The Nick DiPaolo Show - Gunns Ablazin'

Episode Date: July 23, 2018

Terror Trouble In Toronto? Gunn Gone, and Sacha Baron Cohen Fools Another GOP Moron. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh Oh yeah, how are you folks? Welcome to the show on a shitty Monday. As we used to say on the series show, every day is a fucking Monday. How you doing, alright? Good weekend? Yeah? Good. 888-599-NICK. 888-599-6425. 888-596425 is the phone number.
Starting point is 00:00:56 That's right. We take calls. Very rare on a podcast. But we have that technology and we use it. Found a couple nice Indian kids at Lib Namby that hooked it up nice. Say hi to the twinks. Twinks, how are you? Hello there.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Yeah, how to bring that energy. Is that a cancer fucking ward in there? I come downstairs, the twinks got here and one of them dropped a, yeah, whatever. Let's just say it would have killed 10,000 curds. Whatever came out of one of their asses. I don't know. There's not much ventilation in here.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Ventilation! We have a soundproof curtain. The door is shut. And, uh, it doesn't breathe. Got the, uh, air conditioner. You know, the ones that you stick in, the hose goes outside. Works beautifully. I suggest you all get one you stick in, the hose goes outside. Works beautifully. I suggest you all get one if you're living in poverty like myself.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Hey, good to be with you. Shout outs. Well, these are big enough. The fonts are 66. I think I can read this without my glasses. Shout outs. And you said, well, who gets shout outs? Well, people who join the Michael level, which is the top tier three level on Patreon.
Starting point is 00:02:06 And people like, I couldn't afford that. Well, it's not personal. It's only business. It's only business, honey. But big shout outs go to the Unwritable Rant, Andrew Vogel, Zach Ross, Jimmy DiLorenzo, Nicholas Simone, Chris Thoneone and Joshua Smith thank you guys for stepping up to the Michael
Starting point is 00:02:28 Corleone level and seriously we appreciate it very much that allows you to get a free hat or t-shirt
Starting point is 00:02:34 20% off merchandise you get a shout out on the show your name is on a show okay 15-20,000 people on YouTube will hear it
Starting point is 00:02:42 so you're semi-famous and if something goes bad in your neighborhood the FBI will be knocking on your door. But thank you guys so much. How was your weekend? I went up to Boston to see my dad. My dad is in the, I would say, the late stages of Alzheimer's. And what a cruel disease, man.
Starting point is 00:03:00 I heard about it all the time, joked about it. Still do. And will continue to. But, man, what a cruel goddamn disease and if you like my sense of humor you would have loved my dad because that's where i got it i'm not talking the in the you know racial angle or whatever just a guy who could riff naturally he could fucking riff i used to watch him we would have cookouts and you know eight of his friends would be around him he'd just be riffing off the top of his head and have them wiping their eyes.
Starting point is 00:03:28 So, yeah, it is a cruel disease, man. You know what it's like to go to hug your dad? He puts his hand out like you're an insurance salesman at his house and it's fucking brutal. But that's where I... I'm going to be PC here. That's where I realize
Starting point is 00:03:44 how strong women are. My mother, my sisters who happen to still live in the vicinity well of course my mother does but uh unbelievable they can they can handle anything i can't i don't know how they do it i don't know my mom does it has to be long goddamn days but my old man is still even as and you know and i would say late stages at this point we're watching the red sox game and he doesn't really know anymore what he's watching but this is how slow baseball is we're watching the sox game the pitcher is on the mound holding the ball from my father goes for christ's sake throw it he he had one one moment of clarity that's how fucking boring people find baseball.
Starting point is 00:04:26 He goes, for Christ's sake, throw it. I almost fell off the couch laughing. I'm like, he's not completely gone. And just, God bless him. One funny motherfucker. Big Nick, they called him. Where did he get that nickname? Well, my sister was dating a kid,
Starting point is 00:04:42 and I think I told this on the old podcast. In high school, this kid Brian, he had hair down to his ass, kind of a punk, weed-smoking, whatever the fuck. We're at a football game. I remember this. I was a kid. And he gave my father the finger in the stands of the football game. My old man chased him.
Starting point is 00:05:01 He gave my father the finger and then ran out of the stadium. The kid runs out of the stadium. My dad chases him. He gave my father the thing and then ran out of the stadium. The kid runs out of the stadium. My dad chases him. All the people in the stands, instead of facing the field, now are facing the other way. Looking. There was a big field behind the stadium. My dad is chasing this kid. He caught him, too, by his hair.
Starting point is 00:05:21 I think he slapped him in the face. If he did that today, he'd still be in a prison. But Jesus Christ. Big Nick. Tough as hell. Thing about this is he's physically still healthy, which is not a blessing at this point. I don't want to see him, you know, I don't want to see him live this out forever and ever because it only gets worse. But a typical gindaloon.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Fucking healthy as a horse. And he had me laughing, man, yelling at the fucking TV set. And rightfully so, because I'm thinking the same thing. Jesus Christ, will this guy throw a pitch already? So say a prayer for the old man, Big Nick. He did a couple other things during high school
Starting point is 00:06:02 with my sister's boyfriends. He was not playing around. He's a little protective. That's the Italian slash Marine in him. Another time I'm down the park watching a ball game at like 7 p.m. And I think one of my sisters was with her boyfriend on a swing set. My father pulls up. She was supposed to be home.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Pulls up in a pickup truck like a redneck. Starts yelling at my sister. Of course, I'm fucking belly laughing. And boy, did that reputation spread. Don't want to piss off Big Nick. Excuse me. But his dad lived till he was 93. His mother was like, I think, 81 or 82.
Starting point is 00:06:39 And on my mother's side, my mother's mother at 93. So I don't know what says, but. And if you're a bit of an asshole, you live forever. That's how that works. That's what I was told. So is that right, Ryan? Right. Ryan, just I go.
Starting point is 00:06:57 If you're part of an ass, he points at me. Ryan just points at me. You know what, Ryan? There goes your dental. at me. You know what, Ryan? There goes your dental. Please come to Boston for the springtime. And I want to thank the Waze app on the way up there.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Just it was pretty good. You know, it's 205 miles. I did the first 180 in about 180 minutes. And then you get up by 128 in Boston and it's bumping a bump. It doesn't matter what time of day. It kicked me off the fucking highway. Sent me through an old neighborhood I used to live in. I went
Starting point is 00:07:31 by an apartment building in Woburn on Washington Street that I used to live in. It was a nice complex. Now it's section 19 housing. I almost started crying. It was so goddamn depressing. Are there any parts of the country that have been touched by fucking poverty and crime? Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Marblehead, Massachusetts. 888-599-6425. 888-596425 is the phone number. Tour dates real quick. Tonight I'll be at the Fat Black New Joke Night. I got nothing. I'm going to go up there and wing it. That'll be fun. I'll be bombing. But this
Starting point is 00:08:10 Wednesday night, the Fat Black Pussycat and Saturday night, the Fat Black Pussycat here in New York City, right around the corner from the Comedy Cellar. They call it the Lounge. And then Friday, September 14 and 15, Arlington Draft House in Arlington, Virginia. Friday, September 21, Orpheum Theater, Flagstaff, Arizona.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Doing a corporate gig the night before. That's right. Me doing a corporate gig, which is very unusual because they like it PC and very, very fucking faggy. But I was told these guys are like capitalists. They own a furniture, a national furniture company. I will bring you. They said he can do whatever he wants.
