The Nick DiPaolo Show - Lib Chickens are Coming Home to Roost | Nick DiPaolo Show #384

Episode Date: July 28, 2020

Trump Jr. Twitter being "limited". Doctors speaking out against lockdown. Pelosi throws temper tantrum at reporter. Thank you Matt from "Commieland", CA for your "Ask Nick!" questions and for your con...tinued support on Patreon! FREE! MONDAY - THURSDAY 5PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, Nick DiPaolo here. How are ya? I'm here to say one thing. Give me the money, understand me? Give me the fucking money, you hear me? You hear me? I said come here and bust my body! Give me the fucking money! That's my way of asking. You know the show is free, Monday through Thursday now, okay?
Starting point is 00:00:17 And your daily contributions make it possible to do this show. Sounds like a commercial for PBS. Look at you sitting there not contributing, you selfish cocksuckers. No, you guys are great, but we rely on you guys to make daily contributions at or sign up at, become a monthly member.
Starting point is 00:00:38 You get an extra story a day. You get to ask me a question, access to the archive shows, or if you have a company and you want to sponsor this show, go to We can do that too. Especially now, folks, with what's going on in the world
Starting point is 00:00:54 and the rioting and just the COVID. This is one of the darkest years. And because it's so racial right now, you're not going to be able to hear any of what I say anywhere else. And I know that's what you're black, white, whatever color you are, that's what you're yearning for. Just to hear some truth. It might not always make you happy,
Starting point is 00:01:17 but, and we still find time to laugh as bleak as this world gets. anyways don't forget to hit that subscribe button when you're watching my youtube channel alright and we thank you so much for supporting the Nick DiPaolo podcast guitar solo What happened? That's our, we're on. I forgot. It's a whole song. What do you think of that, folks? I got those licks down, don't I? Look at that baby Look at that
Starting point is 00:02:51 Motherfucker, huh? That was a gift When I wrote on the Oscar Awards for Chris Rock This was in the basket Signed by, I got it signed When the Nick and Artie show, we had Nils Lofgren on The Springsteen guitarist and Elton John. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:03:08 I can play the first eight notes to 46 songs. These headphones suck dick. I'm only hearing one side. Anyways, how did that change overnight? Every morning it's something. How you doing, folks? I want to thank you guys, especially the ones who are in the chat room when we premiere this show. We had 5,000 people, over 5,000 last night. That's been a goal of ours for a long time, and we finally hit it, and I got to thank all of you.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Thanks also to those of you who sent super chats during the premiere. As you know, we rely on that for some Del Rey me. Anyways, here's one that came through yesterday. This is from URA Momo. COVID-19 is a hoax created by Dems to keep Joe Biden six feet away from women and children. Let me tell you why that joke sucks. Why would the Dems be doing that? It would be the Republicans first, but actually a good attempt.
Starting point is 00:04:11 And you know what? Even better, you paid for it. So it's a great joke. I just forgot. That was tremendous. Here are some of my upcoming tour dates for those of you who don't watch the show and just listen. September 17th through 19th, Plaza Hotel and Casino, Vegas. October 2nd, Jonathan's Agunquit, Maine.
Starting point is 00:04:31 October 10th, Stand Up Live, Huntsville, Alabama. October 11th, Zany's Comedy Club, Nashville. November 19th, The Improv in Raleigh, North Carolina. Again, that's barring COVID and whatnot. Why are these headphones sucking today? Ah, yeah, sister. Huh? Yeah, let's see how those work, Raz.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Testing. Oh, yeah, much better. Much better. Raz-a-maz-a. This guy's been great lately, Raz. Shit breaks, he goes in the closet. Shit I didn't even know he had. That's called a producer, my friend.
Starting point is 00:05:07 But he wouldn't get me coffee. He thought that was a little too slave-like. Let's leave all that in. Or you can take some of it. You got to leave that funny slave joker. That'll get me some points. Folks, I thought I'd start you guys off with a treat since you've been so good. One of the hottest women on the planet.
Starting point is 00:05:28 I would die to finger pop this broad. You know who I'm talking about. Lena Dunham. She's got a string bikini. Look at that piece of cheese. Huh? Look at that yummy, mentally ill tub. Oh, my aching stem.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Look at her. yummy mentally ill tub. Oh my aching stem. I could fill the pool with my puke. String my ass. She's got like double cable under there. Rot iron. She's breaking the wicker. Why would you do that? That looks like somebody's uncle fucking around. You stink. Your show sucked. And nobody likes you. Stay away.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Let's get right to it, everybody. Once again, big tech is at it censoring us people. Twitter on Tuesday penalized Donald Trump Jr. for posting hydroxychloroquine misinformation, the social media giant said. Apparently, they're the last word on what misinformation. Underlying the tough stance it has taken in policing misleading posts from high-profile users, including the president in his recent tweets. This is from the Washington Post. You don't get more far left.
Starting point is 00:06:47 So just listen to all the fucking bias in it. Twitter said it ordered, it ordered the president's son to delete this misleading tweet and said it would limit some account functionality for 12 hours. Okay. That's what they said. Twitter said that. Okay. Who the fuck are you?
