The Nick DiPaolo Show - Ruling Class Running Roughshod | Nick Di Paolo Show #346

Episode Date: May 6, 2020

Lefties don't like Biden, they hate Trump. West VA Governor "glitches" the F out. Texas salon worker fights back and opens up. Thank you "The Unapologetic Cripple" from Kansas City, MO for your "Ask N...ick!" question and for your continued support on Patreon! FREE! MONDAY - THURSDAY 5PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, Nick DiPaolo here. Are you like me? Are you tired of political correctness? I know that's a rhetorical question at this point. We've been asking it for 20 years. Are you sick of being lied to by all the mainstream media outlets? NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, NPR, the LA Times,
Starting point is 00:00:20 the Boston Globe, the New York Times, MSNBC, CNN, all propaganda arms for the left telling what you can and can't say. And I'm sick of it. So we've created a place where we can actually say what we want. And it's right here on the Nick DiPaolo show. And we just recently went free Monday through Thursdays. So we could use your financial contributions., you can make a financial contribution. You can also go to and sign up as a monthly supporter. If you do that, you get an extra show a day and you get to ask me questions and you get access to all the previous shows. And if you have a business out there and you want to sponsor the show, go to
Starting point is 00:01:05 I'd love to talk to you again. People say, well, there's no funny people on the right. Well, I beg to differ. And this is the show where you can find that out. That is it. We thank you so much. And remember, when you watch me on YouTube, hit that little button and subscribe. That helps us out more than anything.
Starting point is 00:01:24 So I want you to now enjoy the show so enjoy Yeah, baby. Welcome to the show on a Wednesday. How are you, folks? What is going on? Are you still in the house? Are you fucking family driving you nuts? Huh? Little test from God to show how much you really love your fucking loved ones. Huh?
Starting point is 00:02:23 I still haven't figured out the ghost of my house, okay? Creepy. Don't believe in that shit one bit. I'll sleep in a cemetery tonight to prove it. But I don't understand what we heard, both of us. Sounded like pots and pans falling off a shelf for at least 10 seconds. Now I gotta go under the house tonight, today, when I get home,
Starting point is 00:02:49 to make sure it wasn't duck work collapsing to some shit. Not to mention whatever's walking above us. And it's not an animal. I'm going to come over and hear this. It sounds like when you live in an apartment and somebody has heavy feet above you. Unless a raccoon's wearing army boots. I don't know what the fuck. sounds like when you live in an apartment and somebody has heavy feet above you. Unless a raccoon's wearing army boots. I don't know what the fuck. Anyways, welcome to the show. Now you scared me. Great to be here. The Antichrist. You got me in a vendetta kind of mood. Don't
Starting point is 00:03:19 forget this, people. I am your voice. All right, enough of that shit hey uh first of all i want to mention uh tomorrow on the show dave rubin of the rubin report has a great new book out called don't burn this book and uh it's really good the guys used to be a lefty and now he's what he's fair is what he is i like when people jump from the left and they automatically they're people who used to believe the way they did call them sellouts and whatever and uh you know the rubin report it's very popular very smart guy great book so we got him uh tomorrow on the show and as far as me vacation wise, it's not a vacation. I'm going to be stuck in my fucking living room listening to ghosts.
Starting point is 00:04:10 But we're Thursday. Tomorrow's the last show. And then when I come back, what, 10, 8, 10 days from that, I was going to come back to Friday for one day. But I was talked out of it saying, make it easy for you. You know, my manager thinks my viewers can't fucking handle that complicated schedule. So I'm just going to stay out to the following Monday anyways. I guess that's it, right? Is that all I wanted to mention? Let's get right to it. Boy, we seem to start with this guy every day. He's a real fucking, a real asshole. Joe Biden,
Starting point is 00:04:42 He's a real fucking real asshole. Joe Biden, as you know, is feeling the heat after allegedly finger popping one of his female aides when he was a senator back in the 90s or whatever, Tara Reid. And boy, left wing hypocrisy on display. And I got a quote from this Tulchin guy who used to work at The New York Times. He founded the Hill website. Just a lefty to the the fucking bone you'll be shocked what he had to say but joe biden was on the view uh when kavanaugh was going through his nightmare now let's see how uh what joe biden thought back then supreme court hearing is not a trial it's a job interview it's a job interview and you don't have to prove beyond a reasonable
Starting point is 00:05:26 doubt anything. Reasonable doubt, you can't even get that word. You know you're a fucking mumbling, stuttering little fuck, you know that? You fucking hypocrite. Hey Joe, you know what? Running for president is a fucking more important job interview, okay? How do you feel about those words today when you're the one who's being accused? All the assholes that surround you are defending you. They have no moral compass on the left. They never did. It's all about power.
Starting point is 00:06:00 I almost admire them. They're just shameless. We don't give a fuck about the truth. We just want to win, which is frigging show. Show me that type of hypocrisy on the right. Look at the lip. Remember, I burned the lip with a spoon. Now it's bleeding up in here, too.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Anyways. Yeah. So that's Biden a few years ago. And boy, I bet your attitude has changed, huh? You really believe these women just are coming out of the woodwork to, you know. But again, I want to say this again. It's what power, it's what guys do. I was going to say powerful guys.
