The Nick DiPaolo Show - Masking the Truth about Covid

Episode Date: September 17, 2020

Nick meets Donald Trump Jr. Corona coming off like a scam more and more. Tucker takes on Instagram. Biden bids for the latino vote. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody, we've been hearing ad nauseum the last six months, that quote, you know, we're all in this together. Horseshit. No, we're not. People like you guys and me, we're on one end trying to get to the truth, and on the other end are some really big, powerful entities trying to silence us. YouTube, who took away this show's opportunity to make money, is one. Twitter, who is shadowbammy, is another.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Hell, the entire Democratic Party thinks the First Amendment shouldn't apply to us. You know what? They're fucking wrong. I'm going to keep doing this show four days a week. I'm going to keep doing it for free. I need your help, though. If you haven't contributed to the show, please go to or click on the button in the video description to do it. If you have contributed, please consider doing it again. It's very important. This is my call to action, and it's bigger than me or you. It's a call to action to keep fighting for the truth and for free speech. Please contribute at, and thank you so much for watching. Share this show and like this show, and let's keep it going and growing. Yeah, yeah, yeah, baby. Welcome to the show on a Thursday, final day of the week for the Nick DiPaolo Show.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Thank you, people, for the support. You've been terrific. How are you? Pretty good? Got a lot of stories proving this COVID thing's a bunch of shat. I didn't pull this clip, but I should have. Did you see down in Florida somewhere, the bunch of pro-Trumpers went into Target and demanded people take their masks off? It's going to end in a civil war. Imagine when you read history 100 years from now,
Starting point is 00:02:18 it started with protective masks. Somebody was hit in the face with a garden rake in Target, and all hell broke loose. That'll be the first shot heard around the world. Somebody being whacked with a big wheel. Whoop, almost went into the coffee with that. Gives it that smoky flavor, man.
Starting point is 00:02:39 That's faggot stuff. No, it isn't. You want to call it by its name? That's strictly for fags. Oh, cut it out. He's talking about masks, obviously. I want all of you to enjoy your cake. So, enjoy. Oh, I will. I have Nick the Pig as a friend. So, I'll bang the shit out of you, Michelle.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Anyways, let's get right to it. Hey, guess what, man? So anyways, let's get right to it. Hey, guess what, man? I was told a couple of days ago, Donald Trump will be in Savannah on Wednesday night and his people want your presence there. That's right. You can listen to all the podcasts you want. I got the president's son requesting I be at his speech. Anyways, this is why I love where I live. Okay, the convention center was 14 minutes from my house. I get there two seconds before, you know, we got there a half hour early. Parked anywhere. This is the town I, it's everything I love.
Starting point is 00:03:40 By the time I jumped in the shower, got in the car, went over there with my wife. Bing, bang, bang. Oh, on the way in the shower, got in the car, went over there with my wife. Bing, bang, bang. Oh, on the way in, there was somebody in black, all black, a misfit, obviously an anti-Trump person, out by the parking lot, the entrance. As I came in, he or she, I still don't know what it was, yelled something about Trump. And I just went, fuck you. And that thing went, fuck you. And that thing went, fuck you, bitch.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Black face mask, black clothes with a dog. And then I went, maybe he said, go Trump. Or she said, go Trump. But then after the speech, we're filing out. No, that thing was inside with its dog. And the dog had a sign around its neck saying, I bite races. Okay? Now, can you imagine if that was a Biden rally
Starting point is 00:04:33 and it was one Trump person and they were the sign? Would it have been beat to death or within an inch of his life? There's the difference. But I'm glad that I said, fuck you. That's what I do. I shoot and then ask questions later. And there were other people on the way out and talk and they go, was that a guy or a girl? I don't know. Oh, just fucking disgusting. So anyways, I get a text from Tommy saying, yeah, they want you to go to the fucking rally. So I did.
Starting point is 00:05:08 yeah, they want you to go to the fucking rally. So I did. I get there. Where are we sitting? First, I call Dan Coats, you know, Senator Coats from Indiana. He was a national security director under George W. His son, I had his cell phone. He comes out and gets me and my wife, walks us right to the front of the stage where it says reserved. right to the front of the stage where it says reserved. I couldn't have been happier if it was a Nugent concert. And speaking of Nugent, Don comes out to Stranglehold, which is what I do when I do comedy clubs for the last two years. I am so with the Trump family.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Nick, how can you say that? Because I can. Anyways, here's a couple of pictures of me hobnobbing with some serious power. Look at that. Look at Don. I got a thumb like I have arthritis. I don't know what the fuck that is. That's my wife to my right, left, I should say. Anyways, there is Don Jr. meeting Jimmy Conway from Goodfellas. You know, Mr. DiPaolo, I'm really proud of you. You should be, man.
Starting point is 00:06:14 And Don's saying to me, I would tell anybody outside the family what you're thinking again. Or I said that to him. But let me just say something about Don Jr. I'll tell you, excellent speaker, way better than dad, a lot of energy, funny the whole time, with like, you know, mediocre, funny, but all political, sort of what I want to do,
Starting point is 00:06:39 only it's too topical when you travel and do comedy clubs year-round. But he did about 40 minutes, I would say, and was just terrific, was entertaining the whole time, very energetic. So I go backstage after, and he sounded just like a comedian. I said, man, that was great. But he goes, hey, he goes, I woke up in Idaho this morning at 6 a.m. This is my fifth speech today. And he sounded like a comic because he was going, I'm up there going, did I just do that joke? comic because he was going, I'm up there going, did I just do that joke? Or was that the show back in Iowa? Which is, I can relate so much. When I used to have to do three shows, like the Punchline in Atlanta, by the time you're on your third show, you're like, did I fucking do that joke already? Or did I just, it's, you know, and then you get three drinks in
Starting point is 00:07:18 your head. And I said to him, I said, you'll know when you get a dead spot, a joke and people just stare at you, you'll know you had already said it. Or the hack before you that went on did it. But they had a bunch of speakers there. Some guy that was, he was in the military. He was a cop in Atlanta, this really rugged looking guy. And he got shot when he was a cop and all these, and we said the Pledge of Allegiance. They had a guy do a prayer.
