The Nick DiPaolo Show - Unequal Justice under the Law | Nick Di Paolo Show #525

Episode Date: April 15, 2021

BLM rallies in front of white soldier's home. Ashli Babbitt's killer faces no charges. Project Veritas releases part two of CNN sting....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 All righty. How are you, folks? Welcome to the final day of the week, for us at least. A lot going on. Boy, is this country on the precipice of the week, for us at least. A lot going on. Boy, is this country on the precipice of I don't know what. I don't know what, but get your ammo now. Somebody is itching for a civil war, a race war. It's just so goddamn obvious whoever's pulling the strings should be very happy with the progress they're making as far as pitting us against each other.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Unfortunately, there's enough idiot people, mostly who vote Democrat, that buy into all the shit. And they haven't picked up on the fact that the fucking media does that to make money. Ratings go through the roof. To what end? What do they think, these people who are making money in the media, that their houses aren't going to burn in this thing? Fucking Don Lemon, you'll be the first one whose throat's cut, hopefully. You really think you're their fucking allies.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Anyways, there's been so much shit going. You know how many cops have been killed already this year? Did I hear this right? Is it 60 or 80? Somewhere in that range? And nobody's even really noticing because it gets buried on purpose by the fucking mainstream media. I have a fan out there who's been a fan a long time. He's got a buddy who is in the, he's a special agent with the FBI in Columbus, Georgia.
Starting point is 00:02:02 And he sent me a clip that I was going to show anyways of a shooting that took place here in Georgia a couple of days ago. So I want to thank my fan and his buddy in the FBI said, send this to the DePaulo show because it's not getting enough coverage, which you know what? That's what this show is for. So it would be getting more coverage this this show, if Facebook and Instagram and all the other jerk-offs weren't, you know, putting up warnings and whatever they do to my show. I don't even pay attention. I can't pay attention to it.
Starting point is 00:02:35 It'll make me nuts. I'm already miserable enough. But thank both you guys for sending this. The video shows Carroll County, that's right here in Georgia, Deputy Jay Rapetto, along with Corporal Jameson Trout, pull up to the suspect, now identified as Pierre Alexander Shelton, as the suspect opened fires using, you know, just an AK-47. There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind. He looked so different than all the other criminals.
Starting point is 00:03:09 One of the first shots fired from Shelton's disabled Trout's vehicle, the sheriff's office said, as he continued to advance firing inside the vehicle, striking Deputy Rapetto in the arm. Rapetto released from the hospital without seriously injury to the arm and Trout was not injured. Excuse me. If not for the heroic efforts of all offices and agencies involved, and to Corporal Trout and Deputy Rapetto for stopping the suspect, this incident could have resulted in more
Starting point is 00:03:39 officers being injured or killed. This was like a long car chase for a few hours. They caught this guy going 111. Okay. But you know, he's getting pulled over because he had an air freshener or whatever the fuck. Right.
Starting point is 00:03:55 So all you anti-cops out there, you can fucking blow me because this is what these cops are facing every day. And it was always a dangerous job. It's getting a thousand times more dangerous thanks to people like Pelosi and AOC and the shithead Democrats. Take a look at this footage.
Starting point is 00:04:13 You want to be a fucking cop? Sign up. Go ahead. Start to approach Rapeto's car, armed with an AK-47. They say that's when he began shooting at both Deputy Rapeto and Corporal Trapp. Watching this video, it really, it sent chills up my spine. The suspect fired several shots, injuring Rapetto.
Starting point is 00:04:33 We've stopped the video just before the sheriff's office says both Rapetto and Trout returned fire, killing the suspect. I'm black, y'all, and I'm black, y'all, and I'm blacker than black, and I'm black, y'all. This all started with an attempted traffic stop so this is why uh you know should have both a taser and a gun when a trooper spotted a car doing 111 miles an hour on interstate 20 early uh monday morning uh after the car was stopped it sped, and a chase began with a state trooper. After a pit maneuver, the driver regained control of the car, and the passenger leaned out of the window and began firing shots at the troopers. Using an AK-47, his patrol car became disabled. Carrollton, disabled. Carrollton Police Sergeant Rob Holloway then made contact with the vehicle and continued the chase. The passenger fired rounds into the vehicle, striking Holloway.
Starting point is 00:05:28 His police vehicle then crashed into a utility pole. He was airlifted to an Atlanta hospital where he remains. This is, I couldn't even, there's so much going on like this. This isn't isolated, folks. You know they're raising hell all across the country because of this last incident right that you're not really seeing the coverage of unless you put on fox or one america news and newsmax whatever you know those right wing networks that actually have the balls to show you what's really going on um can you imagine
Starting point is 00:06:04 having to face that? Just picture that. Like I said, I got pulled over years ago, me and my buddy, because his car was registered, it's stolen, even though the cops gave it back to him. And we had three cops point guns at us, and I had nightmares about it for like a month.
Starting point is 00:06:18 It's really, so can you imagine being shot at like that? And so anybody who's anti-cop, you can deal with these people on your own let's defund the police good idea let's cut their budgets in half and there's some jerk-offs like talib and a bunch of other high-profile democrats going um there's no fixing it we fucking did talib said let's get rid of the military, police. Can you, I still don't believe to this day that she was elected or Ilhan Omar or anybody of that ilk. I don't believe fucking people are stupid enough to fall for that.
