The Nick DiPaolo Show - White Males vs. Leftist Scum

Episode Date: January 22, 2019

Comedian Owen Benjamin Skypes in. Border Battle Bumbles on. And the Left Loses it over MAGA March....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thank you. Hey, welcome to the show. On a Monday, how are you, folks? Big show today. Owen Benjamin will be Skyping in at the bottom of the hour, 6.30 Eastern Time. He has a special, a new hour special that he shot in Vegas. Very funny. Conspiracy queries, it's called. We will talk to him at 6.30 Eastern Time. This episode of the Nick DiPaolo Show brought to you by our friends at
Starting point is 00:01:08 Guys, it's a Super Bowl time and what's more fun than putting some cash in the game? If you don't like football, even if you don't like it, I don't know who you are. You're not an American. Having some cash in the game makes it fun, which is why I like to get in the action at
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Starting point is 00:02:15 do. You know, the Patriots always defer, almost always. Who's going to win the coin toss? Length of the national anthem sung by Gladys Knight. Will Gladys Knight take a knee or raise a fist during or following the national anthem? Will any player take a knee during the national anthem? Will Jim Nant say, hello, friends, when announcers come on the air? Will CBS show replay of missed pass interference call on Rams vs. New Orleans? All these things you can bet at during the actual Super Bowl. at during the actual Super Bowl. So go to
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Starting point is 00:03:21 Buddy, I think, used to use this one too. And he was big on the prop bets. So we thank BetDSI for sponsoring the show today. And real quick, this Friday, I will be on the Joe Rogan podcast. Probably it's Friday, 9 a.m. L.A. time, which is noon Eastern Standard Time. That night I'll be at the Comedy Palace in San Diego, California. The following Sunday, January 27th, the Ventura Harbor Comedy Club, Ventura, California. That following day, Monday, the Dave Rubin Show. Friday and Saturday, February 8th and 9th, The Black Box, Boca Raton, Florida. Friday, March 8th, Wood Theater, Glens Falls, New York. Saturday, March 9th,
Starting point is 00:04:03 Cajos Hall, Cajos, New York. I'll be shooting a one-hour special. Friday, April 26th, Glens Falls, New York. Saturday, March 9th, Cahos Hall, Cahos, New York. I'll be shooting a one-hour special. Friday, April 26th, Steel Stacks, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Friday, May 31st, Jonathan's at Gunkwit, Maine. Saturday, June 1, Whites of Westport, Westport, Mass. Saturday, August 10th, Newtown Theater, Newtown, Pennsylvania. And then Saturday, October 19th, the Ridgefield Playhouse, Ridgefield, Connecticut. Go to for all your ticket information thanks to the people that came out to Bobby V's
Starting point is 00:04:31 in Windsor Locks this weekend had a great time uh packed house again and uh thank you guys for taking the time to wash your filthy asses and come out and see me live let's get to the weekend. We have to talk football, obviously. I'm from Boston, and sorry, guys. Red Sox last year, Pats this year. What's new? It's the greatest sports town ever, Titletown, USA, and the New England Patriots have cemented themselves as the greatest dynasty in the history of football. You can't argue that, okay, from Dallas, San Francisco, Pittsburgh. There's no arguing it. You're never going to see a feat like this again. But before I get to the Pats, the poor Saints, my apologies.
Starting point is 00:05:12 You weren't robbed. You were raped and mugged by the worst fucking call or non-call I have ever seen in my 86 years of watching football. Mr. Official, let me ask you something. How can six of you miss a play like that, huh? How can you? If you're going to yell at all white guys, and a lot of that's going on today,
Starting point is 00:05:35 start with the referees in the NFL. They're too fucking old. That's all there is to it. They can't. They rely on replay now. They can't get it done themselves. But, yeah, you were robbed. Absolutely robbed.
Starting point is 00:05:47 You saw the interference. A minute 45 left, down on like the 10 of 15. And they would have punched it in. Instead, they had to settle for a field goal because of a non-interference call. The guy made helmet-to-helmet contact. You could have called him for rape, sodomy, any of it. He even was laughing after the game. He says, I was waiting for the flag, the guy that committed the foul. But he had a good sense of your money. He goes, but the refs called it. Now, respect the refs
Starting point is 00:06:14 called, but he was laughing about it. That's how bad it was. I feel bad for Sean. It doesn't matter. The Pats are going to kick the shit out of the Rams or the Saints because they're gelling at the right time as usual. Okay, last year they didn't play defense. That was the most winnable game ever, they joke. But if you guys missed the game, I'm going to play the audio highlights of just the fourth quarter alone of the Patriots and Chiefs, one of the greatest AFC championship games. All this happened in the fourth quarter. Hit it, fellas.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Play fake. They fire it. Down the pass. It's tapped and intercepted. Dirty Dan's got quarter. Hit it, fellas. Play fake. They fire it on the... Down the pass is tapped and intercepted. Dirty Dan's got it. 35 to the 30. Cutting back to the near side. They won't review that one. That play stands.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Also trying to tuck in behind left tackle. Play fake. They're going to run a screen near side. Damian Williams set up 20. 15, 10, 5. Touchdown. There was a pick on that play that should have been called. This was all in the 4-4.
Starting point is 00:07:32 Oh! The big Pollock! zone. Cut down Patriots. And they've regained the lead with 39 seconds on the clock. Colquitt puts the placement down. Butters kick. This can't be more perfect. The Chiefs have tied the game at eight seconds remaining. Then reverses direction. Brady under center. And gives to Burkett. Runs and left for the win! Touchdown!
Starting point is 00:08:01 Patriots! And they're bound for Super Bowl 53! Oh! Cut to Sean Payton. Back to the other game. I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not gonna take this anymore! Anyways. That was Payton screaming into this mic.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Hey, uh, that's nine Super Bowls in the last 19 years for Tom Brady and Belichick and the Pats. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, you bitter Jets fans. Giants ruined up perfect. Anyways, Brady's been in the league 17 seasons. This is his, that was his, what was it, his 13th AFC championship game,
Starting point is 00:08:37 something like that. It's fucking unheard of. Yeah, his 13th in 17 seasons. He improved to 11-0 against first-time playoff quarterbacks. Goff. You might want to take note of that. Patriots joined the Dolphins and the Bills as the only team to reach the Super Bowl three consecutive years in a row. The Dolphins did it three times.
Starting point is 00:09:00 The Bills did it four times. Never winning, by the way. New England tied the Pittsburgh Steelers for the most playoff wins of 36. They held the Chiefs scoreless in the first half for the first time since week four of the 2016 season. That's what got me hard, the defense. Brady leading another magical fourth quarter drive. Gets the ball at his own 35 with a minute 57 left down 28 to 24. Was there any doubt in your mind that he
Starting point is 00:09:26 had him right where he wanted him then mahomes got it with 32 seconds left and did a hell of a job uh patriots won the coin toss took the ball brady stuffed it right up their asses right up their filthy kansas city asses uh but you remember they were talking about the patriots were done back in september they lost back-to-back games to the Jaguars and the Lions. And then they were stunned. And then they get their asses wiped by Tennessee in November. And the Dolphins stunned them in the last play of the game in December. Only for what?
Starting point is 00:09:55 To Belichick. Oh, I'll make a few adjustments. And here we are again. Tom Brady. Just there's no argument now Bobby O is always my favorite Boston athlete sorry Tommy Brady his uh
Starting point is 00:10:11 by the way he said fuck on live TV I caught it while I was watching it was laughing my balls off what was so beautiful he was doing that all American Tom pretty boy I want to say I love my wife and my kids and hi mom and dad all that all American horse shit. And the guy goes, what's it like to be going to the Super Bowl third?
Starting point is 00:10:27 You know, he goes, just fucking unbelievable. Right after B. He was like Eddie Haskell. But if that wasn't enough, I love this. I love this. He made a little Instagram clip with him and Gronkowski. Here it is. It says it all. That's right. They don't have to say it. Ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Bad boy for life, motherfucker. He said a couple weeks ago I'm the baddest motherfucker ever to his teammates. That's right. Tom Brady, Frankenstein head. And I couldn't be harder. I mean, more excited. The rest of the league. When I was a kid, it was the Dallas Cowboys.
Starting point is 00:11:24 We were so sick of them. They were in it all the time. And I actually feel bad for the rest of the league. When I was a kid, it was the Dallas Cowboys. We were so sick of them. They were in it all the time. And I actually feel bad for the rest of the country. But then you had those nine fucking replays. And you know what? They got them all right except for one. That roughing the pass a call was a dog shit call against the Chiefs. But then something happened right after that made up for that.
Starting point is 00:11:41 And then there was the pick play by Kansas City. It was clearly a pick. That shouldn't have been a touchdown. It all evened off. But God bless you-know-who, Edelman, that tough little hairy son of a bitch. How about when he went to field that punt? It never touched him.