Starting point is 00:08:45 I will bring in the heat. I've heard that before. And then they'll be like, we didn't know you were going to say that. Well, fucking blow me is my response. You know what I'm saying, right? Jason and Ryan, two of the whitest kids I have ever met, folks. Perfect for the show. I wanted a heavyset black chick that could.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Go ahead, Ryan. Oh, I mean... Ah, man, no. I got nothing to say. You just said we're the whitest kids you know. I just wanted people to see us. Okay. Then get off the fucking mic.
Starting point is 00:09:13 I, uh... I like how Jason's wearing the shirt of a lesbian. The... You should be in a Subaru with a fucking mullet heading up to fucking Burlington to meet your girlfriend that was a gay joke what what let's get to it um by the way I'm looking into somebody online suggested the bifocal uh contact lenses which is uh you know I already I already spent 40 minutes in the bathroom getting ready. Now I got to play with contact lenses.
Starting point is 00:09:46 But I am looking into them. Or Lasix or just throwing battery acid in my face because these fucking things will age you. Look at this. Who wants pussy? Apparently not that guy in his late hundreds. I can read the headlines because the font is fucking humongous. Texas Lawn uh gets death threats for slogan promoting legal workers let me uh repeat that texas lawn company gets death
Starting point is 00:10:14 threats for promoting legal with an l workers that's where the left is uh they are threatening people death threats for people who are hiring and following the laws legally. So that's why you're going to get smoked in 20, well, in November, the midterms, and then you're going to get smoked in 2020 because you've lost your collective minds. You're betting on a whole bunch of Hispanics
Starting point is 00:10:40 and brown and black people, and guess what? You ain't going to get them. You've lost them. The fucking hardworking people who cut your grass and stuff don't like your shit. But you keep running with Bernie, the Democratic Socialist. And what's her name? Alexandria Ocasio fucking Chintal Chili Peppers.
Starting point is 00:10:59 The girl who unseated a guy, Joe Crowley. She's a Democratic Socialist. She's like a 28-year-old Hispanic woman. Is that who we're looking to for leadership? Good luck, Pelosi, you leather-neppled
Starting point is 00:11:10 fucking whore, you, and Chuck Schumer. Even they're afraid of her. They're like, look, okay, we're a little radical, but we just use words. You're actually putting it into action.
Starting point is 00:11:19 So we shall see. But yeah, getting death threats. And to the people who are giving them death threats, we say this. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. That's plain English.
Starting point is 00:11:34 A Carleton, Texas business owner is reportedly receiving death threats after business cards surfaced that promote a legal operated lawn care service. that promote a legal operated lawn care service. At least one person expressed a concern about a, in quotes, your alternative to illegal lawn service slogan. Mow Masters owner Jeff Hinkle said he never passed out the cards that are now stirring controversy in the North Texas community. He did not appear to know how the sample, was supposed to be a sample business card,
Starting point is 00:12:02 from three years ago got into the public's eye. Oh, gee, I wonder how. That's how sensitive we are. The controversial cards bear the slogan, your alternative to illegal lawn services. The card also proclaims taking back your Carrollton one lawn at a time, which is sort of a uh you know a play on trump and um so you know the guy's hiring immigrants that you guys are so fucking in love with and you're threatening his life because he's excluded illegal immigrants i hired a guy from, he's from Nigeria or wherever to cut my lawn. We have footage of him, don't we, fellas? You got to be, folks,
Starting point is 00:12:50 guys, you got to be ready with this shit. You got to be, there he is. I hired this guy and he does a nice job. I forget his name, by the way. Anytime, fellas. Nope. You got to cut it before Chappelle comes on. I got to teach you how to edit.
Starting point is 00:13:14 But that's the guy I hire. Can we see that again, please? Let's try that. Can you cue that up again? I don't know if it's a problem. But this guy does a hell of a job 10 9 my neighbors love when this guy cuts my line and he's legal came over here on an inner tube or a picnic basket or some shit. And does a nice job. But that's where we are.
Starting point is 00:13:48 On the left. The controversial cards. We're on the slogan. You're all trying to have the legal song services. He's taken some flack. And there was somebody who. A local guy who was upset with it. Local CBS affiliate spoke with a guy named Fonzie Guzman,
Starting point is 00:14:06 who appeared to be offended by the card promoting a legally run business. He says, I was upset at first, but once I broke it down, I thought, I feel bad for this guy. Now, why Fon? First of all, I feel bad for you, Fonzie. What's your real name, you chicken shit? This is the problem with social media. Why do you feel? Because you're morally superior to him? That's what he means.
Starting point is 00:14:29 I'll guarantee it. Why do you feel bad for him? That's what makes the country run, small businesses. So don't feel bad for him. He's promoting legal immigrants. But I feel bad for him because he's probably a bigot and a racist. And I'm telling you that's a spirit uh in addition to the slogans the card says that Hinkle's by the way go
Starting point is 00:14:51 to uh lawn service uses high business standards it says he follows tax law and has the best credentials ethics ratings and. He claims his employees are crime and drug free. I wait a minute. No, I, I cut my own grass sometimes when I can't get my Nigerian friend and I'm not fucking drug free. I have to have six, seven beers before I get down to my sit down mower. My wife looks out the window and this is no bullshit. I started my lawnmower this year. I didn't clear the old gas out from last year. So I had blue smoke pouring out of the back. So I was trying to do like skywriting
Starting point is 00:15:32 trying to write I love you. This is all fucking true. But I'm not drug free when I'm cutting the lawn. I have to be numbed to do that tedious horse shit that only somebody from Mexico with a fourth grade education
Starting point is 00:15:46 would do. I, what? But I have to be fucked up. I used to do a joke about my old man because he was always outside. I said, my old man really loves yard work.
Starting point is 00:15:58 And then I got married and I found myself, he doesn't love yard work. He fucking, he hated my mother. Clear as a bell. Anyway, can you imagine threatening this guy for doing the right thing? For following
Starting point is 00:16:15 the goddamn law. Oh my god, you've lost your tits, lefties. Hi, how are you? It's a nice pro cam. We have to get something that it's hanging from it looks like somebody's prosthetic leg i know there's something that's right when you go to best buy and get something fellas maybe one of your tube socks uh he's taking shit for that it's just uh fabulous to me hinkle told the reporter that he has received death threats
Starting point is 00:16:45 and is concerned about his family's safety since publicity over the cards came out. Can you imagine his family's getting death threats? Because he says he uses legals with an L. Again, Pelosi and company, they always conflate. They always say Trump is anti-immigrant. They always conflate illegal and legals, the exact same fucking thing. And it's because they're dishonest and she has leathery nipples.
Starting point is 00:17:08 He said that someone must have found out the old sample card, which was never meant to be handed out. Don't be ashamed of it. There's nothing wrong on it. Why not hand it out? As for the offended party, that would be Fonzie Guzman.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Said he appreciates the change. Who gives a fuck what you appreciate? Who makes you the moral authority on anything, Fonzie Guzman, said he appreciates the change. Who gives a fuck what you appreciate? Who makes you the moral authority on anything, Fonzie Guzman? I don't wish bad upon him, but at the same time, be careful how you promote your business. And I say to him, Fonzie, or what?
