The Nick DiPaolo Show - Powell: Trump in a Landslide | Nick Di Paolo Show #446

Episode Date: November 17, 2020

Trump lawyer touts million-vote margin. Georgia poll worker trickery. New House GOP make a statement....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, this Saturday night, November 21st, I'll be performing at the Plaza Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, and you can watch it live wherever you are. I'm bringing in a crew to live stream the show. You'll be able to watch it right along with the audience in the showroom on Roku, Apple TV, Amazon TV, or you can watch it on your computer. So you're gonna get the live experience
Starting point is 00:00:24 without leaving your house. Get tickets to the stream on my website at and make plans to see me live this Saturday night from Las Vegas. Can't wait. guitar solo Oh yeah. Welcome to the big show on a Tuesday from the controversial state of Georgia. Didn't know I was moving down here into controversy. Got out of that liberal shithole New York to come down here to see the Libs of Poland is down here. Well, what the hell's going on? That's every Georgia offensive coordinator.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Come on, Billy, that's a fly rod. I didn't say button hook fly route, boy. Yeah, it's getting crazy. And it's all centered around the state of Georgia as far as who gets the Senate. We get this guy, Perdue, running against this liberal Ossoff. And then you got Kelly Loeffler. Who's she running against? God forbid I can remember.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Warnock, I think. Yes, the black guy named Warnock who loves Reverend Wright. Remember Reverend Wright? Not God bless America. God damn America. He quotes him and says he's a great guy. That's what, you know.
Starting point is 00:02:20 And he also said, and a quote from Warnock, the black candidate, he actually said, white people, you have to get over your whiteness. I'll tell you what, man. If he fucking wins in Georgia, I'm moving to Vermont. And then I'll move to Alaska. And then, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:02:39 How can he even be in the running down here? Unfrigging, and I'm watching last night and these god i flipped through all the channels watching these jack offs on msnbc and um cnn just saying this is all unsubstantiated as far as the fraud claims by trump they're making it all up. Really? Really? They're making it all up? So Dominion, that company that fucking built the machines, you can't check that out on your own
Starting point is 00:03:15 to see whether they actually helped in Venezuela? Really? They're probably right. They don't even look. it's kind of creepy i'll get to that fat fag stelter and a few he gives me the willies because he actually believes what he's saying they misinformation like they're the fucking arbiter of the truth shut your fat fucking goo gobbling hole by the way i'll be in vegas saturday night streaming a show from vegas my stand-up show from the plaza hotel and casino november 21st
Starting point is 00:03:57 this saturday night folks don't forget it go to watch live watch live and all you people who've been complaining i don't get to your hometowns now you get a chance and it's not a special i'm treating it like a night of comedy which is even better because i'll be less structured i'll be a little fucking erratic and some stuff uh i know what's coming out of my mouth and then two minutes later i have no idea so it could be good you could see me get in trouble live anyway speaking of getting trouble let's get to the goddamn project veritas oh my god this James O'Keefe is this guy not God is he not doing God's work right before we went on air I'm flipping through and he's got a chunk he sent the guy undercover into the polling stations in Georgia
Starting point is 00:04:45 here just to see what kind of shenanigans was going on. Well, I'll tell you, I mean, I don't know how, I don't know where he finds these people and stuff. I don't even have the balls to like, you know, shoplift a piece of gum. These fuckers, these guys are unbelievable. We went into Afghanistan dressed as... Anyways, he sent the guy apparently to the, you know, where they count the votes here in Georgia. And check out what this guy witnessed. Project Veritas has insiders in the Georgia recount
Starting point is 00:05:20 that are catching votes wrongly attributed to Biden. Check this out. So the second person is supposed to be checking it, right? So three times in three minutes, she called out Biden. The second auditor caught it and she said, no, this is Trump. That's just while I'm standing there. So does the second checker catch it every time? This lady in three times in three minutes from 20 to 2.12, she got three wrong. Pause. In three minutes, she got three wrong.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Oh, I mean, 2.09 to 2.12. That's three seconds. That's wrong, right? Did they get that wrong? Or am I reading it wrong? Anyways, in a couple minutes, three wrong. Three minutes. Yeah, that's two hours.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Yeah, so in three minutes, she got three wrong. Do minutes. Yeah, that's two hours. Yeah, so in three minutes, she got three wrong. Do you understand that? And who knows if she knew or could feel his presence. They probably all would have went for Biden. But even if they didn't, are you, go ahead, let them
Starting point is 00:06:20 scream. That's just in the short time that you were standing there. And does it get corrected every time? No. Because the next table I went to right after that, the only reason I left that table was because there was one where the first person was reading it off, handing it to her. She's not even looking at it. She's just putting it in. Putting it in which set?
Starting point is 00:06:36 Whatever one the first person said. So table 17 was the first one where the woman got it wrong three times. Table 18 was where the first person to call out died in her trunk. She passed it across the table. The other person did not even look at it and just put it wherever the first person sat. That person was supposed to be auditing and checking the second one. And so here's what happened after that. So I go and report it.
Starting point is 00:07:02 They say, oh, we'll talk to the election officials, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. They tell her, hey, I guess they talked to her. And so I come back by again in a few minutes. She's not doing that after they've talked to her. So I come and stand next to her, and she goes like this. Like being all cutesy about me. I wonder what color she was. Yeah, so I keep walking.
