The Nick DiPaolo Show - Joe Biden's Big WHITE Lie | Nick Di Paolo Show #549

Episode Date: June 2, 2021

Biden's compassionate border policies. Libs eating libs. Posobeic discusses Antifa book on Bannon....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Oh yeah, welcome to the big show on a Tuesday from the state of Georgia. How are you, folks? Good to be with you again. What did I want to say? Oh, yeah. Doing good. You know what? I wet my ass with your feelings.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Dang. Thought I'd start off on a light note. It's just so ridiculous. Anyways, I really fucking hate what's going on in this country. Maybe someday I'll sit down and write a monologue every day to start the show. But I'm so in a blind rage since November 3rd, I can't even put it in fucking joke form. Don't worry, I'll still be funny when you come out to see me because I lose my shit, and that's kind of funny too.
Starting point is 00:01:23 But I am in a blind rage. This fucking... I don't even know who to yell at, because we know this jerk-off isn't the president. We know the policies that he's passing on his. You know what I mean? It's fucking... I can't find the single person who voted for him. And don't say,
Starting point is 00:01:38 well, you're in a red state. Well, apparently not. Fucking Dems took this state in the Senate, so kiss my grits. That's a Southern slang. I just... Yesterday was the topper for me with fucking jerk off Joe Biden. And I'd love to know whose ideas these are. It has to be the squad, Kamala Harris, you know, angry. We've proved one thing this week. A lot of angry black slash brown women out there in politics
Starting point is 00:02:05 who just hate whitey, especially white males, because you know what? We can kick their ass any time. Whether it's politics, a fist fight, a hockey game. They just, they want a cock and not in them. They want one on them. And they just, they know it's never going to change. Biden's in fucking Tulsa, Oklahoma to celebrate that very important
Starting point is 00:02:28 anniversary, the 100th anniversary of the massacre, which is so important. Just another sad excuse to keep hate alive, huh, Joe? How is this fucking relevant? I don't know how to express how little I give a fuck, and most people feel the same way I do. I don't give a shit. I don't give a shit about a massacre 100 years ago. Let's have a, hey Joe, let's do an anniversary, let's do a 50th anniversary
Starting point is 00:02:57 of how many white cops have been killed by black criminals. Let's dig that up. Let's go even further back. Let's go back to the 40s. You know what I mean? Because that's relevant too, right? What a crock of shit. And people watch this at home
Starting point is 00:03:13 who vote Democrat and go, we really are a horrible people like no other country. This is the least racist country on the planet. How do you know that? Because I show clips every day of people pouring in over the border.
Starting point is 00:03:27 So shut the fuck up. You know what? Whitey did what he had to do. I'm not condoning this massacre. I'm just saying. Every country has its horrible past, but nobody dwells on it and uses it for political gain like the jerk-offs in the Democrat Party here in the United States in 2021.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Biden toured the Greenwood Culture Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and is meeting now with three surviving members, I should say yesterday, of the community who lived through the 1921 race massacre. And boy, I've been tossing and turning. who lived through the 1921 race massacre. And boy, I've been tossing and turning. He met with Viola Fletcher, Hughes Van Ellis, and Lessie Benningfield Randall. They are now between the ages of 101 to 107. You're a little late, Joe.
Starting point is 00:04:26 I need to apologize for something. Well, your party had 101 to 107. You're a little late, Joe. Aren't you going to apologize for something? Well, your party had everything to do with it. Biden's remarks came at 4.15 p.m. to commemorate the 100 years of the race massacre and to announce new steps to help minority-owned businesses grow and to address racial discrimination in the housing market. Yeah. I thought we blew up that myth in 2008 when the economy crashed because of something called
Starting point is 00:04:54 the Community Reinvestment Act that Bill Clinton had a lot to do with when he signed a thing to give minorities loans for houses that they couldn't afford. That's what triggered the whole, and then they bundled them. The fucking Wall Street guys bundled these packs. Do you remember that? So, you know, again, they make it sound like it's 1921. I can't take it no more. I can't take it no more. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:05:22 I'm making some good point. It's been 100 years. And again, did anybody know about this massacre? Can I ask you a question? Did anybody know about that? And they're going to go, well, that's the point. Nobody ever... No, we're dwelling on the fucking slavery thing.
