The Nick DiPaolo Show - Joe's Dementia Exposed at G7 | Nick Di Paolo Show #556

Episode Date: June 15, 2021

FB funded work that lead to pandemic. Unmasked gunman. Punk tazed for being a punk....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, this show, The Nick DiPaolo Show, is a place you can come to for an hour each day and know that the truth is going to be spoken. Sometimes it's politics, sometimes it's comedy, oftentimes it's both. Any way that you cut it, though, it's always honest, unfiltered, and free from the bias you'll find pretty much everywhere else, and certainly all day long by mainstream media. Free speech lives here, and it always will. I want to thank you all for supporting the show, and I want to encourage you to contribute on the page or visit and click on Contribute.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Your contributions are what keeps this show going and what has helped us now put the show on Roku, Apple TV, Android, Amazon, and mobile devices. Again, donate on or at And know that 100% of your contribution comes right directly to this show. I thank you guys again. Oh yeah! Welcome to the big show, everybody! How you doing? You know, Mr. DiPaolo, I'm really proud of you. You should be. Oh yeah! Welcome to the big show, everybody! How you doing?
Starting point is 00:01:47 You know, Mr. DiPaolo, I'm really proud of you. You should be. What's going on, folks? Remember this. You know what? I wet my ass with your feelings. Oh, goodness. That's me talking to my liberal friends. And even a more important message just goes to the libs and the people who uh you know use your tax dollars and waste them you're entitled to shit amen motherfuckers let's get right to it got a lot of stuff today holy christ we all knew biden was losing his marbles but mother of god the rest of the world knows it now have Have you been watching any of the clips? G7 summit?
Starting point is 00:02:26 G for gaff? More like G whiz? How the fuck is this guy running anything? Poor guy made a real asshole of himself on the world stage. Just think back when they said President Trump wasn't mentally fit. Just think about everything they said about Trump is true about this guy. Every freaking word. Not physically fit, not mentally fit.
Starting point is 00:02:52 President Biden embarrassed himself at the G7 summit when he tried to correct British Prime Minister Boris Johnson for not introducing the president of South Africa, even though Johnson already did so by name. The blooper, one of several Biden made amid the series of meetings with the world leaders, prompted laughter, literally people laughing at him at his expense at the start of a roundtable discussion in Cornwall, England. The awkward incident took place on Saturday, according to Sky News, which posts a video clip and a transcript online.
Starting point is 00:03:29 So, God, this is cringeworthy. It made the hair on my left nut stand right up. All three of them. Take a look at this. And just say hi to people and to welcome those who have just joined us. We had some pretty spectacular weather with them. Prime Minister Modi was present. I'm opposed. I'm opposed to the moon. He just committed.
Starting point is 00:03:54 And the president of South Africa. And the president of South Africa. As I said earlier. Oh, you did. I did. I certainly didn't. Look at him, like an old... All right.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Oh, God. Just like an old dawdling idiot at Thanksgiving dinner. You know what that was, too, by the way, him going, you forgot the leader. He was the only black guy at the table, the leader of South Africa. Once again, pandering. He was so eager to pander that he forgot the guy was already introduced.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Just a real, you didn't include the black fella. What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. May God have mercy on your soul. May Trump become president again.
Starting point is 00:04:50 And a Sunday news conference at Cornwall Airport, Newquay, was marked by several Biden gaffes. I mean, holy Christ. Can you imagine SNL going, there's nothing funny about them. Luckily, they're not, you know, doing new shows right now. Or they wouldn't even know what to fucking do. They'd have to go black. Let's take a look at some more of him trying to fucking pretend he's not mental. The European allies. Can I ask a question about the European allies? I'm going to get in trouble with my staff. Yeah, go ahead. I pretend that I didn't answer you. Thank you very much, sir. You have often said repeatedly that America is back.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Yes. At the same time, you've kept in place some Trump-era steel and aluminum sanctions. And I wanted to ask you, when you're having these conversations with European allies who are very concerned about these sanctions, how do you justify that? And what are your plans? 120 days. Give me a break. I need time. I've been here 120 days. Give me a break. I need time. Takes me that long to take a dump and have my insure in the morning. You can act like a man. What's the matter with you?
Starting point is 00:06:10 How about him going, my handlers are gonna get mad at me. Jesus, they're not even trying to hide that he's a puppet. You know, God. Oh, God. It gets worse. Oh. I almost feel, I made the mistake of saying, I think I feel bad for him. And even Matthew goes, no, you don't. Fucking get exactly right. Why would I feel bad for a guy who stole a fucking election,
Starting point is 00:06:41 looks you in the eye, says he didn't, and then calls you a white supremacist, three-quarters of the nation. Fuck you and your Alzheimer's. On Friday, my dad had it worse than him, and he wasn't making these mistakes. You know what the last thing to go is when you have Alzheimer's? This is true, too. What does this say about men?
Starting point is 00:07:00 I did this on stage. I got a huge laugh. My dad couldn't, you know, he fucking just staring at the TV, whatever the fuck, in the nursing home. But then a cute young nurse would come in. He looks at my mother, he goes, nice, huh? The last thing to go is the pussy cells. What does it say about men? You've lost your mind, but that still stays focused. Can you blame us for being pigs? Anyways, I digress. On Friday, the Jewish Voice also posted a video. The Jewish Voice? Who's this?
