The Nick DiPaolo Show - Jan. 6th - Possible FBI False Flag? | Nick Di Paolo Show #560

Episode Date: June 23, 2021

Rotten peaches in Georgia. Tuna free tuna sandwich. Libs Eating Libs....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, this show, The Nick DiPaolo Show, is a place you can come to for an hour each day and know that the truth is going to be spoken. Sometimes it's politics, sometimes it's comedy, oftentimes it's both. Any way that you cut it, though, it's always honest, unfiltered, and free from the bias you'll find pretty much everywhere else, and certainly all day long by mainstream media. Free speech lives here, and it always will. I want to thank you all for supporting the show, and I want to encourage you to contribute on the page or visit and click on Contribute.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Your contributions are what keeps this show going and what has helped us now put the show on Roku, Apple TV, Android, Amazon, and mobile devices. Again, donate on or at and know that 100% of your contribution comes right directly to this show. I thank you guys again.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Go home to mommy. Go home. again. Go home to mommy. Go home. Bye. Go home to mommy. Go home to mommy. Tell her to tuck you in bed. What a fucking bully. God, I miss him
Starting point is 00:01:19 so much. much All righty then. Well, well, welcome to the big show, ladies and gentlemen. How are you today on a Wednesday? Boy, me and Matt were pulling our hair out. One of these, we haven't had one of these days like this in a long time, but in the history of this show, every time you come in, all of a sudden something doesn't work for any reason. No reason at all, overnight.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Like somebody came in and pissed on the cables or something. And it is, you know, we're going to start like an hour ago. And I fucking, sound drops. I was watching hockey while I was doing it. Apparently I had some written on my hand on my shirt. And a real mess. But anyways, here we are again.
Starting point is 00:02:40 One of the highest rated shows in the country. It's between this and again, it's not even a fucking made no sense i got my lesbian shirt on good to be with you uh first headline today uh dems point after touchdown blocked by the Senate, the Republican-controlled Senate, kind of, isn't it? Anyways, the touchdown I'm talking about is November 3rd. Senate Republicans blocked a signature Democrat election bill that would radically transform America's electoral system and grant the federal government more control over the, more control, all control over the country's elections, could they be more transparent about what scumbags they
Starting point is 00:03:32 are? It would have taken it, the fucking elections, all the power out of the, out of the fucking, you know, municipalities, local, local level, and made it all federal. Now, why would you want to do that, huh? But guess what? The Senate wasn't having any of it. That's right. It's just unbucked. The shit that was in there, the Senate voted 50-50. You have to have a 60, two-thirds, I think that's how they were, failing to, because we still have the filibuster. That's why they want to get rid of that, right? Those fucking crab-ridden yeast infections. I got that from Walter Cronkite.
Starting point is 00:04:13 He used to say that. The Senate voted 50-50, failing to meet the 60-vote threshold needed to advance the debate on S1. That's the bill that would, you know, make the elections basically federal and allow you to do whatever the fuck. Basically what the Dems did in the last election, only make it legal, you fucks. I'll never, ever talk to you again
Starting point is 00:04:35 or anybody who votes, they go. Oh. Don't do that when you're dehydrated. But listen to what they call it, S-1, For the People Act. The minute you hear that, you know it's not for the people, obviously. For the people. For your sister's ass. This prevents the Senate from voting on the legislation. The legislation would federalize America's electoral system, which, again, more central power.
Starting point is 00:05:08 You see where they're going? And you keep voting for them, fuckstains? Which has drawn strong opposition from Republicans. Even Mitch McConnell. The legislation would do a few of these things. I'm going to list them for you right now, okay? Federalize control over congressional elections. Fuck you!
Starting point is 00:05:30 Declare the standard state and local maintenance of election systems, such as purging ineligible voters from voter rolls. They don't want us to do that anymore. Limiting vote by mail. Why don't you just list the shit that you did to steal the last election? Requiring voter ID. Wow, what a burden. And establishing rules against felons voting would erode the right to vote.
Starting point is 00:05:56 They want felons to vote. They want you to be able to mail the shit in. And again, I say, fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. And again, I say, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. Also, restrict lawsuits against the rules in S-1 to the federal court system, which is coincidentally favorable to who?
Starting point is 00:06:15 The fucking Democrats. You are correct, sir. I know I am. Fuck you. Establish online and automatic voter registration. Wow, there you go, huh? No room for fucking dirty play there. Protect illegal immigrants from prosecution if they vote.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Fuck you! Establish same-day voter registration. Fuck you! Register minors to vote. Fuck you! Mandate early voting. Fuck you! Register minors to vote. Mandate early voting. Again, all the shit they want, you know. Establish nationwide vote-by-mail without voter ID.
Starting point is 00:06:56 What the fuck? Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Do you see what they're doing? This is un-fucking-real. You don't have to go through all this, Democrats, because you already have Dominion in your pocket. Just keep using them.
Starting point is 00:07:13 You'll never lose again. Allow ballots to be counted 10 days after election. Just come out and go. We need time to cheat. It takes a while. It took us at least 10 days the last time we stole an election. It should be 24 hours is what it should be, you filthy whores. Fuck you!
Starting point is 00:07:34 What else do they have? Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said ahead of the vote that reactionary state legislature's election integrity bill amounts to voter suppression. Fuck you! Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said on the Senate floor ahead of the vote that the legislation would serve as a Democrat power grab. Finally got something right. Has anybody seen my...
