The Nick DiPaolo Show - US Government Lies Again | Nick Di Paolo Show #675

Episode Date: March 10, 2022

Ukraine/US bio weapons. NYT reporter calls out left. Psaki lying again. Women punish girl with shock collar. NY serial killer let out multiple times. Black Panther director cuffed.       ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I am so sick and tired of the liberal agenda that is destroying our country from our schools to our workplaces to our media. It's literally everywhere. Well, everywhere maybe, but not this show. Never. Here you get the truth, unfiltered and unapologetic. I don't care if I hurt feelings or if I take a position that isn't agreeable or if I step on somebody's toes. I call them the way I see them, and then I put it out there for free.
Starting point is 00:00:28 To keep this show free, I need your help. Please go to and make a contribution, or even better, subscribe at or on Patreon today and get an extra encore show each day. Discounts on merchandise and a whole lot more. Thank you guys so much for watching, sharing, and contributing to the best show, in my opinion, on the Internet and the most honest. You guys make it happen.
Starting point is 00:00:57 I wanted to know if you think and if you asked the United States to specifically accept more refugees. Okay. A friend in need is a friend in need. Okay. I can first. Okay. Children are dying, you twat. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:03 How are you folks? Welcome to the final day of the week, a Thursday. Thirsty Thursday. What's the date today? 14, 13, 11, 19, 31? 10. Named eight numbers, couldn't even get it right. That's why I don't play the fucking lottery.
Starting point is 00:02:19 10th, huh? So I still got 15 days before I get on a plane. Only reason I don't want to, because they're still doing that mass shit, huh? So I still got 15 days before I get on a plane. Only reason I don't want them because they're still doing that mass shit, right? They're still doing it, even though it's been debunked for two years now. Only by John Hopkins. You know,
Starting point is 00:02:35 idiots. Pilots have even said the air is cleaner on a plane than, but let's keep wearing them to remind you who's in charge. Shut up. Put it on. Eat your peanuts. That's the other fucking thing.
Starting point is 00:02:51 I was talking about that a couple weeks ago. Oh, my God. Every year, I've been flying for 30 years, right, at least a few times a month. Every goddamn year, when they do the announcements at the beginning, it's been getting longer and longer. And now you throw the COVID rules on top. I'm like this. And I've said this out loud, shut up. I've had people, and what I hate is people look at me
Starting point is 00:03:14 like I'm out of line instead of going, yeah, shut up. You know what I mean? I've done it at least three times. I go, shut up. The guy or lady next to me is like, really? What are you, numb to this? Seriously.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Fungula bagazza. Anyways. That's why I'm taking a greyhound bus to Dallas. I'll let a homeless guy jack me off. At least I'll get something out of it. Who's with me? Any he, any who. Any...
Starting point is 00:03:46 What was yesterday? Wednesday? What did I do? Oh, before I went to bed. Again, worked out over here. I just do two minutes of cardio and it makes me hungry the rest of the day. So I did about 25, no break, jumping
Starting point is 00:04:06 around like a young kid. I'm not even home, I'm starving. It kicks up your metabolism. And again, I ate a baked potato and a can of peas. I was like, that's it. That was good at 530. I have the appetite of fucking Andre the Giant. It's frightening for a guy who's 5'9", doesn't have the frame to carry it. Jesus Christ. You guys know what Little Debbies are? I think I mentioned this on the show. I go,
Starting point is 00:04:37 Little Debbies, they should call them Big Nickies because that's what I'm turning into. I was inhaling those and fucking anything. Whatever. I get no will those and fucking anything. Whatever. I get no willpower when it comes to food. Absolutely embarrassing. Let's get on with the goddamn show since I said nothing for the first five fucking minutes. What's in the news?
Starting point is 00:05:00 Again, this was interesting, man. Sorry. This was interesting. There's been a lot of rumors going around the last week or so about the United States having biolabs in Ukraine and funding them. You know, like what we just went through with fucking Wuhan, only with pathogens like anthrax and shit. And there's been rumors. And of course, USA Today,
Starting point is 00:05:33 Reuters, all these left-wing outlets, and anybody in the Democrat Party said that's Russian disinformation. You should not be saying that. You're a traitor to your country. Blah, blah. The same horse shit. And what's her name?
Starting point is 00:05:52 Tori Newlin. She's the under defense secretary, whatever the fuck. She was one of the people saying, yeah, it's a bunch of baloney. But she had to testify yesterday. I hope this is her first, right, in the video? Am I pulling up the right video? It's her, right? It's the second video. But yeah, her first, right, in the video? Am I pulling up the right video? No, yeah. It's her, right?