Starting point is 00:07:30 Biden's strike's aunt? Also posted a video clip of Biden being asked a question by a reporter who shouted, how are your meetings going in Cornwall, Mr. President? As he walked across a patio and his wife had to come. First of all, I feel bad because he has sneakers on like a guy you'd see in Vegas at a slot machine at four in the morning in his 70s with a members-only jacket and a scotch in his hand. Nothing looks sadder than an old man with running shoes on.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Anyways, watch Jill save him here. What an embarrassment. How are your meetings going in Cornwall, Mr. President? How are your meetings going here in Cornwall? Very well. Look, it's a well-mode. It's fucking hard.
Starting point is 00:08:30 God bless Jill Biden. I know she's not a real doctor and she's kind of a dope too. But that's a great wife going, oh my God, my asshole of a husband. What kind of job did he take? I got to get him out of here. So she saved him. And everybody's laughing. Why? Because everybody knows.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Not fit to run a goddamn lemonade stand. And then in the next clip, he keeps saying Libya when he means Syria. And at the end, he throws them both in to cover his ass. Sounds like me and geography in fucking eighth grade. Oh, my, when somebody called on me. I don't know. This one. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:09:08 We could work together with Russia. For example, in Libya, we should be opening up the passes to be able to go through and provide food assistance and economic assistance, I mean, vital assistance to a population that's in real trouble. You're in real trouble. I'm going to try very hard to by the way, there's places where I shouldn't be starting off and negotiating in public. Let me say it this way. Russia has engaged in activities which we believe are contrary to international norms, but they have also bitten off some real problems they're going to have trouble
Starting point is 00:09:58 chewing on. And for example, rebuilding of Syria, of Libya, of, you know, this is, they're there. All right, enough. And as long as they're there without the ability to bring about some order. You know what he did there? He was answering and then he paused and somebody was in an earpiece going, say this. But this is the best one of all. This one just fucking freaked me out. It's almost like you think the screen paused.
Starting point is 00:10:34 He's, and if you don't believe my earpiece theory, watch this clip and tell me I'm wrong. Biden has another deep brain freeze. When asked about past remarks he made about Putin, because, you know, I think he's meeting with Putin tomorrow. Let's see all the bad talk. Let's see Mr. I beat up corn pop. See how tough he is when it comes face to face with a KGB guy
Starting point is 00:10:56 who he was never one tenth as smart as. I don't give a shit what you think about those fucking Russians. Anyways, check him out, and don't tell me when he pauses for about five seconds here, somebody's not in his ear saying this. Here you go. They actually, I...
Starting point is 00:11:18 Well, look, I mean, he has made clear that... The answer is, I believe he has in the past essentially acknowledged that he was... There are certain things that he would do or did do. Oh, my God. How long was that pause? Hello?
Starting point is 00:11:46 Hello? That's somebody in his ear. Hello? Hello? Hello? Say this, Joe. This is what he said. This is what he did.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Boys, how fun is this? Oh boy, is this great? You want me to believe you got 80 million votes? Seriously, that's making me laugh. That's not a fake laugh. This is a fucking outrage. Can you imagine being Trump sitting home and watching this jag off going, you got to be shitting me.
Starting point is 00:12:14 How much more evidence do you need? This guy couldn't find the men's room. Oh, I think it's obvious someone's giving him the instructions on what to say through the MPs. Do you realize, you idiots that helped steal the election? That was all 10 people who voted for him have put this country in a really dangerous position. Because if I'm Iran or fucking any of these countries, China, both those countries all have very tiny erections right now watching this guy. I looked at the chart as penis sizes from country to country um oh my god by the way italy came in like second or first unfortunately uh 49 uh unbelievable seriously though you i i'm i'm nervous i'm fucking nervous because Because China ain't playing.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Remember how happy they were when they found out, you wonder why they're happy Biden's the president and not Trump? Are you shitting me? They're going to manhandle him. That's a dangerous combination, dementia and evil politically. What do you mean by that, Nick? Well, I don't know if you know who Julie Kelly is. She's part of the website called American Greatness, which is actually a great site that we stumbled on. She was on with Mark Levin and discussing how jerk-off Biden and Pelosi have
Starting point is 00:13:37 the Department of Justice still hunting down innocent people from the January 6th insurrection. innocent people from the january 6th insurrection let's think about that huh think about that that shit that's what went on in cuba in russia circa 1940 um unbelievable here's her commenting um on what the biden administration is doing to you know people that were anywhere near the capitol on january 6th check it out i think what the american people need to know is that the u.s is my real voice joe biden's justice department is holding political prisoners uh in a jail in washington dc that has been opened up specifically to house January 6th defendants awaiting trial. They've been denied bail. They're living in harsh, almost solitary confinement
Starting point is 00:14:33 conditions in this jail. But what's overall happening, as we can get into the specifics of what's happening at this jail, I call it the deplorable jail because that's how the biden regime views these people but the fbi and doj continues this nationwide manhunt they've arrested almost 500 people now mostly for misdemeanor charges related to what happened on january 6. this is a political persecution against trump supporters and the american people need to know what is happening and why it's happening. Oh my God. Can you imagine the balls on Pelosi and Biden? You fucking pompous, stuck up, snot nose, English, giant, twerp, scumbag, fuck face, dickhead, asshole. Can asshole. Those are political prisoners.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Literally, some of them haven't even been charged yet. They've been in there since January. In almost solitary confinement conditions. One guy gets, I think the guy with the Viking hat gets smacked around to the point where he's unconscious for a couple hours. Fucking think about that.