Starting point is 00:07:21 I turn around, I look, and she's looking at me walking away as she's getting handed more ballots. She's watching me. That's when things start getting real shady, like really tense and complex. Because no matter where I was standing in the room, her and a couple other people started, you know, they were looking, they were calling their boss over there, pointing at me. I haven't touched anybody, I haven't talked to anybody, I haven't done anything. All I'm doing is writing down, observing, telling what happened. So I see that they're all talking to her and they keep like pointing over here well i make another slow lap around the room as i come back behind her she
Starting point is 00:07:49 says i'm paid by the attacker and these assholes want to come in here and watch three times in three minutes is is what is the significance of that to you if the other people aren't second checking it correctly then you know stuff could be sliding through. Is that actually what you saw? Yeah, I'm not making a fuss. That's what I saw. You sure? All right, get up! Yeah!
Starting point is 00:08:18 You're fired. Can you fucking imagine? So the girl sarcastically goes, you know, I'm just guessing. Yeah, three wrong in three minutes. But this is on the up and up, folks. Just look at the racial breakdown at who's working at these tables. Sorry, I have to bring that into it to be realistic. And yes, I know there's a lot of black conservatives in Georgia,
Starting point is 00:08:49 but they're not working at the polling stations. You understand? They have real jobs. Do you know what I'm saying? What is the equivalent of a Karen, a black girl? What do we call her? A Letitia. Yeah. So can you imagine that, though?
Starting point is 00:09:12 In a related story, there were 1,643 new votes for Trump and 865 for Biden. This is where they found a bunch of uncounted votes in Georgia. The problem occurred because county election officials didn't upload votes from a memory card in a ballot scanning machine, said Gabrielle Sterling. He's the head of the vote counting. The state's voting system manager is who he is.
Starting point is 00:09:37 That's him there. He says, at least he was honest, he goes, he called it an amazing blunder and said the county's elections director should resign. That's not him, is it? All right, get up. Get up. Folks, folks, let me ask you a question.
Starting point is 00:09:57 We've been pointing out all kinds of discrepancies and supposedly, you know, honest mistakes. How come nine out of nine, 10 out of 10 always favors Biden anytime somebody fucks up? If any of it favors Trump, for everyone that favors Trump, there's a thousand that favor Biden. They're stealing it. And you know that.
Starting point is 00:10:20 God, I hope Sidney Powell's right. You know, the woman who's one of Trump's pit bulls. You got to believe her. She's from the South. She said, I wouldn Sidney Powell's right. You know, the woman who's one of Trump's pit bulls. You got to believe her. She's from the South. She said, I wouldn't talk about anything that I can't prove. I used to say that when I got busted drinking in high school. Now, listen.
Starting point is 00:10:37 So this guy said, it's not an equipment issue. It's a person not executing the job properly. issue. It's a person not executing the job properly. This is the kind of situation that requires a change at the top on the management side, is what he said. So change it. Quit hiring people from Wendy's and TSA. He looks like Gene Siskel. USA. He looks like Gene Siskel. Roger, put my finger, please. I'll tell you who I like. Again, this is Georgia related. We'll stay right here in the state of Georgia. Marjorie Taylor Greene. Well, who's Marjorie Taylor Greene? Remember the blonde woman who was running for Senator Downey? Look, that's her campaign ad. She actually had a clip, you know, a commercial where she carries a goddamn thing around.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Anyways, she's part of the new, she's part of the new House class. She got a, I said Senator, that's wrong. She got into, she won her thing, right? So now she's in D.C., this gun-toting woman. For anybody who thought the new class of House members planned to be quiet and watch from those more senior at the start of this service, the answer came in the first orientation for new members about the coronavirus and mask requirements.
Starting point is 00:11:53 So they have orientation, you know, like when you go to college for the freshmen and stuff. So she's in there with a bunch of other women, by the way, who won seats, which tells you, again, this thing was a scam. We take 10 or 12 seats in the House, which we were supposed to get smoked, but they vote for Biden. Oh, your mother's tits are sagging tonight. Anyways,
Starting point is 00:12:15 the members were told that masks will be required around most of the Capitol Hill campus. They were also warned against big lunches. What? I can't have my foot long what are you talking about big lunches and dinners and told that if you ate like that you'll get tits like bonnie frank what um anyways they said there'd be a limit on how many constituents could cram into their offices oh. We're like children. Will you shut up? Will you? Will you please shut up? And listen to this. Those caught without a mask, caught without a mask, would be escorted off the grounds, including members.
Starting point is 00:12:55 And they were warned about the potential of a $1,000 fine for not wearing their mask. That's faggot stuff. You want to call it by its name? That's strictly for f. You want to call it by its name? That's strictly for fags. Want to call it by its name? At that point in last week's orientation, a new Democrat member wearing a mascot up sneered at some of the House GOP members. You see what cocksuckers they are on all levels?