Starting point is 00:06:07 It's the second video, but yeah, the first one has Carlson addressing... Oh, okay. It was on Tucker, a lot of it. But I read all the websites and they trashed Tucker when he was reporting on it
Starting point is 00:06:20 and all kinds of shit. And, well, let him set it up. I just fucked up ahead but when it turns out the people who represent us and run our government are lying to us and never apologize for it and doing horrific things in our names then you have to open your mind a little bit and at least assess what other people are saying so here was the Russian claim. During the course of the special military operation, facts were uncovered of the Kiev regime
Starting point is 00:06:48 mopping up traces of military biological program under development in Ukraine, financed by the U.S. Defense Ministry. That was said, I don't know, recently. Everybody got their panties in a bunch. And yeah, if you, again, USA Today, Reuters, all claiming these stories about U.S.-funded biolabs in Ukraine are Russian disinformation, of course. What exactly leads you to believe the Soviets were lying? Boy, they blame everything, right?
Starting point is 00:07:17 And, you know, they even mention QAnon, you know, right-wing nut conspiracies. Right-wing nut conspiracies. And so, as I said, this woman, Tori Newland, saying that until this hearing yesterday in front of the Foreign Relations Committee, she was saying the same crap. But watch his name. Marco Rubio is going to put this question. This is fucking, I found this amazing. Once again, you guys on the left, do you ever, in the media, do you ever tell the truth about anything you vile idiots go ahead let ruby so she was having this colloquy with senator marco ruby
Starting point is 00:07:50 of florida during her testimony and at one point rubio took attack that we were not expecting at all he asked newland if ukraine had biological weapons we never imagined ukraine would have biological weapons why would uk Ukraine have bioweapons? So it seemed like a pretty strange question. But it wasn't half as shocking as the answer he got. Watch what Toria Newland said. Does Ukraine have chemical or biological weapons? Ukraine has biological research facilities, which, in fact, we are now quite concerned
Starting point is 00:08:29 Russian troops, Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of. So we are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach See how careful she was they have research lab She didn't just say it logical research. She didn't come up, but she didn't say no She didn't come out it. Biological research. She didn't come up, but she didn't say no. She didn't come out and say, no, we don't, right? See how they are?
Starting point is 00:09:12 They split con hairs, big, fat, gray ones. And Nick, grow up. I don't have to. I don't want to. U.S. cooperation with Ukraine under the non-Lugar cooperative threat reduction CTR program was expanded August 29th. Those are the guys from the Muppets. Hey, how are you? You know what's wrong with this stage? What? The seats face it. Program was expanded August 29th with an agreement to use USTR funds to improve security for pathogens stored at biological research and health facilities in the former Soviet Republic, meaning the Ukraine. Does that sound familiar? Under the
Starting point is 00:09:52 agreement, CTR funds will, for the first, this is Lugar. Is he even in the Senate anymore? This is old. But the point is you can go to a website, our own DOD, Department of Defense or something, and there's a thing on there announcing this, like from 2010. Boy, this is a heavy show for Thursday. I don't give a shit. I found this. CTR funds will for the first time flow directly to projects aimed at securing pathogen strains and sensitive biological knowledge within Ukraine. The United States will also work to improve Ukrainian capabilities
Starting point is 00:10:28 to detect, diagnose, and treat outbreaks of infectious diseases. They're talking about anthrax. They named a whole bunch of shit, which is scary news if it's not secured, and now they're blowing shit up over there. Do you understand? Well, they might even use it as an excuse for another almost like a COVID thing. Although with anthrax, you'll know
Starting point is 00:10:50 whether it's real or not. Well is determined whether outbreaks are natural or the result of bioterrorism. Yeah, you're goddamn right. The agreement was signed during the visit to Kiev of a high-level U.S. delegation led by Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Richard Luga and Senator Barack Obama. So it was back then.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Barack was still a senator. There he is with a husk, only for an old white guy. intended to receive security upgrades. Those once linked to the Soviet-era anti-plague network, which continue to store libraries of natural occurring pathogens for the purposes of research and public health. Yeah, that's why they're storing it. Oh, my aching stem. Fucking Obama.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Everything he touched turned to shit. And Luger. Tucker talks about a government website that digs into the story about biolabs, and this is what he says about the links on the website. In the creation of deadly pathogens so we can study them and prevent people from getting infected with them, maybe? There are lots of examples of this. The U.S. Embassy in Ukraine has a handy webpage explaining that American and Ukrainian scientists have worked on a whole bunch of different experiments like this. Some of the projects include work on African swine fever virus, hemorrhagic fever virus, and various avian respiratory viruses.
Starting point is 00:12:14 The interesting thing, the telling thing, is that the U.S. Embassy's website also contains links to fact sheets about America's support for biological research in Ukraine. But all those links are now dead. Oh, my God. You believe it? You fucking believe it. So we just went through Wuhan. Little do we know, we were sitting on almost the same story 10 years ago. And now bombing Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:12:45 I'm sure those are secured. They're in Tupperware under a... I put them in a fresh lock bag, the anthrax. They ain't getting out. They ain't. And of course we're funding it and denying it. And that Tori Newlin, she was like everybody else saying, you know, if you believe, if you don't believe it's Russian disinformation, you're an asshole. You're a conspiracy theorist. Then she goes on to question him. Good for Rubio, by the way. You fucking
Starting point is 00:13:12 people. You have no idea how to defend a nation. My God. Anyways, a couple good interesting stories right off the top of the show, folks, before we get to the lesbians and the dog collar stuff. I don't know how you
Starting point is 00:13:28 can't watch a show. It's tremendous. I'm dressed like a lesbian. Let's get in our Subaru, Betty. Go up to Burlington, tap some trees, and rub it on our ass. James O'Keefe, my hero, and it should be everybody's hero, strikes again.
