The Nick DiPaolo Show - Real Racists: The BIDENS not the TRUMPS | Nick Di Paolo Show #554

Episode Date: June 10, 2021

Reverse the Races. School board members start fight. San Diego is booming....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody, free speech is under attack. It doesn't matter if you're a comedian like me or our commander in chief, the old one, the real one. And it's not just the media anymore. It's the people who run our hospitals, teach our kids. We can't let this happen. We have to keep telling the truth. And that's what I try and do every day on this show.
Starting point is 00:00:23 As you know, Twitter shadow banned me and YouTube blocked me, but you know what? They can't stop me. And they're not gonna. I'm putting the finishing touches on my new platform where I can say whatever I want. And yes, I'll be giving it away for free. In the meantime, I'm going to use YouTube and use the other platforms to help spread the word so we are bigger and stronger when I make the jump. I also need your help to continue to build a platform and keep this show and future shows free. Please consider contributing at and know that your contribution keeps free speech and my style of free speech alive, which is the best style.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Thanks a lot, everybody, and thanks for your support. No, no. How are you, folks? Final day of the week on a Thursday. State of Georgia. Nice to be with you. That's Richie Castellano of Blue Oyster Cult fame. Tickling that 18th fret. What not.
Starting point is 00:02:02 How you doing? Are you okay? Because the world is not okay. I think that's why you watch the show. Let Uncle Nick make you feel better with some more negativity. It's so easy to fix what's wrong. Start fucking destroying the left.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Mentally, physically, lie to them. Fucking dox them. Do all the shit that they do to the right. Follow them into restaurants. Slap the dick out of their mouth in the men's room. Go after these people. I'm not seeing enough. That January 6th so-called
Starting point is 00:02:46 insurrection was a real disappointment. I've mentioned it many times. Those are some real amateurs. You watch that footage, even when I watch footage now of, I don't know, let's say Oregon on a Tuesday night pushing back again. I don't see real violence going. It almost looks staged to me. I don't see people moving at riot speed. You know what I mean? Go back and look at your history, like riots in the 60s or the cops in 1968 at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. I can't remember. Busting heads. It just looked more authentic.
Starting point is 00:03:23 I can't put my finger on it, but that's just me being cynical, you know. I told you, the closest I ever got to a bra like that was in high school. I was at a titty bar parking lot, the Golden Banana. It's the town next to mine. And there was, I think, a bachelor party that me and my buddies weren't even involved in it happened to be there and a fight brought it spilled outside and i'm standing i don't know about three feet from the brawl and uh the cops pull up and one guy
Starting point is 00:03:55 whacked me in the back of the leg with a fucking billy club i was just standing there watching but even he moved at fucking, you know, riot speed. Just, I want you to watch the January 6th thing again. Go back and watch the clips. Like when the cops inside and the people coming up the stairs, did he really, he's on the phone turning his back to these, it stinks of a fucking false flag or whatever the fuck. Anyways, I rant and I rave.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Let's get right to it. The weather today in Georgia, 98. The weather tomorrow in Georgia, 99. Here's Matthew with sports. Speaking of sports, my Bruins got eliminated by the dirty fucking Islanders last night. And Tuka Rask, I'm sorry, you're not going to win a cup with him. Great goaltender, regular season, not a money goalie.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Not a money goalie. Again, I digress. Let's get to it. There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time. Sounds like our president speaking. In the reverse the races segment tonight, well, well, well. Not only, this is by Nolte, well, well, well, not only,
Starting point is 00:05:06 this is by Nolte, by the way, in Breitbart, and he beat me to the punch. Not only has his fraudulency Joe Biden used the N-word at least 13 times that we know of, but that chip off the old block, which I said yesterday, named Hunter Biden, he used it at least three times that we know of. yesterday named Hunter Biden. He used it at least three times that we know of. Oh, but former President Trump, the man, the fake news media, Democrats, big tech and academia and Hollywood assured us was a demonic racist. How many times has he been caught uttering the N-word or any racial slur?
Starting point is 00:05:42 Zip zero for you Spanish people. Nada. Not once. Not ever. and he's been famous forever and there's the media's response to joe biden you are such phony fucks i hate you you left the media the liberal fucking media, you are beyond bias. It's a corrosiveness. You've done more to damage this country than any shitty politician ever could. And you shitheads who watch CNN still, the 12 of yous at the airport, and still vote that way, you're complicit in this downfall of this society. And it's going to get ugly, folks. The right hasn't even begun to fight yet, in my opinion, I'm hoping. Literally billions and
Starting point is 00:06:30 billions of corporate media dollars and Democrat Party dollars and dark money dollars have been spent along with countless man hours looking for even one racist slur Trump's uttered. Just one that a man who's been world famous for four decades has uttered. Do you understand that? Around the clock, since he announced he was going to run for president. Do you understand that? They've been around the clock looking for it and can't find it. How do you explain that? How do you explain that, Joy Reid, you hateful fucking bitch? Or Jim Acosta, you fucking closeted jerk-off. They came up so empty, all they could do was fabricate lies and hoaxes,
Starting point is 00:07:11 like Trump saying very fine people on both sides, which was debunked fucking 3,000 years ago. That's all they got on him. And you know, these very same monsters performed the same scouring of everyone in Trump's circle. That was my first reaction when I heard Hunter Biden. And I didn't get to, I didn't make my point clear on Hunter Biden, by the way.