Starting point is 00:06:57 I don't. I think they're appointed fucking, where are we headed? Some days you can't make this shit funny. I don't give a fuck. Cops are being shot at. And now our government with Joe Biden administration, excuse me, they're only persecuting and prosecuting Trump supporters, white people. There's a whole, there's two sets of rules now
Starting point is 00:07:20 under law and order. That ought to send the chill up anybody's spine. Back to the Dante Wright incident. I was so pissed. I've been for days yelling since it happened because nobody had mentioned if he just obeyed the police commands, none of this would have happened. You can say that for every high profile incident when a black guy and a cop, a white cop. Finally, somebody from Minnesota tells the truth.
Starting point is 00:07:50 The head of the Minnesota largest police union slammed the local officials over their handling of the Dante Wright's police shooting death as he blamed the 20 year old victim for the fatal encounter. the 20-year-old victim for the fatal encounter. He said this in quotes, this is going to be an unpopular statement, which is sad we have to preface. You know, when you hear that, when somebody's about to say the truth, that's so how far out of whack we are in this country.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Anytime they open the statement and say, I'm going to catch shit for this, this is going to be unpopular, you're stating the truth nine out of 10 times. It's going to be an unpopular statement. Brian Peters, executive director of the Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association, told WCCO News Talk Radio Wednesday, Dante Wright, he said, if he would have just complied, he was told he was under arrest. They were arresting him on a warrant for weapons. told he was under arrest. They were arresting him on a warrant for weapons.
Starting point is 00:08:50 He set off a chain of events that unfortunately led to his death. You are correct, sir. And I fucking challenge anybody, anybody in the country to argue with that statement. And that goes for George fucking Floyd, Blake, name them all. Ugh. And that goes for George fucking Floyd, Blake, name them all. And I really believe it stems from not having a dad growing up and not dealing with authority. Authority figures not knowing how to. And they're not. You see how afraid of the cops these black guys were? They looked scared shitless
Starting point is 00:09:25 didn't they anyways he went on to say peters i'm not excusing it peters continue but what we're seeing in policing these days is that non-compliance uh by the public it's being accepted is what's scary um and then he said of the mayor uh this is way over his head. Pete has said of Brooklyn Senate Mayor Mike Elliott. He said both Kurt Bargany and Tim Gannon were political pawns in whatever game the current mayor is playing. If I were the mayor, I would not allow the political activists to run the show. Exactly right. That guy Gannon had to resign the chief of police. Why? He was the best guy around. State authorities are investigating the incident and prosecutors
Starting point is 00:10:14 in nearby Washington County who took over the case are expected to charge Potter as soon as Wednesday. Isn't that great, huh? Yet we still don't know who shot Ashley Babbitt on January 6th. But this cop's face has been splashed all over the news like she's fucking J-Lo. Her address, they had to fucking build a fence around her house.
Starting point is 00:10:38 She had to take off out of her house, her and her husband. Is this how it's going to work now? And they want to take your guns away. Let's think about that for a second. Dirty Dems, fucking faggots. Nick, what's gay? Nothing. I just use that as a general term. Okay, bullshit heads, cock-a-poo-poo-dink. Guess who had to weigh in on this also? And thank God they weighed in on it because now we can finally finally get some logic and reasoning ben and jerry ben and jerry those two communist
Starting point is 00:11:13 cocksuckers who have made zillions under a capitalistic system walking contradictions and your ice cream sucks and they charge more than anybody else almost. Ben and Jerry's tweeted out this. The murder of a hashtag Dante Wright is rooted in white supremacy and results from the intentional criminalization of black and brown communities. Really, even when we know it was an accident or a mistake,
Starting point is 00:11:44 we have it on video? This system can't be reformed. It must be dismantled and a real system of public safety rebuilt from the ground up. So do me a favor. Most of my fans
Starting point is 00:11:56 probably don't buy Ben and Jerry's, but don't. If you do, throw it the fuck out. It's poison. How dare they? You listening? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Your mother sucks fucking big fucking elephant dicks. You dare they? You listening? Yeah. Your mother sucks fucking big fucking elephant dicks. You got that? That was for Ben. This is for Jerry. Problem? You're the fucking problem. You fucking Dr. White onking jam rag onking spunk bubble. I'm telling you, H, you keep looking at me, I'm going to put you
Starting point is 00:12:20 in the fucking ground. I promise you. Not this time. Not this time. Thank you, Ben and Jerry's, for weighing in. Why would we give a fuck? What, were the Briers people too busy to fucking comment? You. I got a theory they're going to come out with a black and white ice cream, which is always chocolate and vanilla.
Starting point is 00:12:40 But so they can make this statement, it'll be 15 ounces of vanilla ice cream and an ounce of chocolate, you know, signifying white supremacy. That's my theory. But they're not even that fucking clever. May your kids die in a house fire. Oh, wait a minute. You're too old for that. May you guys have massive heart attacks because of your ice cream.
Starting point is 00:13:00 No link to obesity and fucking chunky monkey, right? no link to obesity and uh fucking chunky monkey right uh dairy queen you gonna weigh in hey guys uh quick note i'm back on the road and announcing new dates today in dallas i didn't even know that oh my i can't wait to get back to dallas first i'll be in florida in two weeks on apr 30th, I'll be at the Town Hall Event Center. Sounds way too big for me. In Port St. Lucie and May 1st at the Boca Black Box in Boca Raton, which is rat's mouth if you translate it. Thursday, May 13th, I'll be at Hilarities in Cleveland. That show's already almost sold out. And Saturday, May 15th, I'll be in Southeastern Pennsylvania at Soul Joel's in Royersford,
Starting point is 00:13:48 which all my friends have done. I haven't got to that one yet. It's like an outdoor thing. June 4th and 5th. Oh, my God, Tommy, I don't want to work this hard. I'm fucking 59. June 4th and 5th, I'll be at the Comedy Cabana in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, which I've never been to Myrtle Beach.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Looking forward to that. These shows are now on sale and on sale today. Officially are my dates in Dallas, Texas. I'll be at the Sons of Herman Hall, June 18th and 19th. I like the name of that. Who the hell is Herman Hall? No, it's a hall. Again, those shows just went on sale today.
