The Nick DiPaolo Show - SolarWinds Blows! | Nick Di Paolo Show #462

Episode Date: December 16, 2020

Latest election tech has ties to the Clintons. NY nurse gets first vaccine dose. McEnany maims main-stream media....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Yeah, how y'all doing? Welcome to the big show on a Wednesday. wednesday that's right second and last day of the week for me i like it i like it a lot what's going on folks uh same horseshit i don't know what to believe anymore i really don't know what to believe and uh i guess Biden was down here campaigning for the runoff. And I wish I knew that. I would have hit him with a nice milkshake right in his fucking old chest. I'll repeat it again. Remember I said it. You heard it here. He's going to be out of there in a year, maybe less. maybe less. And that's exactly how it was planned. I don't know, folks. I don't know. I'm sick of COVID news. I'm sick of goddamn a stolen, if I read the word baseless one more time, that's how you know they're all working from the same script. Do you understand that?
Starting point is 00:01:41 Do you understand it? These motherless fucks, baseless. I saw a headline. I didn't even get to it. We have so much other shit. Sidney Powell saying, what I'm going to show you is going to blow the world's mind. It keeps getting bigger every day. You better follow through, sweetie. I'm not going to send you roses again. I'm not going to send you roses again. Anyways, let's get to the fake COVID news. And I do mean fake. It's a flu.
Starting point is 00:02:10 It's a bad flu. And I'll repeat the statistic one more time. If you're under the age of 70, you have a 99.96 chance of surviving it. It's not a fucking pandemic you can kill with hand sanitizer. People that died from the Spanish will be laughing at us. Fucking, and you know what breaks my heart watching college football and seeing those stadiums empty? And like the Cleveland Browns having one of the best years I've had forever. Buffalo Bills.
Starting point is 00:02:41 These fans deserve to be there. What, are you going to catch a cold in Buffalo? It's already fucking 12. You know what I mean? Only the strong are going to come out to watch the game. This is such nonsense. It's such fucking nonsense. And don't you feel like you're being forced into a fucking fake play
Starting point is 00:03:02 when you have to put a mask on to go into cvs i just feel like i'm being forced to play you know to play my part in this fake game oh i don't feel that's what you do when you get on playing now you go touch my head does it feel warm i just threw up in the bathroom uh the first COVID-19 vaccine to be administered in the United States was given to a frontline healthcare worker in New York, which I don't have a problem with. These people are the real heroes. Why this New York nurse got the country's first corona shot, you ask?
Starting point is 00:03:42 You know why. Come on. I'm black, y'all, and I'm black, y'all, sounds Jamaican, which is black too. I don't know, but you know what? She sounds like a hardworking, and like I said, of course she deserves it, or whoever, the people under her. I thought it was a good choice. Although I think maybe the people who are in nursing homes in New York who lost a bunch of people because Jerkoff Cuomo poisoned the well, they might want to, but they can't be helped unless the nurses are healthy.
Starting point is 00:04:15 And I got a couple of nieces on the front lines, but they're used to it. They were in Iraq for like a year and a half. They deployed over there so they can take it. Anyway, Sandra Lindsay has, you know, that's not a very black name. So I was expecting a blonde hair, blue eyed devil. She looks like a very pretty,
Starting point is 00:04:32 I think she's Jamaican. She has an accent. Anyway, she's terrific. She's sitting in my, get out of my chair, huh? Sandra Lindsay has long dreamed of helping others and said it was important for her
Starting point is 00:04:42 as a black woman to get the vaccine. Now, my initial thing was, why are we going to bring race into it? But then, you know, it dawned on me, oh, yeah, black people are afraid. Thanks to Farrakhan and the, say it for me, Tuskegee. Oh, my God. Airmen, I understand. So they are a little paranoid.
Starting point is 00:05:04 They think everything, everything is so paranoid. I mean, it's 2020. Let it go. You know, for Christ's sake. Like I said, if the government wanted to wipe you out, we would we would, you know, put something in the Colonel's secret recipe. That would have and would have killed a lot of white people because, frankly, I love that shit. That would have killed a lot of white people because, frankly, I love that shit. By the way, best fried chicken, I swear to God, public supermarket. Am I right, Jason? They make it right there. Oh, my God. There's no grease on your hands when you're done. It's tremendous.
Starting point is 00:05:38 I digress. Nick, you're talking about fried chicken where there's a black one. Right there, you see the white doctor maybe sticking her with aids and sickle cell according to ferricon uh she's a critical care nurse among the health care workers who have spent more time than any caring for the pandemic sick as victims working at a new york hospital system that was on the front lines of the pandemic this spring and has treated thousands of COVID-19 patients. But what made Lindsay an especially poignant choice, her brother said, was that she had dreamed her whole life since six-year-old girl in their home country of Jamaica of finding a way to help others. And she came to the most racist country in the whole planet.
Starting point is 00:06:26 What? That's not the air conditioning, is it? Can you check that, please? It's what? It's the heat? Just shut it off. Sorry, here's a fucking edit. But she came to the racist United States
Starting point is 00:06:43 as a six-year-old girl to help others. She's actually a sweet woman. Reminds me of my sister, Darlene and my nieces. That's what they, you know, I don't have that in me. I help myself. Rusty is going to get out of my way. This is the whole reason she became a nurse, especially growing up in a third world country like we did.
