The Nick DiPaolo Show - Trump Trashes Twitter | Nick DiPaolo Show #353

Episode Date: May 27, 2020

Mayhem in Minneapolis. Biden approves censorship. Fighting in FLA. Thank you John W. from Trudeau's Canada for your "Ask Nick!" question and for your continued support on Patreon! FREE! MONDAY - THURS...DAY 5PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 pay guys nick to follow here and uh... i want to thank you so much for supporting this show as you know people like me and you with views like ours are definitely under attack and uh... whether it's michelle malcolm made a speech last week uh... saying so and giving examples of friends of hers colleagues conservatives being booted off you to open twitter
Starting point is 00:00:24 and and and banks not giving them loans because of their political... The point is, we're under attack, and there's nowhere really in the media you can go to get the truth, but this is one of the places where you can. But we can only do it with your support. If you want to make daily contributions, you go to If you're watching me on YouTube, hit that subscribe button, the little bell below. And you could also sign up at if you want to be a monthly supporter. And if you do that, you get an extra story a day. Nobody else gets. You
Starting point is 00:00:55 get to ask me questions and you get access to our archives. And also, if you're a small business or a big business and you want to be a sponsor, you can do that at NickDipDog. But I can't think of a more crucial time. Because freedom of speech is under attack in this country, whether you know it or not. And
Starting point is 00:01:16 big tech is behind a lot of it. They control all the information. So, luckily, you have a place to come for now. I'm sure, you know, I'll have to find a platform soon. Uh, but that's what you guys like about this. I cut through the bullshit. And, uh, so we appreciate the support and, uh, hope you enjoy the show. guitar solo Oh, yeah. Raz is in the house. Where's the kid today, Raz?
Starting point is 00:02:25 With mom. With mom? Yeah. About time. Raz has got the cutest little son. Puts his headphones on. He's on that iPad working it like Bill Gates. Doesn't say boo.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Even when I say hi to him, he just looks at me and goes, who's this fool? Good to be with you, folks. How are you? I'm in kind of fucking ornery mood. The Antichrist. You got me in a vendetta kind of mood. I have Nick the Pig as a friend. Run through a motherfucker face.
Starting point is 00:02:57 That's what I say. How you doing? A lot of news today on a Wednesday. Unbelievable. The media, the left-wing media is showing its true colors. They are doing everything to steal the fucking election. We'll get to that in a second.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Between censorship on Twitter, Facebook, and all the, you know, oppressing all the right-wingers like myself, just fucking, MSNBC caught lying on camera during a live segment.
Starting point is 00:03:23 CBS playing up this cop cop thing in minneapolis just totally slanted that's the one that set me off and uh you can't talk about a story like that honestly on any network on tv you have to come here that's why this show exists. And that's how I made my name on Tough Crowd, calling the double-standard racist horseshit. And even Patrice would wink at me after the show, knowing I took him to school. He'd get me in a naked chokehold. And anyways, I have fucking had enough.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Little Uncle Junior, huh? What do you say? Guy comes home with a bouquet of flowers for his wife I guess I'll have to spread my legs now she says why he asks don't you have a vase I miss Uncle June anyways let's get
Starting point is 00:04:24 on with it huh let's get on with it, huh? Let's get on with it. Just a weird morning, by the way. Had guys come looking at my air conditioner, central air. It's acting weird. And while they're there, all of a sudden I hear screaming. A black guy and his black girlfriend in front of my house. He's in the car.
Starting point is 00:04:41 She's walking 50 feet ahead. He's saying, get in the fucking car. It was a scene right out of The Sopranos when this Italian guy was swearing at his girlfriend. I mean, I was getting nervous, man. You know what I mean? He looked over. I'm on the phone. I'm standing on my porch with the air-conditioned guy just enjoying
Starting point is 00:04:56 it. Then he was trying to give the girl a car back. He's like, you want your fucking car or not? She said, fuck that. I'm true with you, bitch. Back and forth. Entertainment. And I live on a nice quiet street. Lucky I didn't put on my fucking Arsenio Hall robe and go out there and kick some ass. I have a robe from Arsenio Hall show. That's what I walk around. Let's get to it. I, you know, Twitter, I'm still on it only because my manager says I have to be. Okay. Because he, as far as promoting and shit, I guess he's right, but I don't I'm still on it only because my manager says I have to be. Okay?
Starting point is 00:05:25 Because as far as promoting and shit, I guess he's right. But I don't like using a service that I know is fucking me in the arse. Do you know what I'm saying? They're forced censorship. Jack Dorsey's a piece of garbage. Okay? And everybody on Twitter, pretty much garbage. It's a left-wing cesspool.
Starting point is 00:05:44 It's where the people come out with their pitchforks and, you know, judge you. Isn't that funny? People judging your morality on Twitter. That's ironic in itself. Anyways, President Donald Trump on Tuesday accused Twitter of interfering in the 2020 presidential election after branding one of his tweets, tweets warning about election fraud. They labeled it false. Trump's talking about election fraud because California and a lot of other states are trying to do this mail-in thing. Anybody who knows anything, even Democrats, have agreed that there's a ton of fraud possible when you use mail-in ballots.
