The Nick DiPaolo Show - Trump RIPS Hack Woodward's "Book" | Nick Di Paolo Show #409

Episode Date: September 10, 2020

Trump responds to Woodward's tell-all. Joe "The Walking Gaff" Biden botches Covid numbers. Trump trashes the leftist farce, white privilege....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Yeah, that's a new entrance. Yeah. Jace, we got to hear that high pitch. Come on, it's a 21st French. All righty. Hey, hey. Welcome to the show, folks. Thursday, final day of the week, at least for us.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Don't know about you people. How are you? Boy, are they doing it again, huh? Just another hit job on the president. Bob Woodward's book. And why would he talk to this fucking guy? Why? I don't get it. This guy cut his teeth at Watergate and he has the balls to compare Trump uh supposedly hiding facts and not telling
Starting point is 00:01:18 the American public the truth about uh corona when it hit just i mean trump gave him interviews from december to july like 20 something interview i don't get it who the fuck's managing him my manager i can say that tom's outside all six foot five 350 pounds of him and he looks like he's 260. He's a giant and I'm afraid of him. Anyways, what else before I get into this depressing news cycle that we're not going to get out of? Folks, you think things are divided now? Wait till the goddamn election. And wait till, you know, wait till you know like i said there's two bad outcomes the democrats win you're going to be living in a a fucking state regime overnight it's going to be as bad as they say and if trump wins you don't think this every city in
Starting point is 00:02:19 this country is going to be on fire i don't see i'm not mr sunshine but i really don't see that they're already doing a preemptive attack saying if trump wins you know they already have half the country believing he stole it and by the way in vegas i'm going to get to the my bookie ad one of our great sponsors trump is like minus whatever that's good by the way that's when you're the favorite if you sports fans minus 370 in ohio i mean big numbers which means he's winning and as tommy said and i said those are more those numbers have to be more accurate than the media's numbers because my bookie has skin in the game and uh vegas has skin in the game they you know this is their fucking livelihood so trump is uh minus 125 overall minus 125 overall so keep that in mind uh we'll get to
Starting point is 00:03:14 it like i said when i get i get to the ad um where are my goddamn glasses fuck uh here we go that's the big story this stupid book by uh bob woodward uh play it down trump admits to concealing the truth the true threat of coronavirus in new woodward book supposedly in a series of interviews with woodward trump revealed that he had a surprising level of detail about the threat of the virus earlier than previously known? Pretty amazing. Trump told Woodward. Pretty amazing.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Adding that the coronavirus was maybe five times more deadly than the flu. Ooh. Which we know is not the case now. 26,000 college students had it and nobody going to the hospital. Christ's sake. With a real flu, people go to the hospital christ's sake with the with the rail flow you people go to the hospital even young kids and college students when they have it severely trump's admissions are in stark contrast to his frequent public comments at the time insisting that the virus was going to
Starting point is 00:04:18 disappear the book using trump's own words depicts a president and again keep in mind every time i read from the fucking news i i can't find a fair and balanced uh you know article about trump on anything he betrayed public trust and the most fundamental uh responsibilities of his office in the book rage trump says the job of a president is to keep our country safe but in early february trump told woodward he knew how deadly the virus was. And in March, admitted he kept the knowledge hidden from the public. Just another takedown. Here's the
Starting point is 00:04:52 audio of that conversation. I think, Bob, really, to be honest with you, I wanted to always play it down. I still like playing it down because I don't want to create a panic. Is that not true?
Starting point is 00:05:11 I don't mean to side with Trump on everything. But what were the options? You gotta die. This is the worst. It's like nobody's ever seen his favorite phrase. And people would have panicked because we live in a nation of fucking nitwits and uh who believe everything that comes out of cnn and msnbc um so i i you know did he not did he not shut down the flights from china at the end of january
Starting point is 00:05:40 and and literally fauci even said, saved millions of lives. So this is supposed to trump that? No pun intended? Really? And he shut down Europe flights. So what, what? Just another, another drive-by hit on the fucking president. The startling revelations and rage which CNN obtained ahead of its September 15th release were made during 18 wide-ranging interviews Trump gave Woodward from the December 5th of 2019 to July 21st, 2020.
Starting point is 00:06:13 The interviews were recorded by Woodward and with Trump's permission, and CNN has obtained copies of some of the audio tapes. some of the audio tapes. Rage, that's the book, also includes brutal assessments of Trump's presidency from people who hate him, from many of his former top national security officials, including former Defense Secretary James Mattis, former Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, and former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. I heard people calling for these people to be arrested because you're not supposed to. Once you leave the military, you're not supposed to undercut the, you know, the chief. So I, you know, I don't know if that's here or there. Mattis' quote is calling Trump dangerous and unfit to be commander in chief. that's here or there.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Mattis' quote is calling Trump dangerous and unfit to be commander-in-chief. Woodward writes that Coats continued to harbor the secret belief, one that had grown rather than lessened, although unsupported by intelligence proof. That's the key phrase. Although unsupported by intelligence proof that Putin had something on Trump. Well, wasn't that disproved with the Mueller report?
Starting point is 00:07:24 Two and a half years of dog shit? Woodward continues writing that Coates felt, how else to explain the president's behavior? Coates could see no other explanation. I'm not here on my board. Shut it! Shut your fucking mouth shut the fuck up you cunt that will be an edit
Starting point is 00:07:50 Jason that's me yelling at Jason the book also contains harsh evaluations of the president's leadership on the virus from current officials Dr. Anthony Fauci the administration's top liar infectious disease expert who has stock from current officials. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the administration's top liar,
Starting point is 00:08:05 infectious disease expert, who has stock in companies that make vaccines, he knows Bill Gates' dad, who was a globalist from day one, is quoted telling others Trump's leadership was rudderless and that his attention span is like a minus number, he said.
