The Nick DiPaolo Show - Kurt Metzger | Nick Di Paolo Show #1326

Episode Date: December 21, 2022

Nick interviews comedian, Kurt Metzger....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Boys and girls, please take a moment to share today's episode with someone who values free speech and enjoys brutally honest comedy. And, um, I'll talk to you on the other side. Welcome to the show, folks. Final day of the week. What is this, right before Christmas, right, Dallas? Yeah. Happy Kwanzaa, folks, and Ramadan and all that other horse shit. Great, great guest today. One of the funniest comics working, man.
Starting point is 00:01:02 And I mean that. To me, the sign of a good comic is when you go, you don't know what's going to come out of his mouth next, a little unpredictable on stage, and basically says, fuck your feelings, hear how it is. And the great Kurt Metzger. Kurt, what's going on, pal? Yeah, good to see you, man.
Starting point is 00:01:19 I haven't seen you in a long time. I know. Let me comment on, you look like a professor at NYU. What's going on here? That's a great beard. Just a beard. Beard hair loss, the professor look, they call it. No, but why do you look way healthier? Oh, I've been, no, no, I've been, oh, I didn't go to NYU. The professors are hot. I went, I live by Runyon, so I started hiking and then going to gym and stuff.
Starting point is 00:01:54 So it's – also, I think in New York, I wasn't getting enough by even being like a lot. Like Jay had to go get shots. Do you remember that? Yeah. Jay had to go get shots for his deficiency. Yeah. You look – honest to God, this is weird. You look younger than last time I saw you, we were doing horse and peak. Yeah, you look honest to God, this is weird, you look younger than last time I saw you we were doing horse
Starting point is 00:02:07 and peak. Yeah, right. It was like five years ago. I think in the pandemic I didn't do nothing. I just was inside all the time. I look like a bloated corpse of when they find me later. You look like, honest to God, it's fucking blowing me away. You look like you should be doing commercials for fucking Lipitor or some shit.
Starting point is 00:02:28 You think I could be the Lipitor? You do. You look, at least in this, I don't know if you have a filter on, but you look like a guy. It's just natural lighting through the window. I was expecting, I don't know, I was expecting a more disheveled, I don't know. But I see you've got the vape still going. Yeah, I know. I still have a vape going. And also, I started drinking, too.
Starting point is 00:02:49 I was like, I'm going to work out and also start drinking again. So I did that. You got to do something. If you're going to work out steady, you got to have a release. I don't, right? You got to have a few hops, you know? It's not even hard to go to the gym. I go in, I'm in there like half an hour, get my dick sucked in the bathroom i'm out the 92nd street why i don't even know what machines we have
Starting point is 00:03:11 yes i've been blown on the peck deck a few times but that was uh equinox that was at equinox there's some type of uh introduction plan um no i'm just fucking i'm laughing because you're looking i just way younger um by the way this guy has won an emmy award for writing for amy should be and a baby so no i didn't so hold on i really didn't somebody my thing my wait oh go ahead now oh i think we i think if we talk at the same time, it does that. I have to wait. You go. Sorry. It's my fault. Yeah. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:03:48 So I didn't really get. They re-engraved. Dan Powell, the producer, re-engraved an Emmy to me because I didn't get one officially. The song, everybody works on it because it goes in the room. But me and Kyle mostly worked on that song. And then another. So the other guy, Dallas, is a good musician that arranged it. He got a stash, some bullshit reason that I didn't get one minute.
Starting point is 00:04:10 And then Dan was a nice guy. Uh, re-engraved. I gave it to me. Why do we always get the, why do the comics always get, why wouldn't they? Well,
Starting point is 00:04:20 I don't give a fuck about it. I mean, I know you don't. I think it's a nicer award. Like, also, who gives a shit? I know. I was in sports as a kid. I was a jock.
Starting point is 00:04:32 You earned a trophy. You got your head bashed in for six months, whatever. But then you watch these. That's all they do in Hollywood is jerk each other off. There's a show every other week. The fucking Tony's and Karen's. I take it as is jerk each other off. There's a show every other week. The fucking. Oh, the Tony's. I take it as a message to watch it. Huh?