Starting point is 00:06:29 You don't think Newsom knows that in California. You don't think he's, that's why he's got them on lockdown, these people, till the middle of June. They want to extend this as far as they can go. And then come around election time, they're going to go, it's still too dangerous. There's a second wave of corona coming out. We better do it by mail. There's a million arguments why you shouldn't do it that way so yeah so trump put that out there and twitter slaps a label on it uh twitter unveiled their uh new uh fact check feature on a tweet from Trump early in the morning. Twitter included a link
Starting point is 00:07:06 to his tweet urging voters to, in quotes, get the facts about mail-in voting after President Trump predicted widespread voter fraud. They are saying my statement, this is Trump, you're a little ahead of me, Raz. They are saying my statement on mail-in ballots, which will lead to massive corruption and fraud, is incorrect based on fact-checking by fake news, CNN, and the Amazon Washington Post. That's who they use for fact-checking. That's who Twitter uses. CNN, who has been the fucking biggest fraud for I don't know how many years in the Washington Post, who hates Trump more than anybody,
Starting point is 00:07:47 paper owned by Bezos. Twitter's completely stifling free speech, and I, as president, will not allow that to happen, he said. It's about fucking time. The president has frequently
Starting point is 00:08:04 warned tech companies for censoring conservatives like me they've had me at the same number of followers for over a year now on social media and unfairly treating republicans but he's also tried to work with twitter uh ceo uh you know the very gay jack dorsey please give me a call Get your own cock. What am I, a bitch? That guy's evil, man. Just letting this shit go on. Yeah, so Trump's had enough. He's actually threatening
Starting point is 00:08:37 to go after him legally or whatever. I don't know how that would work because obviously Twitter, private company, they make their own rules and whatnot,. I don't know how that would work because obviously Twitter, private company, they make their own rules and whatnot, but they don't market themselves that way. Like Facebook, oh, we're a neutral platform. We just provide a space for you guys to exchange your ideas. You think they would ever put something up when Obama, you know, a tweet with Obama, I guess this is new what they're doing, but with a little link going, look at, he's lying.
Starting point is 00:09:02 tweet with Obama. I guess this is new what they're doing, but with a little link going. Look at, he's lying. He voiced an opinion about how he feels about mail-in ballots and how it's very susceptible to fraud. Just his opinion. They're deciding what's hate speech.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Do you understand? Wake up out there! Twitter adds a warning label, fact-checking Trump's false. He's had fucking Trump, has had enough, man. I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore. So they did it for a couple things. First, him speaking about mail-in ballots. And then on the heels of a furor over Trump's tweets accusing MSNBC host Joe Scarborough of murder. Twitter has quietly
Starting point is 00:09:46 begun to fact check the president again, using great sources like CNN and the Washington Post, a new label prompting Twitter users to get the facts about mail-in ballots appeared, which I just told you on a series of tweets. But now they're upset because he's talking about, as you know, Joe Scarborough, hillbilly I. Scarborough, years ago when he was a Republican congressman, a young woman died in one of his offices or whatever. And I guess they ruled that she either had a heart problem or seizure, passed out, hit her head. They found her dead the next morning and shit. And some people accusing of foul play, Joe Scarborough, whatever. The point is nobody really knows.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Oh, because the left says that's been totally disproven. He still has a fucking right to put a theory out there. You're going to come after me because I think Kennedy fucking wasn't killed by Oswald? I mean, he has a right to voice whether you think it's wacky or not. You know what I mean? That's like me and you arguing, Raz, about Ali or whoever's the greatest fighter. And I said, no, I'll say whatever.
Starting point is 00:10:49 I like Tommy Hearn. You're going to fact-check my opinion? It's just an opinion by Trump. They're going to put up all these facts and shit. Nobody knows. See, the woman who died, her family, the husband who was married to the woman said, please, Mr. Trump, take it down.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Sorry, that's not how the world works. I know it brings up bad feelings and whatnot. And here's my other point about this. Joe Scarborough sits there every day with a platform on a cable news network and been lying about Trump for three years.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Depending on what day you catch him. All kinds of horseshit. Remember collusion with Russia? All kinds of shit. So I'm like Trump. You fight fire with, go ahead, keep spreading lies about me, and I'm going to do this. Oh, you're the president. You're above that.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Fuck that. Keep going after the media. Keep calling them on their bullshit, regardless of whose feelings get hurt. Scarborough, you want a fucking war? Ugh. Good for you, President. In a statement to TechCrunch, a Twitter spokesman said the pair of tweets from the president contained potentially misleading information about voting processes and have been labeled to provide additional context around mail-in ballots he's not the problem you're the problem you doctor why onking jam rag arkin spunk bubble
Starting point is 00:12:16 i'm telling you h you keep looking at me i'm gonna put you in the ground i promise you not this time clicking through the new prompt from uh Twitter brings users to a fact-checking page debunking the president's false claims. With a header that says, Trump makes unsubstantiated claim that mail-in ballots will lead to voter fraud. How is that unsubstantiated? Well, there's been a ton of evidence. Illegals voted for Christ's sake in California in the last election. There's a ton of evidence. Illegals voted for Christ's sake in California in the last election. There's a ton of evidence. They bundle.
