The Nick DiPaolo Show - Trump Gives Twitter the Bird | Nick Di Paolo Show #536

Episode Date: May 5, 2021

Facebook rules on Trump ban. Lawyer requesting new trial for Chauvin. Georgia cop's emotional rant on Tik Tok goes viral. More Michigan voter fraud exposed....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Oh yeah, oh yeah Well done, fellas Got a new crew in here They're taking it like a duck to water How's it going, folks? Welcome to the show Wednesday already. Don't forget to come see me next week.
Starting point is 00:00:50 You can get these dates at, but I'll be on Gutfeld's show Wednesday night. Next night, I'll be in Cleveland for two shows at Hilarities, and then the next night at the FPX Theater in Baltimore, and then Saturday night at Soul Joel's
Starting point is 00:01:06 in Royersford, Pennsylvania. So come on out and see me. We'll have a drink. It's my favorite part of the gigs after. You're drinking with a crowd and shit. You know? Sure, the women are like in their late 70s and have bad teeth,
Starting point is 00:01:21 but you know, at one point they were pretty. So was I. Look at me, my man. have bad teeth, but you know, at one point they were pretty. So was I. Look at me. No, I don't sell shit after the show either. I'm not fucking... Well, I used to sell Pope Hill's Pocket Fisherman. You remember that? Anyways, let's get on with it. Let's get on with this country that's just falling apart. Jesus Christ, Biden's been in there, what, fucking couple months? Done more damage than the Japanese did? You know, way back in 19...
Starting point is 00:01:54 Anyways, let's get to it. Let me shut my fucking hole. Facebook rules on Trump ban. Oh boy. Unbelievable. That's boy. Unbelievable. That's him getting blown. That's as happy as he gets. Look at that puss. I still can't get over the fact that he created this initially to, you know, hook up with broads at Harvard. And it turns into he's like he's he's arguably the most powerful guy on the planet. So somebody bitch slap him. Facebook's oversight board, what the hell is that,
Starting point is 00:02:30 has upheld the company's decision to block former President Donald Trump from its platform, it announced Wednesday. That's great. The ruling means Trump will continue to be blocked from Facebook and Instagram, but the board said an indefinite suspension of Trump's account was inappropriate. Wow, thanks for coming around. And the company has six months to lay out new penalties. Why six months? Don't you know your own rules? Six fucking months. And who is this board made up of a bunch of fat bloggers with Cheeto dust on their fucking t-shirt?
Starting point is 00:03:10 However, it was not appropriate for Facebook to impose the indeterminate and standardless penalty of indefinite suspension, the board said in a statement explaining its decision. Facebook's normal penalties include 15 yards for clipping. They don't like football. They're all gay. Facebook's normal penalties include removing the violating content, imposing time-bound period of suspension I'm familiar with, or permanently disabling the page and account. Why don't you permanently disable Zuckerberg? Just from the waist down. So he still exists.
Starting point is 00:03:49 We can throw him in the pool and shit. He can't feel anything. Facebook has 30 days to respond publicly. What are they going to go on The View and explain themselves? According to the oversight board's rules. Hey, how about giving us the address and the, you know, where they live and shit, and let's dox the committee. Let's put some fear into them,
Starting point is 00:04:09 like, you know, the Black Lives Matter does to the jurors. Let's do it. Come on. Where's the people on the right? Do you know how to hack into shit? You can't wait for me.