Starting point is 00:07:47 That's when I went out and took a pee. I, uh, no, I didn't. I put my head down. I never know what to do when people are praying. Everybody's got their head down and I'm sure they're praying, but you know what I was like, I'm a head down. I'm thinking about the picks I made for the NFL this week. I'm like, I got to change that one.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Anyways, pretty good, huh? Harp-knobbing with the president's son. Very, very excited. And he did a great job. I can't believe you could do five of those in a day. I said to him, what's with the Trump energy? Jesus. And you know what's funny? Right after the speech ends, a guy comes out right after it ends and goes to me, are you Nick? I go, yeah. He goes, nobody else. Me and my wife go back there. Nobody else. He didn't call me. I'm sitting there talking with him. And then we said
Starting point is 00:08:34 bye and he took off with his entourage. I was flattered. I was very flattered. And it was great. He made some great points, some funny stuff that I might steal. I don't know if somebody's writing for him and shit, but he made it look easy, man,
Starting point is 00:08:50 and he looks just like he's out of Wall Street, as you guys see him on TV. He's very Gordon Gekowish. The big teeth and the grease, slick back hair. Greed is good. You're goddamn right. You're goddamn right it is, so.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Let me tell you something. I don't mind how man makes his living, you understand, as long as it doesn't conflict with mine. So I wish you nothing but success. But, you know, drugs is a dirty business. Anyways, that was very cool. I'll tell you, this town has been very good to me. Let's get to it, huh? We talked about, well, I forgot I have a teleprompter out. You guys notice?
Starting point is 00:09:34 Still have my papers in my hand, but this picture's of Nick DiPaolo. Instagram pulls Tucker Carlson post. You believe this shit uh we talked about remember we talked about that chinese little chinese scientist who says that they modified it and it's not from nature that they did it in a lab and let it free so uh tucker had her on and uh did the interview and posted it a couple days ago. But guess what, folks? How much more goddamn evidence do you need? The social media platform warned viewers that the Fox News host, Instagram pulled it down. Interview with Chinese virologist contained false information.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Don't you love it that the people who run tech know more than the actual scientists? The fucking arrogance, the sanctimony uh yeah they said false information about covid19 you fucking believe that you can't handle the truth the show posted a video on the social media platforms on tuesday night with a caption chinese whistleblower to tucker this virus was made in a lab and i can prove it. The Post featured a segment in which Mr. Carlson interviewed Li Mengyang, a Chinese virologist who claims that the virus is not from nature. Intelligence agencies have been skeptical that the pathogen can be conclusively linked to a lab. Oh, really? Intelligence agencies that don't even know that Trump was being spied on?
Starting point is 00:11:02 Those guys, they know more about fucking COVID than an actual scientist who works with this shit? Do you see where we are? Scientists who have studied, like she hasn't, the genetics of the virus agree that it began as a bat virus and likely evolved to jump to humans. Of course, they don't tell you why or how. Many have dismissed theories that the virus infected researchers in a lab accident yeah many people who are fucking lying to you people exactly uh on tuesday night facebook and instagram placed uh screens of varying levels of opacity over images of the uh tucker carlson video, along with a false information warning,
Starting point is 00:11:45 while also allowing users an option to watch it. Don't you love it? They're all for science, right? They are the party of science until the science doesn't fit their narrative. You can also say that when it comes to cop shootings and all the numbers. That's science too, statistics.
Starting point is 00:12:03 That doesn't fit their narrative. Then they're not science. Oh, and by the way, when the guy. That's science too, statistics. That doesn't fit their narrative. Then they're not science. Oh, and by the way, when the guy says his name is Pam, even though he has a dick, that's all right too. That comes into biology. Last time I checked, that was a science. You know how I know that? I got a D minus in it. No, I didn't. I did pretty good in biology. I know my prick
Starting point is 00:12:19 in my backside. What? A similar post on Twitter, which has suspended Dr. Yang's account, was untouched as of Wednesday afternoon. How about a half of Twitter? Twitter sent a statement that it had reviewed the tweet and determined it does not violate our policies on COVID-19 misinformation. Can you believe that? How about a half of Twitter? I'm surprised. On Wednesday, Mr. Carlson's show updated the captions to say that Facebook is trying its best to censor this video. In a separate Facebook, Mr. Carlson's team wrote that Facebook is working hard to prevent people from viewing the interview segment and vowed to address the situation last night.
Starting point is 00:13:04 I don't know if they did or not i was busy watching uh mud wrestling on channel two here in savannah uh anyway the video has been uh viewed more than 478 000 times so we got it out there on instagram and shared more than 62 000 times on facebook like when i put up a tweet you know apparently i guess they're not shadow banning him. That surprises me. By the way, this is the best guy in the business. OK, and you go, well, Nick, you're a it doesn't matter. He goes after Republicans for being spineless.
Starting point is 00:13:34 He calls people that are in power and which is what journalists. But, you know, everybody at MSNBC, ABC, CBS, you should all watch him and learn what your fucking job is. It's like he's the only one that went to journalism school and took it seriously. I'm a fan. I liked him when he wore a bow tie on CNN. I actually met him on Greg Gutfeld, and he fucking liked me a lot. So much so that we went out and, you know, fucking partied at a titty, but no, we didn't. Tucker, I don't want to.
Starting point is 00:14:02 He's a family man. already did it did he but no he didn't dr i don't want to he's a family man anyways earlier this week a report uh about the virus uh co-written by curly and shep no by dr yan was published by two non-profit organizations the rule of law society and the rule of law foundation according to the daily beast both are linked to steve bannon the former advisor to President Trump who was recently charged with fraud. Yeah, you got to throw this. So what? So what? So what does that mean? It's not accurate? Everybody in D.C. has been linked to fraud at one time, including Obama. Biden, you're going to bring You gonna bring up fraud? Fucking guy spent more fucking time in China than Peking ducks. What? Who? It's the best I could come up with, folks.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Relax. Do you like my Ellen DeGeneres I eat pussy shirt? You should. I knitted it myself. Yeah, I've been on the fucking vape, you know, and I can't find the vape. The last day I had one cigarette in about six days, which is the best I've done in years. Now I can't find it, so I should just get a pacifier. I think it's an oral fixation.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Somebody give me a rubber titty from Romco. Don't they make those anymore? I had two when I was in high school. And a pocket pussy. My dad stole that. What kind of family, what kind of people are these, Henry? What a show, folks, huh? I can't believe I'm not a trillionaire. All right. Next story, Biden goes viral after playing Despacito at Florida campaign stop as he tries to win Latino voters.
Starting point is 00:15:47 You guys might have seen this about a couple of days. Somehow we missed it yesterday. But this was about as pandering as Hillary telling a black radio station. Yeah, I like hot sauce, motherfuckers. I like to rub it on my thick ankles and my chicken. Remember her speaking in front of black crowds? She's doing that. Remember that speech of black people, though? I have something about hard days and I'm a victim and white people suck dick. Remember that?