Starting point is 00:04:48 Like, I take it as a message to watch your fucking mouth. When I was there every other year, there's like the TV ones. And then there's like the ones, the ugly Emmys. I used to call them like for the writers every other year ago, the ugly Emmys. And, you know, it's like the people don't like those, the crew kind of awards. Yeah. Every other year,
Starting point is 00:05:10 the TV ones. And I went one year and Jill Soloway from transparent. It's always called a trans trans America. It was like an award-winning show by, from Jill. I think Jill's always like a dude now, actually. I might've fucked up.
Starting point is 00:05:24 I guess. Surprise. I missed that one. ahead say it again i said i'm surprised i missed that show well here's what was funny i think it was transparent but it was uh jeffrey tambor oh played a transgender right yep that i do know okay so Okay, so Jill at the time, Soloway, when Jill Soloway was a lesbian, I guess she's, whatever. So she comes on stage and does a speech and she goes, fight the patriarchy. And everybody's like, who are you? And I'm like, oh, none of these people watch this show.
Starting point is 00:06:00 And also, she's dressed like Doctor Who. She's dressed like the sixth doctor from Doctor Who. And I'm like, is patriarchy the men's store at the mall? You buy your fucking bolo ties? What are you talking about? But the statue looks, it was like shark. And you could see it was like a reminder, like you hold the fortunes of great men in your hand. And if you ever stumble, the wings will stab you in the throat.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Like it's a message. Like you sleep with the fish. It's got a message. That's what it is. Un-fucking-believable. I just, I don't know how I get it. Let me tell you something. I got into stand-up to be funny.
Starting point is 00:06:40 And I guess we all show biz aspirations when we start. But if I ever knew what a fucking fruitcake of a business this is and who runs it and what are you going to do to them, I think I would have been... Well, you can make your... See, the thing is, I mean, especially, yeah, me too. Right. Like, me and Kyle try to make that show now.
Starting point is 00:06:59 I came up with just work for Viacom and HBO and shit. Like, all my jobs, I could think about, the pop stream I know, like Viacom mostly yeah various cable yeah like some a little bit of network stuff and that's it right and um it wouldn't even occur to you i like i watch fucking youtube when it came remember when it came when it was getting promoted and i guess that was the good time to be on when you got ad money and i was like oh i work for real tv i don't watch anything on i don't even watch the streaming things like i know my attention span short now too like i i don't have an attention span for i'd rather watch somebody tell me about
Starting point is 00:07:38 a show that kind of interested me then watch it did you you think that's because of the weed did the weed no no the weed is how i could scrape up enough interest to even watch let me know i know i'm with you man i am everybody was talking about i'm i'm behind my tv colin is colin quinn if you want he suggested these series to me that are so fucking good uh a few years ago, what was the one, Dallas, I keep telling you about? Oh, God. Why is the word always? Gamora.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Right, right. Did you ever see something about Gamora? It's about the mob outside of Naples. Oh, is it like, I saw the movie, but I know they made it. I guess they made a show of it, too. You're right. They had a movie based on the character. Yeah, the series, it's the best TV I ever watched.
Starting point is 00:08:28 I mean, it has the subtitles, but it was as good as anything I've ever seen on TV. Then I watched Fowder. Did you see that one about the Jewish? This guy, by the way, now he's like Schwarzenegger's bodyguard, but he actually worked for the I don't know if it's the Mossad or whatever, Israeli undercover, and
Starting point is 00:08:50 it's all stories. He's the star of it. He looks like Dave Attell. All I can think of is Dave Attell. Looks just like Attell, but he's charismatic. There's something women love about him, and he's the real deal. He made a show about him going in it opens
Starting point is 00:09:05 with him going to a goddamn wedding in palestine they're hunting down terrorists that have killed jews it's all these are all real stories and it was a series it's about again the best shit i have ever seen in my life so i've watched a bunch of that and then you know everybody's talking about yellowstone so me and my wife like you know we're behind i said Yellowstone. So me and my wife, like, you know, we're behind, I said, let's try Yellowstone. Cause I like Kevin Costner. I fucking admit it. But, uh, I can't help it.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Uh, Kurt, I can't help it. These fucking, these women characters, um, they, they give these soliloquies for about five minutes that women don't even talk like this in real life where they tell a guy to go.