Starting point is 00:04:19 I learned how to work my email a year ago. The board found out that two of Trump's posts on January 6th violated Facebook rules. You know, they have rules against insurrections, apparently, prohibiting praise or support of people engaged in violence. The violating posts, the board said, included referring to great patriots. Can you imagine? This is what they're offended by.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Can you imagine? This is what they're offended by. Great patriots. Not talking about Tom Brady. And calls to remember this day forever. You fucking hypocrite. Unbelievable. You can go on there and see BLM planning shit. They are offended by all this. Keep in mind, when you hear shit like this, it's just proof that they think we're going to live in a borderless world someday. I'll hold hands and get along. They're such naive dickheads for such smart people. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Patriot. He said patriots. That was it. At the time of Mr. Trump's post, there was a clear immediate risk of harm and his words of support for those in the involved in the riots legitimized their violent actions the board said no no you know what you know what legitimized it and they weren't even violent by the way nobody was armed did you bring that up number two um the election being stolen. That's the fucking thing that legitimized the actions. And again, there was some Antifa members involved and the few
Starting point is 00:05:51 fucking white people in the late 60s are still in jail in Florida for trespassing. Anyways, the board said that once they given the seriousness of the violations and the ongoing risk of violence, Facebook was justified in suspending Mr. Trump's account on January 6th. How about the fucking riots and everything? Where were you then? Were you blocking BLM? I'm just guessing. No, maybe you did. I don't go on Facebook. I can't figure out. One minute I'm looking at, you know, pictures of kids. I went to College Woods and then there's my mother at a fucking wedding. I don't understand how the feeds work. I don't see any titties. So I got right off that. Anyways, extending the suspension on January 7th. However, that suspension should not be indefinite, the board said. Yeah, you told us that earlier. Who
Starting point is 00:06:39 writes this shit? Facebook should come to a decision within six months on whether Trump will be permanently banned or if another penalty is appropriate. In applying a vague standardless penalty and then referring this case to the board to resolve, Facebook seeks to avoid its responsibilities, the board said. See, the board is separate from Facebook. It's supposed to be like an independent. Well, then tell us who they are. The board declined Facebook's request and insists that Facebook apply and that they apply and justify a defined penalty. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the decision to block Trump from Facebook and Instagram on January 7th, one day after a group of Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol in a bloody,
Starting point is 00:07:26 bloody, bloody and deadly riot. One person died, an unarmed white female Trump supporter shot by a black cop who we still know nothing about. Fuck you, Zuckerberg. Get this through your head. Get this through your head, you Jew motherfucker, you. Can you imagine a deadly and are you shitting me? You know how many people died in the riots last summer? Oh, my God. These people are just they think like four year olds. I can't help it. Later in January, Facebook defend Facebook defended its blocking of the former president and said it was referring
Starting point is 00:08:10 to the call on whether to make the ban permanent to the company's independent oversight board, which was officially formed in October and is made up of 20 members from a variety of cultural and professional backgrounds, according to the website. A panel of five randomly selected members from the broader 20-person board deliberates on any single case. Once the panel reaches a decision, a majority from the large group must sign off before it is published. Oh, such a, oh boy, I'm sure they're going to give it a lot of thought. That'll be a three-second meeting. What, It's Trump again? Get him out of here. Let me tell you something, you cocksuckers.
Starting point is 00:08:48 You said to me, you said to my wife, my kids, I got my old platform, all right? There's going to be porn on it. There's going to be golfing, a whole section on egg salad recipes. It's terrific. It's terrific. So anyways, in kind of a related story, thank God we're moving on a little bit. 45, that would be Trump, gives Twitter the bird. Get it?
Starting point is 00:09:17 No, no. Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday debuted a new web page that allows him to circumvent the Facebook and Twitter bans on his accounts. The site slash desk launched with a video declaring itself a beacon of freedom and a place to speak freely and safely. Four months after Twitter purged the 45th president and Facebook suspended him indefinitely. He ain't going to stay down here. Come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom. Still get hard when I hear that. At least for now, both Facebook and Twitter allow links to the site for now. The launch comes.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Don't mention Patriot on it. They'll close it down. Don't mention America. The launch comes as Facebook and Instagram prepare to announce a decision Wednesday on whether to allow Trump to return to the platforms. The promotional video for the new Trump page associates Democrats with social media censorship and includes audio of President Biden's White House advisor, Susan Rice, saying last year that Trump and his Senate allies belong to the trash heap of history. Sort of like you and Obama, you fucking hateful yeast on wheels, you. You stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt! Let's take a look at the video. This is
Starting point is 00:10:48 Trump advertising his new website. And those who supported him in the Senate to the trash of history. Twitter permanently banning the Commander-in-Chief's personal account with 88 million followers. There it is.
Starting point is 00:11:26 I would have went straight from the bathroom of Trump. Have him sitting on one of those gold toilets he has. With the cell phone. Have a little fun there. You know what I'm saying? Trump was permanently booted from his preferred social media platform, Twitter. And I was also locked up by Facebook and Instagram after, again, the Capitol riot. The new Trump site contained some of his recent statements that were distributed in email blasts. At the time he was deplatformed, Trump had more than, get this, 88 million.