Starting point is 00:08:03 He's married to, like, a good-looking Asian woman. That wasn't about sucking dick for power. Senator Ron Johnson, Republican, said in a statement ahead of the vote, the For the People Act is another Orwellian-named bill that has nothing to do with voting rights, but everything to do with consolidating Democrat control over government and our lives. Republicans want to restore confidence in our elections by making it easy to vote, but hard to cheat. It seems like Democrats primarily want to make it easier to cheat. Why else would they propose eliminating voter ID laws, required ballot harvesting, and drop boxes make the FEC a partisan agency
Starting point is 00:08:46 and make it harder to maintain accurate voter files. They would also force taxpayers to help fund the campaigns of candidates they oppose. An accurate name for this monstrosity would be the Four Democrat Politicians Act. He's so right on the goddamn money, is he not? You are correct, sir. He is correct. He's very correct.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Could have sworn Hillary was going to laugh at that. The best way I can explain what happened to the Democrats in their naked power grab disguised as a bill. This is the best. They say a picture's worth a thousand words. This is the bill, and this is what the Republicans did to the big Democrat bill.
Starting point is 00:09:38 La, la, la, la. There you go. That's Mitch McConnell on his front lawn. Beauty, beauty. So that was good news, actually. This was a big story. This should be huge. It should be on every American's lips. Boy, God doesn't want us to do a show today. I was caught around my giant cock. Anyways, this story is huge. Tucker was on it last week.
Starting point is 00:10:16 And why this isn't, well, I know why. All we have is Fox News and two other channels. But this guy, Darren J. Beatty, he did a deep dive into what happened on January 6th. And I mean deep. And the headline is, was January 6th an inside job pulled off by the FBI? Dinesh D'Souza talks, um, you know, in broad detail why he thinks the FBI, uh, might, might be involved in January.
Starting point is 00:10:52 So this is D'Souza first explaining. ...article in, uh, Revolver News, which is becoming a very important investigative journalism site. And in this article, we get for the first time a case, an argument for why January 6th might have been, might have been an FBI setup, might have been, in fact, a sort of deep state operation. OK, and so he goes on to interview this guy darren j baity who's like the head of this uh website and he explains uh three hypotheses that make a strong case for this being a an inside job meaning the fbi actually kind of set it up and uh participated in it because there's, in the charges, the formal charges, there's 20 unindicted co-conspirators.
Starting point is 00:11:51 I don't want to get all fucking Raymond Burr on you, but that means, you know, they were working with or they were actual FBI guys. They have, they have, well, he's going to explain, but they have actual witnesses saying that the FBI was in the room helping plan this shit. This should be the biggest story in the history of American politics, in my opinion. But here is Mr. Beatty explaining those three hypotheses. explaining those three hypotheses? So there's the intelligence failure thesis, which is, of course, convenient for them because it detracts from the more sinister possibilities that we explore. But also the solution to that is more surveillance capabilities. Basically, it tees them up for their next ask, which is we need more funding for Patriot Act 2.0, which means this time we're
Starting point is 00:12:46 going after patriots. So that narrative serves them well along a number of dimensions. The second possibility is that they did infiltrate these groups. They knew there was possibility for violence, and they just sit back and let it happen for their own purposes. And the third possibility is that even worse than sitting back and let it happen, that there are key members at senior positions within these so-called militia groups associated with January 6th, namely the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, and Three Percenters, key senior figures in here who are listed as person X, person Y, and individual in the charging documents, who are actually federal operatives in some capacity, either as informants or undercover agents. And so I think those second and third possibilities are the most damning
Starting point is 00:13:37 and by far the most likely. Can you imagine while innocent people sit in prison because of January 6th, because of literally some of them haven't been charged with anything or trespassing, and the FBI, they have fucking evidence that makes a point, a strong point that they were probably involved in it. Remember we were all going, it was Antifa. It was worse than that. What a filthy administration. And of course, you're not going to hear about this anywhere else, but what American news, Stephen Crowder and me and Newsmax and Hustler did a nice chunk on it. No, I'm kidding. Then the third clip of Beatty talks about the many unindicted co-conspirators
Starting point is 00:14:33 that were there on January 6th. There's like over 20 of them, he says. Here you go. So let me just kind of finish explaining how this is teed up. So we have the shock and awe standard. The reason these other people, person X, person Y, person one, two, three, four, so forth, and individual, the reason those people, these unindicted persons are important because our
Starting point is 00:14:59 investigative team recognized that compared to this shock and awe standard applied to this poor sandwich shop owner facing 60 years, it's very bizarre that there are all of these unindicted persons in the charging documents who have not been indicted for whatever reason, who seem to have done as bad, if not worse, than the people who are actually charged. And we are exploring the possibility that some of those people may be unindicted as a result of a prior relationship with the federal government. I think there's two very important sort of caveats to emphasize while I'm here on your show. One caveat is I'm not making the claim, is not making the claim that every single person who is unindicted, who is referenced in the charging documents, is some federal agent. All right, I'll make it for you.
Starting point is 00:15:55 Secondly, we are not calling for the prosecution of these people. Okay, I will. If it turns out, and it very well may turn out, that the unindicted people are not involved with the federal government, and many may not be, I am not saying the government should go after them. I think the shock and awe standard of prosecution itself is an outrage. I'm merely pointing to the discrepancy in standards by saying if certain people are charged according to that standard, why are the others not? And using that as an entry point to explore the possibility that there could be federal infiltration. Exactly. Don't backpedal too much on your theory, fella. But the government used the term shock and awe.