Starting point is 00:08:23 He's a fucking idiot yeah you are nobody listens to you anymore his sole purpose is to get re-elected Fauci told an associate Fauci responded to the quotes in a Fox News interview on Wednesday saying he would question the account so now Fauci's calling Woodward a liar if you notice others have others have said that, you know, you should ask others. I don't recall that at all, Fauci said. Okay. Oh, my. So just another attempt to destroy this presidency.
Starting point is 00:09:02 And people will be sitting there on the left nodding and fucking. Even though fucking Biden's still out there. Making the biggest gaffes ever. But people like Rob Reiner are still blowing him. Did you see? I think we showed Reiner's tweet last week. After showing Biden fumble a sentence for like three minutes. Reiner's literally his quote was I can see him as
Starting point is 00:09:28 being the president in a strong fucking idiot President Trump slammed longtime Washington Post editor Bob Woodward Thursday morning for holding on to the contents of their bombshell interview for months if he believed the public was in danger by not being informed.
Starting point is 00:09:50 So Trump's pissed at this guy. Get this through your head. Oh, no. Get this through your head, you Jew motherfucker, you. It sounds like Trump. But she sounds like Trump a little bit. Bob Woodward had, he, President says, Bob Woodward had my quotes for many months. If he thought they were so bad or dangerous, why didn't he immediately report them in an effort to save lives?
Starting point is 00:10:10 Didn't he have an obligation to do so? The commander in chief asked on Twitter. No, because he knew they were good and proper answers. Calm, no panic. He continued. We have video of this conversation. I want to give people a feeling of hope. I could be very negative. I could say, wait a minute, those numbers are terrible. This is go to the airport. Let's go down to Mardi Gras. Well, there were a lot of people that could have said that. We didn't say that.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Fortunately, I didn't say that. And that was an alternative. We talked about it. That was always an alternative. That's what I said. Let it rip. Let it ride. Do nothing.
Starting point is 00:10:59 And we could have had 2.2 million dead people, more than that, because I didn't do that. And we did catch it early, and we stopped China really early, and we stopped Europe really early, because I saw what was happening. What happened is I stopped Italy, because Italy was really heavily infected. Hey, don't pick on my people, you waspy prick. Italy was infected. Of course they were. Every time they greet each other, they make out for five minutes.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Men and women. Tommy used to try to kiss me on the cheek every time I met him. Fucking queers! The president has faced considerable scrutiny for his admission, though White House press secretary and future wife of Nick DiPaolo, Kayleigh McEnany, defended her boss's actions, saying he never downplayed the virus. The president expressed calm. She has to say that. But he did.
Starting point is 00:11:54 I read in an article today, this is Trump, which was very interesting. They say, we wish President Trump would give more bad news. Give bad news. I'm not about bad news. I want to give people hope. I want to give people hope i want to give people feeling that we all have a chance even though china fucked us up trump told the reporter who pushed back on his handling of the virus i want to give people a feeling of hope i could be very negative i could say wait a minute those numbers are terrible this is going to be horrible this is a horrible thing
Starting point is 00:12:24 the commander-in- chief then doubled down on his point saying those in the media who wanted him to take a more negative approach were approaching the issue incorrectly. He says, I want to be positive. I don't want to be negative. I have to, I'm a, I'm a, I'm a positive person. He really is to the point where he gives me a headache. Everything's incredible. Everything's fabulous. Somebody said, oh, I wish he'd be more negative. They literally, he says, they literally have that. It's in one of our wonderful newspapers today.
Starting point is 00:12:55 I wish he could be more negative. Do you believe he still talks to Jim Costa? He should be on Mount Rushmore just for dealing with that fucking Greek midget line prick. For his part, Woodward says he, this is what Woodward said. He kept the information to himself while he verified it. Oh, that's fucking. You're a wormy cocksucker, you know that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:19 While he verified it. Verify this. Why are you sitting down with Bob Woodward? And you notice all these people have one thing in common, including Woodward and Bernstein. They've been in D.C. for a thousand years. They don't know how the rest of the country thinks or works. You think people really give a fuck?
Starting point is 00:13:43 Oh, we could have saved 11 more people. He stopped flights from China. Everybody called him a xenophobe. Everybody in the left-wing media, everybody in the Democrat Party, including shithead Joe Biden, called him a, it's, you know, panic and xenophobic and racist.