Starting point is 00:05:39 We can't keep up. It's been 100 years since the Tulsa race massacre, which saw a white mob. Just think Antifa and Black Lives Matter burning down on Wendy's. Oh, that's all right to do. What was I fucking thinking? White mob obliterate the prosperous area known as Black Wall Street. It's the first time I've heard that term, too. As many as 300 people were killed in the roughly 24 hours of violence, and 35 blocks of the Greenwood District were destroyed. Think of L.A. during the Rodney King riots. Sort of like that. Only white
Starting point is 00:06:12 people did it. But see, we have evolved and we haven't done it since. President Biden was in Tulsa to commemorate the massacre and will announce new actions. I'm sure the 107-year-old lady's happy about that. To reduce the racial wealth gap, which is just, in other words, reparations. The president emphasized the importance of acknowledging the lives and livelihoods lost in the massacre, which resulted in the death of at least 300 African Americans, yet he never mentions the cops that were killed in the riots last summer. He's just a dick sucker and a fucking jerk off. And the people who are handling him are that to the 10th power.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Oh, pity, pity. Oh, poor you. And the destruction of 35 blocks of black real estate. For much too long, the history, he says, what took place here was told in silence. Well, if it was told, how's it in silence? Number one, hate to be a wordsmith over here, President of the United States,
Starting point is 00:07:21 was told in silence, cloaked in darkness. Who wrote this shit? Carmella on the rag? My fellow Americans, this was not a riot. This was a massacre. Let's take a look at the fake president who stole an election from a real president and see what this white, guilty, guilty old senile fuck has to say roll it according to the intelligence community terrorism from white supremacy is the most lethal threat to the homeland today not Isis not al-qaeda white supremacist look at that that. That's not me. That's the intelligence community. Hey, Joe,
Starting point is 00:08:08 first of all, you're insulting every white person in this country. Second of all, start naming names when you talk about white supremacists. Let's get particular or shut the fuck up because we know you're making it up. What is that, classified information? Do you know there's still white people in fucking jail since January 6th? And they haven't been charged with anything yet? Solitary confinement.
Starting point is 00:08:36 So shut the fuck up. I don't want to hear you pretending you give a shit about civil rights, whether it was in 1921 or now. Okay? You were best friends with Senator Byrd. We've caught you being racist, like, what, eight times since you started running for president? Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:08:56 You know what? Even black people are too busy to pay attention to this shit. They're trying to fight for jobs that are being taken away that fucking people you are letting walk in over our... That's not me.
Starting point is 00:09:14 That's the intelligence community. Well, you're the fucking commander-in-chief. Aren't you there, boss? Or am I in a fucking... You're lying. He is. You're a piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:09:25 He's lying. He is. You're a piece of shit. He's lying. Anyways, that was so... Do you understand how corrosive that is to our country when he's up there? Somebody wrote that shit. Just digging up something.
Starting point is 00:09:38 They had run out of stuff, I guess, because no white cop has done anything bad. So, you know, hey, we have a lull in the action in our narrative. Hey, you know what? There we have a lull in the action in our narrative.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Hey, you know what? There was a massacre 100 years ago in Tulsa. Do you guys not see this? And for him to sit up there and pretend he really gives a shit, just reminding white people, Trump supporters, how racist. You're the white supremacist he's talking about, by the way. If you don't believe me, ask the people that are still in D.C. jails from January
Starting point is 00:10:07 6th. Not only is he getting race wrong in this country, I think his biggest blunder is his, obviously, his immigration policies and how to protect the fucking border. Let's take a look. Biden's compassionate border policy.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Smugglers abandon a five-year-old boy just steps away from the Texas border because they expected his parents to pick him up. Like he was at the mall and just saw a movie. Leaving, uh, the whaling taught to beg them, don't leave. I wonder if that was in Spanish. According to a report, a man and woman were caught on cell phone video obtained by agents of France Press helping the young boy across the Rio Grande River, but then leaving him by a barbed wire wall at an underpass
Starting point is 00:11:00 marking the border between Ciudad Juarez and El Paso, Texas last Thursday. Kid's five years old. And where they dropped him, take a look at where they dropped him. An adult would be shitting his pants. Bye-bye. No, no. There goes Kamala Harris. The couple then turn around, walk back across the river, leaving the boy alone. Anyways, they fucking... Five years old. Can you imagine being dropped in like another, almost
Starting point is 00:11:51 another country? And his parents are already in the U.S., it says. But two people leave him there. Two grown fucking adults. And they're like, take it easy. Don't worry. Farewell, underdue, to you fair Spanish laddies. adults and they're like take it easy don't worry never to see you again the The boy holding a teddy bear, like I do,
Starting point is 00:12:29 screams amid his sobs. Where are you going, you motherless fucks? I added that for emphasis. No, no, no, don't leave. The woman told AFP that the child's parents live in the United States. Good parents.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Good parents, huh? That's what we need. Some more black and brown people who don't fucking give a fuck about their kids. That's just what the country needs. more black and brown people who don't fucking give a fuck about their kids. That's just what the country needs. It goes for white people, too. And the boy is from Mexico.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Can you imagine that? Nice parents. No, they're ignorant. That's ignorant. He'll make it. He's five, for Christ's sake. Moments later, thank God, the United States once again, border patrol agents spotted the child and picked him up.