Starting point is 00:06:36 I've seen homeless guys hitting on women. I'll never forget. I was on a subway in New York City. I was living in Queens. I'm on the N train. There's a fucking, there's a young black guy. He's got like a wife beater on and he's mopping the floor
Starting point is 00:06:49 and I'm the only one in the car, in the subway car. And then like a cute girl gets on. This guy, his pants are hanging off. He's filthy. He starts hitting on the girl. So I'm just, I'm not trying to excuse the behavior,
Starting point is 00:07:03 but I mean, let's be honest you think these guys become powerful senators what so they can tell you what did the other than that they want to get some hoo-ha nanny his here's what I'm talking about as far as the hypocrisy goes Martin Tultian who's that veteran journalist who worked for the New York Times before departing? And he helped founded the the website The Hill. Rejected an investigation into tarried sexual assault allegation against 2020 Democrat Biden Monday. And in case it results in Biden being found guilty and losing the election.
Starting point is 00:07:41 So he's coming right out saying, I don't want to fuck an investigation. You smoke cocksucker. Fuck you. Put up the letter, Reza. In a letter to the Times, which was written in response to an editorial board article titled Investigate Tara Reade's Allegation,
Starting point is 00:07:56 Tolchin wrote, I totally disagree with this editorial. I don't want an investigation. I want a coronation of Joe Biden. Wow. That's getting right to the point. In other words, Tara Reade, your pussy don't want an investigation. I want a coronation of Joe Biden. Wow. That's getting right to the point. In other words, Tara Reid, your pussy don't mean shit. And you hashtag me too broad.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Shut your mouths. That's what he's saying. Again, a former New York Times power player. I want a coronation of Joe Biden, he declared. Would he make a great president? Unlikely. Would he make a good president? Good enough make a good president good enough you're wrong they're too stupid would he make a better president than the present occupant he says absolutely you're fucking get this get this through your head you
Starting point is 00:08:37 jew motherfucker you no need to bring that into it i don't know who pushes these buttons uh i don't want listen to what he's saying at least he's honest you gotta give him credit you know why because he's in his 70s he doesn't give a shit anymore you know people get old they say anything that's a case of that i don't want justice whatever that may be i want to win the removal of donald trump from office and mr biden is our best chance told geneticchin added, concluding, suppose an investigation reveals damaging information concerning his relationship with Tara Reid or something else, and Mr. Biden loses the nomination to Senator Bernie Sanders or someone else with a minimal chance of defeating Mr. Trump.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Should we really risk that possibility? I don't know. Ask Tara Reid and the other girls that are coming forward. Wow. This guy's like fucking makes Putin look sensitive. Fuck them broads, man. We got to win this thing. I don't give a shit if he raped 100 broads.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Again, worked for the New York Times for years. Now the Hill. So stay away from that piece of shit website. Yeah, Marty Tulchin. Good friend of mine. Marty! Yo, Marty! What's the matter with you?
Starting point is 00:09:52 What's the matter with you? I think your brain's gone south from all the comedy you're playing with that young girl, Tara. I never touched her. I didn't finger her. I never fingered her. Bullshit. It never happened.
Starting point is 00:10:06 No, she just made it up. Hey, Alyssa Sweet Tits Milano, I hope you're out there trying to defend this girl because you've been very quiet. And the rest of you hypocritical whores. Coke. Anyways, you know what? Also in this show, a lot of elitist hypocrisy, the people telling you you have to stay home, the people who form the models, the scientists. And by the way, a guy got whacked, Chinese scientists over here.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Or where was it? UK? I'll get to it. I don't know. They think it's a murder-suicide. Pittsburgh, I think it was. They said he was on the verge of coming up with some really groundbreaking shit as far as solving this coronavirus. And he got shot. And the guy that shot him then committed suicide.
Starting point is 00:10:51 So I'll get to that in a few seconds. I think it, I don't know, maybe gay lovers. If it's not, if it's not, somebody whacked him intentionally. That should be looked into. That's why I'm calling Barney Fife. UK coronavirus advisor resigns after breaking lockdown rules. Here's a scientist. OK, Neil Ferguson, who over in England, he's the one who was given Boris Johnson. Information as far as quarantining and people staying in right shelter in place. He was coming up with this shit. And Boris Johnson was taking his lead. This motherfucker, meanwhile, has a married girlfriend coming over. And he's not even, oh, these fuckers. A leading epidemiologist who advised the UK
Starting point is 00:11:40 government on its coronavirus response resigned from his government post on Tuesday. After the Telegraph newspaper report he broke the lockdown rules, he helped shape. Does that really surprise you? Professor Neil Ferguson, who is based at Imperial College in London, is one of the architects of the UK government stay-at-home strategy and was a prominent member of a Britain scientific advisory group for emergencies. That's known as sage one of
Starting point is 00:12:06 my favorite herbs great around thanksgiving which has been spearheading the coronavirus response his audio uh we have audio of uh of professor uh neil ferguson we will have to maintain some level of social distancing significant level of social distancing, significant level of social distancing, probably indefinitely until we have a vaccine available. Yeah, telling everybody that. Meanwhile, he's trying to get some ass on the side. Is that the fucking, put up the picture of his girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:12:36 She's married and shit. That's the kind of fucking snatch that scientists get? Somebody get me a microscope and a white coat. It's not bad for a dog. How long do we have to stay indoors? Forever! You ain't leaving, bitch! It's dangerous out there!
