The Nick DiPaolo Show - Marxist Maggot Mayor | Nick DiPaolo Show #380

Episode Date: July 21, 2020

Tlaib refusing Trump's help. Blacks guys save white cop from mob. Tucker targeted by NY Times. Thank you Dave The Wave from Avila Beach, CA for your "Ask Nick!" question and for your continued support... on Patreon! FREE! MONDAY - THURSDAY 5PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, Nick DiPaolo here, and I know we're living in crazy times. You're watching your society burn down. The far-left radical jerk-offs are doing it. And you're not going to get any straight news on TV or on social media. They're squashing guys like me, who have an opinion from the right. And they haven't squashed me yet here. So I suggest you come here at watch the podcast uh we rely on you to make daily donations at and you can go to become a monthly
Starting point is 00:00:33 subscriber and if you do that you get an extra story nobody else gets you get um access to all the shows you get to ask me a question. So also, if you have a business and you want to be a sponsor of the show, go to Right now, it's the only place we can talk honestly. And I don't know how long that's going to last. But I already have a safety net built in case they chase me off of here,
Starting point is 00:00:59 which could be very likely. Anyways, when you're watching on YouTube, don't forget to click that bell and subscribe and make sure you stay subscribed. That's it. Now I want you to enjoy the show. So enjoy. guitar solo Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's that time again, folks.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Boy, does the day fly by in the night, huh? My goodness gracious. I hit a wall yesterday. I don't know. I didn't even work out and shit. I just fucking hit a wall at like six o'clock. It's so hot. Huh?
Starting point is 00:02:09 It's so hot. Yes. Jesus Christ. How do you farmers do it? The fuck? Brutal humidity down here. It's like being in fucking Vietnam. Standing in a rice paddy in fucking August.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Or Savannah, Georgia. Anyways, welcome to the show. First of all, I want to thank those people in the chat rooms. When we drop the show at 5 o'clock Eastern, there's people waiting for it, and the crowds are getting bigger every night. As you know, YouTube's kind of sticking to us, so we appreciate those of you who submit those super chats. That's keeping us alive. Like this one from Kane Dynasty from yesterday.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Good to see Chicago cops cracking some skulls in Grant Park over the weekend. Suck it, Lori Lightheels. Lori Lightheels, is that the meaning she can get for that fucking hateful black whore how about Beetlejuice face did they crack heads in Grand Park I guess they did I have to see it but thank you Kane Dynasty for weighing
Starting point is 00:03:17 in cause she is evil man she is just who has more conflicts with life than a black lesbian in the United States? Do you see what I'm saying? Do you really think the average American sees life through her eyes? Do you see what I'm saying? I know it's a representative Republic, not a pure democracy, but do you get what I'm saying? Nick, what are you saying? She shouldn't be a part. Yes, that's what I you saying she shouldn't be a part yes that's what I'm saying
Starting point is 00:03:45 give me a crusty old white guy all across the board Rez is like listen man I'm your producer I'm fucking black lay off that shit uh here are some of my tour dates if people uh don't stop sneezing Chinese goo on each other uh September 17th through the 19th the Plaza Hotel and Casino in Vegas. October 2nd, Jonathan's there in Gunquit, Maine. October 10th, Stand Up Live, Huntsville, Alabama. October 11th, the Zanies Comedy Club, Nashville, Tennessee. November 19th, the Improv in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Jesus, I can't read. Go to It's all right there. I have a little Asian kid tied to my fucking, in my garage, putting that shit up. I'm going to feed him tonight. Spend two days. Let's get to it. Let's start with some positive news about COVID. The headline says first. This is from Reuters, by the way.
Starting point is 00:04:43 First human trial of AstraZeneca, you know, the drug company, COVID-19 vaccine shows promise. Oh, does it? I've heard this 75 fucking times since January. AstraZeneca's experimental COVID-19 vaccine was safe and produced an immune response in early stage clinical trials in healthy volunteers. All right, then. All righty, then. The vaccine called AZD-1222 and being developed by AstraZeneca and scientists in Britain's Oxford University did not prompt any serious side effects other than growing a dick on your forehead and two tits on your arm. And elicited antibody and T-cell immune. I know about T-cells. They help out. You have cells in your body that attack when something foreign comes in your body
Starting point is 00:05:37 or your immune cell. The T-cell helps them attack, apparently. Very important. They're like an aid, you know. And anyway, so it creates that T-cell immune response. We hope this means the immune system will remember the virus so that our vaccine will protect people for an extended period of time. A study lead author, Kanye West said, what? Andrew Pollard. That would be funny. What the hell was that? That would be funny if that's who quoted that.
Starting point is 00:06:23 However, we need more research before we can confirm the vaccine effectively protect against SARS-CoV-2 infection and for how long any protection lasts. AstraZeneca is among the leading vaccine candidates, they but uh you know of course they are they want to give me the money you understand give me the fucking money you hear me you hear me i gotta come here give me the fucking money that's the head of uh astrazeneca talking to some of the pharmacy uh these include some other candidates for the vaccine include shots being developed by China's Sinovac Biotech. I'd go with them since they created the fucking germ. They know how to undo it. Another from state owned Chinese firm Sinopharm.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Why would we trust them? You shit me. They give us any vaccine, you shoot it into your fucking thing, you'll be dead in three minutes. Bunch of fucking yellow jackets. And one from the U.S. biotech firm Moderna. So, you know, a little bit of AstraZeneca has signed agreements with governments around the world to supply the vaccine. But it's not about money. Should it prove effective and gain regulatory approval? The company has said it will not seek to profit from the vaccine during the pandemic. Do you believe that?
