The Nick DiPaolo Show - Whites Kowtowing to Mob | Nick Di Paolo Show #364

Episode Date: June 16, 2020

America has no "integity". NY cop car arsonists arrested. OSU coach apologizes. Thank you Derek R. from Littleton, CO for your "Ask Nick!" question and for your continued support on Patreon! FREE! MON...DAY - THURSDAY 5PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, Nick DiPaolo. I'm sure you're like me. You have to be scared at the censorship that's going on for people who think like we do. And by that I mean who are for the truth and not a politically correct left-wing jerk-off. There's very few places you can go. This is one of them, the Nick DiPaolo Podcast. If you want to do that, go to You can sign up there. You can go to, become a monthly member, and then you get access to over 300 shows I've already done.
Starting point is 00:00:26 You get to ask me a question, all kinds of benefits there. And remember, subscribe on YouTube and make sure you stay subscribed because they're actually unsubscribing people. Anyways, that's proof that you need a show like this. I thank you for your time. So now I want you to enjoy the show so enjoy Oh yeah. Oh yeah. You know that sound.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Now the 7.5 smooth sounds of the 70s and 80s. Nick and Raz show. How you is out there? How you was? How you gonna be? Yes, I'm wearing something from the Angry Lesbian Collection. How are you folks? Welcome to the goddamn show. Let me tell you something. I got to thank you right at the top before I get, when we premiere the show at five o'clock, in the last few weeks, we have doubled
Starting point is 00:02:06 our numbers as far as how many people are waiting for the show to come on at five o'clock. Can't thank you enough for that. Growing, it's growing, hopefully like a tumor in Adam Schiff's ass pipe. That's how that show grows. Anyways, great to be here. That's what I do for a living. Nothing else. Kind of sad. 22 hours a day on my hands. A lot of porn. What is going on?
Starting point is 00:02:41 I should have done this as the N-word. It should have been my little monologue at the top. Eventually, I'll get to it, folks. I'll write it out, and then I'll sell it like Gutfeld. I noticed Gutfeld on the five. I swear to God, they watch my show, the producers, because sometimes it goes right in the same way. But he brought up the Moreno family, which I did two weeks ago,
Starting point is 00:03:04 the white couple that was stabbed at the cemetery. Remember the black guy? He brought them up like on the five or whatever. But he didn't say, you know. He showed the picture of the old people. Obviously, you can see they're white. Didn't, didn't, never mentioned that the guy who stabbed them was black, who shot him was black, you know.
Starting point is 00:03:24 So I actually texted him he never responded i just said good job uh but does fox not let you mention the color of the people who show because you really have to drill at home you have to feed these spoon these people you know you gotta really make it clear white victim black suspect and that story went away like that, didn't it? You probably wouldn't even have heard it if you weren't watching this fucking show. Until now. Fox got around to it a couple weeks later. But I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:03:54 It's why you guys have to come here. Because when it comes to the issue of race, you're not going to get anything close to the truth on TV. Whether it's basic cable, network, anything. So I just wanted to get that off my chest. So do I have it right? We're living in a country now when a psycho white cop kneels on a guy's, a black guy's neck and kills him. And 97% of the country agrees that it was outrageous.
Starting point is 00:04:21 It was just plain murder. Now we have to all acquiesce to Black Lives Matter, which to me is a domestic terrorist group, because don't forget, a few years ago, they were responsible for like nine cops getting killed directly or indirectly. When did they become a fucking moderate group that everybody should listen to?
Starting point is 00:04:43 Do you guys feel like you're being played? It feels all orchestrated to me. Nobody, nobody white at least, is standing up and going, enough is a fucking enough. I'm sitting in a bar last night, shooting heroin between my toes and drinking Jägermeister. I'm watching
Starting point is 00:05:00 the scroll. This is how bad it's gotten. When I'm home watching TV, you know that goddamn scroll at the bottom i'm watching espn i actually take my remote and you know how you can adjust the size of the picture i put it on zoom so it blocks out the bottom i i'm at the bar and i'm reading the shit every goddamn story was like texas athletes university of University of Texas athletes want the fight song that's been there for, I don't know, 100 years, The Eyes of Texas. They want to get rid of that. This, you know, another one, coach capitulates.
Starting point is 00:05:37 This one's in trouble for saying that. White coach says this. And nobody's standing up and going, what the the fuck that's how you know it's not about george floyd right it's turned into this we have to pull down every statue anything that resembles anything uh past last thursday we have to get rid of you know white establishment let's burn it to the fucking ground and people just sitting just sitting there, white people, coaches, idiots, fucking corporations. We're with Black Lives Matter. We know they kill a few cops, but fuck it.
Starting point is 00:06:11 13% of the population is controlling the rest of the fucking country. But they couldn't do it without the help of white fucking liberal assholes. It's disgusting. We're supposed to bend the knee now to fight? Roger Goodell, how about this soulless cocksucker, how about him, he's gonna,
Starting point is 00:06:33 you know, it's all right now, for players to take any, I see the problem, but what a soulless piece of shit, like I said, did you see, did you see your numbers,
Starting point is 00:06:44 fucking, there was seven people, at at live NFL games last year since Kaepernick did that shit. And Goodell actually came out and said somebody should hire Kaepernick. Oh, my God. The guy who wore socks with pigs on them and police hats calling the cops pigs. Yeah, let's hire him. Let's forget about that. Just because of this psycho Minneapolis Kaepernick was right, he's still wrong.
Starting point is 00:07:11 That's if you look at the facts and the statistics. But Goodell, are you shitting me? I can't wait to see. You're not going to have to worry about COVID because nobody's going to come out to your fucking games. Six feet apart, there'll be 11 fans. They'll have 50 yards apart from each other. Do you feel like it feels all orchestrated? Nobody's standing up and going, enough's enough.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Black Lives Matter is full of shit. They're as violent as any group. Nobody's standing up. Even Trump, where the fuck's he been this week? Seattle, that shit's going on. Let's send somebody. You know what I said? We need a Kent State times 10.