Starting point is 00:16:13 She did it in a Southern drawl. Anyway, so Biden's trying to get the vote, the Latino vote, having a big problem. And you're not going to get it. Excuse me. You're not going to get it in miami you know why because those are cubans cubans hate what you're doing joe they hate fucking communism oh they still have relatives in prison over in cuba so good luck with that play all the goddamn fucking mariachis well that's mexican nick i don't care i like to put them all together. It irritates the liberals. Lump in the,
Starting point is 00:16:47 if it'll lump in a Dominican with a Colombian and vice versa, they'll stab you for it. They all think they're better than we actually know. They're all in love with the place. Anyways, Democratic presidential nominee Joey Biden,
Starting point is 00:17:00 who is struggling to win over the Latino voters, made his first campaign appearance in Florida on Tuesday at the opening of Hispanic Heritage Month. That's how you know he's sincere. He waits till it's opening of Hispanic Heritage Month. How about a nice month for Whitey, who's done more on this planet than all you black, brown, yellow,
Starting point is 00:17:23 and green people combined? How about that day? Where's fucking Whitey Harry? Huh? Where's Whitey Day at the ballpark? Nick, you ever been to a Utah football game? Yeah, you're right. It's pretty fucking white.
Starting point is 00:17:35 But he's trying to win over the Latinos. And like I said, they hate communism. And then, you know. You're a communist. Huh? How'd you like it? They tell you all the time what to do, what to think, what to feel. Do you want to be like a cheap, like all those other people? I don't have to listen to this bullshit. Do you want to work eight, 10 fucking hours? That's Biden. I don't have to listen to this bullshit. Where are we? What are we doing?
Starting point is 00:18:07 Can you imagine? Anyways, let's show the clip of Biden. Fucking watch this. I just have one thing to say. Do you? Look, he's. Hang on here. Hang on here.
Starting point is 00:18:19 I'm fucking with that. All right. Oh, my God, the poor guy. There you go. Dance a little bit, Joe. Come on. Look at him. He's paused. That's how my dad at all time is.
Starting point is 00:18:35 That's how they react to music. It's the only thing they react to. Can we play that clip again? I'll share the real song he played to try to win him over. I'll share the real song he played to try to win him over. I'll share the initial song he played. You're not going to believe it. I just have one thing to say. It's a song I wrote with Mike.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Hang on here. Hang on here. I am the crypto fanzino. I like crypto spurned kids. I love them, I do. I don't know the difference between Latino. I like the guacamole. I like it. I do. I like pork sandwiches. I'm I like it. I do. I like pork sandwiches.
Starting point is 00:19:26 I'm sorry. Those are Cuban Jews. Aye, aye, aye, aye. Anyways, but Biden's address at the event is it's likely to be remembered more for the opening music than anything. But I'll put it in context for you. OK, he did that. I'm being nice to Biden because the guy that introduced him wrote that song. It's a Spanish-language pop song that this guy wrote for him. The guy's name is Luis Fonzi. Hey! Sit on it. How do you say that
Starting point is 00:20:02 in Spanish? Anyways, it was so embarrassing. I almost feel bad for the poor prick, huh? The moment quickly went viral on social media. Critics accused Biden of pandering, you think, to Latino voters. Supporters fired back that the critics were not putting the moment in context. Others lamented that people were not focused on more substantive issues like biden being out of his tits and this is close to the presidency trump went on another direction i i didn't play it because his music involved he played the video he tweeted it and retweeted it with fuck the police nwa's 1988 hit song which was really funny but if i play it we'll get flagged but god bless whoever told them to do that and and they and he did it again nine hours later he played it again
Starting point is 00:20:52 how do you not love this guy with you guys communists trump said what is this all about he asked in the tweet sharing the video which tweeted twitter had to label that as manipulated media how about manipulating my cock with your wife's lips? Nick, you wouldn't hear Cronkite say that. That's right. He had a vagina, you big girls. I am the frito banditito. Anyways, Trump's shattered a second time. uh trump's caption read china is drooling
Starting point is 00:21:29 they can't believe this i used to drool when i went to a chinese restaurant over the poodle and broccoli many of trump supporters are on twitter pointed out that despacito which translates to slowly was a poor song choice for Biden, who Trump has labeled Slow Joe. It's also about whispering into somebody's ear and shit. They should have called it Jose's a pervert. A pervert? Oh, my Archie bunker. He's a pervert over there.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Jeez. Biden and Trump are locked at a close race for Florida. If you want to believe the lying polls, a critical battleground state with support from Latino supporters can make or break a candidate. And again, those are Cubans we're talking about. They love democracy. Last week at NBC News Mayor's Poll found Trump leading Biden 50-46 in that key Sunshine State demographic.
Starting point is 00:22:21 A group Hillary Clinton won by nearly 30 points in 2016. Among all Florida voters, the poll found the candidates tied at 48. That and other surveys indicating weak support for Biden among Latinos has sparked concern among Democratic strategists. Excuse me. And I may have helped prompt billionaire Michael Bloomberg. And I may have helped prompt a billionaire, Michael Bloomberg. Peter Pan, half a girl, plans to spend $100 million to boost Biden in that state. $100 million of Bloomberg's money. That's still half of what he spent on Botox when he ran.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Remember him? Jesus. I know a con when I see one. Boy, did he embarrass himself. A Monmouth University poll released Tuesday painted a sunnier picture of Biden. Of course, they have to put this in. It found him leading Trump in the state by five or three percentage points, depending on the level of turnout. And it found Biden up 58 to 32 among registered Latino voters. And if you believe that you're just a big girl is what I'm saying to you. You're fucking crazy. Yeah, you are. Anyways. But he made more news. That wasn't even funny. Again, this was a day or two ago.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Every time he comes out of his mouse hole, I'm watching this next clip and I'm going, comes out of his mouse hole. I'm watching this next clip and I'm going, I still have this theory. I haven't given up. Excuse me. Can I have my clock? Jace, spin that motherfucker this way. Thank you. It is my show, not yours. All right. Anyways, Biden also, you got to watch this. I'm watching this next clip and I'm going, But anyways, Biden also, you got to watch this. I'm watching this next clip and I'm going, I have this theory that he's faking this senility, especially since we're calling it a Harris-Biden administration. Watch this one. And I'm like, he can't be that far gone, but maybe he can.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Either that or he's a great. Can you imagine if Kamala, if they win and he's fine right after and he played us? Don't again, don't rule that out. You heard it here first. Another crazy DiPaolo theory. But the headlines in this story was, does anyone speak Bidenese? Does anybody speak? But what is Bidenese? This is Bidenese. Bidenese, this is Bidenese. Watch this. If you could take care, if you were a quartermaster, you can sure in hell take care of running a, you know, department store thing, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:51 where in the second floor of the ladies department or whatever, you know what I mean? You know, you're a fucking mumbling, stuttering little fuck, you know that? That was his answer. They asked him what his favorite soup was, and that's what he came out with. Oh, yeah, Quartermaster.
Starting point is 00:25:08 What are you, on the deck of the SS Nimitz? What the fuck? Do you know what a Quartermaster is, folks? It's a military officer in charge of supplies and logistics. And you have to have a military background to work at Sears and the women's department. Fuck it. Department stores
Starting point is 00:25:25 generally don't figure into the work of quarterbacks and they don't have ladies departments these days, you cheesy dink. Did he say ladies?