Starting point is 00:13:04 It's kind of cute. broad jesus horse faces you know oh they mean breeding fucking eyes an inch from each other big horsey joy bay our fucking face uh in a statement on cnn professor ferguson said he accepted he made an error of judgment and took the wrong course of action and had therefore stepped back from his involvement in SAGE. I acted in the belief that I was immune, having tested positive for coronavirus and completely isolated myself for almost two weeks. Almost two weeks. Notice not even the full 14 days after developing symptoms. That's what this hypocrite said. Don't say a fucking word to me. I'll get up and I'll bury this telephone in your head.
Starting point is 00:13:47 I deeply regret any undermining of the clear message around the continued need for social distancing to control this devastating epidemic. I'm more about the puss, he said. What? And we're out. The government guidance is unequivocal, and this is him still,
Starting point is 00:14:03 and is there to protect all of us. Yeah, well, then follow it. I'm going to fucking smash his fucking face in. Fucking hypocrites. You know, and they all are. You got Governor Cuomo yesterday or a couple of days ago in New York holding a press conference. And what was it about? People not wearing the mask and how they should.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Everybody should wear a mask. He's not got a mask on you got chris cuomo we already called out right he was supposedly locked in his basement we caught him in brooklyn on a sunny day everybody that's telling you what to do is full of shit uh laurie lightfoot you know the man woman mayor of Chicago. Is she the mayor of Chicago? Yeah, black woman, lesbian, gay, fucking looks like a tight end for the Eagles. She telling everybody to lock down. And what did she do? She went out and got a haircut.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Went out and got a haircut. And when they asked her about it, this is how arrogant these people are and drunk on power. She says, I'm on national TV every day. I have to look good. Yeah, well then buy some tits and get a fucking woman's haircut. Have to look good for who? Dave, your girlfriend, even Mike Pence. Remember he showed up at a mask factory, not wearing a fucking mask, but this is just for, guys. You stay in and shut your holes.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Oh, Newsome. Another one. Newsome telling everybody to stay in place. Then him and his wife like got in their car and fucking drove two hours on Easter or something
Starting point is 00:15:35 to have dinner with somebody or something. So you know what? Fuck them. I felt so dumb yesterday getting a haircut with that mask on. I fucking felt so silly, you know?
Starting point is 00:15:49 But I drew, you know, some funny, dirty words on it. I walked in and said, eat me. I like the girl that cut my hair because she fucking said fuck more than I did. I like the girl that cut my hair because she fucking said fuck more than I did. Ah, want a little off the fucking side? How about the fucking top, you fucking old guinea prick? I'll shave your balls. She was from Pittsburgh.
Starting point is 00:16:19 She didn't exaggerate, but she dropped a few F-bombs. It was fucking terrific. Anyways, this made me laugh. this made me laugh this made me laugh now this guy isn't really a hypocrite but boy this guy he owned the internet yesterday with governor of west virginia oh i love this coronavirus updates from government officials tend to be dry in the extreme but west virginia governor jim justice what a great name for a governor was being credited for spicing things up on monday when he supposedly dropped an f-bomb into the mix we have two clips we have the first clip of him dropping the f-bomb and then we the funnier clip is him trying to
Starting point is 00:16:57 explain it away but uh anyways he is the remain at home but no longer orders them to stay at home again i encourage all businesses that are allowed to open to do so only if they can follow the guidelines to keep west virginia safe You're a damn pedophile. All right, just get the hell out of here. I'm a goddamn pedophile. But I gotta be honest, it did sound like a glitch there. Somebody was defending him saying he was
Starting point is 00:17:35 trying, he combined two words. It almost made sense, but I don't know. Fucking. All the US
Starting point is 00:17:44 fans, stay the fuck home. home you'll your cousins you want to get corona corona you know them chinks they started all this look at them what do you got to do to get to be West Virginia. Almost heaven, West Virginia, Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River. Life is old, they're older than the trees, younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze. Now here he is trying to explain it away. Look at you, he has no tie and shit. He's the, who was the Asian guy during the debates wang chang never wore a tie today at our news briefing there was an audio glitch the layer and it sounded like that i had said a bad word a word that i would i would never say nor have i ever said. No possibility in any way, shape, form, or fashion. The governor
Starting point is 00:18:46 of West Virginia has never said the word fuck. He's lying. A word I never said. Never have said. I know you've said it. You know when you said it? When you found out you won the election to be governor of West virginia fuck he's lying
Starting point is 00:19:12 if these fucking workers do what i say how can you dude i was with you i almost believed it was a glitch until you come on and said i've never said the word fuck there's nobody mother theresa said cunt like three times they have recordings she was washing her lepers feet and his toes came off cunt Cunt! And that's the word that gets the show flagged every day, apparently. Yet they say it in England like the word V. I'm going to have to move. Folks, are you watching Gamora?
