The Nick DiPaolo Show - Hawley Hits Back | Nick Di Paolo Show #478

Episode Date: January 25, 2021

Josh Hawley lodges complaints against unethical Dems. Biden begins his COVID measures. Advertisers pull out of the Super Bowl....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Oh yeah, oh yeah, Richie Castellano. How are you folks? Welcome to the show. It's another Monday. State of Georgia. I'll fire it up from my trip to Tampa. Great trip to Tampa. Sidesplitters, thank all of you who came out again this is COVID think about it I mean they're open down there but people are still scared to come out we had two sold out shows and the other two were better than half full they were very pleased with the numbers as was I because the DePaulo army is afraid of nothing
Starting point is 00:01:22 sleet rain mud COVID fucking boop boop, beep beep, caca. They come out. And when I tell you I was in the groove for not having done it for a couple months, maybe it's the key. I had so much shit built up since the election, and I don't even know how to put it in joke form.
Starting point is 00:01:39 I told them every show, I go, this could be a lecture. I'm just in a fucking blind rage, and they would laugh at that. And it was I don't need, this could be a lecture. I'm just in a fucking blind rage. And they would laugh at that. And, um, and it was just, they were, I haven't killed that hard in a long time. And a lot of that shit was off the top of my head. Um, then mixed in with some stuff, obviously that I had written, but they was so there's a new feeling out there. Now that Biden's at all, first of all, I came out every show and I said, uh, good to be in a state with some balls, But they were so, there's a new feeling out there now that Biden's in office. First of all, I came out every show and I said, good to be in a state with some balls, which they went fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:02:11 And it was just, I don't know, I had all this stuff in my head. This is how I work. I don't know how other comics work. When I get, you're supposed to talk about stuff that really moves you or gets you a little excited. But for me, it usually takes a week or two to digest it and calm down so I can put it in joke form. Or I work it out on stage right there, which I did because I don't have places to work out anymore. So that's what I did, and they were fucking eating it up. There's a new feeling.
Starting point is 00:02:43 You think, oh, my God, you think they hated Obama. They fucking despise what's going on. It made me feel so good. So many people coming up and thanking me for what I do. I've heard that a thousand times. I actually talked to a Greenberg, some former Greenberg. He looked like he was 70 almost, 68. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:03 But people who, I don't know. But people who I don't know, that I have so much respect for coming out to the shows. And you drunken Floridians who are always fun. It was a great mix. It's one of the best times I've had in a long time doing comedy. I was actually looking forward to
Starting point is 00:03:19 Saturday night after Friday night. That's how, that never happens when you're doing a 30-something year. But thank you guys for coming out. And, uh, somebody gave me a gift to tie, uh, after the show, somebody on it. We'll figure it out. I'll have to Google it. Um, but, uh, yeah, this is, you get gifts and no hand jobs, nothing like that anymore. But those are the gifts I really appreciated back in the day when I was single and blah blah blah anyways uh yeah I couldn't be happier the numbers were great they were happy I was happy drove down there and uh too drunk to drive home Saturday night crashed at the hotel for about five hours got up hangover diarrhea
Starting point is 00:04:00 let's get on with it uh a lot of stuff going on over the weekend. This country is in jerk off. Biden's already cut what? 50 to 70,000 jobs, depending on who you listen to by getting rid of the XL pipeline. Froze, he did an executive memo that doesn't let us deport illegal aliens right now, even if they're violent. Holy shit. It's underway, folks. It is underway and you should be furious. I'll tell you who is furious. Josh Hawley, my favorite Senator from Missouri. He looks like he'd be on a comedy show, like on SNL or something, doesn't he? He looks like a or a daily show correspondent, which he would hate. Anyways, you remember him? He started the whole movement of objecting to the election results. And of course, they are crazy, the left, about taking this guy out.
Starting point is 00:04:51 A group of GOP lawmakers object to the Electoral College certification of the battleground state, triggering additional debate on House floor. Senator Josh Hawley Monday Monday, slammed the Democratic senators who filed, listen to this, an ethics complaint against him instead of Ted Cruz.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Wow, sounds like more unity you want. So if somebody does something perfectly legal, by the way, and disagrees, they're going to have an ethics committee look into it.
Starting point is 00:05:19 This is pure Russia, circa 1940, political rehabilitation. And it's not going to work. And it's not going to work. It's just not going to work. It's not in our DNA to take in the ass that much longer. Anyways. Anyways, they filed ethics complaints against Hawley and Ted Cruz
Starting point is 00:05:37 over the Electoral College objections on January 6th. And he continued to defend his decision, Hawley, to object to electoral votes during the joint session to certify President Biden's November 3rd win. Hawley aired his grievances in two letters sent Monday morning. And one of the letters, it said, dear cocksuckers and mubblers fucks. Can you imagine they're filing ethics complaints how fucking dare these philly that's faggot stuff i agree you want to call by its name that's strictly for fags you got that right uh anyways call for senate ethics committee to investigate um he's. Hawley is calling an investigative to investigate the seven Democrats who filed a complaint against him in Cruz.
Starting point is 00:06:31 He's like, it's a two way street, motherfuckers. I'll play that game. They accuse the senators of filing an unprecedentedly frivolous and improper ethics complaint without citing any relevant evidence or offering any good faith argument. In other words, he's saying what he did was perfectly legal. They have no right to file a complaint against him. And he's absolutely right. Not that I'm a legal scholar, but I Google this shit. You're out of order. You're out of order. The whole trial is out of order. They're out of order. Good for you, Hawley. Him and DeSantis, next president and VP. Cruz, throw him in there too.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Anyways, Hawley on January 6th joined a House member's objection to the Pennsylvania Electoral College votes, triggering two hours of debate in each chamber over the validity of the, it says, I can't read that, slate or state? Slate and votes on whether Congress should reject the results from Pennsylvania. Cruz objected to Arizona's electors. The complaint against me does not suggest that my objection to Pennsylvania's electoral vote was legally improper, Hawley says. No senator could make such a suggestion with a straight face. Federal law expressively authorizes senators to object that a state's electoral votes were not regularly given, Hawley says in his letter to the Ethics Committee. He says, and this is the important part, Democrats have repeatedly invoked this provision.