Starting point is 00:11:54 It came within a red CH, but the ball never changed trajectory. They got it right, and I'm sorry. So lick it. I feel good. Let's get to a little bit of political shit before we bring Owen in in a few. Trump defends immigration proposal against amnesty criticism from conservatives. Trump early Sunday sought to sell his new immigration proposal,
Starting point is 00:12:20 which includes funding for a wall along the southern border and extended protection for certain immigrant groups, Amish, Polish and Irish, amid pushback from Democrats and hardline conservatives and a series of tweets. Trump chastised Democrats for dismissing his plan and attempted to assuage immigration hardliners who liken the administration's latest proposal to amnesty for immigrants already in the country. He can't win. He can't win with the goddamn hardcore conservatives and the Republican Party. And of course,
Starting point is 00:12:50 every Democrat has done everything they could to fuck up his life since he took over. Here is his new proposal. Our plan includes the following. Read faster, please, Mr. Trump. $800 million in urgent humanitarian assistance. $805 million for drug detection technology to help secure our ports of entry. Ports of entry. An additional 2,750 border agents and law enforcement professionals. 75 new immigration judge teams to reduce the court backlog of, believe it or not, almost 900,000 cases. However, the whole concept of having lengthy trials for anyone who
Starting point is 00:13:47 sets one foot in our country lawfully must be changed by Congress. It is unsustainable. It is ridiculous. Few places in the world would even consider such an impossible nightmare. Our plan includes critical measures to protect migrant children from exploitation and abuse. This includes a new system to allow Central American minors to apply for asylum in their home countries and reform to promote family reunification for unaccompanied children, thousands of whom wind up on our border doorstep. To physically secure our border, the plan includes $5.7 billion for a strategic deployment of physical barriers or a wall.
Starting point is 00:14:43 This is not a 2,000 mile concrete structure from sea to sea. Why not? Why not? These are steel barriers in high priority locations. More than four words at a time. We can handle it, Mr. Trump. But everybody's screaming, you know. But how about the 11 to 20 million illegals already here? We're going to leave them and he's still be considered an asshole by the left. And in other tweets, Trump singled out the leather nippled crazy bitch from San Francisco, Nancy Pelosi, calling her a radical Democrat, blaming her for the condition of the streets of San Francisco, which is in her congressional district. I've been doing that since the show started. I'd like to play there, but I don't
Starting point is 00:15:29 want to get Hep C stepping on a fucking nail on the way to the fucking yuck yuck hut. Trump called on Pelosi and Democrats to do the right thing for the country and allow people to go back to work. And naturally, this was the response from the Democrats. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, not this fucking time. No fucking way. No fucking way. No fucking way. No fucking way, mate. No, no, no, no. Pelosi called Trump's proposal a non-starter. Do you really think this dumb broad is going to fucking outdo the greatest businessman, the guy who wrote the art of the deal?
Starting point is 00:16:08 I don't. She's on home turf being in D.C. her whole life. But we're in this mess because of her. She hasn't done anything for the last 50 years. Do you really think he's going to lose this? Sorry, I don't think he is. Yeah, Brady's going to lose the Super Bowl. Please.
Starting point is 00:16:24 So she said it's a non-starter. Before Trump even unveiled the details. And media reports that would include a wall funding and protections for Dreamers. He's given protections to Dreamers and to temporary protected status, TPS recipients. The deal would also reopen swaths of the government that have been closed since late December. And thank God for that, because I wanted to get to the Smithsonian and see Lincoln's hat. Oh, what a fucking scam. You left-wing jerk-offs are buying this stuff.
Starting point is 00:16:55 A number of Republicans were quick to praise the proposal. Mitch McConnell, even without his chin, said he'd bring it up for a vote this week. Democratic leaders and rank and file members were just as quick to criticize Trump's plan, calling it a non-starter because that's what they were told to say by the New York Times, NBC, CBS, ABC, wherever they get their talking points. They said more hostage taking and non-serious. That would be your position, non-serious. The president's announcement also drew backlash from conservatives, including Ann Coulter.
Starting point is 00:17:29 God bless her. She's not going to be happy unless there's a concrete barrier 150 feet high for 4,000 miles into the ocean, and I don't blame her. Fuck it. Mike Pence also pushed back against conservatives who liken Trump's plan to amnesty. He said this is not amnesty.
Starting point is 00:17:47 This is Pence talking, the wax museum guy. There's no pathway to citizenship. There's no permanent status here at all, which is what amnesty contemplates. And it doesn't matter what he does. I mean, he's protecting Dak. He's giving people protection. People whose green cards are up and shit. That's not enough.
Starting point is 00:18:06 So fuck you. I don't care if there's nobody at the TSA. I love how they keep bringing that point up. Ooh, the TSA, their workout, you know, they're walking out of work. It's up to 10%. Yeah, nobody notices. I'd say it's safer if you fired them all, hired all the fucking McDonald's, Wendy's, and Arby's workers. It's the same quality of people.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Don't forget the TSA. I don't want to, you know, mimic, I don't want to shit on too bad, but we know it's kabuki theater. Every couple years, the federal government, the FBI, whoever tries to sneak guns in as a test, you know what the success rate was last time? 98%. 98% of the fake guns they get through. So it's hardly a crisis if they don't show up for work. No offense. All due respect. 833-599-NICK. 833-599-6425 is the phone number. He's trying. He's trying.
Starting point is 00:19:07 And then you got the... Super chat already? Go ahead. Go ahead. Let it fly, fella. All right. We got CM Cross 1 saying, we can handle more than four words at a time,
Starting point is 00:19:17 but don't forget the dims. I think they have trouble with that. What do you think? That might be a good point. Maybe he's slowing it down for the people who vote Democrat who was severely retarded nick why do you do that you're gonna alienate half your comedy audience i don't give a fuck i was always for the truth anyways so you're gonna cut my crowds down for 200 to 100 oh hope i can afford bologna and dog food i don't give a shit that might be a a good point. They are that severely retarded.
Starting point is 00:19:45 And I'm going to bring up a few stories later on that prove just how crooked. I'm sure you all heard about the Covington High School Catholic school kids, high school kids, who were set upon by some old Native American Vietnam vet who's a political activist, and he's been busted before for doing this. He set upon them, but somebody once again filmed it. Can I give you a tip out there? When you see, whether it's a fight at a McDonald's or whatever,
Starting point is 00:20:16 and the white people suppose they're in the wrong, the first thing you should say is, wait a minute, what happened before the white people started doing wrong in this video? Because it looks like they're not doing anything wrong. We had a couple cases of that. This coffee's coming up. Holy shit. Wow.
Starting point is 00:20:37 That's what you should ask yourself. What happened before somebody turned the phone on? Because most of the times people don't turn the phone on until some shit goes down. But we'll debunk what the left did they went wild celebrities weighed in it was just a fucking sickening and a glaring case once again of uh left-wing fascist fucking media bias only you know now it's the internet so they're getting hold of that. But even some people on the left said to Pelosi, you should agree with this deal. Even the Washington Post said that Trump was being fair.
Starting point is 00:21:12 And Mitt Romney, who I thought I liked, he actually said that Trump's dealing in good faith and that the Dems should go along with this deal. So that made me think twice. Fucking if Romney likes it. I told you, right? We broadcast live. We stream on YouTube and Facebook today.
Starting point is 00:21:33 We'll do it live. Yeah, we will, motherfuckers. We'll do it live. Fuck it. Do it live. I'll write it and we'll do it live. Why should anything be different? I want all of you to enjoy your cake.
Starting point is 00:21:46 So, enjoy. Anyhow, the point is, I don't believe in a million years that Pelosi is going to outsmart Trump in a deal. I just don't. Just the way I knew Tom Brady was going to rally two minutes left, three timeouts. It might have been a month and a half. I just don't. Just the way I knew Tom Brady was going to rally.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Two minutes left, three timeouts. It might have been a month and a half. He was like yawning on the bench. Anyhow, get that call up there, Ryan. Let's go. Move it, move it, move it. I don't want to go into a new subject because we get Owen Benjamin in a few minutes. Tell him to call in early if you
Starting point is 00:22:25 want send him a note i got some good ones though basketball team quits the uh mlk tourney this is a high school team after their fans flaunt a trump flag oh my god a bunch of white high school has brought a trump flag to a basketball game against an all-black team so now that's a faux pas i haven't got caitlin i haven't got to the catholic school thing yet so just hold on the line a minute i'm caught in between let's play a fucking video hey uh jason the other half of the trump thing what's's that, buddy? We have more of the Trump thing. Oh, go ahead. In order to build the trust and goodwill necessary to begin real immigration reform, there are two more elements to my plan. Number one is three years of legislative relief for 700,000 DACA recipients
Starting point is 00:23:24 brought here unlawfully by their parents at a young age many years ago. Three more years of relief. This extension will give them access to work permits, social security numbers, and protection from deportation, most importantly. Secondly, our proposal provides a three-year extension of temporary protected status. This means that 300,000 immigrants whose protected status is facing expiration will now have three more years of certainty so that Congress can work on a larger immigration deal, which everybody wants, Republicans and Democrats. Well, that's a lie.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Not everybody wants it or it would be done by now. Pelosi doesn't want it. All the fucking childlike jerk-offs like Adam Schiff, who have been out to get you, the former Obama administration people, they're not for any of this shit, Mr. Trump. They want you out, out, out. Doesn't matter what you propose. So he took this on. Remember he said when he had that meeting with Chuck Schumer and Nancy in the Oval Office or whatever, the left wing, right wing,
Starting point is 00:24:37 and he said, I will gladly carry the mantle of the shutdown. Well, he owns it. And I still think he's going to fucking win on it. But another part of me, if I it. And I still think he's gonna fucking win on it. But, another part of me, if I was Trump, I'd go, okay, you know what? Fuck it. I'm opening the government. No deal. And I don't want to hear the next time your kid's OD on
Starting point is 00:24:55 fucking heroin. I don't want to hear about the next time one of your kids is killed by a drunk driver from Honduras who's been in the country six minutes. I don't want to hear about rapes and sex abuse at the border. Okay, I'm going to leave it as is. Wouldn't that be, that's what I'd do.
