The Nick DiPaolo Show - The Truth about Black Men and Cops | Nick Di Paolo Show #530

Episode Date: April 26, 2021

North Carolina declares a preemptive state of emergency body cam footage. Cop shoots dead a raging black man weilding two knives. Rachel Maddow breaks down over AZ. recount....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, I want to thank you for watching the show and I want to encourage you to keep contributing to keep this show and free speech free for everyone whether they want to hear it or not. Click on this video or the link on the screen to make a contribution of any amount. I'll read your name on the show, but more importantly, you'll truly be supporting a great cause without Big Brother taking their cut or limiting the message. Thank you guys so much. Oh yeah, as much as I hate to admit it, it's Monday morning. How are you folks? Good to be with you.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Hope you had a great weekend. What did I do? I made Chinese spare ribs and I watched a guy's leg snap. Yummy! What a weekend. You guys see that? God, it's like porn for me. Some people look away.
Starting point is 00:01:26 I can't stop watching it. That hurt. I think they should have just put an ace bandage on and he could have continued. But he was being a bitch. No. That's Chris Weidman, one of my favorite fighters of all time. Tough Long Island kid. And we'll get to that in a few minutes.
Starting point is 00:01:45 I'll give you a trigger warning if you're squishy about that shit. But, you know, I used to jerk off to mash reruns when they were doing triage. What? Who the fuck? Well, let's get to it. It's, you know, I might as well just run the same show every day because we seem to be stuck in this rut where the mainstream media loves to just dig up every cop shooting and put their fucking dirty twist on it. God, do you believe this again and again and again? And what's the definition of insanity?
Starting point is 00:02:20 You keep doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome? Something like that. Well, somebody tell the young black fellas that if you run at cops with a knife or a gun, you're going to get fucking blasted. All right. All right. We don't want to see any of this. I know black people don't believe that, but we don't.
Starting point is 00:02:39 It's fucking horrible. I'm tired of talking about it. Let's get right to it. State of emergency declared in Elizabeth City, North Carolina. Police body cam footage to be released today. This is where we are in this nation. You don't think mob rules? They declare an emergency before the riots.
Starting point is 00:03:01 That's how sure we are that something's going to go down once they release the footage. That's not a good sign. Elizabeth City, North Carolina declared a state of emergency ahead of today's release of body camera footage of the killing of Andrew Brown Jr. last week. The 42-year-old was shot and killed by deputies last Wednesday during the execution of a search warrant. Witnesses have said Brown was driving away when deputies fired at several rounds. Oh, I'm sure they were spot on, those witnesses. That's also what, let me see, the witnesses when Michael Brown got shot said he raised his hands, remember? Which was a total lie.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Even the eyewitnesses of all races said that was a total lie. But, you know, let's put this up first. After the shooting, seven deputies, seven. Jesus Christ, that's like a SWAT team placed on administrative leave and three resigned. The three who resigned were not even directly involved in the shooting. Bye bye. even directly involved in the shooting. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Pasqua tank sheriff Tommy Wooten said that, you know, so now he's shorthanded. And the breaking news today is that the mayor of Elizabeth City, New York, Carolina, said law enforcement expects a period of civil unrest, in quotes, after the body cam footage is released today. And like I said, a state of emergency has been declared. I despise it with every fiber of my being. Yes, but it might be necessary. That tells me they don't like what they saw on the... You got to show it anyways, but let's put it this way.
Starting point is 00:04:38 If it was clear card, it wasn't a cop's fault that you do that. I don't know. What is it? Star Scream CIA simulation war. Oh. The guy that tweeted it, not important. Star Scream CIA death simulation warlord. Good friend of mine out of Kentucky.
Starting point is 00:05:01 The fuck? Let's take a look. I think we got some words from the actual sheriff, right? People want the body cam footage right now. The sheriff's office is the custodian of the body cam footage, but the body cam footage does not want to be released by the district attorney at this time due to the investigation. This afternoon, Wooten met with Brown's family to give them an update on the case. This afternoon, Wooten met with Brown's family to give them an update on the case. The family is not going to have to wait much longer. Their wishes will be granted. I'm going to find out what the hell happened here.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Because this happened last week sometime. So like I said, I don't know. I'm just putting two and two together. I'm dying to see what they're going to release. But the biggest story is this is where we are. It shouldn't matter in a civil society whether the cop's wrong or not. We shouldn't have to declare a state of emergency before the fucking video is released. Because a certain segment of the population can't frigging act civilized. population can't frigging act civilized. And there was more, more cop interaction. Again, we're not going to hear about the hundreds of thousands of interactions over the weekend where nothing happened and the cops did their job. Let's cherry pick and turn this into a narrative that'll blow this country up, which has been going on since I was 25. I didn't even follow politics.
