The Nick DiPaolo Show - Self-Hating White Wussies #108

Episode Date: January 24, 2019

Retard Rappaport Rips Right Wing. California Pronoun Ban Backfires Immediately. Young Gandolfini to Play Young Tony....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Thank you. hey Welcome to the big show on a Wednesday. Final show of the week, ladies and gentlemen. Tomorrow I leave for L.A. And don't forget, Friday I'll be on the Joe Rogan podcast. And that night, the Palace Comedy Club in San Diego and the following Monday the Dave Rubin show also before that Monday this Sunday in the Ventura Harbor Comedy Club in Ventura California I just want to uh real quick guys all you guys that subscribe on Patreon listen up back in November Patreon changed the way you can view content. You have to
Starting point is 00:02:05 belong to a tier. Our tiers are Fredo for $4.99, Sonny for $9.99, Michael for $15, and Vito for $30. Please check your membership. Make sure it says one of those names under your pledge amount for my show. If you don't belong to a tier, you will not be
Starting point is 00:02:21 able to see the shows. I just posted the link on how to do it again today in the post section for you Patreon members. People still complain and I donated, I can't see the show. You have to belong to a tear. I can't say it a fucking again. Don't make me believe you're as dumb as Democrats because I know you're not. I love you. How are you? I gave you the dates in L.A. this weekend, in the California area and San Diego.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Friday and Saturday, February 8th and 9th, the Black Box, Boca Raton, Florida. Friday, March 8th, Wood Theater, Glens Falls, New York. Saturday, March 9th, Cohoes Hall, Cohoes, New York. I'll be shooting a one-hour special. Friday, April 26th, Steel Stacks, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Friday, May 34th, Jonathan's at Gunkwit, Maine, a killer gig.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Saturday, June 1, Whites of Westport, Westport, Mass. Saturday, August 10th, Newtown Theater, Newtown, Pennsylvania. And Saturday, October 19th, Ridgefield Playhouse in Ridgefield, Connecticut. for all your ticket information. All right. So white kids are the problem. White teenagers, white Catholic high school teenagers, they are the problem. White kids. Catholic high school teenagers, they are the problem.
Starting point is 00:03:45 White kids. Well, here's a video that pushes back against that. I wonder how they voted. look at the girl in there oh girls women laure All right, I think you get the idea. I think you get the idea. They're just trying to make America great again. Oh, God. Self-hating white people. Fucking, I have clips of Michael Rapaport today with his tweet. Just an ignorant professional wigger his whole life. today with his tweet just an ignorant professional wigger his whole life and it's just it's it's fucking sickening
Starting point is 00:05:15 there's something wrong with the black man's mind there's something wrong with his mind Savannah Guthrie that chicken lip brought lip broad on NBC interviewed the kid who was smirking and standing his ground against the phony fraud. Have you done any research on this guy, Patton Oswalt? Or Kathy Griffin? Or Michael Rappaport? Or Reza Aslan? Have you done your research? Have you apologized to these kids?
Starting point is 00:05:48 No, because it doesn't matter to you, does it? You just want to win. You don't give a shit if you're right or wrong. The sad thing is white kids, high school kids, probably the most nonviolent kids on the planet, especially in this country. You can make that statement and back it up with, well, I don't know. I'll call McDonald's and have me send me the last hundred videos that went viral from their place or Burger King or White Castle. You know what I'm saying? But the self-white hatred is just
Starting point is 00:06:18 hilarious. Savannah Guthrie, chicken lips, had the balls to ask, you think wearing that hat might have, this wouldn't have happened if you weren't wearing that hat had the balls to ask. You think wearing that hat might have, this wouldn't have happened if you weren't wearing that hat? I don't know. You think all the fucking shit that went down in Baltimore and Ferguson wouldn't happen if everybody had an Obama T-shirt? You think that? So now it's the clothing and a slogan backing your politician,
Starting point is 00:06:39 that's the problem? Or him standing his ground, even just standing there smirking, when I know I, myself, or any other kid at that age a teenager who said fuck off you old fuck by the way that guy was never in vietnam all the research is coming out now he's a rabble rouser we said it yesterday but it's worse than you think he said when he came back from nam he was spit on and called the baby killer he never went to to Nam. Never went. Went AWOL four times, actually spent some time in the brig. Just an unhappy drunk. And it doesn't matter though, the perfect storm for you jerk-offs on the left to get behind him, the Michael Rapoport's of
Starting point is 00:07:17 the world and Sarah Silverman's and the Judd Apatow's, because you're fucking ignorant. You're ignorant as the day is long. And it's all based in cowardice. We know who the problem is in this country. We have a few of them, a few problems. Just absolutely ridiculous. Here's a clip from Tariq Nasheed. Do I have to say any more just from his... This is a video clip.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Our buddy yesterday, you know the clip I show with the down in Miami, those little black punks were on their bikes blocking traffic. You know, MLK Jr. Day, so they caused civil disobedience. MLK would have been fucking appalled himself. But they started all this shit. And then some white guy who's had enough get out of his car to come to aid to a woman whose foot was run over by one of these punks. And the white man had a gun, Mark Bartlett, I believe his name is.
Starting point is 00:08:14 And here's some footage of Mark Bartlett who I'd vote for sheriff tomorrow. Here's some other footage of him that Tariq Nasheed found. And according to Tariq, this makes him a white supremacist. Here's some other footage of him that Tariq Nasheed found. And according to Tariq, this makes him a white supremacist. Here's a clip. Don't agree with the language.
Starting point is 00:08:43 But it is a free cut. Same guy. Same guy. Must be a white. But once again, who's causing problems? Who's precipitating the fucking confrontation? Who? Yes, that's right. Kathy Griffin. Uh, just sickening. So, you know, did you see the guy is mugshot yesterday? He was smirking just like the kid that was facing off against the fake, uh, Vietnam vet, but you're not going to see that on mainstream news.
Starting point is 00:09:26 You're not going to see it anywhere. He looks really upset because he knows he's in the right, even with a foul language. But I believe in free speech. And I believe when you're in a verbal confrontation, like I said yesterday,
Starting point is 00:09:39 you'll say whatever you think is going to hurt that person the most. And that really doesn't bother the young black kids because they've kept the word alive, whether it's hip hop or it's what they call it. But Christ, like I say it to my buddies on the phone, they call in a friendly way.
Starting point is 00:09:52 What's up, my nigga? What's up? My grandparents were using it before they died. But that's Tariq Nasheed's idea of a white supremacist. He doesn't call attention to them. But Mark Bartlett, this is for you, pal. Put his mugshot up there again. Can you?
Starting point is 00:10:22 The newest sheriff in town named Mark Bartlett he has had enough he's only giving you previews of what's coming folks if the left keeps up their fucking nonsense 833-599-NICK 833-599-6425 the phone number let's go to the phones 833-599-6425.
Starting point is 00:10:46 The phone number. Let's go to the phones. Kevin in Chicago. Kev, what's up? What's up, Nick? Man, this big media storm is a big eye-opener, huh? Yeah. But I want to talk about, so you're going on Jiroga Experience next week? I'm going on this two days, Friday morning.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Oh, Friday morning, okay. Yeah. Man, you got to talk to Joe Rogan, man. He's been a big supporter of open borders. He thinks the wall is racist, blah, blah, blah. I mean, I keep hearing him. I'm a big fan of Joe. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:22 But every time he talks about the wall, he always gets it wrong. And I just like to hearing him. I'm a big fan of Joe. Every time he talks about the wallets, he always gets it wrong. I just like to say him. He lives in the gated community, man. He doesn't have to face the problem of someone like me who doesn't have the kind of money he does. He doesn't have to face those kind of problems that illegal immigration brings. That was my first point. My second point is the self-hating white wussies yeah the three people you named right there were all jewish can you ever change your tune ever change your tune first of all jewish is a religion it's not a race
Starting point is 00:12:00 and uh i'll def i'll defend is Israel to the end. Kev, I took your call anyways. I thought you might be smart enough to not go down that road again. So we just disagree on that situation. But I can name 17,000 other self-hating whites that aren't Jewish, okay? And again, Jewish is a religion, not a race. So you sound a little dumb. Let's go to Dre in Jersey.