Starting point is 00:14:03 My aching fucking bag sack. bag sack bag sack the fuck was that so you know Biden's out there yesterday saying Trump fucking kept this from the public but guess what they found footage of him back in in February telling people not to panic. Former VP Joe Biden attacked Trump on Wednesday for downplaying the threat of the coronavirus early this year to discourage panic. But he himself told Americans not to panic about the disease. Sean Hannity found some footage of Biden speaking to supporters in Sumter, South Carolina, February 28th. to supporters in Sumter, South Carolina, February 28th. I know that because I was on a plane inhaling that delicious virus,
Starting point is 00:14:52 sitting next to a lady from Wuhan with a live rooster on her lap. One day before Biden won the state's primary, securing his first victory in three presidential campaigns and creating a path to the nomination. But he's out there saying that, you know, Trump was lying to the, he's such a nitwit you're lying he is and you're a piece of shit biden would later repeat his uh oh we got it we actually have video of him saying this it's always fun to watch this mama luke brock and i uh what pause as president watch the black woman over his over uh biden's shoulder with the glasses just nod
Starting point is 00:15:27 she's she is a metaphor for people who vote democrat just nod just reflexive political correctness and everything comes that's coming out of his mouth just watch her she's like well she looks like one of those bobblehead dolls on the back of a car on the way to a Mets game. Go ahead. Vice President, we took on the virus that was threatening all of Africa and the rest of the world. And we set up a mechanism that worked. But I want to take a moment to say it's not a time to panic about coronavirus, but coronavirus is a serious public health challenge not time to panic about corona which is what trump was saying do politicians know that every time they speak in public somebody records it idiots biden would later repeat his admonishment
Starting point is 00:16:25 not to panic about the coronavirus in a speech on March 12th, the day after the World Health Organization, the most corrupt fucking organization on the planet, who's in bed with dirty China, declared the virus a pandemic. On that occasion, Biden also warned people not to downplay the virus,
Starting point is 00:16:42 which is what Trump admitted in March to journalist Bob Woodward. He had done because he didn't want to cause panic. Prior to late February, the Democratic candidates had largely ignored the issue. When President Trump declared a travel ban on China, Biden dismissed the measure as hysterical xenophobia. The dick. You're a crumb creep. Even Fauci admitted that that move saved maybe millions of
Starting point is 00:17:07 lives fauci said that anything to say biden you're a crumb creep later on hannity carl rolf pointed to out numerous statements by biden's health policy advisors telling americans not to panic including a comment by Biden aide Ron Klein calling the coronavirus a fear epidemic. You fucking hypocrite. How many people died H1N1 under Biden? And that was like a mild. Do you know how many people that just from the regular flu?
Starting point is 00:17:42 Look at the statistics, folks. And the biggest statistic is the one I read a couple days ago. As far as people on their birth certificate where it says the cause of death was COVID alone, 9,680 people out of the 180,000. Then you have the 26,000 college students. None of them have been hospitalized. So who is stroking, who is stoking the fears? That's right. Jason's favorite team, the Mets.
Starting point is 00:18:17 You believe people are still following this baseball season? You dog-styling me. You're going to tell me somebody wins a World Series in 60 games? We're going to take that serious? Listen, my fans out there, I turned you on to Otto and George. Did I not? Go ahead, Jason. I tuned out of baseball after all the BLM crap happened. Did you really?
Starting point is 00:18:42 Yeah, I couldn't watch. After the Mets walked out of the game, I just couldn't. After the Mets what? They walked out on a game. They put a B-1 shirt on the plate. Oh, that's right. They came out on the field, and after the National Anthem, they walked off. And I heard college football, during the game, on the scoreboards,
Starting point is 00:19:01 they're going to be flashing all kinds of Black Lives Matter shit. You know, it's nice to watch flashing all kinds of Black Lives Matter shit. You know, it's nice to watch 13% of the population control the other 87% with the help of the... We're headed to martial law.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Anyways. The Nick DiPaolo Show brought to you by MyBookie. I get friends who gamble online and they say this is the one because you get paid off the fastest and they swear by it. It's a good time
Starting point is 00:19:30 too right now. College football is kicking in so you can make bets on how many times you'll be insulted as a white person during the game and all kinds of shit like that. But you got hockey playoffs. It really is. Basketball still going on? I guess. I don't follow it. Baseball, it's the
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Starting point is 00:20:42 Tommy, what's the number in Ohio? Trump. 210 minus 210. Minus 270. Minus 250. 270, wasn't it? Okay, minus 250. Trump is minus 250.
Starting point is 00:20:57 You understand what that means, folks? You'd have to bet what? $250 to make $100? Yes. $250 to make $100 hundred that's a heavy favorite in ohio that's a swing state people have a lot of swing sets out there listen and what was the other one nevada texas texas we've been hearing about right turning purple for the last like year and a half and he's what i will repeat minus 370 in texas do you understand do you understand how big that's like having andre the giant fight a girl with multiple sclerosis who's 11 years old that would be the
Starting point is 00:21:41 same numbers so anyways they have all the odds on the upcoming election, which is very, visit, use promo code NickDip to double your first deposit. That's NickDip at People who know, love that site. I want to thank the contributors to the show. As you know, you go to to make contributions, or you can sign up at, a monthly subscriber jenny talwarts canada robert hubbard virginia adam
Starting point is 00:22:11 lesanowski massachusetts darren degrosa new york paul again paul sagnell is in there every day Lisa Page, California. Rachel Maddow's big cock, Washington. Adam Hokut, Alabama. Michael Kenny, New York. Darlene Brown, Nevada. Nevada, not Nevada. Who are my Bernie Sanders? Nevada. I'll have a vodka and tonic.
Starting point is 00:22:42 New monthly supporters. Brock Powell, Rich Osborne, Susan Z, Kaz Braszewski, Braszewski, Bazariski, Polish.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Thank you guys. They all signed up at, became monthly subscribers. I think we had a veto in there, which is huge. What is a veto? How much?
