The Nick DiPaolo Show - Trump Gives Twitter Bird | Nick Di Paolo Show #1309

Episode Date: November 21, 2022

Bobulinski Bashes Biden. Trump Say No Point to Twitter. Trans Murderess Found Guilty. Winter League Ball Fight. CNN Shocked At Jeopardy....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, we got a short week for you because of Thanksgiving, but got some great shows lined up, including today, so enjoy. That was, I didn't set it up, but I'm going to tell you right now, that was a trans woman singing Whitney Houston's I Will Always Love You. I thought it was a German shepherd that got hit by a carpet. guitar solo And all That goes on for five minutes and literally that's not a joke i i don't think anyways i i i that's the time we i just had to throw that up there's a cold open because that's the times we're living in i saw that somebody sent it to me and i'm we're living in a time where normally you go haha somebody is fucking around but you're like no that's a real
Starting point is 00:01:44 clip from a real tv show, a singing. That's the times we live in. You know what I say? Go fuck yourself. That they try to take seriously. Yes. That's my point. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:01:55 You can't tell anymore. You know what I mean? People have to sit there and pretend it's good. When she should be taken out and put down like the fucking Irish setter that she is. What's with the no teeth? Do you knock those out blowing somebody? What the fuck? Alright, Nick, calm down.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Hey, shut it. I'm excited. It's Thanksgiving. Means I gotta work out today and tomorrow to make fucking room for it. Real quick, what did I do since I saw you? I had my eyes checked as you know i'm 60 i use readers and even those weren't working kind a little bit so i said i better go to fucking whatever never go to fucking uh what a lens craft is it's like going to a used car salesman
Starting point is 00:02:37 oh my god my buddy my best friend started he's an eye doctor. He started with a couple of lens crafters office, but it's, that was 25 years ago. Man, they try to get you in there and it is such a scamola. They say a certain price. And then I sit down, the girl hands me this thing. I read it. We have a new technology called opto blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. That'll, that'll circle your eye and tell everything about the retina and the pupil and the blah-blah-blah-blah-blah. So if you want it for an extra $30, sign here.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Oh, a little bait and switch. You get me in and basically tell me that the regular eye exam is shit compared to this. But just out of principle, I said, I'm not interested. I don't give a shit if you have a blind guy look me in the eye and tell me what the fuck. It was so insane. And the doctor was nice. You know, I like the southern I go in there I know a few terms because my buddies and I doctor I used to google shit before I'd call him and leave a message I go hey Tony my sclera is fucking bother me So the doctors using all these technical terms to explain to me about my eye. I go, doc, it's my, it's my, what the fuck's it called?
Starting point is 00:03:50 Oh, boys. No, it begins with a V. Fucking fuck, what am I, a new comic? Vitriolus or something. I go, doc, it's my, in the most heavy accent. He started laughing his balls off. It's an actual term, you know. And he goes, well, you're kind of right.
Starting point is 00:04:09 I go, I know. Anyways, so he writes me a prescription because, you know, this whole test, this fucking right eye is fine. Then he blocks it. I'm reading the left. I couldn't even see the giant letters. They could have been the letters, like,
Starting point is 00:04:24 on a marquee on Broadway. I couldn't. And I went, I think you found the problem. Anyways, I got a fucking slight cataract, which means I'm dying soon. Anytime, I remember laughing at my father going, you're going to be dead soon. You got a cataract and shit? Here I am.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Anyways, they give me prescription glasses. I go out to this broad, I won't say her name, Diane, and she goes, you look like a Ray-Ban guy. Let's go look at these frames. I go, yeah, those are nice, but I don't like the, try out a couple. We go sit down, then she fucking hands me the price. I go, the frames are $181. I go, Diane, get your ass back over there and pick from the shit pile. She started laughing. Fuck, what a skirmola. I know you guys can relate.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Most people have glass. Anyways. Oh, also, he put drops in my eyes to dilate to see if I had a detached retina. But if I did, wouldn't I have been fucking noticed that? Right? So he puts enough drops in my eyes to fill a goddamn waste paper basket. And what it does is it fucking dilates your pupils. And that way he can check with whatever the fuck.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Nobody told me. Then he hands me a little envelope. I don't even know what it is. So I go, okay, my glasses are coming in 10 days. I go outside. It's a medium sunny day. And it feels like I have two fucking, like these right here. Because my eyes are, you know, sucking in every bit of light that's out there. I'm looking for my car like this. People, I'm not shitting you, they're looking at me going, what the fuck's his problem?
