The Nick DiPaolo Show - Impeach, a Real Reach | Nick Di Paolo Show #488

Episode Date: February 10, 2021

Impeachment farce 2.0 hits the senate floor. Trump's lawyer stumbles in opening remarks. MSM double standards and faux outrage reach a new low....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Oh yeah! Welcome to the big show, folks. How are ya? Wednesday, state of Georgia. Good to be with you. Are you following this second farce of an impeachment, huh? Are these the most angry, vindictive, stupid, selfish, petty cocksuckers? I'm talking about the Democrats, obviously. Let's impeach a guy who's not the president. Apparently, though, apparently you and I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:08 The Constitution isn't clear. It never is to the Democrats, because yesterday the Senate finds Trump impeachment trial constitutional on first day of proceedings. proceedings two sources familiar with the former president's reaction to today's senate proceedings described mr trump as angry about his lawyer's lackluster performance the guy really did stink it up what the hell's going on out here one source said the president didn't sound pleased on phone calls with uh close associates here he is on the phone. Is this moron number one? Put moron number two on the phone. Uh-oh, somebody's in hot water. The Senate deemed the impeachment trial
Starting point is 00:01:52 to be constitutional in a vote to move forward with the trial. Naturally, because it's Trump. Although most Republicans voted to dismiss the trial, 44 Republicans voted that the Senate has the jurisdiction to hold a trial after a president has left office. The vote is an indication that there will probably be, not be enough votes to convict Mr. Trump because you need 67 votes. That's required to find the president guilty. Senate minority leader, fucking chinless
Starting point is 00:02:26 owl, Mitch McConnell was among the Republicans actually who voted to dismiss the trial. Yeah, now he comes on board. Senators Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Susan piece of shit Collins of Maine, Lisa Maggot Murkowski of Alaska, Mitt the fucking Rat Romney of Utah, Ben I'm So Sassy, Sass of Nebraska, and Pat I Hope I Have a Tumor Tumi of Pennsylvania joined all 50 Democrats in voting to uphold the constitutionality of the trial. What arrogant jerk-offs. You pompous, stock-up, snot-nosed, English, giant, twerp, scumbag, fuck-faced, dickhead, asshole. That goes for all of yous.
Starting point is 00:03:18 David Schoen, nice Irish fella, representing the president. There he is wearing his yarmulke. Why do they do that? This is why the Jews get picked on. That hat couldn't be any sillier. You guys should change out to like a goddamn Jimmy hat, the ones like the Jamaicans do on this mother. David Schoen, great lawyer, a member of Mr. Trump's legal team,
Starting point is 00:03:40 reiterated the former president believes the impeachment trial is unconstitutional and accused Democrats of seeking to disenfranchise the more than 70 million Americans who supported Mr. Trump's reelection bid. It's exactly what they're doing. We showed the clip yesterday. It's 14 minutes long of all the evidence and there's a ton of it. This is a goddamn embarrassment. Who's with me? As a matter of policy, it is wrong as wrong can be for all of us as a nation. The trial, Schoen said, is a chance by a group of partisan politicians seeking to eliminate Donald Trump from the American political scene and seeking to disenfranchise 74 million plus American voters and those who dared to share their political beliefs and vision of America. And that's exactly what it is. Mr. Schoen is right on the goddamn line. Schoen called the constitutional theory put forth by the impeachment managers radical and unprecedented. Exactly right.
Starting point is 00:04:38 It's not going to be long before you all kill yourselves because you're all crazy. long before you all kill yourselves because you're all crazy. Yeah, you come on. It's unprecedented and warned. Adopting it would make future elected officials vulnerable to impeachment long after they left off. Yeah, so where does this stop? The fucking phrase slippery slope means nothing to Democrats. Have you ever seen somebody so committed to getting power in your life?
Starting point is 00:05:04 The fucking worst people on the earth. Let me ask you another question. If you're my age or whatever, if you've been following politics for the last 23, as long as Pelosi's been there, have you ever seen one male Republican get in her face? Seriously, a clip that should be actually go viral or, you know, bleeped. Ever see one get in her face and go, you're fucking crazy. I mean, Trump called her crazy all the time. But do you ever see a Mitch McConnell or anybody?
