The Nick DiPaolo Show - Happy 1984! | Nick Di Paolo Show #1328

Episode Date: January 2, 2023

New Years Resolution. College Football Playoff. Home Depot. Nick Gives Blood. Idaho Killer....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 I'm gonna fuck you on your bones, bird. Happy New Year, everybody. How are you? Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Let it roll. You just pulled off of your back pocket. I did.
Starting point is 00:00:56 I have two pounds of walnuts in my mouth right now. Had to put my teeth in. You can't tell me I'm not from Georgia, motherfuckers. Happy New Year's to you folks. Great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great to be with you. We're kind of changing the format of the show. We're fucking around for the next few weeks. I'm sick of reading the teleprompter and taking the fun out of my, you know, my funniness and my attitude.
Starting point is 00:01:24 And I want to try something new. This is how I am. my funniness and my attitude. I want to try something new. This is how I am. This is, again, why I'm talking to 11 people on the Internet. After 40 years, I have the attention of a crack baby, preferably Haitian. What? Why did you say that? Well, anyhow.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Anyhow, did you have a fun day? I know Dallas. Dallas, you went to, where did you have a fun, I know Dallas, Dallas you went to, where'd you go? Started in Texas, seeing the kids, and then went from Texas to Southern California for Gianna's folks. Gianna's folks, and we all know, do you have that picture
Starting point is 00:02:00 of you in there? With Nona? Yeah, with the Nona and Ant. Yeah, check this fucking out okay this looks like a um there it is it's a new show on the food network the fucking openly gay chef it's quint this is quint learning to cook with the Corleone family. Oh, my God. Look at Nana on the right. That's like, you know who? She's 90.
Starting point is 00:02:31 She's 90. And the woman on the left is 88. Correct. So I'm guessing the woman on the left is a wow woman. She's still got a rack on her. Oh, Nick, what is your problem? And you got that fucking creepy fucking snowman behind you. Look at it.
Starting point is 00:02:48 It's fucking bombing the picture. And you look like you just paddled both their asses. Maybe I did. Oh, God. I should have came with you. And who's the other lady? That's Gianna's mom. That's Gianna's mom.
Starting point is 00:03:01 No kidding. Real gondoloons. Look at all the decoration. I told Dallas I haven't seen a picture of him with regular clothes on. Him and Gianna always dressing up like they're in fucking Germany drinking beer, snipers,
Starting point is 00:03:16 fucking all kinds of weird shit. 1920s. Yeah, the 20s and shit. He hates the time he lives in. Yep. And he should. This is accurate. And he should. Oh, accurate. And he should. Oh, and also Gianna's sister. And what's her name and how old is she? What do you weigh?
Starting point is 00:03:31 Bella and 28. Bella and 28? I'm in. Honey, you know I'm happy. So here's what she gave us for Christmas, following just what you said about the way we dress. Oh, my goodness. This is what I'm talking about. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Now, I first thought she painted that or something, right? Yeah. But she didn't. Nope. It's a website you can go to and just select the pictures for it. Yeah, that's what Andy told me. I mean, I go, it's a Photoshop? In a way.
Starting point is 00:03:59 I'm going to weigh my ass. That's a Photoshop. Look at you. You look like Von Baron. My dad said I look like a 20th century German count. Yeah, that's exactly what I was saying. Von Baron and some fucking thing. And your lovely Gianna.
Starting point is 00:04:17 I'll tell you what's funny about that picture with Gianna. I just noticed. No, put it back. All right. The way you have it. She's got a woman's left hand, but her fucking right hand, it's fucking, you know, a defensive end. Crosby for the Raiders.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Look at her. She's got a giant Raider. Look at you about to poison her. Oh, my God. Classic. Anyways, so I had a fucking horrible And I'm still folks Shingles
Starting point is 00:04:50 The day we left here My shingles break out Did I have them before we left? Do you remember Dallas? Yeah you had them before You even showed them off a little bit Yeah They're all blistering
Starting point is 00:04:59 And I got on some fucking medicine That killed them I think you have to kill your thing Or it's echoey while I'm talking. Here you go. Yeah, so I immediately got on medicine. I went to doctors, and it really did the trick in about 10 days. But you feel shitty anyways.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Even when these start to heal, this is like a commercial. Like those fucking drugs you see every three minutes when you're shitty anyways. Even when these start to heal. This is like a commercial. Like those fucking drugs you see every three minutes when you're watching football. The faggot with the long hair. Try Valtrex. I did. You know that creepy guy? You guys know what I'm talking about?
