The Nick DiPaolo Show - Parents Speak Loudoun Clear | Nick Di Paolo Show #619

Episode Date: November 2, 2021

Biden nods off at conference. White daughter "born evil" according to history lesson. Safeway cuts hours due to shoplifting. UK bill could send trolls to jail. Candidates sue over ballots mailed to addresses. Schiff attacks Republicans.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thanks for watching. Whether on social media or in our schools, on television, or from the White House, now more than ever, our freedoms, especially freedom of speech, are being suppressed, and that's putting it mildly. That's why I do this show, and that's why I put it out for free. For those of you who are able, please consider contributing to the show in any amount so we can keep it free and maintain a forum where right-leaning, honest, unfiltered comedy exists. Just click on the contribute button on your screen or go to and click on the contribute button at the top. Thank you guys so much. Let's keep this freedom fight going. Everybody had a lot to say when Trump was in the White House. Anybody got shit to say with this fucking old ass bum in there?
Starting point is 00:00:46 Fucking up our fucking country. Fucking up the economy. These motherfuckers projected that we would have a million new jobs, 200,000 new jobs. And where the fuck are they at? Probably 200,000 illegal immigrants that you motherfuckers plowed up at the border got new jobs. But we don't. We hurting in the murk. Trump found his 2024 running mate Oh yeah, welcome to the big show on a Tuesday in the great state of Georgia.
Starting point is 00:01:50 How are you folks? Speaking of states, we've got a big election in Virginia for the governorship. That hack partisan douchebag, Clinton wannabe, Terry McAuliffe, who says parents have no business telling schools what to teach their kids. That cost him the election against Youngkin, who's a, you know, multi-zillionaire, who's a kind of a family guy and gets it. And anyways, let me tell you something. He's up by eight, Youngkin, you know. But let me tell you something. He's up by eight, Yunkin, you know. But let me tell you something right now. If fucking McAuliffe wins this somehow, just know they're cheating again,
Starting point is 00:02:33 and they'll be cheating in the midterms, and the next one, and forever. That's all you need to know. I'm telling you right now. That's all I'm saying. And they're shitting their pants over there. The Democrats are shitting their pants. I don't know if you saw the thing they did with the Lincoln Project. I don't know if you know what the Lincoln Project is.
Starting point is 00:02:54 It's like ex-Republicans and neocons who hate Trump and everything he stands for and shit. And they had a pedophile running, actually running their group, the Lincoln Project, just like Abe Lincoln could relate to, you know, a kid fucker. Anyways, a couple days ago this past weekend, five of them came out dressed in khakis and like white polo shirts with tortiki torches. And they took the picture of him, put it online, saying these were supporters of Youngkin. And it was all Democrats in the picture. There was a black person and a woman. That's how fucked up
Starting point is 00:03:29 they are. Even when they're cheating, diversity has to be a priority. So people figured it out in a second that it was a hoax. A fucking hoax. And I think that's when actually, what's his name?
Starting point is 00:03:46 You can't fuck with parents' kids, okay? I mean, that's where you, you know, at least that's how it used to be. Who knows now? Parents are like, I don't give a fuck. Kid's on fentanyl anyways. Anyhow, anywho. So that's the big election today.
Starting point is 00:04:02 And they're shitting their pants, the Democrats, So that's the big election today. And they're shitting their pants, the Democrats, because it's sort of, it'll be a bellwether, kind of a barometer for what will go on in the midterms. A lot of people are saying. But once again, are you factoring the cheating in? Like, because you didn't do it in the last presidential election. So keep an eye on that one, folks, in between watching porn and TikTok.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Man, I look heavy. I ate all fruits and vegetables last night like snacks, and then I had worked out. When you work out real hard and you lose all that sweat, you crave salt and fucking sugar. So I killed the fucking sugar part with a couple bananas, some grapes, and then about quarter to two in the morning, the fucking sugar part with a couple bananas and grapes.
Starting point is 00:04:46 And then about quarter to two in the morning, I fucking see a bag of chips on the counter. I mean, salty chips. It's like shooting heroin. It was beautiful. That's why I look like Jerry Lewis on a pregnancy song this morning. All right, let's get to the show, shall we?
Starting point is 00:05:02 After my yapping. In the N-word segment today, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk tweeted a suggestion for the name of a new Texas university that he wants to open. Musk joked that he would create a new school named Texas Institute of Technology and Science, or TITS for short. Finally, a billionaire other than Trump with a sense of humor. Most of today's billionaires are left-wingers who as you know are all born without a funny bone. I'm sure Bill Gates is the life of whatever nerd fest he's at with his pleated khakis, crew neck sweaters and personality blander than a Crohn's disease sufferer's diet. Or how about Jack Dorsey?