Starting point is 00:13:21 Huh? They're supposed to work together. You're supposed to be friends, even though your politics are different. These new Republicans haven't even sat in their seats yet, and people are snaring at them. You wonder why nothing works. Snaring at House GOP members not wearing their masks properly. These are the kids that ratted you out, hall monitors and shit. Democrats. Glad they got beat up, and asked the physician to describe how to wear a mask. So the Democrats asked the physician to explain how to wear a mask so the GOP kids could learn. One of those Republicans is our favorite girl, outspoken Georgia conservative Marjorie,
Starting point is 00:14:00 make my day, Taylor Greene, who kept her mask below her nose because I believe it's unhealthy to wear a mask all day, she said, which it is. She said she was boiling inside because she feels the mandate is draconian and tyrannical. After the house doctor described how to wear a mask like they were retarded, a lot of them tying it around her tits. What do you do? She got up and told the group in Georgia. This is why I love this woman. I wonder if she had the gun when she got up. In Georgia, we've been open.
Starting point is 00:14:32 She says, I go to a gym. I work out nearly every single day. Check out my ass and abs in CrossFit gym. And I sweat right next to people. And we share equipment. And then we clean everything like adults. And we leave. I go to the grocery stores without a mask. I go to restaurants without a mask. I eat dinner with
Starting point is 00:14:51 large groups of people all the time without a mask. She added, I want to do things that keep those people safe, but the rest of the extremely healthy working population of adults who have very low risk of dying from COVID-19 and our healthy children who have low risk of dying from COVID-19 need to be living and living and open lives. God bless. And I said masks are oppressive and are uncomfortable wearing one. How about a hand for this gun toting? God. wearing one. How about a hand for this gun-toting? God, conservative broads are so much
Starting point is 00:15:30 cooler than you half-lesbian Democrats. You're just fugly. You're overcautious. You got no balls. There's nothing about you that sings America. After she sat down, there was a whoopee cushion that Pelosi... What? After she sat down, there was a whoopee cushion that Pelosi, what? After she sat
Starting point is 00:15:46 down, she said four other new Republicans followed her to the podium and made similar statements. They're like, hey, we're here and we're queer. They were fired up, she said. In an interview, Greene said she wears one when she feels it's needed, a mask she meant, but is new to the type of mandatory requirement she heard on Capitol Hill. She argued that masks are not needed when socially distancing and among healthy groups. She also said that the rules have negatively impacting children, especially their learning, and that the media and Democrats are hyping the issue. And I don't know how you can argue with any of that, folks. You see what they're doing again now? We're getting to it in a few minutes. States are shutting down completely. They're going back
Starting point is 00:16:28 because they want to crush. They want you to rely. They want to crush these small businesses for good. I guess the term is reset button. In other words, they're going to try a global capitalism slash socialist model. They're trying to tell us, she says, if you wear a mask, we'll do these shutdowns. If we stay far away from one another, if you cancel your Thanksgiving dinner, if you close your business down, if you get on a government paycheck,
Starting point is 00:16:55 if you agree with all socialist policies, if you do the things the way we want you to do things, you're not going to die. And that's exactly what they're saying. Who said that? The communist cocksuckers. Who the fuck said that? who's the slimy little communist shit twinkle toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant she added i will fight these mass mandates and these shutdowns because it's destroying our economy i'm loving her.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Come on. We got a gun toter. Do you understand, folks? What other state could she do? Imagine if she was a politician in Massachusetts. They would go to her house and arrest her and take her gun away. And they bring up the Constitution and they go, what is that? What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:17:43 So I'm happy. I really am. I'm happy we got somebody in there like that anyways sydney powell oh there she is by the way here's the controversial thing that she has on the internet i guess right now squad's worst nightmare look at she's got it see can you see the ar in her hand? She's got a gun of some sort. And people on the left are freaking out because there's a picture
Starting point is 00:18:10 of the squad there. Look at those broads. Wouldn't finger pop them to save my life. Goodness gracious hell, Louise. But she's holding a gun. And of course the left is going, she's holding a gun
Starting point is 00:18:21 and pointing it at women of color. That's inciting violence shut the fuck up this has been the mentality of the left since i've been a comic when i started in 87 if you did a gay joke that means somebody gay is going to get beat up somewhere if you take a picture holding a gun even though you photoshopped into the picture and there's three other people there that don't look like you that means you want to kill them This is the fucking gay logic of the left. And you know what? It's worked for them for the last 40 years
Starting point is 00:18:50 because this is where we are. She looks like a female Clint Eastwood there or some shit. Go ahead, you dirty sand monkey. Make my day. Look at fucking Tlaib. Ugh. AOC. I like to see her mouth like that.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Fill it with cement. I cleaned that one up, didn't I? Anyways, Trump's got a pit dog, a pit bull for a lawyer. Well, of course, Giuliani's got two. But Sidney Powell is one of the most respected lawyers in the country for years, and she don't play games. She's got some pipes on her, too, and not a bed rack. Now, that's not, anyway, she was on with Maria Bartiromo, and we showed Maria yesterday, I think, with Giuliani, and again, I have to, you know, warn you that her voice, I think I cut it out for most of this,
Starting point is 00:19:42 and I love Maria, the money babe, whatever they call her, the money chick, but her voice, I think I cut it out for most of this. And I love Maria, the money babe, whatever they call her, the money chick. But her voice is a little grating. But Sidney, this is Sidney Powell, who is working along with Giuliani and a bunch of other lawyers to find out what would happen in these elections. And this is what she had to say with a bottle rumble. He fits into all of this. Yes, well, he is listed as its former Admiral Peter Neffinger, retired Admiral Peter Neffinger. He is president and on the board of directors of Smartmatic. And it just so happens he's on Mr. Biden's presidential transition team. OK, Smartmatic.
