The Nick DiPaolo Show - The "Joy" of Hate | Nick DiPaolo Show #405

Episode Date: September 2, 2020

President Trump visits Kenosha. A Blue Lives Matter drink at Starbucks to poison cops. Nancy "The Hypocrite" Pelosi gets hair blown out at local salon. Thank you Fred C. from Montreal, Quebec for your... "Ask Nick!" question and for your continued support on Patreon! The Donald Stuff: Promo Code: nickdip FREE! MONDAY - THURSDAY 5PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, Nick DiPaolo here. The election, the big one's coming up real quick on us. It's probably the biggest one in the history of this country. They always say that, but I think we know it's true this time. If you're watching the news lately, well, one of the news channels, the rest of them are lying to your fucking face. That's why you should come here and get your news from me. But people like me are being squashed by YouTube and everybody else not yet but they're on my heels so it's more important now than ever that you go to
Starting point is 00:00:32 and if you can contribute you can do it on a daily basis at you can become a Patreon member which is a monthly subscriber if you do that you get an extra story every day nobody else gets you get to ask me a question. You get access to the archive shows. It really is only one of the few shows on the internet where you can actually hear somebody
Starting point is 00:00:55 talk the way you do amongst your friends. But I don't know how long it's going to last. But in the meantime, we need your support. So subscribe. And if you're on YouTube, don't forget to click that button and make sure you stay subscribed. All right. It's very important. It's the truth. guitar solo Raz, turn my mic on! The fuck? Are you really leaving this week? Sure acting like it. How are you, folks? Welcome to the show.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Before I forget, I want to thank, I believe he's a Patreon member, a big fan of the show, Kelly Conrad. He lives in Tennessee, and he's a guy who's good with his hands, a real patriot. And he sent me this. He makes these and sells them and a portion of the revenue goes to good causes. I think it was, I want to say Wounded Warriors or something like that. But look at that.
Starting point is 00:02:52 That is beautiful. it's nice work you get in a fight you know with the wife she cracks you with this you get a purple heart that fucker is heavy and you know what's i was watching a clip on fox news somebody being interviewed from their house, you know, how they Skype in now. Anyway, I saw this on the wall. I'm 99% sure it was the exact thing. So thank you, Kelly, very much. He's got a website, at kconrad2015. And again, if you buy these, a portion goes to a good cause. So we thank him very much for that. What else did I want to get out of the way?
Starting point is 00:03:25 I don't know. Remember, Donald Trump Jr. is going to be on the show tomorrow. Tune in at 5, be part of the live chat. Thanks again to all of you who picked up Nick DiPaolo hats, mugs, and shirts. Get all that stuff at Thanks also to those of you
Starting point is 00:03:42 who chat live during the show premiere at 5 o'clock. We appreciate those of you who submit those super chats like this one from yesterday. This is from Jim Dandy. Those riots outside Dem mayor's houses have to be staged. Notice no one gets hurt and nothing gets damaged. Smoke and mirrors. Either that or the cops show up because it's the mayor. But yeah, it's the mayor. But yeah,
Starting point is 00:04:05 I, it's actually a good point. Um, so, uh, thank you for the super chats, uh, upcoming dates.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Again, you can get them at October 2nd and 3rd. Jonathan's in a gun quit, Maine, October 10th, stand up live Huntsville, Alabama, October 11th,
Starting point is 00:04:22 the Zanies comedy club in Nashville, November 19th, the improv in Raleigh, North Carolina. That is it. Now for the first story of the day. Here is your N-word segment. Two videos providing new insight into how many shots may have been fired and how quickly during a controversial deputy-involved shooting
Starting point is 00:04:48 in South... I can't even keep track of this shit. There was another shooting in South Los Angeles on Monday night. Wow, it's a shooting and involves cops. I wonder what color the suspect or victim was. Honestly, you're getting predictable. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:05:09 Broken glasses, but I got a new pair right here. This really pisses me off. Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputies shot and killed a Dijon, as in mustard, Kizzy, 29, during a confrontation Monday afternoon. They say he punched a deputy and was in possession of a gun that was spotted among some items of clothing he dropped to the ground during his fight with the two cops. There's something wrong with the black man's mind.
Starting point is 00:05:37 There's something wrong with his mind. Already activists and witnesses are raising questions about whether the shooting was justified. Will you shut up? Will you? Will you please shut up? and witnesses are raising questions about whether the shooting was justified. Here's a video of people that were on their porch. You don't see the actual shooting, but it's doorbell video. You can hear the shots in the background. While the 10-second video snippet provided to eyewitness news includes the sound of at least those shots, it is not clear if additional shots were fired immediately before or after the video. Another angle from what appears to be a security camera captured the incident including the struggle and within seconds kizzy was shot witnesses have described hearing as many as 20 shots sheriff's
Starting point is 00:06:35 officials have disputed that number but have not yet provided their own figure um department the county sheriff's department in la the cops don't currently have body cams i don't know why uh the incident happened monday afternoon in the uh area of bud long avenue monday evening sheriff's department lieutenant brandon dean offered summary of what investigators had learned so far about the incident it began when deputies who were driving in the area saw a man riding a bicycle and decided to pull him over for a vehicle code violation in the area of 110 and Budlong. The department has not specified what type of vehicle code violation the deputy suspected. See how everything is written with these articles?
Starting point is 00:07:20 It's all suspicion. Like, that sentence wasn't needed. They'll get it to you they'll get the information the man later identified as kizzy dropped the bike and ran off now why would he do that let me guess outstanding warrant just guessing deputies caught up on hundred knife at that point they say kizzy fought with the deputies punch one of them in the face he had been carrying some clothing in his hands which he dropped to the ground. The two deputies spotted a handgun among the items.
Starting point is 00:07:50 At that point was when the shooting occurred. Investigators believed Kizzy was reaching for the gun on the ground. The suspect made a motion toward the firearm. It was at that time a deputy-involved shooting occurred. And you fucking activists are already upset. He punched a cop in the face, had a weapon, dropped it on the fucking ground, and went for the weapon.