Starting point is 00:25:35 Why don't they have ladies department? What do they call it? Bitches and hoes now? I mean, how fucking funny is this guy? That's his campaign handler I mean, how fucking funny is this goddamn guy? You know you're a fucking mumbling, stuttering little fuck.
Starting point is 00:25:45 You know that? That's his campaign handler when he comes off every day. I watch that. I go, I think he's acting. Nobody's that crazy. My dad was out of his mind. I mean, he was trying to change a TV with his slippers and shit, but he didn't say stuff like that. Anyways, that was very embarrassing, but it's what we expect from our next president, maybe.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Can you fucking believe? Hey, guys, we have a new sponsor today. We're brought to you today by Kanai Pro Gear. This is great shit. Kanai even has a level three, level three plus and level four body armor that is in stock. Shipping now with practically zero lead time. I have some of this shit. When you sponsor these things, they send you stuff. And I got the plates.
Starting point is 00:26:44 See, those plates go into that vest. I wear that when me and the wife are arguing. She fucking hits me with a, hits me with silverware. It just bounces right off. It's really, this is the military shit. This is some cool stuff, okay? All their gear is inspired by military assault packs.
Starting point is 00:27:00 They took military grade materials like 500D Codora nylon, which is the best i guess codora is the brand name nylon which is the strongest lightest and most durable uh standard features you can expect from can i pro gear also include hydration capability ccw storage duraflex buckles and plenty of internal organized for all the more standard stuff you carry uh day to day who's carrying this shit day to day you know georgians that's who don't tell me this stuff's not going to be flying off the shelves either if you watch the news it's common folks you can't you can't you got to wear this you can't wear like a down coat thinking it's gonna
Starting point is 00:27:43 lots of great products have come out of the military aviator glasses the jeep wrangler and now you can get the uh sarsena expedition pack in its use by the united states government if it's trusted by secret service agents it's good enough for you plus get a lifetime warranty uh on all of their backpacks can i also has an incredible team that cares about getting you the right gear. They've sworn off automated responses and have real human customer service. That's enough for me to do business with them right there. Don't believe that?
Starting point is 00:28:13 Give it a try. DM them at Can I ProGear to talk to one of their specialists. Can I ProGear also offers Afterpay, which allows you to break up any order over 35 bucks into four easy payments with no credit check required if you want this armor you can buy it today with no lead times and get 15 off of code nick dip at can i pro that's c-a-n-n-a-e pro and use
Starting point is 00:28:41 nick dip to get 15 off after the bombs there. There'll only be you. And can I pro gear, the most durable gear known to man. I think they're expecting some trouble though. There'll only be you and can I pro gear and one of the Kennedys and some cockroaches. Those fuckers don't die. Who's with me? Bidenese. You know, that was my minor in college. Anyways. Coffee y leche con crema y azucar. That's what I'd say if I was trying to get the Latino vote. Cafe y leche con crema y azucar. You know who my favorite latino is and i know he gives white people a hard time but what a funny george lopez is a legend and i know you're going now fuck him he doesn't like i understand i understand but you know what he goes after white people for the rise right reasons how
Starting point is 00:29:40 soft would become but uh nobody has a more loyal fan base. I want to, Tommy, if you're listening, I would like to talk to George Lopez. I really would. I think he's something else. Anyways, COVID-19 emails from Nashville mayor's office show a disturbing revelation. You know how I've been telling you people
Starting point is 00:30:00 this is all a big hoax and you look silly with your mask on and shit, right? Now evidence is trickling out every day. If you're not watching Fox News, you won't know about it because the rest of the media is in the pocket of the Chinese government and the World Health Organization. The coronavirus cases on lower Broadway may have been so low that the mayor's office in Nashville and the Metro Health Department decided to keep it secret. Listen to this. This is some interesting shit.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Emails between the mayor's senior advisor and the health department revealed only partial picture. But what they reveal is very, very disturbing. View discretion advised. The discussion involves a low number of coronavirus cases emerging from bars and restaurants and how to handle that. They're trying to hide the fact is hardly any corona in bars and restaurants in Nashville. Which is their lifeblood.
Starting point is 00:30:56 What more do you need to know? And most disturbingly, how to keep it from the public. Let's take a look at this goddamn video. This is going to send chills up your ass. On June 30th, contact tracing was giving a small view of coronavirus clusters. Construction and nursing homes causing problems, more than a thousand cases traced to each category. But bars and restaurants, a total of just 22 cases. Leslie Waller from the health department asked, quote, this isn't going to be publicly
Starting point is 00:31:25 released, right? Just info for mayor's office? Correct. Pause. Not for public. Imagine the mayor saying, correct, not for public consumption. Oh, that dirty cocksucker. Go ahead. Public consumption, answers the mayor's senior advisor, Benjamin Eagles. One month later, the health department is asked point blank about the rumor that there are only 80 cases traced to bars and restaurants. Tennessean reporter Nate Rau asks, quote, the figure you gave of more than 80 does lead to a natural question. If there have been over 20,000 positive cases of COVID-19 in Davidson and only 80 or so are traced to restaurants and bars, doesn't that mean restaurants and bars aren't a very big problem? Metro Health Department spokesman Brian Todd asks five Metro Health Department officials the question, please advise how you recommend I respond. The name at the top of the response is
Starting point is 00:32:17 clipped off, but you may find the answer unacceptable. Quote, my two cents, we have certainly refused to give counts per bar because those numbers are low per se. We could still release the total though. And then a response to the over 80 could be quote, because that number is increasing all the time and we don't want to say a specific number. Un-fucking-believable. You're lying. And you're a piece of shit. Unbelievable. You're lying. And you're a piece of shit. Oh, God. This guy Glover is the one who was doing the the research. And anyways, he said the he verified these emails are real. And Glover says that this is a Metro Nashville orchestrating a cover up.
Starting point is 00:33:02 OK, they are fabricating information, Glover said. They've blown their entire credibility. It's gone. I don't trust a thing going forward, Glover said. And why would you? How much more proof do you need? And Donald Trump Jr. made a great point yesterday during his speech.
Starting point is 00:33:19 He said, you guys know this? Listen to this. There's like four or five states still shut down, right? Almost completely. We're in the middle of a pandemic. And yet Trump's economy numbers are as good as Biden's and Obama's were. During a pandemic and half, you know, five major cities still, five states being shut down. shut down. But yes, Biden and Harris are going to take care of the economy. Are you dog styling me, folks? Wake up. Smell the coffee. Anyways, more Corona stuff. We talked about Michael Caputo. We talked about him a couple of days ago, right? Didn't we, Chase? Anyways, I think he's head of health and human service, HHS. And, um, they went after him with a Mueller report and almost ruined his life too. And, uh, now that he's working in a different capacity with Trump, he's getting death threats.