Starting point is 00:05:36 I know you do if you watch football. He's fucking lying. He looks like Jesus, and then when they talk to him, he's like a weirdo. I suck Haitian cock around the clock. That's why Valtrax is like, okay, fucking Google.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Three gay guys left. Anyways, yeah, so, but I still felt run down and I still feel run down and gross and shit and on top of that my father-in-law is literally on his deathbed, 75, and, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:08 it's been over a week. I think they gave him his last rites, you know, three, four days ago. He's just a tough, tough guy, you know. So, yeah, and it's been tough on the wife and stuff, and I'm glad I brought that up during the funny show. I'm just saying, it wasn't the best of holidays. I got her this giant pink dildo that gets lost coming from China in the middle. And I don't know what to say. Anyhow, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Oh, New Year's, me and the wife don't do anything. We have been fucking, even when I young, I never got into it. Anytime I'd get drunk on New Year's when I was young, twice I had the cops come to my house because I was arguing with whoever I was dating, including Andy once when I was living in Queens. That was a doozy. I think it was some type of retaliation fuck on her part.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Listen, that's none of your business, but it was so typical of a young Italian couple having the cops come to their apartment. I had Puerto Ricans telling me to quiet down. So we never do anything. You know what I was doing when it hit midnight fucking the other night? I went in to get something to drink. I was watching football now. I go into the kitchen. Did you turn me down? What the fuck is going on here? I went in the kitchen to get something to drink,
Starting point is 00:07:34 and I see a dirty plate. I'm scraping. And I hear, happy New Year! I'm in the kitchen scraping broccoli into a disposal. That's how I rung it in. It's getting worse. I'm one of the kids that's scraping broccoli into a disposal. That's how I rung it in. What the fuck? It's getting worse. Ohio State ringing in missing a field goal literally right at midnight.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Yeah, yeah. Yes, that was horror. What a way to bring in the new year, huh? And anybody who doesn't like college football, you're super gay if you're a guy. If you're a woman and you're super gay, you probably love it. You'd probably get drafted. If anybody caught that. New Year's resolutions.
Starting point is 00:08:14 20 pounds. I'm not fucking kidding you. You think I'm kidding? You probably did. Do people start your resolution on today's people are celebrating today by the way because the holiday landed on a weekend whatever the fuck I don't know I haven't been in the corporate world since I was 28 so I don't know the rules so you and I sort of yeah they recognize it on the Monday if it falls on a weekend so they can still take a day off yeah so they get the
Starting point is 00:08:40 day whatever the fuck so but I'm like yesterday I'm going yesterday was the date, whatever the fuck. But yesterday I'm going, yesterday was the 2nd. Today's the 3rd, right? No? Yeah. Today's the 2nd. Oh. Anyways, I was just going to start losing my weight. I know it's a hacky thing, folks, but I don't give a fuck. There's still a fat waitress who looks at me at the IHOP up the street.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Going to get into that. still a fat waitress who looks at me at the IHOP up the street. Gonna get into that. Anyways, yeah, so I'm like, do I, so I start off the morning. I don't eat until like three o'clock. I'm drinking coffee and water and shit. The nanny fucking orders a bunch of grocery and there's fried chicken from Publix. Isn't that mean on her part? She knows I'm, what the fuck? If I was an alcoholic, you'd be waving a bottle on my, check this imported fucking. So cut to me. Oh, and there was hummus and a bag of Tostitos.
Starting point is 00:09:35 So I'd say I ate half the hummus and half the Tostitos. Then fucking salsa. And then I went to the fried chicken. I said, I'll just have a little leg. A leg, a breast, a head, and two necks, and a foot later. And I ate something else. I go to bed, wake up about three. I'm this close to throwing up. I did throw up in my mouth. You ever do that? Yeah. You don't eat fried chicken before you go to bed. I had heartburn. I fucking, Don't eat fried chicken before you go to bed. I had heartburn. I fucking, dude, I get it once every 10 years maybe.
