The Nick DiPaolo Show - Project Veritas EXPOSES CNN | Nick Di Paolo Show #524

Episode Date: April 14, 2021

A CNN tech director calls the network 'propaganda.' Bernie Madoff bites the dust. Psaki tries to appeal to conservatives by stereotyping them....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 oh yeah electric guitar which i'm teaching myself because you know this comedy thing might work not might work out so i could get in a fucking i figure a, you know, this comedy thing might work, not might work out. So I could get in a fucking, I figure a band, you know, lead guitarist, get all that snatch. Is it late at 59? No, I don't know. Years ago, you'd say, well, that's ridiculous. But now, I mean, you got Viagra, you got all kinds of shit. Cialis, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:01:01 Fucking. Good to be with you, folks. Welcome Wednesday, second to last day of the week. That's all I know. I complain like I have a fucking, I'm a coal miner, but you get tired of this shit. You really do because it's the same jerk-offs making the same news and doing the same bad things. And then the fucking media, the same people lying about it, spinning it on Whitey. It gets exasperating. Time for somebody to break out the...
Starting point is 00:01:29 Well, let's open with a... Anytime there's death of a famous person, we have to mention it up front. And you know who died? My fucking accountant today. Bernie Madoff. Bye-bye, Bernie. Bye-bye. Bye-bye, Bernie. Bye-bye. Yes, Bernard Madoff, mastermind of the biggest investment fraud in United States history, ripping off tens of thousands of clients.
Starting point is 00:01:58 You know how smart you have to be to do that? As much as $65 billion with a b he died wednesday the dems are blaming it on trump it was trump's economy uh he was 80 82 so um i'm sure people are clapping out there a lot of fucking uh people of who got ripped off. Bye-bye, dickhead. And there were some famous people. His death at Federal Medical Center in Butner, North Carolina, was confirmed by the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Madoff died apparently from natural causes.
Starting point is 00:02:40 When they say you die of natural causes in prison, it usually sounds like this. That's natural ebstein died a natural cause you know that's how that's a natural cause in prison somebody choking the life out of you uh anyways the ap reporter earlier citing an unidentified person familiar with the matter, he would have turned 83 on April 29th like anybody gives a fuck. Madoff was serving a 150-year sentence. He only had two weeks to go, and he died.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Kind of a sad story. He was serving a 150-year sentence at the prison where he had been treated for what his attorney called terminal kidney disease. Well, what does everybody else call it? His attorney calls it. So, you know, that's a lie. What do the doctors call it? Doctors call it like a COVID. His request for compassion released from prison was denied in June.
Starting point is 00:03:45 So he was dying, but he was a fucking, you know, you can't be more of a devil to the left than a white guy who steals. Even if you're Jewish, he pleaded guilty in 2009 to a scheme that investigators said started in the early 70s. Wow. That is a long crime and defrauded as many as 37,000 people. Do you know how many people that is? It's 37,000 in 136 countries. I can't even balance my checkbook or whatever online. I don't even know how to bank online. And this, it just, I hate it because he's supposed to be evil, but yet I admire these guys that are so fucking smart.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Real crumbum, though. 136 countries over four decades by the time Madoff was busted on December 11th, 2008, after his two sons ratted him out. You don't see that in the mob, do you? Victims included the famous director Steven Spielberg, Included, the famous director, Steven Spielberg. Actor, Kevin Bacon. Former New York Mets owner, Fred Wilpon.
Starting point is 00:04:54 That explains their infield for a decade. Hall of Fame pitcher, Sandy Koufax. He's ripping off Jews in Nobel Peace Prize winner, fucking Mike Tyson. No, Elie Wiesel. Wiesel. Wiesel. Calling a guy who survived the Holocaust. Yeah, Elie the fucking Wiesel Wiesel.
Starting point is 00:05:16 An ordinary investor. And then it says an ordinary investor is like Burt Ross. Who's Burt Ross? Why are we calling him ordinary? He lost five mil. I mean, they asked him about it. It seems foolish to have all this money lying around. Oh, you'd rather have it down at the bank where the Jewish guys
Starting point is 00:05:33 can leer at it? Yeah! Money! Money! Madoff insisted the fraud did not begin until the early 1990s. Why wouldn't we believe him? When he said the market stalled due to the onset of recession and the Gulf War. It's so, see, it's the Jews always blaming the Arabs.
Starting point is 00:05:54 It's a good joke and nobody liked it. Anyways, so long, enjoy hell. And one other note, another famous person died who I had never heard of, you you online kids you millennials or whatever the fucking generation jerk off i don't know what to call you uh but do you remember the welcome to chile's guy he used to make vine videos adam perkins a vine star known for his uproarious video sketches died sunday at the age of 24. The social media influencers' twin brother, Patrick Perkins, confirmed this tragic passing on Instagram Tuesday, but didn't disclose the cause of death because nobody discloses it anymore. And if I was a fan of this kid, which I wasn't and never would be in a million years, why the fuck wouldn't you tell us?
Starting point is 00:06:41 It never would be in a million years. Why the fuck wouldn't you tell us? I'm guessing suicide. I don't know. But why? I don't understand. They don't tell anybody. You don't think there are a million of his fans wondering how he died?