Starting point is 00:07:04 Are you writing a book? Who the fuck are you are you writing a book who the fuck are you yeah who are you to tell donald trump jr said this about uh twitter oh my god that now that should have been deleted who did they the tweet which featured a viral video showing a group of doctors making misleading and false claims they don't even put allegedly or you know some people say do you hear how they state it i hate you fucking left-wing cocksuckers you're gonna get it someday i don't know when they'll be gone uh misleading and false claims about the coronavirus pandemic i mean who do they
Starting point is 00:07:46 think they are really oh who the fuck are you are you writing a book who the fuck are you twitter removed the videos deleting several of the tweets that trump shared the president and added a note uh to its trending topics warning about the potential risks of hydroxychloroquine warning it might fuck up this scam we're pulling on america people might get healthy and go back to work and the economy might rebound can't have that right now tweets with the video are in violation of our covet 19 misinformation poly policy said liz kelly a spokesman for twitter oh god help me get out of my room you sick cunt trump shared the video which claims that face masks and shutdowns are not needed to stop the spread of the virus
Starting point is 00:08:32 as he shared 14 tweets over a half hour span defending the use of hydroxychloroquine an anti-malarial drug that the president has repeatedly promoted in attacking Anthony S. Fauci, the nation's biggest con art, I mean, top infectious disease expert. On Monday evening, Facebook scrubbed from its site the same viral video after more than 14 million people had watched it. You too also removed the video because they're all the same left wing fucking fascists. 14 million people saw it already too late oh what the fuck honest to god on monday the president again turned to promoting a drug that the food and drug administration warns carry
Starting point is 00:09:16 excuse me warns carries significant health risk and portraying the widely accepted scientific consensus on its you hear all the language that's just an accepted scientific consent not all scientists and doctors agree on that you fucks oh on its use as an attack on his re-election campaign show me some people that have died from hydroxychloroquine taking it. Show me, give me some stats other than the people who use fish tank cleaner in Florida because they saw chloroquine in the ingredients. Turned out the wife was trying to whack the husband. Remember those two? The video Trump shared Monday night showed a collection of doctors speaking in favor of treating COVID-19 patients with the anti-malaria drug.
Starting point is 00:10:07 The clip focused on the testimony of a woman named Stella Emanuel, who received a medical license in Texas in November. They throw that in, you know, in other words, she just got her license in November, according to state records. Emanuel did not return a request for comment. according to state records. Emanuel did not return a request for comment. Emanuel says she previously worked as a doctor in Nigeria, and she knows chicken blood will do the trick. Anyways, we have a couple clips.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Here's Miss Emanuel, the doctor. Very heavy Nigerian accent, which I love, by the way. But here's her promoting hydroxychloroquine you can believe what you want raz's wife's a pharmacist and she says well some of this is questionable so we're going to have her in here tomorrow so i can take her to park no go ahead you know you know the crazy part what the case about a lot of the doctors that are sitting down going hydrogen doesn't work they're actually taking the prophylaxis i know i have put a lot of them on it they are taking prophylaxis. I know. I have put a lot of them on it. They are taking prophylaxis.
Starting point is 00:11:07 They and their families are protected and they're busy telling Americans where we can prescribe it. Raz, translate. I'm scared for my license. But you know what? This is an even good part. You see, what's his name?
Starting point is 00:11:17 That dude on CNN that got sick. What's his name? That dude. Andrew Cuomo's brother, the crazy one. That dude. I knew he took hydroxychloroquine. Do you know why? He kept saying that he was having nightmares. I knew he took some form of hydroxychloroquine or one of them, probably the bad version. These people are taking hydroxychloroquine.
Starting point is 00:11:35 I dare everyone in DC, all you talking heads on CNN, give me a urine sample. If I check your urine and you don't have hydroxychloroquine in your urine, then ask America not to take it. Use senators, all of them. You know why they don't wear masks? Until the fact you বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে বে �ে I'm talking about, who are they? Just name them. All these talking heads on CNN. They are all on hydroxychloroquine. And they want Americans to die. And they're like, oh, no, it doesn't work. I know them. Give me a urine sample.
Starting point is 00:12:17 If you're not on hydroxychloroquine, if we don't find it in your urine, then we'll stop treating people. I dare you. All right. I know a thing or two about a thing or two. I love her. Give her a piss sample. She'll tell you. You can't handle the truth. Anyways, that's like Raz said.
Starting point is 00:12:37 They tipped that down from Facebook. And that's one of the ones that Donald Jr. put up, I got to believe, right? Is that what they're talking about? Unbelievable, because it goes against what they believe. She's a fucking doctor. Yeah, I know in Nigeria. She's probably queen of the country, but it doesn't matter. And she drives a cab at night. I don't give a shit. She treated 350 patients with hydroxychloroquine. And she said it worked.
Starting point is 00:13:03 And these people just, you know know and then we had another doctor that we we played earlier this year this doctor erickson right dan erickson owner of accelerated urgent care spoke at monday's white coat seminar capital as part of a greater effort to extinguish fears surrounding the chinese coronavirus and reminding the public that 90 and this is not making this number up 99.8 percent of people get through this with little to no progressive or significant disease okay so he has an opinion i am here i have things to say go ahead dr erickson what i was noticing on the media is that they were saying cases 5 5,000 new cases in Houston. Okay, a case is a person healthy that tested positive, the vast majority.
Starting point is 00:13:52 But the public hears cases and thinks, oh my goodness, these are sick people. No, the vast majority, 99.8% of people get through this with little to no progressive or significant disease. You are correct. But the cases every day, all the major media, the cases, the cases, the cases. That is not what we should be talking about. Hospitalizations, that's fair. Deaths that are appropriately coded on a death certificate, that's fair. What was I screaming about a couple couple days ago when they kept saying oh uh
Starting point is 00:14:28 another 15 000 cases uh yesterday and i would say well how many people died from it remember me yelling all that shit he's basically saying the same thing only he's a doctor i mean fucking uh you know figures don't lie and liars don't figure. Who taught me that? My mafia boss when I was selling meat. Erickson also addressed the mass lockdowns across the country, explaining that they were very successful, but in all the wrong metrics. He said, I'll give it a little dramatic effect for this while I'm reading. Was the lockdown successful? I say yes, very successful.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Successful in things like this. Anxiety hotline calls up 1,000%. Child abuse, both sexual and non up financially emotional distress suicides alcohol 150 000 americans a month not receiving cancer screenings it's been effective all right in all the wrong metrics in all the areas we didn't want it to be effective delay in medical care we talked about the orthopedics, non-essential. Suicide calls up 600%. Suicide calls. We heard other doctors mention this. So is the lockdown effective? It's the effect you were going for, then yes. If it was the effect you were going for, then yes. But it was trying
Starting point is 00:15:58 to flatten the curve, but it had these secondary consequences that I think are devastating. secondary consequences that I think are devastating. People staying indoors, no exercising and no vitamin D. He says, I'm watching people in their Prius by themselves driving with a mask on. There's no sense to it, he added. God, is he right? You are correct, sir. I mean, I sit on my porch. I've been saying this for months, watching people drive by in their car by themselves with a fucking mask on. Who are you going to believe? The talking heads on CNN or that lady witch doctor from Nigeria and this guy?