Starting point is 00:17:40 What if I'm not careful? Or what? You cheese-eating fuckstain. I hope his business grows, but doing it in the right way. So you're the authority on what is right and wrong as far as hiring people. Where do you people come from, huh? Where do they make you? You sanctimonious fucking cum guzzler.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Not shaming other people's businesses or their background. Mr. Guzman concluded. I say you get back on your... Whatever. May you have a house fire tonight. While you're cooking. Whatever. I'm holding a pee right now.
Starting point is 00:18:23 I should get up. This is where a commercial will come in handy. I had coffee, a Diet Coke, and my sleep problems are back, folks. I took a lorazepam, half of one. Knocked me out nicely, but then I have the fucking energy of a cancer patient the next day. So then I kick it up with coffee, and then I have a glass of rum. So I'm all mixed up. But it makes for a good show, doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:18:52 888-599-NICK I'm not talking about Judge Kavanaugh, Tyler and Missouri and let's go to AKM in Texas who is on point. We're talking about Mallmasters. AK, what's up? Hey, how you doing, Nick?
Starting point is 00:19:15 Good. How you doing? Your thoughts on the subject. Yes, you're on. I'm good. Yeah, so in Texas, I've seen a lot of other places do this, exactly what this MoMass is kind of doing. I mean, not so blatantly as saying no illegal immigrants or whatever, but by saying American-owned, American-manufactured, American workers. That's a lot.
Starting point is 00:19:47 That happens a lot. And I live in Austin. Very liberal. Very liberal. So I see a lot of that down here. But I think it's a good thing. And I used to, I would have claimed that I used to be actually more democratic, but now they really have gone way too far left, you know? Yes, I do know.
Starting point is 00:20:11 And I'm glad you're finally smelling the roses. And he doesn't even say no illegals. I mean, he's inferring it by saying he hires legals. And you know who appreciates that, AKM? I'll tell you who appreciates that. And you know who appreciates that, AKM? I'll tell you who appreciates that. Latinos or any immigrants who did it legally, waited in line and did it legally.
Starting point is 00:20:35 They're not fucking cutting in line because the people that sneak in hurt them the most because they're bidding for the same jobs. But yes, you live in the Austin area. I mean, there's definitely a lot of that here. Yeah, I mean, there's definitely a lot of that here. Yeah, I mean, there's definitely a lot of that here. I mean, because there's a lot of hardworking Mexican-American immigrants that have done it right, that are here and are doing it, you know, like they're supposed to. You know what I mean? I absolutely know what you mean.
Starting point is 00:20:59 And for this guy to get death threats, that's literally, literally. So you're trying to keep a guy from making a living because of his political beliefs. And I've said this a thousand times on the show. That is the definition of fascism. And maybe eventually that's where this country's headed, you know. But not right now. Not right fucking now. And like I said, there's a lot of Latinos that hate legally that get furious.
Starting point is 00:21:24 And the Republicans should play up to them. They could do a better job at that. But you have, what, unemployment at record lows in Hispanic communities, black communities, and record lows in female. I mean, Jesus, give me a break. So this guy like Fonzie Guzman, I mean, who do they think they fucking are, is my question, to judge this guy. I don't know. It's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:21:52 It's getting out of hand. I mean, it's getting worse on the left side. They're losing people. Yeah. Well, let's hope they keep doing it. Hey, thank you for the call, AKM. I appreciate it, buddy. Talk to you soon.
Starting point is 00:22:11 the call uh akm i appreciate it buddy talk to you soon 888-599-6425 is the phone number and um for the love of pete and we do need immigrants and not just for this not for this type of stuff a lot of automation coming into play but we need the best and the brightest and i'm with trump and he says you have to vet these people. You know. But to be getting death threats and worrying about your family because you said something like this, you're mother's tits. Let's go to Nathan. Wants to talk about Mo Masters. I wonder if it's the Nathan. If it is, we have to jack up his volume because he's if it's him.
Starting point is 00:22:46 I don't know. There can't be another Nathan calling the Nick DiPaolo show. Maybe. Nathan, how are you? Yes. Good evening, sir. How are you, Mr. DiPaolo? Good. Muy bien. Very well. Yes. Hello. Go ahead. Muy bien. Yes. OK. Very good. Well, I've dated a few Latin women, so I appreciate that. I don't do good with the women of my, let's just say, Nick, I do better with the women who are a little more ethnic. Caucasian women don't really like me too much. Why do you think that is, Nathan? Are you speaking?
Starting point is 00:23:21 Occasional women don't really like me too much. Why do you think that is, Nathan? Are you speaking... Well, I'm not exactly sure. I may... Historically in my life, I have not been on the cool side, if you will. And I think some of the... Maybe the African-American women that I've dated and the Latin women appreciate the more nebbish
Starting point is 00:23:46 character that I've been called. That makes you cool, though. That makes you cool if you're a white guy dating. If you notice, Nathan, in all the commercials now, not all, but every other one of them, it's a mixed race couple. Almost every other commercial, they're trying to ease it in, which is fine. I'm just saying. But they're so sneaky about it.
Starting point is 00:24:05 There's a lot of commercials where you're looking at the woman going, I don't know, is she white or is she Arab? They've been easing it in over the years. But now I'm finally seeing clearly black, clearly white, which is fine. But you don't have to fucking treat us with kid gloves. We can handle it. Right, Nathan? Oh, yeah, we can handle it.
Starting point is 00:24:24 I mean, I believe uh they're appearing to a broader demographic and uh you know the climate of the world where now we have a lot more mixed couples but uh nick have you uh ever dated any uh african-american women in your day i did it cost me 50 bucks it was an hour and a half that's a true story when i first moved to new york city she looked like a whitney houston in her teens as as beautiful as they come and and uh i uh she she left my she left my she left my apartment with her headphones on crying that's all i remember and it was a it was did you say something inappropriate no she she felt bad about what she had done and I can't blame her. I mean, she
Starting point is 00:25:05 slept with a young Joey Buttafuoco on it and I can see why she'd be depressed. Oh, okay. Well, listen, I'm glad you had that experience. It's been most enjoyable for me. May I digress and take a little umbrage with some of the things you speak about?
Starting point is 00:25:24 If it's about mow masters. Oh, I was going to speak about the immigrant issue with the babies being yanked from their parents' arms. I wasn't talking about... Yeah, I wasn't talking about that.
Starting point is 00:25:44 I was talking about a guy whose life is being threatened because he hires legal immigrants. So I can see why you want to avoid that. Okay, well. No, no, no. I'm not avoiding it. Listen, if you drive by any house that's being worked on, I guarantee, okay, I live in the suburbs, I guarantee that there are illegal immigrants working on those houses. And I believe that there is a place now.
Starting point is 00:26:10 I don't think they should come into the country illegally, but the fact is that they're here. Now, this man should not have his life threatened because he's hiring illegal immigrants. But unfortunately, illegal immigrants are weaved, and I believe nobody should be threatened either way, because the work is getting done, Nick. The work is getting done, but you have to give me this much,
Starting point is 00:26:36 that those illegals are taking jobs away from legal immigrants, so I don't have a mind with them being deported and having to leave and get back in line. No? Have you ever seen immigrants or these Latin gentlemen sweating all day out in the hot sun, doing the landscaping and whatnot? Do you think the average kid or American, I don't think that they would do those jobs, to be perfectly frank with you.