Starting point is 00:20:00 It gets better with each. You know how some shows wane as the seasons go on? These fucking things are getting stronger. Fucking Italians are crazy. Greasy, greasy people. I was so close to getting the haircut that the psycho wears in Gamora. Just to freak out a few people. I might do it and come in here in a fucking, you know what, wife beater? With some marinara on the front.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Casa de bache! Anyways, you know, this is, have you seen this picture on the internet? This is really weird because it shows how history repeats itself. Somebody put a tweet out there. It's a picture taken in 1918 during the Spanish flu at a Georgia Tech football game. It's pretty goddamn, look at this, huh? What scares me? This is 100 years ago, and we're still using the same technology, a piece of cloth over your face. isn't that amazing and they're not social distancing and you know what some of these guys are still alive i saw him in savannah the uh look at they got military hats on and it was a
Starting point is 00:21:17 military school actually back then no it's an agriculture school whatever but But how about it? 1918. And they're just sitting there. You know why? Football proves to, even back then, can't keep people away. But today in this country, it's got to, I don't think so. I think the NFL is going to open up. I pray. For Christ's sake, Tom Brady went to the Buccaneers. You're going to hold that off? The whole world's waiting to see what happened. Think the players will come out. You're going to hold that off? The whole world's waiting to see what happens. Think the players will come out with those masks on under their fucking helmets? That'll look kind of fucking weird. Quarterback goes up to the center.
Starting point is 00:21:56 He's got the, it looks like he's giving him a prostate exam. Anyways, I thought that was pretty goddamn cool. This is very interesting right here. Anyways, I thought that was pretty goddamn cool. This is very interesting right here. But mystery as coronavirus researcher, 37 years old, on verge of significant findings. Well, how do you know that? They just beefing up the headline killed in a murder suicide. You heard me.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Murder. Unbelievable. Here's a guy that could probably solve the whole thing. A well-respected University of Pittsburgh Medical Center researcher who said to have been on the verge of very significant findings related related to the one police. That's a fucking misprint. Police say he was killed in an apparent murder. Suicide. I kill you. I kill you right now. Kill me. I'm right here. Kill me. Okay, I come with two chopsticks.
Starting point is 00:22:50 I shove up your ass. That's right. Two chopsticks. Come over here. Talk to me in the face. Look at some booty. Look at some booty. Apparently, they found two chopsticks up his ass. The coroner said, no. Dr. Bing Liu, 37. Have you had the Bing Liu, Rez?
Starting point is 00:23:10 Oh, my God, with the broccoli and the bat wings. Bing Liu was alone at his home in the 200 block of Elm Court, Ross Township, on Saturday afternoon when another man identified his 46-year-old Hao Gu. Can you make this shit up? You got Bing, you got Goo. All you need is a quart of sticky rice and you're stuffed. How Goo.
Starting point is 00:23:33 How you do, Goo. Good. Allegedly entered the residence through an unlocked door and friggin' shot the guy. I kill you. Lou was struck by bullets in the head, neck, and torso and died of his injuries. His wife wasn't at home at the time.
Starting point is 00:23:51 She was over at Neil Ferguson's house getting some... The couple did not have children. Police said goo. We found goo everywhere. we found goo everywhere police said goo then returned his car parked 100 yards away at charlemagne circle and turned the gun on himself i don't i there's only two things it could be that's a controversial hit we'll find clinton's the clintons were behind some uh you know there's gonna be be, I'm sure there's people on social media going right now,
Starting point is 00:24:27 you know, this is more proof that the government, this is a hoax and they want us to be locked down forever. I don't know what the guy's sexuality is,
Starting point is 00:24:36 but when two guys are in a murder-suicide, I'm going to make up a number. 99% of the time, it's because, you know, they like each other's goo. Nick, that's horrible. I don't give a rat's
Starting point is 00:24:52 nipples. Yes, Raz? Speaking of the coronavirus. Yes, sir. We have a Patreon question. The unapologetic cripple it's from. Why all the messages from Kansas City? Nick, it seems the Chinese are always eating or fucking animals. No, they don't fuck animals. Come on. That should not be eaten or
Starting point is 00:25:15 fucked. First of all, is this virus more likely to be a bioweapon or simply the bad stool flu? to be a bioweapon or simply the bad stew flu? We know it's not bad stew. Pretty sure it came from the lab. But as far as fucking animals I'm not supposed to, what are you talking about? These guys,
Starting point is 00:25:34 I've done five stories on this podcast. Guys in the middle of, you know, Oklahoma, banging a sheep, Florida. Raz, put it back up. I'm reacting to it. Where are you going?
Starting point is 00:25:43 You got a fucking date tonight? to, Raz, put it back up. I'm reacting to it. Where are you going? You got a fucking date tonight? I've never heard Chinese people fucking these animals. I've heard it over here. And you said that animals that shouldn't be eaten, but who are you to say that? How do
Starting point is 00:25:57 you know that cock a spaniel doesn't taste like a lobster? You know what I mean? Seriously. I agree with you on the bat. You can just look at a bat and go, that should not be. Looks like Kathy Griffin in the morning. Who's going to fucking eat that? But the bioweapon part of the question actually I think is very relevant because that's what I'm afraid of.