Starting point is 00:07:58 My apologies to anybody that lost anybody at Kent State. Un-fucking-believable. I don't believe it. A little picture to make you laugh at the top of the show. These are some people, mostly black folk, a few white folk in there. Look at this. Stand in front of the Wendy's
Starting point is 00:08:17 that was burnt, I think, in Atlanta. Although, is that it? It doesn't matter. Look at the black fella in the red t-shirt. Look at his sign. America has no integrity. Got no integrity. Why is everyone so fucking stupid? Why are more people intelligent like me? There are more people interrogating, like me. You got no integrity.
Starting point is 00:08:49 That says it all. That says it all right there. One side of the argument has brains. The other ones, I don't think they can keep up with the fucking argument. I got to be honest with you. I'm dumbfounded at what's going on at the white capitulation. Capitulation. The fuck, Christopher? The fuck?
Starting point is 00:09:12 Ah! Oh! Ooh! Nice haircut. I look like Herbie from fucking Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Whatever that little blonde fag puppet was. Independent. Hey, guess who came out of his fucking,
Starting point is 00:09:34 out of his hole to say a few words and make an ass of himself again? Huh? Remember on this show, what did we go about fucking five weeks, Raz, where we opened with a Biden gaffe? He's just sitting back. Somehow he's up 14 points.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Guys, let me tell you something. Trump loses this. You can forget this country. You can forget it. But I'm staying because, you know, I want to see what happens. And I'm still saying this. Biden is not going to be the nominee. He's just not.
Starting point is 00:10:06 You really think he can go toe-to-toe with anybody? With Trump? I could out-debate this guy. Take a look at this from this past weekend. Sharp as a tack, as usual, Biden. You know, the rapidly rising in with with I don't know What are we doing?
Starting point is 00:10:36 What's going on right now? Look at he's got his face mask hanging off his ear. Probably doesn't even realize it. He thinks it's on right now. Raz, play that again. I thinks it's on right now. Raz, play that again. I think he's acting. I really think he's acting.
Starting point is 00:10:51 He can't be this far gone. And you people that are going to vote for this jerk off, you can't. You really, here's my thing. Here's my prediction. It's probably not going to happen. I said Mitt Romney is going to jump on the ticket, although he's, is Mitt Romney a black woman? I think that was Joseph.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Between him and Kamala Harris. But Romney, I think he should jump on the ticket, right? It's called the split ticket when it's two different parties or whatever. He could run, is an independent or whatever, jump on the ticket. And he would be the most qualified after Trump. Is it? Who else is left? You saw him marching with Black Lives Matter. Mitt Romney proving he's as soulless as anybody. What a soulless fuck he is. Jesus. I used to
Starting point is 00:11:33 think that guy was... I don't know. But again, let me watch this Mama Luke. You know, the rapidly rising in with with I don't know the rapidly rising yeast rapidly right I was making a cake in Colorado I was campaigning with Martin Luther Kevin. And then we went to Hawaii. What a beautiful, you ever see the Grand Canyon in Hawaii?
Starting point is 00:12:10 Oh, my God. And I think I just shit my pants. Am I out of time? Okay. Holy shit, Raz. Does he seem like he is mentally capable to run a lemonade stand? Little more news i'm trying to before we get to the fucking uh black lives matter taking over a white country it's amazing trump campaign uh the trump campaign's demanding an apology from cnn after host brian stelter who loves to gobble goo, got into a heated row, that would be an argument for you
Starting point is 00:12:45 idiots, with campaign's chief legal advisor during an appearance on the network. The argument erupted during Jenna Ellis's over 10-minute-long appearance on CNN's Reliable Sources, Sunday during which she and Stelter could be heard scolding, yelling, and interrupting one another. Oh, God. Stelter could be heard scolding, yelling, and interrupting one another. Oh, God. It was a spirited debate. Spirited. Ryan Stelter. What's his fucking name? I can't even guess. Yeah, Stelter. That's German for Kammstein. The issue at the root of the dispute was a CNN poll released last Monday that touted presumptive Democrat nominee Joe Biden being 14 points ahead of the dispute was a cnn poll released last monday that touted presumptive democrat nominee joe biden being 14 points ahead of the incumbent republican among registered fucking voters can you stay you are fake news sir tuesday after the poll was released the trump campaign sent a letter
Starting point is 00:13:37 co-signed by ellis to the network demanding a retraction it's a stunt and a phony poll to cause uh voter suppression stifle momentum, and enthusiasm for the president. I bet you it is. They did it when he ran the first time, just outright lied. The poll, however, only looked at the opinions of registered voters. Ellis on Sunday accused the network of putting out activism, adding the CNN hosts, no pollster in the world would stand behind this as a legitimate poll, she said. That's a normal polling procedure, Stelter said in his response, maintaining his defense and the integrity of the poll. The poll got a lot of integrity up in it now here the argument continued to escalate with ellis asking stelter if he suck
Starting point is 00:14:30 i have a hair on my cheek right here i can see it out of the corner of my eye you guys can't see it it's making me fucking nuts well i have to shave up here now res it's about one eighth of an inch and it's fucking, somebody might as well be waving the American flag in front of my ass. Fucking Jesus. It's like a piece of rope.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Anyways, the argument continued to escalate with Ellis asking Stelter at that point, are you just going to interrupt me the whole time, she said? You smug cocksucker. Fuck you. It's going to interrupt me the whole time, she said? You smug cocksucker. Fuck you. It's important to interrupt you when you share fake information. The CNN host said, boy, if that's not a fag calling the kettle goo gobbling, you're wasting my time.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Watch the video here. They get into it a little bit more. You understand that someday you're going to regret this, right? You have for the past three and a half years. Someday you're going to regret this when your kids and your grandkids look back at this time and you use slurs and smears like fake news to hurt news outlets.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Please give me a call. Please give me a call. Please give me a call. Please give me a call. Please give me a call. He's a fag. A lying fag. Is there any fucking worse
Starting point is 00:15:49 kind? You realize you're going to forget this in 20 years when you're sitting there with your grandchildren. Can you imagine a guy who's worked for the most corrupt network on TV for the last 30 years.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Sit, sit in there. Do we really live in two different on planets or what? I mean, God help this guy. So, uh, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:17 they want a retraction. They'll never get it, but it's just a way of making, reminding people that CNN is just a propaganda arm for the fucking morons out there in regards to the last story i have a question yes you do derrick littleton of colorado we get a lot of colorado hey nick do you think these faggy leftist fucks honestly believe the bullshit they are saying and are being fed by the mainstream media politicians i refuse to believe there are this many dumb motherfuckers in the country.