Starting point is 00:27:06 A majority, I should say. I'm not saying all. I'm not sweeping with a broad brush. But I don't think that they would be doing those jobs. Well, as I look at the twinks, you might have a point. Well, here's why I disagree. Those are the jobs I was doing in high school. And how do you know?
Starting point is 00:27:21 in high school. And how do you know? I mean, if you can hire somebody for $4 an hour, obviously, you know, an illegal immigrant or whatever, they're undercutting what you'd have to pay as somebody from this country. A white kid, like you said. So, I mean, I don't know. I think these kids living in their parents' basements,
Starting point is 00:27:41 you know, millennials, I think they'd do the jobs. I think they would. I don't know. You might have a valid point. Well, I mean, there's a lot of jobs in my mall that are being filled by different nationalities, and I'm sure they're on the books, as they say. But I appreciate you,
Starting point is 00:27:58 Mr. DiPaolo, and I feel this discourse between you and I is nice and... Civil. What is the word I'm looking for? Civil. It's civil.
Starting point is 00:28:10 It is. You are not being the usual right-wing running back that I'm used to. All right, Nathan. Hey, good hearing from you, and keep calling, and say hi to those hot Latino chicks. I know you're under the escalator. Thank you. You're under the escalator at the mall with your camera, but good hearing from you, and keep calling, and say hi to those hot Latino chicks. I know you're under the escalator. You're under the escalator at the mall with your camera, but good hearing from you. Take care, buddy.
Starting point is 00:28:30 All right. Who hasn't done that, right, fellas? 888-599-NICK is the phone number. My back teeth are floating. Like I said, I had coffee and all kinds of liquids. And let's move on, shall we? But you get my point, right? I feel for the legal with L immigrants who were doing it the right way.
Starting point is 00:29:03 By the way, my grandparents, this is why I'm a fan of the Latinos, because I always compare them to Italians at the turn of the century. My grandparents and, you know, they did the shit job. My grandmother cleaned college dormitory rooms. My grandfather laid railroad track for, you know, eight cents a week. And they didn't have all these entitlement programs to suck off the government's tit. They had to work their balls off. But anyways, what do we got here? Here we have a...
Starting point is 00:29:31 Toronto. I don't know if it's terror or not. I know the English. With glowing hearts, we see the rise. The true north, strong and free. This is Roger Doucette singing. Google him. Roger Doucette singing. Google him. Oh, Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
Starting point is 00:30:27 O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. Well, anyways, Toronto, we're talking specifically. Another attack. You remember back in April, some guy in a truck mowed down like 10 people. I think he killed 10 people back in April. Am I right, guys? I'm making that shit up. I thought I...
Starting point is 00:30:54 But there was a shooting up there this weekend. Some guy just walking, dressed in all black, walking down the sidewalk with a handgun, just started shooting into cafes fucking randomly. And a 10-year-old girl, 18-year-old woman killed, and the shooter was killed. Every article I've read in every story, they go, they found him dead in an alley. And then they don't know whether the cops killed him or he killed himself.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Even before I came on the air. How do you fucking not know that? What does that tell you, right? My radar goes up right there. Okay? The victims range in age 10 to 59. 13 other people. Now it's up to 17 people seriously injured.
Starting point is 00:31:33 I know three of them were saved in hospitals by surgery. So, you know, this is again, and it remained unclear if the gunman identified only, And it remained unclear if the gunman identified only, keyword only, as a 29-year-old killed himself or died after being shot by police. So let me get this straight. You have the body. They're not giving out a description. You know, if it was whitey, they would have said a white male, ba-ba-ba-ba. Same with Vegas. Do you know how little we know about the motive of that Vegas shooter?
Starting point is 00:32:07 So once again, this is creepy. It's politically correct, in my opinion. That's what I believe the third into the article. And at the end of the article, when I quote the mayor, you see, I was fucking dead on. He was in the city's Greek town neighborhood when he opened fire on Danforth Avenue. He shot between 15 and 20 rounds during his spree, hospitalizing at least nine. It's way more than that now. Local reporters have been sharing cell phone video footage showing the exact moment he opened fire,
Starting point is 00:32:35 which is just hard. Toronto's a great city. It's very PC. It is. It's very liberal. It's like, do you know what has more Italians? You know what city settled more Italians in North America than in this city?
Starting point is 00:32:50 Toronto. I did a gig up there in an Italian neighborhood. I'll never forget it. It's a beautiful city and shortly after the shooting, Police Chief Mark Saunders said it was not random and he did not rule out terrorism as a motive. But why can't you tell us? You have to know the guy by now, motive but why can't you tell us you have to
Starting point is 00:33:05 know the guy by now right you can't tell us his race and religion sure you can well nick why is that so important because it is the guy that used the truck back in april had he fucked up middle eastern name authorities received a call shortly after 10 p.m witnesses reported the suspect walking down the street firing at restaurants and cafes. And it triggered a small stampede of people, which you can friggin' understand. But here's where I start to fuckin' lose it a little bit. Here's the mayor, quote from the mayor. What the hell's his name?
Starting point is 00:33:39 I believe it's John Tory. Yeah, John Tory. Of course, he says, and I quote, guns are too readily available to too many people. Then he says, in quotes, it's almost inconceivable that these things can happen, said Mayor John Tory. We were so used to living in a city
Starting point is 00:34:01 where these things didn't happen, and as we saw them going on in the world around us, we thought they couldn't happen here. And then he says, in quotes, why does anyone in this city need to have a gun at all? Who said that? John Tory. Who the fuck said that? John Tory. Who's the slimy little commoner shit twinkle toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant?
Starting point is 00:34:29 Why would anybody, why does anyone in the city need to have a gun at all? And let me answer that for you, Mayor. I don't know, in case somebody comes walking down the street dressed in black and starts randomly firing into cafes and restaurants in your town. Maybe that would be a good time for somebody to have a gun. Anybody? How do you stop the guy? Who stopped him? I'm guessing the cops.
Starting point is 00:34:51 We can't even confirm that. But that would be a good reason. And this fucking, this notion that if you outlaw guns, that, you know, nobody's going to have them. You don't think this scumbag is going to get a hold? There's always going to be a black market, and that's why they're called outlaws. We've had this argument a thousand fucking times.
Starting point is 00:35:10 But that's why, sir. That's why somebody would need a gun. Thank God the cop showed up, whoever, or he put himself to death. Again, you're so PC and so slow with the information. You can bet if he was from fucking Idaho, it would have been all over the you know is it me kids twinks your thoughts
Starting point is 00:35:30 come on what he is must have an opinion jason i was just on the phone i missed it sorry you're doing your job yeah he's doing his job he missed everything all right well jason uh ryan what's your excuse you're listening to this um what what's your excuse? You're listening to this show. What's my excuse? Do you agree or do you think – are you for gun control? I think better mental health checks. But besides that, I don't really see a reason to not let people have guns except in cities that are really condensed where you might more often find because everyone gets a gun everyone's gonna start shooting themselves in a high crime area right if it's a little bit harder okay you can get off now because i can hear jason time
Starting point is 00:36:15 well every every city is a condensed area and those people are that are killing each other you could have well chicago illinois tightest gun control laws in the country same at dc most shootings so i'd like to you know agree with your point but i agree with the mental we you know there's too much privacy we can't look into the the mental health and shit but but the point being being... I'm very happy with people having a rifle in their house and stuff like that, like a shotgun or whatever. Yeah, but that wouldn't help you if you were in that cafe right now.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Cafe owner. Should have the gun. Yeah. Yeah, well, this John, the mayor of fucking Torrey wouldn't agree with you. He thinks too many guns is the problem. Cheese dick.