Starting point is 00:05:45 Have you heard him speak? This guy's voice could make white noise machines obsolete. Find one of his speeches on YouTube and listen to the first five minutes, but this comes with a warning. Do not drink alcohol when doing this. Your heart could stop accidentally when you passed out. The guy's a human antihistamine. Oh, boring as a bag of cheese. I mention him also because Twitter is where Musk caught a ton of blowback for his little college joke, which isn't surprising since Twitter is where jokes go to die and sometimes take careers with them.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Of course, Musk's joke was immediately branded sexist and misogynistic by some women who have enough time on their hands in empty days to scour the web for such evil things when they could spend that time doing something way more productive like ironing, cooking, cleaning, blowing their husband or boyfriend. I kid ladies, I love you. One girl named Zoe Ayers who is an academic health specialist Boy, but she's a blast on the sack. Oh, you touched my heel. She said Musk's tweet made her skin crawl.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Now, Zoe, that's your inner child trying to get out because it's being bored to death. She then said, I can't put my finger on why this made my skin crawl. Well, I'll give you a hint. It's something you probably put your finger on a lot when you're alone in bed on a Saturday night, since most guys like women with a sense of humor. That's right. It made your skin crawl because you have a clitoris. Add that to a background in academia and most likely a feminist, and you have the perfect shitstorm for a humorless witch. For those of you Twitter geeks who bothered by Elon's innocuous joke, I suggest you put down your phone or iPad, pick up a loaded handgun, and press it to the roof of your mouth and put a sunroof in your own head.
Starting point is 00:07:39 And that's the N-word. You dirty, rotten scoundrel. And that's the N-word. You dirty, rotten scoundrel. I forgot my cup of water or whatever. Anyways, let's get to the best president in the history of the United States. I'm glad this guy won in a landslide. Still telling us he got 81 million votes, the most ever. Can you fucking believe that? Mr. Fucking Magoo. Joe Biden, the guy who shit his pants apparently
Starting point is 00:08:08 when meeting the Pope, probably because he's pro-abortion. He's very nervous. Doesn't go good with a pound of brand cereal the night before. Stewed peaches, this cheese ass. Biden appears to nod off at climate conference. Can we really blame anybody for nodding off at a climate conference? Well, yeah, we can blame guys like this Who are claiming the world's going to end in three minutes if we don't fix it So, you know, anybody with a mind who knows that's bullshit could nod off Because it's all bullshit But this guy's nodding off because he's 111
Starting point is 00:08:43 And he's fucking low blood sugar and he's a fucking moron president biden crammed in a little shut eye before his international address monday apparent to fall asleep during opening remarks at the uh cop 26 climate change conference in scotland at one point biden uh closed his eyes for 22 seconds before an aide approached and woke him up. Before that, he had closed his eyes for about seven seconds, opening them and then nodding back off. I want to know why the broad behind Biden has no mask, but the rest of the faggots have their masks on. Okay, let's watch this and let's take a look in super
Starting point is 00:09:28 slow motion. Joe Biden dreaming of ice cream cones. Unicorns. Pussy. He's thinking of hunting his girlfriend's ass. Stop the destruction of this magnificent planet. This conference is one of the most important meetings in history. Ah, he's thinking of hunt his girlfriend's ass. Somebody tell this clam to shut up. I'm trying to nap.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Pause. Look at the Cherokee broad with no mask on behind her because nobody will have the balls to tell her. She's a sovereign nation herself. Look at these shitheads with their masks on. Oh, my God, it's creepy. Is he done sleeping? Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:10:14 ...extraordinary power. You can change forever the trajectory that you're on. You can make a world that is once again full of hope, not fear. Okay, all right, good. I'm almost to the point where I can't blame him. But we can blame him because, again, according to him and his administration, it's the number one priority.
Starting point is 00:10:38 It's the people's number one concern, which none of the polls say. It's about 11th. Okay? That's how important it is to Biden, really. At least he's being honest as he fills his depends with fucking tapioca pudding and pennies. What? Biden appeared to doze off while listening to Eddie Ndopu, a disability rights activist who began losing the president as he warned that global warming threatened our ability to grow food and even to survive.
Starting point is 00:11:17 This is him. This is the guy that was speaking. How could you fall asleep with that in front of you? I don't care if he was speaking, playing a violin, doing donuts in his chair. He's got a pile of fucking horse shit on the top of his head, purple lipsticks, got the shoulders of Sandy Duncan. How the fuck? This is the guy that was speaking about climate change. That's who's gonna to save the planet, huh? The black Superman
Starting point is 00:11:48 who has no feeling from the waster? Oh, my sister's box hole. Biden's eyelids dropped for the longer spell as Ndopu, who is also black and gay. It's hard to blow a guy in a wheelchair, as you know. I call on you to commit.