Starting point is 00:11:53 That's 100 million less than the youngest Kardashian. But have you seen her lately? She really fixed up nice, that pig. Trump had more than 88 million Twitter followers and used the service as his go-to forum to break news or announce positions on policy and staffing. He has more than 35 million Facebook followers and more than 24 million Instagram followers. My God, this guy, that's an influencer. I am your voice. guy is a that's an influencer i am your voice the new trump site has a sign-up list for people to enter their phone numbers why
Starting point is 00:12:34 in email addresses to receive alerts when trump what's he gonna call my house hey nick what are you doing cutting the lawn There's Mexicans who do that Receive alert Feel free to laugh all I guys There's three people in the fuck room Jesus can I get some producers with some fucking personality Fuck You can leave that in by the way
Starting point is 00:12:56 I'm serious Receive alerts when Trump posts a new message He's gonna call you fucking Hello Hello This is Ivanka. Donald's outside right now playing Frisbee with a dog. Bye. The site does not currently allow users to post comments or otherwise interact with the content except to share it on other
Starting point is 00:13:18 platforms. It also does not appear to use advertisers, though it has a link to donate to Trump Save America PAC. Twitter claimed it permanently banned Trump due to the risk of further incitement of violence. You people on the left are real pussies, aren't you? You really are fucking faggots. You know this country was founded on violence, right? You know the reason you're fucking rich and billionaires and you're living a great life? Because somebody had some fucking balls at one point. Now are the bad guys you are fucking england and we're
Starting point is 00:13:49 coming for you cocksuckers wear your red coats we'll be up in the trees and conquered remember the fuck they were uh anyways you have further incitement of violence after the capitol riot house democrats impeached trump for a second time for allegedly inciting the storming of the Capitol, but he was acquitted in the Senate. Well, Vince McConnell said, that's bullshit. I don't even like to vote that.
Starting point is 00:14:12 When only seven Republicans voted to find him guilty. As President Trump unsuccessfully tried to force Congress to repeal Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which grants social media companies immunity for most third-party content. So Trump has had enough, I'll tell you that much.
Starting point is 00:14:31 I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore! You go, DJ. You go, girl. Trump allies in Congress are still pushing for legal reform. Senator Billy Hagerty, Republican Tennessee, as he was sleeping with his brother. companies like Facebook and Twitter by declaring the platforms common carriers. You know, they are. They're common carriers, like a $5 whore. There's all kinds of fucking shit in there. Boy, I almost heard a laugh back there. That's terrific.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Got one kid giggling like he's six. The other two guys, they're studying, I guess. They're new. But I'm going to have to get some fat chicken here and fucking get her high. Done that before. Had nothing to do with a show. Let me tell you how that ended. I had a broken clavicle.
Starting point is 00:15:31 A term also used for companies like railroads that must transport goods without discrimination. So in other words, it's supposed to be like a railroad. Is that the best fucking analogy you could come up with? I hope it's not like Amtrak. People be getting booted every five minutes. I don't know, ladies and gentlemen. But we need a voice. We need Trump's voice.
Starting point is 00:15:57 We need it all. There's so much tension. Chauvin might and should get a new goddamn trial is the headline, my headline. The lawyer for ex-Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin is requesting a new trial in the death of George Floyd, claiming the guilty verdict against his client was tainted by a threatened and intimidated jury. And if you disagree with that, you're just a douchebag. You're Maxine Waters' nipples. And if you disagree with that, you're just a douchebag.
Starting point is 00:16:23 You're Maxine Waters' nipples. In papers filed Tuesday in Hennepin County Court, attorney Eric Nelson argues that Chauvin's murder trial should have been moved to a different planet or city and said publicly surrounding... Are we supposed to believe anybody would... Are you shitting me? You really think you're going to get jurors that didn't know about this? The way the mainstream media runs it on a loop? We're on Mars now, right? Didn't we put something up there? Anyways, it should have been moved to a different city and said publicity
Starting point is 00:17:01 surrounding the trial was pervasive and prejudicial. We know that now. The court abused its discretion when it failed to sequester the jury for the duration of the trial or in the least admonish them to avoid all media, which resulted in jury exposure to prejudicial publicity regarding the trial during the proceedings, Nelson wrote, as well as jury intimidation and potential fear of retribution among jurors, which is so, all that is so true. You're out of order. You're out of order. The whole trial is out of order. They're out of order. We know this all to be true. We wouldn't, It's not even a question, right? The jurors were scared shitless,
Starting point is 00:17:49 and we got one that was talking after because he wants to get his own show on BET. Nelson also accused prosecutors and Hennepin County District Judge Peter Cahill of multiple errors in the proceedings, which he said deprived Chauvin of a fair trial. Well, what kind of errors, fella? Among his claims, Nelson said prosecutors committed pervasive prejudicial prosecutorial misconduct,
Starting point is 00:18:13 including disparaging the defense. These sound like weak arguments. I don't know the law, obviously. And presenting cumulative evidence, particularly a string of experts and police officials who testify that Chauvin used excessive force. Isn't that how it's supposed to work? You bring forward people to speak for the guy you're representing? Witnesses? Somebody get fucking Dershowitz on the line, please. We're supposed to have lunch down here at the IHOP. At the IHOP. The lawyer also claimed, I can think of better arguments than this. The lawyer also claimed the judge should have forced Floyd's pal,
Starting point is 00:18:49 Maurice Hall, to testify, despite Hall's assertion, that he would invoke his Fifth Amendment privilege if called to the witness stand. I'm sure he knew that. And nobody told him to do it. Is that his friend? Oh, my God. Poor Floyd never had a chance.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Look at the retarded Urkel grew up. Hey, man. Hey, Floyd, man. God help us. Hall was with Floyd inside his SUV when police arrived and arrested Floyd and allegedly knew there were drugs in the vehicle. The cumulative effect of the multiple errors in these proceedings deprived Mr. Chauvin of a fair trial in violation of his constitutional rights, Nelson wrote.