Starting point is 00:16:47 That's actually a good question. I actually, some of them do believe it. I don't know how to describe it. It's like somebody said, what's the definition of pornography? Somebody said, I know it when I see it. I know some of them, I really believe some of them have drank the Kool-Aid and they believe it. But yes, Joe Biden's been around too fucking long to believe the horse shit. We know he's getting fed the shit, you know? So it's a good, you know, question. It's, you know, if you watch the mainstream media and you you go to cnn and then
Starting point is 00:17:28 msnbc then abc mbc news they're reading from the same talking points which you used to come from the new york times they would literally they get the op-ed they would they would get like you could tell they're all reading from the same book hey this is our this is what this is our narrative today they would say the same shit on every channel and unfortunately Derek there's enough dumb fucking voters that swallow this shit what I'm afraid of is uh and again I feel like this is orchestrated COVID was even orchestrated that didn't work you know and and here I I don't know the lack of resistance from the right where are the republican nobody's standing up it feels like everybody agreed in a room
Starting point is 00:18:10 that hey well you know new world order and this is what we're going to base it on though and by the way i find the black lives matter t-shirt offensive how about that it offends me Black Lives Matter t-shirt offensive. How about that? It offends me. Now, if I was on TV or whatever, I owned a business and said that, Gonzo, be white.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Nice world. Nice fucking card game. Nice game. Three indicted for allegedly throwing Molotov cocktails at NYPD vehicles. Remember this about a month ago? Face life in prison. Oh, sure they do. An upstate woman and two Brooklyn...
Starting point is 00:18:48 Listen to... Upstate woman and get this, two Brooklyn lawyers were indicted Friday on federal explosives and arson charges for allegedly tossing Molotov cocktails at NYPD vehicles during the Floyd protest.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Yeah, fucking... Bye-bye! Samantha Shader, seen Yeah, fucking. Bye-bye. Samantha Shader, seen here. Quite a good-looking girl. I call her Jean Dirt. Look at this psychotic. Who the fuck does she look like? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:23 But look at her. You can tell by her hairdo. You know her snatch. Smells like a fucking bucket of salmon listen there's no need for that talk you're right a little soft marsh uh she's from up cats guilds you know upstate new york samantha shade accused of hurling the makeshift explosive at an nyp vehicle occupied by four cops on early Saturday morning, May 30th. Prosecutors allege Shada bit one of the officer's legs when she was being taken into custody. So put her down like a rabid dog.
Starting point is 00:19:53 When a dog's crazy, put her to sleep. Quietly take her out. We won't say anything. Seriously. Tie her hands and legs, throw her in the fucking East River with a nice cup of Cinder Blocks on her. Just like the guineas used to do it.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Bye-bye. Anybody seen Cynthia Shade? No! Last time I saw her, she was Samantha Shade. Last time I saw her, she was throwing a Molotov at a cop. No word. That's a hell of a tattoo she's got there, too. What is that? Somebody drop a Sharpie on her face?
Starting point is 00:20:24 Around the same time, Brooklyn lawyers seen here, Aruj Rahman, still, I've been reading this story for three weeks. They still don't know who the fuck's who. That's where we are in this country. Remember John fucking Mary and Sue? Now it's Ooga-baga-da-da-ba-da-da-da. And Yawa. I like this, the guy on the left, you know. This happened during like Memorial Day weekend, yet he's wearing his winter hoodie. And I have fucking... And the girl on the right looks scary like my sister Darlene.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Oh my God, I just noticed that. The struggle continues. Put that fist in your ass, pig face. Aruz is the girl. She's on the right. Aruz is pig face. Aruz is the girl. She's on the right. Aruz, that's Aruz Rahman. Rahman Noodles. And the black guy is calling for it, Mattis.
Starting point is 00:21:16 I was calling for Mattis. He never answered. The fuck, T? I've been calling Mattis all day. They were accused of tossing their own Molotov cocktails at an unoccupied police vehicle in Brooklyn. One of the cops ordered a line with his and it didn't come. So they will face a three face. All three face life in prison on the seven count indictments, charging them with the use of explosives, arson, use of explosives to commit a felony, arson, conspiracy, use of a destructive device, civil disorder, not douching this year and making or possessing a destructive device.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Such criminal acts should never be confused with legitimate protests, said United States Attorney Richard Donoghue in a statement. attorney Richard Donahue in a statement. Those who carry out attacks on NYPD officers or vehicles are not protesters. They are criminals and they will be treated as such. You are correct, sir. I don't know if that's... Who did I hear just got... Who just got like probation for a year? Somebody famous, black dude, did some bad things.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Oh, Antonio Brown. Remember all that shit that went on? Him beating up a guy that was delivering furniture, him sexually, allegedly assault. Probation. You know, because the legal system's just so rigged against black people. Guy will be playing football in a few months. Prosecutor said Shada, that's the white chick whose actions were allegedly caught on camera,
Starting point is 00:22:52 had an extensive rap sheet that includes arrests in 11 different states. Just a lost soul. In January of last year, she was busted for interfering with a police officer in Waterford, Connecticut, a few years after she was convicted in February of 2017 for possession of a controlled substance in Shawnee, Oklahoma. She's a little whore and a little piece of trash. She's raising hell in Oklahoma, Connecticut. Huh? Just a lost soul, Raz. I guess I should feel bad for her, but I hope she dies in a house fire real soon.