Starting point is 00:15:42 In the United States, are you happy now? People who voted Democrat, you fucks. Can't wait till they come after you. Oh, that's right, they won't, as long as you got a fucking D beside you. Can you imagine? Not even charged yet,
Starting point is 00:15:56 some of them. That's classic Castro shit. Ay-yi-yi. And then she talks about the actual insurrection itself and some of the sham charges about weapons. Here you go. They referred to this as an armed insurrection. Nancy Pelosi came out on January 7th, held a very dramatic press conference, and referred to the events of January 6th as an armed insurrection.
Starting point is 00:16:24 So that was all it took for the media and plenty of Republican politicians to go ahead and echo that line that this was armed. But Mark, not one person has been charged with carrying or using a firearm inside the Capitol building that day. As you know, the only person who used a weapon, a firearm, inside the Capitol building that day. As you know, the only person who used a weapon, a firearm inside the Capitol building was the still unidentified Capitol police officer who shot and killed an unarmed female veteran, Ashley Babbitt. Yeah. OK. Biden's like, what are we doing? What's going on right now? Nothing, Joe. We're protecting the Capitol.
Starting point is 00:17:04 We just killed an unarmed white woman and we're going to protect the black cop that did it. Nobody even knows who he is. Meanwhile, black people and white people, Antifa, BLM members, rioting, fucking looting, burning all summer long. They don't even bother looking for him. If you guys don't know what you're in for, you're fucking... They really think they're going to turn this thing
Starting point is 00:17:28 into like an apartheid South Africa thing where they're going to rile up the blacks to come after white people. It's not going to work like that in this country. Big fucking difference. Number one, it's 68% white still. I know that hurts your feelings. And pretty much all of us are armed to the teeth.
Starting point is 00:17:47 So good luck with that, Wet Dream Pelosi, you leathery nipple dope you. Oh, they make me so goddamn mad. Unfucking real. It is unreal what's going on in this country. And like I said, what's frustrating is you can't really yell at Biden because he's just fucking, they handed him shit. Get out there. Say it is. Tap dance for us. Do a handstand. Makes me very angry. And then she talks thirdly about, you know, this big myth of white supremacy. If one-tenth of that was true, about this country being all white,
Starting point is 00:18:32 do you understand the war would have been on a long time ago, and fucking city blocks would be blown up, especially Minneapolis and fucking Portland. But here she is talking about this myth about white supremacy. My question is, do we know how many of these individuals were neo-Nazis or Klansmen? Because I looked and I couldn't find any information on it. None that I've seen. I think you saw one guy early on with a Camp Auschwitz t-shirt.
Starting point is 00:18:58 And they used that, the media's evidence, that these were neo-Nazis. But no, I've seen no racist language in any of the court documents, certainly nothing to support the idea that these are white supremacists or domestic violent extremists, as our director of national intelligence refers to them. Oh, my God. Unbelievable. Biggest lie ever. It's such a white supremacist nation that people of color are sneaking in on inner tubes fucking building rafts out of coconut trees you see them in line at the bank they still
Starting point is 00:19:33 have seaweed in their hair they're already on welfare yeah it's the most hateful place on the earth fuck you biden fuck you chuck schumer fuck you pelosi, and especially the squad, AOC. Can you imagine? They don't speak on it, and the media stays silent, except for, you know, the Levin show, Fox News, maybe America One News. Three things. They have 173 things, and they're just crickets. Just crickets. I, for one, am fed up. That's why I'm wearing purple today. Dress like a pimp in Detroit. Yeah, so I hope you're happy with the guy that you put into office. Do you remember the guy that you took out of the office? Well, guess what? How many times in this show have I been saying Trump was right about all the big things? You know, which is ironic. They call him
Starting point is 00:20:30 like the biggest liar in history. And what happens is he'll say something that outrages everybody. And about two months later, you realize, holy shit, he was right about that. True. Well, Trump must be watching this show because Trump reminded the left how many times he was right and them wrong on the big things that matter. He put out a statement yesterday listing a few things. And I mean big things that he was correct about. Here's your list. Have you noticed that they are now... Do I have this in a prompter?
Starting point is 00:21:06 No. All right. Okay, I have... He says, have you noticed that they are now admitting, I was right about everything they lied about before the election? Hydrochloroquine. I should say hydroxychloroquine. The virus came from Chinese lab.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Hunter Biden's laptop was real. Lafayette Square was not cleared for a photo op. The Russian bounty laptop was real. Lafayette Square was not cleared for a photo op. The Russian bounty story was fake. Remember they were saying we were paying, you know, guys to fucking, Russian guys to shoot our guys. We did produce vaccines before the end of 2020 in record time. Blue states, lockdown didn't work, schools should be opened. These are all, you can go check them, Rachel Maddow, you thick-ankled. Critical race theory is a disaster for our schools in our country.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Our southern border security program was unprecedentedly successful. I am your voice. Yeah, yeah. You are correct, sir. Come on, folks. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You are correct, sir. Come on, folks. I mean, come on. Oh, don't forget the election being stolen, Mr. President. He was the best guy around.
Starting point is 00:22:14 You're goddamn right. But I didn't like him because he tweeted mean stuff and he was a bully and an alpha male and everything that's wrong with this country. He scares me. And he's rich and white with blue eyes. He's the devil. Suck a dick and die, all of you who put this jack off in office.
Starting point is 00:22:35 I stole that from Sean Hannity. He said that last night. He's no longer on the Fox network. Let's lighten it up, shall we? I mean, I've had enough. It's making me sick to my stomach. Nice segue. Did you guys see the clip of the pitcher?