Starting point is 00:19:33 I think there's better arguments. Well, whose fault is that? Yours. Nelson's four-page motion did not appear to address the controversy surrounding Brandon Mitchell. This is, I hope he's going to bring this up today. Brandon Mitchell, one of the jurors, the black guy that's been on TV, in the case who was allegedly seen wearing a Black Lives Matter T-shirt
Starting point is 00:19:54 at a Washington, D.C. rally last year. Just the fact that he went to D.C. alone. Or maybe he's from there. Jurors were grilled during jury selection about whether they had attended Floyd or BLM demonstrations. And guess what? Mitchell said no like the fucking asshole. Liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, you know it. Right there, I think. Isn't it a mistrial? I can't wait. Then we have to go through all this shit again and have a, we're going to lose 10 more Wendy's and dollar stores.
Starting point is 00:20:23 I can't make it in the country. We're going to lose 10 more Wendy's and dollar stores. I can't make it. The country can't make it. His motion also did not specifically mention comments made by Rep. Maxine Waters, seen here, who had encouraged protesters to get confrontational if the ex-cop was cleared in the case. I think we have some audio of Maxine Waters talking about the case. What folks says about this family, I does. of Maxine Waters talking about the case. What folks says about this family, I does.
Starting point is 00:20:44 I told you and told you that you can always tell a lady, but the way that she eat in front of folks like a bird. And I ain't aiming for you to go to Mr. John Wilkinson and eat like a field hand and gobble like a hawk. Nelson had tried to have a mistrial declared over the remarks before the jury returned its verdict. Cahill declined because he's a left wing cheese dick. Cahill declined that motion, but told he actually said he told him Waters may have given you something on appeal that may result in this
Starting point is 00:21:17 whole trial being overturned. Now, I believe when they say overturned, that's not an acquittal. You've got to do it again, I think, right? Is it like a mistrial? Well, you really think we're going to get different results? The only way you're going to do that is go to fucking the North Pole and get like 12 Eskimos who don't have cable. And I'm pretty sure they do up there. I had a girlfriend in Anchorage. She got all the channels.
Starting point is 00:21:53 What? have cable and i'm pretty sure they do up there i had a girlfriend in anchorage you got all the channels what anyway let's move on from that i can't wait till they throw that out because that's going to cause more more destruction um here we go speaking of cop haters and tension between cops and thugs, Seattle shitbag canned from his job because he's a dick sucker extraordinaire. That's what the headline is. I write these little sub-headlines. A Seattle chocolate shop employee. Ooh, that looked delicious. It looks like my penis after I slept with this girl in Atlanta and I was at the free clinic. A Seattle chocolate shop employee was fired for refusing to serve a police officer last week. Of course, it's Seattle, city of shit bags. I hope that breaks off with Los Angeles and you guys float the fuck away. Except for my fans out there. Anyways, he refused to serve a police officer.
Starting point is 00:22:50 The store's owner said in an about face after initially, initially the store owner was backing the workers freedom of speech. But then he fucking smartened up. The cop was with a trainee when he dropped by Chocolat Cafe shop in the Wallingford neighborhood, according to the head of the police union. They were met with a bit of hostility. The guy, Mike Solon, president of the Seattle Police Officers Guild, told Fox News. Chocolaty owner Christian Wong on Wednesday addressed the issue. Hey, this is sort of a brown on yellow. Cry. Nick.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Wednesday addressed the issue on the company's Facebook page saying, although we do respect this team member's freedom of, can we quit calling people who work for companies teams and don't refer to me the customer as a guest? Unless you're going to have me sleep over in the kitchen, you fuck. That's what they say now. Wendy said that they're guests. Respect his team members freedom of speech, meaning the employee. The actions, this instance, do not represent our view as a company.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Well, you know what? Your company is in Seattle, so it represents the greater area's view. What's the difference? We are actively working directly with this team member and the local precinct to create a more inviting. Here we go with a boilerplate. Can somebody just put this on a plaque and they can hold it up? The local precinct to create a more inviting inclusive and cohesive uh community for all i think he said that in his native tongue we have
Starting point is 00:24:31 he said do you want a waffle cone or the post spark backlash going viral with more than 5,000 comments. Oh, God, the hate. You know, I fucking hate the way you make me fucking ride you. Get the fuck out of here. Two days later, Wong announced that the employee in question and the company decided to part ways. He's gone. And we couldn't do nothing about it.