Starting point is 00:13:44 A Pulitzer Prize winning reporter for the New York Times was caught on video bashing his colleagues as fucking bitches while ripping the left's overreaction to the January 6th Capitol riot. Now, look. Are you interested in the real story? I am. That's fine because he's right, right, about the overreaction to the left and all that shit. The only problem was he was shitting all over, once again, Fox News a few months ago after January 6th thing. Whenever that was, a year ago. When was that?
Starting point is 00:14:16 A year ago. Since then, he's been bashing Tucker. Carlson has his thing on Fox Nation called Patriot Purge, whatever the fuck, and this guy was shitting all over Tucker saying, oh, right, wink and spit, bop, bop, beep, boop, bop, get a few drinks in them, they put a hot girl across them. It's called the honeypot, folks. I've fallen for it many times. I remember the improv in Greenville, South Carolina.
Starting point is 00:14:44 She was about 250, had mutton chops, but I had a few in me. I said, listen, Jerry Seinfeld's a prick. No, Jerry, I kid. Anyways, Project Veritas released footage Tuesday showing Matthew Rosenberg, he's a New York Times writer, who covers national security for the great lady. What a gross name. I just think of it right out of the snap. Mark and coworkers who said they were traumatized over the insurrection last year, and they get pissed at him.
Starting point is 00:15:17 Get this through your head, you. Get this through your head, you Jew motherfucker, you. So anyways, this is a guy that's been bashing Fox, saying, oh, they're making light of January 6th. Remember when they were saying the FBI was involved in shit? Well, guess what? Here he is, again, talking to a hot chick, doesn't know he's being recorded.
Starting point is 00:15:39 I'll read it right now before you hit the play. Matthew Rosenberg, journalist, New York Times. It's like January 6th stuff, but it's like I'm so over it at this point. I'm so over it. I hope you can hear the audio on these things. It picks up background noise, but there are subtitles, I think, so let her roll. It's like January 6th stuff, but it's like so over it at this point. It's so over it. The left's overreaction, the left's reaction to it in some places is so overreacting.
Starting point is 00:16:05 Pause. Which means we have a... The left's... Can you put it back up? I was going to read what was... That's all right. Whatever. It should say the left's overreaction.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Right. It's a big playthrough, so... All right. It was like me and two other colleagues who were there January 6thth who were outside, and we were just having fun. Go ahead. Colleagues who were there or outside. I mean, it's not your fault. Dude, come on, buddy. We're not in any danger. Matthew Rosenberg is a Pulitzer Prize-winning national security correspondent for The New York Times. In multiple meetings with one of our undercover journalists, Rosenberg reveals a lot about the inner workings and inner turmoil at the times for starters he doesn't hesitate to undermine his own papers coverage of the events that took
Starting point is 00:16:51 place in our nation's capital on January 6th 2021 and chides corporate media's reaction or in his own words overreaction like Like, you could tell how much fun we had on January 6th. Oh, that's great. Are you allowed to have that much fun on January 6th? I just want to be mourning. I know, I know. So if you're traumatized. But like, all these colleagues who are in the... Pause, I'll read it. But like all these... He goes, first of all,
Starting point is 00:17:17 oh, I was so traumatized. And he's right. He's making fun of these left-wingers who, oh, we could have died. He says, but like all these colleagues who are in the Capitol building and they're young and they're like, oh my God, it was so scary. And he says, I'm like, fuck off. So why, but it just goes to show you how slimy the New York Times is. This is supposedly a reputable journalist for the gray lady.
Starting point is 00:17:41 You know what I mean? So he knows the truth, but he reports something totally different. Because it's just fucking, oh my god. Is there an honest man left? Go ahead. Oh my god, this is so scary. Oh my god. Is this really the vibe?
Starting point is 00:17:58 From them. Oh my god. It's not the kind of place you can sit and tell somebody to man up, but I kind of want to. You're like, dude, come on. Come on. You are not in any danger. You are not in any danger.
Starting point is 00:18:10 And he's playing. You know what's funny about this? They're playing on, and this is what a guy would do if he's a hot chick. He thinks he might get laid. So you're playing up. Oh, come on, you pussies. You weren't in danger. Your macho comes out, right?