Starting point is 00:10:08 I thought I fucking, I thought I drank battery out. It was fucking, I had to get up, drinking Pepto. That makes you shit black for the next two years. Anyhow, that's more than you guys need to know. But yeah, I don't have fucking resolutions because Biden's president. I don't even know if this country, the world's going to end in whatever. What's yours? To go back to women?
Starting point is 00:10:36 Yeah. We don't do the resolution thing either, really. It's whatever. We're going to open what we opened this year with King Oliver's's nuggets and everything and that's our focus we're gonna do that anyway regardless of new year you're gonna open what king oliver's it's a beautiful bar and restaurant him and the wife of uh you know all about that uh all right anyway real i'll touch on one story idaho idaho murderer whatever the fuck. Brian Kohlberger. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Some psycho. They got him. That slaughtered those four college kids in their sleep. This psycho. Went to school for criminology. PhD. Really bright. And if you guys read that,
Starting point is 00:11:22 his best friend said in high school he was always chubby he got picked oh did he so yeah go out and murder some people you fat fucking faggot anyways so he lost a lot of weight over the summer when they were in high school and he completely changed his personality and he took boxing and he was trying to bully people just a psychotic and then he got hooked on heroin i I guess, or whatever the fuck. But a brilliant student who studied, you know, criminology under a famous woman who's a forensic, a famous forensic, she consults on movies and whatever. And she got in close with a BTK killer, that guy Raider. he was a mass murderer, killed supposedly 10 or 12 people. And the professor studied him and got to know him a little bit, and he studied
Starting point is 00:12:12 under her, this kid, and whatever. She said he was the best student, one of the best, you know, probably one of those whatever. But he looks creepy. And the latest picture, he reminds me of that fucking adam lanza kid that autistic idiot remember that shot up to school in connecticut that's what he looks like he's got that long creepy face it's weird how they all kind of have that weird slender face with the giant cheekbones and dead eyes yeah he probably is autistic. People that bright usually are. This is just broke. I can't even make a pen in this country.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Anyhow, so they got that fuck after, I don't know, 47 days or two, whatever it was. People are so used to watching TV and have it all wrapped up. They're like, what's going on? They should have. They're not going to tell you what they're doing. Anyhow, they're saying, the public defender said he can't wait to get back to wherever Pullman, so he can be exonerated or whatever. Oh, yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:13:22 A white Elantra, which he had, his DNA's all over the murder scene. Piece of shit How would he If you're one of those girls' dads And you're gonna go to court And see this scumbag Oh That fucking hand is Oh they just made a big deal about that
Starting point is 00:13:38 Cause those kids were all white Alright Yes Your point No That's all I wanna talk about Fucking newswire All right. Yes. You have a point? No. That's all I want to talk about, fucking Newswire. I don't give a shit.
Starting point is 00:13:53 McCarthy's trying to become House Speaker, blah, blah, blah. I don't trust him either. He's a rhino in waiting to me. I want somebody to the right of fucking Strom Thurmond. You know what I mean? I do. I want a fucking Klansman running the house. How's that for you? That's what they have. Jeffries, the minority fucking whip, whatever you call him, from Brooklyn. That guy's a hateful, racist, black motherfucker. I read every quote of his when I lived in New York.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Just a hateful, and that's who they got. So let's give them the same thing back. Let's get it on. It's time. It's time. A couple of things I want to get off my mind. Home Depot, the guy that does the voiceover. My wife's been yelling at me for a year. Because when you watch college football around the clock, Home Depot commercials on every other fucking break. And it's this guy who talks like this.
Starting point is 00:14:43 For the doers. The diggers. You know what I'm talking about? For the self-doers, the diggers, the cocksuckers. And he's laying it on extra heavy, extra fucking heavy. And I go, this guy is playing it up. Because you know how the whole gay set, we have to be represented everywhere. When you think of Home Depot, you think of manly shit,
Starting point is 00:15:08 so let's make him the voice. So I've been saying, hold on. I sound like him. The tours, the diggers, the prick suckers, the pullers. The catchers. The goblins of goo at Home Depot. And I pointed out, my wife's like, for Christ's sake, get off it already. And I go, Google it.