Starting point is 00:07:03 She said, ha ha. She called it a third world country. These people from shithole countries come here. The shitholes. The shithole. Shithole. I like to vacation in those shitholes. Anyway, she's so passionate about people's health,
Starting point is 00:07:19 said her brother, Garfield Lindsey. To be able to be an example like this for getting the vaccine, it's so meaningful. In like this for getting the vaccine, it's so meaningful. In an interview shortly after the vaccination, as Lindsay was throwing up in a bucket and turning yellow, she said she knew when she woke up Monday morning she would be getting the shot, but had no idea she'd be the first person in America to do so since the vaccine's approval this weekend, according to Northwell Health, the New York area medical system where Lindsay works. It said she was the first American to receive the vaccine in the whole goddamn country. And that's horrific. Another example of a racist country.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Oh, my God. Northwell, which operates 23 hospitals, is prioritizing its medical staff based on a variety of factors, including penis girth. What did we hit? Including their jobs. As an intensive care unit director at Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Lindsay, 52, oversees five. She's 52. The fuck? Again, black, don't crack you. She's 52.
Starting point is 00:08:21 The fuck? Again, black, don't crack, yo. 52. She oversees five units of critical care nurses who have been caring for COVID-19 patients since the worst weeks in New York this spring. That is a workload. Amid that work, Lindsay lost an aunt and an uncle to COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. I wonder if that was in New York and if that was Cuomo's.
Starting point is 00:08:44 I don't know. She says, we were scared, she said, of the early days of the pandemic at her hospital in Queens. I had to remain numb sometimes and push forward. It's like me doing the show every day. Her staff worked 16-hour days. I don't work 16-hour months. I'm a lazy motherfucker up in here. 16-hour months. I'm a lazy motherfucker up in here. Even when at the end of the shift, you could see the pain and hurt were visible in their eyes, she said.
Starting point is 00:09:13 Her brother, who was also treating coronavirus patients as a respiratory therapist in Maryland, what a family, huh? Said there were difficult nights when all they could do was encourage each other to keep going. I bet. Come on, God damn it. Let's go, let's go, let's go. That's him in the parking lot
Starting point is 00:09:29 of Queens Jewish Medical Center. Anyway. Oh, we have a video of the young lady, the nurse. And you know what? Let me, can I just say this? I love talking about Jamaicans. They did a sketch on snl 30 years ago about
Starting point is 00:09:45 jamaicans they'll have like three jobs they'll work you under the goddamn table and uh they find people in my opinion it's the chinese i have a big fucking problem and the rest of the planet but anyways now okay here's the nurse who got vaccinated. First person in the country. I would like to thank all the frontline workers, all my colleagues who've been doing a yeoman's job to fight this pandemic all over the world. Yeoman. I am hopeful. I feel hopeful today.
Starting point is 00:10:22 She was at the sharper image when they shot this, trying out a new vibrating chair. Anyways, look at that microphone. That's what I'm going to bring on stage. Sit in that chair with a mic right there. Why do you girls always go to the bathroom together? Speaking of COVID, I have a favorite governor. It's this guy DeSantis down in Florida.
Starting point is 00:10:46 This guy does, he's decisive. I think he was in the military too. He's very decisive. Doesn't go along with the rest of the herd. Anyways, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said Tuesday that all restaurants and bars in the state would be allowed to operate at full capacity for the rest of the COVID-19 pandemic. God bless him. Bon appetit.
Starting point is 00:11:15 You like a side order of diarrhea with those asparagus? DeSantis allowed restaurants to fully reopen back in September. DeSantis allowed restaurants to fully reopen back in September. Now, again, here's the article, because every article in mainstream media is slanted left. Now more than four times as many Floridians are getting infected with the coronavirus each day, but DeSantis isn't changing his menu. Yeah, you know why? Like I said, I'm not going to bring up the survival rate again. And ones who are getting i guarantee they're 102 year old jews in nursing homes miami
Starting point is 00:11:48 so don't fucking play us with that shit and they're college kids down there in spring you know what they're gonna be fine oh i can't find an article that's even a little fair the governor claimed most people were getting infected in their homes, not at restaurants, according to the Sun Sentinel. And that's exactly true. The evidence at this point shows restaurants are not significant drivers of the pandemic. He told reporters at a press conference stage outside Okeechobee Steakhouse in West Palm Beach. Think I've been there. I got to be honest with you. Steakhouse in West Palm Beach. Think I've been there. I gotta be honest with you. What the fuck? My cancer stick went out. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Yeah, that pandemic. Be careful. Oh. Smells like burnt rubber. Can't even make cigarettes right in this country. Ugh. Oh, I know why. I'm lighting the filter. Smells funny. I'm burning the filter.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Think that can stop me? No, no, no. If this goes out, I got a bong that I bought from Pauly Shore in Craigslist. Anyways, he's right about that. Nobody's getting sick in restaurants. You are correct, sir. DeSantis has remained steadfast in his commitment to not fighting the pandemic. Oh, is that what he's doing? Or is he doing it right?
Starting point is 00:13:22 Going so far as to prevent local governments from enforcing mask mandates i love this guy do you hear that he's not making people wear masks or people allowed to force people to wear masks oh and look at the look at the death and what a dystopian state florida. And shut your pie hole. Florida, the nation's, listen, it's third most populous state, has recorded the fourth most COVID-19 deaths of any state. I told you why already.
Starting point is 00:13:56 People of average age is 96 down there. According to John Hopkins data, more than 20,000 Floridians have died from COVID-19 and it's still too crowded. Bring back the AIDS. Bring back the... Another 9,439 tested positive for the virus on Monday. Oh, so you know what?
Starting point is 00:14:18 Shut down the restaurants. I bet you those early, what do they call them five o'clock uh early bird specials that the old people go that's like walking into a goddamn furnace and hit and hitlerville uh anyways so people are getting very emotional and like i said i don't know who designed this to divide our country but could have done it any better. We're not only fighting about the disease itself, where it came from, but about the mass. I mean, they have us down to a,
Starting point is 00:14:50 and I still see people driving by my house in their car by themselves with a fucking mask on. I just want to throw a rock at their window. So I feel bad for them. So people get flipping out.