Starting point is 00:20:27 The crooked operating system to help steal votes that were used in other countries. This guy has ties to the company, sits on the board of that company, and he's on Biden's transition team. But fat fag stelter on CNN's. There's no unsubstantiated. There's no unsubstantiated. These things are unsubstantiated.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Why wouldn't he watch this? Because he wouldn't talk to anybody who doesn't think like him. And just Google it and see if she's lying or not. Or call her personally. Counselor. Hello. Counselor. I'm right here, chubby.
Starting point is 00:21:05 What do you need to know? Oh, look, Sidney's sleeping. She's been up all night with Giuliani. Go ahead. Going to be non-existent because we're fixing to overturn the results of the election in multiple states. And President Trump won by not just hundreds of thousands of votes, but by millions of votes that were shifted by this software that was designed expressly for that purpose.
Starting point is 00:21:31 We have sworn witness testimony of why the software was designed. It was designed to rig elections. He was fully briefed on it. He saw it happen in other countries. It was exported internationally for profit by the people that are behind Smartmatic and Dominion. They did this on purpose. It was calculated. They've done it before. We have evidence from 2016 in California. We have so much evidence. I feel like it's coming in through a fire hose. Buzz.
Starting point is 00:22:06 All righty then. So much evidence is like a fire hose. And you know how much evidence flies out of fire hoses? A lot. Knock civil rights people down in the 50s with that shit. Is there more to that or was that it? Oh, beautiful. I did a nice job there. Oh, my my god so now let me ask you a question we just cnn and all those other you see that right
Starting point is 00:22:33 and you refuting what she says and you know it's make me laugh they go they they have produced no case that said there was fraud involved we'll give them a few weeks that's all they got by the way that said there was fraud involved. Well, give them a few weeks. That's all they got, by the way. But what were they supposed to show up three days after the election with all the proof? That's why Biden wasn't out there campaigning. He was sitting home in his basement
Starting point is 00:22:55 and laughing at Trump. Trump's out there freezing his balls off in front of 25,000 people. And Biden knows he's got it in the can. There you go. You hear that? They're heading to the polls down here. Then Sidney Powell, she's getting around, man. I mean, you know, you know, she's quite a lawyer and everybody's having her on. And you hear what she said? Millions of votes. And I believe that. This was like highway robbery. Oh, Nick, you're just a Trump fan.
Starting point is 00:23:28 I'm just saying. She was on with Louie Dobbs, whose car? This guy's been on TV since I was 14. Hasn't changed a bit. Actually met him at Fox. Nice guy. Here she is. She explains why Smartmatic was created and how it works.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Also, maybe this is from the last clip I told you I put some copy in. Also, the Biden transition team member has connections. That was the last interview. But here but here is her with Lou Dobbs. What is the latest? Oh, definitely, Lou. I've just gotten some stunning evidence from a firsthand witness, a high-ranking military officer who was present when Smartmatic was designed in a way that the – and I'm going to just read you some of these statements, if you don't mind, so I get them exactly right from the affidavit. from the affidavit designed in a way that the system could change the vote of each voter without being detected he wanted the software itself to function in such a manner that if the voter were to place their thumbprint or fingerprint on a scanner then the thumbprint would be tied to a record of the voter's name and identity of as having voted but that voter would not be tracked
Starting point is 00:24:39 to the changed vote he made it clear he witnessed, being developed this software, and it's been used. But there's no substantiated, go ahead. That the system would have to be set up, but not leave any evidence of the changed vote for a specific voter, and that there would be no evidence to show and nothing to contradict that the name or the fingerprint or thumbprint was going with a changed vote. Smartmatic agreed to create such a system and produce the software and hardware that accomplished the result for President Chavez.
Starting point is 00:25:10 After the Smartmatic electoral management system was put in place, he closely observed several elections where the results were... We're using equipment in a program that they use in Venezuela to count our votes. What the fuck is going on? Could this country be any filthier and sold out? That doesn't sound stinky to you at CNN. It was designed to cheat.
Starting point is 00:25:38 No, Chavez wouldn't do that. He was like Jimmy Carter, wasn't he? Go ahead. We're manipulated using the Smartmatic software. Smartmatic software. Smartmatic software. That guy was present while it was being developed, and he told her what it's used for. Nothing to see here.
Starting point is 00:25:57 So, Brian Stelter, can you put down your donut and your cock ring and maybe have the nerve to flip on whatever fox for a two minute look at oh the gobbler of a goo this guy is the creepiest guy on television and i know he has the skeletons of like 10 boy scouts under his front porch. All of this look on their face. He is in total denial. I mean, he, okay, we just, can I ask you a question? Wasn't that all provable, what she just said? I mean, can't you verify it?