Starting point is 00:08:09 So they're being, once again, talking on both sides of their faces. You fucking hypocrite. Exactly. Indeed, in every presidential election since 2000, listen, folks, that's 21 years ago, every presidential election since 2000 that a Republican has won, Democrats have sought to object to electoral votes on the ground, and regardless of whether any good faith bases existed for such objections.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Now, here's Hawley, who actually has a good reason to object to the results, because we know it was stolen, you fucking assholes. He has a reason to complain. Those guys back then, maybe 2000 with the hanging Chad, maybe. But other than that, the left does it as a knee-jerk reaction every time a Republican gets in office. Who's with me? Wake up out there. Hawley further defended his decision to object to Pennsylvania's electoral votes as having a strong legal basis. The Democrats who filed the ethics complaint against Cruz and Hawley further defended his decision to object to Pennsylvania's electoral votes as having a strong legal basis. The Democrats who filed the ethics complaint against Cruz and Hawley write these names down so we can visit them.
Starting point is 00:09:12 As Michael Coligoni said, he tried to have me killed. I'll visit him later. Senators Ron Wyden, Democrat, jerk off Oregon, state of poopoo. Sheldon Whitehouse, Democrat, Rhode Island. Tina Smith, who the fuck is that? Democrat, Minnesota. Dick Blumenthal, hey, I like to touch kids. Democrat, Connecticut.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Just my opinion, not fact. Oh, then the hateful little Hawaiian, poi-eating, pineapple-eating pig, Maisie Hirono. Remember her? She's a half-ishi. Democrat, Hawaii. pig Maisie Hirono remember her she's a half ishi democrat Hawaii Tim Cain democrat Virginia and Sherrod Brown democrat Ohio and they say he's the fucking problem fuck you problem you're the fucking problem you fucking dr. white onking jam rag arkin spunk bubble I'm telling you H you keep looking at me,
Starting point is 00:10:05 I'm going to put you in the fucking ground. I promise you. Not this time. Hawley and Cruz condemn the violence, as did Trump. But the former president was impeached in the House of Representatives for his role in stoking the crowd. And by stoking the crowd, he said,
Starting point is 00:10:22 we're going to go there peacefully. That's stoking the crowd. Let me tell you people on, he said, we're going to go there peacefully. That's stoking the crowd. Let me tell you people on the left something. You're in for deep fucking shit. I was just in the deep south of Florida. You guys better lock your windows, lock your goddamn doors. And by the way, I was told by my manager, he sent me an article. Harvard did a study about comedy.
Starting point is 00:10:42 I'm on the far right. Had to go to Harvard to figure that out. And I'm not really even on far right. For Christ's sake, I'm for gay marriage. I don't give a shit about abortion, but I'm on the far right. I'd like for you to be on your far knees. Made no sense. The ethics complaint against Hawley and Cruz, meanwhile, says that Cruz and Hawley lent legitimacy to President Trump's false statements and to the mob's cause. What false statements were those?
Starting point is 00:11:12 That the election was stolen? Because it was. Everybody knows it. You jerk off to vote Democrat and still watch CNN. You're just in denial. The whole world knows this guy was installed and didn't win Ugaz.
Starting point is 00:11:27 It's Italian for something. Mmm, this is pineapple. They make them taste good. But this is pure fucking, you know what, nicotine. By the end of the day, I'm punchy. Oh, and to that point, I have to go for a head scan today. Somebody thinks I'm losing my fucking marbles a little bit. I suffer a few concussions, folks, more than I want to tell you about. And yeah, I'm getting a little scared,
Starting point is 00:11:57 too, of my memory loss. I called Jason Pete twice. Anyhow. So yeah, that's that. Good for you, Senator Hawley. Give him hell. And good for, you know, Marjorie Taylor Greene. Remember who actually filed impeachment articles against Joe Biden? Good for you. We have to treat him. He's not going to be around, by the way, in a year, maybe less, a year, year and a half. I don't know. I'm not saying he's going to die, but I'm just saying he will have proven, you know, that he's, or he'll fake an injury in Kamala Harris, or he'll actually shit his pants and Kamala Harris will take over. So remember I said that here, I think you guys all know that, but he is doing some serious damage on his first few days in office, just weakening the nation as we speak.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Biden orders review of violent, it's actually domestic violent extremism, DVE. So they're still going with this charade. Excuse me. Still going with this charade. That us, when they say that, they mean us, folks. They don't mean far right clansmen. They mean us who supported Donald Trump. We need to be deprogrammed and shit. They won't come right out and say that,
Starting point is 00:13:14 but that's who they're talking about. Not just fucking violent extra. Oh, what a violent, hey, people say, wasn't it horrible what happened on the Capitol this weekend? And I go, yeah, that was terrible. They stole a nameplate and somebody had a Viking hat on. Ooh, what a bloody fucking mess. I wouldn't have been happy until somebody was violating Pelosi with her nameplate. Get the stank off that fucking nameplate. Anyways, yeah, so there's shit in their pants. Do you know stupid Nancy Pelosi, who is mentally ill,
Starting point is 00:13:48 and there's no argument about, you know, she ordered another 5,000 troops? And that AOC, do you know that AOC refuses to be around Republicans because she feels she's in danger because they don't wear masks? There she is showing the tits she's going to buy with her money stolen from a left-wing PAC group. Anyways, here is a videotape of, you'll recognize this woman, Jen Psaki with a P, redhead, freckles, nothing to look at. That's how you know the Dems are in charge. She was under Obama. She was a liar then. She's a lying whore now. And here's what she had to say as far as Biden's take and the administration's take on domestic violent extremists.