Starting point is 00:06:55 That's a sick question. You're a sick fuck, and I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it. Well, you're his brother, his twin brother. Answer the question. He said, my brother Adam Perkins passed away. Our dad Marlon is very upset. He's 171. Passed away this previous Sunday at 4-11-21. Thank you for doing the math, wrote Perkins in a lengthy homage to his sibling. He also uploaded photos of himself and his late twin through the years. I can't even really, this is his twin
Starting point is 00:07:26 brother talking, put into words what this loss means for me, lamented Perkins, who collaborated on many videos with his brother. I'm often asked the question, what's it like to be a twin? And my response is usually, what's it like to not be a twin? And then the response from that person is why are you going to get fucking wise with me? What's it like not being a twin? It's like being here by myself with nobody that looks like me. He added, that has to be tough though.
Starting point is 00:08:01 You're closer, you know. They shared a room together when they were fetuses. One way of looking at it. He added, I'm to be tough, though. You're closer, you know. They shared a room together when they were fetuses. One way of looking at it. He added, I'm struggling to find the words to explain what it will be like for me to live in this world without him. Okay, let me help you. I'll find the words for you. Oh, for you. How about this?
Starting point is 00:08:22 Not yet. That comes after the video. So anyways, I didn't know who this kid was because I'm a 59-year-old white guy. I was not supposed to be fucking making Vine videos. Vine's already passed. That's a little in the back. Anyway, Adam Perkins first garnered online attention with his hilarious welcome to Chili Skit. Notice the word skit in 2015.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Can you hear that? We're picking up somebody else. This happens once in a while. I think I just fixed it. Anyways. Anyways, he became real famous for his Welcome to Chili's skit. I repeat the word skit in 2015 on the now defunct Vine platform in which he shouts the restaurant chain's iconic tagline while in his boxers. The clip, get this, amassed over 20 million loops, I'm thinking in over 10 years, in one year, and spawned multiple parodies and remixes, the Metro reported. So I
Starting point is 00:09:33 didn't see it. I see the word skit. I'm going Chili's. This could be fucking hilarious. I'm expecting like an SNL sketch, maybe four or five minutes, right? So I go to it, all excited, and roll tape. Hi, welcome to Chili's. That's it. Leave that up there. Am I missing something? I said to Jason, said, yeah, that's my generation's attention span. And I said, I know you guys treat this kid like you know marlon brando
Starting point is 00:10:06 and the godfather i go did anybody review this movie yeah it was a little long said a millennial i mean it's funny because he sounds very like a gay waiter and he's in his boxy shorts since he got so many views tomorrow tonight when i go home i'm gonna do a uh got so many views tomorrow tonight when i go home i'm gonna do a uh welcome to the olive garden in my wife's panties stick my belly out anyways i saw him can we watch that again in super slow motion hi welcome to chili's i just heard that gay voice. Now that guy should get a 20 million views. All right, sorry to hear the kid died at 24, seriously. But please, can you tell us what the fuck happened?
Starting point is 00:11:19 That's like American Idol. This kid dropped out who I thought might win it all. He's from Utah, white kid. A real artist. Street guy. You know, street guitar. Kind of a James Taylor type fucking hippie. Ryan Seacrest comes out. I know you guys are laughing at home.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Nick really likes it. I do. I fucking love the show. He comes on and he goes right before the show starts. He goes, oh, by the way, Wyatt so-and-so dropped out. Anyways, welcome to it. That's all they give you. I'm sitting home. Big fan of dropped out. Anyways, welcome to it. That's all they give you. I'm sitting home.
Starting point is 00:11:45 Big fan of the show. Let's get to it. Let's get to fucking CNN. Not that any of it matters because nothing will change. But they're up first. This is CNN, the most trusted name in news. Most trusted name in news by severely fucking retarded people who vote Democrat. What a baby fucking, what a head babies.
Starting point is 00:12:14 It's embarrassing. Project Veritas, or the Spanish say Proje Veritas, even though it's Latin, dropped a new video like Madonna in the early 80s, where they dropped a new video on Tuesday that reveals CNN engaging intentionally in creating and spreading propaganda to boost Joe Biden's campaign during the 2020 election season. CNN technical director Charlie Chester was caught admitting that CNN used their platform to help Joe Biden's presidential campaign to the detriment of the Donald Trump's campaign. Obviously, now we all know. I mean, we're all aware of this, right? But to hear somebody bragging about it is another thing when you get somebody on camera.
Starting point is 00:13:03 And again, what are they going to be the consequences? Are they going to fucking take everybody out at CNN and shoot them? That would be what I do. I'm very Mussolini-like. Actually a fan of the Chinese sometimes. I say we do what Putin does. We invite them again to dinner and we poison their tea or whatever. Chester also admitted that the network had specific predetermined perspective
Starting point is 00:13:23 on climate change and COVID-19. That's what's coming next, I guess. But our boy, our boy, James O'Keefe at Project Veritas sent this kid went on five Tinder dates, five Tinder dates with this girl who's undercover. She must have been fucking smoking because this guy sang like a canary. Anyways, here he is bragging about how they fucked over, you know, Trump. I think we got him through this term.