Starting point is 00:12:04 I call on you to commit. I call on you to commit. I call on you to commit to concrete actions to stop the destruction of this magnificent planet, he said. I suck cock. Oh! I love it. Oh, no, no, that's not right. Come on now, be nice. This conference is one of the most important.
Starting point is 00:12:27 This is what he's saying as he's doing donuts in front of the crowd. This conference is one of the most important meetings in history, Nadopu, continued as Biden's eyes remain closed. He's probably talking to Biden. You have the chance. Imagine if he fucking, like, threw a pen at Biden and stuck right in his foot. chance to make decisions and reach agreements which will affect the lives of generations to come. You are in a position of extraordinary power. You're not. You can change forever the trajectory we are on. You can make a world that is once again full of hope, not fear. What in God's name is he talking about? I suck cock and I love it. Yummy, yummy,
Starting point is 00:13:05 yummy. Oh, come on. Leave the guy alone. He's had it rough. Biden's aide snapped him back to attention just in time to applaud. So I guess Biden's aide's in his ear probably going. He stepped in. Okay. And you want me to believe he won the presidency? Right here. Anybody votes Democrat? Stay away from me. Even if you're a friend of mine. The president proceeded to rub the sleep from his eyes and the 50-year-old, 5-year-old girl's hair that he was sniffing. All righty. And other news. Headline, white daughter was born evil according to history lesson.
Starting point is 00:13:46 This is the shit that's going on. I'm so happy. I keep saying I'm happy I don't have kids. They'd be fucking 53 by now. A Virginia mother yanked her children out of public school after her six-year-old asked if she was born evil for being white, something the young girl purportedly picked up in her history class.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Can you imagine that? Can you fucking imagine that? Can you imagine? Was I born evil because I'm white? That's a six-year-old. So picture her after about, I don't know, another 12, 13 years of this type of education being drilled into her head. What do you get?
Starting point is 00:14:28 You get a chick with purple hair who fucking hates men and be throwing Molotov cocktails at the next fucking George Floyd concert. That's what I call it, not riot concert. Nick, that's not, shut it! Loudoun County Public School, again, that's Virginia. This is where McAuliffe has taken a big dump because of his point of view on this exact issue. By the way, I think we're going to have Peter Navarro Thursday. I think we'll air it Thursday, to have Peter Navarro Thursday. I think we'll air it Thursday, right?
Starting point is 00:15:08 Peter Navarro, you know who he is. He was Trump's trade guy, real serious businessman. Fucking first guy to blame the Chinese, saying they created it. And he was so right on the money. Anyways, he's a no bullshit guy. I love him. Back to the show. The Loudoun County woman, whose identity wasn't immediately clear, detailed her concerns
Starting point is 00:15:25 against critical race theory during an impassioned plea at a Loudoun County public's... How long before your daughter comes home and goes, um, am I evil because I don't like to kiss women? And all that other horseshit. Anyways, County Public Schools board meeting on October 26th. We have a video of this pretty mom Nick why do you have to say that can't you just yeah I don't fucking know but she uh I don't know why she has a snorkel jacket on it's uh it's fucking 2021 and it's about I don't know in Virginia it's probably 68 but anyways maybe she's frigid. Get out of here! Okay, let's listen to this mom who gives a
Starting point is 00:16:08 shit about her daughter. I can't imagine having a kid come home. Can you friggin' imagine it? It's that Zendi guy, X-E-N-D-I, that black, fuckin' hateful racist that came up with all this shit. And it's white liberal jerk-offs who spread it, who should die first. Let's listen to Amy
Starting point is 00:16:23 Schumer when she was thin. Children are now in private school and are thriving we had specifically moved into a case out of lcps due to the swift and uncompromising political agenda of superintendents williams ziegler and the and the school board that have forced upon us first it was in early spring of 2020 when my six-year-old somberly came to me and asked me if she was born evil because she was a white person something she learned in a history lesson at school. Pause. I would have said, no, you're born evil because you're a woman. That's a joke. Go ahead. Roll it. Then you kept the schools closed for a year and a half despite the science indicating that it was safe for kids to return. And now you've covered up a rape, then arrested, humiliated, and falsely
Starting point is 00:17:04 accused her parents of being domestic terrorists. I wish I could return my kids to return and now you've covered up a rape then arrested humiliated and falsely accused her parents of being domestic terrorists I wish I could return my kids to LCPS private schools expensive and I want my kids to be able to walk home from school with their friends in their own community I refuse to allow you to destroy our schools they are not your schools they are our schools you all should be ashamed and you should have the moral courage to admit you are wrong and step down. Love it. Love it. Absolutely love it. Let them have it, mom. I make fun of her, but you know, those are the most important. I'm not trying to be a suck up here. You guys know I'm not PC, but mothers are the most important people on the planet.
