The Nick DiPaolo Show - REPEAT: Special Guest Bo Dietl! | Nick Di Paolo Show #48

Episode Date: August 30, 2021

Some news of the day, a few laughs, but more importantly, BO DIETL!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi boys and girls, Nick DiPaolo here. Free speech lives right here on the Nick DiPaolo Show. I'm grateful to be able to do this show my way, and I'm only able to do it my way because of your generous contributions. Please go to or click the link on and contribute today to keep this show and our speech free.
Starting point is 00:00:22 Thank you so much. Hope you all had a great weekend. This episode was part of the first 50 shows I put out. I talk about the news of the day, and I'm joined by the great Bo Dietl. So enjoy. Oh yeah, how are you folks? Wednesday, welcome to the show. Treat it just like a radio show.
Starting point is 00:01:13 833-599-NICK, 833-599-6425. At the bottom of this hour, 630 East and the great Bo Dietl will be calling in. Bottom of this hour, 630 East and the great Bo Dietl will be calling in. And if you don't know Bo, you probably do know him from movie roles and, well, the Sopranos. The Goodfellas, one of the most iconic lines. You know him. Don't you move, you motherfucker. I'll blow your brains out.
Starting point is 00:01:41 That's Bo Dietl. And that's a good way of describing his appearances on TV, whether it's Fox News or anywhere else. A meat and potatoes guy, police detective, NYPD for years, and just a straight-up good cop. He's had movies made about him and can't wait to talk to him. Interesting dude. Excuse me. Real quick, dates. Tomorrow I will be on live.
Starting point is 00:02:06 I don't know if it's live or not. I can't figure out Crowder's schedule. I can't. The guy's a master of marketing, and I can't find out. I'll be taping his show in the afternoon outside of Dallas. And that night, tomorrow night, I'll be at the Texas Theater in Dallas, Texas. So check in. Crowder is a, he makes waves.
Starting point is 00:02:28 He's got big balls and he's an interesting, smart dude. Saturday, October 27th, Lucy's in Pleasantville, New York. November 2nd and 3rd, Governor's in Levittown, Long Island, New York. Tuesday, November 6th, the Fat Black Pussycat in New York City. Friday, November 9th and the 10th, Comics, Mohegan Sun, Uncasville, Connecticut. Friday, November 30th, Saturday, December 1st,
Starting point is 00:02:51 the Corner Comedy Club, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. Love Canadian audiences. They're very loyal. I got a run for mayor in Montreal when I was hosting the nasty show up there. And then Monday, December 31st, which is New Year's Eve ringing 2019. I'll be at the very beautiful Tarrytown Music Hall right down the street from here.
Starting point is 00:03:15 And you don't want to miss that one. I don't work much on New Year's Eve because clubs don't know how to do it. But this is a theater. They know how to do it. And I've done it in November. I've done how to do it. I've done it in November. I've done it in the summer. I've done it in the fall. And this ought to be a real humdinger.
Starting point is 00:03:32 So go to for all your ticket information, obviously. What do I got here? Oh, a letter from Care Mount Medical. Dear Mr. DiPaolo, I am pleased to report That your echogram Looked good The heart is pumping vigorously The heart valves are normal Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions
Starting point is 00:03:55 And there it is Cigarettes and all Oh yeah Pumping like a fucking 18 year old On his first date It would be kind of late for a date But alright Oh yeah. Pumping like a fucking 18 year old on his first date. It would be kind of late for a date on a... Alright, with a hot chick with big fucking titties. You hear that?
Starting point is 00:04:16 Yes. You are correct, sir. So I don't know what that was all about. You know, they did an EKG. They did a couple of them. Oh, it looks different. You're flatlining. Well, whatever. The girl stuck the electrodes in my forehead.
Starting point is 00:04:30 They might have something to do with it. I'm a little empty up there. So, anyways. Can't wait to... Can't wait to get back on the treadmill. Anyways, what do we got going on today?
Starting point is 00:04:43 I told you I'm going to Dallas tomorrow. Hey, one of you... One of you twinks want to make an extra hundred? They'll be giving me a ride to LaGuardia early in the morning and picking me up on Sunday. It's an extra hundred. Sure. I'm out. Just the way I thought it was going to go. Hey, don't be afraid to use that camera when I'm looking your way.
Starting point is 00:05:06 There you go. Now I'm directing. Jason, you all right with that? Yeah, sure. That's fine. Picking me up around 7 tomorrow? Right at 7, I mean. Tomorrow?
Starting point is 00:05:15 Yeah. Yeah, that's doable. Tomorrow, yes. Wait, what time would I be getting back? Back from what? Never mind. I should be good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Why? What do you got at nine in the morning? You got to do paper out? Yes. All right. Well, you don't have to if you don't want to. It's an extra hundred. You know, that's two thirds that I'm paying you.
Starting point is 00:05:38 What? That's right. Slave labor. I got these guys making my pillows ripoffs take a bunch of my wife's tampons and really about a week's worth and make a four thousand pillows oh that was not right Nick that was just nasty eight three three five nine nine six four two five eight three three five nine nine six four two five 843-599-6425. Quick update on the Dunkin' Donuts. Hey, focus, autistic one.
Starting point is 00:06:10 All right. Hey, Dunkin' Donuts, update on the story we did. A Dunkin' Donuts employee was fired after he was filmed pouring a pitcher of water on a homeless man who appeared to be sleeping in a store in Surrey We covered this yet show the video again for this this fucking asshole How many times I gotta tell you stop sleeping in here, man? You're here all day.
Starting point is 00:06:47 You have enough time, man. How many times have customers and the people going to tell you to stop sleeping in here? That was an accident. No, it was an accident, bro. You know I'm not playing with you. I ain't going to call the cops on you like I said. You're going to get out of here. I like the painting in the background.
