The Nick DiPaolo Show - The Wicked Witch is Dead | Nick Di Paolo Show #1308

Episode Date: November 17, 2022

Pelosi is Done.  Ivanka Says, No.  Newsom's Wife a Weinstein Victim? Naughty Novel in Dearborn. Muslim Dearborn Dad Goes Off. Pride Event Too Far in FLA....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make sure to follow me on Rumble, whatever that is. We are posting the show there now, yeah. How are you, folks? Welcome to the big show. Final day of the week on a Thursday. Thursday. I love these weeks right after I come home from a road trip. You know how I roll, folks. I'll go home from here and lay on the couch until Monday morning. Excuse me. Yes, go ahead. Anything? Oh, I thought you were going to say
Starting point is 00:01:06 something. Yes. So breaking news. Breaking news. Make me a sandwich. Make me a fucking sandwich. Yeah. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Thursday that she will not seek, I repeat, she will not seek re-election as the Democrat leader on the, she's 82 for Christ's sake. What do you want to take the power with you? She probably would. She'd try to topple Jesus. She will not seek re-election as the Democratic leader in the chamber After Republicans retook the majority In last week's midterm elections The wicked witch is dead You cursed brat
Starting point is 00:01:52 Look what you've done I'm melting, melting Oh, what a world, what a world Go hump to your fag husband And play hide the hammer with him You fucking wrinkled hoe. Look at her. Here she is trying to make Mitch McConnell disappear.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Pelosi, 82, has led the House Democrats for nearly 20 years. That's four facelifts. Initially taking the helm as a minority leader in 2003, developing a reputation, well, in my opinion, as as a she's a malignant cunt exactly right in the 2000 and developing a reputation for enforcing strict party unity and key votes had you ever heard her in the fucking 40 years i believe say i'm wrong about anything she's most stubborn spoiled which helped make her a villainous figure to Republicans. Yeah, and anybody who has a conscience.
Starting point is 00:02:50 The soon-to-be former Speaker previously said her future plans would be affected by the health of her husband, Paul, 82 years old, who's having, right now he's having a ratchet set pulled from his ass. Who was attacked by a hammer-wielding intruder. Yeah, it was a guy from Home Depot at the couple's San Francisco home last month and is recovering from a fractured skull. Pelosi was born into a Maryland political, whoa, we gotta blow that state up, political family. Her father, Thomas Adelisandro Jr., was Baltimore's mayor and a House member himself. She served as House Speaker twice, from 2007 to 2011, and again from 2019. She's a little whore and a little piece of trash. I love this story.
Starting point is 00:03:43 The Democrat leader clung to her post despite calls within the party for a new piece of trash. I love this story. The Democrat leader clung to her post despite calls within the party for a new generation of leaders. That was AOC trying to give her the boop. The House number two Democrat, Steny Hoy of Maryland's 83. What in God's... We're out of touch?
Starting point is 00:04:00 And number three, Jim Clybourne of South Carolina is 82. In black years, it's 241. Guys, he's going to be dead before the show's over. Ever see the goddamn diet they have down there in South Carolina? Who's they, Nick? You know who the fuck I'm talking about. The shuffle is expected to benefit emerging leaders,
Starting point is 00:04:20 such as 52-year-old this guy, Brooklyn and Queens rep Hakeem Jeffries. His name says it all. He's as militant and black and anti-white as his first name. He's a hateful fucking black dude. He's as racist as the day, stupid as the day is long, who currently is chairman of the House Democratic Caucus
Starting point is 00:04:42 and the heavy favorite to succeed Pelosi as party leader. How the fuck is that? How is he anywhere near that? They're not playing. It's Marxism. I've read so many things in a paper, his comments on shit. Just the most ignorant,
Starting point is 00:05:02 you know, same shit. White men, racist, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, under fucking served communities. What is that about? If they're under served, they're not getting under served in fucking Wendy's, I'll tell you that much. Every fucking welfare mom I see has got an ass on her like Nate Newton. That was a beautiful, I think we got some right there in that first story. I'm dead serious. All right.