Starting point is 00:25:05 He's gone. And we couldn't do nothing about it. He's gone. You know why? This guy caught so much shit on social media. So apparently it's not all lefties. Mr. Wong's probably a businessman and not even a, you know, not even a lefty himself.
Starting point is 00:25:20 But I guarantee a lot of people said we're not coming to your shit shop if you don't fucking respect cops. And he backpedaled. We work to advance. Here it comes. Here comes more boilerplate fucking goo gobble. We work to advance diversity and inclusion at our business.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Oh, my God. Thank you. And for our team members to follow their passions. What's your team's record, by the way? Are you guys going to make the playoffs this year? You dirty fucking fuck. To represent their passions and to be engaged in the critical issues we face as a city and as a nation. More gobbledygook.
Starting point is 00:26:02 However, our team members cannot decide which customers to serve based on their own personal political beliefs. You might want to explain that to them. Given the current environment in this country for the last 10 years, Mr. Wong, this simply is not an acceptable practice at our business. I'm glad you caught on. Why did you back them in the first place right after it happened? Can I ask you that? Huh? Mr. Wong, I talk glad you caught on why did you back him in the first place right after it happened can I ask you that huh Mr. Wong I talk to you
Starting point is 00:26:29 Wong said he planned on meeting with officer involved on Sunday the guy that was involved to personally apologize and to give him two hand jobs and a box of chocolates just as I would apologize to any customer who was refused service on the basis of an employee's personal views.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Mr. Wong finished. Boy, can you imagine being such a dick? What color was the employee? Why can't I see a picture of him? Why can't I have his home address? I'm serious. I'm about, I'm being labeled domestic terrorist. I'm going to send some of my fans out there to fucking break some windows. That'll get somebody's attention. I'm kidding, everybody.
Starting point is 00:27:12 I wouldn't do that. I'm not the only guy fed up with this horse shit and the way cops are being disparaged. Did you see this clip? God bless this cop. I love Georgia cops. There's something about being a state trooper in Georgia. But, right? You see him in the hat and the uniform. I go right back to like, I don't know, those Burt Reynolds movies when he's in his Camaro, smoking in the bed.
Starting point is 00:27:39 This is great. Fed up Georgia cops, emotional TikTok rant on law enforcement goes viral. This guy, you can tell he's been a cop for a long time. And I like he puts it in perspective, loses his mind just a little bit, which is nice, you know, as opposed to that black girl we showed yesterday talking about. Well, by the way, she was not wrong about anything. I was reading people. I was reading the comment section and of course one person has to go but you see how the message is lost with all that profanity uh well don't come to my show cocksucker let's take a look at this cop uh getting some blown off some steam i wake up every morning and kiss my family goodbye, knowing that there's a possibility
Starting point is 00:28:30 I won't come home. I am tired of every time I wake up in the morning that someone else polarizes the fact that maybe law enforcement is just not a good thing. All of us are not bad. I am not as they are. Most of us are not bad. I am not as they are. Most of us are not. There are bad people in every career. I'm so goddamn tired. Tired. Tired. He was the best guy around. What was that background music? You didn't put that in, right?
Starting point is 00:29:03 That's Fox being emotional. Was it? It wasn't you guys, right you guys right oh good that was a firing offense fucking governor huckabee on piano oh i doubt it very much uh in a fox news interview monday ding Officer Dingle, said he vented because lately there's always something that betrays cops unfavorably. And he's had enough. The fed up police officer told Fox & Friends host that people have even been frowning at him and flipping him the bird while he's just been driving around. He's really sick of it. I despise it with every fiber of my being. When he first started as a cop 20 years ago, it was not that way, Dingell said.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Then my own people fucked up the country. No, I added that. Adding that he believes attitudes about law enforcement have changed over the last two years. This is something new. It's a new attitude, the veteran officer said. All of us are not bad. All of us are not bad at all, he said. You are correct, sir.
