The Nick DiPaolo Show - Rioters Free, Trump Voters Still Jailed | Nick Di Paolo Show #568

Episode Date: July 7, 2021

More footage from Antifa during brawl. Bill Cosby released. Reverse the Races....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, this show, The Nick DiPaolo Show, is a place you can come to for an hour each day and know that the truth is going to be spoken. Sometimes it's politics, sometimes it's comedy, oftentimes it's both. Any way that you cut it, though, it's always honest, unfiltered, and free from the bias you'll find pretty much everywhere else, and certainly all day long by mainstream media. Free speech lives here, and it always will. I want to thank you all for supporting the show,
Starting point is 00:00:31 and I want to encourage you to contribute on the page or visit and click on Contribute. Your contributions are what keeps this show going and what has helped us now put the show on Roku, Apple TV, Android, Amazon, and mobile devices. Again, donate on or at and know that 100% of your contribution
Starting point is 00:00:58 comes right directly to this show. I thank you guys again. Oh yeah, it's that time again everybody. How are you? Welcome to the Big Show on a Wednesday, second to last day of the week. How you doing? Pretty good? Watching the news, throwing your shoes at the TV? We are in a real fucking mess, I'll tell you that much. are in a real fucking mess, I'll tell you that much. But don't worry, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, they seem very capable of making it even worse. Oh my God. Well, a little personal note, we're tearing out my kitchen. We've redone like the whole house, but the kitchen is stuck in 1962. we've redone like the whole house but the kitchen is stuck in 1962 and uh yeah the permits just came through i mean we're gutting this fucking thing like a deer
Starting point is 00:02:30 and uh oh yeah there'll be a dumpster in my fucking driveway it'll be great fucking jackhammers and saws going on at 7 a.m so i'll be in a good move for the next i don't know two months or so stay tuned you might see me on the cover of Newsweek. Comedian kills wife in Contractor. I mean everything. Beautiful, though. Get a nice gas stove. This fucking, I'm using a stove that your mother used. I should say grandmother.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Fucking horrible. It's amazing. I can still turn out tremendous dish after tremendous dish. I think I'm gay. I spent all day making my wife a three-layer espresso chocolate cake for her birthday. I drank half the espresso. I was fucking grinding my teeth. And I'll never do that again. It would have been easier to gut my kitchen. But the beauty of it, I was just spilling shit everywhere.
Starting point is 00:03:27 No one going to tear this thing up this weekend. Fucking spilling milk behind the stove. Ah, fucking let it sit. Block of cheese. All right, let's get to it. That's all I wanted to tell you. So if you see a change in my mood and bags under my eyes. Antifa. We got some more footage of Antifa same story remember this past weekend uh some trans fuck she showed
Starting point is 00:03:54 her dick where women were in the spot and set off a chain reaction and then people um were very upset about that so they started protesting in front of the, you know, wherever, in front of the spa. And then Antifa showed up to, you know, protest the protesters, and we showed you the violence that took place. Well, it turns out this thing was all planned, and that trans guy was like a plant
Starting point is 00:04:25 who's actually part of Antifa. So I'm not that worried about Antifa. We're going to be fighting guys, women with cocks and shit. I'm pretty sure we can win that one. Just bring a fucking Bowie knife and a plastic bag. Let him take his cock home.
Starting point is 00:04:40 This time they attack Christians, though. You know, Christians aren't big fans of chicks with dicks. Not that I know of. It's a matter of time before one of these fucking cowards picks on the wrong dude and dies. Hopefully that'll start a war. We can, and then we can exterminate these cunts. Eventually somebody's going to fucking snap.
Starting point is 00:05:01 I can't wait to see that footage. And don't worry, you'll see it, because CNN will show it on a loop going, look at these fascists beating up these quiet protesters. This guy was there as an eyewitness. We're going to show you. He was on Steve Bannon's podcast yesterday. And he was there. He's always there when the shit breaks out.
Starting point is 00:05:22 And this is what he had to say about what he saw that day. Yeah, well, first off, I found out later that the man, the transgender man, that all this was over, he was a member of Antifa. So they were fully mobilized. Fully mobilized.
Starting point is 00:05:40 It was coordinated. They had everything. That sounds like my late great friend, Greg Giraldo, doing a Mexican character in his job. Good day to Crusher River. Go ahead. Sold off. They were there looking for to just attack anybody. I've seen them before.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Look at this. I've never seen them so routed. They were just looking to attack anybody. That's why they had to attack these Christians. They were just looking to attack look at this anybody that's the guy with the skateboard these christians they were just christians they were christian shirts on had signs like jesus and whatever and pause they were just where the fuck okay you're a christian a lot of christians have guns and bibles where's your gun I don't care if you're in L.A. How would you leave your house and go to a rally like, not fucking weapon. I know that's not Christian thought.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Turn the other cheek so Antifa can stick a skateboard in it. Where's your fucking handgun? I'd go nowhere without my gun. Jesus H. Then the guy pulled the river He bit up the guy Something about chicks with dicks Go ahead
Starting point is 00:06:51 Like how they do first They'll just come in their face Look at him bullying this guy And then All of them were attacked Yeah There's Antifa, huh? Beating up Christians.