Starting point is 00:05:31 Look at this psycho bitch. I'm watching interviews online of her. And when somebody asks a tough question, she starts literally twitching. When somebody says, well, you know, people say you're not doing it. She literally, she sucks on her dentures and she starts blinking. Unbelievable. She must've been spoiled, fucking rotten. Anyway, enough about that leathery neck. They're willing to sacrifice our national character to advance their hatred and their
Starting point is 00:06:00 fear that one day they might not be the party in power, he said. Here's Trump's lawyer arguing why you can't impeach Trump. The section I read, judgment, in other words, the bad thing that can happen, the judgment in cases of impeachment, i.e. what we are doing, in cases of impeachment ie what we are doing shall not extend further than removal from office what is so hard about that what those which of those words are unclear shall not extend further than removal from office President Trump no longer is in office. The object of the Constitution has been achieved.
Starting point is 00:06:50 He was removed by the voters. That ain't true either. He's lying. He wasn't. Why would you say that? Trump couldn't have been happy about that. He wasn't removed by the voters. Maybe that's why the Dems are doing this.
Starting point is 00:07:06 They really, they could fall back on Trump's really the president. You guys say so. That's why we can do this. They're winking. Actually, no, Biden gets smoked in the election. I should be up there on the yarmulke representing somebody. How's that for a defense? If I'm a Democrat.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Wait a minute, Republican, wait a minute. You guys said that it was stolen, which technically makes him still the president. That's why. Come on. That's a theory I just came up with. Thank God for crack cocaine. The Democrats are using the same tactics they use, you know, when they walk hand in hand with the mainstream media and push out their propaganda horseshit, like omitting shit and then putting shit in. They showed a, like a 14 minute clip to open yesterday, the dumbs. And it just proves what lying scumbags they really are. We'll show you till you hear, you know, it's a bunch of violence on January 6th at the Capitol, but watch the first edit. Yes. Later on, they show him saying peacefully,
Starting point is 00:08:14 but the first edit, you know, right when he's about to say, we'll go over there peacefully, they jumped to, you know, Oh, Oh. And half you people in the country, again, you are my fan. So this doesn't, this isn't directed at you, but half the country is that stupid. Or they just like, fuck it, do what you got to do to win. Anyways, here's a couple minutes of the Democrats opening a video showing, because of Trump's words, what went on, that terrible tragedy when somebody stole a nameplate. Go ahead. We will stop the steal.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Today I will lay out just some of the evidence proving that we won this election and we won it by a landslide. This was not a close election. And after this, we're going to walk down, and I'll be there with you. We're going to walk down and I'll be there with you. We're going to walk down. We're going to walk down to the Capitol. And peacefully. Take the Capitol.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Take the Capitol. Take the Capitol. I'm staying right here. Where our problems are, it's that direction. It's that direction. It's that direction. It still doesn't look like they're charging. It still looks fake to me.
Starting point is 00:09:33 I see fake anger. I see guys. Did you see anybody get run over and fucking, you know what I mean? The only real shit that went on is when they got into the Capitol. But, you know, Trump said, fuck that. I'm staying right here. That's why they're impeaching you. What Trump actually said was this. Come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom. never take no freedom!
Starting point is 00:10:05 Father! God, I get a heart on every time I watch that movie. Jesus H. Christ. Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah. So, uh, anyways, Trump actually, I think we got what he actually said, right? Here's his actual
Starting point is 00:10:23 speech. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. Pause. There's the key. Even though we all know this is going to be dead on arrival, this is all a moot point, but peacefully. Yeah, when you're inciting a riot, you know, when you listen to black lives matter and
Starting point is 00:10:45 antifa giving their speeches the word peacefully comes up all the time doesn't it after they burn shit they said well it was a peaceful protest remember the cnn guy there's flames behind them literally a fucking wendy's burning most mostly peaceful if you don't count the fucking lawn darts being shot at us and my sister's ass. So that was what Trump actually said, you know, but who cares about the truth anymore? Part of Trump's lawyer, Bruce Castor's opening statement, he rambled and politicians from both sides mocked him like Giuliani was mocking him. And he goes, I don't know what he's trying to do. And both sides were guy. Where's he going with this? And it was a little he almost admits that they have a good case after the Dems put their statement up first, their argument, whatever. Listen to what he says.
Starting point is 00:11:46 put their statement up first, their argument, whatever. Listen to what he says. I'll be quite frank with you. We changed what we were going to do on account that we thought that the House manager's presentation was well done. What? Pause. What? Counselor. Counselor. That's Trump. He's got a knife in his hand heading to it what it was well done can you imagine trump watching this donald marlock right he probably picked up a fucking nine iron and took out three lamps that were worth 85 000 what do you you never say that we thought it was well done you make a good point case closed hang them go. And I wanted you to know that we have responses to those things. I thought that what the first part of the case was, which was the equivalent of a motion to dismiss, was going to be about jurisdiction alone. And
Starting point is 00:12:39 one of the fellows who spoke for the House managers, who was a former criminal defense attorney, seemed to suggest that there's something nefarious that we were discussing jurisdiction and trying to get the case dismissed. But this is where it happens in the case, because jurisdiction is the first thing that has to be found. Translator. We have counter arguments to everything. Well, get to them, Dick Weed. And you will hear them later on in the case from Mr. Van Der Veen and from myself. You're fired. You're fired.