Starting point is 00:16:36 Nick, why do you have to say that? It's kind of funny. They're doctors. This guy's respected. But they're not going to show that video either what a filthy time to be alive where can i get some your wife's a pharmacist can i get some hydroxy i'll shoot some right into the head of my cock on tomorrow's show to prove to you
Starting point is 00:17:00 to prove to you. Let's get to my boy Trump. He's been kind of quiet. Remember, every day we used to focus on shit, he said. Well, he had me belly laughing again. President Trump says he will not visit John Lewis' casket in U.S. Capitol. And I say, good. John Lewis did some great shit back in the 50s,
Starting point is 00:17:27 and he put up with a lot of white rape, no doubt about it. But he turned into a bitter, anti-white legislator. He fucking did not. How do we know that? He didn't show up for Trump's inauguration. He boycotted it and 60 other Dems followed him. Can you imagine if some fucking white guys did that to Barack when he was sworn in? Think about it. So he lost his marbles and maybe his anger is righteous because he did go through horrible shit. But if I'm Trump and I'm the president, he boycotts my inauguration.
Starting point is 00:18:03 I'm not going to fucking go to your funeral. I'm just and I'm the president and he boycotts my argument, I'm not going to fucking go to your funeral. I'm just like Trump. If you don't like his pettiness and shit, you're not going to like me. I love it. Fuck you. If you fucked me in the past, fuck you. I don't care what you did. I've said this a million times, Raz. I could be
Starting point is 00:18:21 at the mall if there's a 10-year-old girl staring at me at the food court, I'm going to go, what is your fucking problem? And that's what Trump would do. Why are you staring at me? I'm much bigger than you. I'll break your face. So I love it.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Go ahead. They asked him if he's going. We plan and hope to expect Congressman Lewis to be together tomorrow at the Capitol. Go ahead. They asked him if he's going. No, I won't be going. No. What difference at this point does it make? I love it. No. Anything else? didn't make. I love it. No. Anything else? And you know the problem with that is, that reporter
Starting point is 00:19:11 knew he wasn't going. Do you understand? They know that shit ahead of time. Here's something to try to make Trump look bad. And Trump knows that. And what's he doing? He just goes, fuck it. Yeah, I'm not going. I wish he said, I wipe my ass with his feelings. Lewis, who was 80, died early this month
Starting point is 00:19:29 from stage four pancreatic cancer and made his last appearance just weeks ago at Black Lives Matter Plaza in D.C. So he was a Black Lives guy. Think about that. And they're a Marxist group. I just want you to think about that for a second. So anyways. Bye-bye, dickhead. that and they're a Marxist group I just want you to think about that for a second so uh anyways so there's an actual Plaza Black Lives Matter Plaza in DC I don't know that could be three square blocks they put a fence around a
Starting point is 00:19:55 couple of cones who the fuck why is that not that loud oh i turned it down anyways uh trump tweeted that day saddened to hear the news of civil rights hero john lewis passing melania and i send our prayers to he and his family he's lying he probably said a belly laughing when he was sitting on the toilet tweeting yeah i'm all broken up about a guy who wouldn't come to my inauguration. Melania, wasn't he a racist dick? I do believe so. But Lewis and the president were often at odds. The lawmaker boycotted Trump's inauguration in January 2017,
Starting point is 00:20:40 spurring at least 60 other fucking idiot lemmings from the Democrat Party to do the same thing. So kiss my grits, John. I'm glad you did some good and you did put up a lot of shit, but you lost your marbles like a lot of folks do when they get older. Let's stay on idiot Democrats. What's this? Oh, this just in. Joe Biden rejects Chris Wallace interview
Starting point is 00:21:06 after Trump calls him incompetent. Imagine. What are we doing? What's going on right now? In our interview last week with President Trump, he questioned whether his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, this is Chris Wallace talking, could handle a similar encounter. This week, we asked the Biden campaign for an interview and they said the former vice president was not available. He was hiding in a basement in a onesies. Eating yellow and green fucking jello and shitting his pants and trying to watch C-SPAN have somebody explain it to him. his pants and trying to watch C-SPAN and have somebody explain it to him. We'll keep asking every week, Chris said.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Anyways, here's Trump on with Chris Wallace. They're not going to have a man who's shot. He's shot. He's mentally shot. Let him come out of his basement, go around. I'll make four or five speeches a day. I'll be interviewed by you. I'll be interviewed by the worst killers that hate my my guts.
Starting point is 00:22:16 They hate my guts. There's nothing they can ask me that I won't give them a proper answer to. Some people will like it. Some people won't like it. I agree with that. But look, you answer the question. Let Biden sit through an interview like this. He'll be on the ground crying for mommy. He'll say, mommy, mommy, please take me home.
Starting point is 00:22:31 Well, we've asked him for an interview, sir. He can't do an interview. He's incompetent. He'll be on the ground asking for mommy to take him. I fucking love this guy. Okay? I love him. What he has put up with since he came down that fucking escalator.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Do you understand how mentally tough you are? I would have fucking shot somebody, even if I was the president by now. I would have fucking stabbed Jim Acosta in the fucking eye with a pen. I take all the questions they hate my guts and wallace said yeah we asked him for an interview and uh immediately after his interview biden's deputy campaign manager kate beddingfield released a statement addressing claims made during the hour-long sit down she said the fucking idiot for over a year, Donald Trump and his campaign have cycled through the same self-defeating attacks against Joe Biden and have failed to get traction on a single one. President Trump gave it another go on Fox News Sunday this morning. He lurched from smear to
Starting point is 00:23:41 smear, all while being forcefully corrected on most including the lie that joe biden wouldn't keep the american people safe and supports defunding the police uh what what signs has he showed that he's he's gonna biden's gonna he's not siding with the fucking chaos going on that would have been my question get what what what did he do that's all so she's a liar liar whore liar whore you know she neglected however to address the issue of biden making his own appearance on the program one day after his interview with trump wallace told fox news host brett bear that he believed biden should put himself up to the same scrutiny that Trump does. The fact is, he says, the president is out there. He's out there in this broiling heat with me for an hour, took all the questions.