Starting point is 00:05:29 That killed a few minutes. What do you want to talk about? The children. The children? What about the children? The children. The children. What about the children?
Starting point is 00:05:43 Bill Hicks used to do a bit like that. Babies are miracles. Miracles. Miracles. When you come in one load, 700 million sperm against one egg, what are the odds? Miracle. You would love that bit. you would you would love that bit uh anyways family matters is the uh next story ladies and gentlemen former president donnie trump announcement of his 2024 white house bid they're already every
Starting point is 00:06:18 article i've read is already just and this was in the new y York Post just shitting all over him and um I told you how I feel yesterday but anyways his 2024 White House bid was undercut Tuesday night by the absence of his two eldest children while only one sitting member of Congress outgoing Rep. Madison Cawthon showed up to lend their support. That doesn't look good. That's called optics. Okay. Former first daughter Ivanka Trump,
Starting point is 00:06:58 looking at her dad there going, why does he comb his hair like that? Very pretty. Announced after her 76-year-old father's campaign launch that she no longer plans to be involved in politics after working in the Trump administration as an unpaid advisor. Who wants to work unpaid? I don't care if she's a fucking filthy rich goddamn slave. That's what he's looking at her. He's going, I know I'm your daughter, you fucking, but you're not going to pay me?
Starting point is 00:07:26 Get out of here. What's the matter with you? The 41-year-old rejected her father's come-ons at a dance last night. Who said what? Pleased to join him on the stage to form a united Trump family front by skipping the announcement. Though her husband, Jared Jared Kushner was spotted in the audience of around a thousand Trump supporters in the resort's lavish ballroom. This is, first of all, but that's no big deal. She's got a family and kids. Let's not act like she was the pivot man. But the big loss is going to be Kushner. Anyways, this is a clip of the Don last night.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Was it last night? Whatever. Here he is announcing. Two years ago, we were a great nation. And soon, we will be a great nation again. And soon we will be a great nation again. Yes. And then everybody left.
Starting point is 00:08:34 No. He's losing his tight grip. This is, again, the paper. This is the New York Post, supposedly right-wing. Losing his grip on his family, the source said, of the elder Trump. Yeah, who's the source? Fucking James Carville? About losing Ivanka and Jared for the campaign. I think he'll be just fine. Who's your fucking boss,
Starting point is 00:08:59 huh? Who's your fucking boss? Talking to his kids. Another source close to the former president denied his team begged Ivanka to attend, though they did not deny Trump wanted her by his side. Means the same thing, doesn't it? Meanwhile, Donald Trump Jr. was, yeah, he was hunting, was a no-show. Boy, they love to jump all over. After aides said bad weather prevented him from returning on time from a hunting trip in the Mountain West, which he does all the time. That's what I like about him. He's kind of a regular guy, almost. You know, $6 trillion. The source added that Trump Jr. did not attend to miss the kickoff
Starting point is 00:09:33 and will play a similar role as he had in 2016 and 2020. As you guys remember, whenever he spoke a couple years ago down here, got a call from his campaign saying, Donald Jr. wants you back. That's how I know they're on the ball. They have a system. They're like, we're going in. Who's helped us?
Starting point is 00:09:52 We went backstage, me and the wife. Talked to him. What did it do? I'll be at Yuck Yucks next week and fucking... Anyways, meanwhile, reporters spotted just one serving lawmaker Tuesdayuesday uh night's event uh and that and that was you know who uh jim jordan he was serving uh uh the appetizers ted cruz was in the kitchen no tuesday night's event, the disgraced 27-year-old. This is the post.