Starting point is 00:13:12 You're fired. You're fired. You're fired. He rambled on even more about this shit. It was, uh, hey, hey, hey. He's like, we weren't prepared for this. We thought we were going to talk about jurisdiction well yeah you know what that's how life is it throws your curveball you have to change on the fly
Starting point is 00:13:29 not very you know i mean you know how trump is he's balls to the wall you can't be mealy-mouthy up there you're gonna get after it trump lawyer explains the real reason why the dems are impeaching uh 45 if you want, you know, you want the truth every once in a while. Are you interested in the real story? Yes, let's play it. Let's understand why we are really here. We are really here because the majority in the House of Representatives does not want
Starting point is 00:14:02 to face Donald Trump as a political rival in the future. That's the real reason we're here. You are correct, sir. They've actually said that, some of the people on the left, because apparently there's some rule, you know, if you're impeached twice. But again, that implies when you're in office. This is all show, but you understand, right? Because you're never going to get the 67 votes by the fucking Senate, right? Which they need to impeach.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Do you understand it's a kabuki theater? You know what it is, folks? We finally caught on after 40 years. Hey, look over here, people. Look at this spectacle. Meanwhile, Joe Biden and his son are double teaming some Asianian broad who's worth 60 billion dollars or whatever our nefarious shit the government's doing to fuck us in the ass
Starting point is 00:14:54 what they're doing is holding hands with uh big corporations and you know bringing us global but again if we focus on this which i gotta do i gotta talk about something and still fucking makes you irate oh our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven let this crack pipe be passed to a new generation of shitheads dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun to a new generation of shitheads. Hey, a little serious note here. I don't know if you guys are familiar with this kid, A.J. Quetta, hockey player. Many of you in the Boston Providence area have heard this already, but about two weeks ago,
Starting point is 00:15:48 A.J. Quetta, who you see on the screen, suffered a severe spinal cord injury while playing hockey for Bishop Feenan High School in Attlemore, Mass. He's a great kid, always smiling, full of energy, everything you'd want to see in a teenager. Just a really unfortunate accident what it was. Anyway, since last week, the local community and the hockey community has really rallied around this kid. The Bruins got involved heavily. Bob Kraft is matching funds. And I just watched a video from Ray Bourque, who has come out to support this kid also, along with many, many others. They actually hang his shirt, the Bruins, every game now, like on the glass.
Starting point is 00:16:29 I'd like to help out, and hopefully you can too. He's going to need long-term financial support. And if you're feeling generous or even just humid, I'd encourage you to do so and step up. You can do that by going to You can make a donation, bid on NHL auction items, get involved in the golf tournament, and more to help this kid. It really is a tragedy. Anyways, it's a tough card to be dealt at 17 years old, but let's do our part to help this kid. AJ, everyone here at the Nick DiPaolo Show is thinking of you, man. Hang in there.
Starting point is 00:17:07 And again, that's This one hits home with me because I had a cousin named Alfred back in the late 60s. He went to Beverly High School, which all my relatives are still there. It's the town next to where I grew up. He was an unbelievable athlete. He started as a sophomore in football, all conference or whatever in football, baseball, catcher, starting catcher, I think as a freshman, actually. He's a defensive end. They used to triple team him. He was getting letters. He got letters from a couple of big schools after his sophomore year. He was the president of his class.
Starting point is 00:17:50 The nicest kid you ever want to meet in the world. Well, one day, him and his buddies were fooling around in the gym before school, you know, gymnastic equipment. He did a flip off like a Swedish horse and broke his neck at 16, I believe. And I mean, talk about devastating. Uh, my dad used to go to the hospital every night for like, had to be six months to feed them. And, and anyways, this is why this hits home with me. My cousin turned out to be as ambitious and as resourceful, ended up going to UMass, getting a degree in education, became a teacher, actually coached football at Beverly High, and just an unbelievable inspiration, Micah. So, A.J. Quetta, don't, you know what I mean? Keep your chin up because you can still live a full life.