Starting point is 00:13:14 The video recalls an incident from April when a frightened little boy approached a border patrol agent driving by and sought help after he had been left by some smugglers in Texas after crossing the border. Hey, Joe, how's that compassion? Remember how they were all over Trump? Just his border policy, kids being ripped from parents. Now they drop them off, so I guess it's different. That's not such an offense. A lot of compassion there, Joe.
Starting point is 00:13:50 The kid said, I came up with a group. They dumped me, and I don't know where they are. The boy says, in Spanish, as he chokes back sobs, they can rob me, kidnap me, I'm afraid. Which is what a lot of kids say when they go to the Malma. You know what Mal I'm talking about. So these are quality people. How are they already here and the kid is not?
Starting point is 00:14:17 I thought you needed a kid. It helps you get in. Have they been here for five years or whatever? I don't understand that one at all, but keep telling me how tight Latino families are. Anyways, on to some more black on yellow. Black on yellow update. Remember yesterday I showed you a clip of this, you know, another what Joe Biden would call white supremacists who are creating this anti-Asian, all these hate crimes, still trying to pin it on white guys, even though
Starting point is 00:14:52 every fucking clip, the suspect is a person of color, a homeless man, we showed it yesterday, a dozen prior arrests, was busted for slugging an Asian woman in Chinatown on Tuesday. And frustrated top cop Dermot Shea said the suspect was free to put New Yorkers at risk because of the state's revolving door justice system. If you don't remember from yesterday, here's the clip of once again another Asian person just minding their business. And by the way, this tension between blacks and Asians has existed forever because see the Asians came over here on the Indians and they made it work so La, la, la, la. What you hit me for?
Starting point is 00:15:48 What you hit me for? Why you hit me? Why you hit me? You okay? Yeah, don't go after the scumbag that just hit her. You know? Nobody blindside him, get a running start, and fucking... Oy, oy, oy, oy, oi, oi.
Starting point is 00:16:08 When you have an individual like yesterday, this is Dermot Che talking, from Chinatown who lives in a shelter, arrested eight times in the last year, randomly assaulting people, what are we doing in society when we are releasing these people right back onto the street? Don't ask about society. Liberal society. Liberal leadership.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Imagine if you asked de Blasio that, he'd say, that's a sick question, you're a sick fuck, and I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it. Exactly. It's putting New Yorkers at rest, Shay, rail Tuesday morning on New York One. Alexander Wright, that was the gentleman you just saw there, 48, faces assault as a hate crime and assault
Starting point is 00:16:47 charges in the sickening caught on camera attack of a 55 year old woman on monday according to the police and uh again i don't see too many white people doing this to asian people there's something wrong with the black man's mind there's something wrong with his mind can imagine if we reported it like this? Like I do? God bless the internet for now. CNN came on and said this and NBC would run that. Can you imagine how it all, have it all put into perspective? Think how evil the mainstream media is
Starting point is 00:17:17 run by fucking ultra-left people. Think about, they got us hating each other. They got, because they don't have the, even some of my so-called right-leaning networks won't touch race. This guy lives in a shelter on Woods Island where I did.
Starting point is 00:17:34 I had a bunk bed with a guy named Kevin. It's Shelter Island. It's also known as Disney. Why, is there a lot of rats there? Has 40 prior, 40, 40 prior arrests and three prior incidents as emotionally disturbed person. A police source said, can you fucking, 40? How about after, seriously?
Starting point is 00:17:59 They had the three strikes and you're out in California. How about, we won't even make it that tough. How about five? And then you do out in California. How about, we won't even make it that tough. How about five? And then you do a mandatory ten. How about that? Oh, that's racist, Nick. It's not going to be long before you all kill yourselves because you're all crazy.
Starting point is 00:18:17 And you can project it back on me. And what about your children? They're running to the streets and they're running right at you i didn't teach them to kill i took them in i fed them right was also charged with uh well the libs would say being a black guy on a sunny day, charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance for having K2. That's a serial, isn't it? In his possession. Shea said that another man was busted for allegedly,
Starting point is 00:18:58 I didn't even hear about this one, shoving a 65-year-old Asian woman down a flight of stairs at 34th Street subway station Friday and then released back onto the streets. It's just so ridiculous. But again, Mr. President, you said it's white supremacy that's the real problem in this country. You haven't named a group specifically.