Starting point is 00:10:27 This is Dallas. This is what passes as like a right-wing paper in New York. You remember, he's a young kid in the wheelchair. I think he was a military guy. There he is being blocked by Melania. He's like, hey, bitch, I'm sitting down. She turns around and goes, well, if you're going to make it in this world, stand up. And then he ran her over.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Who lost his reelection primary, he lost, but he still showed up. What else are you going to do? After he was called out by House colleagues for claiming they snorted cocaine and had invited him to orgy. I'm sure he was lying about that in D.C. Why would you come out and say that? But you see what happens? They're like, he's in a wheelchair. It's easy.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Of a lurid video. Oh, also, the release of a lurid video of him simulating a sex act. What is he doing, donuts in his wheelchair with his pants off? What are you talking about? What? Hey. That wasn't a sex act. He was going to some speed bumps.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Come on, Gilligan, little buddy. Anyhow, that's, yeah, it's not good optics. I understand that um but what what concerned me is reading uh how like some of the big donors none of them are helping him it'd be funny if reaches into his own pocket um anyhow back to the show excuse me any good games this week though oh we see la and usc oh yeah we had this talk yesterday oregon and utah that's about it huh oh well who's tonight in the nfl there's also trap games but those are trap games for people that don't know what that is you go hunting before the, and you catch fat girls in the woods.
Starting point is 00:12:32 You put down a box of eclairs, and there's this thing that clamps down on their ankles. And then you bring them to this dance that night. Very good. It's a trap game. True story. Not for nothing, Joe. How you doing? Hey, oof! Why did did the cameraman pull me over?
Starting point is 00:12:45 Anyways, let's move on. Governor Newsom's wife, a Weinstein rape victim. I didn't know that. I did some wild shit, Ed. Anyhow, anybody that marries a fucking Governor Newsom, I question. And that goes for Kimberly Guilfoyle, too. Boy, she goes with the powers, huh? How do you go from Governor Newsom to Don Jr.? Is that who she's married to? Yeah. By the way, Don, I
Starting point is 00:13:14 fucking love the wife I've met. I've actually met Kimberly. I'm just saying. She's playing it smart. The wife of California Governor Faggy Gavin Newsom, a left-wing liberal, jack-off, fascist, pig-faced, testified in graphic detail that former movie mogul Harvey... Can you imagine going from the king of Hollywood to he's fucking... At that age, he's in a cell. He's been in a cell. He looks good there. I can see why that brought... How fucking much do you want to be in the movies to blow this deformed dick? Are you kidding me? She's got that look in her eye, too. I'll do anything for a part.
Starting point is 00:13:54 She'd suck a homeless guy's dick to be in a Sprite commercial. Weinstein raped her in 2005, she says, and a Weinstein lawyer pushed back with an aggressive cross. Wait a minute. Why is that funny? Why are you laughing? Pushed back aggressively? I know. That wording is a little odd. Pushed back aggressively by pulling his pants down and exposing himself. With an aggressive cross-examination of Jennifer Seibel Newsom. On Monday, Seibel Newsom repeatedly broke down in tears. A fat guy stepped on her foot as she was taking the witness stand.
Starting point is 00:14:36 His name, Harvey Weinstein. That stunk. Cut that out. Broke down in tears while saying, you don't have to, leave that in there, while saying Weinstein raped and sexually assaulted her 17 years ago in his suite and we're just getting around to it now in the peninsula hotel in Beverly Hills when she was starting out in Hollywood oh don't be a puss. Everybody goes through that. There's no crying in baseball! Hey, what are you talking about? I got the second base with this, bro.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Cybel Newsome, a documentary filmmaker. Right. Here she is seen as a flight attendant at American Airlines, handing out fucking chips and coke, which she should be doing. A filmmaker and actress said Weinstein didn't seem interested in taking,
Starting point is 00:15:27 talking, excuse me, talking to her about her projects. I love it. Part of me, I don't like the raping. Don't get me, but I'm just saying this fucking guy, as soon as he gets you, fuck the projects. After you blow me, we'll talk about per diems. Anyways, he wasn't interested in talking about her projects. Instead, he was going to get more comfortable, uh-oh, you never want to hear that from a rapist, before he called her for help from the bathroom. Smooth, smooth operator. I used to do that. When I was in New York living alone, I'd go, I'll be right back by the bathroom, and I'd turn the shower on, then I'd go, in New York living alone.
