, my friends, I say. Nick, you got to have a better response. No, I don't. That's the beauty of this show. I speak for the people. Here's part B of that rule. Whoever knowingly violates section 922 DD2 shall be fined not less than 10,000
Starting point is 00:16:18 and not more than 25,000 in prison, not less than a year and not more than five years or both. Do you guys believe I'm even saying this? Do you guys believe this is on paper in the United States? These fuckers are overplaying their hands. Let me tell you something. You want to see a, I know we've been proud.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Well, we are in a civil war. This is kind of a cold civil war right now. When they try this shit, when they come to people's houses, look, here's what separates us from all the other shitholes in the world. A well-armed civilian population, seven guns for every man, woman, and child. So ring my doorbell, come and get them. Look, I got no kids. Marriage. I'll be the happiest guy in prison if I take out one of these cocksuckers. I'm not doing that, folks. I would never
Starting point is 00:17:11 do it. I'm not condoning violence, but I'm just saying. I'm saying there are other people who are nuts. Who are nuts about their guns. About six trillion NRA members. So you guys, good luck out there, bud. Do you believe I just read that?
Starting point is 00:17:29 What am I going to do? I have two cannons parked in my driveway. Jason, can I put one in your kitchen in the apartment? What am I going to do? What am I going to do? It's a dangerous situation. As you know, there's a huge crackdown on fellows like myself and anybody who thinks for themselves, who leans right,
Starting point is 00:17:53 which is even, you know, that's not even fair anymore. Anybody who's for the truth. Because there's one side that is and there's one that isn't. These cocksuckers stole an election. They stole the election. Now they're coming for your guns. And we get some more, some more of them suppressing it.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Twitter suspends, get this, Christian group for accurately describing Biden's transgender health official, Dr. Levine's biological sex. Look at that piece of ass. Look at this freak of nature. Nick, that's not. No, it is fair.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Biological aberration. By the way, she plays in a girls softball league. She had seven home runs Saturday night. Drove in 41 runs. And paralyzed a female catcher when she barreled into home plate. Look at the tits on this thing. Tits are bigger than her dick. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:18:51 This is part of the Biden administration. I'm ready to. So anyways, the Christian group just stated that this guy biologically is a man. So they Twitter fucking yanked him. You can't handle the truth. In recent weeks, tech giants like Twitter, Facebook, and Google have been censoring mostly conservative voices on social media platforms. You can now add Focus on the Family, Focus on the Families,
Starting point is 00:19:23 the Daily Citizen to the list. That's the name of the thing, the publication or whatever, the group. Focus on the family. This past week, Twitter locked the Daily Citizen for an alleged rules violation, specifically that we had posted. This is the group that got blocked explaining what they did. They said we had posted hateful content it's simply not true we did no such thing at issue was a tweet pointing to a story about dr rachel they
Starting point is 00:19:54 still call her rachel rachel please give me a call lev Levine, President Biden's controversial nominee for assistant secretary for health at the Department of Health. Again, who better to put in charge of health? Somebody who's crazy. Health and Human Services. The tweet included the following sentence. Dr. Levine. Here's what they got suspended for. Dr. Levine is a transgender woman.
Starting point is 00:20:22 That is a man who believes he is a woman. You are correct, sir. That's why they get hooked. Daley said the appeal to Twitter about the suspension was denied. Over the course of the last week, President Biden has been stressing the need for unity. This is them talking again. But his actions since taking office are all about demanding uniformity, Daly wrote. Did we put up a picture of Daly?
Starting point is 00:20:51 Producer, what are you doing? Writing your girlfriend over there? Pay attention. There appears to be no room for for convictional disagreement. Do they mean conventional? You will comply or be silenced. Daly included in his blog, this is a guy who was suspended, a list of others who have been silenced on social media. My boy, Kurt Schilling, my new buddy, he had his insurance dropped by AIG
Starting point is 00:21:20 and he might not make the Hall of Fame today because a statement supporting conservative causes, that's, do you understand that's the definition of fascism? Then you got Brandon Icke, Mozilla CEO, ousted after it was discovered he privately gave money in support of California's anti-gay marriage referendum in the past so that he got the boat. Fucking quiz. By the way, that referendum was, do you know the people passed it?