Starting point is 00:19:21 You haven't named a name specifically. So shut the fuck up I thought this shows me funny today but I haven't taken a good dump in a day and a half but I'm what you should get loose white supremacy is the number one issue. Really. Haven't seen one since January 6th, even though they weren't white supremacy either. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:19:55 Start bringing up some proof. We can. It's everywhere. That's why they call it systemic racism. When you do that, it relieves the obligation of pointing out specific examples that really don't exist. So, suck a bag of dicks on a summer night. Jack Beseg, you know, he did some good work. Beseg was on Steve Bannon to discuss his Antifa book. Jack Beseg previews his new book on Antifa and reveals the internal Oval Office conversations where FBI Christopher Wray, the head of the FBI,
Starting point is 00:20:34 who's dirtier than Comey ever will be, or just as bad, you know what he did? This is the head of the FBI, Christopher Wray, blocked investigations into the domestic terror group, Antipa. Huh? How did he get in there?
Starting point is 00:20:49 You're a crumb creep. How did he fucking get to the... I'm so sick of hearing about what a clean outfit it is. Let's take a listen to Jack. It's not video, is it? Yeah, it is video. I think we have three statements. I'm sorry about Jack Pasebic
Starting point is 00:21:05 talking about his book with Steve Bannon. In this first clip, Pasebic is talking about Christopher Wray specifically. You shit-kicking, stinky horseman who's smelling motherfucker, you!
Starting point is 00:21:22 Go ahead, take a look. When it comes to Chris chris ray he fundamentally did not understand what antifa was he went to the oval office and he would sit there with the president and he would sit there hold it stop full stop full stop he's ahead of the fbi should have been fired on the spot what do you mean he doesn't know what antifa is he's got every access to law enforcement. Look at the clips. He would say, I look at Twitter every morning and I see what's going on. I see I've got, you know. That's what Christopher Wray was saying.
Starting point is 00:21:54 I look at Twitter every morning. I see what's going on. The head of the FBI. Is that where you're getting your fucking tips from? What? After you look at, what? Fucking, I don't know, the hottest cheerleader in Alabama's fucking Instagram page? That's what I do. But can you imagine the head of the FBI? Well, I look at Twitter.
Starting point is 00:22:15 I know what's going on. Go ahead. I've got the head, Wolf, from DHS coming and asking for BORTak and all the other agencies to come and give support up to Portland where night after night, 52 nights in a row, it happened over the summer of 2020, asking for more agents saying we need more personnel because of the attacks on the courthouse there. But Ray would not go after them as anything other than he said, well, it's just an ideology. It's just something a group of people that are messing around. Can you fucking imagine?
Starting point is 00:22:46 That's the head of the FBI saying that about Antifa when they're burning courthouses in Portland and shit. Ignoring the president. What does Commander-in-Chief doesn't even have the final say? Do I not know how this works? Can you fucking imagine? He's still the head of the FBI, a deep stater. We knew that two
Starting point is 00:23:10 days after he was in, people were questioning. If you look into his past, he is a fucking swamp monster. Now, the next clip with Pesabic, he talks about how the people that surrounded Trump before he realized it was deep state people, how they ignored him. Barr, at the same time, he knows he's got to get someone in that he can eventually, and keep in mind that Barr does eventually resign. You get Rosen in there. So at the time, Trump was worried, how can I get someone through the Senate? What can I do here? What you're seeing is a full scale assault from the bureaucracy, starting with when it came to Antifa that culminates up. We see the same balking in the New York this in the book, when he asked for the 10,000 National Guard troops on January 6th. The president was giving orders,
Starting point is 00:24:07 he was asking his bureaucracy to do things, and they refused him again and again. It's like a scene out of Yes Minister with Sir Humphrey Appleby. Oh, I'm so sorry, we can't do that. Okay, we get it, you read. The fuck is that analogy? Sir fucking Humphrey
Starting point is 00:24:24 Appleby. He's got a chain of good restaurants, I'll tell you that much. Have tried the jalapeno pops. Are you shitting me? I'm a little disappointed in Trump. You're giving orders and nobody's, you know what I mean? What the fuck? Do we have it now who the good people are and who the bad people are? Are we clear that there is a deep state now for you people who
Starting point is 00:24:53 vote Democrat and say it's all our imagination? Are you clear? This guy's been researching Antifa for about five years. Antifa, I said, by the way, with an R. Anyways, the Dems have to be wiped out physically, mentally, ideology-wise. They pushed us into a corner, just like a rat in your shed. He's going to jump for your throat eventually. And then they can go, see you were white supremacists. Back to the fucking... Anyways, and finally, he talks about this third clip real quick, about the history, how Antifa came about, what it based it on.
