The Nick DiPaolo Show - Kavanaugh, a Train Conductor?

Episode Date: September 26, 2018

Hearing Will Be Girl on Girl Action. Voting With Smart Phones, Dumb! When It Comes To Fairness Twitter in Shitter....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Yeah. Welcome to the show, folks. It's a Wednesday. How are you? 833-599-NICK. 833-599-6425. 833-599-6425. If you'd like to join in the hilarity. This Saturday night, I'll be at the Fat Black Pussycat in New York City. Thursday, October 4th, the Texas Theater in Dallas. Saturday, October 27th, Lucy's in Pleasantville, New York. November 2nd and 3rd, Governor's Levittown, Long Island, New York.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Friday, November 9th and Saturday, November 10th, Comics at Mohegan Sun, Uncasville, Connecticut. Friday, November 30th and Saturday, December 1st. The Corner Comedy Club, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. That's on the Canada side. Monday, December 31st, which is New Year's Eve, which is the one I'm drooling over. Terry Town Music Hall, 20 minutes from where I live. New Year's Eve, which is the one I'm drooling over. The Tarrytown Music Hall, 20 minutes from where I live. New Year's Eve, baby.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Kevin Meaney used to do a show there on Christmas Eve every year. And what an awesome venue. It's been around since the 1800s, refurbished. Sort of like Fenway. They put luxury boxes and bleaches and whatnot. How are you? You good? Had my echocardiogram about an hour and a half ago.
Starting point is 00:01:53 And it was funny. Lady plugged in the thing, put goo on my chest. I'm laying on my side. And I said to her, you know, this is not the first time I've had goo on my chest when I'm laying on my side. And she said, that's a hashtag me. I said, shut it. I'll knock you through the goddamn wall.
Starting point is 00:02:09 And she couldn't find, it was funny, she couldn't find my heart for a second. And I was like, well, a lot of people tell you. That's a very accurate depiction. Down in my rib cage. No, that's your liver. Those are your balls. down in my rib cage. No, that's your liver.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Those are your balls. Anyways, yeah, she was about as warm as an army physical. Didn't say two words. Of course, there's a nurse, you know, there's a girl like in her 20s with long blonde hair, but I had to get wildebeest from Russia with an accent. The same way that I order and I get a massage. It's always a broad who's got traps like Earl Acker. Hey, what are you going to do?
Starting point is 00:02:54 But she didn't say boo. And I'm trying to read her face because the monitor is over there. I can't see what she's seeing. And I was just waiting for her to go. What's the matter? There's a stick of butter stuck in your a order I was waiting for some type of feedback she's so quiet I was getting nervous I thought I was loaded with cancer or some shit wouldn't that be lucky and then she at the end I said you know anything unusual nope okay thanks for being so warm bye bye I said how am know, anything unusual? Nope. Okay, thanks for being so warm.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Bye-bye. I said, how am I going to get the results? So they mail them, they phone them, whatever they usually do. They send their homing pigeon or whatever. Don't bust my ball with the detail. I just do what I do. Okay. Anyways, that was because of a couple slightly abnormal EKGs but I'm guessing the woman who did my EKG put those electrodes if they're not precise you
Starting point is 00:03:53 can get a funny reading it's either that or the 12 cigarettes they have before breakfast might be changing the rhythm of my heart either way i don't care 833-599-6425 is the phone number so uh yeah i think my heart's okay i'm come on i did an insanity workout yesterday i was fine i keep thinking of my buddy colin quinn though he was leaving the gym when he started to get lightheaded and almost collapsed so that's how they're probably gonna find me on a shitty treadmill in the basement bleeding from my eye holes and my ass maybe let's get to it a lot of news today huh lot those democrats you are the filthiest low-life suckers i have ever encountered again i won't let politics get in the way of my
Starting point is 00:04:46 friendships, but how you can fucking vote for that criminal enterprise they call the Democratic Party is just fucking beyond me. Low lives to the bitter end. How's the collusion thing going? Anything? It's been a couple years? Nothing, huh? Nothing?
Starting point is 00:05:02 Oh, you got Manafort, did you? And the guy he work with? Oh, you're catching some big fish you don't know they still might between that and what they're doing to this guy kavanaugh i'm sorry i ain't buying it i guess uh the ends justify the memes that's how they play. And the pussy Republicans better step the fuck up because if this guy doesn't get the nomination, oh my God. Blue wave.
Starting point is 00:05:33 70-foot blue wave. You know what I'm saying? Let's get to the particulars. Arizona prosecutor is a GOP choice to question Kavanaugh and Ford. I'll get to Avenatti and the third accuser in a second. That's the top story today. But we have to go sort of chronological to follow this big fucking con game, this scam.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Last time I talked to the Dems of whining, we don't know who's going to question her. Who's going to question these broads? And, you know, and I said, doesn't matter who they pick. Doesn't fucking matter. They, you know, it could be Ginsburg. You know, that fucking corpse in a gown. They still, you know, they'd whine.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Republican senators have selected Arizona prosecutor Rachel Mitchell to question Judge Brett Kavanaugh and the woman who has accused the nominee of sexually assaulting her when they were teenagers. And it should be interesting. Bing, bing, bong, bing. Mitchell, the sex crime bureau chief
Starting point is 00:06:44 for a Maricopa County attorney's office in Phoenix. I was just there. I think I saw her. There she is. I hope she's better in the courtroom. Guys, why are you cutting off her head? Go back to the fucking original shot. More.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Get her feet. There you go. I hope she's better in the courtroom than she is at pick and close. I mean, Kim Jong-un called. He wants his suit back. That is a Kim Jong-un. That's from the Kim Jong-un line. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:07:13 What the fuck? Anyways, I'm not judging her on her looks. That would be sexist. But she's well qualified. She'll query the two at Thursday's highly anticipated committee, Judiciary Committee hearing. A registered Republican, Mitchell has worked for the Maricopa County's
Starting point is 00:07:30 Attorney's Office for 26 years, and I think she'll get to work. Are you saying he knows nothing about these matters? To my knowledge, nothing. I'm going to find out what the hell happened here. That's her voice, by the way. I can tell by the way she dresses, that's how she sounds. Nick, what are you saying? I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley said, the goal is to depoliticize the process and get to the truth instead of grandstanding and giving senators, you know, like Cory Booker, Mr. Spartacus, an opportunity to launch their presidential campaigns, which is true. But how can you... Anyways, Christine Blasey Ford, who accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when they were both in high school,
Starting point is 00:08:11 will testify under oath on Thursday if she has the fucking balls to show up. I am here! I have things to say! Yeah, well, let's hear them. And take off the welding glasses, you fucking wench. I don't believe this broad for a second. Maybe the other ones. I don't know. The division Mitchell heads deals with family violence.
Starting point is 00:08:33 She's qualified physical and sexual abuse of children and sex offenses, including sex assault cases. Mitchell oversees about 40 to 50 people in the division, has a long history of investigating years-old sex crimes and allegations that are difficult to corroborate, which is exactly what we have here. Over the course of Rachel's career, she's dealt with victims in this very circumstance of delayed disclosure in circumstances where allegations were difficult to corroborate.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Mitch McConnell. Mitch McConnell from Kentucky said, I don't know. Mitch McConnell from Kentucky said, Republican lawmakers hired a female assistant to ask these questions in respect and in a professional way. Has anybody seen my fucking chin and why am I drooling? Anyways, she's now a supervisor this woman where her duties include analyzing legislative changes and managing other attorneys tracy westenhausen a phoenix defense attorney who has gone up against mitchell in 30 cases she's a democrat by the way lifelong says she has never discussed politics
Starting point is 00:09:39 with mitchell but considers her a good choice for the high stakes job? So that's it. That's one Democrat who actually agrees. But the minute I heard, oh, she's a Republican, you know, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. The Democrats are like fucking children. No matter what you say, they'll fucking question it and say, I want this instead of that. They like this whole thing smells of desperation. Am I that and pussy grass? Oh, my God. Is there any need to talk?