Starting point is 00:22:54 Poor bastard. I think it was his first major league. No, he pitched a little bit last year, but it was, oh, in front of an empty stadium because of COVID. So this was his first game in front of a live audience, relief pitcher for the Tigers. And his name is Bo Burrows. Had a season debut he'd like to forget last night.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Burrows, who made his first relief appearance of the season on Saturday, he puked, puked up all over the mound after getting into trouble in the fifth inning of the Tigers game. I don't really believe that's why he gets sick. You know what I mean? Probably went out there nauseous anyways. That would be great, though. What if he, what if he, that's his hook. What if he's like a killer relief pitcher who, you know, has an ERA of 1.12?
Starting point is 00:23:43 You know what I mean? He's the closer or the setup guy. And he pukes every time he's out there. How fucking great would that be? I'm just checking the ball for fucking pizza sauce and bell peppers. You're putting junk on the ball. That's my puke. Anyways, he got in trouble the fifth inning of the Tigers game against the White Sox. Burrows entered the game in the fourth
Starting point is 00:24:07 when the Tigers trailed 8-2. If you're going to puke then, what are you going to do in a 3-3 tie in the ninth? But when the fifth inning began, he walked a batter, gave up consecutive hits, and then walked another batter before striking out the next two White Sox. If I was the manager, I would
Starting point is 00:24:23 have been puking. Burrows tried closing out the next two White Sox. If I was the manager, I would have been puking. Burrows tried closing out the inning for the Tigers. I've got to admit, he was a stubborn dude. I'm staying right here. But he got sick and threw up all over the pitcher's mound. Look it. I've seen way more graphic than this. There's a couple of players in college football in the NFL that were just blowing chunks.
Starting point is 00:24:48 I forget what game I was watching two years ago. They had a close-up on this guy. Oh, he was in the huddle, and he stepped out of the huddle. And I mean projectile vomiting. Like, he just had Thanksgiving dinner, and he'd get back in line, and he'd fucking hit somebody. But this is...
Starting point is 00:25:04 Check this out. Let's see how I do while I watch. Oh, shit. Poor bastard. Oh, poor bastard. I mean, he got in trouble that he struck out the next two guys imagine this guy in an empty stomach tigers manager aj hinch remember him he helped the cheating astros uh said afterward that burrows was just nauseous and there weren't any long-term concerns about his health but uh guess what? Unfortunately for Burroughs, the Tigers
Starting point is 00:25:45 demoted him back to AAA. What are they, got something against vomitors? Sent him back to AAA, the poor prick. Bye-bye, dickhead. Adding insult to injury or whatever the hell, for the love of God, the kid was doing the best he could.
Starting point is 00:26:03 But I hope that happens more, and he's just a killer closer. Anyways, let me ask you a question, kids out there. Do you ever read the fine print that appears when you start browsing incognito mode? It says that your activity might still be visible to your employer, your school, or your internet service provider. How can they even call it incognito if that's the case? To really stop people from seeing the sites you visit, you need
Starting point is 00:26:31 to do what I do and use ExpressVPN. And this is so easy because I'm a Luddite and I can figure it out. Think about all the times you've used Wi-Fi at a coffee shop, a hotel, or even at your parents' house without ExpressVPN, every site you visit could be logged by the admin of that network. And that's still true even when you're in the Cognito mode. I mean, do you really want your parents to see what you've been looking at? It would be funny. What's more, your home internet provider, I'm talking Comcast, AT&T, whatever, can also see and record your browsing data. And in the United States, they're legally allowed to sell that data to advertisers,
Starting point is 00:27:16 which is the last thing you want. ExpressVPN is an app that encrypts all of your network data and reroutes it through a network of secure servers so that your private online activity stays just that, private. Express VPN works on all your devices, and it's super easy to use. The app literally has one button. You tap it to connect, and your browsing activity is secure from prying eyes. So stop letting strangers invade your online privacy.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Protect yourself at slash NickDip. Use my link slash NickDip to get three extra free months. That's slash nickdip to learn more. It's a great product because there's so many prying eyes out there. Never mind, you know what, how about the government? I'm telling you, man, do it. Never tell anybody outside the internet
Starting point is 00:28:17 what you're looking at. I was on Asian Teens. I was on Let me tell you something. Anyway, speaking of prying eyes, this is a big story. I don't believe I went almost, I don't know, 30 minutes into the show.
Starting point is 00:28:37 I could have opened with it. I didn't feel like changing the whole order. But this is big news that happened. I just read about it today. The Chan, I didn't even know this group existed, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. How do you like that? A Chinese name and Zuckerberg working together. Oh, that has to be good. The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, the funding group behind much of the unlawful election changes of 2020. Remember we reported on that? Remember? You guys remember? You do, right? Zuckerberg was
Starting point is 00:29:06 throwing, I don't know, 400,000 here to this election, and so they could, you know, change the rules. Pennsylvania, I think you got some of it. The unlawful election changes of 2020 gave nearly a half million dollars to the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. The university counts, get this, Wuhan Lab collaborator and gain-of-function proponent, Dr. Ralph Baric, as lead researcher. Well, there's who you want to have money in his hands. Anyways, Baric is the lead researcher, and so he's got this money. You know, he's into gain of function.