Starting point is 00:17:46 I don't give a shit what anybody says. Because once, you know, once you guys, you do your job and shoot a load there on a honeymoon, then you go to work and they have to deal with all this nonsense. And, ay, ay, ay. But not all parents take the time to go in and chew out the fucking evil left-wing douchebags that are ruining this country. That's the problem, too. So good for you, lady. Good for you.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Let them have it. Some parents in the district have been calling for the resignations of Superintendent Scott Ziegler in the board for allegedly covering up a sexual assault report. You guys remember that? Here's how you know this is a left-wing article. They don't mention what kind of assault it was. It was a boy in a skirt raping a girl. Remember the guy we showed at the school board meeting the cops tackled? That was the parent of the girl who was raped.
Starting point is 00:18:42 at the school board meeting the cops tackled, that was the parent of the girl who was raped. And these douchebags tried to hide it so they could pass some amendment. Unbelievable. Some trans amendment. Ugh, what a filthy, filthy state Virginia has turned into. So, yeah, hiding a sexual assault,
Starting point is 00:19:03 reported ongoing issues with critical race theory in classes. And so that's the race today you guys got to keep an eye on. Not that we're, we're not complete junkies here, but that, I think that is going to be a good, a good, you know what, barometer of how it's going to go. And like I said, he was up eight points, supposedly, last night. Let's watch the fix. I'm almost hoping that then you'll have mothers
Starting point is 00:19:34 showing up to fucking school boards with fucking bow and arrows and their husband's handguns and shit. Then we'll get busy up in the motherbook. Anyhow, I hate you liberal fucks. May y'all die in a fire tonight. None of these is working. How about that? He's lying. No, I'm not lying. You're the only one that's working. That's the only one that's working. This fucking board. Let me tell you,
Starting point is 00:19:59 Steve Jobs, whoever the fuck. I didn't know Tim Cook's a big girl. Did you know that? I did not know that. What a big girl. Anyways, hey guys, I won't be touring this weekend because my slave master, Tommy, is too busy. No, I'm kidding. He actually does a beautiful job for me. because my slave master Tommy is too busy. No. I'm kidding. He actually does a beautiful job for me. I won't be touring this weekend. I'll be home pinching my wife's ass.
Starting point is 00:20:37 I mean, painting. But next weekend, I'm back on the road. I'm headed to Las Vegas. That's right, Las Vegas, home of the freaks and the freaks. I'll be at the Plaza Hotel. I wonder if the rate is in town. That would be nice. I'll be at the Plaza Hotel and Casino on Friday, November 12th, and Saturday, November 13th.
Starting point is 00:20:56 One show each night in a great theater that Tommy refurbished. It's like this is old school Vegas with Sinatra saying it's the Plaza Hotel. It's like, this is old school Vegas with Sinatra sang. It's the Plaza Hotel. It's frigging awesome. There's a steakhouse at the top of it. And all kinds of heroin junkies in the hallway. I can't wait to get out there and grab some homeless tit. Anyways, it's just the way I like it.
Starting point is 00:21:22 One show a night. That means I'll let it fly. I leave it all on the stage. I'm working now on a New Year's Eve date. Her name is Tiffany. She's about 5'11". Big black ass on her. And then I'll be back in upstate New York, New Jersey, and on Long Island early next year.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Get tickets to all my shows at, at and click on the tour date. I hope to see you out there. We can do a shot of fireball and then beat up the girl in the coachette room. What? I wonder how things are going in San Francisco. Remember CBS packed up their shit and got the hell out of there? You guys remember that? Well, there's a little place called Safeway, kind of a supermarket chain, I believe.
Starting point is 00:22:13 It cuts its hours due to shoplifting. Yet another major retailer in San Francisco has made the decision to close earlier due to, they're not going home, they're cutting down their hours. Due to excessive theft by the Irish and the Polish, once again. Particularly at night, according to San Francisco's
Starting point is 00:22:32 supervisor, Rafael Mandelman. Aye, aye, what a terrible city. I left my heart in San Francisco. Is this Mandelman? I left my heart in San Francisco. Is this Mandelman? This is him. Cheese ass.
Starting point is 00:23:02 The Castro Safeway on Market and Church Streets was open 24 hours, but that's not the case any longer. Thanks to a certain segment of the population who thinks it's owed free deodorant and shampoo and conditioner. Again, Europeans. You can blame them for part of it. Signs posted on its entrance state its new hours, 6 a.m. to 6.02 a.m. So get to it. 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., effective October 24th. Many shoppers were surprised. This is how dumb the people are that live in San Francisco. They were surprised when Safeway cut its hours. They were surprised, even though they watched
Starting point is 00:23:42 looting going on in front of their face every day, and they can't make the connection that that would hurt business somehow. Because you know why? They're all Marxist left-wing cocksuckers who wouldn't know a businessman if it bit them in the ass. They were surprised to find that Safeway that they frequent off hours is cutting back. Where am I going to get my heroin? Let's take a look at, listen, watch this interview and just watch. Tonight, many shoppers were surprised to find that the Safeway they frequent at off hours is now closed at 9 p.m. every night. This sign is now posted on the entrance doors. I feel like it's definitely an inconvenience. You know, not everybody can make it to...