Starting point is 00:07:44 Do you believe that? The companies said we'll not seek to profit from the vaccine during the pandemic. What does that mean? You're going to give this shit away? Or they're going to wait until the pandemic's officially over? I don't know. Anyways, thank you, AstraZeneca. You got rid of my acne when I was 18.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Forgot to shave. How do you forget to shave? I'm sitting here. The show starts. I'm wearing a red T-shirt. We're about to go to the... I forgot to put a shirt and tie on. I'm going to be hanging out with Biden,
Starting point is 00:08:19 playing bingo in about a year and a half. Fucking throwing our feces at each other like a couple of monkeys. This was a good story. You know, we've been following the McCloskeys, you know, the white couple that had the balls to guard their house with guns. The worst part, the most offensive thing about this
Starting point is 00:08:36 is how she's holding that gun like it's a cap gun and his pink fucking faggy shirt and khakis. Khakis and bare feet just don't go. But could there be any whiter? I swear to God, that's why. But anyways, as you remember, Black Lives Matter broke down a gate, private property. They were trespassing.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Broke a fucking gate down. Yet that stupid bitch Kim Gardner, the prosecutor for St. Louis, you know her. Look at that. Former tight end for the Denver for St. Louis. You know her. Look at that. Former tight end for the Denver Broncos. You fucking carpet munching pig face. I could just hit her. That's wrong.
Starting point is 00:09:15 You can't judge a book by it. Yeah, you can. She's a hateful whitey hater. Anyways, you remember. So she fucking investigated them, went and took their guns for doing nothing we've been saying it all week right they did nothing wrong uh anyways hours after the st louis couple who pointed guns at protest even that fucking headlines of bias pointed guns at protesters
Starting point is 00:09:38 protesters they broke down the gate i call them them rioters. They were charged with felonies by this twat here. Missouri's attorney, but Missouri's attorney general said he's joining the case to get their charges dismissed. Finally, the St. Louis couple Mark and Patricia McCloskey were charged by a circuit attorney on Monday with unlawful use of a weapon after they pointed guns at Black Lives Matter protesters in late June. Hours after the charges were filed, Missouri's Attorney General Eric Schmidt filed an amicus brief asking that the charges be dismissed. Schmidt cited the state's Castle Doctrine, which allows Missourians to use force against intruders as a reason the case should be thrown out. Fuckin' exactly.
Starting point is 00:10:30 You don't even have to know anything about law to know that. If convicted, the couple faces up to four years in prison and a fine of up to 10 grand for protecting their house from people who are threatening to burn it down and kill them and kill their dog their case has been politically divisive governor mike parson said last week that president trump planned to help with this situation are you really gonna i am your voice
Starting point is 00:10:59 do we have a clip of Kim Gardner talking? No, today. No. All right. And announcing the charges, a St. Louis circuit attorney, Kim Gardner, said we must protect the right to peacefully protest and any attempt to chill it through intimidation will not be tolerated, said the idiot. You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt,
Starting point is 00:11:27 a big fat stinking cunt. You're a cunt. Said and true, but they'll tell you you're a motherfucking cunt. You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, a motherfucking cunt. Cunt. Everybody knows from the end it owes you
Starting point is 00:11:38 a big fat stinking cunt. Nick, calm down. Oh, come on. Any attempt to, listen, protect peaceful protests. They busted in a gate. They broke a wrought iron gate and they were on private property. But that's her idea. Because I think, I don't know, she has a different idea.
Starting point is 00:12:04 She has a mindset. That's peaceful to her. And you know how she got in office, right, with George Soros money. He backed her campaign. Someday he's going to die. So hopefully, I mean, he's old. I'm not saying anybody should hurt him, but Jesus Christ, somebody get him some more butter and heavy cream. On Monday night, hours after the charges were filed, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmidt filed an am- Did I already read that? Anika's brief? Defending who were both working as personal injury-
Starting point is 00:12:34 They're personal injury lawyers, these people. They have a ton of black clients who love them. And even emailed saying they would disagree with how they're being treated. Schmidt said the McCloskeys were well within their rights to arm themselves against intruders, citing the state's- did I read this already? Castle Doctrine. I know I already said that. Anyways, it's good.
Starting point is 00:12:56 But here's the problem here. Okay. As Missouri's chief law enforcement officer, I won't stand by why Missouri law is being ignored, he said. That's why I entered this case to seek its dismissal, to protect the rights of Missourians to defend their property under Missouri's Castle Doctrine. It will be up to a judge whether to take Schmidt's advice
Starting point is 00:13:15 and throw the case out. That's where I get nervous, because it seems like every fucking judge in this country went to an Ivy League school and is far left now. And they're all in on this fucking let's flip this society on its head. So let's hold our breath there, you know. So that was good news. Hey, when the governor's going to get involved, I got to believe you got a little pull.
Starting point is 00:13:42 And the president, Trump, you should have flown to their house. You should have landed a helicopter right on their front lawn and come out shooting. It was the perfect landing. Give me my AK. You know why that story makes me excited, folks? You saw the gun he was holding. Well, I entered this week and I entered an auction online to buy an AR-15. Guess who won it? Oh, let me put down my sweaty pits. Yes, AR-15, I won the bid. Fucker's on my way.
Starting point is 00:14:17 It's on the way to my house. A couple of days. Can I bring it in here? I don't know if YouTube has whatever, but I see Crowder's got like a gun on his desk. I'll just bring it in and show you. You know, maybe we'll shoot up a few things in here. We'll set up some paper cups. Raz's poor kid's in the other room
Starting point is 00:14:38 playing with his computer. I won it. Cost me $999. Beautiful Armalite fucking A4. Now I got to find a shooting range. I haven't even shot my other one, my Smith & Wesson.38. And I got the shotgun in my closet that every cop uses. Now I'm going to start buying some knives and brass knuckles.
Starting point is 00:15:03 I mean, in case the circus comes to to town I'm ready to fuck somebody up sure I'm 58 and I have the shoulders of a 96 year old Jewish woman but and that's the worst part about getting old guys you know out there that's the worst part that you can't fight well after like 30 if you get in a fight in public you look like an asshole
Starting point is 00:15:23 so people tell me I don't know I saw my father get our neighbor in a headlock when he was like fucking 50 true story this fucking jerk off move next to us when i was in high school he was the fucking just uh everybody hated him he was a uh a fucking hip kind of, but he was Italian. But he complained about everybody's. We had a guy across the street who worked his ass off, Italian guy. He was in his fucking almost 80. He was a roofer. He was still climbing roofs at 80, legally blind.