Starting point is 00:25:30 It was some group in Germany, I believe. Roll tape, fella. So the Black Bloc is a phenomenon that came about starting in the 1970s, 1980s in Germany. This is something where they would have squatters essentially anarchist squatters who didn't want to leave their homes and so they would dress in the in black whenever they would come to be evicted that tactic then spread through actually the punk rock scene into the us in the 1990s and we see it come again and again into the united states and bubble up through the battle of seattle which was very interesting because if you look at the Battle of Seattle World Trade Organization, what was going on then,
Starting point is 00:26:09 the left was protesting and giving up against globalism and the ascension of China and the CCP into the World Trade Organization. We then cut to another chapter talking about the roots of cultural revolutions. What is that? That is the origin story of the current form of the CCP, where they stand against traditional culture. They stand against history. They stand against any type of yearning back towards what civilization was built on.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Antifa and the left and BLM. And they're not trying to hide it. Go to BLM's website. They say they're a Marxist organization. But it's white supremacists who are the problem. Right, Joe? You fuck-stain-you,
Starting point is 00:26:55 you Chinese dick-sucker. I'm for you. Do your own work. Do your own flies. Do your own floss. But it's white supremacy. That's the... I say you get that book.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Antifa, what was it called? Something about the black bloc? Anyways. Oh, boy, is this great! Anyways, we move on to another black box. Another fucking racist black female anti-white politician. Unbelievable. Unbelievable who's in office now.
Starting point is 00:27:39 And I'll say it again. If the fucking November 3rd election was messed with, which it was, I'm pretty sure it's going on at the local levels. Has Biden appointed anybody white and male yet? I'm not saying he appointed this lady. Obviously, she was voted in, I'm sure, legitimately. Far-left activists in Portland Portland with support of city council member Joanne Hardesty, who I
Starting point is 00:28:08 used to date. She wouldn't agree to cut her dreads. The black cryptkeeper Joanne Hardesty, seen here. She's not homeless. This bitch is not homeless. She's a politician. Ann Hardesty, seen here. She's not homeless.
Starting point is 00:28:28 This bitch is not homeless. She's a politician. Trying to get a contracted city worker fired. The guy's got a blue line flag decal on his truck. And she wants him fired because of that. These blacks.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Who knows where they're going to take the wrong way. A photo surfaced online showing an Oregon Concrete Solution branded truck with an emblem of the thin blue line flag affixed to the front driver's side panel. The thin blue line decal shows an American flag with a blue line running through the stripes. It is meant to show support for police officers and law enforcement. How dare this guy do that? Oregon Concrete Solutions, also known as Sidewalk Solutions, is based in shithole left-wing communist Portland.
Starting point is 00:29:16 The small-sized business has just a handful of employees, so they're a real threat. Hardesty's office, this ignorant twat, and the Portland Bureau of Transportation, that's the PBOT, were made aware that the contractor's thin blue line decal was displayed while working for PBOT. Oh my God, it's like church in Staten. It's like church in Staten. The thin blue line imagery is viewed by many in our community as a symbol of white supremacy.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Is that right? Well, whose fault is that? You know what? Your hairdo, the way guys wear their underwear, showing their pants down, do, the way guys wear their underwear, showing their pants down, that is seen in the white community as ignorance, stupidity, unevolving. It offends me. I want somebody to do something about that.
Starting point is 00:30:23 What am I saying? That makes me all right. That has prominently been displayed by those that oppose the Black Lives Matter racial justice movement. And we understand this is causing distress in the black community. It's causing distress. That's faggot stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:41 You want a court by its name, that's strictly for fags. stuff. You want a court by its name, that's strictly for fags. So I would say to this homeless woman who's a politician, I'd say, okay, I want you to name. I want names of people, black people who are offended by this. I want all three of them.
Starting point is 00:30:57 I know you don't know how to write because you're a fucking Neanderthal. They make these claims that you don't have to back them up because the mainstream media, it doesn't matter what city, goes right along. Why would anybody live in Portland, Oregon?
Starting point is 00:31:14 Ugh. She said that via press statement Thursday. She says, you can count me as one of the many Portlanders that finds this imagery deeply offensive. Your fucking, your appearance is deeply offensive. I'm dead serious.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Your appearance is deeply offensive. You look like you smell like shit. Wash your fucking hair and get a tooth job. We don't give a fuck if people in your community feel offended. Everything in this society you see as white supremacy, let me explain how the country, it was founded by rich white guys. Four rich white people for a while.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Then luckily we changed that. Again, it's like me going over to Africa now and going, what the fuck? Blacks run every, is black people on TV? I'm offended. What other country would you rather live in? Anybody ever ask you that? She noted that PBOT reached out to the contractor
Starting point is 00:32:23 and asked the small concrete company not to display the pro-police symbol while performing work for the city. Let me ask you another question. When's the last time, has there ever been a time in history where a country was run successfully by a black government?
Starting point is 00:32:39 Nah. Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. What is fucking no? Unfortunately, they declined to take the decal off. We are limited in our ability to address the issue under our existing contracts and policies. I guess out in the open, racism isn't allowed. Hard as he wrote with a crayon on a paper bag in the release.