Starting point is 00:15:34 I want you to Google what the fuck. And sure enough, she starts laughing. I go, what's so funny? First couple posts she reads, guys are going, hey, who's doing the Home Depot fucking, who's the super gay guy laying it on, he could have been me writing the fucking thing, and now there's a big theory out there, if you guys watch Yellowstone, which I know I'm late, but I'm watching it now, the kid, the guy that plays Kevin Costner's son, oh, when Kevin Costner was young, I think it's when, yeah, the guy that played Kevin Costner's son or when Kevin Costner was young I think it's when yeah the guy that played Kevin Costner when he was young Josh something
Starting point is 00:16:11 is supposedly the guy that does the voiceover and I said to Andy I've been watching this show I've heard no guy saying that let's go to the ranch and fuck a cow yeah the doers the the goat blowers. Home Depot's got them all. I said, I haven't heard anybody talk like that. They went on the show, and if that's him, and they said he's been under contract, he's laying it on. Somebody told him to gay it up. I don't know if he's gay or not. Well, Nick, why does this bother you? Because it's got nothing to do with the gay part bothering me. It's got to do with somebody trying to pull one over on the world. That's why I get angry.
Starting point is 00:16:47 I don't give a fuck if you fucking suck each other. Who gives a shit? I really do. It's gross when you think about it. Unless, as Lenny Clark said, unless it's done by a woman. It's art. It's beauty. I think a dick being sucked is disgusted.
Starting point is 00:17:02 But I'm just saying, they're slimy the way they do shit. And Dallas, she knew exactly what the fuck I was talking about. Well, the whole thing is, I agree with you. I think they actually told them to step it up a notch because it's the idea of replacing everything with the minority agenda, regardless of where it comes from, trans, gay, all of it. Yeah, although they're trying to up obviously uh you know overturn i just don't understand that's why the hell they die on
Starting point is 00:17:29 uh you know there's a million other ways to fucking make me nuts i would have to mute it i'm at the point where i fuck you guys have no idea that's why my wife's a saint she we can't even i I can't get, you know. We watch fucking Yellowstone. It should take, the episode's 48 minutes. Takes us about an hour and 48 because I keep pausing and going, would she really say that in real life without getting her fucking face rearranged by that guy? Honest to fucking God, man.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Do they ever, do you ever let it go, gay community? Do you ever, again, Hollywood is a gay business. Jim Florentine, a fucking funny comedian from Jersey, you know, he used to do crank anchors and all that shit, but he has a theory that anybody who's ever been successful in Hollywood had to blow somebody. And he's dead serious.
Starting point is 00:18:15 He could prove it with a pen and a paper. And I go, really, Mark Wahlberg? He goes, he's fucking, he was in a boy band. He had an answer for every fucking question. I'm telling you, you got to suck at that. But that fucking, and there's a million, the drugs, the lavotraxin, they're doing HIV drugs like half the nation. Is AIDS making a comeback? I've had my fingers crossed for years.
Starting point is 00:18:47 I'm kidding, Fags. I don't want you to go away yet. I'm just saying. Stop getting cunt. That's all I'm saying. That's my motto for the new year. Hound dog is going to eat that pussy. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:19:02 That's right. My nickname is Hound Dog. Enough of the, enough of the, and I'm noticing it in other things too. You're not fooling anyone. And people go, why, you know, because I was there.
Starting point is 00:19:14 I lived there from 1995 to 90. I went on auditions for commercials and shit. And I see who, I see, I don't think I went on one where the casting company wasn't like gay guy or a lesbian with a crew guy. I don't think I went on one where the casting company wasn't like gay guy or a lesbian with a crew guy. I just know.
Starting point is 00:19:30 And now they're going, oh, it's our turn. No, you still make up again fucking about 6% of the world population. Well, what's that got? Well, is that the game you want to play?