Starting point is 00:18:54 And every time I saw my cousin, he had a beautiful girlfriend. It was just, he was just a, you know, so this sort of strikes home. So, do what you can. Anyways, I want to thank one-time contributions since yesterday to our show. Jeffrey Pfeiffer, Florida. Matt Amidon, Wisconsin. Mark Tayar, Oklahoma.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Mario Landry, New Jersey. Joseph Safar, Georgia. And new monthly supporters, Chris Ledwell, Texas. And Ben Calhoun, California. Thank you guys so much for, uh, donating to the show because as you know, big tech is crushing people like me. Um, so we appreciate that very much. Let's get on to the left's evilness. It really is. On the way here, I was listening and I just caught the end of this story. Something about the military is going to have a stand down day where they all get lectured and vetted for possible domestic extremism in the military. So this PC horse shit, this big lie about white supremacist and shit
Starting point is 00:20:10 has infiltrated the military. I mean, we already knew it has when some of the generals were for changing the names of some of the bases. So this is scary. When they start doing this PC shit, which who leads the way in that the democrats and big corporations with their human resources they're all holding hands now if the military gets them which it looks like it is we're fucking finished on a major scale but they said listen i was getting out of my car it said oh a noose was found on the bed or the doorknob of a black sailor on one of the ships.
Starting point is 00:20:50 And then in another military, I think it was another ship, there was hate. Somebody wrote something hateful on a door, hate speech. Which, there are guys in the military that still vote Democrat. I'll bet you a zillion dollars they'll never get to the bottom of it. Every time somebody leaves a noose or something, what is it? It's a hoax. And if I had to bet my life, it would be the same thing. But the fact that they're having a stand-down day so they can lecture the white guys in the Army,
Starting point is 00:21:21 because a lot of them are from the South and shit, you know, you're the problem. That's fucking creepy. Maybe i'll have the article tomorrow anyways no lecture though about uh you know no lecture about what happened this summer burning the fucking country not a word in the military more double speaking of double standards and selective outrage and memory loss from the mainstream media and the Democrats, the media frenzy surrounding the January 6th protest at the U.S. Capitol are escalating ahead of President Trump's second fake impeachment trial. at how take a look how and how take a look at how the cnn's of the world treated january 6th and the riot at the capitol and welcome to the lead i'm jake tapper the deadly domestic terrorist attack on the united states capitol incited by president trump and members of the republican party what what i don't like your? What? I don't like your jerk-off name. I don't like your jerk-off face.
Starting point is 00:22:28 I don't like your jerk-off behavior. And I don't like you, jerk-off. He is the fucking worst now. Did you hear that? Incited by the president and Republicans. He just cast a net over about, you know, 100 million people. Don't be afraid to paint with a broad brush, fuckstain. It's a double standard.
Starting point is 00:22:54 I'll show you why. Are you interested in the real story? Yes, I am. However, Democrats have conveniently forgotten the scenes of violence that were carried out during President Trump and even President George W. Bush's inauguration by radical left wing douchebags. Do you guys remember? This is on. Keep this in mind. This was on Trump's inauguration day. This what was this is what was going on in D.C. at the Capitol. During President Trump's speech, several demonstrators were escorted out of the
Starting point is 00:23:25 area several officers injured during the protest today and more than a hundred people arrested Trump's inauguration day. Trump isn't the only Republican the scenes from when President George W. Bush was inaugurated and radical leftists descended on Washington, D.C. Over 7,000 police were brought in to protect the Capitol as thousands more black-clad, left-wing extremists tried to disrupt Bush's inauguration, setting off violent protests and attacking the officers. Amazingly, the Democrat mayor of D.C. at the time, Mayor Anthony Williams, condemned the protesters, calling them spiteful and telling them to give President Bush a break. Now, with Democrats dismissing the mountains of proof of actual voting fraud, they resort to sending in 20,000 heavily armed soldiers to the Capitol. Oh, my God. You fucking hypocrite. You fucking believe that? Huh? Did you see after all that
Starting point is 00:25:03 violence? Remember, they burned the limo on Trump's inauguration. Did you see us? Did you see, after all that violence, remember they burned the limo on Trump's inauguration? Did you see us? Did you see Trump call in the whole military to put a fence up around? No, you didn't. This is all a farce. We all know the left is the most dangerous. See how they reported it? Did you hear the left back then fucking going uh-oh domestic terror we we gotta vet these people nothing not a goddamn word you should be disgusted with yourselves speak on a lefties here's another story uh again this falls under the cat we're gonna have to come up with a new segment jason call hey look over here not over there here look over here but but but this
Starting point is 00:25:52 even if it's a distraction this type of shit it really happens and it just it makes your fucking belly laugh there's a guy what's his name elijah daniel elijah come on producer get a clue it's elijah daniel thank you The guy, what's his name? Elijah, Daniel Elijah. Come on, producer. Get a clue. It's Elijah Daniel. Thank you. Daniel Elijah.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Elijah Daniel. There he is. I don't know if he's gay or not, but he's now the CEO of Gay Burgers for Delivery. He's a YouTube prankster, activist. Elijah Daniel has unveiled his latest stunt. Yeah, it's a stunt, but it's real. Gay Burger, a virtual restaurant brand that will donate all proceeds to the Los Angeles LGBT, or as I say, the BLT with heavy mayo, lettuce,
Starting point is 00:26:44 the LGBT Center in Los Angeles. Jesus Christ, we can't leave it alone for a second. Ah, the homosexuals. Let's take a look at, look at it. It's the Burger King guy making out with Ronald McDonald. That's actually clever. A thumbs up on that. Hold the special sauce. The open mic is set in New Jersey.