Starting point is 00:37:01 I'm talking to him, not you. All right, thank you, Ryan. He grew up in Yonkers. He knows guns. Yonkers used to be nice. Now there's parts of it to make LA, make Detroit look whatever. Let's go to Let's go to
Starting point is 00:37:18 Let's go to Allie in Charlotte. Allie, welcome to the show. How are you? Oh, my gosh. Hi, Nick. Holy shit. I think I've tapped into a middle school.
Starting point is 00:37:34 That's good. Let me ask you, what does Pace taste like? I'm 29, so that's close. Oh, my God. You're 29 and you talk like that? How fucking... Guys in bed must just get hard listening to you. It's like a Barbie doll.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Anyways, 29? I picture you sitting in a kiddie pool right now. No, I wish. That would be nice. So give me your thoughts on the shooting in Toronto. Well, you know what's annoying is, you know, they say guns, more guns is the problem. But Common Sense says if people are more likely to carry stuff to protect themselves, I would find that, you know, people would less likely carry out a crime.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Like if you know if you're going somewhere and people are going to be having more carried concealed licenses and probably packing heat, I don't think a person would ever dare to try and, you know, if you're going somewhere and people are going to be having more carried concealed licenses and probably packing heat, I don't think a person would ever dare to try and, you know, do a mass shooting knowing that someone could whip out a gun and, you know, shoot them right back in a second. That may or may not make sense to me. Well, yeah. Statistics, again, the states with the tightest gun control. Why can't I hear myself a little bit? States with the tightest gun control.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Why can't I hear myself a little bit? With the tightest gun control, they have the most shootings, like Chicago. That's actually right. The people with the most concealed carry licenses, I read, in the country are the safest places, or also cities, in the country. Yes, you're not going to get mouthy. You're not going to get mouthy. Somebody takes a seat in a movie theater or whatever, or, you know, somebody gets loud in a bar.
Starting point is 00:39:11 I think Texas is the way you can carry everywhere. You see people with gun racks on their strollers down there, and they tend to behave themselves. And, yeah, but it's true. You're going to be less, you know, you know apt to fucking you know shoot up a place if you know that that's why do you think they're trying to arm teachers and putting guards at schools and stuff i i mean oh i agree with that 100 as a parent i want my kids protected you can't wait on the police to show up which could take what 10 15 minutes and then you have the police that could possibly be scared like they had that problem before where the police didn't even go in.
Starting point is 00:39:47 I'm like, you need to arm people and teach them, make our kids safe. Anyone can take a weapon, or any object can make it a weapon. That's exactly right. But, you know, we're not taking away cars. We're not going to take away a fork. Yeah. You know, it's just humidity to me. No, we're getting there, though.
Starting point is 00:40:01 I mean, knives and, but yeah, no, you're absolutely right. Thank you for the call, Allie getting there, though. I mean, knives and but yeah, no, you're absolutely right. Thank you for the call, Ali. I appreciate it. I had this discussion on my serious radio show right after the Parkland shooting. And some guy was arguing with me that it's crazy to give teachers. So I said, your kids in that room, somebody busting with a gun. You'd rather have nobody in there with a gun. And then he couldn't answer that.
Starting point is 00:40:22 I said, answer the question. You'd rather have the teacher armed or not armed? You're never going to get rid of all the guns, okay? That is just fucking silly. And even if you did, the bad guys would still get their hands on them.
Starting point is 00:40:34 That's the way the world works. But my problem with the story is we don't get any information on this suspect up in Toronto. They're very slow. Do you remember years ago when something would happen? You'd know immediately. But they're very slow.
Starting point is 00:40:50 And why are they slow? They don't want in case, and I'm not saying it's a Muslim, but they don't want backlash against a certain community. And Obama was classic at, you know, slow walking information after tragedy. That's the first thing that come out. Where are we? We don't want to backlash you against the Muslim community. We know, we fucking know that.
Starting point is 00:41:10 But we, you know, we have a right to know. You've had the body now for 48 hours. Let some information out. That Vegas thing, we're going to find out shit down the road. I really believe that's going to creep us out because they're keeping that so tight and so sealed that it's uh i got the name now nick yeah you got the name of the guy and the clip yeah kevin james faisal hussein 29 years old faisal hussein is that true
Starting point is 00:41:40 is that right right here buddy that's a good update guys nice going Faisal Hussain you think if if his name was Tom Jackson or Johnny Jones you think we have known it yesterday? I do. Who will call me paranoid? Faisal Hussain? I can't even make that up. He's one of the Hussain brothers. But I'm just saying, these are the things you should take note of when you're watching the news. And they've had the body for a couple days now.
Starting point is 00:42:19 Same thing with day-to-day crime in New York City. They don't fucking release the... He had a green jacket on, a yellow t-shirt, red sneakers, but they don't mention the guy's race. They can tell he had a light mustache and an earring, and it's really frustrating. Let's go to Chris in Stoneham. He wants to talk about Toronto.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Chris, what's up, buddy? Hey, so I'm as much of a right-wing bigot as you are. I'm not a bigot. Oh, oh, I'm not a bigot. I'm not a bigot. Well, I am. Go ahead, Chris. In regards to the truck attack in Toronto, that kid wasn't a Muslim or anything.
Starting point is 00:43:07 He's what was called an incel, which is an involuntary celibate. And it basically just meant he was pissed off because he couldn't get laid. So his goal was to kill as many good-looking guys and women as he could. Well, yeah, that's what the media told you. But, yeah. No, you know what? You're right, though, Cripp. All right.
Starting point is 00:43:27 You know what, Cripp? You make a good point. A lot of this, and people say this jokingly, but a lot of this, you know, how much fucking anger in the Middle East, and there's always people blowing each other up. A lot of that is from, you know, suppressed sexual feelings and shit. You know, if you're seen with a girl who shows her ankle. No, you're right.
Starting point is 00:43:45 You know, so there is some with a girl who shows her ankle, you know, so there is some validity to what you're saying. Yeah, absolutely. Well, anyways, assalamu alaikum. Love the show. All right, Chris.
Starting point is 00:43:58 I love my Massachusetts people. Motherfuckers, it's crazy out there. Let's go to ben in houston i brought up you uh houston and how right on there right on their licenses is it these i knew a girl that lived there it said not to give people the finger or some shit right on their driver's license there was so many road rage incidents. Go ahead, Ben. Yeah, you gotta be careful around these parts when you're driving. You can't be cutting people off and
Starting point is 00:44:31 throwing the finger. Well, you can't do that in New York City either. Yes, you can't do that in New York City either, but the point being is in Houston, you have all kinds of conceal and carry laws and shit, so it makes it very dangerous if you want to give somebody the bird.