Starting point is 00:07:02 It's like from Jimmy Walk is Good Times, apparently. You saw that. You could see Thelma in the background. It's like from Jimmy Walker's Good Times, apparently. You saw that. You could see Thelma in the background. But, you know, when we reported on yesterday, he hadn't been fired. He had been suspended, but they had the balls to can him, thankfully. Well, I'm sorry. We should be doing jazz hands at that point. Anyways, a guy named Sam Brazil,
Starting point is 00:07:26 23-year-old guy, a diesel mechanic in Syracuse, said he saved a copy of the video after seeing it elsewhere on Facebook. By Tuesday afternoon, his post had been viewed more than 3 million times, as opposed to the 8 million when the black guys at Starbucks were loitering and violating the store's rules.
Starting point is 00:07:44 But 8 million on that one. So it just goes to show you how PC and fucked up this country is. In an interview with Syracuse Post, standard Mr. Dufresne, that's the guy, the poor white homeless guy who was doused, said he had entered Dunkin' Donuts to charge his phone so he could call his mother. He also said he was not asleep when the video was filmed,
Starting point is 00:08:02 but was briefly resting his head. The video is the latest social media post that shows employees acting improperly at a coffee chain. In June, an employee at Dunkin' Donuts in Cincinnati was fired after writing a disparaging note on a homeless woman's cup. What do you get against homeless people? Fucking Dunkin' Donuts. They usually post it outside, though. fucking Dunkin Donuts. They usually post it outside though.
Starting point is 00:08:28 And of course the April video of Starbucks when the two black fellas who were loitering. That got viewed 8 million times. But the guy got fucking canned so. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired.
Starting point is 00:08:41 You're fired. According to a statement from Kimberly Wollack, the chief operating officer of the Wollack Group, which owns and operates that Dunkin' Donuts, other employees were also let go, but none of the workers were identified. Why not? Why not?
Starting point is 00:08:58 Put a picture of them. Let me ask you this. I hate to go back to these double standards that are so obvious, but if that was a black homeless guy and two white guys dumped ice on him and were joking about it, do you think you would have identified them in the paper? Of course you would have.
Starting point is 00:09:13 That's a way of shaming them. It's part of the punishment. Make their... Put their faces in the newspaper, god damn it. Anyways. Dufresne, that's the homeless guy told the paper he struggles with mental illness as most of us do that go to dunkin donuts i'll have 11 fucking krellas and give me a fucking honey dip and a couple of boston creams
Starting point is 00:09:38 you're gonna eat all those sir no i'm gonna them. I Mean there's a lot of mental illness and donut shops. I'll be yeah. Thank you Fucking one of the twinks Ryan just did this I'm 56. I know what fucking is maybe I can teach you after what what kind of talk is that on the show? Anyways, uh He told the paper he lives outside he lives outside because he prefers it as ronald reagan said some of the uh some of the homeless will they choose to be that way his mother said she had unsuccessfully tried to get him to stay with her in another town probably poughkeepsie said fuck that i live under a bench it's funny from the new y area. Well, maybe Detroit.
Starting point is 00:10:29 After uploading the video, Mr. Brazil also launched a crowdfunding campaign. How about this guy? This is a guy making a difference. I usually hate people who make a difference. This guy's actually making a difference. The guy who re-released the video launched a crowdfunding campaign for the mentally ill Mr. Dufresne and as of Tuesday afternoon raised at least $13,000, which he said he planned to give to Mr. Dufresne. Says he planned. He didn't say he was gonna.
Starting point is 00:10:57 You know, I plan to donate to a PBS a lot of the times, too. I want that fucking Rolling Stones tote bag, and I pledge $3,000, and then I don't send it in, and I look for the bag. That's the American way. 833-599-6425. But good for Dunkin' Donuts and Miss Wollack for having some balls.
Starting point is 00:11:14 As we say here in New York. Let's get on to the story. What else? What else? Christine Blasey Ford. Just hate her fucking name. I don't hate her I don't know something happened to her but I like I again I'll say it I think it had to do with an uncle and a fucking pool cue and six Miller lights Nick where do you get that I I don't know but anyways
Starting point is 00:11:38 President Trump my favorite president and I'm not saying that sarcastically, at a rally yesterday, last night, Mississippi, mocked Christine Blasey Ford. We actually have some of the video of President Trump. I mean, this is how he talks to everybody and anybody, okay? So I don't want to hear he's picking on women, wah, wah, wah. This is how he talks to fucking minorities, gay people, straight white men. He's just a bull in a china shop. Here's him mocking Christine Ford. Shouldn't happen to him.
Starting point is 00:12:12 What he's going through, 36 years ago, this happened. I had one beer. Right? I had one beer. One beer. Do you think it was, nope, it was one beer. Oh, I had a beer. How did you get home? I don't remember. How did you get there? I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Where is the place? I don't remember. How many years ago was it? I don't know. I don't know. Wow. Sounds like some people are on Cabin Onside. I don't know. What neighborhood was it in? I don't know. Where's the house? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Upstairs, downstairs, where was it? I don't know. But I had one beer. Where's the house? I don't know. Upstairs, downstairs, where was it? I don't know. But I had one beer. That's the only thing I remember. Hmm. Oh my God. The feminists must have their giant bushes and a real fucking huff, huh? But here's my only problem with that, because
Starting point is 00:13:00 he said this many times after Ms. Ford, Dr. Ford gave her testimony. She's very compelling. Very compelling. So that kind of contradicts what he was saying last night. Maybe he's changed his mind. Maybe he has some inside info into the supplementary investigation that the FBI is doing.
Starting point is 00:13:23 And maybe he knows they haven't found anything further. Maybe that's why. Or he gets cocky, like all politicians do, in front of their own constituency. We do it. We do it. Comedians do it. You know, there's a crowd there to see. You think you can get away with everything.
Starting point is 00:13:38 And you say shit, and then the club calls you and goes, you can't do that. You can't light the curtains on fire and kick a cat in the stomach, especially if it's pregnant. But my fans loved it. But you get all excited and whatnot. But he did say she was really compelling, and now he's mocking her. So I'm guessing he might have some inside scoop. As far as I know, nothing new has been overturned.
Starting point is 00:13:59 There's been a few things overturned that might hurt her. I'll get to that in a goddamn second. Few things overturned that might hurt her. I'll get to that in a goddamn second. Anyways, three other people that Ford had named as attendees at the party said they have no memory of the party, including a lifelong friend of Mrs. Ford's who said she had never met Kavanaugh, though she believes Ford's accusations. Trump said a man's life is in tatters.