Starting point is 00:18:22 Yeah, banging his chest as much as a New York Times reporter can. Is that the end of that? That one? Yeah, Rosenberg also seems to call two colleagues, Emily Cochran and Nicholas Fandos, fucking bitches. And refers to other co-workers
Starting point is 00:18:38 as fucking little dweebs. Well, he's perceptive about the time. The footage shows, he also described a tug-of-war at the times between reasonable people, there's none of them there, and some of the craziest leftist shit. That's what he said on the video. Never tell anybody outside the family what you're thinking again. Come on, folks, that was beautiful. Rosenberg added that he was so over January 6th
Starting point is 00:19:03 coverage, the left's overreaction, the left's reaction to it in some he was so over January 6th coverage the left's overreaction the left's reaction to it in some places was so over the top he said they were making it too big a deal that gave the opening for lunatics in the right on the right it should say to be like oh well nothing happened here
Starting point is 00:19:19 it was just a peaceful bunch of tourists you know and it's like but nobody wants to hear that so again he agrees with us It was just a peaceful bunch of tourists, you know, and it's like, but nobody wants to hear that. So, again, he agrees with us, but reports something different, saying, you know, wacko right-wingers. Back in January, he went after FNC and Tucker Carlson, saying they underplayed how big January 6th was. Now, this is why I get pissed. I watch all the networks.
Starting point is 00:19:45 I agree. I watch all the networks. I agree. I watch CNN for about three minutes. Just like you people who hate Fox, don't watch it and hate it. Okay? But where's your James O'Keefe on the left? How come you're always getting busted about that? And how come he's always right 99% of the time? And when he's not, he admits it. You know?
Starting point is 00:20:02 But they'll throw him into the same category as Rachel Maddow and Joy Ritter. It's just so fucking ridiculous. Mr. Carlson has emerged as a leading proponent of January 6th revisionism. So who's being the revisionist? Excuse me? Most prominently with his three-part Patriot Purge series. I thought that was about Tom Brady getting traded. Just came up with that.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Fucking genius. Carried on the Fox Nation streaming service, it amplified a debunked false flag conspiracy theory that the FBI had instigated the violence as a pretext to lock away peaceful but concerned Americans because of their political views, creating a class of patriot martyrs, which is exactly what went down. On Thursday night, he aired excerpts from Patriot Purge on his primetime show. This is, by the way, Matthew
Starting point is 00:20:55 Rosenberg talking about Tucker and saying why he was wrong before this came out. Patriot Purge on his primetime show, spreading those conspiracy theories to one of the largest audiences on cable television, even though he knows the truth. You see how it works now, folks? Don't believe a goddamn thing they say. See you, Matt. Oh, we've got some more video.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Go ahead. ...the ones, not Fox, not Breitbart, who actually went in and covered the fact that there were a ton of FBI informants on the people who attacked the Capitol. Pause. He said there's a ton of FBI informants actually went in undercover.
Starting point is 00:21:40 Yeah, there were a ton of FBI informants among the people who attacked the Capitol. You know, all the shit that us wacky right-wingers were making up. I'll say it again. You watch the footage of that. I don't even see real violence when they're pushing back and forth. Have you ever seen a riot?
Starting point is 00:21:57 Click on Australia and the cops. They're moving way faster. There's none of this shit. Punches are being thrown people are getting cracked i didn't see any of that and we reported on that guy what's his name epps that still he had the trump hat on he's going we gotta get in there he's gone missing i mean he's alive but he's off the radar he was pretending to be a trump supporter nobody they can't, you know, get the story on him either. Anyways, is that it? No more.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Good. That was us. Not the right wingers. Now he's taking credit for saying about the FBI being that that was us, not the right wingers. Oh, my God. We are filthy, filthy people. Hey, guys.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Black Buffalo is everything you love about dipping, including pharmaceutical-grade nicotine, but with no tobacco leaf or stem. And by the way, you know who uses this? Real Americans. Working class. Think Jen Psaki dips? It's dipped with the same flavors, texture, aroma, pack,
Starting point is 00:23:03 and nicotine as traditional tobacco products, but made from edible green leaves and food-grade ingredients. I like it because, oh, here we go. First of all, it's way lighter. I used to do Skol. Felt like I had rocks in here. And this doesn't, you can actually swallow a little of this and be fine. Anyways, it is, and it comes in a ton of flavors.
Starting point is 00:23:29 No compromise required. And the flavors are great. Wintergreen, mint, straight, peach, even blood orange. It's available in both long cut and pouches as well as nicotine-free versions called Zero. If you're 21 or over and you dip or chew tobacco, you have to try this tobacco alternative. It's 2022. Are you still dipping traditional tobacco or those little white portion things? Come on, get with it. If so, and you're 21, it's time to get with Black Buffalo. It's everything you love about dipping just without the actual tobacco leaf or stem. Head to and use promo code NICKDIP at checkout for 25% off your first
Starting point is 00:24:11 order. That's the best offer you're going to find. But you have to use my code NICKDIP for 25% off your first order. One last time, that's promo code NICKDIP for 25% off your order. Warning, this product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical. We thank them, Black Buffaloes, for sponsoring this show. Speaking of Buffalo, Jen Psaki is in the...