Starting point is 00:34:15 His family's getting death threats and, um, cause he's not afraid to say the truth. And of course people are saying he's just a yes man for Trump. He's fudging with the numbers. So it fits Trump's Corona narrative and shit. But he's got to take a break because between he's got some lymphatic problems and being threatened every day to be killed. The stress is getting to him. So he's taking some time. Here he is on his porch up in Buffalo speaking the truth
Starting point is 00:34:46 that the mainstream media... These people cannot, cannot allow America to get better, nor can they allow America to hear good news. Caputo, the Assistant Secretary of Public Affairs,
Starting point is 00:35:01 Department of Health, Human Services, is stepping back after apologizing for spreading conspiracy theories against government scientists on Facebook. He baselessly accused officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of working against President Trump. Pause. What do you mean baseless? And again, leave those words out when you're reporting. I can't find a neutral story.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Do you understand? You guys, this isn't journalism. Baseless. They're not fucking baseless. I just told you about what's going on in Nashville. Oh, and that's not going to go on at a federal level? I mean, come on. He's taking a break, but he said this.
Starting point is 00:35:39 I'm not crazy. I just don't give a fuck. Go ahead. Government who do not want America to get well, not until after Joe Biden is president. Caputo had also reportedly pressured CDC to change his COVID-19 report to reflect
Starting point is 00:35:56 better on Trump. The Trump administration needs to leave the science to the scientists immediately. Pause. Pause. Oh, they do? They need to leave the science to the scientists? You mean like when Tucker Carlson reports from a scientist who dealt with this shit and it gets fucking pulled down off social
Starting point is 00:36:12 media? Why does every woman that's for Democrats look like that? Like John Madden with AIDS? Looks like Cindy Brady now. That's an insult.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Susie Olsen's actually cuter than that. Look at this shimp fucking lookalike weasel. Go ahead. Full stop. The leaders of our public health agencies need to provide a full account of what political pressure has been applied and what steps they are taking
Starting point is 00:36:44 to make sure it does not influence their work yeah are you doing are you taking steps to make sure that china is not working with the democrat party and with the media and with the world health organization which has been proved are you taking those steps steps? Again, lady, look at you. You look like a man, and that's why you're not happy. Your beef is with the man upstairs. Go ahead. For the work of the agencies they lead.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Caputo, who has no medical background, mentioned in the video that he really wanted to lead the federal health department. Pause. He's got no medical background, mentioned in the video that he really wanted to leave the federal health department. Pause. He's got no medical background. Yeah. But Obama, was he a doctor? Because he put together Obamacare. Oh, that's insurance, Nick.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Well, same thing. I know. Relax, Jace. I'm just taking a break. Oh, God. Everything he said was right. But he's going to take a little break. Bye bye. Oh, you got to come back. I thought I had another clip in there of a guy saying shit, but I guess not. Anyways, I just read, you know, that they're lying.
Starting point is 00:38:07 You think Nashville is the only, and all that, you got to think about this. I should have mentioned this during the Tucker story. Do you remember a couple months ago, all those doctors came out, those scientists in their white coats and the woman from Nigeria? I mean, these are credible doctors who said that chloroquine works. And remember they pull that down. Don't you have enough evidence to know you're being played? Do you understand there's 19 reasons why the Dems have to have this COVID narrative in place for Dinkweed to win?
Starting point is 00:38:37 And by Dinkweed, I mean Kamala Harris, the president. I can't take it no more. Anyways, Caputo warned CDC plot against president and urged Trump supporters to buy ammunition. Did we play that part? You did that the other day. He's saying buy ammunition. How was he wrong there? Now they're going, that's not based on anything. It isn't? Why don't you call Bass Pro Shop and try to get a bullet? Or any other.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Guys, it's coming. In the announcement, Caputo has decided to take a leave of absence. And there he is. He looks healthier there. I don't like the way that guy's looking at him. Like Caputo just dropped a silent but deadly. That's a matter with you. But this guy has big balls and he was almost ruined by the Mueller investigation. He's going to be on leave for the next 60 days, he said. Caputo issued a statement a short time later saying he was receiving treatment for a recently discovered lymphatic issue.
Starting point is 00:39:46 He made no mention of his Facebook screen, but said the said the health issue contributed to my stress level, along with increasing numbers of violent threats against me and my family back in Buffalo. They think it's Jim Kelly and some friends. Caputo, who has no science background. Let's point that out again, has been accused of trying to interfere with the CDC's messaging about the virus. Yeah, anybody who's telling the truth has been accused of that. Fucking cheese eater, you. I don't know what that means when I say that. I love cheese.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Some CDC scientists are involved in sedition, plotting how they're going to attack Donald Trump. Caputo reportedly said. Again, another truth. He reportedly apologized to fellow HHS staffers Tuesday, said he was considering taking a medical leave. In the same broadcast, Caputo appeared to seize on the fears of some of Democrats that Trump would try to stay in office even if Biden wins the election and turn the argument on its head. By the way, by the way, William Barr came out and said, I haven't heard any of that.
Starting point is 00:40:48 And he actually used these words, it's total horseshit. I love William Barr. You know, the guy that looks like Elton John? You know, the attorney general of the country? He suggested Trump, Caputo said Trump would win, but Biden would refuse to concede. Caputo said Trump would win, but Biden would refuse to concede. Biden's not going to know if he won or lost.
Starting point is 00:41:10 What are we doing? What's going on right now? That's him at the after party. Balloons coming down, streamers. He's got a glass of fucking insure on his hand. What are we doing? What's going on right now? You won, Joe.
Starting point is 00:41:25 And when Donald Trump refuses to stand down at the inauguration, Caputo said, that's when the shooting's going to begin. Oh, my God. I don't see how any of that, if you're paying attention, it sounds about right to me. He referred to the killing of a Trump supporter in Portland, Oregon, by a self-declared anti-fascist look at they point that out as a drill they point out that the guy that killed that innocent trump supporter was a anti-fascist caputo called it a drill i think it was a drill i saw a couple
Starting point is 00:41:59 coaches with whistles going do it again in a statement to the Times on Monday, that'll be the New York Times, so this is how you know it's true. HHS praised Caputo, calling him a critical integral part of the president's coronavirus response, leading on public messaging as Americans need public health information to defeat the COVID pandemic.
Starting point is 00:42:19 Caputo confirmed that was the case in an interview with the Washington Post on Saturday, referring to some of the CDC scientific reports. He said this concern across HHS that some of the scholarship has been tainted by a politic. That's my opinion. How do you argue with that? I'm smart. I'm like everybody says. I'm smart and I want the sticks. You got it, Caputo. You got it from me.