Starting point is 00:15:58 He was still working. And he used to park his truck in his driveway. And this guy wasn't even in the neighborhood a month. He complained about the truck. He didn't like how it looked. Then he complained about a his truck in his driveway. And this guy wasn't even in the neighborhood a month. He complained about the truck. He didn't like how it looked. Then he complained about a guy's garage down there. Just a fucking real chooch. Anyways, my parents are having a cookout.
Starting point is 00:16:14 I told this during the eulogy. No, I didn't. I argued with my mother, so I didn't do it. I'm in high school. My parents are having a cookout on a Saturday afternoon. This jerk-off has the nerve to come into our yard and tell my father to turn the music down. I remember it being Neil Diamond.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Apparently he couldn't handle with solo and Sweet Caroline. But my mother says, no, it was me because it was my speakers and I was showing my friends how loud it goes. I don't remember that. I guess my mother wouldn't fucking lie. But anyways, the guy comes over, gets right, you know, tells my father. I see my father turn it over, you know, turn the thing down, acting all calm and shit. And I'm going, oh, this ain't over. My father was way too congenial because he didn't like this guy to begin with. you know. I said, that went way too smooth. Sure enough, next morning, Sunday morning, my bedroom went, oh,
Starting point is 00:17:11 son of a bitch. Next morning, my window faces this guy's house. I hear cursing and yelling. I put my shade up. There's my father in his yard, toe-to-toe, screaming each other's face. My father gets him around the neck. The guy falls on top of my dad. My dad's under him, but he's got a fucking, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:34 some type of Kimura hold way before UFC was even public. I could see the guy's face turning blue. Woo! I should have put my pants on there and went out and fucking held the guy down my father kicked his face in but no then they got up to their feet and fucking kind of calmed down two italians he was just what kind of italian was like an eyes on shirt you fucking jerk off
Starting point is 00:17:59 and then a couple months later i was was going to up the street. It was raining. I was going up to the church for something. CCD class? I don't know what the fuck it was. And yeah, that's right. I was in like eighth grade. It wasn't even high school. I was going to CCD class.
Starting point is 00:18:16 And Kukulo, just a couple months later, pulls up, puts his window down, and asked me if I wanted a ride. And I just went like this. Oh, fuck this up. And then I got yelled at for that? My parents. God bless my dad. Rest in peace.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Hopefully Kukula will meet him up there soon. Portland mayor. Want to see a real communist Marxist in real life? In person? This one fried my nipples. Sunday on CNN's State of the Union, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler called accusations, federal police to remove protesters in his city completely unconstitutional.
Starting point is 00:19:01 unconstitutional. Let's take a look. This guy tells the cops to stand down. You know Portland, Oregon has been rioting for what now? Fucking, what is it? I don't know, three months? Every night? Almost 90 days of some shit.
Starting point is 00:19:21 And this jerk off, he doesn't want help. Because he's a Marxist. He loves what's going on. Listen to him on Sunday saying this. Saying the protesters broke into the police association building, the union, and lit it on fire. Last night, President Trump tweeted this morning in part, quote, We are trying to help Portland not hurt it. Their leadership has for months lost control of the anarchists and agitators they are missing in action. What's your response to the president?
Starting point is 00:19:44 And how under control is your city right now well the president has a complete misunderstanding of cause and effect what's happening here is we have dozens if not hundreds of federal troops descending upon our city and what they're doing is they are sharply escalating the situation their presence pause What they're doing is they are sharply escalating the situation. Pause. Pause this fucking guy. Who said that? Who the fuck said that?
Starting point is 00:20:09 Who's the slimy little commoner shit twinkle toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? So by his logic, he agreed they're burning shit down, breaking stuff. And by sending in federal troops to stop it, they're escalating it. So if you see a woman getting raped and you try to jump in to stop, you're escalating it if the guy fights back. That's his logic. And now people are going, well, some of the cars were unmarked. They were just grabbing protesters, first of all, rioters,
Starting point is 00:20:43 and throwing them into these unmarked vehicles. Do you know why the vehicles are unmarked? Because when they show up with marked police cars, the fucking, they scatter. Go ahead, let Jerkoff talk some more. Is actually leading to more violence and more vandalism, and it's not helping the situation at all. They're not wanted here. We haven't asked them here. In fact, we want them to leave. Pause. So you like your city being burnt down. We want them to leave. Did you ask any of the people that live in Portland who aren't for this horseshit? You fucking blue eyed devil, you. Any more? That was it? God damn it. Get him on the phone. I'm not done with him.
Starting point is 00:21:28 Hey, Wheeler, you goo gobbler. Fucking idiot. By sending in people to stop the rioting, we're escalating the situation, he said. You're a real crumbum. You think Frank Rizzo would let that shit go on in Philadelphia? That's what we need, folks. Oh, he was an old racist. I don't give a shit. Give me a 6'4", 240-pound former cop from Philly whose father used to beat him twice a day. Frank Rizzo. Just love the name. You're a real crumbum.
Starting point is 00:22:08 What is that, Frank? You're a real crumbum. Crumbum. Have you ever heard of such nonsense? I mean, he's admitting that people are destroying the city. We, he says. How about the taxpayers? Their money goes to be protected?
Starting point is 00:22:29 That's the reason you pay taxes. To be protected. We don't want them here. Think about that. But he doesn't mind the rioting going on. I don't believe what I'm watching here. It's fucking... Here's my theory, folks. I came up with this
Starting point is 00:22:52 one a few... a couple weeks ago, but people are going, why aren't the cops or why aren't people stepping in? It's weird, isn't it? And these liberal cities are being told to stand down. They're not doing anything. That's creepy. The cops don't want to do that. They're getting messages from on high,
Starting point is 00:23:08 from their, obviously, from their superiors. I think Trump, I don't know, this is just a theory, and they're letting these people, they're giving them a rope to hang themselves, so to speak. Can I say that without being racial? They're exposing them for the fucking Marxist assholes that they are, right? And they're letting
Starting point is 00:23:29 this shit go on. Again, now the whole country knows. Even black people are going, fucking Black Lives Matter is run by these white hoodlums. So when Trump does finally, and I think he's gonna, start sending federal troops in, you see what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:23:47 People are going to go, good, fuck them up. I'm hoping. I could be wrong. It's about time, I'd say, to step in. Right? But at least when they give them a real beating and they start. By the way, I couldn't get a gig. One of my gigs was canceled because remember a month or two ago,
Starting point is 00:24:05 I said we need another, what was it called, Kent State, which obviously I don't want innocent protesters dying, but I'm telling you, call the Chinese. They squash these things in a second. They're wrong about everybody else, but I like the way they handled their fucking military and their cops Call them ding-a-ling-a-ling Thinking oh, yeah, it was the perfect phone call. I talked to President G. He told me to fuck him up
Starting point is 00:24:39 Run him over Why don't we break out fire hoses like they do in Israel fucking Fucking, this is what, why can't we use this type of equipment? You know what I mean? Watch this lady. That's a lady. Touchdown, Eagles. Leave that up there for a second. Why can't we use that?
