The Nick DiPaolo Show - NY Mom Destroys Marxist School Board Members | Nick Di Paolo Show #551

Episode Date: June 7, 2021

Biden forgets D-Day. Make Me A Sandwich. Law-breaker Lightfoot....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Oh yeah. How are you folks? Monday morning. Excuse me. Again, Monday morning. Monday morning again. You know, it's fucking Monday again. I've had enough. Great weekend. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The Comedy Caban. What a great room. Run by a family, husband and wife, daughters of the waitress. Just working there. Guy owns the place and he's daughters of the waitress, just working there.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Guy owns the place, and he's doing everything. I mean, couldn't have been nicer. Three out of four shows sold out, and the one that didn't was over half. So more than happy with the turnout. Met a bunch of DiPaolo fans. As usual, I go to a room I've never played before. Half the audience is in shock, even though I think they know it's coming. But you can see the look on their face.
Starting point is 00:01:31 They have never, they're like, is he really saying this shit? Just a fucking blast. Had a, must have taken 100 pictures. Met a ton of people. Great gig for myself because within driving distance, you know, three and a half, four hours, just painless, and they couldn't have been nicer, I would do it again in a second, hopefully I'll be too big, and we'll have to find a stadium someday, you know, like the hacks do, anyways, that's what I want. You're entitled to shit.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Fuck you. I'll get whatever I want. How dare you talk to me like that. You know you want crazy motherfucking walk, man. Yes, it's been said. Never tell anybody outside the comedy business what you're thinking. I'm too sentimental with my children, you see.
Starting point is 00:02:21 They talk when they should be listening. Anyhow, yeah, what a fucking great weekend. And not this weekend. Following weekend, headed to Dallas. So buckle up, Dallas. I'm bringing the fucking high heat. It's known as chin music. You know what's funny?
Starting point is 00:02:39 In the crowd was like five bodybuilders wearing their muscle shirts. It's like they're at the fucking board and I ripped them. They were great fans. One of them had to fucking do it. You know, I'm like, ticket stub, fuck up. This isn't WWE. It was so great.
Starting point is 00:02:54 They couldn't have been nicer. Scary, too. They'd have my back. And I'd probably a total of four black people the whole weekend. And all of them laughing their balls off, especially the last show, one black dude just crying and everything. And they know who they came to see. Do you understand? For the most part, they get it. But now we got these jerk-offs in office that I can't even fathom. Do they really think they're ever going to get another vote again after all this shit?
Starting point is 00:03:26 Again, if they steal it, like I said, I've said this many times, maybe they know that it's fixed forever now. They can't think people are buying this shit. You get black people standing up and saying critical race theory is horseshit, and people are coming around. Fucking Carmela. that's what happened
Starting point is 00:03:45 carmella kamala i call it carmella it bothers her uh that's what happens when you fucking stay uh you raised in california you uh work there educated there that's what happens you're so out of touch biden's just fucking retarded just an empty vessel that's filling him with hate. I'm old enough to remember his politics. He was not even one-tenth as extreme. Boy, did they play this one beautifully. They're like, I'm in Roth. Roth played this one beautifully.
Starting point is 00:04:15 I'm a joke on a pension. There's not a plaque. Oh my God. I just don't believe what they're doing with democrats it really is uh let's get to it oh by the way my red socks swept the yankees in new york this week i walk walk walk walk walk oh and all weekend you guys if you come to my shows you know i'm a sports fan which means if i'm working on the weekend, I'm recording this shit. I go the whole weekend without finding out the Bruins Islanders results
Starting point is 00:04:51 until the last show as I'm shaking hands, some guy comes up to me, former New Yorker, hey, we beat you guys tonight, 4-1. I go, motherfucker. That's like my whole weekend. What does a comic do when he gets home from the road and he's 59 and he's fucking exhausted? Drove home, got home at like 3.30. I went to bed for about five hours. Then I got on the couch.
Starting point is 00:05:14 I watched two Red Sox-Shanky games that I recorded. I watched three NHL playoff games and UFC. The preliminaries and the main card. Didn't move on the couch for 17 hours. That's why I look homeless today. How fucking old do I look? Anyways, let's get right to it. I found a lady online who should be voted mom of the year, woman of the year.
Starting point is 00:05:42 I admire her. Women, you're looking for a role model? Fuck Kamala and Hillary. They're men. They couldn't have got to where they are without sucking dick, pretending to. That's horrible, Nick. Well, at least for Hillary. But this woman, a New Yorker, I'm guessing Italian, she ripped the school board in their anti-cop, anti-Christian, pro-Marxist curriculum that they're forcing down her kids and other kids' throats. She went to the school board meeting or whatever it was. These local politicians, you guys have been exposed for the communist pieces of shit that you are. That's no exaggeration.
Starting point is 00:06:22 These are hardcore Marxists. And apparently they are everywhere. But take a look. This clip is long, and I don't give a shit. You better have an attention span, because I'm going to play a lot of it, because she doesn't stumble once with her words. I keep saying it. I think the women on the right have more balls than men. I would vote for this woman for senator tomorrow. She, real New York
Starting point is 00:06:46 accent, she rips into these lib motherfuckers who are brainwashing her kids just like a female bear will protect the cubs. Here she goes. Let's watch a lot of it. Go ahead. You're teaching my children and other children that if they believe in God Almighty they're part of a cult. These educators put their own names out there. We have Mr. Berry who took it upon himself with Ms. Cyrus to create a curriculum. That should be it. Oh, pause.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Do you want the proof? Pause. Yeah, that should be it. She's getting to the meat of it. Calling them out by name. That should be it. That's your two minutes. She's not even, but she's just warming up, folks. This broad has ice water in her veins.