Starting point is 00:08:12 How is this controversial? Well, I bet you the cops are making all that up. Bullshit. Young black males, there's a certain pattern that goes on when you get shot by the cops. Do you really think you don't have to go by the law? Another example of a young black man being afraid of the cops,
Starting point is 00:08:34 punching a cop in the face while he has a handgun on. Another example of how scared they are of the cops. I mean, what the fuck? Enough already. I mean what the fuck enough already he was struck more than once by the gunfire he died at the scene semi-automatic handgun was recovered at the scene the shooting has led to protests by civil rights activists
Starting point is 00:08:58 otherwise known as race baiters and it's how they make their living including the group, guess what? Black Lives Matter. Of course, they're getting involved. It's making me very angry here. Several elected officials are also calling the internet another unjustified shooting of a black man.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Really? Elected officials? Just from this, how can you make that statement even if we don't know it's true or not just from this you think they made up he punched a cop in the face and this camera's everywhere in the world i'm sure we'll have it and never take the word of a fucking eyewitness who's from the neighborhood. If you remember the Michael Ferguson hands up, don't shoot. We're about six people lied saying he had his hands up, but luckily a lot of other black residents said that was bullshit. So I, I give the cops the benefit of the doubt.
Starting point is 00:10:04 You should start doing it too before you start burning shit down. These are the families that I represent. This is another killing of a young black man. It keeps going on in this country. Yes, because they haven't changed their behavior. The cops don't need reform. It's young black men's behavior.
Starting point is 00:10:24 They grow up without a dad. They don't know how to handle authority. You punch a cop in the face. Again, all of these sound like fucking suicide by cop. What do you think is going to happen? And then you drop a gun and reach for it. Again, allegedly, I'm giving the cops the benefit of the doubt since every activist group in this country
Starting point is 00:10:45 doesn't. We have to be here. We have to stand up, said L.A. rep. Oh, you know who said that? Maxine Waters. Maxine Waters said that. Oh, my aching stem. Oh, my aching stem. You can act like a man. What's the matter with you? Try doing that around the cops. You might fucking live. Honest to fucking God, it's unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:11:22 From that information you got, you fucking elected officials, and you elected officials surround yourself with cops. You fucking hypocrite lying motherfuckers. These cops chose to put their life on the line for a living every day. But you'll give some street guy fucking scum the benefit
Starting point is 00:11:39 of the doubt. Ugh. Our father who art in heaven. The fuck I got ink all of the doubt. Our Father who art in heaven. The fuck, I got ink all over my hands. Let's get right to it. I don't know where we are, Rez. I'm so fucking confused at this point.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Can you tell? I've been looking down at my book. What happened to the nine sound drops I forgot to put in there? Anyways, more unrest in the country. As you know, President Trump toured riot-ravaged Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Tuesday, days after the city was first wracked by the police-involved shooting of Jacob Blake. that reached in his car after he got a cop on a headlock and was tased twice and then reached in his car and the cops had no idea what he's reaching for you know that guy that the cop shot you know for no reason uh trump first visited business districts of the lakefront city badly damaged during the demonstrations they taught an emergency operation center at a high school and participated in a roundtable discussion on public safety. I
Starting point is 00:12:45 think we have a little footage of that discussion. Violent mobs demolished or damaged at least 25 businesses, burned down public buildings and threw bricks at police officers, which your police officers won't stand for, and they didn't stand for it. These are not acts of peaceful protest, but really domestic terror. I am your voice. You are correct, sir. Joined by guests, including U.S. Attorney General Elton John, otherwise known as General Bill Barr, and Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf, Trump said that the key was not to funding police wholesale, as some lawmakers want, but to selectively deal with cops unbecoming of the force.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Exactly friggin right. You are correct, sir. You have some bad apples. We all know that. And those will be taken care of through the system, said Trump. But if you look at what they want to do, they want to cut police funding. We want to increase police funding substantially, he says. police funding. We want to increase police funding substantially, he says. I don't think I've heard Biden say that yet. Have you? So who's for law and order, really? And you know, they're trying to blame all this unrest on Trump. If that was true, why do they keep saying these are peaceful protesters if they really thought this was Trump's fraud. To that end, Trump announced a million dollars in federal funding to the local law enforcement, as well as four million to help small Kenosha businesses rebuild and 42 mil to support public safety across the whole state. That's how to fix shit.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Early in the visit, Trump visited a hard-hit commercial district where the smell of smoke still hung in the air, thanking law enforcement for their work during the protests and vowing aid for business owners. These gentlemen, they did a fantastic job. Fantastic. Gesturing to the local law enforcement, while visiting a Torch storefront, he added of business owners, we're going to help them.
Starting point is 00:14:44 We're going to help them a lot. We're going to help them rebuild, is what he said. Trump paid the visit despite Democratic Wisconsin Governor Tony. Please give me a call. Evers. Fucking left wing fag he didn't want Trump to come discouraging it for fear it would only hinder our healing
Starting point is 00:15:12 you my friend should be taken out and fucking doused with cat piss you how's that gonna interfere with healing unless you hate the president who loves the, oh you do. It's Wisconsin. That's right. Kenosha, home to about 100,000 Wisconsinites, was rocked last month by the Jacob shooting.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Listen to how they report this. Listen to this. It was rocked last month by the August 23rd shooting of Jacob Blake. Listen to how they were. The 29 year old was trying to break up a fight between two women, according to witnesses, when police intervened. As Blake tried to get into his car, he was shot seven times in the back by police as his fiance and children looked on. But it was all lies. That's how they report it. No mention of him getting a cop in a headlock no mention of him being tased twice you fucking people are bringing on the race war in the media yourself
Starting point is 00:16:14 you've been trying forever congratulations i think you finally got it going trump had initially expressed interest in meeting with blake's family but the plan was scrapped because they wanted to have a lawyer present according to the president why Trump gonna steal your silverware what the fuck amid the tensions in Kenosha 17 year old vigilante Kyle Rittenhouse allegedly see that 17 year old vigilante this is their definition of a vigilante. A kid who's being chased by a mob. He hadn't done anything yet.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Being chased by a mob. He's armed. Trips and falls. A guy with a handgun stands over. Another guy hits him over the head. Tony Huber, I think the kid's name, with a skateboard. His fucking life is in danger so he shot two people but according to the twats who wrote this he's a vigilante that word's already
Starting point is 00:17:11 popped up in uh fucking Biden speeches you people are the most evil motherfuckers kid defended himself and he's gonna get off everything covers it from the constitution to him having a right to have a gun there amid the tension in kenosha 17 year old vigilante kyle rittenhouse allegedly used an ar to kill two black lives matter protesters and wounded a third you're lying and you're a piece of shit bar said that while some kenosha protesters were well-meaning the tone of the demonstrations were co-opted by violent agitators which is true they come in from out of town if the fbi would get off their ass and find out who's paying for the hotel rooms and uh you know the rides as it progressed it became more and more maybe they're
Starting point is 00:18:02 doing that right now my mistake as it progressed it became more and more. Maybe they're doing that right now. My mistake. As it progressed, it became more and more distant from the issue of racial justice, he said, noting that most arrestees were not from Kenosha. This is William Barr. It was violence for violence sake. And once again, we saw the hijacking of a protest by a hardcore group of radicals organized by fucking George Soros and people like that. What it is is the militia arm of the Democrat Party. That's all it is. And they have the nerve to come out and say Trump is the reason of all this unrest. Evil motherfuckers.