Starting point is 00:24:29 Ah, the homosexuals. Oh, God, I can't fucking... I can't take it no more. I can't. If you don't believe this country is Rome in the final days, you are sadly mistaken. This is who they, and I guarantee they didn't pick him out especially. That's all they had to pick from. But listen to this nitwit who's not only sexually confused, but shopper confused, consumer confused.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Listen to this he, she's missing the whole point. Go ahead. The supermarket at, you know, between those hours. So it's a little frustrating, especially for me personally. I like to shop later on. Supervisor Rob. Pause. He likes to shop later on, you know, like 2, 3 in the morning so he can get that fist in stall number 3.
Starting point is 00:25:28 While he's holding a bag full of fucking quamquats. Quamquats? Oh my god, quamquats. Boy, I blew a good one. Oh, does the black Shirley Temple have anything else to say? No, the supervisor does, though. Oh, the supervisor. But hold on. I just want to analyze what they interviewed.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Did you hear that gay guy, whatever? Did you hear? He doesn't even make the connection. It's all about him. I like to shop on off hours. Most people who have a clue will be going, well, that's what happens when you let lawlessness go on in you, and you let people shoplift and destroy things with no accountability, no punishment. That's going to happen.
Starting point is 00:26:14 But, no, you know, I like to go late at night. They're busting my ball slash vagina. Okay, let's listen to Mandelman. Who's he again? He's the San Francisco supervisor. He's the San Francisco supervisor. He's the San Francisco supervisor. What's he supervise? Theft?
Starting point is 00:26:29 Go ahead. Mandelman's district includes the Market Street Safeway and the Castro. I think like a lot of retailers, they have been experiencing increasing property crime and theft from their stores. I think the last six months, from what they say say has been sort of off the charts in terms of how bad it's been. Pause. Yeah, let's show four white people in their late 70s who actually pay for their goods. This should be the clip you guys put up.
Starting point is 00:26:59 While we're talking, while he's saying, yeah, because of shoplifting's going through the roof, let's cut to four white fucking octogenarians picking up pampers for themselves. Seriously, that's what they do. And subconsciously, some idiot at home is going to make the connection. This is how they taint the collective unconscious. Go ahead. Sad and upsetting. Sad and upsetting. Sad and upsetting. How about he, yeah, and he just has to use broad terms, the shoplifting and theft.
Starting point is 00:27:34 You can't point out. Mandelman's district includes the Market Street Safeway. He said the company reached out to him to discuss problems with theft. Mandelman said he's now working on organizing a meeting with Safeway, San Francisco police, and the district attorney. Yeah, it's such a complicated issue. You know who's doing it. You know when they're doing it. It's so complicated. Keep having meetings, Mandelbaum. Mandelman, Michael Moo, fucking choch. It's an equity problem, he said. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:28:07 It's an equity problem. Do you know what that means, ladies and gentlemen? It's unfair to minorities. Once again, white privilege somehow is to blame for this. It's an equity problem. Really? There's been equity problems in this country for years. There's been equity problems in this country for years.
Starting point is 00:28:30 But they didn't shoplift and didn't go through the roof or fucking wasn't allowed. There lies the difference. It's called law and order. There's an equity problem. There's a lot of low-income folks, seniors, folks with disabilities, who rely on that Safeway and other Safeways around the city. And, yeah, and go on. And so I... I can't take it. We're fucking finished.
Starting point is 00:28:55 What we've got here is failure to communicate. This is a brand new iPad. I can't wait to see what it looks like when I'm on the highway on the way home and I fling it under the wheels of an 18-wheeler. Even though it's not the iPad's fault, but so what? It feels good.
Starting point is 00:29:26 All sound cues will be crushed. What am I going to have to start using puppets on this show? Fuck this place. You know, this isn't the only country who is heading towards Marxism, socialism, whatever you want to call it, jizzism. The UK has been a socialist shithole. That's the motherland for white people
Starting point is 00:29:46 for years. It's unrecognizable. Bill Hicks, one great comedian who became kind of famous over there, came back in the early 90s going he was a left winger and he goes, what a socialist shithole. That was fucking 20 something years ago.