Starting point is 00:13:55 We would always share shots of him jogging. Him in aviator shades and like you paint him as a young geriatric. We were creating a story there that we didn't know anything about. So that's, I think that's a propaganda. Look what we did. We got Trump out.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Look what we did. We got Trump out. He even said, I think it's propaganda. I'm 100% going to say it. Will there be any repercussions? Go ahead. I'm 100% going to say it. Will there be any repercussions? Go ahead. Our focus was to get Trump out of office, right? Without saying that that's what it was, right? So our next thing is going to be for climate change. Awareness. Do you think it's going to be just like a lot of like fear like climate yeah fear sells
Starting point is 00:14:45 fear sells so you know um he's right there admitting it and the only way you can get the truth in the news is by project veritra uh james o'keefe and project veritas are you interested in the real story i sure am he's sitting there fucking bragging yeah we we portrayed biden like a young jerry actor when he had his shades on and stuff and we got him out it's a hundred percent what a fucking bragging about it you pompous duck up snot nose english giant twerp scumbag fuck face dickhead asshole that was a little strong i don't like your jerk off name i don't like your jerk off face i don't like your jerk off behavior and i don't like you jerk off he was also charlie chester quoted as saying as far as covid is
Starting point is 00:15:40 concerned that's practically a thing of the past ch Chester said. COVID will taper off to a point that it's not a problem anymore. Climate change can take years. So a veil, meaning CNN, will probably be able to milk that quite a bit. Climate change is going to be the next COVID for CNN because fear sells, he says. That's not wrong. He works for CNN, brother. Here's what happened when James O'Keefe, the head of Project Veritas, confronted this jack off at like a fucking restaurant. And this is fun to watch. Go ahead. I'm James O'Keefe with Project Veritas. You're a technical director at CNN. You're on camera talking about the importance of getting Trump out of office without saying that's what your intent is. Our focus was to get Trump out of office, right?
Starting point is 00:16:31 Without saying that's what it was. Look what we did. We got Trump out. You're on tape saying this. I just want to ask you. I don't want to talk to you. You're close to me. You're within six feet of me.
Starting point is 00:16:44 I've got your to you. You're close to you. You're within six feet of me. Put your mask on. Pause. He's being called out in front of millions of people as a fucking liar and a cheat. And he goes, you're within six from me. Put your mask on. Doesn't that say everything about who watches CNN, who works, who they hire? Sheeple fucking mindless robots. Put your mask on. Okay. Go ahead. six feet away from you and ask the same questions that sounds like a good idea you're not gonna get me to talk about anything
Starting point is 00:17:13 well you also well you also said that uh it was in your words quote propaganda we were creating a story there that we didn't know anything about you So I think that's probably it. I'm quoting you here. I'm not talking to you, David. All right. Well, you've already spoken with us. You admit your network is helping certain candidates for political office, and you're admitting that you wanted to hide it.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Why hide it, Charlie? Why hide it? They never... You're a wormy cunt. You know that? You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt. Big butts with big cunts. You too. You're a dirty fucking cunt.
Starting point is 00:17:55 You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt. I left that on my mother's voicemail the other day. She didn't find it funny at all. Anyways, this guy's a real asshole. How do you feel about him, Jason? You're a real crumbum. So he's out there pounding his chest. I want to see the girl that they
Starting point is 00:18:13 wired up. I'm telling you, she has to be smoking because if she looks like fucking, you know, Rachel Maddow, you're not going to spill your guts. I'm guessing a Shannon Breen lookalike. Oh, I would tell her everything. I would tell her where the bodies are buried. Oh, God, I love Shannon Breen. You know, I'm talking about a
Starting point is 00:18:39 fox, folks, those fucking eyes. Mama. On to more news about, about obviously we can't get away from it the shooting in minneapolis uh i didn't know this uh when we reported on it officer kimberly potter the poor woman whose life is ruined who uh fatally shot dante right was training uh rookies at the time there's two guys whether one of them's a rookie, I guess. Kimberly Potter, 48, was formally identified Monday night as the officer caught on body cam footage Sunday thinking she was firing a taser
Starting point is 00:19:13 at the 20-year-old black man, instead gasping, holy shit, I shot him. At least one of the fellow officers with her was a rookie. Well, he learned what not to do. Seriously. She was training in Brooklyn Center, a city less than 10 miles from where George Floyd died during an arrest last May. Who gives a fuck?
Starting point is 00:19:40 Does that make it more important? Potter was guiding a new officer in her role as a field training officer, association head, Brian Peters told told the paper she's just a very dedicated passionate good person who doesn't know her left hand from her right no did you really say that no um and she you look at her i'm sorry but of all the of the thousands of cops in the country if i had to pick one out just by face that wasn't racist. Looks like she should be making cookies for her kids. PTA meeting or some shit. Civil rights attorney. Here it comes. Here comes the race baiter.
Starting point is 00:20:11 The minute I saw his name, my face got flush. Civil rights attorney, Benjamin Crump. Do we have a picture of him? I think we do. You'll know him from all the other fucking racial things. Civil rights attorney, Ben Crumpump told Good Morning America on Tuesday that the officer's role blows open an often used argument that police custody deaths result from a lack of experience or training. a training officer. So it's not about training, he insisted. Gee, let me guess what it's about, Mr. Crump. It's about implicit bias. It's about giving the same respect and consideration to people of color that we give to white American citizens, he said.