Starting point is 00:06:30 I looked at my friend watching CNN one day. I think I was 28. Might have been Louie, actually. And I said, what the fuck? I go, really? Has a black guy done anything wrong? Because it seems to be white cops and white hate crimes. That's all I'm seeing. They've been at this for 30 years, folks. And now it's come to fruition. You're watching now you get an administration who's pouring gas on the fire. Another black guy clearly afraid of the police, obviously. A Metro Nashville police officer is under investigation after shooting and killing a man who was charging at him, not with one knife, two butcher knives, Police said on Saturday, Officer Christopher Royer was on patrol when he ran the license plate of a white Mercedes that was on Clarksville Pike. Don't you move, you motherfucker. I'll blow your brains out.
Starting point is 00:07:20 The plate came back registered to a green Chevrolet. Never good. So Officer Royer initiated a traffic stop to investigate. The driver of the white Mercedes was cooperating with the traffic stop. However, his passenger began exhibiting bizarre behavior. Chris Rock did this thing on HBO, how not to get your ass kicked by the police. This was like 20 years ago. And it still holds up today. And one of the rules is like, don't have a crazy friend in the passenger seat.
Starting point is 00:07:51 And this is one of those cases. Because when we watch this clip, you can hear the driver going, what are you doing? What are you doing? He's not talking to the cop. He's talking to his friend who got out of the car with the knives. His passenger began exhibiting bizarre behavior. The passenger immediately got out of the Mercedes with the knives. His passenger began exhibiting bizarre behavior. The passenger immediately got out of the Mercedes with two large butcher knives.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Hey, who doesn't carry cutlery when they run into the store for milk? Jesus H. Christ. One in each hand and began running around erratically. You know, what do you think? I'm not crazy. I just don't give a fuck. Officer Royer can be heard on the body camera video telling the man to drop the knife.
Starting point is 00:08:28 The man who was driving the Mercedes was also heard on the body cam footage saying, what are you doing? It's unclear how the two knew each other. Body camera footage shows the man who was shot getting out of the patrol vehicle. He jumped into the cop car first, the empty cop car, and then moving towards Officer Royer. Royer is seen walking backward while continuing to order the guy to drop the knife. And here it is. Hey, stay in the car.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Drop the knife. Give me the air. Clarksville Pike, 32-36. He's got a knife. He's got two knives. Get out of got two knives get out of the car get out of the car drop the knife drop the knife what are you doing dude what are you doing drop the knife i don't want to shoot you i don't want to shoot you hey give me some cars up here he's got a knife give me some cars he's got a knife jump it
Starting point is 00:09:20 Of course, he's got a knife. Drop it! 13 shots fired. Give me some cars up here. Car so polite. There's something wrong with the black man's mind! There's something wrong with his mind! That's called suicide by cop, okay?
Starting point is 00:09:38 End of fucking story. You can review it all you want and give it to CNN, let them put their twist on it. That's the clearest case of suicide by cop i think i've ever seen i almost feel like this i don't mean to be a conspiracy theorist what the what what does they have a production company rolling this shit out i can still hear the uh audio a little bit i don't. Anyways, what you don't see on there is when he was down, there were five officers that rendered aid to this individual, Metro Police Chief John Drake explained at the press conference. Chief Drake said he felt mixed emotions when he got the call
Starting point is 00:10:19 about the shooting Saturday morning. A quote from Drake, he did everything he could, I felt. shooting Saturday morning, a quote from Drake. He did everything he could, I felt. He retreated. He asked the individual to drop the weapon several times, continued charging at him, and he was left with no choice. Now, anybody who doesn't see it that way is just being intellectually dishonest. You are correct, sir. Or is a good friend of Al Sharpton's and fucking Michelle Obama and the rest of them, LeBron. The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation was called to look into this case. The district attorney's office will also assist. His rather bizarre behavior will try.
Starting point is 00:10:57 We will try to find out what all this stemmed from, Chief Drake said. This appears to possibly be just possibly possibly? How do I back, do you see? How about coming out and going, I've been in this law enforcement business for a long time, and if that wasn't suicide by cop, I don't know what is. He possibly, even these guys are on their heels when they're backing up their so-called buddies. This appears to possibly be justified. We'll find out as the investigation moves forward. Possibly? Possibly. How the fuck can you watch that and not say definitely he did everything right?