Starting point is 00:16:42 You know where that came from? The first Iraq war under George Bush Sr., wasn't it? Can you imagine? They're using that when discussing American citizens. And as far as the sandwich shop owner he mentioned, that guy happened to be there on January 6th with another guy. The other guy had deer spray on him. And when the shit started, his friend goes, let's use the deer spray.
Starting point is 00:17:09 And the sandwich shop owner said, no, no, no, not yet. And they threw the fucking book at him. He's still in jail. He didn't do anything. I didn't say, no, no, no, not yet. Are you sucking my ass? Please do. Can you fucking believe it?
Starting point is 00:17:28 Aye, aye, aye. Over 20 unindicted coal conspirators. I'm sure they're all savory. That is an outrage. Do you understand? And then they're blaming, like, fucking us Trump supporters. I had no idea the Democrats, I knew they were rotten,
Starting point is 00:17:47 but this rotten, they're going to use tactics like Banana Republic's doing shit? Pitting us against each other? Fucking me, you rotten hell. Biden and everybody that works for him. Speaking of rotten, hey, rotten peaches in Georgia.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Well, Nick, what do you mean by that? Liz Harrington, at RealLizUSA, tweeted. Here's her tweet. New from Donald J. Trump. And then she says in the tweet, this means we, you, won the presidential election in Georgia, but don't fret, much other information will soon be revealed about Georgia and other don't fret. Much other information will soon be revealed about Georgia and other
Starting point is 00:18:25 states as well. It is coming out fast and furious. The 2020 presidential election was rigged, says the late. You are correct, sir. Anyways, we have a picture of Trump's statement. I guess I'll read it off the screen here. Georgia now plans to remove... I wish I could do... I wish I could do... You take a right. Big, beautiful...
Starting point is 00:18:53 I know a lot about it. Okay. I'm going to go home and get that down. Try to make some real money. Georgia... This is his statement. Mr. Trump, June 22nd. Georgia now plans to remove over 100,000
Starting point is 00:19:06 obsolete and outdated names off their voter rolls. Doing this, they say, will ensure voting files are up to date, while at the same time ensuring voter integrity in future elections. But what, but then he puts in capital letters, but what about the last election? Why wasn't this done prior to the November 3rd presidential election? I mean, you fucked me in the ass. You did. Okay. Where they had us losing by a very small number of votes, many times less than the 101,789 figure. This means, he says, we, you, won the presidential election in Georgia. Oh, he's the one
Starting point is 00:19:46 who said, she was repeating him. But don't fret. Much other information will soon be revealed about Georgia and other states as well. It's coming up. Fast and furious. It's coming. It's coming. Fastened at a crack pipe. 2020 presidential election was rigged. And you know what? If you don't know that, don't admit it. I don't want you in my life. Mmm, delicious. Mmm, cucumber mint.
Starting point is 00:20:22 So I can't wait till that shit keeps spilling out. What happens when it's all out there is my question. Will anything happen? Oh, it'll be like Hillary with her fucking server and nobody did anything. A Russian collusion. We bust it and nobody get arrested. Is that this is a stolen election in the fucking United States. And if you don't believe that, you fuck stains. This is how they this is how they report.
Starting point is 00:20:42 When you say that to somebody who votes that, oh, the big lie. Yeah, the big lie. The big lie that you pulled off on November 3rd. That jerk-off who's 112, who can't walk upstairs and has dementia, is the president of the United States. May he die in a house fire tonight. I'm hungry. My belly be gurgling and whatnot. Let's move
Starting point is 00:21:09 on to some food news. Folks, as you know, I did a bit on one of my albums. I think it was another senseless killing about Subway sandwich shops and how mediocre, I can't believe how popular they are.
Starting point is 00:21:26 And I talk about how you ever have a real submarine sandwich? It's got about seven pounds of meat on it. And you go to Subway, they're weighing their turkey like it's cocaine. They got a bunch of black chicks in the back, no shirts on, like a fucking, what was that movie? God damn it, with Chris Rock, the movie about, um, whatever, it's my own bit, and I can't remember it, what was that called, anyways, here's the point, I'm not a big fan of, of, of, because I grew up in Massachusetts. It's the subway, it's the sub shop capital
Starting point is 00:22:06 of the world. So I know what a real submarine sandwich tastes like. I got way too much caffeine in me. I can't even talk today. Jesus Christ. But here's the thing, I have to admit, the only thing I do like, and I've been to Subway,
Starting point is 00:22:22 like when I'm on the road, it's a foot from the hotel. I'm not going to fucking rent the car to get a sandwich. I like their tuna. I always said the only thing good they have is tuna. And apparently I wasn't doing my research. You might want to do a deep dive before I go to lunch. Here's the headline, tuna-free tuna sandwich. Commercial lab tests again found no identifiable tuna DNA. I wonder what kind of DNA they did find. I hope that was mayonnaise. In the sandwich that purports to contain fish, the tuna sandwich at Subway. It's the only one I order.
Starting point is 00:23:07 But I'm still alive, right? Dog food! I'm sorry, dog food! Look at that delicious sandwich. The New York Times, get this, bought Subway tuna sandwiches from three different locations in L.A. and then sent frozen samples. Is this what you're doing while your city's burning down? People being raped and shot?