Starting point is 00:23:28 All right, back to you, Tom. That's the news we're going to do. Both Rahman Noodles and Mattis were described as humble Brooklynites who worked their way to prestigious law schools and promising careers, and now they're going away. There you will learn about laws, laws of freedom, laws of humanity. Now you and I will truly be the same, Chancellor. That's a good sound bit right there.
Starting point is 00:24:00 That was very appropriate. I'm proud of myself. I should be filthy rich at this point. I don't know what happened. Fell in love with the word countlessunt when I was in fifth grade, and it's been all downhill since. What's his name? My boy Chappelle?
Starting point is 00:24:17 Call Laura Ingram a cunt. So it's a great word. Ladies, you know it's a great word. I think it's a great word i think it turns you on when we say raz almost fainted at that raz how about this this is really frying my nipples and chopping my balls uh t-shirt emblazoned with a message blue Murder, are for sale on Amazon. You know, Basehouse owns the Washington Post, lefty, richest guy on the planet. And the founder of Blue Lives Matter, New York City, is demanding they be taken down, arguing that the message puts officers' lives at risk.
Starting point is 00:25:01 The shirts manufactured by the company Cotton Neck are being sold for $19.99 plus shipping. That's what Amazon's website shows, which is really fucking stupid. No, they're ignorant. That's ignorant. Sergeant Joe Imperatrice said multiple people across the country have reached out to him,
Starting point is 00:25:22 infuriated over the t-shirts, and they should be god damn i'm as mad as hell and i'm not gonna take this anymore he said he understands tensions are high following the police involved at the floor and the protests that ensued across the country but shirts like these are just fueling the anti-cop fire it shows that amazon is bending over backwards for this movement like many other companies are what did i just say about black lives matter all of a sudden Amazon is bending over backwards for this movement like many other companies are. What did I just say about Black Lives Matter? All of a sudden, corporations are bending over.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Black people, they don't care about you. They're just doing... Because right now, we're in an environment where you could get canned or boycotted. Somehow, the mob is taking over. They threaten you with violence. That reminds me. I've got to go to the gun store. That's not okay, and Patrice said, people can't be making shirts up, turning people against cops. It's going to cost somebody more than likely a police officer their life. It needs to be taken down immediately. No reason to let something like this slip through the cracks. This is making people believe it's okay to have this mentality, and it's not.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Amazon, of course, did not immediately respond to a request for comment, you know, naturally. Your mother sucks cocks in hell. Reviews posted on Amazon webpage call the shirt disgusting disgusting and says it promotes insights and glorifies hatred. I like to know the racial breakdown of those comments. Floyd's death on May 25th stirred up national outrage. Police officers were assaulted in several cities as really. Thanks for adding that to the story, because we didn't know that. That's another thing I think is a conspiracy. They have to they have to explain what happened with the George Floyd thing.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Every fucking article, even a year from now, you remember when a white cop nailed in a black guy. Meanwhile, white couples gunned down at a cemetery in their eighties, visiting their son's grave with multiple sclerosis. Not even a fucking mention of it. Page 10.
Starting point is 00:27:27 I'll keep pointing out the doubles and triple standards. This microphone's blocking my tie. There you go. All right. Actually, it's better off. Anyways, I made that tie in high school. Oh, boy, this made me laugh. This made me laugh. So that you get the t-shirts, you know, blue lives murder and people are all turning on the cops. Their reputation has been tarnished and that's why they're all quitting and shit. So now when, when, now when cops get arrested, I mean, I mean, when people get arrested, black guys, they're going to overreact. At least this guy, this made me laugh very hard. This guy, in my guys, they're going to overreact. At least this guy. This made me laugh very hard.
Starting point is 00:28:07 This guy, in my opinion, is gay as a $2 bill. But that doesn't matter. I understand. Just wanted to point that out because you got to listen to him. What color is the cop, Braz? He's not even white, is he? No. He looks black or Hispanic.
Starting point is 00:28:22 But Nick, watch this. Call the sergeant. I understand. I'm trying to get on the radio. He hurt me. What is he doing? He hurt me. Hey, dude, he's not even doing nothing. He's pulling open. Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! OOOOOOOH!
Starting point is 00:28:48 They're raping me! This is rape! This is rape! This is rape! OOOOOH! You know your son was right in front of me. OOOOOH! These blacks. You know it's never gonna take the wrong way. OOOOOH! All this that you just did. All this that you just did.
Starting point is 00:29:13 All this that you just did for what? I can't breathe. My heart. My heart. Now who? I don't even know whose side the guy on is that's talking over it. I think, you think? Because at the beginning, he's like, he's not even doing nothing or something.
Starting point is 00:29:33 Didn't he say something like that? Anyways, you know, that's all you got to do now. And 40 people will gather with their cell phones on. This, and it's the cops, huh? It's the cops that are the problem in this country? It's the cops, huh? I got a few more stories that are going to prove that you're so wrong. It's scary.
Starting point is 00:29:56 But before I get to that, you know our favorite sponsor. Check these out. Make them cry again t-shirts. And they're nice t-shirts, by the way. They're like 100% cotton, isn these out. Make them cry again. T-shirts in the nice T-shirts, by the way. They're like 100 percent cotton and make them cry again. See that. I'm going to wear those on the dating game. And this handsome bastard, look at this rugged kid out of Oklahoma.