Starting point is 00:29:46 And so now Zuckerberg has dirty hands, too. I kill you. I kill you right now. Kill me. I'm right here. Kill me. Okay, I come with two chopsticks. I shove up your ass.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Two chopsticks? Come over here. Talk to me in the face. Look at some booty. Talk to me in the face. I have no mask on. Look at some booty. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who we know for hoops,
Starting point is 00:30:07 professor who is also attending conferences at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and is described by the lab's bat woman as her longtime collaborator, received the grant from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's philanthropic group in July of 2020. The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, we call it CZ in the know, recently awarded a, get this, $433,000 grant to UNC for laboratory equipment that will accelerate research to address the COVID-19 pandemic press release notes. This grant represents a new collaboration between the West Coast philanthropic organization, CZI, and UNC
Starting point is 00:30:52 in search of a global solution to the pandemic. Yeah, that's what it was about. A summary adds, before detailing how the grant was used, we all know how it was fucking used and not for... Give me the money, you understand me? Give me the fucking money, you hear me?
Starting point is 00:31:06 You hear me? I got to come here and bust my body. Give me the fucking money. Are they going to fucking... Anybody going to sit down Zuckerberg? I know he's been in front of senators and congressmen and hearings and stuff. Anybody going to say, hey, motherfucker? What do you know about this?
Starting point is 00:31:24 You're spreading money and every time you reach into your fucking wallet, somebody gets hurt. Whether it's stealing the fucking election or, you know, funding gain of function research.
Starting point is 00:31:40 That's just cover for biological weapons research. The grant covers the purchase of a liquid handler. What the hell does that mean? Bartender? A robotic arm that can pipette fluids. That's French for pipe. Much more quickly and accurately than humans can.
Starting point is 00:32:00 And supporting instruments including another robot that detects active virus particles in samples and a machine to sequence RNA. That's not too creepy. Together, these tools increase the rate of testing compounds by 20-fold. The grant allegedly helped produce a study currently awaiting peer review, yeah, when's that going to happen, entitled SARS-CoV-2 Infectious Virus Viral RNA in Nasopharyngeal Swabs. That's the thing. And serostasis of symptomatic COVID-19 outpatients in the United States.
Starting point is 00:32:41 You try saying that 41 times with coffee and booze and everything. A slide from Barrick, from a Barrick presentation on the matter, also listed support from Galid Sciences, the National Institute for Health, and guess who? Here he comes.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Dr. Anthony Fauci, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. Dr. Fauci, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. Dr. Fauci, the lying cocksucker, recently attempted to cover up his relationship with Zuckerberg by telling MSNBC host Chuck, I'm a big girl, Todd, he had no idea what Senator Marsha Blackburn was getting at when discussing the pair's leaked emails. She said, you guys leaked emails, you and Zuckerberg. This prick denies it like everything else.
Starting point is 00:33:37 You're lying. And you're a piece of shit. You understand he has financial, he's got skin in the game is what I'm saying. Do you understand? Keep this ball in the air as long as you can. Read your history. It's all been done before. The financial ties between Barrick and the Facebook link charity
Starting point is 00:33:54 follow the social media platform heavily, meaning Facebook, heavily censoring users and stories that promoted theories that COVID-19's origin could be traced to a Wuhan lab. Of course, Fauci didn't want that out there because he was the one funding money through a grant. You know, it's like laundering. Speaking of Chinese,
Starting point is 00:34:16 get out of here with that shit! Anyways, all these guys have an interest in it. And, uh, so fucking Facebook's just, you know, working with, don't worry, we'll squash it. Just like we did the Hunter Biden. They're not going to hear anything about it. Hey, come see me this weekend at the Sons of Hermann's Hall in Dallas.
Starting point is 00:34:37 Friday and Saturday. Be on Crowder's show on Thursday morning. Mr. Steven Crowder. Mr. Crowder, he's a fine man. A man goes to Texas. He puts the roof down on his convertible. Big mistake. What a beautiful...
Starting point is 00:34:56 They sure love you here in Dallas, Mr. President. They sure do. Anyway, speaking of gunmen, la, la, la. This, to me, this next story, Fauci, Zuckerberg, Barrack, all of yous, you have blood on your hands from this next story, if you think about it. Since people are still wearing masks, they don't know whether to wear them or not. That's what's creeping me out. Brian Kilmeade made a great point last night. I was watching Fox for a bit. And he said, because you know how they're forcing us to put the mask
Starting point is 00:35:35 on still when you take a flight or whatever? He goes, he's worried, like I am, that it's 20 years from the 9-11 attacks, right? And we're still taking our shoes off. And that's what's going to happen here. And he's fucking exactly right. Anyways, this happened right here in the state of Georgia lately. Hey, did I mention there was a mass shooting? I did, right? In Savannah yesterday.
Starting point is 00:35:58 I'm not saying to be proud. I'm just saying. A cashier, this is DeKalb, was gunned down inside a georgia supermarket monday simply for asking man to put on a mask and a retired deputy who intervened was also shot authorities uh said of course me being the racist that i am i said what kind of behavior? That sounds like, again, it's either the Polish or the Irish. Can you fucking imagine taking somebody's life? The afternoon horror happened at Big Bear Supermarket in DeKalb when the, or DeKalb,
Starting point is 00:36:43 I don't know how to say it, when the worker asked Victor Tucker Jr., 30, to mask up due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, I'm going to be honest with you. Somebody asked me to mask up at this point. I'd want to yell at them, not take their fucking life. I'd just go, it's over. I had it months ago. I just, you know. Anyways, here's the killer.
Starting point is 00:37:02 This is Victor, whatever his face is. And again, have you ever seen anybody that looks like that that's ever done anything positive? The fucking answer is no. Nick, that's a broad, broad, you're goddamn right. It should cover both sides of the street. So the lady, the cashier asked, I still don't know what color the cashier is,
Starting point is 00:37:21 which tells me probably Caucasian. Could be wrong, because I don't think this guy would visit a white establishment where white people shop. Anyways, yeah, she asked this guy to put on a mask. So he gets mad, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. Tucker refused and got into an argument with a woman before leaving the store without making a purchase.