Starting point is 00:18:39 And don't think the American people aren't seeing through that. That's why Biden's lead is shrinking as we talk. I don't know what's going to happen if fucking, I don't see a good coming out of this no matter who wins the election. If Biden wins, we're fucked. This country will no longer exist as it does. And if Trump wins, aye, aye, aye, what's going to happen? They're going to keep the violence going.
Starting point is 00:19:05 You really think they're all going to go home if Trump wins? I don't know what's worse. I'll take my chances with Trump. So right after Trump made that visit to Kenosha that I just talked about, a Trump supporter and a Black Lives Matter protester got into a brawl. There was a bunch of them down at the park. Can we call it a civil war yet? So they got in a brawl after the president paid a visit
Starting point is 00:19:32 to the violence-plagued city. Oh, man, oh, fucking man. Glasses. Hmm. Trump supporters and BLM protesters had been set up in the downtown Kenosha Park before the president's arrival. It began when a former U.S. Marine and Trump supporter named David, who was wearing a Make America Great Again hat, was pushed by a BLM protester naturally. The Trump supporter left the fight with bruises and cuts on his face. Show the clip of the fucking...
Starting point is 00:20:17 Wow, 28 on 58 on one beating up a marine who served on your behalf you scumbags black lives matter is a cancer it's a marxist group it has to be fucking eliminated i don't even know if it's been you know officially labeled a domestic terrorist group. So just think about that Nike and fucking Applebee's and everybody else whose website says Black Lives Matter on it. You're cutting your own throat, you dumb motherfuckers. Who said that? Said what? Who the fuck said that?
Starting point is 00:21:02 Who's the slimy little communist shit twinkle-toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? Oh, that was the protesters shouting, keep fucking walking. Go home. Walk fast to go home. Fuck you. Fuck Donald Trump. As the guy who got beat up. Do we show his Bruce face?
Starting point is 00:21:18 Yeah, that's what they were yelling to him. And I say to those people, Fuck you, mother! Oh, that's horrible. What is this, the Hannity Show? I heard Mark Levin right after we, he said like, he knows me, he likes my comedy shit a little bit. You know, gets a little scared, obviously.
Starting point is 00:21:38 But I remember after we started doing this show, hearing his show like a week later, he's going, look, I'm not sitting here doing a nightclub act. He must have been watching my show. Have you seen me do Levin? It says here, Sean, article two, paragraph 15-A, any domestic or foreign terrorists? I love Levin, by the way. Mark, I'm just doing a great imitation of you.
Starting point is 00:22:10 I'm hoping it'll get me on Fox and Friends. He's a smart son of a gun. All right. Next story, Raz. Oh, Jesus. In our libs eating lip segment tonight the headline is uh what did joy read just say probably this oh nick that's horrible yeah whatever fucking kick me off the air oh this isn't tv oh that right. I can say that shit.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Joy Reid, she was talking about Trump supporters and how he radicalizes us like the Muslims do. And she's talking, well, here's the clip of what she said. Very Islam. Leaders, let's say in the Muslim world world talk a lot of violent talk and encourage their supporters to be willing to commit violence including on their own bodies in order to win against whoever they decide is the enemy we in the u.s media describe that as they are radicalizing those a little hard they're radicalizing young people that's how we talk about the way Muslims act. When you see what Donald Trump is doing, is that any different? You're a Trump creep.
Starting point is 00:23:32 She's a malignant cunt. Got that right. She just talked about Muslims and how violent they are and how they radicalize there. She didn't say, I forget the what do we used to call them? You know, fucking radicalized Muslims, whatever the term we used to use.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Anyways, so she's generally, what? Extremist. Thank you so much. I think that's what Obama would call them. Very angry Muslims, but they're good people when they're not chopping your head and dick off. I'll suck an egg, you cheese fucker. Anyways, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:16 So they have a problem with this. This is because now libs are going after her. I don't even know who wrote this um uh ahem what muslim leaders who are we talking about here the millions of sheiks imams and local leaders who lead the world's 50 muslim majority nations the iranian regime abu bakar al-bukhari devout muslim soccer player muhammad salah who has more followers on social media than any political leader in the region the casual way reed flattens the entire muslim world into one broadband of violent rhetoric might be at home on another news cable meeting meeting fox says this left-wing piece of shit um
Starting point is 00:24:56 uh but she certainly should know better this person says. Why is that? Why should she know better? You need to shut the fuck up. Why should she know better? She got busted a couple years ago for making, remember homophobic? She had a blog with all kinds of homophobic shit in it
Starting point is 00:25:19 and she said it got hacked. Do you remember? Yet she's still on the air. Think about that for a second. She's Islamophobic. She hates hates white people she's made that clear and she's homophobic i mean this has been proven and she still has a show and they call fox news racist she's a hateful bitch they should take her and that fucking broad Presley from Massachusetts. What should they do with them, Nick?