Starting point is 00:26:39 Huh? They're not even trying to on the left. They're telling you, fuck you, we won. And what I'm nervous about is if it does get overturned, which it should, I'm not saying it's going to, but what the fuck's going to happen? You guys think the left went nuts when George Floyd died? Wait till you take something which they don't deserve away from them. They're like children.
Starting point is 00:27:01 It doesn't matter. But listen to stupid here. I didn't know jizz was so fattening. Listen to stupid. Good. They are supplying disinformation about the election results. And wherever there's a huge supply, there is a high demand. Please give me these crowds in Washington over the weekend. Prove the point. These crowds are being deceived about the election. But there's demand for it. There's demand for a fictional universe. Pause. Yes, and you're working
Starting point is 00:27:30 at it and created it, you fucking... God, I wish I could run into him. Do I have to fly to Atlanta and wait for him? Oh my God. I just want to tackle him on the sidewalk with my cell phone and make him watch Sidney Powell and what she just said. Let's go to your apartment and fact check and don't touch me on the way up the stairs.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Go ahead. Look, there's his face when he's getting his taint tickled. Let it fly. You know what? I don't want to call it an alternative reality anymore because it is not reality. He's a fag. There's nothing real about this. But in this fictional parallel universe, the election was rigged.
Starting point is 00:28:06 It was stolen out from under Trump. And Trump was the rightful winner. This is the new birtherism. We are going to be reckoning with the consequences of these lies for years. We've been living with your lies for years. I don't know what you thought after the election. I kind of thought this stuff would start to subside by now nearly two weeks after election day but think again it is actually getting worse these mayhem stories and claims about voting machines and other fraud they are airing all
Starting point is 00:28:35 across fox and other parts of the right-wing media world trump lawyers like rudy giuliani are being given free reign and lots of airtime to spread these lies to millions of people. I'm going to tell you, you lie, you sucker! You are a buffoon. You know what's scary? He's been wrong on shit like this before, this wrong, and still has a job at CNN. What does that tell you? Well, the fucking 2016 election.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Wrong with it. You know what I mean? You can't deny that there was you can't say there wasn't fraud. We're living in an alternative universe. You are, you tub of shit. Fucking CNN. They should be arrested as they come out the door.
Starting point is 00:29:27 Misinformation. Let me ask you, stubby. When did you become the last word on what's true and what's not true? God, the arrogance, huh? Because he's on TV and his life partner, Stewie, sitting home in a diaper watching him cranking one out. sitting home in a diaper watching him cranking one out. You, my friend, the spreading lies, disinformation.
Starting point is 00:29:52 CNN's been doing it for years. And let me tell you something, Stelter. Wait till, if Trump isn't the president, watch your network collapse because they've been living on his juice as far as ratings for years. Can't wait to see it. Don't let the door hit you in your swollen anus on the way out.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Nick, why are you going to do it? Because. Now, speaking of misinformation, what's true and what's not true, as you know, they're cracking down on people like me. And YouTube's really fucking with my head right now. They're lucky I don't go down there or up there,
Starting point is 00:30:26 whoever they are. I'm going to take a ladder to their server. Anyways, speaking of cracking down on free speech, Joe Biden, remember him? Remember cheesy Joe Biden, that dink? What are we doing? What's going on right now? Nothing, Joe, you're in a tub.
Starting point is 00:30:41 You're going to die soon. He appointed a anti-free speech advocate do we have to keep saying former vp joe biden chinese lover has appointed richard stengel and i remember this guy looks like he's got lipstick look at him another gobbler of goo what is going on over there tell me that doesn't look like a good eddie munster who grew up and went trans i don't understand the lipstick uh he appointed richard stangle that guy who advocates restrictions on free speech uh to a key media post in his presidential transition team so what does that tell you huh what does that tell you where his head's at problem you're the
Starting point is 00:31:24 fucking problem. You fucking Dr. White, onking jam rag, onking spunk bubble. I'm telling you, H, you keep looking at me, I'm going to put you in the fucking ground.
Starting point is 00:31:32 I promise you. Not this time. Richard Stengel is the Biden transition team lead for the U.S. agency for global media. That sounds creepy. See the word global
Starting point is 00:31:43 sneaking into our vocabulary already? The United States government media empire that includes Voice of America, whatever the fuck that is, the Middle East Broadcasting Networks. Oh, yeah. Allah Akbar. This is Allah Akbar. Yeah, this is ala akbar uh the middle east broadcast in that in radio free europe a radio liberty stengel an obama administration alumnus do you need to know anymore wrote last year now listen
Starting point is 00:32:18 to this folks in a washington post op-ed that united states freedom of speech was too unfettered and that changes must be considered. Do you fucking believe what I just said to you? And this guy is already on, on, on, uh, jerk off team. Richard Stengel, Richard Stinky Stengel. And the post op-ed, he said, why America needs a hate speech law. Stengel argued, I can't believe what I'm reading. As a government official traveling around the world, championing the virtues of free speech, you're championing the virtues of free, maybe you're championing them in other countries. I came to see how our first amendment standard is an outlier.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Do you fucking believe it? You're just a plain liar. How about that? Outlier means, you know, it's an anomaly. It's an exception. All speech is not equal, he says. It wasn't supposed to be. Who said it was supposed to be?