Starting point is 00:16:02 I'd go, I'll be right back by the bathroom and I'd turn the shower on and then I'd go, I'd knock something over. Help! Yeah. They'd come running and I'd completely know
Starting point is 00:16:11 but I'm dry. I didn't know there was danger, she said, because I'm retarded. She noted, according to KCBS, I thought maybe he was hurt. I thought maybe he caught his deformed cock on the soap dish.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Cy Balmusem said Weinstein was touching himself and tried to get me to touch him Guy is really oh I guess I wouldn't want to be a pretty lady. It can be I was just she says I was just like frozen You know the movie No, you don't get it. She's an actress. She wants these to voice home She added according to Casey because I was scared. This was not why I came here. It wasn't it according to Casey because I was scared. This was not why I came here. It wasn't? It was like a complete manipulation of why I was there. Yeah, she's kind of retarded. Cy Balmussum said she didn't recall if Weinstein carried her into the bedroom or dragged her there by the arm. First of all, you would remember that. This is how I know she's full
Starting point is 00:17:23 of shit. I'm not saying he didn't rape her or whatever, but I'm just saying, you would remember that. This is how I know she's full of shit. I'm not saying he didn't rape or whatever, but I'm just saying, you wouldn't remember if this guy carried you to the bed? You know what I mean? I carried my wife to the bed on a honeymoon. Well, I didn't. I pushed her.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Piggyback ride? Yeah. No, fuck no. No, I don't like that type of... Too intimate, even for the... Anyways. You would remember if he carried... Wouldn't you? Honestly.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Stinks to high heaven. Or grabbing by the arm, the station said, adding that she testified that Weinstein began groping her breasts and touched his penis while she was standing and resisting against the bed. That boy is a P-I-G pig. Yeah, that's not how to do it, Harvey. What's the matter with you?
Starting point is 00:18:16 What's the matter with you? What the fuck's the matter with you? KCBS said Cybal Nusum offered a graphic account of the encounter with Weinstein. said Cybal Nussum offered a graphic account of the encounter with Weinstein. I was afraid of what he was doing, putting his body into my body. That's a fun way of putting it. What, was she nervous? Body into my body?
Starting point is 00:18:37 The fuck? He could never fit in your body. How big's that opening? Putting his body in my body. You know, like I dream a genie in her bottle. She testified, according to the station, and added that she put her hand on his penis and made some pleasure noises. Oh, and I'm not kidding.
Starting point is 00:19:02 This isn't in the article, in the one I pulled, but another article I read, Harvey's lawyer asked her to imitate her faking an orgasm. You believe that shit? I don't know how they leave that out of this article. She said, I'm not doing, she literally, I'm not, I'm quartering.
Starting point is 00:19:22 She said, I'm not doing, this isn't when Harry met Sally. That's what I'm saying. She's just a movie, she literally, I'm not, I'm quartering. She said, I'm not doing, this isn't when Harry met Sally. That's what I'm saying. She's just a movie. You know what I mean? Pleasure noises. This is my pleasure noise. Oh, what a good dump.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Or this fucking pasta is homemade and yum yum. Anyways, pleasure noises to put an end to what was happening, which I believe. You're raping me. This is rape. I am not. I'm showering. This is rape. That was a pleasure noise.