Starting point is 00:25:49 Oh, I don't know. Boil some fucking pig fat and throw it on their back. The fuck? Where'd you get that idea? My wife did it to me once. She reached for something her viewers would immediately recognize as evil part of an argument that the violent rhetoric coming from the trump campaign should be taken as seriously as if it came from a muslim when has trump talked like this ever
Starting point is 00:26:17 i'm fucking believable we get it're real, real scary over here. This is a Muslim talking, obviously. Time for the media to finally see that Trump is just as bad. What the fuck? You need to shut the fuck up. Still has a show. Has said racist shit about white people forever. The more hateful, and they put her on MSNBC.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Homophobic, Islamophobic, anti-white. Fucking put her on. She's terrific. But it's Fox News that does all that shit. Fucking wrong. How would you know? Do you watch it? I always say that when I get in fucking arguments
Starting point is 00:27:04 with my nitwit friends. Would you hear they? Fox is so racist. They're so pro. How do you know that? You watch it every day? No, you don't? Oh, what are you watching? Oh, Joy Reid? Don Lemon between blowjobs spewing his fucking anti-Trump bullshit as he's getting cornholed by his fucking 14-year-old boyfriend. Cunt. We'll stay in the libs eating libs.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Guess who got upset at that? I'll give you a hint. They're both congresswomen and both have Middle Eastern names. Hello, I'm Mark! Hello, I'm Mark! Hello, I'm Mark! They're both congresswomen and both have Middle Eastern names. That's Tlaib calling her kids to dinner. Omar Tlaib called MSNBC host Joy Reid to apologize.
Starting point is 00:28:03 She wants her to apologize after comments deemed Islamophobic. I say it's the first time Joy Reid said anything honest ever. Reps Ilhan Omar, Democrat Minnesota, and stinky twat Rashida Tlaib, Democrat Michigan, have called on that angry black bitch Joy Reid to apologize after she suggested Monday night that President Trump has radicalized his supporters in the same way that Muslims act. Stop getting cunty. Yeah, because it's
Starting point is 00:28:34 Trump supporters burning shit down and looting and rioting and pulling statues down and graffiting people's houses and coming to their fucking houses, coming to restaurants and forcing you to say you're with black... And you're saying it's Trump supporters? What world are you living in?
Starting point is 00:28:50 I can't take this. I'm having a nervous fucking breakdown. I'm on well-betrayed Alexa pro. It's not doing shit. What are they... Seriously, does that not scare you? What violence are you talking about because a couple of people with trump hats have a dare to show up at a black lives
Starting point is 00:29:11 matter rally and and fucking get the shit kicked out of them because that rittenhouse kid fucking his life was in danger the fuck are you people talking about her comments came in response to president trump retweeting a video of pro-trump caravan which included a man who shot paintball at protesters oh those crazy fucking trump supporters using paintball guns they just caught a fucking blm kid with a fucking flamethrower he got arrested last night and he started crying like a bitch. This kid had threatened cops with guns and shit. Little white puke.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Literally fell to the street and the feet of his head started bawling when they caught him with a flamethrower. Trump supporters use paintball guns? The fuck? End up getting shot. You look like the partridge family bus whack whack
Starting point is 00:30:13 omar tweeted that reed's remarks constitutes constituted casual islamophobia and were hurtful and dangerous will you die already die? Will you shut up? Will you? Will you please? Die already. Words matter. Tlaib chimed in. And then she went, I can't even do that. I smoke so much.
Starting point is 00:30:35 And these words feed into the, my smoke is getting in the way of my racism. And these words feed into the harmful anti-Muslim rhetoric and actions that we continue to see in this country. Fuck you. You lying. Go back to your third world shithole where you guys fucking perform clitorises, fucking removals with bear openers. What is she talking?
Starting point is 00:31:03 Fucking actions we continue to see anti-muslim in this country what exactly are you talking about your scumbag people knocked over two of our buildings killed almost 3,000 people and you know what the fucking punishment was one fucking racist in Arizona shot an
Starting point is 00:31:21 Indian Sikh now people call your names and shit. No, they don't. Not in this country. And even if they do, that's a fucking hate crime. Just leave our country. You people in Minneapolis,
Starting point is 00:31:34 I want to bitch slap all of you. You voted these twats in. Fucks. And I love it. It's one of my favorite comedy cities. Not no more. I'm sure my comedy cup was burned down. It's one of my favorite comedy cities.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Not no more. I'm sure that I'm sure my comedy cup was burned up. It's even more painful to hear it from someone I admire. Oh, you admire a fucking you admire a whitey hater and a homophobic woman on TV who's totally racist. What is that? A, she was a whore. B, she was a whore? B, she was a whore. Reid did not mention the issue on her show Tuesday night, which prompted criticism from the civil rights organization Muslim Advocates. Of course, she didn't mention got no balls.
Starting point is 00:32:21 What's on the menu tonight? Black and chicken. She spent much of the show discussing racism however reed failed to acknowledge the harm she caused did not apologize for stereotyping muslims as violent radicals and failed to address her history of anti-muslim car let me explain something to you talib and omar ilhan what the fuck ilhan omar this is america we can say anything the fuck we want about you. At least that's how it was. I suggest you go back. Again, I know one of you is from here. But the fucking Ilhan Omar, go back to the third real shithole that we saved you from.
Starting point is 00:32:56 You ungrateful little fucking yeast infection. Nick, you're hateful. I know. Hey, you. Nick you're hateful I know hey you I didn't mean to do that I thought I just got a rod there she says by refusing to apologize she disavow her anti-muslim comments read is continuing to put Muslims in danger. Do you fucking believe this shit? Oh, boy, you. Breonna Joy Gray, a former spokesperson for Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign,
Starting point is 00:33:34 tweeted, nearly one quarter of the world's population asks how? That's a sick question. You're a sick fuck, and I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it. These remarks are pretty appalling, tweeted Luke Savage of the left wing. What is it? Jacob Jacobin magazine. Joy reads subtext is more or less that Trump is radicalizing his supporters, just like the barbarians abroad do.