Starting point is 00:12:31 He says his family's a bunch of liberal cocksuckers, wants to stay on point. That's enough to be on point. Dre, what's up, man? What's the matter with this family of yours? Do I have to talk to them? Dre? Dre, you be there, Dre? Dre. All right, Dre, I gave you ample opportunity. Let's go to Gerson in Los Angeles Gerson what's up what's up Nick it's thank you
Starting point is 00:13:08 for getting my name somewhat right it's okay my parents can't even pronounce my name just calling again and there's my second time calling and again I'm a big fan and I'm just here in Los Angeles which which I grew up in. I fucking can't stand it. I don't blame you. I can't stand living here anymore. Yeah. I'm your favorite conservative atheist married to a Chinese woman from New York.
Starting point is 00:13:35 So go put that in your pipe and try to digest it. Right. Holy shit. I trigger everyone. You know, I... Go ahead. What do you want?
Starting point is 00:13:44 It says you want to talk about the guy pulling the gun Bartlett? What do you think of him? I'm sorry, not part of it. Not not Bartlett the yeah, I thought actually I made a mistake. Yeah a video of the the MAGA wearing Students the Catholic. Oh, yes students. Yes Yeah that that shit. I mean Jesus Christ man and it's funny how they just jump at the liberal media just jump on anything and gets it wrong they don't give a shit of theirs there's any any facts any
Starting point is 00:14:15 evidence anything they just go and I did want to touch on this the black those what are those those Israelites ever the fuck that black is really there always been that yeah there I don't know that that sounds like an oxymoron to me doesn't even make any sense but um they're always in downtown k yelling at people and i actually was down there one time a few months ago and and uh not the same ones obviously it's you know i guess they're in every city everywhere yeah they're like they're like burger king have a franchise fucking every like starbucks they're just shitting out you know fucking you know hateful coffee everywhere and uh they're just they were just yelling shit to anybody and they they saw me and i'm hispanic so they just assume you know they didn't know what to think of me when i walked
Starting point is 00:15:00 by and i was reading some other pamphlets and whatever bullshit. And as the second I showed any resistance to their bullshit or anything and ask questions, they're just like, man, get the fuck out of here. And they started getting all ghetto and you know how fucking violent some of them get. Not all of them. I'm just going to. No, I know. I know. And of course, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:20 So it's, you know, and of course I recorded them, but nobody gives a shit. It doesn't matter. So it's, you know, and of course I recorded them, but nobody gives a shit. It doesn't matter. As soon as I try to send it to any type of organization, liberal media or any type of news, they won't give a shit. You know, but if it was white MAGA wearing, you know, white dude standing in the corner, just saying facts, throwing facts out, they would be all over it. All these racists.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Anyways, I'm venting. I'm just angry. I'm stuck in traffic here i'll be stuck in it uh thank you gerson thank you for the call i'll be stuck in it on friday when i try to go from la to a gig that starts at 7 30 in san diego which involves the 405 and then the five i lived out there for five years i know but as far as the double c yes and the black israelites are nothing new to New Yorkers. They're in Times Square. I don't know if they're still there. You know, my second year here,
Starting point is 00:16:16 they were they were already standing on the literally on boxes, spitting and cursing. And, you know, I would give them the finger and they'd fucking call me cracker and and they're hateful people. They're everything that the mainstream media, the Savannah Guthrie's, the NBC's portray young white kids to be. That's what they are. They're filled with fucking hate.
Starting point is 00:16:36 They hate themselves more than anything. Just lost souls. What has to happen to you as a human being where you dedicate most of your lives to standing in the cold on a fucking soapbox, literally with a blow horn, yelling out just fucking racial, racial epithets and all kinds of poor shit that, like Garrison just said, you know, if a white group did it, you wouldn't have to use language one tenth that strong.
Starting point is 00:17:06 You'd be in deep shit. And NBC would surround you in Times Square and the rest of them. It really is sad what the media has done. When you watch this stuff, that's what you have to keep asking yourselves. How did these fucking idiots get to this point where there's such self-hating, white,
Starting point is 00:17:22 self-loathing pieces of liberal garbage um it's you know it was a long process and their education and all the garbage that they ingest from hollywood uh from the news it it's all coming to fruition and it's really interesting times and I'd hate to think like I said if Trump didn't get elected where the fuck would it be with the thick ankle dog face let's go to Tim line one Tim
Starting point is 00:17:56 what's going on hey can you hear me okay yes I can perfect hi my name is Tim from Forgotten Millennials. I wanted to give you a call quick. I'm a big fan of the show, New York native. Now living in Virginia, I escaped the madness.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Yes. So I wanted to add on, you were going on Joe Rogan. I heard you were going on Joe Rogan in two days. Yeah. Funny enough, I had the top comment twice already on Joe Rogan's Barry Weiss podcast. They've deleted it twice, and I put it back up, and now I've gotten over 200 likes in about two hours. Well, what was the comment? What was the comment?
Starting point is 00:18:35 What did you think about that? Well, what's the comment? Why did he delete it? Basically, just listing her inconsistencies, what's going on, like calling to abolish the Second Amendment, calling for all these things. Let me quickly read it for you. Real quick. For your audience.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Sorry, I'm not prepared for this. Real quick. Just give me one second. I'm sorry, what was that? I said real quick. I have a bunch of calls lined up. Hello? Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Oh, no problem. Yeah. a bunch of calls lined up. Hello? Go ahead. Oh, no problem. Yeah. So, so basically I said
Starting point is 00:19:07 that, you know, my comment was deleted how many times I have evidence screenshots. Basically, you know, she's calling for
Starting point is 00:19:15 Who's she? taking away the Second Amendment. Who's she? She's calling for Who is she? Tim. Barry Weiss. Barry Weiss
Starting point is 00:19:22 from the New York Times. An editor from the New York Times. And it's a woman. Who he had on her show. On Weiss. Barry Weiss from the New York Times. An editor from the New York Times. And it's a woman. Who he had on her show. On his show. And I wanted to kind of bring that to light before you went on there if you wanted to bring it up. I'm not sure why they're doctoring
Starting point is 00:19:38 comments or dislikes or any of that, but we're seeing a lot of that internet censorship that's going on. You know, stopping dislikes, stopping likes. Right. You know, even from major companies and such. What's your take on that? Thank you for the call, Tim. Oh, and you say major companies, if you're talking about tech, if you're talking about big tech companies, it's no surprise. We know who runs them. We know that all the money, I said this yesterday, all the money is in Silicon Valley now. These companies, tech companies have all the dough. So the politicians are beholden to them and vice versa.
Starting point is 00:20:10 It's the same old fucking story. And if you have a right wing point of view and if you're going to be out there with your pro Second Amendment points of view. Yeah, I mean, I don't know. I found Joe to be pretty fair politically, but I know that he's been in Hollywood for a long time and that shit's going to seep in. But he's well-read, and I don't know exactly what your comments were.
Starting point is 00:20:35 His show is so fucking big, he has huge advertisers who might have a problem with right-wing shit. So, I mean, Joe buys companies that advertise on his show. It's so powerful. But he's always been, to me, he's always fair, fair minded. You know, we probably won't agree on everything. But all I know is if you stay in Hollywood long enough,
Starting point is 00:20:56 surrounded by those idiots, it's contagious sometimes. But I have, from when I watched Joe, I don't see that. I see he has his point of view and he backs him up. Whatever. I don't look, I'm not going Joe, I don't see that. I see he has his point of view and he backs him up. Whatever. I don't look, I'm not going to get into a heavy political discussion. We're comics and we have so much to talk about, whether it's Louie, me getting punched in the face, which, you know, will be hard for him to. He told me to leg whip the broad that did it. No, he said he would have leg whipped her, which was still the funniest comment ever.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Anyways. All right. 833-599-6425. which was still the funniest comment ever. Anyways. All right. 833-599-6425. Michael Rapoport, a professional wigger, always has been. He wanted me on his podcast a few years ago or whatever. And, you know, he does good work, but I can't stand his politics. He put out a hateful thing about the Catholic high school kids from Kentucky.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Here's his clip on Twitter. You see the video of these Catholic school teenage fuckboys, handjobs, harassing, getting in the face. No, I saw it the other way, dummy. Of these Native American people. Check this out. Native American people? Check this out. Native American people? Yeah, they're really getting in that guy's face, aren't they? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:22:18 You see what you want to see. All right. You little shit stain. You got no fucking life. Go play some video games. Go try to bird dog some chicks you fucking little creeps shorty shit stain hand job oh edgy fuck boy huh where's these people's parents you little fucking scumbag mega hat wearing shitug? Michael, where's your parents? Where's your parents? Wow!