Starting point is 00:23:04 50? 100? Anybody anybody who works the show here take your time jason jesus fucking christ thank you our father who art in heaven so let's stay on biden okay because he opened his mouth yesterday. What does that mean? He made an ass all of himself again. And you guys kind of vote for this guy in a campaign speech in Michigan. Focused on manufacturing and union support, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden closed out his remarks Wednesday by reading from a list of U.S. troop fatalities. Biden told the audience, as he was facing the wrong way, that he carries an updated list with him of the number of troops lost and wounded in Afghanistan and Iraq on the back of his schedule. lost and wounded in Afghanistan and Iraq on the back of his schedule. After reading several figures of soldiers who had died or been wounded, the former vice president said this about how many people in the military have died from COVID. At one point, Biden read from a printed list of COVID-19 statistics,
Starting point is 00:24:23 but appears to have exaggerated here. Military COVID deaths, deaths 6114 died from covid according to the defense department seven has died not 6114 or whatever he said six he was only off by 6,107. Lying piece of shat. Nick, it was a mistake. I don't give a shit. Either you're incompetent or you're a liar. Either way, you're not fit to run a lemonade stand.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Who's with me here, anybody? A Biden campaign aide told CNN that Biden misspoke, accidentally citing Michigan numbers of COVID-19 deaths and cases instead of military numbers. I'm smart, not like everybody says. Like, don't, I'm smart, and I want the stats. Let me tell you something Fredo never speak outside the family again
Starting point is 00:25:29 never lie about true fatalities you dumb fuck unbelievable so it is gonna be fun when do you think hey is there a line in Vegas on when we will know the results of the election? That'll be coming.
Starting point is 00:25:49 I'm sure there's an over under on that. Off the board. Oh, my God. So anyways, then Bob Woodward, you know, really turned on his lib fucking self-hating white guy persona and got to the issue of race. And it was so nice because finally somebody called people on their horse shit. If I hear the phrase white privilege again one more fucking time, I'm going to shit blood. Second time, I'm going to shit blood. But here is Bob Woodward asking Trump about white privilege.
Starting point is 00:26:33 And Trump kind of gives him a zinger at the end. Here it is. Put me and I think lots of white privileged people in a cave and that we have to work our way out of it to understand the anger and the pain particularly black people feel in this country. No, you really drank the Kool-Aid, didn't you? Listen to you. Wow. No, I don't feel that at all. You are correct, sir. You really drunk.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Well, look at you. Oh, God, Woodward. You smoke cocksucker. Fuck you. Just because you feel guilty. You know what? The rest of us white people sleep like babies at night. You know why?
Starting point is 00:27:21 Had nothing to do with it. Not privileged. Yes. My dad. Not privileged. Yes. My dad was so privileged. Five kids he made and never made more than 36 grand a year. Just stepping all over black people. That is the
Starting point is 00:27:37 silliest fucking thing that they came. I can't believe it even got traction. The whole white privilege thing. They used to say that the comedy cell of this, some of the black comics, and I'd go, really? What are you making tonight when you go downstairs? 25. Yeah, that's what I'm making.
Starting point is 00:27:52 And people know me. You fucking titless wonder you. No such thing, folks. I did an interview a couple years ago with Barstool Sports, and a couple of young guys, about 15 years young, they brought that up. Don't you think you're lucky though to be born white and privileged? And I wouldn't
Starting point is 00:28:13 give in. And guess what? The interview disappeared. Drove in from Westchester in a fucking typhoon. Spent $50 to park. Was in there 11 minutes. No, I did the full interview and guess what? They never aired it. Because Nicky wouldn't suck Dicky. Yeah, that was pretty funny.
Starting point is 00:28:35 I'm a poet and I don't realize it. Anyways. I love that he said, boy, you really drank the kool-aid but you see because trump's a billionaire and uh you know his dad was rich so they might have been a little privileged but um we all know that he works 18 hour days so i don't know speaking of white privilege uh have you guys heard of a critical race theory they're trying to force this into it's already basically in school curriculums but they're trying to force it into uh federal employee training even private companies it's
Starting point is 00:29:18 basically you have to take literally you have to take seminars on how evil you are because you were born white. It's like humiliating to people. And it's everywhere. Now they're trying to do it in federal employee training materials. This is just unb... White people, stand the fuck up and walk out. Oh, but I might lose my job. Then get another one.
Starting point is 00:29:44 There's plenty of them out there. Have you ever picked grapes? Listen. White fuck. But literally, this seminar is just telling you how evil you are. They're the most racist people on the planet at the left. Everything that they've been
Starting point is 00:29:59 telling you that you are, they do. They project their evilness. And Trump doesn't want to fucking have it he wants it purged from the federal employee training materials finally somebody has some balls do we have audio on that too or did we play that already no that's just the woodward stuff. Just the Woodward, yeah. Trump has told the Office of Management and Budget, that's OMB, to crack down on federal agencies' anti-racism training. Imagine they call it anti-racism.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Well, they're practicing racism. You are the most evil fucks on the planet. Calling them divisive and anti-American propaganda, which is exactly what it is. They've been using it for 35, 40 years. And you know what? It works for them. OMB director Russell Avot, in a letter dated Friday to executive branch agencies, directed them to identify spending related to any training on critical race theory, white privilege,
Starting point is 00:30:59 or any other material that teaches or suggests that the United States or any race or ethnicity is inherently racist or evil. I really think there are races that are inherently evil. And we see them in viral videos, usually at a Burger King, beating the fuck out of somebody in a wheelchair. I won't say who. You got it. The fucking Amish. Those people are just devils. Trump has rejected comments from Democratic nominee Joe.
Starting point is 00:31:37 I can't feel my feet, Biden and others, that there is a systemic racism in policing and American culture that must be addressed and he should reject it you know I love the party I love Democrats and the party of science right until we get to race and you look at the statistics as far as police brutality and the cops literally have tens of millions of interactions a year and like 0.001 percent of those end in shootings uh all the math is right in front of you yet they ignore it the you know they're the the party of science and they also ignore it when you're talking about transgender and a woman says uh my name's bob even though i have a pussy and last time i checked biology was under the sciences. Vought's memo cites press reports as contributing to Trump's decision, apparently referring to segments on Fox News.