Starting point is 00:07:09 What's the world coming to? I am like God. What ain't God like me? I am as large as God. He is as small as I. He can't hold above me nor I. Believe him. Believe me.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Salacious 17th century. Fucking Antifa, your day's coming, you fucking little pussies. White entitled kids, most of them. Boy, are you gonna get a fucking beating. What you idiots don't understand, when the shit finally goes down, whether it's a civil war or race war, the people you think you're helping are going to cut your throats first.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Do you understand that? That's more specific to black lives members and the white people that try to help them. Your fucking throats will be slit first. That's what's so hilarious about the left. They have no idea about people. Kind of book smart, maybe. Not even that. Now they're just fucking. And let me ask you a question. What if that was Trump supporters beating up a Muslim? You think you would have fucking heard about it? You don't see any of this on the mainstream media. You know why? Because Leather Nipples Pelosi and the rest of the douchebags
Starting point is 00:08:34 and the Democrat Party that some of you fuck faces still vote for, not you, because they don't watch me. So I've heard. I don't know. Yeah, that's their strong arm, Antifa, Black Lives Matter. They just sit back and enjoy it. Pelosi rubs a giant catcher's mitt like clit while she's watching these clips. Oh, that's gross, Nick. You wouldn't hear that on ABC. You're goddamn right. So fuck you, Antifa. Uh, we have guns, and ganging up on people and throw punches,
Starting point is 00:09:07 that might be working right now, but wait till we get serious about putting a hurt on you. Oh, yeah. So that guy, you hear the kids say, the guy with a penis, or the woman with a penis, or it with a penis, the cat with a clit. I don't know what the fuck. He was a plant.
Starting point is 00:09:27 The thing was all staged. Do these people seriously? I'm not being funny here. How do they make a living? God, a lot of free time. Speaking of the aforementioned leathery nipple Nancy Pelosi, human rights violations by Pelosi and company is the headline I wrote. There she is, covering hopefully a fucking big cancerous malignant lump on her Adam's apple. Dozens detained in federal prison awaiting trial following the January 6th breach of the U.S. Capitol building. They're being subjected to solitary confinement, a lack of required medical care,
Starting point is 00:10:10 and restricted access to defense counsel. Sounds like America to you people? That's according to two attorneys and the father of one of the defendants. You fucking believe what's going on? What the hell's going on out here? I think they call it socialism. Lawyers John Pierce and Stephen Metcalf II,
Starting point is 00:10:31 who represent several of the defendants, told Epyx TV, The Nation Speaks, that's the show, that among the close to 500 so far arrested in connection with the January 6th incident. More than 50 are being held pretrial in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day in conditions that are unconstitutional and violate every single basic human right. So what are you doing about it? Can I just, a word to the right.
Starting point is 00:11:08 If you think you're going to win this with fucking lawyers and going through the legal system, which is all stacked with liberal judges and shit, you're having a wet dream. I hate to say this, but it's not hyperbolic on my part. It's going to take literally violence. I'll say it now and I'll be right a year from now. Violence. I'll say it now and I'll be right a year from now. You really think you're, oh, we're going to win the midterms and, oh, that'll do it.
Starting point is 00:11:33 We'll get more people in the House and the Senate. They're only going to get more angry and mean. Put up your fucking dukes. That's the path we're headed down. And if you don't believe that, you're watching Chuck Todd every Sunday and whacking it. They're being denied their basic human rights in a prison right in D.C. Oh, the irony. So anyways, yeah, these lawyers are fucking pissed. Hear ye! Hear ye!
Starting point is 00:12:03 The court's in session. the court's in session now. Here come the judge, here come the judge. I bet you he's black or she's black and white. Pierce said these individuals are being detained by federal judges over the 1984 Bail Reform Act, which under certain circumstances authorizes pretrial detention if it's believed the individuals are a threat to the community or a flight risk. Meanwhile, all the fucking scum that was burning down buildings, destroying businesses, burning down Wendy's, killing people,
Starting point is 00:12:37 they get bailed out and they're not a risk. Not even in jail for a couple of hours. You hear that? That's how bad it is. It's spreading here to Georgia. Can you imagine? They're treating these people. They're a flight risk. There are about 50 plus
Starting point is 00:12:59 or minus that are being detained that have been in prison for months and will likely remain in prison for many more months until their day in court, Pierce said. Ned Lang, the father of defendant who he said is receiving particularly harsh treatment, said his son Jake is currently detained in a Washington prison in an area called The Hole. Excuse me. It's a seven pound asbestos lump from the kitchen. The hole isn't really an area when I watch prison shows and stuff. It's really,
Starting point is 00:13:47 well, I guess I'm going back to the prisons like in the movies in the 60s. So it's a shed out in the middle of nowhere, and it's 112 degrees in it. Same thing, fucking. Anyways, he's in a fucking hole. This is the United States of America. Jake has no access to when his attorneys goes down and talks to him. He has no access to a private interview with an attorney. This is his father talking, saying it's like a third-world country. A third-world country. These people from shithole countries come here. Yes. The shitholes. Shithole. Shithole. D.C. Shithole. Shithole. Swamp. Shithole. Swamp. Shit. Shithole. Swamp. Asshole.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Buckstain. It's unbelievable, the father said, son being true. From what he's telling me and what i'm hearing it's a solitary confinement 23 hours and one hour a day they get to go out it's horrible these are americans we have individual rights we have our bill of rights this is inhumane treatment and he's goddamn right i'm being told listen to this the father, this is what his son's telling him. Oh, this is Metcalf. I'm sorry. I'm being told the water is black. He has to filter the water through a sock in order to even drink the water. In addition to only going out one hour a day,