Starting point is 00:23:31 You're breaking down the database for fucking tuna? Anyways, they sent three samples to three different labs, frozen samples to one lab, an unidentified commercial food testing lab from three different Subway locations after two California women filed a class action lawsuit against the company in... I bet they were lesbians. They're like, we know what tuna tastes like.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Mick, why do you do that juvenile shit? It's a lot of fun. I'm dressed like a lesbian. Anyways, they filed a lawsuit against Subway in January, alleging that Subway's tuna sandwiches aren't actually made of the fish. The woman, I don't know how they, it tastes like tuna fish to me. Then again, it's usually two in the morning. I'm by myself in a city. I don't know anybody, and I have 11 drinks in me from the hotel. The woman ordered tuna from the sandwich giant at locations near their home. But independent testing has repeatedly affirmed the products are made from anything but tuna, the suit said. The lab the Times used to test the tuna most recently declined to be identified for fear of losing any opportunities
Starting point is 00:24:45 to work directly with Subway. I don't even know what that means. Why would you be working with Subway directly if you're a fucking science lab? The fuck you, what do you feed that shit to the, uh, the mice? Anyways, uh, the country's largest sandwich chain, uh, the outlet reported, blah, blah. The newspaper said it paid about $500 for the lab, which specializes in fish testing, to conduct polymerase chain reaction, or PCR. They did tests to see if the substance had any of five different tuna species. five different tuna species. PCR tests rapidly replicate the huge amounts of a specific DNA sample. Now get this, more than a month after the samples were submitted, the lab results read no amplifiable tuna DNA was present in the sample, and so we obtained no amplification products from
Starting point is 00:25:42 the DNA. What is in there? It's delicious. I don't give a shit. I'm alive. Therefore, we cannot identify the species, the results said, according to the New York Times. I love this shit. Subway spokesman Laurie Christou told the post that the times report indicates that
Starting point is 00:26:07 dna testing is an unreliable methodology for identifying processed tuna she's not coming right out and saying they're full of shit it's a dna testing is simply not a reliable way to identify denatured proteins like subways that's what I call my pillowcase when I'm out of, denatured proteins like Subway's tuna, which was cooked before it was tested, the spokesperson added. But a spokesperson for the lab that the Times used said there are two possible conclusions from the results of the test. One, it's so heavily processed that whatever we could pull out, we couldn't make an identification, like you pull a body out of a river after two years.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Or we got some and there's just nothing there that's tuna. Those are the only two things. As you know, you don't want to eat processed shit. But apparently I have a real taste for it. It's the only sandwich there I like. I'm sure the turkey's real too,
Starting point is 00:27:18 huh? Holy shit. They did a test on that. They found out it was a mix of chihuahua and carcass banion feet. But Christou insisted that the testing, the girl who represents Subway, does not show that there is not tuna in Subway's tuna. All it says is that testing could not confirm tuna. Oh, my God. How about splitting pubic hairs,
Starting point is 00:27:46 Oh my God. How about splitting pubic hairs, which is what one would expect from a DNA test of denatured proteins, is what she said. Well, whose fault is that? Exactly. The fact is Subway restaurants serve 100% wild-caught cooked tuna, which is mixed with mayonnaise, a few hairs from the Dominican in the kitchen, and used in freshly made sandwiches, wraps, and salads that are served to and enjoyed by our guests. Quit calling me a guest unless you put me up for the night and give me a blowjob. Shut the fuck up. I'm a customer guest.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Do I ring a bell and ask for clean towels when I'm done eating? You fucking titmouse. The taste and quality of our tuna make it one of Subway's most popular products. All right, I'm not the only one that's falling for this shit. And these baseless accusations threaten to damage our franchisees, small business owners who work tirelessly. Tirelessly? I go by there at 7 o'clock on a Saturday.
Starting point is 00:28:44 You're closed. Kiss my grits. They work tirelessly to uphold the high standards that Subway sets for all of its products, including its tuna. The suit has sparked the controversy originally alleged that Subway's tuna is made from a mixture of various concoctions
Starting point is 00:29:01 that do not constitute tuna, yet have been blended together by defendants to imitate the appearance of tuna. So these broads are pissed about it, and they called their lawyer, and that was that. Yeah. Counselor. Could it be tuna?
Starting point is 00:29:24 Would it be tuna? Would it be tuna? I am like God and God like me. He is as small as I am as... Anyways, let's move on, shall we? So I don't know if I'll be eating the tuna anymore. If you put enough mayonnaise on anything, you can really hide that processed feeling. Speaking of tuna, Miss New Jersey, beauty pageant.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Ever drive to New Jersey? It does smell like a rotten tuna carcass. Miss New Jersey beauty pageant is, who does that joke? Otto and George, the guy with the puppet about how bad the turnpike smells in New Jersey. It's the only road you're on. You fart in the car and roll up the window. Miss New Jersey beauty pageant is Miss Right, in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:30:19 This girl, Justine Brooke Murray, tweeted, look at the rack. This was my onstage interview for Miss New Jersey. I didn't win. I didn't even place. But I wouldn't have changed a single word. Hashtag free speech. Hashtag anti-PC pageant queen.
Starting point is 00:30:40 She stuck up. And it does take a lot of balls, somebody her age in a pageant, because most of the people have drank the kool-aid in this country and really think that that you know if you don't go along with the narrative the tv pushes that you're an evil devil and nazi shit but um they asked her what the most important issue was facing her generation and just ignore her voice where she sounds like a blow-up doll Just ignore her voice, which she sounds like a blow-up doll. Hi, Justine. Hello. What is the most important issue your generation is facing today and why?