Starting point is 00:09:43 I mean, it, it's, it's so unrealistic even like yeah in the show in in those shows you were watching in yellowstone not not the ones that colin told me about those are great because okay but over here with the hollywood feminist horseshit but yeah well i mean first of all they that's all that's like if the good writers are like grandfathered into very specific shows if you're
Starting point is 00:10:06 going to do that. And, and so then they got a bunch of like hacks and the writers are like, when I was writing, it was a variety of kind of backgrounds doing it. Right. It wasn't, I mean,
Starting point is 00:10:17 it was diverse in terms of like, in terms of like standups doing it, but now it's just like a mix of hack writing and like uh yes esg direct esg directives yes and then people whose packets it's crazy and and so people like ian edwards like the black like ian edwards and humer were like the black writers like when i when i was doing it right right right um ian's a fucking i mean i like both of them a lot but like ian's like a guy like a fucking legend to me or writing on shit and it's crazy the shit he has to deal with remember like all all the black comics i knew they want to put a black man in a dress and i
Starting point is 00:10:56 would be like i haven't seen a big twist in cliff wilson's arm to do that that's right that's right and uh right but then i realized oh not just black men they want to put all the men in a dress that's right who aren't a cop or a soldier that's right that's exactly right oh my god first they came for the black guys and i did nothing no you're exactly right man i i'm fucking even my wife's look at me i go i was enjoying it and then this character comes on it's cost and daughter, and she's got a few head problems, but she gives these two minute fucking monologues that could be ripped from a feminist paper today that don't even fit back in 1999, where she, you know, she's trying to make a deal
Starting point is 00:11:38 with some oil guy. And she's there, take your cap teeth and your waxed ass the fuck out of you cheesy motherfucker. Like, you know, like some guy's not going to fucking crack. No woman has ever said that to a guy and fucking ended up fucking conscious. Well, who was the, who were the, I mean. Who makes it? I'm sure. Who?
Starting point is 00:11:58 Who? Oh, okay. I don't watch any of them shows because. Yeah. You know, the whole mafia has a podcast now. The entire mafia. You're like, what's the mafia been up to? Podcast it. I don't watch any of them shows because you know the whole mafia has a podcast now. The entire mafia. You're like, what's the mafia been up to? Podcast it.
Starting point is 00:12:08 I don't know. Yeah. So number one recommendation, Sammy the Bull podcast. Yes. I don't think I can even watch a – you know, Casino is great and Goodfellas is great. Right. Right. Those are pretty close to reality, right?
Starting point is 00:12:24 Yes. other than a few things yep but after you sit and hear them tell all the stories i think you see their little podcast fights like they have rivalries i talked to the one dude john a life you know people ever pj you know pj right pj remember pj from what you know pj landers the dude that used to own the boston at one point redheaded guyheaded guy, big red-headed guy. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. So he was doing something with John A. Light, you know, the Albanian guy that was like the John Jr. bodyguard? Yes.
Starting point is 00:12:54 I talked to him on the phone for a while. Oh, you did? Because he wanted to do a podcast in person, and he was in Albania, but I did talk to him for a bit. I think I maybe said something kind of insulting without meaning to. I hope I didn't. uh it's amazing their rivalries like they have there it's like comics but they're like that's just wild and I met that French easy guy at a Jordan Peterson thing backstage because I didn't get a chance to ask him but when Epstein died somebody asked him do you think it was suicide he goes well those
Starting point is 00:13:27 charges were really like serious so guys like that got a lot of reasons to suicide themselves you know commit suicide so i think probably i was like that's a weird thing for him to say yes yeah so that's like i don't want no more trouble from a government kind of thing that's right it was franchisee do you say franchisee was that a uh jordan peterson thing yeah he's a christian oh okay he's the christian one he's still like the same like hustling guy because it's like a right and i i saw him first on like vlad tv is how i saw him oh okay then i saw sam I saw Sammy the Bull's one. Yeah. And I just watched the, if you ever saw him, his Steven Seagal story is the best. I mean, we were full of a laugh and I showed it to my friend on Wayward Joe. It's so hilarious how he tells that story.