Starting point is 00:15:04 there's also the weekend when he doesn't get to go out at all. in addition to only going out one hour a day, there's also the weekend when he doesn't get to go out at all, and he's not able to use the shower, get a shave for days on end. So what are you doing about it, counselor? With a crazy eye, counselor? I'm keeping an eye out for him. These conditions for pretrial detainees, he said, are unusual. The conditions in the D.C. jail in particular are getting to a point of not only being unconstitutional and violating every single basic human right, but they're getting to a point where people have
Starting point is 00:15:38 to speak out and they have to know about what's going on, he said. Yes, attorney. True. Medcalf accused authorities of instilling a level of fear in all of the inmates, but added that it's unclear who's to blame for the conditions. Oh, it's very clear. They're at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. I'm fucking believe you guys. First of all, he didn't win the election. I think it's playing out in real time. Set aside his dementia and losing his mind. And that Kamala Harris,
Starting point is 00:16:18 the vice president has fucking no business being anywhere near national politics. And you know, us at each other's throats. I think it's, has there ever been a worse six months, first six months of a presidency? Rhetorical question. Anything that they do, or if anybody speaks up on their behalf, all of a sudden they get targeted even further. And then they get put into a dangerous, unsanitary condition, the attorney said. This is like being in, you know, a prison in Turkey. Testifying at an oversight hearing held by the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee
Starting point is 00:16:54 last month, FBI Director Christopher Wray. This guy is part of the deep state. It's been proven over and over again. Ray said the FBI had divided the thousands of protesters who were at the Capitol on January 6th into three groups. I wonder, I couldn't believe you could count that high. A first group of peaceful, maybe rowdy, wow, that sounds official,
Starting point is 00:17:26 protesters who didn't participate in the breach, and they made up the largest group. A second group who engaged in criminal trespassing of the Capitol building, and a third group, the smallest in number, who were responsible for carrying weapons into the Capitol. Can I ask you a question? It was reported a hundred times that nobody had weapons, unless you count the pair of scissors the guy had. Seriously, nobody had guns, and they're treating this? It's unbelievable, man. I read an article, somebody that works at Bloomberg, Who the fuck was comparing? No, Matt Dowd. He's on ABC.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Half a fag, in my opinion. He's married to fucking Marie Shriver, I think. I don't know. Anyways, he was comparing January 6th. He was saying it's worse than 9-11. He actually said that because it divided our country so bad and we're still hurting from it. He actually said that, that somewhere with a protest where one person, an unarmed woman, got killed. And a few other people had heart attacks. He's saying that was worse than 3,000 people almost being disappeared on fucking 9-11.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Just think about that for a second. This guy's on TV every weekend. Matt Dowd, big girl. Close to 500 arrests have been made so far among those in second and third groups, Ray told the committee. The Department of Justice previously stated that the majority of the cases are related to entering a restricted building. Jesus Christ, they did that in high school every time I was drunk.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Obstruction of an official proceeding and civil disorder. That's what the charges are, most of them? The FBI director also testified that the law enforcement agency considered the events that unfolded on January 6th to be an act of domestic terrorism. Of what? Domestic terrorism. Get the fuck out of here with your terrorism. Domestic. Yeah. A bunch, a bunch of housewives and their husbands and a few angry Trump supporters. Supposedly they're going to form a committee to get to the bottom of it so we can find out how many how many uh fbi confidence were in their uh informants and and uh snitches and uh maybe
Starting point is 00:19:53 they'll tell us who shot what's his you know ashley babbitt think think we'll hear any of those answers i doubt it oh look who's back when asked asked by Representative Eric Swallow's good, Comwell. Matt Damon. You know, the guy like, Matt Damon, I fuck Chinese spies. Matt Damon. I only fuck Asian girls because they're used to small dicks. Matt Damon. This guy ought to be put to sleep.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Anyways, when asked by Rep Ericic squawle douchebag california whether the events could be considered an insurrection ray said it would be inappropriate to describe the breach as such so what was it trespassing and that's why they were in solitary confinement for the last six months. Welcome to America. May all you people who vote Democrat, may you, may you perish in a grace fire at your local McDonald's. Good night, everybody. And good luck. I get to, I get to demolish my kitchen though. I get to demolish my kitchen, though. Just save about five large.
Starting point is 00:21:08 We're going to tear the fucker down. My buddy Zook's coming up the cop. He's got all the tools. He just flipped the house. Oh, we'll take this thing apart. I'll take the anger out on that stove. I'll pick that fucker up over my head and throw it through the living room window. Like the Indian at the end of Cuckoo's Nest.
Starting point is 00:21:30 I cannot wait to this. Some lady's buying the fucking cabinets. What, you're going to put your fucking husband's head in these things? Fucking gross. I mean, they're clean. Kitchen's clean. My wife, you know, looks like a fucking operating room, but still. We took care of all the other rooms first.
Starting point is 00:21:54 You know, where the sex goes on and shit. You know, the laundry room. Yeah. All right, Matt, I've killed enough time. Let's roll on. There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white I've killed enough time. Let's roll on. There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time. Hey, watch your mouth, Senator Klansman Bird.