Starting point is 00:31:14 Our generation is experiencing an epidemic of censorship and entitlement. And it's because our professors and our celebrities are teaching students to be narcissists to believe that any view that differs from their own is an existential threat it's too bad the content is good but nobody's going to take her seriously with that voice in that chest okay roll and this is what i experienced on my own campus with censorship to the point where people believe that speech is violence so that they can threaten other people with violence simply because they disagree with them. Exactly right. God bless you.
Starting point is 00:31:54 I am your voice. You go, girl. I'm loving it. You go, girl. That took a lot of bags to step up there. And she is so, so, how could anybody argue against that? Unfortunately, a lot of people that come out to comedy clubs in New York City and other places like that, Seattle and Portland, would think she was the devil for
Starting point is 00:32:25 defending free speech it is a creepy place we're in it's only gonna get really really violent I don't know who's standing in the way of it right now but you can't keep doing that you can't keep denying reality before somebody snaps you know I'm saying but the biggest crisis for my generation was the tuna fish at Subway. I mean, how many people have bled from the ass and eyes after having one of those and not realized why? At least you didn't go out there when they asked beauty, I want world peace.
Starting point is 00:32:58 All those little colored kids with big bellies and flies all over them. We got to fix that. And I don't like guys who are arrogant. Thank you, Ms. Vermont. Go back to your tree hut, you cocaine-er. Anyways, guys, I want to take a few minutes and introduce you to What they offer is great. I was on there again early this week, and I grabbed like a toolbox. Mine was like about 40 years old and a few other things. I saved over close to $30, I believe. Every time online trying to buy something, I see that promo code box, the checkout,
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Starting point is 00:34:37 Hell, it's free. And just by getting it, you'll also be supporting this show. What's more important than that? Get it for free at slash nickdip. Thanks, slash nickdip. And we thank them for supporting the show. in our libs eating a leg lib segment tonight uh in a letter to the loudon county school board on monday self-proclaimed radical feminists slammed a policy on single-sex spaces which they say bolsters the transgender agenda.
Starting point is 00:35:25 See, the old-school lesbians and gay guys, they're against this trans shit. It's stealing their heat. So this is why this is libs eating libs. The feminists affirm that girls deserve, listen, how do they word it? Privacy from boys, including boys who claim to identify as girls. Can you imagine that's coming from gay women? Your son looks like a faggot to me. So what?
Starting point is 00:35:53 He can change right in front of you. So they're at each other's throats, okay? You notice how they say girls deserve privacy from boys and men don't deserve privacy from girls? You know why? We don't give a shit. Anytime you can see our wiener, we're happy. Back to the show.
Starting point is 00:36:10 We are the two leading radical feminist activist organizations operating. They are radical feminists, and the transgender shit is too left for them. They say they're the two oldest feminist groups in the United States. They began a woman's human rights campaign and woman's liberation front in a joint statement addressed to the Loudoun County School Board. Our understanding is the board is poised to obliterate single sex spaces in schools throughout the Loudoun County of Virginia. They continue. What they mean is, you know, they're going to let trans and everybody change in front of each other,
Starting point is 00:36:49 and these women are against it. I say your politics for the last 40 years have gone this far. When conservatives said to you back in the day, slippery slope, you said, fuck you. Well, this is what it's come to. So you do have something on your hands. Anyways, Loudoun County, Virginia. They continued, if this is correct, we are appalled and disgusted at the direction in which the county is headed. See, the minute something bites them in the ass, they disgust. The statement also noted that the woman's human rights campaign challenges the discrimination we experience from the replacement of the category of sex with that of gender identity. And that the woman's liberation front fights at the front line of feminism.
Starting point is 00:37:37 So they're even fed up with some people that, you know, kind of their own kind. That's a terrible thing, but... Fucking queers! Hey, take it easy. We all got to live in this. There's plenty of their own kind. That's a terrible thing, but... Fucking quiz! Hey, take it easy. We're all going to live in this. There's plenty of room for everybody. There's plenty of room for everybody in the fitting room at the cap.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Come on in, Diane with a cock, Susan with a nice tits. Together we will not tolerate the obliteration of single sex spaces the two organizations affirm. I love when they're at each other's throats. The feminist went on to quote a 14-year-old, Jolene Grover, who attended Loudoun County Public Schools and called out the school system earlier this month over transgender locker room policy.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Jolene Grover said it best. That's her? 14 years old. She's already hating men. Good for you. Jolene Grover said it best when she said this to you. Everyone knows what a boy is, even you. Good girl.
Starting point is 00:38:39 You go get them. Can you imagine a poor generation of boys? Your proposed policies are dangerous and rooted in sexism, the feminist wrote. So she's a little steamed, even at 14. Holy moly. My vagina's angry. No, you're too young. It is.
Starting point is 00:38:56 No. It's pissed off. It is not. My vagina is furious. No, it just looks that way. And it needs to talk. She is absolutely right. And if you go forward with this policy,
Starting point is 00:39:12 the lesbian said, you'll be on the wrong side of history. You'll be on, ask not what your gay people can do for you, but what you can do for the LGBTQ community. A man goes to a swingers party. Girls deserve privacy from boys, including boys who claim to identify as girls. Speaking of that, did you see Caitlyn Jenner on
Starting point is 00:39:35 Gutfeld's show last night? I grew up loving Bruce Jenner, all right? Because, you know, when I was in high school, he was the athlete on the planet. I don't get what he's doing. And I'm talking about him, the transition thing. What did he quit halfway through? We've showed many transitions. He's like a tranny in the old school way. He's still a guy with like a wig and a dress on. He's not trying to change his voice.