Starting point is 00:22:51 Where's your fucking parents that you wanted to grow up black? Don't know who the fuck you are. You smug cocksucker. Fuck you. I could have grabbed this microphone and I'd beat your brains out with it because that's what you're doing. wanted to grow up black. Don't know who the fuck you are. You smug cocksucker. Fuck you. Or could I grab this microphone? I beat your brains out with it because that's what you deserve. That's what you deserve. What another LA liberal fucking dope. Oh, that's edgy. Going after white
Starting point is 00:23:18 Catholic high school boys. That's some fucking real edge, Michael. Always, always plays the role of the fucking wigger and I wonder if you've apologized since it turned out it wasn't the little white fucking cucks that started the whole shit. Have you gone after the black Israelites? Have you put out a tweet? Those hateful fuck stains?
Starting point is 00:23:43 Those fucking animals? Did you tweet them did any of you apologize that jumped the gun you just revealed yourselves this thing was a blessing in disguise in Kentucky because it shows who the real problem is every fucking clip
Starting point is 00:23:58 I show today I can't help it they all have a common thread but to to go after a catholic high school white boy that just stood there didn't even how about this they outnumbered they savannah gufty said well you can't you outnumber them by like five to one and yet not one of them dropped the n-bomb not one of them just disproving all your fucking theories and it's a catholic high school this supposed to be the worst of the worst these white privileged didn't fucking do a thing didn't throw a punch didn't drop a fucking n-bomb how do you explain that what if it was all what if all those white kids were black and they were facing off against an older white guy you think you could say the
Starting point is 00:24:41 same no you couldn't and if you disagree with me, just being intellectually dishonest, I can admit it. I love it. It revealed everything about the celebrities, the lib celebrities, about the mainstream media. No, no issue. No issue more than race. Is there a bigger gap the way it's talked about in private as opposed to public? The New York Post, like I said, that's supposedly a right wing rag here in New York City. They have clips every day of white people supposedly saying or doing racist shit. And once again, you don't know what happened that precipitated the incidents, you know? But we did here because there was footage that was two hours long showing the black Israelites with the real fucking the real problem who started all this.
Starting point is 00:25:31 And these kids have had death threats and just sickening. The left is just they're fascist. They're fucking hateful. They're angry. They're racist. They're bigots. they're angry they're racist they're bigots they're everything that they accuse people like you and i of being uh makes me fucking sick austin in chicago michael rapaport and a two-hour conversation he had with him a few days ago
Starting point is 00:25:59 austin how are you hey i would just like to apologize for the comments I just said in the YouTube section I was critical of the twinks because usually they say when he says your name you're gonna be on the air but this time they said if he says your name's whatever that's one point so Michael Rappaport not a huge fan of him either I actually talked to him a couple of days ago, and he... Oh, for the love of fuck. Stick cell phones up your ass.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Here's the phone everybody should still be using. Get out of the way. Everybody, all right? Go out and get one of these tomorrow every single one of you see this never never have I dropped a call on this ever I know I look it looks like you should be
Starting point is 00:26:57 on the desk of Dick Van Dyke or Ward Cleaver but god damn it some things don't need to be changed. He said he talked to Michael Rapaport for two hours. What are they best? Was he a neighbor or something? Michael probably has a show or whatever,
Starting point is 00:27:13 but I, and I don't hate the guy, but, but you know, I always hated how he acted like a fucking wigger in every role he played. And I don't know if he grew up in New York or not. I don't know where he got so tainted, but I know Hollywood fucking finished him off.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Should we try Dre again? Yeah, yeah. Let's try Dre. His family's a bunch of liberal cocksuckers. I don't know if I want to take this call. Their language offends me. Dre, what's going on? Nick, can you hear me?
Starting point is 00:27:42 Yes, I can. Go ahead. Do I sound clear? Go, go. I got a bunch of calls drake get to the point please thank you do i sound clear okay all right um first of all your your hate speech podcast really offends me i'm like no i'm just kidding man i've been wanting to call for a while uh It's just my whole family. My father, I'm just telling him, like, I'm a Puerto Rican guy. I'm explaining to him, like, Dad, no, the Democrats keep the black family down by incentivizing single-parent households and all this stuff. And he's just like, it's like he grabs his ears and starts shaking in the fetal position
Starting point is 00:28:25 when I start saying this shit. I'm like, Dad, it's not teams, man. This is not sports, dude. This is like real-life shit. And he just holds on so tightly to the fact that they're the good guys. They're the ones that I'm like, I don't know, man. I think it's – I'm trying to explain to him. I'm like, it's the know, man. I think it's, I'm trying to explain to him. I'm like, it's, it's the people who keep trying to keep their families together that,
Starting point is 00:28:49 that are the ones, uh, keeping this country good, man. It's, it's not the, it's not the people who, who are obsessed with killing babies and there's just everything wrong with, with the left man. I agree. Well, you know what, Dre, here's, here's the perfect solution. Thank you for the left, man. I agree. I don't know. The guys. Well, you know what, Dre? Here's the perfect solution. Thank you for the call, by the way. Have them sign up for this show.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Get a nice dose of me four times a week and they'll wake the fuck up. Because this is the only place you're going to get it. This and podcasts with guys like me, the Owen Benjamins of the world,
Starting point is 00:29:24 or whether it's Komi or whoever. It's the only place you're going to get that. Your dad's not going gonna get it. This and podcasts with guys like me, the Owen Benjamins of the world, or whether it's Komiya, or whoever. It's the only place you're gonna get that. You're not gonna, your dad's not gonna get it from mainstream media. Fucking, you know, he's just, that's the, the mainstream media's preaching to the choir with that horse shit. Can you imagine if white kids were
Starting point is 00:29:39 one-eighth as punky as the fucking inner city shit, and as ignorant as everybody says they are. Like Dre said, most people that vote Republican just want to go to work. They have families. They tear kids. You don't see them unless they're at a pro-life rally.