Starting point is 00:07:34 She showed these douchebags the respect they deserve. Go ahead. I have the proof. You created a curriculum of Black Panther indoctrination. Ma'am. You used taxpayers' dollars. Ma''am. You use taxpayers dollars. One more time. I have no issue hearing what you have to say. But why are why can we not let the public speak? Why can't we let the public know that you're teaching our children to go out and murder our police officers? Do you want the proof? I have the proof. Is that what scares you? The proof that a parent actually standing up against all of you? Is that what scares you to call out the
Starting point is 00:08:12 names of these people? You work for me. I don't work for you. You have a duty. We are entrusting our children to you. We teach our children morals, values, when they grow up to commit crimes and end up in prison and kill a police officer. It's our fault? No, it's your fault. You're emotionally abusing our children and mentally abusing them. You're demoralizing them by teaching them communist values. This is still America, ma'am. And as long as I'm standing here on this good ground earth of God, I will fight. And I'm not, this is not the last of me you will see.
Starting point is 00:08:52 I'm retired. I have nothing else better to do. We can do it peacefully or we can take it to the highest courts because you know and I know I'm not the only parent fighting this all across America right now. Schools are trying to poison our children's minds.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Teaching them about things that have no right to be taught in school. So, normally, I'm just going to, if you don't mind, I'm going to just give you just a feedback for a moment. I have no problem having a peaceful discussion. This is not a peaceful discussion. No, that's your opinion. See, here we peaceful discussion. This is not a peaceful discussion. No, that's your opinion. See, here we go again. This is peaceful. To me, this is peaceful.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Well, I'm not burning, looting, and murdering. This is peaceful. I did not accuse you of that. Pause. No, you wouldn't. You wouldn't have the balls to. See, this to her is anger. In other words, take it down or not.
Starting point is 00:09:48 They tell you how to fucking feel. Shut your fucking hole and listen to what she has to say. That's your job. Ma'am, I'd like to have a peaceful. Shut your fucking pie hole. You're preaching to kill cops. And it's literally true. This Marxist horse shit.
Starting point is 00:10:04 But she wants a peaceful discussion. Suck a dick and die. Roll. i have a problem having a conversation with you a peaceful conversation which is this is not 695 per child in the middle school to buy a curriculum from read to that wasn't even approved by the by the board of ed. The administrators took it upon themselves to buy these books with taxpayer dollars while COVID is going on. How many families are struggling to pay their mortgages? Listen, by all means, you want to teach kids these things?
Starting point is 00:10:37 Fine, don't do it on my dollar. Don't infringe on my religious beliefs. Don't infringe. Do you know who makes up the majority of this district? Children from police officers' families. Blues. Back the blue children. Do you know what these children feel like when they come
Starting point is 00:10:54 home? Have you spoken to them? No. You're silencing them. This whole cancel culture. You're silencing the children. Where are their rights? They have no rights. Because if they don't believe in the indoctrination, the demonic, twisted, sneaky, vile acts and education, if you call it that, that you're teaching our children,
Starting point is 00:11:18 they don't agree with that. They're either homophobic. They're part of a cult. They're racist. What's racist? Who defines racist? Why? Because I'm, do you know what race I am?
Starting point is 00:11:31 Italian American. Do you? You don't. You don't even have an idea. I could be black. I could be white. I could be Asian. You don't know. Who are you to determine that?
Starting point is 00:11:40 Who is anyone to determine that? You know what? Children in the school system, children like other children, they don't look at color. Black and white children, Hispanic children, you know why they get along? Because they don't look at each other's color. So you're the racist. Not them. Not us.
Starting point is 00:11:56 That's why it's called indoctrination. She's exactly right. Those kids are empty vessels. Just like Joe Biden. You can fill them with hate. Just like the Dems are using their old puppet. She's so fucking dead on right here. These people haven't heard the truth because they only hang around.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Look, I sound like her husband. They only hang around people who think like them. See, I bet they hated this, having to do this. Let her go some more. I don't give a shit. I'm tired. It's Monday. I'm old.
Starting point is 00:12:25 You're judging and dividing. You're causing segregation. Everything that we fought for, everything that I fought for, for years. So you have the right to stand here and tell me I'm not allowed to mention a name when the person, the Mr. Berry and Miss Cyrus themselves, Barry and Miss Cyrus themselves? You have ELA teachers giving out assignments on police murder? Police are bad? You want
Starting point is 00:12:52 the proof? Because we have it. What policy do you have that teachers are not allowed to go on social media and indoctrinate? They took an oath, a responsibility. And they're going against everything that they stand for. End.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Well, I understand. The guys don't even have a... This is so typical left-wing guys. He's telling the woman to shut her up. And we've got to end this. We've got to end this. The truth, it's burning me. I'm like a vampire.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Somebody's throwing garlic in my pit. Whatever they kill. Baby oil. I don't know how it works. But anyways, so you get the point. And she went on and on and ripped them some more assholes. And she's right. She's not alone.
Starting point is 00:13:36 She is not alone. You don't have to be a cop's wife to feel that way either. But she ripped them. And New York is just low. Well, the whole country is now academia, from pre-K up to fucking, you know, people think it's just on college campuses. No, they get them early. They get them early. You don't believe me? Next story. Fag Flag Day, somebody wrote. Hey, that's offensive. Libs of TikTok.