Starting point is 00:21:53 The people said yes, and they just, the state legislature in California said, fuck you, we're doing what we want. Then you got Martina Navratilova. Tolova? Yeah, Tolova, Nick. Look at the fucking, she's shredded. Martina Navratilova, thrown off the LGBT, who's done more for LGBT than this broad?
Starting point is 00:22:12 LGBT advocacy board and loses speaking engagements in documentary after arguing that transgender male athletes shouldn't be able to compete in women's sports. Okay. Christy, get down on your knees so Sabrina can see your asshole. How about JK Rowling? Rolling. Rock. There she is.
Starting point is 00:22:35 Never read anything she wrote, but she's prevented from getting last book published because of tweets making distinctions between the sexes. You hear that? And then my best friend Ariel Pink was dropped from a record label for attending the Trump rally. Not to mention all the people who have been fired from jobs for attending the January 6th rally, regardless of whether they even came near the Capitol.
Starting point is 00:23:00 What's his deal? Is that Hilton Perez? I don't know. I'm confused. All my pink-haired friends. Then you get CrossFit founder, Greg Glassman, forced to sell his company
Starting point is 00:23:12 after making remarks critical of the writing last year. Oh my God. They're coming after us, folks. Come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom.
Starting point is 00:23:31 What a movie. It goes on and on, Daley wrote, and we're only at the beginning of a coordinated effort to silence those of us with socially conservative convictions. I don't even call him, I don't even call him socially conservative. When you state that a guy, you know, who thinks he's a woman is really a guy, it's got nothing to do with conservative or liberal. It's called science, what the Democrats are so big on. Everything of them with COVID is science. Science. Republicans hate science, but I can point to my dick and go, today I'm Sharon McCarthy. Okay. Where's the science in that, you hypocrites?
Starting point is 00:24:14 I see no way out of this other than people losing their shit and getting really angry. Oh, speaking of science I just thought of something It's my birthday I only got Only gifts I got for my wife Nothing, nobody else, nothing
Starting point is 00:24:40 Which is fine with me Because as you get older, you don't want anybody to know it's your fucking birthday. I turned 48. Anyways, CDC, we're speaking of science, publishes scientific paper with the NFL. This story right here only confirms about what you and I have been saying
Starting point is 00:25:00 about this fucking hoax of a pandemic. You know, the very deadly pandemic, COVID, that you could kill with hand sanitizer and rinsing your hands? That one. The one that only kills people when they're in their late 90s and they have fucking high cholesterol
Starting point is 00:25:19 and diabetes and their feet are rotting off like summer squash in February? Yeah. It's a flu. I think more people, the regular flu is more dangerous. Multiple outlets have recently reported on a new scientific paper, it says in quotes, published by the CDC in partnership with the NFL. When I think of, this is how fucked up a country. You got the CDC, Centers for Disease Control, working with Roger Goodell, the NFL. When I think of... This is how fucked up a country. You got the
Starting point is 00:25:45 CDC, Centers for Disease Control, working with Roger Goodell. In partnership with the NFL, the paper was authored by medical experts. Why is that in quotes, too? From both the NFL and the NFL Players Association. The paper details the efforts
Starting point is 00:26:04 by the NFL to conduct its season in the midst of the Wuhan virus. As the lockdown narrative still prevails across much of the United States, this paper provides some important revelations that we've already made on the show. Reporting on the CDC NFL paper, Fox News notes that from August 9th of this year to November 21st, listen to this,
Starting point is 00:26:26 approximately 623,000 COVID-19 tests were performed on approximately 11,400 players and staff members, and 329 of them tested positive. That's a grand whopping total of 2.9%. That's about 55 tests per individual. Could you get a more, you know what I mean? Could you get a more stringent test or a litmus test for whether this is day? You're testing people 55 times in a whatever month period. Conducted over 105, okay, three and a half month period. This period constitutes the bulk of the NFL regular season. That means on average, the NFL employees were getting tested once every two days. The 2.9% number is calculated
Starting point is 00:27:14 by dividing the number who tested positive, which is 329, by the total number of tests tested, 11,400. However, it will be more revealing to note of the 623,000 tests, how many tests were positive? Almost certainly this number is significantly lower than the 2.9%. Of course, it's also important to note that in spite of these positive tests, almost get the, here's the, and here's the bottom line. Zero serious illnesses from the Wuhan virus were reported. Zero.