Starting point is 00:20:59 You need to shut the fuck up. Let me explain something to you, Crump, you whitey hater, racist shithead. You know why white people get treated differently when they're pulled over by the cops? Because they do what the cops say. Okay, nobody is bringing this up. There he is. Recognize him?
Starting point is 00:21:18 He gets more airtime than the MyPillow guy. For fuck's sake. That's why white Americans get treated differently. Nothing to do with skin color. Everything to do with behavior. Listen to the cops. When they say put your hands up or get out of the car, you do it.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Nobody talking about that. I'm not saying he deserves to die, but he put himself in that fucking situation, and I will never back off from that point. So did George Floyd. So did Eric Garner. So did fucking whoever. I can't even name him. Right away, he has to bring race into it because that's what he does. And he knows how stupid people are in this country that fall for it. He wouldn't keep doing it if it didn't work. Ex-cop Derek Chauvin, currently on trial,
Starting point is 00:22:09 charged with Floyd's murder. Another guy who could have listened to the cops, but he was on drugs, but let's ignore all that. Was a 19-year veteran of the Minneapolis Department who was also training rookies at the time. Motto of the story, don't bring a rookie up. Crump said in both cases, the arresting, that's a, edit. Crump said in both cases, the arresting officer could have just given tickets, but instead he used the most force when it comes to dealing with the marginalized minorities. What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. May God have mercy on your soul. Let me explain how stupid that is. They're saying he says they use force when it comes to marginalized minorities. Do you understand how fucking stupid that is? See if you can see the difference. Yeah, the white people don't try to run. He got pulled over. He had a warrant out, by the way.
Starting point is 00:23:26 A registration was expired. But it seems to me black people, black leaders, not all black people, especially the ones that live in bad neighborhoods, they like law and order. But idiots like this,
Starting point is 00:23:36 they want to live. They want to live in a country with no fucking law and order. He's defending that kid trying to fucking run from the cops. Not trying to justify the shooting. Just saying. God. Potter, who is married and has two adult sons, was first licensed as a police officer in
Starting point is 00:24:01 Minnesota in 1995 at the age of 22. as a police officer in Minnesota in 1995 at the age of 22. It was, I would like to see justice served and Potter held accountable for everything that she's taken from us. Dante's mom, Katie Wright, told GMA, good morning, America. Hey, good morning, America. Did you cover the, did you cover the,
Starting point is 00:24:20 did you go to the, did you have the family on? You might have, I don't want your garbage. Did you have the family on of the white woman who got shot in the Capitol by the black cop? Did you interview them about what was taken from them? Or how about the white kid who the cops nailed on him and he died? A friend, Gothix, put up a few years ago. Did you do those stories? No, you didn't.
Starting point is 00:24:40 I don't even have to fucking look it up. And I don't blame the mom for being bitter right now. That's what any mother would say. You know, the family also wanting to see charges brought, even though I think it was clearly an accident. You can't have mistakes like that. You know, Dante's father, Aubrey Wright, said they cannot accept that the fatal shooting was an accident. Why not? Oh, that's right, because she's white. And deep down, you know we're evil because you've been told that by CNN and everybody else. And again, you can't blame the parents right now because they're probably not in their right mind. I lost my son. He's never coming back. The grieving dad told Robin Roberts, who covers every politically correct story, you know. He's gone and we couldn't do nothing about it. He says that, Dad dad i can't accept that a mistake that doesn't even sound right this officer has been on the force for 26 years
Starting point is 00:25:32 i can't accept that well what you should do and i'm not again i'm not trying to heckle this guy just went through a horrible loss but she's been on the force for 26 years why don't you look into her record and see if she has a bunch of, you know, citations for hassling black people. How many complaints against her? There might be a bunch. I doubt it.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Now here is a perfect example and a related story to CNN. They are the show today. I read this article and I was shaking with fucking anger. It's a perfect example of how evil CNN is when it comes to race stories and how they are completely incapable of being objective, which they really don't hide anything. Really, they do it in the name of making money. This is what the article says. Fucking, fucking yes police can pull you over
Starting point is 00:26:26 for hanging an air freshener in your car that was literally the headline about this shooting store moments before police fatally shot Dante Wright during a traffic stop Sunday in a Minneapolis suburb he called his mother and told her he'd been pulled over
Starting point is 00:26:42 for hanging air fresheners from his rearview mirror. Really? Have you heard that anywhere else? Did the cops say that? We have the audio of the whole shooting, right? Unless before the cameras were turned on. But before the cameras were turned on, the door was shut. So they hadn't interacted with him yet. So how did he know what he was being pulled over for? I might be wrong here.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Another big question. Why don't we hear gunshots? Anybody else asking that? I mean, he died. Obviously, good shot. But why? I don't understand. We can hear the cops talking, right? And the struggle, and you don't hear the gun go off. But how did he know why he was being pulled over? I haven't heard one. I haven't read anywhere the cops said, yes, we pulled him over because of an air freshener. But listen to what this douchebag wrote this out.
Starting point is 00:27:39 It's now clear how much of a role the air fresheners played in the traffic stop. No, it isn't. Liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, and you know it. Brooklyn Center Police Chief Tim Gannon told reporters Monday that Wright was originally pulled over for an expired tag and that when the officers approached his car, they saw an item hanging from the rearview mirror. his car, they saw an item hanging from the rear view mirror. Officers ran, okay, they saw something hanging from his rear view mirror. They didn't say they questioned him about, maybe it's just bad reporting. I don't know. Officers ran, they ran his name because his registration was expired.