Starting point is 00:37:51 The suspect then barged back inside like psychos do and allegedly shot her in the goddamn head point blank. What's the world coming to? Can you fucking imagine? That's somebody's daughter, mother, aunt, sister. The cashier who was not yet been identified. Really? Let me ask you a question here.
Starting point is 00:38:14 You know everything else about the crime. How is it possible you don't know anything about the person killed? That is an impossibility. The fact that you know that, you have a picture of the shooter, how do you not know? Can somebody answer that to me? Which means or tells me they do know.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Anyway, she was later pronounced dead at Grady Memorial Hospital, GBI said in a press release. The retired deputy, thank God he was there, part-time reservist with the DeKalb County Sheriff's Office, who was working security at the store, jumped in and returned fire. Hey, you gun control advocates, you going to cover this one?
Starting point is 00:38:55 Because more people probably would have died. Returned fire, DeKalb Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Cynthia Williams told the Journal-Constitution. Both Tucker and the ex-deputy, a former 30-year member of the force, were struck by gunfire. Authorities said a second cashier was grazed by a bullet and treated at the scene. How many stores have we done with?
Starting point is 00:39:17 Supermarket. Last week, remember? In Florida, some Hispanic guy shot two people in produce and shit. The former deputy was wearing a bulletproof vest at the time and is in stable condition at Atlanta Medical Center. DeKalb County Sheriff Melody Maddox said during a press conference, the newspaper reported Tucker was arrested by responding deputies
Starting point is 00:39:41 as he tried to crawl out of the front door of the supermarket like the worm that he is he was also taken to gradial memorial hospital in stable uh... condition and just a piece of garbage yeah what fucking word you're a wormy cocksucker you know that piece of human filth good reason to take somebody's life huh they asked you to do something
Starting point is 00:40:12 that you didn't want to do good reason good reason anyways I'd like to mention a few things everyone look just a couple of reminders. First, I'll be in Dallas this weekend at the Sons of Herman Hall on Friday and Saturday night.
Starting point is 00:40:32 So please come out and see the show live. We'll have a blast after. Second, there will not be an episode of this Thursday of the show since I'll be on the road. I'll actually be doing Stephen Crowder's show since I'll be in Texas on Thursday. So check me out on his very popular show. And lastly, as you know, your contributions
Starting point is 00:40:51 are so truly important to keep this show going. I want to thank the following people who have contributed since the last time I thanked people. And those people are one-time contributions. Dennis Trippoletti in Nevada, Bill Allen, Massachusetts, Kerry DePalma, Alaska, Kyle Anderson, Utah, Jay Abatey, Kansas, Paul Sagnella, Connecticut, Dave Tedesco, Texas, William Alley, Illinois, Jason Boothby, Maine, Joseph Balachick, Florida, Monte Winstead, North Carolina, Joseph Hirsch, Ohio, James Klein of Pennsylvania, and new monthly supporters,
Starting point is 00:41:38 Troy Salisbury of Arizona, Pedro Navaja, and a guy named Scott. Thank you guys very much. All he is, whether it's a daily contribution or monthly. It's the only way shows like this can happen. And I know it's a cliche, but we need these shows more than ever. And people are relying. Somebody had a great point last night, too, that they said they go to somebody on TV said they asked where he gets his news. He goes to all the sites that have been kicked off YouTube and finds them on other platforms to get the real honest truth.
Starting point is 00:42:16 So I thought it was a great point. Because we live in a PC world, PC, but it's all coming from the left. That's why I laugh when I see, like, women and, I don't know, black or brown comedians whining about political correctness or gay comics when you're going, it was invented for you,
Starting point is 00:42:39 Bill Maher, who all of a sudden is starting to see the light. You know who else is seeing the light and how mentally ill we are as far as political correct? North Korean student who goes to Columbia says PC environment makes her country, North Korea, look sane. Think about that. Let that sink in for a second.
Starting point is 00:43:01 A North Korean defector said she viewed the United States as a country of free thought and free speech until she went to college here. Yemeni Park attended Columbia University and was immediately struck by what she viewed as anti-Western sentiment in the classrooms and to focus on political correctness that had her thinking. And she actually said that even North Korea isn't this nuts. in the classrooms and to focus on political correctness that had her thinking. And she actually said that even North Korea isn't this nuts. Let that sink in for a second.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Imagine somebody that was, you know, under Kim Jong-un. She said, and I quote, I expected that I was paying this fortune all this time time and energy, to learn how to think. But they are forcing you to think the way they want you to think, Park told Fox News. I realized, wow, this is insane. I thought America was different, but I saw so many similarities to what I saw in North Korea that I started worrying. And rightly so, lady. The 27-year-old told the Post that she, and this is no dope.
Starting point is 00:44:06 She's going to Columbia. The 27-year-old told the Post that she couldn't believe she would be asked to do this much censoring of myself at a university in the United States. I literally crossed the Gobi Desert to be free, and I realized I'm not free. America's not free, she said. I mean, how can you even argue with any of that? Yemeni Park fled North Korea at age 13 in 2007, a voyage that took her and her family to China and then South Korea before she went to school in New York in 2016.