Starting point is 00:30:02 And boy, what's going on there? You think, you know, the government's watching over your shoulder every move? UK's online safety bill. It's a safety bill. Once again, crushing people's civil rights under the guise of protecting you. UK's online safety bill could spell jail time for trolls. Lawmakers in the UK are considering making it illegal.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Get this, illegal to post certain content online that causes emotional, psychological, or physical harm to the likely audience. And punishing violators with jail time. So if they watch this show and I lived in England, I'd be doing 20 to life because I'm sure I'm hurting a lot of people's feelings. Can you imagine? And you could be going, that's England. What are you, shitting me? Anything that happens over there is here in five minutes and vice versa.
Starting point is 00:31:09 The provision would be part of the forthcoming online safety bill that is currently being drafted. Oh, God, I'm getting sick to my stomach. According to the Times, the bill would outlaw threatening communications. Now, who decides what's threatening communications? There's the game, folks. You know this. You've been watching the show for years. It's all about the language.
Starting point is 00:31:35 You change the language, it affects people's behavior and your fucking thoughts. All the language starts with your thoughts. It's Orwell. This guy, the longer I lived, the more of a genius he was. Not as smart as the people who produced Three's Company. I thought that show.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Anyways, Times Bill will outlaw threatening communications as well as knowingly false communications, which spreads false information. And again, who decides what's false? Because people today, doctors are saying, I mean, virologists are talking about COVID and they are labeled and kicked off Twitter. People who know the science.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Creepy. Which spreads false information, again, and Zuckerberg and his friends will decide what's false, intent to cause emotional, psychological, or physical harm. See, that's what's, and that's the other thing people forget. Facebook or Twitter, those are American companies.
Starting point is 00:32:38 They started here. You know what I mean? So don't just go, oh, they're just censoring people in China and blah blah. You know, it's right, it's already happening here. What am I mean? So don't just go, oh, they're just censoring people in China and blah, blah. You know, it's right. It's already happening here. What am I saying? The broad law would place an emphasis on the experience of the receiver of the message. Listen to this bullshit.
Starting point is 00:32:56 What, are you going to go to their house to see if they're crying? Hey, my uncle called me a twat. Because I told him to bet the Giants last night. Anyways, the receiver of the message, they're going to check on for harmful effects the message had on that person. Oh, my God. Oh, my fucking God. Help. She's a malignant cunt. Yeah, that one worked. Had nothing to do with this story. Leave it in. I love it. We are making our laws fit the digital age. A government spokesperson who should be hanged in front of his children tonight told the Times, a comprehensive online safety bill will make tech companies responsible for people's
Starting point is 00:33:38 safety. See? For people's safety. For people's safety. For people's safety. It's all done for your safety, folks. That's why Biden's cracking down on white supremacist and terrorism. For your safety, for your safety. That's why you have to have your asshole searched before you get on a plane. It's for your safety, it's for your safety. We monitor
Starting point is 00:33:57 your phones for your safety. Responsible for people's safety and we are carefully considering the law commission's recommendations on strengthening criminal offenses. Unbelievable. I know we live here, but like I said, it's all right around the corner. The bill, again, that's where the article should have fucking ended. The bill, which is set to be introduced to Parliament next month, would also place a number of new requirements on tech platforms,
Starting point is 00:34:30 including the requirement that they remove content that is legal, but could be harmful to users. I'll repeat that. That could be legal with an L, but harmful to users. And again, I know you're going, but this is England. Stop it. The internet is a global thing.
Starting point is 00:34:52 And so is what's going on. The globalist movement, whatever you want to call it. So don't think. Canada, right? They're arresting people coming to their house. It's all around us.
Starting point is 00:35:08 And Kamala Harris, that fucking yeast infection in her pantsuit, and Joe Biden and the AOCs of the world, the Bernie fucking Sanders, the Chuck Schumers, the Adam Schiff's, they all want to control every facet of you. That's all it's about is power. It's time to pick up your musket or a butter knife or a spork. Do some meth and go crazy. I want to thank again the contributors to this show.
Starting point is 00:35:37 And if I have to say Paul Sagnella one more time, I am going to shit blood. And that's not a mark against Paul. I thank him for being there every day. It's just that when people listen, they're going to go, what's the same eight people? John Lightfoot, no relation to Gordon Lightfoot. Is that his name? The Edmund Fitzgerald? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:01 John Lightfoot, New Hampshire. That drunk guy, Sean Powell in Florida, who we absolutely love. Tim Hershey in Ohio has been with me since I did this thing in my basement. Joseph Hirsch, who I slept with in Miami a couple years ago. What? No, Ohio. Kit Fortney, which is a great name. I don't know if that's a guy or a girl, because it can be both, right?