Starting point is 00:14:06 What's that? Libs of TikTok. They put up a, somebody put up a tweet showing what goes on in the kids' classroom, okay? So take a look at this. Not that it's going to be a surprise to you but you know it's Pride Month what my teacher had in her class look at transgender pangender lesbian LGBTQ look there she is pansexual pansexual what is? What's that mean, Matt? You're pansexual, eh? Something to do with pizza.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Isn't that one of the crusts you can get at Domino's? Hand-tossed pansexual. Fucking quit! Unbelievable, okay? So when they're not teaching your kids that cops are bad and this country is racist and the worst thing on the planet, they're shoving this shit down your throat. And, oh, my God, I can't take it.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Your son looks like a fag to me. Hey, watch that language, fella. Aye, aye, aye. So how great was she? She should be mother of the run for Congress in that district. Do something. I want to see her in about 90 other marjorie taylor greens anyways it said homeschool is looking very uh tempting it was the caption on
Starting point is 00:15:34 that and i would have to agree i don't have kids because i saw this coming in fifth grade i said i'm not going to go through this I do have friends my age who have kids and I just oh my they tell me stories about soccer practice and little league and what the fucking people get upset about oh my aching stem I am me and my wife think about adopting
Starting point is 00:15:57 this 19 year old blonde girl from Sweden she's not for it I am I don't know why nothing I can do anyways she's not for it. I am. I don't know why. Nothing I can do. Anyways, so, yeah,
Starting point is 00:16:12 from top to bottom, we're getting this shit. They think they're going to win another election. I just don't know. How about Joe Biden this weekend? He thinks he's still president. He believes he won the fucking thing. Oh, my God. And boy, when I bring that up in comedy clubs, I've yet to meet anybody who disagrees and they're not you know uh president joe biden tweeted
Starting point is 00:16:32 a video this week uh sunday of his meeting last week could they keep this alive some more survivors of the tulsa race massacre which we got to the bottom of last week. Remember Officer Tatum, the black cop who looked into it? He did a deep dive and it turned out to be a race riot where a black kid was allegedly raped a white woman in an elevator and it had nothing to do with three, no, no 300 people were masking. Yet he's still doing it. Here's Joe, the picture of him. He's looking for the men's room. He goes, what's that? Is that a dress on that logo? Anyways, can you imagine? Nobody knew about this fucking thing.
Starting point is 00:17:12 And when they did know about it, it was always referred to as a race riot until these guys got in office. So he had to keep the ball in the air this weekend. Got to keep that anti-white male thing going, that black versus white. He met with survivors of the Tulsa race massacre. He's about 112 years too late, but did not mention that June's Hey, can we dig up more shit?
Starting point is 00:17:38 I'm not even mentioning this. I'm watching the news yesterday. They celebrated the anniversary of some black kid who was hanged 90-something years ago. Is this what we're going to do? So you want to play that game? When are we going to celebrate all the white people that were victims of black crime for the 50? How about just the white cops who were killed by black suspects? Let's fucking have a day for them who's with me come on anyways he didn't mention june 6th that's only the anniversary of d-day the united states led
Starting point is 00:18:15 invasion of normandy in the second world war only one of the biggest days you know ever even obama celebrated it for christ's sake what we doing? What's going on right now? You have no idea, shit teeth. Biden, who appeared confused, he confused D-Day with Pearl Harbor last year on the campaign trail. He tweeted a video. Oh, it's produced by the White House. Let me guess, fucking Rob Ryan are doing the directing. And when she emphasized the need to tell the truth about America's past sins. He says, you can't pretend it didn't happen. And it can happen again, he said.
Starting point is 00:18:52 You hope. Listen to this schmuck on wheels. Go ahead. I am asking for a kiss. Hold me up, Mr. Batman. There you go. There you go. All right.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Thank you. I have to wait 100 years to do all this. hold me up a little bit there we go thank you I have to wait a hundred years to do all this why are you laughing Joe it's amazing what you've all been through it's amazing who's that
Starting point is 00:19:16 you share sustained so strong I think it's important one of the reasons we're here listen to this
Starting point is 00:19:22 listen to the music pause listen to the fucking what's the song One of the reasons we're here. Listen to this. Listen to the music. Pause. Listen to the fucking. What's this? They got the soundtrack from the fucking Schindler's List. Can we get something from Roots? Something that would make a seven-year-old girl cry? Something in the key of fucking Z?
Starting point is 00:19:42 I love that old black lady. You said we had to wait 100 years for this? Almost insulting him to his face. And God bless these people. It's not them I'm asking. Sorry, man. This is what he's doing and doesn't mention D-Day. Wow, we see who's a priority in this country.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Let the schmuck play his propaganda some more. Go ahead. I think it's important that as president of the United States. You're not the president. I've done my whole career. Speak out about it. You can't pretend it didn't happen. When you pretend it didn't happen, you don't face it.
Starting point is 00:20:18 It can happen again. But when you know what happened, you can't run away from it. Pause. But we have to. You can't run away from it. Pause. But we have to. You can't walk away. Listen, can you fucking. It could happen again. Let those words sink in.
Starting point is 00:20:35 In other words, nothing has changed in the last hundred years. It could happen again. Really, whites. Really? It could happen again. Liar. Liar. Whore.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Liar. Whore. You know it. Okay, roll it. Fight. We have to fight. And the first part of fighting is telling the truth. And that's what we want to do. All right, enough. I'm getting queasy.
Starting point is 00:21:02 All the black people looking at you. What is this schmuck doing here? Is it because we're black? Exactly. It's the only reason. Oh, my God. I'm getting queasy all the black people look at it. What is this schmuck doing here? Exactly, it's the only reason oh my god. There's a guy who stole the election said you gotta you gotta tell the truth White supremacy is the number one issue when every poll says otherwise and he's saying you got to tell the truth May your heart explode Into a million little pieces, you fucking mama Luke. Oh, is you ever. Oh, I can't take it. Since taking office, Biden has emphasized the flaws in American history over the successes, just like every Democrat does. Within hours of taking the
Starting point is 00:21:41 oath office, he had deleted the report of the 1776 Commission, which sought to restore the place of American values and heroes in public discourse and school curricula. In other words, replace what I just showed you, that left-wing garbage, with actual history. First thing he did was get rid of that. First thing he did was get rid of that. The report is still available at the website of Hillsdale College, where I used to return kickoffs in the early 80s. I was quite a ballplayer. We were called the Fighting Powdered Wigs.
Starting point is 00:22:18 We were. Yes, we were. Biden has repeatedly emphasized the importance of systemic racism to understand the United States and its history. So we wrote a song for him. You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt. A lion, asshole, and a crowder, not a fucking communist whore. Can I say crowder? What the fuck was that about? I apologize to the German people.