Starting point is 00:07:37 I really blew what I wanted to say about that. I don't have a problem with him saying that to his white friends and shit. Because you know what? About 90% of white guys, especially younger than me, that's how they talk to their white friends. Because hip hop in the black community has made it fashionable. I've actually had my mother call me and I go, hello?
Starting point is 00:08:04 And she goes, what's up, my nigga? My mother. I exaggerate to make my point. But I'm saying, big deal. I don't care that Hunt is... Just don't pretend that you're above that, you and your dad. That's my point. And the media, the left-wing jerk of don't pretend that, you know, you don't hear it or see it.
Starting point is 00:08:28 But when Trump or Donald Jr., if he, God forbid, I mean, they've been looking at everybody in Trump's circle. And again, most especially Don Jr. and Eric, and also came up with Zippo, his goose eggs. So the N-word score thus far, as Mr.olte writes the biden's 15 the trump's zero and and who do you think they look at harder to find this shit even that notwithstanding and no one needs to invent anything to prove joe biden's racist, a man who casually throws around the N-word. We have a clip that's been going around from when he was a senator. And God, he was even retarded back then. But you're going to like this clip. And I'm sure you'll see it on CNN and ABC. And I'm sure Robin Roberts will sit down with Hunter you know, Hunter Biden and do a hard hitting piece or George Stephanopoulos. All the other cum guzzlers that pretend they're anchors.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Check out Joe Biden at his best here when he was a senator in 1855. Already have a nigger mayor. We don't need any more nigger big shots. Already have a nigger mayor. We don't need any more nigger big shots. Excuse me? Already have a nigger mayor. Oh, my God. What are we doing? What's going on right now? Nothing.
Starting point is 00:09:48 You just be in yourself. Now, you jerk-offs on the left are going to go, yeah, but he was reading what somebody said in a transcript. And you know what? I'd go along with you and say, that's right, it was out of context. But you don't do that when it's people on the right, whether they're fucking country singers or politicians or athletes. You don't give a fuck what the context is.
Starting point is 00:10:10 You can't have it both ways, although you've been having it both ways, because we have enough retarded people in this country to buy your horse shit. But he was just reading. I don't give a fuck. I don't give a shit. And I'll bring up a few examples in a second. Doesn't matter the context. And then he's sitting there, this jerk off in Oklahoma last weekend.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Oh, the massacre. What you black people have been through. Oh, I can't believe white supremacy. White supremacy, man. Come on, man. It's not ISIS. It's not Al Qaeda. It's white supremacy.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Suck a dick and die. And he loved, by the way, I've heard people say this about comedians, white comedians who've used the word, the nigger word in a joke when they're, again, not doing it in a pejorative. They're imitating somebody. And I heard some other comic, Real Liberal Douche, I won't say who it was.
Starting point is 00:11:03 You can tell that the white comics actually enjoy that when they do that. Oh, really? Now you're a mind reader? How about fucking Biden? I think he had a hard-on under his desk. That's the last time he had one was 1988. Anyways, it's a fuck stain. The angry part is, like I said, though, you won't see a sniff of this on mainstream media. It just, ugh. You pompous, stuck-up, snot-nosed, English, giant, twerp, scumbag, fuck-faced, dickhead, asshole. Hope you're not talking to me.
Starting point is 00:11:37 I'll bitch slap you. Yeah, it's not a double standard. It's a triple triple quadruple standard when it comes to this shit. How you people sleep at night on left is beyond me. Text messages obtained by the daily mail show Hunter Biden, we talked about it yesterday, repeatedly using the N-word in communication
Starting point is 00:11:57 with his attorney, George Mazera's figures on the right, immediately observed the seemingly hypocrisy from left-wing personalities and media outlets, given their penchant for attempting to cancel others. Just say white people. They can't even do it when they're... Others for similar improprieties. That's nothing we don't know about, but... You fucking hypocrite.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Oh, are they ever, Kevin. Here are... about but you fucking hypocrite oh are they ever kevin um here are there was a list of 12 people like people who have had their careers ruined or canceled so to speak i'm only going to give you half of them because this is a one hour show basically or less because i gotta take a pp um here are six people who are also exposed for using the n-word, but unlike Hunter Biden, they face serious personal or professional consequences as a result. This list is by no means exhaustive, meaning there's a thousand more examples we could give. Let's go to the first one. We covered this story about a month ago. Morgan Wallen, country music star Morgan Wallen, he faced swift backlash after a, do we have a pic?
Starting point is 00:13:07 We do. Oh, there he is. I'm sorry. I'm looking at it. Looks like every NHL hockey player with a mullet. Swift backlash after a video merge showing the Whiskey Glasses singer using the N-word after a night out with his friends. Again, his white buddies uttering, take care of this pussy ass nigga. A seeming reference to one of his friends, again, his white buddies, uttering, take care of this pussy-ass nigga, a seeming reference to one of his friends. The fallout resulted in the talent agency WME dropping the star, as well as radio networks and major streaming platforms dropping him. Additionally, he was disqualified
Starting point is 00:13:40 from the 2021 ACM, American Country Music Awards. How to back them, huh? You can't rely on rednecks now? We'd be finished. You won't find anybody more gutless than suits in Hollywood, the industry. I don't care what it is, country music, whatever. Oh my God, are they ball-less. Number two, John Falk. Fuck you. Look at this all-American kid. John Falk, who is he? He's the former Charlotte Hornets broadcaster. John Falk was fired for he? He's the former Charlotte Hornets broadcaster. John Falk was fired for mistakenly using the N-word in the reference to the Hornets. This has to be true. It has to be a mistake. Because you wouldn't do this thinking you're going to get away with it. Reference to the Hornets-Nuggets game, typing the N-word instead of nuggets. He put niggers instead of nuggets. Is there really a difference?