Starting point is 00:05:57 And then I'm in the car driving, and I'm guessing where I'm going. Seriously, with the traffic lights, I actually, I couldn't tell. So I slowed down. Guy leans on the horn. It was green. I'm like an old lady. I almost stopped. I wanted to come over here to work out.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Took me about 20 minutes. I'm driving like a little bitch. I finally get in the right lane. I'm on the highway doing like eight. And then when I pull into this parking lot in Dallas, I pick up the envelope he gave me. And I pull up. It's those fucking, they give you those glasses. Yeah, those fucking that wrap around your head.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Of course, I put those on, took nine selfies, sent them to Andy. She's like, ugh, you're fucking ugly. Anyways, what are you kidding me? $213? I'll use readers the rest of my life. She's been trying to sell me $180 frames. Like, what am I, fucking Elvis?
Starting point is 00:06:49 I said, I'm not on dating apps. I'm jerking off to fucking pelvic exams on YouTube, lady. I don't need the Tom Cruise. Anyways, that killed eight minutes. Anyway, that was my funny eye story. Yeah, so NFL, I had 9 out of 10 right going into tonight. Of course, some broad had 12 right. And I looked to see how she'd been doing up to this point.
Starting point is 00:07:17 She had about 19 total for the year, you know. I'm glad I don't gamble anymore. The way these games end and shit, oh, it's fucking, it's insane, man. It's insane. Let's get right to it. What's the lead story? Bobulinski, I thought. This is over the weekend.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Bashes Biden. Excuse me, fellas, girls and boys. Hunter Biden's former business associate, Tony Bobulinski. Doesn't that sound like a character on SNL that they would drink to? He does. Tony Bobulhensky, Bobulhead, has hailed the forthcoming House Republican investigation into the First Family's business dealings, insisting that Americans will be shocked by the evidence turned up. Yeah, but we've been talking about this forever.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Can we pick up the- Come on, God damn it. Come on, let's go, let's the... That's what America's doing. The Navy veteran said that Ernest Borgnine was the best McHale's Navy character ever. Why did I throw that in? I am fucking... You can tell it's Monday. I stink. The Navy veteran told Fox News on Thursday that the probe announced, by the way, look at this. Supposed to have the dentist last week walking like a hillbilly. Anyways, blind, no teeth. The fuck? Shit in my pants.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Thursday, the probe announced Thursday by the incoming chairs of the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees meant Americans no longer just have to take my word for it. committees meant Americans no longer just have to take my word for it. Bobulinski has long accused Biden of being directly entangled in a plot to make millions of dollars as part of Bobulinski and the First Son's 2017 SinoHawk Holdings venture with the Chinese state-owned energy company CEFC. And by the way, the guy that started that, it's gone missing, I believe, right? That's always a good sign. Mamma mia, puppa dia. Here's, I believe this is Bobulinski on with Tucker Carlson. Try to ignore the nitwits behind.
Starting point is 00:09:13 It was like a live show from Florida. Bunch of fucking Americans. Really, what are you, 12 emotionally? You're behind, you know, it's a fucking talk show. And they're like, yeah, look, we're on TV. Grown fucking men and women, you douches. Leave TV for me once every 12 years. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Like a thousand percent, Joe Biden is the big guy. Hi, sweetie. She's taking a picture of me. There is a trove of facts. And the good news for the American people is not only have I come forward, but in the last variety of months, multiple whistleblowers have come forward with a whole trove of facts that corroborate everything I've said, as well as add incremental information to it.