Starting point is 00:28:19 They found a gross misdemeanor warrant, Gannon said, without providing additional details on the dangling item. But you know why they didn't provide additional details? I think you made it up, in my opinion. They didn't provide additional text about the dangling item or the warrant. He said the shooting appeared to be an accident. But Minnesota is one of at least several states. Now this is going to go into about fresh air fresheners. This is just fucking mind-blowing to me. Minnesota's at least one of several states with laws that prohibit hanging items from a vehicle's rearview mirror or affixing them to the windshield on the grounds that they could obstruct the driver's vision. Okay, but that didn't come into play in anything we've heard or read yet.
Starting point is 00:29:07 But you're going to fucking write the next page on it. A person shall not drive or operate any motor vehicle with any objects. Do you see what she's doing? She's pushing the narrative, this guy's dead because a white cop saw an air freshener. Any object suspended between the driver and the windshield other than sun visors, rearview mirrors, driver feedback, and safely monitoring equipment when mounted immediately behind, slightly above, or slightly below the rearview mirror. Such minor infractions have been questioned by black motorists and others who view them as a pretext for racially motivated traffic stop. Well, if you're a cop, right, and you got you got a computer there and they say be on the lookout for a red fucking Buick or whatever with license plate, blah, blah, blah, because they have a warrant out for whatever.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Right. Yes, you're going to use something. they have a warrant out for whatever, right? Yes, you're going to use something. But what I'm saying here is I didn't hear anybody mention about this freshener in all the press. So I don't know if this woman is making it up, but she's taking the narrative. That's why this kid's dead, because we have cops who, yes, they pull people over.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Even if it was a white guy who had a warrant out for murder, they're going to use an excuse. I'll give you a best example. Fucking Al Capone. Got him on taxes. Think of it like that. And again, with his kids, with his kids, with his conduct on his Instagram videos. You know, we have concerns that police appear to abuse dangling air fresheners as an excuse for making a pretextual
Starting point is 00:30:45 stop, something police do too often to target black people. The ACLU of Minnesota said Sunday, by the way, the ACLU, I have labeled them a hate group because they're the phoniest motherfuckers on the planet Earth. It called for an independent investigation into the shooting. The ACLU of Minnesota. Well, Greg, who gives a fuck what you think? Police traffic stops because of dangling air fresheners have already led to several court challenges. In September 2018, police pulled over two black men in Chicago for having an air freshener hanging from a rearview mirror. During the stop, officers found weapons in the vehicle. Don't you think that's why
Starting point is 00:31:25 they were looking for a reason to pull him over? You think it was the air freshener? Oh, they had a legitimate reason. If that's a law and it's on the books, it's a legitimate reason. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:31:36 And the men were each charged with unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon. So they were both felons. So I'm pretty sure that was mentioned in their records what the cops have do you get how it works you can't just pull them over although you'll report it that way driving while black yeah with a fucking felon on your record outstanding warrant the men did not allege they were racially prof even the men the black guys in
Starting point is 00:32:02 this case said they weren't racially profiled but Even the men, the black guys in this case, said they weren't racially profiled. But they moved to suppress the evidence arguing that the air freshener was not sufficient probable cause for the officers to pull them over. Is it because we're black? No. It's because we have records. If you were white, Chinese, or Spanish,
Starting point is 00:32:22 and they said there's a fucking warrant out or the car was stolen. Last year, a federal appeals court ruled that the stop was legitimate, saying police had reasonable suspicion to believe that the tree-shaped air freshener obstructed the driver's view. Both men were sentenced to prison. Not because of the air freshener. You see how it works?
Starting point is 00:32:42 Unless you want to live in a completely lawless society. See, the criminals aren't playing by any laws or any rules. So you've forced the cops, right, to play by shitty rules. So the moral of that story is two dangerous guys, felons, who had guns in their car, previous record for crime,
Starting point is 00:33:04 they're off the street. Yeah, but what about their rights? Well, fucking air freshener got them. Sorry. Would have been that. Would have been taxes eventually. Several other states, including California, the dumbest state in the fucking union. Thank God it's going to break off like the piece of shit that it is. Pennsylvania
Starting point is 00:33:19 and Arizona prohibit drivers from hanging things that would obstruct the rear vision near the windshield. Like a little fucking, you can't hang a little, you know, a Will Smith doll up you because that would look bad. It's all about race, Jason, all about it. Well, let me tell you this about that. I grew up in the Sacramento area.
Starting point is 00:33:47 We all got along fine, but then the Jews came in. Nixon was in favor. Oh, they had Henry Kissinger, one of the smartest people on the planet, who's still alive, I believe. Always liked Henry, even as a kid. He was quoted as saying, power is the best aphrodisiac. He said it! Henry Kissinger, getting a lot of ass back in the day. He's got to be 97. Probably died and I don't even know it.
Starting point is 00:34:16 He probably died laughing at that Vine video. I can't believe this. 20 million views, I know. NBC uses, this is the next story if you haven't picked up on that. Involves race. Excuse me. NBC uses, this is the next story if you haven't picked up on that, involves race, excuse me. NBC uses the lack of white supremacists, get this, to make the case that white supremacy is a big threat as ever. What?