Starting point is 00:15:04 We've showed many clips right of people flipping out in supermarkets where some guy doesn't have a mask on and some busy body will stick their nose in and the guy goes go fuck yourself well guess what famous people are losing their shit too uh there's some audio breaking of tom cruise doing another mission impossible uh movie and um. And apparently he lost his shit because a couple of guys on the crew were standing next to each other without masks on. And he's got a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:15:35 You know, he's producing this. I guess he's got a lot of money. They're the only ones making movies right now, so everybody's eyes are on that. He loses his shit. I don't know what's wrong with people and maybe it's easy for me to say but if i was standing and tom cruise we're going to play in a second look screaming like he's a drill sergeant a billionaire half a fruit cup i would
Starting point is 00:15:57 go go fuck your mother tom but then i'd be out of work right i have kids and shit but whatever listen to this fucking asshole and i'm not a i'm not i don't i don't hate tom cruise i like some of the shit he does you know i mean but he is he what do you call it what's the scientology he's like he's at the highest level he's like uh how can i describe it he He's like Jim Brown, as far as a running back in the 60s. This guy is, he is, he is the guy like now, but I don't think,
Starting point is 00:16:31 I think he's lost touch with reality. You're going to treat people like this? He suffered a COVID meltdown during Mission Impossible Reduction. Listen to him fucking lose his mind. Yelling at, again, blue collar guys, hardworking guys. We are the gold standard.
Starting point is 00:16:50 You're back here in Hollywood making movies right now because of us. Because they believe in us and what we're doing. I'm on the phone with every f***ing studio at night. Insurance companies. Producers. Little kids.
Starting point is 00:17:08 They're looking at us and using us to make their movies. We are creating thousands of jobs, you motherf***ers. You motherf***ers? F*** you, midget. I don't ever want to see it again. Ever.
Starting point is 00:17:21 And if you don't do it, you're fired. And if I see you do it again, you're f***ing gone. And anyone on this crew does it. That's it. And you do. And you do. And you. Don't you ever f***ing do it again.
Starting point is 00:17:40 That's it. No apologies. You can tell it to the people that are losing their f***ing homes because our industry is shut down. Best thing that ever happened. They're not going to put food on their table or pay for their college education. That's what I sleep with every night. Oh, I thought it was a 14-year-old cub scuff. Ah, I'm kidding. It's a joke.
Starting point is 00:18:07 The future of this industry. So I'm sorry, I'm beyond your apologies. I have told you, and now I want it. And if you don't do it, you're out! We are not shutting this f***ing movie down! Is it understood? Yes, sir. If I see it again, you're f***ing gone.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Sir, yes, sir. Sure are you. So you're going to cost him his job. And I see it on the set, you're gone. And you're gone. I was hungry. That's it. Am I clear?
Starting point is 00:18:46 Yes, sir. Do you understand what I want? Do you understand the responsibility that you have? Sir, yes, sir. Because I will deal with your reason. And if you can't be reasonable, and I can't deal with your logic, you're fired. That's it. That is it.
Starting point is 00:19:02 All right. You cursed brat! Look what you've done! I'm melting! Melting! Melting! it he's a fag as first reported by the sun after cruise i saw two crew members standing too close to one another in front of a computer screen, he told the crew, get the fuck out of here. I'm going to bitch slap. Cruz has been strict about enforcing COVID-19 guidelines on the set of the film in Britain.
Starting point is 00:19:35 Apparently, he's got a ton of money. I mean, Jesus Christ. You're the biggest movie star ever, almost. I understand you want to do good work. I mean, how much money is enough? I understand you want to do good work. I mean, how much money is enough? And scold to the crew for taking advantage of the safe environment that the team in place helped create.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Exactly. You bitch. Shut your fucking mouth. No problem, John. Shut the fuck up, you cunt. Mission Impossible 7 was recently hit with delays in October when 12 people on the set in Italy tested positive. Yeah, good place to make a movie where you want to be free from COVID.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Let's go to the fucking heartbeat of the production resumed a week later and returned to the UK two weeks ago. Mission Impossible 7 is directed by, let's get the plugs in,opher mccrory and set to release on november night and you know folks once again we've been plagued this is all about getting the movie out now now you know there's a mission impossible coming up that's how they work i swear to god right at the end he probably apologized to everybody and said look they made me maybe do it in marketing and they're like tom was that really necessary to yell at the staff like that it's a sick question you're a sick fuck and i'm not that sick that i'm gonna answer it that wasn't as good as you know who what's his name the american psycho actor
Starting point is 00:20:59 christian bale they have a bunch of him losing his shit. Some people say it's staged. I don't think so. He's a fucking maniac. There's a reason he played American Psycho and he's not even American. Diane, get down and eat her ass. Huey Lewis. Oh, I started watching a Van Halen
Starting point is 00:21:21 documentary last night at 2.25 in the morning. I can't. I go home and I power nap now. I'm like an old man. I'm fucking strung out at midnight. Boy, what an interesting. I watched about 35, 40 minutes of it.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Fuck. So goddamn good. Anyways, I digress. Hey, let's talk about Dominion. Hey, let's talk about Dominion. You know, the computer company that's responsible for Trump getting fucking ripped off, in my opinion. Dominion CEO, the CEO of Dominion Voting Systems on Tuesday said the company has never used a platform that experts believe was breached by hackers as far back as last year. And do you really believe he said we don't use the solar winds this is a company i talked about yesterday folks that got breached in texas right by people are saying the russians maybe And they tapped into Treasury and Commerce Departments, the military, everything else.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Anyways, they said, Dominion said, we don't use the SolarWinds Orion package. That was the subject of the Department of Homeland Security report from the 13th. CEO John Poulos told legislators in Michigan via video link yesterday. However, a screenshot of Dominion webpage that the Epoch Times captured shows that Dominion does use SolarWinds technology. Dominion later alerted the page to remove any reference to SolarWinds, but the SolarWinds website is still in the page's source code. So they didn't cover their fucking tracks. Another fucking liar related to the election.