Starting point is 00:09:54 And I think the American people are going to see those facts. I think they're going to be shocked by those facts. And hopefully justice is served. Look at the asshole to the right, the guy. Hey, can you see me, Ted? I understand the 14-year-old girl with braces. By the way, I had sex when I was 41 with a girl with braces. They're on her legs. Relax.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Polio doesn't discriminate. What are you fucking, you think I'm a sick bastard? Yes, sir. I'm just learning how to use this thing now. Properly. I don't mean to be a pervert. My wife will shoot me. That girl's really cute.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Is that wrong, Della? I mean, I'm saying she's going to be. Cute can mean many things. Well, it means one thing. I want to fuck the shit out of her. Time out. I understand she might not. Maybe she's like Benjamin Button.
Starting point is 00:10:45 She's 58. Betty Button. Anyways, Hunter Biden in his own words. But look at the asshole with the Heineken on the left. How did you find the only flattering picture of Hunter Biden? I liked the shocked look on his face. Yeah, he does look shocked. Hunter Biden in his own words has said himself,
Starting point is 00:11:00 He does look shocked. Hunter Biden, in his own words, has said himself he's putting his entire family's legacy on the line to do business with the Chinese Communist Party via CEFC energy conglomerate, Bobulinski said. And that's exactly, he said it himself. Hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hum other whistleblowers, so don't take my word for it, he says. I'm not going to take the FBI. That'll all disappear. Watch. We can't find it. Bobulinski has also highlighted allegations. Joe Biden's younger brother, James Biden, I call him the Jim Belushi of the family. Boy, he's got a lot of Joe in him. When Fox News once tried to question at his Maryland Eastern Shore home was involved as well. I remember he was in the driveway and Fox was trying to talk to him and say, get out of here. Get off my lawn. Joe Biden has bristled at such allegations. Of course he has. That's him bristling, by the way.
Starting point is 00:12:19 He looks like he just shit his depends. I told you, I almost strained peaches, including a notable exchange with a voter he called, remember this? This one we had, he called a damn liar and appeared to challenge the guy to a push-up contest. They call Trump an asshole. This fucking jerk off calls a voter, a civilian, a liar and and challenges him to a push-up contest. Which Joe won by two, by the way. After the Iowa man brought up claims about Hunter Biden's former position on the board of a Ukrainian energy company. And he says, you're a dog-faced punk. Let's do it. Come on.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Downward facing dog. We'll see who's... You can't handle the truth joey bob alinsky told carlson at the time that he almost walked out of the biden trump presidential debate i remember him saying after the delaware democrat forcefully asserted he has no involvement in hunter's business you gotta say one thing about fucking joe biden he is politician to the bone he can look into the camera and lie to you. And it's done with such a cynicism. Like, you know what I mean? He's like, come on, guys, you know I'm full of shit. But we all do that. That's what I get from him. Bill Clinton, at least, Clinton was like a great
Starting point is 00:13:37 actor. He pretended to be since, I feel your pain, as he's choking the life out of some bucket IHOP waitress at 3 in the morning at Motel 6 in shitville, Arkansas anyways, so I'm looking forward to that and they're already the Republicans already gotten home you know what I mean fucking Josh Hawley, all those guys
Starting point is 00:13:58 are already setting up committees it doesn't mean shit it doesn't mean shit unless somebody goes to jail and not two years from now, I don't mean shit. It doesn't mean shit. Unless somebody goes to jail. And not two years from now. I don't have time for that. And again, the country and the world revolves around me and my flannel shirt.
Starting point is 00:14:14 The fuck am I? Grizzly Adams. Here's a reference from the 80s. Dallas was like a one or two maybe. Let's move on to, he's back and better than ever, ladies and gentlemen, Trump gives Tweeter the finger, the shit bird. Now that Twitter, is that what I said? He gave him the finger? I didn't say he gave the bird. He gave him the bird. Did you change that? That
Starting point is 00:14:41 was my joke. Trump gives Tweety Bird fig. He took the joke right out of it. All right, now that Twitter would have him as a member, Donald Trump doesn't want to join. Was that Groucho Marx who said that? I'd never want to be them. Was it Groucho or Woody Allen or Shakespeare? Or Bob Denver who played Gilligan?