Starting point is 00:27:49 But you haven't heard anything about this, have you? Nothing to see here. Please, Pittsburgh. Nothing to see here. Please. Yeah. A little flu from China is going to kill some guy who's 6'3", 260, runs a 4'5", 40. In other words, though the NFL's rampant testing yielded a few positive virtually, no one got sick.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Almost every player or coach who was reported to have missed a game had to do so because of positive tests. who have missed a game had to do so because of positive tests. Thus, as we've seen throughout the past 10 months, a positive test does not in any way indicate an actual Wuhan virus case. But if you listen to the news, right, folks, every day, every day, another thousand people tested positive. You know you'd be embalmed in the ass without any jelly he i mean don't you only two nfl employees denver's defensive coordinator ed donatel and jacksonville's running back uh rykel armstead reportedly had to be hospitalized due to the wuhan virus complications
Starting point is 00:29:00 think about that out of all those players and all those both have fully recovered. It seems that for the NFL players and for football players at any level, the dangers from the Wuhan virus pale in comparison to the dangers that come from playing football. Yes, I think I have. Hey, I think I broke his fucking neck. I'll give you a choice. What would you rather do right now? I'm going to give you a choice. Make out rather do right now I'm gonna give you a choice make out with a Chinese woman who has a sniffle so sitting in the seat next to you on a plane or drop back to pass
Starting point is 00:29:33 from your blind side comes uh Nadama Kinsu what do you think is going to hurt you more? I'd stick my tongue down a Chinese lady's throat before I let Ndamukong Su fucking blindside me. Who's with me? Most telling from the CDC NFL paper was the fact that according to Dr. Alan Sills, the NFL's chief medical officer, we have not seen, listen listen to this we have not seen any evidence of on-field transmission in NFL games or practices the doctor added so after thousands of hours involving hundreds of thousands of extremely close maskless unless you're counting the mask on their helmets contacts in which bodily fluids were almost always present. The NFL and the CDC are telling us that there was zero, get it
Starting point is 00:30:27 folks, zero person-to-person transmissions of the Wuhan virus. Don't tell me this had anything to do with the fact that some players wear face shields. Many, if most, do not. They were not required. In fact, that's actually a great point, right? They didn't make them wear the plastic things. That's how you know it's horseshit. Do you know why they got the NFL involved, folks? Think about it this way. Even though their ratings aren't what they were,
Starting point is 00:30:58 they still get zillions of people every Sunday, right? Still do. And what better way to get your propaganda out to the masses? That's all. If this show was hugely rated, they'd ask me to fucking do something. Yeah, right. In fact, the CDC does not recommend face shields to prevent the spread of the Wuhan virus.
Starting point is 00:31:14 If, as Dr. Seale suggests, this lack of transmission is due to the fact that the NFL games and practices are conducted in an open area or at least an extremely large air environment where we've got a lot of ventilation, then why in the world would any government official or municipality mandate masks for outdoor activity? That's a good question. That's a sick question. You're a sick fuck and I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it. I'm answering it. In fact, given that many NFL games
Starting point is 00:31:44 and practices are in large indoor facilities and given that there was zero person-to-person transmission where rampant close contact was present, why would any mall, church, school, or Walmart mandate masks? It makes no goddamn sense. We've been saying it. And I still hate it when I go into a, you know, CVS or whatever. I put that fuck, you do get that little tingle though right before you go into a store when you put it on like I'm going to rob this place. Don't you feel like kind of a badass? Then you look like such a faggot when you're picking out peanut butter cookies with your mask on.
Starting point is 00:32:19 In over 256 NFL games, not including playoff games, and for well over, listen to this, 1,000 practices, probably closer to 2,000, involving 32 teams and over 2,000 players, there was, get this, zero evidence of on-field transmission. This is significant because of what happens during an NFL game. They're practically raping each other out there. They're hugging. You see the defensive backs, how they hold. You could get AIDS, they hold you so long.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Zero. Zero on-field transmission. And you know what? If those stadiums were full, you'd have zero transmission up there because you're in a giant open-air stadium. Oh, my aching stem, everybody. Stop with the nonsense.