Starting point is 00:14:24 So grab great seats now. And lastly, I'll be in Las Vegas at the Plaza Hotel and Casino November 12th and 13th. Oh, my God, I'm already plugging gigs in November. We'll all be dead in about 11 minutes. If you live within driving distance of any of these places, come out. I'm not going to be doing the every weekend touring thing. But as you know, stand up is my first love. So I'm looking forward to the dates that I do have. You can get tickets. All my shows at Then click on tour.
Starting point is 00:14:57 That's Click on tour. And I hope to see you at the shows. It means a lot to me. And stand-up is my first love. Unfortunately, travel is my first hate. So it's really a bittersweet fucking thing. I'm hoping comedy, what happens to all the other industries, happens to comedy. I can lay on my couch in my underwear and tell you guys that do a new hour as i'm watching the red socks out of one eye who have ripped off nine in a row since they lost three in a row at fenway opening weekend yay and they are loaded let me tell you
Starting point is 00:15:35 watch out if they get a little bit of pitching like a softball team everybody can fucking hit verdugo arroyo oh my god. Thank god for Hispanics. And we all talk about black guys being great at basketball and shit. How about Hispanics in baseball? They are tremendous. Nick, you're painting with a broad brush. Well, fucking Jen Psaki
Starting point is 00:15:57 said all white people watch. Fucking deadliest catch. I thought they were talking about some type of simplest. My wife had, we had an argument about that. I said, why is that a white thing, deadliest catch?
Starting point is 00:16:16 You're with me, Jason, right? It's like my wife doesn't think black people would watch that. It's not even about the fishing. Any reality shows, it's about the personalities and they fight with each other and shit. But that's kind of fun to watch.
Starting point is 00:16:30 It's a dangerous job and shit. So I sort of disagreed. I'm filing for divorce tomorrow. Everybody's fighting. Me, the wife. Only guy I get along with is jason actually in the whole fucking planet when tommy strange enough jason says uh you know who else is fighting like a married couple did you see this yesterday geraldo rivera just called dan bongino a son of
Starting point is 00:17:03 a bitch live on Hannity. You know what's funny? I'm going to show you the clip, but I've seen this go. I've seen Hannity show, you know, a million times when people stop fighting. And my first instinct is like, not that it's staged, but it doesn't hurt because Sean doesn't jump in. This is how I know he was a hockey player. He looks on with a smirk on his face, and at the end, he goes, okay, let's go to a break. He doesn't go, whoa, whoa, fellas, calm down.
Starting point is 00:17:33 Now, let me tell you something. I had a little run-in with Geraldo Rivera the first day I met him when I was doing that streaming show on Fox they had years ago called the Something Room, Strategy Room, whatever the fuck. It was great. I mean, I'd sit next to sometimes uh kelly ann conway at the time was it you know megan kelly came in uh what's her name kim uh you know don jr's wife kimberly giltfoil and so uh heraldo was on the panel and i called him a lib and he fucking lost his shit and And I also had a brawl with Shepard Smith and Judge Napolitano who wouldn't let me back on the panel. The guy who booked the show said, you know what I had to do to keep them from throwing you out of the building? For what? Calling fucking Geraldo a lib? But I got to be honest, Geraldo came back a couple
Starting point is 00:18:22 weeks later and I was on a panel. He wasn't on the show. Comes behind me and starts giving me a massage. I think that was his way of saying I shouldn't have gone on or just wanted to fuck me. I haven't decided on his sexuality yet either. But let me just say this. I like Geraldo. I think he's he's he's been around forever. And yes, he's got a liberal streak in him. You know, he grew up, you know, he grew up at that time. Puerto Rican, Jewish, New York. He's got a lib streak in him. You know, he grew up, you know, he grew up at that time. It's Puerto Rican, Jewish, New York. He's got a lib streak in him, but you can't question the guy's work ethic. He's fucking on TV, has been forever. And most of the times he makes good sense, but I'd say three, four times a year, he shows this streak where he can't keep his brown mentality out of it. That,
Starting point is 00:19:02 that, you know, that half Puerto Rican um and and and Dan Bongino I've never met but what I've seen I like he's a pit bull the guy was a secret service he was a cop I mean he's he he walks the walk you know so if I had to lean with anybody in this fight but it got a little heated and then watch how Bongino just calmly this this is how I know Bongino would, you know, bite your head off and how it ends. It's fucking, and Geraldo, like I said, he's got a temper. Him and Bill O'Reilly used to scream at each other. And it's good. And I guarantee you'll see them on a panel again and be fine.
Starting point is 00:19:37 It's like white guys in hockey. They beat the fuck out of each other. And then you see them come out of the penalty box. After the game, they're like laughing and shit. But watch this. You tell that to the black families that see their sons being killed twice the rate
Starting point is 00:19:52 of white sons. You've got nothing else, buddy. That's a fact. You've got nothing else. All you want to do is see the country burn. You just want to see the country burn. That's it. I want to see the country burn, you son of a bitch. I want to see the country burn. You punk. You're nothing see the country burn you son of a i want to see the country you're nothing but a punk you're a punk you wouldn't tell me that to my face we'll leave it there the left continues yeah we'll see geraldo said
Starting point is 00:20:31 i think bongino started when he said this get this through your head get this through your head you jew motherfucker you come on he's only helped you um did you see though um and again geraldo has been in showbiz forever he had the clan on his show you guys are too young to remember he had an afternoon show. He had the Klan on with like, you know, NAACP people in the crowd and all hell broke loose. He got his nose broken on live TV.