Starting point is 00:34:00 The way Muslims act is racism, plain and simple. Yeah, that's what she said. abroad do the way muslims act is racism plain and simple yeah that's what she said this is not good at joy reed liberal activist linda sarsour said jew hater she's a fucking evil one too uh this is without a hint of sarcasm literally islamophobia the washington examiners sir hashashami said imagine hiring somebody named uh siraj hashing i had the hashimi at the fucking uh what's the fucking place downtown great matt whitlock a senior advisor with the National Public Senatorial Committee, commented, might be tough for Joy to blame hackers for this one. He was referring to the thing I mentioned earlier,
Starting point is 00:34:52 controversy surrounding homophobic posts on Reid's personal blog. After the comments first surfaced in 2017, Reid issued an apology calling her remarks insensitive, tone deaf, and dumb, and vowed to do better going forward. And then she said she'd get hacked. She can't even lie in the right order. Somebody, please. Somebody please get her a drink like this kid makes,
Starting point is 00:35:17 or this woman, this guy, this barista. Don't know what it is. Boy, Starbucks, you got a lot of problems, don't you? I is. Boy, Starbucks, you got a lot of problems, don't you? I really, my instincts are right on. I used to walk by Starbucks
Starting point is 00:35:30 in New York City and just look in and see all the jerk offs on their laptops with the Janine Garofalo glasses. I just got a vibe of PCPU fucking coffee.
Starting point is 00:35:42 What is it? $11? Went to Dunkin Donuts next door and drank with the fucking head coffee with the plumbers and the fucking drywallers not with these twats listen to this barista at target oh there's a starbucks and target fired after teaching how to make deadly blue lives matter drink wants more dead cops in a video that went viral on tiktok someone who user it says someone who users report is a transgender boy that means it was a girl and now it's a boy right whereas uh username van grayson heart explain how to make a blue lives matter drink with ingredients such as
Starting point is 00:36:23 bleach and a little blood of innocent black men, said this transgender piece of fucking garbage. Fucking quiz. That's homophobic. I don't know who said that in the back. I don't like that type of talk in the show. I've told you people. Don't do it again. I told you.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Fucking quiz. I said. Cut it out. Trying told you. Fucking quiz! I said! Cut it out! Trying to do a show here. We don't need all the hate and shit. Fucking quiz! Hey! Fuck!
Starting point is 00:36:57 I just pinched my hand with this fucking thing. Jesus Christ. See what the gays made me do? Did, Rez, can we put a, oh, a picture do we have a picture of him or just a clip put a picture of this so called that's a girl now no boy right it's a girl becoming a boy
Starting point is 00:37:18 is that what that is I wouldn't let you make my drink this is what makes up the left and cop haters and BLM I wouldn't let you make my drink. This is what makes up the left and cop haters and BLM. They're misfits in society. They're haters because they don't fit in the mainstream and they have so much anger. Why would this thing hate a cop? What did a cop ever do to you?
Starting point is 00:37:46 Stuck a nightstick up your ass. You'd love cops, wouldn't you? Dressed like Adrian on Rocky. You should be behind a parrot's cage right now. Throwing your son looks like a fag to me. Hey, take it easy. A TikTok video posted by At7Brooms shows the same person making another purportedly toxic drink for a Karen that contains bleach and broken glass. After the person is done making it, they say, and there you have it.
Starting point is 00:38:18 The All Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter, white is a color to Frappuccino. Show the clip of this jerk off making the drink. For the Blue Lives Matter drink. First, we're going to start with bleach. All the way for the blue lives matter drink first we're gonna start with bleach all the way to the third line i'm gonna add ice because you know cops love ice oh good job a cold foam pitcher we're gonna add more bleach, a little blood of innocent black men, and then we add this special blue ingredient that Starbucks has.
Starting point is 00:38:53 We do have it, and yes, we are holding out on you. Blend that on the fork. Pour that right on top, all of that beautiful blue color. And even though- I suck cock and I love it. Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy. Yeah, wash it down with a Blue Lives Matter drink, you fucking... Again, what is it? What is she? What is it? That's a girl that's a boy? A girl that's now a boy? Transgender boy.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Yes, so it's a girl. That's a boy. That's a boy. We girl that's now a boy? Transgender boy. Yes, so it's a girl. That's a boy. We both look up at the ceiling. I can't keep this shit straight. What happened to cocks and vaginas? And there you have it. Analyzing both videos, viewers can see the person's right hand has identical dots
Starting point is 00:39:41 which may be tattooed on. There were several social media accounts that contained at Seven Brooms name. A request to view Lemon Heart's private Instagram account was not granted. This video is appalling. This is from Target. An unacceptable, a spokesperson for Target said, We don't tolerate this behavior. You know how you stop it?
Starting point is 00:40:06 You know how you stop this behavior at your place? You don't hire these sick fucks. Oh. That would be transgenderphobic. Homophobic. We don't tolerate this behavior at Target. We want everybody to buy their crappy shit at $11. Beach towels for $48.95.
Starting point is 00:40:25 We want all guests to be treated with respect and are terminating the team member. Oh, it's a team member now. Not an employee. It's a team member. So you have a team of people who ate the cops and this is the captain? Is that how it works? Somebody ought to kick that kid in its dick slash clit. So they terminated the bitch.
Starting point is 00:40:45 Bye-bye. We also have rigorous food safety procedures in place, which this team member egregiously violated with its behavior. I'll use the pronoun its. We're deeply sorry for this cum guzzler who he hired, which TikTok has removed based on the platform guidelines. Again, a person that's just mad at life. That's how I read that.