Starting point is 00:22:51 That's me on tuba. Throughout the 2020 campaign, Biden claimed falsely that President Trump, do you guys remember this? Had avoided a World War I military cemetery in Europe because he did not care about dead soldiers. And he had supposedly called them suckers and losers. Remember him making that up? And people buying it wholesale? Meanwhile, dickhead doesn't even mention D-Day?
Starting point is 00:23:19 Please tell me you see this and how much they hate this country. I always knew they did. I had no idea to what degree these filthy Marxist scum fucks. And then his right-hand woman slash man, probably going to be a president within the next year or so, unless Trump gets reinstated after the truth comes out. But that would only happen in the real, you know. Vice president, that would be Kamala, Kamala,
Starting point is 00:23:48 she was called abroad. No, she was called out abroad, I'm sorry. Vice President Kamala Harris' staff on Sunday insisted that the main drivers of the migrant surge to the southern border are climate and the economy. Really? Isn't that right? People in El Salvador didn't realize it was hot down there?
Starting point is 00:24:12 Got to go with some air conditioning. We're white guys inventing good shit. Let's head to America. Border, climate, and the economy. That's the drivers behind it. She arrived in Guatemala. By the way, when she arrived there, there was a bunch of signs telling her mind her business because they're real pro-life and shit and to go home.
Starting point is 00:24:28 It was beautiful. You're disliked around the planet already. First time you've left your fucking house. Arrived in Guatemala and after the Guatemalan president blamed the change, and he blamed, the Guatemalan president was right. He blamed Biden's administration for the new border crisis. So he even gets it. You are correct, sir. Harris spokesperson, Simone Sanders, seen here at an NFL combine. Bastard child of Reggie White.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Look at this. Looks like a bouncer at the fucking Sauce Awards. Harris spokesman and Simone Sanders told reporters that climate and the economy were among the main drivers
Starting point is 00:25:16 of the surge of migrants that saw more than 178,000 migrants hit the border in April alone. In April alone. Boy, the weather must be getting horrible in South America and Central America.
Starting point is 00:25:30 It's the climate. See how they always pick something abstract that you can't really... It has nothing to do with them taking the White House and going, hey, you got free shit over here. What are you doing? Free health care, free lunch, free sneakers.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Come and get it. Ringing the dinner bell. Had nothing to do with that. You big-titted moron, you. Anyways, can you imagine 178,000? It continued to spike in February and March. Officials also emphasized the role of corruption plays. Their officials are of corruption plays, their officials are saying
Starting point is 00:26:06 corruption plays in forcing migrants to make the journey north. I'm sorry, that's the Biden administration. We see corruption as one of the, yeah, your administration. You stole an election, you're right. It is corruption. And then you implement these policies, reversed everything the last president did. Who had it under control? Tell me I'm wrong and you can eat a bag of dog shit. We see corruption as one of the most important root causes to be dealt with. Special envoy Dick Zuniga said. Critics have blamed the Biden administration's rollback of Trump-era border restrictions and interior enforcement policies that they say have sent the signal to migrants that the border is open. I mean, how can you
Starting point is 00:26:52 argue with that? We have empirical evidence. We have numbers. We have cameras. We're watching people pour over. How do you argue with that? And it wasn't him putting kids in cages. It was you, Coxhuggers. You're wrong about everything. The Biden administration has denied that, saying that the border is closed. They go against empirical evidence. What are they looking at? They don't care what you think. It's closed.
Starting point is 00:27:17 I've shown nine clips here in the last two weeks. Like I said, it looks like the beginning of the New York Marathon. 19,000 ethnicities fucking lined up to pour in. Instead, they emphasize the root causes of the crisis, focusing on climate, poverty, crime, and corruption. Sounds like every city you guys run in Central America. That's what they say. They don't see it that they're the problem. Problem? You're the fucking problem, You fucking Dr. White onking jam rag onking spunk bubble.
Starting point is 00:27:48 I'm telling you, H, you keep looking at me, I'm going to put you in the fucking ground. I promise you. Joe Rogan's not returning my calls, by the way. Let's put that out there. Ever since my special came out two years ago, he's not talking to me. Kind of disappointing, I've got to be honest,
Starting point is 00:28:04 because I'm going to be in Texas in two weekends and not returning the calls. I don't know, Joe. You disappoint me. And I love Rogan, by the way. I'm just saying. Very surprising. Harris was put in charge of diplomatic
Starting point is 00:28:19 outreach to solve the crisis in March. Has also emphasized the root causes. I'm thinking, this is what she says, I'm thinking of corruption, violence, and poverty, the lack of economic opportunity. That's every city that you guys run in this country. The lack of climate adaptation. Get him an umbrella. What do you, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:28:39 And climate resilience. The lack of good governance. See how government's always the answer for these idiots? That's what she said last month, and you know what I say? Will you shut up? Will you? Will you please shut up? Harris is in Guatemala as part of a two-day trip to light of the world.
Starting point is 00:28:56 I mean, to light of the region. On Monday, she'll meet with President Alejandro G. Matea. How do you say it? Matt, you said it. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Let's call him Alejandro G., with whom her office says she will discuss increasing economic opportunities and strengthening the rule of law. Again, coming from the administration that stole the motherfucking election. So she's full of shit, but this guy's going to tell you what's really going on. Are you interested in the real story? Again, coming from the administration that stole the motherfucking election. So she's full of shit, but this guy's going to tell you what's really going on. Are you interested in the real story? Yes, let's listen to Alejandro. But in an interview aired Sunday, G. Matea said the, I'm saying that wrong, I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Alejandro G. said he and Harris are not on the same side of the coin on the issue and blamed what he saw as a more welcoming message to migrants by the new administration for the surge. He's right on the money. He says, and I quote, the message changed, too. We're going to reunite families. We're going to reunite children, he told CBS News. The very next day, the coyotes, he says, were here organizing groups of children to take them to the United States. Now, who are you going to believe? We asked the United States government to send more of a clear message to prevent more people
Starting point is 00:30:17 from leaving, he said. They stepped out of the swamp for, what, five minutes? And they're getting their shit thrown right back in their face. Good for you, G. Mateo, Alejandro G. That's why they stay ensconced. You know what I mean? Like Kamala Harris, she was a prosecutor, DA in Los Angeles, whatever. But she's surrounded by people. And she was a tough one, actually. Remember, she put a bunch of black in Los Angeles, whatever. But she's surrounded by people who, and she was a tough one, actually. Remember, she put a bunch of black and brown people in jail for weed.