Starting point is 00:19:40 Because white straight guys still make up about fucking 70% of this nation. So if you want to play that game, you know, 70% of the PPC in commercials and on TV should be white. Wouldn't that be horrible? Oy, oy, oy. I know I've talked about this shit before.
Starting point is 00:19:57 I don't give a fuck. I have to get it off my mind before I have a heart attack. My doctor told me. Yeah, so they got the killer. Ow. What in God's... This thing... All right.
Starting point is 00:20:14 I gave blood, speaking of heart attacks. So you guys know I'm getting these capsules in my ass, testosterone therapy. And yeah, because I'll be 61 at the end of the month it's over Johnny it's over and so they did some blood work and once a year the guy that gives it a
Starting point is 00:20:35 capsules will do blood work to see where your levels are and shit and my hemoglobin is healthy levels are like 300 to, I think they said, either 9 or 1,100. Mine were over 2,000. Jesus. All right, overachiever. Yeah, exactly. In other words, if you cut me,
Starting point is 00:20:56 it would be like stepping on a jelly donut. That's what would come out like fucking. And the doctor's like, and I love this doctor because he's funny. He's my wife's gynecologist, which is funny enough. I sit in there and I make fun of the girls coming out. I go, oh, he looked at that? Ooh, he had to see that?
Starting point is 00:21:13 Ooh, ooh. And then I go in and make jokes about it and he laughs. But yeah, so he calls me about the test results. He's like, yeah, your hemoglobin's way... I go, what does that even fucking mean? Well, it's very thick. I go, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:29 he's like, you know, heart attack or stroke. I'm like, are you enjoying the extra 700 you make on me every three months?
Starting point is 00:21:38 I go, I, you know, I want to look good, but I don't want to fucking have a heart attack or a stroke. I don't want to be have a heart attack or a stroke. I don't want to be ripped and have a walker. I don't want to be drooling on my six pack and my cut chest.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Anyways, so he goes, yeah, you got to get blood. I go, what are you doing to me? Anyway, but I couldn't because I had the goddamn shingles. I'm like fucking Ben Hur's mother in the cave all wrapped up. Andy, get me another sandwich. By the way, I'm 220 fucking six or some shit. So, yeah, so I had to give blood, and I had never really done that either. You know, when there wasn't a hockey stick involved or a accidental puck in the fair or baseball something um of course I go and I get to get the moody guy with two earrings just a fucking virtue signaling I fill out the thing
Starting point is 00:22:37 at home here's another fucking beef of mine I'll fill out the thing this will save you time when you check in you know fill out all the I do that for 15 fucking minutes answering the dumbest questions that you could lie anytime you want on so anyways i get the guy with the two earrings and you know fucking i don't i could just smell virtue signaling gushing off him and he goes did you sign in there was a laptop on the front there and i pretended i pretended not to see it because i just spent 18 minutes setting it up an account with the Red Cross and making a password and all that shit so he goes did you sign in and I go I just spent eight minutes doing all that shit at home I go you're gonna tell me if you put my I was in a surly Nick DiPaolo mode I go if you're gonna tell me you
Starting point is 00:23:23 put my name in there it It's not in your system? You know, I thought that was a good question. Well, no, that's separate. Why is it separate? You know, then I went, you know what? I got to calm down because he's going to take my blood pressure and all this fucking shit. But it happens. Fucking just went to fucking doctors for something else.
Starting point is 00:23:38 I don't even remember. The same thing. Fill out the fucking forms online. I get there. There's supposed to be a barcode. They can just scan all your information. The barcode. Everything else in the email is there that I get there. There's supposed to be a barcode. They can just scan all your information. The barcode, everything else in the email is there that
Starting point is 00:23:47 I sent them. No barcode. And they can't explain it. So fucking suck a dick. You want to know why my blood pressure is 490 over 50? So he gets a little attitude with me. Which I can't say I play with. Anyways.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Things seem simpler though without all this technology trying to make things Anyways. That thing seems simpler, though, without all this technology trying to make things better. That's the point, Dallas. That's a great point. It's supposed to make shit easier, and no one can tell me whether it's the fat bitch at the supermarket doing this for 10 minutes
Starting point is 00:24:16 trying to get her fucking EBT card. To work? Yeah, so she can... So she can fucking tear into those... Yeah, what do you call those fucking Malamar bars? Anyways, that hurts when I stick the fucker in. That hurt. A little pinch my ass.