Starting point is 00:41:10 And there's plenty of them, Black Lives Matter and all that. You know, they're angry at life. Have you ever seen a hot broad ever on the left? Had a black line. Crew cut, 19 rings in their nose. Representing every year of quality time their parents didn't spend with them that's my theory
Starting point is 00:41:28 time for a cigarette I'd like to blow this right in that fucking girl guy's face hey guys our friends at sent over a whole batch of new t-shirts this morning as you know they are great supporters of the show and we hope you'll support them check these out you got uh make antifa go away go away little girl
Starting point is 00:41:53 rotate through the i'm reading your directions rotate right make them make america gringo hey that's what what does that mean uh oh i get the goya thing trump uh sports cycle make antifa go away make speech free again that one i like again all these shirts and more are on sale at the donald make sure that when you purchase you use the promo code nick to get 10 off everything at the donald stuffcom. And we thank them again for sponsoring our show. I also want to thank you guys who are contributing financially and keep us keeping the show going since yesterday. One-time contributions,
Starting point is 00:42:34 Ethan Ford of New Hampshire, Ed Midgley, Rhode Island, Ross Peterson, Nebraska, Joshua Collier, Maine, Lee Kebum,
Starting point is 00:42:43 leaky bum. How about me? I say it the way they write it, and then I get the joke. Michigan. John Bridgman, North Carolina. Greg Wilcox, Iowa. Greg Lawrence, West Virginia. Timothy Bowling, Nevada.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Ken Maliga, Connecticut. Or Maliga. Robert Curley, New York. Greg Peroutka, Arizona. Buy some burr jerking fat fuck Austria. I don't know what that means. Sean O'Connor, New York. Walt Larkin, Pennsylvania.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Do Ho, Minnesota. Paul Winters, New York. Nathan Lott, Tennessee. Iswana Handters, New York. Nathan Lott, Tennessee. Iswana Handgun. South Dakota. James Harworth, Ohio. And then here's some people that signed up at Patreon. They are now monthly supporters, which we love.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Dustin Blows. One Young Ho. You're killing Razz with these. The Schleppy. Boxhead Supreme. One young ho. You're killing Raz with these. The schleppy box head supreme. Thank you guys so much. Both the daily contributors and the people at Patreon. I have a Patreon question. Look at Raz right on top of it, even though he's leaving the show.
Starting point is 00:44:02 I might as well get this out now because I already missed the guy. He hasn't even gone yet. Mr. Raz's wife, who's like a pharmacist. They were a great family. His wife got a job. Where was it? In Russia? Gastonia, North Carolina.
Starting point is 00:44:21 Gastonia, North Carolina. So they're moving. I was told this when I fucking got this show and I was trying to find producers. I remember Anthony Cumia saying, you'll find good people, but keeping them is the problem. And so when did you, next week is your last week? Folks, does that not break your fucking heart?
Starting point is 00:44:42 This guy's done a great job, and I'm not shitting you, nice guy, great great family guy but we do have our old buddy jason burkle burkle bark pickenbucker reddenbacher i should know burkle buck who's a great kid too he's still down here in savannah i thought he was gonna run home home. Got a girlfriend and shit. He did a good job. So we got him in the wings and I got a little Asian girl that I found at the mall. She was about 16 with an ass on her. You could break a peach on her.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Anyways, you know how they are, those chinks. Anyways, question. Fred C. Montreal, Quebec. Any suggestions on how we can stop the negative connotation on terms like conspiracies or conspiracy theories when we see certain organizations, families, etc., have been literally conspiring for decades to suppress information, technologies?
Starting point is 00:45:36 Love the show. Keep up the great work. Thanks for the last. Fred, I'm not sure of the question. You want to stop the negative connotation of the word conspiracy? I know. I agree with you because some conspiracies. Are just based on fact, which makes it not a conspiracy. And, you know, when the left uses that shit, Fred, any time you bring something up. This was in that Illuminati book. Any time you say you believe in the Illuminati or something like that, they call you a conspiracy theorist. That's their proactive defense or reactionary defense. When you stumble on something that not many people know, but it's definitely the truth. They don't want
Starting point is 00:46:15 you to know it's the truth. They go, you're a fucking conspiracy theorist. I don't, I, how, how do you get rid of that? I don't know. What am I a fucking English major? I have no idea. how do you get rid of that? I don't know. What am I, a fucking English major? I have no idea. It's a good question. Love Montreal too, Fred. Fucking good comedy town. Never seen a city with more beautiful women in my life than Montreal.
Starting point is 00:46:33 Honest to God. Holy fucking moly. I don't know. Ask Peterson. Jordan Peterson, another Canadian. He would have an answer to that. Let's talk about a real dimwit, a really, really leather-neppled pig face. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited a San Francisco hair salon on Monday afternoon for a wash and blowout. Francisco hair salon on Monday after afternoon for a wash and blow out. Despite local audiences keeping salons closed amid the coronavirus pandemic. Is that really news that the biggest liberal on the planet is not practicing what she preaches?
Starting point is 00:47:20 Do as I say, not as they do. She's the captain of this shit. She's an entitled. She's a Karen to the 14th power she is so disconnected with the real world and um in security footage let's play a song you are a cunt That goes out to you, Nancy. I'm Casey Kasem. I'm up three spots from last week. Leathery nipple cunt.
Starting point is 00:48:04 By ABBA. In security footage obtained by Fox News and timestamped to Monday at 3.08 p.m., California powerhouse is seen walking through e-salon in San Francisco with wet hair and without a mask. We have the footage. There's the hairdresser or somebody.
Starting point is 00:48:24 And here she comes. Here comes the wicked witch i wish she twisted her ankle right there she's 80 years old and you're dying nobody cares you used to have beautiful tits in the early 40s now you look like one of those african broads on nat geo carrying wood back to the village on her head look at her why is this so bad you think i might be picking on her head. Look at her. Why is this so bad? You think I might be picking on her and getting too... You smug cocksucker.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Fuck you. We're talking to Nancy. Here's why this is horrible. Salons in San Francisco have been closed since March and were only notified they could reopen on September 1st for outdoor hairstyling services only. Did anybody hear what I read on the show yesterday?