Starting point is 00:33:28 And where truth cannot drive out lies, we must add new guardrails. I'm all for, listen to this. I'm all for protecting thought that we hate. Oh, well, thanks, man. So he's not into, where do you think your words come from? They start here as a thought. You cheesy, eaten. You cheesy, eaten... I'm all for protecting thought we hate, but not speech that incites hate.
Starting point is 00:33:54 In other words, anybody who disagrees with you, because that's your definition of hate. We all friggin' know that by now. It's making me sick to my stomach. The Antichrist. You got me in a vendetta kind of mood. As Breitbart News noted in May, Stengel, an MSNBC analyst, what did we say if Biden won? We've been saying this for 10 months now.
Starting point is 00:34:21 If Trump won, they were all going to end up as having jobs on CNN, NBC. And if he won, they'd be working for him. And here you go. It's starting already. He's MSNBC analyst. So, you know, he's bipartisan. Also defended restrictions on speech about the coronavirus. What a jack off. The First Amendment doesn't protect false speech about a virus or false speech that endangers the health of your users. And by the way, Facebook and Twitter have been taking things down, but they need to be even more vigilant about it. And by the way, Facebook and Twitter have been taking things down, but they need to be even more vigilant about it.
Starting point is 00:34:48 So in other words, us righties who've been getting censored and shadow banned and kicked off YouTube, it's not enough for him. They don't want to hear a word out of us. And Google needs to be even more vigilant about what they prioritize in this search results. Really? We already had stories. What? We did a bunch of stories. Breitbart had a story about how remember they if you put the search things in during the during the election,
Starting point is 00:35:16 if you put a Breitbart news, they were like one hundred and fifty second at the bottom. Oh, my God, that's not enough for him you smug cocksucker fuck you constitutional scholar jonathan turley seen here uh warned about stengel's appointment in a column tuesday he says it would be difficult to select a more anti-free speech figure to address government media policy one has to assume that that Biden will continue the onslaught against this core freedom as president. So all that talk before the election, remember we said, it's the most important election of our time.
Starting point is 00:35:55 It's all coming true, though. You're going to live in a, you know, where oligarchs rule and free speech is crushed and they'll come after your guns. It's all happening. But you know what? The results aren't final yet. He noted that Biden himself had publicly advocated restrictions on speech during the campaign.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Biden called for greater speech controls on the Internet, like he knows what it is, and denounced Twitter for allowing others to speak freely joe biden president-elect said that joe biden who the fuck said that joe who's the slimy little communist shit twinkle toe cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant that would be joe biden joe biden as the young news girl say joe biden Joe Biden as the young news girl say Joe Biden boy he was in the news a lot yesterday
Starting point is 00:36:51 Biden pledges to listen to this he doesn't think we have enough refugees Trump lets in like 15,000 a year which is 15 too many at this point the country's already crowded if you don't believe me try to go to a self-checkout at Home Depot yeah but they work the registers.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Biden, he wants more refugees. Promising to reclaim America's proud legacy of providing refuge to those seeking asylum, Joe Biden announced on Thursday his intention to dramatically increase the number of refugees permitted to come to the United States. Because we're all getting along so well right now. This country, we're all just unified, aren't we? Black,
Starting point is 00:37:32 white, Hispanic, Indian, gay, straight, everything's just working beautifully. Let's add more shit to the mix. He wants more refugees coming to this country. You know what? So every time you walk into a Walmart, you're going to hear shit like this. Stay still! Don't eat shit! Get out so every time you walk into a walmart you're gonna hear shit like the trump administration limited the number to 15 large per year, while Biden said he will raise that more than eightfold
Starting point is 00:38:06 to 125,000. And do you know why he's going to do that, ladies? Because he hates the motherfucking country. Yeah, he do. Durka, Durka, Muhammad Jihad, Hakka Sherpa Sherpa, a bacala. Can you imagine? And he says what? He's going to make the, and they use the number 11 million illegals when we all know it's over like 20. He's going to give them the pathway to citizenship. And they're going to get free health care and free Doritos and free hand jobs and silly hats and bicycles.
Starting point is 00:38:40 And you're going to pay for it. The United States has long stood as a beacon of hope for the downtrodden and the oppressed. And we need those people because they're uneducated and we need them to vote Democrat the rest of their lives. A leader of resetting refugees in our humanitarian response, the former vice president said the Biden-Harris administration will restore America's historic role in protecting the vulnerable and defending the rights of refugees. They are fucking evil. This is all about future votes and sewing up that vote for the next 100 years.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Do you understand? It's got nothing to do to taking in poor people and giving them a... It's got nothing to do with that. And you guys are still buying it. When I say you guys, not you guys, but you guys. Defending the rights of refugees everywhere and raising our annual refugee admission our target to a hundred and twenty five thousand biden had previously referred to president trump's immigration and refugee policy as xenophobic racist and based
Starting point is 00:39:40 on unjustified fear-mongering yeah like when he stopped the Chinese planes from coming over with coronavirus. He said the same thing, shithead, and it saved hundreds of thousands of lives. That's all they do. Name calling. Joe, you're not my president. You're not anybody's president. I mean, right now, technically, you're not. And you won't be, even when you're sworn in.