Starting point is 00:33:08 Me and the wife are sitting on the front steps smoking cigarettes. Fucking people drive by yesterday, ride by on bikes like a family. They all have masks on. She had to grab me by the waist. I was going to run down the street and push the wife off the little girl. Ten years old, got the mask. Oh, my aching stem. People, people, just because you hear it on TV doesn't mean it's true. Do you understand? That TV was created to control us for the last 50 years. It's doing such a great job. Now they got the internet.
Starting point is 00:33:37 I better sweat there. I look a little heavy. Maybe that's because they ate a bag of fucking garlic croutons while I was watching Fowler last night. A bag. You know the kind of bag you buy and you while I was watching Fowder last night. A bag, you know the kind of bag you buy and you put on, it's supposed to last two weeks? Salt content, 480 grams. Look like Jerry Lewis on Pregnant Santa. Lady! By the way, I just mentioned, I was watching Fowder. Please, boys and girls, you trust me. You believe what I say. And I get these tips from Colin Quinn.
Starting point is 00:34:05 I have to give him props. The guy writes script. He knows what's good. We like the same shit. We like terror-related, prison-related, that, you know, interesting shit. Not Game of Thrones and fucking nerdy horse shit. FAUDA, F-A-U-D-A, okay? I already told you guys about Gamora.
Starting point is 00:34:23 And somebody watched it. They wrote me back saying, I'm fucking blind. Gomorrah, Saburah, and a bunch of other ones. But Fauda right now. Fauda. That means chaos in Arabic or Yiddish. I'm not sure. But it means chaos.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Anyways, I just have to tell you. You know the Israelis are the fucking best when it comes to like even military whatever this is about a special ops team uh go they go undercover you know into the gaza strip and all these hot zones to chase down terrorists who have killed you know wanted terrorists i i can't and the guy this is why it's so good the guy that stars in it this is what he did for a living then he became an actor so he helps write these scripts so you know a lot of this is right on the fucking money it's got everything violence fucking bomb strapped to children a little fucking hot israeli broads arab ones too i notice if you got beautiful eyes and you put that fucking jibib on, whatever,
Starting point is 00:35:26 it really brings out the hate. What an angry fucking part of the world that, oh my goodness, but please, Fowder. It's on Netflix, pull it up. You'll be biting your nails every episode. It's so fucking good. I was always wondering why people are talking about how good TV, binge watching this and that.
Starting point is 00:35:43 I'm like, what are they talking about? Last six months, Narcos, Narcos, Colombia, Narcos, Mexico. Fucking the best one still is the Gomorrah. Again, that's about the mob in Rome. And then we got Siburra. That's about the mob tied in with the Vatican and three guys fighting over. Anyways, gosh. Anyways, I digress. Let's move on. AIDS. Let's talk about AIDS. Who doesn't like a good AIDS story? We all hope Don Lemon has LemonAIDS.
Starting point is 00:36:16 I've said that many times on the show. AIDS may have started in World War I. That's a new study. The unknown patient, Zero, I always thought it was a flight attendant from Delta. But the unknown patient was part of an invasion force of sixteen hundred Belgian and French troops who, along with four thousand African aides. And that's A.I.D. African aides. A.I.D. Yes. Had traveled from Leopoldville in the Belgian Congo. Who hasn't done that?
Starting point is 00:36:48 To a remote outpost in Cameroon. Doesn't that just sound dangerous? Have you had the Cameroons? The Girl Scouts sell them? Anyways, says Canadian microbiologist Jacques Papin, who once worked as a bush doctor in Central Africa. I guess that's what they call gynecologists. I don't know. Fill that one in. A bush doctor in Central Africa in the 1980s. Papin, a professor in the Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases at
Starting point is 00:37:17 Université de Sherbrooke in Quebec, makes the intriguing hypothesis the focus of a new edition of his famed book, Origin of AIDS. Patient Zero was likely injured after killing a subspecies of chimp called Pantroglodytes troglodytes. That's like, get the papers, get the papers. What the fuck? take your stinking paws off me you damn dirty ape anyways uh they think he got infected when he killed the chimp infected with a simian virus that was a precursor to hiv or human immunodeficiency virus that was supposed to kill all of us remember oh it doesn't discriminate oh really 10 years later i see a ton of healthy construction workers and we have like a pile of dead fucking choreographers
Starting point is 00:38:18 and dancers backup dancers for madonna uh The virus was caused, you say, Pepin writes in the tomb recently published by Cambridge University Press. In 2011 edition of the seminal book, Pepin originally posited HIV leapt from chimps to humans after an injured African hunter killed one of the beasts in 1921, becoming infected in the process. Pepin then chronicles how the virus spread. It was fueled throughout the world by colonization, prostitution, and well-meaning public health
Starting point is 00:38:54 campaigns, which lacked what are now common safety protocols, such as barring the sharing of needles, not getting your dick sucked by a male flight attendant on flight 367. And the second edition released this month, listen to this, Papin draws on research in medical archives in Africa and Europe, suggestion patient zero, he's changing his mind now, was not a native hunter, but instead a starving World War I soldier forced to hunt chimps for food when his regiment got stuck in the remote forest around the Madaladudu. Can you imagine?