Starting point is 00:24:41 I went, ow! I slapped him. He didn't like that. Oh, the other thing. He goes, gender? And! I slapped him. He didn't like that. Oh, the other thing. He goes, gender? And I look at him. He's got two earrings.
Starting point is 00:24:55 I go, fucking male, obviously. And he goes, he made me laugh. He goes, you'd think so. And I think he was agreeing with me that it's a stupid question. No, I said, fucking male should be obvious, is what I said. And he goes, you'd think so, which made me laugh. You saw it on my side,
Starting point is 00:25:14 except for the clip-on earrings and a scarf. No, he wasn't that. Then I just started questioning everything. What are platelets? What are this? What are that? I just busted his chops. He wanted to get away from me.
Starting point is 00:25:23 He's like, I got to take a shit. I'll be right back. So I gave blood. That's probably filled with shingles and AIDS and shit. So enjoy that whoever gets that. But you know what? I got to be honest with you. I felt better. Makes sense, right? It's like you fucking
Starting point is 00:25:40 look at that quaint teeth. What is going on? It's like taking the thick oil out of your fucking car. I'm going to do it again. You can do it in two months. I'm going to do it like every two months. Maybe help out some fat black kid with diabetes down the street. Who needs some jelly?
Starting point is 00:25:56 Yeah. Into the microphone, son. I need you. To whoever needs some jelly. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So I did that. I gave blood.
Starting point is 00:26:08 It's the only thing I'll do of any charity work as far as that. What the fuck else? Oh, I started real quick, college football, because you guys are probably hooked on the NFL. But unbelievable game. What was the Michigan TCU game? What was the final there? It was like a 51-48, something like that.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Yeah, something like that. And I'm not one of these guys. Yes, you guys know. I'm not a fucking, I don't need a ton of points scored. You know what I mean? That's why I like the NFL too, but it's very, NFL is sloppy and mediocrity. That league is just, and it's been like that forever.
Starting point is 00:26:44 They spread their talent thin on purpose. So you have parity, league is just and it's been like that forever they spread their talent thin on purpose so you have parody which is a gambler's a gambler's paradise when all any team can beat any team on sunday and shit uh but i'm just saying the level of energy and and a 41 40 game is fucking excited i don't care who you are i mean mean, I like a 21-14 game as much as that, but I'm just saying, people who don't watch college football, just from a sports fan's point of view, I don't get it. If you're not like a college fan, if you like football, it's fucking insanely good. Anyways, TCU upset Michigan. That was number three over number two, DCU upset Michigan.
Starting point is 00:27:23 That was number three over number two. And Georgia just pulls it out. Ohio State was manhandling most of the game. And then the quarterback for Georgia, Stetson Bennett III. Could you get a better Southern quarterback name? He fucking drives them down at the last minute. Touchdown. I mean, just both games were unbelievably exciting. And I don't know how they're going to top that.
Starting point is 00:27:49 But you could. TCU, they weren't ranked. I'll spend a little time on this, folks. I'm almost done. They weren't even ranked before preseason, TCU. And they're in the national championship. I'm not going to say on pull-up for it because I live here in Georgia, but you know what I'm saying. Against Georgiaia who's won two in a row already well this they won last year they won last year this will be their second if they defend it who
Starting point is 00:28:14 won it before i thought alabama i thought they already won two no no no you're right yeah alabama won before that yeah of course. Alabama, who didn't make the playoffs. It's so funny. They were ranked sixth this year, and they played a good Kansas State team. I mean, I've seen Kansas State this year. They're a legitimate team. And Kansas State goes up 10-0 about five minutes into the game, and everybody's going, oh, Alabama, they don't want to, which is true.