Starting point is 00:30:48 So, and you still voted for her. Good for you. But now she has to be out there because she's the vice president. She actually, she doesn't have that friend. When she goes to another country, it's not MSNBC and CNN and all the other outlets that suck her ass and Biden's ass. They have to actually answer real questions and deal with people on camera who don't think like them.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Gilligan. Alright, let's roll on, shall we? Make me a sandwich. Make me a fucking sandwich. Don't talk to me like that. In our make me a sandwich segment today, a New York City-based psychiatrist, ooh, another angry woman of color,
Starting point is 00:31:34 told an audience at the Yale School of Medicine. How did she get into fucking Yale? Yale School of Medicine in April that she had, listen to this, she has fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way. I'll repeat that. Fantasizing about unloading revolver and any white person that gets in her way. Did they look at her resume? I don't think she should have been, even got into Yale because of a few things. Number one, A, she was a whore. B, she was a whore. A couple of things like that. Dr. Aruna Kilanani spewed the race hating virtual remarks in which she also said she'd walk away from the shooting with a bounce in my step, and that white people make my blood boil and are out of their minds and have been for a long time at the Ivy League's institution's child study center on April 6th.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Look at the face on Mr. Ed here from the Middle East. God, good fucking anteater. Nice blowjob lips on the face of Tony Danza. What happened? A flyer promoting the talk and posted online by Weiss titled the lecture. This is the title. The Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Like we're raping and punching old Chinese people and killing each other on the weekends at untold numbers. And doing drugs and burning and looting. But it's the white mind, the one that put a man on the fucking moon. That one that created a government that lifted all boats. That lifted the standard of living around the planet. all boats that lifted the standard of living around the planet. That's the problem, said the horse-toothed, fat-lipped pig. And she says, included learning objectives such as set up white people's absence of empathy towards black rage as a problem. I don't know what that means.
Starting point is 00:33:43 And understand how white people are psychologically dependent on black rage as a problem. I don't even know what that means. And understand how white people are psychologically dependent on black rage. She's a teacher. It's got the word child in it. She's an MD. She's a doctor of hate. She's a fucking witch doctor. Put a bone through her nose and give her a grass skirt
Starting point is 00:34:01 and send her on her way. She then added, pray is up for DMX. She probably blown backstage. Before discussing what she described as, listen to this, in quotes, the intense rage and futility people of color purportedly feel when talking to white people about racism. Oh, boy, you. We are calm. We are giving to giving. And then when we get angry, they use our response as confirmation that we're crazy or have emotional
Starting point is 00:34:40 problems, Kilanani said. It's always the, it says it always ends that way. Happens every time. Like a goddamn timer you can count on. You can count it down, she says. Wow.
Starting point is 00:34:53 You're fucking crazy. Nothing makes me angrier, she says, than a white person who tells me not to be angry because they have not seen real anger yet. What country is she from?
Starting point is 00:35:06 We haven't seen anger yet? It's probably your home country that blew up our towers. We'll show you anger. Wait till those supremacists that you guys been yelling about wake up. Oh, you'll see anger. I'm not condoning it. I'm just saying, boy, you have no idea what's going on.
Starting point is 00:35:22 You know what I'm saying? They're not going to be using super soakers. I'll tell you that much. So white people have never seen real anger yet, despite we're watching our cities being burnt to the ground and people that don't look like us, and people who look like us, by the way. That would be Antifa.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Anyways, she said before talking about how she systematically cut off most of her former white friends around five years ago. Picture a fucking, there's no such thing as a conservative, I guess, psychologist anymore. But just picture a white doctor saying that. Yeah, cut off my friends of people of color because they've lost their fucking minds. I mean, you'd be taken out and shot. Listen, this is what she said.
Starting point is 00:36:03 I stopped watching the news. Kilonati continued, once I started, I couldn't stop. It was also a public service, she said. I had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless, with a bounce on my step, like I did the world a fucking favor, she said. She's a malignant cunt. Oh, she's way worse than that.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Later in the talk, Kelenati claimed that conversing with white people about racial issues was useless because they are at the wrong level of conversation. No, you're at the wrong level. When we talk about race, we start at a level, you start at a level where you think you're morally superior. You're at the wrong level. White people are out of their minds. You can see it on TV. They're burning and looting and killing each other. White people are out of their minds. Most docile people on the planet.
Starting point is 00:37:05 And they have been for a long time. How much hate can you fill into one fucking giant box? And I mean her box. White people feel that we are bullying them when we bring up race, she said. Where did you get that? They feel that we should be thanking them for all that they have done for us. She's not even black. They are confused, and so are we.
Starting point is 00:37:29 You got that right. She finally hit on something. We keep forgetting that directly talking about race is a waste of our breath, Kilanani continued. We are asking demented, violent predator. Do you see how she's not even touched with reality neither neither you people who are still voting democrat by the way you sit home and actually play with yourself listening to this shit who thinks that they are a saint or a superhero to accept responsibility it ain't gonna happen
Starting point is 00:38:01 said the pig face you stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt! They have five holes in their brain. Is that before or after you empty your revolver into the... Are you counting the ones... Anyway, it's like banging your head against a brick wall. Kilanani said that addressing racism assumes that white people can see and process what we are talking. It's the old, we're from another planet.