Starting point is 00:30:06 The majority of cops are good-hearted people that want to make a difference, Dingell insisted. Well, you should have done what I did when I got out of... First thing I swore when I got out of college, I'm not going to make a difference anyway. That day, I just honestly had enough, he said, referring to the day he shot the Nalbiro video. My heart was broken with the things that I saw just traveling home. I bet it was. This is a good, decent man. It used to be waves. It used to be smiles. It used to be someone saluting you, you know? And now this guy, poor bastard, is just mentally crushed. Right! I did the best I could. What about me? What am I supposed to do?
Starting point is 00:30:48 I just had to play that clip. I haven't done it in a while. A man goes to a party. He loses his... Oh! Gilligan? Let's see. Oh yeah, I got some more. Let me just say this about that. What's sad is that impression gets better
Starting point is 00:31:14 because I'm getting jowls every... Let me just say this about that. God bless the coloreds and the Jews. Fuck the Irish. I Jews. Fuck the Irish. I don't like the Irish. You're a motherless fox. You're a shanty Irishman, which is not true.
Starting point is 00:31:32 I'm from Boston. All my best friends are. Black and yellow. More crime we're going to talk about. Black on yellow. Jesus, how many have we seen of these, huh? Again, by the way, this has been going on for years. I actually saw somebody in a comment section go,
Starting point is 00:31:49 is this a new, why are they so fucking, like he get bombarded. You know, this is the tension between these communities goes back fucking way, way back. A man in West Baltimore brutally attacked two Korean owners, they're females by the way, of a liquor store and beat both women with a cement block as they fought back. This happened on Sunday night.
Starting point is 00:32:12 I mean, this is so fucking, but here's what I love before I show you the clip. These immigrants don't play this shit. These women are getting whacked with a fucking, and they were still fighting back. And when I was living in New York, I read stories all the time about, about not all the time, but a few, a lot of times them pulling a gun,
Starting point is 00:32:39 bodega owners and fucking popping. There's a clip from the seventies. You guys should Google it. It's a clip from the 70s. You guys should Google it. It's a black kid, two black kids go into a bodega, I think it's New York City, to rob the place. Guy behind, no, there's four of them. There's four. Guy behind the counter pulls out a gun.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Bing, bang, bong, bing. Like a fucking movie scene. I have jerked off to that five or six. Bing, bang, bong, bing. Like a fucking movie scene. I have jerked off to that five or six. Seriously, that exists. I think Tom Brokaw is actually doing the report. But check out this black thug beating up these Korean women. That's him in the red shirt.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Look, he's got a brick in his hand. He's trying to hit her in the head with it can you fucking imagine now here comes another woman crack right the side of the head she doesn't go down she's wrestling with him trying to get him out the door look the girl on the ground gets up She's wrestling with him, trying to get him out the door. Look, the girl on the ground gets up. Now she's getting right in the face with the brick. How fucked?
Starting point is 00:33:50 Look, she's not even unconscious. Where are the fucking cops? Oh, it's West Baltimore. Look, they're still fighting, and they're both still conscious. God bless those women God fucking Well, yeah with that particular fella he seemed little turns out they overcharged them for Bubblicious. Blacks, once again, this is, oh, this is, this is one of the comments. This is from Helen.
Starting point is 00:34:32 I love when it's a woman. Blacks, this isn't me, folks. This is Helen in a comment section. Blacks, once again, living up to the stereotype of being violent, uncivil animals. I don't understand why good, decent, law-abiding blacks don't call this crap out in defense of themselves and others, that blacks need a new narrative besides rob, loot, murder, violence, welfare queens, food stamp fraud, and male incarceration. Candace Owens, Kim Classic, Leo Terrell, Adam West have the courage to call this stuff out. Well, because they actually have some protection, and you call that shit out in your
Starting point is 00:35:05 hood bitches get stitches up in them in a bucket so anyways but at least she makes a good point oh boy is this great i i would too like to hear more because say it again and it really is true barkley charles barkay said it nicely. I think we, and I think most people believe this in this country, law-abiding people, that most black and white people are good, decent people. But this small percentage of blacks, and I'm saying that because you can look at the statistics, commit a disproportional amount of crime. They make up 14% of the population and they make up over 70% of the violent crimes. Something's got to change. And it's not the cops. It's the black community. And that takes the good black people. What are
Starting point is 00:36:00 they going to do? I mean, they work and they get kids, they have a life and they're the ones who, you know, live on the edges of some of these neighborhoods. So I don't know the answer. Let's call AOC. Let me tell you something. We always talk about, hey, the civil war is coming or whatever the fuck or somebody's trying to start a race war on this country. Well, this next clip doesn't exactly shoot that theory down. Louisville Diner, that would be an old white guy, pulls a gun on armed Black Lives Matter protesters in shocking video. This took place in Louisville, probably coming to a town near you. But this is OK. The only thing we've seen close to this was the couple in St. Louis guarding their house on the front lawn. But, you know, you start to see shit like this.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Let me remind Black Lives Matter. You call white people devils for a reason. Don't forget it. We have about a trillion guns. And those are the nice ones, the ones that have jobs and shit. You're going to wander into the wrong neighborhood. This is at a restaurant outside. Once again, people trying to eat and enjoy themselves, right?