Starting point is 00:14:29 His wife is shattered they destroy people he added presumably referring to the democrats no shit who have led the opposition to kavanaugh they want to destroy people they these are really evil people i gotta believe it i really you know we've discussed this ad nauseum and what it's just a time delay tactic they're trying to stretch this thing out the minute trump agreed to the you know supplementary investigation the next day they were fucking whining it's not enough time we're moving the goalposts and uh they're fucking horrible people just watch three minutes of pelosi whether it's at a kid's birthday party or speaking in front of a democrat just Just fucking no compass, no moral compass.
Starting point is 00:15:06 You got that guy Ellison. I can never remember his first name. Let's call him Malcolm X. Ellison, one of the first congressmen to put his hand on a Koran when he was sworn in in Minneapolis. They have all kinds of evidence on that fucking angry black dude
Starting point is 00:15:19 who dragged his girlfriend off the bed by her feet, Ms. Monaghan. They have text messages. They have text messages. They have empirical evidence. None of the Democrats are digging into that. So you're all full of fucking shit.
Starting point is 00:15:31 You play dirty. I wish God damn Mitch McConnell would pass away in his sleep tonight so we could get somebody young in there who's just as hateful as the Democrats. You got to fight fire with fire. That's what I say. Guilty until proven innocent. That's a very dangerous for our country. All of a sudden I'm talking Italian. That's what Trump said.
Starting point is 00:15:52 He says, I have it myself all the time, but for me, it's like part of the job description. Let it happen to me. It shouldn't happen to him. He also went after the credibility of Julie Swetnick's allegation against Kavanaugh. You remember who Julie Swetnick is? She was saying all kinds of stuff about Kavanaugh and Mark Judge trying to get girls drunk and then organizing rape parties and so forth. He specifically, Trump mentioned an interview
Starting point is 00:16:17 that Swetnick did with NBC News' Kate Snow on Monday in which her comments raised new questions about her allegation that Kavanaugh drugged girls. Here's the video from NBC. They say she saw either man spike it. Did you see Brett Kavanaugh, you know, spiking the punch? I saw him giving red solo cups to quite a few girls during that time frame.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Guilty! Guilty! And there was a punch at those parties. And I would not take one of those glasses from Mark Kavanaugh. Brett Kavanaugh, excuse me. Wasn't big enough. I saw him around the punch, I won't say bowls, or the punch containers. I don't know what he did, but I saw him buy them, yes. In her declaration, Swetnick also wrote...
Starting point is 00:17:05 All right, I told you to cut it there. Come on, guys. Liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, and you know it. Oh, he was around the punch balls, and he was handing out red cups, so he's got to be guilty. Not to mention yesterday or the day before, we have evidence that Kavanaugh was in a bar fight
Starting point is 00:17:24 in New Haven, Connecticut. Actually threw ice at somebody. So let's lock this guy up. He's obviously a detriment to society. This is the woman that went to 10 so-called parties where gang rapes took place and kept
Starting point is 00:17:39 going back until it happened to her. So you guys can connect the dots on that one. But he was handing out red cups. I saw him looking at the punch. He was around the punch bowl. My aching stem, Julie Swetnick.
Starting point is 00:17:56 I mean, for the love of Christ. Snow, that's the woman who interviewed her, said that NBC attempted to contact four people. Swetnick said could corroborate her contention that gang rapes were prevalent at house parties in the area in the 1980s. According to NBC, two did not respond of the four. One was deceased and one said he had no memory of Swetnick.
Starting point is 00:18:22 and one said he had no memory of Swetnick. Liar! Liar whore! Liar whore! Not to mention her boyfriend said that she threatened his family and his kids her ex-boyfriend employers said she was
Starting point is 00:18:40 fucking cuckoo and yet NBC still chooses to put her on there so but it's so bad that NBC had to admit she might have been full of shit what do you think of that I'll tell you what I think of that you hear that it's a healthy beating heart with a bunch of Marlboro Light Smoke mixed in with the blood, and it feels good.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Let's go to our buddy Kevin in Chicago, the windy city. Hey, Kev, what's going on? Your thoughts on the whole Kavanaugh fucking circus? Yeah, I've just been following it. I feel like the Jews are really trying to keep this guy out of power. I feel like you can see that.
Starting point is 00:19:32 What do you mean? You got Blumenthal. You got Feinstein. What do you mean, what do you mean? Don't play this game. I know you're a buddy with Crowder. I know you're a buddy with Crowder, big time Zionist. Hold on, stupid. I'm not buddies with Crowder. I've your buddy with Crowder, big time Zionist. Hold on, stupid.
Starting point is 00:19:45 I'm not buddies with Crowder. I've been interviewed on his show two or three times. I've never met him personally. How about that? So I'm not buddies with him. What is all this anti-Semitic? The Jews? There's about 100 other Democrats that are involved in this who aren't Jewish.
Starting point is 00:20:01 So come on, Kev. Don't be nuts now. The two lawyers. The two lawyers, the two lawyers, Bromwich and Katz. Yeah. They're, um, they're doing it for free.
Starting point is 00:20:11 All right. You know why they're doing it for free is because they're, um, because they're, um, it's just off-mix. Watch out because I'm Cocoa Pops! Cocoa Pops! All right, that was one theory.