Starting point is 00:10:08 Yes, there is actually. Yes, there is. You guys fucking watch Hannity and all that horse shit and listen to Rush, but you want somebody to fucking cut loose and say what you're saying at your kitchen table. Do you not? Well, here I am, motherfuckers. Come find me. Right, Twinks? How are you?
Starting point is 00:10:24 Grassley said he appointed a woman from the outside in order to depoliticize the process and prevent a rerun of Anita Hill's testimony at Judge Clarence Thomas' hearing back in 91. Remember the high-tech lynching? Where they said they found a pube, a pubic hair on a Coke can, and he harassed her.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Big, same fucking horse shit. Democrats haven't changed the playbook. Low-life fucking cock. That's enough. Before Mitchell's name was revealed, Democrats criticized their Republican colleagues for leaving them in the dark and accused them of shirking their senatorial duties. Well, now you know who she is. And I was just watching Trump in front of a whole press conference. And he takes every question.
Starting point is 00:11:03 He Jim Acosta stands. Every question was, why do you always side with the males? And you sided with Judge Moore and you sided with Bill O'Reilly. Why do you always side with it? They're like fucking fifth graders. He sides with whatever the evidence says. And by the way, Judge Moore,
Starting point is 00:11:20 we don't know. Just because he lost the election, we don't know that those allegations were true because nobody was back there in 1946 to witness them oh my god like fucking children you always seem to side with the guys okay so the president's gonna go you know you're right i'm gonna side with the chicks instead of waiting till all the shit evidence is produced and we have these actual fucking hearings they're like children. Jim Acosta actually goes, I want, would it be alright
Starting point is 00:11:47 if after my question, some of my female colleagues, he's calling the shots. And Trump, God bless him, said, why? What's that got to do with it? He kept questioning Acosta. What a little pussy that fucking guy is. I think Shep Smith could dick slap him in a fight.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Oh, Nick, don't go there. Oh, blow it out your ass, please. Anyways, here's the reaction naturally, like it wasn't too predictable. To them naming this woman. Some commentators and political left immediately criticized the pick of Mitchell trying trying to tie Mitchell, who was an unelected civil servant to the controversial convicted and now pardoned Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Pio. He's the sheriff, remember, who made the all the illegals and all his prisoners wear pink garb and shit. And, you know, he was a real fucking hard ass and was right on the money by the way uh the maricopa county attorney's office does not report to the sheriff's office
Starting point is 00:12:50 they have nothing to do with each other so they're wrong on that count too get your facts in a row get your fucking ducks in a row you and and most counties nationwide maricopa county attorney is independently elected official who runs his office independently sheriff apayo at no time exercised authority over any aspect of uh county attorney's office where she worked so stick that up your fucking ass number one only this crowd of clueless here's a tweet from jennifer rubin uh jew broad i mean jewish lady who I've seen on TV. Just hateful. Just has to be New York fucking...
Starting point is 00:13:30 Just a man-hating machine. She says in a tweet, Only this crowd of clueless old white guys would pick someone from Sheriff Joe's operation. I was saying no self-respecting lawyer would take the job of giving cover to GOP cowards. I was saying no self-respecting lawyer would take the job of giving cover to GOP cowards. I was right.
Starting point is 00:13:50 You're lying. And you're a piece of shit. Yeah. Your mother sucks cocks and hell. Let's hear that one again. Your mother sucks cocks and hell. Can you imagine? She's complaining.
Starting point is 00:14:15 So, you know, only 12 old white guys or whatever the fuck. But if they insisted on doing the questioning or if they picked a male, you'd be going, why are you picking a male to question these accusers? They're like fucking, honestly, it's like arguing with a fifth grader they couldn't they couldn't be more obstinate 11 freddy here's another tweet uh oh former hillary clinton advisor so i know he's on the up and i've philip made the same error. Just killed something. I have no idea what it was. 11 Frady Cat Republican men,
Starting point is 00:14:49 and it's in quotes, need a ringer to do their dirty work. Rachel Mitchell, 26 years in Arizona, is Maricopa County's attorney's office. We'll interrogate for it. Ask Kavanaugh his favorite color. Maricopa County rings a bell. You're a wormy cocksucker, you know that?
Starting point is 00:15:08 Again, so you wouldn't be happy no matter who they fucking picked. And let me say this before I forget it about this whole thing. There's two points I want to make about this whole fucking sham. And I'll get to Avenatti, the porn lawyer, and his third accuser. and I'll get to Avenatti, the porn lawyer, and his third accuser. But number one, I'm watching that press conference, and I'm watching TV, and they're saying, the Republicans have to keep an open mind, have to keep an open mind.
Starting point is 00:15:41 This coming from the Democrats who said before they knew, before they fucking knew Kavanaugh was even the nominee, they said, whoever Trump brings up as a nominee, we're voting 100% against. But you're lecturing the right to keep an open mind. Who the fuck and what the... Fellas, are you with me? That's what they said. No matter who he nominates, we're going to say no to, 100%. But it's important that they keep an open mind
Starting point is 00:16:06 when the accusers come. With stories from over 30 years ago, with gaps in them the size of fucking David Letterman's front teeth. Ah, he fixed them. All right, old reference. Mine, I fixed mine too. A ringer?
Starting point is 00:16:21 She's the most qualified person there is to do this, according to the woman Democrat. Some of the attacks on Mitchell's suitability focused on controversies over inadequate sheriff's office sex crime investigations under Arpaio last decade. Not only did Mitchell not work at the sheriff's office back then, she, as the Washington Post Tuesday report notes, Washington Post Tuesday report notes, according to her predecessor, Cindy Nannetti, one of the prosecutors tasked with finding out why hundreds of sex crimes were unresolved or not adequately investigated by the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. It was her job to find out why a lot of these charges, sex charges, didn't happen under, you know, before she got there. And they're saying she's a ringer. Oh my God, you fucking retarded. You are fucking retarded.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Maricopi cocksuckers. Democrats, gobblers of goo, each and every one of you. You're as low as fucking rat shit. I can't. Nanetti also told the Post that Mitchell was one of the finest prosecutors in the country.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Unbelievable. And again, this is Tracy Westerhausen, again, a self-identified Democrat who represented more than 30 defendants. Mitchell prosecuted, told the Post, Part of the reason we're very good friends is she's a very nuanced and wise prosecutor. She doesn't pigeonhole defendants. In my experience, she's a very pointed questioner of adverse witnesses, but she's also very fair.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Sounds like a dead ringer, doesn't it? Again, name somebody that they would have been fine with. Fucking name somebody. Name somebody. Huh? Hillary Clinton. She's not a judge, you dumb fuck. But anyways. Even then, they would have said,
Starting point is 00:18:07 well, what does she know? Her husband's a rapist. Yeah, well, you defended him through the fucking 90s, you fucking non-armpit-shaving, smelly, fucking mustachioed, angry bitches. What's he going nuts for he was really happy with the cut he made between cameras that's how green these guys are ryan's in there actually giving himself a standing ovation became
Starting point is 00:18:37 he made some nice cuts good for you you'll get a hold of it eventually this show will get picked up and put on CRTV. And then we'll be out of a job. No, you won't. Fuck no. You're with me forever. You understand? You witness shit in this house that you can't get out of here alive.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Number one, me molesting my dog. What? Oh, she just wants an apple. Yeah, but why are your pants down? Let's get to the big story. You guys hang on the line. It says Kavanaugh, but I'm sure you want to talk about this part of the story. Michael Avenatti.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Who's that? Well, that's, as Tucker Carlson would say, the creepy porn lawyer. He reveals client-making gang rape allegations against Kavanaugh. I almost said Kevin Kavanaugh because I went to college with but uh raping me this is rape this is right this is right today abinadi tweeted a name and photo of that client uh that he said the third one uh with screenshots of email correspondence and a sw sworn statement from the alleged victim laying out all her allegations. And this is a tweet
Starting point is 00:19:54 from Michael Avenatti. It says, Below is my correspondence to Mr. Davis of moments ago, together with a sworn declaration from my client. We demand an immediate FBI investigation into the allegations. Under no circumstances should Brett Kavanaugh be confirmed absent a full and complete investigation.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Yeah, you're right. The FBI's gonna... Again, once again, I don't even know if they have jurisdiction over this because the shit she's crying about happened in D.C. Probably do. Secondly, you have to have, you know, corroborating witnesses and all kinds of evidence and shit.