Starting point is 00:25:17 I'd fucking lose my shit. He is mentally the toughest bastard I think that's ever sat in the, the slings and arrows that this guy has taken since he's taken over is just unbelievable. But that sounds like a fair deal. I don't care if you're a Trump fan or not.
Starting point is 00:25:33 I mean, there's some, a lot of, most of that shit Democrats already voted for in the past. It's just more proof that they, if they let him win on this, there's a chance. This is all about 2020, you know that. So oh camilla harris and now she's gonna run that's a that's a wet dream for democrats because she hates men and white people you can't get better than that come on ryan get that fucking next caller up what are you doing trying to pick them up Come on, Ryan.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Get that fucking next caller up. What are you doing? Trying to pick them up? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Get a name. Get a subject. Jason, grab that headset. Ryan's getting upset.
Starting point is 00:26:20 I got four minutes. I can't. I got four minutes. I can't. Let's talk about Owen Benjamin, my friend. He should be on my line in a few. Correct? Should be calling him by now, right? Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:40 It can be on air. It's the beauty of the show, Ryan. You can say whatever. We, oh, I'm getting chest pains. Is that a bad sign? I've had about 11 cigarettes and I'd say six cups of coffee. I don't know what's happening to me. I'm turning to the people I used to make fun of.
Starting point is 00:26:54 I was sitting on this fucking sidewalk outside of a comedy club and there was a lady across the street. It was like 10 degrees. She's sitting on her steps and she's lighting up a cigarette and I go, look at this douchebag freezing herself to smoke
Starting point is 00:27:08 a cigarette. As I was saying that, I was reaching into my pocket for a cigarette. That's how I know I'm still new at this. I forgot I was a smoker for a few seconds. Let me take Kyle real quick, line two. Kyle, we're off subject, but go ahead. I'll let you go real quick.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Hey, Nick DiPaolo, how are you? Good. Let's go, but go ahead. I'll let you go real quick. Hey, Nick DiPaolo. How are you? Good. Let's go. Let's go. I'm going to hurry. Let's go. What?
Starting point is 00:27:31 I got callers. I got a guest calling in. Slow down, Neil Sadaka's angry nephew. All right. Well, then take me after, bud. No, I'm taking you now. Make your point, shithead. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Nice try. Jesus Christ. Hi, how are you you I just said on the air I fucking I'm crunched for time here you don't start with hi how are you call back Kyle I took you anyways even though we were off topic yeah let's go to Caitlin she She's going to talk about... What's up, buddy? You got him? All right. Ladies and gentlemen, joining us right now, Brian.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Yeah? We good? Okay. Buddy, one of the funniest out there. Brilliantly smart. Controversial. You know he's on the right side of the fight. They chased him to Washington State.
Starting point is 00:28:25 He's got a new special out that he shot in Vegas, Conspiracy Queries. And he's a real funny. Can we play a clip from his special, Jason, before I bring Buddy Owen on? Sweet. One thing that I noticed happened to me is ever since having children,
Starting point is 00:28:45 I stopped watching pornography because I read that it's really bad for your brain. It's just, you know, and I felt like it makes you kind of narcissistic. And being on the road a lot, I have a lot of free time. And also, I just feel weird with kids in the house looking at porn. It just makes it way too real. Like, if you're looking at porn, you're like, there's literally children in the home right now. Like, I just read Hungry Caterpillar
Starting point is 00:29:06 and now I'm looking at a different Hungry Caterpillar. Hungry Caterpillar. Why the music over the clip? Can we pull, can we pull up
Starting point is 00:29:20 Owen, please, fellas? Yes, there, handsome son of a bitch. What's up? How are you how are you man hey first of all let me congratulate i know you had a baby this summer yeah we just had a second we got a two and a half year old and then a little guy charlie yeah we're uh we're making life i'm making life with my ween well you're not jerking off anymore from that clip, I guess. This is going to change everything. So Charlie is the new baby.
Starting point is 00:29:49 Yeah, Charlie and Walter, yeah. Oh, yeah. Little boys. Now, I don't want to say anything, but that sounds like two old men, Charlie and Walter. I know. I was so inundated by all the new age names. Like, this is Clementine. He's a boy. And I'm like, Walter.
Starting point is 00:30:05 I wanted to go Wolfgang, but Amy was like, yeah, like Wolfgang. That's a great name. Yeah, the next one I think might be Wolfgang. It's just so strong. Yeah, I'm glad you didn't go with Josh. And those are all, like you said, the newfangled ones. Joe Mattarese had a kid a few years ago. Joe Mattarese.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Yeah. And I said, he does a bit about it. I said, you have to name him Rocco. Rocco Mattarese. That's powerful. Is that not a heavyweight champion from the fucking 50s? Dude, he could be three feet tall and 500 pounds. I'm like, I'm not fighting Rocco Mattarese.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Is that not the best? And his wife made him go with the, oh, shit. It was something worse than Joshua. Yeah, Rocco in Italian. There was a quarterback in Utica when I was playing in high school. His name was Rocco Corigliano, and I'll always remember it. Just I played him one time, and I was like, that is a great name. There's a guy now, I think, at Michigan State, Rocco Lombardi.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Perfect. Rocky Lombardi, blonde hair, blue eyes, by the way. But anyways, congratulations. Thank you very much. To you and the wife. So you show up to special, oh, in Vegas. Why'd you pick Vegas? Well, it was the last stop on the tour, and it just kind of made sense. And we were doing this whole tour, and every city we were in, we were kind of looking into what the conspiracy theory was in the city, like Denver with the Satan horse, and New Mexico with aliens and stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:38 And we started looking into all this stuff, and then by the end, we just went, we did Vegas. And then we went, we just had all this material. And I didn't name it till after I started editing it. And I'm like, you know, because everyone says conspiracy theories. It's like, what about queries? Right? What's wrong with just like asking what's up? You know, it's like white supremacist. What about white enthusiast? You know, it's like, I think my dad taught how to do this. Like, this is all rhetoric, like this wordplay. Yes. And so I'm like, yeah, we can all play ball, man.
Starting point is 00:32:08 I can I can make up fake words. Come on. Like cisgendered heteronormative behavior. Like, buddy, we can all play the game. I'm a white enthusiast. So now you're going to spend three months figuring that one out. You know, it's hilarious. Well, now the Vegas, the conspiracy
Starting point is 00:32:25 there, are you basing it like on the shooting? Well, I talked about that. One of the whole things was like how people just stop asking questions for some reason. Like they're almost like traumatized. I'm like, oh yeah. I mean, a guy pulled off 500 rounds, you know, top six, four is owned by a Saudi Prince, you know, girlfriend cruises to Philippines. No motivation. Yeah. You know, it's best just we walk away from this one. So what did Trump tweet today? And the more and the more you like show that to people, it's like the world is full of actual like our our country was founded on a conspiracy. But yet we won't, which I'm glad we did, obviously. But it's like, you know, a bunch of dudes got together and overthrew the British government
Starting point is 00:33:05 with a secret plan. It's like, that's our whole history. What was the conspiracy, though? Of the shooting? No, of us over the throat. Conspiracy isn't bad. It just means a secret, like, secret knowledge. A secret plan.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Oh, yeah. I wish my agent had one. I wouldn't be sitting in my fucking basement talking to you so you have a whole theme to the tour and see I don't tie it all in I just do my sets every week and I go this seems like a good hour
Starting point is 00:33:37 I put it together and I landed at Cohoes Hall in Cohoes New York but I go against the grain I'm going to call it a breath of fresh air. That's great. No, you're one of my favorite comics, dude. You're still holding the torch in an industry where it's just insane, the kneeling that you watch.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Yeah, and I was also touring with my opener's one of my best friends, but he's black. Oh, no! I know. I'm not happy about it either. But it's like they have a whole different set of conspiracies. And that was a whole theme we had where, you know, I was talking about the Vegas shooting.
Starting point is 00:34:11 He's like, yeah, I don't really listen to country music. And it's not really my genre. And I laughed. And then later he was talking about Katrina. And they're like, yeah, people heard explosions. Like they flooded neighborhoods. I'm like, not really my genre, buddy, but I'm sure it was a good decision if someone had to do that you know and we're talking about how you know and how
Starting point is 00:34:28 the reason that black people all vote for uh vote for a democrat is is i don't want to say the word on here but but he was like everybody knows hillary kills and then the hard end yeah and then you realize that she's almost like the Suge Knight of politics. And she even dresses like Suge Knight. And it's not that black people like Democrats. They're like, oh, dude, she'll cut you. We got to, you know. That's right.