Starting point is 00:24:34 I don't know. Sometimes I actually find her attractive. Is that scary? Not her physical looks. I just know she'd be cold-hearted, like you could do anything to her. She's got no feeling. Yeah, she's just a cold blue blood. You could just do silly things with her red hair. Put a clown nose on her and slap her around. Big exploding shoes. Yeah, she'll be just like this. I'll go go can i put these nipple
Starting point is 00:25:07 clamps on and she'll go uh we'll have to circle back best show on tv folks whatever we call this not the best picture she a couple days ago she had really bright bright red she like kicked it up a notch it was very fucking carrot top bozo. Anyways, White House Press Secretary Jenny Psaki vocally condemned a Florida parental rights bill that Democrats have branded, and that's the key word. You know how they brand shit untruthfully? They have branded a don't say gay bill, despite the fact the bill does not ban the word gay in school settings. Liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, you know it. Psaki branded the legislation discriminatory, horrific, and a form of bullying against families and LGBTQ children
Starting point is 00:26:02 at a news conference on Wednesday, dodging a question about why President Biden voted for similar legislation when he was a U.S. senator in 1994. They asked her about that. She said, it's a sick question. You're a sick fuck. And I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it. She never answers it. I'm tired of the left. I am tired.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Honest to God, we should be having a civil war in this country. Shouldn't be Russia and Ukraine going. We should be eliminating these. I am tired. Honest to God, we should be having a civil war in this country. Shouldn't be Russia and Ukraine going. We should be eliminating these. I'm not kidding. I'm not saying violence, but maybe, I don't know, there's a gas leak in the Capitol when the Dems are meeting. I don't know. I'm tired of it. Seriously.
Starting point is 00:26:37 How much more bullshit do we have to take between energy, green energy policies, LGBT, trans shit, guys playing against girls in sport. You don't, it's all Marxist shit, trying to reverse everything that made this country great, not to mention a stolen election.
Starting point is 00:26:57 I am so fucking sick of it. But you talk to any left. Both sides are guilty. No, one side is guilty. Again, it's a new world order. There's 12 guys in a room smoking cigars, Bill Gates included. And this is their globalist plan. But I'm just saying dickheads on the left seem to be going along with it. And some on the right, rhinos, we know that.
Starting point is 00:27:17 But I'm just saying, how much are you going to put up with? It doesn't say in the bill, don't say gay. You guys are just, bill don't say gay you guys are just i don't know you remind me the you remind me the husbands i see on that show that i love evil lives here that is so good oh my god again watched three of them last night dallas two of them last night, Dallas. Two of them mentioned Christian. They, even the opening shot when it says, you know, evil lives here, it's a house in the middle of nowhere like a farm. So literally it's saying evil lives in flyover country. It just dawned on me. And I, like I said, I pointed out my wife, so what is this, the Ace story? About, you know, there was one in there. They throw two black ones in there just so they can cover their ass.
Starting point is 00:28:10 But it really is attack on. It's white guys. And I'm not saying these guys aren't nuts, but I'm just saying for every one of those, how many black kids are guys are shooting up, selling drugs, killing? Let's do a show. Evil lives here and go to the projects. Never happened. They just hate the working class.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Maybe the people making it don't realize it. I don't know. Like hell. The bill HB 1557 requires school districts to adopt procedures. This is in Florida, by the way. That's why I love the Santas. That reinforce the fundamental right of parents to make decisions regarding the upbringing and control of their children. It prohibits classroom instruction, not casual discussion, which it should, in my opinion, on sexual
Starting point is 00:28:56 orientation and gender identity with children in the third grade or younger, or in a manner that is not age-appropri appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with the state standards. In other words, it's up to the parents. You don't talk about... It goes up to third grade, they said. It should be not... Why should they ever talk to your kids about that shit?
Starting point is 00:29:22 Shut up. Mind your fucking business. Exactly, Phil. A reporter asked Psaki about the bill, noting that in 1994, jerk-off Biden voted for an amendment to an educational bill that aimed to prohibit federal funds for instructional materials, instruction, counseling, or other services on school grounds from being used for the promotion of homosexuality as a
Starting point is 00:29:46 positive lifestyle alternative. Fucking quiz! That's what Joe said back in the 80s. Can you imagine how far we've come? Back then, we didn't even know about trans. It was just, can you please not make everything gay? I met this girl, Cop, I told you.
Starting point is 00:30:08 One of my gigs on the road a couple months ago, she was originally from Chicago, looked like a guy, little thing, but she's a cop. Gay as they come, could have been a cousin of mine. She fucking loves my comedy. What's my point? I have no idea. But she, no, she's sick of this garbage, you know?
Starting point is 00:30:33 And the fact that she likes my comedy, and she had friends who were there with her. I'm just saying, they all had my haircut. It was a nice moment. Anyways, somebody said, why did he do that, the reporter asked, and can you describe how his thinking has evolved over the years? And then Sparky said, well, I think that you have seen the president speak passionately about his view that a bill like this, a bill that would discriminate, which it does not,
Starting point is 00:30:59 against families, against kids, it doesn't, put these kids in a position. You put these kids in a position of not getting the support they need at a time where there's, that's exactly, what you're implying is that the parents aren't supporting the kids. Does she have kids? I doubt it. Exactly with what they need is
Starting point is 00:31:23 discriminatory sack, he said. It's a form of bullying. It is horrific. I mean, the president has spoken to that. Problem? You're the fucking problem? You fucking Dr. White, onking, jam rag, onking, spunk bubble. I'm telling you, H, you keep looking at me,
Starting point is 00:31:38 I'm going to put you in the fucking ground, I promise you. Not this time. Jam rag, onking, spunk bubble. That's going to be my next album, Sp promise you. Not this time. Jamrag Arkeen Spunk Bubble. That's going to be my next album, Spunk Bubble. It is. With the last track being the bubble burst. Yeah. Spunk Bubble.