Starting point is 00:44:52 You can legally carry a weapon in your car in Texas without having a concealed carry permit. You can just carry a weapon around. Do you think that's a deterrent? I do. I think so, man. I think so. You know, you mentioned earlier that these high crime rate places like Philly and D.C. have these real strict gun controls and, you know, real high crime rate.
Starting point is 00:45:19 You know, there's a common denominator about the people who live in those places. Canadians. Yes, there's a lot of Canadians in Polish. Those people get very... That's what they call them down south. I know. I know what you're driving at. But like I said, I knew a girl that lived in Houston,
Starting point is 00:45:36 and right on her license, it was right on the... It said that you're not supposed to get... Literally, it said something about the middle finger. I couldn't believe it. This was in the 70s. So, yes, I would not fucking. I'd be quick. I wouldn't be quick to lean on my horn.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Let's say I'm in traffic in Houston. Thanks for the call, Ben. Appreciate it, buddy. Let's move on, shall we? 888-599-6425. And this is from a couple days ago james gunn he directed those guardians of the galaxy movies that you fucking nerds who didn't like baseball or pussy when you were kids enjoy so much and um he gotten a lot of a lot of a lot of doodoo he got canned by disney he's been removed
Starting point is 00:46:21 as director of the guardians of the galaxy series series after a batch of old social media dispatches were unearthed. That's another way of saying old tweets that touched on areas like pedophilia and pedophilia and rape. So you're fired. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired. Thank God. Gunn was fired. You're fired. You're fired. They say in the latest shocking hashtag MeToo development, the entertainment industry, Gunn was severed from the Marvel Comics universe after a slew of social media posts he wrote before getting Guardians of the Galaxy surfaced. According to Fox News, they were posted because Gunn is an outspoken critic of President Trump, and the effort was to knock him down a few pegs.
Starting point is 00:47:03 Mission accomplished. Gunn has long been a provocateur who has drawn ire in the past for his unusual humor. Among the tweets that forced Disney in Marvel's hand were, this is one of his tweets, I like when little boys touch me in my silly place. Counselor!
Starting point is 00:47:22 He's a fag! I don't see the joke there. Joe Cousy has a setup and a punchline. And the fact that he directs these movies. I have nine angles on this story. But another. Here's another tweet. The best thing about being raped is when you're done being raped. It's like, whew, this feels great not being raped oh this
Starting point is 00:47:46 guy's fucking hilarious uh there were others that made satirical comments about the 9-11 attack aids and the holocaust so he goes for the light-hearted shit i think and seeing that this is disney i believe uh the holocaust shit disney is a you know know, the Holocaust shit and the rape jokes. The pedophilia shit. Everybody knows Hollywood's filled with that stuff. But he got canned for these old things. Yet another tweet described a monkey masturbating on a young child and his commentary that it made him, in quotes, extremely happy. I didn't make that up.
Starting point is 00:48:27 A monkey masturbating on a... He's a fag. No, I'm not saying that. Disney responded quickly and decisively. The offensive attitudes and statements discovered on James' Twitter feed are indefensible and inconsistent with our studio's values, and we have severed our business relationship with him, said Alan Horn, Walt Disney Studios chairman.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Yeah, but let me ask you, Mr. Horn, where were you when he was tweeting this shit four or five years ago or six years ago when he was making your company billions of dollars? You're going to tell me you weren't aware of that shit back then? This is what Disney does. By the way, Disney is the biggest arbiter and promoter of political correctness around the fucking globe.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Just watch some of your kids' cartoons. I get friends who have young kids. They show me these cartoons. They're so PC, they make you want to shit blood. And you're going to tell me you weren't aware of this stuff back in the day when he was making you money? I find that hard to believe. And there's nothing funny about it. A joke has to have a setup, a punchline.
Starting point is 00:49:30 There has to be a hook there. There's nothing. But here's part of the article where you see a little bit of... We found these tweets below in a report by Fox News, and perhaps it is not a coincidence that it came from that outlet. Fox News got its ammo from the Daily Caller. One American News Network correspondent, Jack Posibic,
Starting point is 00:49:46 and right-wing commentator, Mike Cervinich, and apparently these conservative outlets pounced on old social media after gun-mocked conservative pundit Ben Shapiro as he defended liberal actor Mark Duplass. So Shapiro was taking a ton of shit from the left and
Starting point is 00:50:10 this guy came to his aid gunned it and that's the last thing you can do in Hollywood but this is what he's tweeted out in the last few days and again here's my take okay they're just fucking words this is what he's tweeted out in the last few days. And again, here's my take, okay?
Starting point is 00:50:28 They're just fucking words. I get fired for a tweet at Sirius, ostensibly. But we've given words so much meaning and power. But this shit isn't even funny. But in my world, in a perfect world, you could say any of this shit. Okay? But that's not the world we live in. but in my world, in a perfect world, you could say any of this shit, okay? But that's not the world we're living in,
Starting point is 00:50:51 the hashtag Me Too movement. It's, in other words, another case of libs eating libs. The guy's a comic book nut. He makes movies for fucking basically nerds who run the world, and even he's getting shit-canned by Disney. So how he thought he's going to get away with that um but they're trying to pass it off like it's a witch hunt by fox news and right wing how does it feel how does it feel we just talked about josh hater that that uh
Starting point is 00:51:19 that all-star pitcher who said some racist misogyny shit when he was 17 years old, tweets, now he has to go to, you know, sensitivity training, MLB's sending him to, and all kinds of, and you know what, the other night, I guess he got a standing ovation, which tells you most people have had enough of this PC horse shit. This kid, and again, I mean, either believe in free speech or you fucking don't. I'd fire him for being unfunny but um but you know he hit on holocaust stuff and and there's a lot of jewish people working at disney or and showbiz and don't fucking get a whole bit about
Starting point is 00:51:57 that i used to have a great joke about that um i i had a i used to say about uh my friends ago nick why do you think show business is run by Jewish people? And I said, you ever read the credits after a sitcom? It's like Schindler's List. It's a fucking killer joke because it's true, it's hilarious, and they frigging used it on Will and Grace
Starting point is 00:52:20 like a year later, not even a year later. I know a girl who's a comedian for boston who's out out in la and i'm not saying she took it or whatever but she was one of the writers over there and it surfaced on will and grace like a year later i almost shit my it's one of the best jokes ever wrote and people might find it offensive and uh to that i say fuck you fuck you um but then he tries to defend himself uh this is another tweet from him july 20th it's not to say i'm better but i am very very different than i was a few years ago today i tried to root my work on love and connection and lessen anger people have told me to try that fuck that my days are saying something just because it's shocking and trying to get a reaction are over so and that you know but why did you keep going to the to the pedophile thing
Starting point is 00:53:11 little kids touching me in my silly place in a a monkey masturbating there's a pattern there you know i'm no fucking csi vice cbs whatever the fuck but uh in in today's world hashtag me okay then he says uh for the record when i made those shocking jokes i wasn't living them out well that's for you to say i know this is a weird statement to make and seems obvious but still here i am saying it and then another tweet these are july 20th by the way anyway that's the completely honest truth i used to make a lot of offensive jokes again then, they weren't jokes, in my opinion. I don't anymore. I don't blame my past self for this,
Starting point is 00:53:50 but I like myself more and feel like a more full human being and creator today. Sure, I love a good dick in a Cub Scouts ass joke, but I'm just throwing that in. Love to you all. But I get advice for you you can act like a man what's the matter with you
Starting point is 00:54:11 so his defenses oh they were just jokes but I guarantee you Mr. Gunn would never say that when somebody on the right made a racist who was fired for some misogynist horse shit
Starting point is 00:54:23 I guarantee you you can look at his records. He never defended Imus or anybody like that. Who actually did it in joke form and was saying it in the moment. As opposed to sitting down and tweeting it out. But again in my world it should all fucking go. And then you look into his background and find shit. You know how you get pictures of him.