Starting point is 00:19:52 On Tuesday, Weinstein attorney Mark Worksman, who suggested in his opening statement last month that if Cy Bell Newsom hadn't cast herself as a victim, she would be just another bimbo who slept with Harvey Weinstein to get ahead in Hollywood. It's true. I mean, that hurts to say that. Aggressively questioned her, the LA Times, or I guess the fuck asked her to simulate an orgasm. Worksman asked why Cybele Newsom, and here's a good question too, and this is the part that makes me scratch my head about her testimony. Cybele Newsom began sending Weinstein emails seeking to meet
Starting point is 00:20:26 with him again about nine months after the alleged rape. That's all I need to hear. Doesn't mean he didn't do what she's saying, but you certainly aren't going to get any punitive damage for being mentally
Starting point is 00:20:42 damaged or whatever. Are you free for coffee or lunch this coming Monday or Tuesday? Or a quick tug behind the Denny's? She wrote to Weinstein in September 2006. Again, this is
Starting point is 00:21:00 after the alleged incident. Adding that Worksman asked why she was seeking... so Harvey's lawyer in quotes why she was seeking to see your rapist as soon as you could. If you don't ask that question, you're not doing your job for Harvey.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Fucking bitch. It was just business. Who the fuck are you, Tom from The Godfather? God damn it, sonny, it was business, not personal. Wine seat might not even be in the hotel, sonny. It was just business. Sounds like a mob boss. Seibel Nostrom replied, the paper said,
Starting point is 00:21:46 I was probably just trying to get advice. See, she's not good. Worksman also asked her about May 2007 email exchange in which she inquired about meeting Weinstein during the Cannes Film Festival in France, adding that Cybal Newsom called her email networking, called her email networking and told the jury I was just hustling. Now what they say when whores are walking the streets? Oh my god. He's a little whore. Oh don't say that. We don't know that.
Starting point is 00:22:16 You were hustling with a man you claim violently raped you worksman ass? This guy's a good lawyer by the way. Looks like a young Ben Stein. The judge sustained a prosecutor's objection. Why? The Times reporter and Cybal Newsom didn't respond. I'm sorry, man. That doesn't sound good. She's about as good a witness as Amber Heard.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Everyone that's been with him is talking about his deformed dick and shit. I mean, it'd be one thing if he had a handsome face, but Jesus, ladies, how bad do you want to be in the movies? Scorsese's got a normal dick. I auditioned for him twice. Nausea sucks. Oh, it does. Nausea sucks.
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Starting point is 00:24:26 Fucking forehead's very shiny. Sweet Caroline Good times ever seemed so good I've been inclined to believe they never would.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Naughty novel in Dearborn, Michigan. I didn't put too much thought into the sayings. I was very tired doing all kinds of shit, all kinds of drugs and cocaine-ish. Parents in the Detroit suburb of Dearborn, by the way, folks, that's not deer, E-E-R, like a deer was born. This is like Dearborn. Makes no sense. Deer, like, oh, deer, extended their complaints about sexually explicit content in the district school libraries. Boy, do you see how this is a national problem now? You don't think you're under siege, your kids and the nuclear family.
Starting point is 00:25:31 You don't think this is pure Marxism or communism, whatever you want to fucking call it. Wake up and smell the goddamn Russian tea room. Gunpowder. Content in the district school libraries at a Monday board meeting where a local mother read concerning passages about a masturbation, a masturbation,
Starting point is 00:25:52 about a masturbation, she saw in the window at Macy's. What the fuck? About masturbation from a coming, why do they say that? A coming of age, semi-autobiographical, Mike, a curator,
Starting point is 00:26:07 a graphic novel called Flamer. He's a fag. That doesn't mean that. The reason I pulled this right. They said video. I see a cute blonde mother. I want to hear her reading some dirty crap. And of course, that's not what it is. This is what I get when I watch the video.
Starting point is 00:26:27 So we can stop the discussion about what is and what isn't. I mean, this is the law. I don't care what ACLU says. I don't know if they've read these books. We know our rights as parents, and we know that right now our rights are being infringed upon. So I'm going to read from this book. I didn't want to. I have not had to do that up to this point. But considering that someone said that this book should go back on the shelf, and by the way, I'll pay the library fine. I'm not returning this book.
Starting point is 00:26:58 So you can reorder it, whatever you're going to do. Delicious. Thank you. Put the book up. Did you already put it up? Flamer? Look at this. It's a story of a kid who had really bad hemorrhoids
Starting point is 00:27:14 and loved chili. Good night, everybody. The passage mentioned, I was waiting to read filthy stuff. You know, just because I like politics. And that annoying Midwestern accent. I don't care. Lick my balls, eh? I know, it's almost Canadian.
Starting point is 00:27:32 The passage mentioned the protagonist, Elias, in a room with male friends who are masturbating. Big deal. That didn't happen all the time at my house with my cousins. What? We're each busting. This is a pet.