Starting point is 00:49:07 That only 6% of the 100% of COVID cases, only 6% were actually people died of actual COVID and not something along with COVID, yet you're still wearing your mask. Here's the owner of the salon saying, I'm sharing this. Good for this woman, too. I'm sharing this because of what everyone in my industry and my city is going through right now.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Salon owner Erica Kios. Salon owner Erica Kios, in a phone interview with Fox News on Tuesday, shared details of Pelosi's visit. Kios explained she has independent stylists working for her who rent chairs in her salon. One of the stylists who rents a chair for me contacted me Sunday night. A screen grab of the text message she received from one of her stylists obtained by Fox said, I'll be there at 2.45 tomorrow. Pelosi assistant just messaged me to do her hair. Kios replied, Pelosi? Son of a whore! I was like, are you kidding me right now? Do I let this happen? What do I do? While noting that she can't control what her stylists do if they rent chairs from her as they're not paying at this time, Kios cast Pelosi's visit as a double standard.
Starting point is 00:50:21 You're goddamn right it was a double standard. as a double standard. You're goddamn right it was a double standard. She says, it was a slap in the face that she went in, you know, that she feels that she can just go in, get her stuff done while no one else can go in, and I can't work. Adding that she can't believe the speaker
Starting point is 00:50:38 didn't have a mask on, number one. We're supposed to look up to this woman, right? No, that's where you're wrong. Why don't you join the party who knows the truth? You're looking up to this woman right uh no that's where you're wrong why don't you join the party who knows the truth you're looking up to that fucking bride that's your first mistake we're supposed to look up to this woman she said i don't think so no no no no no no no no the speaker here is a comment from pelosi spokesman drew hamill guarantees a gobbler this is what he says.
Starting point is 00:51:05 The speaker always wears a mask and complies with local COVID requirements. Well, apparently not. The business offered for the speaker to come in on Monday and told her they were allowed by the city to have one customer at a time in the business. The speaker complied with the rules
Starting point is 00:51:18 as presented to her by the establishment. No, she didn't. She doesn't have a mask on. Liar, liar, whore, liar, whore. You know it. Keough said Pelosi received a wash and a blow dry, told the news that you're not supposed to blow dry hair according to coronavirus safety precautions
Starting point is 00:51:35 for hair salons. She says, we've been shut down for so long, not just me, but most of the small businesses. I just can't. It's a feeling, a feeling of being deflated, helpless, and honestly beaten down. I have been fighting for six months for a business that took me 12 years to build, to reopen. I'm a single mom. I have two small children. I have no income. Think about this. Just think, this is people's lives. The fact that they did this and she came in, it's like a slap in the face, this woman said.
Starting point is 00:52:10 She's exactly right. Is she not? What's the idea? Get upstairs. Timing is everything. Took me five minutes to find the button. Got to be a better way. Can i put a chip in my neck keels told fox news she expected to reopen her salon in july prepared her space in accordance with local guidelines listen to what she did there were rules and regulations to go by safely reopen which i did but i was still not allowed to
Starting point is 00:52:42 open my business she said noting that she installed plexiglass partitions between sinks and seating areas and ensured that all salon chairs were six feet apart, along with proper air circulation from open windows. Still not allowed to open in the great state of California. Never mind civil war. It's time for us to do what we did to england start chopping heads they never let us open she said while adding that she is unable to reopen outside listen to this because her salon specializes in hair color and using chemicals outside is prohibited coloring somebody's hair outside is going to make somebody sick california you have lost your shit back in the early 60s you know it's funny i look back on it manson was the most sane person to come out of california she said this is for everybody i'm sharing this because of what everyone in my industry, my city, whatever small business is going through right now.
Starting point is 00:53:49 She got money, $12,000 from the PPP program, which helps small businesses, right? Under the Bipartisan Cares Act. But she's still forced to shut down her salon for good within the next 30, 60 days. She says, no one can last anymore. I have lost 60% of my clientele because everybody's fleeing this city. Everybody's storefront is completely vacant, shut down, boarded up.
Starting point is 00:54:13 And because of the shutdown and the store closures, we've lost people, clients, employees. And that is due to the politics in San Francisco. She added that homeless population is everywhere and defecating all over the city. There's your liberal city. I left my home in San Francisco. A man goes to a party.
Starting point is 00:54:53 I was going to talk about Pence. Somebody wrote a fucking book saying that Trump might have had a mini stroke. Back in the fall, whatever. They gleaned all this from him going to a doctor for a normal physical in the fall do we have him refuting it no we have the let's show the clip of trump this is recently i think they show him walking and he's dragging his right foot a little bit but i'm not i don't think he had a stroke it looks like because I do it now, I have a fucking, my right hip, when it hurts, I kind of, I think it's a knee or a hip injury, but they're trying to say he's, keep an eye on his right foot in this clip. It is kind of fucking, see how he's
Starting point is 00:55:36 See? It is a little weird. Unless he's trying to start a trend. His right leg is fucking... But they said all kinds of shit. They told Pence he better be ready if Trump...
Starting point is 00:55:58 In the other clip, we have Trump at Mar-a-Lago. He went out to get some food. He was bringing it back. This doesn't look good either. I don't know what to make of it. It's a little skinny in this video. Gilligan! Folks, that'll make me laugh a thousand times. You understand? I don't care if that was a retarded three-year-old girl. When somebody falls down, it makes me fucking laugh.
Starting point is 00:56:28 anyways Pence denies it they ever said you better be on call or whatever but Trump tweeted once they said this book came out saying he might have had a stroke it never ends now they're trying to say that your favorite president me went to that's why you're gonna love him went to Walter Reed Medical Center and that's why you're going to love him. Went to Walter Reed Medical Center.
Starting point is 00:56:46 And that's why black people love him. Having suffered a series of many strokes. Never happened to this candidate. Fake news. Perhaps referring to another candidate from another party, which is exactly what I thought. If anybody should be accused of having a stroke, it's fucking Joe.
Starting point is 00:57:02 I can't speak for 10 seconds without shitting my pants Biden so boy they're relentless aren't they have you ever seen a president treated like this in your life uh some COVID news here a shocking moment a priest in a face mask if this isn't evidence they don't work drops dead at the, I'm not meaning to laugh, in front of a screaming congregation during a sermon in Cameroon, which is one of my favorite churches to go to in Cameroon. I can't, well, let's show the clip. Bye-bye. He's gone. And we couldn't do nothing about it.