Starting point is 00:32:36 That's where you got to go. Sorry, folks. I watch them all, too. Because as the godfather said, you know, keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer. And other outlets that have. Listen how is god fucking damn it listen how do they word this apparently referring to segments on fox news and other outlets that have stoked conservative outrage about the federal training they just report what's going on and you guys can't handle it. Vought's memo says additionally, federal guidance on training sessions is forthcoming, maintaining that the president and his administration are fully committed to the fair and equal treatment of all individuals in the United States. And I think he proves that by his unemployment numbers. You know, Jewish son in law. you know, Jewish son-in-law.
Starting point is 00:33:31 But seriously, man. I mean, come on, man. Where the fuck am I? The president has proven track record of standing for those whose voice has long been ignored and who have failed to benefit from all our country has to offer and he does he speaks up for everybody i am your voice what's that how do you say that in spanish and nigerian and polish uh intends to continue to support all Americans, regardless of race, religion, body odor, creed. The divisive, false, and demeaning propaganda of the critical race theory movement is contrary to all we stand for as Americans and should have no place in the federal government. And anybody who lies with that, Trump says, can kiss his white ass.
Starting point is 00:34:21 And that's the president I'd vote for if he ever said that. My ass is perfect. it's perfectly round my penis has a mushroom head you heard the girls whoops but between that and the six what is it the 1619 program is that what it's called the 1619 project 1619 project which which is indoctrinating white kids in school the minute they get into pre-k how evil they are and shit how does this get infiltrated can i just say this i hate the people on the far left of libs but they're evil geniuses somehow they're controlling the narrative and uh they planned this a long time ago so i wish somebody would wake up. The conservatives and Republicans are always on defense with this shit.
Starting point is 00:35:10 Some of them don't even speak up anymore. Fucking bitches. Hey, ah-hoo-ah. Hi-yah. I really want to thank Clive and our friends at Immunologic for sponsoring this show. They're a Texas-based company that makes important health products that really work. As most of you know, I've had my share of digestion issues in the past. And if you don't believe it, look at the toilet here at the studio.
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Starting point is 00:36:31 plus free shipping. Go to, see everything they offer and we thank them for sponsoring the show today. It's a good product. It's a good product. You know, we know my favorite part of all this writing
Starting point is 00:36:48 and stuff is watching black lives matter the black people in black lives matter that are out there and the white annoying spoiled brats college educated whose parents are rich standing right next to them. And like I said, when the shit really goes down, if a race war kicks off there, they're going to be dead first. Even when they interview people higher up in BLM, they always, you can hear, there's an underlying tone of subtext of their, you can see their aggravation, that their black movement has been hijacked by pasty white rich kids. But it's sort of like Manson, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:33 when he said whitey is going to show blacky how to fucking rise. Manson said that, by the way. I didn't say it. I didn't write the music you did it's not my fault it says rise kill the establishment it's your children and what about your children those children and running in the streets and they're running right at you please google that best monologue best acting in the streets and they're running right at you please google that best monologue best acting in the history of television the so-called revolutionaries who were busted for riding
Starting point is 00:38:14 at a new york african that's african with a k you wonder why these people can't spell get a job african black panther party rally i'll repeat that again. White kids at an African Black Panther took a break from their yacht club lives and literally modeling careers to be part of the mayhem. The seven comrades, including wealthy Upper East Side, here they are, East Side of Clara Kraber, had their mugshots tweeted out by the NYPD earlier Wednesday, days after their arrest for smashing storefront windows in the Flatiron District. I used to do comedy down there. Look at these.
Starting point is 00:38:53 Look at these misfits. Look at these freaks of nature. Just look at them. Look at that redhead pig. I think that might be craber she's pissed at the world because she looks like lucille ball with a touch of mongloid then you got the girl a guy next to the redhead what is that jason you're a millennial i don't know what is that i can't fucking tell these days it looks like uh holland oats one of them then you got the fucking white guy look at this kid
Starting point is 00:39:28 and these are all rich white look at the fucking ears on this kid a 30 mile an hour gust to win and he is a 747 then you got the little piglet next to him who just the girl the guys haven't wanted nothing to do with it. Gee, look at the bottom left. That girl doesn't look psychotic. Look at her. She's got John Belushi's eyebrow. The doctor slapped her when she came out and she spit in his face.
Starting point is 00:40:02 I don't know what's in the middle and the bottom row. I don't know what that is. And I don't know on the far right at the bottom. I don't know what that is. Girl or guy. I think part of a hair band. His dad. I don't know what that is. hairband his dad was i don't know what that is penis dick you guys figure it out i don't have the time anyways uh they were cuffed during a protest organized by the panthers these rich white and the revolutionary abolitionist movement groups condemning the death of daniel prude who was killed while in custody, the Rochester Police Department. These, these are, I can't talk. These are, these are white revolutionaries. There are white niggers.
Starting point is 00:40:56 I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time. I'm going to use that word. I don't. But we've all, we all, we just need to work together to make our country better than Iran. Yeah, what better way to do it than these misfits? Let me give you a little insight on some of them. Aside from Kraber, the redhead daughter of an architect and a child psychiatrist with a second home in Connecticut, five others arrested appear to also come from privileged backgrounds,
Starting point is 00:41:25 leading one police source to call their actions the height of hypocrisy. Frank Furmeister, 30, of Stuyvesant Heights, charged with rioting in possession of a graffiti instrument, is a freelance art director who designs ads for Joe Coffee and has also worked for Pepsi, Samsung, and the Glenn Lipp. Imagine they're revolutionaries against capitalism, and they're working for Pepsi and Samsung and Glenn Libet, among other high-profile brands. He studied fine arts with a concentration in moronacy, no, in photography at Florida State College in Jacksonville.