Starting point is 00:11:42 That guy, didn't he get into the cop car too boy another example of black guys being afraid of the police jumping into an empty carpet then chase running out of carpet tonight they are frightened of the cops how many times have we seen it i don't want to belittle the guy's death, but you know what? He asked for it. What are you supposed to do? Non-lethal, Nick. Okay, well, when they come out cops with Nerf knives, fucking non-lethal weapons, then we'll
Starting point is 00:12:15 use non-lethal. Like I said, my favorite non-lethal weapon, what is it, Jason? That's right, a super soaker filled with cat piss. Anybody with me? Nothing. All right. He possibly did it. Did it right. I don't want to say definitely because I don't want my house burned down. Nice fucking country. Anyways, and don't just think this is one white guy's opinion or a lot of white people's opinion. There's a black cop, his name's Tatum, who's on the internet. I think I've seen him
Starting point is 00:12:54 before. He's got a pretty good following. You know why? Do you know why? He's objective, like, which is very rare to find. He's objective about these things. And you won't see this guy on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC. He won't be quoted in the New York Times,, the LA Times, the Boston fucking Globe, NPR, PBS, fucking Gilligan's Island, the fucking French chef. You have to go to his house to hear him. But luckily, there's something called the Internet, which is both good and bad. But here is a cop, black cop named Tatum, who's going to give his opinion on this. He did not get a fair trial, in my personal opinion, there was a lot of restriction that happened. They paid the family out 27 million before the jury could be selected. I mean, they're going to have a case in appeal.
Starting point is 00:13:53 So I don't know why people are celebrating. And I don't know why this is such a big focal point other than people are making money off of the pain of people in our country. He was talking. Oh, oh. of people in our country. He did not get it. Oh, oh. He's talking about Derek Chauvin, the verdict, okay? And everybody forgets that point,
Starting point is 00:14:18 that they said, they remember that Floyd's family got 27 million, right, before the thing. And you think the jurors didn't know about that? You know what I mean? And then you had Maxine Waters out there stirring up shit. Alan Dershowitz, who's really the go-to guy when it comes to anything legal, said it should have been a mistrial, all that.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Mr. Tatum feels the same way. Here's how else he felt about it. This is a political agenda. They're pushing lies in our country. Policing in America is not inherently racist. We don't live in a racist country. This was an interaction between a police officer that I thought did the wrong thing and a black man who was on drugs high, resisting arrest and ended up being killed by that police officer. That's as simple as it can be. The president of the United States got out and made a fool of himself trying to promote racism in a simple police encounter that the officer got convicted on. encounter that the officer got convicted on so you reject you reject president biden's comments about systemic racism and it being a stain on the whole nation yes president biden is an idiot in my personal opinion and he's just talking because he's a politician systemic racism i mean if you look at joe biden himself you know he spoke at a ku Klux Klan member's funeral and did the eulogy
Starting point is 00:15:45 of Robert Byrd. I mean, he is white supremacy and racism. If you if you want to want to say that is the case. That's the last time Biden spoke in public, wasn't it? It sounded the birds funeral. But you see how this guy gets it? Like I said, you're never going to see him other than the internet or whatever. He was the best guy around. That's right. Put him on a news channel.
Starting point is 00:16:16 You know what I mean? Give the stories a little bit of, put it in context a little bit. From a cop. Systemic racism. And let me explain to you why they keep saying that. And I've said this on the show many times through, because of my reading and systemic racism. When you do that, right? You don't have, they have no obligation to, no obligation to prove individual cases of racism. It's easy just to say the whole goddamn society is racist other than, you know, proving individual cases, which would blow a hole in the narrative. Anyways, Brandon is all it's Brandon Tatum, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Okay. Brandon, as always, is spot on. Twice as many whites are killed by cops every year than blacks yet 50% of violent crime in this country committed by blacks while they're only 13% of the population. And, and, and again, it goes back to the dissolution of the black family. Can we, can we just, that's the fucking answer right there. None of us will be around when it's finally solved.
Starting point is 00:17:23 None of us will be around when it's finally solved. The only thing systemic is that, there he goes. He said the same thing as me. The de-evolution of the black family in the last 60 years. No father, no father. Households, moms having multiple children by multiple non-present fathers. Glorification of violence and thuggery and envy. And the devaluing of education and literacy. that you you can all that is tangible you can look it up you can read it
Starting point is 00:17:51 until that's fixed and you can't keep throwing money at it what have we been doing that since 1897 doesn't work uh your own question what's that we got a patreon question since when good doesn't work. Patreon question. What's that? We got a Patreon question. Since when? Go ahead. Nick, a Patreon question.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Why do you think the Dems want to make white people the minority? They do make up the biggest chunk of the voter base. Why alienate them? Well, Jimmy Fritz,
Starting point is 00:18:22 that's short-term thinking. I understand the question because I say the last couple elections, instead of trying to pick off that minority vote, why not try to pick off a half a percent of the white vote, which would be a lot more than whatever, two percent of the black vote. But that's see, they're thinking long term, Jimmy. They're like the Chinese. They play the long game because you're not going to be in about 10 minutes. Whites aren't going to be the majority in this country. You understand? It's going to be black and brown very, very soon, especially in a lot of cities. That's already the case. And the Dems have to have those people. Why?