Starting point is 00:12:50 You know the whole story. One person, a third person gets involved. They go door to door. They knock on people who never voted before, explain to them how it works, tells them how to vote. A third party can gather 1,000 ballots and just drop them off nobody knows who's it's there's people on the left who agree so on that this is unsubstantiated why can't i say too much coffee uh yeah so they're deciding what's true and what's not just like facebook is going to tell
Starting point is 00:13:23 you what it's hate speech and what's not. Just like Facebook is going to tell you what's hate speech and what's not. Please wake up out there. Get the fuck off Facebook. That goes for kids. It was originally created to fucking get pussy at Harvard. Even though I don't think what's his name likes girls. Unbelievable. The page also offers a summary of the issue with bullet points providing context
Starting point is 00:13:48 for the misleading tweets and links to stories by cnn the hill and the washington post and other news sources what does that tell you still the prompt itself stops short of calling they don't even have the balls to call the tweet trump's tweets uh incorrect or misleading. Instead, opting for neutral language. Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Reacting to Twitter's decision to label two of his tweets, Trump attacked the company late Tuesday in tweets. He accused Twitter of interfering with the
Starting point is 00:14:15 2020 presidential election. It's not just them. It's Google too, Mr. President. You're really fighting an uphill battle, I'll tell you. Repeated his debunked claims that mail-in voting... Anyways, the president's right on the goddamn money it's disgusting what twitter does and the rest of them i i i more twitter uh in the news the guy the guy listen to this this is gonna fucking you're gonna this is the guy that's in charge of fact checking at twitter wait till you hear this the twitter official responsible for the platform's fact
Starting point is 00:14:52 checking policy has tweeted that members of the trump administration are nazis oh you're breaking new ground with that one shithead among other false and inflammatory statements on the platform you snotty little bastard the kid's name we have a picture of him my yole roth yoel a yole roth um gay and jewish so gee i wonder how he voted um whose official job title is head of site integrityy fucking defined. Explain the platform's new policy in a May 11th blog post on misleading information on coronavirus. In serving the public conversation, our goal is to make it easy to find credible information on Twitter and to limit the spread of potentially harmful and misleading content is what this fucking kid says. I just don't. I'm not buying it. You're lying.
Starting point is 00:15:48 And you're a piece of shit. So again, they're the experts. They're the experts on coronavirus too. What's information, what's disinformation? When Trump already exposed the World Health Organization and China working in cahoots. Again, both sides of the aisle agree on that, but not Twitter. Twitter's going to tell you what's real, what's not.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Twitter appears to have applied that policy to a broader category of assertions, moving beyond COVID-19 to President Trump's claim on Tuesday about the vote by mail, which would lead to fraud. Subsequently, Twitter slapped a get-the-facts label on Trump's tweets and voter fraud. And but I want to get to the part where this kid critics on Twitter ironically pointed out that Roth's own tweets include exactly the kind of misleading and abusive content the Twitter policy purports to limit. Roth has also defended his use of the homophobic slur fag on the Twitter platform. But he said it in a positive way because he's gay. Fucking believable.
Starting point is 00:16:54 I suck cock and I love it. Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy. As Breitbart News alum Bakari reported, Tuesday's intervention is believed to be the first time that a company has used a fact-checking label on one of Trump's tweets. It's not clear why Twitter chose a tweet about voting by mail. Do we have the kid, all his hateful tweets, Raz? Look at this. Every time a cute boy uses an Android phone, I die inside. Is the new, every time a cute boy tells me he's a Republican, I die inside.
Starting point is 00:17:26 You die inside their ass. Yo. Who better, who better, huh, to be a fact checker than a gay guy, a real lib. They don't have too many issues with the world. I'm just saying, we fly, talking about, he's talking about the Midwest. I'm just saying we fly over those states that voted for a racist tangerine for a reason. This is the guy they use to tell you what is right and what is wrong, what's allowed. Jesus H. Any more? More from Yoel. Yoel. Today I meet the press.
Starting point is 00:18:03 We're speaking with Joseph Goebbels about the first 100 days. What I hear whenever Kellyanne is on a news show. Oh, Kellyanne Conway he's talking about. How does a personality-free bag of farts like Mitch McConnell actually win elections? Because he's smarter than the cunt Nancy Pelosi and all the idiots you vote for? That's how. What is this? More.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Good job, Russ. The, you are, the, in quotes, you are not the right kind of feminist backlash to yesterday's marches has begun. Did we learn nothing from this election? Yes, that person in the pink hat is clearly a bigger threat to your brand of feminism than actual Nazis in the White House.
Starting point is 00:18:44 One more. What's non-sequitur mean? Do I look it up in a fagged English dictionary? Oh, what if Trump said that, y'all? You think he'd flag that? You come guzzler. Oh, another one? Somebody said,
Starting point is 00:18:59 tranny is a despicable word that denigrates our brothers and sisters and you shouldn't use it. Y'all said, I disagree. Trans is a category worth being linguistically destabilized in the same way we did gay with fag. Guy's a fucking bigot and a cocksucker and a liar. Gee, I wonder how he got the job with Jack Doyle.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Fucking disgust. Yeah. This is the shit. This is how she's talking. Fox News. I see the numbers go through the roof. Speaking of sponsors, we have a new one today.
Starting point is 00:19:40 And this episode is sponsored by Immunologic. At the end of the day, does anything really feel better than a nice clearing dump? I've had my share of digestion issues. It's always miserable. You know me. I can't stop cooking. I did it again last night. Laying there, I went in the fridge.