Starting point is 00:14:40 The first is a tasking from President Biden sent to the ODNI today requesting a comprehensive threat assessment coordinated with the FBI and DHS on domestic violent extremism. When we have Antifa last week or even this weekend still fighting with cops in Oregon and shit. And spray painting the ice building. But they're concentrating on Trump support. White old people. Just think about that for a second. They're just sending you a message that, hey, the military and us are like this. Sort of like a banana republic. You fucking ginger. Go ahead. hey, the military and us are like this, sort of like a banana republic.
Starting point is 00:15:27 You fucking ginger. Go ahead. Are they what we need right now? Are we still stuck? The second will be the building of an NSC capability to focus on countering domestic violent extremism. As a part of this, the NSC will undertake a policy review effort to determine how the government can share information better about this threat support efforts to prevent radicalization disrupt violent extremist networks and more there's important work already underway across the interagency and yeah tell us about it what are you listening in oh they're they're surveilling social media the way you did uh you know that the guy from iran the head fucking muffa with a beard he's still able to say hateful shit about the united states on twitter anyways go ahead
Starting point is 00:16:15 and we need to understand better its current extent and where there may be gaps to uh to so we can determine the best path forward. The third will be coordinating relevant parts of the federal government to enhance and accelerate efforts to address DVE. This considered, NSC convened process will focus on addressing evolving threats, radicalization, the role of social media, opportunities to improve information sharing, operational responses, and more. Operational. All this because a handful of people got into the Capitol. Do you address the Capitol, the black cop that killed a white woman who was doing absolutely nothing?
Starting point is 00:16:56 Do you see how that went away, that story? Reverse the races there. Do you friggin' believe it? This is all a show, folks. This is all a show folks this is all a show meanwhile Soros and his goons are out there doing whatever they want don't believe a fucking word of it who's the last white and again I said this last show Tim McVeigh he, I don't even think he was a white supremacist. He's just a nut. But they're actually comparing what went on in the Capitol to like 9-1-1. Boy, are they exploiting this.
Starting point is 00:17:33 Boy, are they squeezing the juice out of this one. Jen Psaki, do me a favor. You need to shut the fuck up. Okay, and I'm not not gonna tell you again get upstairs and do your homework so what's stupid up to who's stupid oh the guy that pretends he's my president by the way in tampa in front of a full room i go uh he's not my president and he's not yours that fucking deafening applause for i don't know how long you guys have no idea what you're up against.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Did I mention I'm on the far right list on a Harvard study? Was that a, in the edit? Oh, he got that. It's a, uh, anyhow, far right comic. That is the silliest thing I've ever, I'm so dangerous. I'm going to be 59 in a couple of weeks. I'm wearing a tie doing a podcast. Look out.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Look out, world. Joe Biden, fake president to impose travel ban on non-citizens. Wow, that sounds bigoted. Jace, kill the air. Now it's freezing. That sounds bigoted, Mr. President. Joe Biden will impose a ban on most non-U.S. citizens entering the country who have recently been in South Africa. They picked their like white, white country.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Starting Saturday in a bid to contain the spread. Get this, a new variant of COVID-19. Oh, it's a new variant of COVID-19. Oh, it's a new variant. You see how they're going to keep this going? Although Lori Lightfoot in Chicago and even Whitmer in Michigan are starting to let restaurants do business again. Oh, that's right. Biden's in office now.
Starting point is 00:19:18 We can cut the hoax maybe? Or are we going to, there's a new variant. They'll keep that on the back burner in case the economy, you know, starts to improve. They wouldn't want that. They're trying to put all small businesses out of business. Do you understand? That's how they turn this into a socialist shithole. We can all get checks from the government.
Starting point is 00:19:36 If they had their way, they would be sending those stimulus checks every week for the next fucking 10 years. It's called socialism. Anyways, in a bid to contain the spread of a new variant, COVID-19, U.S. public health officials told Reuters, look at him, I can't even look at him without getting queasy. Oh, fucking idiot!
Starting point is 00:20:02 You sure is. Biden on Monday is also reimposing an entry ban on nearly all non-U.S. travelers who have been in Brazil. What are you, a racist? That's a brown country. Oh, people who went there came. 26 countries in Europe that allow travel across open borders, said the source, who requested anonymity because of the plans have not yet been made public. Not made public yet. Does he even know about them? What are we doing? What's going on right now?
Starting point is 00:20:39 Shut up, Joe. Just sign this. What is it? It's a Hank Aaron rookie card. Boy, that sounds, I don't know, Trump shut down stuff, flights, and he was an asshole. Then President Trump directed on January 18th those restrictions on Brazil and Europe to be lifted effective Tuesday. But Biden's proclamation will rescind that decision. I think Trump did that to give him a little something to do, a little zing zangler on the way out. Biden, who took office on Wednesday, is taking an aggressive
Starting point is 00:21:16 approach to combating the spread, as opposed to Trump, who did something called whoop speed, where we get 100 million doses of vaccination in record time. Even people on the left said it was amazing how they pulled it off. But he's taken an aggressive approach by not napping at four o'clock and staying up to combating the spread of the virus and travel after Trump rejected mandates
Starting point is 00:21:42 sought by U.S. health agencies. Yeah, who work with the CDC. You see, guys, you fucking make me. You're lying. Yes. And you're a piece of shit. Some health officials are concerned that current vaccines may not be effective against the South Africa variant, which also raises the prospect of reinfection.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Let's keep this ball in the air for as long as, they're going to keep coming up with new variants. Ooh, we have the Miami, Florida variant of the COVID-19. The South African variant, also known as Apartheid 2, known as 501Y.V2 variant is 50% more infectious. How can it be any more infectious? The one thing I agree on is this shit spreads just like a cold. This is more infectious.