Starting point is 00:22:17 In our RTR segment tonight, reverse the races, investigators seized a fully constructed U.S. Capitol Lego set. Oh, thank Christ. I thought it was a pipe bomb. Something less nefarious. A Lego set. From Robert Morris, 27, along with a notebook containing instructions on how to create a hometown militia. Could you send a copy of that to me?
Starting point is 00:22:45 Court records published by the Smoke and Gun Reveal. These are the dangerous people they're comparing to Al Qaeda, a guy with a Lego set. They also found somebody with the Operation Game. The suspect allegedly led rioters in one of the most intense and prolonged clashes against law enforcement officials trying to contain throngs of rioters, according to the outlet. What day was that? You're lying.
Starting point is 00:23:12 And you're a piece of shit. One of the most violent. What are they talking about? Moores was wearing tactical gear and a MAGA hat as he led another Donald Trump's, other Donald Trump supporters who were trying to breach the Capitol's lower West. This is the most disingenuous article I've ever read. First of all, Antifa was involved. We have footage of fucking cops moving gates so people could get in. And I tell you, I implore you to watch the footage again. You see like fake pushing and shoving. They weren't moving in riot speed. This is such a fucking hoax.
Starting point is 00:23:51 You'll see. You'll find out. Why wouldn't they tell us who the cop was that shot the one? We still don't know. Why does the government, why are they sitting on thousands of hours of surveillance footage from that day. Anybody? Anyways, they were trying to breach the Capitol's lower west terrace at one point, ripping a riot shield from it.
Starting point is 00:24:19 They can't even make it sound violent from a Metropolitan Police Department office. They grabbed his shield. And then somebody gave him a purple nurple and a wedgie. Ah, the pain. Prosecutors' alleged court documents cited in the fucking article. The reported Army Ranger turned substitute teacher was indicted last... Yeah, real fucking... A real terrorist was indicted last month real fucking a real terrorist uh was indicted last
Starting point is 00:24:47 month for his alleged role in the uprising and charged with assaulting resisting or impeding offices civil disorder robbery of u.s property and obstruction of a federal uh record show capital police officer brian sicknick by the way who didn't die from getting beat with a frigging fire extinguisher. He actually had a stroke or a heart attack or something. Right. And four others died. And again, not because of the conflict. Well, because of the conflict.
Starting point is 00:25:17 But nobody gets shot or stabbed by these Trump supporters. Do you see how disingenuous this fucking article is? It's just dog shit. Can you stay categorical? You are fake news, sir. More than 140 people were injured when the mob tried to stop Congress from formalizing, here's how you know some lefty jerk off wrote this, formalizing President Joe Biden's electoral victory amid former President Trump's false claims, false claims, even though, again, we have footage. I can't even say it again. There's enough evidence over, if you fucking believe, anyways, his false claims, you know, false claims like people on video literally pulling up to the
Starting point is 00:25:59 polling station at three in the morning with boxes, over a hundred affidavits of people who drove trucks that had to deliver the shit and schedules were changed. They went under an affidavit means you can lie on, you know, if you lie, it's perjury and you go into jail, get over a hundred people who are willing to testify. It was thrown,
Starting point is 00:26:18 you know, little things like cardboard on the windows at the Detroit polling center, little shit like that, you know, hard drives gone missing. Thumb fucking whatever the things. Thumb what? Thumb drives.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Somebody took, they took my thumb drive, too. President Trump's false claims, huh? You suck a dick and die. Anyways, that the election had been corrupted. He was right on the money. Fuck off. I am your voice.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Yes, you is. More than 500 people have been charged in the melee so far. In the melee. They just, what I just read to you was the most mild violence I've ever heard in my life. Then somebody's shirt was ripped and Kevin lost a shoe. Fucking assholes. Anyways, investigators are investigating hundreds of other
Starting point is 00:27:11 suspects. Well, that's nice. Basically harassing innocent people. We really have a nation of nitwits that fucking people who call us their leader, call themselves our leader of the dumbest people on the planet. Oh, here's one right now, speaking of which. Have you seen this?
Starting point is 00:27:35 Jackoff from New York. Now, I wrote the headline saying, this is why there are no nations successfully run by black people. May or may not be true, but I can't name one. Depends what your definition of success is, I guess. Democrat Alvin Bragg, likely to become Manhattan District Attorney in New York City, New York, has vowed, get this now, with the country going up in flames as we speak, violence up at every city, has vowed not to prosecute a series of crimes, including trespassing, prostitution, resisting arrest for nonviolent offenses.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Ooh, who commits those? That's his, this is what he's running on. And the sad part is, in New york city it's so fucking fucked up he's probably he'll get traction with that although you wouldn't think so eric adams just won the primary former cop head cop for new york who's very he won it because he said i'm gonna fucking clean this city up but other than that he's a big lib man. So don't get too excited about that either. But as far as the violence goes, that should be priority number. And this jerk off who's running to be the district attorney in New York City, I'm not going to, you know, and listen to his logic here. This will make you shit blood. Brag the presumptive
Starting point is 00:29:00 Democrat nominee in the Manhattan district attorney race, is running on a platform to stop prosecuting a series of what he calls minor offenses, despite surges in crime across New York City. He says, I strongly reject any notion the prosecutions for low-level offenses should be used as a proxy for addressing serious and violent crimes. Bragg states on his campaign website. We will not deter serious and violent crime through arrest for petty offenses. Do you believe he just said that? Uh-oh, retard alert. Retard alert. He just said, I'm not going to do what Giuliani did to clean this up and make it the safest city in the country, the safest, largest city
Starting point is 00:29:47 in the country for years, in which Bloomberg continued Giuliani's policies. He just said he's going to do the opposite. It was called the broken windows policy. In other words, somebody starts at a pedicab like breaking a window, you arrest him for that, and he usually has 19 warrants out. It worked beautifully. But shithead here, because he has different values, I don't want to say why, we're not doing that. That's the first thing he states. As Eric Adams just wins a primary running on anti-crime. This guy's an attorney? What am I doing a fucking podcast for? I should have went to DeVry
Starting point is 00:30:27 and got a fucking, should have passed the bar at DeVry. Unbelievable. And you know what? Like I said, it'll probably be a race. And again, nobody votes. He'll be appointed by Soros or somebody. Specifically, Bragg has vowed not to prosecute suspects for marijuana misdemeanors, turnstile jumping, trespassing, driving with a suspended license, prostitution, resisting arrest for non-criminal offenses, and obstructing work of a New York City Police Department. All black crimes. Can I say that without being a racist?