Starting point is 00:24:32 You can like his answers or dislike them, but he had answers. And Joe Biden hasn't faced that kind of scrutiny, hasn't faced that kind of exposure. And Chris Wallace is no righty if you watch his show. He's a very fair guy. He goes after both sides. You know why? Because he's 70 and I mean, he still has a fucking, understands
Starting point is 00:24:55 journalism, has an ounce of integrity left. He'll cry like a baby. He'll be laying on the ground. Chris, he'll be shitting his pants. He'll be shitting his pants, drooling like a little retarded girl. Here's why I love black people. Some of them.
Starting point is 00:25:17 When they're honest, they're honest. And is there any women, black women that look, I don't know. A co-chair of bernie santa's presidential campaign vividly described how she feels about again she worked for bernie about choosing between biden and president trump likening it to only having to eat a half a bowl of shit she says Raz put her up there it's Dennis Rodman ain't it look at this fucking brand look at her she's got shoulders like Dwight Howard
Starting point is 00:25:57 why here's the problem and this is going to come across sexist racist obviously a gay black woman does she really have a lot in common with the average american she's got a chip on her shoulder about slavery about fucking heterosexual white males do you see what i'm saying yet they're in there they're running cities and shit look at biden he's ashamed of her dress i told you not to wear that she said it's like saying to somebody this is why i love blackley you have a bowl of shit in front of you and all you're saying is right in the interview and all you've got to do is eat half of it instead of the whole thing it's still shit nina turner said I fucking love it.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Delicious. Thank you. Thank you. Can I get another bowl, please? Turner, a former Ohio State Senator, was quoted in an article analyzing Trump's path to re-election, including by exploiting disaffected supporters of Sanders' socialist campaign, which lost to Biden despite winning the first three state Democratic contests this year you know why because it's fixed but bernie did what right after he stepped out bought out of the race he endorsed joe biden which means what he's a fucking company man to the bitter fucking end that's all that means trump is seeking
Starting point is 00:27:20 to appeal to sandra's backers by pointing out that Biden supported the Iraq war voted for NAFTA uh and offered a 1994 crime uh law credited with contributing to the mass incarceration of black people that's the only fucking thing he did right in my opinion whoops that's when crime was out of control. I'm just saying. Last time, Trump said, I got a lot of Bernie Sanders voters. As you know, a very good percentage. People were shocked, mostly because of trade. Trump said in a Father's Day discussion last month, one thing Bernie was right on was trade. He said that everybody in this country is being hurt badly by trade deals.
Starting point is 00:28:04 I forgot I do Bernie. I forgot I had a door. I forget. Remember? I just want to say, trade deals are killing us. NAFTA. NAFTA.
Starting point is 00:28:29 I'm going to. And anyways, so Trump agrees with him that although Sanders endorsed Biden and released a unity agenda with him, some Sanders supporters resisted jumping aboard. I wrote the goddamn bill. I'm talking about Subarus, lesbians. I'm talking about Subarus lesbians, I'm talking about Vermont covered bridges I gotta go back and watch your old tapes I better get out of the dorm ladies and gentlemen I want to thank you guys
Starting point is 00:28:56 like I said we had over 5,000 people watching live you know what that means if I was touring right now I'd probably be selling the twice the tickets I'm guessing that I was before COVID hit fucking Chinese motherfuckers uh his one-time contributions made since yesterday at and again this is the lifeblood of the show so we thank you Ivan Babic New York Deanna Couturier Georgia Sean, Sean Littlehale, once again, Massachusetts,
Starting point is 00:29:27 Stuart Murray, Illinois, William Murtha, South Carolina, Kyle Schwendenden, New Mexico. I said that right. Josh Buchanan, Missouri, Knicker Lives Matter, California. Knicker, N-I-C-K-E Nicker, Lives Matter, California. Nicker, N-I-C-K-E-R, Lives Matter. I don't know. That's right on the edge. Raz did not look happy. Matthew Effek, New York.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Ermina Campbell, Oregon. Jeffrey Baumeister, Florida. Kevin McBride in Washington. Daniel Dowd in California. Bridget Fleming, Oregon. Joseph Lemondola, Kansas. Frank Rizzo's bastard kid, Nebraska. You crumb them. Tommy Shinebox, California. Go home and get your shinebox. Just for you, motherfucker. get you a shine box just for you motherfucker david montpeller florida thank you guys so much and here people signed up a patreon jack boy robbins william man and austin uh mayring thank you guys again subscriptions are climbing live viewers are climbing. Yes, sir, Raz. Speaking of Patreon, we have a question.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Oh, for the love of Christ. Matt Commiland, California. Hey, Nick, really enjoy the show. I get so pissed off about the constant double standards and hypocrisy of leftist Democrats and the complicit media that always covers for them. What is a current double standard that really makes your stem ache?
Starting point is 00:31:10 current double standard that really makes your stem ache? That women can have free drinks at a bar. They have drink night and I can't do that. The fuck's the matter with these whores? Are you kidding me? There's so many double standards, man. I don't know where to fucking start. How about Dave Chappelle can say anything and gets a little bit of heat for 24 hours. And I love Chappelle. You know, I'm a big Chappelle. And then he gets another $40 million deal from Netflix. How about Tracy Morgan saying, if my baby's gay, I'm going to kill it and still has a fucking career. How about numerous right wingers getting kicked, canceled off radio for a tweet or whatever. Well, no fucking libs do. That's just a few of them.