Starting point is 00:22:35 It has been detected in at least 20 countries. CDC officials said they would, we're still listening to them, would be open to adding additional countries to the list if needed. But no black or brown ones. We don't want to take that flag. You make me sick to my dirty stomach. Don't say a fucking word to me. I'll get up and I'll bury this telephone in your head. The South African variant has not yet been found in the United States. They'll release that. You know, Biden's got it circled on his calendar.
Starting point is 00:23:01 About eight o'clock next week. But at least 20 U.S. states have detected a U.K. variant. This, you look on the microscope, you see this germ. It looks like the crown, the coronavirus, with really bad teeth. Nick, that's England. Yeah, I know, but I did it anyways. Known as B.1.1.7, current vaccines appear effective against the UK mutations. CDC orders are coming. Remember, Trump said, fuck the CDC. We're not listening to him, right?
Starting point is 00:23:34 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director, head, seen here, Rochelle Walensky, too many broads of all, will sign a separate order Monday requiring masks on all airplanes, ferries, trains, subways, buses, taxis, and rideshare vehicles, officials said. The new requirements are set to take effect in the coming days. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Oh my God. Oh, my God. Are you going to arrest us if we don't have you? By the way, do you know Biden went to the Lincoln Memorial with his family? They didn't have masks on. A couple hours after he said that we should all wear masks, he passed a thing on federal property. Do you know that? A couple hours later, him and his family were looking up the Lincoln thing, sneezing on each other, spitting at each other. Practicing his
Starting point is 00:24:27 handwriting. On Tuesday, new CDC rules take effect requiring all international air travelers and two older. That makes no sense. Requiring all international air travelers, oh, two and older is an edit, to present a negative coronavirus test taken within three calendar days of travel or proof of recovery from COVID-19 to enter the United States. Why are we listening to anything the CDC said?
Starting point is 00:25:01 CDC officials noted 120 countries currently have mandatory covid 19 testing requirements for international travel so let's join the rest of the world uh the cdc order says travelers should self-quarantine for seven days upon return to the united states i wonder how many people got sick at my show this weekend huh i wonder if people are dying. Wish I could call them on. Maybe there's an email list. Dave, how are you?
Starting point is 00:25:29 You gave me the tie. How do you feel? I repond return of the United States and consider getting a new COVID-19 test within three to five days of returning to the United States. That's what CDC officials want. CDC officials have for weeks
Starting point is 00:25:43 discussed the possibility of adding these testing requirements before U.S. domestic flights or requiring testing upon return from international travel, but have made no decisions because even they know they're going to get pushed back and horse shit. What more do you have to do? You take our temperatures, some of the airline. Here's what you do, folks. You have to fight fire with fire. Just pee in a jar before you leave to the airport. Take a big dump in a fresh lock bag. Just get up there when they call you fucking row. Just hand the lady that and go, you can sift through that while I wait. The United States restrictions barring most visitors from Europe have been in place since mid-March when Trump signed proclamations imposing them, while the Brazilian entry ban was imposed in May.
Starting point is 00:26:34 The restriction, along with the new South African ones, means most non-U.S. citizens who have been in one of those countries within the last 14 days are not eligible to travel to the United States. Oh, my God, that sounds racist and bigoted. Permanent U.S. residents and family members and some other non-U.S. citizens are permitted to return to the United States under the order. You know, like the people that, you know, like Joe Biden's maid at home and Pelosi's maids, shit like that, you know, because it's them against us, folks. Here is a story that's a little complicated.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Excuse me, folks. It's a little complicated, but it made the hair on my neck stand up. I'll just sort of give you the gist of it. A New York Times report on greening the financial system, which my first reaction was, well, of course, money's green. It's fucking, you know, what's the big deal? But oh, no, no, no. You know where this is headed.
Starting point is 00:27:36 It's got AOC's fingerprints all over it. And by the way, environmentalists are the wackiest of all. Worse than PETA people, they're terrorists. People that are convinced, just watch all the documentaries. They'll blow up shit if they think you're polluting, which is hilarious because the bomb sent smoke. Here's a December 15th headline in the New York Times that should not have been lost in the holiday whirl, nor in the general hubbub of news since. Listen to this. Fed joins climate network to applause from the left.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Anytime the left's applauding something, that's frightening. It's either a white guy getting beat up by a bunch of black guys, or a soccer game in France, or a transgender using a fucking men's turlet for the first time. Shit like that. As the article details, the U.S. Federal Reserve Board, the nation's central bank, listen to this, has officially, this is the Fed, joined the network of central banks and supervisors for greening the financial system. That's known as NGFS. Oh my God. Oh my God. That's greening as an environmentalism. Greta Thunberg, Green New Deal, all that, all those fucking angry lesbians. And as the,
Starting point is 00:29:00 I'm just kidding. There's plenty of guys. And as the Times makes clear in its headline, the left is loving it. NGFS is an organization, listen to this, that few Americans have ever heard of. And yet it's potentially one of the most powerful entities on the planet. Its roster of members and observers is nearly 100, including such mighties as the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank, and the International Monetary Fund, otherwise known as the IMF, right? Even I knew that one. Do you understand what's going on here?