Starting point is 00:29:57 And by the way, they pick up all their trash when they're done. I'm so tired of it. It's fucking, it's go time can we get it can we drop the gloves let's have a civil fucking war
Starting point is 00:30:09 we have all the guns maybe not in the inner cities but I gotta believe I can see buses from Alabama coming up with fucking rednecks to New York City and being met at the fucking bridge
Starting point is 00:30:22 I'm picturing this I wish I could write the movie. Anyways, disappointed in Michael Rapaport, but, you know, let it fucking go, Mama Luke. I'll take one or two more calls on this, and I got some other stories of the left losing this shit. I have a story where the California State Senate bans the use of the words he and she
Starting point is 00:30:46 during hearings. Ha ha ha ha! California! California. Let's go to Zach in Dallas, where I had the best show of my life there a few months ago and I want to go back. Zach, you said Ann Coulter weighed in on this obviously. Yes. Hey Nick, I was at that show. Oh, great. In Dallas. Thank you, Zach. Yeah, I was with that little Asian girl. She came up and
Starting point is 00:31:17 bitched at you after. She was like, you shouldn't say that mean shit about women. But she's dumb, so don't listen to her. But I think it was Ann Coulter that said this. I don't remember exactly who it was, but somebody said that these kids are the perfect representative of Trump. It's like white people now, when somebody of a minority says something,
Starting point is 00:31:38 even if you're in the wrong, you have to kowtow to them. And that kid wasn't in the wrong in what he was doing. And him wearing the MAGA hat and that guy coming up in the wrong in what he was doing and wearing the maya hat and that guy coming up to him and him not even doing anything but just the act of standing his ground and not bowing down is like the perfect representative for trump yeah because that's what he is he's not bowing down to these people yeah well that's it's a valid point by colta who is very sharp i like her i've had on my radio show a few times uh no you're right zach um these kids might not you when trump came along these kids if trump didn't come along
Starting point is 00:32:12 you know they might not have done this and and stood they didn't do anything is the point they acted like mature adults it was the adults and the goddamn it's insane for somebody yes yeah it's insane for a white person not to just, like, have to be in the wrong even if they didn't do anything. Yeah, well, it shows what a mindfuck the media has.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Again, it's the television that's the poison. The left has been preaching this shit, this you're a racist and a bigot for 40 years on television. And they found that it worked and it was a real hook for them. And you never
Starting point is 00:32:46 did see any white people standing up until Trump took office. And that doesn't mean they're racist. Thank you for the call, Zach. I mean, that's the world we live in now where you stand your ground and you're considered a white supremacist. She's asking me, you had the MAGA hat on, like it was a fucking sheet, like a Klansman sheet. I mean, just sickening. And you know those kids, thank God they go to a Catholic high school. That's the only place left where they're not quite being brainwashed. Although I say that, and I think of Notre Dame yesterday covering up Christopher Columbus murals,
Starting point is 00:33:25 because, you know, three Native American students had a problem with it. It's been fine for 100 years. They had to cover that, you know, and the Covington High School, the administration, they jumped like the rest of the fucking eaters on the left. They jumped on these kids instead of having their backs.
Starting point is 00:33:38 That's how deep and insidious this fucking left-wing propaganda is. And they have the whole mainstream media. And that's what it is. They're a propaganda arm for the Democrat Party. Oh, by the way, Nancy thick fucking nipples Pelosi canceled the State of the Union address. She's overplaying her fucking hand.
Starting point is 00:34:02 This is fun. And I said it yesterday. You really think she's going to outsm hand. This is fun. And I said it yesterday, you really think she's gonna outsmart Trump in a deal? I don't give a shit if she's on her home turf, which is DC, where she's been forever. She canceled this day. Trump should just have a rally tomorrow night. Why doesn't he just call a, you know,
Starting point is 00:34:18 an arena in St. Louis? And then he can give the whole speech. You can't stop him from having a rally. There's a million ways around it, right? Have a fucking rally. Have a rally. I was going to say go on a late night talk show, but you know, who would that be?
Starting point is 00:34:34 The Nick DiPaolo show. I want to get Trump in here. I mean, if fucking Marin could get Obama to come to his house, Trump has a golf course three feet from me. And whatever, everybody lives up here. George Soros,
Starting point is 00:34:47 fucking Hillary. What am I doing here? I can't even afford this shit. Selling Coke, I got this connection with Henry Hill in Pittsburgh, but that's drying up. Want to read a super chat?
Starting point is 00:34:59 Go ahead, super chat. Mike Rossi says, Mr. Rappaport is a race-baiting shitbag, but I respect his right to be able to say it. Of course. Nobody's saying he can't say it. I agree with that. But he doesn't have that same respect for people like myself.
Starting point is 00:35:17 Therein lies the rub, Mike. But of course. I'm for all this shit. I mean, it was up to me. I'd fucking, you know, N-words would be flying C-words, D's, J's. It's the beauty of our country.
Starting point is 00:35:31 But one party gets that and one doesn't. You know, you say it at your own fucking risk. Let's go to, I want to go to Mark in Tyson, corner of Virginia. White guy married to a black girl. People come up to him when he's out with his wife in public. People assume he hates Trump, but when he's alone, people assume he's a Trump supporter. That's very interesting. Is that right, Mark? That's, that's an interesting dynamic there.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Nick, you're a hero of mine, man. You're a hero of mine. I'm just grateful to get the time with you. I just want to tell you, the left looks at us as voting demographics. They look at us by race, by gender, by class. That's how they look at us. They separate us by that. We look at it by content of character. I don't give a shit what you are. So I look like a
Starting point is 00:36:17 Trump sport. I got a beard. I don't give a fuck. And I married a black girl, a black lady, and great wholesome girl. Nick, I'm above my pay grade. I believe it. I notice every time I'm with her in public at airports, people come up. They just want to start talking about Colin Kaepernick like I share the same opinion.
Starting point is 00:36:37 They want to talk about how Trump's a racist. Anytime I'm at an airport, Nick, I'm at a train station. Some loony lefty comes up, they want to talk politics, assuming what? That we're both left. Are they white? Because I'm with a black girl. I'm not a cuck. I bet it's always white people.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Of course. They're always white. Of course. Yes. Yes, Nick. Yeah. Of course, Nick. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:59 I know. Yeah. No, I mean, you get what I'm saying? It's yes. It's obvious which side is wrong here. I just can do you get what I'm saying? Yes. It's obvious which side is wrong here. I just can't believe it. I can't believe how often they're wrong. That's a great call, Mark.
Starting point is 00:37:12 Thank you so much. Seriously, that was very interesting. We'll call back. Yeah, that's an interesting dynamic. They just assume that you've ingested the poison, you've drank the fucking Kool-Aid, especially at airports where CNN's blaring in the background right until you get on the plane.
Starting point is 00:37:28 If you're taking a Delta flight, they're telling you, you know, Wolf Blitz is telling you how racist you are. But this was a blessing in disguise, this whole Kentucky high school black Israelite thing. It really shows who the scumbags are. It exposed them, it exposed the media, and it exposed how white high school Catholics aren't the problem. They haven't been for a long time.
Starting point is 00:37:48 I used to, every time I watched movies, I was complaining about this in the 80s, that the dick, the bully, was always a white kid in a leather jacket. And look at the bullying statistics in high schools, especially in cities, and see who's fucking doing it. California State Senate bans the use,
Starting point is 00:38:10 this one cracked me the fuck up, bans the use of the words he and she during hearings and then breaks its own rule. Spiked online editor Brendan O'Neill reacted to the California State Senate banning the words he and she during hearings and said it's an example of political correctness run amok. They now, he says, and he put it beautifully, they now want to control not just hateful language, and they always decide what's hateful. If you disagree with them politically,
Starting point is 00:38:37 they consider that hate. And racist language, which we all agree is a bad thing. But everyday speech, that's what they're starting to ban. He and she, the words that people use all the time in everyday conversation to describe men and women, they want to dig down so far into how we speak and ultimately into how we think that they are willing to ban the most common words in the English language, which is totally right. You are correct, sir. in the English language, which is totally right. You are correct, sir.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Democrat Senate Judiciary Chair, her name is Hannah Beth Jackson, spoke about the change on Thursday and said it's a matter of gender. She says, we are now a state recognizing the non-binary designation as gender, Jackson said. By the way, you can see why she agrees with this when you take a look at her. We are using the phrase they and replacing other designations so that it's a gender neutral designation of they. Basically, that's the primary reforms and revisions to the committee rule. California's lost its shit.
Starting point is 00:39:38 Jackson was a victim of her own rules, however, when she well, here's the video of her in the spirit of gender neutrality for the committee it uh now designates the chair as they use me sir um so the world is a different place uh my grammar teacher's long gone and i won't be hearing from her um and if any of you from them exactly from they. Yeah. OK, this is a meeting to change. And she they can't even get it right out of the meeting. She referred to her old grammar school teacher saying she would be appalled at this and referred to her as her.
Starting point is 00:40:18 But it's now they. Isn't they plural? This is what I don't get. Isn't they plural? OK, just say a bunch of dumb cunts. I mean, they. What the fuck? They're setting the bar.
Starting point is 00:40:34 It's so fucked. This is what you want? You want this in the White House. I'm almost hoping the Dems win in 2020. Because this society is going to unravel so quick. I am going to laugh laugh my ass off they said the woman with the new gingrich haircut jeff in cincinnati right now he's got breaking news from Cincinnati.