Starting point is 00:20:52 It was one of the fucking most talked about shows ever. He knows what this is about. I guarantee they probably texted each other after. They're both, I like both those guys. I really do.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Geraldo, politics wise, he's a little, but come on, Bongino walks the fucking walk, I think. A little question about him buying into Parler. I also gave him a shout-out because he had cancer recently. And I don't know, you know, he seems to be all right now. When I did that streaming show in Vegas, I gave him a shout-out. I never heard anything.
Starting point is 00:21:22 I was hoping he was watching that night. Hey, guys. Vegas. I gave him a shot. I never heard anything. I was hoping he was watching that night. Hey guys, I want to introduce Upstart to you. What is that? If you're carrying a credit card balance month after month, or if you dread looking at your credit card statement, you should know these guys. Nothing's better than having a debt-free life. I just, look, I've been working since I was whatever, 15, 14. And finally, I get rid of most of my debt. Finally sold that fucking Lake Tahoe compound in Westchester, New York that took almost two years. And, you know, I'm not completely debt-free,
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Starting point is 00:23:20 Go to slash nickdip. And we welcome to the show and thank them for sponsoring this episode. There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time. In our RTR segment tonight, let's reverse the races. This is a very interesting story and tells us a lot about where we are. BLM. You know them, the Marxist organization that people, that the corporations are afraid of. And BLM, a rally in front of a white soldier's home.
Starting point is 00:23:58 We touched on this story yesterday. Did we not? No. Sorry. I'm bringing it to you today. I prepared this last night. I'm like, did we do it last night? Dozens of Black Lives Matter protesters rallied outside the South Carolina home of a soldier charged with assaulting a black man in a now viral video. We're going to show the video. And if anybody out there can show me where the assault is is shoving somebody in assault now oh it is
Starting point is 00:24:27 when you're a white guy from south carolina and a drill sergeant and there's a black guy walking around your neighborhood who started shit by the way the day before with some girl again here's the problem here's a new rule you can't show this part of it if you don't show. How about that? Put it into writing, into law, whatever. Make stations. It's never going to happen, but make stations liable if they only show half the story. That should be somebody should somehow put that in stone. Good luck, lawyers.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Anyways. Yeah. So this this black kid. And of course, they betrayed betrayed him he was just walking around the neighborhood you know what I mean and that's not the fucking true story and I'm going to say before we show it this guy showed way more restraint than I would
Starting point is 00:25:14 if I was his size and I was a fucking drill sergeant but again keep in mind they're charging this guy with assault go away right now hey they've already been called they're just waiting They're charging this guy with assault. Go away right now. Hey, they've already been called. They're just waiting.
Starting point is 00:25:29 You know what? Maybe you should hang out a little longer. We'll see how it goes. The white guy's what? Then we won't have to get the report by ourselves. What is it you're doing here? Walking. Then walk.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Okay, and that's what I was doing. She came out of town. Well, you've been here like 15 minutes now. Let's go. Well, that kid knows what he's doing. Keep walking. Walk away.. Well, that kid knows what he's doing. Keep walking. Walk away. Walk away right now.
Starting point is 00:25:53 You need help? You got this on camera. I'm happy to help you. I didn't hit you. There's a difference between pushing you. I'm pretty sure you were the aggressor, buddy. You were aggressive on the neighborhood. Walk back. You better walk away.
Starting point is 00:26:08 You walk away. You talking to my wife right now. That's an assault. Walk away. That's an assault. Walk away. Check it out. You either walk away or I'm going to carry your ass out of here.
Starting point is 00:26:18 What do you want to do? You better not touch me. Or what? What are you going to do? You up on me. Let's go. Walk away. I didn't do anything. I'm about to do something to you. You better not touch me. Or what? What are you going to do? You up on me. Let's go. Walk away. I didn't do anything to you.
Starting point is 00:26:26 I'm about to do something to you. You better start walking. I didn't do anything to her. You better start walking right now. So when you come after me like that, I ain't coming after you. You're in the wrong neighborhood, motherfucker. Get out.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Get out. I live here, sir. Where? Lying about that. Where's your house? What's your address? Maybe we should walk you home you bet you want to bet what I can do I live here okay right now you're harassing the neighborhood
Starting point is 00:26:53 not harassing anyone walking through the neighborhood I live in where check check it out we are a tight-knit community we take care of each other a lot longer than your ass because I have never seen you before in my life Doesn't matter you know what get the hell out of my face Check it out mother I ain't playing with you you either get your ass moving or I'm gonna move you Walk away They're only one way out of here Walk away Yeah, I know obviously you've been harassing us for a while now
Starting point is 00:27:47 well get to know me because this is who I am it doesn't matter what's your name I'm about to throw you out you want a belt I can do a hell of a lot more than you think I can just move along
Starting point is 00:28:04 sir you're acting like a child move on you picked a fight with some random young lady that's one of our neighbors get out of here why did you pick the fight with someone random all i heard was you fighting and defending yourself hey come on what's your name come on you don't want no trouble trouble now i'm not i'm sure you're shocked that i'm siding with the uh um well let me again this is why it's called reverse the racist segment make that a white kid in a black neighborhood and a black guy confronts him because he heard that this guy's been in the neighborhood last couple days arguing with people and young girls and shit here's the difference if it was a black guy confronts him because he heard that this guy's been in the neighborhood last couple days arguing with people and young girls and shit here's the difference if it was a black neighborhood uh you would have got fucked up real bad number one everybody knows that number two you
Starting point is 00:28:55 might not have come out alive that's the fucking difference you see but him they they couch it like it was he was just walking while black and this guy came up on him. No, there's fucking a lot more to the story. Does he look scared? Just a fucking punk. You know why? I'm not going to say. But anyways, yeah, I'm all for the soldier. Whose side are you going to take?