Starting point is 00:44:46 Imagine the disappointment. Her professors gave students, get this, this is her trigger warnings, sharing the wording from readings in advance so people could opt out of reading or even sitting in class during discussions, Park told the Post. Let that sink in. What the fuck? Going to Columbia, the first thing I learned was safe space, she said. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Even, she says, every problem they explain to us is because of white men. Some of the discussions of white privilege reminded her of the caste system in her native country where people were categorized based on their ancestors, she said. All right, folks? There you go. That'll be the U.S. military. In one class, a teacher discussing Western civilization asked the students if they had a problem with the name of the topic.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Can you fucking... Who cares? The people who are teaching this shit are fucking just Marxists, out and out Marxists. Most students raise their hands because of the pussies that they are. Do you have a problem with the title of your? It's a sick question. You're a sick fuck, and I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it. Some, she said, mentioned issues with the colonial slant
Starting point is 00:46:05 of the discussion. Because of my eyes, I took offense to that, she said. No, she didn't. I added that as a racist joke. And classes often began with professors asking students for their preferred pronoun. Oh, my fucking word. We know what's going on, but when you hear it right
Starting point is 00:46:24 from a student, with the use of they becoming scary as she feared being socially penalized for not being inclusive enough in her vocabulary, she says, English is my third language. It's very hard for me to say he and she sometimes. I misuse them. Can you imagine having to worry about that? She told Fox that she also was chided for saying she enjoyed the writings of Jane Austen, which I do too. I was up last night. I thought North Koreans were the only people who hated Americans, but turns out there are a lot of people hating this country in this country. Voluntarily, these people are censoring each other, silencing each other,
Starting point is 00:47:05 no force behind it. As you know, again, most countries crack down, right? It's, you know, a reporter goes missing when she's talking about the Wuhan lab. That's what she means by no force here. It's true. You're just sitting back, taking it in the ass. But that's because they've been brainwashed way before that. From, you know, pre-K now up to whatever. So yeah, they don't say anything. They just sit around and watch it happen with their
Starting point is 00:47:33 lips zippered shut. Other times in history, there's a military coup d'etat, like a force comes in and takes your rights away and silencing you. But this country is choosing to be silenced, choosing to give their rights away. Parker grew up in the last Stalinist dictatorship and witnessed people dying from starvation, said Americans are obsessed with oppression, even though there is not much oppression they've witnessed firsthand. Boy, does she have her thumb on the pulse of this country. This is completely nuts, she says, okay?
Starting point is 00:48:13 Think about that. This is a woman from another country. Watch out, because I'm... She said, this is unbelievable. I don't know why people are collectively going crazy like this or together at the same time. In some ways, they and the United States are brainwashed, even though there's evidence so clearly in front of their eyes
Starting point is 00:48:33 that they can't even see it. That is from a girl who grew up in North Korea. She's appalled at the left wing horseshit that she's experiencing and it's not just Columbia it's every campus which somebody said a while ago that the academia is a national threat
Starting point is 00:48:55 which is true I don't know what to tell you well here's a story for you that could have happened in North Korea. But I, again, I have probably an unpopular take on it. I wrote the headline, Punk Tays for Being a Punk. This was in, what was it, in New Jersey? Maryland. Oh, Maryland, on a boardwalk near the ocean or whatever the, whatever the fuck.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Shocking video shows the moment a Maryland cop tase a teenager with his hands up while arresting him for vaping on the boardwalk. The now viral clip, which has more than 1.5 million views, shows Brian Everett Anderson, 19, with his hands up as he's surrounded by at least five cops at Ocean City Saturday night. Police said they saw Anderson vaping after telling him to stop earlier that night. Without moving away, he appears to unhook a strap to his backpack, which witnesses say was an order from the officers, and then clutch his stomach and fall to the ground, being zapped with a taser. Let's take a look at the clip.
Starting point is 00:50:07 Chase! Chase! Stop! Stop! Get out! Get out! Stop! Get out of there! Back up! Back up! Back up! It happened last year, too. Back up!
Starting point is 00:50:24 Now, here's the problem. First of all, the law is the problem there, in my opinion. You can't vape outside near a goddamn ocean. Now, I know you're all freaking out, but what about the cops? Once again, the camera comes on, right? Three quarters of the way into the interaction. You don't see the cops tell them five times to put it out. They're just doing their job. Again, I said the law is stupid, but they have a job to fucking do. And right after he was told not to, what's he do? He fucking lights up and they tased him.
Starting point is 00:51:06 Nick, you're not for that. Yeah, I'm for fucking, just like if I, my dad told me to do something and I fucking, you know, just ignored it right in front of him, I'd get a crack in the face. Look how I turned out. Perfect. And then some broad yells, stop. He was standing there a clearly upset woman screamed after being brainwashed for 10 years on the internet how bad cops are as other witnesses yelled at the officers she's like you are fucking wrong liar liar liar whore you know what is wrong with you one man
Starting point is 00:51:42 asked as the cops quickly moved uh in to back up the angry crowd as Anderson was turned onto a stomach and handcuffed. Apparently he doesn't know how to listen. Police then arrested three other teens after a large crowd of people
Starting point is 00:51:56 began to form around the offices. Here you go. The town of Ocean City said to enter release. So, you know, the minute they see cops and a kid down, here comes the crowd as usual. Oh, no, no, we don't know. One was busted for yelling profanities, another for allegedly threatening to throw a bike
Starting point is 00:52:16 at the officers, and the third for becoming disorderly after being warned that he was standing on private property, the release said. Other footage showed the three officers on top of one of the arrested teens, while another clip shows cops carrying one away as someone shouts, Are you fucking serious? For no reason. That's what's, seriously, that's what's years and years of this, the body cams don't help anybody, I guess, where were the cops body cam, by the way, doesn't, shouldn't every cop have one turned on
Starting point is 00:52:57 the minute they get out of, you know, because we're only, we always get half the story, the optics are always horrible, because it always because the film always starts after the interaction. Cops just don't go up to somebody and start, you know, fucking whacking them. Unless you believe, you know, fucking gangbangers in L.A. Anyway, so... Are you interested in the real story?