Starting point is 00:20:00 What did I find? Two stalks of rhubarb left from my pie. An apple and a pear. I cut them up, threw them in a ramekin like a super gay chef, put a nice crunch on top, ate that like a fucking 18-year-old's ass. Anyways, their product, our new sponsor, Immunologicologic has a product from uh it's made from natural multivitamins minerals and amino acids called aloferox whole leaf capsules aloferox whole leaf uh the world's most remarkable constipation remedy although it's not been
Starting point is 00:20:40 approved by the fda it works in just days to effectively clear parasites, worms, and other pathogens from the bowel. It also helps the liver with normal bile flow and is a weight loss remedy. I'm going to definitely, you know, I eat a lot of pizza and bread and it blocks me till next week. Seriously, if you've been constipated before, you know how great it is once things start working again like they should. Every time I fly, I get blocked up. Immunologic is a Texas based company and you can find all the info on allofurox whole leaf on their website at That's I'll spell it for you. I-M-M-U-N-O-L-O-G-I-C D-O-T as in dot net
Starting point is 00:21:30 that's we thank them for sponsoring the show today great to have them aboard definitely a product I'm going to be using Joe Biden opened his hole after saying that he was going to beat himself biden talking about he says twitter should say when things are patently not true what are we
Starting point is 00:21:55 doing what's going on right now and who knows more about patently true statement uh patently i should say untrue statements in joe biden during an interview broadcast on tuesday's edition of cnn's situation room democratic presidential candidate former vice president joe biden argued that when things are patently not true such as trump's recent tweets about msnbc host joe scarborough look they put, Ian Hanchett wrote this. They put their opinion right in there. That's your opinion, Ian. Nobody really knows. And the death of Gloria Colossus,
Starting point is 00:22:31 that's the girl that died. One of Scarborough's interns during his time in Congress. Yeah, Patton says that, Biden says that, yeah, we should let Twitter decide what's true and what's not. You smug cocksucker.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Fuck you. CNN chief political correspondent Dana Bash asked Biden, the president spends a lot of time, especially this past weekend, tweeting some pretty outlandish comments. That's not, see, Dana Bash, that's not your job as a journalist to throw in outlandish. You let the people at home decide. You fucking idiot. Play Joe Biden voicing his opinion. Some pretty outlandish comments, retweeting others, things like conspiracy theories, suggesting his critics committed murder. Do you think social media companies like Twitter should take action
Starting point is 00:23:26 against the president? I'm of the view that social media companies have to re-examine whether or not, for example, if you put something out saying that same outlandish thing that the president thinks a talk show host on a cable committed murder. I mean, you say there's no evidence for that at all. Zero. So should Twitter do something? Should they take action? Yay. You smug cocksucker. Fuck you. Yay. Our next presidential nominee from the Democrat Party is for censorship. Yay, Joe Biden. How about you finger popping your intern about 30 years
Starting point is 00:24:13 ago, huh? Plenty of evidence of that being true, but you want that swept under the rug, you fucking hypocritical. You're not even black, Joe. Shoeless Joe Biden. That's all. There's the new Joe. Shoeless Joe Biden. That's all. There's the new nickname. Shoeless Joe Biden thinks he's black.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Only thing black of the fucking tomb is in his brain. Cheesy. More news on big tech fucking people over like myself. YouTube is automatically deleting, listen to this, comments that contain certain Chinese language phrases related to criticism of the country's ruling communist party, the CCP.
Starting point is 00:24:58 They're protecting the Chinese communist party. The company confirmed to The Verge this was happening in error and that it was looking into the fucking issue. Danger, Will Robinson. Danger. No, Will Robinson. Danger. This appears to be an error
Starting point is 00:25:17 in our enforcement systems and we are investigating, said a YouTube spokesman. The company did not elaborate on how or why this error came to be, but said it was not the result of any change in its uh moderation uh policy who's that who spokesman a spokesman comments left oh do we have this for us the chinese writing
Starting point is 00:25:46 comments left on the videos or live streams that contain the words that means communist bandit or 50 cent party are automatically deleted in around 15 seconds, though their English language translations and Romanized opinion equivalents are not. The terms of insult that dates back to China's nationalist government, while, or Wu Mao, is a derogatory slang term for internet users
Starting point is 00:26:20 paid to direct online discussion away from criticism of the CCP. The name comes from claims that such comments are paid 50 Chinese cents per post. 50 cent means... That's how you say 50 cent. These phrases seem to have been accidentally added to YouTube's comment filters. Yeah, accidentally added. Suck a bag of cheese, which automatically removes spam and offensive text. The comments are removed too quickly for human moderation and are deleted,
Starting point is 00:26:59 even if the banned phrases are used positively. The accidental censorship is even more puzzling considering that YouTube is currently blocked in China, giving its parent company, Google, even less reason to censor comments critical of the CCP. That's how thickest thieves they are and what they believe in, okay? Even though China's saying,
Starting point is 00:27:22 fuck you, we're not going to use your services right now, they're still sucking up to him. How much proof do you need? People are disgusting. You fucking people. You have no idea how to defend a nation. The automatic deletion of these phrases was highlighted on Tuesday by U.S. technologist and former Oculus founder Palmer Luckey on Twitter. But earlier reports of the issue date back to the middle of May
Starting point is 00:27:50 when they were spotted by human rights activist Jennifer Zhang. As mentioned above, though, The Verge also found complaints on YouTube's official help pages dated October of 2019. That's how long this is. Oh, but we were going to correct it. We must have just missed it. October of 2019. That's how long this is. Oh, but we were going to correct it. We must have just missed it. But here's the real rub.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Google has frequently been criticized for accommodating the wishes of the Chinese Communist Party by censoring content. Most notably, it created a prototype, and we reported on this a couple of years ago on the show, a search engine known as Project Dragonfly that complied with Chinese state censorship. The project, which was never deployed, is part of the company's long-running struggles to enter the Chinese market. And it's questionable whether it was deployed or not. They're still working on it.