Starting point is 00:41:06 Jeff, what is that breaking news, sir? Right now, I'm watching it on TV. There are explosive devices, as what they believe they are, have been delivered to the Covington, Kentucky Archdiocese. How's that for tolerant, Nick? Well, here's the thing, Jeff, and this is how I look at it when I hear something like this. My first instinct is, okay, it might be somebody from the left, but we're such charged times politically. Could it be somebody from the right making it look like the left?
Starting point is 00:41:38 You know how when black people hang nooses on their doorknobs and key their own cars and then blame them? Right. So I look at it. I need to know all the facts, but I tend to believe, yeah, this is, I mean, if this is true, Jeff, I mean, how far are we away from a civil war? That's the question. Or is it already starting? You're not very far. Apparently not. You're not very far.
Starting point is 00:42:03 I, so, yeah, that's interesting. You saw that on the local news? Oh, it's live breaking news on the local Fox channel right here in Cincinnati right now. Okay. Well, you know what? I appreciate you giving us an update, and thanks for the call. Again, I hold judgment because you don't know. In these politically charged times, it could be a righty making
Starting point is 00:42:26 the left look crazy or it could be a legitimate. You know. For what? For a kid staring at a fucking old Indian who's a liar and a rabble rouser. And the media is pouring gas on this and they have been itching. People always said to me,
Starting point is 00:42:42 well, they put a lot of racial stuff out there because it sells papers and ratings. That's bullshit. It's bigger than that. They want us divided. The Dems have mastered identity politics. It's what they deal in. It's what they've perfected. And they're the ones who divide us. So I'm sure Trump's trying to divide us by lowering unemployment in the black and brown communities to record lows and women. And he's trying to divide us by doing... Please.
Starting point is 00:43:14 He's the one that finally fucking stood up and... Anyways, yeah, keep an eye on that, fellas. The fucking breaking... It'll be funny if it turned out to be Shep Smith called in a bombshell. From a bathhouse. Want to change it up a little? Want to lighten it up a little bit?
Starting point is 00:43:34 We can. James Gandolfini's son, Michael, to play young Tony Soprano in prequel movie. I cannot wait for this i cannot wait for this imagine that i guess he's acting he's been on line order and and uh but uh this is he's gonna play imagine that he's gonna play a young Tony Soprano, this is going to be great.
Starting point is 00:44:08 You got to grow up, you're not a kid anymore. It's a profound honor to continue my dad's legacy while stepping into the shoes of a young Tony Soprano, Michael Gandolfini said to a statement to Deadline. I'm thrilled that I'm going to have the opportunity to work with David Chase and the incredible company of talent he has assembled for the many saints of Newark. Michael has gotten to show off his acting chops before, appearing in episodes of The Deuce and Law and Order True Crime.
Starting point is 00:44:35 But this will be the first time he stars in a leading role. Jesus, I hope he can handle it. Those are big shoes to fill. According to Deadline, Chase and his team put Michael Gandolfini's only son through an extensive audition process before eventually deciding he was their Tony Soprano. I wonder how extensive. He went up against a transgender woman from China and a Puerto Rican kid with one leg from the Bronx. The script for Many Saints, starring Drew Brees and what? Gilligan!
Starting point is 00:45:07 The script for Many Saints, which will be a feature film, was penned by Chase and longtime Sopranos writer Lawrence Conner, both of whom are producing. Alan Taylor, a longtime HBO collaborator who helmed episodes of The Sopranos and Game of Thrones,
Starting point is 00:45:22 will be directing. I cannot fucking wait. The movie also will star Alessandro Nibola, Avera Famiglia, John Bernthal, Billy Magnuson, and Corey Stoll. It will reportedly be set
Starting point is 00:45:39 during the era of the 60s, the Newark riots. There he is. I can see. Oh. I can. Yes. I mean. Come on.
Starting point is 00:45:48 You can. You have to pick this kid. I hope he can friggin act. He's much better looking. I hope he put. I hope they have him like put on a few pounds as he. But I am. Guys.
Starting point is 00:46:00 I can't help it. Soprano is my favorite thing in the history of show business. And. I cannot fucking wait for this. And you know who else? I think, let's put up, Pauly Walnuts has to fucking, there he is. There's a young Tony, that could be fucking me. That was me in high school.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Kiss my own biceps, because nobody else would. That's Tony Sirico. That's Pauly Walnuts when he was a young guy gotta fucking love this I cannot wait for this but Michael Gandolfini David Chase is just a master
Starting point is 00:46:34 anyhow that's to be awesome. Let's go to Carrie in Massachusetts. Carrie, what's going on? Yes. How are you? Hey, I was just calling. Good. How are you, Nick?
Starting point is 00:47:01 Good, thank you. I was just calling in response to that guy. I've been hearing people constantly complaining about guests on Rogan's show, and it drives me nuts. He's just a guy having a conversation. He has all kinds of people on there. Yes, he does. And he lets the public be a fly on the wall into a conversation between whoever he's talking with. Yes. And if people don't like the content, like, and they can't,
Starting point is 00:47:30 they can only watch like people they agree with, maybe they shouldn't watch Rogan. That's right. That's exactly right, Carrie. It always been fair. The show's always been fair and it's so powerful. I mean, it's more powerful than most tv shows out there the amount of downloads he gets and uh i i've been on it a few times and i've
Starting point is 00:47:50 watched a lot of it and like you just said it's just a conversation and he's well prepared and um yeah you know if you want and he lets the public be a part of it it's like somebody's sitting around having a conversation you get to tune in if you want to. If you don't like what they're saying, don't freaking watch it. Carrie, let me hear you say that again. He lets the public what? He lets the public in on like a conversation. No, say it the way you said it the first time.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Oh, freaking what? You said he lets the public. I don't know Oh, freaking what? You said he lets the public. I don't know what you're saying. He said he lets the public be a part of it. Yeah, he lets the public be a part of it. And if you can't watch someone you don't 100% agree with as a guest, then don't, you know what I mean? Don't watch.
Starting point is 00:48:40 That's exactly right. Like everyone's complaining about his guest. And oh, did you hear what his guest said? Oh my God. They get that bandies on a bunch over nothing. Yeah, no, exactly.
Starting point is 00:48:50 And, and, and, and thank you for the call, Carrie. It was, uh, thanks for being a part of the show.
Starting point is 00:48:54 I appreciate it. God bless it. I love Massachusetts broads with their frigging and part of it. Fucking no, my one over four. Uh, but she's absolutely right. Rogan's as fair as any fucking
Starting point is 00:49:07 show. And people, she says everybody complains, but you know who complains? Social media jerk-offs. Because they grew up in a world where everything has to be catered to them. And they don't deserve a voice, most of the people on Twitter. It's fucking, that's what I learned from this whole tech boom
Starting point is 00:49:24 from social media is not everybody deserves a voice. And I hate to say that being a people on Twitter. It's fucking, that's what I learned from this whole tech boom, uh, from social media is not everybody deserves a voice. And I hate to say that being a, but I, I never realized how retarded fucking people are. And, uh, but yeah,
Starting point is 00:49:37 Rogan show is great. And the fucking numbers speak for themselves and he's funny and he's a guy's guy. And I fucking, uh, been a fan for a long time anyways and uh i think i started a few years uh before him so quincy mass uh people are too smart for their own good says pat and quincy pat what's going on uh hi nick uh great to talk to you so here's what i'm trying to say yes
Starting point is 00:50:07 basically it's like this like this all right we need some basic people in the government right now people talk about how like you'd like people okay the elitists they're all too smart and they're like oh this dumb guy trump doesn't understand anything about politics it's like right that's the beautiful thing about the guy right is he's basic and right now we have a basic situation which is do you think that opioid epidemic is a problem yes do you think that you know human trafficking is bad yes well guess what build a fucking wall and you solve a lot of those problems you know it's simple but these fucking people who are all like the colleges universities they're all like the heads up their ass with like oh well actually illegal immigration actually
Starting point is 00:50:51 contributes to the economy blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and it's like shut up no it fucking doesn't no you are pat you are so spot on because look look, it's a government for and by the people and whatever. And he is one of us. And as far as common sense goes, the left, they really, well, look at just the he, they're trying to, in California, get rid of the word he and she. And we had the whole bathroom controversy. Something as basic as biology, a pussy and a dick, where they should go to the bath, that they confuse that issue because that's their smoke screen. They talk like fucking lawyers.