Starting point is 00:15:05 Said I'd never want to be a member of a club that, I I never want to be a member of a club that, I never want to be a part of a club that wants me as a member or something. The former, I butchered that. Can we just quit now, Dallas? I'm tired. The former president and perpetual candidate said Saturday he had no reason to return to the social media platform. After doing it, Elon Musk said he could be reinstated following the results of a user poll. Just over half of the 15 million Twitter users, 51.8 percent, by the way, there's more
Starting point is 00:15:33 people on Twitter now than ever, and the left is going crazy, that participated in Musk's Friday survey voted to allow Mr. Trump back on what used to be his favorite uh platform so you'd think trump would be excited everybody we're all gonna get laid trump was booted from the social site listen to this and this is from the new york post again this is supposed to be a right-wing newsman from the social site for inciting violence following the deadly riots at the U.S. Capitol. Even though there's a tweet up there on January 6th of Trump saying, be peaceful, we're law and order people, blah, blah, blah. The people I've spoken to, you people on the left are itching for a civil war.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Motherfucker, you're going to get it. You're not going to know what fucking hit you. I'm so tired of you cocksuckers lying at every fucking shutting down information to certain segments of the population. You're just asking for it, and you're not going to know what hit you. Fucking make BLM look like a goddamn tea party. And fucking whole city blocks will be blown up in downtown Seattle. That's my fantasy. It's just a fantasy.
Starting point is 00:16:39 I don't want it to happen. Let me make that very clear. I'm like Gandhi. I don't believe in any of that violence. By the way, Tulsa King, P.U. Watch that. Started Yellowstone. That sucked me right in.
Starting point is 00:16:55 Kostner does good work, man. I like the things he chooses to. The people have spoken. Trump, this is Elon Musk. Trump will be reinstated, Musk tweeted. The Republican, they keep calling him a Republican, Trump, who dealt with the ban by starting his own,
Starting point is 00:17:12 what do you mean the Republican? The former president, you cunt, starting his own social media site, Truth Social, shrugged at the news and had not posted to his 72.4 million followers on his account since it reemerged. Yeah, so he's a fucking man of his own. Who's your fucking boss, huh? Who's your fucking boss?
Starting point is 00:17:33 I don't know. When Trump was asked about returning to Twitter, he said, I don't see any reason for it. He said that via video Saturday when asked about potential return at the Republican Jewish Coalition's annual leadership meeting. That's where he said that. I was there also. I was asked to leave. They said, you said too many dirty things about... I said, what?
Starting point is 00:17:53 Don't be a dirty... Trump claimed Truth Social, which was developed by his Trump Media and Technology Group startup, had better user engagement than MustSite and was performing phenomenally well. That doesn't matter, Mr. President. Twitter's still the fucking ballgame. All the scumbags are jumping ship, all the liberal little rats who can't handle the truth. Get on all of them. Dominate. By the way, when he jumped back up, he's not even, they said he didn't tweet yet. Just after they did the poll and Musk reinstated him, he had a million followers after they said an hour. One hour. A million followers. I've been on it for 30 years. I got 11. Eight of
Starting point is 00:18:40 them are my family members giving me the bird. The 2024 candidate has... Why are they not referring to him as Donald Trump? He's a Republican. He's a fucking right-winger. He's a candidate. Has close to 5 million followers on the right-wing friendly platform, whose shareholders were set to vote Tuesday on a merger with a blank check acquisition that has penned a deal to take the company public for $1.3 billion. I am your voice.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Are they talking about his company? Yeah. Trump had previously applauded Musk's takeover of Twitter, saying he was glad the company was in sane hands after the deal was completed last. See, the person who wrote it put sane hands in quotes. That's how you know it's a leftist scumbag twat. And I believe I got this from the Post. It was complete last month.
Starting point is 00:19:33 And could potentially use the site in addition to the truth. What do you fucking people have against Donald Trump? Honestly, are you guys, are you that swayed by conventional wisdom? You don't have an opinion yourself? The whole world hates the guy. And I'll say it again. You know why?