Starting point is 00:30:26 it huh look at this rugged kid out of oklahoma was them what that refers to is remember when trump won that ugly fucking broad on her knees could have been a guy could have been a girl going that's what it refers to make them cry again when you see the promo code nick okay you get 10 off not just uh the hats and stuff but everything on the website don't so it's the go to the pick up a hat now a t-shirt mugs and support these guys we thank them for sponsoring the show they make good stuff make them cry again i don't know man i am i'm getting nervous you know i'm getting nervous there's somebody, there's a guy out there, I forget his name. He's predicted every presidential election for the last, I don't know, they said 40 years. He's been right every time he says Trump.
Starting point is 00:31:13 So I don't know when he said that. But, you know, the country's burning right now. And it's not Trump's fault, but that's how simple the voters are. This article floored me. I couldn't believe what I was reading here. It's so typical of how we've lost our shit here in this country and everything is upside down. It almost sounds like it could have been written by somebody who breaks into houses. Listen to this.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Technology companies, too, must rethink how the tools they design and sell to police departments minimize accountability and exacerbate injustice. Even worse, some companies profit directly from exploiting irrational fears of crime that all too often feed the flames of police brutality. So we're calling on Amazon Ring. You know what that is?
Starting point is 00:32:10 Amazon Ring. It's that thing if, you know, somebody's on your porch, you can watch them. You could be at work and you got your app. Somebody rings your doorbell and it, you know, it opens up and you can watch who's at your front in case somebody's trying to break in, which happens every day in this country. So we're calling on Amazon Ring, one of the worst offenders, to immediately end the partnership it holds with over 1,300 law enforcement agencies. The FBI guys, they promised me a deal.
Starting point is 00:32:42 So I made up a lot of stuff. That's Bezos. They promised me a deal. So I made up a lot of stuff. That's Bezos. Yeah, so they want, I can't believe what I'm reading here. They want Amazon, you know, to stop making these things because it would make people feel safe. In the most dangerous time in this country where you'd need all kinds of home protection because the cops aren't going to show up anymore. Let's get rid of this, even though it's an Amazon thing. And I hate, you know, Bezos.
Starting point is 00:33:15 But yeah, we're calling Amazon to end their partnership immediately. Amazon Ring. That's fucking ridiculous. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Amazon, which owns Ring, announced that they stand in solidarity with black community, their employees, customers and partners in the fight against systemic racism and injustice. How'd that work out for Wendy's, by the way? Anyways, you pussies. I'm losing my mind. How'd that work for Wendy's? We stand in solidarity with a group that kills cops, is responsible for the death of cops.
Starting point is 00:34:00 Even though one in one zillion guys is shot by a cop, a roughed up. But let's ignore the facts, huh? All emotion on the left. Anyways, and yet Amazon and other companies, listen to this, it sounds like it was written by a guy who breaks into houses, offer a high-speed digital mechanism by which people can make snap judgments about who does and who does not belong
Starting point is 00:34:18 in their neighborhood and summon police to confront them. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Do you remember what Obama did? He was in office about two weeks. Remember him? There was a black professor at Harvard or whatever. He was trying to get into his house in Cambridge and the cops, somebody called the cops or whatever. You know, it was just a misunderstanding or whatever. Remember Obama coming out two weeks into his
Starting point is 00:34:40 fucking, cops are stupid. Why don't you look at the fbi statistic crime statistics talk to anybody who's a cop uh this mechanism also listen to this facilitates police access to video and audio footage from massive numbers of doorbell cameras aimed at the public way across the country a feature that could conceivably be used to identify participants in a protest through a neighborhood yeah yeah do you mean a protest or a riot what if they're burning a cop car on your street and it's picked up by the ring would that be a bad thing amazon built this surveillance infrastructure and by the way there's cameras everywhere so if ring doesn't pick it up this is written by a you know amazon
Starting point is 00:35:33 built this surveillance and infrastructure uh through tight-knit partnerships with police departments including offices hawking ring cameras to residents and ring telling office how to better pressure residents to share videos yeah exactly it could catch people it could identify people protesting in your neighborhood yeah or committing a crime trying to break into your house despite the amazon statement that this inequitable and brutal treatment of black people in our country must stop again a fucking myth ring plays an active role enabling and perpetuating police harassment of black americans you see how every facet of our life is being touched by this ring surveillance doorbells and its accompanying neighbors app have inflamed many residents worst instincts and urge them to
Starting point is 00:36:22 spy on pedestrians neighbors and workers we workers. We must tell Amazon Ring to end their police partnership today. Do you fucking believe where we're at? You're lying. And you're a piece of shit. I noticed they didn't quote anybody who's had their houses broken into or people who used Ring and it actually thwarted a few burglaries, which you can find out there online. They don't talk to them and shit. This is somehow, again, being racist against black people, this mechanism, like everything else.
Starting point is 00:37:04 I'm waiting for a black guy to break into my house and steal my wife's black dildo and say, that's appropriation. I spray painted it. I like that interracial point. This encourages racial profiling. Take, for example, an African-American real estate agent who was stopped by police because neighbors thought it was suspicious for him to ring a doorbell. Oh, there's one anecdote. That's great. Any other evidence?