Starting point is 00:23:17 SolarWinds technology. This is what's funny. You know, people who traffic in this technology crime, it's technology so fucked up. And they're really bright people. Right. But even they don't know how to hide their tracks and shit. SolarWinds technology was exploited by actors who inserted, Tom Cruise, malicious software into updates for its Orion platform, according to officials with the Department of Homeland
Starting point is 00:23:44 Security. We talked about this yesterday in Cybersecurity Experts. The DHS Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, that's CISA, warned that the compromise of the network poses unacceptable risks and ordered federal agencies that use it to revoke internet access to the affected devices. Okay. And again, they're yelling Russia, Russia, Russia. I don't know how the Chinese, they're all holding hands.
Starting point is 00:24:12 It doesn't matter. The attack was likely the result of a highly sophisticated, targeted, and manual supply chain attack by an outside nation, outside nation state. We know. What exactly leads you to believe the Soviets were involved? But we have not independently verified the identity of the attacker, the company said in a statement after he got marching orders from Biden. Non-Orion products don't appear to have been compromised, SolarWinds said.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Poolis said Dominion hasn't ever used the oreo platform no legislators asked him about what solar winds technology uh the company does use and dominion didn't respond to requests for comment of course they didn't you're a real crumb dominion provides voting equipment and software to 28 states folks 28, 28. And here's a related story, okay? Dominion audit ballot error rate was, this is again, an update from the story we did. The numbers yesterday we did, remember I said 68.05% of the ballots were wrong on purpose. That way they could be adjudicated by people with nobody watching. Here's some more figures
Starting point is 00:25:31 that make that a little more clear. Ballot error page was at least 85,000 times higher than FEC. That's the Federal Election Commission. Allows Randy DeSoto. It ends at Randy DeSoto. Additionally, Ramsland's team reported the extremely suspicious absence of logs regarding the abnormally high number of digitally adjudicated ballots. It's what we talked about yesterday.
Starting point is 00:26:12 I don't know nothing about that. Antrim County in northern Michigan made headlines last month. I told you about this yesterday, but the numbers were clear here. After the discovery of an Election Day computer glitch in quotes that had falsely switched the county from a win for trump to a biden victory the amended results showed the president winning the county with 9 748 votes to biden's 5960 ramsland's report said that of the 15 676 individual voting events recorded on the Dominion voting systems in Antrim County, 10,667 ballots or 68.05% were errors.
Starting point is 00:26:56 68%. Now listen to this. The allowable election error rate established by the FEC guidelines is 1 and a half million ballots. Gee, they were just a tad, just a bit outside. Talk about an outlier. But Ramsland's team, listen to this, used one in 125,000 or 0.008%, making the requirement less strict to account for vagueness in the law. Ramsland said in a text to the Western Journal. In other words, what occurred in Antrim County was at least 85,000 times higher
Starting point is 00:27:34 than what is allowed by the FEC. Yeah, nothing to see here, huh? And I'll tell you another thing. Frankly, you're beginning to smell. Ramsland's team also said it found that a staggering number of votes ramsons the guy who did the uh investigation uh were digitally adjudicated in 2020 the report explains that dominion software classifies ballots in two categories normal and democrats no normal and adjudicatedots sent to adjudication can be altered by administrators, which they fucking were,
Starting point is 00:28:10 as we demonstrated by an election worker in Georgia last week. I think we showed you that, too. A staggering number of votes required adjudication, the report said. This was a 2020 issue not seen in previous election cycles still stored on the server. This is caused by international errors in the system. I say intentional errors. Sorry, folks, my eyes. The intentional errors led to bulk adjudication of ballots, like we said yesterday, with no oversight, no transparency and no audit trail.
Starting point is 00:28:47 In other words, here goes guy fix these biden's getting his ass handed to him here's a bunch of uh of votes that need to be touched up because the guy didn't fill in the circle and you do what you want though guy guy with the biden hat on you, you take care of that. Significantly, the computer system shows vote adjudication logs for prior years, but all the adjudication log entries for the 2020 election cycle are missing. They're all missing. The ones that were adjudicated, huh? Nothing to see here. Please, Pittsburgh.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Nothing to see here. Please. huh? Ramsland's team said the adjudication process is the simplest way to manually manipulate votes. The lack of records prevents any form of audit accountability and their conspicuous absence is extremely suspicious since the files exist for previous years using the same software. They don't even know how to cheat. Do you believe this? And once again, these are baseless claims.
Starting point is 00:30:01 These are baseless. Right? MSNBC. Right? CNN, ABC, CBS, these are baseless right msnbc right cnn abc cbs nbc cnbc fox fucking news removal of these files violates state law and prevents a meaningful audit even if the secretary of state wanted to conduct an audit, we must conclude that the 2020 election cycle records have been manually removed. Well, back to court.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Chancellor! Chancellor! The audit also found Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's statement on November 6th that the correct results in Antrim always were and continue to be reflected on the tabulated totals tape to be false. A total boldface fucking lie.
Starting point is 00:30:56 64 Michigan counties use a Dominion voting systems, according to WLNSTV in Lansing, Michigan. Attorneys for the state of Michigan sought to prevent the Ramseland audit from being released. Why is that? Now, why would that be, folks? They don't want any sunlight on that. So we have the fucking records from last year are still on the computer proving that this year was like an anomaly.
Starting point is 00:31:22 They don't want this. They're trying to hide this. They don't want this to be seen. Sought to prevent the Ramson audit from being released, the Detroit Free Press reported on Monday. Assistant Attorney General Erica Grill called it inaccurate, incomplete, and misleading. Oh, did you? You're lying.