Starting point is 00:19:04 So those people can rely on the Dems for welfare and all the other shit. Otherwise, if there's people that don't depend on the Democrats and their safety nets and all their horseshit, paid by you and me, by the way, they don't have a job, the Dems. It's been like this forever. They give enough to live on, just enough to live on, and they want them to rely on them. So they're thinking long-term. Good question, though. Thank you, Jimmy Fritz, Durham, North Carolina. Ladies and gentlemen, I am going on tour. As you know, I'm excited to add some new tour dates that are coming up very quick. As you know, I'll be in Florida this weekend.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Friday night, April 30th, I'll be at the Town Hall Event Center in Port St. Lucie. Saturday, May 1st at the Boca Black Box in Boca Raton, Florida. Then we just added a second show in Cleveland on May 13th at Hilarity's. That's a good sign. Make sure to get those tickets now. Today we are announcing that the next night on Friday, May 14th I'll be in
Starting point is 00:20:11 Baltimore at the FPX Theater which is a really cool, beautiful new venue. Those tickets are on sale today. And on Saturday, May 15th, I'll be in southeastern Pennsylvania at Soul Joel's in Royersford. And the second show is on sale there already right now.
Starting point is 00:20:29 You know what that means? Somebody's watching this show. Thank you guys so much. Then in June, I'll be back down south on June 4th and 5th at the Comedy Cabana in Myrtle Beach and in Dallas, Texas at the Sons of Herman Hall, June 18th and 19th. You can get tickets to all my shows at and then click on the tour button. That's
Starting point is 00:20:49 Click on that tour button and I'll see you at the shows. So New York City, oh man, is that getting destroyed. oh man is that getting destroyed de blasio broke that city him into the dems quicker than a chinese toy black on yellow once again here's something you won't see either because it doesn't fit the narrative can you imagine they're still out there trying to push a narrative hate crimes are up 500 yeah it's all those trump supporters can you imagine looking into the camera and still saying that when everybody knows the goddamn truth every mugshot the fight if you put all the mugshots together in the last month of the stories i did it looks like the fucking detroit pistons bench black on yellow once again. New images have been released of the brute suspected of stomping
Starting point is 00:21:47 a 61-year-old, and I might put it tiny, Chinese man into a coma. The latest in a series of anti-Asian attacks. The NYPD circulated surveillance footage late Sunday showing the suspect wearing a baseball cap and black jacket. Oh, that guy. And talking to a person at a deli about an hour after the beatdown. He was also seen walking on the street. And let me tell you, this isn't new. This isn't new. This didn't happen since COVID came around because I lived in New York City and you'd see it all the time. And anybody who lives in a major city, and you'd see it all the time. And anybody who lives in a major city, there was always tension between the blacks and Asians or whatever.
Starting point is 00:22:30 For whatever reason, you guys can, you know, give your own theory. But here is the asshole, human garbage, savage thug right here. You know, he just stomped a guy into a coma,
Starting point is 00:22:44 so now it's time for a pack of purple gum. Fucking jerk-off. Look at it. Like, just went on with his day. What's he giving that guy shit to? Did he pay for it? I'm serious. I didn't see any money exchanges.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Nick, that's horrible. It's fucking horrible. What can I tell you? Yeah, so sneaks up on the guy. Sneaks up on the poor bastard and stomps him. I'm black, y'all, and I'm black, y'all. And I'm blacker than black, and I'm black, y'all, and I'm black, y'all, and I'm blacker than black, and I'm black, y'all. Do we show a picture of the victim, Jay?