Starting point is 00:38:32 You can't relate to anything. Do you understand? And she's spewing this to fucking young people at Yale? She says they can't. They can't understand us. That's why they sound demented. They don't even know they have a mask on. White people think it's their actual face.
Starting point is 00:38:55 We need to get to know that mask, she said. What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. May God have mercy on your soul. From your last name, psychologist, doctor, you should go back to the third world shithole where your family is from. Take AOC with you. You're so filled of envy of white people that it's sickening. It's all envy. You're projecting all your horseshit qualities on white people. And it's not just her, not just some unknown psychologist at Yale or psychiatrist, whatever the twat is. Here's a more high profile one for you. Excuse me. I can't stop talking about her. She keeps popping up. Beetlejuice in Chicago. Laurie
Starting point is 00:39:46 Lightfoot, lawbreaker. Why is she in the news again? Look, she's all confused. I don't know. I had a dick. A federal court has scheduled a hearing on the Daily Caller News Foundation's preliminary injunction motion in its lawsuit against Chicago Mayor Laurie Lightfoot for Monday, June 7th at 12 p.m. Eastern Time. Oh, baby. The DCNF and Judicial Watch filed the suit on May 27th on behalf of one of its reporters, Thomas, you said this name right before. Yeah, Catanacci. Well done, Matt. Thomas Catanacci, after his repeated attempts to interview Lightfoot, went unanswered. We reported on this a couple months ago.
Starting point is 00:40:32 The suit alleges that Catanacci, who was white, was denied an interview with Lightfoot due to his race. And we all know it's true. She said it. In May, Lightfoot announced she'd only grant interviews to journalists of color to celebrate her two years in office of failing miserably. They call Fox News racist. We have some audio of her right here.
Starting point is 00:40:57 What folks says about this family I does. I has told you and told you that you can always tell a lady by the way that she eat in front of folks like a bird. And I ain't aiming for you to go to Mr. John Wilkerson and eat like a field hand and gobble like a hog. It's bonkers that we had to file this lawsuit. DC NF President Neil Patel said
Starting point is 00:41:14 Friday, Chicago's mayor should not be discriminated against journalists based on their color. That's something that every normal American understands. Well, apparently not. How about the people that voted for this twice? Actually, she was never voted in, I'm sure. Lightfoot denied Catanacci's request by failing to respond in a timely manner, the lawsuit said, claiming that based on information and belief, Lightfoot is aware that
Starting point is 00:41:36 Catanacci is not a journalist of color. There is no excuse for racial discrimination, Catanacci previously said. Every day that goes by without the mayor granting my interview request because of my race violates my rights and tramples on the First Amendment. Not if you're a black lesbian, you can do whatever you want, motherfucker. Judicial Watch on Thursday filed a motion for an injunction against Lightfoot on behalf of the DCNF and Catanacci, again demanding that the mayor stop denying him an interview due to his race. And of course, you know. There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Yeah, Lori's mind. He is all fucked up. As the courts have found, the way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. We're interested to see Mayor Lightfoot's explanations to the court for her racist policy. She can be as honest as she wants. Nothing's going to happen to her. She's bulletproof. She's gay and fucking black. And female.
Starting point is 00:42:47 In an interview on Fox & Friends on May 29th, Katanachi said that he was initially shocked at Lightfoot's policy. Why are you naive? I think that we shouldn't live in a country where anyone is treated worse than anyone else or given opportunities that anyone else is otherwise given solely because of right. Yeah, we've all felt that way, Mr. Katanachi, for the last 150 years until Katanachi said, like a lot of people out there, I was just really surprised that an elected official would do something like this.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Really? After following her for the last couple of years? Lightfoot's policy has been widely condemned, including by a journalist of color. I say journalists of color. It says journalist plural. One Latino reporter, wow, feel the support, at the Chicago Tribune, who had the opportunity to interview Lightfoot, declined to. So after the mayor refused to rescind her policy, he would not be interviewed.
Starting point is 00:43:45 She said, you know, you're Latino, you can't. And he's like, not if you're going to treat Whitey like that. Is that the only person that stood up, though? Where's all the Black journalists? Oh, that's why we're doing this is not enough. And whose fault is that? I asked the mayor's office to lift, this is the Latino guy that stood up for the White,
Starting point is 00:44:03 I asked the mayor's office to lift, this is the Latino guy that stood up for the white, I asked the mayor's office to lift its condition on others, and when they said no, we respectively canceled, Tribune reporter Gregory Pratt wrote on Twitter, politicians don't get to choose who covers them. That's right, Greggy. Look at, he looks beautiful there. Almost looks like a woman there, seriously. Lightfoot defended her policy saying i hate whitey and fuck them all yo no saying she wanted more diversity among journalists covering you notice the more person uses diversity the word the more cuckoo they are now uh covering for her administration and i say to that beautiful lady i don't like your jerk off name i don't like your jerk off face i don't like your jerk off lady, I don't like your jerk-off name. I don't like your jerk-off face.
Starting point is 00:44:45 I don't like your jerk-off behavior and I don't like you, jerk-off. Diversity and inclusion is, listen to how hackneyed and trite this is. How many times have I read this in the last 10 years? Diversity and inclusion is imperative across all institutions. No, it isn't actually. You're actually admitting that how somebody was born,
Starting point is 00:45:06 their skin color, is more important than the person. Why don't you just go to Martin Luther King's grave and piss all over it, you pig? Diversity and inclusion is imperative across all institutions and media. She tweeted earlier in May, in order to progress, we must change. You know, we should.