Starting point is 00:39:32 You're eating it. Hey, does this? This chimp has an aftertaste. Tastes like a guy's ass. Anyways, that happened in Cameroon. And so they ran out of food supplies and they went eating these chimps. You know, that's kind of,
Starting point is 00:39:49 I don't want to be in a war. Delicious. Thank you. Bon appetit. So I always thought it came from, again, a backup singer. Or, again, a backup singer or, uh, again,
Starting point is 00:40:06 a flight attendant. Remember that was, that was when I, in the eighties, when the shit was people calling it gay cancer, that's what they were calling it. Oh, that's not very nice.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Um, they'll call it gay cancer, but the story was it started with a flight attendant. Well, apparently, uh, fucked an emotional support monkey. I didn't even know they had them back then.
Starting point is 00:40:30 That monkey had to retire. The monkey itself had to get an emotional support monkey. Speaking of AIDS, no. What do we got next on the... My teeth are turning black from this coffee.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Oh, speaking of black, Nick Cannon, you know who he is i think he fucked um who was he married to the singer mariah carey mariah carey that's about all he's ever done in his career here he is pretending he's tupac handsome fella but you remember the last time we talked about it on the show? Why? Nick Cannon's daytime talk show revived after anti-Semitism controversy. Really? A black guy got a show back after saying something anti-Jewish. That's funny. I don't ever remember a white guy getting a show back or a white disc jockey on the radio or Nick the Greek or Paul Horning. I'll go back to the 70s for stating the truth.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Huh? Once you're gone, you're gone if you're whitey. Another example of this country is the reverse of racist towards black people. Months after making anti-Semitic statements, Nick Cannon's new talk show is being revived. Nick Cannon was set to premiere last September, but was halted following comments Cannon, he's 40, made on a podcast about the ancient history of black people and Jews. Hates Jews. Hates Jews. How about that they don't even put, here's another little subtlety, they don't even put what he said when they rehash and why he was fired. They don't put the quote. This is how they protect.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Remember when Don Imus got the ax? Remember? Every story you read, they quoted what he said. These are little things you got to look for. What did he say? Because I forget. Oh, don't worry about it.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Got to show back. He's sorry. He's not sorry. Hates Jews yeah it's been a long time he says this is canon talk a dream of mine to host my own daytime talk show and that I'm able to do this in New York City bringing daytime television back to the place that has fostered generations of talent is very special to me, Cannon said in a statement to Variety. With this show, we'll be uniting all aspects of entertainment in a unique way, in the very place where a lot of what we know today as our culture started.
Starting point is 00:42:57 Don't even know what he means. I couldn't ask for better partners than Deb Marr Mercury and Fox, and i thank them for supporting me in this endeavor the uh deb maher mercury production will be distributed through fox television the show is set to launch fall of 2021 oh let me get my daily fucking planner who gives a fuck who's your first guest farrakhan guy? Guy's going to play beer pong. Cannon apologized for his hurtful, it's in quotes. Why is the word hurtful in quotes?
Starting point is 00:43:35 Why is it in quotes? So it wasn't really hurtful? Is that what they're insinuating? And divisive, that's in quote, comments regarding the Jewish community. He gets his fucking show back. Of course he does. Saying they,
Starting point is 00:43:57 this is what he said about what he said about Jewish people. He said, they reinforce the worst stereotypes of a proud and magnificent people that I call agents and bankers. No, magnificent people. And I feel ashamed of the uninformed and naive place these words came from. Give me a fucking break. Will you shut up? Will you? Will you please shut up?