Starting point is 00:54:44 On a stepladder looking into a middle school with a trench coat and a bag of Twinkies, then you have probable cause. But let's go to Steve. Steve in Long Island. Stevie boy, how are you? Nick, what's going on oh you know stevie i want i wanted to ask you oh yeah only i know by the way big fan i've seen your show like four times uh when you come around
Starting point is 00:55:16 to governors and uh yeah i wanted to talk to you about the uh john the uh john schnotter uh the owner of the pop John's guy. Yeah, but we're not. Like, apparently, like. We're not talking about that right now. What's up? We're not talking about that. Yeah, I know, I know, but it's kind of in relation. Okay, there you go.
Starting point is 00:55:35 Connect the two. Go ahead. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. He's nothing. Well, he was busted by talking about that, saying the N-word on a... Conference call. On a recording, right?
Starting point is 00:55:50 Or a conference call. Yes. Conference call. Yes. So, you know, but how could anyone prove that? Didn't they just buy someone's word? Like, they have to take someone's word for that if they go to the press? I don't get it well what you're saying is if it's not recorded which i don't know if that call was recorded or not he was dealing with a pr firm at the time and i'm guessing there probably
Starting point is 00:56:15 is i'm guessing i don't know this for a fact but i'm guessing it probably is a recording of that conference call since it was business related but uh what you're saying is you're sort of implying it's like the oj thing that changed everything because we didn't have oj uh we didn't have oj on film killing nicole that was the uh that was the sort of the new take now so you're saying you're saying they had to take somebody's word for there were people on that call who were offended and they complained so i don't think it was made out of whole cloth. But he wasn't, the point there, Stevie, he wasn't, you know damn well he wasn't saying, well, if Colonel Sanders could call his employees niggers, I want to.
Starting point is 00:56:55 You know damn well he wasn't saying that in 2018 as the CEO of a successful pizza chain. So, but that's the world we live in. Yeah, well, that, yeah. Yeah, but that's, that's the world we live in. Yeah. Well, that, that, yeah. Yeah. Is that your point? No, no.
Starting point is 00:57:09 I was just saying like, at what point? No, I was, yeah. I was also saying at what point would the N-word come up during a conference call? Well, did you read the whole article?
Starting point is 00:57:19 And when is it, when is it relevant? Well, I'll tell you. Did you? No, I haven't. Oh,
Starting point is 00:57:24 okay. Well, this is what it was. They were talking about, there's a PR firm helping him out or whatever. And he said, supposedly, allegedly, that Colonel Sanders used to call his employees niggers and there was never any blowback. But I'm sure he wasn't saying, I should be able to do that. He was pointing out to a time where how, you know, how politically incorrect people were. And then he also said in that call about how racists used to drag black people behind cars till they died, making a point how disgusted he was of people like that.
Starting point is 00:57:58 But of course, that gets taken out of context. We're at a point now, Steve, with with if you're white you can't talk about black people racism slavery in any context you can't even go near it even if you're saying something positive that that's the world we live in right now it's it's i mean it's literally they think you're appropriating when you're just talking about them regardless of the context so uh that that was the context that he got fired in and i and find it hard to believe that he was being overtly racist, although he was from Indiana, and that's the home of the Klan. But I make a joke there.
Starting point is 00:58:32 Thanks for the call. Appreciate it, buddy. Yeah, that is all. Thank you, Steve. Yeah, so, you know. But this thing about you got to have a recording of it, or we didn't see OJ on film, Kilman. So that's, you know. We had enough evidence otherwise.
Starting point is 00:58:50 You know. Him checking in at Delta covered in blood. Little shit like that. Little details. But my point being is, you know, James Gunn. He was making them almost a billion dollars with these movies, and he was tweeting back then, don't tell me the guys at Disney
Starting point is 00:59:12 did not, weren't aware of that shit. So, they used them, and sayonara. I hate the fucking comic Marvel shit. Let's go see The Green Hornet. Let's not. I'm not a 14-year-old boy.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Let's go see Batman. Batman Returns. Give me another one. I love The Green Hornet. I know you. You look like you do. Ant-Man, Superman. Ant-Man?
Starting point is 00:59:42 There's a guy named Ant-Man, yeah. Ant-Man. The Flash. Now, Ant-Man was about what, a kid named Anthony from Long Island? He can shrink. Oh, he can shrink? But maintain the strength of a human being. I guess he can, like, crawl up your nose and start fucking punching you.
Starting point is 00:59:58 Yeah, see, I can't suspend my disbelief. That's why I can't suspend my... I liked Superman and Batman when i was a kid on tv but then i grew out of it as soon as i got my first pube which was about nine and uh i just i can't suspend my disbelief and i can't watch female superheroes beating the shit out of criminals and and uh but there's a lot of money in that as sunny once said there's a lot of money in that white powder pop. There's a lot of money in those Marvel comics, you know? Um,
Starting point is 01:00:27 but this guy is, uh, he's gone and there's nothing we can do about it. He's gone. Uh, let's do one more. Shall we? Uh,
Starting point is 01:00:37 let's go to, uh, fellas, let's focus. They're in there right now playing rock, paper, scissors. I don't know what the fuck that...
Starting point is 01:00:47 Fucking nerds to the bone. GOP lawmaker Jason Spencer strips down, screams N-word on Sacha Baron Cohen's Who is America? So once again, he tricked some dummy. And I'm not defending this GOP. He lost his primary anyway, so I think he's out of politics. But once again, another GOP, he lost his primary anyway, so I think he's out of politics. But once again, another GOP-er. And that's Sacha Baron Cohen's
Starting point is 01:01:10 favorite target, let's be honest. Even in Borat, remember he got on the bus with a bunch of fraternity, white fraternity kids, and it's always proving white racism. And then that same movie, he run to a bunch of young black kids at night,
Starting point is 01:01:26 and there was nothing provocative going on, you know. I love how he goes after these GOP morons. Why don't you venture into fucking the black caucus? Why don't you venture into, you know, downtown Detroit or Atlanta and see if you can find some racism there that would be anti-white racism? But he doesn't really do. Oh, he went after Ted Koppel, who was fucking relevant,
Starting point is 01:01:47 what, 20 years ago? So, I mean, it's fake edge. Borat made me laugh my ass off. I'm not saying this guy's not a brilliant satirist, but I like to see him be a little more even-handed. But this jerk-off that he went after,
Starting point is 01:02:01 I mean, I'm almost happy that he did it. Jason Spencer, a Republican state rep from Georgia, revealed that Sacha Baron Cohen had tricked him into shouting provocative language during what he thought was a real anti-terrorism training video. The shouting of racial slurs by Spencer, who was recently defeated, who would have guessed, in a GOP primary after serving four controversial terms, so he was on the edge anyway was just one of
Starting point is 01:02:25 several unnerving moments for the most from the most outrageous segment in the second episode of showtimes who is america and um he posed as an uh sasha barricone poses israeli uh terrorist expert uh colonel aaron marad baron cohen and list sp, who claims to be a victim of death threats for a training video on how elected officials can protect themselves from terrorists. The training involves a parade of Islamic, homophobic, and racist techniques that Spencer takes in stride. This shouldn't be all that surprising for anyone familiar with Spencer's record, which has included threats against a black female Democrat colleague and a proposal.