Starting point is 00:29:22 I hope my friends in comedy, they're probably going, he's fucking nuts. This guy's obviously a racist. Really? He's in the military. He trains people that defend this country. But you take your word over a kid who's starting shit with teenage white girls. But again, reverse the races. Put the white guy in a black neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:29:42 He would have got fucked up or killed. Just my opinion. It's the beauty of the internet. You don't ever see the light of day because we have a bunch of left-wing scumbags running the media. Anyways, we also have another clip. A video shows a large group of holding BLM signs and shouting through a megaphone Wednesday as they stood in the street outside this guy's house, a 42-year-old drill sergeant, Jonathan Pentland's house in Columbia, South Carolina. One of them yells, I'm on your yard. Another genius when it comes to grammar, not in your yard. One woman was seen, I guess, shooting her camera directly, camera, uh, directly at the house, believe, uh, belonged to the house, belonged to Pentland, uh, who went viral for confronting the black guy that we just showed you, um, saying he was in the wrong neighborhood. They, they can't stress, they can't stress that enough.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Um, so the BLM protesters are in front of his house and one of them says, we just want to talk. We want to understand some things. That's it. Like we owe you, like this guy owes them an explanation. Uh, she shouted in the video, as others said, no justice, no peace because they fucking animals. They can't think it out and, uh, use any reason or logic. It's either you agree or violence.
Starting point is 00:31:05 That's the mentality. What you gonna do? You gonna stay in here every day? The main protagonist shouted. Other clips show even more protesters in the street shouting through megaphones later that day. You need to shut the fuck up. It was not immediately clear
Starting point is 00:31:24 if Pentland would have been home at the time as he was arrested Wednesday and charged with third degree assault and battery for pushing a kid for Monday's caught on camera encounter. The clip did not show what led up to the confrontation, but we all know what did.
Starting point is 00:31:39 But a woman could be heard accusing the stranger of picking a fight with some young random lady, which of course he denied. So, you know, you'll never get the real story unless you watch this show. Are you interested in the real story? Yeah, let's take a look at the BLM people. Martin, you know why? Because all lies are not at stake. All lies are not under threat. All lies are not being shot down. If you don't stop, I'm going to tell you, you don't belong here. It's black lives. And it's not just black lives, but for the first part, it's black people. You know, people.
Starting point is 00:32:21 So you got to take ownership, take ownership of yourself, take ownership of your community, I have no idea what that was. I heard breaking glass. Any idea? It wasn't in the article, I don't think, was it? Oh, good point, Jace. Really? oh good point jace really and that's how they don't even mention it like in the headlines and shit it can't be i didn't hear a gun or maybe i did anyways uh if you want the real story sheriff leon lot later uh said that the man had been involved in other incidents in the neighborhood in the days, not one day, days leading up to the video.
Starting point is 00:33:12 But none of them, he says, justified the assault that occurred. Is this where we are? Is this where we are? We're a fucking, you're not going to back this guy up, Sheriff? Good, you deal with it. He did not elaborate on what he was accused of doing and refused to identify him. And again, it splashed across the nation as he's just a white, you know, he's got the shaved head and he's in the military. On MSNBC, on NBC, all those stations,
Starting point is 00:33:49 CNN had some guy going, well, it's obvious this is more white supremacy and because this guy's defending, and again, just reverse the fucking races. Maybe we're going to start our own station called Reverse the Race.
Starting point is 00:34:04 That would put it in perspective if if fox or one american news or any of these so-called right leanings they had any balls newsmax would do it um they would have a segment every night called reverse the races federal prosecutors next story again, related to guns and violence in America because it's 2021 and we're coming apart at the seams. Federal prosecutors get this release statement. Ashley Babbitt Shooter, by the way, a black Capitol cop, will not be charged. Huh? So you see how we're going here? She's not going to be charged.
Starting point is 00:34:45 I mean, he won't. We don't know his identity. And I'll say this again. We know Miss Potter, who accidentally shot Dante. Her face is all over the nose. They've leaked her address and shit. And I see it in the New York Post, which is supposed to be sort of right-leaning. Because it sells papers.
Starting point is 00:35:06 Everybody knows about her. We still don't know about Jerkoff, who shot an unarmed woman who was no threat whatsoever. But they're coming after this guy for pushing a black kid. This is what's going to happen under the Biden. It's happening under the Biden administration. You Trump supporters, you Republicans, whatever the fuck, the law is going to come down on you. They are not fucking playing. They want a fucking war. And boy, they don't know who they're fucking with. You know how many guys like that military guy exist? They haven't even shown their faces yet. Release statement. Yeah. Ashley Babbitt shooter will not be charged.