Starting point is 00:34:38 Should have done my record scratch. NBC ran a story about so-called White Lives Matter protests that were planned. It wasn't a protest. That would be a rally, right? It's white people sticking them up for white people that were planned for the weekend to which basically no one showed up. In Brandi Zadrozny's eyes, she wrote the article, horse tooth, jackass, nice gums. The lack of attendance meant that the white supremacists had simply been forced out of the public square and into the underground they will make anything up shut your fucking mouth
Starting point is 00:35:14 shut the fuck up you cunt but perhaps the lack of attendance folks might mean that there's just aren't as many white supremacists out there. They've been chasing this ghost for, how much evidence do we need? And I guess you're like terrorists. They only have to be right once. Once a white guy does something horrible, they'll go, if they keep telling you every day it's going to happen, it's eventually something's going to happen because you're radicalizing us by accusing us wrongly of shit. Look at this stupid whore, like to fucking cut her head off. So nobody, there were hardly any white people showing up for White Day, basically. And she says that's proof that fucking the country's won by surprise. I hope you're right. I hope they are
Starting point is 00:35:55 on the ground plotting your fucking death or white lives matter rallies flop as hardly anyone shows up. NBC writes the poor turnout, look how they fucking word this, underscores how the country's unpopular and disorganized extremist movement have been driven underground. You snotty little bastard. Can you imagine? Oh my, either that or it means it doesn't exist. That's like watching that show where they go into houses looking for ghosts and there's none there. Oh, they must be in the basement. They're on the ground.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Oh my God. How much do you hate white people? How much do you hate yourself is the question. And does that coat come in leather? You snot nose. How much do you hate yourself is the question. And does that coat come in leather? You snot nose.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Instead of seeing this as evidence that white supremacy is not, just not quite the prevalent threat to life and liberty that we've been told it is, Zedrosny uses the lack of white supremacists to make the case that white supremacy is a bigger threat as ever. The story goes on to describe multiple events that were nearly entirely populated by counter protesters. In other words, the white people didn't really show up, right? Because we don't fucking have to. We don't need you. Black Lives Matter showed up. Antifa and the police. One white Lives Matter protest drew merely one protester. This is a sketch from fucking SNL. One white guy showed up to be proud.
Starting point is 00:37:32 A whole bunch of police and counter-protesters who yelled at the one guy. He could have stayed home and had that done by his wife. How funny. SNL, if you had any balls, you'd do that sketch. Oh, you can't. It doesn't fit your shitty fucking white supremacist narrative, you fucking maggots. In light of the fact that White Lives Matter protests garner barely a blip in attendance, it's hard to understand just why the mainstream media and cultural discourse is so obsessed
Starting point is 00:38:05 with overturning and denouncing white supremacy. If white supremacy is so pervasive and the root cause of everything for crimes committed by black people against Asians to the Capitol riot on January 6th, where are all the white supremacists? Hate to bring up that irrelevant question. Oh my God. Help us please. Wake up white people. Wake up white people at the rallies at 9am. Fuck it. I'm not getting up. They were not in Raleigh, North Carolina, where a small crowd of Antifa and anti-racist protesters gathered at the park where the white lives Matter march was planned. They marched around downtown behind a large white sign that read, we accept your surrender. Oh, aren't they clever? They were not in New York. Instead of white supremacists, there were counter protesters alone in New York, proving again, this is all horseshit.
Starting point is 00:39:03 And again, a Fox News or Mitch McConnell or Republicans, why aren't you screaming this at the top of your lungs? Forget about politics and doing shit for us. Follow the news for a week and call them out on it. You might make some ground, gain some ground. Nor were the, listen to this, nor were the, it was not in Philadelphia, where NBC reports that counter-protesters had a picnic complete with local delicacy of tasty cakes. Spelled with a K actually
Starting point is 00:39:32 because it's United States. Huntington Beach, California finally seemed to have the biggest turnout. Three guys and his cousin. No, the biggest turnout with some angry people getting in each other's faces and ending with getting arrested. Yeah, and who got arrested? Yahoo reported that the events at Huntington Beach were spurred by
Starting point is 00:39:52 more than 200 counter-protesters. So they started this shit, including those from the Black Lives Matter movement. So I say to the Black Lives Matter movement,
Starting point is 00:40:01 White Power, one, two, three, four! It's a catchy little tune. Again, if you've done 10 bath, fucking bathtub's full of meth, you can keep up with that beat. What is that, Jason, as far as beats? Is that? That's 4-4.
Starting point is 00:40:32 4-4? Isn't that like 4,400 beats per second? Yeah. Beats per minute. Oh, that's probably around 180, 190. 100, 180, 190. The same as their pulse. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Delicious song. Hey, ladies and gentlemen, listen up, okay? Hey, guys, we are looking for an assistant producer here on the Nick DiPaolo Show to help Jason out with a lot of stuff. We are looking for someone who lives in the Savannah, Georgia area, who is experienced with video production and who wants to work in an environment where free speech rules and the boss is a handsome son of a bitch
Starting point is 00:41:14 if you're interested please email Tommy at info at that's Tommy that's who the guy you're writing to and here's the link at That's Tommy. That's who the guy you're writing to. And here's the link. Info at I look forward
Starting point is 00:41:34 to hearing from you. It's a great job. Loose environment. Only took twice, three times a week to come in and see what I'm doing. This is very nice.