Starting point is 00:25:00 That's non-lethal. And half of these fucking Marxist Antifa broads haven't showered a deuce in 10 years. Can we see that again in slow motion? That was like a Jack Tatum. Here you go. Watch your ass. But I don't understand what's going on here. I love that. This is in Israel. But why? why are all my former managers and agents standing in the picture? When did Hasidics, what were Hasidics rioting? I mean, why were they blasting them? I wonder what was going on there with their protests. And I could have looked it up, but that takes effort. And let's be honest, I'm not making that much money.
Starting point is 00:25:47 But why can't we use shit like that, Rez? Let's clean them out. Break out the fucking German shepherds. And you know what would be great about it? People go, oh no, that'll remind us of the 50s in Alabama when the black, yeah, but white people will be getting bit by these dogs this time.
Starting point is 00:26:02 White kids, entitled white kids, and black scumbags that are mixed in too. But wouldn't you love to see a white kid from Portland who went to college, has a degree, having his throat, a vein pulled out of his neck by a German shepherd, and then hit with a fire hose? I think that would be a deterrent. You can't just stand around and not do anything.
Starting point is 00:26:22 And here's my other scary thought. Is this, as somebody said, is this the new normal? Is this shit ever going to go away? Under Biden, it'll accelerate if he's listening to his puppet masters, AOC and the far left. Speaking of those douchebags,
Starting point is 00:26:41 Rashida Tlaib, maybe the ugliest woman ever elected to Congress. Remember her when Trump got elected? Remember her that night? They cut to her at some convention, some gathering, and she said, we're going to, what did she say? We're going to kick the motherfucker out or something. Remember?
Starting point is 00:27:03 Attractive woman, though. out or something remember attractive woman though i'd like to take a claw hammer right to her forehead and just pull it open watch all the shit spill out uh rashida talib rejects trump sending federal law enforcement to quell violence she says they'll have to arrest me first, is what she said. A, she was a whore. B, she was a whore. They'll have to arrest me first if they think they're going to illegally lay their hands on my residence, Tlaib said in a reaction to the president's remarks. Trump on Monday doubled down on last week's promise to take action on cities run by liberal left-wing Democrats. Why is that in quotes whoever
Starting point is 00:27:45 wrote this article is that not true boy you guys are psycho run by liberal left-wing democrats cities that have seen an escalation of violence and unrest in recent weeks he says they're like war zones and uh and if the city isn't to straighten it out, if local politicians in this case, I don't say this for political reasons. They're all Democrats, the liberal left wing Democrats, you know, will stay. Here's what he said. And then the police are afraid to do anything. I know New York very well. I know the police very well. New York's finest. And the fact is they're restricted from doing anything. They can't do anything. So what are you planning?
Starting point is 00:28:24 fact is they're restricted from doing anything. They can't do anything. So what are you planning to do? Well, I'm going to do something that I can tell you, because we're not going to leave New York and Chicago and Philadelphia and Detroit and Baltimore and all of these. Oakland is a mess. We're not going to let this happen in our country. All run by liberal Democrats. More federal law enforcement to some of these cities. More federal law enforcement that I can tell you. In Portland, they've done a fantastic job. They've been there three days and they really have done a fantastic job
Starting point is 00:28:52 in a very short period of time. No problem. They grabbed a lot of people in jail. They're leaders. These are anarchists. These are not protesters. People say protesters. These people are anarchists. These are people that hate our country. and we're not going to let it go forward. And I'll tell you what, the governor and the mayor and the senators
Starting point is 00:29:11 out there, they're afraid of these people. You are correct, sir. They are. They're fucking physically afraid of them. But I don't know what he's talking about. He sent federal people in there. I didn't see any heads being broken. They'll be all over CNN, wouldn't it? I'm wondering what the strategy is. You know what I mean? Why he's waiting so long. I don't... Everything's about the election.
Starting point is 00:29:36 You know that. So maybe he's going to send them all. Fuck the National Guard. Get the Marines in there. Maybe SEALs. Get the best and the fucking meanest. Anyways. He's right, though. In these cities
Starting point is 00:29:53 like Wheeler we just watched, he's telling the cops to stand. You know why he's telling the cops to stand down? He's the goddamn police commissioner, too. Really? Yes. It's like one of those bad Western movies. You know these movies when you get pulled over in a southern state?
Starting point is 00:30:12 There was one back in the 70s. You weren't even born, Raz. Susan Day was in it. It was called Nightmare in Badham County. And Chuck Connors, the rifleman, played this bad sheriff. You guys might want to Google this. It was a great movie. I was about 14.
Starting point is 00:30:28 Nightmare of Bad and he's the sheriff of the small southern. He pulls over a couple of broads and turns out, you know, he's the sheriff and the fucking and the mayor and the police commissioner. And he tries to rape him in this cell. It was family entertainment. After reading about Chuck Connors, should have been two guys who he's pulling over. Apparently he likes to... Do you know Chuck Connors, a rifleman,
Starting point is 00:30:57 played professional baseball for the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Chicago Cubs, played for the Boston Celtics their first season, and was drafted by the Chicago Cubs, played for the Boston Celtics their first season, and was drafted by the Chicago Bears. Tremendous. And he banged two Cub Scouts, a kid named Billy and another guy, Johnny. Nothing to razz. Come on, you're a Cub Scout.