Starting point is 00:23:29 Look at this poor guy. He's in a goddamn coma because of that scumbag. Oh, that dirty cocksucker. Look at that. Kicked him in the head, you know, after he was probably unconscious. The guy's name is Yao Pan Ma. He was attacked from behind around 8.20 p.m.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Wow, a lot of balls. Friday, as he collected cans at 3rd Avenue and 125th Street, authorities said. The suspect repeatedly kicked him in the head while he was down because he's a fucking savage. This poor guy is listed in critical condition but stable condition at Harlem Hospital, has been placed in a medically induced coma. The victim's wife, Baozen Chen, 57, told the Post on Sunday she fears her husband might not survive. Chen, 57, said her husband was a talented pastry chef in China where their two children still live.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Came to these people, came to the United States two years ago for a better life. Can you imagine? Which proves also the American dream. People still believe in it. And it's so the country so racist, we still have minorities coming over for a better life. It tells you how bad it is in China. But after losing his job, the poor guy here at a Chinese restaurant in lower Manhattan, probably because of COVID in September, he began collecting cans, the poor guy, to help make ends meet. So it's a good reason to not come into a coma, isn't it? The NYPD's Hate Crime task force is investigating the incident which comes amid a
Starting point is 00:25:06 recent rash of crimes against asian victims in this city and beyond why don't you say crimes against asians committed by 99 people of color will we ever get to that point in this country where the news can say that um and if we can't it's never gonna get solved because the truth is all we fucking have if you don't believe me ask don lemon i gotta work out again every time i say that I go home and I nap Took to Advil PM Because I've been waking up early lately For some reason
Starting point is 00:25:54 Which used to happen to me all the time But for the last couple of years I've got control of it But last week I kept waking up at like 5 or whatever 6 Maybe because my prostate's the size of a fucking NFL football. They might have something to do with it. But I took to Advil PM Saturday
Starting point is 00:26:10 night. I wake up, I go, what's it, about 8.30, quarter of nine? It's 12.10. And I mix it with alcohol. They tell you not to. It works like a charm. You know who Peter Navarro is? Worked for the Trump administration, business guy. He helped get the vaccine rolled out.
Starting point is 00:26:30 He's a super smart business dude. Didn't know his official title. Too lazy to look it up. But Peter Navarro, what he's been doing for the last, since the election, he's doing what a lot of people are doing, like Mike Lindell.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Only this guy pulls some real weight, but so does Lindell. He spent a couple million of his own money to prove to the rest of the fucking world that the election was stolen. And again, if you disagree with that, you're an asshole. I don't want to talk to you. How can you have people on video literally at three in the morning showing up with suitcases with ballots and go, yeah, baseless, baseless claims. You had over you had over 100, couple hundred people.
Starting point is 00:27:13 They they took affidavits, which means if they lie, they're going to get charged with perjury. Telling them the illegal shit they were told to do by their bosses and so on. But there's nothing to see here, folks. Just keep telling the people that they're conspiracy theorists or sore losers, which is in the Alinsky playbook, I think. Navarro breaks down, and this was on Steve Bannon's War Room podcast, which I don't listen to podcasts. I don't have time, but if you're going to listen to one, this guy's in the know. And he has the best guess.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Navarro breaks down possible theft of votes in Arizona. Navarro goes through the receipts in Arizona showing, listen to this, 254,722 potential illegal votes in a race decided by, get this, 10,457. So here he is. He broke broke it down he's got statistics this is him on uh bannon's podcast explaining some of the numbers podcast at the bottom number the next bottom number is 10 457 that is the biden's the alleged victory victory margin in quotes victory margin right and then and then the the possible illegal votes my investigation uncovered uh was 254 722 so that's that's 24 times the alleged biden victory margin so there's 20 can you put that chart up again j Jace? 24 times. 24 times the margin that they say one by.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Just the facts, man. Absentee ballots cast from address other than where voters legally reside. Nineteen thousand nine hundred ninety seven. Let's round it off to 20. Absentee ballots cast that were returned on a before postmark date, 22,903. Double voters in state, 157. Ghost voters, 5,790. Mail-in ballots cast by voters registered after the registration deadline, a mere 150,000. No address on file for voter, a mere 2,000. Non-citizen voters. How about 36,473? Out of state voters. Who voted in state? 5,726.
Starting point is 00:29:34 What do you think he's making these numbers up? Overvotes. A mere 11,676. Possible illegal votes, 254,722. And like they said, Biden's victory is a little over 10 000 nothing to see here folks nothing to see here son of a whore we all know it was the uh bad in uh the article what does this mean the guy it wrong. We all know it was this bad in all the major swing states the night of November 3rd. The disgusting lie that there was no election fraud has always been obvious. Now it will be forensic evidence that will prove it. And like they said,
Starting point is 00:30:18 if this state falls, so do the, uh, all the other ones those uh ones that you know that biden won at five in the morning or some shit like that but the problem is right let's say they do this make a case it's going to go to the courts again and some liberal judge is going to go i was told by whoever runs the planet of this fucking world that I can't, I can't overturn the election because there'll be an all out. Well, we'll have to declare a natural national emergency. That's really what it is between the liberal judges and the media, right?
Starting point is 00:30:57 The media will put their twist on it. And again, but you know what? There's always hope. So as far as the Arizona recount goes, this is how we know something's going to break. We've been predicting it since, what, November 4th, that it's all going to drip out,
Starting point is 00:31:18 even after all the courts wouldn't even take a look at Sidney Powell's. Remember she unleashed the Kraken? Nobody gave a fuck. Well, I told you, the truth will come out eventually. This is how we know there's some merit to it. Because people like Rachel Maddow, she's shitting her pants. And when I say pants, I mean men's Hager slacks.