Starting point is 00:40:01 He's like, yeah, anyway. He's got these giant mitts while he's talking. It looks like Bruce Jenner to me in a dress and a wig. And my wife's like, yeah, but look at his, don't you think his eyes are pretty? Yeah, I want to blow him. What are you talking about? He's like in between. He didn't make the, he still has his package, I think he said.
Starting point is 00:40:21 But I'm cracking up because he sounds like and looks like a guy doing a woman. Anyways, I hope he runs away from my house. Anyways, the feminist organization affirms so-called gender identity
Starting point is 00:40:35 is a regressive movement to sanctify the destruction of everything that feminists have fought. Everything that feminists have fought for? How about everything
Starting point is 00:40:43 that anybody in this country has fought for they act like they built the goddamn joint I know I am women fought this is the lesbians again women fought hard for the right to female only facilities now I didn't know that why now back in the day did they did they have to go to the Shido of men? Man, I'm asking you, you're almost 41 years old. I don't, was that how it was? They had to fight for their own bathrooms and shit? My wife still fights for her own bathroom at our house.
Starting point is 00:41:18 I'm in there like 45 minutes. Anyways, they fight for bathroom changing rooms and locker rooms so that girls like Jolene could have privacy They added boy. They almost sound a little homophobic Also, I don't like nobody touching me any of you homos Touch me and I'll kill you That was a good one boy do i look fat the feminist organizations are not the only ones pushing back against can you imagine they call themselves radical feminists and this transgender thing
Starting point is 00:41:55 is too much for them uh they're not the ones pushing back against loudon county public schools as the school system has been facing continuous backlash from teachers, students, and concerned parents rallying to recall school board members pushing critical race theory. So you got this, you got critical race theory. I mean, what the fuck? Is there anybody learning math, science, and English? The Chinese are laughing their little dicks off. You wonder why we came in 98th, you know, in industrialized nations when it comes to science and math. What? What happened in the good old days when men were men
Starting point is 00:42:33 and goyles were goyles? Boy, the way Glenn Miller played. Speaking of fags, Jack Dorsey. These are the sub-headlines I write. I write this as I'm watching hockey. Jack Dorsey wipes his stretched-out asshole with the First Amendment once again. Doesn't he look like somebody's going to look at a picture of him 100 years from now, like a famous scientist from Germany or some shit?
Starting point is 00:43:04 Little do they know he's a goobler and he uses that beard as a napkin. picture him 100 years from now like a famous scientist from Germany or some shit uh well they know he's a goobler and he uses that beard as a napkin uh twitter locked the account I'll say that again twitter locked the account of the national file a conservative leaning news website after it reported on a tweet from a woman who claimed her 13 year old nephew died after receiving a second dose of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. I love how they put claimed. Yeah, she just made it up, I'm guessing. A spokesperson for Twitter confirmed to news outlets it locked the National Fire's account for 12 hours in error.
Starting point is 00:43:39 How many times have we heard this? It was a mistake. times have we heard this it was a mistake boy for a high-tech company that has supposedly has some of the most brilliant minds or you will sure make a lot of mistakes they're so full of shit the account has since been reinstated but listen to this but the outlet has now said the social media giant has now suspended reporter jack hadfield for celebrating Twitter's decision to reverse the suspension of the publication. Who the fuck does Dorsey think he is? You're a wormy cocksucker, you know that?
Starting point is 00:44:13 The Epoch Times has contacted Twitter for comment. According to the National File, the report that triggered the action from Twitter included claims from a woman, Tammy Barages, that we talked about, who said her nephew died after getting the vaccine. We talked about it yesterday. Our family is devastated.
Starting point is 00:44:33 I struggled with putting this out on Twitter. I am pro-vaccine. We vaccinated my own 14-year-old son as soon as it was available. That's not a good move. I know it's mostly safe. Really? It's your kid. Look kid look hey what are the odds but jacob is dead now she wrote in a now deleted tweet the world health organization which is represented by website guidance for vaccine stipulates that that most covet 19 vaccines should not be given to children.
Starting point is 00:45:05 That's on the goddamn World Health Organization. Although an advisory panel in June gave the green light to administering Pfizer's vaccine to children age 12 and older. OK? And you blew it! You blew it. You think it has anything to do with money, folks? Huh? After they got us old people, you idiots who bought the vaccine that were under 70.
Starting point is 00:45:30 I'll repeat again. If you're under 70, you have a 99.96 chance of surviving. It's just like a goddamn bad flu. Anyways, after they got your demographic, a couple hundred million people to get the shot, they were like, hey, we didn't make the money we thought we were going to make. Let's go after the 12 to 15-year-olds. I'm telling you, it's that fucking cynical, these people. Children should not be vaccinated for the moment,
Starting point is 00:45:54 the World Health Organization's page on COVID-19 vaccines says in bold. A spokesman for World Health Organization told the Epoch Times on Tuesday that more evidence is needed on the use of the different COVID-19 vaccines in children to be able to make general recommendations on vaccinating children. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:15 We'll pick up the pace. Come on, God damn it. Come on, let's go, let's go. Bottom line is kids don't need it. Follow the science. It'll lead right to my house. I'm in the basement with fucking beakers and all kinds of shit. Vaccine trials for children are...