Starting point is 00:20:25 And they've already turned their nose up at the first one. I don't think they're going to do this one either. Again, right in his tweet, he reveals what the whole goal is, is delay this thing to fuck up the midterms. It's all right in front of you. It's all right there. But this is interesting, I'm saying. You don't think they could find in a country of 300 million,
Starting point is 00:20:48 which is I don't know how many people vote Democrat and hate Trump, you don't think they could find a couple of broads, feminists, who hate fucking Trump to the core that they would actually get involved in this? Well, three people wouldn't be lying about the same thing. Well, how many people lied about the collusion? Well, there were hundreds of thousands involved in that one. So, who are you dog styling? Paragraph 13
Starting point is 00:21:13 of the sworn statement. Let's put a picture up of the third. Her name is Swetnick, which many people always say to me before the show. Don't Swetnick.
Starting point is 00:21:21 And I go, hey, blow me. Do we have a picture of the third accuser, guys? Hate to throw a curveball at you. there you go yeah at least she's cute and I didn't mean that in a sexist way but this is the third accuser miss sweat Nick do I have her first name Julia Julia is it Julia sweat Nick okay paragraph 13 of this one statement has a specified Julia. Julia. Is it Julia Swetnick? Okay. Paragraph 13 of the Swann Statement has a specified personal allegation. This is from her.
Starting point is 00:21:56 In approximately 1982, I became the victim of one of these gang or train rapes where Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh were present. Shortly after the incident, I shared what had transpired with at least two other people. During the incident i was incapacitated without my consent and unable to fight off the boys raping me i believe i was drugged using quaaludes or something similar placed in what i was drinking either that or you're lightweight and i'm when i let me let me get into more detail here's the declaration of julie swetnick There might be some repetition here. This font is smaller than my dick.
Starting point is 00:22:27 I first met Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh in approximately 1980, 81. I was introduced to them at a house party I attended in D.C. area. I observed Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh, extremely close friends, during the early 80s when I knew them and interacted with them. I described them as joined at the hip, and I consistently saw them in many social settings. There is no question in my mind Mark Judge had significant information concerning the conduct of Brett Kavanaugh during the 80s.
Starting point is 00:22:58 It relates to his actions towards women, and this is part seven. Following the first introduction, I attended well over 10 house parties in the washington dc area during the years between 81 and 83 where mark judge and brett cavanaugh were present these parties were a common occurrence in the area and occurred nearly every weekend during the school year on numerous occasions at these parties i witnessed mark judge and brett cavanaugh drinking excessively and engage in highly inappropriate conduct, including being overly aggressive with girls and not taking no for an answer. So, OK, you saw them raping people right in front of you.
Starting point is 00:23:32 This conduct included the fondling and grabbing of the girls without their consent. I observed Brett Kavanaugh drink excessively at many of these parties and engage in abusive and physical aggressive behavior toward girls including pressing girls against him without their consent which i've done on every dance floor in the 80s my whole life grinding against girls and attempting to remove or shift girls clothing to expose private body parts what the fuck were they wearing bikinis i likewise observed him be verbally abusive towards girls by making crude sexual comments to them that were designed to demean humiliate and embarrass them that happened at every frat party i was ever at i often witnessed brett kavanaugh speak in a demeaning manner about girls in general as well as specific girls by name i also witnessed brett kavanaugh
Starting point is 00:24:23 behave as a mean drunk on many occasions at these parties i have been told by other women that this conduct also occurred during the summer months in ocean city maryland on numerous occasions i also know i also witnessed such conduct on one occasion in ocean city maryland during beach week i have reviewed brett kavanaugh's recent claims on fox news regarding him regarding his innocence during his high school years and lack of sexual activity. This claim is absolutely false and a lie. I witnessed Brett Kavanaugh consistently engage in excessive drinking
Starting point is 00:24:54 and inappropriate contact of sexual nature with women during the early 1980s, which makes him a rapist, I guess. That's the behavior of every guy new in the fucking 80s. I'm sorry. Here we go. Now we're getting into the meat of it.'s the behavior of every guy i knew in the fucking 80s i'm sorry uh here we go now we're getting into the meat of the during the years of 1981-82 i became aware of efforts by mark judge brett kavanaugh and others to spike the punch in others you sure you're not confusing them to spike the punch at house parties i attended with drugs into a grain alcohol so as
Starting point is 00:25:21 to cause girls to lose their inhibitions and their ability to say no what this caused me to make an effort to purposely avoid the punch at these but you kept going to the parties uh i witnessed efforts by judge and kavanaugh and others to target particular girls so they could be taken advantage of it was usually a girl by herself alone at the potty or shy i all know i also witnessed efforts by mark judge and brett kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be gang raped in a side room a bedroom by a train of numerous boys i have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their turn
Starting point is 00:26:03 with a sure it wasn't the fucking men's room? And there was a girl in there using it? Not to be insensitive. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh. In approximately 1982, I became the victim of one of these gang or train rapes where Judge and Kavanaugh were present. Shortly after the incident, I shared what had transpired with at least two other people. During the incident, I was incapacitated without my consent and unable to fight off the boys raping me i believe i was drugged using quaaludes or something similar placed in what i was drinking
Starting point is 00:26:34 i am aware of other witnesses that can attest to the truthfulness of each of these statements i declare under penalty of perjury and under the laws of the u.s united states of america that the foregoing is true and correct i have executed this declaration on september 25th 2018 so um why would you keep going back to parties she said she witnessed this behavior on numerous occasions why would you keep going back to parties where you witnessed you know trains and gang rapes and that's my first question. Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay,
Starting point is 00:27:09 ay, ay. The timing, folks, the timing on everything stinks. Between Feinstein having this goddamn letter back in July, between none of these, she didn't report this to the local authority when this
Starting point is 00:27:26 happened to her, this gang rape or whatever. Didn't mention it to her parent or anybody. And I know that's common because it's such a personal thing, but you don't report it to the authorities and you've been to numerous parties where you saw shit like this happening. That's where it smells a little funny
Starting point is 00:27:41 to me. Call me dopey, but Pete in LA. Hey, Pete, how are you? Welcome to the show. Hi, Nick. Great show as always. Thank you. I want to expand on your point about her continually going to parties. Yeah. Can she give us one young female that she warned? Like if I'm at a party and i'm assuming i'm not going to the parties alone every time if i know there's spiking and raping if i was with some other girls i'd like to think i would say hey watch it that crew was raping people can she give us one person that she gave the heads up to or she's some sociopath that sees people getting
Starting point is 00:28:20 raped and just hangs around the party just to watch other people stand in line. That would be a question I would have. But it all depends on if they... I don't think she's coming tomorrow, by the way. If she even witnesses this. If she even witnessed it at all, by the way. But, yeah, I mean... Oh, it's all fantasy. I agree. You know, I'm trying to be fair here. I really am.