Starting point is 00:42:04 According to his LinkedIn and his most recent address is a stately home on Reed Island Drive in the city's Tony Beacon Hills in Harbor neighborhood. You snotty little bastard. 80 Sargovich 20 is a student at Sarah Lawrence College from Great Neck, Long Island. The young activist lost her phone during the rowdy weekend protest and promptly called her mommy
Starting point is 00:42:35 who made arrangements to replace the cell phone right away. Here's her mother's quote. She hasn't been terribly in touch. Yeah yeah you can say that again with the fucking planet she's been off doing her own thing said skarovich's mom susan jacobowitz an english professor at queensborough community college betcha she's very pro-american she said of her daughter i kept thinking I would get a call from the hospital or
Starting point is 00:43:05 she'd get arrested because it seems like it's just dangerous times right now. Jacobowitz, who didn't know her daughter was arrested, told the New York Post. Uh-oh, retard alert. Retard alert. Before joining the protest, Surgovich was an accomplished musician who spent time performing in local theater groups. I think that's that's isn't that the resume of most people want to fucking burn down the United States? And at the Seacliff Yacht Club, a lot of angry sailors. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. In 2018, while a senior at Great Neck High School,
Starting point is 00:43:54 Sorgovich organized a walkout in high school at the school following the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. She was already, you know, a fucking activist. You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt. I get that speaking cunt. fucking activists. I love to play tuber in that bit. Claire Severine, 27, who lives in Washington Heights and was charged with rioting, appears to be a signed model. Put those pictures back up there. Do you see a model in that bunch?
Starting point is 00:44:37 Who's the model there? Maybe the guy or girl next to the redhead? Bottom center. Yeah, there redhead? Bottom center. Yeah, there you go. Bottom center. Young Gary Busey. Anyways, appears to be a signed model with We Speak Agency who had the ability to jet between Montreal, Quebec, and Dublin before setting in the Big Apple to pursue a career in acting. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Her teacher said, Claire has always had a profound respect for nature and enjoys hiking for photographing these hikes and trying to get other people excited about burning down the United States. What? About our wonderful planet. She believes beauty can be found everywhere and in everybody if you just look around and don't look at her at car seret 27 year old from brooklyn who summered in europe as a kid is charged with writing and possession of a graffiti instrument when approached for comment at his prospect park prospect park that's a rich name south South apartment Wednesday. Surrett parked.
Starting point is 00:45:46 He said this. I don't want to talk to you. Get away from me. That's what it says. He says he says you can go away. I don't want to talk. I don't want to talk to you. Get away from me. Yeah, but we just want to comment. I don't want to talk to you.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Get away from me. But seriously, you're worth millions of dollars and you're right. I don't want to talk to you. Get away from me. No, but seriously, you're worth millions of dollars and you're right. I don't want to talk to you. Get away from me. Do you have a pussy or a dick? I don't want to talk to you. Get away from me.
Starting point is 00:46:13 Chocolate Vanilla. I don't want to talk to you. Get away from me. Elliot Rutka, a 20-year-old from Portland, Oregon, charged with rioting is the son of a famed comic book writer, Greg Rutka, and
Starting point is 00:46:25 Jennifer Van Meter. Is this really who we're worried about? Boy, the black people must be furious. You know? The black people in BLM like, yeah, well, my grandfather, you know, they,
Starting point is 00:46:46 they had milk dumped over their head at lunch counters and shit. And these kids are like, yeah, well, Delta lost my mother's Louis Vuitton bag. Don't tell me about struggles. Let's talk about the state of Rhode Island. Cause I'm from Massachusetts. I lived in Rhode Island for a few years and, uh, there's nothing there. It's like a boil about the state of Rhode Island, because I'm from Massachusetts. I lived in Rhode Island for a few years, and there's nothing there. It's like a boil on the ass of Massachusetts. Other than, what is it, Freeport? Is that the beautiful mansions? Freeport, Rhode Island.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Yeah. Big, beautiful mansions and shit. But they're very liberal. The disease is contagious, right? It metastasizes from Massachusetts, spreads like cancer into Rhode Island, where you get the dumbest liberals. And again, this guy's a professor, so it doesn't matter what state you're talking about. A Rhode Island professor appeared to defend...
Starting point is 00:47:40 What is that? Are you hearing that? I just heard like a police radio on my ear that was weird a rhode island professor appeared to defend the murder of a right-wing portland protester okay a professor university of rhode island professor eric loomis put a pic look at him look at him if he doesn't like cock, nobody does. Appeared to defend the murder of Aaron J. Danielson, the member of the right wing group Patriot Prayer. In 2012, this jerk off Professor Loomis came under scrutiny after he called for NRA executive Wayne LaPierre's head on a stick.