Starting point is 00:35:45 So there will not be justice for Ashley Babbitt as decided by a court of law that favors black and brown people. Now, on Wednesday, federal prosecutors dropped the case as well as any potential charges. I want to repeat she was unarmed. Everybody was unarmed that day. She was climbing through a window she was no threat to this guy i guarantee he got orders on high and just happened to pick her we still don't know who he is put his address out there i don't know why it mattered nobody's going to protest federal prosecutors will not charge a police officer who shot and killed a woman as she i say it's racism. He shot her because she
Starting point is 00:36:25 was white. How about that? Run with that narrative, whether it's true or not. Killed a woman as she climbed through the broken part of a door during the insurrection, an insurrection that included no guns, no weapons whatsoever at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th. What a sad place we're living in. You fucking people. You have no idea how to defend a nation. Authorities had considered for months whether criminal charges were appropriate for the Capitol police officer
Starting point is 00:37:00 who fatally shot Ashley Babbitt. Did they really? They talked about it for months. Sure, they did. A 35-year-old Air Force veteran from San Diego, she was. The Justice Department's decision, though expected, officially closes out the investigation. It's just so ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Yeah, they're too busy going after a drill sergeant from South Carolina protecting his house. What an assault. Prosecutors said they had reviewed video of the shooting, along with statements from the officer involved. Yeah, who is he? And other officers and witnesses examined physical evidence from the scene. Let me ask you a question.
Starting point is 00:37:38 The Capitol is our house, right? It's literally the people's house. So a crime, a killing took place in our house. I think we, the people, have a right to fucking use FOIA or whatever you do to know what happened in our lobby of our house. Examine physical evidence from the scene and review the autopsy results. Ashley Babbitt's death was recently determined to be a homicide, according to the chief medical examiner in the nation's capital.
Starting point is 00:38:06 It is a designation for when one person is killed by another person or I love how they I love how they decide on this story to tell you the definition of homicide when when it's a black kid or whatever. It's fucking they don't you know, they don't tell you what homicide means. The District of Columbia Office of the chief medical exam on wednesday released the official cause of death uh for four people who died during the january 6th capital right you know most of them were medical things and that cop did not get killed by a fire extinguisher and you people are still buying this shit uh ruling that protest to ashley babbitt's manner of death was a homicide
Starting point is 00:38:42 the epic times reported chief medical examiner dr francisco j diaz said's manner of death was a homicide. The Epoch Times reported chief medical examiner, Dr. Francisco J. Diaz, said the cause of death for Babbitt, 35, was a gunshot wound to the left anterior shoulder. The report continued, her manner of death was ruled homicide, his office said. Authorities previously, so wait a minute, so you commit a homicide and you're not, you're scot-free?
Starting point is 00:39:05 Authorities previously said Babbitt was shot by a police officer as she allegedly attempted to climb through a door window inside the Capitol building. The report went on. The name of the officer has not been disclosed because he was a black fella. She was a white victim. Nobody gives a fuck. The libs are in charge. The communists, the Marxists.
Starting point is 00:39:21 It's open season on Whitey. Wake up, white people. The officer has not been disclosed by local or federal authorities. Why not? We want to know who they are. Who the fuck are you? Yeah, they won't tell us.
Starting point is 00:39:33 Who the fuck are you? Despite the extraordinary video conveniently captured by an Antifa-supporting activist named John Sullivan. Oh, there was an Antifa guy in the middle of it. Let's do a drill down on him.
Starting point is 00:39:47 There have been very few attempts by major media outlets to dissect what really happened with the shooting of the Trump support. We heard nothing. Remember? We complained fucking weeks after the shooting. I hope you guys are cycling all this in and seeing what's happening here. So you guys picking up on the vibe that they're only prosecuting and persecuting certain people who look a certain way? They really think it's like revenge, I guess.
Starting point is 00:40:14 They really think. I don't know what they think. But again, I have faith in this country that people who believe in law order will end up being victorious because we're way smarter and we're loaded to the teeth with fucking weapons you come you you know antifa and all you little fucking scumbags in the inner cities come at us with your fucking handguns and shit it'll be a quick fight let's talk about the leathery nippled fucking insane 81 year old Nancy Pelosi. How the fuck she's still in business just proves how fucked up we are as a country. I like to grab that hair and smash her face on that podium.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Or maybe have sex with her. What? Who said that? Here's the headline. Pelosi rents office space to pedophile. This one's been around a while, but now they're digging into it. Democrat House Speaker Nancy Amadouche Pelosi personally rents office space to a child welfare group. It's called First Five San Mateo County.
Starting point is 00:41:22 That's the name of the group. That was set up by a convicted pedophile. Nice going, Nancy. A, she was a hooah. She's still a hooah. B, she was a hooah. We know that. The group partners with a nonprofit that ran a group house where child molestation occurred
Starting point is 00:41:38 and partners with a conflict resolution center that had a volunteer convicted, okay, convicted for hundreds of images of child porn on the guy's phone. National File has exclusively obtained the lease documents showing that Nancy Pelosi is the group's landlady, dating back to this, folks, 2002. That's almost 20 years. The same year, coincidentally, the monstrous pedophile, Dr. William, Dr. William. Hey, little boy, you want some candy? Ayers. Here's William Ayers. He's probably got a back injury from blowing so many miners.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Ayers was given an award by city politicians for his work with the group. By that time, numerous pedophilia allegations, including a police report, had been made against Ayers, who was later convicted on pedophilia charges in 2007 and died in prison, as they usually do. I'm going to fucking smash his fucking face in. Dig him up. All right. There's a ton more to the story. Dig him up. All right. There's a ton more to the story.
Starting point is 00:42:47 It went on for 10 pages, but all you're going to know is she is renting space and that these allegations have been going on forever. I guess she didn't hear about them. Is that what you're telling me? I'm starting to believe QAnon.