Starting point is 00:14:49 Of course there is. Naughty, naughty. He deleted the tweet and apologized for the mistake, writing, earlier today, I made a horrific error while attempting to tweet about the Denver-Utah game. I don't know how I mistyped. I had and have no intention of ever using that word, he said. I take full responsibility for my actions. Well, you're making it sound like you did it intentionally. It was an accident. What did you hit the nigga key? I have been sick to my stomach. Have you really
Starting point is 00:15:26 about it ever since? I'm truly sorry that this happened. And I apologize to those I offended. And I want to kill my typing teacher, Mrs. Ramford, Nate Gray. Can you imagine? I mean, obviously it was a mistake. Despite that, what the Charlotte Hornets, you know, they, you know, what did they, they announced that he would not return as the radio broadcaster due to a violation of the organization's typing skills, social media policy. Can you imagine? These blacks, who knows where they're going to take the wrong way.
Starting point is 00:15:59 I don't know. It was a big typing mistake. Here's another one, number three, Don McNeil, veteran New York Times reporter. Do you know how, can you imagine getting booted from the New York Times? He's a veteran reporter New York Times. Donald McNeil resigned after 45 years, 45 years at Yale, for using the N-word in 2019. In response to a question by a student, this is similar to when Joe Biden was reading and he's responding to a question by a student who asked whether he believed the classmate should have been suspended for a video she made as a 12-year-old in which she used a racial slur to understand what was in the video this is him talking to me uh i asked if she had called someone
Starting point is 00:16:52 else the slur or whether she was rapping or quoting a book title that's all he asked her and of course the left you know it's a sick question you're a sick fuck and i'm not that sick that i'm going to answer it. Well, he was trying to put it in context. And asking the question, I used the slur itself, he wrote in the resignation letter, adding I should not have done that. Well, you know what?
Starting point is 00:17:15 These guys that apologize when they make a legitimate mistake, you almost deserve to be canceled. Grow a pair of big black balls. Originally, I thought context, in which I use the word, could be defended. However, I realized that it cannot. No, it can. You choose not to.
Starting point is 00:17:33 And the people that you work with and write for choose not to. You don't believe in context when it's a whitey, even yourself. Number four, Jonathan Friedland. Good friend of mine at Netflix. Yeah, right. Can you imagine? Can you imagine? Is there any more liberal outlet and showbiz than Netflix? They won't even look at me because I'm white and older and male. You can't find a more discriminatory and he's going to get Jonathan Friedland, Netflix fired Jonathan Friedland,
Starting point is 00:18:05 who served as its chief communicator. How ironic, chief communications. After he used the N-word twice in front of employees. Oh, boy. Oh, that dirty cogsucker. I've made a decision to let go of Jonathan Friedland, Netflix CEO, Reed Hastings, who, believe it or not, I met many times. He used to run Comedy Central back in 1856 when I was on it. Reed Hastings, huh? There you go. You wonder why you guys had never heard of me until three minutes ago. Reed Hastings wrote in a memo to staff at 28, Jonathan contributed greatly in many years, but his descriptive use of the N-word on at least two occasions at work showed unacceptably low racial awareness and sensitivity, even though every black employee around him is saying it, and I'm sure they're making white jokes.
Starting point is 00:18:55 And it's not in line with our values as a company. Really? Netflix, you don't say nigger a lot in the office? Number five, Kyle Larson, NASCAR driver. Kyle Larson, now I can hear people on the left if they watch this show. Yeah, man,
Starting point is 00:19:13 there's no way he, come on, NASCAR, South, racist, you know how it all go. NASCAR driver, Kyle Larson,
Starting point is 00:19:20 was suspended last year after using the N-word when he was cut off in traffic by Cale Yarbrough. No. After using the N-word during a video game broadcast. As a result, Chip Ganassi Racing ultimately fired him, and he lost sponsors. He was quoted as saying, I was just ignorant and immature. I didn't understand the negativity and hurt that comes with that word. First of all, think about that for a second.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Grown man didn't know that that, you know, the hurt and negativity. You fucking, why even apologize? He later told the Associated Press, that's not a word that I have ever used. A liar, liar, pants on fire.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Of course he's used it. I'm sure he's bet on an NBA play playoff game i grew up in northern california all i ever did was race 24 hours a day i was in a little race car and that's all i was focused on there's probably a lot of real life experiences i didn't get to have and i was just ignorant oh my god is this bad to how hurtful that word is. You almost deserve to be canceled. And finally, this well-known racist, Dr. Andrea Gwinnett,
Starting point is 00:20:36 in 2015, University of Kansas communications professor, Andrea Gwinnett was placed on leave after students filed a complaint after she used the n-word to describe an incident that reportedly occurred on the University of Missouri campus as Breitbart News reported at the time. She says I was simply trying to suggest that because racism can be expressed in different ways Kansas University needs to find solutions to race and diversity issues that are specific to the problems on our campus, which there are none, she said, explaining herself.