Starting point is 00:30:59 All 98% black. Did I make that number up? Yeah. Look it up. I'm probably off by 0.2%. 98% black. Did I make that number up? Yeah. Look it up. I'm probably off by 0.2%. A lot of white people jumping term styles and interfering with cops and smoking pot
Starting point is 00:31:13 and finding out who their baby mama is. Come on, Jerry Springer. Nick, what does that got to do? I don't know. I'm just saying it's so obvious who he's trying to go lightly on. Is it not? Imagine.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Is it because we're black? You're damn right it is. From smoking marijuana to jumping a turnstile, our criminal courts spend far too much time treating minor offenses with the same blunt instruments used to address homicides and other violent crimes. Why don't you talk to Giuliani, stupid? Seriously. Oh, you wouldn't do that. He Italian. He probably racist. In addition, Bragg has said that to reduce mass incarceration, who wants that? That's the one that kills me. I say we increase it. There's too many,
Starting point is 00:32:03 too much scum on the streets. You can see the crime in every Lib-run city going through the roof. Let's build a shitload of them. Have you ever flown across the country and looked down in the Midwest? There's fucking acres upon. We could build fucking huge, huge prisons and put a certain element in those prisons. I can't believe this. We have to, why? He will recommend no more than 20 year maximum sentences absent exceptional circumstances.
Starting point is 00:32:41 You know, the person's wife. In cases where the Manhattan District Attorney does recommend incarceration. Is he serious? Is this an onion piece? Somebody. You're a real crumbum. Good luck with that, tip mouse.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Most notably, perhaps, Bragg plans to ensure that every suspect accused of a crime in Manhattan is released from jail before trial, except in cases involving homicide, assault with a deadly weapon, and felony sex crimes. Oh my God. What did he do? He must be watching the news and taking notes. If he wins this, I'm going to New York and give him the worst wedgie he has ever experienced.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Bragg's agenda comes as New York City experiences an ongoing crime wave as a result of its Governor Andrew, I like Snatch Cuomo, his backed bail reform policy. But apparently that's lost on Alvin. Alvin! Let's go from one black idiot to another. America's rapist dad is going after someone more evil than even him,
Starting point is 00:33:57 the mainstream media. Now people say to me, well, how are you going to handle this story? And I say, even a rapist can be right about politics. I wouldn't listen to, I mean, Bill Cosby's a scumbag. He should be in jail. He should be saying this from jail for the next 20 years. Although he'd be dead in a few minutes.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Anyways, Bill Cosby's out there shooting his mouth off. America's dad. Don't touch that. That's the clip. Don't worry about that. Uh, just days after getting out of prison, Bill, I have a white nose, Cosby is on a rampage to expose the insurrectionist media and cancel culture. Of course, he's doing it for the wrong reason. This mainstream media are the insurrectionists who storm the Capitol,
Starting point is 00:34:57 the newly released 83-year-old actor, comedian, warns. Yes, we should be listening to this guy. What? No, no, no. You put the fudge pop in the book. Cosby slammed the media in response to the backlash against his Cosby show, Coast
Starting point is 00:35:20 See What It Affects Him. He comes out. His co-star, ex-co-star, Felicia Richard, who set off a firestorm for celebrating Cosby's overturned conviction. The actress, an incoming dean of Howard University's College of Fine Arts, was rebuked by students and alumni of the university, demanding she get fired for her support of Cosby. The historically black university warned that Rashard's comments lacked sensitivity and issued a statement assuring personal positions of university leadership
Starting point is 00:35:52 do not reflect Howard University's policies. Oh, please. Oh, boy, you. Come on. You churn out more fucking rapists than business majors. Oh, for the love of God, that was a joke. Rashad immediately deleted her tweet supporting her co-star in a follow-up post insisting, she said,
Starting point is 00:36:14 I didn't know I was going to fuck up my career. I have two infomercials to do at midnight tonight. You need a manager, Rock. You need a manager. You need a manager, Rock. You need a manager. In a follow-up post, she said, I fully support survivors of sexual assault coming forward.