Starting point is 00:31:58 That's my screen name when I'm trying to pick up kids. Last month, Biden called the legislation a hateful bill. Of course he did. He doesn't know where he is. See this right now? Right now.
Starting point is 00:32:09 See that picture of him? He thinks he's at a deli ordering a sandwich. Fucking hateful bill reassuring every member of the LGBTQI community. What's the I now? That's what it stands for. I have no fucking idea. Community that my administration will continue to fight for the protections
Starting point is 00:32:30 and safety you deserve. What's that mean? Give them condoms? Shut up, Joey, you big girl lover. I'm telling you, I'm so tired. I really resent. I'm 60. The amount of time and it's on me.
Starting point is 00:32:47 I know people say shut off the TV and blah, blah, blah, blah. I can't help it. I should be able to follow the news. It's a good thing to be informed. But it's so goddamn obvious, the lying coming from one side, that it will make you. Oh, by the way, I talked about my high blood pressure, right, on this show, I think, which I never had for the last year or so. I swear to God, it started right when Biden got in, voted in, I mean, stole the election.
Starting point is 00:33:13 But I have one at home, a cuff, and took it twice last night. It was like 120 over 78 and then 119 over like 72, which is outstanding, I might add. Of course, it's right after I rubbed a couple out and had a glass of wine. No, it isn't. Let's go on. Shocking story. Three New Jersey women, you can call them women, allegedly forced a young girl to wear a dog shark collar. I kind of like this chick already. They made a girl wear a dog shark collar. I kind of like this chick already. Woo! They made a girl wear a dog shark collar as punishment when she was bad and deprived her of proper food and clothes
Starting point is 00:33:53 in a case that lasted for over three years, prosecutors said. Stratford residents Kelly Menning, Rebecca Menning, Kelly's 42, Rebecca's 22, and Rachel Menning is Rebecca Menning. Kelly's 42. Rebecca's 22.
Starting point is 00:34:08 And Rachel Menning is 20. Oh, is that them? Y'all fat fuck, look at you. I'll say it to all of them. Y'all fat fuck, look at you. Now Rachel. Y'all fat fuck, look at you. These three chicks,
Starting point is 00:34:23 look at them tattoos. We've lost it. We're rotting from the inside out. Why would you get a tattoo when you get the face of a fucking dog's ass? Why would you draw more attention to above the neck? Why? Because Oprah said you're beautiful. I'm here to tell you Oprah's a liar. Face charges of aggravated assault, child abuse, and neglect,
Starting point is 00:34:45 according to an affidavit of probable cause from the Camden County Prosecutor's Office. The victim, who is now 13, how old was she? When did this happen? It was identified only by her initials ID. That's cute. Said she was first forced to wear the canine collar when she was nine years old
Starting point is 00:35:01 and in the fourth grade. What the fuck is going on? They don't work anyways. We got one for our dog, a little shih tzu poodle or whatever, cute as the fucking. We buzz her, and she looks at us like, that's all you got? She goes up and does this.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Still barks. I said to my wife, put it on high. I go, if you don't, I'm going to throw it in the tub and throw a hairdryer in there. The charges against the three women cover the period from October 2018 to March 1st of this year, according to the affidavit. Shock collars are controversial training tools for dogs if you're a big girl. They're great for the bedroom. You put those around your sack, fellas, Get a little mist. Oh my goodness. Delivering varying degrees of electronic
Starting point is 00:35:48 stimulation by their handlers via remote control as punishment for misbehavior. You just go, Dance, bitch! That's what happens when you put on their nuts. Police first learned about the alleged abuse
Starting point is 00:36:06 when a concerned neighbor on Harvard Avenue, Great Street, saw the girl wearing the collar and called 911. See, I wouldn't have called 911. I would have asked for her phone number. Oh, wait a minute. She was nine. Scratch that. The woman, Karen Vilek, told the Daily Beast
Starting point is 00:36:21 that she heard her doorbell ringing frantically at about 3 p.m. on March 1st. I.D., the girl, is standing there, and she goes, they're shocking me. They're shocking me, Vilek told the news outlet. And she hands me this dog collar, which is like vibrating in my hands. So I shut the door in her face. I go upstairs and try it out. Now, listen, I haven't put this thing down for three.