Starting point is 00:21:12 This term I used is not a word I use, but I used it in this situation only in the retelling of an actual event, sort of like a senator reading a transcript of some other guy saying the word nigger. Yet he's our president still. And look at her. Racism written all over. Actual event that occurred on the University of Missouri campus. It's just ridiculous. So there you go.
Starting point is 00:21:43 There you go. Double and triple standards. This notion that there's a word that some segment of the population can use but others can't is fucking laughable in the United States of America. But not to the people who hate it. You know, the Democrat Party, the mainstream media. They think it's all right. I've never in my life.
Starting point is 00:22:15 I want you to let that soak in. Trump has, they can't find anything on Trump. He might be the cleanest guy ever to sit in that office. That's why they're still going after him. Fucking, since he's been out of office, they're still trying to dig up business mispractices. Can you imagine? You could arguably make that argument.
Starting point is 00:22:38 It makes me so mad I want to run away from home, which is what I'm doing, folks. I'll be back on the road next weekend. I just came home. But you know what? I love Dallas, Texas. I had my best show there a year or two ago. I'll be in Texas doing a Steven Crowder show on Thursday night, and then I'll be performing at the Sons of Herman Hall in Dallas on Friday, June 18th, and Saturday, the 19th. You can get tickets to these shows at and just click on the tour button.
Starting point is 00:23:12 That's Click on that tour button. And then you and I, after the show, we'll do a couple of shots. And then we'll go look for the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders. I used to date a couple of them back in the early 70s when I was 14, and then my alarm would go off, and I'd get up and go to school. Mama. Let me tell you about Dallas audiences. I hadn't played in a while. I used to play a place called Addison outside of Dallas. The Improv had a club, which is great. Great club. For years, I did that one. And a couple of years ago, Tommy brought me to the, it's the theater where fucking Oswald
Starting point is 00:23:52 got shot. I don't know. JFK Theater. I forget the name of it. Dallas Theater. Anyways, that I, some of my jokes that even make, you know, people in South Carolina cringe. These guys, this audience was, they were laughing at shit.
Starting point is 00:24:09 They didn't flinch once, is my point. And it's very hard not to flinch once in a while at my show, even my fans. I said, oh my God, I'll find a new home. Anyways, I can't wait to get there. I'm buying a Stetson hat and some boots. That's why. It's called the Texas Theater.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Oh, that's right. It was the Texas Theater that I was at. It was great. And Sons of Hermon, I'm sure, will be great, too. Every time I hear that, I think of who? Eddie Munster, obviously. California. Let's stay on the race.
Starting point is 00:24:47 And California thieves swarm a Louis Vuitton store and steal more than $100,000 in handbags, police say. Now, when I read that initially because I'm a racist, when I bet you they were black, guess what?
Starting point is 00:25:02 Call me a fucking detective. The reason I say that, and again, folks, and you've watched the show enough, you know I don't include all black people, but there's a small segment of the black population that just don't believe
Starting point is 00:25:15 in any fucking laws whatsoever. If you remember, we reported on an Apple store that was in the same area, Northern California. We did this about a year ago. Remember, they would let people, they were instructed, the people that worked there, to let the people steal the shit?
Starting point is 00:25:34 No security guard or anything. So what do you think is going to happen? If I was with them, I might have grabbed it back myself. A manhunt was underway in California this week for a coordinated group of 11 suspected thieves who ran into a Louis Vuitton store and fled with more than 100 Gs in handbags, according to authorities.
Starting point is 00:25:56 That's just, that's just, that's just horrible behavior. I'm black, y'all, and I'm black, y'all, and I'm blacker than black, and I'm black, y'all. It's just so ridiculous. I didn't mean to do that. behavior. I didn't mean to do that. Police said the incident occurred around 5.30 p.m. Monday at a shopping center in Palo Alto, about 30 miles south of downtown San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:26:19 The group stormed the store, grabbed 36 handbags, and fled the scene. 36 handbags and fled the seat. 36 handbags is worth $100,000? Who's buying this shit? Fucking, I know drug cartels that walk in and go, hey, Jesus Christ, I can't afford it. An investigation revealed. So, you know, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:38 There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind. Don't be sexist. There were black women involved. They exited the store quickly, ran through the mall, and fled in five vehicles prior to police arrival, according to Palo Alto police. Witnesses described the suspects, who were all wearing face coverings, oh my God, as black males and females.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Now why did they do that? Why are they mentioned in the race? Because they have pictures of them, and they have to. Guarantee if they didn't have this, they wouldn't have said shit. Possibly in their late teens or early 20s, the suspects caused no injury. Now, here's where you can tell it's a left wing. They caused no injuries, and no weapons were used, and nobody was injured. Let me ask you a question. Have you ever, ever, ever read a story about larceny, whatever the fuck you call it,
Starting point is 00:27:35 major theft, and they went, but you know what? Nobody was hurt. There were no guns. Yeah, sort of like January 6th. There were no weapons. Those white supremacists and a white woman were shot by a black cop. But there were no weapons used during the alleged theft here.