Starting point is 00:36:38 My post was in no way intended to be insensitive to their truth. My heartfelt wishes for healing, she tweeted. But see, Felicia, you can't defend the guy who's in jail for rape and not hurt somebody's feelings who he raped. Do you understand how... Not my dad! You also hear something! Ugly ass fucking! While Howard University, which I had 100 yards against in a scrimmage, by the way, all black school.
Starting point is 00:37:19 That shows you they're actually good students. That shows you they're actually good students. Well, Howard University does not appear to be taking additional action against Richard Cosby. Blasted the assault on free speech. That's what he's really upset about. Howard University says, which is taught or... Freedom of speech, he says, which is taught or supposed to be taught every day at the renowned law school,
Starting point is 00:37:52 which resides on your campus, Cosby said in a statement published. He's right about that, okay? We all know that there's no free speech that goes against any faculty on any college campus for people that disagree with them and their politics. This mainstream media, he says, are the insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol.
Starting point is 00:38:17 He said that, and while they were interviewing him, you could hear this coming out of the bedroom. What the fuck? It's been a long time. He's canned up. All right, Richard. Felicia. Those same media insurrectionists, he says, are trying to demolish the Constitution of these United States of America on this Independence Day. No technicality. It's a violation of one's rights, and we the people stand in support of Ms. Felicia Richard.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Don't speak for me, motherfucker. We the people. We the people meaning Cosby and his attorneys and family members. But like I said, he's right about the media, wrong about how he treats ladies. Prior to the slew of sexual assault allegations leveled against Cosby, the actor once known as America's dad was heralded by conservative firebrands. His repudiation of liberalism in the black community in a controversial speech that was condemned by the head of the NAACP, the head of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, and the president of Howard University,
Starting point is 00:39:26 Cosby challenged black Americans to be more responsible, to better educate their children, abandon their use of broken English, and impose more discipline. Again, words that couldn't be more true. But, if you're raping people, it kind of takes the, I don't like your jerk-off name. And part of it. I don't like your jerk-off face. I don't like your jerk-off behavior.
Starting point is 00:39:51 And I don't like you, jerk-off. What are you talking about? I didn't, put the pudding pop in the girl's pussy. I never did a Cosby impression. That's pretty good for a first time. I should watch BET and learn.
Starting point is 00:40:11 No good deed goes unpunished, is what I say. What am I talking about? According to authorities... Oh, Joe List, he's dead. My old friend, the comedian. According to authorities, a man who put together, get this, a pop-up swimming pool to help keep the homeless cool during the recent 100 degree plus heat wave
Starting point is 00:40:35 has been fatally stabbed where? In the same spot where he put up the pool just one day after putting up the pool for the fucking homeless. Well, whose fault is that? I'd say the homeless. What did I tell you, libs? You do-gooders.
Starting point is 00:40:50 You'll be the first one to die. This is before the fucking race war even breaks out. The Portland Tribune, of course, has happened in Portland. Anything good happen in Portland? The Portland Tribune reported that officers have identified Tyson L. Morlock as the individual who was found stabbed to death. Morlock was found in the inner east side of Hossford-Abernathy neighborhood at Division Street in Southeast. Oh, I was waiting for this. Southeast Martin Luther.
Starting point is 00:41:21 It says Martin. There's an A on the end. And I'm trying to pronounce. Who is this Martin Luther King. It says Martin. There's an E on the end. And I'm trying to pronounce. Who is this Martin Luther King? At the corner of Southeast and Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. Get out of here. I don't believe it. Why don't they change the name to it?
Starting point is 00:41:39 Because they don't believe in what he believes in anymore. Change it to fucking Fight the Power Boulevard. Die Whitey Terrace. That happened around 3.37 a.m. What the fuck's he doing out there at 3.37 a.m.? He must be homeless too, no?
Starting point is 00:41:56 July 1st. Morlock was transported to a nearby hospital where he was later pronounced dead. You know, for helping out some homeless people on a hot day. Bye-bye. Un-fuckable. The Oregon State Medical Examiner conducted an autopsy and determined that Morlock died from a stab wound. His death has been ruled a homicide. Well, thanks for connecting the dots. I thought he had a fucking epileptic seizure, but the fucking Bowie knife sticking out of his ass was sort of a hint.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Just one day earlier on June 30th, 27-year-old Morlock had been interviewed by a freelance journalist on assignment for Reuters media outlet. The reporter, Sergio Olmos, had tweeted, climate change and inequality. That's what he tweeted? That's to blame on everything. Tyson Moorlach hooked up a pool to a fire hydrant under an overpass in Portland where temperatures reached 116 degrees Fahrenheit.
Starting point is 00:42:53 The tweet then added a quote from Moorlach. This is the guy that gets stabbed to death. This is his quote. I'm not making up. There's not a lot of places you can go in the community where you can be safe. Wow, did he fucking hit that one out of the park? Apparently. Reportedly, Morlock hooked up the pop-up pool to a fire hydrant at the Division Street underpass of Highway 99E. Almost said Morlock said he tried to stake a
Starting point is 00:43:21 slurpee. Matthew, can you help me out with stake? The fuck does that mean? Apparently that's, you know, lingo, Portland lingo. Street lingo. Tried to stake a Slurpee. I had a Slurpee with a stake that was delicious. Ever have the
Starting point is 00:43:39 piece of filet mignon with a nice grape fucking Slurpee? Oh, God. You think you died and went to the ghetto? He tried to stake a slurpee from the 7-Eleven this weekend, but the clerk wouldn't let him. He's like, just take it, man. It's hot outside. So I guess stake means he was going to pay for it.