Starting point is 00:36:43 She lifts her head up, and I can see the marks on her neck where they were shocking her. So my husband calls 911 because I don't know how to dial the phone. And I was in the kitchen with ID trying to calm her down. The girl who was treated at Jefferson Hospital in Stratford has been removed from her home by the Division of Child and Protection and Permanency. So, bye-bye. Now, hold on a second. Doesn't really state, was she living with those three? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:16 At that young age? Why? It never specified if she was a younger sibling. Great reporting once again, you fuckstains. Let me help reporters out, okay? I don't even report. But this is still true. They told reporters this in 1930, okay? Who, where, when,
Starting point is 00:37:36 why? Very simple. They go, who, and now let me check another why. They don't, it's just fucking, I feel like it's eighth graders who flunk journalism. Anyways, I should go on the road and calm down.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Hey, I'm back on the road, you guys, again, for, find all these tour dates and ticket links on my website,
Starting point is 00:37:56 Cheryl Banana, loving, March 25, Hyenas and Comedy Club, Dallas. Hyenas Comedy Club. I just said Hyenas and Comedy Club. Don't go to that club. There's Hyenas in it. March 26, Hyenas Comedy Club in Fort Worth. That's the next night. April 7 through 9, Comics at Mohegan Sun. I returned to the scene
Starting point is 00:38:19 of crime where I did mushrooms for the first time. May 6, Governor's Comedy Club in Levittown. My buddy James and his lovely wife Laura, who run a great club. May 7th, the Paramount Theater in Peekskill, New York. September 9th, Soul Joel's Comedy Club in Royersford, PA. September 10th, Algonquin Theater, Manisquan, New
Starting point is 00:38:37 Jersey. And September 11th, the Sugarloaf Performing Arts Center in Chester, New York. And we're talking the Comedy Cabana in, what is it in South Carolina? What's the, right on the ocean? Myrtle Beach. Jesus. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
Starting point is 00:38:59 We're looking at a date at the end of May. And I had never been there the first time. And all the shows are packed. And the end of May. And I had never been there the first time, and all the shows are packed, and the people were great. And they put us up in a hotel on the ocean, a beach right there. My wife was there to ruin it. I, uh, what?
Starting point is 00:39:16 Anyways, yeah, I'm looking forward to that. It was a great room. Again, get all the links for tickets at and click on the tour button. Oh, boy. More gay people in the news? Folks, I'm telling you, by the end of this show, I'll be wearing a pink hat and a speedo.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Psycho trans trash is the headline. An 83-year-old serial killer, yeah, who says mental illness and trans don't go together, spent the bulk of her life behind bars, get this, see, I bet this will show up in the evil show, for killing two ex-girlfriends, is now being eyed in the murder of another woman whose dismembered body turned up in Brooklyn last week.
Starting point is 00:40:03 How old did I say she was? 83. She's 83, and she's still killing. Nice going, cops. The Post has learned. There's only one sound for this lady. That's me. What? Don't be gross. Javi... So this is a guy who became a girl, even though the pictures are going to make you laugh. Harvey Marcelin, who was a, that's Jen Psaki in about 20 years. Looks like Don Knotts with a wig on.
Starting point is 00:40:39 Mr. Roper is killing bitches. Harvey Marcelin, who identifies as a transgender woman, I don't think you've gone all the way there, was charged, turn up the fucking, you know what, the estrogen, was charged last week with concealment of a human corpse after she was allegedly caught on surveillance video dumping human remains near her apartment,
Starting point is 00:41:01 according to sources and court records. Look at that pig. You fucking whore. Oh! Yeah, that's it and court records. Look at that pig. Yeah, that's it. Go home. Get my dinner ready. That's her talking to her girlfriend. A search warrant turned up a human head. Thank God it wasn't a little kitty's head. In Marshland's
Starting point is 00:41:17 home in Cypress Hills, according to a criminal complaint and sources, said cops also recovered electric saws. What the fuck? she bought those at home depot she's tired to return them but there was too much meat in the the grisly case unfolded last week when the torso, imagine this, doesn't look crazy though, belonging to Susan Layden, 68, was recovered from an abandoned shopping cart at the corner of Pennsylvania and Atlantic Avenues, less than a block away from Marceline's apartment.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Nice going. Reminds me of Aaron Hernandez for the Patriots. Yeah, put the fucking body a mile from your house. A few days later, Layden's leg was discovered. Alongside some mint jelly and a nice fucking red-eye gravy. Layden's leg was discovered a few blocks north, sources said, adding that her arm is still missing. I can't help it.
Starting point is 00:42:27 I don't know what you did. You're a damn pervert. All right, just get the hell out of here. I got a goddamn campaign. Ah! Ah! It sounds like my dad when he's watching That Lady Dies Funeral.
Starting point is 00:42:41 He was laughing about the horse shit in the street. The twice-con twice convicted killer could now face fresh murder charges. Oh, give her a life sentence. She's 83. Make her run 10 feet. She's not dead. Anyways, fresh murder charges and Layton's death,
Starting point is 00:42:57 authorities said, adding to her already disturbing criminal history. The octogenarian spent more than 50 years in state prison on murder and manslaughter convictions dating to 1963, prison record show. That rap stemmed from the April 19, 1963 shooting, death of her live-in girlfriend, Jacqueline Bonds, inside the couple's Manhattan apartment,
Starting point is 00:43:22 according to sources. God, what a nut. I suck cock. Yeah, but... And I love it. apartment, according to sources. God, what a nut. I suck cock. Yeah, but... And I love it. Yummy, yummy, yummy. Marsland snapped shooting Bond three times when she said she was leaving her.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Marsland was sentenced to 20 years to life that same year, but was freed on lifetime parole in May of 84. The killer was free for less than a year when she was busted again for fatally stabbing another living girlfriend. Boy, she's got a problem with girls. Suffering, suffering, stuffing her body in a Thanksgiving turkey into a bag she dumped
Starting point is 00:44:03 on the street near Central Park. She was convicted of first-degree manslaughter in that case in 1986. The minute they let her out, he or she, whatever, loved the prison lifestyle because there's plenty of freaky sex in there, in 1986, and sentenced to a six- to 12-year term. See? Fuck New York, man.