Starting point is 00:28:40 They're waiting on it. Can you imagine they're sucking up to the Chinese? Even when China says, no, we're blocking you right now. We'll still protect you, just like LeBron James was sucking China's dick and everybody else. This country sold out to China. The idiots have been running this country the last 30 years, sold us out. Now we have to get, they start a plague or a pandemic. We have to get the medicine from them.
Starting point is 00:29:04 And that had nothing to do with Trump. That was the past four administrations. Yes, Raz. Speaking of sellouts. Speaking of sellouts, what the hell does that mean? Oh, pay drunk. John W. Trudeau's Canada. Nick, since most of us likely gained
Starting point is 00:29:21 a few pounds during the faggy isolation. I don't like that type of language, Sean. How many pounds do you think Hillary has gained during isolation? I don't know. How many calories in a vagina? I heard she slaps fucking cake icing on it. I'd say 50.
Starting point is 00:29:43 All on her ankles. You kidding me? That tub of lard never got off the couch. Even when she was supposed to be running for president, remember? She should have been in Wisconsin that night. She's laying on the couch with an IV of lasagna in her forearm. Fat buck.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Good question, John. Canadians must really get fat. They have that poutine up there we call it disco fries it's french fries with melted cheese and gravy ever have those res aye aye aye it's it's what killed bb king i think there are no ugly girls in montreal i'll just say that much. We've been there many times. Even the fat ones know how to dress nice. They don't have the dents in their legs. It's so fucking weird. Even their big legs are like fucking dentless.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Poutine. Hey, guys. On yesterday's show, I did a few stories about all the Joe Biden gaffes. And then after the show, our friends at, they jumped all over it because they're right on top of the show. They sent over these two anti-Biden shirts. Check these out. My producer's fucking having a bad week. Hell no.
Starting point is 00:31:05 How's that Joe? It's a nice color, though. Creepy, no, creepy, sleepy Joe. You can get him in black and white. My question, I wouldn't use, that's actually a good picture of him. He looks sane. What do you have with his eyes closed sitting on the toilet?
Starting point is 00:31:23 But they make the T-shirts out of that nice soft stuff they're really good both these shirts are under 20 bucks and as always you can get them at the and remember you get 10 off all items on the website by using the promo code nick that's the and we thank them for sponsoring the show they've been very uh reliable for us um now let's get to the big controversial story once again in america because you know you live in the most racist country and the cops are out to get young black men and shit uh the black man who died after being pinned down by minneapolis
Starting point is 00:31:57 police has been identified as george floyd we all watch the horrific death of george of floyd on video as uh witnesses beg the police officers to take him to the police car and get off his neck. Benjamin Crump, he's a race baiter, an attorney for Floyd's family, said in a statement. Now, I'm going to try to keep my cool here, OK? And I'm not defending what happened as far as the actions of the cops or whatnot. But I have to make a few salient points since this happens every year or so or every couple of years. And I have to make some points. Let's show the video first. I will get up, get in the car right I can't okay once again the video starts
Starting point is 00:32:51 after the cops we never see what precipitates the fucking thing ever and that's just how it is you know and again I'm not defending the cops here my problem with this whole story is how the media handles it okay we'll get to Gayle King in a second
Starting point is 00:33:12 the FBI Minnesota state authorities are investigating the incident the lack of humanity in this disturbing video is seconding Governor Tom Walz said on Twitter Tuesday. We will get answers and seek justice. Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Fry called the video traumatic. For the better part of the night, I've been trying to find the words to describe what happened. And and all I keep coming back to is that he should not have died. Nobody wants somebody to die like this. But can I just say this without being called a racist or a fucking bigot? And you can't argue
Starting point is 00:33:51 this, OK, because they're comparing it to the Eric Garner. Remember the black guy in Staten Island get choked out by the cops and all the other incidents like this. If they just obeyed the cops orders they'd still be alive today case fucking close he resisted arrest doesn't mean i'm saying he should be dead but if he did what the cops said and listened instead of resisting and again you don't see what he did because you do, he'd still be alive. Okay? Yeah, it's a tragedy. But again, this is my fucking beef is how the media covers these things. Okay? So this is, you know, it's a real shitstorm. And as Raz pointed out, Minneapolis is like the heart of Black Lives Matter or whatever.
Starting point is 00:34:44 So I don't know if this is from yesterday or today, but we've got some rioting going on. Here's a little bit of footage of what's going on. Good old USA. USA. Gayle King gets emotional over racially charged incidents involving black men. This, you know, this story, obviously, this was yesterday on CBS in the morning, CBS This Morning. And the incident where the white woman, the Karen, as you know, we can call white women nickname for them, you know, the Karen's. Remember, she was accusing a black guy in the park. She was walking her dog and whatever. Those two things they showed on this morning CBS. And Gayle King gets emotionally upset.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Let's show that clip. I'm still so upset, Vlad. I'm so sorry. I'm still so upset by that last story where the man is handcuffed underneath a car where people are pleading, please, he can't breathe. And we're watching a man die. So we go from that story now to this story where she falsely accuses a black man on television. I mean, I don't even know what to do or how to handle this at this particular time. I know that this is, I'm speechless. I'm really, really speechless about what we're seeing on television this
Starting point is 00:36:16 morning. It feels to me like an open season and that it's just not sometimes a safe place to be in this country for black men and today not safe this country's not safe for young black men really okay let me ask you something gail and c and CBS this morning, since, you know, young black men are just victims and it's not safe. First of all, the woman we showed the video yesterday of the white woman, the Karen, you know, saying getting on her phone with the cops. The guy was a birdwatcher, black guy from Harvard, by the way, her. I hate Karen's. I lived in Westchester and they do exist. Okay. But, but, but so she got fired. She got, let's start with this one. She got fired for saying
Starting point is 00:37:12 it's an African man threatening me, blah, blah, blah, blah. They terminate her job, which is fucking ridiculous to me. It's an overreaction. If you want to suspend her for two weeks or whatever, what damage can I ask you, what damage did that black guy suffer by her doing that? Is his life affected in any way from here on out? She gets canned. That's an overreaction, even though she's a douche. I agree. It's freaking ridiculous.y cooper is her name told cnn she wanted to publicly apologize to everyone she's been placed on administrative leave and
Starting point is 00:37:53 then franklin templeton that's her employer and his investment firm uh we take these matters very seriously and we do not condone racism of any kind. Later on Tuesday, Franklin Templeton confirmed Amy Cooper got canned. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired.