Starting point is 00:31:49 That type of shit. You know what I mean? I could go on and on. I've mentioned a lot of them on the show. Anyways, in our, thank you for the question, by the way. In our, come on, Raz. In our make me, come on, Raz. In our make me... Come on, Raz.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Make me a sandwich. Make me a fucking sandwich. Don't wait for me. Sound like Jaws. Remember? In our make me a sandwich segment tonight, Nancy Pelosi loses her shit.
Starting point is 00:32:22 She says, no, no, no. Nancy Pelosi has a hostile tantrum. Yells at reporters. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Nancy Pelosi has a hostile tantrum, yells that reporter. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. And as usual, the frail 80-year-old saggy-titted Democrat is throwing around her considerable fun bags as speaker to dictate the outcome, even bullying reporters who dare question the process. Then again, Pelosi's accustomed to a docile press corps. Can you imagine?
Starting point is 00:32:50 Can you imagine she's yelling at a press corps who's been acting as her propaganda arm since she got to D.C.? And somebody has the balls to ask her a question that isn't exactly far left, and she loses her wrinkled snatch nick you can't say that on fox nation i know that's not why i'm there somebody asked her are you considering extending the benefits uh or or two while you continue to go here's the clip Vote by mail and other priorities that we have that are about justice. She's a malignant cunt.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Are you considering extending these benefits for a month or two while you continue to negotiate? No. The point being, the Republicans have every bit of information they need to make a decision.
Starting point is 00:33:45 No. She's still yelling. Republicans have every bit of information they need to make a decision. You understand now. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:33:51 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:33:51 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:33:51 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:33:52 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:33:52 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:33:53 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:33:53 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:33:54 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:33:58 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:34:02 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No wretched person on the planet. Her and Hillary ought to have a knife fight in the parking lot naked. And the fucking
Starting point is 00:34:17 person who survives gets to be Biden's ticket. No. No. Get your hands out of the cookie jar no oh makes me sick god forbid somebody gave her a tough question that just shows the fucking media uh anyways just as she tried to do before pelosi's hoping to exploit the suffering of the American people brought on by the pandemic to cram a bunch of liberal goodies in any new bill. She voiced the priority of a vote by mail as one desire, because we know that's the quickest way to steal an election. A priority she described Monday as justice. House Democrats approved a sweeping $3 trillion relief plan two months ago,
Starting point is 00:35:05 chock full of liberal goodies unrelated to the pandemic. But Republicans are looking at a $1 trillion measure that will reduce the $600 a week jobless benefit noticeably. Having little shame, Pelosi tried to slip in funding for Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the country. She tried to put that in the bill, of course. We're almost done, Timmy. Just got to get your feet out. That was too much for Raz.
Starting point is 00:35:46 To make it the funniest show on the planet, folks. Slipping in an abortion bill. That has a lot to do with COVID, doesn't it? You saggy, titted, leathery, nipple pig face. Let me have a cup of coffee, my fifth. Please come to Boston, she said no. Boy, why don't you come home to me? Thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Didn't really need the guitar. Hey, rambling boy, why don't you settle down? Savannah ain't your kind of town. But there ain't no gold and there ain't nobody like me. I'm the number one fan of the man they call Nicky D. I just wrote that last night. Good night. And Raz nods at me like I'm serious.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Not bad. Raz, let's stay with it. Oh, you don't have to do it. Another make a, yeah, do it anyways. I mean, we built the fucking segments. Let's show it. Another make me. Make me a sandwich.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Make me a fucking sandwich. Second one. Rutgers English Department dismantles grammar among other anti-racist mandate this article made me nuts i almost passed out you're let me just read it to you not gonna rutgers university's english department created a list of anti-racist directives what does that got to do with english oh there's some people who can't speak it they're so ignorant yeah uh Anti-racist directives and initiatives for the upcoming academic year, including an effort to de-emphasize traditional grammar rules. Gee, who do you think they're trying to please with that ruling? Huh?
Starting point is 00:37:40 If you want to talk like a fucking millennial, we'll send you to Slippin' Falls School. The College Fix reports that Rebecca Walkowitz. Look at the smile on her face. I'm dismembering Western culture as we know it. I'm destroying everything that made this country great in the Western world. Look at me. Fucking yeast infection on wheels.
Starting point is 00:38:02 English Department Chair at Rutgers sent the agenda campus-wide, fittingly on June teeth. Department actions in solidarity with Black Lives Matter. There's a college professor who agrees with a domestic terrorist group, a Marxist group that wants to overthrow the government, and she's doing her part by dissembling the English language. Where do you fucking build these people? Hope she finds a lump on her fucking tit the size of a grapefruit.
Starting point is 00:38:37 The email states that the initiatives are a way to contribute to the eradication of systemic inequities facing black, indigenous, and people of color. Oh, God. One of the initiatives is described as incorporating critical grammar into pedagogy. This approach challenges the familiar, pedagogy is just a teaching method. This approach challenges the familiar dogma that writing instruction should limit emphasis on grammar slash sentence level issues so as to not put the students from multilingual nonstandard academic English backgrounds at a disadvantage. Yeah, they shouldn't have to learn proper grammar of the number one fucking language on the planet, never mind in America. Oh, my aching fucking bag instead it encourages students whoa god I almost broke my guitar it encourages students to develop a critical awareness listen to this goo gobble of the variety of choices available to them with regard to micro level issues in order to empower them and equip them
Starting point is 00:39:53 to push against biases based on written accents like this written accent that's an exchange student from rwanda oh my god i i can't believe what i'm reading here uh listen listen to this razz Traditional grammar is now subjective. In other words, there's no rules and shit. They're not going to be happy until white people are talking like they grew up in the hood, basically, or grew up in Pakistan or some other third world shithole. Do you know people come here just because of the educational system? As bad as it is in this country, it's still as good as there is on the planet.