Starting point is 00:44:02 Because the guy said, just take it. Anyways, KIN6 News reported that nearly 100 people in Oregon have died in the heat and that the impact on homeless communities is still unknown. Oh, did you hear the one? I don't even have a story. Did you hear the one? After the 4th of July, I forget what publication, what left-wing publication, After the 4th of July, I forget what publication, what left-wing publication, some study saying the smoke from fireworks disproportionately impact minority communities.
Starting point is 00:44:34 I am not making that up. So I say, which is untrue, but if they're going to call you racist, don't disappoint them. Next year, when the fireworks go up, you know, have burning crosses and fucking swastikas and have some fun with it. They're going to call you racist anyway. How is that possible? Anyways, the pop-up pool,
Starting point is 00:45:01 Jesus Christ, that Morlock set up is now deflated and so is his lungs. But you know, kids, while it was full of water and campers trying to stay cool in the wrecking heat, Patrick, who also goes by the name Ninja, told reporters that a camper from another spot gave him the pool. He said, we set up some rules. Look, these are the pool rules. I've got to set up some rules. Look, these are the pool rules. I've got to do a bit on this now.
Starting point is 00:45:28 These are the pool rules. You know, when you go to a hotel, you use these set of rules. This is the pool rules when you set up a pop-up pool for homeless people. We set up some rules that you'd find at your typical public pool. No weapons, no drugs, no smoking, no violence.
Starting point is 00:45:43 Keep your problems away from here. It's a little different than, you know, shower before getting in the pool, no diarrhea in the pool, no running around the pool, no glassware. Yeah, keep your fucking dirty needles and your filthy horse sister away from the pool and your problems. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:46:05 That's why I'm at the pool. Jesus, will this story end? It's like the Kennedy assassination. Patrick added that he was grateful for the pop-up pool. It's definitely is a, it's a blessing when it's 107 degrees out. I've had heat stroke before and I don't want to ever get that again. There's a guy who shoots heroin at the tip of his dick, but it's the heat stroke that he remembers. Good gracious, Heloise. Delicious. Let's go on to some fake news, really fake news. How is CNN still on the air, by the way? Are you reading their numbers? I think we passed them last night in primetime. They are in a free fall. Just like Trump said, when I go away, you're going to go
Starting point is 00:46:50 away. I mean, I'm not talking 10, 20% down from last year. It's 60, 70. It's great. And if there were no airports, they'd be out of business. CNN keeps spreading fair and lies about new COVID strain. I just want you guys to do a little homework for me. Go home tonight and go on the CNN. Read, read, I don't know, go to Fox News, read any websites, and then go to CNN. And it jumps, the propaganda jumps out at you. Every headline is fear. Every fucking, Republicans did this wrong. Smoke from fireworks kills minorities. New COVID strain about to wipe out Montana. It's fucking precious. You have to read it. The Delta variant, and I told you guys they're going to keep this alive, right? That is the prettiest germ that ever killed anybody, I'll tell you.
Starting point is 00:47:43 alive, right? That is the prettiest germ that ever killed anybody, I'll tell you. That's a polyp in Pelosi's ass festering. The Delta variant, a more transmittable and possibly more dangerous strain of coronavirus, of course it is, now makes up more than half of all new U.S. infections in the United States, according to estimates from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That was CDC. I got this story off the website so you can experience the bullshit. Have you been hearing about people getting it anywhere else? Are people upset about it? Are we wearing masks again? That's Fauci's hope. Delta accounts for 51. They named it after an airline. Don't think that was an accident either. Some type of subliminal message. You're going to be wearing masks until you're fucking 50 when you fly. Delta accounts for 51.7% of new infections in the United States,
Starting point is 00:48:38 according to the CDC. The B.1.1 strain or alpha variant, which has dominated for months, C11 strain or alpha variant, which has dominated for months, now accounts for 28.7 of cases. Oh, no, not the Delta variant. If ever there was a reason to get vaccinated, this is it. I want you to guess who said it. There he is. He's getting a blowjob from the head of the Chinese Wuhan lab under the desk. He says, do you believe this?
Starting point is 00:49:12 He's coming out with this? You don't think he has money wrapped up in this? Anthony Fauci told a favorite reporter, CNN's Anderson Cooper on Tuesday. He suck cock. Cooper on Tuesday. He's lying. He is. The variant poses a significant threat. This is Fauci. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:49:36 Who's listening to him? To unvaccinated people, Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said, yeah, I don't believe you. The variant is not only more transmittable, it can also cause more severe disease, Fauci said. And people said, who gives a fuck what you think? And people in areas where the vaccination rate is low are especially at risk, health officials say. Here we go, splitting up the states.