Starting point is 00:42:50 And I think that's important. My voice carries weight. Not Joe Rogan's, mine. I would love to see my boy Joe moderate, because you know why? He'd be high as a kite. He'd take some type of fucking acid. How funny would that be? Just seeing purple lizards as he's...
Starting point is 00:43:13 Senator Patty Murray, I think she's the one we showed that looked like, you know who with AIDS. You know, she's calling him a liar and everything. So enough of that. I don't know how to speed this up to get the next story. I'll just let it roll. Let it roll. So, yeah, she's saying we have to rely on science. You heard her. And when Trump was told what she said, Trump said this. Shut your fucking mouth.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Shut the fuck up, you cunt. That's right. He has an English english accent trump's turning into madonna he's doing a british accent jason's like what the fuck does that mean why are you too young madonna back in the 80s started talking british you know what that was from that was actually because her mouth was all stretched out from giant black cocks from the NBA East. It's the best show on TV, internet. I'm telling you. Wait till I get my puppet cock. Let's stay on a little bit more coronavirus news. CDC had Robert Redfield walks back Senate testimony claim on COVID-19 vaccine. There he is coughing into his. Did I?
Starting point is 00:44:31 I didn't show you guys the clip of the doctor. I did a couple of weeks ago, smoking a vape with a mask on and blowing the smoke through the mask, proving that, you know, aerial shit goes. It's not going to protect you. It was a very good demonstration. I'm sure that was banned immediately. The head of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention walked back his comments stating that face masks probably offer better protection from coronavirus than a vaccine. Where the fuck are you getting your science? You're lying.
Starting point is 00:45:03 And you're a piece of shit. CDC Director Robert Redfield made the assertion during his Senate testimony Wednesday, only be publicly disputed by President Trump before eventually clarifying his remarks on Twitter later on. He said, I 100% believe the importance of vaccines and the importance in particular of COVID-19 vaccine. A COVID-19 vaccine is the thing that will get Americans back to normal everyday life, he said. So he's backpedaling. The best defense we currently have against the virus
Starting point is 00:45:32 are the important mitigation efforts of wearing a mask, washing your hands, social distancing. I've been saying this since the beginning. I can't be afraid of a plague or a deadly disease that can be wiped out by hand sanitizer. I'm just saying. So the same stuff I put on my hands
Starting point is 00:45:53 after I give it a tug, it's going to kill this virus? Nick, do you really do that? No, I thought it was funny though. Anyways. So he's full of shit. Will you shut up? Will you?
Starting point is 00:46:09 Will you please shut up? Will you shut up? Shut up! Shut up! Earlier during his testimony, Redfield said he might even go so far as to say that this face mask is more guaranteed to protect me
Starting point is 00:46:22 than the vaccine because the immunogenicity might only be 70%. And if I don't get an immune response, the vaccine is not going to protect me. What the fuck does that even mean? Shut up. Shut, shut, shut, shut, shut up. Shut up. Are your kids vaccinated for other shit? All those kids have polio and shit. Shitting all over themselves. They still have the mumps, measles, fucking yellow fever, smallpox, all the shit we gave to the Indians. Redfield went on to say the public won't receive a potential vaccine until the summer of 2021. Well, I can't get it then. I'm busy. Hopefully I'll be touring.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Trump, who has aggressively been touting a forthcoming vaccine, though a timeline is still unclear, said they have to throw that in. Told reporters he believed Redfield made a mistake during his testimony. Here's Trump responding to Redfield right here. When he said that, it's just incorrect information. And I called him, and he didn't tell me that. And I think he got the message maybe confused.
Starting point is 00:47:24 Maybe it was stated incorrectly. No, we're ready to go immediately as the vaccine is. Wait a minute. Maybe it was at the perfect phone call. It was a perfect call. I said, Redfield, you're a fucking lying cocksucker. And he started the backpedal. It was perfect. It was almost as perfect as a Ukraine call. Go ahead. Announced and it could be announced in October. It could be announced a little bit after October. But once we go, we're ready. As you know, Pfizer is making this.
Starting point is 00:47:54 And come on with like a fucking funny mask. Talk to Jekyll or some shit. And go, hey, everybody, we got a vaccine. Go ahead. They're taking a tremendous financial risk and they're spending billions of dollars on actually making this vaccine they're in a stage where they're actually making it because they feel very confident as to the results they'll be announcing their results fairly soon and no he's uh that's incorrect information
Starting point is 00:48:23 redfield responded like this. What's that, Mr. Redfield? That's what I thought I heard. You know, there's things to hold that on your face, Mr. Redfield. He didn't even know how to use a mask. Looks like me sniffing my girlfriend's panties in college.
Starting point is 00:48:48 I still say the best thing we've seen in talking about COVID is that kid that went to the deli, like 13 years old. And he had a MAGA hat on and a lady said, could you put your mask on, please? And he lifted it and a rubber Trump mask came down. And then you heard somebody go take it off anyways i want to thank one of our new sponsors on the show express vpn vpn lets you access the internet as if you're from a different country that means when you probably are that means when you're on netflix you can unlock thousands of new shows and movies you can't get here in the U.S. ExpressVPN is ridiculously fast and it works on every device, phones, laptops, tablets, even televisions. And this, folks, this hides your history, your browsing history. Just on that alone,
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Starting point is 00:50:26 And Jason will put that link on the screen. Go there, sign up, and get three extra months free. That's ExpressVPN. We thank them for sponsoring today's show. That is a great product. Because we're all a little perverted, are we not? Yes, we is. Here's an interesting.
Starting point is 00:50:49 The show's going a little long today, but that's all right. Here is an interesting clip. There was a police brutality activist, right? A black dude. He's out there. We'll show a clip of him, but he's walking down the street when somebody gets shot saying, take the cops, gun and badge, blah, blah, blah, blah. But what he did, he was open enough to meet with a lot of people who train law enforcement and to show how dangerous it is on the streets and how cops have a split second decision that could either mean they live or die.
Starting point is 00:51:21 either mean they live or die. So this guy went and sort of took the training test. I didn't show you guys a video a couple days. Did you see the Oklahoma cops get shot? You know how it always says disturbing video and it might be disturbing to people or whatever? This one was. This was horrible. I didn't show it to you, but one cop ended up right on camera.
Starting point is 00:51:45 You see him getting killed and another one, his partner gets shot too. It's horrifying. That's why this is so relevant. But let's watch this guy. And again, I give him credit for at least being open-minded enough to try this. He thinks, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:02 he thinks he could do his fucking, a cop's job. I can do anything better than you. As good as they can. No, you can't. Yes, I can. No, you can't. Yes, I can. No, you can't.
Starting point is 00:52:14 Yes, I can. He wrote that song. Okay, let's take a look at the video. So I'm going to have you put the holster on right inside your belt loop there. Jarrett Maupin gets his weapon. You might recognize him as a high-profile organizer in the minority community. on right inside your belt loop there. Jarrett Maupin gets his weapon. You might recognize him as a high-profile organizer in the minority community. Just last month, he led marches on Phoenix Police Headquarters after an officer shot an unarmed man.