Starting point is 00:38:13 You're fired. You're fired. Which again is an overreaction to me. That guy suffered no frigging damages, but this is the country we live in. Now, let me ask you, Gayle King, you're so upset and it's open season on Blitz. We've heard that. Did you get upset when Tessa Majors, the girl that went to Barnard College, her right there, this is what, December of 2019, was stabbed to death, surrounded by four black teenagers.
Starting point is 00:38:40 A 13-year-old stabbed her to death trying to steal her phone and shit. She had the gall to fight back. Did you cry on CBS this morning? I'm sure you reported it because it was right in New York. You couldn't ignore it where you work. But did you bawl your eyes out? And how about the ex-bouncer, Daryl Littlejohn? These are just a few.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Murdering this young student. Raping and murdering her. And leaving her on the side of her wrapped in tape. She was 24 years old. A Met St. Guion. Graduate student. Okay? Did you ball your eyes out? Huh? Well, how about the jogger from Central Park? This beautiful woman, Karina Vetrano. Her dad was an ex-cop or whatever, a retired cop. Staten Island. She went for a jog one morning, never came back. She was killed by this guy, Chanel Lewis, and sexually assaulted and left face down, clothes ripped off. How about the central park jogger years ago um
Starting point is 00:39:46 really but it's young black men that that should be scared of everybody it's such a crock of shit how about jesse jackson's quote years ago he was in dc walking to a bank at night to an atm and he had a group of people behind him he's nervous young guy and he looked over his shoulder and he he said i was ashamed to be relieved that it had a group of people behind him he was nervous young guy and he looked over his shoulder and he said I was ashamed to be relieved that it was a bunch of white kids okay which most of us would have been relieved why is that we we never talk about that these cops deal with this shit every day and you guys come out with your cameras after the action has started and they're trying to do their job and again I'm not trying to i don't condone you i'm not trying to defend um
Starting point is 00:40:29 they you know whatever tase them or whatever but but the way you report on it they cherry pick the narrative the mainstream they've been doing it for 30 years. Painting this country as racist. But don't give me the shit young black men are under siege. Unless you start crying every time a white girl is assaulted in Central Park. When I lived in New York, I fucking every day I read shit like that. Girl jogging a couple years ago before I came down here. Upper west side along the Hudson River. Raped.
Starting point is 00:41:04 When we start covering stories like that, when the mainstream media starts covering stories like that with the same vigor that they do when the victim is black, then we'll get some context of what's going on. But black culture, you have to take a look in the mirror at your young men. And they are wild, not all of them, but because they're born out of wedlock, illegitimacy rates like through the roof. That hasn't changed forever. No male figure in the house, no male role model.
Starting point is 00:41:33 So let's not fucking ignore all that. But my God, not to mention what white people are what? Almost, what is it, 25 times more likely to be a victim of black crime? So let's not paint them as the fucking victims here. Cops are just trying to do the job and they fuck up. But again, that's not, that's, I'm irate
Starting point is 00:41:54 the way it's covered. Because they've been doing this for 30 years, the media. Like, they want to fuck a race war. They want us at each other's throats. Anyways, I just, I got so, when I read that and saw the clip of Gayle King, it just fucking infuriated me. Oh, here's something. The man charged in cruel New York City rape was freed in two prior assault cases this year.
Starting point is 00:42:23 Okay? Once again, evidence that the justice system is so racist. You're raping me! This is rape! This is rape! This is rape! A Brooklyn man accused of attacking a woman
Starting point is 00:42:35 so viciously that he left her in a vegetative state had been charged in two prior assaults this year, but was twice freed without bail. Frankie Harris, 38, and all you hear is how racist the justice system is, allegedly put a 64-year-old woman in a chokehold for three minutes, pulled her to the ground, and raped her on May 18th in Harlem. But his crime spree allegedly began about three months earlier when cops busted Harris in Harlem in February for slapping a woman's buttocks. was arraigned uh two days later on
Starting point is 00:43:06 one count of each of forcible touching and sex abuse and justice gerald lebovitz set bail at ten thousand dollar bond over five thousand dollar cash but on february 11th another bail hearing was held before justice althea drysdale i should have pulled up the picture, at the request of the defense, and she ordered Harris to be freed from jail and instead participate in a supervised release program. Fucking judges. Rez, can we find a picture of her? Althea, whatever, what's her name? Can we find a picture of her? Althea, whatever. What's her name?