Starting point is 00:28:43 But what undermines it all is the... number one, the timing of it all, 30-something years later, number one. Number two, the Democrats coming out before they even know Kavanaugh is the nominee and saying, we're not going to fucking vote for whoever Trump puts up there. So that's, and yeah, it all stinks to high heaven. And the FBI, they're not going to get involved in something like this. I mean, they don't draw a conclusion. The FBI, by the way, when they do an investigation, they don't come to a conclusion.
Starting point is 00:29:10 They just investigate, as I heard some FBI guys say on TV. But, yeah, no, that's a great point. Did she warn anybody else? I guess not. Maybe she did. Maybe we'll hear about that. No, well, also, as far as they didn't draw a conclusion on Anita Hill investigation. Right.
Starting point is 00:29:27 They did not find any conclusive evidence. But that's one thing that gets me so mad about these damn pundits on TV. They keep saying, why don't we do an investigation like the FBI did with Anita Hill? And then we should say, well, would you believe the FBI's result? And of course they have to say yes. They say no. But then Clarence Thomas was not convicted. Clarence Thomas was inconclusive, and he knew this woman.
Starting point is 00:29:51 It's all a sham. You are 100% right. Look, the woman took her polygraph in Maryland. I thought she was afraid to fly. The woman went to school in Hawaii. Wait, wait. Hold on, Pete. Hold on, Pete. Hold on, Pete.
Starting point is 00:30:07 You're talking about Blasey Ford. I'm talking about the third accuser. Oh, no. No, I know. I know. But when you said you're trying to give the benefit of the doubt, every single one of them has such glaring... Right. There comes a point where you're a fool if you keep giving the benefit of the doubt.
Starting point is 00:30:20 The only question is, is this prosecutor going to go after her tomorrow? I don't think she's coming. I'm just letting you know. I don't think she's coming i'm just letting you know i don't think she's coming yeah i have that and um and i will tell you that if you there is one law i just want to if you submit a document that's fraudulent to the senate judiciary committee it's a felony so she intentionally sent that letter to diane feinstein she wrote it to diane feinstein she mailed it to the other rep now that would be like me wanting to talk to you and wrote it to diane feinstein she mailed it to the other rep now that would be like me wanting to talk to you and mailing it to louis ck right like it doesn't make any sense but that was her way of protecting herself from a legal claim that's right because she technically
Starting point is 00:30:54 did not submit it there's all these little nuances i've never mailed a letter to somebody to someone else and just like assuming they'll forward it it's just retarded yeah um i just want to say one thing on the economy real quick. The Fed raised the interest rate for the seventh time since Trump won the election. Seventh time. Now, in Obama's eight years from the day he won the election to Trump's taking power, they raised it once.
Starting point is 00:31:18 So seven times in two years, and they're raising it again in December. This is absolute certifiable proof that Trump's economy is booming. I know. I just saw him speaking about it. Pete, we're not talking about the economy. Thank you for the call very much. I just saw Trump saying that, but it's also part because the economy, like you said, it's evidence that the economy is booming.
Starting point is 00:31:41 So he wasn't mad about it. He's dealing with more expensive money right now is what he said in the press but uh i'm not getting into that that is definitely not my forte business 2.4 university of maine marketing and that's with a lot of cheating but the timing stinks and and and i'm just laughing because they're pressing trump and telling the the republicans on the committee you got to keep an open mind you got to keep an open mind and the first thing they said black and before they knew who his nominee was gonna who before they knew Kevin I was a nominee is we're not voting for anybody Trump what's up so your sister's ass it's very curvaceous uh let's go to Kyle in Providence says says he wants to discuss his large number of YouTube viewers.
Starting point is 00:32:29 I'll give you a chance, Kyle, real quick. Go ahead. Hey, what's good, stupid? What's up, Kyle? Hey, how come I got more viewers than you? I don't know. I just started. You're white and you failed at life?
Starting point is 00:32:43 I just started with a YouTube thing. What? Oh, we lost you. Unfortunately, Kyle cut out. I'm a Bernie supporter? Is that what he just said? I like Bernie. He's a old curmudgeon
Starting point is 00:33:00 who believes what he believes. I don't fucking support Bernie Sanders, old fucking hippie. That would be you in Rhode Island. Rhode Island is like the pimple on the ass of Massachusetts where I grew up. It's like a festering fucking boil.
Starting point is 00:33:12 By the way, I lived in Rhode Island. It's actually pretty beautiful. But their politics, just like Boston, just like San Francisco, all the beautifully, geographically beautiful places, poisoned by fucking morons.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Sandy Lane in Alabama. Sandy, welcome to the show. Thank you, Nick. I love comedy. I love your comedy. Thank you. Yeah, you said the point already about, you know, where's the witnesses? Why did she go to the party?
Starting point is 00:33:48 I mean, if you see that much stuff, why are you going to this party? Because she was sexually intrigued by it. And it's a fantasy, according to Bernie Sanders, that all women like. More than one guy on them. How about that for a theory? I'm just joking. Bernie said that Bernie did right now he's a socialist good god I know don't say anything um but like with the whole thing with Louis CK these are grown ass women excuse my language yeah can you not walk out of a room? Because I can walk out of a room.
Starting point is 00:34:28 There's nothing. If somebody did that, I'd be like, dude, whatever, let's go. I work with dudes. I'm a welder. They say I'm a dead horse. I'm not a dude. I've got three boys that proves that I'm not a dude I know I've got three boys that proves that I'm not a dude
Starting point is 00:34:48 I'm kidding I work in that yeah I know you're kidding but you see women where I work standing in front of fans and then you wonder why nobody wants to work with you
Starting point is 00:35:04 that's why we all have to earn a paycheck standing in front of fans. And then you wonder why nobody wants to work with you. That's why. There's your reason. No, you're right. Because we all have to earn a paycheck. The other point, thank you for the call, Sandy. Excellent point. The other point I wanted to make is they're dividing this wedge between men and women,
Starting point is 00:35:18 this whole thing. I feel bad for you young guys. Good luck getting laid in the next fucking 50 years. I mean, back in my day, it was serial rapists andists and stuff you know the girls would shut down every few months um but the feminist movement that was the ultimate goal anyway because they considered you know they consider this country a paternalistic uh you know a male patriarchy and and and you're uh you know and we're controlling women and they want to overturn that. And the best way to do that is to make women hate men and vice versa. And it's right in the fucking lesbian handbook.
Starting point is 00:35:54 And that's not true. I know some lesbians who don't play this shit either. But I'm just saying, you know, if I can drive a wedge between a male. It's all identity politics. That's all it is. This happens to be the gender part, not the race part. But that's all they have in their playbook. And they go back and forth, back and forth. Robert in New Jersey.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Robert, welcome to the show. What's happening? Hey, thanks a lot. You know, first time caller. One of the things that I brought up that you brought up and Sandy brought up was the whole thing about why did you keep on going. So I went to Arizona State. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:36:32 Oh, boy. No one-party college at the time. Oh, boy. Oh, yeah. Oh. I saw amazing things. Yes. Mostly from the hockey frat.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Those guys were the worst. Like, everyone new on campus, don't go there because date rape. Hockey frat? with those guys were the worst like everyone knew on campus don't go there because uh date rape hockey wait a minute hold on hold on a hockey frat in arizona oh my god the hockey frat in arizona yeah that was just a front you gotta do something right exactly you're in the desert it's a hockey prat that's the rape train right you know but there's that and then uh now i don't know if you heard there's that whole thing about where they're saying 4chan yes basically uh just pranked and i'm loving it i'm absolutely loving which one that's true hold on a second hold Hold on, hold on, hold on. What's that? Which accuser did 4chan, you know, prank them with?