Starting point is 00:31:44 Look at that. She looks like me if i was fucking retarded in eighth grade what am i saying i was retarded in eighth grade jesus christ is she and i'm not even a look so i'll fuck anything but i'm just saying her point of view makes me ill but she's uh she's very nervous about what's going on here. And take it easy. This is her sweating in her panties. The president, former President Trump, put out a statement today lauding this and talking about how this was going to reveal the truth of the 2020 election. And citing a whole bunch of other states that are also going to now do this to reveal the truth of the 2020 election. states that are also going to now do this to reveal the truth of the 2020 election. And he's still maintaining this fantasy that he somehow won and that Joe Biden isn't really the president
Starting point is 00:32:29 anymore. He's not the legitimate president. What the Arizona Republicans are doing here, this process by which they are bastardizing the actual secure election from November 2020, and they're going to produce some results that says that it was some other fraudulent thing, will be used by the Trump part of the Republican Party and the Trump right to cast doubt on the 2020 election among their most fervent supporters in a way that none of their failed lawsuits in the past have been able to do. They got the actual ballots and they handed them to conspiracy theorists who say that, you know, QAnon is the mastermind or whatever it is. All right, enough. Shut it. Fucking salmon breath. Christy, get down on your knees so Sabrina can see your asshole.
Starting point is 00:33:14 She's a malignant cunt. Let me ask you something, lady that went to fucking Oxford. If they weren't fucking if there was no stealing or cheating going on, let me ask you a question. Why doesn't Biden say welcome? Investigate all you want, all the proof's on our side? Why do you say that? Girl with a neck like a strong safety for the Eagles. That's better. She found a pube in her cereal. She's showing the waiter.
Starting point is 00:33:45 But like my manager Tommy said, all these elections are fucking stolen. They take turns. But I'm not quite that cynical yet. Although I'll never vote again. But listen, that's the silliest thing I've ever heard. I hate her guts. I hope she gets prostate cancer. I hate her guts. I hope she gets prostate cancer.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Anyways, Peter Navarro said what Rachel was doing was inoculating the left against the reality, the high probability. See, Peter Navarro believes the elections are real. You can't tell me he's acting. That's why, I don't know, the probability that they're going to find of those 2.1 million ballots, massive and different types of fraud, he said. And that's why she's sweating. And I got to believe that. Otherwise, you ignore it. But I'll say it again. Even if it's fixed, like my buddy says, even if it's fixed, why wouldn't you go, take a look? I mean, if everything's fixed, take a look, investigate all you want. Everything's fixed. And I'll take a look, investigate all you want. I just, I'm not that cynical yet.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Although I remember having dinner with Brett Butler. You remember the show Grace Under Fire? Remember that show? You guys are all 11. You have no fucking idea what I'm talking about. But it was a huge hit. I actually did six or seven episodes. She gave me two lines each.
Starting point is 00:35:04 I'd like to poke her eyes out if i see her again um but anyways it was look it was beating seinfeld her first year and it was a huge hit anyways grace under fire i was out to dinner with her and a couple of executives and the election was coming up and i talked about me voting and shit and she goes ain't he cute he thinks his vote counts i still hear that in my head now every fucking day. And she was really smart. A real lefty. All right, let's get to some good news. A guy breaking his leg in 19 pieces. I don't know why, like my buddy Tom can't look at it.
Starting point is 00:35:35 It's too graphic. For me, it's like porn. I fucking, I break out the fucking Vaseline and handy wipes when somebody gets hurt. I've jerked off to the Kennedy assassination like seven times. I think it's natural. Can I just tell you my favorite 9-11 joke? I didn't write it. Louis wrote it.
Starting point is 00:36:01 This is my favorite joke ever, I think. Louis was talking about, and this is right after it happened. Louis goes, you know, he goes, I have this thing that you judge people like how good a person, how bad a person, with how long they waited to masturbate after 9-11. Louis goes, I jerked off in between towers falling. That's a comedian sorry so what i did i'll show you the footage here hold on um the headline snap crackle fuck warning folks this makes the thighsman injury look like a paper cut
Starting point is 00:36:40 uh watch if you have the balls and the stomach roll tape son joey Here's where I came. I'm not going to look, Joe. Just tell me. Watch this. Watch this. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh.. I love Chris Weidman. He beat Anderson Silva, one of the greatest of all time. This guy is a tough nut. And what's ironic is that happened when he was fighting. How long ago, Jace, was that? That had to be 10 years ago.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Almost 10 years now. Almost 10 years now. Anderson Silva. Is their rematch, too. It was after he knocked him out the first time. After who knocked who out the first time? Weidman,atch too is after he knocked him out the first time after who knocked who out the first wide man their first fight he knocked him out he was uh silva was like trying to show he beat silva twice twice yeah well the second time was the the shin incident oh okay how about that so anderson silva did the exact same thing kicking the guy that you saw broke his
Starting point is 00:38:03 leg and silva was coming to that fight on a 16 fight win streak okay we fucking get it you're a UFC fan shut your fucking hole that's the best he ever talked on the mic in fucking eight years but that's amazing that this guy's involved with that what are the fucking odds and I was told when they the Anderson Silva when Anderson Silva broke his leg on Wyman's leg like 10 years ago, and I heard this, it was in a paper, I read it. There was some guy that owned a sports bar, he paid for the whole fucking, and the place was packed. When they showed the replay of the leg break and half the place emptied out. What's the matter with this country?