Starting point is 00:19:50 White, older, male, straight, alpha, rich, blonde hair, blue eyed Christian. Everything they fucking despise. You never hear that on TV, why they hate him so much, you know. Oh, it's because he's got a big mouth and he's arrogant. No, they're fucking bigoted cocksuckers. Trump is contractually obligated to give True Social a six-hour exclusive on his missives. What does that mean? How can he be con—it's his company.
Starting point is 00:20:16 What, did he sign a contract with himself? I don't understand the world anymore. Political messaging, political fundraising, Ari, get-out-the-vote efforts on any site at any time, according to the May SEC filing. And boy, I'm glad that story's over. It made no fucking sense whatsoever. You notice nobody's keeping track of how many times
Starting point is 00:20:39 fucking Biden has lied. Nobody can count that high. Let me roast your buddy or say happy birthday to your dirty mom who left the shirt under my bed on Cameo. Dallas has the link, and I'll say it again. It looks like a logo, not a link. I don't know what the fuck it is. The link's at the bottom of the screen. Oh, like I said, it's at the bottom of the screen, and he does just what he was told.
Starting point is 00:20:59 That's the bottom third. We call it in the business. Right? They call that a lower third, right? Dallas has the link on the screen. Go there, and you can see some of the Cameos I've third. We call it in the business. Right? They call that a lower third, right? Dallas has a link on the screen. Go there and you can see some of the cameos I've done. You can see me calling my mother a bitch because I didn't like her gravy. In order on yourself. Or just go to Cameo and search my name, Kevin McGillicuddy Jr. Let's move on, shall we? Rivers of Blood is the headline.
Starting point is 00:21:26 Dana Rivers, oh, I see what Nick did. Listen to this, folks, get a load of this, and I'm gonna say it right now. I bet you didn't hear this story. I had to find it on page 88 of the internet. I don't know if they had pages on the internet, but. Dana Rivers, a National Transsexual Rights Act. That means a known figure.
Starting point is 00:21:44 That's, by the way, a guy who's a girl now, right? Did I have it the other way around? A National Transsexual Rights Activist whose name was originally David Warfield was found guilty Thursday of the 2016 murders of three people in Oakland, California. It's not a mental illness, Dallas. I don't know why you say that. And, Norm, why did it take that long? Why did it take that long? Because there was so much evidence. And I'll tell you why. Because when he did it, he was probably a guy. Now he's abroad.
Starting point is 00:22:14 I don't know. I don't give a fuck. I don't care. Sad part is the one on the right, it let it blow me. And I grabbed the one on the left by its mullet and fucked it in the ass. Happy Thanksgiving, everybody.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Prior to butchering two real women, he, oh, see? No mental illness here, though. Butchering two real women, and like you said, this happened how many years ago? Three years ago? And we're just fucking hearing about this guy's name now. Do you understand, folks?
Starting point is 00:22:45 Two real women and their adopted African son. Oh, my God. Rivers 67 had been a former American Federation of Teachers. This is what's teaching your kids. This is what's in charge of education in the country, by the way. American Federation of Teachers labor leader. You know, big union guy. And a journalism teacher, a journalism teacher at Center High School in Sacramento, okay?
Starting point is 00:23:11 Your son looks like a fag to me. The jury found Dana Rivers guilty of head-to-helmet crime. Look at Moe Howard. We're looking at a young Moe Howard. I have no idea. Look at this sick fuck. We're looking at a young Moe Howard. I have no idea. Look at this sick fuck. Oh, my God. Not only is he confused, so is his barber.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Why you? It's David fucking Bowie meets Moe Howard. Nick Nolte. The jury found Dana Rivers guilty in the first degree in the November 11th, 2016 murders. 57-year-old Patricia Wright and 56-year-old Charlotte Reed. Ian Wright's 19-year-old adopted son. Can you imagine? Benny Diambu Wright.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Toto de bandada. Left. My late. That's his full name. All special circumstances, including vulnerable victims and the... What do you mean vulnerable victim? What were they? Because they were minorities.
Starting point is 00:24:09 No, exactly. Because they're from a marginalized community. What were they? Duct taped to a wheelchair? What do you mean? And the use of deadly weapons were found to be true. And I'll say it again. This is a national spokesman for trans.