Starting point is 00:27:16 Here you go. Meat between buns. Seems pretty gay already. Let's make it gayer for Jerry. I'm guessing he's gay. maybe he's just fucking poking fun or whatever um really can i ask you a question what do you really need money lgbt how come when you move into neighborhoods shitty neighborhoods you gentrify them in five minutes where's that money come from i think you're doing all right uh look there's nothing gay about those burgers. I'd sit on those bare ass. Look at those. How delicious. Oh, my God. Those are called the Dick Cheney specials.
Starting point is 00:27:54 They clog your heart in about three seconds. God, they look delicious. Please give me a cup. Here we go. We have the actual menu. Jesus Christ. The Storm Combo. That's a baby daddy in gay fries and a drink. Now here's some burgers.
Starting point is 00:28:15 Love me daddy. One studly beef daddy patty topped with one slice of American cheese, pickles, diced white onions, house gaoli, and shredded lettuce. You and your son look like a fag to me. Here we go. We got the beef me up Scotty. Little homage to Star Trek. Two stubbly beef daddy patties, two slices of American cheese, pickles, diced white onions. It's almost the same thing.
Starting point is 00:28:45 House gaioli and shredded lettuce. Here's the help me daddy. Double beef daddy patties, double American cheese, caramelized onions, pickles, bacon, fries, and house gaioli. A lot of daddy issues in these burgers. Not my dad! You also hear something ugly as fucking doodly.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Not my dad! Not my dad! Here's the I like chicks burger. Hey, at least he's being inclusive. Fried chicken daddy patty topped with house gaoli, mustard shredded lettuce,
Starting point is 00:29:23 and pickles. That's a heterosexual burger. Good for them. Christy, get down on your knees so Sabrina can see your asshole. Does that come with gay fries, Sabrina? Baby daddy grilled cheese. Double slices of Central American cheese on a thick potato bun. No more milk daddy.
Starting point is 00:29:42 What does that mean? No more Milk Daddy. What does that mean? No more Milk Daddy. I know men can menstruate and have abortions. Now they're lactating. No more Milk Daddy? Oh, is that a jizz reference? Please tell me no. That's too gross for me.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Anyways, what's that? That's a vegan daddy patty, sliced tomato, diced white onions, pickles, and shredded lettuce. God, they're pretty much the same. And then you got your sides, gay fries, fries but they're gay, you know. Extremely gay fries where, obviously, somebody tops it with something. Gay fries topped with caramelized onions. What is that, a euphemism? Cheese and bacon.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Then you get the gay cookie. Well, all cookies are faggy and gay. Chocolate chip cookie. Then bottled water. Then you get the gay cookie. Well, all cookies are faggy and gay. Chocolate chip cookie. Then bottled water. But there's nothing gay about the water? Nothing? You didn't put a rainbow on the bottle? No?
Starting point is 00:30:35 Doesn't come with a swizzle stick shaped like a dick? I feel ripped off on that one. Anyways, good luck, whatever your name is. Elijah Daniel or Daniel Elijah? It's Elijah first? I'm sorry, I live in America.
Starting point is 00:30:52 He looks more all-American than me. Most of the guys I know, I don't know if he's gay or not. Again, if this was a good show, I would have looked it up, but who gives a fuck?
Starting point is 00:31:03 Looks like he gets a lot of snatch if he wanted it, but most gays look like it. Nick, how can you say most gays? You really shut it. I generalize on purpose because it makes people cuckoo. And by the way, the left does it more than anybody right now. It's those white Republican, you know, the racist bigots, the people who cling to their Bibles and guns. White people are just afraid of change. White women called Karen, you know, that type of shit. Tanisha, Aisha, Fangula Bagana.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Speaking of black women. I knew this was coming I thought this would be the first thing remember Aunt Jemima we all do see that nice lady look at her teeth on her nice head of hair holy shit looks like somebody
Starting point is 00:31:56 oh no it is I'm doing Joe Pesci Aunt Jemima what about her? Well, Quaker Oats is releasing a new name and logo because we have to wipe out the history of this country for its Aunt Jemima products, finally retiring the racist stereotype.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Yes, it's a pretty black woman with nice teeth. Getting rid of the racist stereotype that has adorned its pancake mixes and syrups for decades. They asked Aunt Jemima, the lady that was based on how she felt. What folks says about this family, I does.