Starting point is 00:46:35 Look, there's a study that came out about a month ago in Israel. Okay? Young men, young teenagers, I don't know how many thousands have heart problems because of the vaccine. Boy, they kept that hush-hush. Vaccine trials for children are ongoing, and I'm going to call the World Health Organization, who will update its recommendations when the evidence or epidemiological situation warrants a change of policy. You know, just a couple kids dying is not enough.
Starting point is 00:47:06 policy. You know, just a couple of kids dying is not enough. In May, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration declared Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines safe for children as young as 12. Oh, you evil fucks. Although during an FDA advisory panel in mid-June, experts disagreed on whether COVID-19 vaccines should be given to children. But you know, the FDA knows more than the people who actually work with the shit. Some committee members who are wary of giving the vaccines to children said they were concerned about findings, oh, from Israel, researchers that cited elevated numbers of myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart in males between the ages of 16 to 30 after they had received the Pfizer shot.
Starting point is 00:47:46 And yet you're still pushing it, huh? If that's a fact. It is. Tell me, am I lying? No. Several weeks ago, the Twitter account of former campaign aide to President Bill Clinton, Naomi Wolf, well-known lib, but you know what? Even she comes on Tucker Carlson now and poo-poos what the left is doing.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Anyways, her Twitter was permanently suspended. Twitter explained its reasoning to media outlets that Wolf, according to the company, she had misinformation about COVID-19 vaccine. You don't get to make that call, Jack Dorsey. Who died and left you, Pope? You fuck? Who do and left you, Pope? You fuck? Who do you people think you are? Will somebody go out to Silicon Valley and give them a piece of my mind?
Starting point is 00:48:33 Then Jack Dorsey said this. Please give me a call. I was taken aback by that. Guy sleeps like in some type of chamber. Hyperbolic. Like sleeps upside down like Grandpa Munster. I read his diet. He doesn't eat between like Tuesday to Sunday. He lives on water and fucking dirt.
Starting point is 00:49:02 Ay yi yi. But why does he think he has a monopoly on what's true and what isn't true and the people that run google you fucks why is that are you looking to be killed speaking of killed next headline suicide by cop question mark maybe that's how i view this this is uh another uh cop shooting. But guess what? The cop was black, so you probably didn't hear about it. A dramatic new video shows the moment a Michigan cop
Starting point is 00:49:32 shoots and kills a 19-year-old woman at a Juneteenth parade. Thank God we gave them another holiday, huh? What better way to celebrate your freedom than killing each other? Yeah, 19-year-old girl gets shot by a cop at a Juneteenth parade, and then the cop crumples to the ground in tears. Authorities said the woman, Breonna Sykes, drove up to the cop, who was on traffic duty during the Flint parade on Saturday, and fired at the officer.
Starting point is 00:50:00 I'll say it again. She fired at the officer, unprovoked. The unnamed officer is seen on the footage yelling for Sykes to drop the weapon before he fires into the car. And we have some remarkable video and it's the ladies doing the commentary. I think they work for ABC affiliate in Detroit. They're very eloquent let's watch and listen bits and i think that's a little his name is well she did not
Starting point is 00:50:32 and i think that that okay if they did i think that that Calm down. Is they dead? I can't calm down, bro. Calm down. Calm down. Calm down. Did he just get shot? Get my door. Get down, Jasana.
Starting point is 00:50:47 Please get the fuck down. Get down. Get down. Get down, bro. Did he just get shot dead? I think he dead. I think he dead. Don't you move, you motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:51:00 I'll blow your brains out. Oh, God. She drives up, 19 years old, and shoots at the fucking cop. Bye-bye, dickhead. And he did what he had to do. I don't... I'm probably, you know,
Starting point is 00:51:15 this might be an unpopular opinion. I don't believe the cop for a second, all upset and shit. I don't believe it. He just knows he had to do that because of the climate of all... It's supposed to be white cops that upset and shit. I don't believe it. He just knows he had to do that because of the climate of all, it's supposed to be white cops that do that shit. So he's like, what can I do to separate myself to show that I'm
Starting point is 00:51:31 different? See, now you can go, the white cops, they don't crumple and cry. They dance around the body like, just go to touch. No, they don't. Or he could have been upset, but I'm sorry. People in that line of business, pretty, they have ice water. A lot of them running through their veins.
Starting point is 00:51:51 And you have to if you're going to survive. Again, all speculation on my part, but I'm not buying it. Police tried to revive Sykes at the scene to no avail, and the sobbing officer was seen falling to the ground in anguish. Sykes was taken to local hospital, pronounced dead, authorities said. I kind of feel like him dropping, it was the devastation of the whole situation, one eyewitness told the station. And I saw it was a black eyewitness. So right away, I didn't know at this point that it was a black cop. And I'm listening to a couple of these witnesses. In other words, I feel like the police was doing his job. He had a life to protect, not only his, but we had a parade full of kids.
Starting point is 00:52:35 Let me ask you a question. Then I surmised it had to be a black cop, because they interviewed a couple black women, and they were all for the cop. You just can't, huh. You just can't. Huh? You just can't. You've got to be in lockstep, don't you? Huh?
Starting point is 00:52:54 Again, this could have been under reverse the races. You've got to tell me if a white cop did that, those black witnesses would be saying the same thing. Just let that sink in. And the cop, if it was a white cop, he'd be faking it. He'd be faking. All of a sudden, they have feelings for cops
Starting point is 00:53:16 who shoot a 19-year-old. And don't give me the shit. Yeah, but she fired first. That's what happens in 99% of the shootings. All the sympathy. Anyways, Michigan State Police are investigating the officer-involved shooting. It said witnesses and other cops at the scene confirmed that Sykes fired first and refused commands. Boy, that doesn't sound like anything we've heard for the last five minutes, does it?