Starting point is 00:14:15 I'm going to have to Google that. I watched a few of his first ones of Sammy the Bull. And yeah, I was getting a kick out of that too. Hey guys, make plans to come and see me on the road starting next month. Here's where I'll be and when. January 13th and 14th, Comedy Off-Broadway, Lexington, Kentucky. February 3rd and 4th, the Grove Comedy Club, Lowell, Arkansas. March 11th and 12th, the Comedy Club of KC, Kansas City, Missouri.
Starting point is 00:14:41 April 21 and 22, the Funny Bone, St. Louis, and St. Charles, Missouri. You can get tickets to all these shows at and click on the tour button. Let me ask you, Kurt, we're talking a very funny dude, Kurt Metzger. Anything you want to plug right now before I forget to ask you?
Starting point is 00:14:59 Yeah, we're making, me and Kyle are making a new Fresh Prez of D.C., like 12 episodes. Did you say Colin? You and who? You know Kyle Dunnegan? Dunnegan, yes. That's right.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Oh, yes. How's he doing? He's good. We're doing a sitcom. It's a sitcom about it. It was just going to be the opening song and him rapping it you know yeah and then it got carried away we made a show out of it and then so now we had to make 12 of them so we're working on that now it's like the next good for you good for you um let me
Starting point is 00:15:35 ask you about uh i know this is all news to you and people have asked you about a thousand i never got the full grasp of it of like you were one of the first casualties of this whole hashtag me too horse shit can you no it wasn't no you know what no it wasn't none of that back then i was oh it's before that okay it preceded that all right yeah that wasn't a thing yet but what was the thing was like believe women it's not believe all women it's believe women that's right which is also a stupid thing to say because what like i think you're like believe men you're like what right right right what the fuck are you talking about there's no gray area there no you just have to believe that you only listen there's one group on the earth that's stupid enough to just default believe women and called men that's right women know not to do that
Starting point is 00:16:26 what the fuck what are you talking so what that really is is believe the media when we because what me too is is a way to not get sued and get all the rewards of a juicy rape story how they love that's right and right they're just reporting on what people are saying and now there's like no first of all now the media is purely PR for the highest bidder. That's all that it is. That's what FTX did. Amber Heard and Johnny Depp, that was the end of me too. It should have been.
Starting point is 00:16:53 The Biden charges should have been. But it wasn't. That's right. That's right. So all kind of like my friends are smarty pants people. They do. Like, you know, like people I like too. I'm not the treasure.
Starting point is 00:17:03 But like, I didn't really pay attention well you should because that's where me too ended that's where you should because me too trickled down from stupid like it actually got stolen from that lady and she got co-opted right the right it was like for inner city and by the way it wasn't like a kangaroo court of social media it was literally like you live in some miserable third world conditions and had no idea you're not supposed to like the you're not supposed to live the life of precious right like i thought precious when i came out used to make fun of i'm like come on man don't lay it on no i had no idea i there's one comment i work with who's a social worker in
Starting point is 00:17:40 baltimore it's like shit you heard about in ira Iraq okay that's how fucked up your people are you wouldn't even you're like what the fuck and it's like if you're lucky you don't have to see it but people working at and they'll tell you like the water was pretty accurate but didn't even show like the real precious stuff you know right what what what triggered the whole thing would you though um because I always bring you up there was a a girl online who had a hard-on for you a rape joke well no i mean listen literally i know it's all nobody nobody remembers or gives a shit is what i learned uh like well into me still remembering it like i'm like oh i feel the effect you don't even know what the fuck i did
Starting point is 00:18:25 but it don't really matter like i just hashtag didn't well i was the initial thing what really it was is being a social media addict at the time and not understanding like i've never been in trouble for like jokes i said i've only been in trouble for saying hey. I said, I only been in trouble for saying, Hey, maybe UCB is not an SVU. They said this guy, somebody tweeted, uh, met posted that, uh,
Starting point is 00:18:54 this dude got, uh, I didn't know. It wasn't a friend of mine, but, uh, upright citizens brigade, the improv theater has done an internal investigation and uh