Starting point is 00:48:26 The Antichrist. You got me in a vendetta kind of mood. Why is that a big deal? Everybody on TV called for LaPierre's head on a stick. Loomis said, I know the central mission of the Republican Party is to have a membership made up of entirely old, white, rural people, he said. And when Trump heard heard that he said this which i thought was accurate now loomis is once again under fire after publishing a blog posted uh titled why was michael reinhold killed reinhold is the man suspected of fatally
Starting point is 00:49:01 shooting danielson the right winger reinhold was killed as federal authorities tried to arrest him. Michael Reinhold is the guy who killed a fascist in Portland last week. This is what the professor says. He calls the kid who got shot point blank for having a Trump, being a Trump fan, calling him a fascist. This is who's teaching your kids. This Reinhold shot a guy because of his politics, killed him, and he's calling the victim a fascist.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Let that sink in. He admitted it and said he was scared the cops would kill him. Well, now the cops have killed him, talking about Reinhold. Loomis wrote that on September 4th. He says, this is what he says. This is a professor again at Rhode Island. I am extremely anti-conspiracy theory, but it's not a conspiracy theory at this point in time to wonder if the cops simply murdered him. Hope they did. The police is shut. You just said murder's okay. So I'm saying it's OK. You get that, professor? I take it in the face. The police is shot through with fascists from stern to stern.
Starting point is 00:50:13 They were openly working with the fascists in Portland as they were in Kenosha, which led to dead protesters. This guy's calling people who are burning down, rioting for over 100 days, burning businesses. People work all their lives to build, and he's calling them the fascists, the victims. And we call him professor. In the comment section of the blog post, Juan Rita challenged Loomis by writing, Eric, he shot and killed a guy, referring to Reinhold. Loomis responded by saying, He shot and killed a guy referring to Reinhold. Loomis responded by saying he killed a fascist.
Starting point is 00:50:50 I see nothing wrong with that, at least from a moral perspective. Oh, God. He says he further added that tactically, that's a different story. But you could say the same thing about John Brown, he says. Who said that? Professor Loomis. Who the fuck said that? Professor Loomis. Who the fuck said that? Professor Loomis. Who's the timey little commoner shit twinkle-toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant?
Starting point is 00:51:13 Professor Loomis. How much you want to make a bet he hasn't been suspended or even talked to? They should put that on the board in Vegas. One reader then asked, what's so great about assassinating a rando fascist? And in the absence of a sound affirmative justification, it should be easy to envision the drawbacks. Of course, Loomis was quick to reply with, what's so great about assassinating random slaveholders, said liberals to John Brown. Oh, my God, he's got to go back to slavery. Don't say a fucking word to me.
Starting point is 00:51:42 I'll get up and I'll bury this telephone in your head. Guy is hung up on slavery. As you all know, John Brown, you know who he was, right? He's a quarterback for the Redskins that won the MVP. First black dude. But ideologically, I think, this is the professor's beacon, I think the idea that violence is good if it's against our political enemies is a core part of fascism. Well, that's what the left's beacon. I think the idea that violence is good if it's against our political enemies is a core part of fascism.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Well, that's what the left is doing. Jesus Christ, are we on different planets? What the fuck? It's a stupid, it's a stupid, so stupid.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Loomis made headlines Tuesday for another comedy made on Twitter. In response to MSNBC host Chris Hayes tweeting, Trump is objectively pro-COVID. Loomis tweeted, yeah, I mean, once Republicans figured out COVID was going to affect people of color and the poor disproportionately, they stopped caring about doing anything about it. Have you ever in your life
Starting point is 00:52:46 If I could, I'd grab this microphone and I'd beat your brains out with it because that's what you deserve. That's what you deserve. You poor bastard, Loomis. You're going to be the first one dead. Do you guys know your history? You know where we're headed, right? I mean, you just can't deny it.
Starting point is 00:53:03 And as good a president Trump is there's no stopping this train as you know ladies and gentlemen our friends and sponsors at would like to see our commander in chief Donald J. Trump get reelected
Starting point is 00:53:18 and so would I and so would you make sure to pick up a shirt or a mug and show your support for 45 here are a few of their designs. You got the MAGA shirt. Look at that. Beautiful. I think a hot lips.
Starting point is 00:53:31 You got the Space Force shirt. You got a St. Trump shirt. St. Trump shirt. You can grab by the pussy. The patron saint of snatch you got ben franklin maga shirt which is i oh that's fucking that's beautiful i like the way it's all gray and black and it's but the hat is in red that's like mema schindler's list the little girl in the red dress the rest of the movie's all black and white
Starting point is 00:54:03 i like that effect. Very good. He's getting creative. That might be my favorite one that he's done so far. I'm not kidding you. Who's he look like, though? Could be Ben Franklin or one of the Allman brothers.
Starting point is 00:54:16 Go to Check out all their gear. And when you use the promo code Nick, you get 10% off everything on the website, not just these mugs. That's and we thank them for sponsoring the show.
Starting point is 00:54:30 As you know, we have a lot of sponsors now. You know what that means? It's a good show. A Texas man is facing charges of threatening an attack on the University of Houston after, this is a good story, didn't get to it a couple days ago, he Zoom bombed an online class and praised the Islamic State group. This fucking guy. Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar!
Starting point is 00:55:04 Zoom. Ibrahim Ahmed Al-Bayati. I would throw him out of the county just based on his name. Nick, you can't judge it. Yeah, you can. And I will. Between that and his chinstrap beard and the 70 pounds of hummus he had in the back of his car. hummus he had in the back of his car abrim ahmed al-bayyadi 19 years old disrupted the lecture being held via the online conference service zoom last wednesday when he got a chance to speak
Starting point is 00:55:34 bayaddy said what does any of this have to do with the fact that uh university of houston is about to get bombed in a few days drawing gas from the other students according to the indictment he then said twice in arabic phrases that means uh the phrases mean islamic state will remain and pointed his index finger towards the sky a gesture common with islamic fundamentalism oh my god durka dur Durka, Muhammad Jihad. Haka Sherpa Sherpa. A bacalao. What did you say?