Starting point is 00:27:53 It was just, you know, shoplifting on steroids. And you know what, with reparations and shit, let them have the bags. Authorities added. Oh my God. They give us too much information. Just the facts, ma'am. They're almost making excuses. The suspect's vehicles, boy, these people must have been broke.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Let's describe the getaway vehicles. Gray Lexus sedan. I wonder whose that was. Gray Infiniti SUV. A white Audi sedan. Boy, no wonder why they're going for the Louis Vuitton shit, to match their other shit. A black four-door Hyundai. Wait a minute. Get him out of there. And red two-door Honda sedan. What? Was there no Nissan in there? The official car of the angry
Starting point is 00:28:40 minority? Surveillance video of the incident will not be released by police. Why is that? You can't handle the truth. Why wouldn't they release the video? Why is that? Oh, you know why, and I know why. Anyways, they shared photos of a suspect on Tuesday. They didn't want to give people the wrong impression. A witness was able to photograph the woman as she fled through the mall carrying some of the stolen handbags police said. They don't even go out of side exit, they're so brazen. All righty, let's move on.
Starting point is 00:29:13 I don't like all this acrimony as far as race goes. It makes me uncomfortable. Oh, God, help us. I'll tell you, and this is sort of race-related, critical race theory. You know what? And we've talked about it about three days in a row. People have had enough. Well, what people?
Starting point is 00:29:34 Parents, taxpayers, people who are sending their children to these schools. And, again, not just white people. That's how off the reservation this shit is, that even black and brown people are going, this is just plain out and out wrong. But you know what? This is like the second clip we'll show this week where, no, maybe third, actually. We had those two women go after the school board. What is this school board anyways?
Starting point is 00:29:58 It's never, every time I see a clip, it's never in a positive light. They did something good. It's always something, Boy, the system is filled with filthy rats and snakes. Huh? The education system. It's totally infiltrated by fucking Marxists. Everybody must have been asleep at the switch for years. But you know what? Parents have had enough. School board member almost gets his face rearranged. The word almost ruined the headline. A school board member from Penfield, New York. What a dick this guy is.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Named William Yeager. He called the parent an asshole. Look at him. He's a fucking, looks like Judd Apatow. Yuck. Called the parent an asshole following public comments from citizens who push back against mask policy in diversity, equity, and inclusion curriculum. Basically critical race theory. People have had it, absolutely had it with this horseshit. I mean, they're doing damage to kids,
Starting point is 00:31:02 not just mentally with indoctrinating with this hateful ideology, but even with a mask. Kids don't even, they're acting, psychologists saying they're acting, I mean, it's just so wrong, but a jerk-off like this, this is what he loves. It makes him feel powerful. So anyways, they're having a town meeting, whatever the board, school board's up there, and this jerk-off off has the balls Mr. Yeager to call a parent an asshole of course he picked on the wrong guy and it almost got physical I was really hoping to see an ass kicking here this guy Yeager's lucky that this guy you know was smart enough you know why it doesn't go all the way now? Because of lawyers. See, back in the day, this guy would have
Starting point is 00:31:45 settled it in the parking lot, beat this guy silly, but now you raise your hand and you're on camera and you're in a lawsuit for the rest of your life. But anyway, here's the clip. Pause. Pause. Pause. That guy standing up, he's on the school board, teacher, said you're not going to do anything to me, asshole.
Starting point is 00:32:15 To a parent. And then he has the balls to call this guy up. I guess the guy was sitting. He didn't see how big he was. But watch this. Hey, come on. All right, we're going to move in. You need to see how big he is, but watch this. People have had enough. And that's how arrogant these jerk-offs are.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Paying your salary. You asshole, you're not going to... Only in New York. In every other country. I mean, every other state. I was just hoping they would let him go. And he would have choked the guy with his own tie. Parent...
Starting point is 00:33:04 Oh, my God. His last name was Tyson. You don't want to fuck with this guy. Parent Rich Tyson, who has a daughter in the district, jumped on stage, confronted Yeager after he told him, you're not going to stand up here and do anything to me, asshole. Yeager had to be physically restrained by others on the, he did? Why did he come around the table?
Starting point is 00:33:24 Oh, he was a bitch by others on the board and why did he come around the table oh he was a bitch by others on the board and the meeting was halted he Jaeger started kind of motioning this is uh Tyson talking is that that's Jaeger again look at this smug look on his face fucking cocksucker he Jaeger started kind of motioning for me to come up towards the stage, this is Tyson talking, which I did start walking, and then he dropped an F-bomb on me, Tyson told WROC, that's when I walked and jumped up on the stage, and not to be physically confrontational, but I wanted to address it with him face to face, even with COVID and no masks.
Starting point is 00:34:09 By the time I got there, he had become essentially unhinged. So Jaeger, you know, just I don't want to talk to you. Get away from me. Fuck you. Put him up. Put him up. Put him up. Anyways, yeah, that's Mr. Yeager. And people have had enough.
Starting point is 00:34:33 We saw the two women going off on the school boards and shit. How does this not, can I ask you a question? And I'm dead sincere question. How does this not end in civil war eventually? If we can fast forward another, I don't know, three minutes. Don't you feel it? I mean, where do we go from here? They're fucking abusing your kids, and that's no exaggeration,
Starting point is 00:34:54 indoctrinating with shit that you would never teach them. At what point do you jump in, mama, like a bear with a cubs? But look. Ugh. Yuck. That's what I don't miss about the Northeast, that face right there. I'm watching the Red Sox. I forget to tell you this a couple days ago.