Starting point is 00:41:43 There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time. In the reverse the races tonight, that is RTR, our news segment, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki made a slew of eyebrow raising comments
Starting point is 00:42:00 on Monday afternoon about targeting white conservative communities as far as, you know, COVID and whatever. During a press briefing, Psaki spoke about the White House's efforts to strengthen vaccine confidence in white conservative communities because white conservatives are probably the brightest people on the planet and they don't really fall for the government shit. Even when they're in their 80s, they're like, fuck, I'd rather die than have a
Starting point is 00:42:23 needle put in me by Pelosi's people. Psaki included the white conservative communities that's in quotes in her discussion of the highest risk and hardest hit communities. Let's take a look at how she generalizes about white people here. You know, an example is Dr. Collins participated in the 700 Club. Dr. Nunez Smith hosted a faith leaders roundtable. We're also looking for we've run PSAs on the deadliest catch. We're engaged with NASCAR and country music. Can you imagine somebody from the Trump administration? We're trying to get the word out to the black community.
Starting point is 00:42:58 So, you know, we're rerunning the best of, you know, Evening at the Apollo, Popeye chicken ads. We're putting the message in there. And BET, Martin reruns. We're going to flood the market with Martin reruns and anything that involves crime, 48 fucking first 48 hours, whatever,
Starting point is 00:43:24 because, you know, that's the Democrat. That's what black people watch on TV. That's how that would have been treated if somebody from Trump administration said that. Go ahead. We're looking for a range of creative ways to get directly connected to white conservative communities. We won't always be the best messengers, but we're still trying to meet people where they are, but also empower local organizations. messengers but we're still trying to meet people where they are but also empower local organizations why don't you go to uh miami and go to the villages or whatever the with the average age is seven seven hundred and seventy six years older did you get that little
Starting point is 00:43:54 red beaver right up there in front of you i don't think it's crazy at all no they're ignorant that's ignorant they sure is ignorant. Now, imagine, again, if the Trump administration said they were targeting black communities to educate them with PSA announcements on channels that they presume African-Americans. That's what I hate about it, you know. And nobody calls them out. What folks says about this family, I does. I has told you. This is a PSA anomaly. We're running on BET.
Starting point is 00:44:23 But the way that she eats in front of folks like a bird. And I ain't aiming for you to go to Mr. John Wilkinson and eat like a field hand and gobble like a hog. Oh, my goodness. It says Wood could certainly argue. Is that in the article? That's how it comes? Yeah. Wood could certainly argue.
Starting point is 00:44:43 We could certainly argue that the Trump administration would be attacked mercilessly by Democrats in the media. Yeah, but they're so arrogant. Jen Psaki, she's just doing her job with the Biden administration in general. You smug cocksucker. Fuck you. Talk to me like that, hooah. in our Are You Dog Styling Me segment. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Paging George Orwell, I wrote, the coronavirus situation has ushered in a series of events that would probably make George Orwell look on in stunned disbelief in how Orwellian society has become in one year. From draconian lockdowns, destruction of careers and businesses, and vaccine passports to live your life, the violations to personal freedom have been immense, immense. I said immense. But the Pentagon now has a new idea that is supposed to be for your safety, but sounds like something from a science fiction fucking nightmare to me. It involves implanting, get this, like we didn't see this coming soon.
Starting point is 00:45:56 And hey, douchebags who wear your masks, you better get in line quick. Implanting a microchip in your body to fight the COVID thing. You know, I say this for all the red states. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Get it? Pentagon scientists working inside a secretive unit set up at the height of the Cold War have created a microchip to be inserted under the skin, which will detect COVID-19 infection.
Starting point is 00:46:32 Why not just let the FBI look at my window while I'm fucking my wife? Yo, fucking dirty. And they'll be there a long time. And a revolutionary filter that can remove the virus from the blood when attached to a dialysis machine. Yeah, that sounds good. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. God, no. The team at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, I don't like the idea the Pentagon is doing medical shit, has been working. Well, they have to because, you know, back in the days when the soldiers went overseas and shit to prevent them from getting all those well, they have to because, you know, back in the days when the soldiers went overseas and shit
Starting point is 00:47:05 to prevent them from getting all those diseases, they put Ruffles chips and all kinds of shit under their toenails. Has been working, asked the Tuskegee Airmen. Has been working for years on preventing and ending pandemics. They assess the issues and come up with ingenious solutions like this one, which at times appears more from a science fiction movie than a working laboratory. One of their recent inventions, they told 60 Minutes on Sunday night, was a microchip which detects COVID infection in an individual before it can become an outbreak. Oh, sure it can.