Starting point is 00:34:55 That's so funny to me. Like, it's a whole different way of looking at it, where it's like they're just respecting the body count on that lady. Yeah, you're exactly. And they think the same about Pelosi being a badass. And Pelosi is like should night too because I heard a story. She held Ocasio-Cortez, dangled her off a balcony
Starting point is 00:35:10 of a hotel. Really? Yeah. Was it for meth money? Yeah, made her sign a thing saying that she wouldn't, you know, take over the house speaker.
Starting point is 00:35:17 I believe that. I mean, and Cortez looks like a meth. She's all methed out. She's cranked. She, you know, she keeps saying she's from the Bronx
Starting point is 00:35:24 or whatever the fuck. She grew up the town that touches my know, she keeps saying she's from the Bronx or whatever the fuck. She grew up the town that touches my town, which is literally the whitest town in the nation. Westchester County. She's so full of shit. Oh, well, they all are. But she's almost like, she's so awful that she almost is pulling what Trump pulled on. She's almost like tricking conservatives into spiraling and promoting her. It's kind of.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Yes. She's kind of. Yeah, she's like she's because i you know you turn on like daily wire and stuff it's like i mean really cortez and then she responds and then all her fans are like yeah take down evil ben shapiro and i'm like she might know what she's doing she's pulling a trump you know trump would be like i'll build a wall to the moon. And their laugh would be like, what is this? And the right's just like, I mean, I know that's crazy, but I mean, that'd be awesome though, right? That's a great theory.
Starting point is 00:36:14 And she would be as famous as Trump if the media was one-tenth conservative as it is, you know, liberal. Oh, I mean, the media is so off off the off the chains man it's like that that whole like uh catholic kid thing that just came out i was gonna ask you about that next what's your take on that well my take is i don't even know why people think it's an accident like i was listening like scott adams he's like i'm sorry i mean i guess cnn misreported it's like misreported i know they still don't get it they don't get it they're always like they didn't do their due diligence but i'm like dude it's it's literally cia mind stuff
Starting point is 00:36:52 yes and that and people are like you're a conspiracy theorist i'm like operation mockingbird what's your source it's like they get talking points to tell you and the thing that makes it extra tricky is sometimes it's true. It doesn't matter if it's true or false. They're pushing a narrative for a very specific reason. And people just are like, well, I mean, the reporting could have used some work. They might have a bias. I'm like, they don't have a political bias to have a power bias. Right.
Starting point is 00:37:21 They'd like Trump like that if it fit their narrative like they people don't understand the nature of evil it's iconic we we but here's the thing the right seems to be on to this we we know they're tricks now yet they we still don't know how to we can point them out yeah like the race thing for the last we can point them up but we don't have an answer for the for the race thing you're a bigot like said, you have to fight fire with fire. Stop calling them bigots and racists. But they still have 99 of the 100 blowhorns. They have, you know, the paper. You got to grow a mustache, which I just did. And then, no, but like the whole game, like calling them a bigot doesn't work at all. It's
Starting point is 00:38:02 all about what they value. Like when I was a heckler at a renaissance fair in high school like i learned that the best way to just humiliate i'm sure you know this because you're just italian and aggressive and hilarious but like you go after what someone has pride in you know so if they go you're a racist you're a bigot you know it's all the stuff they say to us and the right is so based in fairness that we're like no the fastest black guy's captain like you know don't you know they don't think like that so if we call them bigot racist home fault they're like no we we save the blacks like you gotta the lack of shame and lack of like don't ever apologize when you're not sorry like that's the stuff that kills them and just start your own thing you know that's why i think sometimes people get so pissed about jews is because they're jealous of the game plan oh it's like yeah i've been saying it forever dude it's like you they're like yeah i mean
Starting point is 00:38:53 they're only shopping at jewish delis i'm like smart they're like israel i'm like i want an israel you know it's like it's like yeah instead ofher, call it brochure and just hook up your buddies. Like, that works. I lose it. I get too emotional. I get in an argument. I always say, you motherless fuck. And that doesn't even bother them.
Starting point is 00:39:14 That's how shameless they are. No, no. They're like, yeah, I have two fathers. And they're like, no, exactly. What's wrong with that, Nick? Well, yeah, because the things that we value, they don't value. So if we call them hypocrite, we call them whatever. Right.
Starting point is 00:39:28 They're like, yeah, you know, my truth is I'm a unicorn. Like, it doesn't work. And I'm watching all these smart conservatives just sometimes I'm like, are they part of this? I know. I am on the same page, man. Even the smart. Then sometimes I go, we're always chasing them, whether it's trying to bust Hillary. I mean, everybody's held accountable on the right, but like nobody's holding a Hillary. And I go, are they just is it that the the legal system is, you know, 90 percent Democrats, the judges, everything?
Starting point is 00:39:56 Why are we always chasing them? Are they just smarter than us? It's culture. It's because, well, a it's almost like in vietnam like as much as as crazy as we were in vietnam they were way more ruthless like and it's like the man in the black pajamas can take down the biggest army in the world if they're just it's right you have there no yeah no but all those like little vietnam guys you know they had like a knife and like bamboo and they're winning and people are like how they're like because they'll literally kill a baby to like make a point. Well, so Democrats,
Starting point is 00:40:29 that's what I mean. Like they don't, but see the problem is they have no friends. They eat each other because they're all just sick animals, but it's like, they don't have any morality. So that sets them free to acquire power. But then once they get it,
Starting point is 00:40:43 they eat themselves. It's a cycle as old as time. Well, I hope that's true, that the Dems eat each other. And if that's going to be the case, I'd like to see Alyssa Milano versus Charlize Theron. If they're going to eat each other. If any right-wing people take any of these things seriously anymore, after like CNN literally will report, they're like, we have absolute proof that Donald Trump set a hard end and then killed a trans person. And then, you know, and everyone's like, he will be impeached by morning.
Starting point is 00:41:12 And then they're like, yeah, no, we don't have any of it. But it's and people are just like, oh, we'll get him next time. And I'm like, dude, if you're on board that you're just you're kind of dead weight. Like Yuri Bezmenov. You ever watch those videos? The KGB guy? No. Oh, dude, dude, you're kind of dead weight. Like Yuri Bezmenov. You ever watch those videos? The KGB guy? No. Oh, dude, dude, you're going to love this.
Starting point is 00:41:29 What's the guy's name? Yuri Bezmenov. It's, it's early 1980s. It's this like lead legend, this KGB Russian who defected to America told us the entire game plan for two hours. All of it happened. And it's, it makes perfect sense. He's like, we make you
Starting point is 00:41:45 hate yourself. We make movies and he's like, it is not a double or seven. It is we make movies where we depict your president as sodomite, but proud and dead. Like he said, talking about subverting a nation. He's like, so he's like, are you saying in the Democrats are following that game plan yeah and he was laughing oh yeah he's like we we go for the academics people with ego people with influence people we give them vodka we drink water we give them caviar we say you are so smart and then they and then they tell everybody to go uh towards the left and then when we get power uh we dispose them because what person would turn on
Starting point is 00:42:26 their own nation those they have no value like that's the thing they hate leftists but do we do we do we need the russians don't we do that ourselves well that's what i mean they were planting some of these seeds that are just still going it's like they did like so much of the hippie movement was by design yuri was in india he was like, I was convincing men to do yoga, smoke hashish, be open-minded. Like that was their game plan. Because if you're open-minded,
Starting point is 00:42:52 yeah. No, because he was like, we want people to not know who they are or what they are. Cause then they just come in. Cause it's the males that protect women and children. The women, if women don't have alpha males they'll go
Starting point is 00:43:06 with anybody with strength and that's what everyone's trying to do now is they're masculine they're making every dude like pete holmes and yoga pants yeah and like everybody's like oh you know i so me too yeah and so women's nature is to be like okay well i'm not wicked vulnerable that that that crazy caliphate now sounds like a good idea. It's like, it's crazy. Yeah, they either run into the crazy caliphate or they start dating Terrell Suggs. That's where the
Starting point is 00:43:34 plan is working beautifully. Let me ask you, because we're talking to the great Owen Benjamin, because I know you've got in trouble, you know, because you're a smart, controversial guy. You don't do it intentionally.
Starting point is 00:43:47 You call things as they seem. I wanted to get your take on Louis C.K.'s comeback and just wear this. I'm not failing. And everybody's like, comedy's dead. You fuck. I've been doing this 30 something years. Luckily, I chose a side 25 years ago. So finally, after 30 years, it took me one seat at a time but when the
Starting point is 00:44:06 people come out to see me they know what's coming yeah and i'm sure that's gonna get dead no i mean i mean dude i'm selling more tickets than i ever have and they didn't mention me in that article yeah comey's so not dead it's laughable right what's dead is being able to get booked in a lot of these places like i'm blackballed from a bunch of clubs for literally no reason is like well you don't want to play clubs anyways no and no but that's that's the thing about the left that they don't understand is they corner you into like becoming a like lethal right like i wouldn't have thought of this stuff if i didn't have to if i didn't have kids and stuff i so what you just talked about even just the concept of getting in trouble like i don't feel that anymore like when it's like oh like in trouble with who like little dude i brought back the word sodomite because it because they're like oh you can't i won't say the word but the
Starting point is 00:44:54 derogatory word that we call everybody that was just kind of weak dudes it was like a word we used yeah hard f i'm just doing this because i don't know where this is playing. I don't think the word's bad at all, but it's a bundle of sticks. Oh, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet. You're talking to me. So this is how it backfires. I'm like, oh, that dude's being a fag. And someone's like, oh, you can't say that. It's homophobic.