Starting point is 00:20:30 It's the Jews again. I make Jewish jokes on stage, but I do it in New York in front of a bunch of Jewish people, and they laugh their ass off. It usually involves the Bible. That's the one place... Well, they were controlling the media back then. But it's Jewish lawyers. That's the one place. Well, they were controlling the media back then. But it's Jewish lawyers. That's right.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Chuck Schumer. Maybe he has a point. But how about all the other scumbags? How about Jeff Flake? Last time I checked, he wasn't circumcised. And that was about two hours ago. I ran into him at the bus stop
Starting point is 00:20:58 in Albany. What? Oh, do you hear that crackling? Why is that? Anyways. 833-599-6425. Kev, I hate to throw water on that fucking theory, but that's out there. I mean.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Who do you think runs NBC where she just made herself look like an asshole, Swetnick? Who runs that? It's not the Amish, you know what I'm saying? Anyways. Hey, Swetnick. Who runs that? It's not the Amish, you know what I'm saying? Anyways. Hey, people have their theories, and they're all welcome here. We're not like Google, who are going to boot you, like they did to Alex Jones or whatever,
Starting point is 00:21:36 because you're a conspiracy nut, maybe a little anti-Semitic. But that's him. We have a super chat on YouTube. A super chat on YouTube. Do I get paid for addressing ahead. Yes, Jason. We have a super chat on YouTube. A super chat on YouTube. Do I get paid for addressing? You do, actually. I do?
Starting point is 00:21:50 Go ahead. Daniel Charney asks, Nicky boy, do you ever watch mainstream news? I can't stand it, so I watch internet alt news instead. I feel so isolated from normal people because of this.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Yeah. No, that's a great point. I don't know who watches broadcast news anymore. I i've you know i check in with them all what's his name daniel daniel i check in with them all but no i i haven't sat through a full broadcast every fucking broadcast since i was i'd say 30 what abc cbs nbc all the three major news broadcasts. It would be three minutes of hard news at the top, and
Starting point is 00:22:28 then our piece on women's health. You know, then 18 minutes on breast cancer, and then why white people are bad, and then they sign off. Yeah, no. At least, at least, I know, because he makes a good point, because Obama, you know, is always pissing all over.
Starting point is 00:22:44 We're divided because of cable news. And there's a little bit of truth to that, I guess. But he'd want it where he wanted it the way it was, where there was only three networks being watched for news and they're all controlled by libs. So that that was his big beep. God forbid somebody like Fox News came along and oppose his Marxist horse shit. Plus, the pussy is a lot hotter on cable news. Peter Jennings, he died of lung cancer. He's a Canadian.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Walter Cronkite, everybody thought was, he was like America's dad. He was supposedly the most honest man in news. And after he retired, you read shit about interviews he's done. He was as left as, you know, the green monster. What? Fellas, baseball fans? Yeah, did you watch the game last night?
Starting point is 00:23:37 Oh, I did. I didn't finish it. I conked out right around when they brought in Kyle Hendricks. Oh my God. Which kind of sucks. I'm a big Kyle Hendricks fan. Wow, you can really suck the life out of a conversation, Jason.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Nobody gives a fuck if you're a fan of Hendricks. It was a great game. Colorado, you know, it was tremendous. They just fucking went in there and Milwaukee beat the Cubs, right? They won the division and then as a punishment,
Starting point is 00:24:04 the Cubs had to play Colorado. Very impressive. That kid, that lefty, was throwing smoke for like seven innings, right? Yeah, he's really interesting because he's super funky, too. You'd hope for a lefty to be, but he's just on the play. His fastball up was so good. No, he was nasty, very nasty, and you got a nice one tonight. The A's and Yankees.
Starting point is 00:24:22 I'm still scared shit of the Yankees. Just as a Red Sox fan, I'd rather lose to the goddamn A's. The Yankees hit home runs like a fucking high-arc softball league. It's frightening. But anyways. Anyways, let's
Starting point is 00:24:37 move on. I can't wait for the game tonight. Baseball. Playoff baseball is as good as anything. That's if you like that stuff. I mean, if you're into dancing and pottery, that's fine too. I got a story at the end I probably won't give. Guys are starting to wear stilettos now. So let's all put our guns in our mouths.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Everybody from the NRA, myself, and take our own heads off and do ourselves a favor. All right, let's go. Oh, we're going to get an international opinion. Chris from Canada wants to talk about Blasey Ford. Chris, welcome to the show. How are you? Very good, Nick.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Thanks. Yeah, I'm in agreement with you. Christine Blasey Ford. It almost looks like the left picked her out of like a lineup and just said, look, something happened to you. Great. Here's your talking points. We don't care if it's Kavanaugh or not. Just blame him, blame him, blame him, because let's be honest, every white man has done this
Starting point is 00:25:29 as far as they're concerned. Yeah, you made a great point. It's turned into race now. I showed that Jeffrey Toobin, and there's a montage of people on the left on cable TV. It's all about old white men now. And of course, Ann Coulter has to bring some logic to it. And I say that seriously. I love her. She actually said white Western European males, which is most of the country when they talk about all white guys, probably the least rapey culture. When you look around the planet, when you look what goes on in South America and the Middle East, and I mean, who are they shitting? So you're right.
Starting point is 00:26:05 It's somehow transcended from just gender into race. And I don't want to bring up the rape statistics in this country that involve people of color because that would only bring some sense to the argument. But I think you're right. They said, you got a great story. Let's use this broad. She didn't want it to come out in the public public and they used her like a rag and threw her away anything for power chris anything for power on the left in the united states and uh so great point
Starting point is 00:26:36 absolutely though you're 100 right anything for power i mean do you think in in the right mind anyone would bring in someone like swertnik there i mean she is she is batshit crazy there's no doubt about it you could see it in her eyes when she's being interviewed and and the thing she's saying well he was in connecticut at the time therefore he should be accused i mean she's out of her mind that woman yeah and yet i can't believe that the news would even allow her on. I can't believe that there isn't a possibility of a lawsuit against her for making accusations where there's absolutely nothing to support it. And that's a great point. That is a great point, that this investigation, this supplemental investigation, should look
Starting point is 00:27:18 into all these women's past, dig as deep as you did against Kavanaugh, and they should be held accountable. women's past. Dig as deep as you did against Kavanaugh. And they should be held accountable. Swetnick should definitely, for perjury or whatever. But it backfired on NBC. Thank you for the call, Chris. It backfired on NBC.
Starting point is 00:27:34 They put her on and then they had to go. She didn't, even they had to admit. NBC, who carried water for Obama for eight years. And you can't get a more liberal network. Even they said this is, you know, none of her shit corroborates what she said in earlier interviews. So it sort of blew up in their face.