Starting point is 00:50:09 Here we go. We are already starting to see places with low vaccination rates starting to have relatively big spikes from the Delta variant. We've seen this in Arkansas, Missouri, Wyoming, you know, all those dumb middle of the country, southern states, you know. middle of the country, southern states, you know, where we're going to see more hospitalizations and death as well, even though Florida, who went against all your rules from the beginning, is doing the best. So kiss my grits. Sorry for the strong language. Unfortunately, said Dr. Anish Jha, dean of the Brown University School of Public Health, anytime, he says, you have a large outbreak, it does become a breeding ground for potentially more variants, Jha said. The U.S. is already grappling with variants that are more
Starting point is 00:50:52 contagious than the original strain of novel coronavirus. Yeah, where is this, doctor? How much are you getting paid by CNN? The Turk has you on his payroll. How much is he paying you? They include the stickier alpha, the stickier alpha B1.1 variant. Oh, that one's the grossest. It's all sticky, which is currently the dominant strain in the United States and the even more contagious Delta B1.61.2 variant, which is on track to become the dominant strain in the United States, the director of the CDC said. And everybody laughed their balls off. The more unvaccinated people there are, the more opportunities for the virus to multiply, said Dr. William Schaffner, another fraud who puts on a lab coat that you see on doctors on infomercials. I love infomercials when a doctor's pushing some fucking tooth device.
Starting point is 00:51:53 Dr. Schaffner, a professor in the Division of Infectious Disease, also a professor of dividing people at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Doctor, I only have nine things to say to you. Shut up! Shut, shut, shut, shut, shut up! Shut up! He went on to say, this is Dr. Schaefer, when it does, it mutates, and it could throw off a variant mutation
Starting point is 00:52:18 that is even more serious down the road. Oh my God. Parts of the South, Southwest, and Midwest, you know, all the states that we hate and we think are dumb are not us. I'm saying them. I'm doing their voice. Are starting to see spikes in cases in many of those states, such as Alabama, Arkansas, you know, all the ones that voted for Trump. Louisiana, Mississippi are among those with the lowest rates of vaccinations yet the happiest people states with below average vaccination
Starting point is 00:52:51 are you listening to the propaganda folks to keep this alive are you listening to the shit they're making up I don't give a fuck even if it's real and they're not making it up it's a flu It's a flu. It's a flu.
Starting point is 00:53:10 Watching hockey. The Montreal Canadiens. First time in the finals in 23 freaking years. Hockey to them is a religion up there. And they have 3,500 people they allow into a place that holds like 16,000. Can you imagine? Can you fucking imagine? So now there's 3,500 people in the stands.
Starting point is 00:53:29 Most of them don't have masks on. When they're playing at Tampa, there's 17,000 people, no masks on, right? And the coach has a mask on. Somebody explain that to me, that that's not theater, that he's not told he has to fucking wear that. Anyways, average vaccination rates have almost tripled the rate of new COVID-19 cases compared to states with above average vaccination rates, according to recent data from John fucking Lange Hopkins University. Does anybody give a fuck anymore? Really? Does anybody care? anymore, really. Does anybody care? And since vaccines are highly
Starting point is 00:54:07 effective but not perfect, some health experts say they will wear masks in certain places despite being fully vaccinated. Why? Why? Your vaccination, you don't believe in it? It doesn't work? So we have to come up with another vaccination? Somebody else has to make another trillion dollars?
Starting point is 00:54:27 You fucking people. You have no idea how to defend a nation. If you're in a low infection, high vaccination area, you don't need to be wearing a mask indoors if you're fully vaccinated, Josh said. But if I were in Southwest Missouri, boy, they have a hate on for Missouri. if I were in Southwest Missouri, boy, they have a hate on for Missouri. If I was in Southwest Missouri right now, I'm fully vaccinated, but I would
Starting point is 00:54:51 still be wearing a mask indoors because I'm a stupid Indian, the only one that was ever born. Good night, everybody. That is it, ladies and gentlemen. Oh, wait a minute. I want to thank people before I go who have contributed to this show financially. One-time contributions, Sean Powell of Florida, Jeff Birdwell, Massachusetts, Melody Waltke, Utah, Jack Boy Robbins, Illinois, William Cousin Mickey Merringer, New Jersey, Andrew Taparo, Massachusetts, Pauly Sagnella, a buddy in Connecticut. Bloated in Chappaqua, Virginia. Vinny Primavera, New York. Robert Curley, New York. Michael
Starting point is 00:55:34 Haslett, Michigan. Sally Neblett, Virginia. Russell Lasuzzo. Illinois. Ryan Filthy S. Foster, Oregon. Dave Jensen, Washington. Jovan Vittagliano, Florida. Deanna Price and Brooke Anderson, Illinois. John Melton, Italy. Bruce Springsteen, New York. No. Larry Ramey, Ohio.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Kelly Dickman, Massachusetts. Al Roker, shithead. No. New monthly supporters. Dave Jensen. Thank you, Dave. Sean Baker of Missouri. Laura Ann Migliore, New York. Eric Smith, California. Victor Landau, New Hampshire. Tiffany Eichel, California, Jason Anhawk, Arizona, Jimmy Dempster of Georgia. Thank you guys, both daily contributions and monthly subscribers, so much. As you know, we can't do it without money. And the show needs to be out there. I want to make it bigger.
Starting point is 00:56:43 And we're in for the fight of our lives. Unless, you know, we're going to win in the midterms and stuff. It'll be terrific. That is it. I'm tired. I got a lot more. We can use them tomorrow. They're still very relevant.
Starting point is 00:57:00 Don't forget,, and don't forget If you'd like me to roast a friend or a relative, go to Tell me about the person. I will make a minute, minute and a half video on my phone, and we'll ruin the day. It'll be so much fun. All right?
Starting point is 00:57:18 You guys think it, I'll say it. You're very welcome. See you back here tomorrow for the final day of the week. Bye-bye. guitar solo Bye.

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