Starting point is 01:03:06 He said something about I forget what she said, but I was about tearing down those Confederate statues. And he said she might disappear sometime. That's what she said. He said about the female Democrat colleague and a proposal to ban Muslims from wearing veils. And yet still, the things that Spencer does and says with Cohen are truly shocking. So let's let's play uh let's play this we've got a couple clips here of this dope in america there is one forbidden word it is the n-word now i am going to be the terrorist you have three seconds to attract attention. Go! Nigger! Nigger! Nigger! Nigger!
Starting point is 01:03:47 Are you crazy? The N word is noony, not this word. This word is disgusting. Oh, it sounded like the luxury boxes when Marge Schott on the Philadelphia Phillies. She was an old racist lady who referred to some of her players as millionaire niggers and whatever. And they loved her, by the way. But that fucking guy, that guy is not Sacha Baron. I mean, just a fucking moron. First of all, how do you fall for that makeup? It looks like he's made of wax.
Starting point is 01:04:23 It looks like Kenny Rogers after the Botox. His fucking face doesn't move. And he was tricked into saying the N-word. But that's what you're voting for down in this district in Georgia? This guy had four terms? Just a shithead. And then the next thing, he wanted to about veils and stuff. And when people are dressed in all black, you can't tell if they're terrorists or not.
Starting point is 01:04:47 So Sacha Baron Cohen said, you know, pretend you're a Chinese tourist, and we'll use one of those mirrors like you're going to take a selfie with a selfie stick, and you can look under the, here it is. He more heard that you are Chinese. Go. Hello, Red Dragon, Beijing, Hong Kong, Go. He kept saying, he kept mentioning sushi, which is Japanese, but look at this fucking guy. And I call him like I see him, folks. Don't get mad at me. How the fuck did this guy get elected to dog catcher with his black T-shirt?
Starting point is 01:05:36 And it's a nice look. It was 1981 and just a fucking moron. But I want to see Sacha Baron Cohen take his fucking show into maxine waters district or up at the tenderloin in fucking san francisco and do the same thing go to inner cities and see if you can't get a city councilman to say cracker or white fuck you don't even have to coax them they actually do it now because there's no repercussions but this guy is a fucking retard and I'm glad he was exposed but I want to see some balance on this show that's all I'm fucking asking
Starting point is 01:06:11 God Jesus let's I guess that's it I got a good idea I got to go into the city we'll take one more call somebody wants to talk about James Gunn.
Starting point is 01:06:31 Alex in Dallas. It's a little off topic, but we'll end with this one because I got to scram. Alex, welcome to the show. Real quickly, buddy. Yeah, absolutely, Nick. Thanks for having me on. yeah basically i was just going to say about james gunn i mean obviously i'm pretty uh strict with my principles and i mean i don't i probably don't agree politically with james gunn but i don't want him to you know lose
Starting point is 01:06:57 his job or anything for a few you know poorly written jokes or whatever it is but i really could care less if he does lose his job because those fucking comic book movies are such shit. I'm sick to death of it. That being the only thing that's coming out now. Yeah, well, you and I... I mean, I'll tell you one thing. Go ahead, sorry.
Starting point is 01:07:19 Yeah, you and I are on the same page. Look, there's a lot of money in that, okay? The fucking world, I don't know if you know it, the world right now is being run by fucking nerds, okay? And especially show business. All the kids that, look, even in comedy, all the people that, a lot of my co-comedian friends are all fucking picked on and whatever.
Starting point is 01:07:40 That's what the arts, those are the people that are attracted to the arts. And this is their field. Hollywood, Harvey Weinstein, you know he was a fucking nerd, never got pussy before he became a billionaire, and, you know, doesn't know how to handle it, obviously. But that's, as far as Hollywood goes, that's who's running the show. And in the tech industry, you think those kids that are 25-year-old billionaires,
Starting point is 01:08:02 you think they fucking, you think they like Goodfellas and cuckoo's nest and the godfather no so that's who's running the fuck i'm with you on that but uh i'm also with you that it's just fucking words and i think we're giving words too much power absolutely i before i go the last thing i'll say is if they did try to pull this shit with Scorsese I would fucking burn whoever's place's house down they're not taking him off of anything yeah
Starting point is 01:08:31 yeah well Tarantino remember he was getting pushback for saying the fucking n-word and even that's what that's what pisses me off yeah well and nobody had a problem with it until again we keep And even that's what pisses me off. That's what he does. Yeah, well, and nobody had a problem with it until, again,
Starting point is 01:08:51 we keep each year the political correctness is getting worse and fucking worse. Tarantino, I mean, come on. And so now the libs are starting to eat the libs. And like I said, it's to the point where white guys, whether you're a director or whether you own a pizza company, don't even talk about. And if you talk about them in a positive way, like Bill Maher with the N word, Bill Maher has done more for the left,
Starting point is 01:09:10 and for black people's politics, and liberals, and, you know, they want to fucking eviscerate them, so it's, I'm enjoying it as somebody who is right of center, watching them beat each other up,
Starting point is 01:09:21 they created this shitty environment, so now they're, you know, it's a boomerang. He came back and got them. Thanks for the call. I appreciate it, Alex. Talk to you soon, buddy. But that's a whole nother different show.
Starting point is 01:09:38 There's a ton of money in these Nerdfest movies. And that's all. In Hollywood, the bottom line is the fucking bottom line. Anyways, but James Gunn, the shit wasn't funny. But again, mine was at least funny. My tweet, that controversial tweet that Sirius said they canned me for. But, you know, it was in joke form at least. Speaking of joke forms, I have to run now. Take a 10-minute piss and then jump in the car and
Starting point is 01:10:05 head into the city. New joke night. Fellas, that is about it. What am I forgetting? I don't know. Fat Black Pussycat, Wednesday night. I'm doing a full hour, 45 to an hour,
Starting point is 01:10:21 and Saturday night, too. That's this Saturday coming. Go to This is the free show, by the way, on YouTube. Free show Monday, premium show Tuesday, free show Wednesday, premium Thursday. And depending on what package you guys selected, you could get
Starting point is 01:10:37 three or all four. So it's a really good deal. And people are still signing up like crazy. I couldn't be happier no more selling coke to school children that is it I love you guys and remember you think it I'll say it you're fucking welcome
Starting point is 01:10:55 here's my friend Lee I love you for helping me to construct of my life not a tavern but a temple. I love you because you have done so much to make me happy. You have done it without a word, without a touch, Without a sign. You have done it by just being yourself. Perhaps after all.
Starting point is 01:11:32 Talking to your twinks. That is what love means. And that is why I love you.

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