Starting point is 00:35:15 They're at home. And this is about the third time I've seen this and I've never commented. A foul ball goes into the crowd. Some guy gets it and there's some jerk off in his face pointing to a kid, telling the guy to give the ball to the kid. I would love to be that guy and go, sit the fuck down. First of all, how do you not know this guy doesn't have a kid at home
Starting point is 00:35:40 or a nephew who loves whatever the fuck? But there's the virtue signal. Give it to them. You're bad. I've seen this play out. I saw a play out with a little black kid. A white guy had the ball and there was about 10 people pointing. You people are the fucking worst. What is it that you lack that you have to virtual signal around the clock? You know what you lack? You're not virtuous. You lack virtuals. But just demanding the guy give the ball. Oh, my God. His term ends in 2021. Well, last time I checked, it was 2021. Maybe it's an old clip. I don't know, but he deserves to be harassed. Follow
Starting point is 00:36:26 him to Arby's or to the gay bathhouse that he fucking visits every night. I'll tell you. But like I said, the people on the right are getting sick and tired. Got another example of it. Boy, is this the second
Starting point is 00:36:42 story that involves country music? We mentioned Wallen. Well, what do they have to say? CMT, country music, what's the T for? Thank you. That's how far I am.
Starting point is 00:37:01 My career is from fucking show business. Can't even figure out T's for television. Country music television told fuck you, I put that in there, by its audience. Why would they do that, Nick? Well, let me tell you why. You as a country music television known as CMT are slamming a company promising to boycott
Starting point is 00:37:22 its upcoming award shows after it urged viewers, get this, this is country music television, to wear orange for a gun control campaign. You shit-kicking, stinky horseman who's smelling motherfucker, you. How to know your audience. Unbelievable, huh? What did I tell you about showbiz suits? Fucking soulless we're virtually wearing orange today virtually in support of national gun violence awareness day and to call
Starting point is 00:37:56 attention to the more than 100 lives that are lost every day to gun violence unless you take out inner city drug dealers and gangbangers, then it's won. But let's not put it in context. Hashtag, we're... And you're saying, Nick, what are you saying, Black Lives Don't Matter? Well, no, Sharpton is saying that. And fucking AOC is saying that. And every black and left-wing
Starting point is 00:38:17 politician who don't go to Chicago every weekend and see what they can do about it. Hashtag, wear orange and visit for more, CMT tweeted last week. Oh, I bet you that went over well in Tennessee. The Wear Orange campaign encourages people to wear the color orange to remember lives lost to gun violence and to raise awareness about this public health crisis. about this public health crisis.
Starting point is 00:38:45 To spread its message, it has partnered with left-wing groups such as Bloomberg Philanthropies. Remember him? He spent a half a billion dollars in three minutes. Didn't get a vote. Planned Parenthood. Boy, they take time out of it. Federation of America.
Starting point is 00:39:00 And the Democratic Attorney General's Association. Ugh. It is also, that's funny, the Democratic General General's Association. Ugh. It is also, that's funny, the Democratic General Attorneys, it is like there's any other kind of fucking attorneys. They're about 90%. It is also backed by gun control groups such as March for Our Lives
Starting point is 00:39:17 and Newtown Action Alliance. The country music television tweet sparked outrage among country music fans surprise surprise as the los angeles times reported a survey of the first 100 direct responses on the channel's page showed an overwhelming god i'm almost gonna Majority were very unhappy with the message. Among the 100, only four, only four were supportive. I love it. That's four too many. Fans slammed country music television for pushing the Wear Orange campaign, accusing the campaign of missing key context on gun violence and threatening to boycott the CMT Music Awards hosted this year by, oh my God, I'm going
Starting point is 00:40:11 to watch it, Kane Brown. Who'd that be? Who'd that be, Kane Brown? And Kelsey Ballerini. That's Italian for ballerina. Ballerini? Kelsey Ballerini? I got Italian for ballerina. Ballerini? Kelsey Ballerini?
Starting point is 00:40:27 I got all her shit. I like her old stuff. It was about two years ago. It's set to air on Wednesday, so set the thing. Here's some of the tweets, I guess. This is CMT trying to attract listeners they don't have at a risk of alienating the listeners they do have. How'd that work out for the Dixie Chicks, one commenter said. Actually, a great point. Imagine you're going to pick off, you're
Starting point is 00:40:51 not going to get any of them. You're not going to get anybody who's not a righty to watch this. But there might be three people out there. That's another $11. Let's sell our souls. Another user pointed out that stat, by the way, the 100 people die every day, includes suicides, which compromise well over half the total. It's disingenuous to omit that fact. Are you saying they're lying? Another wrote, well, looks like the CMT is off the channel selection for my TVs. Good luck catering country songs to the woke, and may your profits be null. And these are probably the nicest ones they got.
Starting point is 00:41:35 Who was in charge of making that decision? It's beautiful. It's just absolutely beautiful. Another said, I find it amusing that you think i give a damn what you think i should and shouldn't do with the tools i use to defend me and my loved ones that was a very nice one i enjoy that one another commenter wrote i no longer CMT. Good riddance to another woke support group out of touch with their audience. You fucking people.
Starting point is 00:42:10 You have no idea how to defend a nation. I wonder, I want to see if the boycott works and shit. It's very hard. They get big audiences. You know what I mean? I'm going to tune in because that's one music I don't dislike it. I just haven't bought into it yet. You know what I mean? When I hear it, I'm like, that's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:42:40 But how about you, Matthew? I like old Hank Williams. Old Hank, that's good stuff. Because you know why? Those guys lived it. It's kind of happening. A 20-year-old blonde girl is singing about a divorce and losing her horse. Sort of like the blues, you see? But I'll tell you, who's the fucking blonde? Who's the white guy that plays the blues so humbly?