Starting point is 00:27:52 But I love how it's turned into, oh, fucking white men need a lesson in how to treat women. Are you shitting me? Just go online and look at fucking, you know, whether it's Ray Rice or whatever. Just look at the NFL, the police blotter every year. You know, they turned it into an anti-white, anti-male. And I told you, Oprah started all this shit
Starting point is 00:28:14 with her stupid show years ago. Let's move on. Staying on Blasey Fordd this is interesting and they're going to have to dig into this a little deeper an ex-boyfriend of christine blasey for reportedly wrote a letter to the senate judiciary committee contradicting her testimony last thursday on polygraphs prompting grassley to raise doubts about her truthfulness okay you raised him now investigate him the man who says he dated for Ford from 92 to 98 wrote in the letter that he once saw Ford help ease the nerves of a friend preparing to take a polygraph
Starting point is 00:28:52 by, in quote-unquote, explaining in detail what to expect and how they work. Okay, why is that a big deal? During last Thursday's hearing, Arizona sex crimes prosecutor Rachel Mitchell, remember John Madden in a dress? I feel bad for her, asked Ford if she had ever talked with anyone other than her lawyers about how to take a polygraph, and Ford said, never.
Starting point is 00:29:16 She said, never. And you blew it! You blew it! You're lying. And you're a piece of shit. That's gone a little too far. I wouldn't call it that. But the man whose name was not released also said that during his relationship with Ford,
Starting point is 00:29:31 she never mentioned Brett Kavanaugh or her experience as a victim of sexual assault, which is a little more understandable. A little more. I don't know if she'd get into details about sexual assault, but she might have brought him up. And a letter late Tuesday, Grassley asked Ford's lawyers for the polygraph results, saying the ex's claims raise specific concerns about the reliability of Ford's polygraph examination. I keep saying polygraph, polygraph.
Starting point is 00:29:57 God, I dated a polygraph in high school, for Christ's sake. How can I get that wrong about the results? Anyways, I want to see these women held accountable. Okay? The law is supposed to swing both ways. But in the era of hashtag me too and my snatch, men are treated like dirt, in my opinion. So I hope they dig into it.
Starting point is 00:30:22 But yeah, Swetnick is cuckoo. Ramirez, you got the one who said that he you know Kavanaugh exposed himself to her she actually touched his penis they had a dildo at the party and stuff they're still working on that one but you just watch this blow up when the Republicans say okay it's over
Starting point is 00:30:40 we're going to vote on Friday or whatever you watch the kicking and screaming and you can bet right now around the clock the Dems are working, trying to dig up dirt on anybody. Anybody who sides with Kavanaugh in this thing.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Is Bo Dietler? Keep an eye out for Bo. He's calling it at 6.30. Bang on the window if you have to to get my attention. Anyways. I was hoping to get to him before I get into the Michael Savage audio because he put a theory out there that I don't know what to make of. Real quick, I'm going to go to Dale, but we're waiting for Bo to call in, Dale, so I might have to give you the boot right in the middle of it.
Starting point is 00:31:21 But let's go to Dale in New Jersey. What's going on, Dale? All right, Nick, real quick uh thank you brother um you ever noticed that last yet yesterday i saw like you know they said the fbi is going to take one week trump one week and then yesterday i saw reports fbi can include this on wednesday like okay and then i wake up tomorrow and see the news reports well trump has 500 million from his father. I'm like, you've got to be fucking kidding me. They threw this Kavanaugh thing. And I'm like, really? I go, this is what you got?
Starting point is 00:31:51 I'm like, this is, wow. I'm like, this is going to fuck him in the midterms. Was that the tax return story you're talking about, Dale? Yeah, yeah, yeah. His father gave him some money, so it was like some legal loopholes nick you notice they never said illegal his dad's loopholes it was loopholes trump said this when he won the president right in the base right because they use the laws of the land right it's like what are you fucking kidding me and and it's like do you really think trump is like one step ahead
Starting point is 00:32:18 if trump really thought pavanaugh was guilty or this and that he did that with the guy in alabama he wouldn't support him so he's gonna wait and, and they're going to get fucked in the midterms. Because, Nick, real quick, when did this happen that the Dems were going to win the House and the Senate? I'm very confused. I don't think that was ever going to happen. So you believe there's not going to be any blue wave or anything close to it? He's going to keep the House, and this is my prediction.
Starting point is 00:32:47 He'll get like 56. I wish he'd get 60 56 in the senate but i wouldn't be surprised because i'm going to sum this up do you remember when trump won the presidency how everyone lost their minds they didn't realize this no one did everyone forget that the democrats ran the senate and when trump won he also flipped the senate oh yeah i was like yeah he's got 52 now yeah no one really talked about that right guys i don't think you know what you're in for no you're exactly right no you're exactly right everybody was wrong about it especially in the media hey good call dale i'll talk to you soon appreciate it all right all right joining us right now on the phone and boy i tell you i admire this guy for a long time I've seen him as a Fox News contributor
Starting point is 00:33:26 I guess tonight calling in gained publicity as an NYPD detective in the 70s and 80s solved high profile cases like Palm Sunday Massacre 84 most notably the rape and torture of an East Harlem nun and they turned that into a movie if you guys saw it with Harvey
Starting point is 00:33:41 Keitel called The Bad Lieutenant and his time in hollywood didn't end there he uh starred in scorsese's goodfellas and uh obviously we all know the line don't you move you motherfucker blow your brains out and he also wrote an autobiography uh one tough cop in 1998 he's a fox knows contributor and just just one tough nut and if in a perfect world he would be mayor of new york city bo welcome to the show i can't can't thank you enough for calling in hey thank you so much nick you know that wasn't my movie the bad lieutenant was harvey kytel
Starting point is 00:34:18 my movie was one tough cop based on a book with stephen bald, and I didn't pull my penis out like Harvey did in that movie. Well, okay, I'm going to blame it on my producers, but that's what it said in the bio they pulled up. But I didn't think that was about you either. I had never heard you connected to that movie. No, what happened was, you know what they wanted to do? They wanted to take one of the most heinous crimes in New York history.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Right. The rape of the nun where they carved 27 crosses. They put brooms. Right. They dedicated it on her. So they wanted to take the most horrible case and have this drug-using lieutenant break the case. But he was a junkie and all that. Harvey played a great thing.