Starting point is 00:37:36 Nation of 330 million people. There's one story. Excellent. I think I'll join BLM. To make matters worse, Ring continuing to grow partnerships with police departments during the current protests, make an arrangement already at risk of enabling racial profiling even more troubling and dangerous. This is like a pro-crime story I'm reading. This guy who wrote this is pro-crime.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Now we have racist doorbells. You're ringing and saying, yo, what's up, bitch? Get off my porch. I could say a lot worse, but I'd be kicked off the Internet. Ring now has relationships with 1,300 police departments, and I say good for that. If a Ring camera captures demonstrations, the owner is at risk of making protesters identifiable to police. Oh, my God, no! And vulnerable to retribution.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Even if the camera owner refuses to voluntarily share footage of a protest with police, law enforcement can go straight to Amazon with a warrant and thereby circumvent the camera's owner. Yeah, exactly. You're keeping the neighborhood safe. Right? Black people should have this in the inner city. The poor, I wonder if Amazon should give them away. The rapid proliferation of these partnerships between
Starting point is 00:39:11 police departments and the Ring surveillance system without oversight, transparency, or restrictions poses a grave threat to the privacy and safety of all people in the community. What community is that? Fair Cells. Ring posted on the company blog in 2016. Fear also gets people hurt
Starting point is 00:39:27 by inflaming tensions and creating suspicion where none rationally exists. Where the fuck does this guy live anyways? Next. Oh, boy. next oh boy hmm headline
Starting point is 00:39:51 sonic driving customer shatters door after chicken tender dispute I read the headline and I guess I'm racist because I went that's some fucking black crime right there
Starting point is 00:40:00 and so did everybody else that read it black Asian Chinese Indian Polish a beef over right there. And so did everybody else that read it. Black, Asian, Chinese, Indian, Polish. A beef over chicken tenders.
Starting point is 00:40:11 This fits every stereotype of, you know. They got the sauce wrong. Somebody's got to die up in this motherfucker. I don't even know where Del City, where the fuck is that? Let's call it Delaware. Del City police have identified two suspects
Starting point is 00:40:31 who are believed to be responsible for a disturbance at a Sonic drive in Del City that resulted in a glass door being shattered. Del City police posted an update on Facebook stating that the two suspects, a male and a female, have been positively identified and that charges will soon follow. See now the last article, the guy who wrote it, he wouldn't want the fucking cameras here to catch this.
Starting point is 00:40:52 This could have been caught on ring. But anyways, again, how many times you have to watch it like this before we can say something and not be called racist, but go ahead, roll the film, Raz. For some type of management and go about it that way, a more civil way. Instead, the wrong sauce on an order of Sonic chicken tenders reaching a boiling point at Southeast 44th and Sunny Lane. I guess they were upset over their order.
Starting point is 00:41:20 The driver hands back the food, pointing to the receipt after an exchange of words. The store telling them, hey, you know what, we're refusing your service. Minutes later, the food chain's manager throws the cash back into the car, asking repeatedly for the pair to leave. But the woman unbuckles her seatbelt and gets out, pressing her face against the glass, allegedly even trying to get in through the side door dragging him away but he breaks free coming right back demanding his food meanwhile employees just when they thought it was all clear the man reaching down onto the floorboard and chunking a glass bottle. There's something wrong with the black man's mind! There's something wrong with his mind!
Starting point is 00:42:10 Del City investigators now on the hunt, ready to press charges. Who's an animal? Your mother's an animal, you son of a bitch! Oh! What a country. What a fucking country. It's an experiment that's not working, ladies and gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:42:29 It really is. I think Sonic Chicken Tenders, yum, yum, yum. The driver handed her food back. Anyways, they get really fucking, the sauce, they had the wrong sauce and everything. So somebody has to die in these people's mind and you know i like what the guy says though one of the cops major mike arterberry with the police department they could just call the corporate office and go about it that way which would be the more civil way oh yes that's how young black people handle shit dell city's in oklahoma. I hope it stays there.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Fucking Dell City. How about Dell City? Hey, Tenequa, get corporate on the line. You know, motherfuckers. You ain't got no chicken up in there, motherfucker. Dell City. They got the sauce wrong,
Starting point is 00:43:23 motherfucker. Washington father and son busted in stabbing attack on a 12 year old boy I'll repeat that father and son busted in stabbing an attack on a 12 year old boy is there any doubt that and I'm not a religious person but is there any doubts the further we get away from religion and, you know, pushing God out of the public square that we're rotting at the core? Anybody? Again, I'm not a big believer, but I like people who do believe because it keeps them in check. But see, hardly anybody goes to church anymore, and they're not afraid of anybody or anything. This message is brought to you by the Pat Robertson Club. Pat Robertson, he's like 110, he's still on.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Now, if you look at this video, Satan is at a window and Wendy's trying to get some chicken fingers. His fucking head's going like that. Get some chicken fingers. His fucking head's going like that. A Washington State father allegedly helped his 12-year-old son beat up and stab another boy as part of an ongoing beef between the two youngsters. That's just fucking great, isn't it? Put him up there.
Starting point is 00:44:40 The picture of it. There's a good sign when dad has a neck tattoo. Looks so much different than all the other criminals. Jesus H. Christ. Martinez D. Mitchell, 43, is accused of running up to the victim. Also a 12-year-old boy, punching him before holding him as his son allegedly stabbed and pummeled him. You can act like a man. What's the matter with you? A grown man holding a 12-year-old boy so his son could stab him.
Starting point is 00:45:13 That son's got a future, huh? But it's the cops that are the problem in this country. Remember that. It's the cops culture. He was rushed to a hospital in Seattle, expected to survive. They rushed him to a hospital in Chaz, which is now CHOP, by the way. They already changed the name. You see that?
Starting point is 00:45:34 Oh, really? Yeah, it's CHOP. It's fucking, I don't even know what it stands for. There's so many rapes going on, they should call it Pork CHOP. Good night, everybody. The two boys have been contacted by police several times within the past few months, according to police. Both recently targeted each other with eggs and remnants of a recent attack were found at both of their apartments Wednesday. A knife was also reportedly recovered at the scene. Good daddy though, huh? Mitchell's son who was found at the apartment after the alleged attack was booked into a juvenile detention center for investigation of first degree assault. Investigation of first degree assault. He stabbed
Starting point is 00:46:20 the kid. He was released Thursday and put on house arrest. That's right. Send him back home with his dad. Mitchell fled the residence before cops arrived, but later turned himself in. That's the dad. Late Friday. To face a charge of first degree assault of a child. He's being held in lieu of $50,000 bond. But I'm sure somebody will bail him out. Hey, guys.