Starting point is 00:31:21 He's like, that's why I'm not laughing. Time to make a little loot. Nick needs a new necktie. Our sponsor,, has hilarious T-shirts, hats, mugs, etc. Most of them surrounding our commander-in-chief, Donald J. Trump. Wash your filthy asses, America. Ask not what your ass can do for you. Well, guess what? They also have a Nick DiPaolo collection and just added new items and
Starting point is 00:31:54 ladies cut versions of everything. Really? All 12 of my lady fans? There you go. Raz, put that on. We're're gonna have you model this shit some black side tit for the fans fucking font is ridiculous anyways lots of great stuff at the go there and check out all their gear when you use the promo code nick you get 10 off not just the nick the palo show, but everything on the website. Go to and pick up a shirt or a mug or a hat and support these guys. We thank them for sponsoring the show today. My friend Colin Quinn's fantasy girl is Michelle Malkin. You guys know if you're sort of a right
Starting point is 00:32:45 right wing in your politics. Michelle Malkin used to be on Fox a lot. She is, what is she? Filipino? I don't know. Very cute. Colin Quinn, and she was always on there for race stuff. She was on there
Starting point is 00:33:01 with some guy from the New Panther Party, New Black Panther Party. She told him to shut up and that he was the terrorist and shit. That's when Quinn became a fan. He fucking loves it. Anyways, I pick up, I'm looking at my iPhone, looking at the websites, and I see Michelle Malkin attacked by Antifa and Black Lives Matter thugs at Denver back the blue rally. Sends a law and order SOS to President Trump. Of course, I had to forward this right to Colin Quinn. And he sends it back and it's his text.
Starting point is 00:33:31 He says, it's on. It's on. And that voice is leading conservative activists and entrepreneur Michelle Malcolm was attacked by Antifa and Black Lives Matter thugs Sunday at back the Blue Rally to support cops at the Civic Center Amphitheater in Denver. Ironically, the Denver police on the scene did not intervene at first, apparently under orders by police chief Paul Pazin, who marched with BLM protesters last month. What the fuck? When you're a politician at any level, you take an oath, a constitutional oath, to protect American citizens.
Starting point is 00:34:10 How are these people like Wheeler and this jerk off not being arrested? Are they going to get reelected? I don't even know how many years they have left on their eye. But they attacked Michelle Malkin. We have a little footage she shot from her phone or something. All right. What's up, dude?
Starting point is 00:34:36 This is Johnny Gantz right here. Let's start it off. Guys, I'm trying to play music. Get up! Get up! Get up! Now they're going to bum rush the stage, Antifa. Get up! Don't touch me! Don't touch me!
Starting point is 00:34:59 Get up! Don't touch me. Fuck you! This is Alan Rowland! Go back to the other side! Oh, that was a good girl. Go back to the other side. Oh, that was a good girl. Go back to the other side. You fuckers.
Starting point is 00:35:09 You fuckers. You fuckers. Get off. Stay back. Look at just angry, ugly people. Get off. Get off. You bitch.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Get off. Get off. This is our rally. This is our rally. This is our rally! You're on tape! You're on tape! You touch first! I want to be able to speak. Special effect. Now they're up on the stage. This is moi.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Bullshit, Raz! Bullshit! Get off! Get off! Get off of me! Get off! Get off! Get off! Bullshit! Look, a collapsible baton. What are you doing? Why are you touching me? Pause. What's wrong with you?
Starting point is 00:36:34 They charge the stage. They have weapons in their hands. And when people resist, they go, what's wrong with you? Are you fucking kidding me? Go ahead. What's wrong with you? Why did you do that? Why did you do that? Why did you do that? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Starting point is 00:36:51 Oh, that's a girl from the pro side. What the fuck is wrong with you? Look at these little pukes. What the hell is wrong with you? All right, you get the idea. You believe that shit? Raz has an hour of editing to do now. Poor bastard.
Starting point is 00:37:13 Un-friggin'-believable. It's just un-friggin'-believable. So anyways, what the hell's the fucking story? What happened here? The show just went to hell. Yeah, they're charging the stage. It's not going to be long
Starting point is 00:37:32 before you all kill yourselves because you're all crazy. Malkin says she was not hurt in the attack in which Antifa BLM thugs rushed the stage. Though video shows are being roughed up, the attack was recorded on Malkin's livestream periscope video okay uh here you go excerpt from the denver post report on the attack on the rally the anti-police protest has greatly outnumbered the pro police crowd of course that's when they
Starting point is 00:37:59 get their balls up and moved into their rally space in the park's amphitheater shortly after the demonstration supporting law enforcement started at 3 p.m. The protested banged drums, blew whistles, clanged pots, clapped and shouted obscenities to drown out the pro-police rally where a band had been playing music to a small crowd. The chaotic clash between groups led to some violence with several people throwing punches in isolated disputes law enforcement officers attempted to form a line around the two groups oh that's that's how you break it up you don't go right after the people causing the violence uh but could not completely
Starting point is 00:38:36 separate them you form lines that's how you stop that come on that's faggot stuff you want to call by its? That's strictly for fags. They charged the stage at a pro-police rally and the cops didn't do anything. Malkin sent an SOS to the president or something. She's a feisty little one. What is fucking going on? And the mayor was marching with Black Lives Matter last week? I'm fucking real.
Starting point is 00:39:20 It is unreal. Folks, I don't know. How does this not end in a civil war? Because the right hasn't even started pushing back yet. And when they do, like that guy, I keep quoting Mike Moran from Sports Illustrated. He said, when there's finally backlash, he says, the people who are doing the backlash, it's going to make what Antifa did look like a cocktail party. And it's true.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Yes, Raz? I have a Patreon question for you. Yeah. Question a book. Jesus Christ. David the Wave, Alvilla Beach, California. Nick, my buddy's a cop in Springfield, Missouri.
Starting point is 00:40:02 His sergeant was deliberately ran over in police parking lot by some piece of shit. His sergeant is now paralyzed from the waist down. My buddy is going to lobby to make the crimes against police hate crimes. They've been trying to do that forever. Do you think it will pass? It hasn't. This isn't the first time. I mean, years ago, they were talking about making it a hate crime. I'm not for hate crime legislation because it's bullshit. Why? Because it gets into the head of the perpetrator.