Starting point is 00:27:46 I'm quoting from the book. I might get this book. We're each busting a load in this bottle. If you don't come, you have to drink it, she read aloud. Oh, that's what I meant. Delicious. Delicious. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Delicious. Delicious. Thank you. That's very, like, frat. But I wanted her to read it. You know she was getting titillated. If I was in there... Titillated? If I was in there, I would have been like, you know...
Starting point is 00:28:21 Hannibal, are your nipples tingling while you read that passage? You look like a cheap rube with that bag. I learned about, again, more from the book, I learned about masturbation two years ago, kind of by accident. No one ever told me what it was. The book continued, diving into a segment in which the protagonist remembers the time he discovered a pornographic film his father had hidden in the house. This is a good book.
Starting point is 00:28:50 God, he got to look at, your father had films? God, must be young. My dad had goddamn stick figures he drew. Charcoal, though, you know how to highlight the tits are nice with the shadows. charcoal though you know how to highlight the tits and eyes with the shadows uh the book also makes explicit references to genitals and contains images of naked teenage boy this is the bible oh please give me a cup oh cut it out um board members cut the mother's reading short. Oh, why's that? To call up the next speaker. But audience members applauded her and got her phone number.
Starting point is 00:29:35 For taking a stand against the material. Flamie has created a stir in other communities across the United States, including Oklahoma, where State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Joy Hoffmeister, pretty name, called for the book to be banned from all public schools. The district enacted a book policy in October allowing parents to opt their children out of certain books. But parents argue, and I agree a thousand percent, that finding which books are inappropriate should not be their responsibility.
Starting point is 00:30:05 They're working. They're trying to feed their families. My biggest concern is why the burden on the parent to find these books. What happens when the parent who don't read or speak English, why is it on them to opt out? They don't know what is going on. One speaker, Jeff Salaf, said at a recent board meeting, he's had it with these books. Fucking quiz! Minga.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Minga binganga. Unbelievable, huh? Isn't it obvious, Della? They're just trying to flip the nuclear families under attack. I read an article yesterday, but I think it was about a guy falling into a vat of molten lead or iron. Literally just disintegrated.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Kid, he'd been working there nine days. Falls into one of those 2,000 degrees. And I'm pretty sure that's the story. Halfway through it, they start referring to him as they. Yeah, I'm going. Now I'm going, somebody might have found out he was gay and said, oh, he wants to, or the guy who wrote the article was gay. This is, they can't stop, man.
Starting point is 00:31:17 They can't. Obsession. That's what's going to start happening now. You watch. That's the first, mark my words, folks. You know how I am. Replacing the language. Well, they already, I mean, they've already done that, but I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:31:28 But making it mainstream and normal. Well, yeah, by doing this, by not even asking now, by just referring. I don't know. Let's stay in Michigan. Same town? Oh, boy. Muslim rips Dearborn school board. Oh boy, Muslim rips Dearborn school board. If you know anything about Dearborn, Michigan, folks,
Starting point is 00:31:48 I mean, you know, it looks like, you know what, fucking, what do you call it over there? I ran. The Mullers. You're going to like this guy, though. This is, only left-wing progressive in this country could bring us together, Muslims and Catholics. Honestly, that's how fucked up they are. As you guys know, you know, Muslims aren't exactly, you know, liberal when it comes to sex.
Starting point is 00:32:17 You know what I mean? If you show your ankle, they hang you from a crane. They hang you from a crane. A Dearborn Republican community activist, Hassan Aoun, aka Haas, oh, also known as Haas. I thought A-K was a... Let's call him Haas. Cash. How come they don't... Is Cash part of his name?