Starting point is 00:46:42 will bail him out. Hey, guys. Again, I mentioned earlier at the show how great the contributions and the support from our fans, whether it's Patreon members or daily contributions. And like I said, we have double the number of people
Starting point is 00:46:56 that are waiting. And you know the chat room? I also want to thank you guys in the chat room. I'm aware that people make donations in there, too. And we appreciate that. Here's some contributions from yesterday. Greg Goodmanson, we see his name a lot, Washington.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Pat McCrotch. That's right, Raz. Pat McCrotch. Then lick my ass. Nebraska. Barbara Weller, Florida. Jordan Bonus. What a great last name, Bonus. Michigan. Luke Barrison, California. Kelly Hubbard, Michigan. And we've got a couple new monthly supporters. This guy calls himself, I am a guinea twat. You are a guinea twat. Thank you for the contribution
Starting point is 00:47:45 he thinks because of my you dirty rotten up i'm over there i guarantee it's some redneck who really doesn't like italians but he likes my show it's kind of a hostility under the skin there and christopher verzi uh thank you guys for signing up at please do that folks if you want to get an extra story every day and uh you get access to 300 shows and you can ask me a question hey i remember them all uh excuse me uh excuse me excuse me but again and thank you people uh in the super chat room that uh who have doubled our viewership in the past few weeks, which makes me harder than a whale's tooth.
Starting point is 00:48:28 Good night, everybody. Tour dates. Tour dates, everybody. Tour dates for us. Tour dates. You can't see it. Oh, I'm sorry. I was looking at the picture of the handsome guy against the pole all right you can roll them as i i'll read them here i guess uh get i'm getting ready to go back
Starting point is 00:48:54 on the road apparently according to my manager i uh i'm uncomfortable with what i'm doing working uh three minutes a week and laying on a couch and yanking it so far here are my confirmed dates that are on sale and the Razzle put them on the screen for the severely retarded. September 17th through 19th, the Plaza Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. October 10th, stand up live Huntsville, Alabama. I've never been to Huntsville. October 11th, the Zanies Comedy Club, Nashville, Tennessee.esus this this tour reads like i'm johnny cash in 1958 october 23rd the mark chunk opera house jim thorpe pennsylvania november 19th the improv in raleigh north carolina also i have dates pending for the end of the year in charlotte houston and right
Starting point is 00:49:38 here in georgia so stay tuned for those also my date at jonathan's in a gunk what maine will happen this fall we're just working on the dates Listen, we're working on a routing tour right now. So if you know a theater near you that you want me to play, send us a message at That's also where you can get all of my tour dates, find links to buy tickets to all the shows. Finally, I'll be doing a special election night show from New York City with my buddy Anthony Cumia. So make plans to watch that on election night. We did it when Trump won.
Starting point is 00:50:13 Unbelievable. I got there a couple hours early. They told me four. It turns out they wanted me at six. So I was there from four to one in the morning. You know, drinking beer and reporting on the election.
Starting point is 00:50:27 And Trump fucking pulled it off. One of my greatest nights ever. Unbelievable. I drove home at 140 miles an hour. I was so excited. 2 in the morning. People were threatening. They were afraid if I got up from the chair and went home, you know, while the was so good I was gonna jinx it you're fucking threatening my life to call me a
Starting point is 00:50:48 voice I love them but me and him he makes me laugh as Anthony call me is as funny as any comic I know and he's a radio guy should have done stand-up too but the guy is he's his own guy. Let's put it, got more guns at his house than Scarface. That I like about him. Anyway, so again, everybody in the country should be with Black Lives Matter, a domestic terrorist group, but, you know, because we're going to hear about George Floyd
Starting point is 00:51:22 and about the Atlanta, Rashard Brooks thing. We're going to hear about this for and about the Atlanta Rashard Brooks thing. We're going to hear about this for the next couple of years every day, as opposed to somebody like Tessa Majors. Do you remember who that was? Slain a Barnard College freshman, Tessa Majors. Remember she was stabbed to death by some young black kids in New York City in the park. She was stabbed to death by some young black kids in New York City in the park. Parents blasted the teen involved in her murder for his complete lack of remorse. And a statement read as he was sentenced to 18 months in juvenile detention.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Because he's only like 14. 18 months. Help take a girl's life. 18 months. Really? How about wait till he's 16 or whatever legal age and then put him in jail?
Starting point is 00:52:12 Just detention now, but when he becomes an adult, then make him do his time. Nick, that makes us say, I don't give a fuck. Neither does supporting Black Lives Matter.
Starting point is 00:52:23 There are no words, wrote Inman and Chrissy Majors, that's her parents, of Charlottesville, Virginia, who were not in the courtroom. The parents said, we dropped her off at Barnard College at the beginning of her freshman year. 100 days later, we brought her home in an urn. in an urn the grieving parents said majors and inspiring journalists and accomplished bass player was talented kid a beloved daughter sister granddaughter and they ripped Davis for his complete lack of remorse there's something wrong with the black man man there's something wrong with it now the the letter also criticized Davis for minimizing
Starting point is 00:53:07 the crime when he took a plea deal June 3rd. Some might wonder if Tess Majors was involved in an accident, according to this statement. You got to be fucking kidding me. So I guess white lives really don't matter. Tess Majors did not die in an accident. She was murdered. Plain and simple. Inman Major is a novelist and an English professor at James Madison University. Defense lawyer Neville Mitchell said that Davis regretted his actions. This is the lawyer representing the kid. Our client was heartbroken when he found out she died, the attorney said. His behavior reflects a teenager, not some some monster but it's all lies as part of
Starting point is 00:53:50 the deal davis copped to one count to first degree robbery admitting that he and two pals rashaun weaver and luciano lewis both 14 at the time had tried to mug the 18 year old student after she yelled for help lew allegedly held Majors in a headlock while Weaver fatally stabbed her, sending feathers of her down coat into the air. 18 months of detention. Davis said the trio had gone to the park that night looking to rob someone. But the cops, it's the cops that are the problem in the country.