Starting point is 00:31:42 And you're a piece of shit. And you know why they say shit like that? Because you jerk off, said vote Democrat and vote for Biden. You just nod your head. You don't care. You just want to win. Fuck the Constitution. Fuck the United States as it is. Let's change it like Chuck Schumer wants. Just nod when they go. There's no this is baseless. this is baseless. Oh my God. You're going to feel so stupid when all this comes out. Like I said, whether Biden or Trump's in office, it's all going to come out. They're going to keep digging and digging. However, Judge Kevin, we mentioned this guy yesterday, Elsenheimer of the 13th Circuit Court in Michigan approved the release with some references to software coding redacted. Current results in the state show Biden leading Trump by approximately 154,000 votes. That's with cheating. Do you think significant fraud occurred in Michigan's presidential election? In an interview in the spring, Ramsland told the Western Journal, those seeking to swing a U.S. presidential election
Starting point is 00:32:47 electronically would just have to focus on a few key swing states. He said that fucking a long time ago. And what happened? Boy, everybody, huh? Everybody was a soothsayer. Not to mention Detroit, Phillyilly all these places atlanta have had a shady history when it comes to elections and some people are saying this shit has been used for years at local levels
Starting point is 00:33:16 you know they always talk about a blue wave i got a feeling this country is redder than this fucking shirt, which is maroon. It's redder than a baboon's ass in heat. It's redder than a herpes sore on a dirty pig. Who owns SolarWinds? Somebody asked that question. Who does own SolarWinds? That's a sick
Starting point is 00:33:43 question. You're a sick fucker. I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it. That's the owner. This is a good question due to the complicated sales and purchases of related companies and individual owners over the past years. Here's a little history of who owns this. Hold your fucking wig on. Per our research, the owners of SolarWinds are related to, guess what? Guess who?
Starting point is 00:34:04 Here it comes. The Clintons. And companies that verify elections in the United States. Hillary was asked about it. She said, what difference at this point does it make? If you look up SolarWinds 10K on the SEC website, Edgar, you'll find that company. That company was acquired in February 2016 by, follow me here. It gets a little complicated.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Investment firms, Silver Lake. These are two investment firms. And Toma Bravo. Then in 2018, the company went public through an initial public offer. That's an IPO, as even I know. The private owners, before taking the company public through the IPO, are noted in the company's most recent annual financials, 10K as Silver Lake and Toma Bravo.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Toma Bravo, according to Dr. Quigley on Twitter, Dr. Quigley, the buyout firm Toma Bravo, according to Dr. Quigley on Twitter, Dr. Quigley, the buyout firm Toma Bravo, who now owns SolarWinds, was founded by a Puerto Rican billionaire. I'm sure he made that on the up and up. What? Who contributed over, get this, $100,000 to Clinton in 2016. His name is Orlando Bravo. Toma Bravo purchased Entrust in 2009, but it appears they sold to a data card group in 2013. Listen to that. Jesus Christ. Still looking into this, says the guy who wrote the article.
Starting point is 00:35:43 For your information, Orlando Bravo made two contributions of 125,000 each to the far-left democrat pack vote for vets creepy I don't know nothing about that oh you do though and as Dr. Quigley mentions Bravo purchased a company by the name of Entrust in 2009. Entrust has a location in Ottawa, Canada, but we're not totally sure of this. Well, who wrote this? Me? It may actually be the other way around, but no doubt the two companies are connected, and that's the important thing. Per Dr. Quigley, who's a great doctor, Toma Bravo also purchased DigiCert in 2015 that sounds dirty digicert and entrust
Starting point is 00:36:29 verify the elections for at least half of the states in the united states entrust is also closely related um to the firm by the name of live ramp which is located in shanghai so we finally get to it huh by the name of LiveRamp, which is located in Shanghai. So we finally get to it. Dr. Quigley provides an article on... What do you need to know? The Clintons are mentioning this, Obama's mentioned this, and China's mentioning it.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Dr. Quigley provides an article on Orlando Bravo from the Wall Street Journal. In summary, he says, to sum up what I just read to you guys, Toma Bravo is one of the owners of SolarWinds. That's the company in Texas that got breached by the so-called maybe Russians. And it is also connected to the firms that validate elections for at least half of the United States. Silver Lake. Dr. Quigley also has done some work on Silver Lake Partners. SLP co-founder Glenn Hutchins, the other firm that owns SolarWinds.
Starting point is 00:37:38 There's two of them. Hutchins is on the board of AT&T and is related to Brookings and is former advisor to who, ladies and gentlemen? I never had sex with that pig. That's right. Former advisor to Bill Clinton and is currently on the board of the Obama Foundation. Wow, these sounds like very objective people handling our, huh? Let me ask you Republicans, where the fuck are you?
Starting point is 00:38:04 Why are we always chasing them? Huh? I'd almost be relieved to hear some of these guys are Republicans, just to know somebody's fucking fighting dirty back. Jesus, throw a new Gingrich in there, somebody. Do you see what I'm saying? They are way smarter than us. I'm just going to say that as far as cheating goes,
Starting point is 00:38:25 except that they might not get away with it this time. But we're always chasing them, right? Do you really believe anybody's going to go to jail because of this? Dr. Quigley next provides additional information on Mr. Hutchins, Hillary, and Obama's friend. There's more on SLP, Silver Lake. Like one of its managing directors, Kenneth Hale,
Starting point is 00:38:48 a billionaire from Hong Kong. The owners of SolarWinds are closely related to Obama and the Clintons. The they, it says. They are also heavily in the election business and have relations with companies and individuals in China and Hong Kong.
Starting point is 00:39:11 It's going to take forever to unreal. It's nice. You guys uncovered all this shit. What are we going to do? Call in a special process? Seriously? With this fucking Biden? Well, he won't be there.