Starting point is 00:37:29 Was it... The one with the multiple... The girl with the low self-esteem that kept on going to rape parties. The last one? Swetnick? Swetnick? Yeah. Not Ramirez.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Ramirez is the one that she touched his penis. Yeah. Well, you know, that's every drunk guy accidentally at even an office party. You know, your hands are everywhere. I'm not going to say too much more. But when it comes down to it, it's a party. But it's a party. But no, but that's the whole thing is that they're saying that Avenatti, he came forward on Twitter or whatever.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Yes. And he said, oh, we've got a witness. Oh, come on. Give me a break. Well, yeah. If there's someone with so low morals to keep on doing that, you've got to wonder about this person. They see right in the head. Well, no.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Okay. Good call, Robert. Thanks. Look, I'm trying to be fair here who knows you you don't until we hear from this woman but again i preface it all with the timing and shit if they wanted fbi investigations they should release this you know and feinstein got the letter. Six. They could have plenty of time for investigation. So it stinks to high heavens. But I don't know what Brett Covina, maybe, you know, maybe became a nice guy because he was the fucking demon in college. I don't know. But I'm sorry. Just because the way they play with Clarence Thomas, you know, I don't put anything past the Democrats.
Starting point is 00:39:04 The fucking bar is on the floor. Good luck trying to get under it. You know, so a guy in the New York Post, Paul Sperry, wrote a good article as far as, you know, the first accuser, Christine Blasey. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. He wrote an article. It was it was eight big problems for Christine Blasey Ford. He wrote an article. It was eight big problems for Christine Blasey Ford's story. And I'll rattle them off as quick as I can. He says, here are eight reasons why it's hardly anti-woman for senators to question her account at Thursday's hearing.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Number one, he says, for starters, Ford still can't recall basic details of what she says was the most traumatic event in her life. Not where the assault took place. She's not sure whose house it was or even what street it was on. Nor when she's not even sure of the year, let alone the day and month. Ford's not certain how old she was or what grade she was in when she says an older student violently molested her. But she doesn't plead inebriation she described having just one beer at the party so a liar liar whore liar whore you know number two ford concedes she told no one what happened to her at the time not even her best friend or mother
Starting point is 00:40:17 that means she can rely on no contemporaneous witness to corroborate her story. Liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, you know it. Number three, worse, the four other people she identified as attending the party, including Kavanaugh, all deny knowledge of the gathering in question, including Leland Ingham, Kaiser, who she calls a lifelong friend. She doesn't remember it. Liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, you know it. Kaiser's lawyers told the senate judiciary committee simply put miss kaiser does not know mr kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being this is a close
Starting point is 00:40:52 friend of blasey ford of being at a party or gathering where he was present with or without dr ford the other two potential witnesses mark Mark Judge and P.J. Smith, also deny any recollection of attending such a party. The committee took their sworn statements under penalty of perjury. These witnesses directly contradict Professor Ford's allegations against Judge Kavanaugh. Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley advised Ford's attorneys last week. So there's another fucking striker against her. Liar, liar, whore liar whore
Starting point is 00:41:25 you know ford claimed that cavanaugh talked to kaiser and smith right after he assaulted her yet neither shares her memory a liar liar whore liar whore you know number four her own immediate family doesn't appear to be backing her up either her mother father and two siblings are all conspicuously absent from a letter of support released by a dozen relatives, mostly on her husband's side of the family. Even her fucking siblings and parents won't. Liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, and you know it. Number five.
Starting point is 00:41:56 This summer, Ford tried to reach out to old friends from high school and college to jog her memory. They couldn't help her. I've been trying to forget this all my life, and now I'm supposed to remember every little detail Ford complained to one friend in July? Ugh. Liar, liar, whore, liar, whore,
Starting point is 00:42:13 and you know it. Number six, yet she still pushed forward with her bombshell charge, contacting the Washington Post tip line and Democratic lawmakers while hiring a Democratic activist lawyer. Ford is also a Democrat, as well as an
Starting point is 00:42:25 anti-Trump marcher raising questions about the motive and timing of the allegations along with their veracity. Number seven, Ford contends that notes her therapist took in 2012 corroborate her account but they don't mention Kavanaugh. They also point up inconsistency in her story. For instance, her shrink noted that Ford told her there were four boys in the bedroom, not two, as she now says. The notes also indicate Ford said she was in her late teens when she was assaulted, but Ford now says she may have been only 15 years old. And finally, number eight, in another inconsistency, Ford told the Washington Post she was upset when Trump won in 2016 because Kavanaugh was mentioned as a Supreme Court pick. Ouch. But Kavanaugh wasn't added to Trump's list of possibles until November 2017, a full year later. That doesn't figure either.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, and you know it. On top of all that, Kavanaugh unequivocally denied Dr. Ford's allegations under penalty of perjury during a September 17th interview with committee lawyers, Grassley said, adding he was forthright, empathetic in his testimony and fully answered all questions. So, I don't know. I think the third accuser is more credible. But they all wouldn't be lying about the same thing, would they?
Starting point is 00:43:48 This should be the Democrats' slogan. What was Hillary's stronger together or my feet don't stink anymore? What was her fucking... But this should be the Democrats' 2020
Starting point is 00:44:01 when they run for the White House. You're raping me! This is rape! This is rape! This is House. You're raping me. This is rape. This is rape. This is rape. You're raping me. Please welcome your 2020 nominee, Cory Booker.
Starting point is 00:44:21 Detroit, let's go to Robin in Detroit. Robin, how are you? Welcome to the show. Thank you, Nick. First time caller. You make me a little bit nervous, but I'll give you my... Oh, Robin, please. We're all friends here.
Starting point is 00:44:34 We're all friends here, Robin. Take off your top, Robin. You and I are about the same age, and what these women are describing as sexual assault was what happened every friday night at every party it was okay but it was learning about the the the others but the the other side would say we were supposed to evolve at one point slavery was accepted in this country and uh we evolved and and and should evolve, too, behavior-wise, right? Is that—I mean, I'm playing devil's advocate here.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Right, but he—no, but he's being forced to answer for something that happened 30 years ago. Well, that's—yeah, that's a— And if it was a crime, it should have been brought up as a crime. Well, that's a different argument than what you just said, But yes, I agree why you wouldn't go to the local authorities. But what the third accuser is saying is that, you know, she witnessed. Again, she said, I saw Brett and Judge together all the time. She didn't say, I watched them put quaaludes into a bowl of punch. She said they were always around when this stuff took place.
Starting point is 00:45:49 And so, yeah, I agree. So let's let them speak. But yes, I think you're right. Times have changed. I was at the University of Maine. Some horrible shit went on there. The year before I got there,
Starting point is 00:46:04 I heard about it the year I got there, like in my dormitory. So I don't doubt this stuff goes on and stuff. But that's the University of Maine, and that's football players. That wasn't fucking Brett Kavanaugh. But, you know, I don't know. But the standards, you're right. I mean, you know, I'm just sorry.
Starting point is 00:46:22 I feel, you know, in a day and age, and I said this before, Robin, in a day and age where a guy can point to his penis and go, I identify as a girl tonight, and where a woman can point to her vagina and go, and all bets are fucking off. All bets are off. How about that? Fine.
Starting point is 00:46:39 You have to say the timing is beyond questionable, and Feinstein did have that letter three months ago. So why is this all happening at the 11th hour and people are just popping out of the woodwork? Well, that's a big one for me. The timing of all this is what is really a red flag that this is mostly political. And I don't find it hard that you could surround. It wouldn't be tough to round up a few feminists. And these girls are definitely, you know, Blasey Ford, at least, is definitely an anti-Trump person.