Starting point is 00:53:18 Yeah, I am, actually. The town said the debacle started when officers on foot patrol observed a large group vaping on the boardwalk. Why that's fucking illegal is beyond me. Warning them that the local ordinance prohibiting smoking and vaping outside of the designated areas on the boardwalk, which is fucking total bullshit. It's vape.
Starting point is 00:53:38 Fuck, you get fucking mist from the ocean that's more harmful. Cheese dicks. As the group walked away Officers observed the same male start vaping again the town statement said because that's how they are There's something wrong with the black man. I don't think he was black or was he maybe when they returned the male refused to provide his proof Of identification and became disorderly. Where's that? Where's that footage? disorderly. Where's that? Where's that footage? When you become disorderly, you're not just sitting there bad-mouthing the cops. And then resisted arrest. Again, you don't see that. You only see the cops doing their fucking job, and it looks horrible. We are aware of the social media videos
Starting point is 00:54:17 circulating regarding this incident, the town said, revealing that the use of force from these arrests will go through a multi-level examination by police officials as well as professional standards. However, the statement stressed, our officers are permitted to use force per their training to overcome exhibited resistance, which is what happened. Anderson was charged with disorderly conduct, resist slash interfere with arrest, secondary assault, or failure to provide proof of identity.
Starting point is 00:54:46 And I say to that. Again, I don't want to be racist, but let's see if we can figure out these next names. Kamir Anthony Day, 19, was arrested for allegedly yelling profanities. He was charged with disorderly conduct, obstructing and hindering. Can you imagine if the cops tried to do this during the riots all summer? Just people
Starting point is 00:55:09 swearing at him and shit? Failure to obey a reasonable lawful order. Resistance slash interfere with arrests and second degree assault, the town said. And then Jot-T-K, Jot-T-K, Jot-T-K, Jot-K,
Starting point is 00:55:25 fucking name your kids normally. J.J. John Lewis, 18, was accused of pushing a public safety aid in the chest while yelling profanities, also picking up police bicycles to hit the cops. See what I'm saying, man?
Starting point is 00:55:44 None of that's on fucking tape. But they think they have the right to fucking hit a cop, spit his face, yell profanity. Time to start cracking some heads. Let's take some lessons from fucking China. Or Kent State. What?
Starting point is 00:56:02 Anyways. So, there's a lot of punks you know I don't know what you're smiling at watermelon now that cop should have never said that that was just fucking ridiculous finally tonight I meet the press you know who Schmuck Schumer is hey that's a good
Starting point is 00:56:17 name for him not Chuck Schumer Schmuck Schumer uses a word that his party has deemed as offensive for years he actually said this when talking to some woman who doesn't know how to say population. So I'm just going to go out and let him say she might be black. Yes. And this initiative actually will house the homeless population that is actually on our streets. We see them every day.
Starting point is 00:56:46 We're about to house them. And they're against it. It's unbelievable. Yeah, I mean, I have found that my whole career. They wanted to build, when I first was assemblyman, they wanted to build a congregate living place for retarded children.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Oh! Pause! Pause! What? Uh-oh, retard alert. He said retarded. Retard alert. How fucking retarded is this guy?
Starting point is 00:57:11 How dare you refer to retarded children as retarded? What are you, a fucking retard? Oh, my God. I'm surprised the black woman said... Get this through your head, you... Get this through your head, you... Get this through your head, you Jew motherfucker, you! Don't ever use that word again! What kind of people are these, Henry?
Starting point is 00:57:33 Oh my God! He said retarded! Chuck Schumer! Can you imagine if that was fucking Lindsey Graham? Or somebody on the right? Holy shit, you'd be reading about it for months. God damn. Oh yeah, bitch. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Chuckie Schumer yeah I was building a house for these fucking retards you know the kids with the helmets and shit
Starting point is 00:58:07 fucking drooling and what not sure good kids not dangerous the population of course she's what is she arguing the black radio host they need more government intervention for mentally ill people that's the answer to everything.
Starting point is 00:58:25 People on the left, I mean. Anyways, Chuck Schumer, that was very offensive. I think he apologized, but you know what? I said, I'm not covering it. Not even going to fucking read it. You know why? Because they never did when Trump said something. Even when he said something that wasn't fucking insidious.
Starting point is 00:58:43 That is it for today, ladies and gentlemen. Tomorrow, we'll be doing a show tomorrow. I'll explain the details to Matthew after, because I have to catch a plane in the middle of the afternoon. So, again, thanks for watching the show.
Starting point is 00:58:59 And don't forget And to contribute, please, whatever way you can, don't forget and to contribute please whatever way you can don't forget um uh click on the touring dates click on the contribution button don't forget i'll be at uh the sons of hermes hall in dallas this friday and saturday night and i love texas crowds i i i'm actually looking forward to it you know how i hate to leave my couch on the weekends don't forget if you want me to roast a friend or relative of yours,
Starting point is 00:59:26 go to, click on my profile, tell me a little bit about the person. I'll make a personal video on my phone and send it to them for a small fee. It's a lot of fun. You guys think it? I will say it, as always. You're very welcome.
Starting point is 00:59:40 We'll see you back here for the final day of the week tomorrow. Have a good day. guitar solo I'm out.

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