Starting point is 00:43:46 Althea Drysdale. Listen to this. It goes on. Less than two weeks later, cops nabbed Harrison Brooklyn after he allegedly violently attacked several strangers on the L train platforms
Starting point is 00:43:56 at the Jefferson Street and Morgan Ave stations. Harris allegedly spit on and hit a mother and threatened to kill her as her terrified kids five and three watched in horror. He then slugged a man in the face and spit on a second man as he barked Puerto Rican faggot. There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind.
Starting point is 00:44:19 See, these don't even get reported. These don't make national news and local news. It makes page eight in the poll. You know why? Because it happens all the time. It's not even get reported. These don't make national news and local news. It makes page eight in the poll. You know why? Because it happens all the time. It's not even fucking news. He was arranged two days later on 16 charges, including third degree assault as a hate crime, aggravated harassment, endangering the welfare of child,
Starting point is 00:44:36 menacing and resisting arrest. Gets it, gets worse. Judge Hillary Jingle released him without bail, ordered him to participate in another supervised release program. Such a racist system. A spokesman for the Brooklyn DA's office said none of the charges qualify for bail under the new bail reforms. Nice going, Judge Hillary. Blood's on your hands. You fucking whore.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Blood's on your hands and the other one, Althea. Prosecutors said at his arraignment Tuesday, the victim was expected to die within days. This is the recent one. He put one woman in a vegetative state and this one here is going to die in a few days. Charged with attempted murder, rape, and strangulation. Now listen to this. Judge Gingold was clearly following the law, said OCA spokesman Lucian Chalpin. And he also said Justice Drysdale was within her discretion to make that bail determination. You're out of order. You're out of order. You're out of order. The whole trial is out of order.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Yes, it was. Yes, they had discretion in both these cases, but that doesn't mean it's right and they should use it. Do you know what I mean? Oh, she did the right thing under the law. No. Maybe under the law, but how about fucking ethically?
Starting point is 00:46:14 How do these fucking judges still fucking walk around? That happened to your sister or my sister or whatever the fuck? You wouldn't find out where this judge lived? Sickening i forgot to even show the clips about the all the young black men that are so afraid of cops and we we had footage of uh last summer in new york them throwing milk and why yeah this is how afraid they are. Ah! Oh, s***!
Starting point is 00:46:47 Ah, they got milked on! Yeah. Or this. Cops trying to make an arrest. Hit with a bucket in their head. New tonight. Outrage among... Boy, they look scared, don't they?
Starting point is 00:47:04 They look frightened of the cops. It's open season. Anyways, I want to thank contributors because you guys keep this show alive. You can go to, make daily contributions, or go to and sign up as a monthly subscriber. I want to thank one-time contributors, Brian Stevens, California, Michael Tripp, Utah, Daniel Meadows, Texas, John Anderson, Texas, Lyle Trado, Michigan, time uh contributors brian stevens california michael trip utah daniel meadows texas john
Starting point is 00:47:26 anderson texas lyle uh trado michigan forrest miller washington geriatric fart australia craig goodmanson washington timothy hopper mississippi and then we get a couple new patreon subscribers joshua sewell and velletier. Thank you guys so much. As you know, we need the contributions. And keep an eye out if you subscribe to this show, because I'm getting some notes from my YouTube followers saying, all of a sudden, I'm unsubscribed to your show. So that we're dealing with that too but keep voting democrat out there no no no no in our fla segment tonight nice going raz baby see how smooth that was this is entitled there is a clip a normal day at daytona beach on this memorial day weekend now i
Starting point is 00:48:23 look i'm four and I sided with, remember the party we showed a couple last week? 300, what was that, like 2,000 black people? 3,000? And they're like me. They're like, it's not fucking, this disease, we're being played. We're going to go out and party.
Starting point is 00:48:39 But then they started throwing bottles and shit at the cops. That's where they fucking lost me. But this is just Memorial Day weekend. I know we call white women who are entitled Karens. What do we call young black girls who get crazy after a few purple dranks at the beach? Huh?
Starting point is 00:48:56 I call them Taniquas. But I find this shit kind of sexy because some of these girls are pretty hot that are beating each other up let's take a look oh the guys are standing around oh Ooh, the guy's just standing around. Ooh. Oh, damn. Still fight like, girl. Hey, everybody.
Starting point is 00:49:37 We're all going to get laid. Oh, there's a fat white bride in there. Of course. Goodness gracious. That girl's cute. Leave her alone. Oh, a couple of guys. It's the quiet Memorial Day weekend.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Come on, folks. You can't. I'm glad that you fucking. Well, actually, Florida, the beach, folks. You can't. I'm glad that you fucking, well, actually, Florida the beach is open. They weren't really breaking any bands and shit, but you know, you got to fucking behave
Starting point is 00:50:11 or you're going to give the left, the people who wear face masks in their car, all the ammunition. But those are Taniquas, like Karen's. Those are Taniquas. Make me a sandwich.
Starting point is 00:50:22 Make me a fucking sandwich. In our shut up and make me a sandwich make me a fucking sandwich in our shut up and make me a sandwich segment jesus christ oh my god i wouldn't bang her with rachel maddow's cock that's kathy griffin that's her after years of plastic surgery too she looks like a fucking a featherweight from the UFC. From Ireland. Goodness gracious, Heloise. Why is she back on the news?