Starting point is 00:39:23 But Kamala Harris will already serve six years before you guys get to the bottom of this shit and these motherfuckers never go away do they the Clintons could vote them the most evil couple on the fucking planet Bill I don't know I kind of like him so one democrat well when he worked with new gingrich and shit and he he knew that he was way too far left after his first term anyway they were getting killed in the midterms and he said we gotta go to the center and he did still makes me want to pop him i don't have time to do all this when he's uh on fucking fantasy island there with jeffrey epstein but uh guys he's only on that plane for fucking he's like a frequent flyer record so the elections are a mess and of
Starting point is 00:40:12 course we got the runoff going on down here our neighbors went out the door today across the street and said uh we're gonna go stand in line and i said why is marijuana illegal now that they said no we're voting said, it was a joke. Donald Trump gave a presidential bullhorn Tuesday to a tweet. And again, I remind you, these are all written by left wing people from a conspiracy mongering lawyer that claimed Georgia's two top Republican officials should talk about Lin Wood, I guess, should be jailed for not doing more to overturn Joe Biden's election victory. Why is that, why is that election fear-mongering, whatever the fuck he said? Why is that? The guy's actually got a point, but this Lin Wood guy, we don't know where he stands. Remember we looked into his record last week. He hadn't voted Democrat.
Starting point is 00:41:05 And I mean, Republican in years and shit. I don't know. You can't trust this guy either. Linwood, an attorney in Georgia who has openly promoted the deranged QAnon conspiracy theory wrote in the small hour tweet that governor Brian Kemp and secretary of state,
Starting point is 00:41:21 Brad Raffensperger will soon be going to jail because they didn't participate in Trump's desperate bid to get Biden's win in the Peach State invalidated, which is, that is all true, actually. If that's a fact, tell me, am I lying? Len Wood says, and again, I don't know what to believe of this guy either, because he seems pretty shady. He says, President Trump is genuinely a good man. He does not really like to fire people.
Starting point is 00:41:53 I bet he dislikes putting people in jail, especially Republicans. He gave at Brian Kemp and at Georgia Secretary of State every chance to get it right. They refused. They will soon be hung from a lamppost in front of the White House, we wish. No, they will soon be going to jail. Anybody want to put money on that? We already documented Brian Kemp connections with China.
Starting point is 00:42:19 Again, just to fill in for you people, this is all about all these career politicians been around forever. They've been in bed with China, too, and making a ton of do-re-mi. And then Trump comes in and wants to fuck up the status quo, break up the gravy train. That's why you have a lot of rhinos, you know. They're in on it, too. What a complicated business. Do you understand the guy was a billionaire.
Starting point is 00:42:43 He didn't have to become president. Don't tell me he doesn't love this country uh anyways they fucked up they didn't get it right i don't know that they'll be going to jail uh so anyways wood wrote that along with a manipulated photo of kemp and rafson berger wearing face masks and printed with chinese flag why is that? Sounds pretty fucking accurate to me. We previously said it was the 91st. Who has it? Who has it? He just ordered the carcass spaniel with mushrooms and broccoli.
Starting point is 00:43:15 A few hours later, I can't help it. I love to make those jokes. A few hours later, Trump retweeted the incendiary post, incendiary post, pushing it into the timelines of his more than 88 million followers. Boy, they're not shadow banning him, apparently.
Starting point is 00:43:32 Of course they are. He's probably got 250 million followers. Raffsenberger and Kemp are lifelong Republicans and vocal supporters of Trump. Yeah, right. The president endorsed both of them for their current jobs when they ran for office in 2018. However, the Georgia Republicans have drawn Trump's ire as they've repeatedly rebuffed his demands for Biden's narrow victory in the state to be tossed out over baseless and debunked allegations of voter fraud. Oh, there's that word baseless again so lynn wood remember last week lynn was saying don't he's the one who's down here a week and a half ago telling people not to vote in
Starting point is 00:44:11 the runoff until we straighten out what happened to trump in the general election remember that which is a stupid move if you really want the republicans to win you can't it's too risky you know i mean what are you gonna hand the senate to the fucking You can't, it's too risky. You know what I mean? What are you going to hand the Senate to the fucking, they're still cheating as it is, the Dems, even down here. Anyways, in turn, Trump and his allies have improbably accused, again, these are not my words. He's at a left-wing fucking sites that I visit, accused the Georgia conservatives of helping Democrats
Starting point is 00:44:42 rig the election for Biden on November 29th. Trump even said he felt ashamed to have endorsed this motherless tit wonder. Brian Kemp. Here is Trump. Getting a sharp pain in his right temple. Think about the pressure this guy since he's fucking came down that escalator i mean since the day he said he was gonna run maybe even before that right think about the this is what in my opinion makes him seriously in my i know you're gonna go to your nuts the greatest president
Starting point is 00:45:20 maybe ever i know obviously lincoln was under a lot of stress during the Civil War and shit, but he didn't have half of Congress, the whole, the media. Maybe he did. The whole world against him every day, being sued for this, for that, fake impeachments, rush. And this motherfucker,
Starting point is 00:45:39 he puts his head down and he keeps going forward. If it all ends today, and it could, if it all ends today, and it could, if it all ends tomorrow, he fucking lifted up the skirt of this fat lady with a giant bush and grossed us all out. Nice analogy, Nick.