Starting point is 00:26:23 The rest of the world, our adversaries have seen what this thing has done to us. And I'm not ruling out that it wasn't a bioweapon thing. Of course, the whole world is going to put a spin on it. But those adversaries in the future, you don't think they're working on one right now? They finally found something that could bring the United States to its knees, whether it was accidental or not and that's what makes me nervous because i gotta do comedy i'm losing my mind excuse me so you can't trust the chinese i kill you i kill you right now that's a blanket statement yeah that blanket's covered in Corona. Hey, guys.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Let me put on my cheaters, as they say. My Chuck Schumers. Hey, guys. Our sponsor,, reached out this morning to let us know they just put three new t-shirt designs up on their website, and here they are. There you got Dr. Fauci, who's actually a great basketball player,
Starting point is 00:27:23 at 5'1". Nobody wanted to guard him because he was covered in germs from his bio class. You got another one. Look at this. That's sort of mash, only it's MAGA. I like that. It's one of my favorite colors, by the way. MAGA 2020.
Starting point is 00:27:41 And you got, look at this, image of uh mar-a-lago draining the swamp invitational golf outing look at her arm though looks fucking like a nine-year-old woman's i like all three of those can i be honest with you uh not only do they have these new shirts they have a full collection of nick topalo show show stuff, and you can get 10% off everything on the website if you use the promo code Nick at the checkout. Again, the website is, and we thank them so much for sponsoring our show, which is very successful thanks to my loyal fans. Very excited about it. I'm going to go out and buy some fucking hockey equipment i don't know what that meant no idea why i said that you're not supposed to smoke this the way
Starting point is 00:28:31 i'm doing it either i coughed up a fucking quarter long custard today i'm telling you if that virus gets in my house hopefully it'll kill the ghost that's haunting us. But the powerful, the elite ruling class is bossing us around, telling us what to do. And oh, I saw an interesting graph that I don't have here, but I was flipping through the channels and Hannity. Hannity had a graph of the cities that have been wrecked by Corona. New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts. What do they all have in common? Blue, blue, blue. I'm just saying. Florida was way down the bottom.
Starting point is 00:29:20 Now, Florida's a big state with a lot of people. And major cities like Miami, Jacksonville. They have a gap. Just explain it to me. I'm not connecting the dots. But as we know, New Jersey, New York, and Los Angeles, they were in financial dire straits before this shit hit. They don't know what they're doing. They're not good politicians.
Starting point is 00:29:38 They think it's their money. Just remember that. Jesus Christ. remember that. Jesus Christ. I think I'm going to get out of my house, get a new house. It's got ghosts in it. I'm burning myself.
Starting point is 00:29:55 Fucking weird. Here's an example of the ruling class bossing us around and being jackoffs and being a little drunk with power as far as I'm concerned. I think we're just overblown in this whole reaction. Dallas salon owner jailed for reopening in violation of court order. They put her in jail. No, they're ignorant. That's ignorant. It is ignorant. And she'll tell you why. We got a picture of her, Shelly Luther. How are you, Shelly? How you doing? You're doing pretty good. Look, I need a little trim.
Starting point is 00:30:38 You know what I'm saying? Around the sides. I didn't mean it like that. In addition, Shelly Luther was fined seven large as they say in the gambling community for seven thousand dollars for continuing to operate her business salon a la mode in violation of a judge's you should be fined for the name of the place but uh who wants ice cream with a haircut in violation of a judge's temporary restraining order issued against the business luther that was her was taken into custody immediately after the hearing and booked into the
Starting point is 00:31:11 dallas county jail just after 4 30 p.m wow good bus beretta meanwhile we're letting fucking rapists out of murderers because they might get sick and i'm you, tyranny is on the brink. Like other businesses deemed non-essential, Luther's Far North Dallas Salon was forced to close on March 22nd after the county enacted its stay-at-home order. She reopened the salon on April 24th despite that order and tore up... This is why I like her. She tore up a cease and desist letter from County Judge
Starting point is 00:31:45 Clay Jenkins at a demonstration. The temporary restraining order was signed April 28th by State District Judge Eric Moye. In a hearing broadcast live on YouTube on Tuesday, Luther said she had no choice but to open her business. luther said she had no choice but to open her business she said she hadn't earned income since the county stay-at-home order was set in march she applied for one of the federal loans aimed at helping small businesses but guess what she never received it you think the judge could take that into account so she said that when she testified she never got the goddamn money like a lot of people give me the fucking money you hear me you hear me i gotta come here bust my body give me the fucking money she says i couldn't feed my family and my stylist couldn't feed their
Starting point is 00:32:35 families unbelievable now here comes the fucking asshole judge is there any judges that have fucking clear my the coats in session the coats in session now here come the judge um before issuing his ruling uh moyer gave luther an opportunity to apologize why should she apologize and promise not to reopen her salon until i'm a law and order person too unless the law is not fair and there are extenuating circumstances like not getting a check from the government and you have a small business and you try to feed your family those are pretty good reasons to go against the law uh and promise not to reopen her salon until she was allowed to do so. Saying the judge said he would consider levying only a fine in lieu of the incarceration, which you've demonstrated that you have so clearly earned. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Luther, however, defended her actions to the very end. I like this. Feeding my kids is not selfish, she told the judge. If you think the law is more important than kids getting fed, then please go ahead with your decision. But I am not going to shut down the salon. You go. I love it. She's like El Chapo.