Starting point is 00:51:32 They're not that bright. Obama was the most fucking average. He gave a good speech, but fucking there was nothing sterling about the words in the speech. He had a great cadence and a great smile, But they are so you are so spot on that it's common sense. And he is a simple guy, Trump. And social media has proved most people are very simple out there. So I agree. He's the right guy. We need more basic shit. We need more basic, plain, simple politics. And that's what he's doing. God bless. That's exactly right. Good call, Pat. Exactly right. We need more basic, plain, simple politics. And that's what he's doing. God bless him.
Starting point is 00:52:05 That's exactly right. Good call, Pat. Exactly right. It's common sense, which goes out the window. They're always worrying about being so progressive. They'll change shit that doesn't need changing. I loved when they said to Trump, the fucking wall is medieval. And he goes, yeah, so's the wheel.
Starting point is 00:52:22 But it's still working pretty good. I mean, i don't know if he came up with that uh but uh you know can i pull in a super chat yeah super chat i'll give you two on heavy and then like cory gallabrath says we are in a civil war right now uh it is just that our side is being civil while the left loonies are attacking us we are just letting it happen well that that's not a war on one side, just letting it happen. When we start fighting back and pushing back and getting as ugly as they are, but then we're destroyed. If the people who still, there's only one truth out there,
Starting point is 00:52:55 and I'm just calling it like I see it. People, well, why are you so right wing? Right now, that's how I fucking see it. I'm sorry. Ocasio-Cortez, that's your big shining star. You can't point to one country where socialism fucking worked. Another common sense thing. I mean, Jesus Christ, you know how many, this capitalist system,
Starting point is 00:53:15 how many people it had lifted out of poverty. It's the greatest form of government to ever happen to this planet. It's made people rich. And I mean, you can't point to anything that's even come close and why are people coming from shitholes all over the world to live here if it's so racist and horseshit those are the questions
Starting point is 00:53:35 that you need to ask Pelosi and fucking Chuck Schumer and Tim Kaine and fucking Adam pencil-neck I want to punch his face shift. It is. It's common sense. Life's not that fucking complicated. And you black people out there, you better vote for Trump in 2020. He's done more for your fucking people as far as jobs go. Your people? Who am I? That's kind of racist.
Starting point is 00:54:01 Ross Perot. You guys are probably too young when he ran. And you people? What do i mean you people uh black people see how it is right and your generation is scared i say it on stage just to get a fuck and get the people's attention and you peep are you black and you broads and the fucking place will get quiet there's buzzwords if you know how to use them. Anyways. I only got one more. Oh, good. Thomas Regan says,
Starting point is 00:54:32 Maga hot students staring down Indian? Just another example of the Patriots beating the Chiefs. Well said. Well said. I wish I came up with that myself, goddammit. You are correct, sir. That's right. That was Tom Brady staring down Pat Mahomes. What a fraud that guy was.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Never was in Vietnam. Actually did time in the brig. Went AWOL four times. Just a fucking phony. And you left this cum guzzlers you bought bought it hook, line, and sinker. Speaking of cum guzzling, Bryan Singer is back in the news. Who's that? You know who it is, the director, the Bohemian Rhapsody director, which I just watched that movie. It was very good. And by the way, the directors get way too much credit. Can I just say that?
Starting point is 00:55:22 It's the writers that should get all the credit. You know how hard it is to sit down and write a movie or even a short story? Who can't go put the camera behind the fucking Indian guy and then put a... Honest to God. I think Hugh Beaumont proved that when he directed the last couple seasons of Leave It To Be. Still watching that show. But this guy, this creep, this pedophile,
Starting point is 00:55:50 in my opinion, alleged pedophile, the Bohemian Rhapsody director, Bryan Singer, has been trailed by accusations of sexual misconduct for 20 years. Hear his alleged victims tell the stories. It was a big piece in The Atlantic. It was over 30 pages. I couldn't... After about the fifth sodomy story,
Starting point is 00:56:07 I said, I don't know, I kind of, you know. But yeah, I'm sorry. It's like Bill Cosby. All these supposed victims of Bryan Singh, they all have the same story. So I'm leaning towards guilty, but I don't know. You know, your son looks like a fag to me. You know why he's still in business?
Starting point is 00:56:24 Well, let me just get, over the past two decades, Bryan Singer's films, The Unusual Suspect, Superman Returns, four of the X-Men movies have earned more than $3 billion at the box office, putting him in the top tier of Hollywood directors. That's why he's still working. Case fucking closed. When you're making these people, what people, Nick? The people that run the business,
Starting point is 00:56:46 you know, the Irish and the Polish, when you're making them that kind of dough, you could shoot a baby on national TV and they'll be like, I don't know, he's doing some good work for us. Singer's most recent project debuted in November. Critics gave Bohemian Rhapsody, which chronicles
Starting point is 00:57:04 the rise of the band Queen, lukewarm reviews, but it earned more than $50 million in its opening weekend. By the end of December, it brought in more than $700 million. So the people that run Hollywood go, he can fuck all the kids he wants.
Starting point is 00:57:15 He's making us dough. The film's success should have been a triumph for Singer, proof of his enduring ability to give audiences what they want. In January, it won two Golden Globes, including the award for best drama. He tried to put his dick between the two Golden Globes. No, he didn't. He doesn't like girls.
Starting point is 00:57:33 But Singer was conspicuously absent from the ceremony. His name went unmentioned in the acceptance speeches. I wonder why that is. He had been fired by 20th Century Fox in December of 2017 with less than three weeks of filming left. On December 7th, Pearl Harbor, 2017, three days after the Hollywood Reporter broke the news of Singer's firing, a Seattle man named Cesar Sanchez Guzman filed a lawsuit. Sounds like every relief pitcher in the nationally filed a lawsuit against the director,
Starting point is 00:58:01 alleging that Singer had raped him in 2003 when Sanchez Guzman was 17 years old. The day after that, Deadline Hollywood published an interview with a former boyfriend of Singer's, Brett Tyler Skopik, in which Skopik described a lifestyle of drugs and orgies. You believe that?
Starting point is 00:58:19 You smirk, cocks. No. You're a wormy cocksucker, you know that? According to multiple sources, Fox had no idea that Sanchez Guzman lawsuit was coming when the studio fired Singer. Yeah, right. Still, Sanchez-Guzman's claims shouldn't have been much of a surprise almost from the moment his star began to rise. Singer, who is now 53, has been trailed by allegations of sexual misconduct. These allegations were so well known.
Starting point is 00:58:45 Listen to this. That 4,000 students, faculty members, and alumni at USC had signed a petition asking the school to take Singer's name off one of its programs. The Bryan Singer Division of Cinema and Media Studies. I've seen that statue in front of the school. He's boning a Cub Scout while eating a tuna sandwich, which the school did immediately after Sanchez Guzman filed his suit. We spent 12 months investigating various lawsuits. This is The Atlantic, a very left-wing magazine, and allegations against Singer. In total, we spoke with more than 50 sources, including four men who have never before told their stories to reporters.
Starting point is 00:59:25 A man we'll call Eric told us that he was 17 in 1997 when he and Singer had sex at a party at the director's house. Another we'll call Shep Smith, no, we'll call Andy, says he was only 15 that same year when he and Singer had sex
Starting point is 00:59:41 in a Beverly Hills mansion. Both men say Singer, who was then in his early 30s, knew they were under 18 years of age, which is the age of consent in California. I'm surprised they even have a fucking age of consent in California. Fucking queers! Oh, come on, there's no need of that. The accusations against Singer cover a spectrum. Some of the alleged victims say they were seduced by the director while underage others say they were raped the victims were interviewed told us these experiences left them psychologically damaged with substance abuse problems depression ptsd the portrait of singer that emerges is of a troubled man who surrounded himself with
Starting point is 01:00:20 vulnerable teenage boys many of them estranged from their families. Their accounts suggest that Singer didn't act alone. He was aided by friends and associates who brought him young men. Those are people who run Hollywood, folks. And he was abetted in a less direct way by an industry, that would be Hollywood, in which a record of producing hits confers immense power.