Starting point is 00:45:54 You don't hear that often on the Mark Levin show. Mark Levin's like this. Sean, I'll tell you, the amendment, when I was working for Reagan, I think he watches my show because sometimes he zings anglers and I think it's about me. You're so vain, you probably think his joke is about you. You're so vain. Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, my future girlfriend, scolded the media on Tuesday
Starting point is 00:46:21 for overlooking scandals surrounding rep Eric Swalwell, Democrat, California, and Hunter Biden. She, my little girl, let them have it. And we have a couple clips here. And what's the first one? I don't know if she's talking about Hunter. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:46:41 It's either Hunter or the fucking, it's about, oh yeah, it's about oh yeah it says right there about eric swalwell i love you for helping me to construct of my life go ahead roll it this yet again when inquired about collusion by a reporter and these baseless attacks were false yet covered breathlessly by the media there was was no coverage, however, of Swalwell being the one implicated with not Russia, but China. In fact, the New York Times website, as of this morning, had not one result for Eric Swalwell's ties to Chinese spies. Not one result. And when the Swalwell story broke, guess how many minutes of coverage it got on ABC, NBC, MSNBC, and CBS? Zero.
Starting point is 00:47:34 Matt Damon. Matt Damon. Matt Damon. She's a feisty one isn't she i love you for helping me to construct of my life not a tavern oh my god is that her bra in her hand she pulled it out from underneath like uh we have a second clip where she's talking about how they ignored the Hunter Biden story, I believe, right? Roll them. Interesting pre-election and post-election coverage, too, on the Hunter Biden scandal, which was not covered at all by many outlets in the lead up to the election. In fact, on October 15th, you had a new york times headline
Starting point is 00:48:25 that said trump said to be warned that he was being given russian disinformation over hunter biden um now december 10th just a few months later new york times headline investigation of hunter biden is likely to hang over biden as he takes office. See how the tune changes right after Biden's in office? Huh? It was a non-story. They didn't cover it. Twitter, social media, all the left-wing. Didn't cover.
Starting point is 00:48:53 We gave you a statistic last week. 50% of people who voted for Biden didn't hear about, and they admitted, didn't know about the Hunter scandal. And 10% of them said they would have changed their vote. So when you admit shit, it's just as bad as whatever, making up lies and being proactive. But she bitch slapped. She bitch slapped.
Starting point is 00:49:15 And at the end of this, I want you to listen, because at the end of this, Acosta, that little fucking pussy, Jim Acosta, at the very end of this clip, he's going to go, but he yells something out and he goes, something about you calling out to me when you spread misinformation every day. So keep your, I like to grab him by his throat.
Starting point is 00:49:38 What's the idea? Get upstairs. Get upstairs. Go ahead. Post on Octoberober 16th the headline read the truth behind the hunter biden non-scandal now you have the washington post headline that says this hunter biden tax probe examining chinese business deals politico october 19th hunter biden story is russian disinformation that's a favoritezens of former intel officials say, false yet again. December 2nd, now Politico reads, Justice Department's interest in Hunter Biden covered more than taxes. Really interesting turn of events.
Starting point is 00:50:16 And good for those who covered what was a story all along and not Russia disinformation. Isn't it ever critical for you to accuse others of disinformation when you spread it every day? You accuse others of disinformation when you spread it every day? You accuse others of disinformation when you spread it every day? Somebody fucking shoot that motherless fuck. Not with a real gun, something that'll just make his heart stop.
Starting point is 00:50:39 You think it's fair to accuse other people of spreading disinformation when you do it every day? Hey, suck another dick and die, you fucking puss. And then he, you know what he does? He does that and then he puts it on his Twitter like he's a hero.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Oh my god. Him and Shep Smith ought to get a nice ranch in Wyoming and fuck each other's faces. Nick, that's no type of commentary. I know. Sue me. This show is a one-hour reminder of free speech.
Starting point is 00:51:13 You can say whatever the fuck you want, and I hope it hurts some people's feelings, but it doesn't because you're all like me. You're fed up, most of you. I'm pretty sure there's not too many Democrats watching this show. Pretty sure there's not too many Democrats watching this. In our Are You Dog Styling Me segment tonight, Abe Lincoln, an iconic American hero, could soon be an outcast in San Francisco, which tells you everything you need to know about San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:51:45 Arguably the greatest president of all time before Trump came along he only freed the slaves and you know did it all during the Civil War and shit and well in San Francisco he's a bad person so what do you need to know about San Francisco his legacy called into question and his name is going to be ripped off a high school Lincoln is one of dozens of historical figures who, according to a school district renaming committee,
Starting point is 00:52:09 they have a committee to rename shit. And that's the other problem in this country. Everything's done by committee, including NFL referees. Just make the offside call. Don't talk about it for 10 minutes, you fucks. Renaming committee lived a life, so stained with racism. We're talking about Abe Lincoln here. Oppression or human rights violations.
Starting point is 00:52:29 They do not deserve to have their name on a school building. Only San Francisco. Who said that? Bunch of... Who the fuck said that? Bunch of goo goblins. Who's the slimy little
Starting point is 00:52:40 commoner shit twinkle toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? Jason, show the statue. Of course course san francisco this is how they hear abe lincoln the one statue in that city they had yeah of course that's their idea that's the only time they accepted him when he's shredded uh the debate reflects a nation in turmoil a reckoning with a racist past we're talking about l Lincoln that lingers today, toppling Confederate statues from town squares and eliminating a large number of Robert E. Lee streets. Let me sum it up. Rewriting history, getting rid of white history,
Starting point is 00:53:17 getting rid of great people who happen to be white. Yeah, but they own slaves. Yeah, and I own bell bottoms in the 70s. You can't apply 21st century social norms to 1856. Do you understand? Everybody will look like a, everybody should be hung. Do you get it? You left-wing fucking jerk-offs. Do you get it? Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:53:49 That's like, that is so juvenile apparently he had problems with the indians the president who is often held up as an american hero for abolishing slavery which the fuck he is is just one of 44 historical figures soon to have their names scratched off schools within san francisco unified School District. What a shithole. Please secede from the union. Other names include George Washington, Herbert Hoover, Senator Dianne Feinstein. Well, even a broken clock is right once a day. Whose name will be stripped from the Dianne Feinstein Elementary School for allowing the Confederate flag to fly outside city hall back in 1984.