Starting point is 00:35:01 He had that nut, Abel Ferrara. He was the director. He's a screwball. And they based it loosely on one tough. But the real movie was One Tough Cop with Stephen Ball. They had me killing about 40 fucking people. I didn't kill anybody. But that movie.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Ball, let me ask you. How long were you on the force, NYPD? I came on 1970. and I retired in 1985. What happened was I had a bodyguard company with the Saudi Arabian princes. I had to travel all over the world. And the day that I ended up being on the cover of every newspaper and every newsreel with the Palm Sunday Massacre. I went to meet these abadabadus over at the Palace Hotel.
Starting point is 00:35:49 And the next thing is, yeah, they go like this, Bo, you're so brave. You come with us to La Jolla, California. We're going to have a big party. And so I go out there, fly out there. Next thing is they have a party.
Starting point is 00:36:02 They invite 25 off-duty actresses for $2,500 each to party up, drink Dom Perignon. Next thing, the Arabs go to me. They were both of them in the military. So they had jumped 100 times each. They go, boy, you're so brave. Did you ever jump out of a plane? I go, no. They go, are you afraid?
Starting point is 00:36:20 I ain't afraid of nothing. So the next day, I'm sitting in a DC cream. I had a football helmet on. And the fuck, I jumped out afraid of nothing. But the next day, I'm sitting in a DC-3. I had a football helmet on. And the fuck, I jumped out of the plane. I had no fucking clue what I was doing. I was tumbling. I was... I had a full chute. It wasn't a square chute.
Starting point is 00:36:37 And the next thing is, I didn't realize they had to do a thing called landing, you know? Yeah, yeah. And when I hit the ground about 30 miles an hour i broke my leg and half the bone was taken out my foot was faced the wrong second way and that was the end of my police career i wow i had none of that and i scoured the internet but uh man you you aren't afraid of anything well you know i don't know it was it was something that i tell you the truth well before i became a cop I was a concrete laborer. Now I was an iron worker on the original World Trade Center.
Starting point is 00:37:08 I was really afraid of height. I was always afraid of height. But I would fight the fear when I would work as an iron worker and I didn't want to act like a pussy. I used to walk the girders at the end of the day just trying to defeat my fear of height. Oh, my God. I still get that twiddly feeling in my stomach when I'm up high. Let me get you to weigh in here quick, Bo.
Starting point is 00:37:31 That's unbelievable, man. You aren't afraid of anything. I think it's scary hanging out with those Arabs and actually walking those high girders. But let me get your take on, because I haven't talked to you and I know this is a little dated, but you're such a uh a true blue cop uh i want you to weigh in on kaepernick and the whole nailing thing and
Starting point is 00:37:52 him having socks depicting cops like pigs and and what what do you think of guys like him and people who who back him well you want to know something all it's all just one cause and i'm going to tell you something he was my president and i respect him as a president but he didn't do dick he divided this country a guy named obama and he caused this division when he pre-ejaculated with his news conferences before any of the information was in and he started to divide the cops and then this whole black lives matter bullshit started right and then all of a sudden you got all these race baiters that started no one cares about the 6 000 african americans that were killed in chicago in the last 10 years
Starting point is 00:38:36 which i've been talking about right when did you see this fucking president go to chicago when did you ever see that my friend skinny al Skinny Al, used to be Fat Al Sharpton, and that other Jesse Pimp Jackson, that punk, that shakedown punk. When did you see them ever have a march in Chicago? No one cares about that seven-year-old little girl, Letitia, sitting on the stoop that got shot in the head. 6,000 African-Americans. No one said a word.
Starting point is 00:39:00 If there's a shooting that's questionable, hey, you have millions and millions of interactions across this country every day with cops. Cops are all not bad. I just heard on the radio, five cops were shot down in the Carolinas. I hope they're alive. They said five cops were just shot.
Starting point is 00:39:17 So my point is, everybody wants to condemn cops. It ain't an easy job. You're out there making a fraction of a second decision that they're going to be able to question you. It ain't an easy job. You're out there making a fraction of a second decision that they're going to be able to question you. Now they got these fucking cell phones. If they had cell phones when I used to brass knuckles these cocksuckers, if they had cell phones, I'd probably be in jail. Fuck them. I didn't kill anybody. So statute of limitations is over. And I ain't running for mayor. I ain't running for nothing. Fuck them.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Let me ask you this. You make great points about during the Obama administration. You actually saw the upper brass, the people that run the city of Baltimore, telling the cops to stand down. There's a lot of that going on. What would you tell a young guy, a young Bo Dietl in his 20s, who wanted to become a cop today? Because cops are actually personally... What would you tell them?
Starting point is 00:40:07 I'd tell you what, son. My son's 23. Thank God he's got a great job. He wanted to become a cop, I'd break his fucking arm. I'd never let him become a New York City cop. They spit at cops. They disrespect them.
Starting point is 00:40:20 These poor cops are out there trying to do their job. They got no support. You got some psychopath judge overseeing what they do. You got somebody else overseeing that one. Overseeing. Hey, look, a cop is out there to protect you. When you have somebody coming through your back fucking window,
Starting point is 00:40:36 you want that cop to come up and help you and say, you know what? Respect goes both ways. Hey, something really cool that I got involved in real fast because it has to do with what we're talking about. I got involved in this. Every magazine across America said it's called BOLA. Yes, I was going to bring that up. Tell the people what that is, Bo.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Okay, so I've been involved with a lot of things. I get a call from somebody and they say, Bo, you've got to see this. I go over to New Jersey. I'm at Montclair University over there, and I see something that my hair, whatever hair I've got left, is still standing up on my head. How unbelievable this is.
Starting point is 00:41:20 It's the size of a cell phone. You point it. It has a laser pointer. You point it in between a person's legs or around their chest. Right. Within a fraction of a second. It's unbelievable. A thing shoots out 750 feet per second.