Starting point is 00:36:25 Kitt Fortney, Michigan. New monthly supporters. My wife, my two cousins, and Uncle Al. Walter Bowers of Delaware. Patrick Swale of Australia. Thank you, Patty. And Jovan Musk. No, Jovan McTigliano of Florida. Musk. No. Jovan McTigliano of Florida. And Sean Baker of Missouri. Can't forget him and Richard G. Or Guy, Michigan. Thank you guys
Starting point is 00:36:51 seriously very much for supporting the show. I want to thank all of my subscribers on the Comics Gym. You guys are the life blood of the show and you allow me to keep doing it for free. If you haven't signed up already, go to and click on any of the Encore videos to sign up. You'll get access to daily Encore shows, Nick DiPaolo show merchandise, and more. Just go to and sign up.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Thank you so much for your monthly support. We love you guys and gals and everything in between. Love you guys and gals and everything in between. Candidates sue after hundreds of ballots sent to wrong addresses. Now, I'd like to read this story, then ask you guys, but since you can't answer back, I'll tear it up front. This is a story about candidates running right now and ballots going to the wrong voters and shit, and they never mention the parties of who's being injured in this type of suit. Which, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Again, you fill in the blanks. Two candidates running for elected office in Pennsylvania, one of the most corrupt election places on the planet, are suing after a vendor delivered 670 mail ballots. Yeah, you see, we've worked the kinks out there, huh? Again, mail-in ballots for Tuesday's election to the wrong voters, according to a published report. Finally, one match the story.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Michael Papillo, that's Spanish for puppy. Big puppy-o. A lawyer representing Republican Delaware County, again, Republican Delaware County Council candidates, two of them, they're both Republicans. I'm sorry, they did mention it. I was such in a hurry to get through it. I was watching a demo video on YouTube about Brazilian waxing, and they actually show the whole thing. Anyways,
Starting point is 00:38:46 Frank Agavino and Joseph Lombardo, those are the lawyers, has requested an emergency hearing to find out how widespread the problem is, arguing the slip-ups have put the integrity of the municipal election at stake, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported Friday. The county acknowledged the flawed ballots were mailed out October 25th to addresses that failed to match the voter information on the ballot inside, which led to people getting another person's ballot, which is the plan. Wake up, Republicans. It's trying to remedy the issue by identifying the flawed. No more mail-in ballots. How about that for nobody? Nobody. Show up. I don't care if it's a local level, whatever, federal, state, but that's not fair. Some people have trouble, then they can't vote.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Identifying the flawed ballots and mailing out new ones, the newspaper reported. The lawsuit alleges ElectionIQ, the Akron-based vendor the county hired to deliver the ballots, hasn't been forthcoming. I wonder how they vote regarding the, again, the people being heard of the Republican candidates. Just keep that in mind while you're reading this story. Forthcoming regarding the extent of their errors, the Enquirer reported, if an immediate hearing is not held to determine the extent of the errors, the validity of the municipal election on November 2nd, 2021 is in jeopardy. That's today, I believe, says the lawsuit. Delaware County Director of Elections James Allen told the Inquirer the county is aware of the lawsuit and plans to
Starting point is 00:40:27 respond. Election IQ did not immediately return messages because that's what cheaters and liars do. Yeah, we'll get back to you to admit there was slimy fucks trying to steal another one. I'll leave a message. You're doing it again, folks. A tiny part of me wants to see McCulloch win,
Starting point is 00:40:49 just so, the fuck, just so, I don't know, 10,000 angry parents show up and just start breaking shit. And I can't watch the January 6th so-called insurrection again. It's the saddest. The fucking thing, the more you watch it, it was more choreographed than like the fucking Rockettes on Christmas Eve. Adam Schiff, one dirty MF-er, attacks Marjorie Taylor Greene of the Republican Party. Look at this scary creep.