Starting point is 00:29:36 They're globalizing us, our financial system, under the guise of saving the planet. And now the U.S. Federal Reserve, they're involved. So we can see that just about all the money in the world passes through these institutions, okay? You can't get more powerful than that. It's interesting to note that in the past, the left has been mostly hostile to big financial institutions,
Starting point is 00:29:59 seeing them as pillars of capital. And guess what? They've changed their tune. Nowadays, the left at least, its huge green faction is cheering for the financiers because they're going to help save the, under the guise,
Starting point is 00:30:15 I should say, of saving the planet. But what it's doing, it's taking our sovereignty away as far as our economy. Eventually, that's the goal. You fucking people. You have no idea how to defend a nation. Why this turnabout? Because NGFS is an institution that the green
Starting point is 00:30:36 left can control and thus guide in its pursuit of, listen to this, sustainability, that being the favorite buzzword of the ecologically woke. As NGFS says of itself, its mission is, get this in quotes, to contribute to the development of environment and climate risk management in the financial sector to mobilize mainstream finance to support the transition towards a sustainable economy. But they're talking about a world economy when you have all those big names in there.
Starting point is 00:31:11 You know how we're the financial leader and everything? It's already happening. Biden hasn't been in the office for fucking a week. They are not playing. Get your muskets out, Patriot. Right after the Super Bowl.
Starting point is 00:31:25 I'll get to that in a few minutes. Tom Brady is the Babe Ruth of football. He's the Wayne Gretzky of football. He is, I don't know. I've never had a man crush, but I'd tickle his balls for like seven bucks. So now we're starting to get the picture. NGFS is the global fusion. Listen to this, a big green and big money, also known as woke capital.
Starting point is 00:31:48 That's my screen name when I go in these chat rooms trying to pick up Cub Scouts. What? And yes, it's the same woke capital that's been leading the push for the great reset. Remember Hillary with a reset button over in Russia? I went up there. The wholesale remaking, listen to this, of national and international societies. This should make your skin crawl. The remaking of national, meaning our country, and international societies and economies,
Starting point is 00:32:16 all in accordance with the politically correct vision of Klaus Schwab. His brother Charles does my money in finances. And his plutocratic pals at the World Economic Forum, which Virgil and many others here at Breitbart News have heartily critiqued. That's where I got this article. They have great shit. In the meantime, conservatives, populists, and sovereignists,
Starting point is 00:32:43 those who believe that the United States should retain sovereignty over its own affairs, have been viewing these developments with alarm. Indeed, it's been pressure from the right that kept the Fed from joining NGFS much earlier. As the time explains, the Fed's formal membership in NGFS is something that Democratic lawmakers have been pushing for and that Republicans have eyed warily for years. Danger, Will Robinson. Danger. No, Will Robinson. Danger. And yet, now that Joe Biden is in the White House,
Starting point is 00:33:17 pledged to the green agenda, the Fed will feel all the more emboldened to do exactly as the New York Times wishes. Fortunately, alert Republicans. See, here's where you guys, I don't know who to believe anymore. I was praising Josh Hawley earlier, but I was also praising other people, Republicans, a couple of years ago who turned out to be turncoats. There's a theory out there the Republican Party just exists as a pretend resistance against fascism, but they're actually in on it too,
Starting point is 00:33:48 right? You couldn't go, oh boy, there has to be somebody who looked like they're pushing back, and we still have a two-part. I'm starting to believe that. I'm not a Republican anymore. I don't know how do I unregister and shit, but I am the fuck out of there. I really think they are just there to pretend to represent us. Everybody knows it's heading this way. The watch leader is, except for this guy, he's serious, Rep. Andy Barr of Kentucky, who told the Times of his fears that the Fed and NGFS would crimp, even cripple American business through the backdoor of financial regulation. In other words, all these regulations, all the shit that Trump's stripped away, right?
Starting point is 00:34:25 All that shit, you know, and remember he took the, he took the cuffs off business. Ooh, a little more smoke might go into that. All that shit is going to be put back on plus 10 times that. What's that do? It strangles our economy under the guise of environmentalism. You guys getting this? So it'll crush our economic system. Jesus Christ, COVID didn't do that already? They're really laying it on. I'm going to be raising the issue much more vociferously, Barr said, adding, I think my colleagues will as well.
Starting point is 00:34:59 Well, I'd like to believe you, but then I'll find out in six months you're full of shat. Meanwhile, the U.S. Fed has the power to choke off bank financing for any businesses or even for a whole industry that is if the Fed declares something to be systemic, a credit risk.
Starting point is 00:35:17 Lenders will shy away. In other words, you know what they're talking about, right? Like the coal industry. We just became under Trump, energy independent first time ever and oh my god lenders will shy so they'll use that as an excuse for some industries these big bankers are going i'm giving you any money you're gonna pollute you're gonna you're gonna ruin the water and and uh meanwhile i'll put them out of business lest they be labeled as violating their fiduciary responsibilities. In this fashion, the Fed could build a blockade, listen to this, against industries despised
Starting point is 00:35:51 by the Greens, including oil, like I just mentioned, and natural gas mining. And, you know, fracking is natural gas mining. And manufacturing. As Barr and his allies wrote in their letter, the enormous power of the Fed should not be weaponized to discriminate against a wide swath of America industry. Yeah, good luck stopping that. Of course, such discrimination is exactly what NGFS, now including the Fed, has in mind. To use the power of discriminatory finance to force industries, companies, and people to go green.
Starting point is 00:36:23 Fuck you, green. I don't like. It's my favorite color on a football uniform, though. I love Michigan stage on. I digress. Either that or cease to exist altogether. You guys get what I'm saying? They're going to put whole industries out of business under the guise of, boy, when were they planning all this shit?
Starting point is 00:36:44 That's what I'm saying. You Republicans, you useless, mubblistic. You're always chasing them. They're always three steps ahead of you. Virgil should note that NGFS has plenty of friends in high places. Listen to some of this, including in the private sector, all eager to help this mandatory greening. One such friend is Larry Fink, this rat bastard.