Starting point is 01:00:41 In other words, what I just said, because he's making them so much dough, they look the other way. It's a fucking sewer. It really is. I'm glad I have a podcast and shit. If they offer me a sitcom,
Starting point is 01:00:52 I go, look, am I going to be boned in the ass? And they said, only in the pilot. I wouldn't last out there. I almost moved there.
Starting point is 01:01:00 You wouldn't last out there. What are you talking about? You'd be a superstar. You'd have 10 pictures with Sony. You'd be limping to work, bleeding from the ass, but you'd be a superstar you'd have 10 pictures with sony you'd be limping to work bleeding from the ass but you'd be a superstar that's my point many of many of the sources were interviewed insisted out of fear many of the sources we interviewed insisted out of fear of damaging their own career that they would their names of course singer himself wrote an instagram post in October that read in part,
Starting point is 01:01:28 he says, I have known for some time that there may be a negative article about me. They have contacted my friends, colleagues, and people I don't even know. In today's climate, where people's careers are being harmed by mere accusations i stick out because mine aren't accusations are actually the truth no he says mere accusations what these reporters are attempting to do is a reckless disregard for the truth making assumptions that are fictional and irresponsible okay maybe the reporters are doing that but how about the victims that are talking to the reporters are they doing that how fucking dare you you smug cocksucker. Fuck you. Singer continues to enjoy the benefit of the doubt in Hollywood.
Starting point is 01:02:08 Again, because people are money greedy, hungry jerk-offs. This fall, Millennium Films signed Singer to direct Red Sonja, an adaptation of a sward and sorcery comic book. This is real Patton Oswalt nerd fucky shit. Patton Oswalt and his
Starting point is 01:02:23 fans all hate the kids from Covington High School, but they'll back this guy to the hilt. Guarantee you Patton Oswalt is the first one in line to see this fucking alleged child rapist work. I might be wrong there. If I am, kiss my grits. Sorry for the strong language. An adaptation of a sword and sorcery comic book. Oh my God. For a reported 10 million.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Asked why Singer was hired despite the allegations against him. Millennium publicist said, I'm afraid the response is unavailable for comment. Get this. The protagonist of Red Sonja is a survivor of sexual assault. This guy's a creep. In the spring of 1997, and I guarantee you, I don't know this, but I guarantee you Bryan Singer was sexually assaulted. I'm just guessing
Starting point is 01:03:10 from the research that I've done. When Victor Valdovinos was in seventh grade, he showed up to a school one day to find a big-budget film production underway. Listen to this. This gets interesting.
Starting point is 01:03:22 Filming took over at Elliott Middle School in Altadena, northeast of L.A. Late one afternoon, after basketball practice, Valdovinos stay with me, stopped in an empty restroom. While standing at a urinal, he says, he felt the presence behind
Starting point is 01:03:38 him. He turned and the ghost of Fred Gwynn, no, he turned and saw a bespeckled man in his early 30s. It was to Fred Gwynn. No. He turned and saw... He turned and saw a bespeckled man in his early 30s. It was Bryan Singer. He looked at Valdevinos over. Valdevinos remembers him saying, you're so good looking.
Starting point is 01:03:54 What are you doing tomorrow? Maybe I could have somebody contact you about putting you in this movie. Through his attorney, Singer said that he did not know who Valdevinos was and denied that anything had happened between them. Yeah, he's just making this up. The film, which was based on Stephen King novellas, starred Ian McClellan as Kurt Dusander, a former Nazi concentration camp commandant living in
Starting point is 01:04:16 Southern California, decades removed from the war and trying to keep his past a secret. The other lead was a 14-year-old named Brad Renfro, cast as Todd Bowden. Do you see a pattern developing here? To Sandra's neighbor. This is the, I'm just giving you the plot of the movie,
Starting point is 01:04:32 who discovers the Nazi secrets and threatens to turn him over to the authorities. This is almost like, this is almost like an autobiographical about Singer. People know shit about him
Starting point is 01:04:42 and threaten to turn, unless he told the man, unless the old man tells him graphic detail about the atrocities he committed. One scene has Todd, this is a 14 year old kid, taking a shower in his school gym, which triggers images of Jews in gas chambers. It does. That scene would lead to a series of lawsuits against Singer and the production. Listen to this. At least five plaintiffs, he's Bill Cosby in my opinion, at least five plaintiffs, all minors between the ages of 14 and 17 were extras in the film,
Starting point is 01:05:14 in essence claimed that members of the crew had bullied them into stripping naked for the shower scene. One of the crew members later said he thought that there had been a screw up the day of the shoot. This is a crew member that only the adult extras were supposed to have been asked to be appear naked and that
Starting point is 01:05:29 somehow the minor and adult extras have been mixed together now come on the los angeles county district attorney's office declined to press any criminal charges of course this is valvino's valdovino saying, I'm hanging out. All of a sudden, Brian comes in. He goes, hey, how are you? Real cheerful. And I'm like, hi. I can't remember his exact words.
Starting point is 01:05:54 But he was kind of just saying, come back here. He kind of directs me. He kind of grabs me and takes us to the back area, which was kind of closed up. Like this is the whole locker room. Valdevino's just to suggest the space. Like this is the whole locker room. Valdevinas gestures to suggest the space. They're doing their stuff over there. And I was back here in the towel with no shirt and no clothes on, sitting on one of the locker room benches. Brian's like, just hang out there. It's going to be all day. Don't worry. Singer left. Valdevinas waited for what seemed
Starting point is 01:06:21 like hours. Eventually, he says, Singer came back and made small talk. How you doing? Do you need anything? Every time he had a chance, three times he would go back there. He was always touching my chest. Finally, guilty, guilty. Finally, according to Valdevinos, Singer reached through the towel flaps and grabbed my genitals and started masturbating it. The director also rubbed his front part on me, Valdevinos alleges.
Starting point is 01:06:48 He did it all with a smile. Valdevinos says that Singer told him, you're so good looking, I really want to work with you. I have a nice Ferrari. I'm going to take care of you. What the fuck? You're a wormy cocksucker, you know that? Valdevinino said,
Starting point is 01:07:08 I was appalled that I heard about the Ferrari. I'm a big fan of, no. I mean, this guy and this, folks, this article goes on for 30, there's a ton, a ton of other so-called alleged victims telling the same story. But again, the guy's making them billions,
Starting point is 01:07:24 and that's how creepy and filthy Hollywood is. Valdivino said, I was frozen, speechless. He came back to where I was in a locker room throughout the day to molest me. Three sources confirmed that Singer did drive a Ferrari at the time and were able to verify Valdivino's description of how the set was arranged and of certain people he said he met there.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Valdovino says that although he did end up being used as an extra in a number of takes, he couldn't ever bring himself to watch Apt Pupil. His brother Edgar did, though, and when Edgar told Valdovino that he didn't appear on screen, Valdovino replied, that dude was like touching on me. His brother's now deceased, by the way.
Starting point is 01:08:10 By Valdovinos' account, his life changed after the molestation. When he was 16, he got his girlfriend pregnant. They had a daughter. He said, I was trying to prove that I was a man. He had been an A and B student and a standout football prospect, but he stopped going to classes, was kicked off the team. He dropped out of school for six months, worked as a series of minimum wage jobs at fast food places. Valdovinos and the baby's mother argued he was arrested after a neighbor reported a domestic disturbance. They broke up when their daughter was six months
Starting point is 01:08:40 old. Valdovinos had other failed relationships. Years later, had an affair with a married woman, a strange from her husband, ended in catastrophe, an arrest and a year-long jail sentence for domestic battery, drug possession, and driving a car without the owner's permission. He lost one job after another. And he, you know, he asked if his life would have been much different if he never encountered. But there's numerous stories just like this about this guy.