Starting point is 00:54:27 What's that? 36 years ago when she was a mayor. Can you imagine your job is to sit there all day and go back and go, yeah, this is offensive under today's standards. You know, if you could take down Lincoln's name, I don't want to see any more MLK Jr. You know why? Because he sat there and watched one of his friends rape a woman and laughed about it. And he had numerous mistresses.
Starting point is 00:54:52 So if you want to play this tit for tat game, I don't want to see any MLK Jr. schools either or fucking highways or whatever. The renaming of the schools come as a part of a nationwide reckoning around racial justice that has seen Confederate flags banned, military bases renamed, again, rewriting history, and statues toppled of racist and Confederate figures across America in the wake of the police killing of George Floyd. Yeah, blame it on George Floyd. The district's renaming committee, imagine jerk offset on that decided that lincoln is not worthy of keeping his name on abraham lincoln high school because the majority of his policies
Starting point is 00:55:33 proved to be detrimental to who folks that's right liz warren's family native americans native americans problem you're the fucking problem you fucking dr y onking jam ragak in spunk bubble i'm telling you h you keep looking at me i'm gonna put you in the fucking ground i promise you not this time abraham lincoln is not seen as much of a hero at all among many american indian nations all 10 of them uh i mean 10 indians not nations and native peoples of the United States, as the majority of his policies proved to be detrimental, even though he was shredded to them. The committee meeting notes under under Abe's watch, indigenous people had much of their land taken away from them. Yeah. Is there a point oh boy you in 1862 the homestead act where citizens could claim ownership of 160 acres of land
Starting point is 00:56:42 and the pacific railway act which gave railroad companies permission to build a transcontinental railroad through america led to the significant loss of land and natural resources as well as the loss of lifestyle and culture for many indigenous people so you want me to believe we didn't run those train tracks across the country that, what, they'd still be sitting around in a teepee smoking their peace pipes and fucking eating maize? What's your fucking point? You know, many white people in modern times have had the government go, hey, we have to fucking build this shit on your land. I know there's a thing they have they pay. I forget what it, what's it called?
Starting point is 00:57:24 Jason might know. They give you money. What the fuck? Something domain. Anyway, what is it? Eminent domain. Jason, ding, ding, ding. Look at Abe.
Starting point is 00:57:41 Anyways, many indigenous people, you know, they had their, again, their corn ripped up. Can I explain to you lefties that every country that ever came about that was successful, somebody got hurt, somebody got in the way. Do you understand? You only hold the United States, though, to these standards. You keep bringing up slavery, which, by the way, we did not invent. Actually, people of color invented it, probably in Egypt. But you know what we did?
Starting point is 00:58:08 We ended it. Never hear that mentioned, do you? In 1864, the Lincoln administration then oversaw the deportation of the Navajo tribe from their land in what is now Arizona. Well, they were having loud parties and playing all kinds of rock and roll at three in the morning. The tribe was forced to march a brutal 450 mile journey to Bosque Redondo, New Mexico. So what? All right, get up. Yeah. The man behind the remaining of 44 of San Francisco schools is a first grade teacher. This is who is teaching first graders in San Francisco. He's a first grade teacher who was influenced by his parents. What were the parents into?
Starting point is 00:58:55 Both prominent members of the Nation of Islam, the Nation of Hate, who set up their own Islamic school. Jeremiah Jeffries. Got a picture of this, Mama Luke? No, you don't want to do that? It's only part of the story, Jeff. Anyways, Jeremiah Jeffries, chairman of the renaming committee, revealed in an interview, his mother told him, this is what his mother said to him. What folks says about this family, I does.
Starting point is 00:59:23 I has told you and told you that you can always tell a lady, but the way that she eat in front of folks like a bird. And I ain't aiming for you to go to Mr. John Wilkinson and eat like a field hand and gobble like a hog. She and her husband, outspoken for a Muslim wife, she and her husband, I'm sure Clitoris was scrambled right after that. She and her husband set up the Sister Clara Muhammad School. They played Nebraska in the Orange Bowl last year.
Starting point is 00:59:46 They were too touched on an underdog, and they won. That serve a predominantly African-American Muslim population. That's a dangerous combination, black Muslims. They just, they don't like this country. The Nation of Islam, which is defined as an organized hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Southern Poverty Law Center, by the way, they've lost all credibility. But again again they finally got one right uh they because they call it racist anti-semitic and anti-gay teachings
Starting point is 01:00:09 uh and rhetoric of black superiority over whites did they actually say that i have to see that hates jews hates jews jeffries also led san francisco's largest school boycott again this is a guy teaching first graders who's filled with so much hate when he encouraged 200 families to send their children to protest the closure of a school rather than to lessons in 2006. So he said, go protest instead of going to school and learning. This is a guy teaching first graders. You got first graders protesting?
Starting point is 01:00:49 What a piece of shit, huh? I don't want to talk to you. Get away from me. Oh, my God. Anyways, that is it for today, ladies and gentlemen. The fastest hour in whatever we call the show. I have no idea. I want to thank you guys again for all your support.
Starting point is 01:01:04 Don't forget new home again we're not quite out of YouTube I think they're reviewing something but by the time they give us an answer on it it'll be my third strike striking out like the fucking Milwaukee Brewers did in 86
Starting point is 01:01:19 anyways what else if you want me to roast one of your friends or relatives go to, click on my profile, tell me a little about the person. I'll make a video on my phone and I'll send it to them saying it was from you and I'll bust their balls. Anyways, you guys think it, I will say it.
Starting point is 01:01:36 You are very welcome. We'll see you back here for the final day of the week tomorrow. Have a good day, everybody. guitar solo I'm out.

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