Starting point is 00:52:34 We want his badge. We want his gun. We want his job. Today, he accepted an invitation to look at things from the other side, agreeing to go through a force-on-force training session with the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. Three scenarios where you have to decide to shoot or not shoot. Scenario one is a call about a man casing cars in a parking lot.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Maupin approaches the man and starts asking questions. Look. You're looking for your vehicle. What kind of car do you drive? What kind of car do you drive? It's my car, man. Oh, Moffin, the officer, is shot. It happens that fast. At what time did you think that it was time for you to address the use of force that was given?
Starting point is 00:53:19 When he came to the back of the vehicle and was hiding, you know, I could sense something was wrong. Scenario two. I was so stoked. I was so stoked. I was so stoked. Yeah? You didn't know all this before when you hear cops shooting people?
Starting point is 00:53:38 You didn't think about all this? You've been that brainwashed? I give you credit. Go ahead. Two men fighting. What's going on today, gentlemen? What's going Two men fighting. What's going on today, gentlemen? What's going on today, gentlemen? What do you want? What's happening here? What's wrong with you? Back up.
Starting point is 00:53:55 What are you doing, man? Hey. Hey, he shouldn't approach me. He shouldn't approach me. He shouldn't approach me. We were just arguing about what happened in there. Yeah. What are you doing? You just shot him? Hey, he rushed me. Tell me why you shot. Well, I've shot because he was within that zone.
Starting point is 00:54:11 You know, I felt there was an imminent threat. Again, so why didn't you think this when you were protesting people who got shot? Jesus Christ. Is this what you idiots on the left have to do? Actually have somebody put you through the course? Go ahead. Necessarily see him armed, but he came clearly to do some harm to the officer, to my person. It's hard to make that call. It shakes you up. Again, an unarmed man was shot. Scenario three, a call about a possible burglar walking down the street. Maupin gets him on the ground. He's not complying. I need you to keep your hands up, sir. For what? Because I need to check that waistband. Well, why? What
Starting point is 00:54:58 are you doing? Because I don't know what you have under there. Everybody look at this guy. What are you doing? No shots fired, but the suspect did have a hidden knife in his waistband. I went through the scenarios, too, without seeing what Maupin did. Do you have keys or do you have anything to show me that? I need to talk to you. Come on out over here. Oh, he killed a reporter. I'm dead.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Look at the weather. Get on the ground. Get on the ground. Both of you, get on the ground. Get on the ground. Get on the ground. What do you want? Both of you, get on the ground. What do you want? Get on the ground. For what? Get back. Get back.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Same results for both of us. Things happen very fast out here. No kidding. I asked Maupin what his biggest takeaway from this exercise will be. I didn't understand how important compliance was. Pause. I disagree. You seem like a pretty, not a retarded guy. I think you did. You get caught up on the whole black thing, all the fake statistics, and you are what they call willfully ignorant about this subject.
Starting point is 00:55:54 There's more, right, Jace? Do we have Heather McDonald? Or did I tell you to cut it there? Yeah? Heather McDonald comes on after. She's the one who writes books about the attack against cops and stuff and states all the statistics. It's so brilliant. Look up Heather McDonald, and she explains all the numbers and the tens of millions of interactions cops have
Starting point is 00:56:14 and how very little of them end in actual, you know, wrongful shots. I give that guy credit, though. I hope he goes and spreads the word. What is it, huh? This anti-police, uh, and it's getting worse and worse. And this next story may be sick to my stomach. This shows you where we are. Um, the headline of the story was thin blue line flags, uh, thin blue line flags, get high school football players suspended okay this is how anti-cop we are right now um twin high school football players in ohio uh one of the son of a cop the other the son of a firefighter carried first responder flags onto the field before their
Starting point is 00:57:00 game september 11th to honor the fallen heroes who died in the attacks 19 years ago. Then they were, guess what, briefly suspended. Okay? What the hell's going on out here? Can you imagine? Players took the field on a game advertised as Patriot Night. They brought a thin blue line and a thin red line flag with them, leading another teammate who carried an American flag. Can you imagine now?
Starting point is 00:57:28 You're getting suspended. But the request for permission to carry the flags was denied by district officials, idiot cocksuckers, according to the head of the Little Miami Local Schools Board of Education. How ironic. Idiots. And by Monday, they found themselves suspended from the team. The Cincinnati based TV station reported. Let's take a look at a video here.
Starting point is 00:57:52 The district in Ohio used to restricting the use of thin blue line flags for athletic events. This after football players carried the pro police symbol onto the field to honor their police officer assistant coach. Now, the school superintendent saying it's understandable how it could be interpreted as racially motivated. Really? Racially motivated because they're bringing something on. Right. Showing pride for people who died on 9-11. A thin blue line thing which represents cops. So anything cop related now. Right. Anything cop related now, right? Anything cop related.
Starting point is 00:58:28 This is where we are in this country. Because they have such a beef, the black community with cops. Anything you say about cops, pro cop can be considered racially motivated. Do you fucking believe this is where we are? Go ahead. His county commissioner, Ralph Spittarelli, who wrote a scathing letter back to the superintendent. So why would supporting policemen be racially motivated? That was the question.
Starting point is 00:59:07 I could not find any any good cause or any good reason that that would have anything to do with race. That blue line represents all officers, all races, religions. It's it's absolutely absurd. So why I mean, why can't you do both since when is supporting police officers something that's controversial? is supporting police officers, something that's controversial. Well, I think that that's just the direction that we're going to in this country, that it seems like anything that is pro-police is a bad thing. That situation there, those young men entered the field with one of their coaches as a police officer and had the American flag and in respects and just to place respect and gratis to their coach came out with the blue line flag. And, you know, three days
Starting point is 00:59:52 later, we get this letter sent out to the district that this will no longer be allowed and permissible. So you put a pen to paper. You wrote a scathing letter about this. And the superintendent, Michael Hanlon, says this to Fox and Friends. We value the police and all first responders and to suggest otherwise is false. The school district has not banned the thin blue line flag. We did remind our staff that school district policy prohibits them from participating or authorizing anything that can be perceived as political activity in school. Oh, really? Who said that? The school said that? Who the fuck said that? Superintendent Michael Hanlon.
Starting point is 01:00:26 Who's the slimy little commoner shit twinkle toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? So let me ask you a question, Michael Hanlon. If some black players had a BLM, you're going to tell me there's no BLM flags? And if they ran on the field with that, would you have said that was politically motivated? Would you have? We know the answer, you lying prick, even though you're not talking to me. The two kids denied it, that the move was politically motivated.