Starting point is 00:19:06 and some not ruled but and something that this guy is guilty of rape and has found that he's guilty of rape so i saw che had posted it and he's like jesus christ go to the police like oh yeah that's what i started making fun of it right and i start putting like uh what are they uh ucbsvu and then that in turn would trigger a bunch of like blogger kind of people at me now i already had one that was up my wanted to get me i didn't even know because these are like i had no idea what the fuck like right really nobody's my fault for being on facebook like i'm fucking ann frank and you can read her diary as she writes it. Idiot. Even Anne Frank, she had to be dead
Starting point is 00:19:48 before they released that shit. You don't let people read your diary while you're alive. That's right. I don't have anything to hide about myself. Right. I have no idea what everybody... You have to conduct... Everyone's running for president now,
Starting point is 00:20:02 so you have to talk like... There's a dirty campaign running against you that's going to take anything you say. Everyone's running for president now, so you have to talk like there's a dirty campaign running against you that's going to take anything you say. That's right. You're going to be a Muslim or whatever. That kind of bullshit nonsense. I didn't realize that was for everyone now, and that's what this did. And it made it so that your job
Starting point is 00:20:18 controls your after-hours times. Because I never said shit when I had a job. I was not on Facebook saying shit about anything. That's my time when I'm not working. That's right. But now it's like that shit slowly became where you better reflect the company values at all times. It's nothing to do with Me Too.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Me Too is just a tool for now. Right. It's done, but it's like an ESG tool or something now it's a way to move up for like get house of cards kind of game of thrones and people right so but it costs you work and stuff right didn't it cost you work at clubs and dates and stuff yeah well a couple clubs but stand up you can't be you can't be like kicked out of that's the lowest you can go if you're you got that right like i'm like a dummy're a stand-up. You got that right. I'm like a dummy that likes stand-up. Me too.
Starting point is 00:21:08 I'm fine with that, but that's the mud. Yeah, well, yeah. Artie Lang said we're the plumbers of show business if it's even show business. Yeah. You know what I mean? I used to say... No, it's not. Louis told me it ain't show business. No, that's true. I never looked at it as show business either, you know?
Starting point is 00:21:24 It is not. We'll send you a white limo to the La Quinta Inn to pick you up for your morning radio. Ooh, I'm in show business. Fucking 11 degrees in Green Bay. Doing some ex-Green Bay Packers radio show. Does he want the SUV or the limo? I'm like, what?
Starting point is 00:21:43 I said, I'm in fucking, I'm in appleton wisconsin send me a fucking uh bus i don't give a fuck um it really is funny the people can hey that stuff's so old now dude uh uh right like i follow i get in holes of like internet shit because the key to all of this is understanding autism i'm telling you and you don't you can't even believe i mean i have like a madman i mean not literally but you know like yarn and string to connecting things like because it's wild the weird connections though are of all this stuff if you have broad enough taste yeah it's it really is the same like it's almost it's basically everything's a pyramid scheme everywhere everything is like outsourced pyramid scheme yeah and uh and then a new one has to form and and it's everywhere like if you were mad about like you didn't like
Starting point is 00:22:35 how they fucked up star wars like my friends have nerd channels yeah there's companies doing like cia dirty tricks on them on their YouTube. You know, 100,000 views channels. Fucking crazy. Yes, it's fucking, it's getting creepier by the day. What else do you want to add? Twitter you saw, yeah. Yeah, fucking. I'm one of those guys, you know, that Elon,
Starting point is 00:22:59 I love what Elon's doing, but I'm one of these guys going, because I know I get channel banned because I put a tweet out there, something that was semi-funny would get 800, 900 likes. And then all of a sudden it dropped down to 14. So I knew something weird was going on. So now I'm one of these people.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Now I'm going, if they're going to uncover who was shadow banned, I'm praying that I was shadow banned and people just didn't like me on Twitter. They just got sick of me and said fucking um well did you get new followers because of it like i'm here's where i am on uh twitter wise uh current my my fucking manager won't even let me on there um i i when i have something to tweet i i use it like i think you're supposed to if you're in our business. Just plug you shit. Like you said, don't get into pissing I used to get a few drinks of me I literally tweeted, I hope Jack Dorsey is taken in the ass from the
Starting point is 00:23:52 I said the Detroit Lions secondary I got so, it was this fucking tweet about fucking Dorsey being raped by black guys. I sounded like Mel Gibson when he was drinking and all of a sudden You sounded like you were madly in love with Jack Dorsey at one time, but he stopped blowing you?