Starting point is 00:44:24 Huh? Fucking New York. Moslin was denied parole several times. It admitted at one hearing that she had a problem with women. She admitted that? My vagina's angry. It is.
Starting point is 00:44:40 It's pissed off. My vagina is furious and it needs to talk put a sock in it anyways final story Black Panther director a moron that's the headline Black Panther director Ryan Coogler now right away
Starting point is 00:44:58 I know because he directed Black Panther that means he hates white people Nick shut the fuck up case closed this is how the news should be done, by the way. I was handcuffed in Atlanta earlier this year after a Bank of America teller mistook him for a robber. So right away,
Starting point is 00:45:14 even I was going, oh, wow, here we go. White teller, fucking prejudging, blah, blah, blah, blah. The filmmaker, 35, was attempting to make a discreet withdrawal from his account on January 7th. That's what the police report said. Kugler was wearing a, get this, here's where it gets weird,
Starting point is 00:45:30 green hoodie, as you see there, black hat, dark sunglasses, and a white face mask, protecting him from COVID-19. Also protecting him from being identified if he's robbing a bank. When he walked into the Atlanta branch, look at this mama. He's so stoked. He's a stoker. He's a stoker. He's a stoker. He handed the teller,
Starting point is 00:45:50 described in the report as a pregnant black female, a slip with a handwritten note on the back, which led her to believe Kugler was trying to stage a robbery. Give me the money, understand me? Give me the fucking money, you hear me? You hear me?
Starting point is 00:46:02 I gotta come here and bust my body. Give me the fucking money. Okay, 10 out of hear me? I got to come here and bust my body. Give me the fucking money. Okay, 10 out of 10 people would have done the same thing as the teller because the guy comes in with a fucking glasses on, mask, hoodie, and you know what he's doing, folks? You could call it trolling, entrapment, whatever. He was hoping a white broad was going to be behind there. They would have had a whole story about it.
Starting point is 00:46:26 The police report further states that after being handed the note and receiving an alert notification from Mr. Kugler's account, the teller informed her manager and they called 911. I would like to withdraw $12,000 in cash from my checking account, reads the note allegedly obtained by TMZ. Please do the money count somewhere else. I'd like to be discreet, and I say to this guy, You listening? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:52 Your mother sucks fucking big fucking elephant dicks. Got that? I haven't heard that one in a while. You listening? Yeah. Your mother sucks fucking big fucking elephant dicks. No, no, she doesn't.
Starting point is 00:47:08 No. You listening? Yeah. Your mother sucks. Fuck. The reporting officer stated in the police report that the incident was a mistake by Bank of America and that Mr. Kugler was never in the wrong. Is that what you got from it?
Starting point is 00:47:22 Did you say to him, don't come in dressed like that? Because nine out of ten brothers that are dressed like that, I'm trying to rob a bank. Or white people, whatever. Noting that the filmmaker was immediately taken out of handcuffs, naturally.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Huh? Yeah, he was just trying to come up with an idea for another movie. You suck. Your movies suck. I would like to thank the following people
Starting point is 00:47:44 for contributing to the show this week. One-time contributions. Paul Mattson of Minnesota. David Gambistiani, New Jersey. Jonathan Ahrens, North Carolina. Christopher Long of Idaho. Pauly Sagnella, Connecticut. Kit Fortney.
Starting point is 00:48:01 These are regulars. Michigan. Jonathan Rainey, Arkansas. Russell Buckner of Tennessee, Scott Van Duker, Washington, Sean Powell, a buddy in Florida, Lee Priest, the great Lee Priest, Australia, Austin Pardee of Nevada, Kelly Hubbard, Michigan, Douglas Young, Stephen Stanley, Scott Brown, Joseph Hirsch, and new monthly supporters, Franklin Williamson, Ryan Bloom, Roger Boland, Count Blue de Planta de Weidenberg de Goliar. Please help.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Again, thank all of you for contributing we need more shows like this because the lying on the left is getting worse than ever anyways that's it for the week ladies and gentlemen I want to thank you again for supporting the show financially don't forget to sign up on a monthly basis if you could at
Starting point is 00:49:04 then we got Go to for merchandise. And if you'd like me to roast a relative or a friend. Go to So we guys, we'll see you on Monday. Remember, you think it, I'll say it. You're very welcome. Have a great weekend. guitar solo Bye.

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