Starting point is 00:43:04 They showed a clip of him. Is it Joe Bonamassa when he was like 10? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. On stage with like B.B. King or some buddy guy, is it? On stage playing blues and you're like, that blows the whole theory. You have to know a bunch of pain to do that shit. Hey, guys, I want to take a second right now and talk
Starting point is 00:43:25 to you about If you're carrying a credit card balance month after month, or if you dread looking at your credit card statement, you should know these guys. It's a great company, a new sponsor. I recently got rid of debt, thank God. I've been at it 30 years and moved. I had a mortgage up in, you know what, New York, whatever that was. No more liberating feeling than living debt-free, and these guys are all about that. It's just, I don't know, it's a load off your mind. Upstart is the fast and easy way to pay off your debt
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Starting point is 00:45:48 Matthew's got no kids. I got no kids. That I know of. I mean, I did a lot of zing-zang-lang on the road back then. I got a buddy, I won't say his name, a comic. Somebody rang his doorbell about 20 years later and guess what? She had a kid. Yes. And he did the right thing and said, and guess what? She had a kid. Yes. And he did the right thing and said, I never met you, bitch. No. He took her to the business. Why am I mentioning kids and babies?
Starting point is 00:46:13 Well, here you go. Birthing person. That's a phrase now. Birthing person. Not woman. That's what they want to use now. Instead of woman, when you refer to somebody who can give a birth, birthing person. How about this?
Starting point is 00:46:26 How about fucking Jackoff? How's that suit you? This is OMB director. That's Office of Management and Budget. Shalanda Young, another ignoramus from the left, in Biden's mentally ill cabinet. Like I said, they control our minds by fucking with the language, right? That's what you do first. You mess with the language.
Starting point is 00:46:51 And that's what political correctness is about. Eventually, it affects your behavior. It's a very sinister plan that they've been using forever. And now, like I said, instead of saying, woman, it's birthing person, apparently anybody can give birth. Matthew had to explain to me that that wasn't true. I could have sworn I heard a guy named Ed had triplets. Anyways, let's listen to this fucking dolt. A guy's going to ask her about this term. Roll them. The budget requests $26 million to reduce maternal mortality and eliminate race-based disparities and outcomes among, quote, birthing people.
Starting point is 00:47:32 They want to get rid of disparities and outcome. Now they're coming right out and say it. Not opportunities. Outcomes. That's called racism. Okay, let Chubby talk. That's called racism. Okay, let Chubby talk. This is a shift from recent budgets, which referred to maternal health issues as women's issues.
Starting point is 00:47:55 I've never heard the term before. Can you explain what it means? Absolutely. There are certain people who do not have gender identities that apply to female or male and so we think our language needs to be more inclusive in how we deal with complex issues what folks says about this family i does i has told you and told you that you can always tell a lady but the way that she eat in front of folks like a bird and i ain't aiming for you to go to mr john wilkinson and eat like a field hand and gobble like a hog. Hey, hey, hey. I like how it says the H-O-N period. I'm guessing the honorable. Any reason they couldn't finish that?
Starting point is 00:48:33 Is it because it's laughable? She goes by hon. Does she really? She goes by hon. Attila the hon. The honorable Shalanda Young. So I thought, did you guys hear that? Holy Christ.
Starting point is 00:48:55 I've heard a lot of, I thought that was an explosion. Could be, but we get shit to do here. Fuck it. Maybe they nuked us. That was as loud a thunder as I've heard since I've been here. What was I talking about? Oh, Shalon the Young. I thought
Starting point is 00:49:12 there were guys who completely transitioned and had a uterus put in and a vagina and stuff and that you could maybe in vitro and it would work, but Matthew was telling me, well, no, the rest of the body chemistry, you know, guys don't have the shit that will feed the baby.
Starting point is 00:49:30 I thought you just ate food and it went through the blood system and, you know, you could get an umbilical cord at Target for like $6.99. You tie that and put that in a baby's face. Oh, God, these guys are women. My vagina is angry. It is. It's pissed off. I'm going home in the car yesterday, put on comedy on the radio. Gilbert Godfrey is on there. He tells these real old dirty filthy jokes. They still make me laugh just with his crazy delivery. A kid walks into a bathroom.
Starting point is 00:50:13 He sees his mother getting out of the shower. He points to her crotch and says, what's that? And she says, oh, your dad got mad at me and hit me with an ax. And the kid said, oh, he hit you right in the cunt, huh? I'm sorry, that joke's 100 years old, but Gilbert, I mean, just telling those, oh, cracked me up. Hit you right in the cunt. It's a pretty good Gilbert. I haven't been working on it that long. I think we'll end with this for today. A Megadeth band member got booted for booty. By the way, Megadeth, my wife thinks it's metallica but mega death i'm 99 sure they
Starting point is 00:51:07 follow me on twitter the band liked my comedy i'm not a big you know headbanger guy but i appreciate anybody who appreciates me anyways uh mega death you heavy metal people like jimmy florentine knows who they are um he got a booted from a band. Allegations of online sex with a 19-year-old Dutch female. So far, I've heard nothing wrong. Actually envious. 19-year-old Dutch female contributed to David Ellefson getting thrown out of the thrash metal band Megadeth. It's got to be fun to say, I get thrown out of Megadeth.