Starting point is 00:41:43 It wraps a person in a fraction of a second with a fish hook. And he's got a Kevlar rope around him. He can't break it, and he's around his arms or his legs. He can't run away. This is the most remarkable police tool. So now you've got a guy with a knife, and you don't have to shoot him. You bowler wrap the bastard, and then you go over there, and you handcuff him, and we will save people.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Now, I'm not doing this for the cops. You know what I'm doing it for for i'm doing it for the community i want to save some people in the fucking community so this way a cop has an option he doesn't have to shoot the guy because a lot of these people that you're coming against one out of five calls are you got mentally disturbed people some people are mentally disturbed don't even know what the fuck they're doing. And you know what? To shoot them, that's very callous. You gotta remember, I was a cop in the 70s and the 80s.
Starting point is 00:42:32 I was hospitalized 30 times. I had a fractured skull. I was shot at many times. One time, a guy shot at me 15 feet away. He pulled the trigger. He didn't know how to shoot it and squeeze. He misses me with five shots and he throws the gun down and He goes, you got me. You got me. I said, motherfucker, I got you.
Starting point is 00:42:48 I beat the shit out of him. I put him in a fucking hospital, and I locked him up for attempted murder. Yeah, that's right. I did do that. I didn't kill him. Statue of limitations is over. Fuck you. That's it. Hey, the thing about the baller apps. What would you do?
Starting point is 00:43:02 What would you do if a guy shoots at you five times and he misses and he throws the gun down and says, you got me. Fuck you. I got you. You got me. Like you're going to go, okay, all is fair. But, you know, the bowler app thing, I have one concern about that invention, Bo. I'm afraid people are going to steal those things and use them to get girls. You see a drunken
Starting point is 00:43:27 girl in front of a club, you fucking wrap her up. That's a whole other subject now. I feel sorry for young men today. You're fucked today. I grew up in the 60s. I was banging fucking broads by the... Your brother was banging
Starting point is 00:43:43 cocktail waiters. two at a time. When I grew up in the Adams Apple, we had an Adams Apple in the city. I used to bang all the stewardesses. I was hitting them on the fire escape in the back office at the heliport. I was doing two or three at night. You know, they always used to go like this. Oh, no, no, I really don't want it until you got the cock out. And then all of a sudden you got the cock out. Then don stop don't stop i've been doing it for half an hour i gotta
Starting point is 00:44:09 stop i ain't got no more in me i mean well let me it's really a shame it's a good segue into the cavanaugh the cavanaugh thing and and how right now um you know men are being not just cavanaugh but guys on college campuses being falsely accused and all these accusations against Kavanaugh. And all of a sudden it's become, oh, it's an old white guy thing, rape. Can we bring a little honesty to the conversation? Yeah, but you know what? I want to know something. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:40 I really feel I got a really good opinion on this. So Kavanaugh drank beer like every other kid drinks in college. And did he throw up like every other kid? And did he maybe not remember what he did one night? Hey, we all went through that. My own son drank too much. And he was telling cops, take my handcuffs off and I'll take you. So I slapped him in the face.
Starting point is 00:45:01 The next day, he never even remembered talking to these cops like that. Oh, I slapped him in the face. The next day, he never even remembered talking to these cops like that. My point is, this chick that says she got sexually abused, first of all, she didn't say she got rape. She said he put his hands over her mouth and tried to feel her up or some shit. I mean, I used to do that all the time.
Starting point is 00:45:18 What the fuck is it? Nothing. And then all of a sudden, she's there, and she's with these psychiatrists. I had a cousin who was a PhD psychiatrist. She was more fucking nuts than anybody because she had the psychiatrist. And when they laid back, well, what's bothering you? Your deepest recesses of your mind. Oh, there was a party.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Hey, there was this guy, Kavanaugh, who was going for the Supreme Court. Yeah, I think he was there. Let me look at my yearbook, 36 years. I can't even remember if I got laid last fucking week. I mean, this guy goes, this woman's going back 36 fucking years ago. Come on, give me a break now. As far as Kavanaugh goes, he's just like every other red-blooded guy. And how many times do you dry hump it abroad?
Starting point is 00:45:58 You dry hump it abroad. She's going, no, no. You're grabbing her breast a little bit. She's going, no, no. She's pushing away. Next thing, you go down there and grab the jelly box. She's pulling your shaft out, no, no. You're grabbing her breast a little bit. She's going, no, no. She's pushing away. Next thing, you go down and grab the jelly box. She's pulling your shaft out, pumping it in. I mean, at what point, at what point is it sexual harassment?
Starting point is 00:46:12 Is it not sexual harassment? Is it sexual abuse or not? It's a fine fucking line. Hey, I'm going to go home and masturbate. I don't even want to go with any girls anymore. I mean, I don't know who's going to jump on me and tell me I sexually abused them. I'm currently talking with Dr. Phil McGraw and
Starting point is 00:46:27 No, you're right. Who the fuck is that Dr. Phil? Who is he to tell me what to do, what's right or wrong? This fat fuck, he don't tell me what to do. What makes him the expert on anything? You tell me. I want to throw up on Dr. Phil.
Starting point is 00:46:45 Yeah, no, he's a bit of a huckster like a lot of people. But let me tell you, Bo, I have a lot more, but I kind of want to save it for the next time because I want to talk to you again. And, you know, because, look, you're in show business. Let me get this one in before I let you go. What happened with that show vinyl which i'd loved i loved the pilot we you bobby cannavale and and and ray romano and dice clay and and you uh what
Starting point is 00:47:13 happened how did that get canceled you got scorsese and mick jagger working together what was it like first of all working with scorsese i'll pay exactly i'll pay exactly what i've done a lot of movies not just good shows. Oh, I know. I did The Wolf of Wall Street. I play fucking Bo Deen. I play fucking Bo Deen. We got a new movie coming out, The Irishman. I play with De Niro and...
Starting point is 00:47:34 I play with De Niro and the other guy, Al Pacino. I know. I auditioned for that. I got Joey Glento. I'm the fucking boss. I'm the one that introduces the whack job to Jimmy Hoffa, and then he ends up killing Jimmy Hoffa. But the point is, what happened to vinyl?