Starting point is 00:47:11 So it wouldn't be hard to round up five or six of them in the millions out there that hate Trump's guts. So I agree with you. The timing stinks. Yeah, it sure does. Yeah. Hey, Robin, good call. It would be interesting to see that for sure.
Starting point is 00:47:25 Thank you. Thank you, Nick. All right. Anyhow. I mean, brushing up against somebody, and that's one thing, but then saying, oh, but they were in charge of spiking the drinks,
Starting point is 00:47:41 and he was like the train conductor. Fellas, does that go on in Westchester Community College? There are no parties at Westchester Community College. There's no dorms. It's a commuter school. That was a sarcastic remark, Ryan. I had to pick up on the comedy. Back when I was in college away, though,
Starting point is 00:48:00 a frat at Binghamton did get shut down for pissing in the Jungle Juice. Oh, my God. That's child's play. play and this is true i'm not kidding you my fraternity sigma no homecoming i had a big day against umass it was the best day of my life i go back to our frat the place is packed with alumni dave barkler who was our nose guard he was a wrestling champion from the state of florida i'm talking to some alumni who I don't even know. They're like in sports jackets. They're like 10 years older than me.
Starting point is 00:48:29 He's behind them. There's a table with turkey on it. A turkey that nobody's even cut yet. And he's picking it up and he's putting, he's got his pants on. He's putting his penis in the turkey behind these guys.
Starting point is 00:48:40 I'm trying to have a conversation. I'm not saying that Kavanaugh did anything that evil. Break me off a drumstick, bitch. This guy was fucking... Loved him. Did I just mention his name? Okay, let's call him Phil. Phil Rizzuto.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Holy cow, my dick's in the stuffing! This guy was an all-state wrestler. He had a knee operation. He just got his cast off. He couldn't even walk. He was still in crutches. One night, about five of us were in the living room, and we said, let's get this motherfucker. We were all drunk. We tried to attack him with a bad leg.
Starting point is 00:49:22 He was throwing us around like we were ragdolls. And I mean there were some big guys in front. He was throwing us around like we were ragdolls. And I mean there were some big guys but he was throwing us around like we were ragdolls. Anyways. Who wants some stuffing? Anybody? Let's move off the rape stuff. This is making me horny.
Starting point is 00:49:37 I didn't say that. That was a quote from what's his name? The old bitter Bernieernie sanders west virginia's decision to allow smartphone voting for midterms huh that's a good idea that's a good idea no they're ignorant that's ignorant for the first time in our nation's history, voters in 24 counties in West Virginia, I didn't even know they had cell phones in West Virginia, I've got to be honest, will be able to vote using their mobile phones. Well, oh, you know what?
Starting point is 00:50:14 I think it says mobile homes. I think there was a typo. No, it says mobile phones. Well, some are hailing the decision because it will make voting easy for members of the military deployed overseas. Experts are warning a possible security breach of course a fucking course vote for pedro sanchez who you think after researching previously available options secretary's team identified the most electronic ballot delivery technology required access to a desktop computer, printer, and scanner, all of which present significant barriers to overseas voters, especially those in combat zones.
Starting point is 00:50:53 Really? They don't have a printer or a scanner in fucking Kabul? Or engaged in covert operations. The state is partnering with a Boston, Massachusetts-based company called Votes. This is how I know it's lefty shit. They spell the company Votes. V-O-A-T-Z.
Starting point is 00:51:12 You know what I'm saying? No conservative fucking right-minded people are going to do that. You know, cars for fucking whatever the K. Votes has developed
Starting point is 00:51:19 a secure mobile voting application that allows voters to receive, vote, and return their ballots electronically you you want me to believe that yeah you you okay this is so wrong in 19 levels first of all the phones involve either apple or fucking google who have already proved their bias against conservatives so kiss my left fucking nut on that secondly our government can't even prevent other
Starting point is 00:51:46 countries from hacking into our government computers but this will be all in the up and up there'll be no are you fucking dog styling me votes with a z fucking as in zit pus come on oh oh i see why it works. They're using an application. It utilizes blockchain technology, fellas. If you don't know what that is, a database that can be shared over across a network of computers. Blockchain.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Isn't that... That's another word for gang rape. Isn't it a blockchain? I bet you Kavanaugh was involved in this. I'm going to get to the bottom of this. I... The application uses blockchain technologies to store electronically submitted ballots until election night
Starting point is 00:52:40 and requires a heightened standard of identity verification. Like what? Somebody's ass print for users uh than traditional absentee ballot process um but do you see what i'm saying we already know at least if you lean right in your politics like me we already know that the big giant tech companies uh are the fucking enemy they're anti-fucking, anti-Republican, anti-Conservative. We've proven that on 19 levels.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Matter of fact, they have a story about Twitter again proving their fucking horseshit. So I say this is a bad idea. The only way,
Starting point is 00:53:15 and again, this is the Democrats because the only way is to show up with an ID, and this is never going to change, show up with an ID,
Starting point is 00:53:23 maybe a state ID card too, proving where the fuck you're from, and then they should give you a receipt on how you voted. And you should take a picture with the asshole who's sitting at the desk, the old lady, proving you were there, and maybe exchange bodily fluids with her. Something that
Starting point is 00:53:40 could really... But anything, anything to make the voting system less secure is what the Democrats are for. You're asking black people to show an ID? They can't do that.
Starting point is 00:53:58 What are they, allergic to cameras? The fuck are you talking about? You need a fucking photo ID to buy a six-pack, you cheese eaters. But yes, that's a good idea. Vote over your phone. What could happen? People from Snapchat will be voting a thousand times and fucking log cabin, fucking whatever.
Starting point is 00:54:22 Somebody grab a gay site quick. Log cabin fucking whatever somebody grab a gay site quick Yeah, I'm sure it'll be secure Don't like it I'm all for making it easier if you can do it like me laying on the couch or whatever Again proof though. I have to take a snap a picture or the TV takes a picture me on the couch or whatever again proof though i have to take a snap a picture or the tv takes a picture me on the couch whatever and that's pointed in a database of you know i mean people are going to send in dick pics i swear to god and they'll get votes depending how big the cock is we got this giant black cock in georgia up by 22 no i know they'll be dick seriously it's open for all kinds
Starting point is 00:55:02 of fun right ryan i'm taking computer security classes nick this is dick. Seriously, it's open for all kinds of fun, right, Ryan? I'm taking computer security classes, Nick. This is so stupid. It's a bad idea, right, Ryan? This is so insecure. This is Ryan saying this. This kid's glued to his phone. He has one of those flip phones from the... He's got a BlackBerry, doesn't he?
Starting point is 00:55:23 There it is. There's the first... I didn't know Colonel This is the first. I didn't know Colonel Sanders made the first cell phone call. I'll get a family-sized bucket with a side of mashed potatoes and some fucking gravy. You heard me, you fucking little... That looks like a guy from Get Smart. Is that a phone he's holding up a sofa? Look at that thing. You could kill somebody with your cell phone back then next story
Starting point is 00:55:57 Bob's burgers actor lands in hot water I read this story today right I read this story and shit and And, uh, they mention the actor who does the voiceover and stuff. I didn't even realize it's the guy that I work with. He's a comic. He's a lefty, funny dude. I did a, uh, I did a pilot with him. We were bicycle cops.
Starting point is 00:56:20 John Benjamin. I haven't seen him for so long. I mean, he's aged about a hundred years. So have I. But I'm just saying I read the article reading John and didn't put two and two together. And we did a pilot and it was actually on a website for with bike cops and him and Sam Seder, another real kind of lefty writer. They wrote the pilot. It was very funny, and we bullied them. We were bike cops. They were like nerdy cops.