Starting point is 00:32:36 I has told you and told you that you can always tell a lady but the way that she eat in front of folks like a bird. And I ain't aiming for you to go to Mr. John Wilkinson's and eat like a field hand and gobble like a hog. The name Aunt Jemima,
Starting point is 00:32:50 long criticized as a racist character of black women stemming from slavery, will be replaced with Pearl Milling Company. Oh yeah, that's catchy. Pearl Milling Company. Sounds like they grind metal. Pearl Milling Company name and logo on the former brand's new packaging, according to parent company PepsiCo.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Well, let me ask you this. If I'm a black person, I'd be like, wait a minute. We had something that represents, and you're taking that away? Replacing it with a white company? How is that right? You people are fucking so confused. It's the PepsiCo company. Of course, they say, we are starting a new day with Pearl Milling Company.
Starting point is 00:33:27 A PepsiCo spokesperson said, a new day rooted in the brand's historic beginnings and its mission to create moments that matter at the breakfast table. The only moments that matter is if your wife gives you a handjob while you're finishing your fucking Count Chocula. How's that? The new brand is scheduled to launch in june let me circle my calendar one year after the company announced the change aunt jemima was one of several food brands including uncle ben's cream of wheat which is delicious like uncle ben you know what's funny
Starting point is 00:34:01 about every time i see that now there's a there episode on The Sopranos where Meadows is dating this African-American kid. He's Jewish and black. And Tony obviously has a fucking run-in with a kid. Anyways, the kid leaves. Tony's all, you know, he used to fucking have seizures. So he's all flustered when the kid leaves. He goes into the kitchen, and it might even have been the next episode, but the two episodes are about her having a black boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:34:33 He opens the cabinet to get, I think it was Uncle Ben's rice, and he looks at it, and he passes out. He falls face first in the kitchen. Anyways, Uncle Ben's cream of wheat and Mrs. Butterworth's to announce redesigns as protests against systemic racism erupted across the United States this summer. I thought, I look at it like they're paying tribute. You know what I mean? It turned into a racist character. Is it because we're black? Yes. they're paying tribute. You know what I mean? It turned into a racist character.
Starting point is 00:35:05 Is it because we're black? Yes. We're paying homage. Do you know what I mean? When they put her on that, or Uncle Ben, they didn't do it to be racist. Right? I'm guessing. You can't take today's standards, once again, contemporary standards, and apply them to 1950, whenever the company started, or way back.
Starting point is 00:35:28 You know what I mean? They didn't do that to make fun of black people. I'd like my face on a goddamn bottle of Italian dressing. Something. You know, in a Camaro with a gold chain like it was in high school. I just don't. The Pearl Milling Company was the late 19th century business that created the original ready-made pancake mix, according to PepsiCo.
Starting point is 00:35:55 It was founded in 1888 by Chris Rutt. Rutt named the original company after old Aunt Jemima, an 1875 song from a minstrel show that I have it on my playlist. I work out to it. It features performers in blackface who wore aprons and bandanas and headbands. Oh, come on, Hillary. Do you see what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:36:24 It was created at that time as like a tribute to that, not to make them. And then it turned into something racist, as the left will take anything. Anyways, news out of Aunt Jemima's rebranding in June started a domino effect among food brands with racist or otherwise controversial mascots. Within hours of the announcement, the Mars Food Company announced it would do away with the brand name and logo for Uncle Ben's Rice, eventually rebranding itself as Ben's Original. Again, more distractions. Conagra-owned syrup makers of Mrs. Buttersworth, whose humanoid bottle shape looks like a woman of color when filled with maple syrup. Yeah, but when it's empty, it looks like a white woman.
Starting point is 00:37:12 So it's like it's biracial. It's perfect. Or when it's half full, it looks like a biracial person. Looks like a woman. Did anybody ever think of that? I didn't. Woman of color when filled with maple syrup. Announced they were changing the brand's name on the same day. And one day later, Cream of Wheat's parent, B&G Foods, said it was doing away with its black chef logo. Were they going to replace it with a welder from fucking Ohio? Which was based on a dim-witted blackface minstrel show character seen in the early 20th century cream of weed ads. PepsiCo, wow, early 20th century.