Starting point is 00:37:04 Look at the head on him. Looks like a number two pencil with a tie. Larry Fink, this rat bastard. Look at the head on him. Looks like a number two pencil with a tie. Larry Fink, who's that? He's the CEO of BlackRock, the Manhattan-based financial colossus. Listen to the assets he has under management. How about $7.8 trillion with a T? Not billion, trillion. That has, for years, been pushing top-down liberal green agenda under a December
Starting point is 00:37:27 17th headline. Larry Fink's BlackRock doubles down on woke capitalism. That was the headline. Breitbart News put that up. Fink's latest letter to investors, which declares climate change has become a defining factor in companies' long-term prospects. Awareness is rapidly changing, and I believe we are on the edge of a fundamental reshaping of finance. These people have too much power.
Starting point is 00:37:51 This is where he should be watching his back. What do you mean by that? I'm just saying he's a dangerous guy with that much power. All these guys, I'm not saying hurt him. I'm just saying make him nervous. They go into Applebee's. They love Applebee's harass their kids. And we can see immediately that Fink's fundamental reshape is a little different from a great reset. Indeed, BlackRock's 7.4 trillion represents about a fifth of the value of the United States stock market.
Starting point is 00:38:22 One group has that. And so it's power to force investment decisions is without question. Moreover, BlackRock is being joined in its green power playing by the likes of, listen to this, Citigroup. Listen to these, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and all the rest of the top banks and investment houses, not to mention super finances led by, guess what, scumbag Nazi George Soros. So just about anything is possible. They're going to be able to do whatever they want. It seems foolish to have all this money lying around.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Oh, you'd rather have it down at the bank where the Jewish guys can leer at it? Hey, hey, hey. No, no, no, fellas. Easy. Easy. Easy. There's some wasps in there. Look at. I don't like that type of talk.
Starting point is 00:39:10 It makes me nervous. Thus, it's likely that we'll see the impact of this woke capital SWAT team in the years to come as NGFS, plus the World Economic Forum, plus BlackRock and all the other wokesters running billion, even trillion dollar outfits put the green hammer down on politically incorrect sectors. Will this fucking article ever end? Jesus H. All this is bad news most
Starting point is 00:39:33 immediately for who? American coal. As an aside, we might note that yes, it's a bit strange that China is still building new coal plants. Did you hear that? They really want China to run us while global Greens look the other way.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Green prefers instead to focus on unemploying the last West Virginia coal mine, mine or I should say, while accepting China's promise to fix everything by 2060. I'll be long gone. Yes, that's the scenario that China, put forward,
Starting point is 00:40:08 let us do whatever we want now. In four decades in the future, everything will be fine. And we're listening to these Cocker Spaniel eaters. And the Greens, those people, they're eating it up. They are eating it up.
Starting point is 00:40:23 That should make your hair stand up folks in other words forget about the dollar i don't know what will be you i'll give it six months it'll be the yen nick that's not true i've been hearing that for years yeah but joe biden's it he's got a summer home in fucking beijing know who I hate? This fat fucking faggot. This goo-cum-guzzling, literally mentally ill, psychotic Brian Stetzer. Look at him. Look at that mouth. He's got dry jizz on his upper lip, if you look to the left.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Look at that. Look at that. Oh, Gilligan. Look at that. Look at him. Please give me cock. Look at that. Look at him. Please give me cock. Look at that asshole. I suck cock and I love it.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy. Listen to how, and again, I'm not saying this about all gay, but listen to how gay he sounds. And you know what he's upset about? I'm about to show you a clip. He's upset because Fox News, he still calls them right wing. Meanwhile, they're in third place now. He thinks they're right wing, no conservative news. He's upset because they don't like the way they're categorizing Biden's new administration. Oh, it's Stelter. I'm sorry. I always say Stetzer on Biden's coverage. Listen to this fruit cup, Um, how upset he is. Like keep in mind,
Starting point is 00:41:47 he's saying this while he works for CNN, who's the most biased. It's a propaganda arm, but I really believe he's so stupid. He doesn't, but he believes what he says. This is look at his crazy eyes. He was touched by somebody with a Miller Lite bottle in high school. Behind him. I don't know. Tool shed. Listen to this cool gobbler. Listen to how stars on Fox and Newsmax have been describing the new administration, beginning with Greg Kelly saying he is not wishing Biden well at all. I wish Joe Biden no success. Biden's hollow calls for unity are both laughable and completely disingenuous, total and complete B.S. You thought you voted for a moderate. You got a radical. Here we go. The weak, the frail, the cognitively struggling Biden. He's attempting to ram his party's radical socialist agenda right down America's throats. This is a clown car of hypocrisy.
Starting point is 00:42:51 A foreigner's first agenda that is sure to usher in economic Armageddon. What self-indulgent, self-righteous goofballs they are. Oh, hey, you said it, Laura. Did you catch how Hannity described Biden there? He's weak, he's frail, but he's also ramming things down your throat. Pause. And who knows better? Listen to how it stars on.
Starting point is 00:43:13 Pause! And who knows more about that? Having shit rammed down their throat, you fucking fruit cup. How dare, you're upset. You're upset because people don't want biden to do well first of all he's not even our president he stole the number two what what were you doing to donald trump as he came down the escalator to announce he was going to be president are you i don't
Starting point is 00:43:36 understand if you're that crazy i i oh you're full of shit i i don't know which one but either way you should die in a fiery crash tonight as you flip over your Vespa with your life partner on it. Fucking bitch. What a fucking bitch. You know how psychotic you have to be to be upset that you think networks, conservative networks, don't agree and they're being a little rough with Biden and you work for CNN how the fucking hypocrisy oh y'all fat fuck look at you he's a fag
Starting point is 00:44:16 alright enough that doesn't matter he's a pretty good guy I'm sure go home and put a hoop skirt on and squat on a fucking six inch fucking grapefruit type of thing what i meant to say zucchini anyways anyways republicans can't get out of their own way and um since since biden came in now there's a bunch of infighting i don't even know this next clip. I don't even know how to understand it.