Starting point is 00:33:10 It is up to all of us to do the difficult educating and organizing. Again, white people, you have to be educated by this homeless black woman who was not elected. She was selected, whatever position she's in, in organizing so that people can see the world more empathetically. She wrote, You smug cocksucker. Fuck you. Hardesty claimed that the alleged incident also highlights
Starting point is 00:33:39 the lack of diversity among city contractors. Oh, my God. Oh my God. And isn't it hilarious? The left has been choosing the right for years as being the racists and the bigots. Could it be any more fucking wrong? They're legislating
Starting point is 00:33:58 racism to be legal now. Just ask any white guy looking for a job. Literally, don't apply unless you're a woman or a minority. Expert Andy Ngo noted that the Hardesty and elected Portland official, which I don't believe, is using her power of odor to punish and harass
Starting point is 00:34:18 small concrete business for daring to support law enforcement. Hardesty has made headlines targeting working class civilians in the past. The defund the police councilwoman called the cops on an unprovoked lift driver over an insignificant dispute about an open window. Hardesty later pulled the race card to defend herself, blaming the incident on white supremacists. Oh, my God. She's a malignant cunt. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:34:51 God, the world would be so much better off without her. A strategist at SEIU Local 503, that would be a union, which represents over 72,000 workers in Oregon, appears to have launched the harassment campaign against the contract worker. There it goes. It's for fucking unions. You were useful 68 years ago. Here's what they put out.
Starting point is 00:35:15 I want to make sure that at Joanne PDX is aware that at PBOT info is using city funding for Oregon concrete solutions to work on Southeast Hawthorne Boulevard and 32nd Avenue while prominently displaying white supremacist symbols on their vehicles, tweeted J.I.Suckcock-Parasco, a member of the Oregon State Bar, a fucking loser and a jerk-off who should be taken out immediately and flogged in front of his fucking life partner. and flogged in front of his fucking life partner. All of that, all of that because of a decal supporting the cops. Here's to black and brown culture. Do they really think they're going to win the midterms? I guess they do.
Starting point is 00:36:10 You know what I mean? Do you ask yourself that? I guess they believe they're going to win the mid. They already know what's in the bag, I guess. Because you couldn't unroll out these policies that are so radical so fast and expect people just to nod and take it up the ass. But again, they know something we don't know. Again, it's 10 people in a room smoking cigars, eight of them are gay, transgender, running
Starting point is 00:36:33 the fucking world. And it was already decided that Biden will be the president and it's already decided that they're going to win in the midterms. They can't be serious. They can't be rolling out this radical an agenda and fucking think, ay-yi-yi-yi-yi, is Dominion going to use Dominion machines again? I'm still using this program called COBOL.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Have you heard of it? Only old people get that. Let's lighten it up and look at my favorite couple. Here's people that I look up to because they, boy, they're very deep. They have a lot of integrity. They're not shallow people. You know who I'm talking about. Jay-Z and Beyonce, take a look at this picture.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Seen here. Can we get a close-up of those tits? Once again, it's such a racist country. A black couple buys a $28 million Rolls Royce. I think it was. $28 million car, folks. Why? Because they can. And they're both snaring in the picture.
Starting point is 00:37:46 What a racist country by the way he might be one of the 10 people that run the world but it's what it's what rich black people do they be spending their cheddar on stupid shit what a shallow... Ugh. A, she was a whore. B, she was a whore. Who you talking about? They just bought a nice car. Why you picking on them?
Starting point is 00:38:17 Is it because we're black? Yes. Yes, it is. That guy used to be a crack dealer, Jay-Z. Great rapper, if you like that shit. Some ignorant poetry. Played over a fucking drum machine. Yes, I stole that from Christopher Moltisanti.
Starting point is 00:38:40 And he did soon with a fucking fifth grade education. Some ignorant poetry. Isn't that proof the... I don't know. I don't even know what to say. I just, I thought her tits looked really delicious there. So I put them up. And
Starting point is 00:38:56 I have all, I like Jay-Z's old stuff. I have all that in a dumpster behind my house where I piss on it every day. All right, let's move on. I'm sick to my stomach. Oh, more Jay-Z and Beyonce news. No, I'm kidding. In our Are You Dog Styling Me segment tonight, muffled moods.
Starting point is 00:39:24 What do I mean by that? Humans aren't the only ones experimenting with wearable smart masks. A Bloomberg report says, remember Bloomberg? You ran for president for 31 seconds? Lost $72 trillion. A Bloomberg report says agricultural giant
Starting point is 00:39:39 Cargill will start selling masks, get this, for cows. I'm not talking about like Oprah and Rosie O'Donnell and Joy Behar. I'm talking about actual cows that can cut methane emissions from their burps. What the fuck? I thought it was their assholes we're having problems with. It's coming out of both ends now? Look at this poor cow. Yeah, that's what you want on you.