Starting point is 00:40:45 Do you know that? Yeah, so it's subjective and a stylistic choice as it pertains to students' cultures. The graduate writing program will be advising this grammar overhaul in coursework papers, scholarly articles, and dissertations. Since 2012, the English Department has had a Committee on Bias Awareness and Prevention. The English Department. Are you
Starting point is 00:41:14 fucking banging me in my ass? Is anybody learning fucking math? Writing? Rhythmotip? Per a recommendation endorsed by leaders of every instructional unit, all, what does that say? Every instructional unit.
Starting point is 00:41:33 In other words, there's no conservatives on any campus. All fall English instructors should be required to attend at least one workshop remotely on how to have an anti-racist classroom. This is what Russia did. This is like political rehabilitation. They're making them watch videos and shit on how not to have a racist classroom. Let me ask you a question.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Is there any other place in America that would be PC and not racist more than a college campus at this point? Proves that you wealthy college boys don't have the education enough to admit when you're wrong. Exactly, Quint. quint uh the committee will be launching a web page to provide access to events resources affiliated groups while also organizing two teach-ins on black lives matter anti-racism police brutality and prison reform this is english you wonder why kids who graduate just fucking hate this i mean look at that this isn't just at Rutgers. This is every fucking campus. Somebody much smarter than me said
Starting point is 00:42:48 a couple months ago that the academia, the college campuses, are a national threat to this country, which they really are. Concerned over inclusivity and diversity, Walkowitz noted there will be an internship in spring dedicated to decolonizing the writing center. Another spring internship will be titled Tutoring Towards Diversity and Inclusion.
Starting point is 00:43:21 These are just brainwashing techniques, folks. You're watching the dismantling of the greatest culture this fucking planet has ever seen. For the upcoming school year, the English department will be offering 14 courses in African-American literature. You know. What's her name? Maya Angelou and who's the other one Whoopi Goldberg on subjects ranting from W.E. Du Bois who's a defensive back for the Broncos no he's actually a pretty good do I read that book myself and his afterlives to Afrofuturism are there any white kids on the fucking school? Afro-futurism and black speculative fiction. This is about England.
Starting point is 00:44:11 This is the English we're talking about. What folks says about this family, I does. I has told you and told you that you can always tell a lady, but the way that she eat in front of folks like a bird. And I ain't aiming for you to go to Mr. John Wilkinson and eat like a field hand and gobble like a hog. That's a white woman professor at Rutgers. This might be the best show I've ever done.
Starting point is 00:44:35 I am as hard as a whale's tooth. Let's stay on fucking crazy left-wingers. New York rep Jerry Nadler calls violent riots in Portland. I'm not even going to tell you what it is. I'll show you the clip. But anyways, I'm making a bet with Raz, a Deadpool. If this guy's alive in 18 months, I'll be very surprised. He has the pallor of a corpse on an open casket.
Starting point is 00:45:01 He used to be obese. He lost about 400 pounds. Now he looks like somebody let the air out of a fucking tire. His belt is up around his nipples, but he's got the pallor of a dead man. He's, remember he passed out about a year ago in Congress. They had to splash water on him. I don't believe he's going to be alive at 18 months. Listen, I predicted Billy Mays would die. Actually, I fucking wished he died and he died the next day. And I did it to somebody else. I forget.
Starting point is 00:45:26 I've done it to two people. I'm not wishing him dead. I'm just saying. I'm no doctor, although I play one on a podcast. This guy's a dead man fucking walking, in my opinion. Oh, yeah. Dead man walking. Dead man walking.
Starting point is 00:45:53 when asked by reporter austin fleckus if he disavowed the violence from antifa that's happening in portland this is what the fat dummy had to say it is true there's violence across the whole country do you disavow the violence from antifa that's happening in portland right now that's a myth that's being spread only in was from antifa that's happening in portland right now that's a myth that's being spread only in washington dc about antifa in portland yes sir there's there's videos everywhere online there's fires and riots that's a myth that's a myth get this through your head get this through your head you jew motherfucker you he's lying that's a myth we watch it every night it's been going on for 60 nights in portland you see clips on the news and that jerk off democrat power player says it's a myth they're in total denial you know why he has to say that because he realizes that antifa is just a militia acting on behalf of the democrats
Starting point is 00:46:47 so he's told uh to say that to deny it the department of homeland security said rioters have been inciting violence for two months let me read this the violent situation this is what he's denying uh the violent situation portland has witnessed for the past eight weeks continues with violent anarchists riding on the street as federal law enforcement officers work diligently and honorably to enforce federal law defend federal property and protect the lives of their fellow officers dhs said in a statement sunday as federal officers left the courthouse to respond to attacks on the fence just like on previous nights they were met by rioters with hard projectiles, mortar-style fireworks, and lasers that can cause permanent blind damage.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Over the previous 24 hours, such assaults have resulted in at least 14 federal officers injured. Okay? But it's a myth. How is he still in... Why isn't he... He should be in cuffs. This is what your taxpayer dollars are going to read tucker carlson's book ship of fools it talks about the ruling class and how these
Starting point is 00:47:53 never has this country had more assholes running it ah look at raz see i gotta yell at him once more. In our... I fucking love that. In our libs eating libs segment. Couple stories actually today in libs eating libs. The Ellen DeGeneres show's workplace environment is subject of an inquiry launched by Warner Brothers TV, TV group, which includes the show's producer,
Starting point is 00:48:23 telepictures, blah, blah, blah. As revealed in an internal memo sent out last week, Warner Media has retained an outside consultant to interview current and former Allen employees about their experience
Starting point is 00:48:35 working on the popular daytime syndicated talk show. Okay. This is classic. You can't get more liberal the investigation first reported by variety follows a recent buzzfeed report alleging a toxic work culture the minute i read this the minute i read it i knew it was going to be black employees the minute i didn't get halfway through the story because she can't get more liberal than this i'm and i'm glad i hate ellen but i'm i have
Starting point is 00:49:03 to defend her in this a little bit. But I hate her and I'm glad the libs are biting her ass now. They're eating each other because she helped create this PC environment. Look at her making little fucking faggy heart sign with her hands. There's nobody more politically correct than her. She's worth
Starting point is 00:49:20 $400 million. She's gay. She's a power player in Hollywood. Do you really think she's racist and shit? And they're coming after her. A toxic culture based on anonymous testimonials by one current and 10 former employees, according to the publication, who said they faced racism.