Starting point is 00:24:12 That's exactly how it came out. They were like, wait, did he break up with Jack Dorsey? And my manager tweeted, he goes, get the fuck off Twitter. And I was like you, though. When I did Comics Come Home in Boston, the last time I did it, last time they'll ever have me, probably, Wanda Sykes went on before me and did her whole anti-Trump horse shit with not
Starting point is 00:24:36 one joke, just a fucking tirade against, so I had to go on right after her. Well, she's earned it. She's retired. She had a good run and she earned it. Well, she's earned it. She's retired. She had a good run and she earned her. What about Trump? A black female lesbian making it big in Hollywood. Somebody who they won't let fail.
Starting point is 00:24:51 What a fucking shock. So I gone after her and I fucking... She overcame an eating disorder to make it to the top. Like I wouldn't be jealous. I went on after her and I unloaded and I'm getting booed. There was 15,000 people there. Half the people were loving it though. You know,
Starting point is 00:25:08 but Boston's so liberal now. It was the first time I ever get booed by like 8,000 people at once. It was fucking, it was actually a good feeling, you know, as a comic, it doesn't bother you, but like an idiot,
Starting point is 00:25:18 I go back to, it bothers me a lot for many days afterwards. Yeah, exactly. I, it hurts very deeply actually when I get all of them doing. I go back to the hotel room, and this is before I knew how it worked either, Twitter. I'm a fucking old guy. So instead of, you know, somebody said, go on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:25:40 My wife said, look at this. And, you know, he's a racist cocksucker. They're just unloading. So I'm like, I should. My wife said, just hang they're saying. You know, he's a racist cocksucker. They're just unloading. So I'm like, I should. My wife said, just hang up your phone. I go, no, I'm not. I fucking went into the minibar. I got a fucking nip of Jack Daniels, a fucking vodka.
Starting point is 00:25:53 I drank those down and laid on the bed and I fought everybody for like two hours. How recently did you do this? Oh, this is fucking Christ. It's got to be 10 years ago. Oh, yeah. Okay. I was afraid this just happened. Oh, no, no. Have you do this? Oh, this is fucking, Christ, this has got to be 10 years ago. Oh, yeah, okay. I was afraid this just happened. Have you learned nothing?
Starting point is 00:26:11 No, that's what I'm saying. I had no idea how it worked. It's designed to do that, dude. That's right. It's designed to do that. Do you understand? They invented a way for America to spy on itself for them. That's exactly right. I don't mean
Starting point is 00:26:25 just the fucking lizard people whatever i mean every company every single thing yes globally people worry about china i'm like you know china has some kind of like rules in place and you know what they are from day to day they don't change retroactively right okay we got the same shit here i don't people think we don't no you're absolutely china has better privacy laws people all of them the government's gonna go in your shit what they want to so don't imagine you have that freedom as far as companies doing it china just implemented better laws than we fucking have of them doing that yeah that's how fucked up it is well so all that i have to pull myself to have to consciously if i get any kind of like not get into it especially if i was just like doing a show where i'm like
Starting point is 00:27:11 thinking of jokes because i'm when you're like hot after you did a thing yes and then yeah and i'm not saying anything bad that like i mean i don't give a about it in trouble or something at this point but i i i can say shit and i have to keep myself i'm like too far like i gotta pull out and i have to consciously break myself of it because it's made to do that to you right right that's what i'm that's what i'm the only time i'm actually happy i'm a little older i sort of you know i mean i didn't fucking get thrown into this fire uh it's like dude i know roseanne was telling the truth about being on ambien that's a remember people oh what does ambien make you racist no ambien makes you literally do things dead asleep and everybody that condemns oh yeah has stories that they've told me oh fuck
Starting point is 00:27:56 going on amazon and buying shit on ambien or my doctor not that he was coming down on his hand he's on his wife paint a closet that's a joke in movies of people doing crazy shit on it what the fuck and also she thought the bitch was white 100 oh absolutely she looked at one picture and said dumb fucking thing right you know i don't give like i don't give a shit about that but you understand you know this ain't like the the Boston streets where you wore your Jordache jeans with your dick poking out. This is the internet where you put on a furry suit and your dick pokes out.