Starting point is 00:33:57 Fuck it. Take me to jail. I'm sorry. I'm with her on this one. Minutes earlier, Governor Greg Abbott had announced during a news conference the barbershops and salons across Texas could reopen he was late to the party I love it this chick's like take me to jail
Starting point is 00:34:15 like Henry Hill couple of pills in the back of the car now take me to jail I mean come on she doesn't get her I got my check, by the way. My stimulus check. Half of it already went up my nose. That's a phrase you used to hear
Starting point is 00:34:36 in the 80s. Makes a lot of money. Yeah, half of it goes up his nose. Anyways, I need some stimulation. In an ancient Czech form. Our Father, who art in heaven. Speaking of El Chapo, did I just mention El Chapo? I did, didn't I?
Starting point is 00:34:53 This one kind of cracked me up. This is how bad this coronavirus is. It's even got the fucking narcos, terrorists, fucking shit in their pants. El Chapo's sons imposed coronavirus lockdown and torture violators. This is no game they say. This is El Chapo telling his sons what to do from jail.
Starting point is 00:35:14 Not my dad! You also hear something ugly as fucking literally. Since his arrest and imprisonment last year the Mexican drug lord has handed control of the Sinaloa, and that's in Narcos, Sinaloa cartel to Ivan Archivaldo Guzman and Jesus Alfredo, which is delicious. Have you had the Jesus Alfredo? My God. They use raccoon instead of chicken. These are the two kids.
Starting point is 00:35:41 They use raccoon instead of chicken. These are the two kids. Some of their foot soldiers have now been recorded roaming the streets of Kulakan, the capital of Sinaloa, wanting residents to stay at home during the COVID pandemic. You believe this? They declare after 10 p.m. tonight, everyone must be inside their homes due to the coronavirus. Otherwise, they'll be punished. These are orders from above. They're saying this like on a blow horn as they go through your neighborhood. That's got a lot more import to it than when Gavin Newsom tells you, you know. I am your voice. The video ends with a chilling warning. This is no game. We're not playing.
Starting point is 00:36:31 It's the last thing you want to hear from drug cartel. In other footage, listen, in other footage, lockdown rebels are told they will be tortured for two days and made to pay a fine. Other disturbing pictures have surfaced of a man being beaten with a plank of wood that says COVID-19 on it. Do we have that picture, Az? No? It's a picture of a guy standing bare-ass and literally peddling his ass. Which I find funny that the drug cartel in Colombia, their idea of torture is the same shit I went through at Sigma Nu when I pledged in 19... I got whacked in the ass with a paddle. A lot of people
Starting point is 00:37:10 ain't going to be able to take that over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Ow! May I have another? Sir. Sinaloa's Secretary of Public Security has previously urged the public to stay at home. But the people are like, fuck that.
Starting point is 00:37:29 That's not coming from El Chapo. Let's go out and play. No, but the order is not compulsory. The body previously tweeted, state police continue to invite the population to stay home and try to raise awareness among passerbys that we are not on vacation, but in a health emergency due to COVID-19. That's what the government said. Don't eat shit, you son of a bitch. I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Last month, one of his daughters, El Chapo's daughter, Last month, one of his daughters, El Chapo's daughter, was recording, was recorded doling out aid packages to cash-strapped residents in Mexico, second largest city in Guadalajara. In one video posted on Facebook, Joaquin Guzman's daughter, Alejandrina, she's muy bonita, can be seen stuffing toilet paper in her bra, no, toilet paper and food into a cardboard box bearing slick logos and a design of stencil style image of her dad. God bless him. He's still trying to help the people up, even though he, you know, killed everybody,
Starting point is 00:38:39 who is now in a maximum security U.S. prison. The oil, sugar, rice, and other items in the box were labeled Chapo's Provisions. You know, like Newman's, Paul Newman's dressing. Bon appetit. Good for him. He's got his kids out there threatening people with torture if they don't quarantine. Who knows more about quarantine than El Chapo? Guy's like 48. He's got his kids out there threatening people with torture if they don't quarantine. Who knows more about quarantine than El Chapo?
Starting point is 00:39:09 Guy's like 48. What does he spend? Five days out of jail in his whole life? Boy, it's making people nuts, though, is it not? Here we go. Where's Port Clinton? Anybody know? Me and Raz.