Starting point is 00:56:55 We bullied them and shit, and it was really fucking fun. I didn't put that together. John Benjamin. We've done a lot of voiceover stuff on Comedy Center. Voice actor H. John Benjamin. Wait a minute. Is this the same guy?
Starting point is 00:57:09 I think it is. Who's known for his roles on the animated TV shows Archer and Bob's Burger. Facing backlash for a recent tweet, which was seen by followers as racist. Quick idea. This is your own followers calling you out. This is how pussy fucking Twitter and social media. Quick idea for the name of a tea shop. Oh, me so horny.
Starting point is 00:57:29 Me love you. Oh, long time tea shop. He tweeted on Saturday, which he's so much funnier than that. But, uh. Well, baby. Me so horny. Me so horny. That's from a movie, fellas.
Starting point is 00:57:45 Again, I've given you a list. Full Metal Jacket. Have you seen it? Yeah. Ryan, seen it? All right. His Me So Horny joke was a famous line from Stanley Kubrick's 87 film, Full Metal Jacket.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Didn't land well. First of all, it's not funny. And this guy is really funny. John Benjamin is a funny dude. It's just something he thought of. That's what I hate this guy was this guy's really funny john benjamin's a funny dude it's just something he thought of that's what i hate about twitter and this has happened to me you think of something off the top of your fucking head you throw it out there and then people come back you're a professional comedian that was fucking some dealer yeah i didn't put a i didn't put one one tenth of a second's thought into it you cheese dicks and then when you do put something
Starting point is 00:58:25 out there people will try to improve your joke and and you know this is the thing me and colin quinn get nuts over and then you go yeah i'm glad we could do the heavy lifting for you we gave you the premise now run with it for the next six hours fucking but this guy's funny and that was stupid but again again is it really to the level where he has to apologize and he might lose his job and shit you know it was an asian stereotype and uh whatever okay but he he here's the typical response on twitter really disappointing to hear this type of racist garbage from you tweeted one user i was a fan oh big fan loyal fan you were a fan and he made one mistake, which was even arguable. So you're not his fan anymore.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Why don't you go fuck your mother's goat, you piece of fucking ass meat? I'm losing my tits here. Really? I was a fan. Oh, so John Benjamin lost a follower out of the fucking half million he has or whatever. How's he going to go on? Do you realize how insignificant you are? You fucking goo gobbler.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Oh, I was a fan. I'm morally superior. I'll put it out there on Twitter. Fuck yourself. Ow. Ah, the Asian joke. Here's all the jokes. Here's another tweet.
Starting point is 00:59:47 The lowest of the low-hanging fruits, wrote another user. Stick to burgers, Bob. Why don't you stick a burger in your ass? I'll drive a Lionel up in there. All the bitter, envious people who wanted to be comics didn't have the balls to. And boy, do they jump on you on Twitter. They didn't have the nerve to do what you do for a living, John. They'd rather work 100 hours a week at the mattress factory
Starting point is 01:00:11 making 11 cents an hour fucking their fat, ugly wives up in Buffalo or whatever the fuck. But they're as funny as you when they're loading trucks at the UPS fucking garage. Just bitter. You can pick them out in the audience, by the way. When you do this long enough,
Starting point is 01:00:26 there'll always be a guy sitting there with his head tilted, with this cunty look on his face, usually with those fucking, you know, those horn-rimmed glasses, so you know how he voted. It's the face you see in every window at Starbucks, sitting there by himself on his lonely fucking computer, judging you.
Starting point is 01:00:44 I love it. I love what I do for a living just because it bothers people. And then John makes the typical mistake. Sorry I offended many. I agree this joke was lazy and incompetent and formulated quickly while making a cup of oolong tea.
Starting point is 01:00:58 The fact that it was a famous line in a movie does not give me license to make light of the big picture stereotyping of it. See, then he shows his liberal side. OK, now you take it in the ass, John. Should have said, you know what? Fucking it wasn't the best work, but, you know, quit judging me every time I breathe. Big stereotype of people, Vietnamese people, Asians, Americans in general.
Starting point is 01:01:20 I'm sorry I ever made that cup of tea. Oh, he's blaming it on the tea. You got to go with Tetley's. Then you can make a tit joke and get in trouble. And thanks for making me realize this in quick order. An Asian stereotype. Oh, Margaret Cho, who I like, by the way. And this might be Margaret Cho. I met her back in the early 90s, mid 90s.
Starting point is 01:01:45 I like her. She's that Korean comedian. And I think she's funny as hell. But she's made a living doing Asian stereotypical shit. And you're going to say, yeah, but she's Asian. And I'm going to say to you, OK, let's follow that logic through. I have some Italian in me, which means I have some black blood in me, according to Keith Robinson and my two black friends. So they always point that out. So under that logic, I should be able to go hogwash crazy with the N-word jokes and say anything. But here's Margaret
Starting point is 01:02:14 Cho. I fucking like her, and I'm just saying, but this is stereotypical. Normally, something like this is so fun for me, but I didn't really want to go on the cruise. I had a lot of reasons to want to stay close to home. Guys, this is so fun for me, but I didn't really want to go on the cruise I had a lot of reasons to want to stay close to home guys This is not what I sent Huh? No, it isn't. That's it. This is the video. It is not the video and I'll prove you wrong later play it out anyways Normally something like this is so fun for me, but I didn't really want to go on the cruise.
Starting point is 01:02:47 I had a lot of reasons to want to stay close to home last year. My mother had a heart attack, and she's doing much better now. She's making a full recovery. That's not what I fucking sent you. It really feels great. Oh, white people. The Asian woman's mother's all right. Let me show how much I like minority.
Starting point is 01:03:11 It was really scary when it was happening. My mother's very new age. She astral projects. I like to leave my body. to leave my body. I started to do a story project in 1972. No, because I have
Starting point is 01:03:32 a very special workshop with Leonard Nimoy. Can you pause it for a second? The people in the audience are laughing at her doing a stereotypical Asian thing. Those people are very liberal that go to see Margaret Cho. So they're showing they're fucking laughing at something if
Starting point is 01:03:48 i did i understand she's korean i understand that but i already explained the logic go ahead and i like to leave my buddy and i fly everywhere Everywhere! I go all over, everywhere! And then I hover over your house. It's so messy! How can you live that way? You have to clean up sometimes. I can't believe it. Just do a little bit every day.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Then all clean. And mommy, I like to travel in an altitude of 33,000 feet. You know, that's my comfortable cruising attitude. Alright, that's enough. You get my point. I understand. So I guess that's okay. Right? Is that how it fucking works?
Starting point is 01:04:58 So I'm only allowed to do Italian jokes? We're going to stay in our lanes? And Quinn had the best line on Tough Crowd. He said, let's celebrate our diversity without pointing out our differences which is you know hits it right on the fucking head and uh I like Margaret Cho but I'm just saying I'm trying to make a point here that John Benjamin has to apologize you should apologize for the quality of joke which he did because he's way fucking funnier than that or whatever but stop with your uh I used to be a fan. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:26 Now you're just a piece of shit. Go follow somebody else. Who wants a fan like you? Debt van. Vietnamese comedian. Anyways, let's get on to Twitter. Once again, they're showing their true colors. The two-faced suckers of Satan's
Starting point is 01:05:44 asshole. Twitter refuses to uphold harassment rules against Antifa. Twitter has refused to uphold its harassment rules against Antifa account, which encouraged harassment of Senator Ted Cruz after permanently blacklisting InfoWars host Alex Jones last month based on the same rules. The clip we showed yesterday, Ted Cruz getting chased out of the restaurant, smash racism D.C., an account which openly supports Antifa and the abolition of ICE, uploaded a, we showed it yesterday, a video of left-wing activists harassing Cruz and his wife at a restaurant. Cruz has been friends with, oh, it says with Creep Kavanaugh for 20 years.