Starting point is 00:37:12 Have a peaceful night. And scum shows up, thanks to fucking Biden and Kamala Harris and all the other twats that defend these people. And they show up, some of them armed, by the way, instead of going into the restaurant and hassling the people out front. You've got to keep your eye on the old white guy with the goatee. I think he's got a blue shirt on. He has a small handgun. He's closest to the screen.
Starting point is 00:37:38 But roll tape, fellas. See the guy to the right? Blue, white pants. Watch his right hand. He's got a gun. Look, he's got a gun. That's the owner of the place, probably. Look at white kids, too.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Un-fucking-real. You all saw him. He had a gun. You know, you should never be in a restaurant trying to enjoy an appetizer and hear this. Don't you move, you motherfucker! I'll blow your brains out these blacks who knows where they're gonna take the wrong way the demonstrators were marching to church hill downs to demand justice for brianna taylor let it go let it go who was shot dead by local cops
Starting point is 00:38:41 in a botched drug raid last year according to to the Louisville Courier-Journal. It was a little more complicated to that. That's the other thing I hate about the media. Years later, after a story, they'll just go, who was killed by, you know, out of context, and somebody might be reading that for the first time. Anyways, some protesters intervene and urge the demonstrators to move away from the man who drew a gun,
Starting point is 00:39:03 and police arrived a short time later the paper reported a restaurant worker told police that the multiple armed protesters entered the restaurant property which included outdoor dining spaces don't they know about social distancing these blacks who knows where they're going to take the wrong way during the encounter both patrons and protesters brandished firearms. Police spokesman Alicia Smiley told the outlet as she was crying. Five protests related to arrests were made, including a suspect charged with possession of a handgun by a convicted felon, who else in Black Lives Matter, and first-degree wanton endangerment of an officer.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Unbelievable. There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind. It is legal to carry handguns in Kentucky, according to the NRA. No gun violence was reported. No gun violence was reported. No gun violence was reported, just people pointing guns at each other at a restaurant. So that's the new normal. Somebody's going to get it, man. Somebody going to get it. Doesn't it feel like somebody wants a race war?
Starting point is 00:40:23 What I would do is go to a restaurant that has booths. And sit inside the ones that are facing the window. You know, like the mobsters do. Now we need a story to lighten up, huh? This shit's getting too heavy. This is a feel-good story. Beer and hot dogs, please, it says. This is an incredibly intoxicated
Starting point is 00:40:49 Pennsylvania man shot his dog and grilled the animal. And I feel like what's his name? What's that character on SNL? Nobody, guys. Wow. He shot his dog, grilled the animal in a fire pit in his front yard. I don't mean to laugh, but you know.
Starting point is 00:41:36 I mean hot. Nikolai Lukashenkov. Crazy Russian fuck. 48 was arrested Friday outside his Northampton township home where cops found the burning fire pit and a couch in flames in the front yard. 800th goal what are they once the fire was under control patrol observed an unknown animal badly burned and charred on top of a small metal charcoal grill northampton a township police said in a statement boy is that that looks kind of good i gotta be honest no it was later learned the animal was uh lukin chukovic's dog lukin chukovic was incredibly intoxicated as you know the russians do enjoy their potato soup as we call it at the time and unable to speak he was so fucked up he couldn't talk they went to the dog for comment he had nothing to say according to an affidavit of probable cause for his arrest obtained by the ph choir. He was really fucking drunk. Luca Chavez was also listen to this dousing $100 bills with lighter fluid
Starting point is 00:42:30 and burning them in the metal fire pit, which was topped with a barbecue grate where his pooch was cooked. According to the affidavit. What the fuck? That was his only comment. You killed your dog. Lukin Chykov's roommate reportedly told cops he confessed to shooting his dog with a nine millimeter handgun before hiding the animal outside. Cops found bullet holes in a bedroom as well as in a hallway. The affidavit's a good roommate. Hey, Ivan, can you keep it down? Trying to do fucking Roku. A handgun believed to be the
Starting point is 00:43:16 weapon used to kill the pet was also recovered from the home, the Enquirer reported. Lukin Chykov was charged with aggravated cruelty to animals, discharging a firearm into a occupied structure, reckless endangerment, and possessing instruments of a crime. Instruments of a crime? Who comes up
Starting point is 00:43:38 with this shit? You mean a gun? Sounds like something a surgeon would... Hand me that instrument of crime. Lukan Tchaikov, I've said his name nine different ways. I don't give a fuck. He's a drunk Russian. His bail was set at $1 million. Can you imagine? Million dollars. Meanwhile, you got the hoodlums, rape and murder, no bail out on the streets. Rape and murder, no bail out on the streets. Finally tonight on Meet the Press,
Starting point is 00:44:10 we got, what have I been telling you guys? The truth's going to come out about the last election. It's coming out drip by drip. I said it on January 7th. More Michigan voter fraud exposed during 2020 presidential election. Michigan attorney Matthew DiPerno filed an explosive new report in the ongoing Antrim County 2020 election lawsuit. According to DiPerno, his team of experts was able to prove the voting machines were vulnerable to compromise.