Starting point is 00:40:04 You are going to take a pounding like you read about in Pounding Weekly. You're going to wish you stayed in your basement and diddled your gray pubes. I hate you! Trump continually justified the lower number of refugee settlement as being in the national interest. Yeah, and he was goddamn right. I am your voice. Yeah, and he was goddamn right. I am your voice.
Starting point is 00:40:35 Recent studies have estimated that each refugee will cost American taxpayers more than $130,000 over the course of their lives. Multiply that by a zillion because they're going to open the doors. It's going to be like Black Friday. You know how they open fucking early and they're giving away flat screens and shit? That's what, like, health... I got to write that down. It's a good premise for a stand-up bit. But I don't have time for that. I got a show coming up soon.
Starting point is 00:40:56 What else did Stupid say yesterday? Oh, he weighed in on the Thanksgiving rules. Yes, he did. yes he did um joe biden whom the media have declared president-elect the media has declared you know like brian stelter and cnn detailed his view on holiday gatherings during a monday press conference in wilmington delaware this guy any does he have ever stray outside the Delaware fucking... Urging Americans to adhere to the advice of health experts. That's what he's telling us. Just like a fucking old lady. I can't take it no more. Shut up! Shut! Shut! Shut! Shut! Shut up! Yes, Joe.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Let's take a look at Uncle Joe after he left the cabin. Apparently he broke off his ankle bracelet they have. What is your message to people who are considering, for example, getting together with their families and others for Thanksgiving? Would you consider would you urge people to reconsider their pause? Let me just explain to you this is this is called a softball question. This is Journalism 101 from the left. Let me give you a question that allows you to put out the Democrat talking points and further this hoax and why people should limit the number of people.
Starting point is 00:42:20 And you know what? I'm watching the NFL and every commercial now people have masks on in the commercial. It's propaganda. Goebbels couldn't have done it better. OK, let's listen to Joey. Well, here's what I do. Let me tell you what health experts have said to me. What are we doing? It's not because I'm unique and president elect. It's because my family. unique and president-elect is because of my family. They strongly urge that if, in fact,
Starting point is 00:42:52 we're going to have Thanksgiving with anyone, that we limit it to a maximum, maximum. They suggest five people. Five people. Now, depending on how you get along with your family, that could be or bad notes i mean i know there was years ago i'd be like what that's fucking great people who i hate 364 days a year i don't have to pretend i like them for 24 hour but i i love it to five people try and they and newsom's trying this in california where the average mexican family has what 170 people in it and i meant that as a compliment so does the irish catholics and stuff Newsom's trying this in California, where the average Mexican family has, what, 170 people in it? And I meant that as a compliment.
Starting point is 00:43:29 So does the Irish Catholics and stuff. Can you imagine five people? Go ahead. Ten people, socially distanced, wearing masks, and people who have quarantined. So Jill and I spent this morning, like many of you, trying to figure out what are we going to do for Thanksgiving? How are we going to do it? What are we doing? We narrowed down which family members and that they were tested, recently tested in 24 hours.
Starting point is 00:43:54 Pause. I bet your hunt is not coming because he tested positive for crack cocaine and chicken and broccoli. Go ahead, let her roll. And so I would strongly urge you for the sake, not just your sake, for the sake of your children, your mother, your father, your sisters, your brothers, whoever you get together for Thanksgiving, think about this.
Starting point is 00:44:17 There should be no group more than 10 people in one room. Rod's making it up. I mean, inside the homes. That's what they're telling me. I won't vote for anybody who has a jerk off to him. She's making that shit up. Look at her, Whoopi Goldberg just stubbed her toe. Is he done talking? Let's cut to Uncle Joe right after his turkey.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Oh, my God. That's childish. But he was spilling the beans out there. Never tell anybody outside the family what you're thinking again. Like Hunter. Save lives. Look, I just want to make sure that we're able to be together next Thanksgiving. We might be. You're in your late thousands, buddy. Look, I just want to make sure that we're able to be together next Thanksgiving Day.
Starting point is 00:45:06 We might be. You're in your late thousands, buddy. Next Christmas, I mean, it's an international crisis. It's an international health crisis, he said, repeating it because he has nothing else to say. Adding that the world's at war with the Chinese coronavirus. He said Chinese coronavirus. You racist pig, you. Biden. Hunter Biden. He called it the
Starting point is 00:45:28 Chinese. Did anybody in the press say, why do you call it the Chinese coronavirus? Did anybody say that to him? Uncle Joe? Uncle Joe is a moe. This Saturday night, I'll be at the Plaza Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. If you're in
Starting point is 00:45:46 Vegas, you can come see me in person. For everyone else, we're going to live stream the show. You can experience it live on your computer, Roku, Apple TV, Android TV, or Amazon Fire TV. To get tickets for the stream, go to I can't, I'm looking forward to this. I don't look forward to much anymore. This and pizza. Also, as I announced last week, my new platform will be
Starting point is 00:46:18 I'll be able to say whatever the fuck I want without big tech stepping on my nuts, okay? The site is finally ready. It will be going, it's going to be going up tomorrow. So make sure to go to and register for free. Look at that. Tommy's creation.
Starting point is 00:46:36 And lastly, I want to thank all of you who have contributed to the show. As you know, your contributions keep us going. Please keep supporting me and I'll keep doing what I do. And Biden won't see the light of day. Gracias. Gracias.