Starting point is 00:28:33 You're not tough here. These are autism, like a roid rage thing, like a guy beating you up at school. Right. So you're like, it's amazing. Like, it's how the tables have turned i know like old school physical or aggressive anything like that the most depraved autistic like maniacs okay yeah and then also probably like guys your age that are fucking mad but you have a different reason right it's a whole bunch part of that it's on purpose yeah no why was it dude i i had to look it up
Starting point is 00:29:06 if we were still before uh i remember this when i really blew my mind i was like do we still have a war in iraq like i did google if we still had one because i hadn't heard shit about it right right like i didn't give a fuck about it i was just like wait wait is that still happening oh gu, Guantanamo's still there. That's weird. Remember when it was like all... And then it turns out that a lot of the people they shouldn't have had in there.
Starting point is 00:29:33 You know that? Yeah. Because they just did how the cops do. So now what everybody should be seeing is, especially with all this FBI bullshit, I always make this joke, isn't it cool of radical islamic terrorists to just like stop attacking us that's nice of them they see we have other problems i
Starting point is 00:29:50 guess i know and i know that's pretty weird now that now the enemy is fucking it's ramadan they're taking a break dorks who can't get laid is the enemy yes that's Department of Homeland Security. In fucking nerds. And they are vicious bullies online. Oh, my God. And they fucking, that's, so all that shit, that's what the FBI does. So everybody that was conservative for that shit. Right. And also, like, Bush is a hero to Democrats now. Like, that's insane.
Starting point is 00:30:17 I know. I know. I know. So that should give away the game to everybody who's still, like, left, right bullshit. What, like, what do you yell at the Iron Sheik when he fought Hogan? Remember when WWF or E came out and said it was scripted? And there's a touchpoint of the guy's like, it's real to me, damn it. That's every motherfucker upset about politics.
Starting point is 00:30:42 That chick screaming in the video about Trump. It's real to me. It ain't real. Yeah, no, it's all. Look, I say this on my show. I go, folks, I'll report this shit. Look, they made the rules. This is the game, whatever.
Starting point is 00:30:56 I know there's four people in a room or ten, and I swear to God, eight of them are trans, running the planet. And I'll play along here. But I'm so goddamn cynical uh it's all i it's a it's a play it's a big fucking play um everybody's in on it i don't even know how to describe it you know what i'm trying to say so what's that it's a pyramid scheme so everything's a ftx a pyramid scheme, right? Right. A Ponzi scheme, whatever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Everything, that's what outsourcing is. That's what the global trade is. Like BlackRock, which has a thing called circular ownership. That's all these major companies, they invest in BlackRock, and BlackRock invests in them, which is Alameda FTX kind of, right? And you bail yourself out. Yeah, that's right. That's his company, Sam Freed's company is Alameda FTX kind of, right? And you bail yourself out. Yeah, that's right. That's his company, Sam Freed's company, Alameda.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Yeah, it's pure money shit, dude. That kid's great. I like him and Pharma Bro. The people that you see what it is, because they're in trouble for giving away the game. Remember, everybody hated that Shkreli kid. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And it was Weasley
Starting point is 00:32:05 they're all autistic they don't feel normal or like I tell they only feel hot and cold kind of a joke they understand numbers and puzzles and games right so that's how you get like a diversity calculator that came out where they're like for characters and
Starting point is 00:32:21 video games and it had like you have a point score for each thing from Sweden. These are severely Asperger Nanette people know that's Gatsby people right. So instead of calling truth picks, we drop a thing that people that have that, because you know, New York, you know, it was weird when I came to think because it was such a thing of like comedians love trans chicks like it wasn't even a taboo i don't remember until all of a sudden just before it was not not a taboo
Starting point is 00:32:52 right i guess i was going to new york but i've seen every kind of and nobody talks about it but i've seen like people where oh yeah i could see that you you need to get the thing and it worked out for you thank you i had a friend at school who just was gay and hated himself for it because his family hated him. It was Iranian style. Then there's the people that are autistic and they don't have strong identities at all. That's why online they're like so –
Starting point is 00:33:18 so they get like power mad and like Reddit. I never used to go on that. I don't go on it now. PowerMad and like Reddit. I never used to go on that. I don't go on it now. It's like these little like out of a Soviet era like nerd snitches that run all of Reddit.