Starting point is 00:37:54 I didn't know it went back that far. PepsiCo said Pearl Mill and Company will also announce an annual $1 million commitment to empower and uplift black girls and women in the coming weeks how do you feel about that black guys the investment is in addition to pepsico's 400 million dollar five year commitment to advance and uplift the black community the company said uplift them where oh for you if we keep uplifting them they they're going to be ahead of white people. That's what they say we say, you know. Oh, my God. Do you think we have butchered the issue of race in this country?
Starting point is 00:38:35 Can we butcher it anymore? The Dems grabbed hold of that, and they beat us over the head with it for 40 years, and they're winning. So I suggest people on the right, don't be ashamed of your ethnicity. Get out there and, I don't know, raise some hell. Don't be mean. Let's stay on, since we talked about Mrs. Butterworth, let's talk about another heavyset black woman. This is an evil, horrible story, by the way way and and again you guys probably haven't even heard it and again if the races were reversed in the story you would be so sick of hearing about it for the next 10 years there's a cooking show i think it's on the food network they have a show the america's worst cooks or something well the that won it, she's been charged in her daughter's death.
Starting point is 00:39:27 The Worst Cooks in America winner, charged with killing her three-year-old daughter, had tweeted about her adopted kid. She adopted a white baby. The killer, the mother, had tweeted about her adopted kid's white privilege. She had a white little boy, too, days earlier, and how she would protect them from the evil of this world. Ariel Robinson, 29, I don't even know which one's the woman.
Starting point is 00:39:54 Oh my God. Ariel Robinson, you fat nasty black bitch. And her husband, Jerry, 34, are both charged with a homicide by child abuse over little Victoria Rose Smith, who died from multiple blunt force injuries in their home in South Carolina on January 14th. Can you fucking imagine? Who's an animal? Your mother's an animal, you son of a bitch. Robinson, who won season 20 of the Food Network show,
Starting point is 00:40:31 repeatedly posted pictures of the young girl, one of three white children she and her husband adopted almost a year. Yeah, what better way we can take our anger out on white people? We'll just adopt a couple little white kids and kick the shit out. You evil motherfucker. I wonder if the Food Network's going to have to shut down now because she was on the course. Not they are missing the puzzle pieces and they will complete our family.
Starting point is 00:40:56 She wrote on the, uh, the day last February when she finally got to meet them. Robinson then addressed the white privilege, her adopted children in a series of January 6 tweets sparked by watching the Capitol riots. She says, and I quote, in my house, my black children get treated the same as my white children, and my white children get treated the same as my black children, she wrote. It's a shame that when they go out into
Starting point is 00:41:20 the real world, that won't be the case, she wrote, along with the hashtags, hashtag white privilege and hashtag black lives matter. Do you see, seriously, do you see what this poison ideology over the last 20, 30, 40 years has done to people? Makes them into literally killers. I will never have to worry about my white sons. And that makes me happy, she wrote, white sons and that makes me happy she wrote saying she was sad that every worry uh every worry i don't have for them will be multiplied for my black sons just uh who gives a fuck what you think exactly why are we hearing from it's a shame that as a proud mom to four beautiful boys, I can't protect them from the reality and evils of this world. Again, implying to white people. Once they leave the house, I'm a mama bear and I'll do anything to protect my children, she wrote. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:42:17 You never looked heavier. She vowed to make sure the futures are equally bright because they have the same opportunities and are treated as equals the way God made them. There should be no hashtag white privilege, only American privilege, she wrote again, including a Black Lives Matter hashtag. Police were called to the family's home in Simpsonville after Victoria was unresponsive and she was pronounced dead at a local hospital. The Robinsons were charged after the coroner's office and Simpsonville Police Department
Starting point is 00:42:49 determined that Victoria's death was a direct result of physical abuse. Officials told the news. Can you think of anything more fucking evil? This is what they should do to these two racist savages. Hey, he got it. He got it. Yeah, nice shot. Squeal! Squeal!