Starting point is 00:28:40 If they're not in the playoffs, it's a losing year for them. And, by the way, Alabama lost two games this year, right? Both of them the last field goal and another last play of the game. So you could argue they could have won. Anyways, Alabama looked like they didn't want to be there for the first
Starting point is 00:28:57 quarter, and then they said, fuck this. Blink your eyes, third quarter, it's 35-14 Alabama. And Nick Saban does, you does you know anyways so watch that that's on when it's on the night yeah that means nothing to me i think it's monday is it yeah a week a week from should be a week from tonight yeah week from tonight i'll be uh i'll miss it because i got a pottery barn thing no because i'm gonna beat your house well you'll be there by yourself i got a crochet thing i gotta get that um yes yes you will um i don't know idaho killer what else we touch on it all yeah i got a little uh little uh food thing to share
Starting point is 00:29:43 here if we take a look at this yummy goodness. What the fuck is that? That's a homemade plate of ravioli. Yes, it is. And I think I'm still shitting ravioli. Well, don't flush the toilet. I'm starving. Holy fuck.
Starting point is 00:29:57 That's real gindaloon. You know how I can tell? Check this out. See the grease? Do you see the orange grease, folks? And look at that meatball. Oh, my fucking God. Oh my fucking God. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Those could be Shaq's balls. I'd fucking chow on them. That's kind of obscene. Who did that? You know what that looks like? A circumcision went wrong. Anyways. But I have all the dirty on it, so we're going to be making
Starting point is 00:30:24 those very soon. Oh, are you? We'll have a meatball off. I rush mine. I made some over there. Is that a gay joke? No, it isn't, but you take it that way, you big fag. No, I rush some.
Starting point is 00:30:39 I came home after a few pops. I was hanging out with B&D like the homeless guy that I am, and I came home, and I whipped. I rushed hanging out B&D like the homeless guy that I am. And I came home and I whipped, I rushed it and they were horrible. I've never made a bad meatball in my life. And the sauce. Don't drink and cook. I don't know. That's about it, folks. Fuck politics. I'm tired of talking about anti-trans fags. I'm just sick of it all. I'm sick of them lying to us. The world is heading towards Marxism slash socialism. Apparently there's nothing we can do about it.
Starting point is 00:31:07 And when fucking, what's his name, McCarthy is your savior. We ain't got a prayer. Anything else, Dallas? What am I forgetting? Thank yous. Thank yous. We'll work this out, folks. But I'm not going to read off a teleprompter
Starting point is 00:31:23 every day and bore the shit out of both of us. I want to thank, on behalf of myself and all the, say, and by the way, say a prayer for my father-in-law. Uh, great guy. On behalf of myself and all the listeners, I want to thank everyone that subscribes at Patreon or who contributes to the show. Uh, it's you guys that make this show possible.
Starting point is 00:31:43 You better pick up the pace or I'm going away. So if you listeners like what you're hearing, go to forward slash Nick DiPaolo show and sign up for exclusive content like these guys did this past week. Vincent Thompson. That's an Italian crooked guy pretending not to be Italian. Eric Nunez. Neil Hunt, Neil Hunt, Perseobius Hellenius, am I missing something there? There's something in there I'm missing. I love it. St. Ranger, 1959. I'm still looking at the Latin before. Hellenius.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Okay, St. Ranger, 1959. Steven Addison, or Stefan. Seth. Seth. Seth, I love you. I also want to thank the folks that are either active duty or veterans. Glenn Severance, Patrick Dyson, Alan Roberts. They signed up for our new military level, which is discounted for all former and active military as a way of showing appreciation
Starting point is 00:32:45 for you guys. If you don't want to sign up at Patreon but want to make a one-time or monthly contribution, you can do that right at You can do that with Venmo, Cash App, PayPal, or any credit card. Thank you to Mark A. Blessing, Chris C.B., Clifford Hritz, Wade Phillips, Sean Powell, Sagnella. Stop me if you've heard all these names. Patrick Spangler, Justin Olson. These guys have been me since the beginning.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Stephen Standley, Douglas Young, Joseph Hirsch, Scotty Brown. Thank you guys all for contributing to the show. That is it. You guys think it, I'll say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here tomorrow for show number two of 2023. Take care.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Hi, good night, everybody. guitar solo Outro Music

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