Starting point is 00:45:18 And I'm like, no, no, you can be a straight fag. And they're like, do not say that. So I'm like, okay, so I'll be hyper-specific. Sodomite. and they're like, dude, no, I've said it. So I'm like, okay, so I'll be hyper-specific. Sodomite. And now that word is like,
Starting point is 00:45:31 it's not a derogatory word. It's so specific. And it's like, it makes it just about gay people now. And I'm like, you shouldn't have fought that. But who says that to you, Owen? Who says that to you, oh, you can't say that word? Nobody anymore. Nobody anymore. I've never, no one's ever, no one's ever
Starting point is 00:45:51 told me ever. Maybe I say it with such hate in my face, or I've always, you know, they know I'm not fucking playing. I'm using it in a joke. No one's ever, except for that girl that sucker punched me, and she didn't verbally dress me down. But I've never, I got in trouble for smoking on stage i uh um but no one's ever known no club manager or no no audience member says you can't say that again maybe it's because i've been around
Starting point is 00:46:15 forever well and you don't show shame which is how they make you do it you know like if you're just if you're the type of guy that would back down they do it and for, it was just that I was at like CAA and like would have these development deals and stuff. And these guys would be like, oh, you know, like we need you, you know, this is Disney. So we can't, I'm like, didn't that dude like bang a kid? And they're like, whoa, dude, dude. And I'm like, no, but seriously, I'm pretty sure Walt Disney like banged a kid. I'm like, is that, is that true?
Starting point is 00:46:42 And they're like, you just explained it perfectly to me why no one's ever said that to me i've never really had a fucking deal or anything to lose right right but see that's why i'm like take your deals man like i the irony is they keep setting me people like us free where they're like oh you're not allowed here anymore i'm like oh oh no now i have to make friends of like actual men and like you're like my best friends on my street they're like a truck driver and a cop i'm like i don't want to hang out with movie stars they're like high needs like weirdos i got i got banned from one of the best clubs in the country the denver comedy works i did it once went back a second time and uh you know 10 minutes into the
Starting point is 00:47:22 show there's a bachelorette party ruining the fucking feature acts and then i get up there they start yelling shit out and i said can we have these fat cunts throwing the fuck out right now it turns out the place was run by a fat cunt and and uh she never had me back that's yeah but see they're doing you a favor they're like we're gonna kick you out of prison you know it's like like take denver take denver for example i like i was forced to play in like a children's museum because they're so they're so like progressive doubt that i have to like rent places under different names and stuff it's like a speakeasy yeah and meanwhile they made it legal for people to shit in the street there the dogs can't okay so like like here's a conspiracy that's true
Starting point is 00:48:05 that's crazy the denver airport there's this giant horse that looks like satan right yeah and i know what you're talking about yeah yeah this giant satan horse with red eyes and so i was like talking to somebody about it i'm like yeah this is big satan horse it's i think it's demonic and they're like well no it isn't it's called art why they're like, well, no, it isn't. It's called art. Why don't you ask the creator? And I'm like, interesting story. The horse killed the guy who made it. Like the sculptor making the horse, the horse, I swear to God, dude, look at the guy trying to blow it or something. No, it's, it's literally demonic. Like, so the sculptor's making the horse, it falls on the guy, kills him. They wipe off the blood.
Starting point is 00:48:45 They put it in the Denver airport. But I'm the bad guy? I got to be at a museum? Why doesn't that happen when they're tearing down white statues? Oh, because we... Why does it ever fall on one of these Antifa kids and crush them? And then we can put it in the audience. We're trying to get slow on reacting because we're trying to figure out if it's logically accurate.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Like we're like, OK, so logically. And meanwhile, they're like, we just tore down another one. We're like, OK, so. And that's why I'm now proactive because I'm like. Yeah, you got to be. For example, like those Catholic kids where they're like. Where they're like, oh, well, it turns out that the Native Americans were saying that Donald Trump's a faggot and the white kids were defending gay people. And I'm like, wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Donald Trump's no faggot. I'm not playing any of that. I'm not going to make it like, oh, so the white kids were the good kids? Right. Because they defended gays? Yeah. It's like, no, you don't say that about my president. He doesn't take it in the ass. No. The last one did. It's like, no, you don't say that about my president. He doesn't take in the ass.
Starting point is 00:49:46 The last one did. Oh, dude. It's huge. I read many stories about bathhouses. Oh, he's as gay as the day is long. He is, isn't he? You can see it in his eyes, yeah. Because he's got to have a vice to lie that much.
Starting point is 00:50:00 You know, the devil's got to get you somehow. And so you look at him and you're like okay you don't drink you don't you don't have chicks like what is it's like secret gay shit fact like you know it's so it's so obvious yeah i i read many things and that guy anyways but uh all right i don't have anything else for you anything else uh no dude just keep rocking man because comedy is not dead. Like the people saying comedy is dead are retarded. Like they don't.
Starting point is 00:50:30 You can't kill comedy. It's coming alive. If anything, it's coming alive. I mean, we're leading there. Well, that's that's the whole point. It's almost like it's it's exciting. It's almost like all the institutions of comedy are failing. And it's like Forrest Gump or all the other ships are destroyed it's just me and you with ships
Starting point is 00:50:49 it's like if you just got to get around their institutional control of like clubs and media and shit but we are it's like people follow you well thank god for this technology and podcast and all that shit came around at the at the right time, yeah, I was thrilled. I mean, I get fired for a tweet from a radio show, and I had a black eye all within, like, two months. Like, I must be saying, doing something right. Yeah, you survived it. Like, whenever people go through that now, I'm like, don't see it as an attack. See it as a test.
Starting point is 00:51:17 It's like if you survive, you get more, like, status, and you're funnier. That's right. It's like, it's so true. It's like these aren't, like, normal attacks, like what men would used to do to other men where it weakens you somehow. It's like, this is an attack where if you survive, you get a promotion. That's exactly right. That's a good way to look at it. Yeah. Yeah. Cause they don't respect you for it. No. Are you kidding me? Like I'll,
Starting point is 00:51:38 I'll like call out certain shit. Like, I'll be like, yeah, what are the Jews up to? And like, my Israeli friends are just like, that was hilarious. And all these white progressives are like, you can't say that. I'm like, weird how the Jews are laughing. Because they respect people that just call stuff. Dude, self-hate is the grossest thing for anybody. Farrakhan's a psychopath, but I'll take him over Don Lemon. No, I know.
Starting point is 00:52:05 Farrakhan's awful psychopath, but I'll take him over Don Lemon. No, I know. I know. Yeah. Farrakhan's awful, but he's like, he thinks that white people are like invented on an island. You know, but I'm like, at least he likes black people. He's black. Don Lemon wants to just get pounded by a white guy and he hates everybody. I'm not. Stop it. I'm doing Farrakhan.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Stop it. I'm not anti-Semite. I'm anti-Than. Stop it. I'm not anti-Semite. I'm anti-Termite. Yeah. It's all rhythm for those guys. You can be like, I am here today. And everyone's like, go on, brother. Farrakhan, go on.
Starting point is 00:52:38 He's like, a bottle, a glass of water. He's like, ooh, glass of water, glass of water. Preach, preach. Yeah, there's no, they can have no substance. And people are's like, ooh, glass of water. Glass of water. He's like, preach! Preach! Yeah, yeah, there's no, like, they can have no substance, and people are just like, yes! That's how Jesse Jackson lasted, you know? And they all took a fucking note from Ali and ran with it.
Starting point is 00:52:56 Yeah, and Martin Luther King Jr., the I have a scheme speech. We'll get to that another time. I know you gotta go. That's why I love this fucking guy. I don't, I really don't have to go, but I, you know, I't have to go But I haven't touched the stories yet Get it going I want to get it going And get after that Native American guy
Starting point is 00:53:14 Who I saw in a litter commercial Dude go after it We could talk for hours But I'm starting to understand I'll seriously stream for like 4 and a half hours And I'm like this is great But I'm like is my seriously stream for like four and a half hours. And I'm like, this is great. But I'm like, is my audience psychopaths like me? Probably not.
Starting point is 00:53:30 So, all right. So thanks for having me, my friend. Hey, you're going to go see Benjamin live. He's a brilliant, and he plays the piano. He's a musician. And his latest special is Conspiracy Queries. And tell them where they can get it. is conspiracy queries and uh tell them where they can get it it's a huge because is run by only pro sodomy comedy so huge huge all right guys
Starting point is 00:53:56 you guys kick ass thanks owen appreciate it buddy all right the great owen benjamin man smart funny and i bet it's got to be a great special. I'm behind. I don't watch a lot of Rogan's got one out there now, too. I do, and I don't do that out of disrespect. I like to stay focused, and you know what I mean? It's like, I don't know, my friends. I see comics get into a show
Starting point is 00:54:18 early to watch other comics. I go, if you were fucking working in a machine shop, would you get there an hour early watching the guy weld? What you're going to do for the next eight hours? I don't know. But, yeah, he's always interesting. Here's a guy on a treadmill. I don't know if this is real hair or not.