Starting point is 00:38:44 Let's get back to some racism, shall we? Stop talking about it for almost eight minutes. I found the clip. Actually, Rich Wood did. We have to hand it to Rich. Although he sends me this shit and we'll judge it after. But this clip to me, if somebody asked you about race relations in the United States in 2021, I would show this clip because it speaks volumes. You wouldn't have to say anything else about race relations. So, Paulie, this white Hilton hotel worker, he has a breakdown because of a black guest breakdown. I don't even know if it's the right word.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Again, I watched this so fucking 12 times. It made me laugh so goddamn hard. And I don't even know if it's the right word. Again, I watched this so fucking 12 times it made me laugh so goddamn hard. And I don't know. We'll talk about it after if it's staged or not. But watch this. Because you all made a mistake? Not really, no. So you want to get mad and hit the computer because you made a mistake?
Starting point is 00:39:40 Because your company made a mistake? You want to take it out on me? I'm not taking it out on me i'm not so why did you get mad and hit the computer why did you get mad and hit the computer right there if i'm that guy look at him you can tell by his haircut he's a half a fruit cup i'd go sir first of all change your tone okay and then change your durag. It's making me nervous. But,
Starting point is 00:40:07 so, this is why it's perfect as far as race relations. You got a black guy bullying kind of a feminist white, femmy white guy. Go ahead. I'm sure you're on camera, right? Yeah, I am.
Starting point is 00:40:16 I'm sure you're on camera. So, this is the type of people they have working here. I know what you're doing. Wow. You gotta be kidding me. He's a fag. Kill it. He's a fag. Kill it.
Starting point is 00:40:48 He's a fag. Is that staged? It has to be. Please tell me that's staged. The kid was sobbing like a bitch. I don't care if the black guy was wrong. And why'd he punch himself in the face? The black guy will do it for you.
Starting point is 00:41:09 The fuck? Another 10 seconds, he would have taken your head off. Please tell me this kid knows this black guy. We can't. We have no. Nobody's ever done that to me when I'm arguing at the Howard Johnson's about the air conditioning not working.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Please tell me. Somebody, please. I hope today somebody writes in and goes, that was staged. It can't be. You can't be that intimidated to beat yourself silly. If he jerked off behind the thing, it would have been less shocking the way he hit himself in the face.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Speaking of racial tension, there's a bar called Lenny's in Cincinnati. And apparently the bar owner, not a big fan of LeBron James since LeBron did that tweet about, remember the cop, you're next. I used to defend LeBron James like years ago because I'm not a big NBA fan. And the few interviews I saw, I thought he was all right. I didn't get that. Boy, was I fucking wrong by a million miles. What a fucking punk.
Starting point is 00:42:16 Of course, I say that he's 3000 miles away. Listen, no, wait a minute. We're going to Cleveland, aren't we? A couple of weeks. LeBron, huh? Oh, that's right. What am I huh? He plays in LA. Oh, that's right. What am I saying? He's in LA.
Starting point is 00:42:28 My career never goes to Hollywood, so I'm saying. Cincinnati bar owner says that he will refuse... The people who write these out... Let me read it the way the fucking article wrote it. Says that he will refuse
Starting point is 00:42:43 play any NBA game. What's a 90-year-old Chinese woman write this? Say that he will refuse to play NBA game. My husband be beat up. Says that he will refuse to play any NBA games
Starting point is 00:42:59 at his establishment until LeBron James is expelled. What's he, a fifth grader chewing gum? From the league. This is a quote from the owner. If anyone wants to watch an NBA game, don't come to Lenny's Pub, owner Jay Linneman said in a Facebook post.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Good for you. He says, we will not air them until LeBron James has been expelled. Expelled. Until he's expelled from the NBA. James has been expelled, expelled, ah, till he's expelled, uh, from the, uh,
Starting point is 00:43:28 NBA. So, all right, get up. Yeah. Hey, LeBron, how does it feel to be a bitch?