Starting point is 00:33:32 The guy, remember that kid killed himself that invented Reddit because he had this court case about downloading all these college materials? Oh yes, yes I do. Okay, well the other founder, I forget his name, Spez or something, that's like his handle. So that guy, there was news about him changing Reddits dope okay well the other founder i forget his name spaz or something that's like his handle so that guy there was news about him changing reddits on the donald bbr donald thing like if you didn't
Starting point is 00:33:51 like he'll go in and with people's messages all the you're seeing on twitter reddit was sold out a long time ago and then he got the worst kind of nerds the worst like diaper furry fedora the worst like diaper furry fucking fedora middle manager psychopath people those are the moderators okay it's on purpose because they're all shills so it's not just a political thing that's definitely part of it but that guy pays them because it was an unpaid like work position he started paying them to do that fucking uh work right and he's paying them show money so like uh twitter that guy that they just was like chased out of his home because he wrote a paper on putting kids on grinder or whatever the fuck overall yeah yeah y'all roth yes yeah they hire all those kind of people and i got i was watching i want to say it's the guy from kiwi farms uh i can't
Starting point is 00:34:43 remember his real name no is the guy but because i was watching chris chan but he said the thing that was very interesting that in the tech world on paper trans is a great employee because it's checking off like three boxes it's better than women yes okay and also she she don't need pregnancy leave you know she's not gonna get pregnant you don't have to worry about that and they're autistic so they love just sitting on computers so on paper that's the perfect employee if you're looking at it from the cynical way which is how they look at it these are libertarians running yeah that makes a lot of sense ain't that funny though all these libertarians they get in charge and they ain't libertarian for you is it no exactly that's very it's it's weird democratic socialists for you
Starting point is 00:35:30 because not it's feudalism now dude it ain't it's you watch your comics like especially ones used to be dirty i thought howard stern's great like i did all the outrageous things and now you can stop i know that's the one that fucking that's the one that still blows my he was always a dick dude it was just cool because he was an underdog and now he's not an underdog and you're like why are you like that you're not there you go that's exactly that's a great point uh all right that's it we got to do another one of these uh kurt i seriously go see kurt where you got any uh you're not doing stand-up anywhere? Go on my Instagram because all my dates go up on there.
Starting point is 00:36:08 At Kurt Metzger on Twitter, folks, all his dates are there. Go see him because, like I said, there's a ton of comics out there, but only very few are funny and interesting at the same time, and this guy falls in that category. Yeah, but my set's not funny. We're interesting. I don't want to say I can't podcast for an hour on there. Hey, buddy, thanks a lot.
Starting point is 00:36:29 I've got a new hour. I'm working on a new hour, but I've got stuff coming up all over. I'm going to be with Louie out here in January in California. All right, there you go. All right. Hey, thanks, buddy.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Good seeing you again. You too, brother. Bye. I'll talk to you. I believe that is it. That's it. Have I plugged everything and anything? You think it, I'll say, you're very welcome.
Starting point is 00:36:51 We'll see you later. Take care. Hi. Good night, everybody. guitar solo Outro Music

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