Starting point is 00:56:12 Durka, Durka, Muhammad Jihad. I just love this clip. Haka Sherpa Sherpa. A bacalao. That's what he says to the cops when he gets pulled over drinking. But he told agents it was just a joke, showing them text messages from a friend, which included a link to the Zoom class.
Starting point is 00:56:31 After he joined the class, his friend texted him, hey, say some Arabic shit and leave and leave. Oh my God, we found another Arab with a sense of humor. But investigators further searched his phone and found communications with another friend in which beati discussed recruiting supporters of islamic state which the u.s has designated as a terror organization so you're not going to see him no more bye bye take the gyros leave the gun beati discussed getting another person to pledge allegiance
Starting point is 00:57:03 to islamic state and told his friend that he was literally known as an ISIS recruiter. That was shot at red rocks colin quinn calls those that's the stuff you hear when you get in a cab in new york that's what they play colin call colin quinn calls it the the best of uh female circumcision beati was charged with two counts related to making a bomb threat against the university with a possible total of 15 years in prison. He was to appear, unless Biden gets elected, then, you know, he'll become a senator. He was to appear in federal court in Houston Tuesday afternoon. That's so he bombed a Zoom conference, right?
Starting point is 00:58:02 Which you can do that. But, you know, we bomb shit too when Middle Eastern people are doing shit, but this is how we handle it. Yeah. Yes, sir. That was their Zoom conference being bombed. Al Baghdadi
Starting point is 00:58:23 was talking a bit loud. Hmm. That was their Zoom conference being bombed. Al-Baghdadi was talking a bit loud. Anywho, in more foreign relations news, United States cancels over a thousand visas for Chinese nationals, deemed security risk. And I think they're pissed about it. I kill you. I kill you right now. Kill me. I'm right here. Kill me. Okay, I come with two chopsticks. I shove up your ass.
Starting point is 00:58:55 Two chopsticks? Come over here. Talk to me in the face. Look at some booty. Look at some booty. The United States has revoked uh for more than a thousand chinese nationals under a may 29th presidential proclamation to suspend entry to chinese students and researchers deemed security risks a state department spokesman said the acting head of the u.s department of homeland security chad wolf said earlier that washington was blocking visas for certain chinese graduate students and researchers with ties to China's military fusion strategy to prevent them from stealing and otherwise appropriating sensitive research.
Starting point is 00:59:37 At least at least he's looking out for us. The president, isn't he? Then let me look around so I can ease the UN's collective mind. Are you breaking my bars mind ah you're breaking my bars here huh you're breaking my bars in a speech wolf repeated u.s charges of unjust business practices and industrial espionage by china including attempts to steal coronavirus research and accused it of abusing student visas to exploit american academia you're really you know all the stereotypes are true you just can't trust these people. Nick, that's horrible. You can't
Starting point is 01:00:06 pay people with a broad brush. Well, since everybody's painting white men with a broad brush, I thought I'd do it back. How's it feel? You don't like it, do you? Suck it. Wolf said the United States was also preventing goods produced from slave labor from entering our markets. You should have called LeBron James to get a
Starting point is 01:00:22 report on that. Demanding that China respect their inherent dignity of each human being. An apparent reference to alleged abuses of Muslims in China's Xinjiang region. Okay? Just the facts, man. By the way, that Xinjiang region, that's where Disney just shot a movie called Milan. There's literally Uyghurs in concentration camps in that part of China. And Disney, who's always telling you how racist you are,
Starting point is 01:00:50 and we all should get along, has shot a movie there, and you should boycott it. You should boycott Disney. As the State Department spokesman said, the visa action was being taken under a proclamation President Donald Trump announced on May 29th as a part of his response to China's curbs on democracy in hong kong i love it because they're still busting hong kong's balls over they're locking people up right because they want to be
Starting point is 01:01:14 free so trump said okay two can play at that yes slanty prick what who said that trump's pissed he's had enough of these people. I'm telling you. If I had found the fucking button, then I was supposed to be there. As of September 8th, 2020, the department has revoked more than 1,000 visas of PRC nationals who were found to be subject to presidential proclamation 10043 and therefore ineligible for a visa, she said. Which means, and it's true, I went to a China Gardens restaurant
Starting point is 01:01:49 and they have a shortage of the staff. I'm just saying, ladies and gentlemen, Trump has had enough of these people. I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore. She said the ineligible high-risk graduate students and research scholars represented a small subset of Chinese coming to the United States to study and research.
Starting point is 01:02:09 I bet you it's bigger than you think, and that legitimate students and scholars would continue to be welcome. I don't really care if they are or they're not. I don't trust them. Earlier, some Chinese students enrolled in a U.S. university said they received email notices on Wednesday from the U.S. embassy in Beijing or U.S. consulates in China, informing them their visas had been canceled. Oh, that too bad. That too bad for you. Bye bye. Help me.
Starting point is 01:02:40 Help me. Many in the chat room said they were majoring in subjects such as science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Really? No lesbian studies? Some said they were postgraduates who obtained bachelor's degrees at Chinese universities with links to the People's Liberation Army. We just can't have that. Nothing for you. That's right. That is is it ladies and gentlemen a great week another great week good to have jason back at the helm raz we're gonna miss you buddy
Starting point is 01:03:11 thank you so much for what you did for us um and uh don't forget if you want me to send make a little personal video on my phone roasting one of your friends really letting them have it somebody you hate at work or i can say happy birthday to your cousin Jill, who left her bra under my bed. Anyways, that is it. You guys think, and I will say it, you're very welcome. Have a great weekend. See you back here on Monday. We'll be right back. guitar solo We'll see you next time.

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