Starting point is 00:40:06 It's 99 degrees out in a field in Oklahoma. 400% humidity. Put that on his face. Yeah, but the burps are burning a hole in another fucking big lie. The mask was developed
Starting point is 00:40:19 by Zelp Limited, a UK startup that claims its device can cut methane emissions by up to... I told you how to do it. You give them in their oats, you throw in that, what do you call it, anti-acid, what's the big one I take? Pepsin, AC.
Starting point is 00:40:39 You put that in their fucking hay and they won't fart and shit. It's beautiful. that in their fucking hay and they won't fart and shit. It's beautiful. So this mask is going to cut emissions by up to 53% as in trials. It's sort of like a car's catalytic converter. According to
Starting point is 00:40:53 Bloomberg, the mask features solar-powered fans. What's it weigh? 70 pounds? Solar-powered fans? You can't even get those on houses that suck up the burps. I got to use this when I was in college. My roommate had an acidy stomach.
Starting point is 00:41:13 Suck up the burps into a methane-absorbing filter. The filter then turns the methane into carbon dioxide, which is then released into the air. I thought carbon dioxide was bad, too. About 95% of cow-produced methane actually comes from cow burps. It was always the farts I was told. Due to something called enteric fermentation, or the process by which cows digest grasses and grains.
Starting point is 00:41:47 It's a massive problem. I think Norm MacDonald suffers from this. I used to hang out with Norm. I couldn't even hear myself over his stomach gurgling and shit. Might have been the 14 pots of coffee he drank in like three hours that I was with him. It's a massive problem when it comes to sustainable cattle farming. According to the University of California, Davis, so we know it's true, a single cow produces about 220 pounds of methane annually.
Starting point is 00:42:12 That's about 80 pounds less than Michael Moore does. But anyways, he doesn't have a mask on. Believe it or not, livestock wearables aren't new. The tech is meant to help farmers monitor animals for disease as well as manage this is how they try to get it past you, manage herds. Dairy farmers in particular have been keen on adopting Fitbit-esque trackers. A cow wearing a Fitbit. How many steps did I take today? Three and a half. Oh, my God. Every time you drive by a field, they're on their knees eating grass. Put a Fitbit on them.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Anyways, they put Fitbit S trackers with about 10% of dairy cow and U.S. wearing them. Meanwhile, in 2019, Russian farmers strapped VR headsets, virtual reality headsets, onto cows to help reduce their anxiety by showing them a calming virtual environment. What were they running? Who's the Boss fucking reruns? Fucking Russians. Oh my God. Russians.
Starting point is 00:43:22 What exactly leads you to believe the Soviets were involved? Well, the cow had on a virtual reality headset. But while livestock wearables are a thing, it's not a given that Zalp's mask will take off. For starters, Zalp is currently working on miniaturizing its tech and is aiming... Yeah, well, if you've got fucking solar panels on it, how small can it be? And is aiming for mass production by the end of the year with 50,000 units planned.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Was this on Shark Tank? In its first year and up to 200,000 units the year after. Cargill expects to begin offering the mask to European farmers. Why wouldn't you go right to India? You talk about a market. There's over a billion cows in India because they find them sacred. And I've been saying that.
Starting point is 00:44:16 If India started eating steaks, we wouldn't have a fucking warming planet. So they're going to start with the French, the farmers in European markets in 2022 with a potential annual subscription fee
Starting point is 00:44:31 of about $80. Can you imagine how many, that's a lot of cashies. Whether or not farmers glom onto the device remains to be seen. Well, let me make a prediction and say they're going to go,
Starting point is 00:44:42 go fuck yourself. It's just so ridiculous. Not in the world we live in, my friend. Finally tonight. In our libs, eating libs segment, a woke middle school teacher in Oregon, let me guess, angry black chick, equated teachers who aren't actively... Oh, no, this girl, she says she's black, but she looks white as hell.
Starting point is 00:45:13 She says... She's equating teachers who aren't actively anti-racist with pedophiles and a bizarre rant and said they should be fired according to newly surfaced video. Catherine, her name's Catherine Please give me a call. Watkins, who teaches eighth grade
Starting point is 00:45:32 humanities at the Cedar Park Middle School outside where else? Shithole Portland. Made the extreme comparison during a Zoom equity conference a call with her peers. I'm going to say something, she says, that's not nice and not sweet, but it's true. The Beavonton School District instructor said in footage posted
Starting point is 00:45:52 by the Conservative National Advocacy Group, parents defending education, she says, if you're not evolving into an anti-racist educator, you're making yourself obsolete in this field or this profession. Let's take a look at what she said with her silly hat. She's apparently black or she identifies as black. But with that hat on, I say, fetch me my slippers and make me a sandwich.