Starting point is 00:40:37 You know what I mean? It's telling you why you punch somebody in the face or whatever, why you hate them. And then somebody explained it perfectly in an article I read. You could get into a, let's say, a fender bender, and you get into a fight with a guy and beat the shit out of him, right? The guy turns out to be gay. That would be a hate crime.
Starting point is 00:40:56 And you can thank Bill Clinton for all this stupid legislation. So I don't, I'm not a fan of hate crimes because, again, it's mind police. But yes, you could just, it should be something else. Assaulting a law officer should be a higher punishment. Do you think it will pass? Not with the fucking creeps. Not with the House Democrats. He says, hi, Raz.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Dave the Wave, see you in Vegas, pal. Good question. Speaking of cops and bad guys, here's a nice, this is a great story. This is actually something we need right now in this country, in my opinion. And Louisville officer reunites with men who protected him during downtown protest.
Starting point is 00:41:50 It's a white cop. He was protected by five black guys. Okay. One moment captured during the demonstrations calling for justice in the fatal shooting. See, they keep, this is for EMT, Breonna Taylor, showed five men gathered in a human chain protecting an officer Sunday at a pro police rally.
Starting point is 00:42:09 The men met for the first time in person since the incident. And this is a positive thing. And we should all take note of this, that, you know, it can work. The people aren't blinded by their hatred. So you see these guys protecting that cop. He was outnumbered. That cop went to protect another cop. Next thing you know, he was surrounded by an angry mob. And these black dudes stepped in, and here they are talking about it. Being an officer. Lone cop, many people, angry people.
Starting point is 00:42:40 This man could attack. They could attack. It could go either way at this point. So I moved away from the car. I moved over there to where he was. I seen a panic in his face. You know, those guys stepped forward, recognized that I was in danger, and formed a human chain. Oh, say can you see? At a pro-police rally, the group meeting for the first time in person since this incident.
Starting point is 00:43:04 We formed a brotherhood outside of that night. At a pro-police rally, the group meeting for the first time in person since this incident. We formed a brotherhood outside of that night. When we were together, I felt like those guys not only saved the officers' lives, but we saved each other. Officer Henshaw and the Hero 5 explained the moments leading up to the photos. Henshaw was responding to another officer surrounded by protesters in his squad car before he himself became an almost target. An unlikely pairing. I'm a convicted felon. I'm not afraid to say that, but I'm on a different path. That's Chris Gale. Convicted felon, but he's on a different path and he's proven it. He's carrying a baby. Convicted fellas don't know who their kids are nick that's silly no it isn't uh gail's added i want to know like i said to the cop would you
Starting point is 00:43:56 officer right you're right all right take it easy i'm gonna. Jason in here in two minutes. Chris Gale, the black guy, said, I want to know, like I said to him, would you all do the same for me? And that's what everybody is asking. Every black and brown person is asking. Mr. Gale, that's the only problem I have with this. Would they do the same for you? It's what they do every day. Cops. You know how many white cops have to go into black neighborhoods at night to defend black people from other violent black people? That's what they do for a living. And the question is, yes,
Starting point is 00:44:34 they would help you. They help black people every day. So even his mind is a little, you know. But it's a good story. Of course they'd do the same for you yes there's three bad cops in the country we gotta get rid of those bad apples
Starting point is 00:44:53 but for the most part that's great isn't it see it can be overcome I just can't understand what's going on out there where cops can't hit back. And seriously, and I keep bringing it up, there's a ton of non-lethal ways of doing it. Like that water hose cannon thing.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Super Soco with cat piss. Fuck the pepper spray. Rubber bullets, they hurt. How about BB guns? I had my friend shoot me in the back, remember? With a daisy air rifle when I was a kid. I think I told this many times. Took my shirt off and I ran down the driveway.
Starting point is 00:45:34 I said, pump it twice. I keep running, I keep running. I'm like, I can hear it. Fucking broke the skin. Use those. Shoot beanbags, whatever. Spray them with hoses. Where are the dogs?
Starting point is 00:45:51 I don't fucking get it. I don't get what's going on. Look at this font, Raz. I printed this out. Are you shitting me? It's fucking minus three. I need the Hubble telescope to read this shit this episode is sponsored by immunologic if you like me you know how miserable it is to be constipated and you just want something that's going to work instead of trying multiple remedies
Starting point is 00:46:18 our new sponsor immunologic has a product made from natural multivitamins, minerals, and amino acids called Alloforox whole leaf capsules, and it works. Alloforox whole leaf is the world's most remarkable constipation remedy. Although it's not been approved by the FDA, it works in just days. That's how you know it's good. To effectively clear parasites, worms, and other pathogens from your bowels. It also helps the liver with normal bowel flow and is a weight loss remedy. Seriously, if you've been constipated before, you know how great it is when things start to work again like they should. Immunologic is a Texas-based company.
Starting point is 00:46:58 You can find all the info on aloe, forox, whole leaf on their website at And if you go to that website now, which is also displayed on the screen, you'll get free shipping on your order. That's right. Free shipping. And it does work. I've been using it.
Starting point is 00:47:13 That's We thank them for sponsoring the show today. How much roughage do you have to get in your diet to have things move slowly? Got to eat like a silverback ape in the fucking rainforest. They take it, they eat like eight trees a day. That still wouldn't help me.
Starting point is 00:47:34 I have one slice of bread and it's backed up like the Holland Tunnel at five o'clock. I want to thank the contributors to the show. Again, you can contribute. You're keeping the show alive at, daily contributions, or you can sign up at, which has me totally excited because we went free months ago and people are signing up in droves. You know what that means? They like what they're seeing and the show is getting out there and the clips that Tommy's
Starting point is 00:48:00 putting out are the right ones. Here are the people that contributed since yesterday. Tommy's putting out of the right ones. Here are the people that contributed since yesterday. Anthony Fultz, Oklahoma. Darren Manley, California. Louise Alva, Illinois. Adam Lux, Michigan. Brian Dwyer, Pennsylvania.