Starting point is 00:32:42 Why don't they capitalize it? You guys are making this hard on me. Anyways, activist Hassan, also known as Hass Cash, was called to attend a ham-trap, tram, ham-trap? They got that wrong. They got that wrong, too. It's like Hamtramck school board meeting. He stepped up to the mic and said,
Starting point is 00:33:02 Hello, I'm Matt! And everybody went home happy. Hello, I'm Mark! And everybody went home happy. Hello, I'm Mark! No. He's a father, and he ripped into this school board. This is great, man. It's usually, you know, first of all, I don't care. I'm stereotyping.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Middle Eastern people are high-strung fucking. I think Dallas, you know. They seem to fly off the handle. Who am I to say that though what the fuck I might as well be from Tehran let's listen to him because he's got he's sort of he's an activist and he's
Starting point is 00:33:33 representing a bunch of Muslims who don't speak English I'm not too crazy about that Mr. Hassan you could say hey fucking learn the language if you're going to be here man you know they're studying the fucking Quran nine times a day. Throw it all out. Put it in English.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Five times a day, you learn very good. Yeah, okay. What accent was that? I have no idea. Here he is, though. This is refreshing. And he is fucking... He put the fear of death.
Starting point is 00:33:58 They never show the nerds on the school board. Watch him defending and hating on these school board members. These guys don't know how to speak english send an email to help out they don't know what an email is excuse me half these people don't know how to speak english how dare you guys how explain to me explain to me mr energy isn't that the 19th attack don't know how to speak English and Hamtramck, and you put these books on them. You signed a contract. I love it. October 10th, this year.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Look at that book I gave you. Would you read it to your kids? No, you won't. I love it. The Antichrist. You got me in a vendetta kind of mood. I love it. That's how left-winging, you know.
Starting point is 00:34:51 I always question, but I've said that I don't understand why Muslims would live in a society where their values are violated every time they look, you know. But anyways, you know, he's defending these poor bastards who got kids, and they're, you know and pornographic shit and whatever. That doesn't fly in Hama. Free speech isn't meant to be pleasant speech or even civilized speech. I hope all Muslims can appreciate why we have freedom of speech in our country. This is the person writing.
Starting point is 00:35:20 We might not agree on religion, and that's okay, but we can agree on one issue, protecting our children from evil. Let's unite. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. Yeah, and then he got a hammer stuff up his ass by a nudist. It's time for all of us to realize that we've been played by totalitarian oligarchs. Again, this is the guy that wrote the article, and he's right, that care nothing for us or even themselves. Rebel, it says. Rebel.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom! Followed that by... It's quite a country. Hey guys, make plans to come and see me on the road. Here's where I'll be and when and what I'm wearing. Calvin Klein obsession and a pair of shorts and a Devo hat. January 13th and 14th, Comedy Off-Broadway, Lexington, Kentucky.
Starting point is 00:36:28 February 3rd and 4th, The Grove. No, this one is I'm leaving that one out because that one I don't think is going to happen because we can't agree on how many girls in a dressing room. March 11th and 12th, The Comedy Club of Kansas City, Kansas City, Mizzou. April
Starting point is 00:36:44 21 and 22, the Funny Bones, St. Louis and St. Charles, Missouri. You can get tickets to all these shows at and click on the tour button. Is this it? Better be. Huh? Two more? I don't know about that.
Starting point is 00:37:00 No! No! No! No! Oh, boy. In our FLA segment tonight, Goo Gobbler's gone too far. Photos have surfaced of a sex toy ring toss game. I did that with a girl, and she had onion rings right out of this friolator. Oh, my God, I was in a Shriners Center for two years like Jay Leno.
Starting point is 00:37:21 You see Leno, the poor bastard? He sleeps in a hyperbolic chamber so he won't get infected. His arms, he had third-degree burns. His arms are wrapped up. Fucking like Jay. Photos of a sex toy ring toss game at a Florida Gay Pride Festival over the weekend. That was billed as, and why are you going to keep following for this, people? Billed as family friendly. Do you know
Starting point is 00:37:48 why they do that, people? Do you understand? That family, it's just the opposite. They want to break up your nuclear family by introducing your fucking eight-year-old daughter to a giant rainbow dildo. I've asked for this twice for Christmas. Nobody's going to.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Anyways, that was billed as family friendly how many stories have we done like this I'm starting to talk like this because of this tooth did you notice and took place on public property the group in charge of the game told the station it was meant as a safe
Starting point is 00:38:20 sex discussion icebreaker how many times are they going to use the same horseshit? I suck cock and I love it. Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy. No, that's beside the point. That's fine. Don't get the kids involved.