Starting point is 00:44:45 It's going on. And it was an Arizona GOP meeting. As you know, Arizona, they keep saying it's now blue, which it'll never be, okay? It'll be red as the skin if you laid in Tempe in July, 10 minutes of the pool. But this is an Arizona GOP meeting where a couple of guys have the balls to call out Ducey, who's the governor, Republican Arizona for being a fake and, uh,
Starting point is 00:45:10 watch the chaos that ensues. You've got some broad running the meeting. I didn't even show the whole thing at the beginning. They're arguing whether this guy can speak or not. He started to speak. Some woman came up and said, you can't speak, but, but, but it went on for five minutes. I don't want to put you through all that. I'm just setting up the background before we show this clip of this guy having the nerve. He actually has the balls to call out the governor and a few other
Starting point is 00:45:33 people who he says are like fake Republicans. Go ahead. Martha McSally, Doug Ducey, they are controlled opposition and you know it. This party put Doug Ducy in office and doug ducy should be recalled by this party any chairperson should be recalling doug ducy and recalling rusty bowers why don't you guys want to recall the man that certified a fraudulent election pause yeah why all the rancor while he's talking this is a gop meeting and they're disagreeing with that? You wonder why we're fucked? What I said earlier, that they're a fake party pretending to
Starting point is 00:46:12 resist fascism when they're actually part of it. There's a few guys like this who actually believe what we believe, but he's getting screamed down. Go ahead. Constitutional conservatism is the Republican Party. Booing me. Constitutional conservatism is the Republican Party. You are correct.
Starting point is 00:46:29 I was given this time by a candidate. I can't. I hope that this party elects Kelly Ward. I want this party to elect Kelly Ward. You know why? Because I want you guys to continue to drive this party right off where it belongs. It's a unit party with the Democrats. Time's up.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Oh, time's up. Yeah. I'm sorry. Oh, time's up. Yeah. I'm sorry. My name is Steve Daniels. I'm sorry. Time's not up. Time's not up. Your time is up.
Starting point is 00:46:51 Your time is up. We stopped the clock. Put them off. Put them off. You stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt. Your time is up. I'm sorry. You're getting too close to cunt! Your time is up. I'm sorry, you're getting too close to the truth. Your time is...
Starting point is 00:47:08 That's a GOP meeting? Those people in the crowd? Am I supposed to believe? I don't know what to believe anymore. We're in deeper shit than I thought. Ducey had no problem, huh, with certifying that election? Is that him? What a handsome, stupid guy.
Starting point is 00:47:27 And you know what? He was the CEO of a company. What did it say in the article? It said what he was. Oh, Cold, some Cold Dairy. What is it? Coldstone Dairy. It's a huge company.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Anyways, that was kind of creepy, huh? Let's get on to a little sports news, huh? Enough of shit nick okay i can't help but if the world is falling apart in front of us uh interesting sports weekend huh ladies and gentlemen tom brady is just a god that's uh can you imagine they got him going yeah he'll he'll bring us to the Super Bowl. You know how hard that is to happen, even though that's your plan? Do you understand? Goes into Lambeau and beats Aaron Rodgers, who, by the way, came out today. I'll get to that in a second. And he's not happy.
Starting point is 00:48:17 So you got who? Who's in the Super Bowl, ladies and gentlemen? Tampa and Kansas City. And let me tell you how they're going to build this. As the woke, you know, the Pat Mahomes. This is perfect. Kind of a biracial quarterback, right? Who's tremendous, by the way. I'd pay to watch him any day of the week against the old whitey.
Starting point is 00:48:38 You know, because we're on our way out. It's perfect. They will have a feast with this. ESPN and all their woke black horse shit. And like Tom Brady hasn't. I don't even care if he wins a Super Bowl. The fact that he got him there, they should be blowing this guy. And yes, it's a team effort, but I'm just saying. And this is going to be you watch how they run with this old versus new.
Starting point is 00:49:01 And when if if Brady loses, they'll be like, there it is. There's the turning point a watershed moment the old white pocket passer is gone so that's probably how they're gonna bill it but listen to this so you got the chiefs and tampa and by the way playing at tampa the first time in the history of the nfl the team is playing in its home stadium for the Super Bowl. But listen to this. Major advertisers are avoiding the Super Bowl. I'll repeat it. Major advertisers are avoiding the Super Bowl. A growing number of big name advertisers, including Coca-Cola, Hyundai, are skipping the Super Bowl this year. Guess why? For fear of not striking the right tone amid America's contentious political landscape. See, they had no problem last year jumping on the woke bandwagon,
Starting point is 00:49:59 but now there's actually people on the right making a lot of noise. You know what I mean? They are the reasons the ratings have been in the toilet all since Kaepernick. So now they're caught in the middle and they have no balls. Several companies have decided not to buy Super Bowl time, some for the first time in over 10 years. The reason, according to the New York Post, the talk from inside, is that the members of multiple boardrooms are finally coming to realize that they're going to infuriate half the country no matter what they do.
Starting point is 00:50:33 That's how divided we are. When you can get in the way of advertising America during a Super Bowl, things are in a flux in recent years advertisers were thrilled to push the black lives matter and antifa ideologies uh or to push transgenderism and the hashtag me too moment but this year not so much see goodell probably went oh my god we went too far with you see how they backed off the black lives shit these stadiums that are empty because of covid they wouldn't have been that much more full by the way i swear to god remember last year we showed empty stadium every client conversation i've had these days is about who's going to be offended by this ad rob schwartz chief executive officer of ad agency tbwa chat slash day told Post. There's a lot of discussion about risk mitigation.