Starting point is 00:50:52 Oh, here's what she said. Stabbing Trump with a syringe containing nothing but air inside would do the trick, is what she said. I don't really like this, bro. Please give me a cup. No, thank you. That's actually a threat, by the way. I wonder if she's going to get re- Reacting to a tweet from CNN White House correspondent Jim, I take it in the mouth, Acosta, which said,
Starting point is 00:51:15 Trump pondered whether or not he should be given an insulin regimen at the White House diabetes event on Tuesday. The comedian, Kathy Griffin, she said on Twitter, syringe with nothing but air inside it would do the trick. Fuck Trump, is what she said. He's a little whore and a little piece of trash. That's putting it mildly.
Starting point is 00:51:38 Griffin stirred controversy, you remember, three years ago when she held up a bloody prop of Trump's severed head in a photo. Which she thought would help a career. Actually, almost ended it. But she's still around, obviously. She got a visit from the Secret Service when she did that, so she should get another one. In a response to a Washington Examiner tweet for this report, which noted that the stabbing someone with a syringe filled with air could be fatal, Griffin said she sure did advocate for the president to be stabbed with one such
Starting point is 00:52:06 device. Guess she's trying to get some gigs. Not much is happening for her. Griffin ended her quote tweet with hashtag Trump lied. People died. A common social media hashtag used by the president's critics blaming him for a poor response to the coronavirus. They have to put that in there, you know, coronavirus response that is tied to nearly 100,000 deaths in the U.S. They have to put that in there, too. Yeah, that's on Trump's fucking. Aye, aye, aye. Put that picture on the bottle of fucking household cleaners to induce vomiting.
Starting point is 00:52:47 Jesus H. Eloise. Finally tonight, we can't get the Chinese people out of the news. These people are fucking relentless. This might be the funniest one of the fucking day. This is the headline, ladies and gentlemen. the funniest one of the fucking day. This is the headline, ladies and gentlemen. Chinese man, 68,
Starting point is 00:53:07 has a chopstick stuck in his belly after inserting it in his ass. I kill you. I'm not making that up. Kill me. I'm right here. Kill me. Okay, I come with two chopsticks. I shove up your ass.
Starting point is 00:53:19 Two chopsticks? Come over here. Talk to me in the face. That's a booty. I guess the guy nicked him over. I don't know what happened on the second chopstick. 68-year-old Chinese man has had a chopstick lodged in his belly after sticking it into his rear out of curiosity.
Starting point is 00:53:38 He's a fag. Doctors made the shocking discovery during an X-ray scan after the man had gone to a hospital for severe abdominal pain. We have a picture of the x-ray, Raz? A video. Oh, we got video. Even better. It's up in his fucking chest.
Starting point is 00:54:01 This guy's saying this crazy motherfucker finished broccoli and chicken and then stuck chopstick up his ass. We cannot believe. Ha ha. We think he gay. I never see nothing like it. I don't see how. A 10-inch chopstick.
Starting point is 00:54:20 I try once with spork. I try once with spork. Patient has been discharged from the hospital after medics removed the metal stick. Oh, my God. Metal chopsticks from the pensioner's intestines. Guys on a pension sitting home watching Maury sticking chopsticks. Media reports did not specify the chopsticks length, but the Chinese cutlery is typically about 10 inches long god i love 10 inches footage seven and a half would be perfect those operations dangerous footage released by
Starting point is 00:54:57 it says footage released by shows nice typing uh the long chopsticks stuck in the patient's belly it can even be seen moving up and down slightly as the resident breathes. The elderly man visited a hospital in Xiangyang, Hubei province of central China on April 22nd after he suffered severe pains, abnormal pains. An unnamed doctor told the press. A duty doctor gave him an x-ray scan. We spotted a metal object in the patient's ass.
Starting point is 00:55:36 During the surgery, we removed a metal chopstick from his colon. The elderly resident confessed to the medics that he was using the stick to check his hemorrhoids out of curiosity. As you know, I had hemorrhoids so bad I had surgery, okay? Not once did I stick cutlery up my ass. Maybe some fresh produce. Listen listen i can't believe
Starting point is 00:56:06 hemorrhoids also known as piles are swollen veins located around the lower part of the anus and rectum makes me hungry uh as of this patient he inserted a metal chopstick from anus to a deep position in his colon the doctor it It's very, very rare, he says. Just the way he likes his fucking pork chow mein. Fucking believable. I kill you. I kill you right now. Kill me. I'm right here. Kill me. Okay, I come with two
Starting point is 00:56:38 chopsticks. I shove up your anus. Two chopsticks? Come over here. Talk to me in the face. Zacka some booty. That's what the doctor said when he looked at the x-ray. Zucka some booty. That is it for today, folks. We covered everything.
Starting point is 00:56:53 The fucking lying left in this. I hope Trump goes to war with Twitter. Fucking pass an executive order. You're all out of business till after the election. Lying fucks. Just trying to steal it. That is it, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you guys so much again for donating at or
Starting point is 00:57:10 Don't forget if you want me to send a little video roasting one of your friends or relatives or saying happy birthday to mama. I can make or break the day. And I've got a couple waiting for me. I'd love to do them. Just sit in my front porch, smoking a cigarette, talk right into the thing. You tell me a little bit about the person. Some of these don't get specific enough.
Starting point is 00:57:31 You're like, his name is Bob. He's got a blue shirt and drives a Taurus. I'm like, okay, the fuck am I, a magician? That is it. Remember, you think it, I will say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here tomorrow. Have a good day, everybody. guitar solo I'm out.

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