Starting point is 01:09:09 The bottom line is he's showing that Hollywood is a sewer. And again, do you think you're going to hear this on CNN? Have they ever interviewed him? Maybe I missed it. Savannah Guthrie fucking interviewed some of his people because obviously he's a, you know, he's not going to come on camera himself. Yet he's still working.
Starting point is 01:09:30 Yet if you drop, yet if you, if you say something sexist on the set of whatever, Big Bang Theory, your career could be ruined. This is the fucking world we live in. This is it. I mean, you say something racial, you know, say something racial on the set or something overly sexual to an actress, your fucking name is dirt.
Starting point is 01:09:56 So, compare this to what happened to Louis and, you know, there's gradations of what's kind of creepy and whatnot but uh guys still making movies the the piece went on for 35 pages or something i was like fucking i'll do uh one more a story just to show you you know the fucking whole world is this so especially new york city you know i i i lived world is this. So especially New York City, you know, I lived in New York.
Starting point is 01:10:26 It really is one of the greatest places on the planet. But when people say it's the greatest city in the world, I don't know. Not when de Blasio's running it. It was when Giuliani was running it. But I always talk to people like they came to New York for a day and like, how could you live there? And that's how I felt when I first showed up. But it's getting worse under de Blasio. Subway riders demanding answers as city homeless continue taking over train cars.
Starting point is 01:10:56 As temperatures plunge, some subway riders say they're seeing more and more homeless people seeking shelter inside subway cars. This went, the commuters say the problem has gotten so bad they're left with no seats to you why should you get a seat you're only paying taxes that make the fucking trains run why should you get a seat it's all the people who can't handle their own shit that uh here's a local story that appeared about the subways of an entire subway car into their home filling it with bags boxes and clothes on the floor THEIR HOME, FILLING IT WITH BAGS, BOXES AND CLOTHES ON THE FLOOR. IN ANOTHER, BENCHES BEING USED AS BEDS. EDWIN RIVERA SAYS IT'S WHY HE
Starting point is 01:11:43 HE'S NOT SURE WHAT TO DO. HE'S NOT SURE WHAT TO DO. HE'S NOT SURE WHAT TO DO. HE'S NOT SURE WHAT TO DO. HE'S NOT SURE WHAT TO DO. HE'S NOT SURE WHAT TO DO. five five ten in the morning you get in the car there's somebody sleeping there two three four person sleeping in different cars the smell is terrible sometimes they defecate on themselves and that's you you have to leave that car samuel people have to laugh that live in michigan ohio and they really have to oklahoma and go why you ever, ever? And you know what? The answer to that is most near. We have, why?
Starting point is 01:12:08 Because we have Broadway here. We have museums. You ever get to encounter the, the singers or preachers? On the trains? Have I what? Have you ever gotten to encounter all of these singers and preachers on the train? Of course.
Starting point is 01:12:23 Yeah. That's one of the staples i love them okay they go around begging you and kind of slightly intimidating you yeah they don't even get on the plane they can't even get on the mariachi guys can't get on now there's too much fucking feces and shit there's nowhere to sit and put their instruments yeah i lived in queens i used to take the train into the city every night to do comedy and back home and shit i live right at the last stop the n train and uh good name for it what what uh no yes it uh but but but you feel like such a new yorker i i love taking the subway you know until isis started their shit and after 9 11 i'm like
Starting point is 01:13:01 no this is perfect nobody checks book bags and whatnot. But the point being is, this is a city run by an ultra-liberal jerk-off who also is going to probably run in 2020. And this is what it's like. The potholes are big enough for families to fucking live in. They have bike lanes that are fucking up. They even called them out on The View.
Starting point is 01:13:20 One of the broads on The View, one of those women on The View said to de Blasio, this fucking 19 bike lane, it causes, it's a nightmare under this fucking, it's just a nightmare. And what was the last thing that they did?
Starting point is 01:13:34 Just what did he announce recently? We did a story about it. Healthcare for all or whatever. Yeah. Healthcare for all. Healthcare for all. And how are they going to get that? I forget how they were going to get the money from that.
Starting point is 01:13:44 Oh, that's right. The taxpayers and um but i i honest to god i i if show business wasn't in new york i there's no way i'd be fucking living guys you know rush limbaugh hand they picked up rush picked up and moved just because of the taxes and uh whatnot but um yes it's interesting i understand that you come from boring places and it is fun to see shit going on in the street and all that part of it's true. But when it starts interfering with you trying to get to work on the subway because homeless people are shitting all over themselves
Starting point is 01:14:14 and it's turning into San Francisco. What do they have in common? Oh, that's right. Ultra liberal jerk offs run the city. But New York, you know what? New Yorkers get what they deserve. They voted this scumbag in and he'll probably run the city. But New York, you know what? New Yorkers get what they deserve. They voted this scumbag in. And he'll probably run in 2020.
Starting point is 01:14:29 What a group of fucking... This is gonna say so much this next election. It's gonna say so much about where we are. And it'll be a turning point. If the fucking Dems win, bye-bye. This country's gonna
Starting point is 01:14:44 unravel so quick. And they're trying to say it's unraveling now and to fucking Trump. The economy's never been better, and I'm tired of talking, folks. I've had enough. Yeah. Got a super chat for you.
Starting point is 01:14:56 Yeah, go ahead. So Adalys Shuttlesworth says, Nick, serious question. Did you ever have a director do anything like that to you all on The Sopranos?os yes I don't like to talk about it it wasn't a director it was Adi Boko he came up and he put his hands down my no I hold on no I I didn't what I got one more from Roots Calhoun can I can I finish answering that one I want to give the guys money's worth um Roots Calhoun. Can I finish answering now? I want to give the guys money's worth. Roots Calhoun.
Starting point is 01:15:30 Roots Calhoun is a great running back back in the 40s. Crazy Legs. It was Roots Calhoun and Crazy Legs Hersh. No, it's for all the Sopranos. I directed myself. Tim Van Patten was directing, who was great. Nobody paid attention to me. I go up to Tim. I see that it was setting up for my scene.
Starting point is 01:15:43 I go, Tim. I introduce myself i go i'm playing the cop do you want me to fight my way through and try to time it uh and he goes yeah that's good we did it twice and it worked beautifully but uh no one's ever taught it was a fee there was a female director that wanted to touch my tits i'd let her go ahead yeah roots calhoun saying love you you, the Digo POS. What does that mean? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:16:08 I don't know what the Digo is. I know what POS means. I know POS is a piece of shit, but what? Digo? I love you, comma, the Digo POS. D-E-G-O. The Digo, the Digo. I don't know. We might as well have an 11-year-old Asian girl when Ryan takes these.
Starting point is 01:16:31 You say it. What, Chase? Go ahead. It's Vidigo POS, right? What is it? Oh. I don't know. He just pointed the mic at me and said, you say it.
Starting point is 01:16:38 The show's going downhill. I have to pee and I'm very hungry. All right. That is it. Look, again, thank you guys so much for tuning in. We do it live. I'm leaving for L.A. tomorrow afternoon, okay? And that means no show tomorrow, no show Monday
Starting point is 01:16:55 because I get back Monday night. Excuse me. So we'll throw something up on Patreon or whatever, right? Jace, we got stuff. We got plenty of stuff. Got 20 minutes of Jason whipping Ryan with his belt in my garage. We have Ryan hanging naked from...
Starting point is 01:17:16 Anyhow. Yeah, so next time I talk to you, it'll be on Tuesday. But remember to check me out on Rogan Friday morning and the Dave Rubin Show also on the following Monday. Please check me out on Rogan Friday morning and the Dave Rubin show also on the following Monday. Please check that out.
Starting point is 01:17:28 And I'll see you guys at the Comedy Palace in San Diego on Friday night and the Ventura Harbor Comedy Club on Sunday night. Again, thanks for tuning in. I'll talk to you soon. Remember, you think it. I will say it. You're very welcome. Take care of yourselves. Субтитры создавал DimaTorzok Thank you.

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