Starting point is 00:51:29 What he says, what that tends to is that it makes things very bland and not effective, or it forces you to look at universal topics like hope and humor. God forbid we had a little. They're always funny. What are you talking about? God forbid we had a little. They're always funny. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:51:56 I've actually become a fan of the goddamn progressive, which is the most anti-white, anti-male left-wing ads. You know, the progressive company. It's the Soros company, by the way. But you know what? Whoever's writing their ads are really goddamn funny, as much as I hate them. The country is so divided and split right down the middle that I don't think that there's a commercial that will appease on both sides. Imagine they do just what I don't do for a living. You try to appease everybody.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Added Bill Oberlander, co-founder and executive of Take It in the Ass for Anything, creative of ad agency Oberlander. The result has been that Super Bowl will not sell out of its ad spots this year. And some of the companies opting out have been with the NFL's biggest game for over 10 years. Coca-Cola is out this year. So is Hyundai, Olay, Avocados from Mexico, Little Caesars, and Ford Motors. Most of these companies have had Super Bowl ads every year since 2010. There are still some big names buying their traditional airtime. Granted, M&Ms, TurboTax, Anheuser-Busch, Toyota, Pringles, and Mountain Dew have already ponied up, look at that, 5.5 mil per spot.
Starting point is 00:53:07 A price tag down from last year's 5.6. Itself an indication of trouble for the NFL. Really? Just down one point? I thought it would be way worse than that. Corporations are finally looking in to avoid the backlash to left winery that occurred to companies such as Gillette Raises. This made me happy. Remember we showed the ad? Gillette Raises, like a transgender person, shave. Well, guess what that did to them? They lost $8 billion with a B in write-downs in 2019
Starting point is 00:53:38 after ads pushing transgenderism and so-called toxic masculinity. They basically blamed us straight males for everything in one commercial. And as far back as 2015, Jeep was roasted for showing images of foreign landmarks in an ad playing the traditional American standard song, This Land Is Your Land. This is actually good news. We're finally boycotting some of this. Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba, I'm loving it. This is actually good news. We're finally boycotting some of this. He'll be back, I'm sure, McDonald's.
Starting point is 00:54:13 But the left has attacked woke ads as well. This is Libs Eating Libs. In 2017, Pepsi took the slings and arrows, remember this, of the far left when its ad featured Kendall Jenner being nice to a police officer during a soft drink maker's Black Lives Matter thing. Remember during a riot, she hands a car book. Black people went nuts. And in 2019, liberals were unhappy with Super Bowl spots aired by T-Mobile, whose ads, they claim, listen to this, push sexist stereotypes. Oh my God, what a whining bunch of fucking. What a nation of pussies. Ultimately, playing it safe seems to be the byword for 2021. The Post added that the experts looking at the plans insiders are reporting for their Super Bowl ads
Starting point is 00:55:03 show that most of these companies are playing it safe and turning away from hardcore left-wing ideology. This year's ads will mostly be heart warmers, yuck, and humorous ads instead of socially conscious spots. Boy, you guys caught on long after the damage was done. That's a little bit of good news as far as I'm concerned. Somebody's pushing back against Pete. We got them scared because, you know, old Whitey's had enough. It really is brutal.
Starting point is 00:55:31 You're sitting there watching an NFL game. We're for social justice. What they're saying is it takes all of us. In other words, Whitey, you're not doing your part. What more can we do to have racial harmony in this country? Before I go, ladies and gentlemen, I have to thank you people, not only the people that came out to Sidesplitters this weekend, which really made me optimistic,
Starting point is 00:55:53 but people who contributed to the show financially. Don't forget is where the new home of the show is going to be, You can watch it for free, just like Patreon, or you can be a subscriber. And you can still do that at Patreon, I believe, right? Anyways, I want to thank these people since last Thursday. Sean Powell from Florida. Lee Priest, our body builder buddy with pipes like you've never seen Australia. Gus Tomeo, Florida. Richard Lewis, comedian from Missouri. No. Richard Lewis, Missouri. Louis Gamboge, Pittsburgh. Jennifer Klein, New Jersey. Thomas Schrade, New York. Jason Howarth,
Starting point is 00:56:35 Virginia. Matthew Serratore, Massachusetts. Danielle Whitney, Texas. Arthur Rimes, Minnesota, Sean Richmond, Pennsylvania, G, G, my cock sore, Australia, Jennifer Montgomery, Pennsylvania, John Herrera, Nebraska, Larry Ramey, Ohio. And get this, here's some people that signed up monthly, monthly supporters. And, folks, it's worth it. This show is needed more than ever. Christina Cadu, Arizona. Jay Scott Moore, Kansas. Michael Dazzle. And then Goindal.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Is that right? Goindal. John Getzman. David Shakerequin. Shakerequin. T-J-I-F. Gatsman, David Shakaraquin, TGIF. Thank you guys all so much for contributing. Again, don't forget
Starting point is 00:57:33 And by the way, I called into one of my baseball heroes, Kurt Rambis. No. Kurt Rambis. No. Kurt Schilling of Red Sox fame and Diamondbacks and Phillies even called into his podcast. He's got a podcast. He's so intense.
Starting point is 00:57:57 He's more intense than I am about this shit. It was actually great, though. He's got a great show. That is it. Don't forget You want me to roast one of your friends or relatives go to click on my profile tell me a little bit about the person I will destroy them with my acid tongue or I'll be a sweetheart and say happy birthday auntie Laney that is it you guys thank god I will say you're very welcome we'll see you back here tomorrow. Have a good day now. guitar solo I'm out.

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