Starting point is 00:58:11 That looks kind of peaceful. Did you see him look at the camera? Why didn't they show him going completely down? You can't show us that. Can't show us his head hitting the floor and everybody giggling. Come on. Show us his head hitting the floor and everybody giggling. Come on.
Starting point is 00:58:30 The clip was shot as the man identified as Reverend Fr. Jude. What does FR mean? Black people in your names. Is it short for fried? Was delivering a sermon in the western city of Douala. Raz has a nice timeshare there. The Reverend, who was also the spiritual director of the country's Catholic Men's Association,
Starting point is 00:58:50 seen standing at the pulpit leading the Mass. At one point he addresses, he pauses, then stops speaking. His eyes became droopy. He sways on the spot for a moment before kneeling backward and falling to the floor. The camera room people are calling it the Joe Biden. Fellow clergymen who had been sat behind him rushed forward to help, and members of the
Starting point is 00:59:10 congregation could be heard screaming. The footage was shared on Twitter by Chidi Okakalo. Thank you, Chidi. Chidi Okakalo, a lawyer and a former chairman of Nigerian's Nation Human Rights Commission. Reverend Jude, CMA, spiritual director of CMA Dito in Cameroon's a lawyer and a former chairman of Nigerian's nation human rights commission. Reverend Jude CMA, spiritual director of CMA Dito in Cameroon's commercial capital. Douala was preaching the homily at a mass earlier today. When this happened, he says,
Starting point is 00:59:34 rest in peace. And somebody else said, life's not only short, but it's fucking weird. I'm paraphrasing there, but, uh, finally tonight I I meet the press
Starting point is 00:59:46 boy I over prepared huh Raz fucking 90 more stories I go all out for you people I'm like fucking Springsteen up here didn't put a shirt and tie on though that was kind of don't forget Donald Trump tomorrow Junior excuse me I almost fucked that up
Starting point is 01:00:04 here's the headline on this one more Corona news I don't know if that guy's junior. Excuse me. I almost fucked that up. Here's the headline on this one. More Corona news. I don't know if that guy's death was Corona related, but coronavirus can cause men's testicles to swell up. When I read that, I tweeted. Anybody see my tweet? I said, good, maybe Biden should take his mask off and grow some balls.
Starting point is 01:00:30 Sent it. Tommy tweets. He doesn't let me know how it does. Defeating the purpose of actually fucking doing tweets. But it's the guy's balls can swell up and leave them infertile. Medics in the United States are warning that COVID-19 could cause the bizarre side effect after treating a previously healthy 37-year-old man. The doctors from the San Antonio Uniformed Service Health Education Consortium. Could you get a longer title? No. In Texas, said the patient went to A&E with swelling and discomfort in the scrotum. Why would you go to A&E if your balls isn't?
Starting point is 01:01:04 Go to fucking Nat Geo. They know all about this. Go to Discovery Channel. A&E is a bunch of fags. Again, they know what a guy's balls look like, so maybe you should go to them. He had been suffering with some of the main coronavirus symptoms such as dry cough, fatigue, and fever for 10 days
Starting point is 01:01:20 and voting Democrat for 10 days before he went to hospital. His testicular pain had developed around three days earlier. The patient had tested positive for COVID-19 at an outpatient clinic five days before his first symptoms emerged. Hmm. Where am I? The medics writing in the American Journal of Emergency Medicine said COVID-19 had damaged his sperm, spermatozoites, which keep sperm healthy.
Starting point is 01:01:53 You can act like a man. What's the matter with you? I thought that was a girl's job. They believe the virus used ACE2 receptors on Leydig cells. Oh, my. That's a bad combination. When you're using the ACE2 receptors in Leydig cells, oh, you fucking balls are going to get big. Trump
Starting point is 01:02:13 must have this shit. His balls are huge. Which are present in the testes. That's how it gets in. It enters through the testes into your body. Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? That's the virus entering your balls.
Starting point is 01:02:36 However, they admit that cases such like this are very rare. The doctors treated him with painkillers, antibiotics. He was discharged following a night in the hospital when the pain had improved. There've been other similar reports of testicular pain in COVID-19 patients, but no official research into the link as yet. In April, researchers claim that testicles could Harbor coronavirus allow the deadly
Starting point is 01:02:58 virus to persist longer in men. They, well, yeah, we have balls the fuck. Well, not necessarily. You got that kid from target making deadly drinks they claim that this kind of this comes down to the way covet enters the body through cells expressing the ace2 um protein hello hello hello Hello? Hello? Hello? These proteins are found in the lungs, not mine.
Starting point is 01:03:35 Heart and intestines and are also found in large quantities in the testes. I don't want something that's in my intestines to be in my balls. Jerk off and you shoot a what? Diarrhea comes out? Well, for women, very small amounts are found in ovarian tissue. The pilot study indicated that while women took four days to clear the infection, men took 50% longer, requiring six days. The research was released ahead of publication on medical website MedRxiv and has not been peer-reviewed. While experts cast doubt on the early findings
Starting point is 01:04:07 virology professor ian jones from the university of uh reading said that coronavirus would need to travel in the bloodstream to reach the testes which he said was not generally uh what viruses do he said i know a thing or two about a thing or two. He said the main site of a virus replication is the respiratory tract. And to reach other sites, the virus should have to travel in the bloodstream. Men generally do worse than women in the immunological outcomes,
Starting point is 01:04:36 possibly the result of only one X chromosome. And I think that is the imbalance is more likely behind the difference seen. So I take his where he sounds way smarter than me or as when my balls swell up. It's usually not from Corona. It's usually a swift knee after not emptying the dishwasher right. That's it. That's the show.
Starting point is 01:05:04 Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. I just pulled the neck muscle. Flexing. That is it, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you so much for tuning in. And remember, keep the contributions coming.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Remember, you guys think it. I'll say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here. I can't believe tomorrow's Thursday. See you back here tomorrow. Have a good rest of the day. guitar solo guitar solo I'm out.

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