Starting point is 00:41:20 He doesn't look like a mannequin in a movie that came alive. Look at this. He's calling Marjorie Taylor Gre that came alive. Look at this. He's calling Marjorie Taylor Greene legitimately nuts. Look at him. Look at this piece of shit who went after Trump for fucking two and a half, three years saying he had evidence that Trump was an agent for Russia. He has the balls to show his face. This rat fink. Even Trump called him a pencil neck, which I fucking love. Trump's using WWE tactics. He said I'd like to pile drive him. Look at this. This guy scares me. Republican. He's, it says, oh, I'm sorry, rep. I call him a Republican.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Boy, that's grounds for firing. Rep. Please give me call. That's Rep. Adam. Please give me call. Shift. The high-profile chairman of the House Intelligence Committee said during a recent interview with a mouthful of goo that controversial GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and like-minded lawmakers
Starting point is 00:42:26 who support former President Donald Trump's debunked election theories, again, they started the big lie. It's what they do when they lose an election. They, meaning the Democrats, they said, call it a big lie. Just keep saying it, and eventually, and it's working. Trump's debunked election theories aren't playing political games are legitimately nuts, those people, Adam Schiff said, as he urinated on a fake plant in his office while being interviewed. During an episode of the New Abnormal featuring editor-at-large Molly Jong-Fast, Schiff reflected, there you go, Schiff reflected. There you go. Look at this thing. Look at this thing. This is the editor of whatever. Look. What is it? That could be an editor of a magazine or a middle linebacker at
Starting point is 00:43:16 Michigan State. That's a guy. Wow, wowie, wowie. Ooh, wowie. That's Molly Jean Fass. Schiff reflected on the state of the nation. That's who he has interviewed, you know, somebody who thinks just like him, expressing that we're at a very tenuous point in the history of our democracy, in blasting people running around the country, still pushing the big lie as they seek to remove officials across the country from administering elections independently. Are they pretending to be crazy or are they genuinely crazy? John fast asked a mentally ill Schiff and he replied as the puppeteer put his hand up his ass and moved his mouth, I think MTGs are legitimately nuts, me, Marjorie Taylor Greene. But most of the Republican conference that's pushing the big lie understands it's a big lie, he said. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. They
Starting point is 00:44:16 have a ton of evidence. They have a ton of evidence. Okay? Just like you trying to go after Trump for three years as a colluding with Russia, it takes a while. Especially when all the judges and lawyers think like you do. He says they're not stupid. They know exactly what they're doing. And then it's just a craving capitulation to Donald Trump because they fear a primary because they want to advance within the party. He is so paranoid and just fucking crazy. i'm glad somebody bullied the shit out of him when he was a kid i pray for it you smug cocksucker fuck you hey that was offensive
Starting point is 00:44:57 get this through that's better get this through your head, you Jew motherfucker, you. That was Trump's spokesman. For everyone, Liz Cheney, he's pointing out Liz Cheney as an example of somebody who's smart on the Republican side. This is a woman who's a neocon who fucking wanted Trump impeached. She's the biggest sellout in the history of, I don't know what happened to her. Her father probably said, I like fucked her up. Didn't you love Dick Cheney? Just a cold fucking, oh. And I read the book about, it was fucking, you know, I used to go into bars in Wyoming getting fights and shit. Love him. For everyone, Liz Cheney, there are at least five willing to say, if you're not willing to push the big lie, I volunteer.
Starting point is 00:45:46 You know, nothing's more important to me than my ambition. He's projecting of what all Democrats do. And if it means tearing down one of the pillars of our democracy, you, oh, my God, he's on a different planet. Then sign me up. Sadly, that's where most of the Republicans are right now, added then he went back to shaving his cat's ass Cheney a conservative Republican representing Wyoming Wyoming was removed from House GOP leadership earlier this year after repeatedly calling out Trump over his unsubstantiated... These are the people that write the articles,
Starting point is 00:46:30 and they throw words in like this like they know. Meanwhile, we have evidence, cardboard fucking on the windows in Detroit the night of the election, people on video, trucks pulling up at 6 in the morning, election, people on video, trucks pulling up at six in the morning, and this is unsubstantiated, which she said only served to undermine democracy. Then she put on a lumberjack suit. Schiff is a member of the January 6th select committee that is tasked with investigating the insurrection fueled by, let's, more language, pro-Trump supporters. Really? Well, Tucker Carlson has something
Starting point is 00:47:10 coming up on Fox Nation, I suggest you watch, where they interview people who were there. And there's a guy, what was his name, Frank Epps? There's a guy there. He's on video telling people, we have to go over there, go through the window, go in there. And the people around him, the Trump supporters, the few that were there, are going, you're fucking Antifa or something. They weren't even buying it. So anyways, everybody gets arrested around him, right? Except for him. They don't indict him. No, he's not important. I wonder why that is. I wonder why that is. So watch that.
Starting point is 00:47:45 I haven't seen it yet, but just the trailer. Oh, if anybody deserves prostate cancer. I'm sorry, you're going to have a dick to have that. Anyways, pro-Trump rioters who wanted to stop the certification of now President Joe Biden's 306 to 232 electoral college win. The Democratic lawmaker also blasted former Trump White House chief Steve Bannon for defying a subpoena from the panel expressing that the GOP has become a cult, unlike the Democrat Party. Earlier this month, Bannon was held in criminal contempt of Congress for flouting the subpoena.
Starting point is 00:48:26 I fucking love him. All right, that's it, ladies and gentlemen, for today, a Tuesday. Again, we thank you for joining in. Please, please subscribe at,, or wherever, Go to my website,, click on the tour button. And don't forget if you want me to roast a friend or relative. I got two more waiting for me right here. Go to, tell me about the person, and I'll send a video, minute, minute and a half, roasting them.
Starting point is 00:49:03 It can be quite fun and quite painful. All right. That is it. You guys, thank you. I will say you're very welcome. See you back here tomorrow at the same time. Take care. guitar solo Outro Music

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