Starting point is 00:43:07 Squeal! Ah! Let's have a trial to make sure, you know. Look at that. Oh my God, it makes me fucking... Sometimes I avoid these stories, folks, but when there's one every day,
Starting point is 00:43:22 whatever, you gotta... I only do it to point out once again if that was a little black girl and those people were white do you understand it would be on a loop it would be the nation would be talking about it fucking cowardly media
Starting point is 00:43:37 they're worse than the politicians who they work with I swear to god oh finally tonight on meet the press work with, I swear to God. Oh! Finally tonight on Meet the Press. Cuomo! Andrew Cuomo. You believe he wrote a book about
Starting point is 00:43:55 how great he was during the pandemic when he had the deaths of so many old people on his... I think he's getting sued by some people, actually. Cuomo's plan to reopen entertainment a joke, said the headline. A Big Apple comedy club owner thinks Governor Andrew Cuomo's sudden plan to jumpstart the local entertainment industry is a joke. They asked him what he thought about it. I despise it with every fiber of my being. This is a stand up New
Starting point is 00:44:24 York. I play this many times. I never, it's one of my least favorite. They've got great guys that run it. No, I just never, it's on the Upper West Side, never connected with the audiences there. And they got weirder as the, when I first moved to New York, it was a hot club. Then it just got neighborhood people, just Upper West Side, people think they shit ice cream come in and I just never dug it. just up at Westside, people think they should ice cream come in and I just never dug it. Anyways, the owner of Stand Up New York said, I thought it was an onion piece at first, said Danny Zoldan, co-owner of Up Westside Comedy Club. Stand Up New York is the name of the club. The governor on Monday announced an upcoming program of star-studded pop-up performances.
Starting point is 00:45:07 What does that mean? Everywhere from subway plat, what, Barbra Streisand going to pop out of the C car? What the fuck? Hey. Hey, look, everybody, it's Jennifer Hudson behind a hot dog stand banging out some hits. Everywhere from subway platforms to local parks, many of which will be free of charge. Oh, that helps the performance. But Zoldan said struggling independent venues like his have already been organized in similar outdoor events during the coronavirus pandemic, only illegally.
Starting point is 00:45:43 They had to to survive. I know some comics who do these outdoor things. the coronavirus pandemic only illegally. They had to, to survive. I know some comics who do these outdoor things. You're standing on a roof in Brooklyn on a winter. I'll just say this to my comedian friends out there. Clubs are opening, you know, at least down South. So, you know, get yourself booked. Outdoor shows aren't even allowed.
Starting point is 00:46:04 This is again, the owner of Stand Up New York saying, but we've been doing it anyways because we have nothing to lose, said Zoldan. His club has produced more than, get this, 500 outdoor events in parks across Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens since May and hosts shows every Saturday night on the one train. Wait a minute. An actual show on the one train? I, I, I. minute. An actual show on the one train? He says, we've proven that we've been able to do it safely, said Zoldan. And then Cuomo goes and announces this plan to create all this outdoor programming
Starting point is 00:46:35 free of charge. It's not showing consideration for independent venues that are struggling to survive, he added. He's right on the goddamn money, isn't he? It's just so ridiculous. Instead of organizing performances, the state should be working with venues directly to figure out how they can safely reopen, Zoldan said. And he's right on the goddamn money. Still, despite his critique of the program, Zoldan allowed that, he says,
Starting point is 00:47:02 I guess it's good for New Yorkers because he's a good guy. And I saw one of these. I saw a pop-up show. It was a hip-hop kid doing an old pop-up show. And apparently the crowd didn't like it. What? Niggas know what it is.
Starting point is 00:47:14 So my hand, they just be snapping it. But guess what, baby girl? Me and your pussy, that's what's happening. Nigga. Shut the fuck up, boy. That's hip-hop, boy. Now what you gonna do? You got knocked the fuck out, man!
Starting point is 00:47:29 Oh my God! Can we see that again? Niggas know what it is, so my hand they just be snapping it, but guess what, baby girl? Me and your pussy, that's what's happening. Shut the fuck up, boy. Now what you gonna do? Now what you gonna do? Now what you gonna do?
Starting point is 00:47:47 Did you see him wind up from his ass? That kid has... I don't see it. See, that's what's happening. Nigga, shut the fuck up, boy. Oh, God. Now what you gonna do? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Anyways, that's it for today. I thought I'd throw that in there. It's a pop-up show. I'm not gonna do any. I know why I'm laughing. That's how that girl, when she punched me with a closed fist that hard. And I didn't go down.
Starting point is 00:48:18 I never went down, Ray. You never got me down, Mary. That is it, ladies and gentlemen. Don't forget If you want me to make a personal message on my cell phone roasting a friend or relative or something, I will do that. You go to, click on my profile. You tell me a little bit about the person, and I make the video, send it right to them. People use them as birthday gifts if they're fans of mine or whatever.
Starting point is 00:48:44 It's a lot of fun. Anything else, Jason? That it? What's that? Thecomicsgym, G-Y-M, like That's where this show is going to be permanently based.
Starting point is 00:49:02 So move your stuff over there. We love you, man. You guys think it, I'll say it. You're very welcome. See you back here tomorrow. Bye-bye. guitar solo I'm out.

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