Starting point is 00:44:21 Will you shut up? No, what you were doing, you were joking around and shit, and you were having fun. I forget who you were on with. And you said what's in your heart. That's usually what happens. See, now you're backtracking. But when white guys do it and backtrack, nobody wants to hear it.
Starting point is 00:44:38 You know what I'm saying? Roseanne Barr, remember? Her cracks on the internet. But you get a second chance. So I don't ever want to hear again how racist this country is. Okay? And I'm saying, Mr. Cannon, you have a right to joke around. In a perfect world, you shouldn't have gotten in trouble, is what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:44:58 But don't, please. I'm just asking for a little fairness. When a cracker does it, give him his show back. Speak of crackers, how about this jack off? Scott Erickson. I remember this guy. Jace, you remember him? Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:45:14 Just a little before your time. Yeah? He's a fucking killer pitcher. This is kind of a sad story, actually. But Scott Erickson, if you guys are my age, he was a hell of a pitcher. Ex-MLB pitcher linked to a hit and run that left two kids dead. Scott Erickson, a former MLB. I almost said LBGTQ.
Starting point is 00:45:38 It's in my head. A former Fag pitcher with a good curveball. A former MLB pitcher who played for six teams and tossed a no-hitter in 1994 is facing reckless driving charges in connection with an alleged hit-and-run crash in California that left two young brothers dead. Are you fucking kidding? There's no crying in baseball. Yeah, there is now. That's horrible. Listen to this story. Erickson had been racing against another driver, Rebecca Grossman, the wife of a burn center founder who was previously charged with murder and vehicular manslaughter in the case. ages 8 and 11, how can your day go any worse, were struck while walking with their parents and two other family members in a marked crosswalk on September 29th in Westlake Village,
Starting point is 00:46:34 a community about 37 miles northwest of downtown L.A. Do you fucking believe this? The older boy identified as Mark Iskander, sorry if I'm butchering that, died at the scene while the younger boy, Jacob, died later at the hospital. And they take off. This is what makes me sad.
Starting point is 00:46:54 When the accident occurred, Erickson, 52, had been racing. The woman hit the kids, not him. But he's racing this woman, Grossman, she's 57, of Hidden Hills, Los Angeles. They were racing. These are adults. I mean, what the fuck is wrong? Why is everyone so fucking stupid?
Starting point is 00:47:26 Why aren't more people interrogating like me? Erickson was arrested Wednesday, charged with misdemeanor reckless driving. He has a court date, March 16th. Grossman was arrested on the day of the accident and released on bond October 1st. She was charged on December 30th with two felony counts, each of murder and vehicular manslaughter with gross negligence and one felony count of hit and run driving resulting in the kid's deaths. Prosecutors allege that Grossman continued driving after striking the boys, stopping about a quarter mile away. She has pleaded not guilty to the charges, which could send her to prison for up to 34 years if convicted.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Let's hope so. Bye bye, dickhead. It wasn't immediately clear why the two drivers were arrested four months apart. Well, I know why. Rebecca never threw a no hitter. How about that? Erickson played for 1990, 2006. It's a long career.
Starting point is 00:48:26 The Twins. That's right. I remember he was a beast. Orioles, Mets, Rangers, Dodgers, and Yankees. He's a member of the Twins' 1991 World Series championship. Now you're going to have to hawk that ring for bail money. Is that not fucking horrible? These are adults.
Starting point is 00:48:49 Let's stay in California quickly. Final story. Have you guys ever driven up the California Pacific Coast Highway? CPH. It goes all the way up right along the water. If you haven't,
Starting point is 00:49:03 don't do it right now because the road's caving in. But me and the wife did it uh i don't know when did i live in la back in the mid 90s uh fourth of july we made the right it is the most beautiful breathtaking scenery ever um a huge piece of that road california highway one near big sir collapsed into the ocean a couple days ago california department of transportation caltran official said in a statement friday um debris flow from the hillside above the roadway overwhelmed drainage infrastructure uh flowed across the highway and eroded the road resulting in complete loss of a segment of the highway at rat creek who hasn't been there about 15 miles south
Starting point is 00:49:45 of Big Sur, which is the most beautiful, arguably the most beautiful place on the fucking planet, Big Sur, a mountainous stretch of the state's central coast. California Highway Patrol Officer John Yarris said he was in the area on Thursday around 4 p.m. when he noticed the section of the roadway, specifically the southbound lane, had fallen off into the fucking ocean oh my god son of a whore take a look at the video here all trans officials say that much of the highway one erosion was caused by the heavy rain and debris flow with the dolan fire burn scar burning much of the vegetation off the mountain there wasn wasn't much to sustain. Pause. Off the what did you say?