Starting point is 00:54:35 I'm having an argument with my wife. I think the... Did I catch on? Rick Voss. I think it's real hair. My wife says it's a hair piece. I don't know. He's got one on his shoulder, too.
Starting point is 00:55:26 He's being beaten to death by his own. Does he know? I'm sure that's been around, but it's still funny. Let's get to the, by the way, Kyle, call back. Now we have time. I didn't want to fucking, you know, if he's still listening. Let's get right to it. The kids, you know, if he's still listening. Let's get right to it. The kids. You know, the demonstration.
Starting point is 00:55:51 It was a pro-life rally. There was the Women's March, and that was a bomb this year. You know, all the celebs didn't show up. Because they have a fucking broad who runs it who's best friends with Farrakhan. So fucking left-wing and hateful that even some of the the the lesbians had to back out um but uh the real stories that kentucky students uh especially this one guy it was seen in a viral video standing face to face with a uh a native american protester at a Washington rally.
Starting point is 00:56:34 He spoke out for the first time. But Breitbart, this guy Dellingpole, had a great piece on it. He said, left-wing and the right attack kids to demonstrate virtue. The left is working self-righteous over the story about a bunch of Catholic kids in MAGA hats, allegedly mocking a Native American at a rally in D.C.
Starting point is 00:56:53 Of course, they took it and ran. Do we have the video? He's just staring. Here's the story. Here's the real story, okay? They're at that rally, pro-life rally or whatever, and they're like, it's all white, one black kid. You know, it's a Catholic school or whatever.
Starting point is 00:57:11 And this Native American alleged ex-Vietnam vet, he walks into the middle of them pounding his drum. They were being verbally abused, the white kids from the Catholic high school, by four black Israelite students who were calling them faggots and calling the one black kid the N-word and calling them crackers, all this vile fucking shit. Supposedly, this Indian guy says he was trying to break that up, but he gets in the face of the white kids, pounding his stupid drum,
Starting point is 00:57:44 and this one white kid just, here's the video just stare him down the guy that was on the treadmill isn't it isn't it? Oh, look how violent and disrespectful those white kids are. Let me ask you, if they were all black kids, who would be safer?
Starting point is 00:58:13 That Indian. So the left grabs it before they even know the facts of the story and they go on social media. Look at these white, spoiled, entitled, young white males.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Everything we hate with their MAGA hats mocking this elderly Native American. Just that phrase alone, you know, fucking people are bending over backwards. But the story just isn't true, Dellen Paul writes in Breitbart. It's a leftist media fabrication, which is, it's true now.
Starting point is 00:58:43 It was total bullshit. Media fabrication, which already has had terrible repercussions for the boys involved. We're now being threatened with expulsion by this school. Their family are getting death threats for just staring down. I didn't even try the kids staring down with a smile on his face. He was just staring this Indian down as this guy's banging the drum in his face. As this guy's banging the drum in his face, according to the version of events widely circulated in the leftist media, a Native American elder was very, it says variously, taunted, mocked and harassed by a mob of non-Native teen boys in MAGA hats. Supposedly they surrounded him, blocked his passage.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Activists such as Sean King, we still call him an activist, leapt onto the story and he tweeted shit out about the evil whites of privilege. BBC radio DJ eagerly joined the witch hunt mob pursuit of the high school kids. Eslan inciting violence against an innocent boy for the terrible crime of smiling sweetly while in possession of a MAGA hat. Look at that kid, huh? Yeah. He's really...
Starting point is 00:59:54 Compare that to an Antifa fucking jerk off with a mask or a Black Lives Matter fucking kid. Yeah. They're the problems. Young white guys are the fucking problem what absolute friggin her shit right and uh resa eslan i guess he's a comic i don't know muhammad jihad this so simple on the left just just the optics of a young white kid with a maga hat
Starting point is 01:00:21 staring at an ld a native American is enough to send them crazy. They wouldn't even need to know what went on there. And this guy, by the way, I'll give you his history, the fucking so-called Native American on the left. Well, he is Native American. That's the only thing true about him. But who else waited? Oh, Kathy Griffin. Kathy Griffin tried to dox the kids.
Starting point is 01:00:44 Put their identity out there and shit. We all know her, Kathy Griffin tried to dox the kids, put their identity out there and shit. We all know her, Kathy Griffin. This goes out to you, you fucking grow a dick and get it over with. Unfunny, fucking another unhappy, unattractive, leftist broad. But the worst part is it's white people doing it to white people. attractive leftist broad. Everybody knows from the 80s, oh, zero-eight bucks, we can come. But the worst part is it's white people doing it to white people. And even the boys'
Starting point is 01:01:11 Catholic school and diocese took the side of the boys' persecutors because they have to. In a joint statement, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Covington and Covington Catholic High School
Starting point is 01:01:21 apologized to Phillips. He's the Native American. Officials said they are investigating. Like there was a stabbing or a... What are you investigating? They had MAGA hats on and they were staring at this guy who was provoking them.
Starting point is 01:01:32 And we'll take appropriate action up to and excluding expulsion. Good, you'll be doing the kids a favor, you fucking... Before you rape them. You fucking Dr. White, onking jam rag, onking spunk bubble, I'm telling you, H, you keep looking at me, I'm going to put you in the fucking ground. I promise you. You're probably
Starting point is 01:01:49 jealous that the Indian guy got this close to these handsome young boys. Oh, and here just sitting here. Oh, you know who else had to weigh in? One of the fucking geniuses on the left. Alyssa Milano. She had to contribute. Do we have her tweet?
Starting point is 01:02:06 Without the white boys being able to empathize with other people, humanity will continue to destroy itself. You know, you know what's going to destroy humanity?
Starting point is 01:02:14 Ignorant broads like you, who the only reason we pay attention to you is because you're tits and you snatch. You are as dumb as the fucking day is long. Once again,
Starting point is 01:02:23 you proved it by jumping on the bandwagon. Total false. They put the story out there before checking any of the fucking day is long. Once again, you proved it by jumping on the bandwagon. Total false. They put the story out there before checking any of the fucking facts. Yeah, it's white boys are who are the problem. What neighborhood do you live in, Alyssa? Do you live in Compton? What's the closest
Starting point is 01:02:37 black fucking neighbor you have that's not a zillionaire? Just an ignorant. Go back to selling fucking makeup at three in the morning on the Weather Channel, whatever the fuck. But keep those tits. That's all I ask. You stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt. Ugh.
Starting point is 01:03:00 Unbelievable. This whole story, Delling Post says, he says it beautifully, this whole story just exposes the left with a lying, cried, bullying, vindictive, shrill, ugly hate machine it is. What is clear from the unedited footage of the event is the boys did little wrong. Sure, they might have chanted boisterously, even rudely, but they're kids, and they were provoked. Far from surrounding the supposedly innocent Native American elder veteran
Starting point is 01:03:25 as he's been sanctimoniously billed by the left, it was he who approached them and began drumming in their face. The elderly is Nathan Phillips. Let's dox him. Can we get an address on his teepee he was fucking leaned to? Hope he's living under a fucking bridge.
Starting point is 01:03:40 A Vietnam vet, we don't know that for sure yet, with a long history of political activism. Oh yeah, he must have been, a Vietnam vet, he don't know that for sure yet with a long history of political activism. Oh, yeah, he must have been a Vietnam vet. He must have been shit in his pants when confronted by white kids from a Catholic high school. He knew exactly what he was doing.
Starting point is 01:03:58 All the high school kids did in response was to smile, stand their ground and sing along with a drumming. This is hardly an aggressive or unreasonable response, especially when they were being provoked, not just by the Native American leader, but also by a group of left-wing black activists nearby. The black Israelites, if you're not familiar with them, they stand in Times Square, or they did for years. I
Starting point is 01:04:17 don't know if they finally get booted. They would stand on a platform, these like two black Israelites, two or three, and you'd walk by and they would call you the white fucking devil and the worst fucking shit you could say with a blow horn right in your fucking face. They were there for years. Tonight they're probably going to get out of there because it dips below 40. They can't handle it. But
Starting point is 01:04:38 here's a personal account by one of the kids who was there. Trying to look for the kid from Kentucky. Nick Sandman, a junior at Covington Catholic. I just said he was mortified that so many people have come to believe something that did not happen. That students from my school were chanting or acting in a racist fashion toward African-Americans and Native Americans. I did not do that, do not have hateful feelings in my heart, and did not witness any of my classmates doing that. The students initially were accused of mocking a Native American participant in the Indigenous Peoples March.
Starting point is 01:05:18 Oh, my God. So you had the you had the Women's March. You had the pro-life thing. You had the fucking indigenous. What a clusterfuck. A snippet of video from the apparent confrontation quickly gained traction on social media where all the fucking morons on the planet gather
Starting point is 01:05:35 with many condemning the students. Some who were wearing Make America Great Again apparel and some for calling to be identified and harassed. Of course, the school apologized to the... However, the emergence of longer video that appears to show some students being harassed prompted some conservatives to take back
Starting point is 01:05:54 their earlier criticisms of the student. Why did you criticize in the first place? Samen said the students were confronted by four members of the black Hebrew Israelite movement who called us racist bigots, white crackers, faggots, and incest kids. They also taunted an African-American student from my school by telling him that we would harvest his organs.