Starting point is 00:24:21 That's all we've been talking about for the last five years. Yet you never heard this story. Police found Rivers drenched in his victim's blood outside a home on Dunbar Avenue and said he spilled the fucking... Bloody Mary. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:38 I couldn't come up with it. On Dunbar Avenue in Oakland. That's a bad street. Inside the residence, Wright and Reed were found stabbed and shot. Deambu had made it outside in his pajamas, the poor guy,
Starting point is 00:24:51 but succumbed to his fucking... Look at that. Look at the eyes on his mouth. You can't judge a book by its cover. That's what I hear when I look at... Why, you... Having observed that the transsexual was covered in blood police said what are you on the rag sally
Starting point is 00:25:10 as i laugh with no teeth uh police search rivers person or they should have said persons if you're ever going to use day it it's right now. Finding a bloody screwdriver, a knife, brass knuckles, ammunition, and pepper spray. I don't... Were you taking on two women or the fucking Minnesota
Starting point is 00:25:37 purple people ladies of the 80s? Another shit reference today. Boy, am I dusty. Inside the house, Oka police found Reed dead in bed with a bloody revolver and five spent casings nearby. Reed had been shot twice
Starting point is 00:25:52 and stabbed 40 times, 28 times in the face, head and neck. Are you fucking kidding me? Relax. These are the lightest stories I could find, by the way. The world's gone mad.
Starting point is 00:26:06 Wright's body was found near Reed's feet with two gunshot wounds and several stab wounds. According to prosecutors, Rivers had sought revenge against Reed after the victim had left a defunct all-woman motorcycle club called The Deviants. Story get any better for you? How's this not a made-for-TV?
Starting point is 00:26:28 Only they'll have Donald Trump doing the stabbing, which reportedly had ties to the Hells Angels. Rivers had served as an enforcer for the club. There goes that little cover they use. We're just a bike gang who's riding on Sundays with our friend. Guys that fucking trans murder. The Toronto Sun reported
Starting point is 00:26:51 that Rivers had been enraged after being rejected by a lesbian woman's only festival called Mitch McFest. Like, is it McDonald's? No, Mitchfest. That prohibited transsexuals from attending. Oh, you...
Starting point is 00:27:09 Oh. That's libs eating libs right there. That's libs eating libs. Literally. Mother China's angry. It stinks, too. It is. Oh, stop it.
Starting point is 00:27:21 The murderous activists first received national attention after getting fired by a Sacramento school district. This guy's been a psycho forever, yet he moves up, and he's in the union and helping, you know, design probably the fucking curriculum. The Los Angeles Times reported that Rivers had been told by center unified school district officials not to discuss the details of his efforts
Starting point is 00:27:42 to masquerade as a woman with students. Rivers did so anyways. So they let him work anyway. When news of these inappropriate conversations got to parents, the parents complained. In a 3-2 vote, the school board fired Rivers. In the aftermath of Rivers' firing, Today and Good Morning America boosted the transsexual and solidified her modest celebrity. NBC, CBS, ABC, you guys are worse than CNN ever will be in MSNBC.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Only because you pose yourself as a fucking legitimate. You are the worst. The New York Times printed a glowing profile of Rivers on September 27th of 1999 calling Rivers an excellent teacher and comparing the transsexuals experience to gay teachers who came out of the closet. Again, Moe at the age of 160. Jesus. All right. Incredible. But again, stories old.
Starting point is 00:28:51 I mean, their reference in 1999, when I say stories old, it just came out, you know. But I'm just saying, that's how much they, NBC covers it,
Starting point is 00:28:59 New York Times, actually, you know, applauding this guy as a hero, or her. It. And again, you know, applauding this guy as a hero or her. It. And again, you know, it only cost three people their lives.
Starting point is 00:29:11 The guy should have been in jail. Put a much happier there. You can fucking blow whoever you want, whatever. In a related story, hot dogs. Hot dog gets dropped. Don't tell Azdrubal. Cabrera, you know who I'm talking about, Azdrubal. It's just Winter League Baseball.