Starting point is 00:50:26 Mountain? She said mountain. Nick, one second. I don't give a shit. That's ghetto talk. Now everybody, any girl like under, now it's adult women saying mountain. It's pronounced mountain.
Starting point is 00:50:43 It always was, and that's how it should be pronounced not mountain it's not too fucking word mountain they leave the tl mountain mountain lawrence started that mountain i swear to god it makes me nuts nick relax i can't these are people talking to me grown women women doing the news, and then it hit a mountain, eh, anyways, did you, look at that, you know what that reminds me of, you guys remember after the big quake in LA, remember the bridges came, whatever, the guy in a motorcycle, a motorcycle cop didn't know he was going up this bridge ramp. He didn't know the street was gone to his death. Imagine if you were driving and didn't, I think maybe you want to put up some cones, you know? Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:51:35 At least 25 structures in Northern California have been damaged as a result of mudslides and debris flow caused by a powerful atmospheric river fueled storm. Most of the impacted areas where burn scars existed from earlier wildfires. And those wildfires went over that. You know why? They refused to clear all the underbrush because it would disturb owls homes and shit. Anyways, just thought I'd bring that to you i want to thank you guys uh in your contributions a lot of people moving over to which is great so uh i want to thank since thursday one-time contributions greg
Starting point is 00:52:20 cooper k-u-p-e-r illinois don Don Roberson, California, Marshall Sinard, Colorado, James Roberts, California, Mark Galagno, New York, David Rodriguez, Missouri, Thomas Seresi, New Jersey, Gabe Eaglin, Louisiana, Philip Zeeber, Georgia, Tom Honingford, Ohio, Thomas Lent, New York, Thomas Monaghan, Massachusetts, Jay Beattie, Kansas, Joe Veltri, Virginia, Kurt Weber, Pennsylvania, Brian Ellis, Florida, Robert Nugent, Massachusetts, Michael Coakley, Illinois, James Reimenschneider, Armed Services Pacific, thank you for your service, Alex Stefanovic, Canada, Adrian McGinn, New Jersey. Nicholas Simone, Nevada. Drew Christensen, North Dakota. Sean Powell, Florida. Heather Burton, Texas. Richard Marquardt, Montana. David Vendetti, California. Kit Fortney, Michigan. Wow, a lot. Garrett Hurth, New York.
Starting point is 00:53:19 Lee Priest, our bodybuilder friend from Australia. And new monthly supporters, Chris Gano, Russell A. Lazuso, Spencer Paulette, and Danny Mead. Thank you guys so much for becoming monthly subscribers. Also, we had a ton of you guys help,
Starting point is 00:53:38 help me out by moving your monthly support from Patreon to the comics gym over the weekend. Thank you guys. There are too many of those names to list right now, but we will add a few of them each day over the next week or so to recognize you guys and how much we appreciate it. Thank you guys so much. That is it, ladies and gentlemen. Excuse me, the vape causing all kinds of lung clamps. That is it for today.
Starting point is 00:54:08 Remember If you want me to roast one of your friends or relatives or a neighbor you hate or a boss, or if you want me to say happy birthday to Uncle Tom, whoever. I didn't mean to say Uncle Tom. Uncle Jim, all right? What can I fucking say anymore? Anyways, go to Click on my profile.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Tell me a little bit about the person. I will make a personal video on my phone and send it to that person. People are using them for birthday gifts and everything. It's really fun. I love doing them. That is it. You guys think it? Oh, don't forget
Starting point is 00:54:43 Move everything. Patreon, move it over. Bring it over. You guys think it. I'll say it. Very welcome. We'll see you back here tomorrow. Have a good day, everybody. guitar solo We'll see you next time.

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