Starting point is 00:49:37 So, you know, it's not white people. Bullying and intimidation. Yeah, if there's a bully out there, it's Ellen DeGeneres. It was the latest in a string of negative stories and intimidation. Yeah, if there's a bully out there, it's Ellen DeGeneres. It was the latest in a string of negative stories about the show and host Ellen DeGeneres published over the past six months.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Even she's not safe from this shit. This is incredible. These blacks. Who knows where they're going to take the wrong way. The Budfeed investigation, the Buzzfeed, I said Budfeed, whatever, detailed,
Starting point is 00:50:05 the Buzzfeed, the motherfucking racism and sexism and shit. The BuzzFeed investigation, detailed incident which is tough and said they were shy-lined. Discipline 05 for speaking up about discrimination. Well, golly. Taking a mental health leave or attending family funerals, among other things. They were disciplined for shit like that. The allegations range from racist microaggressions. The minute you hear microaggressions, you know it's bullshit, right, Raz? It's bullshit. Microaggressions, you don't even know you're being racist. It was made up by the left. It's a cancer. This country is riddled.
Starting point is 00:50:47 I don't think we can save it. Microaggressions to jokes about mistaking two black female employees with the same hairstyle. That's a complaint because some white person, you know, one former employee said she left the job after she was called into a meeting with executive producer ed glavin where she was reprimanded for her objections to the term spiritual animal so alan has helped set this pc environment and now it's biting her in the ass so she was uh reprimanded for being offended by spiritual animal asking for a raise and suggesting employees on the show receive diversity and inclusion training oh my god can we just admit it's not working the employees said glab and told her she was walking around looking resentful and angry that's's what he said. You stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt!
Starting point is 00:51:47 That's what he said. And why shouldn't he? Do you really think Mr. Glavin's lying? I mean, if you're bothered by microaggressions and shit, and you complain that the term spiritual animal is somehow racist, you just hate where you live, who you are, and you got a puss on your face.
Starting point is 00:52:06 I have one every day. And I'm an entitled white guy. Look at this shirt. Laugh into the mic, will you? People love when you laugh. Over the course of nearly two decades, 3,000 episodes, this is from somebody working at Ellen, and employing over 1,000 staff members, we have strived to create open, safe, and inclusive work environment. Yeah, how did it work out for you? You've been sucking their ass, Ellen, and Ellen's producers. How did it work out for you? And they still fucking hate you and want to sue you. So why not join the right team and go, you know what?
Starting point is 00:52:46 Fuck you. We have bent over backwards. We are fully heartbroken, truly heartbroken and sorry to learn that even one person in our production family has had a negative experience. Diddle it. Oh oh they apologize raz for the record the day listen the day-to-day responsibility of the ellen show is completely on us you know ellen's lawyer said look put it on you guys don't fucking we take all this very seriously and we realize as many in the world
Starting point is 00:53:27 are learning that we need to do better. I'm not learning that. I think the black community has to do better. How about that? We're committed to do better and we will do better. Will you shut up? Will you?
Starting point is 00:53:44 Will you please shut up? Will you shut up? Will you? Will you please shut up? Will you shut up? Shut up! Don't batter up my ass. That made no sense. I'm just going to piss off the wrong person out there. What am I...
Starting point is 00:54:12 I got swamp ass. I stand up. It's so humid down here. The fucking office chair sticks to my ass and I leave the building. And our second lib eat libs story tonight. Seattle mayor, council members see offensive messages written outside homes. mayor council members see offensive messages written outside homes again libs eating libs i'll repeat that seattle mayor that's that durkin who let these look at that he she oh she's gay anyways what am i saying it's the only thing i have in uh common with her like pussy seattle mayor council this is the broad who's letting Seattle burn to the ground, building chop, doing whatever they want, and they're coming after her. I love it.
Starting point is 00:54:53 Libs eating libs. You've created a fucking standard, a PC standard that you can't even meet. Unbelievable. Anyways, they see offensive messages written outside their homes like resigned bitch seattle mayor jenny durkin jerkin and council members alec peterson and deborah juarez have had offensive messages written outside their homes by some we're calling them
Starting point is 00:55:19 protesters again who support yeah that's that's peaceful protesting, spray painting people's houses, threatening their families, who support defunding the city's police department. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Yeah, where am I? I don't know. Page three. Can you imagine?
Starting point is 00:55:38 She's done everything. She's let them, remember, she didn't want the feds to break it up. She made the cops stand down, and they still fucking hate her. Now she's upset. This spray painting her house. Oh, it's coming home.
Starting point is 00:55:47 The roots roosters are coming home, huh? Oh, boy, you messages written on a street at Durkin's home, red guillotine, Jenny. Well,
Starting point is 00:55:59 guillotine, however you want to pronounce it and resign, bitch. The windows at Peterson's home, right home right fuck you and don't be racist trash man fuck you and your bone spurs don't be racist trash they let them set up their own country they're letting them throw shit at cops, not arresting anybody, and it's not enough. Separately, council member Tammy Morales, who has called for the police to be defunded by 50%, spoke with demonstrators outside her home Sunday. Listen to this moron. Listen to what she's going to encourage.
Starting point is 00:56:38 I had a brief conversation with a few members of the group that came to my home last night. She makes it sound like she invited him over for coffee and fucking some type of dessert. I was trying to say scones. Crumpets? Trumpets? I don't know. Fucking... I had a conversation
Starting point is 00:56:58 with a few members of the group that came to my house last night. Did they come and just showed up or did you invite them? Morales tweeted Monday, I appreciate the opportunity to listen to what they had to say. We exchanged numbers and we'll be talking later today. Oh, my God. Oh, fucking idiot. She's encouraging it.