Starting point is 01:06:25 Where did I pull this from? Oh, the Associated Press. Yeah, that explains it. Creep Kavanaugh. Imagine that this is reporting in this day and age. You're supposed to keep your personal bias out of it.
Starting point is 01:06:39 It's not a fucking blog. It's from the AP. Creep Kavanaugh for 20 years. Now Cruz is on Judiciary Committee hearing his testimony. Fascists not welcome the group captioned the video.
Starting point is 01:06:49 Receiving over 30,000 likes from fucking jerk-offs and losers everywhere. And 12,000 retweets. According to Twitter's rules, here's the important part. The social network prohibits behavior
Starting point is 01:07:02 that crosses the line into abuse, including behavior that harasses. Okay, check off the box, intimidate, check off the box, or uses fear to silence another user's voice. However, the video remains, despite the fact that InfoWars' Alex Jones was banned from Twitter this month for a similar video in which he filmed himself berating CNNnn reporter oliver darcy and here's that video look at this right here the guy that goes around policing and calling for censorship and then claims that trump's wrong there's no censorship of conservatives or patriots you are incredibly shameful how are you doing alex you're just at you, look what, you are literally an anti-American, anti-free speech coward. You're going to go down the history books at the Criminal News Network.
Starting point is 01:07:52 This is one of the main, this is one of the main people right here who thinks you have no memory. Who sits there and lobbies. Show him. That sits there and lobbies people to take other news off claiming they're fake and cnn is the fakest wmd gulf arab state uh dictatorship funded fun believable hey come on over here i want to get this guy on tape this is unbelievable i was literally saying i don't see the criminal news network here, but indeed we do, right there at the front of the line of the trough,
Starting point is 01:08:29 to try to get in there and try to shut down conservative libertarian speech. And, of course, he comes from the loins of Glenn Beck, the king. I mean, look at those eyes, folks. If you want to see the eyes of a rat, no, I mean, seriously, just look at the camera. Look at those eyes. Look at that slobbering to the system and the criminals at CNN, all their warmongering and death and all their fake news. And then running around trying to police the Internet and try to shut people down. And then you think people are so stupid.
Starting point is 01:08:59 On CNN a week later, you say no one's censoring anybody. No one's pushing for censoring. And then you say that Trump is the one attacking the press. But it only does it stand up to your lies. Just look at this guy. Amen. That is who will rule your life. Him and people like Stelter.
Starting point is 01:09:14 That is who want to look at that smile. Alex, Alex. You know, I'd say so. I've known Oliver quite a while. All right. That's good. So they they took they booted Alex Jones for that. But it's all right to chase Ted Cruz and his wife out of it.
Starting point is 01:09:29 That's not harassment. They bragged about it after this. They today we permanently suspended at real Alex Jones and at InfoWars from Twitter and Periscope. We took this action based on news reports of tweets and videos posted yesterday that violate our abusive behavior policy in addition to the accounts past violations Just to face fucks, you know, that's Twitter currently has hundreds of Antifa and openly pro Antifa counts on the social network Even though the group has been registered as a domestic terrorist group in the United States
Starting point is 01:10:04 Is Alex Jones registered as a domestic terrorist group in the United States. Is Alex Jones registered as a domestic terrorist? Twitter also claimed last year they would, in quote, unquote, take enforcement action against organizations that use slash have historically used violence as a means to advance their cause, but have refused to take action against pro-antifa accounts. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no lefties have no moral compass. You have no compass whatsoever. Yeah, there's Dorsey, the fucking founder of Twitter. Place those fingers with a dick.
Starting point is 01:10:57 Seriously. At least he had the balls to admit that they leaned left. Dorsey did it, didn't it? Yeah, it was Dorsey. But there's evidence right there. Anyways. Let's take one last call. Our buddy Luke in California.
Starting point is 01:11:20 Luke, what's up? What's going on, Nick? Just a white man living in a black man's world. Get on, Loke. Yeah, yeah, you know. I feel you. Yeah, I wanted to bring it to your attention. You already know this.
Starting point is 01:11:41 It's your fault for all this, what's going down with Kavanaugh. Okay, why is that? Because white men for years have been encouraging these white bitches to falsely accuse black men of rape. And now they're starting to bite someone's ass, and now it's a problem. Yeah, right. So that's what you get. Yeah, there you go. It's always our fault.
Starting point is 01:11:59 And, yeah, falsely accused. For every one black guy that's falsely accused of raping a white woman, I'd say there's about 40 that are rightly accused. I'm from the late, great Patrice O'Neill. Bully. Luke, you've got to do your research on college campuses and, you know, players at Alabama and Georgia and, you know, ask how many white girls fucking even dare walk by them.
Starting point is 01:12:35 Yeah, you're talking about Alabama and Georgia. I don't dare walk by there. I live in California. I hear you, but it's not our fault. Yeah, we encouraged white bitches to accuse black men of falsity. Come on, will you? I want to see a Hollywood movie. Here's an original movie idea, Luke.
Starting point is 01:12:53 How about a movie coming out of Hollywood from the liberals where a black man is rightly accused of rape? That would be an original thinking out of the box. Or in the box, the white box. Y'all did it uh well i don't know no not rightly i was gonna say um uh what's that what's that damn the first movie ever made which was racist as fuck oh uh birth of a nation uh yeah birth of a nation there you go i get no that wasn't just a fire i get birth of a nation running on a loop no man all right who wants to see that who wants to see what
Starting point is 01:13:34 a black man rightly accused of rape what do you mean It's not an interesting movie. That's actually a good point. It happens so often. All right, Luke, you're my last caller of the day. I got to go. We're getting along swimmingly, so let's not ruin it. But call back tomorrow. Yes, sir. Take it easy.
Starting point is 01:13:59 See you, Luke. I like it. Can we get more black calls? Luke, spread the word, by the way. Notice it's the free shows he calls. But that's Whitey's fault, too. Because, again, the guy, look, he's got to open his fridge, and there's a 40-ounce and a pound of government cheese.
Starting point is 01:14:18 Oh, they eliminated that program years ago, I was told, by a young Mexican fella. Anyways, that's it, folks. I'm sweating like I have John this year I don't know why but thank you for tuning in to the show and did I forget anything
Starting point is 01:14:34 come out go to and buy something check out my tour dates come out and spread the word could you please and yes we added over 100 YouTube followers. And from Kyle from Rhode Island, I didn't really give a fuck about YouTube. I'm a stand-up comic, not a nerdy little faggot like yourself
Starting point is 01:14:52 who fucking sits home and counts his YouTube followers. But when I got into this podcast, I was told it was a good way to grow the show. That's why. Meanwhile, I'll be doing comedy in the week and making more in one night than you'll make all year that's because you're a fucking bitter little jerk off from rhode island but call back tomorrow if you're a subscriber which i doubt you are speaking of youtube real quick we have a super chat burnt toast paid ten dollars to say you've entertained me long enough so i guess
Starting point is 01:15:19 he's satisfied with the content well i don't know how to take that burnt toast first of all you you handle his burnt toast. Does that mean you're a black person? Seriously, I'm putting it together. And you don't like the way I talked to Luke, the brother who called in? I don't know, but he paid $10 to say that. Well, burnt toast, goddammit. We got your name on the air.
Starting point is 01:15:40 I like it. And I'm doing my detective work. I just got off the phone with a black guy named luke um you're burnt toast maybe you're a white guy with a stupid handle but i doubt it and maybe uh you're like you know what i didn't care for the uh birth of a nation the show should end now anyways that is it folks remember you think it i'll say it you're welcome support live comedy and uh we'll see you tomorrow, some of yous. © BF-WATCH TV 2021 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Outro Music

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