Starting point is 00:45:24 We should stop electing people like you because you're a victim three times over. Again, I really don't believe you're elected or any of those angry black broads that are DAs in St. Louis. You're appointed. George Soros put a ton of money
Starting point is 00:45:40 in or fucking jerk off Zuckerberg. This is exactly why I'm being, this is her talking, Lightfoot. This is exactly why I'm being intentional about prioritizing. Oh, is that what we call it now? Prioritizing. Is that what the whites were doing when black people couldn't eat at the counter? Hey, we're prioritizing our meal.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Prioritizing media requests about people and color reporters on the occasion of the two-year anniversary of my inauguration. She's celebrating. She's the worst mayor in the country, arguably. How many babies died this weekend, shithead? Lightfoot said as she lit up a cigar and fucking arm wrestled.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Wake up, white people. I'm wide awake, Frank. Let's lighten it up a bit. Let's bring some beauty into the world. Let's go from the ugliest woman on earth to a nice young blonde girl that Matt's in love with. I came in here and he was pretending to edit this thing for like two hours. He had a bathrobe on. I'm like, what in God's two handy wipes stuck to the door? I don't know. Anyways, hot chick tracked a Texas woman.
Starting point is 00:46:59 How about a girl? No, she's a woman. Texas woman has gone viral on TikTok for sounding the alarm. I can't believe she found it. I put it like two weeks ago. I dropped it about finding a tracking device in her bag following an evening out. So she's letting other girls know about it. This weekend on Saturday, she says, I went to dinner with a group of friends for this girl's birthday Sheridan Ellis says in the recent clip which has been viewed more than a million times and has received almost 190 000 likes um that's her I please I I just make warmer Crest Sheridan I want the eyebrows to match the hair all right a little too groucho marks me. Is this the only thing I've ever heard? Somebody dropped a dragon. This is her talking, and boy, I wish I was 19 again. Anyways, what are you saying? You know what I'm saying. No, let's hear what Ms Sheridan... And again, you notice it's always kind of a hot chick that does this shit.
Starting point is 00:48:07 It goes viral. What if she was, I don't know, 5'4", about 3'6"? Well, then nobody would be trying to track her. Okay, I talked myself into a corner there. Roll tape. At the end of the night, I'm cleaning my purse out, and I find this. If you don't know what this is, it's a tile.
Starting point is 00:48:29 It's basically a tracker for, you know, people put it on their keys and whatnot. It's not mine. In the comments, Ellis said she found the device designed, again, like she said, to locate personal items, phones and keys, before she got home. And she was sure it did not belong to anyone at the dinner. She couldn't be positive about that. She said she hasn't reported the incident to police because she didn't know when the tile was slipped into her bag. Adding that she didn't want to reinstall the battery. TikTok you just were quick. See when a girl's in distress. To offer the young woman advice,
Starting point is 00:49:11 one fella said, blow your top. No, set up a sting operation. Put the tile on one of your huge male friends' doorsteps and monitor it with their ring doorbell, free 24-hour surveillance, he said. The police can definitely find out who purchased that and who downloaded the app registered to it. Go to the police. That is very, very scary, another viewer said. So a lot of help there. A third person said, oh, my God, I have preteen girls. Thanks for putting this out there. But seriously, how many more things do we have to be aware of? I don't know, three? I have no, that is creepy, though.
Starting point is 00:50:03 That is frigging creepy. There's guys out there. I just watched a John Wayne Gacy thing for the fifth time. Taking notes. He was a bad person, that guy. Anyways, let's hope Sheridan, I would like to follow up on that story and see who, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:50:25 Could be Anthony Weiner, could be Bill Clinton. I don't know why they'd be at a wedding if she was at it or whatever. All right, let's move on. No, no, no, no! In our FLA segment today, a Florida man tossed a two-month-old baby at a sheriff's deputy after he took police and the child on a high-speed chase through residential neighborhoods, authorities said. Again, because I'm such a bigot and racist, I go, it sounds like black activity to me. I'm not sure. And sure enough,
Starting point is 00:50:56 Nick DiPaolo, once again, like a goddamn prophet. John Henry James, that sounds like a white serial killer's name. The third, oh Jesus, three generations of these geniuses, 36, facing a slew of charges including aggravated child abuse after a 40-minute drive on May 26 when he tried to shake Indian River County Sheriff's deputies with the kid in the car. You can't, this is the sheriff talk, you can't throw a baby at us and expect us to treat you with kid gloves. Why not? He's a person of color.
Starting point is 00:51:34 Sheriff Eric Flowers said in a news release posted to Facebook on Friday, Deputy Jacob Curry, who caught the baby, then spiked it. I guess he used to play for Nebraska, they said, killing the baby instantly. No. He caught the baby after the chase, described the throw, listen to this, as overhand. This guy's working on his cutter with his kid.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Threw the baby overhand and called the situation awkward. Jesus. What the hell's going on out here? He says, I've seen some crazy stuff, but this is definitely up there. Kirby told CBS News 12. It wasn't a nice, he says, it wasn't a nice underhand handoff from a foot away. It was an actual throw. He just turned around like he was
Starting point is 00:52:27 turning a double play. He turned around, no regard, not a little toss or anything. He just turned around overhand through this two-month-old at me from about six feet away. There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind. What makes you say that? At around 6.30 p.m., a deputy tried to pull over James in Averro Beach, but he sped off and refused to pull over. Wow. They're really learning from Floyd and all the other incidents. Video shows him driving his white SUV into a police vehicle,
Starting point is 00:53:01 dodging roadblocks, even running over a set of stop sticks that don't disable his vehicle. Deputies follow him to an apartment complex and block the entrance as James ditches the car and tries to get away on foot, allegedly with a baby in his arms. A woman is heard on the video saying, he got a baby. He got a baby, yo. James struggled with the cops as they tried to detain him. The official said both feet were inbounds when the guy caught the baby after a reveal.