Starting point is 00:48:13 Corey Buck, Connecticut. The only Tennessee. Sean Littlehill, whose name's always in there. Massachusetts. James Black, New York. Give Raz a mic, Missouri. Gotta be a black donator. Give him a mic. I Give Raz a mic, Missouri. Gotta be a black donator. Give him a mic. I gave him a job, man.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Give Raz a mic. Oh, here you go. Peter goes in you, Illinois. Kevin McBride, Washington. Jeffrey McCanny, Maryland. Gary Wick, Minnesota. Peter Bryan, Michigan, Kelly Hubbard, Michigan, Richard Dugan, Florida, Michael Haslett, Michigan, rest in peace, rest in peace, sexy Nick,
Starting point is 00:48:55 California. Hey, dad, you got a shout out from a broad in their late seventies. I'm guessing Ben Compton, Florida, James E. Blair, Pennsylvania Yes, I am dog styling you, Pennsylvania Now here are the monthly subscribers since yesterday at Patreon Justin Henninger Bruce Shearer John Martin
Starting point is 00:49:21 John Carroll John Puccia Bill Dwyer Bickus Dickus. And I want to thank Dave DeWay for increasing his contribution on Patreon. Thank you, Dave DeWay, who actually sent in the thing. Nice going, Dave, and all you guys. Thank you. We have to do it.
Starting point is 00:49:41 And make sure you stay. Make sure you're still subscribed and shit. You know? Because people are getting unsubscribed. It's unbelievable what they're doing here. Just trying to make a living. And they're fucking with me. Do you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:49:57 I tell you. I tell you not to fuck with me. Fuck CNN. Fuck Jake Topper. What the fuck they ever do for us? Anyways, speaking of news and Tucker Carlson, best show on TV by far. Okay. I liked him when he was at CNN 25 years ago, wearing a bow tie. I'm like, this,
Starting point is 00:50:32 this guy is so right on and so eloquent. Do you know, he had the highest rated show in cable news history last week, one night, a week and a half ago, the highest ever Hannity has been owning the ratings at Fox news and Tucker's been beating them since all this shit started because it's right in Tucker's wheelhouse, but they're both powerhouse. But I'm just saying Tucker's been beating them since all this shit started because it's right in Tucker's wheelhouse. But they're both powerhouse. But I'm just saying Tucker's been on point, in my opinion. Couldn't be more fair, in my opinion. Anyways, the New York Times this weekend sort of went after him by putting his, he's moving out of D.C.
Starting point is 00:51:10 by putting his like address, his new address, and they've done it before. His new address was Newhouse. They're putting in their paper. Can you fucking imagine? Here he is talking about it. One more thing before we go tonight.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Since this show began almost four years ago, I've really tried not to talk about myself on the air or even use the first person pronoun. The last thing this country needs is more narcissism. It's not very interesting anyway. People use the word I a lot. Don Lemon. Everyone but themselves.
Starting point is 00:51:43 But tonight we're going to make an exception to that rule. We don't have much choice. Last week, the New York Times began working on a story about where my family and I live. As a matter of journalism, there is no conceivable justification for a story like that. The paper is not alleging we've done anything wrong, and we haven't. We pay our taxes, we like our neighbors, we've never had a dispute with anyone. So why is the New York Times doing a story on the location of my family's house? Well, you know why. To hurt us. To injure my wife and kids so that I will shut up and stop disagreeing with them. They believe in a force. No fucking kiss! We've learned that. Two years ago, a left-wing journalist publicized our home
Starting point is 00:52:21 address in Washington. A group of screaming Antifa lunatics showed up while I was at work. They vandalized our home. They threatened my wife. She called 911 while hiding in a closet. A few weeks later, they showed up again at our house. For the next year, they sent letters to our home threatening to kill us. We tried to ignore it. It felt cowardly to sell our home and leave. We raised our kids there in the neighborhood and we loved it but in the end that's what we did we have four children it just wasn't worth it
Starting point is 00:52:50 but the new york times followed us the paper is assigned a political activist called mur anybody watching this show why don't you go to this guy's uh twitter or whatever or facebook whatever and just give him a real verbal beating beating. Go ahead....Carpenter to write a story about where we are now. They've hired a photographer called Tristan Spinski to take pictures. Their story about where we live is slated to run in the paper this week. Editors there know exactly what will happen to my family when it does run. I called them today and I told them, but they didn't care. They hate my politics.
Starting point is 00:53:23 They want this show off the air. If one of my children gets hurt because of a story they wrote they won't consider it collateral damage they know it's the whole point of the exercise to inflict pain on our family to terrorize us to control what we say that's the kind of people they are they'll deny this of course they'll claim it's just journalism just the facts really so how So how would Murray Carpenter and his photographer Tristan Spinski feel if we told you where they live, if we put pictures of their homes on the air? What if we publicized the home address of every one of the soulless robot editors at the New York Times who assigned and managed this incitement to violence against
Starting point is 00:54:00 my family? What about the media editor, Jim Windolf? We could do that. We know who they are. Would that qualify as journalism? We doubt they'd consider it journalism. They'd call it criminal behavior if we did it. Do it! And that tells you everything. Alrighty then. Going after his fucking family, okay? Never tell anybody outside the family what you're thinking again. What cowards, what pieces of shit you people are on the left. Once again, I'll say it.
Starting point is 00:54:34 I feel so vindicated with my politics since tough crowd. A lot of people sitting around the table at the comedy cellar. You know who you are. Yeah, you know I was fucking right. Stupido. A lot of people sitting around the table at the comedy cellar. You know who you are. Yeah. You know I was fucking right. Estupido.