Starting point is 00:29:39 The former New York Met, I had to show this because I enjoy all kinds of shenanigans, whether it's NBA players going into the stands and slapping people around, or ice hockey brawl. You know, I just, all that nonsense is just fulfilling and fun to watch. The former Met, who now plays for the Caribas de Andradrigui in the Venezuelan Winter League, took exception to Carlos Castro's over the top. Who's he play for? He's around now.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Anyways, you know, you're going to get handed to these guys. They play 162 games. And then go play winter ball, which I'm sure they're getting paid for, too. But that's probably why they're all so goddamn good. Yeah. Yeah. Anyways, over the top, he did an over-the-top home run celebration, which set off a brawl in a game this past Saturday night.
Starting point is 00:30:33 The 28-year-old Castro who plays for, it says, who plays for of. Am I being punked? of... Am I being punked? Tibironis and De La Garia slow trotted towards first base as he watched the homer he hit off the left hand to Jose Torres. A sail
Starting point is 00:30:54 over the fence. Castro then flipped his bat before staring into Caribe's dugout. The other team's dugout, which is a no-no even in wiffle ball, I believe. Torres clearly upset team's dugout, which is a no-no even in wiffle ball, I believe. Torres clearly upset with the antics. Torres is the
Starting point is 00:31:09 first baseman in this clip. Starts jawing at Castro as he heads to first, but it got much worse than that. An angry Cabrera ran over to Torres as he rounded first base and clotheslined the motherfucker with his left arm, knocking him to the ground, setting off a brawl.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Check it out. I enjoy such shenanigans. And he catches him with this, which doesn't matter. When you land here, you watch. I think he's out for a second. Watch. Here we go. Watch him hot dog it, too.
Starting point is 00:31:38 See, that's unnecessary. He still doesn't know where he's at. Look. There's no crying in baseball. That was fucking delicious and well called for, my opinion. See, now let me explain to you people who are progressives that don't watch my show. Maybe my fans can tell somebody. This is why, and you can make fun of Whitey, have no emotion and no fun for it,
Starting point is 00:32:26 but this is what it leads to. Do you understand? It's all right if you celebrate a homer. You know, get excited. There's other ways to do it without looking into the other team's dugout, flipping your bat like a jerk-off. That's called hot-dogging,
Starting point is 00:32:41 and it's not good sportsmanship. I don't mind end-zone dances because both teams get to do it, you know what I mean? Whatever. But that doesn't, even that spurs on a little, it leads to this shit. That's why Whitey didn't have this shit in baseball for years. Only time a brawl would break out if somebody beans somebody intentionally, or you slide hard into second base and try to break a guy's leg.
Starting point is 00:33:06 You know, but shit like this. This is why whitey, meaning white men, always accused of having no emotion, no whatever. I'm just saying. What are you saying, Nick? Black and brown people, yeah, they have a tendency to do this shit more. By the way, I consider myself brown. I would have been the guy swinging, not flipping my bat,
Starting point is 00:33:26 though. Anyways, the 37-year-old Cabrera, who played for seven different teams during his major league career that spanned from 2007 to 2014 years, including 2016, 2018 with the Mets, wasn't above styling himself. The guy who threw the punch, he wasn't above styling himself after hitting a big home run during his MLB career. So I thought that was fun to watch. Shit like that. By the way, my Bruins, I don't even want to say it. Unstoppable.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Meanwhile, I'm bragging about my Bruins. Yesterday, I hope you guys are hockey fans. You should be. You're white, most of you. New Jersey Devils, nobody's talking about them preseason. They dropped their first two of the season. They've ripped off 12 in a row, like the Bruins. That's why you love sports, Dallas.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Right? You never know. Look at the Rams. Didn't they win the Super Bowl last year? Was it the Rams? Yeah. What are they, 3-7? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:38 The Packers went to the playoffs last year with a great record. Now they've got 3-7. Yeah. And McVay was being heralded as a genius. That guy could get canned, for Christ's sake. That team's not, like, totally different. It's insane, isn't it? Anyhow, any he.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Hey, boys and girls, make plans to come and see me on the road. Here's where I'll be and when and what I'm wearing. January 13th and 14th, the Comedy Off-Broadway in Lexington, Kentucky. Looking forward to it. March 11th and 12th, the Comedy Club of Kansas City. That's in KC, Missouri. April 21, 22, the Funny Bone, St. Louis, and
Starting point is 00:35:16 then in St. Charles. You can get tickets to all these shows at Kevin McGillicuddy's Big Fat Pimply Ass. No, you can get tickets at and click on the talk button. Is this finally tonight or no? It can be. Good answer. All right. Finally tonight, don't judge us. CNN hosts were angry and frustrated at Jeopardy contestants who didn't know the name of President Joe Biden's
Starting point is 00:35:46 nominee to the United Supre... United... to the, you know, the colored kid's house. Nominee to the United States Supreme Court. This is CNN, the most trusted name in news. The clip came from the November 9th broadcast of The Game Show. They're upset because the contestants did. And listen to their angle on it.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Go ahead. She's the first black woman on the Supreme Court. And the first justice to have been a federal public defender. Shakira. That's Justice Jackson. Ketanji Brown Jackson. I don't think that's Justice Jackson. Katenji Brown Jackson. I don't think that's that surprising, I will say.