Starting point is 01:00:58 One kid, Bentley, carried the thin red line flag. The Board of Education and districtrators eventually agreed, overturning the athletic director's suspension on Tuesday. Yeah, because they probably got so much blowback. Can you fucking imagine? These people are in charge of your kids. The results show that there were no political motivations
Starting point is 01:01:18 behind this display of support for first responders on 9-11. Board of Education President Bobby Grice said in a statement, but there were stances of insubordination. Insubordination, really? I suck cock, and I love it. Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy. That's what it is.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Can you fuck insubordination? They're being insubordinate to something you just admitted was fine. That was pretty good. Did I just say that? Sounded like my dad yelling at me. Christ said the boys are allowed to return to practice and that any potential punishment for failing to follow instructions would come from their coaches, not district administrative coaches. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:06 You think the coaches, they're going to give them the day off is what they should do. Make them captains. It reversed the decision handed out Monday afternoon by Athletics Director Gregory Power. Gregory Power. Anyways. I suck cock and I love it.
Starting point is 01:02:24 Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy. He says we can't have students who decide to do something anyway after they've been told that they shouldn't be doing it. Oh, is that right? Fucking mind furor. You're a real crumbum. Oh, they're drunk with power. They are drunk with power, these people.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Unbelievable. He said he had concerns that the flags were political in nature and could set a precedent allowing other flags that had the potential to stir up political controversy. And again, I'll say it again, really? You want me to believe that Black Lives Matter flag would, you know, cause any controversy? I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Finally tonight, ladies and gentlemen, it was a good show today. I'm loving it. We're getting used to the new equipment. Jason's right on the money. He's been terrific. Good job, Jason. My boy, Steve Bannon,
Starting point is 01:03:17 who to me is smarter than all the politicians combined, and he's always getting into mischief, the good kind of mischief. Anyways, he has a podcast. What the hell is it called? The War Room or something. I don't know. I would like to meet this guy. But he put up a couple of tweets about Donald Trump doing some great shit. One of them, you know what it was? Convincing the Big Ten they got to play football. You don't think that's a good move? Huh?
Starting point is 01:03:51 So Bannon puts up a couple tweets and explains how the Democrats are so stupid. Here's the first one. Look, we're in a pandemic. We've covered this straight from the very beginning. You got to take a lot of cautions. We already said you got to do targeted interventions. You have to reopen this thing very smartly. But the way that the left has overplayed their hand and now they're absolutely in panic mode that they've blown any chance of winning this election because how they've overplayed
Starting point is 01:04:17 and scared everybody to death. Well, President Trump put his shoulder to the wheel and Big Ten football is going to come back. Huge win president trump huge win for the country huge win for the big 10 and particularly huge win for those uh for those uh student athletes i know my daughter was a division one athlete for all four years and they the hard work they do in their entire life to get there they just your heart goes out to them so i'm so glad the president stood tall donald J. Trump, he upplayed the action. I think that ought to be the buzzword for the rest of the campaign. Remember when Trump said they said he, they were accusing him of downplaying the virus yesterday?
Starting point is 01:04:55 He said, well, I actually upplayed the action. Remember? In other words. And Bannon's right, though. The left has overplayed the hand with this COVID shit. And now they're scared. They didn't think this was going to be a race, but they fucked up. And you blew it.
Starting point is 01:05:11 You blew it. They sure did. Now, here is Bannon talking about Trump and what he did for the Big Ten. The Big Ten football, this is going to be enormous. Trust me, this is going to be enormous. People up in the upper Midwest, and particularly the wall right of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin are going to understand it's Donald J. Trump and his steadfastness that helped bring Big Ten football back in the fall of 2020. I am your voice. He told him to get out there and bang heads do you understand why that's important those are swing states a lot of those states of the teams
Starting point is 01:05:53 and the big 10 do you understand and football out there it's not as quite a religion as it is in the south down here but it's damn close and, I don't have to tell you this, is our pastime, the American pastime. No doubt about it. That is a huge move. And the kids, they'll still hate Trump. Because why? They're on a campus being told how evil we are on the right.
Starting point is 01:06:19 Anyways, that is it for the week. Oh, we got another read. We have to adjust this. It's coming too late. I'm sorry. The best read, actually, the most relevant one. Today's episode of Nick DiPaolo Podcast brought to you by
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Starting point is 01:07:50 I got to believe, I got to believe the odds say yes, but go to my bookie and find out. Will Biden participate in debates? Will Biden be facing the camera if he's doing the debates? Will he know what state he's in? Visit and use promo code NickDip to double your first deposit. That's NickDip at Look at all the bets you can make just on the sports and politics,
Starting point is 01:08:17 not to mention a bunch of other stuff. So we thank them for sponsoring the show. I also want to thank people who contribute to the show, who are very much more important or as important as the sponsors one-time contributors since yesterday at victor solemnity new york uh ellen sudas missouri david yeti south carolina michael wood oklahoma devon smith oregon robert goldberg illinois. Paul Sagnella, Connecticut. Sabrina Craig, Canada. She sounds hot.
Starting point is 01:08:50 David Ball, Arizona. Kenny McPeak, Tennessee. Spirit Lount, Oregon. Kerry DePalma, Alaska. Michael Vasquez, California. Ted Kennedy's brain tumor, Indiana. Tim Hershey's been with me since the beginning of this show, Ohio. Austin Brown, Florida.
Starting point is 01:09:11 Barry Renau, New York. Jose Gonzalez, Illinois. Robin Owens-Pittman, North Carolina. Ron Remen, New Jersey. Jason Talby, Oregon. Gary Kazarian, California. Kathy Latow, Michigan, Terry Bunn, Alabama, William Mostow, Arizona, William Humphreys, Ohio. Are you hearing all these folks? Michael Trentley, Pennsylvania, Michael Russell, Delaware, Nebby Selman, Australia, Michael Cassidy, Florida, Joe Mottmiller, Ohio, Peter Miller, North Carolina, Mark Sanders, Michigan, Joshua Rood, South Carolina.
Starting point is 01:09:59 And the new monthly supporter, somebody that signed up a Patreon yesterday uh buddy matt uh which means when he signs up he gets an extra story all the people who don't sign up a patreon get he gets to ask me questions which jason forgot uh the last couple days and uh he gets access to all the old shows so i want to thank all you guys for a great week. Keep the support going. As you know, YouTube and everybody else is fucking with us. They have the knee, the big tech people have the knee on the necks of anybody who leans right. So we need your support. That is it. Don't forget If you want me to make a video on my phone and roast one of your friends or relatives or say happy birthday to your mom, your sister, tell her to pick up her sneakers, any of that stuff,
Starting point is 01:10:48 You guys think, and I will say, very welcome. We will see you back here on Monday. Have a great weekend, everybody. guitar solo guitar solo I'm I'm I'm you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you

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