Starting point is 01:06:14 What? There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind. Salmon said one of the students asked to teach a chaperoning trip, the trip for permission to begin our school spirit chants to drown out the hecklers. And one chant the group appeared to perform the haka, a traditional Maori dance. Marcus Frejo, a member of the Pawnee and Seminole tribe, who witnessed the chant, said he considered it mockery.
Starting point is 01:06:40 Oh, did you? Well, that's your opinion. Did it rain? Ugh. oh did you well that's your opinion did it rain at no time did i hear any student chant anything other than school spirit chance salmon said i did not witness or hear any other students chant build that wall or anything hateful or racist at any time assertions to the contrary is simply false at that point phillips came toward the group with his drum according to salmon locked eyes with locked eyes with me and approached me, coming within inches of my face, and played his drum the entire time he was in my face. Salmon said he was trying to defuse the tense situation by remaining motionless and calm. For his part, Phillips, that's a Native American, told the AP, Sonny, that he was trying to keep the peace between the students, which is proof that the white students were being heckled by the black Israelites
Starting point is 01:07:26 and members of the group were heckling them. He also insisted that the students were making disparaging remarks about Native Americans. They were making remarks to each other, such as, in my state, those Indians are nothing but a bunch of drunks. How do I report that, he said. These young people were just roughshodding
Starting point is 01:07:42 through our space, like what's been going on for 500 years, just walking through our territories, feeling like this is ours. Oh, God, help me, please. Thank you. So this guy has a history doing shit like that Eastern Michigan University I guess they had a Native American name for their team or they had to change it this guy supposedly there's a story out there he was walking by a fraternity one
Starting point is 01:08:17 night and the fraternity happened to be having an Indian party and he confronted them and they yelled all kinds of racist shit and blah, blah, blah. But people looked into that story too. And the fraternity house was empty that night. There was no... So this guy's a rebel rouser and full of shit. But the Alyssa Milanos and the Sean Kings of the world, just the optics of a young white kid with a MAGA hat, you know, just staring into the eyes of an older native.
Starting point is 01:08:46 That's enough right there to send them fucking bat shit wild. They're horrible people. They put stories out that aren't checked. That was proven with the BuzzFeed story where they said that Trump told Cohen to lie to Congress. Remember that? Three days ago. They're just full of shit. They're fucking evil. They'll do anything to
Starting point is 01:09:08 win. And the Kathy Griffins of the world, they have nothing else to do. She made a lot of money when she was younger somehow. She should be grateful. And this is how they spend their fucking time. Yes, you're right. White high school Catholic males are the problem
Starting point is 01:09:24 on the planet. Because every time I see a viral video at McDonald's where somebody's stomping a transgender, it's usually white males. Or I hear about shootings and rapes, and usually it's high school Catholic. That's what Hollywood's been telling you for years. Every movie since 1980, the bad guy is who? It's a jock wearing a letter jacket. I know, because I'd always go, hey, that's sort of like me. What? Horseshit. Sorry, Alyssa Milano, you live in a country that made you a zillionaire with zero talent because you're good looking.
Starting point is 01:10:02 But the country was started by old white guys. Yeah. And then a bunch of other white people came over from Europe and it became a predominantly, yes, the Native Americans are there. And they were all just, they greeted the Europeans with open arms. We know the whole story.
Starting point is 01:10:17 This is how countries evolve. And so get the fuck over it. Probably went to school in Hollywood. It's fucking tiring. I can't. Anyhow. over it. Probably went to school in Hollywood. It's fucking tiring. I can't... Anyhow. That's who speaks politics.
Starting point is 01:10:34 When she's not talking politics, Alyssa Milano is selling makeup on infomercials at three in the fucking morning. Kathy Griffin, I don't know what she's doing now, other than getting into fights with her fucking neighbors and spending hundreds of millions of dollars on plastic surgery. She still looks like Gump Worsley, a goalie for the Minnesota North Stars in the 60s.
Starting point is 01:10:53 Ah! Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, um... Let's go to Dylan, line two dylan what's going on hey nick a couple week listener first time caller thanks for having me on i just want to completely agree with you on that cath that ostrich neck cunt kathy griffin and you know so if there's any you know nuance in journalism anymore there's any, you know, nuance in journalism anymore. It's completely gone. You look at, a leftist media site.
Starting point is 01:11:31 Ruth Graham also calling for the names of these teenagers to come out. And this is, of course, within just hours of, you know, the leftist mainstream media coming in, and they just mob on this kind of stuff, man. It's unbelievable. Dylan, but where's the footage of the four black Israelites or the black Israelite students yelling all kinds of hateful shit at the white students? Why doesn't anybody ever turn on a fucking phone then?
Starting point is 01:12:01 Am I supposed to believe it doesn't happen, white people are making this up? Where's the fucking, why wouldn't you turn on the phone if you're one of those catholic kids and record they did have their phones up but they didn't have this they didn't have the sense to send it in i guess yeah but maybe it's out there watch the news footage and i watched all two hours of it yeah and the black israelites the ones recording the whole scenario you can still hear them in the background did any of the news outlets actually report on that? No, it doesn't fit with the leftist agenda.
Starting point is 01:12:29 I went to school thinking I was going to be a journalism major, and it's just the most disappointing thing to see on the planet. Well, you said all the nuance is gone. You're being kind. It's complete. Journalism is dead, never mind the fucking nuance. It's outright dead. When you start taking taking
Starting point is 01:12:46 shit from like buzzfeed a website like buzzfeed and putting it putting on mainstream as news did you hear what leopold said the guy that the guy that founded the buzzfeed or whatever he says it's he gets a rush when he when he breaks the story it's like doing cocaine he literally said that so he's the guy i mean what the fuck so no i mean it's dead thank you. He literally said that. So he's the guy, I mean, what the fuck? So no one, I mean, it's dead. Thank you for the call, Dylan. Got a lot more lined up. It's, that's two glaring examples this weekend
Starting point is 01:13:13 within like three days. But just the optics, that's the country we live in. They have so many people brainwashed. Just the optics of young white kids standing, you know, in the face of an old elderly Native American
Starting point is 01:13:28 who's a political activist and he's a rabble fucking rouser. And, you know. And he's still pissed about something that happened 500... Let it go, dude. You fucking lost. It's how nations evolve.
Starting point is 01:13:41 Sorry. And get your fucking drum out of my face or I'll hit you with my bass guitar. They didn't even do that. Did you see all those white kids? Basically, they were pussies just smiling with their braces
Starting point is 01:13:52 and they did nothing. I'd like to see that guy, that Native American try to pull that shit on a crowd of young black kids. Fucking, he would have left with that. He would have left there with a tomahawk in his forehead
Starting point is 01:14:04 or a blade, machete. Fuck, he would have left there with a tomahawk in his forehead. Or a blade. Machete. Jeff, Cincinnati, across from Covington Catholic wants to talk about these kids. Jeff, you live near the school, is that what you're saying? I do. I live right across the river from Covington catholic school i bet in cincinnati i don't know how you get sleep living close to that rowdy school
Starting point is 01:14:31 let me tell you it's it's a shame i mean those those kids you know they're out there shooting up the heroin and so on the drug those kids are from well-known families well off families those kids are probably the best. Those kids are the shining example of what you want your kids to become. These kids aren't racist. These kids, Nick, honestly, I've watched you for years.
Starting point is 01:14:58 Would you stand there and take that if that guy's beating a drum in your face? No, I would have. Let me tell you something. I'm 55 years old. He would have been wearing that drum i would have grabbed the drumstick out of his hand and beat him over the head with it i wouldn't have hurt him but i would have you know i think they call a tarantella in italian it's an italian dance i would have done on his forehead but uh yeah but then that's a hate crime if i if you know me being an older white guy, can you imagine hitting an older Native American? Why? Exactly. It's a hate crime for you to do it, but it's okay for them. And there is
Starting point is 01:15:31 video of the black Hebrew Israelites out there. They just showed it on TV. Wow. Calling them incest babies and everything else. It took a while for that to break, huh? I wonder what Alyssa Milano and Sean... It'll take a while. You know, you huh? I wonder what Alyssa Milano and Sean... Yeah, it'll take a while. You don't want to show that. Yeah, no, you don't want to give the story perspective. That's what's caused this, by the way, over the last 30 to 40 years, literally, the mainstream media cherry-picking racial stories.
Starting point is 01:15:57 And I remember, I wasn't even into politics. I was in my late 20s going, they keep showing white guys doing bad things. I go, if they keep doing that, people are going to believe that. And you know what? The lie has come fucking true. Selective journalism, right? No shit.
Starting point is 01:16:14 If you're a white man in America, or a white woman for that matter in America, you're going to get accused of something. Your name's going to be dragged through the mud. Yeah, by white people, unfortunately. Exactly. All right, Jeff. Good call, buddy. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:16:30 Thanks, buddy. You got it. I mean, Super Chat? Yeah, I got one for you. All right, fella. So Rich Garcia says, Phillips, the Native American war vet, was born in 55
Starting point is 01:16:42 and said he joined the military at 17. Well, that puts him at 1972. But the last combat unit left Vietnam in 71. Yes, they did. So he's staying stolen valor like Blumenthal. Well, I'll have to check the math out. I don't know where he got his math, but I heard people questioning the validity of him being a Vietnam vet
Starting point is 01:17:00 on a more prominent show than this on the radio this afternoon. So, yeah, so he got there after the helicopter took off from Saigon off the roof. He's a rabble rouse. He's a political activist and probably a drunk. Nick, why do you have to say that? Oh, I don't know. They can paint white kids. You see, oh, by the way, Alyssa Milano also said, is it Alyssa Milano?