Starting point is 00:44:36 And DiPerno's team says they were able to manipulate software that was able then to flip votes to Joe Biden. This is all true shit. Your friends aren't going to want to hear who vote Democrat, but it's all true. You know, I fucking hate the way you make me fucking ride you. Now get the fuck out of here. Matthew DiPerno filed his latest legal brief last week. Counselor? Counselor?
Starting point is 00:45:03 We have the proof that voting machines used in the 2020 election can be compromised and votes easily transferred from one candidate to another we can flip votes at the uh tabulator slash precinct level we can flip votes at the county level the american people are losing their voice for the future of our democracy we must fight together for free and fair elections. DiPerno says he will be able to show the tabulated tapes at the precinct level who are different than the paper ballot ones. Of course. Who doesn't know this shit?
Starting point is 00:45:34 Seriously. What the hell's going on out here? Let's take a look. I'll end the show on this. It's about two minutes long, this clip. But this guy's an expert, and he's going to show you. He's going to do three different level votes, right, to show you how they flipped them. One at the presidential level, one at the county level, one at the town level.
Starting point is 00:45:55 So watch this. We'll end it with this. Jeffrey Lundberg is a systems vulnerability expert with an extensive background in national security who has been brought in by the plaintiffs in the case to give his analysis of the Antrim County election electronic voting systems here's what Landberg showed us so this first ballot is for Jorgensen there we go this ballot is for Biden so you get like a county level presidential level So you get like a county level, presidential level. Next ballot is for Biden.
Starting point is 00:46:34 Pick up the pace, will you, Lamberg? I got a show to do. The next ballot is for Trump. The next ballot is for Trump. I know it's not the most exciting thing, but just watch what happens. The next ballot is for Trump. He's winning! The next ballot is for Trump. And that's the seventh one.
Starting point is 00:47:18 That's seven ballots, right? Three different races going on. All he has to do is touch a button. And this is what they use for something. Okay, we finished our election. We've done seven. So now we're going to close the polls. Close the polls.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Here comes a truck with ballots. Look, here comes the results. Now, while it's printing this, I will point out the modification that we made. What we did is for the presidential race, we swapped Biden and Trump votes. We did not change the senatorial race, and we swapped the congressional race. Okay. So that's what we're looking for. That's what they want to see on this receipt.
Starting point is 00:47:58 What we see is Joe Biden got four, Donald Trump got two, and Joe Jorgensen got one. So you'll notice Biden and Trump votes are swapped. For the senatorial race, Peters got two, James got four, and Willis got one. So there's no modification there that matches the ballots. For the third race, the congressional race, Ferguson got four, Bergman got two, and Boren got one. So it swapped those between the top and the second candidate here. Here you go. Okay, by just hitting a button. And that's the software they were using, by the way. So you can suck my left bag. I have two bags, by the way. Made no sense. So that's the evidence. It's all going to come out, folks. Of course, the media is not going to pick up on it. That's why you watch this show.
Starting point is 00:48:55 That is it, ladies and gentlemen. I want to thank you for joining in. Don't forget Don't forget Click the tour button to see my live stand-up dates. Don't forget Nick dip dot com. Click the tour button to see my live stand updates. Don't forget to cameo dot com. That's where I can roast one of your friends or relatives. I will make a personal video on my phone and send it to them. You go to cameo dot com, click on my profile and it's explained right there. Anything else I've forgotten? That is it. You guys think it. I will say it.
Starting point is 00:49:28 You're very welcome. We'll see you back here for the final day of the week. I can't believe I'm saying that again. Tomorrow. Have a good day, everybody. guitar solo I'm going to go.

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