Starting point is 00:51:52 I mean, come on. What did I do? Fucking 19-year-old from Norway. I'm sure she's ugly, huh? The founding bass player's May 14th ouster. Oh, my God, he's the founding, he founded the group? How can you, you can't throw me out of my own band. 19, that's fucking old for rock stars. Anyways, the founding bass player May 14th ouster stems from alleged footage of him masturbating. Okay, now we're getting a little... In symphony. I know, but is the person writing this trying to be clever because it's a
Starting point is 00:52:35 musician? In symphony, was there a guy directing it? Masturbating in symphony with a fan he met at a signing in a video that landed online ellison has filed a complaint with the scottsdale police department the arizona republic reported this week alleging unlawful distribution of images he acknowledged four or five consensual virtual sex encounters and claims in the complaint that there had been no real-world sexual experience with a woman. Ellefson is pursuing charges against the person who leaked the video online, not against the woman. The Instagram poster remains unknown, according, you know, it's a fucking woman who hates him from past, I'm guessing, according to the Republic. And it is unclear how the video was obtained. They think Donald Trump and something to the dossier, Christopher Steele. But Ellison's lawyers will be filing a defamation suit against that person who leaked it. and yet another high-profile revenge porn a lawsuit so
Starting point is 00:53:45 in come the yeah I am like God and God like me and a statement to the newspaper Ellison said recently a very private video was illegally posted on the internet and false allegations were made against me. The actions in the video were between two consenting adults and were recorded without my knowledge. I am working with the Scottsdale Police Department in their investigation into charges regarding revenge pornography to be filed against the person who posted this video. Whoever released the raunchy footage also claimed that Ellefson was grooming a minor, a term that now has particular power in the wake of the Jeffrey Epstein scandal. But Ellefson denied the allegation,
Starting point is 00:54:39 saying that all interactions were consensual, and the woman was 19, again, especially in, like, Norway. Is it like the legal age 14? I know Sweden or one of those countries is. That's how hot the broads are. They have to make it 14. I'm just kidding. I don't find that.
Starting point is 00:54:58 It's gross. But 19, that's not that big a deal. Got audio of him online. Pounding that ham. Ellison 56, who lives in Scottsdale, first became aware of the potential for this career-crippling release on May 9th when the claim,
Starting point is 00:55:15 David Ellison, a mega-death, is a pedophile. That's what it said. Appeared on Instagram, which is ridiculously damaging. I'm just going out on a limb. It's an ex-girlfriend or one of many roadies that he, you know. A police report stated that the band's management was made aware of allegations, told Ellison that the poster had harassed other members of Megadeth in the past and advised him to sit tight as it would likely blow over.
Starting point is 00:55:48 But guess what? It didn't. Two hours later, the video of Ellefson allegedly pleasuring himself went online and quickly turned viral. Can I ask you a question? I don't spend a ton of time online, but I never fucking see this shit. I guess I've got to be on Facebook and shit, which I pop on and say hi to the fans, but I'm not a 12-year-old girl gossiping and living on it. But anyways, so that's got to suck, huh?
Starting point is 00:56:15 He went online, probably saw him going, holy fucking, what am I going to goddamn do now? That's what it sounds like when men masturbate. Hey, there's a thunderstorm out there. As reported in Variety, Ellison posted on his now private Instagram account that the videos and images were released with ill intention by a third party who was not authorized to have them or share them. He also included a screenshot of a statement purportedly from the woman in the video which allegedly claims that during the pair's interactions she was, in quotes,
Starting point is 00:56:51 always a consenting adult. In the end, it was all consensual and online. And that's coming from the 19-year-old girl. And Matthew's been looking up, can't find her a dresser or fucking... But that was not enough to satisfy the bandmates. Apparently they had a strained relationship before. Four days later, Ellison was a solo act with the band, informing fans via Twitter that he was out. I don't understand how you can get ousted from a band that you started. Don't you have paperwork? I guess not, because when you started, you were 19 and on heroin. While we do not know every detail of
Starting point is 00:57:32 what occurred with an already strained relationship, what has already been revealed now is enough to make working together impossible moving forward, the other band members wrote. So, um, I guess he's... Bye-bye. That's not good.
Starting point is 00:57:47 Before we say goodbye for the week, I want to thank the people who contribute financially to the show. It's the way the show exists, so it's very important, and I can't tell you how much we appreciate it. Christopher Ryan of New York, our buddy Paul Sagnelli, Connecticut,
Starting point is 00:58:04 Sean Powell of Florida, Larry Ramey, Ohio, Renee Allend, New York, Franz Grissom, only German in Oklahoma, Wesley Stultz, Kentucky, Robert Whitley, Texas, and new monthly supporters, Doug Kopp and Karen Afancher of New York. Got to thank you guys so much. As you know, we're moving to new platforms. I don't think we're done yet getting it all out there. And we want to get back to the levels we were at when we were on YouTube, which was tremendous.
Starting point is 00:58:43 So, but we're hanging in there. That's why I'm going on the road. Make some cashies on the side. You know what I'm saying? I got my cocaine thing in Pittsburgh with Henry. It's beautiful. That is it for the week. Don't forget,, and
Starting point is 00:59:03 If you want me to roast one of your friends or relatives, go to, click on my profile, tell me about the person. I'll make a video on my phone, a minute, minute and a half long. We'll roast them to death. Or we'll say happy birthday and be nice, whatever you guys want. That is it. You guys, thank you, and I will say you're very welcome. We will see you back here on Monday.
Starting point is 00:59:21 Have a great day, everybody. guitar solo I'll see you next time.

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