Starting point is 00:46:53 One-time contributions. I'd like to thank the ghost of Frank Rizzo, Pennsylvania. Buddy Paul Sagnella in Connecticut. Ken Buller, Pennsylvania. Brendan Byrne, Australia, John Martinez, Calabonia. And we have a new monthly supporter at Patreon, Clay Mignot. I don't know. Oh, hello.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Hello, I'm Mike Lindell. oh hello hello i'm mike lindell hey cuomo have you seen cuomo jack off governor oh boy people are starting to hate him all over the world you know how he killed a bunch of old people he might as well have gone into the nursing homes and stood on their air hoses remember he was inviting people with COVID, go throw up on that guy in the Maple Street nursing home. Well, he killed a lot of people, but anyways, now he's enforcing like most left-wing governors. He wants to enforce more rules for gathering. And you know what? Some sheriffs upstate New York are saying, kiss my grits. some sheriffs upstate New York are saying, kiss my grits.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Three more upstate New York sheriffs have announced their refusal to enforce the state's private gathering limit on Thanksgiving. I love it. In a scathing Facebook post on Saturday, Fulton County Sheriff Richard Giardino. Oh, he pulled me over up there. I was doing 112 in a school zone.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Question the legality of Governor Cuomo's newly instituted 10-person cap on parties and other gatherings in private residences. Do you believe the arrogance? Can I ask you a question, folks? How would they enforce this? Huh? Seriously, how would they enforce it? How many people are going to be celebrating Thanksgiving in New York?
Starting point is 00:48:57 What, are you going to knock on the door, put Grammy in cuffs, kneel on her neck? What are you going to do? nail on her neck. What are you going to do? Frankly, I am not sure it could sustain a constitutional challenge in court for several reasons, including your house is your castle, said the sheriff. Oh, my God, I love this guy. I am like God and God like me.
Starting point is 00:49:22 I am as large as God. He is as small as I. He cannot above me nor I. Be near me. Sir, this is 17th century. Ooh, I get chills. I love it. This guy says your house is your castle.
Starting point is 00:49:47 You're goddamn right, Sheriff. He put that in the post on Saturday. And as a sheriff with a law degree, he says, I couldn't in good faith attempt to defend it in court. So I won't, he said. Giardino noticed his office with limited resources has scant legal options to enter private homes other than search warrants, invitations, or under an emergency circumstance. It's just what I just said. You can't even enforce it. We should all have the
Starting point is 00:50:19 biggest Thanksgivings ever. Invite people you don't even know. Just pile them in. We have limited resources and we have to set priorities. So obtaining a search warrant to enter your home to see how many turkey or tofu eaters are present is not a priority. I love it. This guy fucking, you know, he's way upstate New York. He's telling Cuomo to bite his ball. Although, wait a minute, Albany's not up there, so you better be careful. Washington County, that's in New York, Sheriff Jeff Murphy said there'll be no Thanksgiving enforcement. Another one waited. And on Monday, Saratoga County, Michael Zurio also threw cold water on the state order. Look at this guy.
Starting point is 00:50:59 You think he gives a shit? He's got about three good Thanksgivings left in him himself. He's got the turkey neck going already himself sheriff i can't see how devoting our resources to counting cars and citizens driveways or investigating how much turkey and dressing they've perched this is for the public good zerlo said in a press release. Last Friday, two days after Cuomo announced the new restrictions, Erie County Sheriff Tim Howard said his office would ignore the indoor gathering limit.
Starting point is 00:51:31 How's that going over? Cuomo. The Antichrist. Cuomo. You got me in a bad kind of mood. Cuomo. Cuomo. The Antichrist. Cuomo. You got me in a bad kind of mood. Cuomo. Cuomo. Cuomo.
Starting point is 00:51:51 That's old people in nursing home. That is it for today, ladies and gentlemen. I have had enough. I have had enough of the scams. And keep your chin up. I'm Rudy Giuliani. Sidney Leinstein. What's her name?
Starting point is 00:52:11 Sidney Powell. And a bunch of other lawyers are going to straighten this out. And if they don't, you know what? I'm looking forward to that, too, to watch 70-something million people ignore and just be, just not behave for the next four years if Biden gets in. Just make their lives as miserable. I'm talking about going to his home. Nick, we can't lower it. Yes, we can. Go to his home, bang pots and pans, keep people up, follow these jerk-offs into the upscale restaurants in D.C., scream at them, ruin just what they did. Just go after their families, docs people. Not their family, not the kids, the adults.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Fuck the kids. That is it, ladies and gentlemen. Don't forget Makes a good holiday gift, actually. This is where it picks up for me. Christmas, people who are fans of mine and they go, my uncle loves you. And they send, I make a little video on my phone telling your uncle what a choo-choo is and a happy birthday to Grammy, whatever.
Starting point is 00:53:14 And, click on my profile, tell me a little about the person, and I'll send you a message I make on my phone. That is it. You guys think it? I'll say it. I always have. You're very welcome. See you back here tomorrow at the same phone. That is it. You guys think it? I'll say it. I always have. You're very welcome. See you back here tomorrow at the same time.
Starting point is 00:53:29 Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. guitar solo I'm out.

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