Starting point is 00:43:37 That's not part of the article, Jason. That was just a, uh, there's a clip of a lady, which I didn't show yelling a young girl i think she's with a college team at like a lakers game and lebron's walking off after the game and this little this white girl goes how's it feel to be a bitch like he's two feet of course lebron like the tough guy
Starting point is 00:43:58 his stairs are down and a black security guard guard goes watch your mouth woman excuse me let me quote that again watch your mouth, woman. Excuse me, let me quote that again. Watch your mouth, woman. Like a real tough guy. Can you imagine a white security guard saying that to a black girl? Anyways, LeBron stops. What are you going to do, fucking hit her? Anyways, LaDouche's tweet. This is LeBron. Oh, damn. He's talking about the bar. I was headed there to watch our game tonight and have a drink. Welp. Here's a guy that's worth a billion dollars, right? Even though it's coming from the Chinese.
Starting point is 00:44:33 This motherfucker has time to argue with somebody, a bar owner. What a piece of, what's Chinese for shit? You're a crumb creep. You smug cocksucker. Fuck you. Speaking of smug cocksuckers, Bill Maher is in the news. Bill Maher shitting on young people for being dumb. We've discussed Bill Maher many times on the show.
Starting point is 00:45:05 He's coming around now that he's almost 70. He's coming around to the light. And every time he does, I give him zero credit because he helped create the fucking nightmare world that we live in. But here is a clip from his show. He's going after Gen Z and millennials and kind of rightfully so.
Starting point is 00:45:23 I actually cut millennials a little bit of slack because they are actually, as far as the race thing, I think are a lot better than previous generations. But here's Bill Maher letting it fly. You know the reason why advertisers in this country love the 18 to 34 demographic? So do you. Because it's the most gullible. Yeah. A third of people under 35 say they're in favor of abolishing the police, not defunding, but doing away with a police force altogether, which is less of a policy position and more of a leg tattoo. 36% of millennials think it might be a good idea to try communism, but much of the world did try it. to try communism. But much of the world did try it.
Starting point is 00:46:06 I know millennials think that doesn't count because they weren't alive when it happened. But it did happen. And there are people around who remember it. Pause, pause. This comes from a guy who called the, you know, the fucking Arabs that flew the planes into towers, you know, when we call them cowards, you get all upset.
Starting point is 00:46:21 They're actually heroes and shit. This jerk-off helped create this fucking monster. And now they're coming after him, thank God. How the fuck? He's toned down. Get this through your head, you Jew motherfucker, you! Go ahead. Communism? It's like
Starting point is 00:46:38 pining for Betamax or Myspace. So when you say you're old, you don't get it. Get what? Abolish the police or Myspace. So when you say, you're old, you don't get it. Get what? Abolish the police and the border patrol and capitalism
Starting point is 00:46:50 and cancel Lincoln? No, I get it. The problem isn't that I don't get what you're saying or that I'm old. The problem is that your ideas are stupid. Pause.
Starting point is 00:47:02 They're not much different than your ideas for the last 30 years. He's fucking yelling at this generation that he helped educate. Well, whose fault is that? Go ahead. What happened to her? If you say, let's eat in the bathroom and shit in the kitchen, yeah, that's a new idea.
Starting point is 00:47:28 But I wouldn't call it interior design. You think someone 80 is hopeless because they can't use an iPhone? Maybe the one who's hopeless is the one who can't stop using it. You think I'm out of it because I'm not on Twitch? Well, maybe I get Twitch, but I just think people watching other people play video games is a waste of fucking time. 20% of Gen Z agree with the statement, society would be better off if all property was owned by the public and managed by the government. And another 29% say they don't know if that's a good idea. Here's who does know.
Starting point is 00:48:13 Anyone who wasn't born yesterday. You fucking hypocrite. If you've watched Bill Maher and watched his stand-up in his HBO show for the last 20 years, um, his ideas are a cunt hair away from what the Gen Z ideas were. He's a far leftist. So I don't know how in and out there's this big gap and he's seeing the light, but you know what? Long as he does. They started coming after him when he was making Muslim jokes on his own show. And that's when he got fed up. So, you know, it's the libs eating libs, as we call it.
Starting point is 00:48:51 Anyways, that is it for today, ladies and gentlemen. Don't forget This is the permanent home of this show. You can also watch it at, and we're on Rumble, and we're on BitChute, and every other thing. Don't forget If you want me to roast one of your friends or relatives, go to, click on my profile, and I'll make a video on my phone.
Starting point is 00:49:18 I'll send it right to them. We can make the day or break the day. It's much more fun to roast people. But What else, Jase? What? Tourdates. You can get my tourdates at
Starting point is 00:49:34 Just click on the tour button. That is it, you guys. Thank you, and I will say you are very welcome. We'll see you back here at the same time tomorrow. Have a good day, everybody. guitar solo We'll see you next time.

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