Starting point is 00:43:03 I hope he got raped in prison because they know, they know the inmates find out eventually. Big scarlet A on his forehead and it ain't for asshole. Well, it is actually in this case. Speaking of assholes, what company, what media company leads the league in assholes? Speaking of assholes, what company, what media company leads the league in assholes? They have about an 890 winning percentage as far as hiring assholes. CNN, we showed you some clips. Our boy James O'Keefe at Project Veritas, again, doing God's work. This guy is the best.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Is he not the best journalist, undercover, whatever you call him? He's doing God's work. And all he uses is a couple things things alcohol and a hot chick and a wire we showed you clips uh yesterday of the cnn guy bragging how they they got you know they got basically got biden elected and he was bragging well here's some more they released some more last night cnn technical director char Charlie Chester was asked by a Project Veritas journalist, does CNN use propaganda? I would call that a rhetorical question. And Charlie Chester says, I don't know. journalists asked him to clarify at which point he brings up embattled rep matt gates who's been facing an emerging sex scandal which looks like it was made up out of whole cloth but listen to
Starting point is 00:44:31 this jerk bragging about that Can you define propaganda for me? I think I know, but how is it a mechanism? If the agenda, say, is to get Matt Gaetz right now, he's a Republican, he's a problem for the Democratic Party because he's so conservative. And he can cause a lot of hiccups and laws. So it would be great for them to argue together. So we're going to keep running our stories to get it working again and make it so that it can't be buried and, like, just, you know,
Starting point is 00:45:16 settled outside of court and just, like, you know, if we keep pushing that, it's helping us. That's propaganda. It's helping us in some way. Oh, fucking idiot! Oh, that dirty cocksucker. Right out of the mouth of the babe himself. He said, yeah, that's propaganda because it's helping us.
Starting point is 00:45:40 We're going to keep continuing to try to hurt Matt Gaetz. Paraphrasing. So you people who argue politics with your friends and say, you watch Fox News and all that other shit, and people who regularly watch CNN still, you're the fucking problem. It's out there. We have evidence, but nobody's going to see this hardly. Unfortunately, if NBC, CBS, ABC had an ounce of credibility, it should be running on a fucking loop. But I'm sure the owners are all tied in, whatever the fuck, right?
Starting point is 00:46:11 So anytime your friends go make fun of you watching Fox, whatever, just bring that up. Tell them to Google it right in front of you since everybody has a phone and then see what they have to say. They'll still come up with something. Both sides do it. Well, then show me the clip of somebody from Fox doing that.
Starting point is 00:46:29 There is no clip. Suck a bag of dicks, cheese eater. Part two of Veritas. Another part was released of them busting. Any reporter on CNN, what they're actually doing is, this is what the reporter is saying, this is Charlie Chester talking, they're actually doing is they're telling the person what to say. It's always like leading them in a direction before they even open their mouths. It's called leading the witness.
Starting point is 00:46:59 The only people that we, CNN, will let on the air for the most part are people that have a proven track record of taking the bait. That's not true. Joy Behar put me on. I'll take the bait every time. I made her look like an asshole on her own show and never invited back. I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore. So that's Charlie Chester explaining how they do it.
Starting point is 00:47:36 He says, I think there's an art manipulation, inflection, saying things twice. There's little subtleties to how to manipulate people. I mean, it's enough to change the world, you know? Oh, my God. Hey, is he still working there? I haven't heard anything about him getting canned. He says like why it isn't high enough, you know, today? Like it would make our point better if it was higher. He's talking about the COVID number, right? I don't know why that this article is fucking written horribly. Chester also described how cnn has used the covet 19 pandemic to keep viewers hooked on the screen oh my god he's spilling all the secrets
Starting point is 00:48:11 take a look at this um she asked him about you know covet and if that helps their ratings and shit this guy gets a few drinks and i mean he's really spilling it. Check out this video. Why don't you guys at CNN show the recovery rates on the death tolls at least? Recovery rates. Look at him stick scheming. Who's had it and then... Recovered.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Recovered. Because that's not scary. I would imagine. Pause. You see how he, it's all about fear. He's like, she asked that question and he's trying to connect it to fear. Well, it's not scary. Recovery rates.