Starting point is 00:36:32 These are smart people, though. When you go on Jeopardy, She was just confirmed. Look it, look it. What they're trying to say, we'll let it play, but what they're implying is they're just racist. Don Lemon's almost gone. They pretended they didn't, which is probably the case, because she don't belong there.
Starting point is 00:36:52 She's about as qualified as I am. She can't define the word woman, which means she couldn't play Jeopardy herself, the goddamn supreme poet. That would have been my joke. This has tits and a vagina. What is a bitch? Go ahead, play it. What is Don Lemon?
Starting point is 00:37:10 I think Caitlin's right. If you're standing outside of a mall or whatever, people may not know. When they do the man on the street thing, yes. But when you're smart enough to be a contestant on Jeopardy. You've got to know about current events too on Jeopardy. Maybe not any successful on Jeopardy. And history-making ones.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah! Yeah! Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo! God, what a boring show. Oh, dude. And the ratings show it. That's fucking network blown up like you read about them. Soon as they stop lying and pretend to try to be neutral, they get
Starting point is 00:37:41 nothing. Because that's all they do is critique and attack when they're asked to be creative. And how about her Because that's all they do is critique and attack. When they're asked to be creative. And how about her giving in, the one on the right to Don. Yeah, that's true. Just fucking all upset. Don, why do you think that they
Starting point is 00:38:00 didn't know the answer? Is it because we're black? You guys are sad sad sad sad jackson was confirmed by the u.s senate by a vote of 53 to 47 in april with three republicans because it was a cynical pick by biden to throw a black woman on the supreme court regardless of fucking uh you know merit and uh once again proving that this country might be the least racist place on fucking earth, other than what you cocksuckers think, like Don Lemon. Three Republican senators breaking ranks and joining with Democrats.
Starting point is 00:38:34 She replaced Justice Stephen Breyer, who was 148 when he retired from the court. So anyhow, any he. Judge Jackson's confirmation was a historic moment for our nation we've taken another step toward making our highest court reflect the diversity of america said biden as he read off a script written on his fucking hand shut up some viewers also experienced, excuse me, excoriated. What glasses? I still get them drops in my eyes. Some viewers also excoriated the celebrity edition of Jeopardy after a clue on the show referenced the suicide death of Brian Laundrie,
Starting point is 00:39:20 who admitted to killing his fiancee, Gabby Petito, in a crime that made national headlines. I better start watching this show. It's getting good. It's getting good. Anyways, that's it, right? That's it for today, man. Right?
Starting point is 00:39:32 Okay. That's what I tell you. Don't forget to go to if you want me to roast a friend or relative. And I don't know. That's all I got, pretty much. You like my shirt? I love it. I think I look handsome.
Starting point is 00:39:44 You guys think that I'll say it? You're very welcome. See you back here tomorrow. Have a good day, everybody. Hi. Good night, everybody. I'm sorry. guitar solo Outro Music

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