Starting point is 00:39:26 There was only an invention where we could type it in. I was too lazy to look it up. Where's Port Clinton, Raz? It is Ohio. It's probably nine of them. But a Port Clinton woman, Raz says, is in Ohio, faces several charges after calling. Listen to me. I'm wheezing. After calling 911 and saying she needed to have a fire put out in her crotch. My vagina is angry. It is. It's pissed off. Of course it is. It's on fire, bitch. Katrina Morgan, who I want to date. No, I don't. Whoa, Jesus. Right out of the Ozarks. Look at that face. She looks like an offensive coordinator for the Texans wearing a wig. It's sad how women turn into men as they get older. it's sad how women turn into men as they get older jesus christ that's her katrina morgan called uh the port clinton police department about 10 p.m
Starting point is 00:40:33 saturday asking for the fire department because her pussy was on fire according to the port clinton police report. Because of the call, Morgan was charged with a felony disrupting public services and misdemeanor making false alarms. Morgan called
Starting point is 00:40:53 from her friend's home. When police arrived, they told Morgan she should be arrested for making false reports and disrupting public service. The suspect became agitated
Starting point is 00:41:02 and began resisting arrest. A 911 call from the incident revealed Morgan asked if their hose is working and said, I need somebody to come put it out with their hose. Is that a euphemism for cock? I don't think she's that clever. That is one ugly broad. Mother of Jesus. When police handcuffed Morgan, she began yelling at the officer and would not comply with orders. The report said Morgan resisted getting into the cruiser before finally complying when police threatened to use a stun gun.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Why are you scared of a stun gun? Your pussy was just on fire. You seem fine. You're a loser. You'll always be a loser. you're a loser you'll always be a loser when police questioned the resident at home they denied seeing morgan on the phone empty bottles of alcohol were found at the home and the resident stated that they were all drinking that morgan was intoxicated no shit call a 9-1-1 my pussy's on fire. And they actually came out. It's a brush fire. Meanwhile, these guys,
Starting point is 00:42:14 there's some kid drowning in a pool that they should be saving. They're going to put her pussy out. Do you have a hose? As you know, let's do a follow-up segment on my favorite story this week. And apparently, it's not just my favorite story this week and apparently it's not
Starting point is 00:42:25 just my favorite story because it's all over social media i think i saw it on tv on cnn fox and nine other news channels uh it's very odd the timing what were the coronavirus uh coming from china and whatnot not that this i'm just lumping in the as. Well, you know, we talked about the murder hornet. Remember we showed the guy stinging himself with a murder hornet? That's just a fucking, you know, it's a hornet. It's about 11 pounds, three feet long, with teeth like Bob Barker. Guess what? It's back in the news.
Starting point is 00:43:07 Mother. Just in case you thought giant Asian hornets that can kill people weren't terrifying enough, a graphic video shows one of the flying terrorists stinging a helpless mouse to death. flying terrorists stinging a helpless mouse to death. The skin-crawling clip was first posted in 2018, but has since resurfaced amid the murder-horned scourge. Expect it to sweep the United States. Check this out.
Starting point is 00:43:35 This will give you nightmares. Are you fucking kidding me? Look, he's wrestling it. This is like UFC. He's got a great ground-and-pound game. Look, he's stinging the thing to death look at the size of that that's a full grown mouse i'm surprised he didn't pick it up and fly it back to the hive jesus h stunk to death that rat's kind of a pussy. It's not from New York. We have that clip from New York. The rats dragging a whole slice of pizza down the stairs. Remember that one? I'm sure the rats had extra cheese. Listen. Zing zang The video currently boasts
Starting point is 00:44:25 Almost half a million views on YouTube Giant hornets which reside in the forests of East Asia Have killed up to 50 people a year in Japan Using a potent quarter inch long stinger That can dissolve human flesh What the fuck How long before terrorists are using that To put a cage over your head and put like 10 of those in there? Indeed, after surfacing in Washington in December, the insect interlopers are projected to arrive on the Carnival Cruise Line in a couple of years.
Starting point is 00:44:58 In the next two to three years in New York. Where beekeepers say inevitably it'll wreak havoc on local hives. Unlike their counterparts in Japan who have learned to cook Asian giant hornets. God, the guy who asked the question was right. Fucking Chinese, Asian, Japanese, they'll eat anything. They cook them in Japan to death, like, oh, they, to death, like a giant beehive hibachi. The U.S. European honeybees haven't evolved any defense mechanisms. This is a metaphor for us in Europe fighting China in the future. We're not ready for it.
Starting point is 00:45:38 As a result, small squath and hornets can clear out an entire nest in a matter of hours. It's not just the bees that need to worry. The Asian hornets stink and damage human tissues and feels like a hot nail being driven into my leg, one Tokyo entomologist said. Even worse, Raz, the venom is like a magnet to other hornets. The worst thing anyone can do, this beekeeper says,
Starting point is 00:46:07 with these bees is kill them with these hornets. You kill this hornet, the scent is going to be airborne and the rest of the hive will come. Can you make up a scarier fucking insect? My God. My grandfather wouldn't give a fuck. We could tell him all that.
Starting point is 00:46:27 He'd put it in his mouth and chew on it. Old school Guinea. He used to yell at us when we hit a hornet's nest and the hornets would chase us if we ran away. You don't be scared. That's a smile. You got to be scared. Fuck you, Rocco.
Starting point is 00:46:43 He would just come over with a wasp and he didn't care. Anyways, I want to thank contributors. As you know, ladies and gentlemen, this show is now free Monday through Thursday at, YouTube, Facebook, all that other.
Starting point is 00:47:00 We need your help financially. I know you're probably in a squeeze, too. But contributions at And you can sign up at Go to my profile. That makes you a monthly supporter. And for that, you get an extra story that nobody gets every day.
Starting point is 00:47:18 You get to ask me a question. And you get access to all the previous shows we've done. But I want to thank contributors since yesterday. Ralph Cifaretto's wig, Pennsylvania. Anthony Volpe, again, Florida. Tina Witherspoon, Missouri. Wierda Fakawe, get it? Wierda Fakawe, Michigan.