Starting point is 00:54:25 Remember that. And that he had handed Weaver the knife before they spotted Majors. Wake up, white people. Davis said the trio had gone to the park. The case against Weaver and Lewis, who faced murder and robbery charges as adults, are still pending in Manhattan Supreme Court. But it's the cops. Remember that. Not the culture of certain communities. It's the cops that have to reform.
Starting point is 00:55:05 So I'm sitting in the bar last night, and like I said, I'm watching this scroll go by on ESPN, which I usually block out my TV. Like I said, I zoom the picture so I don't have to see it, but I was reading. Everything was about Black Lives.
Starting point is 00:55:17 It is, the tentacles of the story is touching every facet of our life, and Raz gave me a good update on this one because I saw this last night. Chuba or Chubba Hubbard, a tailback who rushed for more than 2,000 yards last year, has spoken out on Twitter
Starting point is 00:55:35 against his coach, Gundy, after the coach was photographed wearing a One America News t-shirt. The running back says, I was fucking, it made me drink more. I will not stand for this, Hubbard tweeted.
Starting point is 00:55:52 This is completely insensitive to everything going on in society and it is unacceptable. I will not be doing anything with Oklahoma State until things change. Oh, boy, you.ndy has previously praised oan the network uh reporting news with no left no right and and positives about the coronavirus because gundy hadn't been
Starting point is 00:56:17 real happy with the mainstream media and the way they've handled that. Hubbard thinks Gundy's taste for far-right news in this specific moment is wrong, and Hubbard isn't afraid to stand up and say so. Who wrote this? Posted by Mike Florio. Oh, my God. ESPN, another fucking left-wing douchebag. He stood up.
Starting point is 00:56:42 Good for Chubba Hubbard. Here's hoping he's not the only Oklahoma State player who has a problem with Gundy's taste in media, which reveals too much about what lurks in his heart to justify the millions he earns from the abilities, efforts, and sacrifices of young black men who in turn get paid nothing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Hey, where are the white women at? Fucking give me a break. You got to grow up. You're not a kid anymore. You got to grow up. So according to the football player and get this, well, we got a clip of them kissing and making up. Go ahead, watch more white capitulation. In light of today's tweet with the t-shirt I was wearing,
Starting point is 00:57:31 I met with some players and realized it's a very sensitive issue with what's going on in today's society. And so we had a great meeting and made aware of some things that players feel like that make our organization, our culture even better than it is here at Oklahoma State. And I'm looking forward to making some changes. And it starts at the top with me. And we got good days ahead.
Starting point is 00:57:56 Why wouldn't somebody at the press go, why? Because it's all left wing. But I would go, what exactly weren't you aware of, coach, about the black culture before all this went down? What were you so ignorant about? This is the line that the coaches have to come out with. I didn't, well, I wasn't aware of how unhappy our black players were with the system. Meanwhile, this kid, not even from America, he's from Canada. not even from America. He's from Canada.
Starting point is 00:58:28 He thinks, let's show him kiss and makeup and then I'll get my fucking... I'll start off by first saying that I went about it the wrong way by tweeting. I'm not someone that, you know, has to tweet something to bring change. I should have went to him as a man. You're not a man.
Starting point is 00:58:43 I'm more about action. So that was bad on my part. But from now on, we're going to something to bring change. I should have went to him as a man. You're not a man. I'm more about action. So that was bad on my part. But from now on, we're going to focus on bringing change. Yeah. And that's the most important thing. What's that? Go ahead. Don't hug him.
Starting point is 00:58:54 Suck his dick. Suck his dick, coach. Really went over the black community. Toss his salad, coach. That's so that kid learned, that I shouldn't have tweeted at him. I should have went to him in person, face to face. That's all he learned. Not that in America, you have the right to wear a t-shirt of a network you fucking like. to wear a t-shirt of a network you fucking like. That's the lesson.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Even though I disagree with him, the guy has a right to wear the t-shirt. Do you believe this is where we're at? And why didn't the coach have any balls and say that? Just say the kid's young or whatever. Come out, coach. Have some balls. Don't play this,
Starting point is 00:59:43 oh, I didn't know they were so happy. Kids from Canada over a t-shirt? I'm offended by Black Lives Matter t-shirts because they're actually responsible for murdering cops. One American knows I don't think they've committed any felonies.
Starting point is 01:00:04 So what's next? Any coaches that like Fox knows you're going to have to change the culture? I can't believe what I'm watching in this country. I can't fucking believe the white capitulation. Capitulation. That's what you learn, kid? How about that you're in America?
Starting point is 01:00:23 You have the right to wear anything you want. God damn it. I've had enough, Raz. I'm tired. Joe Biden. Fucking Biden. Joe Biden. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:00:47 I was speaking with MLK Jr. a couple weeks ago. We were both in Hawaii. Have you been to Hawaii? Oh, my God. It's tremendous. They have the best fried chicken. Then me.
Starting point is 01:01:07 Oh, I feel a warm something in my pants unbelievable that's it for today ladies and gentlemen i want to thank you so much i have three waiting somebody um i'll get to those today and we got a couple of big donations. I couldn't... Well, I guess I can mention their names. Of course, I couldn't just get off the air right there, right, Raz? I had to fucking... I had to do this. Help me.
Starting point is 01:01:41 I just want to mention their names, because they were really big donations. I mean, Darren Paul DeGrossa and Stephen Klasky sent really fat donations. Thank you guys very much. That is it for today. You guys think I will say it? You are very welcome. We'll see you back here tomorrow at 5 p.m eastern time have a good rest of the day everybody guitar solo I'm out.

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