Starting point is 00:46:17 Go ahead. If you're being resistant, I understand that. But you're going to have to eventually come to the light because if you're going to, I understand that, but you're going to have to eventually come to the light because if you're going to keep with those old views of colonialism, it's going to lead to being fired because you're going to be doing damage to our children, trauma. And so as we fire the teachers who sexually abuse our children,
Starting point is 00:46:41 we will be firing the teachers who do racist things to our children and traumatize them. You get that, Trump supporters? You are the same as people who sexually abuse children. By the way, she identifies as half black.
Starting point is 00:47:02 That means she's not. She just identifies. She's mentally fucking ill. And these are teachers. What's the getup she's got on? I wish I had a kid. I wish I was younger and had a kid and she was a teacher.
Starting point is 00:47:18 They had a teacher conference thing. I would just walk in and I'd do just what that black guy did to that Chinese lady on the sidewalk. I'd fucking bitch slap that hat right off her and be in jail the rest of my life. I'd be the happiest guy in jail that I stomped on to death with my fucking work boots. What a cunt. You identify as half mentally ill, should be three quarters. Identifies as half African American.
Starting point is 00:47:44 She told the local out last year she has a black son. Is he black or did you identify? If you're identifying, well, you probably had a black husband. Then went on to say the educators who don't agree with the views or race should be fucking fired,
Starting point is 00:47:57 said the little fascist whore. You stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt. Anyways, she makes me sick. What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. You mean what she said? Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. May God have mercy on your soul.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Luckily, it's just me and Matt. The Teach's Facebook profile photo shows her posing in front of a Black Lives Matter logo while sucking the dick of a defensive end for the Houston Texans. Featuring a raised clenched fist. Right under the image, she lists links to send her money through Cash App, PayPal, and Venmo.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Those are white inventions, you realize that? Although it's unclear what the dough would be for. I'm guessing she's fixing to get her black son a vagina. She set up a fundraiser in June 2020 for a local nonprofit human rights group called Exit the Maze, in which 13 people donated a total of $655 towards her $5,000 goal before she ended the campaign. In other words, she fucking still doesn't realize
Starting point is 00:49:14 how ignorant she is. That's in Portland, and they wouldn't give her money. Watkins' fiery comments came as another local educator, Stephanie Yelder, said in the call that white people must stand up against racism and channel the same fervor in doing so as the Capitol rioters. They said, my lovely white people. Right away, you know she's a racist. Yelder said during the virtual equity conference, be as bold as those idiot invaders, insurrectionists, about storming the Capitol, she said. Go about this change like them. They are wacky, but you know what to do. So have that same energy, she said. And then I said to her, but detractors were swift to hit back at both educators, blasting them as racist ones.
Starting point is 00:50:03 The voice of black supremacy, one person responded in Watkins' clip on YouTube. Boy, you really told her. Either you evolve or you dissolve is code for either you step in line with the views we are all spouting or we'll take you out of the equation, another critic seethed. A third person added, I am passionately opposed to any form of discrimination, including bigotry towards those who hold conservative beliefs and any form of racism. That said, this woman's approach is perfect for increasing the enrollment of private and parochial schools that are not forced by the government to participate in this racist behavior
Starting point is 00:50:42 that she is advocating, and that is exactly right you are correct sir so anyways how many stories we've done this week on angry black teachers women politicians i don't hear enough good black people standing up although i am seeing some on tv thank god why don't you read some thomas soul if you want to read a fucking guy who's so on the money, black gentleman who's a genius and has actually experienced some of this shit. And he'll tell you how fucking asinine critical race theory is
Starting point is 00:51:13 and all this other horse shit. Anyways, that's enough for today, folks. I'm going to go hit a heavy bag with my left hand. Anyways, don't forget, which is the permanent home of this show. with my left hand. Anyways. Don't forget, which is the permanent home of this show.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Don't forget, my website where you can also see the show. And you can click on the tour button. I'll be in Myrtle Beach this Friday and Saturday, the Comedy Cabana. Looking forward to it. Never been there. And don't forget If you want me to roast one of your friends or relatives, uh, go to, click on my
Starting point is 00:51:51 profile, tell me a little bit about the person. And, uh, I'll make a video on my phone for a small fee and we'll send it to that person. And we can be nice. So we can just, just roast the shit out of them. And most of the people who get roasted love it, because they know who I am, and that's why the wife or husband is sending it to them. So that is it. You guys think, and I will say it, you're very welcome. We will see you back here at the same time tomorrow. Have a good day, everybody. guitar solo guitar solo I'm out.

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