Starting point is 00:53:48 The dead woman's sister said she does not blame the officer. Have you ever heard such an outpouring of empathy for an officer? She doesn't blame the officer and, in fact, feels bad for him, she told the Daily Mail. I do feel horrible for the officer who did it, and I'm not upset at him or anyone else. Am I living in a... Is this real? Is this scripted by... Who wrote this? Sharpton? And I'm not upset at him or anyone else. And Nala McCracklin told the outlet, as well as the bystanders, nobody deserves to see
Starting point is 00:54:27 or experience that. Can you imagine if we had one-tenth that empathy when there's a white cop involved? She wasn't a bad person, nor violent. Well, what's your definition of violent? I don't know. You pull up and shoot at a cop. I might put that under violent. Maybe irritated. She was a little annoying, she said of her sister. I liked it better when she was kissing the cops. What do you mean she wasn't violent?
Starting point is 00:54:57 Just the facts, man. McCracklin, I like that name, said her sister's boyfriend was killed in a shooting just three days earlier, but said it did not involve the police. So how much violence is going on in the black communities? You're reporting on a woman getting shot by a cop, and that's not the only death in the story. Her boyfriend three days prior was shot, And it did not involve a cop. Yet she chooses to take it out on the cop, the nonviolent woman. Anyways, finally tonight I'll meet the press.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Let's lighten it up a little. Japanese sex doll. What? Count me in. A team of emergency rescue divers was flummoxed after responding to the scene of a nude drowning woman only to discover that it was actually a floating life-size sex doll. Oh my God. I'm telling you, Bob, it's true.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Bob. It's true. The uproarious gaffe was chronicled on Twitter by a YouTuber Matsuki Tanaka who used to pitch for the Yankees who had... Now, Matt says that's her. I'm saying that is...
Starting point is 00:56:18 The body might be hers. There you go. I'm telling you, that's a Photoshop of a doll's face. Her mouth is fake, isn't it? It doesn't look natural. And that hand, I don't know if that's hers. If it is, what is she, a giant? That hand looks more real than her left arm. So I don't know. I don't know what to believe. The face definitely, to me, looks like a doll. I know she's, Matt said, look, I did research.
Starting point is 00:56:51 I looked at pictures of 45 Minutes last night in my bedroom with the door locked. Anyway, by YouTuber Natsuki Tanaka, that's her supposedly, who had initially believed she was witnessing a real-life rescue in the city of Hinchotno off Japanese northeast coast of Kotaku. While filming a fishing video, I thought a dead body floating in the water had washed up, but it was a blow-up doll, Tanaka wrote, about the strange scene which occurred last week. The influencer, she's an influencer, yes, she has more than 272,000 subscribers. Jesus Christ. Folks, we've got to pick2,000 subscribers. Jesus Christ. Folks, we got to pick up the pace here.
Starting point is 00:57:28 I'm not even on YouTube anymore. What the fuck? Just because I say content twaddle up? Anyway, YouTube added the subscriber. She has 272,000 subscribers. She added that someone else had mistakenly phoned the authorities over the drowning woman, prompting a Blues Brothers-esque army of emergency services to arrive, ready to rescue what they thought was a person in peril. It's unclear how the blow-up doll ended up in the water. Perhaps this once-devoted
Starting point is 00:57:58 doll lover finally got fed up with his silicon soulmate, wrote the unfunny prick who wrote this article. I mean, give me a break. Come on. Maybe he did get tired of the doll. I mean, how long can you... Then he looked at her and went, All right, get up. Yeah! In the river you go.
Starting point is 00:58:22 However, another Twitter user who also documented the bizarre rescue chalked up the incident to a legal dumping of oversized trash, which is unsurprising given Japan's stringent law concerning garbage disposal. Thankfully, one Japanese company has devised a more tasteful, eco-friendly way to put one's inflatable paramours out to pasture. Get this, by throwing them a funeral complete with candles, undertakers,
Starting point is 00:58:50 even morning mannequins. Oh my God, help me. What? Get down on your knees so Sabrina can see your asshole. We got a picture of the doll floating. Don't we, face down?
Starting point is 00:59:08 Oh, that's the one. That's the one. They're pulling her out of the river. Look at her. Ice can see why he threw her out. Her head is not on her body properly. I mean, can you imagine you come home and your wife catches you banging one of those things?
Starting point is 00:59:29 About the thousand other fucking pigs you had your dick in over the years. The strippers, the cocktail waitresses. Were you best friends with all of them too? They wasn't lying. Look at that sad doll. Apparently they don't hold up enough. Don't bring it to the beach, I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:59:50 That is it, ladies and gentlemen, for today. Hope you enjoyed the Ellen DeGeneres shirt. I'm off center. I've got to move this way. That is it. Don't forget Don't forget and make contributions
Starting point is 01:00:08 please to keep this show alive I feel like Jerry Lewis I'll never walk alone and don't forget if you want me to roast one of your friends or relatives I'll make a little video on my phone
Starting point is 01:00:23 you tell me about the person and I will zing them good. I'll send it right to them, all right, for a small fee. That is it, ladies and gentlemen. You guys think and I'll say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here for the final day of the week tomorrow. Have a good night or day.
Starting point is 01:00:37 Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. guitar solo guitar solo you

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