Starting point is 00:54:50 That was Spanish, wasn't it? More proof, not that you need more proof, that the mainstream media is left. You know the AP, the Associated Press? They've always been left wing, which is fucking... Anyways, listen to this. me wait we couldn't get more divided in this country it's fucking crazy after changing its usage rules last month and my wife spotted this like a month ago going you notice how the word black is always capitalized and i said no i'm not the racist you are no i get it after changing its usage rules last month to capitalize the word black
Starting point is 00:55:25 when used in the context of race and culture, the Associated Press of Money said it would not do the same for the word white. Fuck you, AP. fuck you AP you fucking self-hating white fucking faggots I apologize to any gay fans out there I use that as you know has nothing to do with sexuality the AP has said white people in general have much less shared history and culture. Excuse me? What does that mean? What the fuck does that mean? That's almost like saying all black people know each other. It's almost like racist. We don't have
Starting point is 00:56:16 a shared culture? Fucking Irish and Italians from Europe and what are you talking about? And they don't have the experience of being discriminated against. Oh, is that the prerequisite of how you capitalize words? Oh my God, you've lost your fucking minds. The AP said white people in general have much less shared history
Starting point is 00:56:38 and don't have the experience of being discriminated against because of their skin color. I don't even... Don't say a fucking word to me. I'll get up and I'll bury this telephone in your head. The Associated Press, whose style book is widely influential in the industry,
Starting point is 00:56:51 announced June 19th it would make black uppercase. In some ways, the decision over white has been more ticklish. The National Association of Black Journalists and some black scholars have said white should be capitalized, too. Once again, white liberal pieces of shit. Oh, my God. We agree that white people's skin color plays into systemic inequalities and justice, one of the AP guys said.
Starting point is 00:57:22 You smug cocksucker. Fuck you. John Daniszewski, the AP's vice president for standards, said in a memo to staff, but capitalizing the term white as is done by white supremacists risks subtly conveying, here he is, look at shithead, subtly conveying legitimacy to such beliefs. Why don't you wipe the jizz out of your mustache and fucking loosen your necktie, get some blood to that thick head of yours.
Starting point is 00:57:50 Columbia Journalism Review, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, USA Today, all the usual suspects, The Los Angeles Times, NBC News, Chicago Tribune,
Starting point is 00:57:59 are among the organizations that have recently said they would capitalize black but have not done so over white. You childish fucks. CNN, Fox News, and the San Diego Union Tribune said they will give white the uppercase, noting it was consistent with black, Asian, Latino, and other ethnic groups. They all get capitalized.
Starting point is 00:58:23 So who's wrong here? Is there any truth anymore? You might think this is a little thing, but it's not. Because if they just capitalized the word white, you'd be losing your mind. CBS News said it would capitalize white, which surprised me.
Starting point is 00:58:39 Although not when referring to white supremacists, white nationalists, white privilege. Fuck. Yeah, those white supremacists, white nationalist, white privilege. Fuck. Yeah, those white supremacists go nuts if you don't capitalize on the fucking. Some proponents believe that keeping a white lowercase is actually anti-black. You can't win. You can't fucking win.
Starting point is 00:59:00 Keeping it lowercase, the W in white, is actually anti-black. Saying it perpetuates the idea in white is actually anti-black saying it perpetuates the idea that whites are the default race we are it's a predominantly white country just like R&B music is the default music every time I get my hair cut
Starting point is 00:59:18 go to a fucking supermarket the gym listen to this whiteness remains invisible. Excuse me? All we've been hearing is it's a white supremacist country. White remains invisible, whiteness, and as is the case with all power structures, its invisibility does crucial work to maintain its power. It's another way of saying white people, you're all racist, you just don't know it. Wrote Eve Ewing,
Starting point is 00:59:51 a sociopath. Oh my God. You stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt. Oh, how's it going, grapehead? Oh, need some attention? But these are her words. Yeah, so whiteness remains invisible. And as this case with all power structures,
Starting point is 01:00:32 it's invisibility does crucial work to maintain its power. A sociologist of race and education at the university of Chicago who said she's changed her mind on the issue over the past two years and maintaining the pretense of its invisibility. Whiteness maintains the pretense of its invisibility. Whiteness maintains the pretense of its inevitability and its innocence. She wrote. You smug cocksucker.
Starting point is 01:00:57 Fuck you. Do you understand how racist that is? Do you understand how much she has to fucking hate white people to have that type of, I want to say fucking illogic, no reason. Now I can see why a lot of white people have been in charge the last hundred years. You're starting to make the assholes in Alabama in the 40s and 50s look right. You fucking hate us more than white people
Starting point is 01:01:26 could ever hate black people. Raz is like, I don't know about that. Somebody called me colored yesterday and I don't appreciate it. Final story tonight. My favorite politician ever. This woman is a piece of ass. I think she should have been president
Starting point is 01:01:42 a long time ago. Rep Maxine Waters was driving around her L.A. district when she noticed police detaining a black man. So she stopped to keep them in check. Here's the video. You
Starting point is 01:02:02 pull it over! They stopped to find us, so I stopped to see what they were doing. Okay. So they say I'm in the wrong place and they're going to give me a ticket. That's okay as long as I watch this. Got to do what they got to do, make sure. All right. They got to do what they got to do, make sure. Oh, Maxine, cops are doing their job and she's got to stick her black beak in to make sure oh Maxine cops are doing their job and she's got to stick her black beacon to make sure they're doing it right because they had pulled over a brother
Starting point is 01:02:31 fucking die already will you you fucking whore yeah that's it go home get my dinner ready a woman is then heard saying gotta do what you gotta do, make sure. Bye, Maxine, a man shouts. Can you guys stop acting black when you get around each other for five minutes? Huh? It's fun? I know. Look, I've said it a million times. There's nothing funnier than five brothers, like, together on a street corner busting chops and shit. You don't need fucking writers. But for Christ's sake.
Starting point is 01:03:12 Rascals, it's fun. Waters, who founded the Black Women's Forum. You know, don't you love the people who believe in a colorblind society that's so obsessed with fucking race? Founded the Black Women's Forum. Has fought to ban the use of chokeholds by uh law enforcement really maxine just doing her job and again I bet you if I sat down and fucking had a drink with her I'd probably kind of like her
Starting point is 01:03:51 but then I'd want to smack that wig right up her head fucking rip her dentures out but that would be a hate crime anyways folks that's it again thank you guys so much for donating at keep it coming super chats you're for donating at Keep it coming. Super chats.
Starting point is 01:04:06 You're keeping us alive also. And Don't forget If you want me to send a personal video message roasting one of your friends or relatives or saying happy birthday to somebody with COVID who doesn't have much time left, I will pick on them too. Anyways, Remember, you guys think that I will say it.
Starting point is 01:04:25 You're very welcome. We will see you back here tomorrow at the same time. Have a good day. guitar solo We'll see you next time.

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