Starting point is 00:47:40 Scott Palson, Canada. Matthew Autry, Mississippi. Brian McGrenigan. Hope I'm saying that right, New Hampshire. Robert Sheets, Armed Forces Europe. Thank you for your service. Peter Busciglio. Busciglio.
Starting point is 00:47:58 Busciglio. Busciglio. Busciglio. It was Busciglio and Salazar. Oh, my mother's eyes. Buschiglio could have never outfought Santino. He's from New Jersey. Surprise, surprise. Nick's old hemorrhoid, Ohio. Lane Plouch, Texas. Eric Berry Jr. Tex. Eric Berry. Wait a minute. Wasn't there a football player?
Starting point is 00:48:28 Eric Berry. I know there is a defensive back. Texas. Jason Maggiore, Pennsylvania. Scott Wesley, New Hampshire. Robert Dean, Florida. Thank you guys so much for contributing at As far as Patreon, we added four more monthly subscribers.
Starting point is 00:48:48 One, just plain one. Cold-blooded yank. And then Carolee Mueller. Carolee Mueller. And Joseph Eichenberg. Sounds like you work with Hitler, didn't it? Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Guys, thank you so much. Patreon, that's great. And I can't thank you enough. I'm hoping this just isn't because you're caught in the house for a fucking month at a time. I hope we keep the momentum up. We didn't get to this one yesterday. I'll probably end on this today. Councilwoman attacks New Jersey mayor
Starting point is 00:49:32 in homophobic rant during a conference call. This Trenton councilwoman, her name's Robin Vaughn. We talked about her a few months ago. She used the term Jew me down. She's a black female councilwoman. She used the term Jew me down about a year ago, whenever we reported the story. And guess what? She still has her job. Once again, pointing out the double and triple standards. If a white woman or guy ever said that, politician, their career is over. But no,
Starting point is 00:50:01 she's still, she's sticking around. She went off on a homophobic uh homophobic rant during a conference call about the coronavirus accusing trenton's first openly gay mayor of being a woman and a pedophile raz says to me raz goes now you know why he's black guys what we go through growing up uh uh unbelievable again she's right out there with a homophobia and like i said she'll probably be around forever fucking quiz that's her breaking a chair in her own house trenton councilman who represents the city's westward lashed out against mayor reed uh gascoria in a minute-long expletive lace diaced diatribe during a Saturday conference call with fellow lawmakers.
Starting point is 00:50:50 During the call, Vaughn raised concerns. Oh, my God, she's scary looking. What does she look like? Nice smile, but she's got the fucking nose of Scotty Pippen. Does she not? Scotty Pippen. Does she not? Last out against Mayer in a long-explained tirade on Saturday.
Starting point is 00:51:17 During the call, Vaughn raised concerns about nonprofit organizations' engagement with the federal grant program, which prompted Gus Correa to bring up accusations Vaughn had made on social media about funding a bunch of do-nothing organizations. Vaughn then called Gus Coria a pedophile and accused another lawmaker on the line of perform oral sex on him. Hey little boy, do you want some candy? All right, we got the audio. It's kind of, you know, it's hard to hear, but you can hear them screaming at each other. I'm telling you, the council president and everybody else, how do you put up with this? How do you allow somebody to curse and act like this? It's embarrassing. Drug addict, pedophile, that's what you are.
Starting point is 00:52:04 You're under my nose, pedophile. What? Running around. You need to get the f*** out of me or you can get the f*** out of Tristan. Don't you come up here. Are you kidding me? There she goes again. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:52:16 You f***ing pedophile. You f***ing young boy's coming out of your house. You're a f***ing young boy. George, you're a f***ing young boy. You're a f***ing young boy. You don't think you can f*** me? Bitch-ass motherfucker. Bitch ass motherfucker Antisemitic Homophobic she should be gone right we haven't done a follow-up unbelievable uh gus coria gus soria accused vaughn who apologized in september for using the phrase jew her down while referencing a city attorney spewing hate to whatever she disagrees
Starting point is 00:53:06 with. She used the term. It seems foolish to have all this money lying around. Oh, you'd rather have it down at the bank where the Jewish guys can leer at it. That's when they would. Yeah. anyways uh anyways gascoria i'll end it with this uh is calling on vaughn to resign i would think so uh the prior past he said given the councilwoman for anti-semitic comments begs the question when is enough gascoria said in a statement of the post councilwoman vaughn should resign for the good of
Starting point is 00:53:43 the residents of Trenton. No one should be subjected to her vile and vitriolic attacks and homophobic slurs. I find them offensive and counterproductive to moving our city forward. Oh, shut up. They always go too far with that fucking horseshit. Why do you just say she's a nasty black bitch. I think for the good, the values, she doesn't represent the diversity and the inclusion.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Shut it. Big girl. But she should be gone. Forever. That's who's running the fucking place. Anyways, that is it, ladies and gentlemen. Don't forget. Thank you again so much for contributing.
Starting point is 00:54:26 Nick, Nick, dip dot com and Patreon dot com. You can sign up. We appreciate that cameo. I got a couple waiting for me. I'll get on those today. If you want me to make a personal video message, roasting one of your friends or relatives or your boss saying happy birthday to your sister, I will do that to remember you guys think it i've been saying it for years you're very welcome we will see you back here tomorrow have a great day everybody guitar solo Outro Music

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