Starting point is 00:38:35 They'll think it's a push-up from an ice cream truck. Is that what they were called? Remember? I love those nutty buddies. Oh, they call them drumsticks? Those goddamn things. Are they fucking the... Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:38:50 I like them so much, sometimes I just flip them over and sit on the cone. Only once. A whole different kind of nutty buddy. Oh, God. Thank you. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:39:03 People are going to watch the clip and go, oh, my God, are they on fifth grade? Yes. The city of Venice, which is on the Gulf Coast about an hour south of St. Petersburg. That's near Tampa. How did I miss the festival? And is where the festival took place. People responded on Twitter saying it's very disappointed and did not approve the details of these activities. And, again, fucking shut up.
Starting point is 00:39:22 did not approve the details of these activities. And again, fucking shut up. Libs of TikTok's Substack story about the event concluded with the following. And this is quotes from Substack. It started out with freedom to love whomever you wanted. Talking about what the gays started there. And that's what it was. We want to be able to love whoever we want.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Love is love. Then it was more representation and half-naked kink parades. Now it's drag queen story hour in elementary schools, kid drag shows, and dildo ring toss. We're so far down the slippery slope.
Starting point is 00:39:55 Are we finally allowed to call this grooming? The author of the article wrote. Yes, sir. Roger Capote. I'm Roger Capote. This is Roger Capote. Thank you, Chairman Capote. This is Roger Capote. I like this on God. That's a pretty good impression if you're 90.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Look at this guy with his stupid haircut and his earring. Roger Capote, C-A-N-S's or Cannes' Vice President of Marketing, added to the station that his organization did not know the event was being built as a family. Wait a minute, is this guy straight?
Starting point is 00:40:27 Did I shit? No. As a family, you didn't know it was being built as family friendly? My ass. And had the group have been aware of that, a different activity would have been used. What? Throwing softballs at a giant muff? What the fuck are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:40:44 You're lying. And you're a piece of shit. We do apologize for any way that it was misconstrued. You're so full of shit. You're fucking straight white men had all you people right. Capote told WWBS, unfortunately, there are a lot of false accusations being made out in the community of what we were doing,
Starting point is 00:41:04 but the activities we do provide and the service we provide are geared towards adults. No kidding. Your son looks like a fag. Oh, you don't have to say stuff like that. Yeah, this is definitely, excuse me, this is definitely built for, I said it's family entertainment like I said if your grandmother's Madonna and your father is who got laid a lot some whore anyways
Starting point is 00:41:31 alright her pimp check out this footage of me on my birthday yeah Yeah, make sure Jimmy has a seat. That guy will be banging that kid in about an hour. Is that your son? Really? See, that's virtue signal. I'm open-minded.
Starting point is 00:42:00 I suck cock. Yeah, that's what you do. And I love it. Yummy, yummy, yummy, yum. Unbelievable. Whatever. Have a look at shit like that and go, you know, that's what you do. And I love it. Yummy, yummy, yummy, yum. Unbelievable. Whatever. Have a look at shit like that and go, you know, maybe ISIS has a point. Wrong guy to say it to. Say it to Dallas who did the fucking nine tours over there.
Starting point is 00:42:16 But I'm just saying. You know what I mean? The liberal West. You know what I mean? They look at that. When they look at that and see shit like that over here, it's when we look over there and see them hanging gays or throwing them off the top
Starting point is 00:42:29 of a belt. Isn't there a happy medium? You know what I mean? I'll end on that. It was a great point. It sounded like a real show. That is it. Had a great week. Good to be back with you people. Don't forget if you'd like me to roast a friend or relative. Go to if you'd like me to roast a friend or relative.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Go to That's about it. You guys think it, I'll say it. You're very welcome. Have a great weekend. Spend it with people that you don't like. I'll see you here on Monday.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Take care. Hi. Good night, everybody. guitar soloサブタイトル キミノミヤ

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