Starting point is 01:17:23 She also said the MAGA hat is the new fucking white sheep clan hat or whatever. How about your fake tits? What are they? Can you imagine being that? You know why she's been in Hollywood her whole fucking life? You stay there long enough, you'll get retarded by the minute.
Starting point is 01:17:44 What fucking horseshit. Let me just say this for all white men, both young and old, to Alyssa Milano, Sean King, the Kathy Griffins, the Judd Apatow, go fuck yourself. The white man's the best thing that happened to this planet. And I'm not even all white.
Starting point is 01:17:59 I have Italian in me, which means my great-great relatives were raped by some fucking Zulus on the side of a mountain in 1412. Watch True Romance. You'll get the whole gist of it. Just sickening. I'll do one more story here. Got to save some for tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:18:22 I'll do one more story here. Got to save some for tomorrow. Since it's MLK Jr. Day. Is it his birthday, Jace? What is it? Circumcision? What happened?
Starting point is 01:18:35 Come on, you know. Yeah, no, circumcision. No, ask Ryan would know. Ryan, don't take any more calls. I'm going to be wrapping it up soon. Poor bastard. Anyways. taking more calls i'm gonna be wrapping it up so poor bastard uh anyways high school basketball team in minnesota has come under fire and is now pulling out of a tournament scheduled for more for martin luther king jr day after its fans displayed a trump 2020 flag
Starting point is 01:19:00 during a game against a predominantly black inner city. Please explain how and why this is appropriate at a high school basketball game, wrote coach Michael Walker. We have a picture of Michael Walker of Minneapolis. What's he, a boxing ref? Stop the fight, Mike. Holy shit, he's got a blue halo. He says, he says he says please explain how and why this is appropriate at a high school basketball game um let me explain it to you mike uh walker it's
Starting point is 01:19:36 sad they have to explain it to you a grown man how um this is america uh they they're donald trump fans they voted for him you know just like almost every black person voted for Barack Obama because he was black. It's a flag in public. Saying that they like Donald Trump. There's more to the story, but it doesn't help your argument, Mike. Trump. There's more to the story, but it doesn't help your argument, Mike. It actually explains why they did it. You won't get this anywhere else, of course. He says, I coach a predominantly black inner city high school team, Walker said. We go out to a rural area in Jordan, Minneapolis, and this is there? Yeah. Yeah. Not everybody thinks like you. They could say, I go down to downtown Minneapolis
Starting point is 01:20:25 and it looks like little Mogadishu. This is 2,000 Somalians running around. I go into the city and this is there? Man. A parent from Jordan who said she owned the flag claimed on Facebook that it was shown off as part of a long-scheduled USA blackout theme night, which I don't get, but Walker and others weren't buying it. He says, whether those students or the
Starting point is 01:20:51 mother who owns the banner cares to admit it or not, those students took it with a specific intention in mind. Oh, so now you're reading people's minds and what's in their heart. Another characteristic of the fucking left. We know what's in their heart. Another characteristic of the fucking left. We know what's in your heart and mind. We know what you really mean. He says politics has no business in a school basketball game. Okay. Now let me continue.
Starting point is 01:21:16 Remember that quote specifically. He said politics has no business in a school basketball game. According to the Star Tribune, Roosevelt's team had been causing, his black team, had been causing an uproar on social media for choosing to remain in their locker room during the playing of the national anthem
Starting point is 01:21:36 at home and away games. So, um, did you hear that, Mike Walker? Fucking hypocrite. There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind. The Jordan team was made aware of that practice before the game, said Minneapolis school spokesman Dirk Tedman. The mother who had owned the Trump flag, Bridget Kahn,
Starting point is 01:21:58 told the Tribune that her son and his classmates were simply supporting their president. They don't have a racist bone in their body, she said. But they do because they had a Trump flag. This country is fucking deranged. Oh, my God. The Jordan School District Superintendent didn't care, of course. I'm guessing he's white.
Starting point is 01:22:16 Though, and later released a statement condemning the flag stunt and calling for an investigation. Did you hear what I just said? An investigation because some high school kids had a Trump banner at a fucking basketball game. An investigation. Did you hear what I just said? An investigation because some high school kids had a Trump banner at a fucking basketball game. An investigation. Yeah, call them the fucking FBI. Here's what those spineless
Starting point is 01:22:33 jerk-offs who should be defending these students said. District officials regret that Roosevelt players and their coaching staff, fans, and community were made to feel uncomfortable. Why? Was the air conditioner broken or the bleaches? As it is always our intent to graciously host our opponents, said Superintendent Matt Helderson, according to the Tribune.
Starting point is 01:22:56 The district is reviewing this matter and collecting information, like it was the Kennedy assassination, and working cooperatively with the Minneapolis School District and Roosevelt High School in our review in response to this event. Oh, my aching stem. You have to be kidding me. Don't give me that smart-alecky shit.
Starting point is 01:23:15 You're a worry-me-cotsucker, you know that? On Sunday, Jordan officials announced that the high school would not be playing in Monday's MLK showcase. So, in other words, these kids were aware that this all-black team liked to stay in the locker rooms. This is at the worst. Maybe they weren't even aware, but this is how they answered it by bringing a Trump flag. Why is it all right for the black team to show their political views,
Starting point is 01:23:44 demonstrate their political views by staying in the locker room during the playing of the national anthem. But it's not all right for these kids to bring a Trump flag to the front. Which one sounds more offensive to you? It's civil war time in the city. The feces covered sidewalks. Time in the city. Feces covered sidewalks. After discussion with MLK Showcase event coordinator, a decision has been made to pull out, explained Helderson.
Starting point is 01:24:24 Given recent events, we believe the participation of our team in the event will detract from the hard work of the athletes and the upbeat focus of the MLK show. How about the hard work of your athletes? Oh, just the other team worked? You are such a spineless... I'm guessing you're white. You might not be, but I'm just guessing. We will continue to work with the Minneapolis School District to move forward in a positive...
Starting point is 01:24:38 in a positive direction. Move forward. They always have to get that move forward. That lets you know that they're progressive. Move forward. You're fucking to get that move forward. They'll let you know that they're progressive. Move forward. You're fucking digressing, dude. Thank you. Can you imagine?
Starting point is 01:24:54 Guy's a superintendent. He can't look at that and go, now wait a minute. Now, seriously, I don't care what side of the political spectrum. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 01:25:03 They demonstrate their politics by staying in the locker room during the national anthem, which some people have a problem with, like the people who brought them. So they're going to show how... They're going to demonstrate
Starting point is 01:25:14 by bringing a Trump flag where they stand. Yet they're guilty. This country deserves what it fucking gets. Whitey, wake up, white people! I can't take it no more. Let's close it out with a video that,
Starting point is 01:25:38 because I like to end the show on an upbeat note with some love. It can't all be a... Want to see a cute little Chinese kid who's multi-talented? Look at this kid, six years old. You don't have any of that music. Six years old!
Starting point is 01:26:10 Love this little kid. Unbelievable. Why is he wearing a winter coat inside? I would let that kid do some manscaping on me. That'd probably be illegal. But that was a stupid thing to say, Nick, actually. Look, then he fixes his own. Do you not love that kid? Ryan, he's better.
Starting point is 01:26:44 He's better at that than any of us are at anything at age six. Do you not love that kid? Ryan, he's better. He's better at that than any of us are at anything at age six. Can you imagine? Would you let him cut your hair, Ryan? Oh, hell yeah. I mean, just because of his haircutting style, not because he was cute. I'd take his style. I think he'd make me look good.
Starting point is 01:27:02 He would make you look good. Do you see his haircut? He's six years old. Now, that kid's either going to end up being the greatest hairstylist ever, or, you know, he's going to hang himself in four years. I hope, I hope it's not the latter. Anyways, that's all. He's got the Moe Howard.
Starting point is 01:27:24 He gave himself the Moe Howard. And what a cute, smart's all. He's got the Moe Howard. He gave himself the Moe Howard. And what a cute, smart little bass. I don't know why he's wrapped in tinfoil. But anyways, that is it, folks. That was an hour and a half today. I'm going to save the rest. We got some delicious ones for tomorrow. Fecal transplant research.
Starting point is 01:27:41 I didn't get to that. Woman's March. I got footage of some angry feminists bragging about how she had six abortions and talking real filthy because she's a leftist unhappy girl who who's just shrill and and and just channels all her anger towards political things because she has no friends so that's what they do it becomes their life cause and uh did you guys slip this one in here i didn't't get to last week. New job of U.S. Vice President, sparks LGBT.
Starting point is 01:28:07 No? Must have been on the desk the whole time. All right, that is it. Remember, you think it, I will say it. You are very welcome and I will talk to you soon. Bye-bye. Outro Music

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