Starting point is 00:53:35 And a crowd formed in the parking lot because they always do, right? They get there when the white cop's doing his job. The accused was treated in a hospital when he complained about, listen to this, listen to this, not being able to breathe. This is the new one now. But police said he continued to resist
Starting point is 00:53:55 as he was putting us on a stretcher. He is now being held without bond, facing felony charges of aggravated battery of an officer slash firefighter slash EMT. Reckless driving and resisting arrest. God damn. Bye bye. You go bye bye.
Starting point is 00:54:17 Finally tonight on Meet the Press. We haven't talked about this guy in about three seconds. I'm sick of covering him. We already went over the emails. We know he's a liar. We know he's another evil guy that has weird intentions. But again, because he's a lefty, he'll walk Scott free of it. I think he has the blood of almost three million people on his hands, but I might be exaggerating.
Starting point is 00:54:39 White House coronavirus advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci briefed world leaders more than a year ago on fears that COVID-19 had leaked from a Chinese laboratory. Former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb has revealed. Can you imagine? And then he lies to us. Your mother sucks cocks in hell. I was told at the time back in the spring of 2020. That's when it all first hit the fan. This is Gottlieb talking,
Starting point is 00:55:05 that Dr. Fauci had gone over to a meeting of world health leaders in Europe around the World Health Assembly and actually briefed them on the information that they were looking at, that this could have been a potential lab leak, that this strain looked unusual, Gottlieb told CBS News on Sunday. So those discussions were going on. The former head of the Food and Drug Administration insisted on Face the Nation of the suspicions over the Wuhan Institute of Virology in the epicenter of the pandemic. Gottlieb said news of Fauci's briefing
Starting point is 00:55:41 was shared by a very senior official in the Trump administration with the former president among those who long raised suspicion over the lab leak theory. Once again, big orange dumb president right again. Once again, an intellectual left-wing elitist media wrong again, only on the big shit. However, Fauci soon dispelled some of those suspicions when he saw the money he could make. In that, I'm going to say this again. They're running ads during baseball games
Starting point is 00:56:14 about getting vaccinated. Do you understand? Don't you see how hard they're pushing? That doesn't send a red flag up to you people. Seriously. you people? Seriously, you are not getting this shit in my body if I'm dying from it. There's all kinds, and it's not conspiracy shit. The guy who isolated RNA, that's like recumbent neuro whatever the fuck, he's the one who isolated it. In other words, he understands how the vaccine work. They blocked him on the internet.
Starting point is 00:56:50 He like isolated how you can differentiate and how you can, you know, use gain of function as a buy. They're blocking him. He knows more about it than anybody. You guys a little suspicious? Having lotteries so you get vaccinated? Are you dog-styling me? If I found a fucking syringe in a dumpster, I'd stick that into the head of my cock
Starting point is 00:57:18 before I got this vaccination. And if you read further, oh, Nick, you're a conspiracy. If you read your history, it's not the virus itself. It's the vaccination that can do damage, like later on down the road. So you guys, you know, I'm sure I'll be roped off when I go to a ballgame with all the other lepers. Here's a non-vaccinated section.
Starting point is 00:57:43 here's a non-vaccinated section. Anyways, dispelled some of those suspicions in the theory that has recently escalated among global leaders with President Biden ordering a high-level investigation to be completed in, why 90 days, Joe?
Starting point is 00:57:59 Why put a fucking limit on it? Huh? Why, Joe? You smug cocksucker. Fuck you. Scientists now say the coronavirus has damning sequencing that suggests it had a human input. No kidding. But even if Fauci thought the contagion looked natural, he should have never have dismissed the lab leak theory so readily, Gottlieb said. Try arguing with that. You are correct, sir. Looking at it through the lens of national security and not just a scientific mindset
Starting point is 00:58:35 clearly changes the overall assessment, he said. But see, he was looking at it as, hmm. Fauci's own handling of the theory has been sharply criticized since the release of his emails, which further highlighted his possible ties to the Wuhan lab. He approved the money to do this, even when he said, we have emails of him saying this could be dangerous, this could lead to a pandemic, but he still directed money to have these things going on, these experiments in the Wuhan lab. Possible ties to the Wuhan lab and its research.
Starting point is 00:59:08 COVID-19 has killed more than 3.73 million people and infected about 175 million worldwide. So has the flu, by the way. It only kills old people and fat people. That's how you know China did it. That was another theory out there that I happen to believe in. Of course you'd want to weed out the old and the infirmed, right? When you invade a country, now you get nice, healthy people, including your 20-year-old soldiers who will be immune to it. It's all been done before, folks. It's in my new book called...
Starting point is 00:59:42 Nearly $175 million worldwide as Monday, according to John Hopkins University data. The more we look at this, eventually you're going to find out that like the president, President Xi Jinping was looking into a microscope and said, ah, throw this shit up. I kill you.
Starting point is 00:59:57 I kill you right now. Kill me. I'm right here. Kill me. I can't. Two chopsticks. I shut up your eyes. Oh, that's racist.
Starting point is 01:00:03 Chopsticks. Come over here. Talk to me in the face. I don't like that. Oh, that's racist. Chopsticks. I don't like that. Oh, come on. That's enough for today, folks. As you can see, the coffee kicked in. I got to get home and do three sit-ups. Again, I want to thank you guys for coming out and making my weekend such a great weekend
Starting point is 01:00:21 down in South Carolina. Myrtle Beach. Comedy Cabana. And all my comedian friends, I recommend the club. They treat you right. What else? We have where this show sits permanently. Click on the tour dates if you want to see where I'm going to be this summer. And, which I did about three of them this weekend. If you want me to roast one of your friends or relatives, just go to, click on my profile,
Starting point is 01:00:48 tell me about the person. I'll make a video on my phone just ruining their year. No, it'll be in good fun. It'll be mean and funny and they'll love me. That is it. You guys think it? I will say it. You're very welcome.
Starting point is 01:01:00 We'll see you back here tomorrow at the same time. Have a good day, everybody. guitar solo We'll see you next time.

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