Starting point is 00:47:54 Vinyl was, they spent about $28 million for the pilot, and Scorsese directed it. We had some great scenes. We had, like, the Plato's Retreat. You had about 80 people banging each other. And it was really great. But what happened is they got Lombardi at HBO. He was the number two guy under Richie Plusser.
Starting point is 00:48:13 What they do is they release them. They premiere it against that fucking Walking Dead with those fucking zombies. You can't premiere. You got 15 million assholes that watch Walking Dead every Sunday. They're not going to watch vinyl. And they released it at the wrong time. And then they were going to go into the second season. And I told Marty, I want you to know because they killed me at the end.
Starting point is 00:48:36 I killed fucking Dice Clay. Very disturbing. Yeah. And then I told Marty, when I was reading the script, I said, wait a second, they killed me? No, they don't fucking kill me. I want to come back as his cousin. I said, I'll shave my beard off.
Starting point is 00:48:53 I'll lose about 25 pounds. I'll put a fucking wig on. And I want to come back. I want to whack that fuck that last week. So I had that plan. We were going to come back in the second, we were going to come back on the second season, and then they canceled everything.
Starting point is 00:49:08 So I love this podcast because I love to curse. Me too. You're on the right show, Bob. I've been cursing like this in second grade, and I do it on stage. You know, you've got to. I want you to come on my podcast like like people like Number 8 or some shit. Of course.
Starting point is 00:49:27 I got a podcast called One Tough Podcast on iTunes, Gas, Gas, Network, or some shit like that. But the point is that I had that kid, I just did another movie called Apalika, and it's Danny A did it. I just filmed up in Newburgh. And then I had that guy. What the hell is his name? Danny A. Arquette. Arquette. What's his name?
Starting point is 00:49:52 Arquette. What's the actor's name? David Arquette. Yeah. Yeah. He was on my show. Yeah. Nice kid.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Very, very, very nice. Very quiet. Quiet. I had to pull everything out of him. Very quiet. Very quiet. Well, I'd love to do that. Let me ask you a favor before you go. You're going to dinner or something, right?
Starting point is 00:50:10 I want, here's my fantasy, and it doesn't involve women. I want to have dinner at Rayo's with you. Well, there's no fucking body else. I've had that table since 77. I told Warren Buffett, lick my balls. The last time he's been up there five times. That fuck never picked up the check.
Starting point is 00:50:29 No wonder he's worth $85 million. Billion, the prick. But definitely come up. We'll put together a really collected table. And the only one thing I always sit with my face face to the door. Every scumbag I locked up. I'm starting to get out. The guy that raped the two guys that raped
Starting point is 00:50:45 the nun, they're out. The guy that killed the ten fucking people. Eight kids, palms on their mouth. That motherfucker's out. The guy that killed Herman Bell, he's out. I locked all these motherfuckers. They're out. Don't worry about it. They may be running for mayor of Baltimore by now. Don't worry about it. I buy
Starting point is 00:51:01 Rayo sauce. It's so good. I'll take the bullet for you on that one. I'll sit with my back to the door. You'll be protected. No, no. What we do is I face the door, and I tell you already, if I go like this, my hands go down, I flip the table, there's a fucking barricade, and I shoot around. All right, Bo.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Hey, this was as good, if not better, than I thought it was going to be. We love your service. For years, you kept us safe. Seriously. I hate to be called any kind of hero. I never was a hero. You know what the heroes are? The heroes are our boys that don't come back who are cops that got killed.
Starting point is 00:51:40 The heroes are our soldiers that don't come back. They're the real heroes. You know what I am? I'm just a lucky motherfucking. And I tell you what, I love cops. I love soldiers. I love my military. And more important is, you'll love this bowler
Starting point is 00:51:56 wrap. I'd like to fucking put that on Fat Al Sharp and buy that for him. Well, I'm going to show the... I'm going to show this when you hang up. We're going to show a video of you using the bowler app. So I can't thank you enough for calling in, Bo. And, yeah, I'll hit you up on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:52:15 I think we'll do it again real soon, and I want you to come on my show. And I'll definitely see you up in Rails real soon. All right, buddy? All right. Thanks, Bo. Appreciate it. The great Bo Deedle, everybody. That's a cop.
Starting point is 00:52:33 Okay? I don't know if there'll be many people that agree with his, as far as dating goes and how it's changed. But I kind of wish I lived back in the 60s and 70s. But they had those mammoth books. But I got to talk to him about his aging, too.
Starting point is 00:52:50 I mean, he gets these roles and, you know. But, you know, it's funny. I think the bio I pulled mentioned the bad lieutenant, too. I have to look at it on WikiLeaks. I'm not sure. But that didn't ring true to me when I read it, you know. Keitel. You ever see that one, guys?
Starting point is 00:53:09 Oh. Boy, you got... I'm jealous of how many flicks you get ahead of you that... It's so much better than anything's come out in the last... I'm not just being... They made better fucking movies. As Bo Dietl will tell you. Let's...
Starting point is 00:53:22 Should we run that video? Since people are watching. This is the, what Bo Dietl was talking about. It's a Batman style bowler rap and it could revolutionize
Starting point is 00:53:32 policing and spell the end of electroshocking tasers. But here's what he was talking about. It wraps a string around you.
Starting point is 00:53:42 Watch how fast this happens. I'm seriously worried that guys are going to be using that. around you watch how fast this happens I'm seriously worried that guys are gonna be using that at bars hey look at the broad over the you know look at that I wanted to ask him if it's strong enough to stop somebody on angel dust it was ain't guys on angels death like the strength of a hundred men it's kind of crazy but that that's unbelievable I always thought there were better ways than you know whether it rubber bullets you know you get hit with a rubber bullet up I killed a girl the celebration after the Sox won the World Series I think in 2013 a girl get hit in the eye of the rubber bullet actually
Starting point is 00:54:21 killed her they remember you think it I'll say it you're welcome and again thanks for all your support. Take care, bitches. The Lord's Prayer Lord, thy town, thy trade, thou shalt your talent be sweetened. Through all his men, there the most mercy be there. Give food through the light, and the flag of silver. The Light of the Rings The Lord of the Rings Bye.

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