Starting point is 00:48:56 It's death rates we want. Go ahead. Yeah. That's my favorite. If it bleeds, it leads. Yeah. If it bleeds, it leads. And he goes, if it bleeds it bleeds yeah if it bleeds it bleeds and he goes
Starting point is 00:49:07 speaking of bleeds I think how you doing no one ever says those things out loud but it's obvious based on like the amount of stories
Starting point is 00:49:17 that we do like the fact that we have a segment called the good stuff which is a feel good thing
Starting point is 00:49:24 but it's dedicated moment at the end to like Almost like be the ice cream to alleviate, you know, like Everything that you've been through like, you know, like something sweet to end it with Because everything else is like I mean, it's human nature nature i mean like i find myself watching more news when there's something looming and scary so there you go a guy that works a director cnn just laying out how phony and do you see how he does it with no like no conscience what's like
Starting point is 00:50:04 everybody does it he compares Fox to that we're no different than oh you're a lot different than Fox Fox doesn't have a panel of just like five conservatives on every show beating up on whoever they hate you guys this is what's creepy they actually think that Fox does what they do. Anytime. I want to thank people who have contributed to the show. Thomas Lamy, Minnesota. Robert Woodruff, Utah.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Norman Sterling, Illinois. Jim Aaron, Kentucky. Josh Buchanan, Utah. Paul Sagnella, Connecticut. Greg Perutka, Arizona. Amy Ebert, North Dakota. Eileen Ulich, Pittsburgh. David Yenny, South Carolina, Jimmy Dempster, Georgia, Joseph Cowart, Texas, Kevin McArdle, Massachusetts, James Stansel, Illinois, Corey Lynch, Montana, France Grissom, Oklahoma, Zach Millsap, Georgia, Jeff Smith,
Starting point is 00:51:03 Iowa. Thank you guys all for contributing to the show. It's very important right now. And like I said, we're working on an app, right, so we can get this show to more places and you can watch it on your TVs at home. It takes a lot of money and it's complicated shit. But I know for a fact Tommy's on it, so hang tight. And this show is going to go back to like when it was on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:51:28 We're going to, you know, it's going to pick up steam once we get it out there. Finally tonight, this, I just stumbled over this on Instagram. Remember the drag queens? There was a controversy like eight months ago where they're having them read stories to little kids and parents are bringing their kids and which I don't know where you stand on that, but it doesn't seem too kosher to me, but I'm not a dad. Hey, you know, you gotta keep up with the times. But this, I saw this and I'm like, we are finished as a society. This black girl on Instagram, Nick, why are you going to say black girl? Because she's, I'm making a point, she's kind of straight, she curses like I do,
Starting point is 00:52:10 but she stumbled over a drag queen, a drag, what do you call it, drag party? What? A drag show. I thought that was cars when I was a kid, but, um, anyways, so she's commenting on what she's seeing, which is really, Hey, I have a high level for disgusting, but when you see this, you're going to go, you know what? We are, we really are the, the morals of fabric, whatever they said would, we would rot from the inside out. It's it's here. We're rotting like a summer squash in fucking February.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Uh, check. I love this girl's how disgusted she is with it. I wish we could get her on the show, but watch how disgusted she is, and she should be. Look at this shit. Now, I'm sitting here trying to figure out why in the hell these people got these fucking
Starting point is 00:52:58 little bitty ass kids at this fucking drag show, y'all. But it's 11.40 at night. It is 11.40 at night. These people have children in a fucking drag show in L.A. on the beach. Look at this shit. Woo!
Starting point is 00:53:13 USA! USA! Come on. Get your money, girl. Telling her, get her fucking money. Look at this fucking bullshit. Look at this bullshit now. this now can you imagine look look they giving them money yo little girls now
Starting point is 00:53:37 look at this look at this and throwing. Money and making it rain to little girls. Wait, hold on. I dropped the coin. I got him picking up fucking money off the floor like they fucking strippers and shit now. Look at that confused big. Can you you imagine? Oh, no, no, no. Oh, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:54:12 Y'all can't go for that. Oh, my God. You see this fucking bullshit? You see this fucking bullshit? Can you imagine? I can see their little brains. Give me the fuck out of here now. Give me the fuck out of here now. Give me the fuck out of here now.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Fucking queers! I told you, no fucking kids! No, but you wouldn't listen. Why, you stupid fuck! All right, I'm laughing, but it's not funny. I mean, she is so right on with that commentary. But a little caveat, black lady, black people have to take a little bit of responsibility for making it rain in titty bars and shit I mean Pac-Man Jones and NFL players came up with it
Starting point is 00:54:54 uh but she's so right on uh can you imagine you know what that's about that drag queen that fucking biological aberration doesn't know what who she is it was a woman right i saw big tits uh anyways that person never was probably never popular as a kid and shit and you know i mean and this she's found her niche and she thinks it's appropriate i don't know if those are her kids but i could see those kids being brain damaged. You're a little eight, 10 year old, you're excited, cash all over the floor and shit. They're literally saying, shake your pussy and ass around. You can have this too. And don't think you're not impressionable at that age. That was fucking evil. I hate to sound like an old man. Uh, but there, that woman was spot on with her play-by-play, you know?
Starting point is 00:55:48 And I hope those, I hope they get those girls' numbers in about 10 years. No, no, no. Nick, you're as bad as that. It's a joke. It's gross. Disgusting. Disgracia. Was that not, even I was like, huh?
Starting point is 00:56:04 It's midnight. It's midnight. They got their little kids out there shaking their fucking hairless asses and picking up cash. That's what you want to teach them. Work that pole because you're a fucking biological aberration who's been confused about your sexuality since day one. who's been confused about your sexuality since day one. Let's bring our kids into the fold now. That is it. I'm so disgusted with this country right now. I'm looking at property in Manitoba. Wait a minute. It's even more PC up there.
Starting point is 00:56:33 What am I saying? What's left? Where can I go? How about Portugal? They never make the news. I kind of like the Japanese too. They seem to fucking play it pretty straight. It's funny how you drop a couple A-bombs and they fucking focus. That is it. I love you guys very much. It's the final show of the week again.
Starting point is 00:56:51 It really, I'm happy and sad because it's scary how fast time is going. Don't forget Please sign up at This show will be there permanently. Are we still moving people over? I guess we are. I don't know. And like I said, we're working on an app for the show, so you can just sit tight with us, okay?
Starting point is 00:57:16 Don't forget tour dates. Go to Click on that. Again, if you want me to roast one of your friends or relatives, I'll make a video on my phone sending it to them. Go to, click on my profile, tell me a little bit about the person,
Starting point is 00:57:29 and we can make or break the day, be nice or not, whatever you want. That is it, ladies and gentlemen. Again, thanks for a great week. You guys think it, I will say it and continue to say it. We will see you back here on Monday. Have a great weekend. guitar solo I'm out.

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