Starting point is 00:47:37 The fucking vaccines don't even work. Pentagon officials, folks, they keep moving the goal Pentagon officials told 60 Minutes that the Pentagon is not interested in tracking your every move no they're not but their boss is interested but it is certain to be a terrifying proposal
Starting point is 00:47:59 sorry terrifying prospect to many people you'd be surprised how many idiots will fall for it you're lying and you're a piece of shit that's how we feel mostly about politicians army infectious disease doctor retired colonel matt hepburn showed 60 minutes what appeared to be a tissue-like gel that would test your blood continuously. You put it underneath your skin, and what that tells you is that there are chemical reactions going on inside the body, and that signal means you are going to have symptoms tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Oh, sure it is. I can't even get my remote to work. I'm not fucking... It's like a check engine light. Yeah, but I'm not a fucking 53 Volvo whore. Oh my God. Who's coming up with this shit? You shit-kicking, stinky horse manure-smelling motherfucker, you.
Starting point is 00:48:54 Are you going to really fall for that? That's even my, uh, boy. Speaking of stinky-smelling horse manure shit-kickers, the headline, Sonny Cuomo. This was a good one. You got the New York Post. Governor Andrew Cuomo once likened himself to hotheaded mob. How do you say that?
Starting point is 00:49:20 Character. Scion. Hotheaded mob scion. Sonny Cuomo. I can't see my fucking, my eyes as the show goes on, everything starts to blur, they're getting tired from the lights, there's another edit for you, sorry, once likened himself to the hot-headed mob Scion, Sonny Corleone in The Godfather, and bragged about his sexual prowess during a strategy session with
Starting point is 00:49:42 staffers according to an explosive new report. Do you realize how bad they want this guy out? Somebody in the White House, somebody big. They haven't let up on Cuomo. Not that they should, but I'm just saying they got to be in their bonnet for this guy. The Godfather incident took place shortly after Cuomo, the elder son of late Governor Mario Cuomo, was elected state attorney general in 2006, the New York Times Magazine said. A former associate reportedly described how Cuomo enthusiastically described his power
Starting point is 00:50:11 to intimidate people under investigation who visited his office. This is what Cuomo said at the meeting. I loom over that table, Cuomo reportedly said. In their minds, I'm Sonny Corleone and I'm capable of anything. What an asshole. You can act like a man. What's the matter with you?
Starting point is 00:50:36 And during his first term as governor, Cuomo reportedly interrupted a strategy session about the Occupy Wall Street protest movement to boast about his ability to see around the corner of politics, as well as his skill at performing oral sex probably on his brother a person uh who was present reportedly told the magazine he actually said that can you imagine christy get down on your knees so sabrina can see your asshole cuomo also reportedly insulted an unidentified male official in 2019 with a crude reference to transgender people. Oh, please. He said he said to the guy, you'd be a good looking tranny if you get a good set of tits. You goddamn guineas really make me laugh. I mean, guys can't talk like that. They want him out so fucking bad.
Starting point is 00:51:25 And he should. He ruined the state. During his first failed bid for governor in 2002, Cuomo reportedly assured political figures he would appeal to black voters by saying that blacks have three pictures on their walls. Jesus, Martin Luther King, and Chris Rock. No. Jesus, Martin Luther King Jr., and one of the Kennedy brothers. Probably Lincoln Kennedy.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Wasn't he a lineman for Seattle? Cuomo also reportedly vented to his campaign team about an event celebrating the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. I'm not making that up, Sukkot. A harvest festival that traditionally involves gathering in temporary outdoor structures
Starting point is 00:52:11 with roofs made of branches or other organic material. What the fuck? Hates Jews. Hates Jews. This is what he said about that. He said, these people and their
Starting point is 00:52:22 fucking tree houses. what he said about that. He said, these people and their fucking treehouses. Get this through your head, you... Get this through your head, you Jew motherfucker, you! He thinks he's Sonny calling. You can hear Chris yelling at him. Don Lemon might not be in the car, Sonny. Just help me win, Chris.
Starting point is 00:52:51 I had Mario for dad. A former colleague also said that Cuomo was so prone to explosions of temper. That's called being Italian. Once hurled a phone past the colleague's head inside Mario Cuomo's 1982 campaign headquarters, the Times said. Cuomo's rage reportedly ripped a chunk of the wall that the phone hit. All right, it wasn't a chunk of the guy's head. A Cuomo spokesman denied the various accounts, calling them anti-Italian, bigoted, vile, disgusting, and defamatory. I call it something to be proud of.
Starting point is 00:53:25 That is it, ladies and gentlemen gentlemen they want him gone so bad there's something we're gonna find out something about Mario Cuomo even worse than what they're using that is it thank you guys so much for tuning in don't forget the comics Jim calm we're working on getting this show other places too I don't know how many places but we're working on the app. Everybody's saying, where's the app so we can watch it on the TV at home. That is all being done.
Starting point is 00:53:50 It costs a lot of money, so bear with us, but Tommy is on it. There's nobody more capable of getting it done, but it's expensive. That's why I have to, you know, go on the road to fucking Tiddlywinks
Starting point is 00:54:01 and do dick jokes at three in the morning. Anyways,, Click on the road to fucking Tiddlywinks and do dick jokes at three in the morning. Anyways,, Click on the tour button for my dates. And If you want me to roast one of your friends or relatives, go to Tell me about the person. I will make a little video on my phone and send it right to them. We can ruin or make their day.
Starting point is 00:54:24 That is it. You guys have been great as usual. You guys thank it. I will say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here. I can't believe I'm going to say this for the final day of the week tomorrow. Take care. guitar solo Hi. Hi, welcome to Chili's.

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