Starting point is 00:57:23 Oh, we just had a discussion in my driveway. I was in my bathrobe trying to, you know, feed my kids and shit. But we had a discussion. We're going to chat later. The idiots that are running this country. At the home of Juarez, protesters used a bullhorn
Starting point is 00:57:41 and spray-painted corporate boot liquor on the street. While Peterson and Juarez support slashing the police budget, they do not support a 50% reduction being pushed by some groups. Leaders of several local Native American organizations, oh, they got a way in now? What did the Indians have to say? What did these fucking whiskey red-faced drinking corn raisers have to say?
Starting point is 00:58:21 Native American organizations, what did they say? They decried the offensive messages directed at elected leaders, particularly those targeting Juarez, who was a member, oh, of the Blackfeet Nation tribe Out of all the tribes, it has to be Blackfeet
Starting point is 00:58:36 We can't win in this country I can't believe it The Blackfeet tribe The Squfeet tribe. The Squamish tribe supports Juarez and her right as an elected official to do her job without verbal harassment and vandalism at her home. Leonard Forsman, chairman of the Squamish tribes. You know, Chief Leonard Forsman. What kind of fucking Indian is that?
Starting point is 00:59:11 And head tribesman Kevin Smith said, I am a Native American. Finally tonight, oh God, maybe a couple more. Nurse. It says nurse brawls with passenger ranting about pandemic on Chicago's red line. They say nurse, and I'm thinking a chick because I'm, you know, I'm just an old relic. But they're talking about a male nurse, like Ben Stiller in Meet the Parents. Excuse me. Anyways, take a look at this video shot on a train in Chicago.
Starting point is 00:59:54 The nurse is the male guy, white guy, sitting down, and he's being berated by... Go ahead. It starts with the man in the black shirt standing over the nurse and shouting at him about health care workers. Eventually, the nurse stands up to defend himself and struggle for several minutes the woman who recorded the video tells us the nurse tried a number of times to get the man to leave him alone the witness who recorded the video, Catrice Hardaway,
Starting point is 01:00:26 I'm guessing a black woman, right? You say, Roz? Said the nurse, tried mouth, you know the people. Again, liberals don't watch the show, but if they were, they'd be like, why would he say that? How does he know from the name? Why? Because I say shit like that all the time since I was 10, and i've been wrong twice in 30
Starting point is 01:00:47 fucking 85 years that's why anyways uh catrice hardaway the nurse tried multiple times to get the unruly passenger to leave him alone hardaway repeatedly hit the panic button on the subway as the situation grew worse other passengers tried to intervene but the man accused of assaulting the nurse did not like how the nurse got the upper hand on the struggle of course he didn't once the train stopped the man refused to get off so the nurse got off at 69th street exit hardaway god bless her soul followed him to make sure the police got a hold of her video i fucking love this woman. I am your voice. Imagine that. She said fighting through this pandemic for us and he shouldn't have to go through that on his way to work.
Starting point is 01:01:32 Exactly. That's a guy probably just worked a 16 hour shift. He's putting his life on the line if you want to believe all the fucking hype. But still, and he's got to deal with that shit. Being harassed by a fucking linebacker of the University of Chicago. I mean, come on, for the love of my mother. I'd say that is, well, let's show one more, Raz. Let's show one more.
Starting point is 01:01:57 Let's go to the, let's skip to the, all hell breaks loose in Memphis. 400 teens destroy a putt-putt center. We call it miniature golf up in the Northeast. Putt-putt's a little too retarded. Although miniature golf's kind of stupid too. Putt-putt, come on. I'm 58 years old.
Starting point is 01:02:16 I'm trying to get a ball through a clown's nose. You can fucking have some dignity. Chaos erupts when 400 teenagers left unattended. Right away, my mind went to, who would do that? Fucking Polish. Left unattended at Putt-Putt Fun Center. I just love that there's a riot going on at Putt-Putt. What next, a stabbing at Chuck E. Cheese? For the love of, a mini golf complex got flooded with hundreds of black kids.
Starting point is 01:02:44 I'll put in, I'll write it the way it should be written. After a mass parent drop off, who then started wreaking havoc when they couldn't get their money back. This went down Saturday night at the Putt-Putt Fun Center. Where police officers responded to call for service over reports of chaos breaking out after several different black parents or parent left upwards to three to four hundred kids young adults it says children young adults see how they try to sugarcoat it at the facility who began destroying the joint let's take a look Thank you. I don't want to see it. Who's a man? Your wife doesn't have a hand in it.
Starting point is 01:04:09 You son of a bitch. Kill the white people. You know what she's pissed about? Her food order. Go in the fucking kitchen and give me my big piece of chicken! I'm out of here! That's enough! How many more of those do we have to watch before somebody does something? Huh? I don't understand why white people are drawing conclusions. Send me a video of fucking 50 white kids doing that.
Starting point is 01:04:35 I'm waiting. Send it tonight. Or send me a video of five white people beating up an old black woman. Send it to my fucking show. It's the parents or parent I should say. Seriously, how many people in that crowd do you think had both parents? That's
Starting point is 01:04:56 the root of it all, in my opinion. That has to be fixed first. And that's going to take a long time. Thank God I'll be in the ground about 20 years before they straighten that one out. By the way, I want to be buried in a black cemetery i think that's cool we're asking you to laugh at them come on that was a good one you're a creep get away from me you're a crumb creep. You're a real crumb bum. That's faggot stuff.
Starting point is 01:05:26 You want to call it by its name? That's strictly for fags. Forget it. Scram. Get out of here. All right, I will. That's the show. All right, folks.
Starting point is 01:05:35 That is it for today. Again, thank you for all the support and the donations. Keep it alive. This show is needed, in my opinion. Remember, you guys think it. I'll say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here tomorrow at the same time. Bye-bye. guitar solo I'm out.

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